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The content displayed below is for educational and archival purposes only.
Unless stated otherwise, content is © 1927 International Bible Students Association

No. 14

Upon the earth distress of nations with perplexity; the sea and the waffeg (the restless, discontented) roaring; men’s hearts falling them for fear and for looking to the things coming upon the earth; for the powers of the heavens shall be shaken. . . . When ye see these things begin to come to pass, then know that the Kingdom tf God is at hand. Look up, lift up your heads, rejoice, for your redemption draweth nigh.—Matt. 24; 33; Mark 13:29; Luka 21:25-31.

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Anno Mundi 6055—July 15, 1927


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Visits from Jehovah ......................

Inspection and Deliverance..........

Chastisements ...................................

God Visits the Gentiles .................

Responsibility of the Gentiles .....

Time of Visitation .........................

Learning of Jesus ...........................

Ambassadors ...............................—

Who Will Glorify God? ................

Memorial Reports for 1927 ..........

Solomon’s Wise Choice ...................

Toronto Convention ......................

Bethel Special Train to Toronto Identification Tags ___________________

World-Wide Witness______________

Convention at Sedalia ——-

...211 ...211 ...212 ...212 ...213 ..213 ...214 ...215 ...216 ...218 ...221 ...223 ...210 .. 210 ...210


“I will stand upon tny watch and will set <ny foot upon the Tower, and will watch to see what He will say unto me, and what answer I shall make to them that oppose me^^-Hahakkuk 2:1,


THIS journal is published by the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society for the purpose of aiding the people to understand the divine plan. It provides systematic Bible study in which all its readers may regularly engage. It gives announcement of the visits made to Bible classes by traveling speakers, announces conventions, and gives the reports thereof. The International Sunday School lessons are treated in harmony with the Scriptures.

It adheres strictly to the Bible as God’s revealed Word of Truth, It stands firmly upon the great ransom sacrifice as the fundamental doctrine by which all doctrines are measured. It is free from parties, sects, and creeds of men. It does not assume a dogmatic attitude, but confidently invites a careful examination of its utterances in the light of the infallible Word of God. It does not Indulge in controversies, and its columns are not open to personalities.


THAT JEHOVAH is the only true God, the Maker of heaven and earth, and is from everlasting to everlasting; that the Logos was the beginning of his creation; that the Logos became a man; that he is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed with all power in heaven and earth.

THAT GOD created the earth for man, created perfect man for the earth and placed him upon it; that man wilfully disobeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by reason of Adam’s wrongful act all men are born sinners and without the right to life.

THAT JESUS was made a human being in order that he might become the Redeemer of man; that he gave his life a sacrifice for man and thereby produced the ransom price; that Jesus the divine arose from the dead, ascended into heaven, and presented the value of his human sacrifice as the redemptive price for man. ’

THAT for many centuries God, through Christ, has been



OFFICERS J. F. Rutherford                           President

W. E. Van Amburgh                   Secy & Treas. selecting from amongst men the members of his church, which constitutes the body of Christ; that the mission of the church is to follow in the footsteps of her Lord Christ Jesus, grow in his likeness, give testimony to the name and plan of Jehovah God, and ultimately be glorified with Christ Jesus in his heavenly kingdom; that Christ, Head and body, constitutes the “seed of Abraham” through which all the families of the earth shall be blessed.

THAT THE WORLD HAS ENDED; that the Lord Jesus has returned and is now present; that Jehovah has placed Christ Jesus upon his throne and now commands all nations and peoples to hear and obey him.

THAT THE HOPE of the peoples of earth is restoration to human perfection during the reign of Christ; that the reign of Christ will afford opportunity to every man to have a fair trial for life and those who obey will live on earth for ever in a state of happiness.

EDITORIAL COMMITTEE                J. F. Rutherford

W. E. Van Amburgh J. Hemery R. H. Barber E. J. Coward

Foreign Offices : British: 34 Craven Terrace, Lancaster Gate, London W. 2 ; Canadian: 38-40 Irwin Avenue, Toronto, Ontario; Australasian: 495 Collins St Melbourne, Australia; South Africa: 6 Lelie St., Cape Town, South Africa. Please address the Society in every case.

Yearly Subscription Price : United States, $1.00; Canada and Miscellaneous Foreign, $1.50; Great Britain, Australasia and South Africa, 7s, American remittances should be made by Express or Postal Money Orders, or by Bank Draft. Canadian, British, South African and Australasian remittances should be made to branch offices only. Remittances from scattered foreign territory may be made to the Brooklyn office, but by International Postal Money Orders only.

(Foreign translations of this journal appear in several languages.)

Terms to the Lord’s Poor : All Bible Students who, by reason of old age or other infirmity or adversity, are unable to pay for this journal, will be supplied free if they send a postal card each May stating their case and requesting such provision. We are not only willing, but anxious, that all such be on our list continually and in touch with the Berean studies.

Notice to Subscribers: We do not, as a rule, send a card of acknowledgment for a renewal or for a new subscription. A renewal blank (carrying notice of expiration) will be sent with the journal one month before the subscription expires. Change of address, when requested, may be expected to appear on address label within one month.

Entered as Second Class Mail Matter at Brooklyn, N. Y. Postoffice, ■                  Act of March 3rd, 1879.


The Bethel Special train will leave Pennsylvania Station, New York, at 6: 05 p. m., Sunday, July 17th, arriving at destination Monday morning about 8: 30 o’clock, in time for breakfast in Toronto. Returning this train will leave Toronto at 9:30 a- m., on Wednesday, July 27th, arriving Niagara Falls about noon; leaves Niagara Falls at 11: 30 p. m., and arrives at Pennsylvania Station, New York, at 11:35 a. m„ Thursday the 28th. Note: TIME SHOWN IS DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME.


Many of the brethren have inquired about identification in crossing the Canadian border. The Society has prepared a very nice badge; and the name and address of each one wearing it can be written on a card and slipped inside so it will show. The immigration officers can see then who you are and where you are from.

These can be furnished at 8<f apiece. Where a class orders twenty-five or more to be sent in bulk to be distributed, amongst the class, they can be furnished for 7<J each. Send in your order in ample time, that you may be supplied.


We strongly advocate that every class on Sunday, August 28th, and Sunday, September 4th, suspend all meetings, and let these be general field days for every member of the class to go out in the active service from door to door, and close the day with a testimony meeting at 7: 00 o’clock. This will afford an opportunity for everyone to preach the gospel.                   _____________



7 289 141 292 21 266


1 157   8 87 15 225 2 2 310


2 314   9 Ap. C 16 140 23 313


3 219 IO 1 17 177 24 272


4 251 11 280 18 178 25 269


5 200 12-152 19 72 26 40


6 176 13 49 20 30 27 171

28 317

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30 93

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The Missouri State Fair will be in session at Sedalia, Mo., August 21st to 28th. This being an opportune time for a convention of the Bible Students, arrangements have been made to hold such a convention there August 21st to 24th. Brother Macmillan will be the chief speaker and will address the public, and there will be other visiting pilgrims. All the surrounding classes are invited to cooperate with Sedalia in arranging for this convention, especially for the Service Day. For information address Mrs. S. E. Bowser, 320 E. 4ttb St., Sedalia, Mo.


July 15, 1927

No. 14


“Having your conversation honest among the Gentiles: that, whereas they speak against you as evil doers, they may by your good works, which they shall behold, glorify God in the day of visitation."

1 Peter 2:12.

IN THIS text the apostle was addressing his brethren. The ones addressed include all those who are the anointed class. He identifies them by speaking of them as “dearly beloved” and as “elect according to the foreknowledge of God”. He is there giving some wholesome advice as to the proper course of action to be taken by the Christian looking forward to that time of God’s visitation which would be of special importance.

  • 2 What thought is intended to be conveyed by the Scriptural phrase, “day of visitation”? Generally the term “visit” means the act of going to view or inspect a thing or person. As related to the Scriptures it is quite common to speak of “visitations” as acts of judgment. This is too narrow a view of it and was evidently induced by ecclesiasticism. The same system is doubtless responsible for incorporating that thought in the laws of the land throughout Christendom.

  • 3 For instance, a man is struck by lightning and dies. The coroner and jury hear the facts and render a verdict that the man died by reason of a “visitation from God”. A corporation, which is a common carrier, undertakes to transport personal property, and in so doing is legally liable for any negligence in transportation or delivery. If in course of transportation the property is destroyed by a storm and the corporation carrier is sued, the defense is made by the corporation that it is not liable because the destruction was the result of an act or “visitation” of God. A great property loss and loss of lives recently have been caused by the flooding of the Mississippi River. This is being charged up to Jehovah, but as a matter of fact it resulted from the disturbed elements. There is no Scriptural reason to believe that Jehovah directed the flood.

  • 4 Among Bible Students the above words of the apostle concerning the day of God’s visitation have been held to refer to the time during the Millennial reign of Christ, and that it will be during his reign that those who have spoken evil of Christians and have denounced them as evil doers will then glorify God because of the honorable course taken by the Christians. The Scriptures do not support that thought, however. It is necessary to get the proper setting of a text in order to see its application and to learn the lessons that God would have us learn therefrom.

  • 5 The Scriptures show that at stated times Jehovah has visited his people and his enemies, and that he will visit them. He visits his people for the purposes of inspection, chastisements, deliverance and blessing. He visits his enemies for the purpose of chastisement and destruction. Those whom God visits are brought into a condition of greater responsibility by reason of his visit. This responsibility is in proportion to the knowledge possessed.


  • 6 The faithful Joseph served God in Egypt as a true witness. He had seen his aged father and his brethren brought into that land, and he had cared for them. He had witnessed the death of his father. For many years thereafter Joseph ministered to and comforted his brethren. The time of his departure into “the land of the enemy” (death) came, and Joseph said: “I die: and God will surely visit you, and bring you out of this land unto the land which he sware to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob.” (Genesis 50:24) That was a prophecy uttered by Joseph, foretelling that God would visit his people in due time.

  • 7 The evil ruler of Egypt greatly oppressed the Israelites. God called Moses to go unto that people and bear them a message. “Go, and gather the elders of Israel together, and say unto them, The Lord God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob, appeared unto me, saying, I have surely visited you, and seen that which is done to you in Egypt.” (Exodus 3:16) That was a visitation of inspection. God had heard the cries of the oppressed and visited his people for inspection; and now he would visit them and deliver them, and he would use Moses in so doing. When the Israelites were hard pressed by their enemies God put his hand over them and delivered them into safety. This was a visitation of Jehovah.



  • 8 Jehovah established Israel in the land of promise. He placed David upon the throne. He made a covenant with David, which covenant he made known unto him through Nathan the prophet. (2 Samuel 7th chapter) Concerning that covenant God caused one of his prophets in Israel to write: “My mercy will I keep for him for evermore, and my covenant shall stand fast with him. His seed also will I make to endure for ever, and his throne as the days of heaven. If his children forsake my law, and walk not in my judgments; if they break my statutes, and keep not my commandments; then will I visit their transgression with the rod, and their iniquity with stripes.”—Psalm 89: 28-32.

  • 9 The Israelites did forsake that covenant and failed to walk in the way of righteousness. In due time God visited them and administered to them a terrible chastisement. The iniquities and transgressions of that people became so flagrant that God visited them and entered his decree against them and enforced that decree by permitting the Israelites, and especially the king, to be captured and carried away to Babylon.—Ezekiel 21: 24-27; Jeremiah 52:1-12.


  • 10 Never again did Israel have a king. Affliction had been for a long time upon Israel when the time came for the birth of John the Baptist, the forerunner of Jesus the Savior of the world. Then it was that Zacharias prophesied and said: “Blessed be the Lord God of Israel; for he hath visited and redeemed his people.” (Luke 1: 68) That was a visit of blessing from Jehovah.

  • 11 Then came Jesus of Nazareth, the anointed One of God. Of and concerning him the prophets had written. The devout ones of Israel had looked for his coming. Jesus was preaching concerning the kingdom of heaven. He was at Capernaum. A widow had lost her only son to the enemy death. As they carried the dead man out, Jesus saw him and observed his mother weeping. He had compassion upon her and raised the young man out of death. “And there came a fear on all: and they glorified God, saying, That a great prophet is risen up among us; and, That God hath visited his people.”—Luke 7:16.

  • 12 The holy prophets had written concerning the coming of the Messiah, who was foreshadowed by Moses. Jehovah had provided at the hand of Moses the Law Covenant with Israel and had decreed that the Law Covenant should be a “schoolmaster” to lead the Israelites in the right way unto the coming of the Messiah. This favor brought responsibility upon the Jews. The nation failed to keep the Law Covenant, and many turned away therefrom. Then came John the Baptist, warning the Jews to repent and be baptized and return unto harmony with God. The responsibility of the Jews increased when they heard this warning. John was the forerunner of the Messiah; and when Jesus began his ministry John pointed him out and said to those within his hearing: “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world. This is he of whom I said, After me cometh a man which is preferred before me: for he was before me. And I knew him not: but that he should be made manifest to Israel, therefore am I come baptizing with water.”—John 1: 29-31.

  • 13 The coming of Jesus Christ was a visitation from God for good unto Israel. Many of the common people heard him gladly, and doubtless the entire nation would have turned to him and accepted him as the Messiah except for the wrongful influence of the clergy of that time. The clergy were familiar with the text of the Scriptures concerning the coming of the Messiah. They were properly informed that Jesus was the Messiah. He told them that he was sent from Jehovah. Their knowledge brought upon them greater responsibility, and also responsibility rested upon all the people in proportion to the knowledge that they had received concerning Jesus as God’s anointed One.

  • 14 Because the people were misled by the clergy they did not appreciate the time of their visitation. Jesus had come to them to bring them blessing and happiness, but their leaders would not have it so. Only a few of the Israelites accepted Jesus, and to them he gave the power to become the sons of God. For three and one-half years he taught the people. Then he rode into the city and offered himself to them as their King. He was rejected. Jesus wept because the people did not appreciate the favor that had come to them by the visit of God.

  • 13 “If thou hadst known, even thou, at least in this thy day, the things which belong unto thy peace! but now they are hid from thine eyes. For the days shall come upon thee, that thine enemies shall cast a trench about thee, and compass thee round, and keep thee in on every side, and shall lay thee even with the ground, and thy children within thee; and they shall not leave in thee one stone upon another; because thou knewest not the time of thy visitation.” (Luke 19: 42-44) On that occasion Jesus prophesied the visitation of God upon Jerusalem and its complete destruction. Only a few years elapsed until that prophecy was fulfilled. God laid the city in waste.


  • 16 For three and one-half years after the crucifixion of Christ Jesus the opportunity to become members of God’s chosen race was confined to the Jews. By their own efforts the Gentiles never could have come to God and found him and been partakers of the great salvation. But few Jews appreciated God’s visit to them, and now he would turn his hand to the Gentiles. In the exercise of his loving kindness God made himself known unto the Gentiles, and made it possible for Gentiles to be partakers of the great salvation through Christ Jesus.

11 This incident is beautifully described in the Scriptures. There was a little band of Romans at Cfflsarea. A Gentile by the name of Cornelius was captain of that band, or company of soldiers. That this man happened to form a part of the Devil’s organization did not wholly preclude him from having God’s favor. Of course the military of Rome was a part of Satan’s organization. Cornelius, although an officer in that military, was a devout man. He feared God and prayed often to Jehovah. He was not harsh but kind and generous, and gave much to aid the poor. He did not use his office for oppressive purposes, but he did good in spite of his official position. He was doubtless a kind and sympathetic man.

  • 18 Cornelius did not know God, because the way for a Gentile to come to God had not been opened. He did not understand God’s plan of redemption and salvation, but he believed in the existence of God and that God had a way whereby he would bless him and others who loved righteousness; and therefore he prayed. While he thus prayed God sent to him an angel. Cornelius was afraid when he beheld an angel, and cried out: “What is it, Lord?” The angel said to him: “Thy prayers and thine alms are come up for a memorial before God.”

  • 19 That was a visit from God to a Gentile. At the direction of God’s messenger Cornelius sent to Joppa for Peter. At the same time God gave Peter a vision directing him to go to Cornelius. When the two had met, Peter said: “Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons.” (Acts 10:34) Peter then recounted to Cornelius God’s great plan of redemption through the blood of Christ Jesus. This visit of God to Cornelius brought him a wonderful blessing. He was then and there anointed by the spirit of Jehovah.

  • 20 Peter went up to Jerusalem and related the circumstances of God’s visit to Cornelius. There were amongst the Jews those who opposed the act of Peter in going to a Gentile. But when they had heard the circumstances of Peter’s going to Cornelius the Jews said: “Then hath God also to the Gentiles granted repentance unto life.” On another occasion, when some Christians were gathered together and some were teaching that only circumcised Jews could be saved and there was much talk between them, Barnabas and Paul told what God had done by them amongst the Gentiles. Then James, gaining the attention of the audience, said: “Simeon hath declared how God at the first did visit the Gentiles, to take out of them a people for his name.” —Acts 15:14.

  • 21 From that time forward the Gentiles were brought nigh unto God and within his favor, by reason of God’s visit to them. Thereafter God made no distinction between Jews and Gentiles, bond or free; but all who came to him, confessing Christ Jesus and consecrating themselves to do his will, were received regardless of nationality. The good effect of that visit to the Gentiles must continue “until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in”.

(Romans 11: 25) That time marks the completion of the anointed class.


  • 22 The period of time elapsing from the beginning of the ministry of Jesus Christ until the completion of The Christ is properly called the sacrificial day of atonement. In that period of time very few Jews have accepted Christ as the Savior, or even pretended so to do. From among the Gentiles there has come a great multitude professing the name of Christ. Organized systems of religion have arisen which call themselves by the name of Christ, and with their mouths they profess to be followers of the anointed One. In all these systems there have been and yet are some who believe in Jesus Christ and who have agreed to do God’s will. There are many more who merely call themselves by the name of Christ. Each one, however, has a responsibility to God by reason of his knowledge and his profession of faith. The day of accounting must come, in which every one of the systems must give an account for their course of action, and this in proportion to their knowledge. Also each Christian individually must give an account.


  • 23 When will that time of accounting take place ? If the Apostle Peter, when he said, “That they may glorify God in the day of visitation,” did not refer to the Millennial reign of Christ, to what time did he refer? Jesus showed that the time of God’s visitation to the Jews to do them good was during his ministry, and thereafter there came upon the Jews as a nation great judgment and chastisement. This aids us in determining what is the period of visitation mentioned by the Apostle Peter. In 1914 Jesus took his power and began his reign, and in 1918 he came to his temple. There God began to visit spiritual Israel; that is to say, those who professed to be his people. Since all things are from the Father and all things are by the Son these visits may be spoken of as God’s visitation, even though Jesus is the active agency.

  • 24 The visit of God when Jesus came to his temple is for the purpose of inspection, judgment and blessing. About 1918 there came upon the Lord’s people many very trying circumstances. The experiences following were exceedingly sore. As it was in the days of the rebuilding of the walls of the holy city by Nehemiah and his brethren when the prayer was made, “Remember me, 0 Lord, for good,” even so the Lord’s anointed ones prayed during the time of stress herein mentioned.

  • 25 The prophet of God had written of and concerning the Lord’s people this prayer: “Remember me, 0 Lord, with the favour that thou bearest unto thy people: 0 visit me with thy salvation.” (Psalm 106:4) When Jeremiah was prophesying concerning Israel after the flesh a prophecy in the nature of a prayer was uttered in behalf of spiritual Israel, which applies particularly in the time of stress in 1918: “0 Lord, thou knowest: remember me, and visit me, and revenge me of my persecutors; take me not away in thy longsuff ering: know that for thy sake I have suffered rebuke.”—Jer. 15:15.

  • 26 When God visited his people at that time he provided the robe of righteousness, that the Bridegroom might use for the bride class on earth; and the approved were brought under that robe and given the garments of salvation. They entered into the joy of the Lord and realized that the joy of the Lord is their strength. (Isaiah 61:10) The period of inspection and blessing of the temple class continued, and will continue until all have been made meet for the Master’s use in glory. This judgment, there begun at the house of God, was to extend to those who named the name of the Lord not in truth and in sincerity.—1 Peter 4:17.

  • 27 The visits of Jehovah do not mean that he must leave his throne in heaven and come to earth, but they do mean the exercise of his power toward things of earth and the exercise of it through his duly constituted agency. The words of the Apostle Peter (1 Peter 2:12) are of greatest importance to the anointed just now. This is the time especially when God’s people must be honest in their course of action amongst the peoples and nations of the earth.

  • 28 What is meant by the apostle when he says: 'Let your conversation be honest among the nations’? It means that the one who is anointed of the Lord must, amongst the nations and peoples of earth, pursue a course of action that is honest and true. He must manifest the spirit of virtue and true manliness, stedfastness and immovability in things pertaining to the Lord. It means that the Christian who has taken his stand on the side of Jehovah must pursue a course of action that is consistent with one who loves God and who gives his entire allegiance to the Lord. It means that he refuses to compromise in any manner with the Devil or any of his systems. It means to be kind and considerate, yet firm for God and for his cause.


  • 29 Personal experiences furnish opportunities to learn valuable lessons. These lessons once learned qualify the learner to instruct others in the proper course of action. By personal experience Peter had learned what are the proper speech and proper course of action for an honest man. His experiences eminently qualified him to give advice to his brethren. It is written concerning Peter and John, "And they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.” (Acts 4:13) Time and again this scripture has been explained to mean that all with whom we come in contact should be able to see by our sweetness of spirit, by our patience under provocation, that we have indeed been with Jesus and learned of him. The misunderstanding of this scripture has made many a man a “sissy” and caused him to appear before others with the air of apology for being a Christian. This has caused many a Christian to quail in the presence of those opposed to the Lord.

  • 80 We are not to understand that Jesus was longfaced, easy-going, easy-speaking, and careful to say nothing that might grate upon the ears of the opponents of the truth. Because many have misunderstood what manner of man Jesus was they have followed this easy-going method and have been exceedingly careful never to say anything that might grate upon the ears of the rich, influential and great. We have been led to believe that this was the kind of men the apostles were, and that because of their apparent piety, long faces, sanctimoniousness, sweetness and patience others took note of them that they had been with Jesus and learned of him. Such is a misrepresentation of the Lord and a misrepresentation of the apostles; the context plainly shows that such a conclusion is incorrect.

  • 81 The real facts have been hid by quoting only a part of the above text, and that out of its proper setting. The circumstances were as follows: It was at Pentecost. Peter and John had boldly declared the gospel of Christ and him crucified. The ecclesiastics, made up of the priests and Pharisees, financiers and politicians, were offended, and caused these men to be put into prison. On the day following, John and Peter were brought before the high priest and others of that august assembly. The high priest demanded to know by what power and authority these men were speaking and healing the sick. Peter, with boldness and frankness of speech, replied: “Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole.”— Acts 4:10.

  • 32 There was not much apology in those words, and evidently they did not fall with much sweetness on the ears of the high priest and his associates. It was not necessary for them to be rude and harsh, yet Peter plainly said to these fellows, 'You murdered the Lord! But God raised him up from the dead.’ The apostles made no apology for representing Jesus Christ, nor for trusting implicitly in Jehovah. They did not cringe and quail before that body of proud and arrogant ecclesiastics. Fearlessly and with plainness of speech they told the truth. Therefore it is written: “Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.”—Acts 4:13.

  • 33 What was the effect of this ? Their speech and course of action identified them as followers of Christ. The word “boldness” here used means frankness, bluntness, speaking freely and with confidence, outspokenness. This proves what kind of man Jesus was, of whom the apostles learned. It also proves that Jesus has been grossly misrepresented by others. Grace was poured upon Jesus’ lips. But that did not mean that he had to rub his hands together, pull his beard, and look down when he spoke to somebody else. Jesus was straightforward. He was an honest man. He was a real man. He represented his Father, who has all power and authority.

  • 84 Jesus hesitated not to tell the Pharisees that they were not only wrong but were willingly so, and were criminals. His speech was so straightforward and frank that it could not be disputed. When the apostles appeared before the ecclesiastical body at Pentecost their speech also was so bold, fearless and frank that the ecclesiastics, wagging their heads to each other, recognized that these men had been with Jesus and were followers of him. It is not necessary to think that they were rude or harsh, but they were straightforward, confident and fearless in what they had to say.

  • 35 Many Christians have been induced to believe that they must be so sweet in the presence of the enemy that the enemy may take note of their sweetness and say, That is a Christian. There is no scripture that warrants a Christian in taking such a course. Christians, above all others, should be real men and women. They should deport themselves in a dignified way, with frankness and straightforwardness. That is what Paul said about it. He stated: ‘Let your conversation [or course of action] be as becometh a Christian.’ “Only let the lives you live be worthy of the Good News of the Christ, in order that, whether I come and see you or, being absent, only hear of you, I may know that you are standing fast in one spirit and with one mind, fighting shoulder to shoulder for the faith of the Good News. Never for a moment quail before your antagonists. Your fearlessness will be to them a sure token of impending destruction, but to you it will be a sure token of your salvation—a token coming from God.”—Philippians 1: 27, 28, Weymouth.


  • 86 The Apostle Peter in his epistle was telling the brethren to be real men, and to be so honest and straightforward in speech and in action that there would be no mistake about it in the minds of others that here are men and women who are real Christians and are not ashamed of it. If all those who go from door to door to speak to the people would get the right view of this matter they would not fear or quail, but would feel an absolute confidence in Jehovah and that they are representing him. A man or a woman is most highly honored by being made the ambassador of Christ and the representative of the Most High God.

  • 87 Why should anyone feel ashamed or manifest an apologetic air in the presence of others because of being a Christian? On the contrary the spirit of the Lord should give him such complete confidence that he would always speak with frankness and straightforwardness concerning the great God and his King and kingdom. This honest course of action and speech will bring reproach upon the Lord’s faithful ones; but, says the apostle, ‘in the day of God’s visitation many will glorify God that the witness was boldly given.’

  • 88 Following the days of Pentecost the zeal and unswerving devotion of the apostles to God and to Christ were shown. Many of the people saw the honesty and consistency of their course. Because of their faithfulness the apostles were evilly spoken of by many. But doubtless many observed their zeal and straightforwardness for the Lord and were inherently glad. It was doubtless the zeal and boldness of these faithful ones that induced Cornelius to often pray to God. Now a similar condition arises; and it becomes the privilege and duty of the anointed ones on earth to be equally zealous, straightforward and honest in their course of action.

  • 39 That the period of God’s visitation began with the coming of the Lord to his temple is further shown by the prophecy of Isaiah. (6th chapter) The Lord there shows through his prophet that the anointed class are entirely devoted to him, and that their hearts’ desire is expressed in the words of the prophet: “Here am I; send me.” When the prophet asked of the Lord how long this strenuous witness must be given, the answer was, “Until the cities [organized systems] be wasted without inhabitant, and the houses without man, and the land be utterly desolate.” (Isaiah 6:11) God’s visitation upon the nations will reach a climax in the great time of trouble.

  • 40 In the time of the Prophet Jeremiah there were false priests and ecclesiastical teachers who misrepresented God and misled the people. The words of the prophet directed to them find an even stronger application to the pastors and false religious teachers of the present time. “As a cage is full of birds, so are their houses full of deceit: therefore they are become great, and waxen rich. They are waxen fat, they shine: yea, they overpass the deeds of the wicked: they judge not the cause, the cause of the fatherless, yet they prosper: and the right of the needy do they not judge. Shall I not visit for these things? saith the Lord: shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this ? A wonderful and horrible thing is committed in the land; the prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means; and my people love to have it so: and what will ye do in the end thereof?”—Jeremiah 5 : 27-31.

  • 41 This is a forceful description of the unrighteous systems that parade under the name of Christ. That the great day of God’s visitation upon the nations, including organized Christianity so-called, is just ahead is clearly marked out by the words of the prophet, and it will be a time of trouble such as was never known. (Jeremiah 5:9-29; 6:15; 9:9; 23:2, 20-22) The leaders in these ecclesiastical systems have prospered, grown fat and sleek, are proud and haughty; and God will visit them for the purpose of bringing their haughtiness low.

  • 42 It is written: “Behold, I am against thee, 0 thou most proud, saith the Lord God of hosts: for thy day is come, the time that I will visit thee. And the most proud shall stumble and fall, and none shall raise him up: and I will kindle a fire in his cities, and it shall devour all round about him.” (Jeremiah 50: 31, 32) The Lord, through his prophet, further describes these unholy systems and expresses his determination to visit them: “Every man is brutish by his knowledge: every founder is confounded by the graven image: for his molten image is falsehood, and there is no breath in them. They are vanity, the work of errors: in the time of their visitation they shall perish.”—Jer. 51: 17, 18.

  • 45 And now the Lord has made it clear what is the issue—Who is for God and who is not ? Before the final overthrow of the systems, during the time of God’s visitation, he will have a witness given in the earth concerning his purposes. To the anointed ones he said: “Ye are my witnesses, that I am God.” That means then that every one who is anointed by Jehovah is commissioned to perform this duty; and this he must do in proportion to his opportunities, in order to be acceptable and blessed of the Lord.

  • 44 It seems certain that some of the anointed are making a serious blunder. God has provided the radio, the means of giving public addresses, caused his people to build manufacturing plants for books, and arranged for a systematic distribution of these amongst the people. God is no respecter of persons when he begins to deal with his people. If one thinks that because of his standing amongst the brethren some part of the service is menial for him he does injury to himself. Some who are elders have thought such work as going from door to door and putting the books into the hands of the people should be done by the weaker ones of the ecclesia or the less prominent. They deem it to be their own special calling to make speeches from the platform and to refrain from an individual witness. Undoubtedly such are making a great mistake for themselves.

  • 45 The question is, Can it be said of such that they are taking a stand on the side of the Lord and that their course of action is honest and consistent, within the meaning of the words of the apostle in our text? What is here said is not written for the purpose of holding anyone up to harsh criticism, but as a warning for the benefit of those who are neglecting their opportunities. It is not the part of one Christian to criticise another for not going into the field. It is his duty to beseech his brother to put forth the proper zeal, and when that is done the Scriptures do not advise to do more. (Romans 12:1) The brethren would be negligent of their duty, however, if they did not mention to each other the great responsibility that rests upon the anointed during and up to the great visitation of God upon the nations.


  • 46 The apostle declares that some will speak of the faithful as evil doers and yet that they will see the good works of the honest ones and in due time will glorify God. Having in mind that the day of God’s visitation upon Christendom began shortly after 1918 and will continue with increased severity until all the systems are overthrown, who then shall glorify God in this day of his visitation ? Not every one, of course. The Scriptures indicate that there will be many, however, who will glorify him.

  • 47 Within the past few years there have been a faithful few who with continued zeal and devotion to the Lord have consistently given a witness to the name of Jehovah and to his Christ. These have been targets for the darts of the enemy and have received harsh criticisms from many and have been denounced as evil doers. At the same time there doubtless have been many who, like Cornelius, have desired something better and have been praying for deliverance. The facts show that many are hearing the truth now who in times past have spoken evil against faithful Christians. While they are not consecrating themselves to do God’s will they are manifesting a spirit of kindness toward all who are showing the spirit of the Lord.

  • 48 In the denominational systems is a great multitude of “prisoners”. The zealous remnant, in obedience to God’s command, is bidding these prisoners to show themselves and to go forth. Many of these are hearing the message and are increasing in courage. Many of these in times past have spoken evil against the zealous ones for the Lord. The zealous ones will continue to pursue a course of honesty as God’s witnesses, and multitudes of the great company class will glorify God in the day of his visitation because the faithful witness has been given.

  • 49 The numbers of the faithful witnesses are not increasing, but the zeal of the remnant is not lacking. The effect of the witness is increasing; and now as never before the words of the apostle come to these, saying, ‘Let your course of action be honest now, that even those who speak evil against you shall see your good works and in the day of God’s visitation glorify his name.’ In that day of God’s expressed indignation many more will call to mind the honest and consistent course of the faithful remnant, and then they will praise the Lord that he had some faithful witnesses in the earth who gave them warning.

  • 50 Let no one who is anointed of the Lord make the great blunder now of making himself believe that the “good works” mentioned here by the apostle consist in what is generally known as ‘Christian character development’. Outward piety is not what the apostle had in mind. Without a question of a doubt the Apostle Peter had in mind the same thing as that expressed by the Apostle John, to wit, that love for God would be manifested by boldness in the proclamation of the message concerning his name and his kingdom. The real test of the Christian is love for God. That love is not made manifest by a quiet and inoffensive demeanor. It is manifested by a bold and zealous witness for the Lord.

  • 61 Concerning this it is written: “Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world. There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear; because fear hath torment. He that feareth, is not made perfect in love.” (1 John 4:17, 18) This does not mean that anyone should be rude, but that the true Christian who loves the Lord would count not his life dear unto him but would count it the greatest joy to be permitted to take his stand on the side of the Lord, so that every one who sees and knows will have no doubt as to where he stands. The elder who contents himself merely to address a congregation of Bible Students, or occasionally a public meeting, and who refuses to avail himself of an opportunity to individually engage the public in personal conversation and encourage them to read the literature, is coming short of his privileges.

  • 52 Mark the apostle’s words: “Herein is the love of God made perfect.” To love God means to keep his commandments and to do so joyfully. (1 John 5:3) The commandment that is paramount at this time is to be a faithful witness to the Lord and to proclaim the message of his kingdom as a witness to the nations before God’s great visitation upon them. (Isaiah 43:10, 12; Matthew 24:14) Will any one who is anointed of the Lord be willing to remain idle and inactive in the Lord’s service and take his chances of final approval? God has provided the means to give the witness now and to give it in no uncertain terms, and this is just before his great visitation to the nations.

  • 53 Those who receive the Lord’s approval will be the ones who not only are willing but who are anxious to-tell the peoples of earth that Jehovah is God, that Christ is King, that God has set his King upon the throne, and that the kingdom of heaven is at hand. The zeal of such will result to the glory of God, when the institutions of Satan are crumbling in the dust and the people are being delivered out of bondage. The Christian’s chief duty is to glorify Jehovah.

  • 54 Never was there a time more important to the Christian than now. Seemingly quite a number forget the importance of the hour, while some become weary in well doing. In the ecclesias there are some drones, some sloths, some trouble makers, and some zealous for the Lord. Let every one who loves the Lord lay aside all selfishness, and let all cease from strife and troublemaking, and let those who are inclined to be sleepy or indifferent awake to their privileges and all go forth in united action. This course of action will bring reproach, certainly. But blessed is he who suffers as a Christian in pursuing that course of righteousness.

  • 55 A man who is honestly representing an honest superior never feels that he must make any apology, either by word or action, for pressing the interest of his cause. The truly anointed ones are representing the great Jehovah God and his King and kingdom. Surely there is no occasion for these or any one of them to apologize, by word or by course of action, while representing the Lord. Because of the importance to the anointed, individually and collectively, and because of the great opportunity to glorify God now that the hour is approaching for the great visitation of God upon the nations of the earth, every one of the anointed is urged to put forth the greatest possible zeal and earnestness in the representation of the kingdom. When the work is done it will be a blessed and happy thing to be told by the Lord that their honest course of action in representing him has brought glory to his name. Such faithfulness will be rewarded in keeping with God’s loving kindness.

  • 56 The fact that the Scriptures declare that “God . . . did visit the Gentiles to take out of them a people for his name” is conclusive proof that those who are taken out and ultimately approved must glorify his name. The honor now to be bestowed upon the name of Jehovah by those who are taken out and who remain on earth is to proclaim his name as his witnesses. Only those who joyfully do this can have the final approval of the Lord henceforth. The necessity therefore for joyful participation in the service of the Lord cannot be overstated. As Paul urged upon the brethren zealous activity, even so now we should urge upon one another the same thing.—Romans 12:1.


To whom Is our text addressed? What is the common view of the Scriptural term “visitation”? Illustrate. How have Bible Students generally viewed this text? Whom does God visit and why, according to the Scriptures? If 1-5. What prophecy did Joseph utter along this line, and how was it fulfilled? Quote and explain Exodus 3:16. Show how Psalm 89: 28-32 was fulfilled, and why. If 6-9.

What visit of blessing finally came to Israel ? Cite pertinent texts. Why did not Israel accept Jesus as the Messiah? What is the measure of their responsibility? When was Luke 19: 42-44 fulfilled? If 10-15.

Tell how, when and why God began to visit the Gentiles. How has he been generally received by them ? V 16 22.

When will God visit the nations, and why will he require an accounting from so-called Christendom? Is this the day of Jesus’ visitation, or God’s? To whom, and for what purpose? What visible evidences do we have in corroboration? If 23, 24.

To what time does Jeremiah 15:15 seem to have applied? What blessings did God then grant to his people? if 25, 20.

A “visit” from Jehovah means what? What is meant by the statement, “Let your conversation be honest among the nations”? If 27, 28.

How has it been customary to explain Acts 4: 13? To what has this error often led? Explain this text in the light of its context, and show what this narrative reveals concerning the Master. If 29-34.

What qualities does the Apostle Paul say that a Christian should manifest? What should always give him great confidence and courage? How were these qualities exhibited by the early church? U 35-38.

What does Isaiah 6th chapter reveal concerning the day of visitation? Read and explain Jeremiah 5:27-31. How else does the prophet describe the unholy systems? If 39-42. What is the present issue before us, and how are some failing to meet k? U 43-45.

Who will glorify God in the day of visitation, and how? What are the “good works”? If 46-51.

How is “the love of God made perfect”? What divine command is paramount now, before God’s visitation upon the nations, and how only can it be complied with? Why do some manifest an apologetic manner before the people of the world, and how may it be overcome? What now should we urge one another to do? U 52-56.


F I THOSE of the Lord's people who have thus far I made report to us of having participated in the memorial celebration this year bring the total to 82,409 according to the list published below. We note, however, that not all of the classes in the United States and in certain foreign countries have as yet reported. Up to the time of going to press nothing has been received from Poland or Roumania. Rather than further delay the publication of these reports, those at hand are being set forth in this issue.

We list here, according to countries, the ecdesias which have reported twenty or more participants. Those of less than twenty are included in the total shown at the end of each country’s list. We remind the reader, also, that the total opposite each city does not always represent the full number of consecrated in that city; for some cities have classes in various languages, and the classes speaking the respective tongues are each listed in regular numerical order, with the language or nationality shown in parenthesis. The reports follow:

Cleveland, Ohio (Polish) .... 212

Oakland, Calif

San Francisco, Calif

Buffalo, N. Y...........

Denver, Colo

Dayton, Ohio

Milwaukee, Wis

Kansas City, Mo

Spokane, Wash

Tacoma, Wash

Everett, Wash.........

Milwaukee, Wis. (Polish) 151

Reading, Pa

Detroit, Mich. (Hungarian) 144

San Diego, Calif

Akron, Ohio

Chicago, Ill. (Lithuanian) 139

Toledo, Ohio

Houston, Texas

Buffalo, N. Y. (Italian) ....124

Erie, Pa......-

Portland, Oregon

Roseland, Ill

Buffalo, N. Y. (Polish) ....115

Worcester, Mass

Grand Rapids, Mich

Louisville, Ky

San Antonio, Texas

St. Paul, Minn

Allentown, Pa

Fresno. Calif

Oklahoma City, Okla

Rochester, N. Y. (Italian) 100

Chicago. 111. (Ukrainian) ....98

Wichita. Kans.

New York, N. Y. (German) 94

Lancaster, Pa

Tampa, Fla

Miami, Fla

San Jose, Calif

Jacksonville, Fla

Youngstown, Ohio

Flint, Mich

La Salle. III. (Polish)

New Kensington, Pa

Springfield, Mass

St. Petersburg, Fla

Dallas, Tex.........

East St. Louis, Ill..........

Norfolk, Va

Auburn, Ala. (Colored) .

Atlanta, Ga

Pasadena, Calif................—

New York, N. Y. (Greek) ....72

Santa Ana, Calif

Philadelphia, Pa. (Polish) ..70

Rockford, Ill

New Brighton, Pa

Birmingham, Ala.........

Cleveland, Ohio (German) .. 68

Paterson, N. J..............-

Washington, D. C. (Colored) 68

Duquesne, Pa________

Portsmouth, Ohio. 67

Schenectady, N. Y.

York, Pa. ----------—

Richmond, Va

Binghamton, N. Y

Brownsville, Pa. (Russian) 64

Rochester, N. Y.

Watertown, N. Y

Canton, Ohio

Wheeling, W. Va

Chicago, Ill. (Swedish)

Glendale, Calif

Newark, N. J

Philadelphia, Pa. (Colored) 60

Camden, N. J

Fort Worth. Texas

Wilkes Barre, Pa. (Polish) ..59

Cleveland, Ohio (Slovak) ... 58

Jackson, Mich

Memphis, Tenn

Tiffin, Ohio

Brooklyn, N. Y. (Italian) ...57

Philadelphia, Pa. (Italian) 57

Dubuque, Iowa

New Haven, Conn

Phoenix, Arizona

Bridgeport, Conn

Chicago, III. (German)

Omaha, Nebr

Des Moines, Iowa

Easton, Pa.............-....._

Long Beach, Calif

Pittsburgh, Pa. (Polish)

Providence. R. 1

Pueblo, Colo

Syracuse, N. Y

Clinton, Iowa

Lawrence, Mass. (Italian) ....53

Cleveland, O. (Hungarian) 52

Elizabeth, N. J

Hawthorne, Calif

Riverside, Calif

Painesville. Ohio (Hungarian)

Cleveland, Ohio (Colored) ..50

Fort Wayne, Ind

Lima, Ohio

Pawtucket, R. 1

Utica, N. Y. ..

Youngstown, Ohio

Curtis, Wis

Scranton. Pa

Newburgh, N. Y

Passaic, N. J

St. Joseph, Mo

Detroit. Mich. (Colored)

Hartford, Conn

Waterbury, Conn

Hammond, Ind..........

Terre Haute, Ind

Zanesville, Ohio

Chicago, Ill. (Greek) ...

New Bedford, Mass..........

Saginaw, Mich

Toledo, Ohio (Polish) .....

Aurora, Ill

Colver & Vintondale, Pa. (Russian) .........

Akron, Ohio (Ukrainian) .... 43

Quincy, Mass

Sacramento, Calif

Waltham, Mass

Boston, Mass. (Greek)

Brownsville,Pa. (Hungarian) 42

Johnstown, Pa.

Mattoon, Ill_________..

Moline, Ill. .....

Pottstown, Pa........................ 41

Warren, Ohio

Albany, N. Y

Detroit, Mich, (Ukrainian) ..40

Kingston, N. Y

Salt Lake City, Utah...

Tulsa, Okla

Alliance, Ohio

Buffalo, N. Y. (German)

Mobile, Ala.

Butler, Pa.

Massillon, Ohio

Niagara Falls, N. Y

Orlando, Fla

Port Huron, Mich

Pullman, Ill. (Polish)

Wausau, Wis

Altadena, Calif

Duluth, Minn

Royal Oak, Mich

San Antonio, Texas (Colored) 36

Sharon. Pa

Bay City, Mich

Beaumont, Texas

Gary, Ind. (Slovak)

Manchester, N. II. (Greek) 35

New Brunswick, N. J

Urbana, Ill

Beveut, Wis. (Polish)

Brazil, Ind......................-

Chicago, Ill. (Norwegian) .. 34

Lowell, Mass

Mansfield, Ohio

Nanticoke, Pa

Springfield, Mo

Tonawanda, N. Y

Great Falls, Montana

Muskegon, Mich

South Bend, Ind

Bremerton, Wash

Brockton, Mass

Gary, Ind. (Polish)

McKeesport, Pa.......

McKeesport, Pa. (Russian) 32

Nashville, Tenn

Boise, Idaho ..

Cleveland, Ohio (Lithuanian) 31

Evansville, Ind

Fargo, N. D

Linton, Ind

Newark, Ohio

Benton Harbor, Mich

Danville, Ill

Elkhart, Ind

Elwood, Ind

Little Rock, Ark

Marietta, Ohio

Midland. Mich. _

Monessen, Pa

Morgantown, W. Va.......

Muncie, Ind

Bayonne, N. J. (Polish)

Bradenton, Fla

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Chickasha, Okla

Cincinnati, Ohio (Colored) .. 28

Cleveland, Ohio (Ukrainian) 28

Fall River, Mass.

Huntington, W. Va. .

Hutchinson, Kans. ....

Joplin, Mo.

Lansing, Mich

Meadville, Pa

New Britain, Conn

San Antonio, Texas (Spanish)

Auburn, Ind

Berlin, N. D

Boston, Mass. (Albanian) ....27

Detroit, Mich. (Lithuanian) 27

Erie, Pa. (Polish)

Framingham, Mass

Hamilton, Ohio

Johnstown, N. Y

Martins Ferry, Ohio

Michigan City, Ind.

Portland, Maine

Pottsville, Pa

Akron, Ohio (Hungarian) ....26

El Paso, Texas

Greenfield, Mass

Parsons, Kans

Philadelphia, Pa.


Salem, Oregon

Tulsa, Okla.........

Yakima, Wash

Aberdeen, Wash

Alvordton, Ohio

Atlantic City, N. J

Atlantic City, N.J. (Colored) 25

Bedford, Ind

Bridgeport, Conn. (Hungarian)

Chester, Pa

Coplay-Allentown, Pa. (German)

Greensboro, N. C

Knoxville, Tenn

New Castle, Pa

Santa Monica, Calif

Wooster, Ohio

Belvidere, Ill.........

Beverly, Mass

Birmingham, Ala. (Colored) 24

Chattanooga, Tenn. (Colored)

Geneva, Ill............_

Hartford, Conn. (Italian) ....24

Lorain, Ohio (Polish)

Madison, Wis

Providence, R. I. (Polish) 24

Elmira, N. Y

Elmsford, N. Y

Fort Smith, Ark

Lake Worth, Fla

Lynchburg, Va

Nemacolin, Pa. (Russian) ..23

Philadelphia, Pa. (Greek) ..23

Santa Barbara, Calif

Akron, Ohio (Polish) _______..... 22

Burlington, Wash.

Crooksville, Ohio

Danville. Va

Altrincham ..............................41

Barnoldswick ..........................41

Poole ........................................41


Toronto, Ont

Winnipeg, Man

Vancouver, B. C

Winnipeg, Man. (Ukrainian) 177

Saskatoon, Sask

Montreal, P. Q

Edmonton, Alta

Victoria, B. C

Brantford, Ont

London, Ont

Wakaw, Sask. (Ukrainian) 72

Hamilton, Ont

Brandon, Man

Tarnafal, Sask. (Ukrainian) 41

Calgary, Alta

Moose Jaw, Sask

Windsor, Ont.............

St. John, N. B

Niagara Falls, Ont

Sault Ste. Marie, Ont

Stratford, Ont.

Regina, Sask

Ottawa, Ont

Camper, Man.

Camper, Man. (German)

Chatfield, Man

Chiswick, Ont. 32

Lethbridge, Alta............

Beamsville, Ont............

New Liskeard, Ont.

Penticton, B. C________

Galt, Ont

Peterboro, Ont

New Westminster, B. C.

Portage La Prairie, Man. .... 24

Sydney, N. S_________

Barrie, Ont.............

Gilbert Plains, Man.

Kitchener, Ont........

Medicine Hat, Alta. 22

Chatham, Ont. _

Guelph, Ont.

Kingston, Ont.........

Port Arthur, Ont.21

Prince Albert, Sask.

Owen Sound, Ont. —...

Truro, N. S

Winnipeg, Man. (German)

In classes of less than twenty participants 1448

Blackpool ................................

Hamilton ................................

Margate ..................................

Brighton ..................................

Yeovil ......................................

Blaby ........................................

Bradford ...........................—

Mansfield ................................

Preston ...............-...................

Derby ......................................

Rockdale ..................................

Tunbridge Wells ....................

Widnes ...................................

Bexley Heath ..........................

Eastwood ...............................

Rotherham ..............................

Cardiff ....................................

Bramley ..................................

Windsor ..................................

Bedford ....................................

Beverley ...................-.............

Colne ......................................

40 40

40 38

38 37

37 37 37

36 36

36 36

35 35 35

34 33 33 31 31


Bolton .............................-.......25

Chelmsford ..........-.....

Oxford .........................

Perth _______________________________.... 25



Ashton in Makerfield _


Cheltenham ..........

Llantrisant 23


Newport (Mon.) _____  .....22


West Stanley 22


Beaufort _______________....._______... 21

Chase Terrace________



Southampton 21


Norwich _________________, , 20

Stratford on Avon____-r-

In classes of less than twenty


Stuttgart ....................

Niirnberg-Furth ..........

Stettin ........................

Essen ..........................

Kiel ..............................


Hamborn-Rhein ..........


Frankfurt-Main ..........

Aue mit Umg.............

Breslau ........................

Wilhelmshav en ..........

Dortmund-Horde ........

Planitz ........................

Danzig ........................

Halle mit Umg...........

Freiburg i.-Br.............

Mannheim ....................

Freital ..........................

Pforzheim mit Umg. .. Bochum .....................





Kirchlengern ..............

Bremerhaven ..............

Karlsruhe-Baden ........

Augsburg ....................

Lodz-Polen (Deutsche

Versammlg.) .........

Bad Oeynhausen ........


Ludwigsburg ..............

Pirna-Elbe ..................

Meissen ..................—.

... 322 ... 320 ... 302 ... 285 ... 245

... 243 ...-215 ... 215 ... 201 ... 184 ... 176 ... 176 ... 175 ... 171

... 168 ... 160 ... 157 ... 152

... 143 ...138 ... 132 ... 132 ... 131

... 120 ... 116 ... 115 ... 113 ...113

Bremen ....................................

Ltibeck mit Umg.....................

Prdsen-Elsterwerda ................

Gera ........................................

Marienwerder- Westpr...........




Waldenburg-Schlesien ............

Velten mit Umg.....................


Altona mit Umg.....................

Liegnitz ..................................

Erkenschwick-Datteln ............

112 110 105 104 104 .. 98




93 93

92 90






82 82

Freiberg-Sa. mit Liebenberg 80

Speyer mit Umg



Nordhausen-Harz mit Umg. 78




Tilsit ................

Traunstein Hannover . Vienenburg


Vegbsack .....................

Barmen .......................

Bitterfeld ...................


Gustrow-Malchow-Mecklbg. .. 55

Lingen-Ems mit Umg. Kirchberg-Sa..............

Wilhelmsburg .............

Oldenburg mit Umg. . Bielefeld .....................

Obercrinitz .................

Zwonitz-Sa. mit Umg.

Eickel ..


Castrop Rauxel Crimmitschau . Osterfeld ________













Herford ..................................

Hohenstein-Ernstthal ............

Ciistrin ....................................

Herringen b.-Hamm-Westf. .. Wismar-Mecklbg.....................

Holzminden ............................

Wehdel ...................................

Herten ......................................

Ingolstadt ..............................


Wehofen ..................................

Mainz ......................................

Peissenberg ...........................

Weissenfels ............................

Lbhne ......................................

Bublitz ....................................

















Wermelskirchen ..................

Pirmasens ............................

Weimar ....................................


Tempelburg —


Bad Weinberg-Detmold

Eutin mit Umg.



Heessen bei Hamm

Wiescherhbfen bei Hamm




Einswarden i. 0.

N,-Lnngwitz 28




Wolgast 27



Wesel-Rhein 27

Rbeydt ___________



Hotta bei Kemberg





Oberstein mit Umg. ...




Braunsberg-Ostpr. .



Braunschweig ---------------..... 24

Augustusburg-Erzgeb. .






Hoyerswerda-Senftenberg .... 24


Muskau-Weiss wasser


Bad Chartottenbrunn





Ichenhausen mit Umg.

Heesseen bei Bad Eilsen


Gumbinnen-Ostpr. -..

Uhringen-Wittbg.  ------





Oelsnitz-Erzgeb. ---------—


Mohneck-Sandersleben —






Neuruppin .......-................— 22


Frauenstein-Erzgeb. -








Schiiuiugou-Jerxheim 21



Suderwich ..............................~


Annaberg-Sa. —

Grosspostwitz —

Minden-Westf. ....... —

Quedlinburg -------------------—...

Wildbaeh-Erzgeb. —


Buschau ...........—







In classes of less than twenty


ARGENTINA Buenos Aires

Leandro N. Alew.......

In classes of less than twenty



Beirut, Syria

Mise, the world over



Brisbane 185



Adelaide 145

Auckland, N. Z.

Wellington, N. Z

Launceston, Tas.

Christchurch, N. Z. 27

Dunedin, N. Z............

Toowoomba. Aus

Bendigo, Aus

In classes of less than twenty participants ...


Vienna ....




In classes of less than twenty participants .

BELGIUM Miscellaneous Classes

BRAZIL Miscellaneous Classes


New Amsterdam

In classes of less than twenty



Kingston, 3a

Bridgetown, Barbados

Port of Spain, Trinidad

Linstead, Ja

Tunapuna, Trinidad

San Fernando, Trinidad

St. George's, Grenada

Enterprise, Trinidad

Hillside, Ja

In classes of less than twenty



Baldji-Omers ---------

CEYLON Colombo


In classes of less than twenty participants

CUBA Miscellaneous

CZECHO-SLOVAKIA Veliki Lucki (Russian)


Polena (Ukrainian) ....

Karbitz and Teplitz

Grushova (Russian)

Hrushywo (Ukrainian)

Veliki Bychok (Ukrainian) ..39


Krasuovce ...............-




Preschen and Dux

Angna  ..................—


Veshniaya Apsha

Bodenbach u. Umgeb


In classes of less than twenty


DENMARK Copenhagen —

Randers ...................







Holback ...............-

In classes of less than twenty participants 376

DUTCH GUIANA Paramaribo ----------





In classes of less than twenty


ESTHONIA Reval.....


Bater Cares, Selangor

FINLAND Helsinki ....

Tampere .....................„


Turku ..................._



Forssa ..





In classes of less than twenty

participants ........


Ecaillon (Polish)

Barlin (Polish)

Denain ....

Fouquiers (Polish)

Sin le Noble

Lens (Polish)

Sallaumines (Polish)

Sin le Noble (Polish)


Vicoigne (Polish)

Villiers (Polish)

Vieux-Conde (Polish)


Calonne-R. (Polish)

Escaudain (Polish)

Harnes (Polish)

Bruay (Polish)

Dourges (Polish)

Wasquehal (Polish)

In classes of less than twenty participants ...............-




Kavala ...

Salonica —



Larissa .......................-

In classes of less than twenty participants



Den Haag .........-

In classes of less than twenty participants



Hajduboszormeny ....


Mako ............—------------


Nagy Visnyo...............

Bodrog-Zemjen Laea

Nagyrozvagy .......

In classes of less than twenty participants


Travancore (Native)




In classes of less than twenty participants


In classes of less than twenty participants -----------






Riga 18


Memel 67


Heydekrug 36

Plaschken —___________

In classes of less than twenty


NEWFOUNDLAND St. John’s --------

NORWAY Oslo ....






In classes of less than twenty

participants ,

PARAGUAY Yegsos ....

POLAND Juranvenks (Ukrainian)

PORTUGAL Lisbon ________________



In classes of less than twenty participants


Camushyn, Bukovina (Ukrainian)

Lugi (Russian)

SAARBA8IN Saarbrucken .................

Sulzbach ......................

Neunkirchen .................

Furstenhausen .............

108 .. 04 .. 00 .. 19


Johannesburg (Convention) 110

Cape Town

Johannesburg (Native)

West Rand


In classes of less than twenty




Gothenburg and Surroundings ...........................




Lulea and Surroundings

Norrkoping and Surroundings 37

Vaxio and Surroundings

Karlskrona-Torhamn ...

Halsingborg & Surroundings 21


Karlsstad & Surroundings

Segmon and Surroundings .... 21


In classes of less than twenty participants




Rorschach —


St. Gallen

Baden  ......................—.—.—... 34


Rheineck ....

Solothurn .....






Weinfelden ____



Wildegg 22


Reinach ................................—

In classes of less than twenty participants

SYRIA Bechmezzeen, Lebanon

Anfeh, Lebanon

WEST AFRICA Freetown 25 In classes of less than twenty participants 26

Grand Total ...............  82,409


---September 4—1 Kings 3:4-15---

"Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding.”—Proverbs 3:13.

SOLOMON is sometimes said to have been the wisest man who ever lived. Probably that is the right view to take of the intention of God’s word to him • for God said, “Lo, I have given thee a wise and an understanding heart; so that there was none like thee before thee, neither after thee shall any arise like unto thee.” (1 Kings 3:13) That this comparison could not refer merely to the kings of Israel is clear from the fact that as there had been only two kings before Solomon on the throne of Israel, the words would have been inappropriate to the circumstances; and also because God immediately and otherwise distinguished between Solomon and the other kings of Israel.

2 Solomon was the first king in Israel who inherited the throne; both his father David and Saul who preceded him were appointed to the kingdom without natural expectation. His father, however, certainly had some training in rulership and in a king’s business before taking up the throne; for he was anointed early in life. Saul was given special help from God to enable him to take up his responsibilities.—1 Samuel 10: 9.

8 Solomon was very young when he was made king— tradition says thirteen to fifteen years old. The probability is that he was about twenty years old, and that when he spoke of himself as “but a little child” (1 Kings 3: 7) he was thinking of the great problems and responsibilities which lay before him, and not so much of his years. Certainly some of the earliest acts of his life do not reveal him as an immature youth, but as one who had arrived at manhood. His early maturity is so remarkable, and his disposition toward Jehovah also so unusual, that there are those who think that Solomon must have been trained by others rather than by his father, probably by the Prophet Nathan. They maintain that the household of David, when Solomon was a child and during his youth, make if impossible that one like him could be a product of David’s household. This we believe is altogether wrong, and does a great injustice to a faithful and loyal servant of God.

  • 4 It is true that the circumstances of Solomon’s birth and those of the days of his youth were not such as would in themselves be naturally conducive to educate and prepare a great and wise ruler. There was much trouble in David’s house in the later days of his life; for that was part of the punishment which he had to bear for his sin against God in the matter of Bathsheba, and for his wrong in breaking up Uriah’s home. But there is no reason whatever for thinking that David became degenerate in his later days. The evidence is rather that David mellowed through the trials of his later days, and that the discipline which God had found necessary to inflict upon him had a salutary eSect.

  • 5 During these years the house which David had so earnestly desired to build for the Lord was his continued thought. God had not disapproved of his desire to build a temple for the ark which should be an honor to Jehovah; but because he had been engaged in so many wars, not indeed out of a wild desire for fighting but for the honor of the name of Jehovah and to see Israel delivered from all fear of those enemies which were always ready to injure him, God would not permit him, a man of war and bloodshed, to be the builder of his temple of peace. But David continued to gather material for that building, and pursued his purpose.

  • 6 The record of some of David’s last sayings, especially in relation to the preparation for the temple, and in his words of counsel to Solomon, reveal the maturity of a man of God, wholly set for God, the fitting conclusion of a life of devoted service. Neither in heart nor in mind had David done other than continue to seek the honor of Jehovah; he was faithful to the end of his days. The probability is that David took more care to the training of Solomon than he did to his other sons,

  • 7 Those who detract from David’s reputation almost necessarily do so in respect to Bathsheba, as if she were an unworthy woman. It is an unworthy presumption. That which brought her into David’s life is no proof that she was a woman not fitted for a place in the king’s home, nor to share with him in his royal place. There is indeed no record that she resisted his advances; but it must be remembered that she was not an Israelite, but a Canaanite, and probably had not the same training in the law concerning marriage as a woman of Israel would have. Her actions in the time of emergency at the end of David’s life show that she was a woman of action and purpose. Nathan the prophet honored her, and also did Solomon her son.—1 Kings 1:11, 13, 28-31; 2:19.

  • 8 Today’s study is especially of Solomon’s choice of wisdom, in preference to any outward dignity or honor or riches, when in a dream God gave him liberty to ask what he would. The circumstances were these: Solomon desired to make a notable offering to Jehovah in recognition of Jehovah as the God of Israel, and to draw the worship and homage of the people to Jehovah. At that time the tabernacle of Moses was on the high place then known as Gibeon, but known later as Nebi-Samwel, or the hill of the Prophet Samuel. It had been removed from Nob, which was nearer to Jerusalem. The reason for its removal is not stated. Nebi-Samwel is the highest hill in the sight of Jerusalem. With the tabernacle of Moses upon it, and God’s altar there, it was known as the great high place.—1 Kings 3: 4.

  • 9 After the days of Shiloh God had not directed his people as to where the tabernacle should be erected. As it was the custom of the neighboring nations to use their hilltops as places of sacrifice to their gods, it is easy to see how Israel might fall into that custom; and God had not marked his disapproval. After taking their liberty to erect altars where they pleased, Israel became averse to being limited to the altar which God caused to be erected in the temple; and never afterwards were they wholly free from this negative form of rebellion against the will of God. When God appointed a place their liberty, which had been tolerated, now persisted in became a transgression. (See 2 Chronicles 17:6.) This occasion was made notable by reason that Solomon caused one thousand burnt offerings to be made to Jehovah. It was here, at night, that God said to Solomon in a dream, “Ask what I shall give thee.”

  • 10 Such a choice as Solomon made puts the greatest honor upon him. It is so unusual as to give positive proof of his careful training and upbringing through youthhood. It is probable, however, that the first incidents of his reign had forced him to realize the necessity of being guided by heavenly wisdom. He had not ascended the throne in peace; indeed his ascent was somewhat hurried, because of the attempted usurpation of his elder half-brother, Adonijah, who made a bold attempt to seize the throne. David at that time was still alive, but confined to his room; and it was necessary to make some demonstration as to who was to be his successor. On hearing of Adonijah’s attempt, David, acting with his old alertness, caused Solomon to be proclaimed king.

  • 11 Solomon was “young and tender”; but he was mature in mind and was capable of the responsibilities which fell upon him. Before this, David had given Solomon some instructions relative to two men who were to be dealt with on severe lines, but whose judgments were yet to be dependent upon their own acts. There was Shimei, who had cursed David in the day of David’s disaster; and there was Joab, an ever unruly servant. (1 Kings 2:5, 8) Solomon undertook the task committed to him by his father; and Joab and Shimei, as well as Adonijah, were brought to justice. These things showed to Solomon his need of wisdom.

  • 12 It was at the close of the last days of sacrifice that Solomon, in his dream, was asked what he would choose. His answer reveals the noble condition of his heart, and a true sense of his situation. He responded that he knew that it was because he was the son of his father and not because of himself that he had been chosen king. In this he recognized and honored the covenant which God had made with his father David; and he also honored his father David, saying that David had walked before Jehovah in truth and in righteousness and in uprightness of heart. Also he acknowledged Jehovah’s goodness and loving kindness to his father in giving David a son to sit upon the throne. Further, he acknowledged that the people over whom he reigned were Jehovah’s chosen people, and that the greatest service he could do for them was to serve them as God’s people. He asked therefore for understanding.

  • 13 The speech pleased Jehovah, and he said that he would give Solomon that which he asked, and to such an extent that it should be that as there had been none before like him neither should any after arise like unto him. (1 Kings 3:12) And because Solomon had asked nothing for himself, nor for those outward things which men think make them great, he was promised both riches and honor; so that even amongst Icings there should be none like him. God also promised him length of days if he followed in the footsteps of his father, “keeping my statutes and commandments.”—1 Kings 3:14.

  • 14 This, God’s summary of David’s life, ought to close the mouths of all commentators who would detract from his record. That this happened in a dream does not invalidate its truthfulness; for it was confirmed by Solomon’s action when he awoke, and also by its being placed on record as part of the Word of God.

  • 15 Solomon was wise enough to know how to make his choice. His decision gives an illustration of the way in which God’s law of giving “to him that hath” operates. It is in the proper use of those things given for the service (or possible service) of God that God gives his reward of further service, with added ability. God ever blesses those who seek his interests and honor.

  • 16 This special gift of wisdom, together with the acquired knowledge which the youth Solomon possessed caused him to become one of the world’s men of knowledge. He was wise in understanding many things besides the knowledge of nature, from the cedar of Lebanon to the hyssop that springeth out of the wall. (1 Kings 4:33) The queen of Sheba witnessed to his wide understanding.—1 Kings 10: 6, 7.

  • 17 But there is a better wisdom than that which Solomon enjoyed, and which gave him such prominence among men. It is the wisdom which comes through the holy spirit. This also is a gift of God. It cannot be acquired. But to him who follows in the footsteps of Christ and, like him, makes full consecration to God, and who seeks in all things to follow the way of God as he is directed, there comes the blessing of wisdom according to the spirit of a sound mind; and with it there is justification in the sight of God, and in God’s due time there will come the full redemption or deliverance for an even greater service beyond.


Can it properly be said that Solomon was the wisest man that ever lived? In what other respect was Solomon first among the kings of Israel? About how old was he when he ascended the throne, and what training had he received? II 1-4.

What had been David’s great ambition throughout his reign, and how did he direct Solomon concerning Its realization? Was Solomon’s mother, Bathsheba, necessarily an un-Wvorthy woman? How did the Prophet Nathan and Solomon honor her? 1! 5-7.

What were the circumstances surrounding God’s request of Solomon to “ask what I shall give thee”, and what did he choose and why? What was among Solomon’s first difficulties upon ascending the throne? U 8-11.

What did Solomon’s choice of God’s proffered gifts indicate, and how did Jehovah manifest his pleasure at the decision? What lesson may we learn from all this? H 12-15.

What wisdom did Solomon possess; and what greater wisdom. if any, may now be erioyed? I 16, 17.


ASSURANCE has been given that the rooming rates will be 50 per night or five dollars per week at private homes. There will be, of course, some better accommodations for single rooms that cost a little more. In writing the Convention Committee at Toronto, state how many are in your party; if husband and wife, so state; if children state that, giving age and what accommodation will be required. This will enable the committee to select what you need. Write immediately, as there is not much time now to make preparation.


Our readers everywhere are advised to consult their local railroad ticket agent in regard to special summer excursion rates to Niagara Fails and return. Often these allow for 16 or 25 days return limit and are much cheaper than the convention rate. In that event you could buy your ticket to Niagara Falls and return, on any road and pay the full railroad fare from Niagara Falls to Toronto, or else go by boat. Or you could use the I. B. S. A. certificate from Niagara Falls, buying another ticket from there. Some of these summer excursion rates extend to Toronto as well as Niagara Falls. These may afford you a better rate.


Please refer to The Watch Tower of June 15th and read carefully with reference to requirements to enter Canada and return.


Let everybody be ready to participate in the service. These service days will be announced later. Ample opportunity will be given for all automobiles to participate in the service. Register your car as soon as you arrive and notify the Service Committee that you will be ready for service.


The Bethel Special train will leave Pennsylvania Station, New York, at 6:05 p. m., Sunday, July 17th, arriving at destination Monday morning about 8:39 o’clock, in time for breakfast in Toronto. Returning, this train will leave Toronto at 9:30 a. m., on Wednesday, July 27th, arriving Niagara Falls about noon; leaves Niagara Falls at 11:30 p. m., and arrives at Pennsylvania Station, New York, at 11:35 a. m., Thursday the 28th. Note: Time shown is Daylight Saving Time.

A special car will be run from Atlanta, Ga., to Toronto. Friends living in that vicinity may address C. R. Thomas, 441-2 East Hunter St., Atlanta, Ga., for information regarding this car.

Special train from Chicago, via Grand Trunk Railroad, will leave Chicago 6:00 a. m., Standard Time (7:00 a. m., Chicago Time). July 17th, arriving in Toronto early that evening. Later trains can be taken if desired. Write A. L. Seeley, 7642 Normal Ave., Chicago, Ill., for Information regarding this train.

Special train will start from Los Angeles, Wednesday, July 13th, 6:05 p. m., Pacific Time, going by way of San Francisco, Sacramento, Ogden, Cheyenne and Chicago. For further information about this train address the following: E. D. Sexton, 739 E. Walnut St., Pasadena, Calif.; E. A. Jurd, 355 Pae. Electric Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif.; C. W. Gerdes, 61 Diamond St., San Francisco, Calif.


A detailed report of events of a general convention is of great interest to the brethren who attend and those who do not attend. All of these have many friends to whom they would like to send a synopsis of the discourses and of the events as they occur each day. There will be published during the convention a paper carrying a synopsis of the discourses, illustrations of the speakers, convention hall and other matters of interest. There will be at least six issues of such a paper. If the Society can be assured in advance that there will be a subscription of not less than ten thousand, then the entire series of not less than six papers can be mailed to any address with the postage prepaid, for the sum of 35^.

Announcement is made at this time to enable the friends to send in their subscriptions. All who reside in the United States may send their subscriptions to the Brooklyn office, for convenience in remitting American money, addressing Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society, 117 Adams Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.

Those residing in Canada will send their subscriptions to the Canadian branch, remitting Canadian money, addressing Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society, 38 Irwin Ave., Toronto 5, Ont., Canada. Remittance should be made in Post Office money order or stamps. Do not send cash in letters unregistered, as it is almost certain to be lost.

Anyone residing outside of the United States should make his subscription and remittance to the Canadian office, remitting 40(I for each subscription, in Canadian money or Its equivalent. The extra charge of five cents is made to cover extra postage outside of the United States and Canada.

All subscriptions should be written plainly, using a typewriter If possible. Write out the name, street address and town or city.


The radio station will be used every day during the Convention. Good musicians will be able to have some opportunity of service here. If you play some Instrument efficiently, bring it along. If you sing well, report to the music director upon your arrival.


Above all, this convention is to be a witness to the honor of Jehovah. Let everyone go with a single purpose in view ; that is, to show forth the praises of Jehovah God, who has called us out of darkness into the marvelous light. The Lord, through his apostle, instructs that in this day his witnesses will have boldness in the proclamation of the truth. That means that they will fearlessly, yet kindly and considerately, speak the truth. This is a time for action and not an occasion for doing nothing.

Do not get the wrong idea about fellowship. Fellowship really means partnership. It does not mean to merely stand around and talk about some uninteresting matters and shake hands a number of times. Much handshaking Is a waste of energy. Talking about needless things is also a waste of energy. Energy should be used at this time to the Lord’s glory. Fellowship means the considering of the best ways and means to he employed to give a witness to the kingdom. It really means partnership, and everyone who is devoted to the Lord is a partner with everyone else who is devoted to the Lord; and the Chief Member of the firm is Christ Jesus himself. Come to this convention with a view of making this the best convention for giving a witness to God’s Name that has yet been held.

If you are unable to attend the Convention you can ask the Lord to bless those who do go, and when you get the convention reports you can put them into somebody’s hands who will want to know about the Lord’s kingdom. It is of paramount importance now that the people know about God and his kingdom. Do your part to let it be known. The purpose of the convention and of those who attend it will be to enable the brethren, who are God’s witnesses, to become better equipped to go back to the field and do what the Lord has given us to do.

International Bible Students Association Gasses

Iiecfurefl and Studies by Traveling Brethren





Conde, S. D.____Aug. 14,15

Roslyn, S. D. ________”  16,17

Mellette S. D. _______”      18

Huron, S. D.------”  19,24

St. Lawrence, S. D.___”     21

Nisland, S. D.__Aug. 22, 23

Parker, S. D. _______"     25

Menno, S. D. _______” 26,28

Avon, S. D. .... ”  29,30

Yankton, S. D. Aug. 31, Sept. 1

Anniston, Ala. ___

Piedmont, Ala.___

Pell City, Ala.___

Lincoln, Ala. ..._____

Seddon, Ala. _______

___Aug.  16

____” 17,18

----”   19

________”   21

..........” 22, 23

Birmingham, Ala. —Aug. 24

Brilliant, Ala.__” 25, 26

Birmingham, Ala. ____”   28

Northport, Ala.___” 29, 30

Gorda, Ala. ....Aug. 31, Sept 1


Detroit, Mich...........Aug. 10,11 Marquette, Mich.......Aug. 23, 24

Saginaw, Mich......— ” 12,34 Superior, Wis.............” 25,28

Bay City, Mich.........”  15,16   Grand Rapids, Minn. ”     28

Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. ”  18, 22   Hibbing, Minn...........”  29, 30

Sault Ste. Marie, Ont ” 19, 21 Proctor, Minn.................Sept. 1


Hepworth, Ont. .......

--------Aug. 18

Allenford, Ont. ____-Aug. 25, 26

Wiarton, Ont..........

________” 19

Harriston, Ont..........”     28

Mar, Ont..................

.........”  21

Clifford, Ont.......... ”     29

Dyer’s Bay, Ont......

.........” 23

Fordwich, Ont .........” 30,31

Owen Sound, Out ...

.........”  24

Mount Forest, Ont. _______Sept. 1


Bassett, Tex.............Aug.

DeKalb, Tex...............”

Paris, Tex...................”  19, 21

Wolfe City, Tex.........”  22, 23

Dallas, Tex.................”

Winnsboro, Tex............-Aug.

Dallas, Tex................ ”

Thornton, Tex................ ”

Hearne, Tex. ...................”

Waller, Tex.......Aug. 31, Sept 1


Chincoteague, Va.........Aug. 14

Exmore, Va...................” 15, 16

Norfolk, Va...................”

Currytuck, N. C.............”

Vanceboro, N. C...........” 21, 22

Bridgeton, N. C...........Aug. 23

Trenton, N. C...............” 24, 25

Kinston, N. C...............” 26, 28

Mt Olive, N. C.............” 29. 30

Clinton, N. C. ..Aug. 31, Sept. 1


Indianapolis, Ind........-Aug. ", 8   Alton, Ill..................-Aug. 17, 18

Brazil, Ind.....................” 9, 10   E. St. Louis, Ill. -------”

Terre Haute, Ind......”   11 Sedalia, Mo............— ” 21-24

Mattoon, III. -...........— ” 12,14   Springfield, Mo. ------”

Pana, III......................— ” 15,16   Memphis, Tenn. ________”



Fort Wayne, Ind.....Aug. 11,12

Danville, Ill...............”  14,15

St. Louis, Mo........— ” 16, 17

Jefferson City, Mo.....”  18, 19

Sedalia, Mo.................”  21-24

Burton, Mo...............Aug. 25, 26

Boonville, Mo. ...........”

Jefferson City, Mo.....”

Mexico, Mo.................”

Macon, Mo.......Aug. 31, Sept 1

Belfield, N. D.............Aug. 22, 23

Brisbane, N. D...........” 25, 26

Flasher, N. D...........”     28

Moffit, N. D.................” 29, 30

Bismarck, N. D. Aug. 31, Sept 1



Parkers Prairie, Minn. Aug. 17

Detroit, Minn. --------—.....”   18

Fargo, N. D................” 19-21

Neche, N. D...................”   22

Grand Forks, N. D. .— ’’ 23, 24

Rugby, N. D............Aug. 25, 20

Sherwood, N. D. ______”     28

Mohall, N. D.      ”     29

Minot, N. D.................” 30, 31

Powers Lake, N. D._____Sept 1

Lakeland, Fla. .........-Aug. 23, 24

Tampa, Fla.............."     25

Palm Harbor, Fla. __•’     26

St Petersburg, Fla.___” 28, 30

Clearwater, Fla. Aug. 31, Sept 1


For the benefit of our readers the announcement is made that the following radio stations are broadcasting the kingdom message:

Ann Arbor, Mich. ______July

Detroit, Mich.................”

Toronto, Ont. —...........”

Pittsburgh, Pa..............”

Massillon, O......-...........” 21, 22


Casper, Wyo.................Aug. 13   Laramie, Wyo. --------Aug. 22, 23

Midwest, Wyo...............” 14,15   Greeley, Col. ------------”  25, 26

Casper, Wyo................’’   16   Loveland, Col. ----------”     28

Slater, Wyo...................”18,19   Berthoud, Col........” 29,30

Cheyenne, Wyo.............” 21, 24   Boulder, Colo.....Aug. 31, Sept 1


Louisville, Ky........—.July 8,10 Cleveland, O. -----July 27-Aug. 24

Cincinnati, O.............” 11,12   Muncie, Ind................Aug. 25

Columbus, O. —...........”    13   Indianapolis, Ind.---” 26, 28

Cleveland, 0. .............  ” 14,15   Champaign, Hl.............” 29, 30

Toronto, Ont. __________” 18-26 Peoria, Ill.........Aug. 31, Sept 1


Wheeling, W. Va.........Aug.

Parkersburg, W. Va. .... ”

Chillicothe, O..........— ” 18,19

Washington, Ind...........”

E. St. Louis, Ill.............” 22, 23


Denison, Tex. Aug. 15,16

McKinney, Tex. _______”

Plano, Tex. ------------”

Dallas, Tex............”

Midlothian. Tex. ----”

Lima, O............—......Aug. 23, 24

Gary, Ind..................” 25, 26

Chicago, Hl

Belvidere, Ill. ...........” 29, 30

Rockford, 111.....Aug. 31, Sept. 1

Lebanon, Mo.____Aug. 24, 25

Monett, Mo._________”  26, 28

Joplin, Mo..........”     29

Commerce, Okla.____”  30, 31

Locust Grove, Okla._____Sept 1

Alvarado, Tex._____Aug. 23

Waco, Tex.” 24, 25

Temple, Tex. “ 26, 28

Taylor, Tex.---------” 29, 30

Bastrop, Tex. —Aug. 31, Sept 1


WBBR New York, N. Y. WHK Cleveland, O. WORD Chicago, Ill. KFWM Oakland, Calif. CKCX Toronto, Ont. CHCY Edmonton, Alta. CHUC Saskatoon, Sask. WCAH Columbus, O. CFYC Vancouver, B. C. WNBF Endicott, N. Y. WLSI Providence, R. I. WBAX Wilkesbarre, Pa. WCBM Baltimore, Md. WBT Charlotte, N. C. WSAZ Huntington, W. Va. WBRL Tilton, N. H. WTAL Toledo O. KFJF



Oklahoma City, Okla. -61.

KFEQ St. Joseph, Mo. KLZ Denver, Colo. KWTC Tustin, Calif. WRHM Minneapolis, Minn. WREO Memphis, Tenn.


256.3 Daily

278. Sun. & Thurs.

275. Daily

214.2 Daily

291. Sun., Tues., & Fri.

517. Sunday [& Thurs.

329.5 Sun., Tues.

265.3 Sunday [& Sat 411. Sun., Tues., Thurs.

205.4 Sunday

441. Sun., Wed., & Fri.

256. Sunday

229. Sun. & Sat,

275. Thursday

243.8 Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday 267.7 Sunday

384.4 Sunday

441. Saturday

252. Sunday

254. Sunday