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Unless stated otherwise, content is © 1927 International Bible Students Association

age Golden Age

Vehasss® VIII

Brossklysi, N. Y., W®«iaesdaj'f Msfeh 1S27


America’s Greatest lachistry

IT WOULD hardly be necessary to tell any one who lives in America that the greatest in-dxxotiy of this country is the automobile industry. The evidences of it. are on every hand. It seems a good time to take a glance at. this subject.

In 1741 Solomon de Coste of Normandy wrote a book, in which he endeavored to show that it would be possible to propel carriages bv steam power. Me thus backed up the prognostications ©f the mediaeval monk, Boger Bacon, who foresaw a time coming when “we shall be able to propel carriages with incredible speed, without the assistance of any animal.”

But de Coste lived in an evil time; and because Cardinal Richelieu had never seen an automobile, and did not think such a device was possible, and perhaps did not think that it was desirable, he used his gentle influence with the authorities and had poor de Coste put. into a madhouse.

But others in France, in a later day, took up de Coste’s idea; and there is now, at Le Mans, France, in the magnificent stable on the estate of Marquis de Broc, a steam-propelled stage mid bmlt in J 878 at enormous expense, which made long trips at a speed of about 28 miles ei hour. Tue coach had a powerful engine in f ■■out and chimney in the roar. The Marquis dis-« litinuU infiiie it because it frightened the n ylrioTri horses.

k wsm wd riirilar vehicle, hot less -is.-r> tve, was bu’I by A. J. Reese, Augusta, Ky., in ’58 and v. a- the fit st steam-driven con-triv, to travel Kentucky highways, long preceding steam threshers. Another relatively old automobile, built in 1891, was until recently in active use jn t ’rance and was exhibited in Paris in 1921, atom ingmuch interest. The patriarchal ©Id bus has iron rim wheels and an engine hidden below the body of the car. Its motor is even now as good as ever.


America entered the automobile field late in the day. One of the patriarchs in this country is Elwood Haynes, whose first ear was tried out on July 4th, 1894. On that date Mr. Haynes, then living at Kokomo, Ind., had his auto drawn by a horse three miles out on a level road. He then took a brave chance, unhitched the horse, and same tearing in over those miles in twenty-six minutes, or at the rate of seven miles an hour!

A year before Haynes made his trial trip at Kokomo, French racing machines had made fifty miles an hour on the old Guttenberg, N. J. race track, at the Three Counties Fair, in 1893. Two years later, at the Times-Heradd Contest at Englewood, Chicago, the best speed made by any American machine was seven miles an hour. This was November 28,1895.

When Mr. Haynes came to Chicago to participate in the Times-IIeratd Contest, he had proceeded not more than six or eight blocks down. Michigan Avenue when a policeman insisted that he leave the boulevard at once and continue his journey by a back street. Auto™ mobiles were in disfavor.

America finally stepped on the gas in 19011902. In the fall of the latter year the Automobile Club of America entered seventy-five starters in a race from New York to Boston and return. The speed limit was fixed at 14 miles an hour. All but seven of the starters finished the trip. Th-re are Fords now in use that are over 20 yews old--and they look it

Importance ©/ the Automobile

IN THE whole world there are now about 24g 600.000 operative automobiles, and over 20,000,000 of these are in the United States. Oneeighth of the total number are motor trucks. More than 3,200.000 persons are employed in motor vehicle and allied lines.

The automobile bill of the American people is in excess of $14,000,000,000 a year. Of this amount 26% geos for mCuT‘ eod releaseries, 18% for depreciation, 14% for upkeep and repairs. 11% for driver^’ wagto. 8% ici gasoline, €% for garage service. 5% for rires 5% for taxes, 4% for interest 0” ir-v Miami and the balance equally divided Mmn insurance and lub 'ieation.

Ninety percent of all phu sennv im the cuto-muhile in profession?! service. Ai least a rraJ-bon persons have i o other w^y of getting fo and from their homes. Lor year's fro oankers ic’d eve!jbody that xlv ancr’GL** v-a* an t-rtiavsw ganee and would ru>» tne 3mrffry, Ite today Amorita could not Jc *te ’* ~fr'S« J ° *s d"%g


xi. e’l >quent, ferev il In vuvo tve ?Ia '> rise-Ipf'j                rite ter

»>< u. ‘guagc                    i»e_ t 'i ’onrir^fiiiie,

bit.। ‘Lug yev-v of +re a to t^'c *ia vawsll; dsL oyed dvtsuco; wb h '~fs loaco it tip for m>a to c< a thousand the ■ -•! -ss i.^er jo u e in the

which. las st mi ated v d <ns to sL'dy the ue-c> anics oi the auto ru th as iv.« on gxte'jftilv to eLor iMihanioal pur'ints; vk % des ham«_c<’ ■% lone-fines* of country life and opened up tv the farmer and Ms fairily conveniences ana advantages for doing business vlv’ch be never knew lefare; which has caved thousands of Uvea by the fact tl at ICO.uCO Lw-ci- who ose auto-h obiles can cover the nteance to the bed of ^ckness m a few mlmiles as compared with hours m ire past. . . .

If heaven "had de-M to confer upon mankind wire one great, outstanding Mesdiig for the advancement of Js material interest, for the broadening of human life, for the power to quicken men’s thoughts, giving them facilities to cover distances impossible in the pa«t, to have opened up new avenues of trade and travel, new sources of boundless pleasure, .t is scarcely conceivable that even. heaven could have devised a scheme mors superbly planned for the bereft- of mankind, other than that of eternal salvation itself, thgr? the blessing beetoved by the automobile.

The automobile is properly accredited with* the enormous roadbwldiug program new ‘a progress, calling for the expenditure of $1 (XX),-000,000 a year, to say nothing of the -remei’JvCb upbuilding of all suburban comnmn Les.

It has reduced the expenses of irr v.dir g cab s-wm It has become w o-Ftee most important exported coirmodM^s. It ettp’rs ere person in seven of the popuM’CJ. I# i«* a 5raa+ed that the country ityelF ro-’M ateote Lroo tndlion a rs per year more -1 v. Ite 4',-ven mih on now bought The averag' cot Gt < wfrg pi d operating a ear is $700 a year.

States registering ever a million cars a year are, New York, Cabfcr-ma, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois, Michigan; over half a million, Texas, Massachusetts, Indiana, Iowa. Missouri, Wisconsin, New Jersey, Minnesota; over a quarter million, Kansas, Oklahoma, North Carolina, Florida, Washington, Nebraska, Virginia, Kentucky, Connecticut; over 100,000, Tennessee, Georgia, Colorado, Maryland, Oregon, West Virginia, Louisiana, Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, South Carolina. South Dakota, North Dakota, Maine. Di«+ri',+ of Columbia. Rhode I«Iaad; over 50,000, Montana, Utah, Idaho, New Hampshire, Vcrmorri Ariwa; over 20,000, New Mexico, IVyoming, Delaware, Nevada.

The largest per capita automobile owner-Lip i claimed tor the little island of Martha s \ me-yard, 20 miles long by 5 iteles wide, where there is a machine to every 3.77 persons. The rcH-dont population of the inland is 4,720.

Influence upon liailro&Js

TIE sudden expansion of the automobile into the largest transportation unit of the coun

try has ox course greatly affected the railways. The automotive freight shipped over the railroads of the United Stares last year amounted to 3.040,000 carloads, a very great factor in IM railroad traffic of the country.                   ■•

But it necessarily follow that a very Jarga part of those 3,040,000 carloads will cut into the future freight loadings of at least some of tha railroads of the country. Every one of those cars will carry either freight or passengers, and that is the business and the only business raite roads have.

Every now and then reports come in that thia* or that branch line of some railroad has beeB abandoned, and many more will have to go. TW short line railroad is a bad investment, except under unusual conditions. Thft motor bus aW the motor truck can do all its work and giw tetter service for less money. Not ar® the rail»> roads always treated fairly.                    ’

The Boston and Mte'ne Railroad Company has pointed out that while it was compelled to pay $152,000 in local raxes from Greenfield to Springfield, inclusive, much of which went ifttft ♦he ccnsuractjon and maintenance of highway^ practically aU of its passenger business wa»7 taken away by bus companies which, paid mA- ‘ irg for the use of the toghways thus provided.

The only section of the country where the railroads admit having been benefited by the automobile is in the so-called Black Belt of Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana. -The railroads in this area are far apart, and there are not many first-class highways. In this area the automobile has become a feeder of rail’ road traffic instead of a competitor.

Enthusiasts of the auto affect to believe that in time it may displace the railroad altogether, but we think the railroads are here to stay. Th© economy and efficiency with which railroads can haul immense loads at- high speed seems to give them a permanent place in human plans. >

But it is pointed out that while a railway locomotive is hardly safe at a higher speed than 65 miles per hour, yet a racing automobile on a broad firm road can make 90 or 100 miles an hour, and has been known to ran 1,000 mile® .without a stop.                                   !

Estimates are that motor vehicles take $200,1 ©00,000 more annually out of the public than the gross earnings of all the railway lines in the ©ountry. The competition is increasing all the time, with air transportation looming up not far, ahead.                                           1

''Automobile® in New York

NEW YORK is not like many other great cities where the traffic can spread out. The island of Manhattan is long and narrow, which makes an ugly traffic problem to handle, but it is sur-, prising to see how well it is handled. Traffic moves rapidly and in great volume.          *

Automobiles and tracks work much damage' to city property in a year. In Central Park alone about four cast iron lamp posts are mowed down every week, with more in winter than in summer. The smashing of sidewalk corners, due to turning the4eomers too sharply, is a common occurrence.

Th® speed law of New York City is 30 miles, bo fine; 31 miles, $31, with $1 extra for each additional mil®. For second offenders a fine of $50 and two days in jail; for third offenders, $100 fine and five days in jail, plus revocation of license.

Parking is a problem in every city, and increasingly. It is specially difficult in New York. !A change in parking regulations has been known to ruin a restaurant, which could not aecommo-ftate itself to the resultant loss of patrons.

It is estimated that 75% of the tracking business of New York City is in the hands of the United States Tracking Corporation, which is an amalgamation of twenty-seven or more smaller concerns.

Many a narrow-minded pinhead who would not have an ex-convict in his employ, in office or factory, confidently entrusts himself and all his valuables to these same poor fellows, who must work at something, and who have found that they can make an honest living by driving a track or a taxi.

And it is not so easy, either. Sometimes a taxicab driver will lose two hours waiting for a , passenger. He must be of sound physique, with ‘ good eyes, without epilepsy, vertigo or heart trouble, dean in dress and person and not addicted to intoxicants. The taxi rates are low to New York City—15^ or 20$ for the first onefourth mile, and Rt for each additional onefourth mile.

Automobiles in. Other L^nds

THEBE are over half a million automobiles in

Great Britain, a like number in Canada, and a slightly less number in France. Germany, Australia and Argentina each have over 100,000. Italy, Belgium, Spain and India each have 50,000 or more; while New Zealand, British South Africa, Sweden, Dutch East Indies, Brazil, Mexico and Cuba each have 30,000 or more.

, The United States has one automobile for every six persons, Hawaii one for every eleven, Canada one for every thirteen. At last reports Afghanistan had one ear, the kingdom, of the Hedjaz had four cars all told, and in China there was one car for every 31,871 persons.

In 1907 an Italian drove his motor car from Peking to Paris, a distance of 10,000 miles, without a mishap. The trip was mad® via the Gobi desert, Moscow and Berlin, and consumed eight weeks. One of the most elaborate ImUet-yroof ears ever made is owned by the governor-general of Manchuria.

Spain imported 14,000 ears last year and is now expecting to make her own, or at least soma of them. Britain and Japan prefer small rara.

There are many motorcycles in England, soma of them of a type never seen in America. Henry Ford has opened a branch, factory st

Chester, England? with the expectation of doing |iBtsHSs there shortly; • |fl|<s- . Bi Until recently it was against the law to

Operate a inetc-r vehicle in Bewnufia. In '?&-salera the government requires that toto be •used on automobiles in place of horns. The speed limit of Nazareth is fixed at ten miles per hour.

Writing of the difficulties of taxieab drivers In London the Manchester Owsrdte® says:

A young man. who haa just succeeded, arte? aiany aiterapts, A passing the Kxsmimtioa for a iicenaa to drive a taxi-cab, has given roe his views about the great-»ess of .                                                       '

test questions embrace die whole of the Metropolitan -’frit              '                       *         * v 4 -   >        .

ef learning, and less than SOfg of those who take the knowledge test ever manage to survive to the end.

Comes of Airtowtsbile Accidents

THE causes of automobile accidents are being -1 examined, critically at this time. Most of the accidents are the fault of the drivers of the cars. When drivers go out without knowing whether or not brakes and steering gear are in good order, whether or not there are any loose nuts, whether or not there is plenty of gasoline, oil and water in the ear, and whether or not there are proper tools and spare inner tubes on hand, trouble may be confidently expected sooner or later.                                .                          .

Headlight glare is a cause of many accidents. The General Electric Company is trying to perfect a system of lighting country roads which may make the use of headlights less necessary than at present. But how a driver can be presented from using bright headlights when he should use dim ones is a puzzle yet unsolved. A. late device illuminates the front hubs of cars, so as to indicate the extreme width, and in a measure offset the effect of headlight glare.

Drivers gel too self-eonfident. They increase Meir speeds beyond either necessity or reason, gad when, something goes wrong they find the car is out of control. Experienced drivers occasionally go to Bleep at the wheel, especially cm long, straight, level stretches of read. It is ri aimed that only one out of four drivers approaches grade crossings 'with sufficient cam to insure safety. .....m; ■.

Hr. • .rm pla.-^c mififoci" sign.- m ernrrifiumy f "Mto of w '‘fond on fwum ‘ ■ bed g pto d ~f

e.rcwrms in mfo a vrv rw to h’do foe view of 1 th“ crossing jtsrifi or .ma curve in such a way ps to hide the continuation of the road, and the &pp. much of coming cars.           piri|||||||||

Some intersections are so situated with refer-enee to important highways t’mt ftoy have to -e&rry sore travel than is safe, w ti.n five corners at L~r x, I ; . 'r a dri r -ri to.t 40,000 autorm., wmy ricrircz..’ h*.li« ' day. A test at midday shotted. ‘ 0 < am s- ; ’~u< m ; from 12.10 to 1.10 p. m.                       ‘

'Accidents to Pedestrians and Others ......

"fT IS r. * _       .         '               '. w. uai

*3' "            . ' •         . " ' I a _ ; „

less the driver is there also. Emergency brat-:,: sometimes release themselves. This happened near New 'fork, and a 'woman and child barely escaped death because the woman instead of.....

knowing how to - - - T y' < f - -how to use her lungs.

- .        ,,       t . - p > -Z.n m- , _ ,           .

2,150 persons were struck by autos elm mrt? crossing streets at other than regular crossings. This resulted in the Botary Club of that city putting on an intensive campaign to -teach rite ■ ■ people three words, "Cross at Crossings.”.....• • • ••<■

In New York City, over a period of four years, 1,772 pedestrians were killed by privately owned cars, 942 more by motor trucks and 112 by taxicab drivers. In nearly all of these instances the drivers were going too fast, though the pedestrians were at fault, too. It has been suggested that all pedestrians on dark reads' should arm themselves with lanterns, so that the drivers can see them.

As a matter of fact there are myriads of peapie driving ears who lack the perfect eoordina-tioa of mind and muscle which is necessary fcz the proper operation of such a vehicle.

Shefeto Trjfinff fo Frotert Itself

SOCIETY is trying to protect itself agamsV, the loss and maiming of so v m > ' ‘

bera. Signs forewarn of steep grades r bril curves or bridges. O’ a’?ro. - a . write-’ washed. In one instance a human 1 rr "

les was sent .about the highways with ».vroo^gg leg and a handful "" M' " *    ' to to

moWists if they would like to yr re ago.

•The New York cord to to- foil to’ ing ten, commandments for greater road safety •

(1) Always remember you are an engineer, fully responsible. (2) Always test your brakes when starting, and have them inspected frequently. (3) Never pass a street ear when it is stopping, or, if the law permits, proee,'d very slowly past it at the legal distance. (4) Exercise especial care in crossing in front of & street ear or in passing it. as you cannot tell what may be coming on the other side. (5) Always signal with hand when slowing down, turning or stopping, even though you have an automatic or mechanical warning device. (6) Look before you back, and sound the born three times. (7) Try to drive with using the horn as little as possible. A sudden noise may stop pedestrians in their tracks rather than warn them. (8) Do not cxmnt too much on the common, sense of the other fellow. No one is 100 percent alert all the tune. (9) Drive slowly in streets where children are playing. Remember your own ehihlhood, (10) Cross crossings cautiously Warning bells may be out of order, watchmen or gate oper-ato-s may be off duty. Trains cannot stop as quickly as you can. Shift into second to avoid stalling on tracks,

The courts do what they can to protect society also. Fines, jail sentences, the impounding of machines, and the bringing of crippled victims face to face with those that have maimed them, have all been used. In New York a child who lost both arms by a truck running up on the sidewalk was awarded $60,000. But even $60,-000 for the loss of both arms is nothing. Who would be willing to lose one aim. for that sum, to say nothing of both?

Automobile Fatalities

ITH over 20,000 automobile fatalities a year., or about one per year for each 1,000

u»adtines m operation, the consideration of automobile fatalities is an unpleasant task. The total nuumte killed by aiwomubiLs in the United States jr. W’"J was 22,500. The number of fa£alit’ss in 5926 was slightly loss than in 1925. "Ls improvement is 'raced to tbr greater caie fui’roi dAw voder 15 years of age. due to ,-di s. at on j the .cJLooJs.

The steaJj.y inci^asing deata <-ate for several years was due to the greatly increased use of automobiles owir the year previous. In 1917 there were only a fourth oi the autos on the streets of America that there were m 1925. It stands to reason that four times as many ears would make some increase in the fatalities.

In St. Louis a monument has been erected to automobile-killed children. It bears the inscription, "In memory of child life, sacrificed on the altar of uaste and lecklessness.”

Does Siotwinff Breed Rudenew^

THERE is a general impression among many that motoring breeds rudeness, that there is not the fellow feeling for those in trouble that once prevailed among those who used the highways. There is no question but that the ownership of an automobile generates in certain types of minds a. feeling of power, selfishness, and disregard of the rights of others which engenders like feelings on the part of those who have been mistreated. When one has been treated with discourtesy by another, or by several, the tendency is. to pass it on.

Hogging the road, hogging the parking spaces, refusing to help fellow autoists in trouble, and thanklessness or worse toward those who do go out of their way to help—all move in one general direction. Besides this there are many drivers of automobiles who have no good intentions toward anybody. It is well known that the automobile is one of th@ greatest auxiliaries of crime. Every modern gang of criminals has its chauffeuras a matter of course.

Some small towns are discourteous to all auto-mobilists passing their way, by seeming to take it for granted that every one should know the name of the town, a most unreasonable idea. Courtesy begets courtesy. Ill-treatment or discourteous treatment suggests & like course.

Effect upon the Health

IT HAS never been claimed for the automobile that it is an unmixed blessing. To hold that its effect upon the health is uniformly good would start an argument right away. There are people who are made nervous by automobile ndinv, and there are men in New York who are vr-nliing to come to Now York City by that mod** ui conveyance for that reason.

Coitain Sfrests a-e obnost vnhvable on ao-cGimt of thv noises maae by the passing automobiles, and by Ine gases wh”eh thex Jisehaige. it is behoved that the menace from fu res • be overcome if the gases were discharged vertically from the top of the car, and it may come to be required eventually flat it be done in that 'way.

Automobiles are very destructive of wild life. In making a trip of 632 miles by automobile in Iowa, there were counted 225 dead bodies of reptiles, birds and mammals, while on another trip of 211 miles, there were counted 105 dead arurnals Thm* fi imres c-n^u-st a d^ily los** of all species of aor^hlp and Wri of somewhere in the neighborhood of l«OOJ,OiX).

Tfc? TMfi &f Afflt&sn®Mes

TN 1920 H v,as paid that ^pc-r^h M the esis ** manufactured annually fell into the hands of tMtm Fiynns of an ^’isuranee eoiopanx ••— Hivrtc that 250,000 cars, valued at $218.(Xk.O’J0 were stolen to the IT. S. last year, but four out oi the five stotou cars were recovered.

w ow diere ”ei>, gaiag •> n Jie vldnny nt the great cities vhicb 4 a - wg hu8.,<«n>s vorbing ok «rcl?u t               r ,-ner. bodies,

ri More accurate methods of ® at«» legrrtra-i j ’ l'avo stoppo 1 §0T> e oi ■£

1 May mobi of the cars ®foh>-j &i. fak.-«. by jn»- ideib, who ahtuckn lie ux L~ t it has £< rved its purpose. TLt lock is the Kst pn lee-t.-ui aguuiit theft, because a. soil cs the part use «4 diverting the attention of the thief to the car wai by that is not locked and therefore more (triy secured. In Brtckly^ somt years ago a down automobile owners got into trouble with the police by arranging with thieves to steal thmr ears, so that they could collect the insurance and buy new ears.

New methods of stealing cars come up ever and anon. One method which has been used sue-cessfully is to shadow a car known to have Uquoaj aboard. The thieves, disguised as revenue officers, confiscate the car, telling the owner bw he can recover it. But fearing to get caught he lets the eax* go.

In Ballas, Texas, «n auto thief hired'an attorney to get Juin off on a ehaige-ojbstealing a car, but was unable to pay the attorney’s fee of $400. Promising to pay*vn a few miiMstfc^-ae went out, stole-the lawyer’s own car, sold it for $600 in cash and. offered to-tako the purchaser to dinner. After ordering a big meal he pretended to be ill, slipped out the back door, wentiaround in front and stole the car-agai^y drove it back to the attorney's office, went inambpaid his bilheud had $200 left. ’

In New York City an automobile parked opposite Police Headquarters, and m dear viw o£ the Buieau of Criminal Identification, was stolen at noon wliile detectives and plain slothes men, police officials and patrolmen passed and repaasod yithin a few feet.

_                has a law which automatically cancels the license cf any thief, and another which 1’equhes ewy ^ar owner to take out a policy of at least $5,000 cn every ear that be owns or opsiates.

Automcb’e snavtyards have been found ih 5ar,Gjs pacts. one cu, Summit, IL., in an old tjuarry, ohe re Lake Thue near Buffalo, one m th/* Eo.«t Lnei, off IlJletl’s Cove, cars put there ay cnneis so ’•fiat they could collect the iufeuiince. nr left Lmie by ioj udeis to escape detection. One autcmot.le graveyard, where at tai* w-.r t vuk v r io <ca y c.»nri % auce on toe put cf the owners, was fennd off Corpus Chii!--.i5 Te^as: *har many cats Laung bc< n 'e-coveicd hem th*2 bottom of Mieles Bay. t het® th.’'” *■’ere an ri by tic p nt Elenin 'HuH. S'rt i pt over 'hat city.

.4 Few n;nt^ for C&.r Owners

BOM vaiious. suuucs we have coilertri a few mi +s foi ovjuers o" cars. If you car.

get any benefit out of these hints we are glad:

An auto expert recommends using a stethoscope for listening to the heart-beats of *he motor. He has found this valuable in locating causes of trouble.

Autos are shattered by bumps. A car that is kept on -smooth roads will last almost indefinitely. The more the bumps the shorter the lite of the car. No machinery ever made can stand such rough usage continually.

Parking ears so that they rub against the curb makes the wheels wobbly. Wobbly tvheels wear out a tire in a fraction of the time otherwise required. Loose spokes also greatly reduce the life of the tires.

The New York Worid proposes the following questionnaire for automobile owners:

(1) Number of patois J-®f lubrication on your c&? (2) Give at least three reasons for overheating of engine. (3) Xias and oil consumption per mfie. (1) Hoad speed in miles per hour at which engine will perform most« efficiently and economically (5) Firing order of cyhn- ’ ders. (6) On average road, driving at a speed of 23 miles per hour, what dtoance is required to bring your car to a dead stop? (7) Driving in high speed on a Iciel roan, vhat is the lapse of time in seconds to accelerate hom five to twenty five miles per* hour? (8), How many gallons of vater are required to fill the cool-mg system if your cai ? (9) TWial i« the purpose of the various speeds of a transmission? (10) What is the wr* rect giade of Imbricating cd you shoulu use for your cart

S&m.e Projected Improvements

IT IS predicted that as the automobile engine was really the cause of the airplane coming into practical use, so the development of the airplane engine will ere long greatly increase the power of the motor car. The claim is made that a six-cylinder engine need not weigh more ilian 120 pounds to generate fifteen horsepower and give thirty to forty miles to the gallon of gas. The Diesel engine in miniature offers possibilities of even greater mileage.

It is predicted that the closed car of the future may not weigh over 9C0 pounds and that it may be principally made of cotton. Great improvements are considered possible in the tire mechanism. involving not the abandonment of rubber but alternate rings of it with, other materials.

It is interesting to know that the steering wheels of Ford ears -are made of .straw, mixed with rubber and other materials, and subjected to live steam while under a pressure of 2,000 pounds do the square inch. As it cools it takes ©n an almost flint-like hardness.

Some persons profess to believe that the time will come when automobiles will be propelled by coal dust, which may happen, for almost anything can happen nowadays; but it does not sound very convincing. A French scientist declares that the automobile of the future will h@ driven by water, which will be catalyzed in the car, so that the propulsive force will be hydrogen gas. This does not sound convincing, either.

Il is significant'that many inventors in varK ob parts of the world continue their efforts ta find a" substitute for gasoline. Methanol, a Get-ynafr-produet, it f reely predicted, will soon bc-eome cheaper than gasoline and is a better fuel Natalite-, made of-decayed vegetables, garbage and other not at present deleetable materials; it is said can even now almost meet the price of gasoline. In Britain alcohol made from sugar beets and oth^r sugary, starchy or woody materials, is considered a coining fuel. Perhaps Natalite is only another name for this alcohol

Automobile Oddities

HE Oldsmobile five-passenger coach, it is said, though rot so intended by the designers, may be easily and quickly transformed into a perfect Pullman sleeping compartment

A man at Bangor, Maine, has an amphibian motor car and motor boat, with a seventy horsepower motor which enables the craft to maintain a speed of twenty-five miles on wator and fifty miles an hour on land. Air-tight pontoons under the running board keep the -e&T afloat.

The IT. S. Army has perfected a motor CM that will respond to guidance and operation by wireless, and the ear has been driven without anybody aboard through crowded city streets. It is operated by wireless from a ear fifty feet in the rear.

There is a car in use on the streets-^: Lcmetes which weighs altogether only 150 pounds and costs less than $300. It seems to us that there is a real future for cars of such a type.

The most luxurious car in the world is a 45-horsepower, .^-cylinder car built for the Maharajah of Bharatpiir, Rajputana. It is finished hi solid mahogany and satinwood veneer, inlaid with mother of pearl. The interior fittings ar® of silver and cut glass.                         •

Berlin has invented & car specially designed io go through the. air with, the least possible resistance. The motor as on the rear The car is called the Rumple®, raiadw car. '

Automobile tramps are now common ih the United States. The whole family goes north in the summer and south in the winter. The mem# bers •work-when they ear, or when they#earc^to% neglect the education of their children, ®®d dangerous and unpleasant factors oftewilisal tlon.                                                    t

The Standard Oil Company gives the annmfl operating costs of automobiles in pereent@ge-gs as follows:

©il anebgrease ............—.......x--------..... 1.12%

Gasoline —...---------------- ..... .......... AO.26%

Tires ________________________________.......... AO.42%    >

Bepreeiation ........................................'15,38%

-Miscellaneous .................. — ’%0.6offi>

Repairs ..................  ..................... 49.17%

Total ......................,.lW.00% t

A Few Speed Records

OME speed records are 153 miles per h»ar by

Milton, an American, in a Dusenbury car, and 156 miles per hour by Major Segrave, a Briton, in a Sunbeam ear. The 3,423 miles from New York to San Franriseo have been made by L B. Miller, of San FrancReo, in 102 hours, 45 minutes. This was at a sjieed of 33.4 miles aa

hour day and night, and is within six hours of the fastest limited train sehedsles. Frank Effiatt of Culver City, California, claims the speedway tecord of 250 miles at an average speed of 127.87 miles an how, which is fast enough.

Ifo fTi8 of Tfu;e

THE following, clipped from a Kansas paper, may find aa echo in the hearts of many auto twners:

My auto, ’tis of thee, start; road to poverty—ef thte I bhsmt: I blew a pile of dough on you rtree yw’® ggoj sow you refuse to go, ox won’t, « «?-'■?. Through town and goantryside, yon were my joy and pride—$ happy day I I loved thy dandy hue, thy alee white tires new; bat now ft seems you’re through, in every way. To thee, old rattle box, earns many bumps and knocks—for I grieve. Badly thy top is tom, frayed aie thy seate ata worn ’ the whooping cough effects thy horn, I do better®, Thy perfume swelled the breexe, while folks wuld dta® and wheeze, as we pass by. I paid for thee a price, *twuld buy a mansion twice; now folks are yelling "lea”, I wonder why. Thy motor has the grip, thy spark plug has the pip—what woe is thine I I, too, have suffered chills, fatigue and kindred ffla, to meet thy repair bills, me® th-ou art min®. Gone is my bank roll now,» mom fwould choke ® cow, as on« before. Yet. if I had the dough, so help me Jota, Td go and buy the whole Auto Show, ®nd speed some more.

What the World Is Doing

ptedlaeast tom WBW ®r ® wav» feagft o£ 4M.4 metes by ft® Editor. I

York?* W&ter

tpHE average daily water consumption of New J- York City varies, according to the prosperity of the times, from 96 gallons to 136 gallons per person per day. In the heart of the hotel ffistriet it is 100 gallons. The whole United States comes here periodically to wsb up. Boston uses only 111 gallons, while Cleveland and St Louis use about the same as Hew York Philadelphia uses 165 gallons and Chicago » 278 gallons, which is twice as us itWmld be.

,. S5rtj“ Aapfe ®

TF ALL the people in the United States were *• to eai an apple a day every day in the year it would take & freight train reaching from Seattle to Buffalo to carry the crop that would be required. As a matter of fact the total present apple crop would only be about half large enough, and only about half of the crop that is jprodueed actually goes io market. But even at that we do manage to eat 125,000 earloads, aud that would make a train which would reach from to Missouri. It surely takes some food to feed 125,000,000 people.

X&Ag T®wr< the Feffetabte®

MAN is gradually moving toward the vegetables as his diet. In the United States we are now eonauming lettuce of the value of |25r 4

000,DOT per year. The four most important vegetables, in their order, are, the Irish potato, sweetpotato, tomato and lettuce; the first three came from America, but lettuce came from Europe. America added to the world’s diet, sweet corn, green beans and peppers; Europe added celery, asparagus and carrots; Asia contributed onions, cabbage, cucumbers, cauliflower and eggplant; while all kinds of melons came from Africa.

An Improvement in if ilk Serrfm

NEW YOEK is promised an improvement in its milk sendee. The forty quart silk cans are to disappear and in their place the milk will be shipped in glass-lined tanks holding 12,000 quarts each, two tanks to each car. At the New York terminal the milk is to be piped to other glass-lined tanks, which win transport it to the pasteuriratioa and bottling works.

.Ostak S&tg ©f Cnfored Babies

IN THE city of Chicago, of every 1,000 colore infants born, 126.2 die in infancy; while of the white infants only 73 die. But in Leavenworth, Kansas, of every 1,000 colored infants bora, 571.4 die; while of the whites only 77.4 die. These figures show that the colored people get a raw deal di around.

A Nearly PaMew CMMtif th              i

HE iajeetis® of a solution of ether and common olive oil, originated at the New York City Lying-in Hospital, is said to have been used in 700 caws in the Maternity Division of the Log Angetes Department of Public Health with such wiformly and markedly favorable results as to herald a new era in ehildbirtln Parh&pg the curse of Genesis 3:16 is now passing way,

T&e Ofcwfer Brtt                           ,

H® American Bed Cross has published a map showing the iceanoa of the 854 disasters in which it has served in the United States in the past twenty-one years. Few stater escaped, but the principal belt is in the lower' Mississippi and Ohio valleys. A line drawn from Altoona to Atlanta, time© to Galveston, Okla-

homa City and back to Altoona via Stoi«g* irotades most of the mtaataopheg raved. * la' addition there is a heavy showing in westem-Wisconsin, western North Dakota andntwtthnrac ■ Montana.                                     - -

Detroit F. J£ C. A. Brie fa BM

.    - dtuuuRedl Th® center of the storm passed wer

qpIIE big business bosses who                                    all Wbatter Bwre« iu-

A ¥» M. C. A. seem to have gotten t&afcdxwtk. strumente, so that the exact speed of the wind tation in Dutch when they ordered the Bxeca- irnot 'known, tat it is believed to haw tern five Secretary to cancel an invitation wtiri he

had extended te the president of the American, Federation of Labor to address the young men -on the occasion of the last annual convention of the Federation, held in Detroit. Big Business is America’s Mussolini, and getting mor® so every


WBITO in the Maw/octarera' says that as early as last Novwdjer Miami had recovered from the .effects of the Brrart®.

He writes:

I visfeHte stem m of south Florida [in Hot®* aW' as I ri'd just after the stem. tod passed-TheTfwar/ ig positively wonderful, and no riaitor to Miami would know any stem had visited tofe phens®a» enal rite had he no previous knwMgc of ®ty di*-tiwtefflw ftse lari rammer. The tart week of Octofer »w m» money and more baanesg torn th« sw: wteS ® year ago. As my interests take me eentmuwsly ©wto® state, both by Win ted by highway, I hav® been & cm* and «®fal       The Wins are already erwded into

s-aii Florida, The h^hwyss sr® afire with ■writer^ ** ®wtam ©fibs sfeM^y of tiss state.

M ftawr a®g® ff&ttM 'poiIB tltyg Mete the tamme struck Warf ” the Weather Bureau had sent word to al ■pointe on tha«S«rfh Florida wart to prepare for a burrisme-iten moving westward. An ex* perienoed sea captain made meh disposition of the boats under his ear© that none of them were

125 miles an hour. It required eight days for the storm, to travel from Barbados, where it originated, to Lomriana, where it disappeared. It was not, of wjree, traveling at the «h»® ve« lority al the white.

Hew Hctoptasm fe Produced

ristfeM ffife K M a A               ..

the Detroit Y. M. C. Ads withdraw!

of its invitation to the president of the American Federation of Labor, to address its. members, Tfcc Natw» says:                 , -

The Y» M. CL A is conducting a $5,000,000 bofldfag Wnprign m Detroit, toward which the non-union Wrd fm had pMgcd $1,500,000, the non-wiem Fisher.

corporation $300,000, and the non-union S.- 3. Kresge Company, which pays its girls $7.50 a week, $300,000. Among the directors and officers of the Detroit M. 0. A. ars Trvasn IL Newbeny, who w« feswl to reign item the United States Senate bwame ®f ©mpaiira*wd sees Ala: and Ctales Beecher Warms, whom toe Sesste Mtssd to «nfim m Attorney Several

AT A HCTUKE at Qari Untearrity, W* eester, lass., Dr. L. R. G. Cres&n, fas* baud of the famous medium “Margery**, showed pictures of Margery tatea in seance, with the ectoplasm, pouring from her right ear awl spreading over her face and the upper part her body. Dr. Crandon, who is a surgeon, ®A* mils that it is this ectoplasm, exuded from the body-of the mediwi, which mores tables, ®w &tes voices and produces other gpirifetw pl-?-nomena. The ertoplasm, when analysed, is fomd to be composed of human cells. Our expianafiea of this phenomemm is and always has bees that this ectoplasm is eroded from the homsm rtiy. pushed out, or drawn out, by the demeans have obsessed the body.

Doheny’s $ld@ft00,000 Yellow Peril

IN THE best editorial we have read in a long time the New York World, not content to let an important matter die, takes the hide off the Doheny-Fall defense that they took away Uncle Sam’s oil because of a threat of war by Japan. The World shows this could not possibly have been the case, and gives three excellent reasons to back up its opinion:

In the first place, the oil leases were signed after the 'Washington Arms Conference, which pledged the United States and Japan to arbitration at the first sign oi any trouble between the two countries; second, only one man in the Navy Department urged the Doheny leases, w< ' many men in the department urged

. mt thorn, on the ground that the navy would 1 ds store of oil, vhieh it did; third, if the Deneny defense was true and orders had aeiual-ly been issued for mobilization, Doheny w ?,s .ing a drilling program cover’ng several ye?rs, and war uocn not waff several jears for anybody. But finally, as the World points out Doheny twice testified that he exiwotod "n ma^e $103,000,000 out of the oil Eases. hence ’ a nad 100,000.000 reasons for seeing the velbw peril as yellow as posable.

The Mearagua Muddle

'KJTCARAGUA, at the time American troops

’ last left there in 1926, had a Liberal government, eh ctU by a lax go majority of the votes of the people. By a military coup the Liberal government was oveitniown and the Congress, without consulting the people, elected a new prt'idenf, a Co. .-ewativc. Both the United Sia+es and the Mexican government had adopted, theonih ally, ’he pMcy of sot x^eoguiz ing rulers who have gained, office by force. Following this policy Mexico recognized as the government of F e* ’Tgua the faction represented by Dr. Sacasa, vice precidoxii of the Liberal government that was overturned, while the United States recognized as the government ox Nicaragua the faction represented by Mr. Diaz, elected in the manner explained. This gave Nicaragua two governments. It seems that the best thing would have been to have another election, and not defend a blunder by trumped up charges that Mexico has gone Bolshevist. Sometimes Big Business is a poor diplomat.

Uncle Sum’s War Expenditures

TN THE first four months of 1926 the war ■*" appropriations of the United States Government totalled $1,132,287,000, of which amount $31,312,000 was for the Navy Department, $339, 616,000 was for the War Department, $100,000,000 was for war planes, and the balance was for what is labeled “Independent Offices”, which includes the Veterans’ Bureau as the principal item. The so-called Espionage Act, the purpose of which is to prevent free speech in time of war, is still on the statute books. All is ready for the dance as soon as it begins. If you believe in peace, better speak for it now7, because soon it will he too late; and then the horrid system of lies, murder, hypocrisy, profiteering and bedevilment generally will be again in full swing

Beuting Swords- into Plowshares

ECAUSE a Plainfield, N. J. war memorial contained the familiar quotation from Isaiah’s piophecy about the time coming when swords would be beaten into plowshares, sundry military organizations refused to participate in the deck canon of the memorial These organizations all have their chaplains and all pretend to be Christians. Christ Himself often spoke approvingly of Isaiah as a prophet, but those militarists refer to His words as blatant pacifism. Can it be possible that they regard themselves as superior to Christ?

Senator Owen Tells the Truth

exatob R. L. Owen, one of the principal counsellors of the government in President

Wilson’s reign, now says:

The whole question of the cancellation of the war debts is based on the theory that the late war was as mneh our sfisir as it was Europe’s, that we were fighting for democracy against German aggression, and that we were obliged to take up arras against Germany as she aimed at world domination which would ultimately involve the United States. This is not the true situation ; as any one realizes who has investigated the facts, read the postwar literature and studied the official documents and state papers that have since come to light.

If Senator Owen had said this in 1918 he would have been sent to Atlanta. But it is better to tell the truth eight years late than not to teU it at all.

Deaths by Poison Gm

PROBABLY most of those now living will die by poison gas, when the time comes.

The best for suffocation is phosgene, which eau be earned by the wind far and wide, suffocating all. Mustard gas burns the flesh off. Chloropicrin produces intense vomiting and disablement. Lachrymatory causes floods of tears. Lewisite is a good bnining gas, wlwh it is believed will penetrate any mask and pass down into the kings, burning the victim inside ami out. If the snrply of these runs out there are the disease ink Tobes to fall back on. But the trouble is that when the time comes we shall have no choice in these matrere, but shall Lave to take whichever kind is Landed out to us; and none of them seems to look very good.

.Ve Control of Ga» Warfare

IT SEEMS impossible for the nations to agree on any method of controlling gas warfare.

All nations are agreed that it should be forbidden, but all are getting ready to use it. Part of the nations want an ironclad agreement that all nations shall unite in a gas attack upon the first nation that uses gas warfare; but as every nation will insist that some other nation used it first, such an agreement would mean nothing; and the United States, Great Britain and Japan ~ have refused to be a party to such a pact. They •would prefer no gas warfare at all.

Armies May Be of No Use

PimsinioT Ibvimf of the University of St

Andrews, Scotland, tells us that there is one chemical, a late product of the World War. that could incapacitate a soldier if a single drop ri’ if happened to be merely picked up by the heel of his shoe. Imagine this liquid scattered over a No Man's Land in place of the barbed wire entanglements of the late war. Unaware of this poison on the ground, the soldier stepping on it may still be ignorant of its presence; for it is fatal many hours, even days, after exposure to it. Go if ground, were captured by the batteries of an enemy, it could not be traversed; and no infantry could advance toward the retreating army. The Prophet Isaiah (43:17) declares that the time approaches when cavalry, &mies and all their equipment and appurtenances together, shall become extinct, be quenched as rew.

Bfimp'o- Crops ef Fruit

THE Lord certainly bkssed Amrerica with plenty cf fruit in 1926. One railroad station in Northwestern Arkansas shipped out 642 earloads of grapes. Beikeley County, West Virginia, had a fabulous apple crop; but could not find vays to dispose of if evmt at $2 50 per barrel of 400 apples So it erected a cider fountain in the confer of Martinsburg and invited everybody to help himself to free cider and the finest apples. There was such a glut of apples in the New York maJret that several carloads were given away to keep tlnm i’n m spoiling. But in many fruit stores they continued la sell at lOd apiece.

Coliform® Bursting with Blessings

CALIFORNIA’S orange and leimm crop for 1926 was above the ten year average; almonds were double the 1925 pionuefion; apples showed a 60% increase over 1925; peached were 25% more plentiful than last year; the pear crop was by far the largest ever produced; rice doubled last year’s crop; grapes greatly exceeded 1925, and pasturage is six points ahead of the ten-year average. There seems to be almost no limit to the food California can produce.

Drying Hay Artificially

THE New York Times contains an article by Carson Hathaway concerning a device for ’drying alfalfa artificially. The outfit costs about $20,000, but makes haying independent of the weather, saves all the loaves, which are the best part of the hay, makes the hay more palatable, and saves all the protein and minoials of the hay. It is believed that this device can be used to great advantage in sections where hay is produced prohfically. and whore there is too much wet weather to msure a harvest by usual methods. .All the haj for a locality would need to be dried at the one depot, but the drying cost' per ton would not be excessive.

Cropes Grown ir the South

THE tremendous increase in grape corn'iimp-tion in New York City incidental io prohibition has resulted m a great expense of grape growing. Grapes of the California type are being produced in the Lake county disk-wt; they are admirable in size, color, flavor and ‘lopping quality. In the Ozark grape rtgicn hundreds of ears e I Concord grapes were produced this lasx season. The yield was large and the quality excellent.

Hain Breeds Pests

rpEX AS had a chance this last fall to see what a difference in living conditions can be brought about by a change in climatic conditions. There was more rain than usual during threshing time. As a result horse-flies multiplied as never before. Many valuable animals died. Others were slaughtered at a sacrifice. Milk supply ran low. Teams could not be kept at work in the fields.

Japanese Beetle Pest in Jersey

THE Japanese beetle pest, which somehow got. a start in New Jersey in 1916, has extended its riunous operations over 6,000 square miles, and is advancing at the rate of ten miles a year. The Federal Bureau of Entomology expended more than $100,000 in the last year in the effort to find a way of exterminating ths pest. The entire state of New Jersey was put under quaiairline for the pest; but it spread to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and up into New York state. In the business part of Philadelphia last August, twenty-eight of the beetles were found on a man’s hut at one time. As many as 300 have been found on one apple. It destroys all plant life, even roots.

The Southern Cotton Paw

SOUTHERN cotton growers claim that the gwermneiit’s early cotton report for 1926 cost them al least a half billion dollars, declaring that it caused 787,000 bales to be dumped on the market in one week, and that the price consequently dropped $23 a bale* The growers last fall endeavored to organize the entire South, to get a uniform agreement that, in 1927 only a quarter crop shall be produced. In this agreement, in which bankers and business men are expected to cooperate, the planters hope to find a way to work off their present surplus at a lair price. This is substantially Brazil’s method with coffee, and Britain’s method with rubber.

Th® Uses of Per^mwn Wood

MOST people know the persimmon tree for its “puckery” but delightful fruit, but may not know that it is the chief source of supply for the manufacture of golf dub Loads, shoe lasts, shuttles for textile mills, and other articles which require hardness, toughness, fineness of texture and smoothness when subjected to wear. Consequently persimmon wood now commands a higher price than most other native woods of the United States. The supply of persimmon wood is small, as the tree does not grow to large size.

Twenty-Six Million Homes

RADIO men who have been, studying the problem assert that there are twenty-six million homes in the United States, five million of which are equipped with radio. Their present ambition is to make radio apparatus of such types that every one of these homes can be supplied with radio in some form. America is the only country in which no license is necessary for one who would have radio in his home.

Bow the Earth Looks to an Acrobat

HOW the earth looks to an acrobat is revealed by motion pictures taken by a parachute diver at Washington. With an automatic motion picture machine strapped to his belt, he dove from an airplane several thousand feet in the air, turning over and. over for several hundred feet as he descended, until his parachute checked these curious procedures.

A E&rtsme in Old Stumps

A FEW years ago it looked as if about the most worthless thing in. the world was a lot of old stumps. Now they are being blown out at the rate of fifty to a hundred acres per day, and taken to plants where they are boiled to recover the turpentine they contain. The promoters are making millions of dollars out of the enterprise.

Suyar at Tm Cents Per Pound

THIS New York Times contains an article respecting experiments by the Bureau of Standards to making sugar from the roots of artichokes. The aitichokes contain twelve to sixteen percent of sugar as against six percent of sugar in the sugar beet. The new sugar is said to be two to three times as sweet as cane sugar, is not injurious to diabetics, is more palatable than cane sugar, and it is firmly believed can be produced so as to retail profitably at two cents per pound.

'Opening &f the Bunk ®f Sexie®

N SEPTEMBER 1st, 1925, at the opening of the Bank of Mexico, a large photograph was taken, showing crowds of people entering the bank to put their money into the institution. This photograph was published the next mora-ing in the Mexican paper El Denwcsata. Fourteen months later the same iaeitical picture ws published in the magazine Inbcsfy over the curious title, “Catholics withdrawing deposit3 ri ora the Bank of Mexico in proles', against the seizure of Clr rch property.” This information with documentary evidence comes from the Mexican Consul.

CancAto Smp&ssiUe Smnugratlsn Emblem

LIKE the old -time fouiteen-ftf teen game, Canada’s immigration problem is uftsolvabl?. As soon as they exo old enough the joung men fioek to the United States; then they s«nd for their wives and later bring in the old folks. The cities of New Branswick and Nova Scotia show a material shrinking of population, all because the youth have fled to warmer lands. The population of Halifax has shrunk 38,000 in three years, and St. John, N. B. is smaller than it was twenty-five years ago. Canada has arranged with the British government for the transportation of immigrants at a cost of $15 each, but has stipulated that only agricultural workers and domestic servants will be accepted.

Naimt® Szt^s mth

THE 1926 session of the League of Nations was opened with a Roman mass. This cer-omouy consists in brief of a man with a cross on his back ordering Christ io come down out of Leaven and take His place in a soda cracker, Which the man v ith the cross on his back then breaks in two and thus sacrifices Christ afresh, contrary to the Scriptures and to all reason and eomnwi sense. But it was all right, as the League of Nations is a Catholic instiiutioix

ia Oto Brithh Emyire

HE Prime Ministers of the British Dornin-ions meeting in London have solemnly

Bgreed, to use their ow Bngoag6t that “they are retosomc® communities within the British Empire, equal in state, in no way subordinate mm to another in any aspect of their do-mesth

or external affairs, though united, b’y a common allegiance to the Crown, and freely associated as members of the British Commonwealth of Nations”. The title of the king has been changed to conform to the establishment of the Irish Free State as a Dominion. The opinion is expressed in Commerce and Ftnance that “the Empire is now the most singular poLtieal organization on the face of the earth, one of which the United States or any other nation that is acceptable could become a part without sacrificing one jot or tittle of da sovereignty”. And we Lave SueL respect for British diplomacy. ami the vay they have cleaned us out nre ami time again at the barg&uj counter, that we are almost in< lined to say that that is really wnat the whole change 01 front was and is hopmg to accomplish.                              ’

Details cf the British R491

THE giant British airship R-101, which Is "®- now building, and is exported to be put into service early m 1928, will be 730 feet long, with a diameter of 130 feet in the center, equipped with five engines of 600 horsepower each. The airship will carry one hundred passengers with their baggage and ten tons ©f mail. Mooring mastswill be constructed atlsmailiaontheSuea Canal, and at Karachi, India. The one at Pulham, England, is already up. The trip from Pulliam to Jsmailia will be made in two and one-half days, and to Karachi in five days. By this route and this method Britain hopes to be able to reach Australia in eleven days. Thore will be two decks with all the usual comforts ol home, including shower baths, the water for which will be obtained from the atmosphere enroute.

SBesia Petes for German Rsulen

ALL will remember when Silesia w&g spilt between Germany and Poland after ihv

World War. Fxom the part which was givw to Poland 300,000 Germane wore expelled, with Meme suffering, several years ago. This was don® t© make sure that the eteiuwi Polish majority of 60% of the population would be effective majority. Well! To show hw cfe limwst the whole piece of polities] ritieawry was, Polish Silesia has elected a Germs® ticket in every one of its mclwlrisi ©©stem, ero» induding the capital

Man’s Futore Home

[Radiocast frost Statloe WBBR on a wave length of 416 4 meters by Judge Rutherford.]

THIS morning the country round about is blanketed in beautiful snow. When th© sun, arose, and its brightness lighted up the earth, the snow to some extent reflected the glory of the great Creator Jehovah God. The reverential man is then reminded of the wisdom, love and power of the great God and Giver of every good and perfect gift; and desires to give Him praise therefor.

I opme, however, that only a small proportion e* the rwcipln sfon to consider that j?l> the things beaut till about, us are fxom the gracious hand of Jeboi ah upw of tivu gre concerned Witts otl --w fo* g' ’ a* y are poor ana are meditat-fod- imv t1 y <jn keep warm and pm/idc food fo' th'ir 1 ''-ess >s. Jfoov an wfooat houms. lii net o:j' a small i ercent of ear’us uopuU-tion own th-ir own hemes Homeless, poor end sick the barrtifid snow folds fot Ltd© Merest tO 1 B                                           _

ilow foeridc homes tbfo moraiug a:-gc * <io are Tno-'ltl y5 who have pr> vi] fn” f1 ew '..(Ves «A • ah uial money car I nv let fl c” j. u Jhe” rori ertab^e nor havy ' F         t a-brought sorrow into their

Lybb " Sn t- >talto, n.e loss of I owed c-iiaa or Lfo’fo. ' '■> t ul>. wa':ac foe worJ cold and (foemhss to t .cm. There is none really happy u-ifos he 'tov’s of foe I o^d

Eat if I cou’d convince you this morning that tie g-cat JTd i1 God puttosof fo give the hrb isce he ’Ifo and s* r ngth of bodv and min provide a h ’Ll for etery one. and establish everlasting peace and happiness, and make earth a ver^a'fo -mradise for marg that would bring conifow to your minds and heaits. I wouhi love to comfort seme this morning who morw, It you wil1 beai* vith me for a fev moments I wih tell you something of man’s future home, and of some of the attending blessings that Got! uas in store for foe human ram.

“But,” you may afo. “ar^ you now about to state what is merely your opinion as to what the future holds 1” I answer, No. The mere opinio^ ©f man on any subject is of small value unless that opinion is supported by competent evidence coming from a truthful source. God’s Word is true. Written in times of old by holy men, who w®re moved upon by the power of Jehovah thus to write, the Bible states what is the purpose of Jehovah God. He never fails in one of His promises. In Jtfo own. due time He will carry them out. Through His prophet Isaiah He says (46:11): “I have purposed it, I will bring it to pass”; and in 55:11: “My word shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that . . . whereto I sent it.”

In my last lecture here I submitted the Scriptural proof that God created man perfect; in His dup time God will restore the obedient ones of mankind to that original perfection. It therefore becomes of vital interest to krow where the Lome of the perfect man wdl be. It is manifest the* in order to be m harmony with his perfect (Tunis® a perfect mar woi 1J. need & perfect < nv, that vhieh is pleasing to the eye and a yjy to the soul.

I*, is > me that the Scriptures show that a few of the ham an race, because of faithfulness dur-ng the Gospel Age, will be changed at the first resmicrtion from luman to spiwt be ncs. But foe forintuies dciimtete show that these will be a very small number. It seems strange, then, fort inieilivent men, who claim to be teachers of firn Bible, have so long held before the people the (bought *nat the only nope of salvation is to go to heaven; and that all those who do not find eternal life uj heaven must be eternally tormented in some place beneath the earth.

These have passed by entirely the great array of scriptures which show that the habitation of mankind in general will be on the earth. Bean ng upon tins point, it is of very gieat importance to know what kind of home Adam, the perfect man created by God, had and possessed It would he reasonable to expect that the Creator would provide that perfect man a home in harmony with his perfection. The Scriptures leave no doubt as to this, but dearly state:

“And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed. And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads.

“‘The name of the first is Pison; that is it which eompasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold; and the gold of that land is good: there is bdellium and the onyx stone, And the name of the second river is Gihon; the same is it that eompasseth the whole land of Ethiopia. 'And the name of the third river, is Hiddekel: that is it which goeth toward the east of Assyria. And the fourth river is Euphrates.


“And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden, to dress it, and to keep it. And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat o" it; for in the day that thou e-atest thereof thou shalt surely die.”— Genesis 2: 8-17.

•Weening of Nemes Significant

XpVEBY name Jehovah gives to a place has a deep significance. The word “Eden” means a garden, pleasant, delicate, a place of pleasure and deligut. Eton, in fact, was the finished part of the earth, and ths only finished part. When Ged pronounced the curse upon man He said to him concerning the remainder of the earth: “Cursed is tl e ground for thy sake.” This word here rendci eel ‘toursod” means unfinished. God left the rest of the earth unfinished, so that maxi would have employment, and this has been a great blessing to mankind.

Since God had finished Eden, the proof is clear that Eden was perfectly beautiful beyond the description of human words, because all the creation of God is perfect; and so His Word declares. (Deuteronomy 32:4) We can think ®f the most beautiful spot on earth that man’s eye in modern times has yet beheld, and know that Eden was even more beautiful than that. The word “Eden” means a paradise; and the word used by our Lord when He said to the thief, "Thou shalt be with me in paradise/ means Eden, the garden of the Lord. The clergy have long told us that Eden or Paradise is in heaven; yet they have not had any scripture upon which to base this conclusion.

The Location of Eden

WHERE then was the original garden of Eden! A careful examination of the Scriptures leaves little doubt as to its location. The Scriptures are definite that Eden was in the vicinity of the head of the River Euphrates. The River Euphrates flows from the mountainous district of Armenia into the Persian Gulf, and is made up of four tributaries. It rises in the vicinity of Mt. Ararat, which mountain was on the eastern border of Eden, as the Scriptures clearly indicate. There is nothing to warrant the conclusion that Eden was in a plain; but the proof is overwhelming that it was in a valley, surrounded by high mountains, and that it was accessible only from the east. (Genesis 3:24) Take a map and look at the vicinity of the Persian Gulf, in the present land of Armenia, in the mountainous section, and you have approximately the location of the garden of Eden, the cradle of the human race.

When God began the execution of His judgment against Adam and Eve, He drove them out of Eden, so that they could not have access to the tree of life; and He set cherubim and a flaming sword turning in every direction, to keep them away from Eden.—Genesis 3:24.

Beyond all question of doubt Eden, the garden of th? Lord, was on earth. Therefore the question is settled beyond a doubt that if Paradise is restored it will be on earth. Eden was made for man, and man was placed therein. Eden was Paradise. Man is of the earth, earthy. This is definitely stated in the Scriptures. (1 Corinthians 15:47) Man is not spirit; therefore he could not inhabit a spiritual realm.

When the few of the human race who are to be changed to spirit nature are changed from human to spirit beings, then they will be in th© spirit realm. But the Lord plainly says in His Word, through the Prophet Isaiah: “I have made the earth, and created man upon it I, even my hands, have stretched out the heavens, and all their host have I commanded. . . . God himself that formed the earth and made it; lie hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited.”—Isaiah 45:12, 18.

The earth was nevei’ cursed. Jt did not sin; therefore there was no occasion to eurbe it. The earth was left unfinished outside of Eden, Eden alone being a sample of what God would make the whole earth when it is brought up to tho standard which it shall be. It has been a blessed thing for imperfect man, however, to have something to do and to put forth an effort to beautify the earth. This he has done, to his pleasure and profit.

Resi&rati&n of Rmtdlse World-Wide

TT IS here interesting now to notice scripture.. •*■ which prove tlat God purposes to make ie euth b^uhrul Lcjond the dtsu”ip'hn^ of J 3-i an mentis, a Paiadise for perGc’ man 11's pi ophet wrote' “The earth is the Lord’s and the fulness thereof" (Ps-m 24" 1) rn>eii urat Gr‘u intonds to do foi i ’an e<"> "--mpg the esr*h iod«e»>ed hv fl? mm rvouppt v>o woe

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awl 55 ■ 12, 13

Oic Go has vi:rrcu T: Jmr ” al '' J ry of hmtLs’n Cui £ iua4 can inn sc -' ma 1 »on c._p-«on of vh-f' the fulfilment of +Lese ze.Ar-ares jra. rs I >-s *h m a? ..,2 a c ’irmy r~o th» Innemgl V-'uley ca a desert was Jot ven a <w o*e eenrd cross its parched and b ? f ’here a as t» ? t t_ ,.i jib -j ’<»« i rm hvfjc^d teed? The CTe’ado T,v r was ’■’"iipd ovt vi c <"oa”sc and ’ gati >’-> dt',','*‘-3 .-’■st the ‘wue « ooumfi 4ho * > ’<-y -m( v by hat ”aUay doabtks^ ihr -»4-st j ’i-u- -- ,-+ "f V»? ?iJ’s "> rr-i < j hng tmr ..." n'-nd ’>’nd ’ bs ’ any c-'Lor Is^d

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they will bless the none ct ’he Lord; as nwhet says: ‘And blessed bo hA -'■oanxe rrmo for over: nnd M the whole earth oe filled wth his glory? (Psalm 72:19) The pm pls vrU Increase in knowledge concerning the I ord, and His glory will shine out in all the earth; because man being restored, anti his brane being made beautiful, shall be a reflection of the goodness of God; and peace and joy shall reign.

The prophet thus puts it: “They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain [kingdom J: for the earth shall be lull of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.” (Isa. 11:9) Looking to that happy time the same prophet writes: “The whole earth is at rest, and is quiet: they break forth into singing.” (Isaiah 14:7) This same prophet refers to the earth, as God’s footstool, saying, “Thus saith the Lord, The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my foot-8 tool.”—Isai ah GG: 1.

Thon through this ^me prophet God says, concerning the earth: “The glory of Lebanon shall come unto thee, the fir tree, the pine tree, and the box together, to beautify the place of my ■sanctuary; and I will make the place of my feet glorious.” (Isaiah 60:13) This glorious place shall be man's habitation. It shall be his inheritance, which God has provided for man, and which He will grant those who are teachable and obedient It was Jesus who said: “Blessed are the week: for they shall inherit the earth.”

The major portion of the earth’s surface today lies a desert waste, untilled. Jehovah, sp wking through His prophet, as to the restoration during the reign of Christ, says: “Thus saith {lie Lord God, In the day that I shall have cleansed you from all your iniquities, I -will also cause you to dwell in the cities, and the wastes shall be budded And the desolate land shall be tilled, vhruas it lay desolate in the sight of all tha^ parsed bv. And they shall pay, This Lnd that w d> sc,Hie is become hxe the garden of Lee ’; ax ’ i,he waste, and desolate. and ruined cities ar« 'Wcnjjp fenced, and are inhabited.” -—Ezekiel 3G: 33-35.

rtdr.v tie

1 T MAT not fee out of ulace to ask: What be-came of garden of Eden? Scrip iura> proof is that it was surrounded by very high mountains, that it was accessible only from the east, that it is and was in the vicinity of Mount Ararat, and that Mount Ararat was the site upon which Noah’s ark landed, which has since been hidden under perpetual snow. It does not seem reasonable that the Lord would have destroyed Eden; but it seems more reasonable that the Lord would have preserved it so that in His due time He will exhibit it to man.

Through His prophet Job. God said: “Hast thou entered into the treasures of the Snow?” (Job 38:22) Doubtless Eden is one of the treasures of the snow preserved by the Lord in perpetual snow and ice. The inspired writer of the Scriptures declares that with the second presence of the Lord He will bring to light the hidden things of darkm-ss. (1 Corinthians 4:5) The Lord Jesus hii well said: “For nothing is secret that shall not be made manifest; neither anything hid thM shall not be known.”—Luka 8:17.

In the light of these scriptures it is reasonable for us to conclude that when God has restored man and brought the earth to an Edenie paradise, and all wickedness is eliminated, and everything in the earth is in harmony with G~od, then He will unseal the secret treasures of the snow and exhibit to restored man his original perfect home. Amongst those restored, who shall behold the glories and beauties thereof, will be Adam. And the whole earth then will be likened to the garden of Eden. Eden shall be the joy of man. and all the people in the earth will be joyful and happv.

Then mankind will appreciate the love of God, and will sing the praises of Jehovah and His beloved Son, Christ Jesus. This song of praise, wafted on the breezes, will be caught up by tire angels and the other heavenly creatures, until every creature tn heaven and in earth, and even the very elements of the earth, shall be singing the Hallelujah chorus to the glory of God. Then will be Tully realized the goodness of God, and trit creatwes sb-ull Le saying. “Great and marvellous are thy vw/ks, Loid God Almighty; just and true arc thy ws, thou King of saints.”

A restored race, a. restored home, with peace and joy and eudfess happiiw-s T'iug every heart; with theu loved on< s xvitlx them; with no fear of ever being separated ag»in; with everything in the earth being to the Iiord’s glory, earth then wll indeed be a paradise, a fit place for perfect rnan to dwell in complete harmony with God.


OIV I remind you of a scripture that has been woefully misused by many who have pretended to teach the Lord’s Vioxi It is the scripture in reference to the thief on the cross a1 the time our Lord was cmeified. You have been told in the churches that this scripture shows that the thief went to heaven immediately with the Lord, and that this is proof that the seal to immortal and that ad who do not go to heaven by reason of a death-bed eontomon, or a confession at some other t me. must spend eteinlto in hell, there to toast and burn for ever. That is neither reasonable nor GenptuiaL

'When Jesus va- dw-"g Jie thief said *o Him: <<Lr>jY‘ W'. "nibri "to''Hn th< u comtot into thy kingiton. Jtusn, umd *• t ztn> Ge aid not go to h'-aw’ fcr io’*”      d'-'’*’ Hereafter. J(«

(rd ret comp Lto ki’'^>on’ until 3900 wears lei er V ba. .me however Jesus said to the ri mi ‘ Vp^'L J itv thee today. Tliou snail be witu roe m pawic re ’ The thief did not go to heaven iLat day. J.e never wiB be m heaven The paradise that Jesus promised him will be the one I have described to you, the restored earth; and when this is done the thief will have a chance to be obedient to the Lord and to fee cleaned up. The '-cords of Jesus are: ‘Verily I say unto you today, now while I am dying, Yon shall he in paradise, because oi your faith. Yea will have a chance there.’

This will Be a beautiful woihl when all th« thieves are cleaned up, all iho«e who steal a Lottie of milk and those who steal an oil well 0 cob tic giAtrihiu. e-. All ihto viAednt^s is doe to the iiifueme of the Denh and under fue 3 ghteous rc’jrp of Jfess’ah cvp* tee Yevto and rebb-rs will be ercxi^’it bark .nto i ufiiYra vendition. There ■■? 1 be no jg 'com ut ri’0 a r steal, and all who obey ‘be Lor I &1<rU -ji juj +1 e ! . antics and glome of a ycrtoct florae.

In the Kel’gto.ns Werld

Pittsburgh Preachers m Bad

PIT1 b Jl GH pier^hers have protested agmr the bre ideastm.g of religious pro-gjdEis on the giound *hat *t is emptying” the churches. Ctm.iwidi'g cn this the DiG'iifcatd Wesl11 c,ag"b lemoxkr:

It appr-aw > e? t’ w w g u v P totorgh is not w m wh Lene'’?".' * w L wren -*g the n>pn” a-- with the pastor's =a’an 01 ’ *’~"t the Tcrd ot < ot. m i t gi-o to i"K n a H ii^cc n c t e " 11 It a<L._aJee that Cbu w (w w s< io r iu Li pc < “vn i ' net tlw free pathv’ ay to ii at ar, ’ e Jt - > n t -o by o t is io he tod end for tat ptw til® y a.s c,. toe jw the 'toto ’ a»et But i<r >re ‘ad.o r> • m d ncici la c foinu- cut tons nvy .r tonig fa-'t.

&® TFe Got Ou? tdea &f Hell

THE Pittsburgh P>'?.?s says ccucsrmrr tvs unsn.ptural and unreasonable idea to > el.


Mod; o® on ante1- a? «- iwd it m tw a their milk, first as a heatbo” avcto of Ito damned ar d after-wud €>« a          r>!°u<re cf pnitonto Tto wi <[«

of millions ha»e Kea w nwi r »t on the idea teat they are still nnel to < orccx ' a w . c’i for themseheb wdh-®nt s hell for otnci foil - u ma*c i it

The Best&redio^ of Bell

A GTER a sevto-hcur ce^cmonj certain gen-■*• femtn in Ilenzer nrdamed one of their ’nil er a« 'bithop »? nge.rec'j.s LedThe gen-torto i stopped km soon. It takes much longto Lan that to onto i a Inrinn cf righteous he 1 £ st because there -s no such place, except the vemetery, n meb is the Bible rri1, and seumd because the th°cl‘>g cal. hell cf ‘he darit age*, ig now n. mn”b nor-e < ondmci ‘han Laza’ to v a? alter he Bad been dead totir dats.

Churches W/imp Pi Cp

"■pH® cbureJie's winch, prev’de saivai r ” at m a mrieh per are <i'erd nir pome mo* c-j <i 8 ’irs’mas B’as'-o-r who''p>'->g          p In a

Irive fcr mere men Ler®, Lt. lenLJ’y fir moie money. Ever since hn c.’ cop. 1 li up for war and bu'n’y f nenged ir preaching hate. Lun-cQ£s has beer on the rhde: <md m< f mg mid be done. The people have Lad nmriiormaire? anl other so-called church. propagancY shoved m front of them u ‘toil they & cl < r of Loth the dritohes and +he paper* thru ri py ver? tetorej avto Jhat is saying a lot.

Ecelesiasticism, an Abomination in the Sight of God

[Radiocast from Station WBBR on a wave length of 416.4 meters by K. H. Barber.]

THE most highly organized, the most influential and the most firmly entrenched institution on the earth is that institution which men call ecelesiasticism. It is also the most respected and revered institution of earth, and in its present form its history spans nearly fifteen centuries. It is held in such high estimation by the people in general that to differ from its teachings is regarded as near heresy, and to criticise it as near crime.

In the discussion of this subject I do not wish to be understood as having any personal animus either against ecclesiastics or against ecclesi-astieism. I shall discuss it solely from the standpoint of what 1 understand the Scriptures to teach about it. I realize full well that this discussion will not be received with enthusiasm in some quarters; and yet I believe that there are many ncnest-Iearted people who 'will be glad to have any false new exposed, glad to know the truth, a rd thankful to anyone who will help them see the truth. In this belief I shall discuss the subject without malice and without partial, ty


EFOB.E I proceed it is first necessary that we have some definitions so that we can discuss this subject intelligently.

What is an ecclesiastic, and what is ecclesi-astieism! An. ecclesiastic is one officially set apart for religious service, a clergyman. Eccle-siasticism is a system of religion organized by ecclesiastics, by clergymen—a system of religion which arbitrarily decrees what dogmas or teachings are correct and what doctrines are incorrect. Those who endorse the teachings of ecelesiasticism are called orthodox, and those who do not are called unorthodox. In some circles it is considered quite a disgrace to be called unorthodox, but in reality it is an honor.

Ecelesiasticism arrogates to itself the right to excommunicate and punish those who do not agree with its pronouncements. In recent times the punishment consists mainly of religious and social ostracism; but history abounds with records of many thousands of instances where the ecclesiastical punishment for the excommunicated “heretics” was death, being thrown to the lions, or burned at the stake, or torn asunder, or skinned alive, or dipped into boiling oil, or having hot lead poured into their ears, or their tongues jerked out by the roots, or their eyes gouged out, in the name of God.

If more people would read the ecclesiastical history of the past 1900 years, more people would question the audacious claims of ecclesiastics and ecelesiasticism today. This claimed right to determine what teachings are correct, and to excommunicate and punish those who disagree, has come to be called “Ecclesiastical Authority”—- something which is not mentioned in the Bible at all, but which is discussed at great length in the writings of ecclesiastics themselves.

It is really ludicrous to read the clergy’s laborious efforts to prove their “Ecclesiastical Authority” by quoting the writings of other ecclesiastics who have preceded them, nearly all of whom were pagans or else lived back in the dark ages; but not one single proof can they adduce from the Scriptures in support of their claim. According to the Scriptures, the only ecclesiastical authority vested in anyone is vested in Jehovah God and in His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ; and this authority is theirs by right, for the reason that they are the Creators of all life, the Ones who have the right to bestow everlasting life, and because every right and true doctrine came from them.

The Bible forbids any man or body of men to judge or condemn those who are earnestly trying to serve the Lord according to tlw dictates of their conscience. Let me quote a few of its statements. In Homans 14:4 we read: “Who are thou that judgest another man’s servant ? to his own master he standeth or falleth.” Verse 10 of the same chapter reads: “But why dost thou judge thy brother! or why dost thou set at nought thy brother? for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.” Man cannot render a proper judgment, because man looketh on the outward appearance, but God alone can read the heart.

In Matthew 7:1-5, is a statement that every ecclesiastic ought to con over and over again, until the real thought percolates through the theological nonsense that befogs his mind. I

quote in part t “Judge not, that ye be not judged. :ft|P:<with what judgment ye judge ye shall be judged. . . . Thou hypocrite, first cast out the b< an wri thine own eye; and then shalt thou see dearly to cast out the mote out .of thy broth-eris eye.”

It is the purpose .of this lecture to show that :hcriesisstieism, as a system, was not organized :Sbyi-fhe Lord, that it is an. abomination in- his sight; also to show why God hates it; and that the Bible clearly points out that it is soon to

u; _• a. I think it proper to clear up another matter which has a bearing on this subject:

BOTH the pulpit and the pres

fc >                and especially Station

WBBB, of intolerance; because we expose the false teachings of the creeds, the hypocrisies of the clergy, and the Devil’s empire in general. Evidently our critics do not know what the word “Intolerance” means. Bible Students are not intolerant; neither-is Station WBBR. Intolerance means to hinder another from expressing his opinion, or to persecute him. for so doing, and neither the International Bible Students nor Station WBBR has ever done this.

God has tolerated the Devil for 6000 years, but has repeatedly exposed his wickedness and has denounced him as a liar and a hypocrite., God could have destroyed Satan, or hindered him, at any time; but instead of doing this He tolerated him. Jesus tolerated the Devil and the scribes and Pharisees; He .made no attempt to persecute them or to interfere with their teachings, except to expose them, to show up the sham, the fraud and hypocrisy of their system. He did not attempt to have a heresy law passed, forbidding them to teach on paia of death; that would have been intolerance.

The Devil, on the contrary, is the personification. of intolerance; he tried in every way to kill the Lord, aadsfiiiHly: Siiceeeded, The scribes and Pharisees were also■ intoferant.; they sought in wmr> IC l’d'        ~ir: Cm '''jrl'S

vas intolerance that burned John Huss at the stake for conscientiously holding and teaching what he honestly believed to be the truth. It was intolerance that murdered firamxter, Ridley and Latimer for their religious, beliefs. .History records the feet that intolerance caused 50.000.000 people during +he dark-ages to be murdered,: for daring to believe: and teach what they thought to few the truth.

Intolerance makes heresy laws. It was intojy erance on the part of several hundred D«m>; men when during the World War they met in Philadelphia and passed a resolution asking our government to make death the penalty for

They ■ hoped thereby to get rid ofi

<, who .were, conscientious objectors to war. But, thank God, the government was more honorable than the clergy, and refused to be parties to such a dastardly scheme.

1 i .      < j c                               «                             . ,

mpesing their authors mH        _ w "

feus said of the Pharisees that they wore hypocrites; that they loved the uppermost seats la the synagogues; that they made long prayers to be seen of men; that they loved to to called .Kahbi: that they taught the commandments of seen for doctrines; and that the Devil was their father. Again Jesus said, in John. 8: 55, “I know my Father, and if I should say, I know him not, I shall be a liar like unto you.” Surely that is very plain language.

In Acts 8:21-23. Peter said to Simon, who wanted to buy the gift of laying on of hands, with money: “Thy heart is not right in the sight of the Lord. ... I perceive that thou art in the gall of bitterness and in the bond of iniquity .* Again in Acts 13:10, Patil said to Elymas the sorcerer: “O full of all subtilty and all mischief, thou child of the devil, thou enemy of all righteousness, wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord?” From these scriptures we can see that it is not intolerance to show up false doctrines, or to show up the wrong in connection with anything that misrepresents God or His truth.

It is notieesble: that the most intolerant peo pie on earth are the ones, who are always charging others with intoleruMee. It is the principle - J Pi W ' tr \ b’ a-m Bn s' r1>’ntkri ~ t " ‘     ° ; - himselfx began

: ’rim m hmerent hv?:ander and mmtwr., - <m r (v. w Th f-Ew A v t- ri'’ tc« WBBR are not intolerant, but are in duty bound to defend the name of God and to clear up'the, slanders against Hi® Word of Truth. ?n dis meantime we will tolerate all who continue to do

otherwise, until such time as the Lord puts an end to it all—which will be very soon.

WA» Expose Ecclcsiaeticlsm?

JN SHOWING that ecclesiastic!sm is an abomination in the sight of the Lord wo arc only trying to clear up the slanders againsi the Lord, and trying xo help those who have nc-voi giv^n the matter any thought to gel a proper v'/'f of Ilie situation. The Bible points e,rt V c organisations, God’s organization and the Devil's organization. God’s organization Jv s mwavs stood for and supported and defended the tr.dh. The Devil’s organization has always, covertly and by every foul and unfair means conceivable, opposed the Lord, opposed the triPl. c Tpwcd righteousness and opposed and persecuted all of the Lord’s faithful people.

These two organizations, Satan's and God’s, are first, brought to our attention in the garden of Eden. There they are called, respeebvely, the “seed of the woman” and “the seed of the serpent”. The Lord said that He would put enmity between these two seeds, but that eventually the seed of the woman would bruise the Serpent’s head. The Serpent is the Devil, and the seed of the Serpent is that organization of men which the Devil uses to accomplish his purpose of persecuting the seed of the woman. That organization is ecclesiasticism. Nor are we left in doubt as to who constitute the seed of the woman. It is the true church; the true saints; the true followers of Jesus; those who have stood for the truth and right at all times; those who have defended God’s name and have continually and always shown up the Devil’s organ.z? t’on, iU sham, its hypocrisies and lies, as well as its hypocrites.

J rs ,iis letter to the church at Rome, addressed to ‘ ml tbai oe in Ro.ts, beloved of God. called lo be sauits", Tail says: “The God of peace phall bruise Satan under your feet shortly.” (Romans 16: 29) The seed of the woman was to bnu^e the Serpent’s head, and in this text the apuslle tells us that the saints are to do the bruising. The saints are the true chinch. The true church is God’s organization. The Lord says to these: “Ye are the light of the vcorld”; and “ye are ambassadors for Christ”. He tells them to put oxi the whole armor of God; preach the truth, in season and out of season. He says to them$ “Ye are my witnesses.”

The true church, God’s organization, has been in the world for 1900 years, but the world has not recognized it; hence it. is called in the Bib “The mystery of God.” (Revelation 10:8) Th® Apostle Raul, in 2 Thessalonians 2:7, calls tlia Devil's organization, which is the seed of the serpent, the “mystoiy of iniquity"—an appropriate name Indeed, for it has sponsored every iniquitous thing that has been on the earth.

In this same diopter the apostle says that the Lord wiH de^irov ibis mvstery of iniquity at His ,’cco’i advent. The Devil’s organization, fecclosia&tAcisifjs i& called “the mystery of iniquity” for the reason that although it has been in the world for many centuries, yet it has be(-« unrecuumzed as the Devil’s organization. Th® Devil has fooled the people into believing that his organization is the Lord’s organization.

For 1900 years the Lord has been quietly, but unknown to the world and unknown to the unfaithful clergy class, selecting out His church of 144,000 members. They have been called, “The seed of the woman,” “the seed of Abraham,” “the seed of promise,” also “the holy seed” and “the seed which the Lord hath blessed”. (Isaiah 6:13: 61: 9) This class is also spoken of many times in the Bible as a “remnant”, because of their small number. The Devil’s organization on the contrary has been called, “The seed of the serpent,” “the jpystery of iniquity,” and “the seed of the adulterer and the whore”. (Isaiah 57: 3) The Lord says to the true church, !Come out of the world, touch not the unclean thing.8

Ecctegiofstidsm Nat a Virgin

CCORD1NG to the Bible the true church is now a virgin and is to be “the bride of the

Lamb”: but rot until she is united to the Lord :n the first resurrection >s she to exorcise regal or temporal authority in any sense oi the word. Hence, if she should join with the financial and political powers now, and cooperate tvitb them iu administering civil government, she would be called an adulteress, a harlot, a whore.

But the true church is true to her Lord, and does not attempt to reign without her Lord. On the contrary, the system of religion known as ecclesiasticism’ is continually dabbling in politics, and claims the right to do so. In the Bible the union of the church with the political factors is called adultery. This is why the seed ©J the Serpent, the Devil’s organization, ecclesi-®sticism, is called the "‘seed of the adulterer and the whore”.

Speaking of the various denominational ©hurch systems of the earih, the Apostle Jameg says, ’"Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know y® not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will he a friend of the world is the enemy of God” (James 4:4) Everybody knov’g That ecclesiastieism is doing all in her power to gain the friendship of the wcrid, end to become a pc-wr m pop tics. She is trying to reign before the Lord begins His leiern. Hmic^ the Lord speaks of her as an an-fr-Jpful woman; and He has rejected her; Ke is nA Lisijg her to accompliwi H.s purposes in the earth at this time.

Notice how ccclcsiastieism came into existence: God planted the nation of Israel, at the death of Jacob, by choosing the twelve sons of Jacob, and making them the heads of the twelve ti-ihes of Israel. Thereafter Israel was God"s organization. God entered into a covenant with them, promising them blessings if they would be faithful to that covenant and punishments if they broke the covenant. He gave them a system of religion, which. was a perfect one. They were also given priests and altars and sacrifices.

But selfish and ainbtiions mon, who desired to exploit, the people, who desired honor for themselves, who loved to be praised and flattered. who loved power and influence, gradually got the control cf God’s organization, and so perverted it and its use that when Jesus came into the world He rejected it and started a new organization entirely. These ambitious men, under the guidance of Satan, had divided the Israelites into different sects, known as serihH? Pharisees. Sadducees, Herodians, Essenes, etc. This was contrary to God’s arrangement.

The leaders of these various sects had formulated creeds cf their own, and Jesus said te them, ‘"Ye teach for doctrines the command-meats of men.’’ They loved the uppermost seats in the synagogues: they loved to pray in public, standing on the street corners, to be seen of xnen; they loved to be called Eabbi and Father. These leaders were ecclesiastics; they assumed authority and power which did not belong to them; they lorded it over God’s heritage, browbeating the people into submission.

fJesns found eedesiastieism enthroned when He came to earth—a great and powerful man-made organization, full of hypocrisy and deceit; the tool of the Devil; oppressing the people; teaching doctrines which slandered Jehovah God. and its leaders so out of harmony with God and the Bible that with wicked and murder-ous hearts they killed John the Baptist. erac-L fled the Lord Jesus and murdered eleven of twelve of the apostles of the Lamb. This wicked s>yr cm vns the eeclesiasticism cf that da;. No vender Jesus rejected it and declared that it would jorthwith be ^esfioycd from the cairbi

Oue of Israel’s prophets had ioretoxd the corrup.ion of Israel by the Devil. I quote Jeremiah 2: 21. 22: t I had planted thee a imhi? vine, wholly a right seed: Low then ait thou turned into the degenerate plant of a strange vine unto me! For though thou wa«h thee with n t.er5 and take thee much, soap, yet thine iniq.ii-«.y is marked before me, saith the Lord.5® Speaking of this same thing, in Matthew 21:33-43, Jesus spake cf Israel as a vineyard let out to husbandmen, who lulled their lord’s servants, and finally killed his son; and then He asked the question, ‘"What will the householder do unto .hose husbandmen? He will miserably destroy those wicked men, and let the vineyard cut to other husbandmen, who will bring him the fruit? in their season."

On the day of Pentecost the Lord established His true church, IDs organization. The record is that He sowed good seed but that an. enemy came and sowed tares. The good seed wew the children the kingdom, while the tares arg the children of the wicked one. After the- a pegties died, gradually the same ..class of ..-selfish, money-loving, power-loving, domineering clergy got control of the Lord’s organisation-^again. Just a few j ears after Jesus’ death, the Apostle Paul, writing to the true saints at- Thessalonica? said: ‘"The mystery of iniquity doth already work?5 (2 Thessalonians 2:7) Gradually the tares, the children of the wicked one, came “fo' outnumber the w heat Selfishness was enthroned.

Bely PaliUciwa

NOW the second advent of the Lord has come, and what is the situation? We find ecelesi-asfieism. split up into mrmmerable sects and bolding a great variety of contradictory ereeds; we find the majority of the modern clergy opeiw ly denying the inspiration of the Bible, denying the virgin birth of Jesus, loving to be called Rabbi, Father, Reverend, Right Reverend, D. D.rLL. D., etc., claiming that they are the only cues who can interpret the Scriptures, and yet unable to interpret any portion of it correctly; actually discouraging Bible study, by telhng their flocks that the Bible is a book of mystery and not intended to be understood except by those who ha»e taken a seven-year course in a theological seminary, and telling others that if they study it toe much they will go to the in-saae a=p mm.

We fmd that the clergy now, instead of following ihrir professed ctilhng. have become the chief pobtvians of the day, and ate glorying in the fact diet rimy ^-ero the chief 'homers for war and note, a wl that as a reward they nra rapidly cornL.g to be recognized as a power in the WGrla’s pritoW. This is the great "holy” system pic-uJly eai.ed eceksiasueism. This system, the Devil's masterpiece, “the mystery of ini-$VJty,w began to ti n rh in the days of the apostles. TUs means that stilish men who coveted ecclesiastical authority were beginning to creep into the church and were stealthily and craftily working to get control of the same.

Gradually the ecclesiastics formulated creeds which misrepresented both Jehovah God and the Bible, chief among which are the doctrines of inherent immortality of the soul, the trinity and the eternal torment myth. Gradually they ap-Gwd a power and authority over the minds and consciences of people which God never delegated to any man or set of men on earth. Then followed penalties upon those who refused to recognize their creeds and their assumed authority. Very soon the state was asked to make lavw to enforce thfse penalties, and in return for these favors the e’ergy pledged their sup-p *it to the state, and the union of church and state was pride.

Bibles were forbidden and burned; and true Bible students were persecuted to death in horrible ways. Nearly 1300 years of indescribable cruelty, hatred, persecution, wickedness and murder followed; and those 1300 years have been aptly called “'The Dark Ages”. Who was responsible for those years of crime and intrigue against man and God, against tru*h and righteousness? History records the fact that ecclesiastics, using their powerful organization, called ecclesiasticism, were responsible for all these dark deeds. Those thirteen centuries dl suppression of the truth and pe t’secution of the Lord’s saints stand, on the pages of history^ credited to the "Holy” Roman Caflwii® Churck

Early in the 16th century the Protestant Ref» ormation began. It was instituted as a worldwide protest against the wickedness of Papacy. Manin Luther started that protest. He repudiated the doctrines of human immortality, and eternal torment: repudiated the mass, and branded Papacy as the Antichrist. Thore was such a revulsion of sennment against ecclesiastieism that its power to persecute to the death was destroyed, and most of the governments which had previously supported it now repudiated it.

Prole&twiism Wiihout a Protest

OR a time the protests continued, and along several different lines. Gradually, however, the Devil began to organize Protestantism. II® saw tn it that certain wicked, selfish and designing men were allowed to gain the control of the various branches of Protestantism. These men began to claim authority; and as a result, bishops, synods and councils came into existence, all claiming the right to make creeds, to excommunicate, and to decide what is orthodox and what is not. Shortly Protestantism became thoroughly organized into a great ecclesiastical system, and now there was the spectacle of two rival ecclesiastical organizations.

But in our day the tendency is to forget the past, and the two great systems are overlooking their creedal differences and are trying to get together. Protestants are no longer protesting. The great thing desired by the leaders ofi both these systems is power and more power. To gain this power, they are entering vigorously into polities, and demanding legislation which is intended to regulate the morals and consciences of the people.

Eeelesiasticism secured the enactment of the prohibition law. It is now trying to stop Sunday amusements and games, by making them illegal. This is intolerance of the worst kind. It is a censorship of the consciences and morals of the masses of the people by the neck* ria sties. The logical outcome will be a supervision of business, of the home and of w hat shall bet-iught in the common schools, as well as in the theological schools.

To enforce such law's, a spy syriem will found n< cessary and convenient, as will also the righ' to r arch the person and private property without a warrant, by the most irresponsible pei--oils. That w 11 mean a reversion to the dark ages a gam. \H those liberties which have been so dfarly purchased during the past 300 yetus viF i>j pvmw This is the trend of ecclesi-sw-b-n (, J "t. Will it succeed, in its wicked de*' I answer, Xo.

.VL” aie v,e so sure about this matter? The reason ’' hru the Scriptures point out that the Itevil vill make one more determined stand <‘,own here in the end of the age, as Christ’s kirgdm.i is being set up, one more effort to perpetuate his empire by enthroning ecclesiastic.'a; and inst when it looks as though he wotdo sue t „d, God will, destroy Satan’s entire (ugarcetion with a complete and everlasting ckfetnctirm.

Babylon ike Great

IX THE 17th chapter of Revelation eeriest-atticism is called a woman, and is also called

Babylon. We will quote verses 3-6: ‘T saw a woman sitting upon a scarlet colored beast, full of names of b’a&pljemy. . . . The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet color, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornications; and up on her forehead was a name written, Mystery, Babylon the Great, the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth. And I saw the wo nan drunken with the blood of the saints and the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.”

true to 1’aus ihis prophecy is, for it has been eccbria4icJcui tha* has murdered the saliO all down through this Gospel Age. Tins woman is described in verse one as sitting npc a many waters, and in verse fifteen the Bevelator Rajs; “The waters which thou rawest . . . are peoples, S' d multitudes, and nations, and tongw'w” Thus we see that waters represent the people of every land, and everyone knows tha* eeelt das^ici’iu is a world-wide institution.

In vers» sixteen the destruction of the abomination is foretold, in these words: “And the ten horns and the boast shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall cat her flesh and burn her with fire.” The present condition of ^cclmaslicism is described in Jtevriation in these words: “Babylon the Great is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.” This means that it is full of false doctrines, and its membership is composed of wicked men.

But associated with these wicked profiteers and hypocrites and blasphemers are some of the Lord’s sheep, blinded, deluded and wretched. They know not what to do. They see the selfishness and wickedness of the great system, and sn verse 4 the Lord says to them: "Come out of her, my people, that yc be not partakers of her sins and that ye receive not of her plagues.” And in verse eight we read: “She shall be utterly burned with fire, for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.”

iBselemstieim As It Is

UMMING up then, we find that ecdesiasti-cism was organized by Satan; that its purpose has been and is to blind men to the truth about God, to turn men away from God and to keep them from a study of the Bible; that it misrepresents God and the Bible; that it fosters hypocrisy; that it mocks God; that its influence in the world is baneful; that it destroys liberty of thought; that it throttles free speech; that it deprives man of his God-given, free moral agency; that it assumes authority over individual conscience and reason; that it is full of confusion and inconsistency; that it promotes superstition and mysticism; that its teachings are false; that it has always been a persecuting power, and an active supporter of every war on earth,. It is because of all these and other wickednesses that the apostle describes it as a woman "having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness”.

Thank God that this wicked institution is to be destroyed! But- what is to become of those ecclesiastics who formed the ijwiTation? I ask you to read Jeremiah 23rd chapter, also Ezekiel Mth chapter; and when reading these chapters just substitute the word clergymen for the words pastors, prophets and shepherds, which occur in these chapters, and you. will get some idea of what the Lord has in reservation for those selfish, cruel and wicked men who have been guilty of organizing, promoting and perpetuating this wicked institution of darkness, by which God’s goodness has long been misrepresented or hidden from view.

A few of the verses from the 23rd chapter of Seremiah read;

  • 1. “Woe he unto the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture.'*'

  • 11. “For Both prophet and priest are profane; yea, in house have I found their wickedness.”

15. “Thus saith the Lord concerning the Behold I will feed them with woim-wood and make them drink the water of gall.”

21. fT have not sent these prophets, yet they tpn; I have r c t spoken to then l yet th ?y prop e-sied.”

30. “Behold, I m aga'ast the propheto, saith the Lord, that nse their tongues and say, He saith.”

40. “And I will bring an pvedssvnig reproach upon you. and a perpetual shame which shall not be forgotten.”

I suggest that my hearers read the entix® chapter; it is wonderfully interesting, and wil! give you a splendid idea of the opinion which Jehovah God has of ecclesiastics. I irn glad to believe that there are some good men among ecclesiastics, and I am hoping that this lecture may be heard and prove a blessing co some &&• them, hclptog them to sea just how God regards the system wbirii they are ignorantly cncourag* tog mid sv'*porti’jg I do not expect th,’t H will bo sr predated by all. I am glad also 1s bebarb that God purposes to establish Eri ki> gdom seen, which will bo the desire of all nations and poor Ies. even of the ecelesiastias who ax’© now blind to H>e purpcsec.

WImt We Owe t© i&e Clmrebes

THE churches, Reman Catholic and Protestant, have blessed every war that has been Icraght in the earth, in fifteen hundred years; and now seems like a good time to recall the bless* togs of the last one, which could not have been fought and would not have been fought if the so-called ehurehes had lived up to the teachings of Jesus Christ The World War directly murdered 10,004,771 soldiers; 2,000.000 Russian civilians died as the direct result of war privations; over 1,000,000 Serbian and Austrian civilians died through famine, fever and disease; 4,000,000 Armenians, Syrians, Jews and Greeks were massacred; while practically all the Polish children under six years of ago died of starvation.                                                  .

Turning now to Groat Britain: We note that in that one country, while 946,023 were killed or died ©f wounds and sickness on active service, 600,000 more were wounded in such a way that their earning power will never be the same again; WOJJOO children lost their fathers; 123,703 men who went info the war sound are now either armless, legless, totally blind, insane, futorctoap epileptic or deaf. Th® losses of Russia wer® three times these British losses.

•As for the world at large, 7,255 ships of afi nations were sunk. The wen 1th of the world was diminished by $350,000,000,000. Eight year® after the war the export figures of seventy nations show an accumulated shortage ©f $210^= 000,000,000 from what it would have been had not the savings of the people been used to kill the people that saved them.

All this and much more we owe to ths churches. If you want this sort of thing everlastingly perpetuated join the churches, boost the churches and frown on real religion. If yw want it stopped abandon the churches, with thef? shams of force and hypocrisy, and give them set one more eent of year mouey, ©ne more how ef yow time crone more partifcfe of your infiitanm “Come out of her, my people, that jp, be not pw-takers of her sins and receive not of htt plagues.”'—Revelation 18:4.

‘•’Qod of all right-1 ®w tong gh&ll prfestly robbers at Thine altara stanfl, Lifting to Thee in. prayer the bloody hand

And haughty taw of wong?

^’Hoarse, horrible and.stowg SBseg to hearai that agmiring m Wling the grebes &t the hallow slty,

Ato? long, O G< hew teg? w

tJuvanlle Bibis lecture radiocast over WORD on

a wave length of 275 meters by C. D. Mlcholsoa-J

ITOE word GOD means Mighty One or Great -*• One, and in speaking of the God of the Bible, we often say, “The Almighty One.”

For a long, long time people knew very, very little about the real God, Jehovah; but we are fortunate now to be living in a time when even the small boys and girls can know more about God than the grown-ups did a few generations ago. This is possible because we are able to understand our Bibles much better than the people did in former times. It is not because we are so much wiser than they, but because the time has come fo's* the people to understand the truth.

When Jesus was on earth He said that the time would cows when the people should know the tenth, and the trufh vould make them free. (John 8:32) New ve have read fed that time. Aie you not glad to be living at this time? I am, and I am especially glad that we have come to know the God cf the Bible su much better than people did in former times.

Idoi Worship

HfelEIlE are stPl many people in the world

v.ho do not yet know the reed God. The herdhen ia loirign lands, the savages in Africa and in the islands of the sea, do not know our Ged. Jehovah. He really is our God! Is not that a comforting feet! But thvse heathen people have other gods—some which they have mads wifi* their own hands out of wood, stone, and ©thoi materials. We call these gods “idols”.

But the fact is, they really are not gods at all; for a God must be a Mighty Oue, with intelligence, wisdom and power. These idols know nothing. They have no brains, knowledge, wisdom, povor nor life. In fact, they are simply pieces of wood or stone, crudely carved and fashioned after some sort of image of God which their makers have vaguely in. their minds; and their image of God is a very poor one. Are not you soiry for such people who do not know what God is like I

The Bible tells us about people in olden times who made and worshiped idols. Some of the stories it tells of them are horrible to think about There was one big idol which these people called Moloch, that was made in the shape of a human being; but in reality it was a big furnace. In the lower part of this furnace hot fires were built, which heated the idol red hot.

The ignorant people who worshiped it would place their little babies in the arms of this terrible idol, which would then be raised up and pressed against its bosom until the babies were literally cooked alive. Do you not think that vvas an awful idea of God for anyone to have? Are you not glad that -we have a better knowledge of the true God than these people had in those days?

Onlg Tioo Gads

pID you know that there is another powerful godbesides Jehovah? There is! The Bible tells us that thex-e are two Gods. One is Jehovah; arid the other is Satan, that Old Serpent and Dragon the Devil. There are many people who worship the Dew. In fact, we know now that all of the heathen nations really worship him mid de what he wants them to Jo. The idols are made to rep resent him instead of Jehovah. The Bible says tha: Satan is “the god uf this world”. Ind^eu be is a god, a mighty one; but he is not the kind of god that I want to worship. He is responsible for all the sickness, sorrow, pain, erring and death in all the world.

Learning to Knoio Jehovah

rPHE Bible tolls us that the knowledge (or reverence) of God is the beginning of wisdom. It calls the people fools who say that there is no God. ‘This is life eternal, to know the only true God, and. His Son Jesus Christ?

Have you looked into the heavens late in the evening, just before going to bed, and there seen the beautiful little stars twinkling and winking at you? Of course you have I Do you know who made them? Satan did not make them, did hef Of course not!

Do you know who made the sun and the moon, and tins big world on which we live, with all of its comforts and blessings? Do you know flat the good Lord made these for you and for me and for our friends to enjoy? The Bible says that God made this earth to be inhabited by a race of perfect, happy human beings.

Jehovah therefore made it for us; and He also placed the big, bright sun where it would shin® on the earth to make it warm, so that the flowers, the berries, the fruit, the gr^en trees, the gardens and the grass would grow and make aU nature glad with their beauty and fragrance? and furnish us ■with, all good things to eat.

He also sends the rain to make the crops grow, ^nd He gives us cotton and wool for our clothing, and lumber and other materials with which to build our homes. In fact, He gives us everything that is ‘needed to make us happy. He is going to do many other wonderful things for mankind in the future. Do you not think that we should be very thankful to God?

I wish I had more time in which to tell you about God, because I am sure that you want to know more about Him. We could not expect? however, to learn all about Him in one lesson, but we learn more about Him as we study the Bible. Some other time I will tell you some in.* terebting stories found in the Bible, which will make you love God all the more.

Ibwi© rrog'’-£a?8 [Station WEBB, Staten Island, Hew Toik City-—416.4 maters.]

Bunday Mosniag, March 6

10:00 Watchtower Concert Orchestra.

  • 10: 20 Fred Twarosclik, tenor.

10:35 Bible Lecture—Judge Rutherford.

11:05 Fred Tweroschk, tenor.

11; 15“ Sunday School Lesson, “Sharing the Good News”

—Fred W. Franz.

  • 11: 35 Fred Twa rosehk, tenor.

lit45 Watchtower Concert Orchestra.

Sunday Morning, March 13

10:00 Watchtower Concert Orchestra,                  '

10:20 Forrest J. Kleinhans, baritone.

  • 10: 35 Bible Lecture—Judge Rutherford.

11:05 Forrest J. Kleinhans. baritone.

11:15 Sunday School Lesson, "Making the World Christian’*

—W. N. Woodworth.

11:35 Forrest J. Kleinhans, baritone.

  • 11: 45 Watchtower Concert Orchestra.

Sunday Afternoon, March 6

2 rOO Maeknigbt Instrumental Trio.

  • 2: 20 Choral Singers.

2:35 “Two SalvatfoosTJut No Second Chance”

—R. H. Barber.

  • 3: 05 Choral Stagers.

3:20 Macknight Instrumental Trio.

  • 3: 30 Bible Instruction—John Dawson.

S: 50 Choral Singers.

  • 4: 05 Macknight Instrumental Trio.

Sunday Evening, March 6

7:00 Watchtower Concert Trio.

  • 7: SO Fred Twsnrosfiflt; tenor.

7:30 “The Bible Not Written for the World 1b. General—

  • •   Why?”—R. H. Barber.

8”. 00 Fred Twarosehk, tenor.

8:15 Watchtower Concert Trio.

8:30 Bible Questions and Answers—Judge Rutherford.

Tcetday Evening, March 8

7 i 30 Rudolph Clemente, violinist.

7:45 M*lc Quartette.

8:00 World News Digest—C. J. Woodworth.

8:15 Male Quartette.

8:W “Keep Woll through Proper Diet and CMoSting.”

8s 45 Rudolph Clemento, violinist.

9:80 "The Truth Searchers.”

Thursday Evening; March 10

7:30 Pandora Quintette.

7:45 Minnie Schaefer, soprano.

8:00 Little Bible Dramas, “Ml and RestomWit s»f Msm”

8:26 Fred Franz, tenor.

8:35 Camille Schmidt, soprano.

8:50 Paadura Quintette.

3: Ofl “The Manifestation of God’s Power’8

-*■!«. S. SeMeinian,

Friday Evening, March 11

7 >30 (Merge Twaroechk, pianist.

7:45 Watch rower Concert Trio,

  • 8: 00 “The Mission of the True Church”

—Eldore Bergsbaken.

8:30 Joseph Bonaceorso, violinist.

8:45 Watchtower Concert Trio.

S; 00 Helpful Items on Health and Hygiene.

Sunday Afternoon, March 13

2:00 Watchtower String Quartette.

2:20 Forrest J. Kleinhans, baritone.

2:30 “Why So Many Crimes in Christendom?”

  • •—E. J. Coward.

S: GG Fewest J. Kleinhans, baritoae.

  • 8: IS R-uskin Macknight, cellist.

8:25 Bible Instruction'—Mattia Hartman.

3; 45 Watchtower String Quartette.

Sunday Evening, March 13

7:00 Watchtower Instrumental Quintette.

7:15 Fred Twarosehk, tenor.

7:30 “Christ’s Kingdom to Begin in a Time of Trouble*

—E. J. Coward.

8:00 Fred Twarosehk, tenor,

8:15 Watchtower Instrumental Quintette.

8:30 Bible Questions and Answers—Judge Rutherford.

Tuesday Evening, March 15 7:30 Professor Charles Rohner, violinist.

"; 45 Irene Klrinpeter, soprano.

8;00 “Mr. Traveler Sees Other Lands.”

8:20 Irene Kleinpeter, soprano.

8:35 “Keeping Well through Proper Diet and Cooking.”

8:50 Professor Charles Rohner, violinist.

9:00 “The Truth Searchers.”

Thursday Evening, March 17 7:30 F. S. Barces, organist.

  • 7: 45 Stanley Goblinglwrst, baritone.

8:00 Little Bible Dramas—“The True and the Fais® Church.”

8:20 Stanley Goblinghorst, baritone.

  • 8: 85 Significant Items of World News.

  • 8: 50 George Twarosehk, pianist.

  • 9: M “Paradise Restored”— S. M. Van Sipma,

Friday Evening, March 18

7:30 Watchtower Concert Trio.

  • 7: 50 “When People will Begin to Live Again”—R S. Ewery 8:20 Joseph Bonaccorso, violinist.

8:40 Watchtower Concert Trio.

  • 8: 00 Helpful Items oa Health and Hygiene,

Little Studies for little People

(Ninth Study) The Third God

35. The angels of heaven are powerful beings. They are spirit beings, like Jehovah. That Is, we cannot see them, because they are made differently than we. They have marvelous bodies which enable them to pass through the great spaces of the universe much faster than the very fastest airplane can travel through the sir of our earth.

  • 46. They were created by the Logos, too, and are called sons of God, because they are bright and shining like Him. We know that there is only one firstborn Son of God, however, and this is Jesus. The angels are used by Jehovah as messengers, and very good ones they make. They are always on hand to protect those who love God from anything that would seriously harm them.

  • 47. We must remember, however, that the power possessed by the angels is given to them by God; and the good angels are continually praising God and glorifying His name in gratitude for this gift of power. But there are some bad angels, too—did you know that? Yes, indeed; but they were not always bad.

  • 48. The smartest and most beautiful of the angels was named Lucifer. He had many names of honor given to him by God. Once God called him “the anointed cherub that covereth”. So we see that Lucifer was placed over certain of the other creatures as a sort of guardian, to look after them. Lucifer was made a sort of third god at the time man was created.

  • 49. When roan was created, God sent Lucifer to the garden of Eden, to watch over him, and to be a messenger between earth and heaven. Lucifer saw the beautiful earth, with the perfect man upon it; but instead of feeling grateful to God for giving him this great trust, he began to think up schemes to get the earth and everything on it all for himself, so that he might be as powerful as God.

  • 50. Have you not heard of people being "too smart”? That means that they think they know everything; and they act very stuck up and silly about it W ell, LHeifer was not only smart, but he was “too smart”, and he began to think that K® was as mighty as God Himself. In fact, the Bible tells us that he said, £T will be Ek® the Most High.” Is that not terrible? To think of anyone trying to be as great as the great Je-hovah!

  • 51. Tins was the beginning of wrong and evil in the world. Up till now everything had gone smoothly for Adam, the first man. But when Lucifer, the Guardian Angel, became so anxious to be like God, he set temptations in the way of Adam., and Adam broke a rule which God had made.

  • 52. Lucifer was then given several new names, not at all glorious, which served to show how bad he had become. He is now known as the Devil, the Dragon, the Serpent, the Adversary, the Enemy, and Satan. He is also called the “Father of Lies”. That he was once a very high being is proved by what God said of him: “Thou wast perfect in all thy ways until iniquity [evil] was found in thee.”

Questions ®n Ninth Study

  • 45. Are angels visible or invisible to man; that is, can man see them ? Which, can travel faster, angels or men ?

  • 46. By what general name are the angels called? What work is given them to do? Have they ever dons anything for you or me ?

  • 47. Where do the good angels get their powers? Ara there any bad ones? Were the bad ones always bsd?

  • 48. Next to the Logos who was the smartest and. most beautiful of the angels? What title did he have given him? Did that make of him a god?

  • 49. What important mission did Lucifer have respecting the earth? What effect did this have upon hi® pride? What effect should it have had?

Is there such a thing as being too smart? Did Lucifer become too smart? What foohJii idea earn© into his mind?

  • 51. How did wrong and evil begin in the world ? VTh© was the first and greatest sinner? Who was the next great sinner?

  • 52. By what names is Lucifer now called? How d© we known that it was not always right to call him by these names ?


With issue Xmnber 60 we beg'tn running Judge Rntherford’s new book. “Th® Harp of God”, with accompanying questions, Cor use in individual ar am-gs'egational Bible Study.

kw qn],e reigj, op         will result in the de-

struetion of all man’s enemies. The weeds, the thistles, the thorns, the pests tl et destroy cro[*s, shall all be d^stiojed. Ew’vihmg that pro-daoe* •'.ick.iK”s sh&il be destroyed. The apo^uc plainly says: ‘Tie [Christ] must "cgr. lib hr hath put all enemies tender his feet. The last.

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can wcT imngme grmt          tf

people aob<m’'lhgm different parts cf toe sarin to (nndwuie their d 'ivjwe;! from sad n i t<‘ , - 'i          ; e-nn’ .. t c c wt

swallow up death in victory ; and the Lord God •will wipe awuy all tears from off all faces: and the rebuke of his people shall he take away from-* off all the earth; fen the Lord hath rpoken it ' Isaiah 25:6-8.

m St. John on the Isle of Patmos bad a vision of the great Messianic kingdom and described it in symbolic phrase. The word “heaven” symbolically means the invisible ruling power; whild** the “earth” ream organized society. The old wicked one has boon ruling. The old earth has

ness tin j awnm c£ i?wt) '* gc. crim®, sirm tl . ' i; mri see kaovrn gc' Jr—loving iriEno-.$ r<Hng them p^ce, th trill fib the earth with joyful song. Th<? prophet do scribes some of the effects of these rescitntion hle$rin<~s thus: “Tn this mo an tain [Idnydou! shall the Lord of hosts make unto all people a feast of fat things, a, feast of wines on the lees, of fat things full of marrow, of wines on the lees well refined. And he will destroy in this mountain the face of the covering cast over all people, and the vail that is spread over all nations [taking away ignorance, etc,]. He will been wMtak hpcsKf-o the orgsnicstions of men have been uirlet the dumLnon tf Saxon. St. Joins, obw>"T MessArie kingdom omi the olo.ri'Jgs itai would follow, wrote: fT saw a new heaven end a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more Fea.” Thus he show the sew heaven (the Messianic kingdom) and th*4 new earth (society organized on a righteous basis in the earth). See is symbolic of restless hu manity, thus jjicturing the fact that there will be no more drikofe, lockouts, revolutions, or anarchy. Ctmtinuiig. he describes the kingdom as a holy city, *he new Jerusalem, in this Wfitd-ito i hrase: fiud I John mr the holy erty, new ferreai-m. coming dn..-u irom ttod oct ri heaven, _„reparea us a h’toc ** domed for her ins-W Ar* I hwd i hjwgt out ot hca»er saying, beheld tJw rabernre'e vf Ged L -with, .mm. ?«<d Le will c< z wi «*,]• tl ere m >1 Giey JaaP be hm ncovb's rnd Cod Hr ceif shall be wi«h ri Pip. nr J be thmr God — picturing here the C >eB:ug pbw' ot the Lord TV price m. uwet--Wf k*W'p Jehwi.Ii end manidcd is through the GV si. 'tow lembta vrih he the deainrrtion of the entsir dos th. sad the r^stonuon ot trie Gbeoieiit ones; and thus he dobcmnes le: “And God shell wipe away all tears from their «s,ye8; and there shad be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shad. there be any more pain; for the former things are passed a-way. Aad he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And lie said raito me, Write: for these words are true and faithful ”—Eevelation 21:1-5.


In the tales of restoration, what -will become of the weeds, tlusdcs, and therns, and pesto that destroy >■ -reps ? fl 53ft.

What will become of the poisonous thing® t'Mf pro&M si."kncsfi? fl 595.

When the people witness the dwppe&ranee of ignorance mme, and sapcrstxbcm, and the ®t»hlisbmaai cf goodness, loving krannesg, eta, what effect will tide have epon them? fl 69S.

Wh,»t scriptures fadieari that the people ,rlB hsca ?■

[oyfol tj»e in the dap of restoration ? f RM

_ Wiut effect will the mtondfan have open en<! sorrow fl 59fe.

. Ge-cT he St.. John’s vwon upon the Isle of Paxnros b*.»» a ICT heaven and a new sarth. J S97.

In thrt picture xthrt is symbolized by heaven, earth, Kid gegff fl 597.

What effect wifi restoration have npjn strikes, tiorg, end anai’dij ? fl 59*7.

Mow is the wrtmg place tetwsi God ssnl wan setaed ia this wplidw uttusneeaC St. John? f WT<

amn'imuwMMrM > pp <.' mi •• p m* ’pq'MMihWP’rFMMa’ .r







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Is there life beyond the grave?


Are the drad in conscious suffering or lu bliss?

; WB jfo'4e®a. ••'fefeesBE fefefo?iiiiii-

Doo? tlio resurrection, return the dvd to life ailing and afflicted?

These, and other questions such a question awakes, are satisfactorily

