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Unless stated otherwise, content is © 1925 International Bible Students Association

Contents of the Golden Age

Social and Educational

Nuggets or News From All Over the World. ......... 483

Lotteries are Legal in Denmark.............

' Hamburg University Introduces Yiddish.

The Ape-Man Revealed. .

Fossils Defossilizing Fossilized Theories

The Hopes of Evolutionists


Porto Rico’s Profits go Elsewhere

' A_ $250,000 Crack in the Majestic

Parisian Cost of Living

Western Union’s Cable to Rome^

Prosperity Amidst Turmoil in China.

Political—Domestic and Foreign

Panama and the San Blas Indians. ...

Excitement in Chile and Peru

;  Mexican National Church

'  Militarism Not Dead in Germany

i  Commercial Pogroms Assist Zionism

Counts Karolyi and Szechenyi

Bulgarian King Deals Gently

Rehabitation of Palestine

Science and Invention Radium the Invisible Metal.

Radio Bunk

Bringing Dead Rats into the House

Unrewarded Inventors................

Radio Programs........................

Travel and Miscellany

Warm Weather in Spitzbergen

Pisa’s Famous Tower Now Dangerous

'                  Religion and Philosophy

Devitalizing Effects of Demon Obsession. ...

What is the Subconscious Mind?

Am Sinners in Purgatory? -

Paying for Masses

Victory Over Death......................

Studies in “The Harp of God.”

Published every other Wednesday at 18 Concord Street, Brooklyn, N. Y„ U. S. A., by WOODWORTH, HUDGINGS & MARTIN

Copartners and Proprietors Address: 18 Concord Street, Brooklyn, N. Y., IJ. S. A, CLAYTON J. WOODWORTH . . . Editor ROBERT J. MARTIN . Business Manager WM. F. HUDGINGS . . See’y and Treas.

Five Cents a Copy—$1.00 a Year Make Remittances to THU GOLDEN AGE

Foreign Offices : British.....34 Craven Terrace, Lancaster Gate, London W. 2

Canadian . . . . a o . . . 38*40 Irwin Avenue, Toronto, Ontario Australasian . ... „ , . 495 Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia South African......6 Lelle Street, Cape Town, South Africa

Entered as second-class matter at Brooklyn, N. X., under the Act of March 3, 1879


Golden Age

Volume VI

Brooklyn, N.Y., Wednesday, May 6, 1925

Number 147

Nuggets of News from All over the World

[Radiocast, with other items, from Watchtower WBBR on a wave length of 272.6 meters, by the Editor]

Porto Rico’s Profits Go Elsewhere

Santiago Iglesias, senator in the Porto Bican legislature, says that two-thirds of the profits from agriculture, commerce and industry have been sent out of Porto Rico as rents, dividends, commissions, and interest on borrowed money. The wealth of the island is flowing into the coffers of a few in the United States, Canada, Spain, and France. Porto Rico is being drained of its resources, while its working population is slowly starving.

Mexican National Church

THE Mexican National Church, which started

out in February by announcing its separation from the Church of Rome, is having an exciting start. When one of the priests of this new movement undertook to conduct religious services in Spanish, in Soledad Church, Mexico, three blocks from the National Palace, there was a riot, started by women who oppose the split in the church. This disturbance caused the death of one woman and the injury of three others.

Panama anu the San Blas Indians

THE San Blas Indians have presented a petition to the United States Government, reciting that the Panama Government had permitted whites in the San Blas region to force Indian women to dance for them, fining them $10 if they refused; that the Indians were forced to buy intoxicants, and encouraged to buy firearms contrary to law; and they are appealing to the United States to take the district under its care as a protectorate.

Excitement in Chile and Peru

CHILE is excited over the return of President Alessandri, with a possibility of civil war if he carries out his proposed separation

of church, and state. She is also joyously stirred over the favorable outcome of the arbitration proceedings respecting the Peruvian border. On the other hand, Peru is profoundly depressed by President Coolidge’s award; and there have been serious demonstrations against Americans in that country.

St. Paul’s Crumbling to Ruins

Honeycombing the soil of London with subways, sewers, water and gas pipes, coupled with the roar and trembling of the traffic in the streets of the world’s greatest city, is believed to have spelled the doom of St. Paul’s Cathedral. At any moment the dome, -weighing 60,000 tons, is expected to crash into the street, spreading death all around. The supporting piers are crumbling, and the dome is already badly tilted.                     .

A $250,000 Crack in the Majes^c

TN ONE of her recent trips the Majestic, the largest steamer in the world, developed a large crack above the water line, necessitating repairs that will cost $250,000. This suggests to our minds the truth of the view widely current in England that the medium-sized boats are really safer, as well as more easy riding, than are the very large ones.

How the French Dead are Replaced

TT OW the French miners and farmers, slab

by hundreds of thousands during the World War, were to be replaced when the war was over was at first a puzzle to many. But the simple and natural result has been that something like 100,000 Poles are doing the mining in Northern France, while many more than that number of Italians are doing the farming work in Southern France. The Italians have bought many whole French villages outright.

Death Duties Wipe Out Estates

THE Scottish Duke of Montrose in an address in Glasgow calls attention to the fact that the hereditary estates of Britain and Scotland are being gradually wiped out by the death duties which, in some instances, run as high as sixty percent of the estate. This return of the heritage of the people to the people themselves is bound to continue.

Parisian Cost of Living

HR HE terrible strain of the World War upon the people of France is shown in the fact that the cost of living in Paris in January, 1925, was five and one-fourth times the cost of living in 1914. This cost of living could be greatly reduced if the French would give less attention to the arts of war and more to the arts of peace. Millions have been spent on airplane fleets, and millions more have been loaned to military allies.                                                      .

Lotteries are Legal in Denmark

IT COMES as a surprise to learn that lotteries are legal in Denmark. They have been illegal in the United States for a generation. Denmark puts about two million dollars into lottery schemes each year; and even the king is one of the backers. The knowledge of these Danish lotteries came to public attention in 'America when it was discovered that the United 'States mails were being illegally used by persons in Denmark to secure American participation in the frauds.

Warm Weather in Spitzbergen

THE change in the arctic climate is so great that for the first time in history a vessel was able to put into Spitzbergen in the month of February. Coal shipments began in April, three months earlier than usual. Within a few years the glaciers have retreated from ffur to five miles because of the mild air currents now blowing upon them.

Germany’s Winter Came in Spring

URHE first snowstorm in Germany came on February 23rd, just as Spring was getting nicely under way in America, the snows here having been frequent and heavy in the eastern part of the country up until that time. Throughout all the northern and central parts of Europe the snows this past season were uncommonly light. This has hurt the logging business.

Militarism Not Dead in Germany

"D remier Herriot points out that German students are being regularly trained for the army during vacations; that plants for the manufacture of poison gas have been increased; and that one factory alone was discovered in which were 100,000 new rifles, 17,000 machine guns, and 10,000 automatic pistols in process of manufacture. This looks bad; for Herriot is a man of peace.

A Dutch Farmer’s Fears

A DUTCH farmer by the name of Wilhelm Hohenzollern, living at Doorn, Holland, is said to be much alarmed at the evidence that Russia is backing the yellow races and that France is backing the black races, while the United States and Britain are backing the white races. Who is this man Hohenzollern, anyway? Somehow the name seems familiar. What is fame ?

Hamburg University Introduces Yiddish

A STRIKING instance of the pressing of the Hebrew people forward into prominence at this time is found in the fact that the University of Hamburg has introduced the study of Yiddish. But a very few years ago a thing of this kind would have been impossible in Germany, so great is the prejudice of the German people against the Hebrew race.

Commercial Pogroms Assist Zionism

COMMERCIAL pogroms against the Jews of Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, and Rumania are forcing thousands of Jews out of every kind of employment. In Russia it is estimated that about seventy percent of the Jews are unemployed, and that unless they have relatives in America they are forced to beg in order to live. All this turns the heart of Israel toward Palestine.

More Cruel Evictions in Russia

IF THE New York Times is to be believed, the Soviet Government has now decreed that the last remnants of the ancient landlords must lose their lands, and everything on them, even though they have been working these with their own hands. Just is that the Soviets justify such cruelties is not explained.

400,000 Child Sufferers in Russia

FOUR hundred thousand children have been separated from their parents in Russia, and are being cared for in the railway stations and other asylums. The Central Ukrainian Famine Combating Committee have reported to their premier that there are 1,360,000 famine-stricken children in Ukrainia alone. Ukrainia is a single district of Western Russia. About 100,000 tons of flour will be shipped into Russia from the United States, in aid.

Grafters Put to Death in Russia

THE Soviet Government has pronounced the sentence of death on seven Soviet officials for mismanagement and corruption in connection with the State’s leather monopoly. It seems that instead of working for the interests of the people, they worked for their own pockets, like some of our Teapot Dome statesmen of late renown. It would be a terrible day for some of _ our politicians if they ever started Soviet practices in Washington.

Western Union’s Cable to Rome

THE Western Union has just completed the laying of a new line between New York city and Italy, via the Azores. The eastern terminus of the line is Rome. This is the first direct cable line to be operated between the two countries. A branch will be built from the Azores to Germany, thus reopening cable communication with that country, broken by war.

■ Pisa’s Famous Tower Now Dangerous

THE famous leaning tower of Pisa is no longer safe, is the gist of a report of a special commission of engineers appointed by the Italian Government to investigate the matter. The increase in the leaning of the tower, although slight, is nevertheless noticeable. It is supposed to have been caused by the digging of a deep trench nearby.

Counts Karolyi and Szechenyi

Count Karolyi and Countess Karolyi, of

Hungary, desire a republican form of government in Hungary to take the place of the dictatorship regime of Admiral Horthy. They thought that the United States would be a good place to advocate a republican form of government. They were mistaken, however. Count and Countess Szechenyi, of Hungary, do not desire a republican form of government for Hungary; and it happens that Count Szechenyi is the Hungarian ambassador to the United States and that the Countess Szechenyi was a Vanderbilt. That is why you read in the papers that both Count and Countess Karolyi had trouble in getting into the United States. We remember that when Count Szechenyi married Gladys, he did not have any bathtub in his palace, but that she had the money; and money talks. He has bathtubs now.

Bulgarian King Deals Gently

THE Bulgarian king is reported as favoring gentle dealing with the communists now active in his country, and supposedly guilty of the assassination of the Minister Designate to the United States. He is said to be not in favor of the death penalty of these unhappy and unwise political offenders, nor even of the suppression of their literature. Perhaps he is pursuing the wisest course possible under the circumstances.

Civilization Spreading Rapidly in Africa

THE South African Government recently sent an expedition into the Kalahari desert with a view of trying to ascertain the breeding grounds of the locusts which do so much damage in South Africa. Proceeding two hundred miles beyond the confines of civilization, the expedition at length was received by a native chief and his wife, both of them dressed in European costumes and speaking English very well. The world is getting small.

Trying to Blot Out Slavery

FTHIE British Government is having a hard -®- time trying to blot out slavery and human sacrifice in all the territories in India over which it bears rule. Recent efforts of the Governor of Burma to induce the Nagas, a savage tribe dwelling between Burma and Assam, to give up these practices were not successful; and probably force will be used to make them do so.

Prosperity Amidst Turmoil in China

HE past year has been the most prosperous year in Chinese history, the exports and imports being nearly ten percent more than in any previous year, and this in spite of the fact that the past year has been the most troublous one in Chinese history. Neither brigandage, piracy, floods, nor political chao.s prevents the Chinese from buying and selling.


HOHAT is the order of the three largest suns yet measured. ‘ Our own sun is less than one million miles in diameter. Antares is over four hundred million miles in diameter. If it were hollow and our sun were placed in the center, our earth would not be half-way to its outer edge. Mira is next, with a diameter of 250,000,000. Betelguese is a few million miles smaller.

Devitalizing Effects of Demon Obsession By Harold w. Kline

1HAVE heard some funny things about spirits; but this a new one to me, and probably to you: Their materializing elements have to rest! A little paper, a supplement to an Esperanto paper published semi-weekly, gave me this information; and I have translated for you a portion of it containing the sentence in question. Our proclamation appeared as a supplement quite some time ago with this paper. Notice also that the spiritists have an international federation now—since Sept. 28,1924. The translation follows:

J. Thiebault

Noncontinuance Reincarnations in Mantes.


The Author’s own Edition.

Press: T. &FI. Jung (Herald of Esperanto) Horrem B. Koln (Germany).—Front page.

Dedication: I dedicate these few pages of sincere observations to the International Spiritist Federation in Paris who, forgetting spiritualistic differences, by unanimous consent accepted into their circle, the 28th of September 1924, the delegates of all our brother spiritists, to whatever nation they belong.—The Author. Page 2.


’ The following takes place in house No. 23 of the street Maurepas, in Mantes, (Seine-et-Oise). Every Saturday, for two consecutive months, at the 20^ (hour), in the one-story parlor of the house of Mr. and Mrs. Alexandre, there appears in person, with flesh and bones, of natural size, a certain young lady who has already been dead for more than five years, and who was their unique daughter Madeleine.- They see her, they touch her, they hear her. Afterward, the weekly appearances cease for the same duration of two months, necessary in order that the materializing elements might sufficiently rest. Afterward again the same phenomena are repeated with such characteristics of spontaneousness and independence that it would be indeed wholly unwise and shameful to. imagine them fantastically, if they have not been positive actualities.

Besides, the enigma does not concern only one personally scarcely- half seen, but phantoms, scientically named ectoplasms, which are made up of complete or partial organism, meeting in the same place, and other invisible beings who skilfully operate light screens. Is it not incomparably' magnificent, from a spiritistviewpoint, this spectacle of an ethereal collection from the beyond, who become materialized amidst the sympathetic audience, responding to the words of our earthly ones, and becoming dissolved, leaving no evidence, in the same mysterious air which brought it forth? For the reason that every presentation needs some one to present it, we must first look at the program of the spectacle.—Page 3. '

[To our present understanding all so-called materializations consist wholly' of the use of a portion of the life cells of the medium. This is why' a medium is necessary. As many as half of the life cells may7 be used at one time. This makes a terrible drain on the vitality'. The life cells are at all times connected to the medium, drawn out like rubber bands, by some process which the demons understand. It is these threads of living cells that are used to fashion the hands and faces and to perform the feats. But darkness is necessary', as well as the hiding of the medium in a cabinet, because the scene would be so repulsive that human beings would never come again. Materializations in the open, we believe to be wholly mental concepts, not actualities; and it is our belief that the demons will never be given the power actually to appear in human form.—Ed.]

THE United States Government reports give the following concise description of radium:

“Radium is a metal and is described as having a white, metallic luster. It has been isolated only once or twice, and few persons have seen it. It is ordinarily obtained from its ores in the form of hydrous sulphate, chloride or bromide; and it is in the form of these salts that it is usually sold and used. These are all white substances whose appearance is no more remarkable than that of common salt or baking powder. Radium, radium salts and radium minerals are not generally luminescent. Tubes containing radium salts glow because they include impurities which the radiations from the radium cause to light.

“Radium is found in nature in quantities so exceedingly small that it is never visible, even when the material is examined with a microscope. Radium ore ordinarily carries only a small fraction of a grain of radium to the ton; and radium will never be found in large masses, because it is formed by the decay of uranium—a process that is wonderfully slow — and radium decays and changes to other elements so rapidly that it does not accumulate naturally in visible masses.” ■—U. S. Geological purvey.

From, the preceding statement it may easily be seen that scientists do not yet fully understand the marvelous powers of this element of mystery. Indeed, it is hard to comprehend the fact that it is constantly discharging or emitting rays of energy, light and heat. These rays are called the Alpha, Beta and Gamma rays. The Alpha ray travels at the velocity of 20,000 miles per second, the Beta ray at the velocity of 100,000 miles per second, and the Gamma ray with the velocity of light. The action of the Gamma ray is similar to the X-ray, only more penetrating. Another almost unbelievable fact is that it loses only about one thirty-third of one percent of its potency annually; or stated in another way, it would take 1690 years to lose one-half of its strength.

The pure radium is estimated to be worth about 150,000 times as much as the same amount of gold, weight for weight. It is estimated that fully one-half of the radium in the world comes from the carnotite ore deposits of Utah and Colorado.

The formation in which this radium-bearing ore occurs is in a gray sandstone, geologically known as the La Plata sandstone.

One of the interesting facts which the scientists are at a loss to explain is the fossilized tree itself from which carnotite, the wonderful radioactive ore, is taken. Sometimes the entire tree is high-grade ore; other times only the outside, or that which was the bark of the tree, has turned to ore; again, only the center, or heart of the tree, has turned to ore. More often the miner will find that the tree will be just petrified wood, absolutely barren of ore. When a “tree” as the miner calls it, is worked out, the mine is gone; and he has to prospect for another. This makes the mining of this wonderful radioactive ore very uncertain and expensive. The color of this carnotite ore as it comes from the mine is usually a beautiful canary yellow; but after being crushed, it is somewhat changed in color.

The astonishingly curative powers of this radioactive ore were first noticed by the miners themselves. Men engaged in mining and handling these ores, by being in close contact with them for several hours a day, were astonished to find that their ailments, such as rheumatism, lame back, kidney, liver and stomach troubles, had left them entirely. Naturally people living in the vicinity, hearing of these things, began using this ore for their ailments, and have secured most astonishingly beneficial results. Strange as it may seem, there appears to be no limit to the ailments which are benefited by its use. The wonderful energizing rays given off by this high-grade ore seem to vitalize the parts to which it is applied, and to stimulate circulation, thereby assisting nature to function naturally; and beneficial results are usually noticed in a very short time.

Radium has achieved its greatest triumph in giving relief to suffering humanity. It is not proclaimed as a cure-all or panacea. But it is known to have wonderful curative properties that are effective in treating numerous kinds of chronic and malignant diseases.

When we pause to contemplate radium's remarkable manifestations in other ways, it is not at all surprising that it should be efficacious in treating human maladies. Fundamentally, only one claim is made for radium as a curative agency; namely, that it exerts a stimulating effect upon the circulation of the blood. This means that an organ clogged with poisons and impurities will begin to function properly, and that obstructions to health will be eliminated from the body. No one can deny the reasonableness of such a claim.


There is not a shread of diseased tissue anywhere in the human body that cannot be easily and quickly reached by the penetrating rays of radium. Radium does not directly effect the cure, but it accelerates the blood circulation and fortifies nature for the task of restoring health. So it is all a matter of plain common sense.         .

Indian Medicine men of the West used what they called “rain stones”, which have been found by scientists to be rock of high-grade carnotite ore.

Prudence Penny, a social worker of the S. F. Bay region, broadcast from KPO quite a remarkable lecture on the curative powers of radium. She calls radium the life preserver.

Mme. Curie, the discoverer of radium, holds very positive views on the curative value of the metal. During her recent visit to America she said: “Radium is a positive cure for cancer. It has already cured all kinds of cancer, even deep-rooted cases.”

Cancer is recognized by the medical profession to be the most malignant and stubborn of all diseases. But at last, a means of eradicating it has been discovered! If cancer can be cured by the application of radium, what a potent weapon we have to wield against all kinds of chronic maladies.

Some notion of the almost irresistible power of radium can be drawn from the fact that one atom of the pure metal holds enough energj^ to drive a fleet of ships around the world. This is the assertion of an eminent English scientist, Sir William Ramsey.

The ailments in which many have secured such beneficial results are rhematism and kindred ailments, kidney and liver troubles, lame back, indigestion and stomach troubles, goiter, poor blood circulation, high blood pressure, enlargement of prostate gland, general debility, men aging prematurely, etc.

Scientists who have lately experimented with radium in its effects on insect life have found that in all cases, normal life has been prolonged seven hundred times. .

What is the Subconscious Mind?

A READER who neglected to disclose his name inquires: “What about the subconscious mind?”                   -

Well! What about it? It is like the missing link. It is like the giraffe in the menagerie, of which the farmer, after he had looked at it long and earnestly, remarked: “Children, come away from here. There isn’t any such animal.” Only in the latter case the farmer was wrong.

The newspapers are full of a lot of wise tommyrot about the subconscious mind, as they are full of tommyrot on many other subjects. The truth is that man has a brain, more or less impaired, which he fills with materials for use. He has a will, more or less impaired, which may he brought into play. He forms habits, consciously and unconsciously. In the materials with which he fills his brain there is a large residuum which he does not clearly recall, but of 'which he is able at times to make some use. Some people who do not know any better refer to these disconnected and unassociated memories or impressions as the subconscious mind, “the real self.” There is nothing to the idea. “God is not in all their thoughts.”

In addition to the foregoing, there is in the atmosphere of the earth at this time a multitude of demons, who spend their time harrass-ing mankind. They have powers of intruding thoughts into the mind. Some who do not know of the activities of these evil beings have confused their intrusions and disservices as the operations of the so-called subconscious mind; and the papers are full of advertisements telling how these intrusions and disservices may be obtained, for the gaining of wealth, for the con-’ trol of others, and what not.               .

The psychologists and psychoanalysts and physiognomists can all come to the Bible and to phrenology, and learn the truth about the matters which they have in hand; and they will do it, sooner or later. Of that there is not the least question. God is in no hurry, and the phrenologists are in no hurry. When a man has the truth on any subject, he never feels the need of worrying. The other follow worries.

Radio Bunk By Wm. /. Strong

BARNUM understood human nature. So do publishers of radio magazines. The novice in radio, as well as many quite experienced, read radio periodicals with eyes, ears, and mouth wide! open, believing all they read. The credulity of radio fans is marvelous.

Radio magazines cater to the advertiser; for they are the source of their income; in fact, many radio magazines are controlled by radio manufacturers. Therefore, new parts and new sets are pointed out as the panacea for all radio ills.

Since very few of the radio public are able to test the truth of statements regarding highly technical points, they can only read and believe. This credulity is aided by the fact that people view radio as almost supernatural, and are ready to expect and believe anything from it.

It is not the intention to brand all as false statements, but the warning is: Keep salt handy when reading, and use it freely. Nor is it the writer’s intention to pose as an authority on the matter. Nevertheless, after twelve years of experience in radio and wireless, as it was formerly called, some helpful observations can be made.

The universal custom of manufacturers of finished radio sets is to tell the very best the set will do. The following statements were taken from recent issues of current radio publications :

"Coast to coast radio------3,000 miles range.” (This

was a one-tube set)

“London, Hawaii, Porto Rico, on three •—>—■—■ tubes. Are you getting results like this? You can with -------- tubes.” (The Hawaii and Porto Rico

stations were doubtless high power telegraph stations.)

“With this efficient receiving set, you can bring in operas, sermons, lectures, dance music, etc., right into your home clear and distinct on loud speaker, no matter where broadcasted or where you live.” (This statement is very misleading.)

These advertisements are samples of misleading and far-fetched statements which misinform the unwary public. Perhaps, too, the radio public does not know that there are strange freaks performed by radio, which sometimes permit a one-tube set to do almost the impossible. Receiving signals over great distances are many times accomplished as a result of freak electrical conditions in the atmosphere. Transmission of signals is likewise subject to freaks which cause the transmitter to reach the receiver under unusual conditions.

As an example of this, we call to mind the case last spring of a youthful amateur in Montana, who with but ten watts of power carried on communication with the MacMillan ship “Bowdoin” WNP in the arctic regions. At the same time, the old-time, hard-boiled amateurs with 1,000 watts of power were unable to reach the ship. This is a freak that may never be repeated.

The power of the transmitting station has about as much to do with the range of the receiver as the set does itself. For instance, twelve years ago, the writer had a crystal set which received signals 1500 miles; but it was from the 300,000 watt station NAR at Key West. So it might be truthfully said that a crystal set will receive stations 1500 miles distant, but the statement would be very misleading. This seems to be the practice of some advertisers today. What they say is probably true—but misleading, and not what the average user will experience.

The selectivity of a receiver is often misrepresented. In the hands of an expert operator, some sets are much more selective than in the hands of the novice.

The latest radio bunk is the so-called “low loss condenser”. In laboratory tests, this condenser will show different characteristics from the condenser of usual construction; but when put into the set and slapped up against a panel, the actual results are so near alike that I challenge anyone to find the difference created by the condenser alone. This “low loss” business is a selling feature; and instead of being a “low loss” for the ultimate buyer, it becomes a high loss (in money).

Other opinions:

“It is undoubtly true that the losses in tuning inductances such as are available for receiving set builders are so high in proportion to the losses in condensers that much of the efficiency of a so-called low loss condenser is nullified, and to spend an excessive amount of money on a super-efficient tuning condenser where it is impossible to get a correspondingly high efficiency in the inductance is obviously a matter of false judgment.

“More important in the selection of condensers for tuning units may be the mechanical design which will afford long life and freedom from operating difficulties, together with a sensible consideration for electrical efficiency. Merely because metal end-plates are used does not guarantee that the lowest losses are secured. A good insulation end-plate type may be better.”— American Radio Journal.

“Condensers with solid end-plates of an insulating material can bo made with low losses if the insulating material is something that is good at radio frequencies, the end-plates are large, so the distance between opposite electrodes is great, and the material is not too thick.”—Q. S. T.

The readers attention is called to the fact that very few manufacturers of finished sets use the co-called “low loss condenser”. A well known, highly sensitive receiver, designed and built by a company of world renown, does not use this type of condenser.

Low loss tuners and inductances have merit. They increase selectivity and sensitiveness. If the price is not too high, they are worth the money.

There is considerable “bunk” told about the superheterodyne.

Oh, how zealous radio fans dream of the day when they might have a wonderful, awe-inspiring superheterodyne! They stand in entranced wonder and admiration before the commercial “super”. They then ask the price—and swallow hard. Or perhaps, they are favored with plenty of this world's goods and proceed to buy the wonder set. Truly it is a sensitive set. But before very long the set doesn’t work so well. They ask why, only to find that the tubes are losing their sensitiveness, because the coating on the filaments of the small tubes is burning off • and new' tubes must be bought.

But suppose our ambitious victim, with less money to spend, not to be thwarted by the high price, decides to build one of his own.. If he is a mechanic and has had experience in1 building radios, the set will sometimes functii n nicely. He now has a supersensitive receiver that will work, coast to coast on a loop.

And the loop—it is a beautiful fixture, which is swung about, knocking down lamps, pictures, etc., and kindly jabbing the operator in the face. The loop, it is claimed, makes a set more selective by rotating; when in reality the loud stations which cause the trouble can be heard oyer 350 of the 360 degrees total revolution. And then he buys “B” batteries, buys them by the dozen until he finally installs a bank of storage “B” batteries in the basement with a charger to charge them. All of this is done for distance; and absolutely all extreme distance is good for, is to brag about.                           -

Let us all be wary of fancy tales of wonderful radio sets. We do well to remember that the good is all Ave hear. At very best, there is much to mar good broadcast reception. People from “Missouri” now have to hear as well as see to be able to determine how good a receiver is.

We are all looking forward to the time when static will be overcome, when the neighbor’s set will not radiate and consequently make ours whistle, when broadcast stations will not interfere with each other, and finally to the time when radio manufacturers become thoroughly truthful. Then, indeed, will be the Golden Age.

Demons See Something Coming in 1925

- A Prophecy by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle From Tribune de Geneve, Dec. 23, 1924.

THE English writer Sir Arthur Conan Doyle prophesies terrible disasters. The mo-bilzed spirits are announcing the end of the world. There would be, he asserts, a terrible calamity accompanied by an extraordinary manifestation of elemental forces for the punishment of man and for the opening of the way to the Millennium.

Be Not Afraid of Them

“He began to say unto his disciples first of all. Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. For there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known. Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the eat in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops. And I say unto you my friends, Be not afraid of them.”—Luke 12:1-4.

Rehabilitation of Palestine By Dr. Chaim Weizmann

[Radiocast from station WBBR on a wave length of 272.(5 meters.]

P ALESTINIAN reconstruction has a great interest for the non-Jew as well as the Jew.

The romance which is associated with the modern-day regeneration of the land by the descendants of the people who first gave it a significance in Biblical lore is one of the most beautiful in all history. For me there is no romance to equal .it. It is the later day fulfilment of Biblical prophecy. A people long fettered and long harrassed, a people that has wandered over the face of the earth since the Babylonian captivity, has been returned to its ancient Homeland.

The Jew has been challenged by the world. Fifty-one nations have given their approval to the Balfour Declaration. The British Mandate is comparable to no other edict which has been issued by the various nations of the world to the Jews. All edicts about the Jews down through the ages have told the Jews what they can not do. Here is a document formulated in the twentieth century, sanctioned by the whole of the civilized world, which says what the Jews shall do. It is an affirmative command.

The question has been repeatedly asked, “Are there men in Israel who are capable of doing the work which is necessary for the upbuilding of the country?’" I have seen these men. I have known them before they came to Palestine. It is no. exaggeration to say that these are pioneers who would be the pride of any nation. I do not think they fall behind any great pioneering group which has set out to build a new country. They come with idealism, with enthusiasm. They are a force. They do not ask how difficult the task is or how long it will last. They only ask that we enable them to go on.

It is no overstatement to say that there is not a square kilometer of land anywhere in the world on which there is concentrated so much energy, so much idealism, so much endeavor as on a square kilometer where our pioneers are working, dreaming and enduring hardships. I have heard men speak who have come direct from Palestine—non-Jews—and they say that they do not understand this type of man. Perhaps it is the stored-up idealism of ages, come down to them from their grandfathers, and finding today an outlet and an application in Palestine. This store of idealism, this driving force, is making navvies out of university students and university students out of navvies. ■

In the course of the past three and a half years these same pioneers, with funds supplied by the Palestine Foundation Fund, the chief financial instrument for the reconstruction of Palestine which is largely supported by the Jews of America, have built more than 2,000 houses, mile after mile of new roads; they have planted 2,500,000 trees; they have converted numberless rocky hillsides into terraces and planted them with olive and orange groves. They have taken over and ploughed the country which has been a reproach and a source of disease for so many hundreds of years. These are only a few of the material accomplishments of these pioneers. They strive zealously, giving themselves up entirely that the Biblical prophecy might be realized in full.

Let us for a moment forget our immediate practical preoccupations and rehearse again some of those truths which have carried us so far and which, with God’s help will carry us to triumph.

In returning to Palestine, the Jews are attempting to bridge over a gulf between themselves and their past, to reestablish their continuity. To stride this gulf is a tremendous strain and requires the endurance of a giant. It is only possible to people who have an inspiration. But we have the inspiration, and we will conquer.

Let me here rehearse an experience of mine which I know is latent in all the Jews of the world. During the last days of the World War I was in Palestine, and I had arranged to meet the Emir Feisul in Transjordania. Under normal circumstances the journey from the point where I was stationed to Transjordania does not take more than five hours. At that time the Turkish front still bit into Palestinian territory, and in order to make my way to the spot where the Emir was stationed, I had to make a long detour, and go southward toward Egypt, then cross the Bed Sea and come up again to Transjordania.

I made the journey. Twelve days I traveled on my mission—five days through burning desert past Sinai, and then across the waters of the Red Sea. I came north again through the land of Moab, and word was sent to the Emir that I was approaching. And there was sent out to greet me a number of his servants, with gifts of camels and sheep, and with bread and salt. And on the last day of my journey there came over me a marvelous sense of the wonder of my- journey. Like Abraham of old I was approaching the land which God had promised to His chosen people. And like him I was coming through the lands of Moab, as it were, to take possession. And there came to greet me a procession of servants of the Emir, and they ^offered me the bread and salt of welcome, and they spread a tent to shelter me and they killed a lamb that I might eat, and they told me that their lord was waiting for me, eager to meet me.

And there and then there rolled away two thousand, three thousand, four thousand years. I felt, I knew, that it was only yesterday we had possessed the land; it was only yesterday that our forefather Abraham had trodden this spot, had gone forth on the errand of his people under the guidance of God and with His blessing. And I felt then that not all the years of our exile, not all the lands we had dwelt in, not all the sufferings we had borne, mattered any more. The gulf had been bridged. This was home; this was the promise and the fulfilment; this was the certainty.

The rebuilding of the Jewish Homeland is going forward. It is an effort which gives hope to a race broken up in fragments, dispersed in many lands, misunderstood, but which is at present centering its efforts on sending out men and women to Palestine, to a country for which it has a great historic and religious attachment. These people are going there moved by sentiments which find expression in agelong prayers and hopes and aspirations. They come from a race which has proved for many thousands of years to be indestructible and which has made important contributions to humanity. When it is established and rooted again in its own soil, recreated by its own efforts, it may once more make a contribution and send out from these hills, which have been consecrated by age-long martyrdom, a message of hope and comfort and peace to a world which stands very much in need of such a message.

Bringing Dead Rats into the House By a Bible student

TN THE Golden Age No. 140, the article on J- “Medical Liberty Rights”, by Drs. H. M. Shelton and B. Stanford Claunch, is very good, especially the paragraphs on vaccination and inoculation of serum.

The inoculation of pus, or dead germs, into one’s system is like putting dead rats into a house to drive away the live ones. The dead rats will scare away the live ones, to be sure; but is that house any better off with the dead ones left in it? '

At first how relieved one feels to be free of the live ones! But wait awhile, and you will not feel so well. First the nose is affected by the odor; then the stomach is affected. Finally it is impossible to live in that house on account of the dead rats; for as they are not able to remove themselves the house is in a very bad condition. The remedy would be to keep the house in good condition so that no live rats can get in, by keeping all places of their entrance stopped up.

Just so with the inoculation of dead germs and pus into one’s body. It may drive out the live germs; but dead germs cannot remove themselves, thus resulting in fever, inflammation, and often diseases that eventually cause the death of the patient.

Let us learn to live better by eating proper food and getting plenty of fresh air and exercise.

All hail the day when the Lord’s kingdom shall be fully established, and the Great Physician begins the healing of the nations! Then no one will need say: “I am sick.” Then there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain; for the former things will have passed away.—Revelation 21:4.

The Ape-Man Revealed

THE above title is taken from the beginning of an item in the “Literary Digest” for Sept. 22, 1923, which continues by saying:

“The Java ape-man, the world’s most famous prehistoric creature, has come out of retirement. After thirty years’ denial to his fellow scientists from all nations, Dr. Eugene Dubois, discoverer of this ‘missinglink’ in human evolution known as Pithecanthropus Erectus, has just accorded to the American School of Prehistoric Studies in Europe, under the direction of Dr. Ales Hrdlicka of the Smithsonian Institution, the courtesy of the first opportunity to make a thorough examination of the original fossils of this half-millionyear-old being. On their return to Amsterdam, after an inspection of the bones at Dr. Dubois’s home at Haarlam, the American scientists seemed convinced that this ape-man was more nearly human than formerly believed, we are told by Science Service’s Daily Science News Bulletin (Washington). We read:

“‘The examination was in many respects a revelation,’ declares Dr. Hrdlicka. ‘When Dr. Dubois publishes his detailed study, which he tells me he expects to do before the end of the year, Pithecanthropus Erectus will assume an even weightier place in science than it has held up to now. None of the published illustrations or the casts now in various institutions are accurate. Especially is this true of the teeth and thigh-bone. The new brain-cast is very close to human. The femur is without question human.’ The remains, he explained, consist of the skullcap, now thoroughly cleansed for the first time; the femur; three teeth, two molars and one premolar. Besides these, there is a piece of a strange primitive lower jaw, from a later, but nevertheless still primitive, type of man found in lime deposits in a different part of the island from that of the other bones. Dr. Hrdlicka declared that the original relics are ‘even more important than held hitherto’. He predicted that ‘though all controversial points may not be settled, the specimens will assume even a weightier place in science than they have had to the present.’ Dr Dubois found these apeman remains near Trinil in the island of Java in 1891, but since then he has steadfastly refused to allow other scientists to examine the originals thoroughly, so that they have had to content themselves with the casts and illustrations which Dr. Hrdlicka now declares to be inaccurate. Dt. Dubois demonstrated personally and without reserve the precious specimens which have been withheld from other scientists for over a quarter of a century. The cordial invitation for the Americans to see the originals was transmitted through Dr. Arthur Smith-Woodward of the British Museum of Natural History and handed to Dr. Hrdlicka when he arrived in Europe last month.”                        ,    .

By Herbert M. Shelton, D.P., N.D.

Perhaps, now that this old hoax is about to be given more prominence than heretofore, it will not be amiss to tell a little more of its history:

“In September, 1891, Dubois, a Dutch physician, discovered a tooth on the island of Java, about forty-five feet below the surface of the earth. One month later he found the roof of a skull about three feet from where-he had found the tooth; and in August, 1892, he found a thigh bone forty-five feet farther away and, later on, another tooth. A year or two later the world’s famous zoologists met at Leyden, and. among other things examined these remains. Ten of these leading scientists concluded that they were nothing but the bones of an ape; seven held that they were those of a man; and seven concluded that they were really the missing link connecting man and the ape.”

The so-called scientific world was looking for a missing link; so without stopping to settle the differences of opinion it was simply decided to accept the opinion of the last-named seven, and let the other seventeen be quietly ignored and forgotten. A missing link they wanted, and a missing link it was!

Since the time when these men examined the bones, Prof. D. G. Cunningham, of Dublin, who is described as one of the highest authorities on comparative anatomy in Great Britain, gave his opinion that these different bones do not belong to the same animal. He thought that a part of them may have been those of a monkey or a baboon, and part of them human. Virchow considered it a pathological specimen. He reasoned that since the bones were not found together, we could not regard them as having belonged to the same animal; and that it was even less possible to make of such a compound two creatures either an ape or a man. He was certain that the thigh-bone was that of a man, while the fragment of skull belonged to a gibbon or a chimpanzee.

Even Prof. Osborn of the Museum of Natural History (N. Y.), who is the most dogmatic champion of the dogma of evolution in America today, admits that the thigh-bone is human and that the skullcap is simian. He says of the two teeth: “They do not resemble those of man closely enough to positively confirm the prehuman theory” Again he says: “There are, however, reasons for excluding Pithecanthrspus from the direct ancestral line of the higher races of men.”

Sir. John Lubbock examined these remains before they were hidden away, and said of them: “It is greatly to be regretted that they are not more complete, but they certainly belong either to a very large gibbon or to a very small man.” Gibbons are the smallest of the “great apes”, seldom attaining a stature of over three feet. Thus he thought that these” bones belonged either to a giant gibbon or to a dwarf man.

Accurate Information about Things Unknown

MUCH misinformation lias been published by those who speculate on the “Trinil Ape-man”. These two-by-four intellectuals, who confess that they have more gray matter than the rest of us poor “monkeys”, are able by the “scientific use of the imagination” to acquire “accurate” information about things of which they know nothing. A lot of nonsense born of their overheated imaginations still passes for science in the ranks of these super-intellectuals. They presume to tell us all about prehistoric man, of whom they know nothing. How much can they learn by a few bones, arrow-heads, and pieces of broken pottery? Not much. There exists today a very wide-spread belief that a paleontologist can restore an animal from a single bone. The evolutionist who has fostered this view is pleased indeed that it persists; for it enables him to tell his poor dupes all about an animal which he never saw, and which never even existed, except in his own imagination.

In reading the detailed descriptions of the unicorn given by some of the older zoologists, one is led irresistibly to the conclusion that they were written by men who had actually seen the animal. Yet, as a matter of fact, not one of these men ever saw a unicorn, nor has he ever seen anyone who had seen one. They supplied all the details from that inexhaustible fountain of “scientific” data—the human imagination.

These older zoologists were the ancestors of our modern evolutionists, who from a tooth, a thigh-bone, and a piece of skull-cap, which they never saw, reconstruct an ape-man which, they say, is half a million years old. They use bones, too, that they have never seen. Says Dr. W. H. Ballow, in speaking of the Trinil Ape-man:

“It stood erect, had a well-shaped human head, and was tailed. Science deduced from the skeleton our evolution into the smooth-skinned, tailless creatures that we are today.”

Of course, this fellow “Science” is a nonentity. He never existed to do any deducing. And just as he is a nonentity, so are that skeleton and that tail. Nobody has ever seen that skeleton; for none has even been found. Nor has any piece of tail ever been found belonging to Pithecanthropus Erectus. The tail is all a figment of the imagination. Dr. Ballow does not know any more about that tail than do the dead bones themselves. I care not what Science told him. Science is not a witness. He was not there.

In the “Smithsonian Publication 2300”, page 10, Dr. Hrdlicka wrote:

“It would surely seem proper and desirable that specimens of such value to science [he is speaking of the bones of the Trinil Ape-man] should be freely accessible to well-qualified investigators, and that accurate casts be made available to scientific institutions, particularly after twenty [now thirty] years have elapsed since the discovery of the original.

“Regrettably, however, all that has thus far been furnished to the scientific world is a cast of a skullcap, the commercial replicas of which yield measurements different from those reported taken from the original, and several not thoroughly satisfactory illustrations. No reproductions can be had of the femur and the teeth; and not only the study, but even a view, of the originals is denied to scientific men.”

Educating Themselves in Unknowables

IT MAY seem strange, nevertheless it is true, not only that those “scientists” who have for years been flooding the world with the accounts and detailed descriptions of Pithecanthropus Erectus never saw those few bones, but that the casts and pictures which they had seen were “different from those reported taken from the original” and are not “thoroughly satisfactory”. This is science in the twenty-fifth year of the twentieth century! Some of Dr. Hrdlicka’s chin-music quoted at the beginning of this article is of the same type. He declares that Dr. Dubois demonstrated personally and without reserve “the precious specimens which have been withheld from other scientists for over a quarter of a century”. The evolutionists’ worship of these “precious specimens” reminds us that, they are the ones who scoff most at our Catholic friends for their worship of the shin-bones of SL Anne and of other “relics” of the “saints” which they guard so zealously.

“The new brain-east is very close to human.” Perhaps so. But is it more close to “accurate” than are the older ones? Why not make the cast just what the theory demands that it should be? But what would be better, give us the true measurements of the original. Why rely on the new casts?

“There is a piece of a strange primitive lower jaw, from a later, but nevertheless still primitive, type of man found in lime deposits in a different part of the island from that of the other bones.”

This “strange primitive lower jaw” belonged to the grandson of Pithecanthropus. Dr. Hrdlicka does not know this but “science” deduces from the facts that it “was from a later, but nevertheless still primitive type of man” and was found on the same island, that he was the grandson. However, the most significant part about this lower jaw is that it is “strange” and “primitive” or “still primitive”. Of course, having identified it as the honored grandson of Lord Pithecanthropus himself, it is no longer strange. This grandson had “already” lost a few inches of the family tail at the time he was buried in his grandfather’s old lime quarry. I might also add that he had grown a long beard and a mustache. It was the first that his fellow ape-men had ever seen. For this reason he was for years with one of the side-shows that traveled with the “world’s greatest combined shows”.

“The Present State of the Problem of Evolution,” by M. Caullery (Smithsonian Report for 1916, pages 321-335, Publication 2462), contains the following very significant words:

“But if we return to the study of evolution, the data of Mendelism embarrass us also very considerably. All that it shows us, in fact, is the conservation of existing properties. [Italics mine] - Many variations which might have seemed to be new properties are simply traced to previous unobserved combinations of factors already existing. This has indeed seriously impaired the mutation theory of DeVries, the fundamental example of the (Enothera Lamarkiana seeming to be not a special type of variation, but an example of complex hybridization. The authors who have especially studied Mendelian heredity find themselves obliged to attribute all the fact to combinations of already existing factors, or to loss of factors, a conception which seems to me a natural consequence of the symbolism adopted, but which hardly satisfies the intelligence. In any case, we do not see in the facts emerging from the study of Mendelism, how evolution, in the sense that morphology suggests [sic], can have come about. And it comes to pass that some of the biologists of greatest authority in the study of Mendelian heredity are led, with regard to evolution, either to more or less complete agnosticism or to the expression of ideas quite opposed to those of the preceding generation; ideas which would, almost take us back to Creationism.

“Lamarckism and Darwinism are equally affected by these views. The inheritance of acquired characters is condemned and natural selection declared unable to produce a lasting and progressive change in organisms. The facts of adaptation are explained by a previous realization of structures which are found secondarily in harmony with varied surroundings. That is the idea which different biologists have reached and which M. Cuenot in particular has developed systematically.”

He mentions as “two- recent and particularly significant examples”, Win. Bateson and J. P. Lotzy. Bateson had declared in his “'Problems of Genetics” that we must recognize our almost entire ignorance of the process of evolution. He then mentions Bateson’s presidential address at the meeting of the British Association in 1914. We shall here quote a few paragraphs from that address as published in “Science”, August 28, 1914. Dr. Bateson is acknowledged by all scientists to be the highest living authority on genetics. He says:

“Not only does embryology give no direct aid but the failure of cytology [the study of cell organism] is equally complete. The Chromosomes of nearly related creatures may be utterly different in number, size and form. If we cannot see how- a fowl by its egg and its sperm gives rise to a chicken, or how a sweet pea from its ovule or its pollen grain produces another sweet pea, we at least can watch the system by which the difference between the various kinds of fowl or between the various kinds of sweet pea are distributed among the offspring. . . . Until Mendel began his analysis nothing but the vaguest answers to such a question had been attempted. The existence of any orderly system of descent was never even suspected.”

Again he says:

“Darwin speaks no more with philosophical authority. We read his scheme of evolution as we would those of Lucretius or of Lamark. Naturalists may still be found expounding teleological systems which would have delighted Dr. Pangloss himself, but at the present time few are misled. ...

. “Almost the last shred of that teleological fustian with which Victorian philosophers loved to clothe the theory of evolution is destroyed. . . . As a chief characteristic of modern evolutionary thought we must confess to deep but irksome humility in the presence of great vital problems. Every theory of evolution must be such as to accord with the facts of physics and Chemistry, a primary necessity to which our predecessors paid small heed. Of the physics and chemistry of life I we know next to nothing. Living things are found by a simple experiment to have powers undreamed of, and who knows what may be behind?”

Once more, lie says:

“Knowledge of heredity has so reacted on our conceptions of variations that very competent men are even denying that variation in the old sense is a genuine occurrence at all. [A thing every farmer could have told them a thousand years ago.] Do we, as a matter of fact, find in the world about us variations occurring of such a kind as to warrant faith in a contemporary progressive evolution ?”

Every evolutionist in the entire world, or that has ever been in the world, would fain answer that question in the affirmative. In fact, many of the more dogmatic and less cautious ones have so answered it. However, in answering his own question, Bateson said:

“Till lately most of us would have said ‘yes’ without misgiving. The appearance of contemporary variation proves to be an illusion. We have done with the notion that Darwin came to favor, that large difference can arise by accumulation of small differences.”

He also refers to Lotzy, and mentions the latter’s contempt for the ideas then and still in vogue in the “sciences” of zoology and botany. He continues by saying:

“After the blind complacency of conventional evolutionists it is refreshing to meet so frank an acknowledgement of the hardness of the problem. Lotzy’s utterance will at least do something to expose the artificiality of systematic zoology and botany. . . . The problem still stands outside the realm of scientific investigation; and when we hear that the spontaneous formation of formaldehyde is a possible first step in the origin of life, we think of Harry Lauder in the character of a Glasgow school-boy pulling out his treasures from his pocket: ‘That’s a wassher for mak-kin’ motor cars T ”

Fossils Defossilizing Fossilized Theories

TV/Tb. Lauder must have been studying about Pithecanthropus Erectus or his remains, out of which evolutionists propose to make man. And this proposal continues among “conventional evolutionists” in spite of the verdict of genetics. A half dozen bones of doubtful origin and age (all attempts to give them an age is only guess work) which seem certain to have belonged to different animals, are still proclaimed as the ancestor of “modern” man in the face of all the mass of evidence that evolution did not take place. Such is the dogmatism of the anti-dogmatist.

So long as “the problem still stands outside the realm of scientific investigation” we are forced to regard the dogmatic assertions and “blind complacency” of “conventional evolutionists” as mere statements of a manufactured creed—a thing they profess to abhor — the “credulity of incredulity”.

The problem of evolution of man, like that of all other animals, and plants as well, stands today on a level with that of the elephant. The following from Washington, D. C., was published in the Gazette and Daily, York, Pa., September 19, 1923, under the heading, “Fossils Fail To Support Elephant Graveyard Theory”:

“Finding the fossils of a horse, mammoth and mastodon by T. K. Hart, of Albany, Ga., in a locality of that state where such remains have not hitherto been discovered, again calls attention to the fact that the widespread belief that elephants seek out some hidden graveyard in which to die is unsupported by the records from the prehistoric past.

“Dt. J. IV. Gidley, vertebrate paleontologist of the United States National Museum, who is endeavoring to secure the Georgia finds for the government collection, said here today that bones and fossil remains of mammoth, mastodon and other species of extinct elephants related to our modern elephants have been found in large numbers widely scattered throughout America, Europe, and Asia. These fossils are often found associated with fossils of other animals.

‘Where modern elephants go when they die is one of the great mysteries of the natural history world. It has even been said that the body of an elephant that has died from natural causes has never been discovered in either India or Africa. From the numerous fossil finds, however, Dr. Gidley says that there is no evidence that their ancestral relatives some 50,000 years ago had special graveyards. Where elephants came from is also a mystery; for Dr. Gidley says that little is known of their ancestry. The forms through which they must have passed before they became highly specialized animals practically as we know them have never been discovered.”

So far as science can say, it is equally true of man as of the elephant that where man came from is a mystery. “Little [nothing] is known of their ancestry. The forms through which they must have passed before they became highly specialized animals practically as we know them have never been discovered.”

Why speak of the forms through which elephants or any other animal “must” have passed ? Until scientists find the forms, there is no justification for the assertion that animals came through any such forms. Until the forms are found, all assertions that they did or must have passed through such forms are based upon a mere assumption and not upon demonstrated and demonstrable facts.

If the theory is true, they must have passed through a long chain of genetically related forms in their progress upward from ameba to elephant. It must have required many long ages of evolution. Geologists have whole museums full of forms which, they say, existed on the earth long before the appearance of the first mammal. Many of these forms, they say, became extinct before the appearance of mammals. Is it not a bit strange that so many of the forms have been preserved while none of the ancestors of the elephant have been? The elephant proves to be a “white elephant” on the hands of the evolutionists. But he is not alone in this. The same is true of all other animals and plants, living and extinct. No connecting links between existing species and their predecessors of geologic time have been found; no, not even of the horse or the camel or man.

The only change observable in plants and animals is a diminution in size, a phenomenon that is practically universal. In fact, the degeneracy of the whole organic world is one of the outstanding features of geology. Degeneracy is not evolution. Degeneracy is not the process by which man can be produced from an “apelike progenitor”.

When the “ape-man” is revealed, he is but a hoax. The inane worship by “scientists” of those preciotis bones only proves that man—-yes even the super-intellectuals—will worship, if not God, then an idol, a relic of the evolutionary saints. They defend too, their creed with all the dogmatism they profess to hate in their opponents.

Are Sinners in Purgatory?

TUP Golden Age prints below a report of answers given to questions at radio station W B B R, by Judge J. F. Rutherford, On Saturday evening April 11th. The week preceding, in a lecture at this station, Judge Rutherford made the statement that Catholics are taught that sinners are in purgatory, conscious and undergoing suffering, and that these can be prayed out from it by the priests who receive money for the prayers or masses said. Some clergymen wired and some wrote the station, calling in question this statement; and Judge Rutherford was requested to give his reason and authority for such statement. The following radio lecture was his response to the request:

Among the many letters that I have received saying complimentary things concerning my lecture at this station on Sunday morning April 5th, I found three from clergymen, one telegram and two letters. Each one of these clergymen said practically the same thing, to wit: ‘The charge made by Judge Rutherford that Catholics teach that souls are in purgatory and are to be liberated by the prayers of priests, and that they receive money therefor, is false, and that Judge Rutherford by making such statements showed that he is either a liar or profoundly ignorant.’

It seems rather strange that these clergymen should use practically the same language. This seems to be a stock phrase with them when they are unable to answ'er an argument. They take it for granted that the people will believe what they say because they are clergymen, and that' therefore they can freely call any man a liar and say that he is ignorant, and that that will be a sufficient ansvmr.

No matter what they say about me I am not trying .to please man. I am only trying to tell the truth. I am not a liar, for a. liar is one who makes a deliberately false statement. I would have no purpose in making false statements about anyone. As to whether or not l am ignorant, I propose now to submit the proof from Catholic publications and let my audience determine whether I am a liar or ignorant or whether those who are charging me therewith are themselves entitled to have these epithets applied to them. I am not applying an epithet to anyone. If the proof shows that the priests teach that the dead are in purgatory, that the priests say prayers for those dead and receive money therefor, then my statement is completely vindicated and I am vindicated as telling the truth; and it furthermore shows that I am not ignorant.

I will now submit my proof: I will first read from a book written by James Cardinal Gibbons, Archbishop of Baltimore, entitled “The Faith of Our Fathers,” published in 1904. On page 205, paragraph 1, appears the following: “The Catholic Church teaches that, besides a place of eternal torment for the wicked and of everlasting rest for the righteous, there exists in the next life a middle state of temporary punishment, allotted for those who have died in venial sin, or who have not satisfied the justice of God for sins already forgiven. She also teaches us that, although the souls consigned to this intermediate state, commonly called purgatory, cannot help themselves, they may be aided by the suffrages of the faithful on earth. The existence of purgatory naturally implies the correlative dogma—the utility of praying for the dead—for the souls consigned to this middle state have not reached the term of their journey. They are still exiles from heaven and fit subjects for Divine clemency.”

By this you will observe that Cardinal Gibbons positively stated that the Catholic Church teaches that there are .souls in purgatory undergoing punishment and that these may be aided by the prayers or suffrages of the faithful on earth. Now if the proof shows that the priests who dp this praying receive money for it, my case is complete, and for the benefit of my radio audience I submit the following documentary proof which is taken exclusively from Catholic publications. The first is from a Catholic publication, Our Sunday Visitor, dated the 22nd of February, 1925, and is as follows:

“The fathers in our Honan mission (China) must often offer up the holy Sacrifice in crumbling mud-huts, or even in stables. . . . A small chapel may be built for $300. The donor of a chapel will receive a picture of the same, when completed, and enjoys privilege of naming chapel. Members of donors family, both living and dead, will be remembered in all the holy Masses celebrated in chapel. Do not miss this opportunity of doing something great for the glory of God and the salvation of your own soul and those of others!”—Advertisement of Rev. Clifford J. King, S. V. D., Honan Mission Department, Techny, Ill.

I next submit an advertisement which appears in a Catholic publication and which advises sending in money to insure one’s soul from loss, and which reads :

“CHEAPEST FIRE INSURANCE! SAFEST ON THIS EARTH! ! SOLD BY A PRIEST! ! ! Do you want to help insure the MOST VALUABLE THING you have on this earth FROM FINAL LOSS BY FIRE?... You can help do all of this insuring by sending a dollar—more or less, once or often—the safest way for valuable and interesting information to Rev. A. J. Halbleib, Sacred Heart Church, Danville, Virginia. Guaranteed return of money or any other valuable sent in its place if you are not satisfied with value received.”

The next is from the “Victorian”, a Catholic magazine, and contrasts the value, of taking flowers to the tomb of the dead with paying a priest to say mass or prayer for the departed souls. It reads as follows: “The perfume of the Mass is everlasting. One Mass is more precious and availing than all the blossoms that ever withered on a tomb. To give the alms that will insure one Mass for the departed soul is a better and more sensible act of aid and solace, both to the dead and, therefore, to the living, than to heap a costly pyramid of bloom over the grave every day for a thousand years. Let us act on our knowledge of the teachings of our holy faith and get into the habit of sending to the homes which death has saddened the assurance that we have asked a priest to say ten or twenty Masses for the departed, giving in alms for these, what we should otherwise have spent uselessly on flowers.”

I am just informed by a personal witness that St. Patrick’s Catholic Church at Troy, N. Y., has but recently issued cards which are sold for a certain price, and the parishioners are advised to buy these cards, which insure Masses being said for the dead, rather than to send flowers when one dies. Probably some of you who live in the vicinity of St. Patrick’s Church, Troy, N. Y., can find out about this personally.

I now submit a card which I have in my hand, and which appears to be authentic. It purports to be published by the Purgatorial Society of St. Mary’s Church, Toledo, Ohio, and is as follows : “Have pity on me, have pity on me, at least you my friends.” “Beginning with the month of November, High Masses, according to the amount contributed, will be sung every week during the year, for the repose of the souls of the deceased relatives and friends of the members of the Purgatorial Society. Write your name on this card. Enclose the card and your contribution in the accompanying envelope. Seal the envelope and give it to any of the Pastors or to the Brother Sacristan or drop it in the collection box.”

I next submit for your consideration an advertisement by the Extension Press, Brooks Building, Chicago, which appears in the “Messenger of the Sacred Heart”, a Catholic magazine published at 801 West 181 St., New York city. It reads:

“The pardon crucifix, the aim of which is to obtain pardon of God and to pardon one’s neighbors, is of inestimable merit. Among its many benefits after being blessed by a priest, is that of a plenary indulgence at the moment of death. Prices 25c, 35c, $1.50 and $10.00.”

You will observe that the prices range from twenty-five cents to ten dollars.

My next documentary proof is from “The American Standard”, quoting from The Boston Pilot, a Roman Catholic paper, under date of October 24,1914. This is an editorial from that paper and advises people to take out insurance on their souls by paying so much money. It reads as follows: “Perhaps you think a Perpetual Membership in the Society for the Propagation of the Faith is beyond your means, and yet, if you were offered a good life insurance policy at a very low cost, you would grasp the opportunity. For the sum of forty dollars—the offering which a Perpetual Member makes—you can

insure your soul forever. As for endowment policies or dividend-paying policies—where will you find another policy of this sort—that at one payment, a very small one, endows your soul, assures it a future income and pays dividends forever?” Of course the priests do the insuring because they get the money.          .

I next submit a folder distributed by the Reverend Joseph A. Skelly, C. M., Director of St. Vincent’s Seminary, Germantown, Phila., Pa. It reads: “Arise, hasten to the relief of the souls of the dead by your supplications: invoke the divine clemency for them; by your tears implore mercy for them; by your prayers intercede for them; by the Sacrifice of the Mass make satisfaction for them; ransom them with your alms and good works and open to them the gates of heaven.”—St. Bernard. . . .“Pray for the Poor Souls, especially during November. Make little sacrifices for them. Have Masses offered, hear Mass and receive Holy Communion, that their sufferings may end. ('At Mass we plead efficaciously the cause of the souls in Purgatory.’—Ven. Perr Eymard.)”

I am wondering why these clergymen ask alms for the saying of prayers. Do the alms do the good or do the prayers do the good 1 It will be observed that they say that “at Masses we plead efficaciously the cause of the souls in Purgatory”'.

I next call attention to a book by Brandt, entitled “America or Rome”, page 151, which reads as follows: “We are told in Deharbe’s Catechism that 'an indulgence is a remission of the temporal punishment of our sins, which the Church grants us outside the sacrament of penance’. Then follows the important question: 'Can indulgences be made use of to the souls in purgatory?’ Answer, 'Yes, all indulgences which the Pope has indicated for that purpose.’” [In Deharbe’s large Catechism, page 41, we are told: 'The souls in purgatory are assisted by our prayers, almsdeeds, the application of indulgences, and by other good works, but especially by the Holy Sacrifice of Mass.’] Quoting from page 152 “Amercia or Rome”: “Pope Leo X says, 'We have thought proper to signify to you that the Bishop of Rome is able to grant to the faithful in Christ indulgence either in this life or in purgatory-—out of the superabundant merits of Christ and his saints.’ ”

Next I quote from “Fifty Years in the Church of Rome”, by Father Chiniquy, page 242: “In one of the pleasant hours which we used invariably to pass after dinner, in the comfortable parlor of our parsonage, one of the vicars, Mr. Louis Parent, said to the Rev. Mr. Tetu: ‘I have handed this morning more than one hundred dollars to the bishop, as the ^rice of the masses which my pious penitents have requested me to celebrate, the greatest part of them for the souls in purgatory. Every week I have to do the same thing, just as each of you, and every one of the hundreds of priests in Canada have to do. Now, I would like to know how the bishops can dispose of all these masses, and what they do with the large sums of money which go into their hands from every part of the country to have masses said. This question vexes me, and I would like to know your mind' about it.’ The good curate answered in a joking manner, as usual: If the masses paid into our hands, which go to the bishop, are all celebrated, purgatory must be emptied twice a day. For I have calculated that the sums given for these masses in Canada cannot be less than $4,000 every day, and, as there are three times as. many Catholics in the U. S. as here, and as those Irish Catholics are more devoted to the souls in purgatory than the Canadians, there is no exaggeration in saying that they give as much as our people; $16,000 at least will thus be given every day in these two countries to throw cold water on the burning flames of that fiery prison.”

This seems to be a rather fruitful source of revenue, and the curate remarked that he thought with this amount he could empty purgatory twice a day.

I now read from “Our Sunday Visitor”, a Catholic publication, under date of December 5th, 1920. It reads as follows: “While the soul which goes to purgatory is sentenced for* a definite period of time, in case no living relative or friend pays part of the debt for which it is held, Almighty God can receive the prayers and good works of people on earth and by applying them to the soul in suffering, merit for it an earlier release.”

. I call especial attention to the fact that this statement is to the effect that in case no' living relative or friend pays part of the debt for which the one is held in purgatory, Almighty God can receive prayers, etc.; that is to say, it is possible for God to receive prayers without money, but according to their theory it is not proper.

I next submit the “Mt. Angel Magazine”, a Catholic weekly publication issued by the Benedictine Press, Saint Benedict, Oregon. The subscription price of this magazine is $2.00 without premium. It states: “The subscribers to the Mt. Angel Magazine are considered as benefactors of St. Benedict’s Abbey”, and furthermore that “on each day of the year a High Mass is offered for our benefactors”.                 .

Suppose the subscription list to this magazine should amount to a 100,000 at $2.00 per subseti-tion and the priest should say one mass a day for the whole number, he wrould probably get a very good income.

I now submit a Catholic Bulletin dated May 1922, which mentions a money consideration for doing certain things for the dead. It reads as follows: “KEEP VOTIVE LIGHTS BURNING DURING THE MONTH OF OUR MOTHER. The devotion of the Month of May consists in making the whole of May—the most charming month of the year—a continuous feast of thirty-one days in honor of the Queen of Heaven. It is productive of numerous graces and benedictions. All are requested to say each day the prayer of this page, and to burn lights at Our Lady’s Shrine. OFFERING FOR THIRTY-ONE DAYS: FIVE DOLLARS. Address: Rev. Bernard A. McKenna, Catholic University, Washington, D. C. Those unable to send $5.00 for month of May may send $1.00 for five days as usual. Deceased relatives and friendsmay be enrolled and share these benefits”.

I offer next “Novenas of Masses”, of the Central Association of the Miraculous Medal, St. Vincent’s Seminary, Germantovm, Phila., Pa., w’hich provides a membership fee of 25c a year or perpetual membership fee of $10.00, all for the benefit of those in purgatory. This testimony reads as follows: “Membership fee is 25c a year for each member living or dead. This entitles to the benefits above mentioned [Every month beginning on the 20th day a Novena of Masses]. . . . perpetual membership fee is $10.00. . . . The medal of the immaculate conception. Commonly called the Miraculous Medal . . . The Church has recognized it by giving it a Mass and an Office, as is the case v-ith only Uvo other objects of devotion—the Rosary and the Brown Scapular. The Church, too, has invested it with many indulgences. All who wear it suspended from the neck, after having been invested in it by a duly authorized priest, can gain an indulgence of 100 days (applicable to the souls in Purgatory) as often as' they repeat the invocation found on the medal . . . and numerous plenary indulgences on the fulfillment of the usual condition on various days of the year . . . MEMORARE LIGHTS AT OUR MIRACULOUS MEDAL SHRINE. $1.00 will keep a Memorare Light burning for your intention every day for five days. $2.00 will keep a Memorare Light burning for your intention every 'day for one novena. $5.00 will keep a Memorare Light burning for your intention every day for one month. Send offering to Rev. Joseph A. Skelly"’, etc.

Again, I call attention to a statement in “The Lamp”, a Catholic publication, which reads as follows: “SPIRITUAL ADVANTAGES ACCRUING TO. THOSE WHO RENEW THEIR SUBSCRIPTION TO THE LAMP. (1) One Hundred andFifty Masses are said yearly for the Temporal and Spiritual Benefit of all LAMP Subscribers. (2) Those who renew their subscriptions are enrolled among the Benefactors of the Society of the Atonement for whom Three Hundred and Sixty-five Masses are said by Missionary Priests every year. (3) A list will be .published in THE LAMP every month of Subscribers whose death is reported to us or of any member of their immediate family, and for the repose of their souls some Foreign Missionary Priest will be asked to say collectively a Series of Thirty Masses in honor of St. Gregory. For many centuries the Gregorian Masses have been regarded as very efficacious for the Poor Souls on whose behalf they are offered—By a gift of fifty dollars you can be enrolled as a Perpetual Member of the Union-That-Nothing-Be-Lost and become a Subscriber to THE LAMP for life. If you prefer to enroll some Deceased Relative or Friend in your own stead, so they may enjoy the Benefit of over Three Thousand Masses annually you can do so, and still yourself be entered on our books as a Life Subscriber to THE LAMP. . . . THE FRIARS OF THE ATONEMENT. Graymoor, Garrison, New York.”

It is interesting here to note some of the words of the historian Mosheim quoted in the “Apostolic Review” of January 27,1925, and in support of the case I am making out I offer the following quotation from Mosheim’s history: “Scarcely did any Christian dare to approach the throne of God, without rendering first the saints and images propitious by a solemn round of expiatory rites and lustrations. The ardour with which relics were sought almost surpasses credibility; it had seized all ranks and orders among the people, and had become a sort of fanaticism and frenzy; and, if the monks are to be believed, the Supreme Being interposed, in a special and extraordinary manner to discover, to doting old women, and bareheaded friars, the places where the bones and remains of the saints lay dispersed or interred. The fears of purgatory, of that fire which was to destroy the remaining impurities of departed souls, were now carried to the greatest height, and far exceeded the terrifying apprehension of infernal torments ; for they hoped to avoid the latter easily, by dying enriched with the prayers of the clergy, or covered with the merits and meditation of the saints, while from the pains of purgatory they thought there was no exemption. The clergy, therefore, finding these superstitious terrors admirably adapted to increase their authority and to promote their interest, used every method to augment them; and by the most pathetic discourses, accompanied with monstrous fables and fictitious miracles, they labored to establish the doctrine of purgatory, and also to make it appear that they had a mighty influence in that formidable region.”

I now call attention to the Calendar of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, which gives its address as 343 Lexington Ave., New York City, N. Y., which mentions a money consideration for the saying of masses for the benefit of the dead. “The Society for the Propagation of the Faith is the organ of the Holy See for the collection everywhere of the alms of the faithful and their distribution among all Catholic missions” — Pope Pius VI. . . . “Associates of the 'Propagation of the Faith’ may gain many indulgences, and over 15,000 MASSES are offered every year for the living and deceased members.” . . . “ORDINARY MEMBERS of 'the Society for the Propagation of the Faith’ contribute 5 cents every month. SPECIAL MEMBERS contribute $6.00 a year. PERPETUAL MEMBERS make a personal offering of $40.00.” “DECEASED PERSONS may be enrolled by their friends as members of the ‘Propagation of the Faith’ and thus be benefited by the prayers, merits and Holy Sacrifices of the Missionaries.”

I suggest that the bigger the subscription or membership, the larger the income. Since all the masses for a dozen or a hundred or 15,000 people are said by the priest -at the same time, this might be a large income for a small effort, and of course the result now is in question.

I have much more documentary evidence here but I think that these fifteen authorities which I have submitted in addition to that of Cardinal Gibbons ought to be sufficient to convince any reasonable person that my statement is fully borne out by the facts, by publications and advertisements which come from Catholic sources that cannot be questioned.

Why then do the clergymen get angry when anything is said about their saying prayers for the dead and receiving money for it? I answer, because they know that their purgatory doctrine is not supported by any scripture in the Bible and they do not wish the people to know the truth about that. When they are unable to answer' any reasonable argument which exposes their creeds in this regard, they immediately reply, “He is a liar or ignorant”; but the time has come for the people to know the truth, and such charges as these from clergymen will not satisfy the people. They have fooled the people for a long time but they cannot do it all the time. There are a great many people who are listening to me, good, honest Catholics, who know that I am stating the truth; many of them have paid the priest their good hard-earned money on the promise that the priest would say some prayers that would be beneficial to their dead friends and who the priests claim are in purgatory.

But why do the priests receive money for prayers or masses for the dead at all? If they believe that these are really suffering, why are they asking money for them if they can do them any good? If a poor fellow was in jail, even the worst criminal, and that jail was on fire and a priest could get him out, what would he do ? Do you think he would put an advertisement in the paper and say T will get that poor fellow out of the jail that is now burning and save him, if you will contribute something toward it, subscribe for my paper at a certain price or contribute so much to the collection box or send me your check for so and so.5 He would not do anything of the kind. Everybody in his community would unselfishly do all in their power to get that poor criminal out of that jail, and of course the priest would go along and help whether he got any money or not. The fact that a priest will accept money for praying one out of purgatory is conclusive proof that he does not believe that the poor unfortunate soul is in purgatory, suffering. If the priest really believed that those who have died are in a place of conscious torment and that their prayers would ge't them out, they would be praying all the time for these poor souls to be relieved. Of course, the priests will say that they are honest, and they are entitled to say that; but I submit that any honest man would not have to be paid to snatch another person out of the fire; and with stronger reasoning, surely no honest man would have to be paid money for praying another out of eternal fire, or fire that was scorching him for a long period of time.

The fact of the business is that the purgatorial doctrine is too absurd for sensible people to believe. The word purgatory does not appear anywhere in the Bible. It is purely a fiction of man and has been worked overtime for revenue. If anybody believes that the Bible teaches purgatory he ought to begin to examine the Bible and find out, and to encourage such searching of the Bible. To anyone and everyone, including the priests and the preachers, every person who will send to this station a Scriptural text stating that there is a purgatory, that any person can go there and be conscious, and that any dead one can be aided by the prayers of a priest or anyone else, I will give such a person, a new Bible. I will not be here myself to do this, but I now make arrangements with this station through its manager to put on deposit a sufficient amount of money to buy all the Bibles that will be desired, on this condition. Now let each one go to his priest and ask him to find such a text in the Bible, and send in your name and get a Bible this way. Of course if the priest supports such a doctrine and gets money for it, he would expect to find something about it in the Bible. If he cannot find purgatory in the Bible it is a flat admission that it is not there.                              :

Now I hope that everyone that is listening in gets this statement that I am about to make; particularly do I hope that the defenders of eternal torment and of purgatory, get it; it is this: No clergyman of high or national standing in the United States dares publicly to defend in debate on the public platform, the doctrine of eternal torment, purgatory or the inherent immortality of all so,uls.

If the clergymen believe these doctrines to be true, that souls are immortal and are there being eternally tortured, or tormented for any length of time in purgatory, they ought to be able to prove it to reasoning people. They cannot do it. Saying prayers for the dead, is a defamation of God’s holy name and plan. It is a denial of the Bible and a flat denial of the great ransom sacrifice of our Lord and Savior.

Is it not time that the people wake up and study the Bible themselves and do their own thinking? Religion has been commercialized long enough.

Paying for Masses

THE foregoing lecture of Judge Rutherford’s is so conclusive that further comment seems unnecessary. However, he has handed us additional data in support of his statement about the payment for masses and prayers for those in purgatory. We are by permission inserting the following which is dated April 15th, 1925, and addressed to Judge Rutherford. We omit the name of the person for protection to the person writing it, but have the original which can be produced should it become necessary. That part of the letter pertaining to the payment for masses is as follows:

“1 was a Catholic for many years and most of my family are still in the system and know what they preach. I can say that I have given many times, in the past, $1.00 for a low mass and $10.00 for a high mass for the souls in purgatory. The low masses are not noticed so much, because there are so many of them said, but the high masses are called from the altar, and the priest tells the name of the one for whom the mass is said and also the name or names of the ones that are having it said.

“I have also given many times, five cents and ten cents for candles or vigil lights. They have a stand in every Catholic church for this purpose. As a rule, this stand with the candles on it is at the foot of some statue in front of the church. As a rule, it is five cents for one candle, or twenty-five cents for six. Vigil lights are more expensive, but burn much longer, usually twelve hours.

“November first is a special day set aside by the church, called ‘ All Souls Day’. They have a collection for this special mass; and even though there might be a thousand names of dead ones sent in to mention while saying this mass, it is supposed to count as if each soul in purgatory had his or her mass said. As a rule, people gave from fifty cents up.

“Of course they tell us that we can pray for them, but there is nothing as good as masses.

“In catechism No. 3, page 308, question 1385 is as follows: ‘Can the faithful on earth help the souls in Purgatory?’ Ans. ‘The faithful on earth can help the souls in Purgatory by their prayers, fastings, and having masses said for them.’

“Mass is not said for nothing, never. No one would ever think of having a mass said unless he had money to pay for it. To hear the Sunday mass, one has to pay fifteen cents to come in. At funerals they pay from $10.00 up; it all depends on how many candles you want and whether you want the church fixed up with black bands, etc.; and $2.00 to have the grave blessed.

“As stated before, a dollar mass or low mass is not mentioned very much by the priest, but a high mass which costs $10.00 is called off from the altar on Sunday, whom it is for, and by whom it is being said. Many well-to-do people have it written in their wills that they want 'a certain sum of money given to a certain priest or certain church to have mass said for their immortal souls. We read of it in our public papers often. I wish I had clipped out some of the items. They often tell the people that they ought to be ashamed of themselves to forget their dead; that if it wasn’t for the Catholic faith keeping a day in the year to remind them of it, they would be neglecting these poor souls suffering in purgatory.

“They surely do collect a lot of money on purgatory. They didn’t use to, but now they will take money from any one, even from a Protestant, which they claimed they were not allowed to do in the past.

“When a child I was told to drop my five cents in the box and light a candle; that when a poor person sacrificed it would ease or help out these souls in purgatory a great deal more. That is why the rich usually gave more.”

Unrewarded Inventors

IT IS with sympathy for the unrewarded inventors mentioned in your article on “Inventions and Discoveries”, in The Golden Age, No. 139, that I beg to call your attention to one you have inadvertently overlooked— the real inventor of the flying machine, Captain Langley.

In the Summer of 1923, there was on exhibition in Portland Harbor a vessel for the “landing” of airplanes at sea, which had just been completed and given the name of “The Langley”.

The Editor of the Portland Evening Express took the occasion to write a very interesting editorial (which I regret not having preserved), on the significance of the fact that the inventor’s name had been honored with an appreciation which had been denied to him in life.

When Captain Langley built his airplane unheeded and unencouraged, and when he finally prepared to make his first flight in view of a crowd of spectators, by that oft-quoted irony of fate he had just risen when his machine was seized with an attack of “engine trouble”; and he was forced back to terra firma amid the laughs, jeers, and sarcasms of the entire crowd. This laugh, as the best current joke, was taken up by the press far and wide; and like the shot fired by the farmers at Lexington it was ‘'‘heard round the world”.

To the man who had labored alone, and who like Tennyson had seen “the heavens filled with commerce and all the wonders yet to be”, such disappointment is easier imagined than described. He was completely discouraged and embittered for the rest of his life, and died at about the age of seventy, just three years after the Wright Brothers had crowned his own invention with success.

Having disposed of women inventors in a rather big-brotherly manner, you will have to pardon a woman for quoting to you from “Daughters of America”, published in the early seventies, and incidentally containing an interesting fact about Mr. Whitney’s “invention” of the cotton-gin:

“Many of woman’s inventions have been patented under men’s names. The largest foundry in the city ®f Troy is run to manufacture horseshoes, one of which is turned out every three seconds. The machine which does this work was invented by a woman; but the manufacture is carried on under a man’s name and jvill be exhibited as man’s work. A Troy foundry owner

By Barbara Ltmldge

stated that the best stove he ever knew of was invented by a woman, but the patent was taken out in a man’s name.

“The invention of the cotton-gin was due to Mis. Greene, though the work was done and the patent taken out by Eli Whitney. One of the earliest mowing-machines was perfected by a lady who aided her husband in bringing that and a clover-cleaner to perfection. Another woman invented an attachment to the mowing-machine whereby the knives were thrown out of gear whenever the driver left his seat.

“The first manufacture of buttons on a large scale in this country, the Williston’s, was due to a woman, though it was run under a man’s name. The self-fastening button was a woman’s invention, also the machine for making satchel-buttoned paper bags which had been tried for by men without success.

“Woman has invented a great number of improvements in sewing-machines, elevators, lubricating felt for car wheels, volcanic furnaces for smelting ores, steamer screws, machinery for cotton factories, wood sawing machines, musical instruments, syllable type, submarine telescopes, and looms capable of doing three times the work of ordinary looms.

“Margaret Draper, of Boston, conducted the first newspaper in America. Mary Catherine Goddard printed the original Declaration of Independence. Every demonstrator of anatomy is indebted to Mme. Ducoudray for his manikin. Artificial marble is the invention of Mme. Dutillet. In 1864 Mrs. Vandern-plasse came from Flanders to England, and began the use and manufacture of starch; and behold what an industry has sprung from the neat straw bonnet of Betsy Baker, and still flatteringly imitated by men!

“William Lee made the first stocking frame about 1670, by watching his wife knit; Joshua Heilman finally got the correct idea for his combing machine for long staple cotton from watching his daughters combing their long tresses; and the Boyal Academician perpetuated the pleasing fact with his pencil.

“Mrs. Augusta M. Rogers, of Brooklyn, has in less than four years received letters-patent from our Government for a mosquito-canopy, a folding chair, a plan for heating cars without fire, and an improvement la spark-arresters to be applied to locomotives.

“Miss Mattie Knight, of Boston, invented the machine for making paper .bags, and also made all her brother’s toys. Miss Lucy Johnson in 1824 invented the seamless pillow-case; but because she did not realize the value of her invention herself, her mode of weaving was ingrafted on the power-loom, yielding a fortune to the patentees.”

All of this proves that women invented more useful things than artificial eyelashes, long before the invention of the modern flapper.

Victory over Death

[Radiocast from Watchtower WBBR on a wave length of 272.6 meters, by Judge Rutherford.]

A VICTOR is one who defeats another in battle. To gain a victory means a complete defeat of an enemy in a contest or conflict. When a complete victory is won, it is followed by much rejoicing. When the Armistice was signed in 1918, the Allies were boisterous in their happiness.

If a man is attacked by a great and hideous monster, knowing that the monster intends to kill him and will kill him unless he kills the monster, and if the man succeeds, in annihilating the monster, he rejoices greatly. When David slew Goliath, there was great rejoicing in the camp of Israel. David pictured the representatives of righteousness overthrowing the devil’s organization. These things somewhat illustrate the joy that would come to the human family if they could annihilate death.

- The'greatest and most hideous monster that has ever attacked man is death. Man has been fighting1 that enemy for more than 6,000 years; and up to this time the monster death has gained the victory. Is it possible for man ever to gain the victory over death? It is possible; and if you bear with me awhile I will tell you the divine program for gaining the victory over the monster death. This information when appreciated, should bring gladness to every heart.

Death is an Enemy

DEATH is not a friend; it is not the means by which God intended to people heaven with human beings. We are confronted with no such proposition in the Scriptures. Death came as a result of disobedience and sin, and is specifically spoken of as the penalty for sin. “The wages of sin is death.” (Romans 6: 23) In the resurrection day death itself is to be destroyed. —1 Corinthians 15: 26.

If that which is taught by the major portion of the clergy were true we would have to conclude that death is not an enemy. Their teaching on the subject, however, is not true. There is no adult on the earth today who has not had some experience with death. Some member of his family, some near relative or friend, he has seen fall under the assualt of this monster enemy. Every day in the great city of New York, and like cities, funeral processions pass in the streets, and the observers can say: that another person has fallen under the assaults of the enemy death. It is worse than useless to tell sensible people that there is no such a thing as death; for with our natural eyes we see it on every side. Men instinctively shrink from death; because everyone knows within himself that death is his mortal enemy.

Satan the Original Liar

WHY then do clergymen and others teach the people that there is no death? Why do they tell them that man is more) alive after death has taken place than before? Do they find any warrant in the Bible for such teaching? There is but one statement in the Bible to the effect that men do not die; and that statement is the first and greatest lie ever told.—Genesis 3: 4.

Previous to its utterance Jehovah had said to Adam and Eve: Tn the day that you violate my law you shall surely die.’ God had forbidden them to eat a certain fruit. It was not the fruit but the disobedience that displeased Him. Satan, in order to deceive mother Eve, told her that God was keeping her in ignorance by the threat of death. Satan said: “Ye shall not surely die.” She believed Satan, and suffered the consequences.

Jesus, referring to this instance, said concerning Satan and ’his false statement here made: “He was a murderer from the beginning.” “He is a liar and the father of it.” (John 8:44) This falsehood of Satan’s is the origin of the false doctrine of the inherent immortality of the soul.

Immortality means that which is not subject to death. He who teaches that every man has an immortal soul finds support for his teaching alone in Satan’s lie.

The soul is not something separate and distinct from man; but every man is a soul. If, then, man has an immortal soul, lie could not die at all.

Based upon this false doctrine of inherent immortality, many a preacher has stood before his congregation at a funeral and said in substance: “Our friend, whose body lies here, is not dead; but is more alive than ever, and is now with the angels singing around the throne.

Death is a mere gateway that leads to a better land.”

If that statement were true, then why should not all men be anxious to die and get away from the earth? By their actions the preachers prove that they do not believe it; because they are as anxious to hold on to life as any others on earth. Some of their poor deluded hearers, however, a 'e led into sad paths by this doctrine. Many a poor soul, sick and suffering, who has been induced to believe the false doctrine of inherent immortality, reasoning that it would be better for him to go on to the other land, has committed suicide. The devil or his allies are responsible for every suicide.

The course pursued by scientists and physicians shows that they have had little or no faith in this false doctrine. On the contrary, they have budded hospitals and have labored long and hard to discover remedies to stay the ravages of death. The chemists have done much noble work in battling against the enemy death, but in due time death has won. No man has discovered a remedy to relieve the human race from death.

But God has graciously provided for man to gain the victory over death and the grave. There is no other -way to gain the victory; and it is the will of God that in His own due time all men shall be brought to a knowledge of this great truth.

Man, as God created him, was perfect. Death came upon him because of violation of God’s law. The sentence of death is recorded in Genesis 3:17-19: “And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast, eaten of the tree of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life: thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field: in the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it Avast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.”

St. Paul puts it this way : “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.”—Romans 5:12.

“The wages of sin is death.”—Romans 6:23.

God Redeems Man from Death

NOWING the end from the beginning the Scriptures declare that it was God’s purpose from the beginning to provide for man’s redemption, and thereafter give each man an individual opportunity or trial for life; and His promise is to deliver all the obedient ones from death. To this end He made the promise: “I will ransom them from the power of the grave; I will redeem them from death: O death, I will be thy plagues; 0 grave, I will be thy destruction.”—Hosea 13:14.

It necessarily folloAvs that if this promise is to be fulfilled, man must be redeemed, and death and the grave destroyed; and this will be a blessing for man greater than all other blessings combined. This promise must be fulfilled. Advising man of the means to be employed to bring about this great benefit to him, God made the promise to Abraham to the effect: “In thy seed shall all the nations of the earth bo blessed.”— Genesis 22:18.

This Seed then must first be developed and endowed with authority to act, and must act, before the blessings could come. What constitutes the Seed through which the promised blessing is to come? St. Paul answers in Galatians 3:16 that the Seed is the Christ, Christ meaning anointed one.

Of course God knew that there would be many men in the world just like the Modernists of today who would say in substance: ‘Give us an opportunity and we will get eternal life by our own efforts.’ To this boast and for the very purpose of demonstrating the necessity of a redeemer, God selected the most stubborn, stiffnecked people on earth, viz., the Jews, and made a covenant with them, and by that covenant promised to give them life everlasting if they would keep the terms of the covenant. They could not do it. The Jews failed to get life by their own efforts. The Modernists will fail for the same reason.

The law that God gave to the Jews was not at all imperfect, but it could not give the Jews life because of the imperfection of .the Jewish nation. St. Paul puts it this way: “For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh.”—Romans 8: 3.

Jesus was made flesh , and dwelt amongst the

Jews. (John 1:14) For what purpose ? He was born under the Law Covenant as a Jew, and kept that Law perfectly, because he was a perfect man; and thus He demonstrated that no one but a perfect man can keep the Law unaided.

As ai perfect man Jesus gave His life a ransom for man, agreeable to the promise that God had made. By this means He provided the price to relieve man from legal disability resulting from the judgment against Adam; and in due time He will grant life everlasting to all who will be -willingly obedient to him. Aside therefrom, all men must ultimately perish. (John 3: 16) Jesus came to give His life a ransom, or purchase price; and that He did.

The death of Jesus upon the cross was a sacrifice. He died that men might have a chance to live. What is the philosophy of this? I answer: A perfect man, Adam, had sinned and thereby forfeited his right to life. The death of that perfect man was the result of the proper enforcement of the law’s demands for his wrongdoing. The perfect man Jesus in substance said: T will give my life in death that Adam may be released from the judgment and also all of his offspring from the effects thereof.’ This He did. Because of His faithful obedience unto death, God raised Him out of death.

God raised Christ Jesus up out of death. He was put to death in the flesh and raised a lifegiving spirit. (1 Peter 3:18) He was the first one ever raised completely out of death. (1 Corinthians 15:20) After He was raised from the dead Jesus said to His disciples: “All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.” (Matthew 28:18) Did this include the power over death? Lest there might be some doubt in the minds of some, Jesus said: “I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.”—Revelation 1:18.

Jesus was the first one that got the victory over death, and this victory He obtained by reason of the power of Jehovah exercised in His behalf, and because of His obedience. In Acts 2: 24 we read: “Whom. God hath raised up, having loosed the pains of death: because it was not possible that he should be holden of it.”

Then into the hands of Jesus, God committed all power to destroy death and the grave and to grant life to mankind; and through Him alone can victory over death be obtained.

Body Members o'Christ

URING the Gospel Age, that is, from the time of Pentecost until the Lord’s kingdom, the Lord has caused the Gospel to be preached that those who have a desire and disposition to hear and obey might do so. God has made no attempt during that period to save the world from death. The efforts put forth by men to convert the world have been futile because it was not God’s due time. "What the Lord has been doing in that period is to select the members of the Body of Christ, which is the Church. (Colos-sians 1:18) These are the anointed ones. These first fully consecrate themselves to do the will of God, and then faithfully do that will. They are begotten and anointed by Jehovah with His holy spirit. . To these God promises to grant eternal life and immortality. The Christian is told to “seek for glory and honor and immortality, eternal life.” (Romans 2:7) Surely if a man had a thing, he would not be seeking it. Again we read: “This mortal must put on immortality.”—1 Corinthians 15: 53.

A man cannot put on his boots if he already has them on. It is senseless to talk about a man being inherently immortal when all the Scriptures show that immortality is granted as a reward only to a faithful few. These faithful ones, as followers of Christ Jesus, partake in the first or chief resurrection, and thereafter reign with Christ, as stated in Revelation 20:6: “Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.”

These are they who will inherit heaven, and they are small in number. They are changed from human to spirit beings. Thus does St. Paul put it in 1 Corinthians 15: 50-55 : “Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption. Behold, I show you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, hut we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall

508 be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. 0 death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?”

These, together with Christ Jesus, constitute the Seed of Abraham according to the promise through which the blessings flow to all mankind.

Teachers for Mankind

UBING the reign of Christ the people shall be taught by Christ, through His representatives on earth. Christ Jesus the Head, and the Church the members of His Body, constituting the faithful overcomers; these the Lord designated by the prophet as His servant in Isaiah 42:1, 6, 7, which reads: “Behold my servant, whom I uphold, mine elect, in whom my soul delighteth; I have put my spirit upon him; he shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles. ... I the Lord have called thee in righteousness, and will hold thine hand, and will keep thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people, for a light of the Gentiles; to open the blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners from the prison, and them that sit in darkness out of the prison house.”

Thus it will be seen that the people must he brought to a knowledge of the truth, and the eyes of their understanding opened, so that they may hear and obey the Lord and accept the gift of life eternal. God’s great gift to man is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.—Rom. 6: 23.

The Gospel Age lias been the acceptable time and the day of salvation for the faithful Christians; and when the Lord Jesus has taken to himself all His faithful ones, these will have, through Him, gained the victory. Then in the language of St. Paul they can truly say: “But thanks be unto God, which givctli us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”—1 Cor. 15: 57.

To them Jehovah through His prophet Isaiah says: “Thus saith the Lord, In an acceptable time have I heard thee, and in a day of salvation have I helped thee: and I will preserve thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people, to establish the earth, to cause to inherit the desolate heritages; that thou mayest say to the prisoners, Go forth; to them that are in darkness, Show yourselves. They shall feed in the ways, and their pastures shall be in all high places.” >—Isaiah 49: 8, 9.

The Lord’s kingdom in full operation, the Lord will make for the people a great feast. It will be a feast of knowledge of His wonderful Word and plan. It will be a feast upon things that will please them in body and please them in mind. He will remove darkness and superstition and the false doctrines. He will bring to the obedient ones health and happiness. He 'will destroy forever the ’wilfully wicked.

The Prophet describes this time in these words: “And in. this mountain [kingdom] shall the Lord of hosts make unto all people a feast of fat things, a feast of wines on the lees, of fat things full of marrow, of wines on the lees well refined. And he will destroy in this mountain [kingdom] the face of the covering cast over all people, and the vail that is spread over all nations. He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord God will wipe away tears from off all faces; and the rebuke of his people shall he take away from off all the earth: for the Lord hath spoken it. And it shall be said in that day, Lo, this is our God; wrn have waited for him, and he will save us: this is the Lord; w^ have waited for him, we will be glad and rejoice in his salv ation.”—Isaiah 25: 6-9.

Clergymen are Wrong

OU will observe that the doctrine of inherent immortality denies the merit of the great ransom sacrifice; because if a man is inherently immortal, he could not be redeemed from death.

The doctrine of inherent immortality denies the resurrection of the dead; because if a man is immortal he cannot die, and you cannot resurrect a creature that is not dead.

The doctrine of the Modernists that man by his own efforts through the process of evolution can gain eternal life, denies the great ransom sacrifice, denies the fall of man, and denies the resurrection.                     •

The Fundamentalists hold to the doctrine of inherent immortality, teach that there is no death, claim to believe the Bible, and at the same time deny it and are guided by what Jesus terms Satan’s great lie.

The Modernists deny the Bible, the great means that leads to life through Christ Jesus.

The apostle Peter, speaking with authority and under inspiration of the holy spirit, said: “This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner. Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given

among men, whereby we must be saved.”—■ 'Acts 4:11,12.

The great monster death has been warring against the human family for centuries past. Christ Jesus, having gained the victory over death and the grave, and having brought His Church through the battle and gained for them the victory, shall grant the opportunity to the whole human family to accept the terms of salvation provided in the New Covenant, and through Him the world shall gain the victory.

In beautiful poetic language the Revelator says: “Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.”—Revelation 22:14.

In 1 Corinthians, 15th chapter, the apostle Paul gives an unanswerable argument in favor of the resurrection of the dead through Christ. He then points out that Christ’s reign will give an opportunity for all, both the dead and the living, to have a trial for life. He then adds these words: “For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.”—1 Corinthians 15:25, 26.

We are standing today at the very portals of the age of blessing. The Lord is here. He is gathering the last members of His Body. Soon the evil powers restrained. The evil and false doctrines shall be no more taught. Soon the knowledge of the Lord will begin to fill the earth; and as the people come to a knowledge of the truth and render themselves in obedience thereto, they will gradually walk up the highway of holiness back to health and happiness and life. When standing at the end of the Millennial Age, when the Lord has put down every enemy of mankind, when He has destroyed death and the grave, and restored all the obedient ones to health and life, then all men can truly say: “Death is swallowed up in victory.’1

The Hopes of Evolutionists By Leonard, Tucker

T SEE by the press that Mr. W. J. Bryan has joined the science club in order that he may keep in touch with evolution. The evolutionists seem to think that, since Mr. Bryan is consenting to meet them on their own dunghill, he will be converted to their mode of thinking. Maybe they are right; but I thoroughly hope that Mr. Bryan is too much of an intellectual to defer to the non-intellectuals.

If Mr. Bryan will follow God’s instructions in order, there is no chance that he will be converted to the roundabout way 'which is alleged to reach heaven. To illustrate, I met a drummer who inquired the way to a certain lumber mill. I directed: “Follow this street to Morris Avenue; take it through to the railroad track; and turning to the left, you can see the mill.” Going in the same direction, I saw him come to Morris Avenue, critically examine the street marker, which was plainly readable from a distance, hesitate, and then deliberately march on in the direction of wrong choice. His judgment led him in the wrong direction because he had failed to receive my instructions; and he failed because he had not properly divided my three plain statements. He did not follow my directions.

If any of us expect to ever “go to heaven” we must first correctly divide God’s Word of Truth and then diligently follow His instructions step by step. Many times we may not understand the why and the ■wherefore of His directions; but we must have implicit confidence in His ability to guide us. God’s plan is progressive, and advances step by step. Man may become impatient and seek a quicker way; but God waits for the due time to inaugurate each turning-point in His plan.

•Who could have foreseen that evolution would invade the nominal church! But it has. This fact may seem strange to uninformed persons; but those who are familiar with God’s plan are not surprised. Jehovah God has told us that the dogs (infidels—evolutionists) should lick Jezebel’s blood (absorb the spirit of antichrist). Truly the evolutionists gain as the nominal church declines.

The theory of spontaneous generation in evolution denies the Creator absolutely; while Darwinism admits the great First Cause, and then follows up by eliminating the Creator as an unnecessary encumbrance. What is their hope of a future life?

Radio Programs

The Golden Age takes pleasure in advising its readers of radio programs which carry something of the kingdom message—a message that is comforting and bringing cheer to thousands. The programs include sacred music, vocal and instrumental, which is away above the average, and is proving a real treat to those who are hungering for the spiritual. Our readers may invite their neighbors to hear these programs and thus enjoy them together. It is suggested that the local papers be asked to print notices of these programs.

W B B R, Staten Island, New York City (official address: Watchtower W BBR, 124 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, New York), 272.6 meters.


10:00 Watchtower Orchestra.

10:20 Fred Franz, tenor.

10:80 Bible Lecture, H. H. Riemer:

“Why has God Given Us a Bible so Difficult to


11 : 00 Fred Twaroschk, tenor,

11 : 10 Watchtower Orchestra.


9: 00 I. B. S. A. Choral Singers.

9:10 Instrumental Trio: Theodore Pfannebecker, Howard Griggs and Gustave Rehn.

9: 20 I. B. S. A. Vocal- Quartette.

  • 9: 30 Bible Lecture, H. H. Riemer:

“Was Jesus God?”

  • 10: 00 I. B. S. A. Choral Singers.

10:10 Instrumental Trio.

10:20 I. B. S. A. Choral Singers.


8: 00 Irene Kleinpeter, soprano.

8:10 Dulcet Solos, Charles Kenny.

8: 20 Vocal Duets: Irene Kleinpeter and Fred Twaroschk.

8: 30 Bible Lecture, C. E. Stewart:

“Life on Earth in Happiness,”

8: 50 Vocal Duets: Irene Kleinpeter and Fred Twaroschk.


8: 00 Frank Wood, flutist.

8:10 Vocal Selections.

8:20 International Sunday ■-.'hool Lesson for May 17th, S. M. Van Sipma.

8: 40 Vocal Selections.

8: 50 Frank Wood, flutist.


8 : 00 Violin Solos, Carl Park.

  • 8: 10 L. Marion Brown, soprano.

8:15 Bible Questions and Answers.

8:45 L. Marion Brown, soprano.

8:55 Violin Solos, Carl Park.


  • 10: 00 Watchtower Orchestra.

10:20 L. Marion Brown, soprano.

10:30 Bible Lecture, E. J. Coward:

. “Why Can Not Man Save Himself?”

  • 11: 00 L. Marion Brown, soprano.

11:10 Watch tower Orchestra.


  • 9: 00 I. B. S. A. Choral Singers.

9:10 Watchtower String Quartette: George Twaroschk, Carl Park, Roger Knight and Martin Hartman.

9:20 I. B. S. A. Choral Singers

  • 9: 30 Bible Lecture, E. J. Coward

“What is the New Jerusalem from Heaven?”

10:00 I. B. S. A. Choral Singers

10:10 Watchtower String Quartette.

10:20 I. B. S. A. Choral Singers.


8:00 Syrian Oriental Music: Toufic Moubaid and Elizabeth Awad.

8:10 Vocal Selections.

8:20 World News Digest

8:40 Vocal Selections.

8:50 Syrian Oriental Music.


8: 00 Hawaiian Quintette: Eric Howlett. Roger Knight, Albert Koons, Harry Pinnock and Donald Haslett.

8: 10 Vocal Selections.

8:20 International Sunday School Lesson for May 24th, S. M. Van Sipma.

8:40 Vocal Selections.

8: 50 Hawaiian Quintette.


8:00 Dr. Hans Haag, violinist,

8:10 Fred Twaroschk. tenor.

8: 45 Dr Hans Haag.

“We aim to do good in the ‘after while’.

What good have we done today?

We would bring to each lonely one a smile.

But what have we brought today?

We would give to Truth a greater worth;

And to steadfast Faith a grander birth, And bless the fallen ones of earth.

But what have we done today ?

“We will be so kind—‘when we’re over there.’ How kind have we been today?

Our dear Lord’s likeness we there shall wear.

But whose have we worn today?

We will share His joy and His glory,too;

Rejoice and praise Him the whole day through, And do all the Father would have us do.

But what are we doing today?

“Overcome, we must, to with Him share.

Have we overcome aught today?

"We will serve His dear ones with tender care— Have we served them so today?

Gentle and loving and kind as a dove,

Manifesting the heavenly love, Showing the spirit from above.

But how have we done today?

“We’ll sympathize fully with others then. But how are we doing today?

We’ll think e’er we speak, and not condemn. But what are we doing today?

We wish to prove worthy of ‘the call’.

And help all mankind up from ‘the fall’

That the glory of God may be known to all,—• Are we practising this today?”


SWith issue Number 60 we began running Judge Rutherford’s new book, ff | 0 “The Harp of God”, with accompanying questions, taking the place of both Advanced and Juvenile Bible Studies which have been hitherto published.

402 When that time should arrive, what was to be expected? Jehovah answers: “Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.” (Daniel 12:4) From and shortly after 1799, the date of the beginning of “the time of the end,” we should expect to find an increase of knowledge, particularly with reference to the Bible. Prior to that time the people had been kept in ignorance of the Bible. It was the practice of the Papacy to forbid any one aside from the clergy class to have access to the Bible; in fact, it was made a crime under the Roman law, subjecting the offender to heavy penalties for having in possession a copy of the Bible. In 1799 the beastly power of Rome, predominated by the Papal system, received a deadly wound. The people had been taught to believe in the divine right of kings to rule and the divine right of the clergy to dominate the conscience of the people. When Napoleon took the Pope a prisoner and carried him away to France, and when later he refused to permit the Pope to crown him as king, but put the crown on himself and treated the Papal claimed authority with contempt, this began to open the eyes of the peoples of earth, kings as well as people, to the fact that Papacy did not possess the divine right it claimed.

403A short time thereafter the first Bible societies that ever existed were organized. The British and Foreign Bible Society was established in 1803; the New York Bible Society in 1804; the Berlin-Prussian Bible Society in 1805; the Philadelphia Bible Society in 1808; and the American Bible Society in 1817. The Bible was translated and published in many different languages and sold at such low prices that the poor could have access to it, and within a short time millions of Bibles were in the hands of the people. The Papal system denounced these Bible societies as “pestiferous Bible societies”. The time had come, however, for an increase of knowledge; and the Lord was fulfilling His promise by putting it within the reach of those who were hungry for truth. The people began to learn that God is no respecter of persons; that kings and popes, priests and the common people alike must all render their account to the Lord and not to man.

404From that time forward there has been a great corresponding increase of knowledge in all the sciences; and, in fact, in all lines of learning. The common school, always opposed by the Papacy, has afforded a means of general education and increase of knowledge for people in all walks of life. Colleges and universities have sprung up throughout the world. With the increase of knowledge on various lines have come the numerous inventions that man now has, time- and labor-saving machines, etc.

405Before 1799 the means of transportation were such that a man could travel only a short distance in a day. He must go either by a vehicle drawn by horses or oxen, or afoot; and when he would cross the sea he must go in a sailboat that made little progress. In 1831 the first locomotive steam engine was invented. Such wonderful progress'has been made in this regard that now one can travel through almost any part of the earth at a rapid rate upon a railway train. Later came the electric engines and electric motor cars and gas engines; and now there is a tremendous amount of travel in every part of the earth. It is no uncommon thing for one to travel at the rate of seventy-five and one hundred miles per hour; and particularly is this true by means of a flying machine, which is a very modern invention.


For what did He tell Daniel to look as evidence of the “time of the end”? U 402.

What penalties were attached to common people for having a Bible in possession? 402.

What historical event occurred to open the minds of the people to the truth concerning these doctrines ? I 402.

State when and how soon after 1799, the beginning of the “time of the end,” the great Bible societies were organized, 403.

Did the Papal system gladly participate in distributing the Bible amongst the people? 403.

Relate something concerning the increase of knowledge generally since 1800 A. D. fl 404.

Prior to 1799, what was the, means of travel through the countries? 405.



International Bible Students Association,.

Brooklyn, N. Y.

Gentlemen :

Ten cents is enclosed for wltieli send me a copy of COMFORT FOR THE PEOPLE.

A booklet of 64 pages, attractively bound in photoen-gravure Fabrikoid cover stock, embossed in three colors. Discussing the problems of our day the reading considers the following topics:

Why is the Outlook for the World so Dark ?

Why are Clergymen Scoffers ?

Why are the Nations so Desperately Preparing for War ?

Why the Agitation Amongst the Jews Concerning the Rebuilding of Palestiue ?

Can the World be Stabilized ?

What is Meant by the Kingdom of Heaven ?

What blessings May the People Expect to Come from this Kingdom I

The booklet is now available and will be forwarded by return mail.