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Unless stated otherwise, content is © 1921 International Bible Students Association


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Golden Age

▼•lame II              . Brooklyn N. Y., Wednesday, August 31, 1921                       Number 31

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Is Zionism a Stupendous Fallacy? By j.f. Rutherford

Mb. Henry Morgenthau, in an article recently contributed to World’s Work, say a: “Zionism is the most stupendous fallacy in Jewish history. I assert that it is wrong in principle, and impossible of realization; that it is unsound in its economics, fantastical in its politics, and sterile in its spiritual ideals.”

These statements are rather sweeping and extravagant. The real question at issue is, Shall we accept Mr. Morgenthau as final authority! or shall we accept the inspired testimony of the prophets of Jehovah who spoke with authority! Probably Mr. Morgenthau is wiser than those prophets., I sincerely doubt it, however.

Many persons for a time will be influenced by Mr. Morgenthau’s apparently- strong argument; but the evidence dispassionately examined will prove that Mr. Morgenthau is wrong, his argument unsound, and that he is without faith in the promises made to his forefathers.


THE Worlds Work magazine for July published an article by Mr. Henry Morgenthau against Zionism. Judge Rutherford, President of the International Bible Students Association, was requested to reply to Mr. Morgenthau. The Golden Age publishes this reply, which we believe will be encouraging and helpful to those descendants of Abraham who are looking forward to the restoration of Israel in Palestine.

That his readers might be impressed with his competency and the value of his testimony, Mr. Morgenthau opens his statement by emphasizing the fact that he is an American of fifty-five years’ residence, a director of the Educational’ Alliance and of Mt. Sinai Hospital, president of the Bronx House and the Free Synagogue, has traveled on speaking tours throughout America and Canada, is thoroughly familiar with the American Jews, was American ambassador to Turkey, came officially in contact with Jews from all parts of the Near East, was head of President Wilson’s commission sent to investigate the pogroms in Poland, etc.: and then says: "I speak as a Jew".

The Literary Digest for July 30, 1921, reproduces a photograph of Mr. Morgenthau and Dr. ■. <’ ■>'<r:hcd ".r “*?”?           rebhi” and

the “most distinguished Jewish leader in Poland”, who agrees with Mr. Morgenthau that there is no hope in Zionism.             '

Of course a rablri who does not believe his own Scriptures is indeed a wonder. But the student of divine prophecy, in view of the extravagant statements of such wise men, cannot avoid recalling the words of God’s holy prophet written concerning this very time: “The wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid”.—Isaiah 29:14.

I will not take issue with Mr. Morgenthau as to his distinguished service as an American citizen; but I am compelled to call in question his assertion that he is a Jew, in the true sense of the word.

Not every man is a Jew because he is one outwardly —

born of Jewish parentage. Abraham was the ’ father of the Jews, the father of the faithful. A man to be a Jew must have the*faith of Abraham. He must have an abiding confidence and faith in the promises that God made to Abraham and to his offspring. If ever Mr. Morgen-than was a Jew, he shows he has ceased to be one.

Quoting him: “They [Jews] may continue, if they will, a practice of our common faith which invites martyrdom, and which makes the continuance of oppression a certainty. I have found a better way (and when I say I, it is to speak collectively as one of a great body of American Jews of like mind). ... We have fought our way rlirnngh to liberty, equality. and fraternity. W<» -have found rest for our souls." fn other words, having become weary of Jehovah’s program for the ultimate blessing of the Jews as a people, Mr. Morgenthau has withdrawn from God's way and accepted another and to him a better ay. Upon his own statement, therefore, he is disqualified to speak with authority for orthodox J tics.

Below are set forth some pertinent statements which Jehovah made through His inspired prophets concerning the regathering and rebuilding of the Jews in Palestine.’ Let the reader judge for himself whether- he desires to accept the wisdom of those men who spoke as the mouthpieces of God, or whether he desires to be guided by the superior (I) wisdom of Mr. Morgenthau and "the wonder rabbi”. Probably these modern “wise men” possess a superior vision to Jehovah’s prophets; and if so, it is a pity they had not lived in the early days of the Jewish 'people and thus saved that people a great deal of unnecessary inconvenience and suffering.

jehovah's promises

God’s original statement to Abraham (Abram) was: "Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will show thee; and I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing”.—Genesis 12:1,2.

Abraham journeyed to the land of Canaan (Palestine): and while there, Jehovah said to him: ‘Tift up now thine eyes, and look from the place where thou art northward, and southward, and eastward, and westward; for all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed for ever. And I will make thy seed as the dust of the earth; so that if a man can number the dust of the earth, then shall thy seed also be numbered. Arise, walk through . the land in the length of it and in the breadth of it: for I will give it unto thee.”—Genesis 13:14-17.    -

Again Jehovah said to Abraham: "I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God”.—Genesis 17:8.

It will be observed that these promises relate to the land of Palestine. Nothing is said about establishing Jehovah’s kingdom in the "soul of man”, as Mr. Morganthau would have us construe these statements. While it is true that Abraham dwelt for a time in the land of Canaan, the land was held by other people and he did not own a foot of it, except that which he bought near Hebron in which to bury his dead.

Not only did Jehovah make the promise, but He bound'it with His oath. (Genesis 22:16-18) If we have faith in God, then we must believe that this promise will be carried out; for through the prophet He says: “I am the Lord; I change not”; and again’: “My word that goeth forth out of my mouth shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it”.—Malachi 3:6: Isaiah 35:11.

Jehovah renewed these promises' from time to time to Abraham’s descendants; viz., Isaac, Jacob, the twelve patriarchs, and their offspring. He organized Israel into a nation and dealt with that nation for centuries, to the exclusion of all other nations. While God at all times had some true and faithful prophets and witnesses in the earth, there arose in Israel many false prophets and'“wise men”, who led the people in the wrong way. Jehovah sent to them Jeremiah His prophet, who said unto the Israelites, speaking as for Jehovah: “I have heard what the prophets said, that prophesy lies in my name, saying, I have dreamed, I have dreamed. How long shall this be in the heart of the prophets that prophesy lies? yea, they are prophets of the deceit of their own heart; which think to cause my people to forget my namp by their dreams which they tell every man to his neighbor, as their fathers have forgotten my name for Baal.” (Jeremiah 23:25-27) Some of the modern “wise men” would make the Jews now believe that they have found their ideals in the various nations of the earth—those nations which even a blind man can see are tottering on their last legs.                 ’

Because the Jews as a nation at times followed after false teachers and turned away from Jehovah, God through His prophet Amos said to them: “Hear this word that the Lord hath spoken against you, 0 children of Israel, against the whole family which I brought up from the land of Egypt, sayings You only have I known of all the families of earth; therefore

I will punish you for all your iniquities”.— Ainos 3:1,2.

Jehovah has manifested His favor to the Jews who reposed confidence in His promises; and it may be expected that He will continue to do so. Such have looked forward to a time when they should be established as a people and a nation under a wise and just Ruler, their Messiah, who would deliver them, and through them bring blessings to others.

Wicked rulers of Israel having predominated, a climax was reached during the reign of Zede-. * kiah, to whom Jehovah said: “And thou, profane, wicked prince of Israel, whose day is come, when iniquity shall have an end, thus saith the Lord God: Remove the diadem, and take off the crown; this shall not be the same. Exalt him that is low, and abase him that is high. I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it; and it shall be no more, until he come whose right it is; and I will give it [to] him.” (Ezekiel 21:25-27) Here is a positive statement that God would no longer permit them to have an organized nation . in the earth as His special people until a time future, at which time He would raise up one whose right it is to rule, and who will rule and bless the people. From then until now the faithful Jews have been looking forward to the coming of that mighty One of whom Moses wrote: “The Lord thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto me; unto him ye shall hearken”.— Leuteronomy 18:15.

At the same time Jehovah permitted the gentile nations of earth to establish a universal kingdom under Nebuchadnezzar; and through the Prophet Daniel Jehovah outlined the history of the world—the rise and fall of empires —until the “time of the end” of those kingdoms. The gentile -dominion was to continue for a period of 2,520 years (Leviticus 26:18,21,24,28; DaniqJ 4:16,23,25,32); and having begun in 606 B. C., it would necessarily end in 1914 A. D., which date marks the beginning of the World War and the beginning of the disintegration of gentile kingdoms of earth.

Prophecy is history written in advance. God through His Prophet Daniel foreshadowed the history of the gentile nations down to the end of gentile rule and to the time for the beginning of the return of His favor to the Jews. The statement is unequivocal, that the overthrow of

the Jews as a nation and the permission of gentile governments to hold sway would be only until God’s purposes ’ ere fulfilled at the “time of the end” of gentile dominion. "And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people; and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time; and at that time thy people shall be delivered,-every one that shall be found written in the book.” (Daniel 12:1) The gentile nations have reached the superlative degree of selfishness and wrong-doing; hence we might expect God’s promise to be fulfilled at approximately the present time.

God’s further declaration by the Prophet Daniel was that He will set up His kingdom and assume authority again, and that such will take place "in the days of these kings”, at which time gentile kingdoms shall be dashed to pieces, saying: “In the'days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed; and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever”.(Daniel 2:44) Here is a positive statement that God’s kingdom shall not be left to other people, but that His kingdom shall dash in pieces the others and shall stand forever.

It must be admitted that these prophecies have not as yet been completely fulfilled; and if we are to believe the words of Jehovah, we must believe that He purposes to set up a kingdom and to restore His people, and through them to bless all the families of the earth. Not many, however, will manifest real faith in the promises of God. It will be only those who possess full faith and confidence in the words of Jehovah that will be the special recipients of God’s blessing.             '

The period of gentile dominion having legally ended in 1914, according to the prophecies, exactly on. time we saw the nations beginning to be broken to pieces. Austria is broken up; the Balkans are broken; Germany and Russia as kingdoms are gone; and other nations are in a state of rapid disintegration. All these things synchronize with the return of the Jews to Palestine and the beginning of the rebuilding of that country as their'homeland, exactly as foretold by the prophets.


God positively stated through the mouth of several of His prophets that the period of Israel’s suffering would be exactly the same length of time as the period during which He bestowed His special favor upon that nation. That the Jews had Jehovah’s special favor for "a long period of time, every one will admit who knows anything about the facts. That the Jews have been mercilessly persecuted for many centuries past, all will admit. It is interesting to compare the facts with the following prophecies showing the outworking of this "double”.

Through the Prophet Jeremiah Jehovah said to Israel: “Because your fathers have forsaken me, saith the Lord, and have walked after other gods, and have served them, and worshipped them, and have forsaken me, and have not kept my law; and ye have done worse than your fathers; for, behold, ye walk every one after the imagination of his evil heart, that they may not hearken unto me: Therefore will I cast you out . of this land into a land that ye know not, neither ye nor your fathers; and there shall ye serve other gods day and night; where I will not show you favor. Therefore, behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that it shall no more be said, The Lord liveth, that brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt; but, The Lord liveth, that brought up the children of Israel from the land of the north, and from all the lands whither he had driven them: and I will bring them again into their land that I gave unto their fathers. Behold, I will send for many fishers, saith the Lord, and they shall fish them; and after will I send for many hunters, and they shall hunt them from every mountain, and from every hill, and out of the holes of the rocks. For mine eyes are upon all their ways: they are not hid from my face, neither is their ' iniquity hid from mine eyes. And first I will recompense their iniquity and their sin double; because they have defiled my land, they have filled mine inheritance with the carcases of their detestable and abominable things.”—Jeremiah 16:11-18.

The word “double” here, as every Hebrew scholar knows, means a duplication in time; L e., if the Jews had God’s favor for a specific number of years, they would have His disfavor for a like number of years, at the end of which

latter period there would be a return of God’s favor indicated in some way.                        n

Every Jewish historian without an exception , agrees that on the fifteenth day of Nisan, 73 A. D., the last stronghold of Palestine fell and the Jews were completely expelled from that < land. It is also agreed that this trouble, culminating in 73 A. D., began exactly forty years before. In other phrase, the period of disfavor upon Israel began forty years before 73 A. D.; to wit, 33 A. D. Counting back, then, from 33

• A. D. to the date of the organization of that nation at the death of Jacob, a period of exactly ' 1,845 years is spanned, which 1,845 years mark the duration of God’s favor toward Israel. This period, according to' the prophet, must be doubled.

A.D. 33, the beginning of the trouble upon the Jewish nation, plus 1,845 years, brings us to 1878 A. D., the year during which there should be found something to mark the beginning of the return of God’s favor to Israel. It was in that very year that the Berlin Congress convened, being called by the prime minister of Great Britain, Lord Beaconsfield, a Jew, who presided over the gathering and dictated its conclusions. As a result of that conference, a treaty was arranged whereby guarantee was given by the Turkish government that certain civil and religious liberties would be accorded the Jews in Palestine which they had not enjoyed from the time they were driven out. I quote from the Jewish Encyclopedia, a recognized authority:

••'Russia, at war-with Turkey, was successful, and by the treaty of San Stephano practically effaced Turke'' from Europe. Lord Beaconsfield, a Jew, came into power in 1874. As Premier of Great Britain, Beacon-field sent the English fleet into the Dardanelles and brought Indian troops to Malta and made a demonstration against Russia. She yielded and agreed to a discussion of the whole affair at Berlin. Accordingly, from June 13 to July 13, 1878, the Berlin Congress was held. Beaconsfield compelled Russia to greatly modify her treaty. Turkey was enfranchised and made independent, but upon condition thet civil and religious rights be granted to the Jews. This had an important bearing on the history of the Jews.”

ZIONISM                .          '

In 1897 Zionism was organized, and continued to gather strength. Since the first indication of the return of God’s favor to the Jew was ii» 1878, according to the "double” we must add

forty years to 1878, which brings us to the year 1918, at which time it might be expected that some climax would be reached in the return of divine favor to the Jew. And so we do find it

In the spring of 1918, acting under authority ■, from the British empire, Dr. Chaim Weizmann and his colleagues arrived in Jerusalem and opened the Zionist office and began the work of establishing a homeland in Palestine for the Jews. It marked a time of rejoicing for the • real Jews throughout the world. Note now how appropriate to this time are the prophet's words: “Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God. Speak ye comfortably to Jeru-1 salem, and cry unto her, that her warfare [appointed time.] is accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned: for she hath received of the Lord’s hand double for all her sins.”—Isaiah 40:1,2.

It was about this same time in the beginning of 1918 that the leading nations of the earth, including the British empire, the United States, and others, expressed a willingness for the Jews to establish a homeland in Palestine; and since 1918 the construction has been progressing. Frpm 1918 forward the Jews who have faith in the prophecies have increased in zeal for the rebuilding of Palestine. Those who claim to be Jews and have an interest in Zionism, and yet have not faith in God’s promises through the prophets, and who for that reason are not real Jews, have been slacking their hand; and their zeal and ardor for Zionism has been cooling off since 1918. The division between the two classes had to come. It has come.

Mr. Morgenthau says: "The Jews of France have found France to be their Zion. The Jews of England have found England to be their Zion. We Jews of America have found America to be our Zion.” In other words, these gentile kingdoms, now in process of disintegration, have a plan superior to Jehovah’s plan, which -gentile plan Mr. Morgenthau and his sympathizers have adopted—another proof that he and they are no longer Jews.

In the same chapter in which God speaks through His prophet to comfort Israel, He says concerning the insignificance of the gentile nations: “Behold, the nations are as a drop of a bucket, and are counted as the small dust of the balance: behold, he taketh up the isles as a very little thing.... All nations before him are ns nothing; and they are counted to him less than nothing, and vanity. To whom then will ye l;k a God? or what likeness will ye compare u :. > him!”—Isaiah 40:15,17,18.

Truly Israel’s “double” has ended; and day of her comfort is at hand. From this t . * forward all. Jews who manifest faith in Jei \ ah’s promises made through the prophets - I be the recipients of His favor. Jews will well to put their faith in God, and not to be 1 led by the seductive speech of men who ex * i the virtues of the nations of earth that are 1 going to pieces.


When in 1897 Mr. Theodor Herzl, with a handful of delegates at Basle, Switzerland, organized Zionism, he aimovmoecLthe purpose follows: “Zionism aims to create a publicly so cured, legally assured home for the Jewish people in Palestine”.

Is this a pipe dream? Is this a will-o’-tho-wisp? as Mr. Morgenthau states. Or was Jehovah mistaken when He spoke concerning the regathering of the Jews to Palestine? saying: “Behold, I will bring them from the north country, and gather them from the coasts of the earth, and with them the blind and the lame, the woman with child and her that travaileth with child together; a great company shall return thither. They shall come with weeping, and with supplications will I lead them: I will cause them to walk by the rivers of waters in a straight way, wherein they shall not stumble: for I am a father to Israel, and Ephraim is my firstborn. Hear the word of the Lord, 0 ye nations, and declare it in the isles afar off, and say, He that scattered Israel will gather him. and keep him, as a shepherd doth his flock. For the Lord hath redeemed Jacob, and ransomed him from the hand of him that was stronger than he. Therefore they shall come and sing in the height of Zion, and shall flow together to the goodness of the Lord, for wheat, and for wine, and for oil, and for the young of the flock and of the herd: and their soul shall be as a watered garden; and they shall not sorrow anymore at all.”—Jeremiah 31:8-12.

In due time God raised up Theodor Herzl tn begin to stir up in the minds of Jews a desim to return to Palestine; and gradually, from 1897, Zionism has been growing. The Jews wb > have come to stay and rebuild Palestine, at f ’ ‘

prophet said they would, have come from the "north country'*, which is Russia, the country lying north of Palestine. Russia has been the domicile of the orthodox Jews for centuries, and there they have been oppressed; and from that country the greatest number will return and rebuild Palestine. It is not to be expected that many of the natural descendants of Abraham will go from America, Great Britain. France, and Italy to Palestine: for the majority have become satisfied with their selfish pursuits in the lands where they reside, and have lost sight of the promises made to Abraham and to the nation of Israel through the prophets. Just as Jehovah's prophets foretold. He has permitted the Jews in Russia and thereabouts to be •persecuted and driven ouL that they might seek the land of Palestine as their home.

Zionism, like all other movements among men, has had among its active members some politicians, who have desired to use It insofar as possible to get favor amongst men. The politicians will have to disappear, and soon will disappear from Zionism. Its success will depend entirely upon an adherence, to the prophecies of God; for it is not man’s plan but God’s program to reestablish the Jews in Palestine. Let the Jews once make up their minds that Jehovah will rebuild Palestine, let them believe what He says, and follow His advice; and they will receive a blessing. Some, however, may wish to follow and will follow the wisdom of present-day “wise men” and‘wonder rabbis’,who speak as though they were Jews. But these will not be the ones who will rebuild the Holy Land. They will not be the ones to receive God’s favor.

Mr. Morgenthau says these promises have no reference to the land of Palestine. Let those who have faith in the promises of God determine whether they will follow his wisdom or the words of Jehovah through his prophet: “I will set mine eyes upon them for good, and I will bring .them again to this land; and I will build them, and not pull them down; and I will plant them, and not pluck them up. And I will give them an heart to know me, that I am the Lord; and they shall be my people, and I will l>e their God; for they shall return unto me with their whole heart.”—Jeremiah 24:6,7.

To those who return to the Lord with their - hole heart is the promise that they shall be planted firmly in Palestine and not plucked up.

Through His Prophet Amos the Lord Jehovah said to Israel: “In that day will I raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen, and close up the breaches thereof; and I win raise up his ruins, and I will build it as in the days of old: and I will bring back the captivitv of my people of Israel, and they shall build the waste cities, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and drink the wine thereof; they shall also make gardens, and eat the fruit of them. And I will plant them upon their land, and they shall no more be pulled up out of their land which I have given them, saith the Lord thy God.”—Amos 9:11,14,15.

Any one who has visited Palestine in recent years knows that this prophecy is now actually in course of fulfillment. In 19201 visited a number of Jewish colonies, where they are improving the waste lands, planting vineyards, making great quantities of wine, planting gardens, and otherwise improving the country.

That God intends that the Jews shall again inhabit this land and build their homes there. He plainly states through His prophet, saying: ’ “They shall build houses, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and eat their fruit. They shall not build, and another inhabit; they shall not plant, and another eat; for as the days of a tree are the days of my people, and the work of their hands shall not my elect wear out. They shall not toil in vain, nor bring forth unto an early death: for the seed of the blessed of the Lord are they, and their offspring with them.”—Isaiah 65 : 21-23, Leeser.

It is a fact well known to those who have visited Palestine recently that in Jaffa, Tel Aviv, Haifa, and many other parts of the country, the Jews are building "houses of stone, cement blocks, with tile roofs—good, permanent dwelling places. This is being don- in fulfillment of prophecy. .

While in Palestine, I learned from Dr. Arthur Ruppin and Dr. L Levy, two distinguished and faithful Zionists working to rebuild Palestine, that during 1920 hundreds of thousands of olive and eucalyptus trees were planted in that land in the afforestation scheme; and that in 1921 a far greater program of planting has progressed.—Isaiah 41:19,20.

Again through His prophet Jehovah said: "Go through, go through the gates; prepare ye the way of the people; cast up, cast up the high-

way; gather out the stones?. (Isaiah 62:10) k No one will attempt to dispate the fact that the . Jews are building a system o f highways throughout Palestine by gathering out the stones, crushing them, rolling them with steam-fc rollers, and thus preparing spk-m'b! marls for travel throughout the land.


Mr. Morgenthau answers in the negative. He says: “It has a lean and niggard soil . . . The streams are few and small, entirely insufficient for the great irrigation systems that would be necessary for the general cultivation of the -land.” Again Mr. Morgenthau shows his lack of faith in Jehovah. He who was able to feed the children of Israel in the wilderness, and who caused Moses to smite the rock and brings forth an abundance of water for them, is able - to make the land of Palestine habitable for His people when He wants them regathered’ there. Through His prophet He has said: “I will open on the naked mountain-peaks rivers, and in the midst of valleys fountains; I will change the wilderness into a pool of water, and the dry land into springs of water”.—Isaiah 41:18, Leeser.

Again the prophet of God announces that the desert land will be made to produce abundantly. “The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them: and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose. It shall blossom abundantly,-and rej- Ice even with joy and singing: the glory of Lebanon shall be'given unto it, the excellency of Carmel and Sharon, they shall see the glory of the Lord, and the excellency of our God”. “And the parched ground shall become a pool, and the thirsty land springs of water; in the habitations of dragons, where each lay, shall be grass with reeds and rushes.”—Is a. 35:1,2,7.

Much of the land of Palestine Is already fertile and productive, and needs only to lie properly cultivated. Particularly is this true of the plains of Sharon, the region of Galilee, the val-F ley of the Jordan, and the vicinity of Hebron. But the Lord has even promised to make the desert blossom as the rose, and that the deso-d late shall become inhabited, saying, “The deso-late land shall l»e tilled, whereas it lay desolate in the sight of all that passed by. And they shall say, This land that was desolate is become like the garden of Eden; and the waste and desolate

and ruined cities are become fenced, and are inhabited. Then the nations that are left round about you shall know that I the Lord build the ruined places, and plant that that was was desolate: I the Lord have spoken it, and I will do it”—Ezekiel 36:34-36.

Some may be inclined to think that Jehovah’s prophets were wrong when they wrote these words,and that Mr.Morgenthau and the‘wonder rabbis’ are right. But those who have the faith of Abraham will prefer to take heed to the words of Abraham’s God.

God’s dealing with Israel for centuries was designed to establish their faith and confidence in Him. He performed many miracles just as wonderful as making the land of Palestine fertile and productive; and He is abundantly able to perform these and even greater miracles in His own good time. As a matter of fact, the pulverized limestone of Palestine would make an excellent fertilizer, which would enrich much of the soil that is not now tillable. True Jews have not forgotten the fertility of the soil of Palestine when Caleb and others went to spy out the land. God’s expressed purpose is that Palestine shall again be a land flowing with milk and honey, as it was in the days of old. The strength of the Lord will be manifested in behalf of those who trust implicitly in Him, and who trust not in men or man-made power.— Psalm 33:13-19: Proverbs 21:31.

If, as Mr. Morgenthau says, these prophecies are symbolic expressions and intended to lead men to find their ideals in gentile governments, then Jehovah has selected a very imperfect class of people through which to make manifest His ideals. Nations that have just engaged in the slaughter of millions of men, and who even now are studying every conceivable means of destroying the population by wholesale, are not the ones who are manifesting the spirit of God, nor among whom His kingdom is established.

the balfour declaration

Mr. Myr.uenthau speaks of the Balfour Declaration as "a shrewd and cunning delusion”. I heartily concur that the English government has had no idea of giving the Jew exclusive control of Palestine. It is in keeping with the policy of the British empire to state one thing and mean another. Her .diplomats are past masters of that art. The truth is, the British empire is

responsible for the formation of the League of Nations, and caused that League to grant to her a mandate over Palestine, and this for her own selfish interests. The British empire maintains an army in Palestine, not for the benefit of the Jew or the Mohammedan, but for British protection of the Suez Canal and Egypt.

Mr. Morgenthau states that Britain will never consent to exclusively Jewish control of Palestine; and that is conceded. But he fails to reckon that the British will have to deal with the Lord Jehovah and not with the Jews alone. The British empire is tottering now at every corner, and her existence is only a matter of a few years at most. When the Lord is ready to establish His kingdom in Palestine it will be fully established; and the Jews will be the chief ones in it, the British notwithstanding.

Furthermore, Mr. Morgenthau speaks of the Protestants and Catholics—Roman and Greek —Mohammedans, and others, who will insist on having a portion of Palestine and who will never consent to the Jews holding it. And to this I also agree. But in spite of them, the Lord’s kingdom will be established there, and the Jews will dwell permanently there.


I charge that there is now a conspiracy amongst religionists, Catholics and Protestants and Mohammedans, to crush the Jew in Palestine. While being entertained in the home of a wealthy Syrian in Palestine last year, he said to me: “I wish to tell you that we have an organization in which the Greek and Roman Catholic churches, the Church of England, and the Mohammedans have united in a solemn compact, and in due time will act together to drive the Jew out of Palestine". A short time thereafter a series of articles appeared in the Morning Post of London, strongly corroborating the above statement

Furthermore, the British empire is cognizant of this conspiracy, and looks upon it .with silent approval, hoping 'it may serve as a pretext to oust the Jew when the time seems opportune for exclusive British occupancy of Palestine. God foreknew and foretold just such a conspiracy. Jehovah fought the battles of Israel in times of old—for instance, directing Captain Joshua in his great victories. He has promised that He will again manifest His power in behalf of those who put their trust in Him. The professional* politicians, the. big financiers, and the apostate religionists, who form this conspiracy and who are really the kings or ruling factors of the earth, have taken counsel together for the purpose of controlling the earth according to their own ideas. And how does Jehovah regard this conspiracy? His prophet answers: "The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against His anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. Then shall He speak unto them in His wrath, and vex them in His sore displeasure.”—Psalm 2:2-5.

Jehovah will permit this conspiracy to progress until every Zionist and every Jew whose faith is weak will become discouraged. But those who continue steadfastly trusting Jehovah and His promises made through His holy prophets will in due season see the manifestation of God’s pow*er and be the recipients of His favor. Nations, peoples, religionists, and others, will gather together to drive the Jews out of P- Ipstine, and will attempt to do it. And "then shall the Lord go forth, and fight against those nations as when He fought in the day of battle”.—Zechariah 14:1-3.

Again Mr. Morgenthau says: "What hope is there for Palestine, as an industrial nation, in competition with America, Great Britain, and Germany?” Palestine will not be in competition with these nations. Palestine will be ruled by the Lord through His own chosen ones.

Of the increase of that promised government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this. (Isaiah 9:6,7) Then "out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. And he shall judge among the natinn^ and shall rebuke many people; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.”—Isaiah 2:3,4.

Palestine will not be much of an agricultural

, and manufacturing country. It will be more w     particularly .Uie country of administration of

J     1 he affairs of the world. The gentile times have

ended. The kings of earth have had their day. The remaining kingdoms are going to pieces, b Shortly God’s kingdom win be established, His favor return to the Jews regathered in Palestine, and the Lord Himself, through His chosen . ones, will rule the earth.

It is true that the British government is now playing double with the Zionists. I concur with Mr. Morgenthau that the British government is now “coddling the aspirations of the Jew”. But keep this in mind, that God has promised to es-tahhsh His kingdom again in Palestine as of old; and in His sight the British empire is no more than a drop in a b u c ke t, as He states through His prophet—Isaiah 40:15.   ~   *

.                  SUMMARY

Summing up the whole situation, then, no real Jew, i. e., one who believes in the promises made to the fathers in Israel and to Israel through the prophets, can oppose the rebuilding of Palestine by the Jews now. God’s promise to . Abraham positively is that he and his seed after him shall have the land. The granting clause in - the promise made by Jehovah concerning the land is: “I will give unto thee, and to thy seed ■ after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting pos-. session". (Genesis 17:8) I submit that this granting clause vests in the descendants of Abraham the fee simple title to the land of Palestine; and God having made this promise, it must be fulfilled. His word cannot return unto Him void. (Isaiah 55:11) When His due time comes to fulfill it, the Jews will have Palestine, regardless of all the opposition of gentiles— Catholics, Protestants, Mohammedans, and whosoever may attempt to oppose. .

Israel’s “double” has been fulfilled. The time has come for the Jews to return to Palestine, , and they are returning, and fulfilling prophecy - —all of which proves that Zionism, or the secur.   ing of a home for the Jewish people in Palestine,

is wor “a stupendous fallacy”, but a mighty re-atity. There is no reason to suppose that God ' has reversed His plan, has repudiated His ancient prophets, and has given Mr. Morgenthau authority to speak in His name. Does the fact that Mr. Morgenthau is a successful speculator in Bronx real estate, or that he was the equally successful publicity manager for Woodrow Wilson in the 1916 campaign, qualify him to speak in the name of Almighty GodT

However little basis of fact there may be in Mr. Morgenthau’s article, and none at all to support it in the Scriptures, as we have proven, yet the article has literary merit, and Mr. Morgenthau deserves credit for wisdom in the selection of a writer having fine command of English.

I am not a Jew. I am a Christian. I ehampion the cause of the Jews because the Scriptures and the extraneous facts show that God’s favor is returning to them; and whom the Lord favors, I gladly, support -                .

All Christians would do well to watch the providences of the Lord and follow where He leads. The real Jews of the world who have money could not now put it to better use than to help to rebuild Palestine — not that Jehovah needs assistance, but by thus doing they will manifest a faith in Him and in His promises which will result in blessing to those who have such faith. Faith in Him and a humble submission to His will is what is pleasing to Jehovah. Those who put their trust in man-made power, whose god is gold, and who rely on the power of a selfish nation, are not the happy ones of earth. “Happy is the nation whose God is Jehovah, the people whom he hath chosen for himself as a heritage.”—Psalm 33:12.

It will require some real miracles to open the eyes of understanding of some of the “wise men” of the world who have turned away from God’s promises; but it is to be hoped that, with the complete establishment of Jehovah’s rule through His chosen people, many who have wandered away will return to the faith of their fathers and receive a rich blessing at the hand of the Lord.

Whether Dr. Weizman and his colleagues know it or not, the Lord seems to be using them in the further fulfillment of prophecy, and to keep the minds of the Jews turned toward the Holy Land until His due time to exercise His power and demonstrate to all mankind that His favor has fully returned to the Jew, and that His kingdom is now to be established.

Let no Jew be discouraged. Remember the words of the Prophet David, who said: “Trust

in the Lord, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed. Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart Commit thy way unto the L'ord; trust also in him; and he shall bring ■it to pass.”(Psalm 37:3-5) It has-been the faith of the Jew in the promises of Jehovah that has caused him to remain a Jew and not become absorbed by other peoples and nationalities. The day of his deliverance is at hand. The time for the fulfillment of the words of the prophets has come. Therefore let the Jews look up and take courage. To them the prophet now says: “Arise, give light, for thy light is come; and the glory of the Lord is shining forth over thee”.—Isaiah 60:1, Leeser.

Self-Interest Dangerous

ALL thinking men agree that the world is en-. tering upon a new era; and that old methods, customs, forms, etc., in matters of government, finance, law, science and religion, are doomed, and must sooner or later give way to new ideas, better adapted to the times and more satisfactory to the people.

The demand for a new order of things is insistent, and the need is great: but prejudice and self-interest are now, as always, opposed to innovation, and resorting to repressive measures to hinder the birth of the new order. This short-sighted policy can, at most, only delay the deliverance and increase the patients anguish.

The French Republic was born in the terrible travail of the French Revolution, precipitated by an effort of the privileged classes to perpetuate the old, antiquated order and to hinder the birtli of the new. Likewise, the American Revolution was simply an effort to throw off old bondages and emerge into a new freedom. ' This was true of the Civil War of ’61 to '65; and it was equally true of the great Protestant Reformation of the sixteenth century, which was an effort to burst the bands of a religious intolerance and thralldom. The history of past ages is replete with similar illustrations.

All these are now universally recognized as forward steps in the march of progress, and should inculcate the great lesson that no policy of repression, suppression, oppression or intolerance can succeed either in thwarting the divine purpose that righteousness and truth shall ultimately prevail or in hindering the operation of divine law.

Nevertheless, the majority are slow to learn the lesson; and in the dawning of the New Day, now at hand, we find the wealthy, the autocratic, the rulers, civil and religious, the leaders in

By R. H. Barber education, science, art, literature, medicine and religion, opposed to the new order, and using the same old methods to hinder its advent.

However, this opposition is vain, as all history testifies, and can result only in the inevitable explosion, in which these great ones will' suffer most, as the majority of the theories for which they are contending will be relegated to the scrap heap, and they will be forever discredited. Let us' try to make our thought clear.

Ever since the beginning of the experiment of American Democracy, in 1776, there have been increasing demands for more democratic forms of government in all the nations of earth. The people were simply asking for the right to a share in the making of government and laws, and to say what kind of government they wanted and who should rule them.

The demands were just, and indicative of the spirit of real progress; but they boded no good to the privileged classes — the kings, queens, kaisers and czars. Slowly and grudgingly, the autocratic, plutocratic and aristocratic rulers have been compelled to grant democratic innovations, until quite recently it seemed as if they would lose all power, and a shrewd scheme was devised to enable them to keep what little power they had left and, if possible, to increase that power over the masses and to hinder effectually any further progress toward democracy.

This scheme was, that all the governmentband themselves together as a “League of Nations", to perpetuate their own existence, on the principle that “in union there is strength”.' If this scheme should succeed, whatever remaining autpcratic power earth’s kinglets possess would be preserved to them for a brief season, and their toppling thrones bolstered up until other birthpangs, which sooner or later must

Vterie, and wide h doubt) wii; :• in the nr .v ■order. world-wide and stv.p?:uioi:.:ly grand.

To hinder th« hirth further, drastic and repressive laws, subversive of civil and rdi.vious liberty, are proposed. Sifclelaws will only add fuel to the flame, increase the confusion, multiply the ‘iftir»ilties and augment the armv of the discontented. The mainspring of this 00-nosition is s«-i;isb.ness; and the result will he to delay, for a short time only, the advent nj n-ue . democracy—"govenun -nt of the people. by the. people, and for the people”.

A rar.?, m the liei-.l m invention this same short-sighted policy of suppression has been pursued: and many invention* v hb-!; r<m! I have been gv^nt blessings have be-n quietly bought up by private iuterests. mid put away into oblivion. lest their use might reduce the profits of some corporation.

For instance: a few months ago, a substitute for gasoline was announced and widely adver-. tised. Suddenly, all discussion of the matter ceased: and the public is wondering whether the formula was bought up and pigeonholed in order that Standard Oil profits might not be interfered with, as the substitute could be produced much cheaper than gasoline.

Again, the. electric locomotive is a proven success; yet the dear public must eat smoke, and piek cinders out of their eyes, because private interests would lose some of their dividends on their much watered stock if these engines came into general use.

This same policy of repression has been followed by the medical profession. Through th°ir powerful medical and pharmaceutical associations, legislatures have been influenced to make laws, ostensibly to prevent the public from being imposed on by quacks, but really to hinder the development- of Osteopathy, Chiropractic. Dietetics, Physical Culture, etc., methods which aim at the relief of physical suffering by removing the causes without the use of surgery.

All these have tan? proren their value as aids in alleviating sickness, disease, etc.: yet. in many states, the taw has made it a misdemeanor to treat patients in any of these laudable wavs. Bnt the public is rapidly losing faith in the old-school family doctor; for they are making a mental note of an item appearingin the public press not long ago, that only twenty-nine percent of the diagnoses made in the Massachusetts state hospitals, during a year, were correct. ’ They have learned also that great numbers of- surgical ope rations have been made for troubles that did not exist; But the patient had to come down with the cash just the same. The public notice, still further, an apparent collusion on th? part of the medical profession with the druggist:’- and hospitals in the work of fleecing the lamb--. They also note the lack of assurance ou the part of the doctors—the doubt, the hesitancy, the tendency to experiment—until they are fully convinced that a doctor s profession is correctly called “practising” medicine.

These facts, together with their persistent opposition to th? newer nvthods of combatting disease, are only bringing the doctors into more and-more disrepute. How much better for all concerned hud the physician been the first to seize upou and to use the "good!’ in Osteopathy, Chiropractic, Dietetics, and Physical Culture, adding to it the great fund of real knowledge' he already possessed and giving the patient the benefit of his increased knowledge, thus gaining the confidence of a public willing to confide.

In the field of religion also, we note the same spirit of intolerance and prejudice manifest on a large scale. It is a well-known fact that very few church people believe their own church creed, and that many doctrines hoary with age have been proven to be unscriptural Many clergymen acknowledge this fact. Nevertheless, if any one' to exalt ’’nr truth and expose the error lie will at oic-e become the’target >>f a cruel and nuilirioiis attack at the hands of the clergy, who as a class are more intolerant of criticism, and more unsparinsr and vituperative tn their replies to it. than any other class of people on earth.

Among clergymen one would at lea -t expect the spirit of charity, especially in discussing religious topics. But they carry their opposition to the incr ufit.g light of the dawning new day to tin* extreme of denying to others the same religious lilierty which they 'claim for themselves, and are foremost among those who are asking for legislation nullifying our constitutional rights of free speech and religious liberty. so dear to every Amertann heart, and purchased at so great a cost of blood and suffering by our forefathers.

What leads them'to be so vindictive in their opposition th- the teachings of those wLu di.--agree with them! Do they fear that their own teachings will not square with the teachings of the Bible! Or is it because "the darkness hateth the light”! Surely if they are right they have nothing to fear; and if wrong they should, of all persons on earth, desire to be set right, and should fearlessly invite honest criticism.

It is evident in many cases that they cannot answer their critics, and so take refuge in evasive answers, and resort to persecution to silence their questioners. But as the light of this new day grows brighter and brighter (Proverbs 4:18; 2 Peter 1:19) the people are rapidly coming to see that the position of the clergy is untenable; that they know very little about the Bible, and that they are not preaching its precepts. Hence the people are rapidly losing confidence in these teachers who- are trying to defend themselves by hiding behind special Laws and privileges and by inciting class prejudice and hatred.

Why can the clergy not learn the lesson which all history teaches, that persecution always reacts on the persecutor, and that history will record their name as one held in 'shame and contempt ! Why can they not see also that the names of those who have been foremost in instituting civil, religious, social and moral reforms, in the face of persecution, ofttimes even unto death, are now blazoned on the pages of history as. earth’s real heroes, patriots and benefactors! Self-interest and prejudice blind them most effectually to the oft-repeated lessons of history.

Happy indeed will be that man who recognizes the onward march of progress, who realizes that the old is passing away and the new is coming in, and who, humbling his heart, fallfl into line with the new day and its new light.

Happy also will be that nation and that people who, profiting by the experience of past ages, will appoint commissions whose duty it will be honestly to investigate all new theories of government, law, science, religion, invention —everything which has for its aim progress or reform—culling therefrom that which has real merit, the state becoming the owner of all pat» ents, copyrights and privileges, and using these for the mutual benefit and blessing of all ita citizens, and not permitting them to inure to the benefit of private interests. What blessings would accrue to that nation; what wealth; what efficiency I This would be real progressiveness. Such a nation would, soon outstrip all others.

But we may expect the privileged classes to oppose the new order, as long as private ownership of patents, copyrights, charters and special privileges continue to benefit them directly, by enriching the few and impoverishing the many.

Is there any prospect that such a. time will come when selfishness shall cease to be the dominating influence in men’s lives, "when each man shall love his neighbor, justice give to each and all”! There is just such a hope, long-lost, and forgotten by the majority. It is found in the Golden Age, even now dawning, when "peace on earth, good will toward man” shall prevail

Well has the poet written:

“The night is spent, the morning ray Comes ushering in the glorious day, The promised time of rest Hark! The the trumpet sounding dear;

■ Ita joyful notes burst on the ear, Proclaiming tidings blest”

Where Labor and Capital

THE writer does not wish to be classed as against labor on the one hand or as against capital on the other, but just, as it were, a good mixer—one capable of showing where the weak points of both are, of directing the discard, making use of the strong only; for no sane thinker will deny that both sides possess strong points.

The conditions in the world today are as if two giants were locked in deadly strife that will continue to the bitter end, culminating in the

Should Meet Sy Dr. John A. Van Valzah, Ph. G.

utter destruction of both, with the remainder of the world going down in the fall

We would like to ask our readers, Have capital and labor gone mad! And if so, what is the remedy! All the world is governed by cause and effect Tariff, the much-mooted question, a political horse that has been ridden to <hwh, again rises and substantially resolves i! ■' as the basis upon which the trade-tides <>t the world must rise or fall. In plain words, changes are constantly in demand to keep the tariff

fruu                    Today's world con*

ditions art praatieaHy due to failure in making these changefc ^ < .

Every transaction, in the world may he considered under the head of tariff. High tariff is alike prohibitive, be it enacted at our ports of entry or our railroads or our labor unions or what sat. . The moment a tariff overreaches a creative rbark it becomes prohibitive, and stagnation results, such as we now are undergoing and suffering from. A scientific, reasonable tariff on imports, on railroads, or by labor immediately becomes a source of revenue, a public asset. Going beyond reason kills the asset, kills the prosperity of the country, of the railroads and of labor or anything subject thereto^ How about our Government today, our railroads, our unemployed?

The railroads applied to our Government, and Congress relieved them by extracting hundreds of millions from our Treasury. But who will relieve the Treasury? And unless there is a change, that question must be answered sooner than you anticipate. If Honorable Bobert AL T.aFoHette's recent speech in the United States Senate were read by our entire country, confidence in our present administration would not last over night And yet we have the only government on earth whose prosperity can in the twinkling of am eye be made greater even than in war time. This win be made evident if you peruse this article to the finish.

Today there is a combined effort Upon the part of capital to break the labor unions, and upon the trades-unions to maintain their position. Both sewn to overlook tire hardships which they are thus forcing upon an innocent pubhe. But the limit is drawing near. Within the past week a banker informed me that one* hundred thousand dollars in savings had been withdrawn during the past month from bis bank alone! If this continues long, what will be the inevitable result?

The war made us prosperous, as the large amounts placed in savings institutions affirm. The homes of our people were brightened as never before. New furniture replaced old, and all classes had a taste of real, decent living. Many indulged in luxuries; and having for the first time in life really lived, they will fight to the last ditch to so continue. Due to this faet alone we are inclined to the position which labor to taking in their fight today. But they are doomed to deftest and disappointment as surely as the morrow's sun shall rise, unless they together with the rest of the world adjust their tariff to conform once more to sanity in economic living.

This, however, does not justify the manufae-tarers in their tactics. Wo will acknowledge that after many months of shut-downs they are beginning- to make a noticeable impression. But how far-reaching, how terrible, the consequences throvsrh these methods!

Today the savings of millions are exhausted. Furniture that but onee,and that for a short time only, they were permitted to enjoy, is fast following the savings, sold at a pittance that wrings the very heart’s blood, from those who are obliged td:i^' (ietter"»x^W'give away) in order to keep the wolf from die door but for a short period longer. Homes are beginning to topple. Scarcely a day passes bat we read of suicides from loss of homa Just beyond the pale of human endurance is revolution. And why take a chance ? What can possibly be gained by pursuing this course? If a man owned a fine, spirited horse that refused to stand for the whip, would we consider that man sane or insane if he were to put that horse into the stable and starve him down until he had not enough ’pep’ left to notice the whip? Of what value would he be at that stage of the game? Now just add to tile horse's case the faet that human beings have minds, and this is the sum toted: You, in plain words, are creating countless numbers of reds, radicals, anarchists, etc. One sensible, or rather safe, act under these circumstances still remains: Either carry your system to the point of extermination or else change your tactics before it is too late.

Now suppose we glance at the labor side— the unions, if you please. What are you doing for the benefit of your members? Teaching them to place and hold their services at a tariff that is prohibitive. As a result in this great- country everything is going to the bow-wows ? Millions of homes are needed; countless millions more need repairs; and your prohibitive tariff prevents both! Do you fully realize that a day lost to your followers is never regained; that there is a time, as the pbetsaid, which taken at its flood leads on to happiness, but which neglected, the rtanainderof life will be passed in hardships 1

Don’t you think that it is time to drop your and they will either starve or else become your insane desire to get something for nothing, when 'employes. But first give them a chance.

you are not only not getting it, but are losing everything you nave saved! Workmen, can you

not see'that your leaders are living on the fat of the land, while you will soon be like Nebuchadnezzar, compelled to feed, if feed at all, upon the grass of the fields! Do you realize whom you are squeezing ent? If you continue your present course, scon there will remain only yourselves and the rich; and every time • you raise your wage they will raise your rent and the cost of living. Independence is yet within your reach, your very grasp, if you will but accept it by applying the remedy.

‘         THE REMEDY

The building-trades unions siioul.' immediately drop down to pre-war prices, subject to a sane advance or lowering as natural resources will from time to time permit. Here is where the true value of union scan be proven to friends and foes alike, if in the hands of honest, competent leaders.

What will be the result! Not an idle workman in the United States. As a result of practically a five-year standstill our country but awaits a sane period of live and let live.

Do not blame the capitalists any more than yourselves. Meet them half-way and see what happens! The common citizen is yet a power, and ever your friend, if you act worthy of his friendship. Crush him out—and just now yon are on the right road to do it—and then watch what will happen to you.

Act now; and the old United States will again become “the land of the free and the home of the brave". Fail, and it will drift into the home of the knave and the land of the slave'.

If merchants do not immediately conform to your actions, start chains of cooperative stores;

Now what should the rich do! First, absolutely put the common carriers, or transportation, hack on pre-war tariffs. This would be getting steam into the engine of progress. Then send an immediate collective order throughout our ccui-try that on next Monday morning every whir-tie in America shall blow the same as they did on the day that-the war ended; and our troubles will be at an end. Give notice through the press that every factory, every mill, every ’ mine will start running fuff time; and when the laborers, mechanics, etc., appear upon the scene, inform them that work is to resume the same as before the war with wages subject to, and in accordance with, the cost of natural resources, upon which both'capital and labor shall abide; that in the event that they shall not be able to live as before the war, capital will assist them in the establishment of cooperative stores. How soon do you suppose the merchants would "come across"! In three days time would appear ads., soliciting your patronage at pre-war prices!

Now have we not been mules long enough! Is it not time to get down to "brass tacks”—to show the world that our form of government has neither outlived nor outgrown its usefulness, its practicability, but that its principles can encompass the entire world and stand up under the storms of ages!

What will become of us if we persist in continuing on in our insane tendencies, as evidenced in every act of all of us at the present time ! Come, shake hands; let us be men!

God has practically given us the Garden of Eden. How much longer do you suppose He will permit us to inhabit it, if He looks down and beholds the sad spectacle we now present in the use we are making of it!

Garden Irrigation. By J. c. Piuimer

ASTONISHING results can he obtained in the raising of cucumbers, melons and other water vegetables by sinking a quart can uu»» the center of each hill and filling the can with water two or three times daily. Before being sunk into the ground, the can should have half a dozen nail holes punched in it, care being olwrvod that none of the holes are nearer than

i inch to the bottom of the can. These directions should be carefully followed.                .

American Can stock has been as high as 32 this year on the New York Stock Exchange. Something is needed to boost the stock back the • points it has slipped down. Perhaps the tin-can irrigation plan may prove to be the Moses to lead “Can" to better things.

Corax, Jefferson, and Russell By John c. Miller

MR. Editox: I write yon a minor comparison between the present time and that of • Corax, the eminent Greek scholar. At th<_-

to which I refer Greece was under two reigning - powers; the king and his immediate followers, and the church established by law—the clergy and their followers. The mass of the people were ignorant, and kept in ignorance by the reigning powers. When a man had accumulated some money or property, the representatives of the king would, under die guise of contributing towards patriotism, come around and oblige the subject to show his loyalty by giving his wealth and property to the monarch. At other times the clergy or their representatives would gather in all the man’s possessions as a gift or offering to the church. *

Corax had, in a short period of time, a large number of the laboring classes of Greece educated up to a point where they would appear before the government or the clergy and ask that reasons be given why their property was confiscated. Corax was one of the first Greeks to devote his time and energy to the welfare •of his race. He educated the people of Greece up to and above the plane of education of the rulers. Like all men of this character the life of Corax was one of love and sacrifice, and in all probability he died poor.

When Thomas Jefferson so. ably provided for a “general system of education” for the American children, he followed the. idea, intention and principle of Corax; viz., to bring the child of the poor man up to a plane equal to that of the child of the man whose station in life was above want.

No sooner had our Civil War ended than a system of parochial and private schools sprang into existence. Were these schools intended as aids to education? They were not. They were to be the schools of the separatist. They were intended to break the common fellowship of the public school and to teach a doctrine in direct contradiction to that of Corax and Jefferson.

Note now the growth of these private institutions. In the few years of their existence they have almost choked the public schools of Jefferson. In some sections the publie schools are nearly crowded out In other sections they are struggling for existence. This means that the United Stated are going backward, not only to medieval days, but to the conditions that existed in Greece before the days of Corax.

The teaching of Corax and the public schools of Jefferson gave the peoples of Greece and % America one thing above all others—Indepen- . dence. The parochial and private schools, the schools of the. separatists, teach devotion to the sponsors of scnefd&) of iniquity. '

Note that along these same line^ is flowing a vein of ecclesiastical doctrine which is gradually becoming a menace and a hindrance to the progress of America. Notice also that the spirit of independence is 'never found among the devotees of these schools. <

•        ‘ Jr ■'         .

At the present time the union of churches appears to be the dominant aim of all churches.

Charles T. Russell, the American Independent Preacher, suffered from the lack of independence already prevalent among the churchgoers of all denominations. The doctrine taught by Mr. Russell was immaterial to the clergy, who think that one doctrine is just as good as another when all the doctrines are wrong. Thus if the teaching of Charles T. Russell was an error, his teaching was no better, and impossible to be worse, than the customary doctrine of the ritualistic clergy. But the independence shown by Mr. Russell was the stumbling block to the clergy. His independence brought together against him the eminent minds of the pulpit in all the different denominations.

In a few years Charles T. Russell had a following that was leading the people of the world . into the ideals of Corax, the teacher of rhetoric, and Jefferson, the independent patriot .

Various labor journals and periodicals can advocate the cause of the working man for years and years; yet every effort will be futile unless -they advocate to an independent people. The work of the editors of these journals will be done in vain until these same papers support the public schools, and bring forth a citizenship that will strive for the common good of all, for a people that will build up a government “for the people and by the people”, and no one else.

A few yean ago the evangelist was a wellmeaning person disgusted with the formalism of churches who went forward to better the people. But times have changed. The evangelist of today is generally a side-partner of clergymen, who is used by them to gather the nonchurch-goers into one body and sanctimoniously to turn them all back to the church which they had left. At times the evangelist is a ready convenience to be had as a counter attraction in opening up a revival meeting wherever the

International Bible Students are opening up classes.

It is almost impossible now for - one to be independent in religious matters, owing to the devices that are in vogue to hold the masses to tyrannical and scheming leaders.

One thing above all that is at present needed is an independent paper for an independent . people. Such a paper is The Golden Age.

We are sadly in need of a few such men as Corax, Jefferson and RusselL

Knowledge of Values

OW can you and I honestly and intelligently exchange products when we cannot define the labor cost (the only cost or value of any pro

duct) or value of our products! What right has labor of brain or brawn to appeal to anybody sitting as a court for redress of grievance when it cannot demonstrate and verify to the court and to the public conscience the justice of* its demands! When labor solves that problem and industry can correctly define the labor cost or value of its products, a just public sentiment will enforce its just demands without appeal.

Productive industry is the creator of all commercial values, and is entitled to all the products of its-creation minus the industrial or labor cost of making needed exchanges. If fanners and other workers retained their entire products or received their full value in other products when making necessary exchanges, there could be no profits, no millionaires and no private monoplies. Our corporations, millionaires and profits are created from the surplus—many times necessities—taken without due reason from productive industry.

Business is merely a subordinate branch of labor, or industry, engaged in the labor of making commercial exchanges. It is entitled to full pay for its labor or social service in making exchanges and also to its pro rata part of the industrial surplus that will always exist after natural resources are devoted to the unrestricted service of humanity. Then enforced idleness will be impossible; and every citizen will have an incentive for initiative and efficient industry. Then a man’s social status will he measured by his intelligence, honesty and efficiency in service. Incentives to crime will disappear.

By H. E. Branch

Mental and physical industry are absolutely essential to mental, moral and physical development ; and every healthy individual owes it to himself and to humanity to employ his faculties in response to that natural law to the limits of its just demands. In obedience to that law the faculties of minors should be cultivated, developed and guarded by intelligent adults. Obedience to that law will make every consumer a producer. Then the care of infants and the afflicted will be a pleasant and sacred public duty and will prove an incentive to needed industry. Costly and grafting private charities will then disappear, because the performance of these public duties will give pleasure while being a very minor tax on our great surplus. Free access to mother Nature’s inexhaustible store-house will drive the gaunt wolf of famine from the haunts of men. The healthy adult as an organ of the social body who does not contribute his due share to humanity's surplus deserves nothing from the public, 'except its contempt.          .

As long as industry is ignorant of the attributes and value of its products, it will continue an easy prey for graft and greed under any form of government that may be adopted. that fact soak in. A general and correct knowledge of values will inaugurate social and “economic justice”; and nothing else will. Know) edge of values is the one missing link from our social chain. Why not devote more time and space to a mental search through the realms of fact for that missing link!

In the Golden Age master minds of surpassing brilliancy will plumb the depths of knowledge, and develop the coming true science.

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“Build ‘Me Up a Highway” By Mrs. T. R. Hopkins               ;

BUILD n® up a highway,” gaith the* Lord.

And is it uot being done, right before our eyes!

We read in a geographic magazine that with-( in a year after the British had taken possession of Jerusalem there was a greater supply of water, and tetter roads leading from the city, than there had been since the days of the Boman Empire.

Here in America we cannot comprehend why a city having an insufficient water supply would not make an effort to remedy that condition. Yet through all these centuries that wonderful city has been short of water and has had poor roads connected with it.

The Bomans were the greatest road-builders . of any of the ancient empires. The most noted road which they built was the Appian Way, in Italy, which was about one hundred sixty miles long and was built about three hundred years . before the time of Jesus. Portions of this road are still preserved; and possibly the Lord has permitted it to remain because the Apostle Paul traveled over it on his way to Borne.

As everyone knows, the Bomans were in control of Palestine during the time of Jesus. That was a period of great light. To His disciples Jesus said on one occasion: “Work while you have the light; for the night cometh, when no man can work”. Surely the night did come, and is commonly spoken of as “the dart ages”.

Light and knowledge are again coming to the people of the earth. With the coming of light comes the desire to build highways, not only upon the land, but on the sea as well, where the different steamship companies follow with chart and compass a highway upon the ocean.

- One of the great achievements of this present day was the building of the Suez Canal, about sixty years ago. We sometimes read that this canal had been made once before, in the time of Cleopatra. The “Britannica”, however, tells us that the former canal was not from sea to sea, but from the Nile to the Bed Sea.           .

During the present century the highways over the United States have been developed with wonderful rapidity. Automobiles have created a demand for good roads, and good roads have been built They are everywhere — excellent highways built by the state, and connecting large cities, with many other fine roads radiating from the city out into the country in many directions. The bridges, whether for the use of the railroads or for the use of teams and autos, seem to be as nearly perfect as man can make them. Never before in the world’s history have there been such highways and bridges.

While steamboat and railroad travel belong to this age alone, they furnish almost ideal or perfect accommodations to travelers. These conditions are extending everywhere. Here in America there are more autos than anywhere else in the world; and if wears thinking on this subject, we shall find *some references to it in almost any magazine. Beferenee may be made to the extension of railroads in Korea or to good roads in South America; or it may be a mention of a river in China where the Standard Oil Company maintains a steamboat service. And these boats produce a better highway than do the river boats of the Chinese.

Some of the best laws of the country and of the nations are for the safety of travelers.

One experiences a thrill of joy to see a big ocean steamer slip so carefully, so perfectly into its place at the dock. A boat will back out from among many other boats, swing around and leave without disturbing any of the water traffic. :

In boarding a train in a large city one can scarcely make tile mistake of taking the wrong one, so carefully is the traveling public guarded. When auto riding it is a pleasure to note how 1 the autos keep to their own side of the road, and with what nicety they are parked in the cities without interfering with each other.

While the Panama Canal is the world’s greatest achievement in highway building, yet every steamship line, every railroad, every bridge and every road is important They all help to bring mankind closer together and to make of people one brotherhood; for “God hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth”. '

With better highways on water, earth, concrete, steel and air, and with swifter means of travel, mankind is destined to dwell in intimate relationship the world over.

Beauty of Face and Form By Mrs. Andrew J. Holmes

y C’.’E for beauty of face and form of the •—* iiunian nature is not based upon a depraved Or immoral desire to attract the attention m tnc

ulg. r-nf:tided. It has a deeper significance. It s a dee* iy rooted instinct of the human nature, /.irtly Io-;* by all and entirely lost by some, the l< s; in either case being due to heredity and to

Our u.. • I.- of beauty of face and form of. the human body        Greek ideals materialized

r::d it;erred for us in their works of art. The <;-;i Crr- considered thr.r the train* .ing d a man ■ -..m for > his birth, and the nto.h- rs v.mken fr.-n, nin«» i;r train'd arh-le':- mid >■:!.•• 1' Sparta. Their all-round system o.' physical ci:l<.ure produced a race of people who are more noted for their physical beauty of face and form than for anything else.

Tins fact should convey a lesson to us of today, in view of our poor system of education and of the indifference to the physical condition of the younger element of society found in our institutions of learning. Young people are permitted to grow dp in ignorance of the functions of the human body; they are given to understand that all exposure of the human form leads to erotic imaginings and provokes to lust Either the child must be taught the dignity and the duty of the human body by those whose duty it is so to instruct it, or else it will be taught by evil companions all that is vile in connection with sex function. If you want your boy and your girl to have pure thoughts in reference to themselves and their bodily functions, teach, them the truth in all its details. Teach them the object and the duty of sex, the -wonders of the sex principle. Teach them that God created man and woman for the very purpose of fatherhood and motherhood, and that without sex there would never have ber*n a race of human beings. Teach them that the sex principle, when properly understood and properly controlled, leads to highest and grandest characteristics;’ but that only when rightly understood does it bring its greatest blessings.

Our superficial knowledge of the human hody and its functions has reproduced the poor wrecks <>£ humanity which we daily encounter. And in this dreadful work prudery has been one of the most dominant tactors. The lack of proper instruction of the child by both parents and teachers as regards the sex function is responsible* tor the misery endured by the unrnstructed victims of our social system. ‘

In Sparta the girls were trained in physical culture in the same way that the hoys were. They were not taught that there was one moral standard for girls and another for Iwys. The healthier Social life aiul the grer.v?r respect and consideration to the women 01 Sparta than elsewhere must lie attributed to the pure mind, the independence and the strength of character produced by physical training, which is always the result in degree of practical physical culture.


There is a pathos in the fact that we who live today, with many aids to mental and physical development that have come to us through the many centuries, should be forced to look back to a time when even the Greek ideals of beauty were surpassed by our first parents, Adam and Eve; that by Adam's disobedience of God’s command began the deteriorating work of disease, sickness and, finally, death of that perfect man and woman; and that those defects have been increased and multiplied, and have been inherited by every one of Adam’s posterity. The best portrayal of the Greek ideal of the human fate and form como-s far short of the perfect beauty of that ilrst man and woman.

The man or the woman who uses money, time ami influence in placing before the world the highest ideals of true Umuty of face and form of the human body, with the knowledge that v> *11 enable all who will to make the necessary effort through niv.ting into daily practice the laws of right living and building up a degree of health and strength, a condition of vitality that produces a superb, virile, wholesome, beautiful physique. the one who has retained to a greater degree the instinct of be?.n*y implanted in the human nature by a wise Creator. On the other hand, those who belittle and decry the efforts of those who try to attain and to tench others, are those who have lost in degree

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this mating of beauty in the human nature. Love for’ t|u|t which is beautiful either of face or erf fon&swbf character or of any other manifestation Of beauty is more lacking in some persons than in others, just as faith is more ! lacking in some than in others, inherited in degree through the fall of Adam from that state of perfect beauty of the human nature, which God said was “very good”.

Throughout the entire world of nature beaufy is the manifest action of that perfect order of organization which characterizes all the works of God, the Creator of the whole universe. Beauty in the animal world is based upon the same perfect order of organization. The lower animals invariably are beautiful. But in the . human race defects are very apparent By father Adam’s disobedience sin entered the world; and sin has worked imperfections in the whole race for six thousand years. This is the reason why there is more ugliness in the human race than in the lower planes of being.

Those who learn and obey the laws of right living are the most perfectly balanced and most efficient in physical attributes. Beauty of face and form reveals a normal and well-balanced makeup, vitality, a body clean inside as well as outside, a wholesome state of being which is worth all the effort required to produce it. The energy derived from a vigorous system is the result of having pure blood, sound heart and ' lungs, and the normal functioning of all the organs of the body, all of which are required to produce beauty of face and form.


Exercise of the proper kind is essential to give and to maintain grace of movement and beauty of contour. A lack of muscular development leaves the body angular, awkward and ugly, while an excessive covering of fat makes one flaccid and more or less hideous generally. Well-developed muscles give not only firmness and fullness in every part and in the right place, but also that character without which no true beauty of outline is possible.

The man and the woman who, after learning and then practising the laws of right living, have brought themselves up from being poor, sickly weaklings to strong, healthy, handsome manhood and beautiful womanhood, are living proofs that there is no need for any one to remain in a sickly, diseased condition; and ’ | there are many such living proofs of the efficacy of physical culture in the world today. The man strong of limb, courageous of heart and handsome in appearance should call forth admiration from all who behold him. Who would not wish to call such a man father? The woman with the queenly form, exquisite coloring, smooth, healthy skin, dear, limpid eyes, should also call forth expressions of admiration and approval from those who love the beautiful; for her beauty indicates qualities of value necessary to fill her place properly in the world, and as wife and mother.

Health, strength of muscle, beauty of face and form mean everythingdesirable to both men and women. They naean the possession of all the delicate intuitioh^Whieh carries with it the full realization'of complete power and instinct of superb manhood amd womanhood. We all should desire and strive for this .high degree of perfection, not only because we love the beautiful — which should be an incentive — but because it enables us to fill our place in the world more effidently, and makes us better men and women, fathers and mothers, husbands and wives—qualities then in turn transmitted to our children, w


Where can we go and not meet poor, pale, sickly specimens of manhood and womanhood? You find them in the homes of the lowest and of the highest. All of them are suffering, leading an unsatisfactory and unhappy existence, until they end it in a premature grave/

And why all this misery? The first cause was Adam’s transmission of.disease and weakness to his offspring. The second cause was the ignorance, indifference and laziness on the part of the victim of those conditions. If we go contrary to the laws of nature we must pay. the penalty. If the woman will encase the vital organs of the body in a straight-jacket of steel, pinch her feet in shoes too small, and walk elevated on high heels which throw the body out of line, stuff her stomach with indigestible foods, neglect internal cleanliness, proper muscular development-and deep-breathing, she is sure to reap the harvest of such sowing. The

laws of nature recognize no mitigating circumstances. Ignorance, laziness or neglect are the causes of a sickly, ugly body; and. the only way to escape such an undesirable condition is to live according to nature’s requirements.

Health and beauty are a question of pure blood and a vigorous circulation; and these two requisites are absolutely dependent upon the blood’s l>eing freely supplied with pure oxygen. Deep breathing is the only way by which the blood can obtain its full quota of this life-giving gas; and such breathing is possible only where there is nothing to hinder the action of the abdomen. It goes without saying that an unrestricted waist permits the organs of the abdomen to do their work as nature intended; and it will be obviously unnecessary to add that unless they can so act, the woman’s health must suffer; her usefulness in life must be lessened.

The woman who loves the true beauty which lies in the natural form that has not been tampered with by corsets, high heels and other devices is a wise woman. She will set an example for her sisters to follow, an example that will repay them to an undreamed-of degree if they will follow her advice. There is no part of the body that does not feel the ill-effects of the corset The lungs, the liver, the heart, the brain, the intestines and the creative organs endure an endless amount of misery. Any physician will tell you that thousands of women die every year from consumption, cancer, tumors and many other diseases caused by the death-dealing corset. What a crime mothers commit when at the very time in life that the procreative organs, as well as the vital organs, are developing they put upon their daughters corsets which restrict and retard the- growth of the young body! We read with horror that the Chinese bind the feet of their girls when the ‘ latter are young. But which is worse, binding the feet so as to restrict their growth or binding the vital organs of the human frame?

Go into a large gathering of women, and look at their pale, sickly faces, and their wobbling gait. What is the cause of this? It is the result of the death-dealing corset and high heels, and to a great extent the chief cause of other ills. Look at the shoes which women wear. Could you see the naked feet of those women, you would see that they are a mass of corns, bunions and aches, to say nothing about the strain upon the nerves and the back produced by throwing the body out of line. Is it to be wondered at that when those women become mothers they require their physicians with his instruments to do for them what Nature would have done if she had been permitted the development of the strength and vigor, in the earlier years of their lives, necessary for this ordeal f But they pay the penalty of their mother's foolishness, as well as their own, in the suffering they endure, whether they live through it or find an early grave. And for what? For their perverted, pernicious ideas of style and beauty. How can those poor, sickly creatures bring healthy children into the world? They cannot And the mortality of infants under one year old is fifty percent. The Chinese women do not wear corsets, and they'have a fine, full bust, while seventy-five percent of the American women have no bust at alL


Maternity is the glory of true womanhood. Therefore every woman worthy of the name should desire this blessing.

As for beauty, all women should desire to be beautiful And right living, proper diet, rational dress, systematic exercise and hygienic surroundings with plenty of fresh air and water, will do much towards bringing beauty to any woman. Women should make the most of every opportunity. Let them quit being slaves to fashion, and devote more time to nature's needs. Then they can be just as beautiful at sixty as at twenty-five. There are many living proofs of what is here stated; and if one woman can accomplish this, why not all?

Some years ago I read of a woman famous for her grace of carriage and beauty of face. She said that at the age of eighteen she was round-shouldered, awkward in her movements, and decidedly plain of face- Her deficiencies were such that she was an object of pity and of ridicule. It was while smarting under the sting of some unkind remark that her attention was called to a piece of sculpture—"The Three Graces". So impressed was she with the beauty of those women in marble that she decided then and there that from that day forward to the end of her life she would try to make herself as nearly like' those beautiful ideals as she could be. She studied physical culture and put into practice all that she learned, with the result

that at            thirty yean she was the

•bjecVftfdf all who saw her, and in mon'O^^O^plpuntry famous for perfection of faeexmdWrnB*' ■

AH breaches of the laws of health are'physical sins. When this is generally understood, the needs of the human body will get more attention, with the result that ugliness of face and form wiH disappear, and true, wholesome beauty will take its place.

Facts about Peanuts

THE peanut is rapidly assuming a position of very, great importance in southern agricul-.......ture- An average crop is about thirty bushels peracre, although yields as high as one hundredbushels per acre have been reported. The > peanut tops are considered equal to alfalfa for hay. It requires a bushel and a half of nuts to seed an acre.

In many instances the peanuts are harvested •r> by hogs, and it is calculated that a good acre of peanuts should produce twelve hundred pounds of pork. Peanut-fed pork does not bring \ as much on the market as pork fed on com, because the flesh is too soft and oily; but if the peanut feeding is discontinued during the last . few weeks of the fattening period the pork is firm and brings top prices.

Immense quantities of peanuts are sold for use in-the nut form. Cakes and confections consume large quantities of these. Shelled and un-sheUed, salted and unsalted, fresh roasted peanuts are in large demand with aH classes, old and young. .

During the World War peanut oil rapidly came to lie one of the world’s most important food oils. It first began to find its way into the United States in 1917, when about three million gaUons were imported from China. In the first ten months of 1919 twenty miHion gallons were imported, mainly from Japan and China. The recognized center of the peanut oil industry is Marseilles, France, where ten varieties are quotedon the exchanges. It is estimated that in1919 about one million gaHons of high-grade peanut oil were used as salad oil in the United State*. Many prefer it to olive oil

The best American variety of peanuts is the Spanish peanut, producing forty to sixty bushels to the acre, each bushel yielding one and one-eighth to one and one-quarter gallons of oil Each ton of the farmer’s stock yields about six hundred pounds of dirt, huHs and trash, six hundred pounds (eighty gaHons) of oil and eight hundred pounds of meat Peanut meal of the better grades is suitable for human food, and the poorest grade* makeexceHent stock feed.

Practically all of the cottonseed oH mills of the South now manufacture peanut oil at such times as the oil can be produced and sold in competition with cottonseed oil. When peanuts are high in price this cannot be done; nor can it be done when cotton is down to present ruinously low prices.

Before the oil is expressed the nuts are run over a picking table, where all foreign matter is picked out by hand, together with any decayed nuts. The red skins are removed by means of revolving brushes, which also remove the germs. An inferior grade of oil is subsequently obtained from the germs and skins.

The high-grade oil of the first pressing makes an exceHent salad dressing. This oil is usuaUy strained through charcoal to make it light-colored. Cottonseed oil needs to be refined before it is edible, but although the color of peanut oil is a little dark unless it is first run through the charcoal, yet it has a sweet, nutty flavor, and is a thoroughly satisfactory table oil just as it runs from the press.

The second pressing is used in the manufacture of margarine and the third and fourth pressings in the manufacture of soap. Modern margarines or “nut butters” as they are commonly caHed, are largely mixtures of peanut oil, cocoanut oil and similar oils, ripened with milk- Oleomargarine is margarine which contains animal fats.

Peanut oil is now commonly used in preference to olive oil in the packing of sardines. The fish are first cooked in peanut oil, which is afterward drained off. Then the fish are packed in the tins and olive oil poured over them, so that they can be sold as “Packed in olive oil”. As a matter of fact the peanut oil is as good as the olive oil and should sail undec its own proper name, and be poured over the fish as such. .

/ • Wheat Sales in Canada By j. c. Rainbow

Mr. Eorroailam enjoying and am profiting mentally by your bright, cheery, up-to-date magazine, and bringing it to ilr..- attention, of others too, when possible, that they may enjoy it likewise.

The May 25th issue is to hand today: and feeling confident that you would not willingly mislead any, even in the least degree, I am taking the liberty of pointing out to you that a statement made on page 489 to the effect that the United Grain Growers and the Saskatchewan Cooperative Elevator Companies make three payments to farmers for their wheat is not fully correct.

In 1919, for the purpose of handling the wheat crop in Western Canada, the Dominion Government appointed the “Wheat Board”, and the system adopted by them was, substantially, as stated by you on page 489; and this applied to all companies buying wheat here.

There was a fixed price according to grade, and then a payment of eighteen cents (18c) per Imshel made later, and then later on another one of thirty cents (30c), a total of forty-eight cents (4Sc) over the original price.

No elevator company, cooperative or otherwise, had adopted this method previously, nor have any of them used it since. These cooperative companies handle wheat in exactly the same way as other companies, except that farmers themselves, of course, get any profit that comes to them as shareholders in the concern.

The .’method of purchase in vogue here by all elevator companies is either by the load at country point at street price, at track rr’ce for car-lots, or car-lots are shipped for account of the owner to the terminal elevators and sold on commission. -

Perhaps you may not think the matter of sufficient importance to warrant a correction: but if you feel that it would be well to stale the real facts so that none may be disap]M*inted should they fail to find things in this connection as far advanced as they might wish, you might verify my statements by communicating with the General Manager of either of the cos ipan-ies, at his office in the Grain. Exchange Building, Winnipeg.

I rejoice with you dear people in the glorious prospect opening out before us as we enter the “Golden Age”, and would du nothing to hinder, but all to help in true cooperation, and am delighted to learn all I can about the wonderful cooperation of all individuals on all planes of being in that glad day. But facts are facts; and the fact is in this line that no matter how good and perfect the wish of those at the helm in these companies, they have thus far not been able to overcome the manifold difficulties before them to that degree where they are able to adopt the system of wheat purchase outlined on page 489.

Heartiest best wishes to yourself and all who are cooperating with you to give us this glad harbinger of the Great Messiah’s kingdom —< the “Golden Age”.

Millennial Cotton By Alex. Euans

IN THE year 1915 I-received from Pastor Russell thirty-two seeds of what I call “Millennial Cotton”. From these seeds I raised in the first year sixteen stalks, from which I gathered seven pounds of seed cotton.

I picked the seed from these bolls by hand, and as a result of the next year’s planting raised eight hundred pounds of seed cotton. This was too much to even think about picking or ginning by hand, so I took it to the public gin at my home town, where I paid a little extra for the ginner’s trouble in clearing the gin stand of all other scattering seeds, so that the Millennial seed might be kept absolutely pure. I have done the same from year to year ever since.

The “Millennial Cotton” grows to an unusual height, branching freely from the trunk of the . main stalk. The bolls form in clusters which are so thick that some have said that the boll-weevil did it good by thinning out some of the bolls.

In the year 1920 I raised eight five-hundred pound bales of Millennial Cotton, although I did not anticipate a crop of more than five bales, and none of my neighbors foresaw that the crop would be as as it actually proved to be.

“ Millen niatCotton” makes a pretty staple of lint and has bitott known to bring an extra price. It is remarkably productive of seed and leaves, supplying food for man and beast and fertility to the soil for the benefit of future generations.

I am not pushing the raising of the "Millennial Cotton”, as I realize that the market at present is overstocked and that large production of this femarfctible. ettton would only add further to a supply which is already too great for' the world's purchasing powers. But it is good to loiow that in the Golden Age there will be no d»h:cvr. of humanity's being without proper food or clothing. The supply of all things need-fui for a perfect race will be abundant, and the perfect rulers of that time will know exactly how to make the. best use of all that is produced.

A Dying World By Joh» Buckley

L'VER YBODT admits that the world is very sick. No one has a cure but that of more business. No one has told us yet why the world is sick. All business is done , on a credit basis. It is only the poor man that is refused credit The farmer borrows to hr/. yest or to carry his crop, the business man to extend his business or to carry accounts, working people to secure homes. People out of work borrow to buy food. Property holders mortgage to get money, that they may invest in ventures that pay a higher rate of interest; and nations bond their citizens into slavery, that they may wage wars. .

The farmer is forced by economic conditions to accept a wage that a boy in a broker’s office would scorn. City workers organize and, pursuing regular business methods, secure an advance in wages. They are condemned by those who have to pay, and are called Reds, Anarchists, Bolshevists,, and what not.- Our cities’ are overcrowded, and the producers of actual necessities are vastly in the minority. A large part of the products of the cities are consumed within the cities themselves and by a class that in no sense are producers. It is a condition that helps no one but the money lender. . Centralization of wealth in the cities makes a foot of land in the business section of. a city worth more than an acre of good agricultural land; and while the foot of city land that will produce nothing may be worth $200, the farmer's land can be bought for a third or a quarter of a cent per foot. If the man who knows would tell the truth, we would soon find a means to correct the trouble. He is, however, generally serving interests of his own, and fattening like a spider at the expense of others. It would be foolish to expect a city property holder to do anything that would reduce the value of his own

property, or a city banker to advocate u .azures that were to his own disadvantage. How high we.can build this houseof card% no one can tell. A breath.may destroy it topj^row. The man ihat cries^ “Badr to the farm!* does not know wfiat he is taSdng about TBs farmer can neither buy the city products 90g pay the unemployed of our cities to work tor him. In many cases he cannot get the money to pay the interest on his mortgage.          \

Stephen Graham in his book oa Russia, 1916, quotes a famous Russian senator as saying:

"The decentralization of our dtW populations is one of the things that are coming. Why should Moscow and Petrograd increase in size? They only do so at the expense of Russia as a whole. We have plenty of room for all”                                             .

Since that time the population of these cities has been reduced automatically by economic causes.

Our cities are no better than the cities of Russia, and in them the same conditions prevail Are we to follow in others' footsteps until disaster overtakes us, or will some one point a way by which we may escape the danger! The Government cannot interfere in the matter; and the man who cries, "Back to the farm!” * but voices folly.

Is there any one in this country who takes this most important matter seriously! The only remedy for the present conditions of unemployment is the restoration of Europe to a condition similar to that which existed before the war, that we may sell our products. This may take years, during which people without hope may become dangerous.                  .

Can you inform me of any effort to correct this dangerous condition, which is daily 1>ecom-Ing’wbrse!         ’                     .

•               The New Freedom

THE farmers hereabout are frenzied, but will redress from legislation. The'mer-chants will be helped to keep up their prices, ■ but not the farmers. Last week I went to the department store here to get some shoe-strings. “Fifteen cents,”'the girl sweetly informed me. I had just heard from a brother in Oklahoma whose tenant had in forty acres of cotton. The tenant was offered eight cents per pound for , his crop, and had paid eight cents per pound for the picking of it. I came home without the shoe-strings, and mended my old ones again, meantime pondering how many pairs of shoestrings there are in a pound of cotton. If things keep on the way they are going, the children of the kingdom will be driven off the eartK, and will be fortunate indeed if able to provide gunny-bag clothing when they depart.

Burris Jenkens, a minister of the Baptist persuasion, and also editor of the Kansas City Post, told us in his paper recently that the police officials were getting ready to use machine guns in the streets, to lessen “crime”. What a strange place in which to look for profiteers! A chief of police in an Oklahoma town told the officers under him to shoot first and ask questions afterward.           '

A paper published by a professed follower of Christ had in its columns a letter from an alleged iavm.-r. wherein he advocated farmers having two wives, so as to secure labor on the farm. This damnable suggestion was passed on to the readers without a word of disapproval. What does it all mean? Where is our “Christian” civilization of which we have boasted so long? How much longer can our institutions endure these paganizing influences ? The employers are organized to fight the unions, the short workhours and the increased wages; and it is doubtful if the laborers will submit;

In the West the police officials arrest every homeless man on the slightest excuse, and take all he has. If he has a hundred dollars they fine him that amount. If he has only ten they take it all, and in each case warn him to get out of town or they will send him up for sixty days.

A Philippine ex-soldier, named William Guy, having an honorable discharge from the army, cnuie to us on the farm asking for food. He

By a Western Woman

tried to work, but was suffering from a rupture. He was entitled to a pension, but did not know how to get it as he had neither friends nor money. Being personally acquainted with our Congressional representative, I asked his help; but as there was no money in it, he did nothing.

Mr. Guy kept travelling up and down the track to keep from being arrested; but finally, at our town, he and a companion, desperate because of hunger,' stole some food (a thing, however, which Cardinal Gibbons has declared is lawful for a starving man). The people of our town are holy people, and never feed anybody unless there is something in it.

' These men got sixty days in the county jail. The sheriff is allowed one dollar a day to feed each prisoner. I am a larid owner and help to pay this amount; yet when these men had finished doing time they were so weak that it took them four hours to get the four miles from the county seat to my farm. They remembered that _ I had treated them courteously before; and as * we were the only friendly people whom they knew, they came to us. .

When Guy was arrested the town marshal relieved him of his watch, worth five or six dollars, and his pocket knife. It seems to be quite the regular thing for civil officials and army officials to steal the private belongings of the victims that ]?ass through their hands, and I believe that it is largely the crimes of the official class that have brought the deluge of crime that is going on now.

Our town marshal is a murderer. His own son sold whisky and ran a gambling house unlawfully, protected by the father, until the citizens in a burst of indignation made it clear that they would stand it no longer. How comforting it is to know that we have nothing worse, thus far, than “The New Freedom” and a world made "safe for democracy”! If we had the League of Nations and a few more of the things that the world was supposed to be breaking its heart for, it is evident that all the decent people would want to leave for China or some other land where they do not say so much about Christianity nor show so much of the spirit of the devil. The preachers seem to have made a mess of it, the world over.                .

Death Transformed into Life

THESE days in which we are privileged to live are generally spoken of as the most enlightened times of the world’s history; and yet the knowledge of natural history may be said to be very limited, and to leave a wide field for investigation.

How frequently one is asked the use of such ;’.nd such aii animal, bird, or insect, and the only answer is that one form of life seems to batten <_ n another, either dead or alive; and that time, great transcriber, will eventually make it •- iear whether the majority of these are useful or not. One thing seems certain —the whole world would have become a charnel house had it not been for animals, reptiles, birds, insects and plant life.

Just let -us pause for a moment in the busy rush for notoriety, wealth, etc., and glance at the wonderful provision of an all-wise God, and consider these forces that are always at work to keep down corruption, which would breed pestilence and death among mankind. These forces are continually at work keeping corruption under, transforming death into life. Where the animal world stops the vegetable takes up the process. Plant life is able to assimilate the most putrid matter and to give us in return beautiful flowers, fruit, leaves and vegetables i'rom things that have lived and died, but have Lt-en brought back into beauty and energy sur-■_ tossing the works of man as much as the glori-cus sunlight transcends the most perfect artificial light.                                          , -

The vine very rightly holds a high place in the estimation of mankind—our Lord, having compared himself and the church to the vine— because of its beautiful, luscious fruit Yet the secret of its production, as a rule, is known to the husbandman alone, who if interrogated would tell you that it draws its nourishment and beauty from decomposition, the secret supply upon which the root feeds.

Let us notice this process of keeping corruption under and of transforming death into life amongst the lower animals. A big-game shooting-party under a tropical sun has left the earcase of a large animal to corrupt and pollute the air with the gases thrown off during the process of decomposition. The vulture and the


carrion crow scent the feast, and soon the dead body is stripped of the flesh and greedily devoured so that only the bones remain. With the shades of night appear hyenas and jackals, which share the spoil, the hyenas taking possession of the largerbones, and the jackals the smaller. If perchance it should be a lion or a tiger that has been slain the fur is consumed by grubs and-moths.

With the smaller animals this never-ceasing process goes on. For instaftee^ the scent of corruption of a dead mouse or biM will draw to the spot what is commonly khowft as the sexton beetles, which quickly g^fto(yrork with the shovel-like heads which h^ukS<jHui provided, and by removihg’tiW'daf'^flHMW the carcase gradually place it below tWmflrfiiee of the earth. When far enough tidwh/'UMFbbdy is covered, after which the females' goddivn and lay their eggs in the fur or feathers. Then,* when the grubs are hatched but by the heat from the petrifying carease, they flnd suitable provender there.

It has been said that in the tropics the blowflies and flesh-flies, which lay not eggs but long ribbon-like rows of living larvae, develop so rapidly that in a few days’they are perfect flies and parents themselves and with such a voracious appetite that the vast numbers of them can consume a bullock almost as quickly as a lion could.

This transformation of death* into life is going on in the waters of sea and ocean, large and small living things being fully and constantly occupied in destroying corruption.

These every-day occurrences go unnoticed by the great majority of people, much the same as the miracle of Spring, when what for months has been apparently dead bursts into life.

Where we find death we find life in some form or other. The conclusion we must draw from this is that nature is not interested in death, but in life. As the Scriptures well say, "the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death,” which means the end of the gteat corrupter. “He will destroy him that has the power of death; that is, the deviL” It was said of our Lord: “Thou wilt not suffer thineHolyOne tosee corruption”. (Psalm 16:10) Our Lord, not being of

Adamic stock, did not come under the sentence of corruption passed upon Adam in the words, "Dying, thou shalt die”.—Genesis 2:17, margin.

It is good to know that the Golden Age is now at the door, when millions now living will never die; that the prophecy is about to be fulfilled which says: “Nothing shall hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain [kingdom]”; and that love welling up in every heart will find a kindred response in every other heart. Then weeping bereaved ones will have their tears all wiped away as the great resurrection work of transforming death into life goes on to completeness, and the place of Jehovah’s feet will once more be transformed into the , beauties of Edenic conditions.

Chiropractic Criticized By Dr. w. a. Groves

Mr. Editor: Thanks for your letter of the 7th inst. Just the other day I received an enclosure in a business letter from the Secretary of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta, which I forward to you herewith. It proves pretty well what I had thought all along is true; viz., that chiropractors have little or no training and are simply bleeding the public, or that part of the public which likes to be--lieve that osteopathy, chiropractic and what not have hit on something that the regular practitioner has somehow missed. I ask you to lay before your public .that in the schools mentioned no practical anatomy (dissection) is taught except on the bodies of dogs; and that, moreover, . more remarkable still, surgical anatomy is not taught at all. Surely this damns the whole ' business. When at college I studied anatomy for the best part of two years. It is nothing short of an insult for those uneducated people to pose as having technical knowledge superior to that of the trained doctor; and the sooner your clientele know it the better.

I have often wondered why it is that so many people, especially on your side of the line, fly to these fakers. No doubt the medical profession is somewhat to blame. Doctors are so much in the habit of "knocking” each other that the public naturally loses faith in them all to a certain extent. There are a great many quacks in th*-profession, you know. You have probably heard tales of how such and such a doctor “aborted” an attack of pneumonia or typhoid, “cured” appendicitis without operation, “scattered” a localizing infection, etc., etc. They said that they did these things because it paid to say so, got them some reputation for doing wonders. They are almost as bad as the chiropractor, though it may be said for them that the other fellow is doing it and they have to do it in self-defense.

You did not publish my last letter. Publish this one. It may open a lot of blind eyes and lead a lot of people to fortify their confidence in an honest, unassuming doctor, and a lot of others to suspect the bombastic cure-all and to rely on the man who admits his limitations and does his best

Perhaps you will begin to see from these remarks why I stated in my former letter that I have given up medical practice.

British Press Control By A. J. Keen {England)

YOUR correspondents in this country may or may not'have acquainted you with an important social conquest here by the Roman Catholic Church, which has only lately forced itself on the notice of the observant, This is the frequent allusion, by many of our daily journals, to the movements and the services of the Ixxiy without the use of the distinguishing adjectives, “Roman Catholic”. This has no doubt the effect of causing the reader often to think that he or she is reading about the official Protestant Church. Thus these good people may be found inquiring of their friends how long a town quoted has had a bishop or a cathedral, only to discover that their journal has adopted just the same language as if describing a visit by a bishop of the official Church of England. The occurrence is not distinguished by the use of "masses” and "confessions”, as these are not unknown to the official church.

It may not be untruthfully stated that while the British Press seems to invite reports of the progress of the Roman Church, it is difficult to trace from its columns-the existence of any organization promoting the reading of the Bible.

t5£^®iare the Quakers Desirable

"^^EAltLY two hundred and fifty years ago* ^J.A«»rica, in the first century of its glorious history as the haven of refuge for the oppressed, received its first considerable body of Quakers. They laid the foundations of what was to became the great state of Pennsylvania and established its metropolis, the city of Brotherly Love. They throve and prospered there, and the state and city prospered with them. The colonies, and the nation that succeeded; for yean respected their scruples against the bearing of arms, admired them for their sterling-virtues, and accepted them as among our best citizens. Distinguished statesmen, lawyers, physicians, bankers and business men have come from their ranks.

It would seem that all this is to be changed. Conscientious scruples have gone into the discard, particularly scruples as to the shedding of human blood. A few days ago in the Federal ' District Court at Cincinnati, a prospective candidate for citizenship named Franz, a member of a sect like the Quakers in its attitude toward war, refused to take the oath-to support the constitution of the United States if it obligated him to bear arms. The man was sixty-two years old and scarcely likely to be called on for per-

Citizenfi? By George Hussey

sonal service, but he insisted on his scruple, with the following results as set forth in the Cincinnati Eiiqvirer <if Jun e 4:

' 'Petition dismissed’ was the caustic comment of U. S. District Judge John Weld Peck.

“ 7 cn ashamed to have appeared as a witness for a man of this colibef,'* said-one af Frans’s witnesses, in apologizing to Judge Fiek bar having vouched for the applicant l t ' •

“'Get out of heresaid Cbdit Bailiff William Alc-Hugh, U. ®' IMpatyHarriM/aaha pushed Franz out of the presence Of JifllfePZek-andaf the persons assembled in the courtroom.              '

"Examiner Kennedy               question each

applicant                                    most vital

pOiBt/wU'i’ • 'S'W-

Shade of William Penal

It would bemtsSest^<4h'>!We certain Quaker lawyers and financiers examined as to their citizenship to see whether they are really Quakers or merely citizens. *          -

This incident is a distinet departure from the principles of Americanism. Nothing is more important than for public officials to learn that America stands for religious liberty, and to reestablish confidence in themselves by again manifesting the broad spirit of a better past

Photographic Don’ts (Contributed)

DON'T choose a very sunny day, as the chances are that every imperfection will be strongly marked. A well-lighted cloudy day is better, and the best results are obtained in the morning. ..

Don't expect a pleasing photograph if you are over-fatigued or if you have recently recovered front an illness, or if you have just lost . your temper, as temper adds lines to the face.

Don't hurry or excite yourself. Haste makes the face red, and red appears dark in a photo-graph,withdisastrous effect on the complexion.

Don't wear dead white. Cream is much pret>, tier and more effective; and, indeed, it is the1 best color for a dress. Black gives a dense, hard tone, while tan, yellow or lavender come out badly, and grey and pale blue generally appear white.

Don't wear violently contrasting colors, such as a skirt of one color and a blouse of another; and avoid stripes, which produce a zebra-like effect.

Draperies are preferable to frills. Nothing should mar the shoulder line; and if your figure is not good, then be content with a vignette only.

Don’t forget to study yourself in a mirror and ascertain whether your profile or your full face is the mor^ pleasing. , <

Don't wear a hat dr anything likely to “date” the phb,to®rhph too

Don’t set your lips tod tightly; and whatever yeu do, don’t grin, even if asked to look pleasant.

Don't forget to hold something lightly between your fingers, if your hands are to be shown, so that a pretty, rppnded effect may be obtained.7 *'

Questions and Answers

Question: Is the Virgin Mary, mother of our Lord, dead or alive? In the grave or in Heaven?

Answer: We have strong hope for the Virgin Mary that she is of the little flock. The salutation of the angel, "Hail, thou that art highly favored, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou, among women,” implies that Mary was a very noble character, an Israelite indeed. We hope for her that she made a consecration to follow in the footsteps of her Lord and Savior, and that she was one of those for whom a crown of life was laid up which the Lord will give her io the resurrection morning. This does not mean that she is different from others who also fought the good fight of faith, and who also had similar crowns of life reserved for them. Throughout the gospel age these have been asleep in death awaiting the resurrection, and Mary is no exception. “If there be no resurrection of the dead, then those who are fallen asleep in Christ are perished.”

Question: If all the dead from Adam’s time are to be raised and stationed on this earth, aa stated in The Golden Age, will it hold them?

Answer: The present population of the earth is estimated at 1,600,000,000,which is double what it ■was a century ago. It is considered that this is a fair average increase since the Reformation, so that, reckoning backward, we have by centuries, at the beginning of each century, the following populations:

Twentieth Century,      1,600,000,000

Nineteenth,                800,000.000

Eighteenth,                400,000,000

Seventeenth,               200,000,000

Total             3,000,000,000

There are three generations to the century, so that in the past four centuries we may roughly estimate that about ten billion persons have lived on the earth, and it is doubted whether more than a like number inhabited the earth during the preceding fifty-six centuries of human history. This subject will be discussed more at length in our Advanced Bible Study Dept., shortly. The population has been kept down by an endless succession of wars and pestilences. In the first two thousand years there were but ten generations, and at the time of the Flood the total population of the earth was reduced to eight persons. Hence we calculate that about twenty billion persons have lived on earth; and these have as their prospective inheritance about fifty-two million square miles of land. In fifty-two million square miles there are 1,449,676,800,000,000 square feet, or enough to provide a plot of 72,484 square feet for each one of the estimated twenty billions. This is an ample area, and by the close of the Golden Age there will be no waste or vacant land. All will be used in some way for human benefit or enjoyment, There are only a few large cities in the world j these are mostly of recent growth and their total population is relatively small The earth, in the strictest sense, has never yet been inhabited. It is calculated that if the whole living human family dir: vu into the small Lake of Geneva, Switzerland, it would raise the water but six inches. When men are able to turn their minds to the arts of peace instead of the diabolical work of murdering one another, there is almost no limit to the number of people that can be supported on the earth and to the comforts that can be provided for them.

Question: If hell means the grave, as you have said, how is it written in the Bible, "Our Lord, . . . dead and buried; he descended into hell,” etc.? Don’t you see the word "descended” means farther than the grave?

Ansuer: The words which you have quoted are not found in the Bible. They are found only in the Apostles’ creed, and one object of the publication of The Golden Age is to expose teachings which are founded in creeds and which have no foundation in the Scriptures. Our Lord Jesus went to hell, the Bible hell, the tomb, the grave. He went nowhere else at His death. If He had gone to hell to be tormented, on the fallacious proposition that the wages of sin is eternal torment, He would be in hell yet and would always be there. The very fact that His soul was not left in hell, the grave, the tomb, is proof positive that the people as a whole have been greatly deceived as to what the Bible hell really is. They have been taught that it is a place of eternal torment. The Scriptures show that it is a place (more properly a condition) from which souls can and do find release and subsequent joys and blessings eternal.

UVENILE BIBLE STUDY Ona question for each day Is provided hr this journal. The parent M।.'I          ........ ......-111     1    "        11 will find It Interesting and helpful to hove the child take up the

day and to aid it in finding the answer In the Scriptures, thus developing a knowledge of the Bfttotkdd learning where to find in it the information which is desired. * Questions by J. L. Hoagland.

  • 1. What did the English word'helf origindlly mean?

Ans.: It had the same meaning as the Hebrew word sheol and the Greek word hades; that is, it meant the unseen or hidden condition of the dead. See The Stand-

aril Dictionary, unabridged. We have already learned what is the condition of the dead. See Psalms 6:5; 115: 17; 146:4; Ecclesiastes 9:5, 6, 10.

  • 2. In Luke 16:19-31, is the narrative of the rich man and Lazarus a literal statement or is it a parable? Is it a story about one thing to give a lesson aj)out something else!

Ans.: We can only tell by reasoning the question out from the Bible standpoint. See Isaiah 1:18, first half.                                                            .

  • 3. Does it say the rich man was wicked*'

Ans.: No. It simply says that he was rich, was clothed in purple and fine linen and had plenty to eat.

  • 4. Does it say that Lazarus icas an extra good man, loved God with all his heart and tried his very best to serve and obey Himi

Aus.> No. It says nothing of the kind. It says that he was a beggar, that he lay at the rich man's gate, full of sores, that he wanted to be fed from the crumbs that fell from the rich man’s table, and that the dogs licked his sores. See Verses 20, 21.

  • 5. Does it say that the poor beggar icent to heaven?

Ans.:' No. He went to Abraham’s bosom. See Verse 22.

  • 6. How many persons could be held in Abraham’s bosom?

Ans.: A person usually holds but one at a time in his bosom. If the story is to be taken literally, then Abraham’s Imsom must be explained as literal, and in that case but one or two would be all that would gain the coveted place.

  • 7. What do Young’s and Strong’s Concordances say in explanation of who this Lazarus was?

Ans.: Young's says that Lazarus “is a symbolic name in one of the parables”. Strongs says: "Lazarus was the name of two Israelites, the one imaginary”. These are two greatest authorities and they agree that this is a parable.

  • 8. As a parable, can it be explained in harmony with God's plan; and if so, how?

Ans.: “Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but, And to thy seed which is Christ.” “And if ye be Christ's, then are ye [the church] Abraham’s seed and hdirt aecbrcding to’ flieptemise.* ^Galatians 3:16,29) The church class of the gtepd age are represented aa “the seed of Abraham”; and in this parable the church, token out from among thegentfles (Acts 15:14), is represented in Lazarus being carried to Abraham's

bosom aa his “seed” or child or heir (Galatians 3:29). This date has been to fayar;with the Lord during the gospel age. /           . ...

Ever rinctf the dtetrtdBwn dT Jerusalem and the scattering of the Jews ambng UT nations, they have been tormented and persecuted ahdhave plead for relief (“a drop of water”) fron ttie torment (“fire”). This relief has beenatkedChristians— Lazarus.                                    *■J‘' -

  • 9. Were,Jews JUghly^vored of God (richfbeforS their casting off a&the first advent?

Ana. : They were< Soe Ebmans 3t l, 2. "The oracles of God” mean God’sWord. .

  • 10. In what wag was Lazarus (the believing gentiles') poor?                  ’

Ana.: "At that time ye ware without Christ... having no hope and without God in tin world.”—Eph.2:12.

IL How were the gentiles shown as poor beggars asking for the crumbs that fell from the rich man’s table and the companions of dogs?

Ana.: By the remarks of Jesus to the gentile woman who asked Him to heal her daughter. See Mark 7:25-30.

  • 12. Is there "a great gulf fixed" between the Jews and the gentiles?

Ans.: Yes. The Jews are “blind” to the gospel message and this gulf is fixed “until the fullness of the gentiles be come in”. (Romans 11:25-27) “The fullness of the gentiles'* evidently means the full number from the gentiles to make the 144,000. See Revelation 7:4; 14:1. .

  • 13, In what ieay could it be said that the rich man died?

Ans.: The Jews, as a class favored of God in everyway, ceased to exist as a nation. Their condition was so changed that they were considered, in the eyes of the Lord, as having passed into Hades, the death state or condition.

  • 14. How could it be said that the Lazarus class died? .                       ' ’

Ans.: Those gentiles who were earnestly seeking God’s favor were accepted of him beginning with Cornelius (Acte, 10th chapter)they ceased to exist as poor beggars and became rons of God—were carried to Abraham's bosom—became 'the teed of Abraham”.

An Extraordinary Offer

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The Combination Offer, which has been announced on this page for the past few issues, will be held open during the circulation of GOLDEN AGE Numbers 50 and 51. The latter issue will be the last announcement of this special offer.

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