in this issue
EVOLUTION DISPROVED a remarkable contribution to the cause of truth
, an interesting reply to Dr. Goer-
why Cuba took the sugar market from Wall Street
second lecture of a radiocast series on “Reconciliation”, by Judge Rutherford
Labor and Economics Straws in the Wind ................. 714 A 350-Ton Shovel ..................
Why I Work Sundays ................. 722
Social and Educational
Kept Out of American Newspapers .......... .
Standard Oil of Indiana ................ 709
Twelve Million Radio Sets in Use .......... .
Flaggs versus Pullmans ................ 717
More Light on Cuban Sugar ............... 726
Political—Domestic and Foreign Dishonesty Regarding Nicaragua
Opportunities in Canada ................ 724
Science and Invention Evolution Disproved ...........
Home and Health
An Opinion Upon Aluminum Kitchen Utensij.s ....... 710
Travel and Miscellany “In God We Trust”
Gas Well on a Rampage.............. .
Seventy-Two Years Hence .........
Religion and Philosophy ' A Story of Creation . . ..
Disasters Follow Pope's and Priests’ Blessings
United States Officially “Christian” .....
“Bible Students” Tuned Out ......
The Pauper ..................... 727
Thirty Pieces of Silver ................ 734
The Children’s Own Radio Story ............ 735
Published every other Wednesday at 117 Adams Street, Brooklyn, X. Y., S. A , by WOODWORTH, KNORR & MARTIN
Copartners and Proprietors Address: 111 Adams Street, Brooklyn, If. Y., U. S. A.
CLAYTON J. WOODWORTH .. Editor ROBERT J. MARTIN .. Business Manager NATHAN H. KNORR .. Secretary and Treasurer
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Volume IX Brooklyn, N. Y., Wednesday, August 8, 1928 Number 232
“INVOLUTION DISPROVED,” presenting 'fifty proofs that it can not be true’, by Dr. W. A. Williams, Camden, N. J., expresident of Franklin College, Ohio, is a valuable work of 128 pages in the important field which it covers.
Dr. Williams claims to be a thoroughly-consecrated child of God; and that he has a zeal for God nobody who reads his book can question. Certainly no one can dispute the masterly way in which he handles his subject Probably no other man is so.well qualified to discuss it.
Under the heading “The Unity of the Human Race” Dr. Williams says:
The present population of the globe proves that mankind must have descended from one pair who lived not earlier than the time of Noah. The unity of languages also proves one common head about the same time. Certain beliefs and customs, common to various religions, point to one original God-given religion in, historic time, in contrast to the evolution idea of many religions invented by ape-men in millions of years. The history of the world and the migration of nations point to one locality where the human race began in times not more remote, and show that man was created in a civilized state, and, therefore, never was a brute. If evolution were true, there would have been many billion times as many human beings as now exist, a great multitude of invented languages with little or no similarity, a vast number of invented religions with little, if anything, in common. Even the sciences invented and exploited by evolutionists, the Mendelian Inheritance Law and Biometry, also prove evolution impossible. The unity of mankind is also conclusively shown by the fact that all races interbreed, the most certain test of every species. All these facts pointing to the unity of the race in the days of Noah and Adam are irreconcilable with the theory of evolution which denies that unity within the last two million years.
Under the heading “The Population of the World” the Doctor enters upon a surprisingly simple, forceful method of proof, based upon the known number of Jacob’s descendants and
the known length of time since his marriage, that man could not have been on the earth longer than the Scriptures declare has been the case.
Incidentally, these figures establish that not over 16,384 persons perished in the Flood, During the World War the soldier boys, the cream of civilization, were slaughtered at the rate of 7,000 a day, and the total daily deaths due to that war were far in excess of the grand total that perished in the Flood.
Under “The Unity of Languages” we get the information that the words for “father” and “mother” are similar in form and are found in many languages in all the five great groups, 'Aryan, Semitic, Hamitic, Turanian and Chinese, showing a common original tongue and proving the early existence of the home and civilization!.
The point is made that the maps of ancient nations all show that mankind radiated from a center approximately in Mesopotamia on the Tigris and Euphrates rivers and that the great nations of antiquity were clustered about this center.
Under the head “Civilizations” the declaration is made that from the Sumerian voeabu-* lary, the oldest known language in the world, it is evident that the people who spoke the language had a comparatively high civilization and that the skill of artisans who worked four thousand years ago is beyond praise, as illustrated in their carvings and paintings.
Under “The Mendelian Inheritance Law”, well known to every evolutionist, there must always be recessions, and therefore there must necessarily be many ape-men now living; yet no such ape-like tribe of human beings exists: a decisive proof that man never descended from the brute.
Undey the heading “'No New Species Now” the charge is made that even Darwin himself admitted that “in spite of all the efforts of
trained observers., not one change of species into another is on record-’. A. colleague of Dr. .Williams’ put this question up to the heads of all the leading colleges and universities in the land, and every one of them was obliged to admit that no such instance is known, even though many of them are still teaching their students that it may,be true. Their fear of one another and their insincerity in their belief in evolution are manifest in their answers.
Dr. Williams demands to know, if evolution be true, why it is that fishes are not now changing into amphibians, amphibians into reptiles, reptiles into birds, and mammals and monkeys into men, and adds significantly: “If growth, development, evolution, were the rule, there w’ould be no lower order of animals, for all have had sufficient time to develop into the highest orders. Many have remained the same: some have deteriorated.”
Attention is called also to the very important fact that water has a dozen unique properties that condition life, that carbon dioxid is absolutely necessary to life, and that the properties of the ocean are so beautifully adjusted to life that scientists can but marvel at its exact fitness for the work the Creator has made it to do. Furthermore, few things are more repellent to man than a dead sea, a lifeless body of water.
Under “The Age of the Earth” Dr. Williams says of the evolutionists that “they help themselves to eternity without stint”, but whereas one of their number blandly stated that the lowest estimate of time required for the existing delta of the Mississippi is 100,000 years, officers of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, experts in that line of work, have stated that the delta is only 4,400 years old.
Under the head “Geology and History” and in “Paleontology” Dr. Williams goes at length into the subjects of the Pithecanthropus Erectus, the Heidelberg man, the Piltdown fake (sic) and the Neanderthal man and says convincingly : “All the bones purporting to belong to these four creatures would not together make one complete skeleton, or even one complete skull A child could carry all this 'evidence’ in a basket. These skulls can be duplicated with abnormal skulls in many graveyards today. Scientists are not certain they belong to the same individual. Part ape, part human. A 'desperate effort to get convincing evidence where there is none.” Yet, on the other side of the ledger: “Remains of the unchanged ape are abundant. But the alleged human remains are scanty and uncertain. Now if there were millions and billions of human beings developing from the brutes, should we not expect as many remains as of horses and mammoths and apes? We do not have millions of them, simply because they did not exist.”
Under the head “Geographical Distribution” Dr. Williams points out the high improbability of the two hundred species of oysters, some unisexual and some double-sexed, and found in all warm climates, having originated from one source; because oysters live attached to solid rocks, or other supports, and do not move at all. How could they cross thousands of miles of ocean barren of all food?
Dr. Williams sees the hand of the Creator in our coal, oil and all the valuable minerals, and in the fact that when within four degrees of the freezing point water expands and ice becomes lighter than water, thus saving all life, as otherwise bodies of water would freeze solid. He sees design too in the ten thousand square feet of sweat glands of the human body and the 700,000,000 cells of the human lungs.
As to the evolutionist guess that the first eye was caused by a freckle, the Doctor calculates from the total surface of the human body that the eye, even if it came that way, had but one chance in three thousand to land where it did and that the two eyes and the two ears have but one mathematical chance out of a million million to be located where they are. Even Darwin himself says: “The belief that an organ so perfect as the eye could have been formed by natural selection, is more than enough to stagger any one.”
The ridiculousness of the claims of evolutionists is shown up when they want sensible men to believe that cold-blooded reptiles with a temperature of 40° to 60°, and with a threechambered heart, changed into birds with temperatures as high as 107°, and with a fourchambered heart, developing in the meanwhile wings and feathers without knowing in the least why they were doing .it.
Dr. Williams wants to know on what the first germ lived if there was no vegetation, how the first animals lived before mothers were 'developed, why man has no hhir on his back and
what has become of his tail, and why it is, if evolution be true, that nature loathes hybrids and decrees their death. 1
He also wants to know why it is that Moses, if he was not inspired, managed to state in their correct order the eleven elemental facts of the creation of the earth and its preparation to be the home of man, when, mathematically, there was only one chance in 39,916,800 that he could be correct. ■>
Dr. Williams is impressed with the fact that across the entire stretch of the universe there are the same perfect and complete laws respecting light, heat, electricity and gravitation.
He marshalls the opinions of Dr. Etheridge, of the British Museum; Prof. Beale, of King’s College, London; Prof. Virchow, of Berlin; Prof. Fleishman, of Erlangen; Prof. Agassiz; Dr. W. H. Thompson, president of New York Academy of Medicine; Sir William Dawson, geologist; Dr. St. George Mivert, University College, Kensington; Dr. James Orr, Edinburgh University; Dr. Trass, paleontologist; Dr. Shaler, Harvard University, and many others, including evolutionists themselves, as agreeing that evolution is unproved, improvable, and a theory which has not for its support a shadow of scientific evidence.
Despite all the foregoing good things in Dr. Williams’ book (and we have only barely touched a few of them), the book has certain objections to which we feel obliged to call attention.
Dr. Williams hurts himself with Bible Students by applying to himself a title which is used but once in the Bible and then is applied in the most solemn manner only to Jehovah God, the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe. “Holy and reverend is his name.” (Psalm 111: 9) “Be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ : and all ye are brethren.” -—Matthew 23:8.
Dr. Williams hurts himself again with Bible Students when he accepts without question the doctrine of the inherent immortality of the soul, which has not a single text in the Bible to support it, and 'which has done more to cause blasphemy of God’s holy name than all other things' in the world put together. Inherent immortality and eternal torture go together. When the one is disproved the other falls with it.
The Bible shows plainly that when a man dies everything concerning him dies, body, breath, speech, memory, thought, love, hatred, envy, activity, plans, knowledge, wisdom, soul, all. The texts are plain enough. It is the theologians, not God, who have distorted the plainly evident meanings of such texts as Genesis 3:19; Job 14:21; Psalms 6:5; 115:17; 146: 4; Ecclesiastes 3:19; 9: 5, 6,10; Isaiah 38:18; Ezekiel 18: 4, 20; James 2: 26, margin. When man dies he is dead for ever unless God sees fit to resurrect him. This was true even of Jesus.—Revelation 1:18.
Finally, Dr. Williams hurts himself with Bible Students because he wishes the proceeds of the sale of his book to be used in part “to be loaned perpetually to help build churches”, not seeing, as do the Bible Students, that he would thus be trying to build up what God has disowned and is now engaged in removing from the scene. Building churches will not help matters now. The churches have had their day. They have become centers of belief in evolution and unbelief in the Bible, and accomplices in every act of murder arranged for by Big Business and the politicians.
If the churches had stood on Christ’s side there would have been no World War, nor any other war of consequence for 1500 years; and if they had stood on Christ’s side the doctrine of evolution would today be the laughing-stock it deservesrto be. -
Dr. Williams’ book is a remarkable contribution to the cause of truth, and we are only sorry that the defects named make it impossible for us to give it an unconditional endorsement.
STANDARD OIL of Indiana has been forced to reduce its dividend rate from 6% to 3%, but the same company paid out 850% in stock dividends in 1903, 450% in 1906, 2,900% in 1912,150% in 1920, and 100% in 1922; so at the present dividend rate of 3% the poor stockholders of the company are getting in actual returns only about 500% a year on their investment. The chairman of this company, It W. Stewart, was under indictment for refusing to testify before the senate in the matter of the Sinclair Teapot Dome robberies, and was recently unanimously reelected chairman of his company. He is now to be tried for perjury.
IT IS interesting to note the statements made by Dr. Goernandt, of the Imperial Association of the' German Industry of Aluminum .Wares, in the March, issue of the German edition of The Golden 'Age. The Doctor’s four positive statements reduced to simple language mean: (1) Aluminum kitchen wares do not affect digestion or bowel action; (2) they do not cause cancer; (3) they are absolutely sanitary; (4) they are not poisonous.
The purpose of this article is to answer the foregoing statements. The writer, before 1913, had a most splendid aluminum culinary outfit in his home kitchen. Gastric disease developed to such a degree, after several years of their use, that a journey to Colorado was made by him, seeking air, sunshine or something that might be of benefit to his health.
It was while at Manitou, Colorado, that he made the discovery that “soda” water was effervescent in his aluminum drinking cup. This was positive evidence that the metal dissolves and generates a gas when in combination with an alkali (soda) and liquid (water).
Aluminum mixed with an alkali and filler is used with a liquid (water or milk) for the purpose of leavening. This compound is known as baking powder and is employed for “making gas” in the dough. (War Department, U. S. A., The Anny Cook, April 2, 1928, page 2) Aluminum compounds of various kinds are made by the aluminum which dissolves from the cooking utensils, and they are taken into the body with foods which are prepared therein.
The saliva is an alkaline substance and is swallowed along with the aluminum compounds formed by aluminum cooking utensils. These combine and produce what is known as “gas” in the stomach. The chemical reaction takes place in that organ instead of in a dish on the table, as when the same ingredients are used for leavening bread. This “gas in the stomach” produces what is knowm as “acid eructation”. Aluminum compounds have great “activity”.
When food passes from the stomach, it enters the duodenum. This organ supplies another quantity of alkaline juice and it combines with the aluminum content in the foods, which were not neutralized by the saliva. This process continues until all the acid metal aluminum is neutralized by the alkaline substances. So the “'gas making”, or leavening process, is continued through the bowel tract during the period of time the foods pass through them. “Gas” in the bowels produces what is known to the medical profession as “flatulence”. Acid eructation and flatulence are common terms applied to what are known as gastric diseases.
Not only is aluminum a direct corrosive agent upon living tissue of the alimentary canal; but it destroys vitamines in the food, which makes them valueless or nearly so, when consumed. The following statement is from the official record at Washington, D. 0., Docket No. 540, Federal Trade Commission. Dr. Albert P. Matthews, of the College of Medicine, University of Cincinnati, Ohio, testifies:
Action on vitamines:
Probably a more serious result will be that it (aluminum) will unite with various essential constituents of the food present in small quantities, substances called food accessory substances or vitamines, and these substances will be thereby so changed as no longer to exert their usual action on the body.
If animals, and those persons on a restricted diet, have barely sufficient of these substances to support the life of its tissues, a very serious condition will be produced in the alimentary canal, owing to the lack of these essential substances.
Action on intestines:
This condition will be very similar to the conditions described by Chittenden and Underhill as a pellagrous condition. There will be hemorrhagic condition of the intestines with ulceration of the duodenum and at times of the stomach also.
Action after absorption:
The aluminum from such residues after absorption into the blood and lymph will exert the usual action of aluminum salts on the tissues and organs of the body, this action being more or less severe depending on the quantity of aluminum absorbed.
Regardless of absorption, aluminum can exert an irritating action on the mucosa of the gastro-intestinal tract without absorption; and in the manner already stated it may exert the deleterious action on the food, so changing its quality as no longer to exert the nourishing effect it would have exerted in the absence of aluminum.
The Doctor’s second statement is that aluminum utensils do not cause cancer. This is indeed unusual. The only conclusion any one can glean from that statement is that Dr. Goernandt is familiar with the various causes which produce cancer. 'Aluminum cooking utensils are not included in his list of cancer-producing agents. This would indicate that the Doctor is more learned upon the subject than any other man in the world.
This writer does not know of any particular agent or cause of cancer, neither does he know of any one in the world who has scientifically proven a specific cause of the disease. All the research work done and the millions upon millions of dollars spent by orthodox medicine, has not yielded one iota of information concerning the cause or cure of cancer; therefore, until that fact is determined, the writer believes that the alum which dissolves from aluminum cooking utensils, when ingested in foods cooked therein, is just as specific a cause of cancer as any other protoplasmic (the life cell) poison.
We have a great number of scientists today whose opinions are that cancer is produced by the use of aluminum kitchen utensils. The following quotation is from no less an authority than Dr. Wm. A. Dew’ey, of Los Angeles, California, secretary of the Koch Cancer Foundation of America. This article appeared in the October, 1926, Koch Cancer Foundation Bulletin.
The interfering features most commonly met with that obstruct the development of immunity have been discussed previously as X-ray, radium, metals such as colloidal gold, mercury, arsenic, etc. An important interfering metallic agency not heretofore discussed and associated with the diet, is aluminum.
Aluminum is dissolved very readily by distilled water or ordinary water from aluminum cooking utensils, and in such quantities as cause interference with recovery. Foods likewise, when cooked in aluminum ware, dissolve out large quantities of aluminum; and for this reason it is necessary to avoid aluminum dishes and utensils in the preparation of the food for a cancer patient. 1
Another article which is similar to many being published today, upon the relation of aluminum cooking utensils to cancer, is as follows, appearing in the Los Angeles Times of Mav 22, 1927. ’
Another possible source of chronic poisoning is aluminum. Cooking utensils made of this metal are in almost universal use and quantities of baking powder containing salts of aluminum are exposed A sale in our shops. A few months ago we thought that quite a discovery had been made when it was found that all foods cooked in aluminum receptacles greatly increased the cancer reactions and even water boiled in an aluminum dish behaved similarly. All baking powder containing
alum compounds had^he sahfe effect; they Were inimical to the cancer patient. ■
Perhaps this particular action with respect to cancer has not before been published, but recently I have found a small work, “An Opinion Upon Aluminum,” by Dr. Charles T. Betts, of Toledo, Ohio, that conclusively shows aluminum to be one of the great sources of chronic poisoning. Dr. Betts computes that the average person whose food is cooked in aluminum ware, and whose bread is baked with an alum baking powder, consumes four to five grains of aluminum salts at each meal, or twelve to fifteen grains a day, and this every day in the year. If this is one of the sources of chronic poisoning which is cancer-producing, can we wonder that this disease is increasing by leaps and bounds? Can we expect our treatment to be highly effective while these causes are active? I think not. The conclusion is obvious. '
Upon investigating the subject of cancer-producing substances, all that is necessary is to examine the official records of our government, for statements, opinions or other documents that can be found in abundance, pertaining to aluminum’s being a poison, and the metal as a death-dealing agent to the human body.
The following is only one opinion of more than forty which were given by many internationally-known scientists in a single case at Washington, D. C., Federal Trade Commission, Docket No. 540. Dr. Victor Vaughan, thirty years dean of the Medical College of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, and president of the Medical Association for six years, relates the following:
In 1900, even before Dr. Mallett’s work, I said that aluminum must be absorbed, and testifying before a senate committee I testified that it would be difficult for all of the alum to escape absorption. My conclusion is that the salts of aluminum are harmful in the human body.
I say, Most of these poisons by absorption are carried by the blood and the lymphs to every part of the, body or to various parts of the body. They do not have to go to every part of the body, and they have opportunity to be brought in contact with all the features of the body: and as I have stated here in this definition, they have their selective action; they will combine with certain tissues, other tissues they will not combine with. They may add something foreign; and they may take something away; they may merely rearrange the structure of the living tissue. By either one of these means, they may harm the tissue. Then the body strives to get rid of these things by eliminating them and pouring them back into the intestines, and they may then be reabsorbed again, and may go around.
Q. Now, Doctor, in the testimony to which you have referred as having been given by you in the year 1900, before the senate committee of manufacturers, at a hearing in Washington, did you come to the conclusion as a result of your studies and experiments up to that time that the salts of aluminum are harmful in human food ?
A. That was my conclusion, Yes.
Q. And did you come to the further conclusion that alum baking powders were not healthful, and not wholesome when used in the preparation of human food?
A. I did.
The opinion above quoted is a description of a cancer-forming substance. The Doctor perfectly describes it as such but does not so define it. The reader can judge for himself.
The reader can, if desired, secure from scientists many statements similar to the above. Space forbids quoting more here.
The next statement of the Doctor's is to the effect that aluminum cooking utensils do not contaminate foods. A simple test can be made by any one, with any aluminum dish, which will prove that we ingest part of our aluminum cooking utensils in our foods every time the utensils are used for the purpose designated. The following test should be of sufficient interest to cause the reader to make it. If this is done, he will begin to think about his health and then to investigate for himself.
Aluminum dissolves readily from cooking dishes. To prove this, boil ordinary drinking water in an aluminum dish for half an hour and immediately pour this boiled water into a clear glass container. The aluminum compounds will be clearly visible to the naked eye. Examination of the aluminum dish after the experiment will not disclose any perceptible loss of metal therefrom; but it should be understood that the activity of the metal is such that you will see in the glass container about 1000 times as great volume of aluminum hydroxid as of the metal lost from the dish in which the water was boiled. It is in this form that the metal enters the body with food and is digested and taken by absorption directly into the blood circulation. In this form the metal could also be taken into the circulation by injection, if such form of medication were resorted to before major operations. In this form the metal is a catalyst. It acts upon all living tissue with which it comes in contact, itself remaining unchanged. The body strives to rid itself of such an element and to throw it into the intestines for elimination. A normally healthy body can thus dispose of much of such poison; but when one is subnormal and resorts to medication for bowel action, the aluminum poisons are apt to be reabsorbed into the blood and follow the circulation again. This may become a persistent or habitual operation, causing continual poisoning.
The metal which dissolves, as above stated, is either filth or ordinary “dirt”, if it is not a food substance, nor can it become a constituent part of the human economy. If cooking utensils ingest themselves in foods, or if they contaminate foods with poisonous effects, or if food values are damaged or destroyed by them, or if the color of foods shows adverse chemical changes during their use, or if various chemical poisons are formed by their use when employing seasoning agents, like salt, soda, etc., or if a poisonous gas (hydrogen) is formed by them which permeates the room in which they are used, then such utensils, in the writer’s opinion, are not fit to use for cooking purposes. All aluminum cooking utensils can be tested for the above Ways of food contamination, by any one, in his own home. The writer has made a great number of such tests, but space forbids relating them here.
The next statement is, that aluminum, when ingested, is non-poisonous to the human anatomy. The writer found that when he quit eating aluminum compounds from aluminum cooking utensils, he was no longer being poisoned. This led to extensive investigation, covering a period of about twelve years. In 1926 <£An Opinion Upon Aluminum” was published. This led to the discovery that practically all scientists the world over were familiar with the subject and with the poisonous effects of ingested aluminum upon the higher animals. The writer herewith presents the names of a few of America’s leading chemists and medical authorities who have also found by experimentation that aluminum compounds, when taken internally by man, are poisonous.
Dr. Hal Truman Beans, of Columbia University ; Professor R. F. Ruttan, of Montreal, Canada; Dr. Edward S. Wood, of Harvard Medical School, Boston, Mass.; Dr. Frank C. Gephart, chemist, New York, X. Y.; Florence B. Seibert, Ph. D., of the University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.; Andrew Dingwall, Ph. D., chemist, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Dr. Clarence 'A'. Smith, of Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Pa.; Lewis V. Heilbronn, Ph. D., of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.; Roe E. Remington, Biological Chemist, North Dakota Agricultural College, Fargo, N. Dak.; Lester C. Himebaugh, biochemist, New York, N. Y.; Max Kahn, Associate in Biological Chemistry, Columbia University; Professor Lewis B. Allyn, town chemist, .Westfield, Mass.; John Allen Killian, Professor of Chemistry, Fordham Medical School, New York, N. Y.; Dr. Harry Gideon Wells, Professor of Pathology, University of Chicago; Victor C. Myers, professor at University of Iowa; Dr. Matthew Steele, Ph. D., instructor at Columbia University; Dr. Wm. J. Gies, Professor of Biological Chemistry, Columbia University; Dr. Arnold K. Balls, Associate in Chemistry, University of Pennsylvania; Dr. Albert P. Matthews, Professor of Biochemistry, University of Cincinnati; W. D. Bigelow, Director of Research Laboratory, National Canners Association, Washington, D. C.; Dr. Victor C. Vaughan, Doctor of Philosophy and Medicine, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.; Dr. Frank P. Underhill, Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology, School of Medicine, Yale University; Dr. Hattie L. Heft, Physiological Chemist, Teachers College of Columbia University; Dr. J. H. East, President, Electronic Laboratory, Denver, Colo.; Dr. E. C. Folkmar, M. Ph., editor and publisher, Washington, D. C.; Dr. Wm. Koch, Koch Cancer Foundation of America, Detroit, Mich.; Dr. W. A. Dewey, Secretary, Koch Cancer Foundation of America, Los Angeles, Calif.; Dr. Wm. Held, Director, United States Health League, Chicago, Uh; Dr. Geo. Starr White, author, Los Angeles, Calif.; Dr. Josef Reed George, lecturer, Cleveland, Ohio; Dr. J. M. Morgan, pathologist, 228 Michigan St., Toledo, Ohio; Dr. Chas. B. McFerrin, publisher of National Health Review and many other magazines along health lines, Orlando, Florida.
The above-named persons are a unit upon the question; and their statements, or most of them, are a matter of public record, and are available to every one. It is unusual that Dr. Goernandt is totally ignorant of this as well as of the statements made upon this question by scientists in Germany. Either the doctor is ignorant of all the preponderance of evidence against, aluminum compounds or he has grossly misstated the truth.
I HAVE no “mere opinion” on this aluminum proposition when it comes to high-pressure cookery. It injured my kidneys severely. When I cut it out there was quite an improvement in my condition in two or three days; and in about ten days the trouble completely disappeared, although I made no change whatever in my 'diet.
I have been very careful about what I have eaten for the past several years, and I have some close friends who are very careful, too. I was telling them about my experience with aluminum-ware cookery. One of them spoke up and said, “Listen here, boy; since you mention that, my wife and I and two children are having a whole lot of trouble with our kidneys and teeth. We did not have that trouble before we got to using aluminum ware, and I just have a sneaking idea that that is the cause of it, so I am going to stop my wife from using it; and I will let you know how we come out.” Sure enough, this gentleman came to me and told me that the trouble had ended, as they had cut out using aluminum ware, and that they would not have any more of this aluminum stuff in their house.
I would like to add that the people with whom I room sold aluminum ware for several years. I asked the gentleman of the house (he is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, and is no back number on the chemistry of metals either) what he thought, about this type of cooking utensil from a health standpoint. The first thing he said was: “No good! Bad on the teeth and kidneys. That is why I stopped selling it. We have over a hundred, dollars worth 'down in the basement right now, and if I had. to buy it again I would not give you a quarter for it, so far as my use is concerned.”
'Gambling Abolished in Russia
THE Soviet government has published a de
cree forbidding gambling. This ought to put an end to the story that the Russian dictators are planning to buy a seat on the New York Stock Exchange, if any such story exists.
This Explains It
THE Right Reverend Ernest William Barnes,
Bishop of Birmingham, who has created such a stir in England by his advocacy of the theories of Darwin and his denunciation of the account of the creation of man as given in the Bible, was born on April 1. This explains it.
End of Suffrage in Italy
ITALIAN suffrage is at an end. Hereafter the deputies to parliament will be elected by the corporations and trades unions. The Italian people are still permitted to retain their own teeth and hair. The Fascisti seem to have taken about everything else that is takable.
Ten Thousand Automobiles in Tunis
THE Literary Digest tells us that there are ten thousand automobiles in Tunis, five hundred of which are autobusses which penetrate far into the Sahara desert. Civilization, in the form of automobiles, is penetrating to the remotest oases of the most inhospitable part of the globe.
Criminals are Sick
EXA.MI.NING- twenty-five persons in New York prisons who are there for life Dr.
Walter Timme found that twenty-four of them were ill, abnormal from a glandular standpoint. Does not this of itself show how much the world needs the Lord’s kingdom, the healing, of The Great Physician?
Miners Helped by Ultra-Violet Rays
A CAREFUL experiment made for three months with a squad of one hundred boys, fifty of whom were treated with rays from mercury vapor quartz lamps and the other fifty not so treated, disclosed that the boys treated with the rays put on twice as much weight and increased fifty percent more in height than those not so treated. As a result, all the miners at Sherwood Collieries, England, are being treated regularly with the rays.
'Charity by Compulsion
THE City of Toledo, Ohio, maintains forty charity organizations, having a budget for 1928 of $840,000. A worker writes us that in the factory where he is employed a day’s pay is exacted from every employe. Refusal to comply means loss of position. Strange charity!
Air Service to Persia
GERMAN and Russian air companies maintain a service between Berlin and Teheran, Persia, twice a week, via Riga, Moscow and Baku. The journey which takes fully two weeks by terra firma is covered in three days in the air.
Trans-Siberian Railway News
FOR the first time since 1914, passengers may now buy through tickets from Berlin to To-kio, Peking and Shanghai. The time required is eleven days from Berlin to Peking and twelve days to Shanghai. It is necessary to change cars at Moscow.
Poison Gas in Hamburg
SOMEBODY in Hamburg, Germany, let loose on May 21 a cloud of phosgen poison gas which killed eleven persons before it "was washed out of the atmosphere by showers. There is considerable excitement everywhere to know why this amount of poison gas was present in Hamburg. It was enroute to the United States.
Illegal Diversion of 108 Carloads of Alcohol
ILLEGAL diversion of 1.08 carloads of alcohol
is charged against thirty-eight Buffalo men. Five of the group were dry agents, one of them the former administrator of the prohibition work of the Buffalo area. These men are alleged to have paid out or received in bribes about $500,000.
In the State of Connecticut
IN THE state of Connecticut high schools and grade schools are using as a textbook a catechism on public utilities that was prepared by the publicity bureau of the Connecticut utilities. The catechism carefully avoids the fact that it costs less than one cent a kilowatt to manufacture electricity, though the housewives are paying ten cents a kilowatt for it. Talk about bandits!
Subway Fares in New York
THE Interborough is moving all creation to increase the subway fares in New York city from five cents to seven cents. Careful calculations show that at the five-cent fare the investors are obtaining at least 33% per annum on the cash they put in. It is the poor that will suffer if subway fares go up.
Bailiffs Must Be Human Beings
TWO bailiffs of Montreal are under trial for manslaughter. In midwinter they threw into the street a mother whose seven children were all sick with measles. One of the children died from the exposure. When the family was thrown out the bailiffs even threw away medicine which had just been purchased.
Jews in Mexico
FpiIE Reflex contains a series of interesting J- articles showing that most of the men who have been backing President Calles in his fight ' to free Mexico are of Jewish ancestry, children of the Maranos, the Spanish Jews who were forced to become Christians during the days of the Inquisition.
Lawful Assembly in New Jersey
THE Supreme Court of New Jersey has made the common-sense decision that the police of that state do not have the power to arbitrarily decide that a meeting of law-abiding people called to protest against their own illegal acts in closing the halls of strikers is an unlawful assembly. This is a great victory for the American people, and for the American Civil Liberties Union, which bore the brant of the fight for free speech and free assembly.
The Jadwin Flood Plan
Major General Jadwin, Chief of Engineers of the United States Army, has designed what seems like a wonderfully efficient plan for control of future floods in the Mississippi valley. In effect the plan provides for widening the present channel, and building new floodways through Arkansas and Louisana, so that there would be channel space to handle a flood 25 percent greater than the colossal one of last year. It is estimated that the job will cost $500,000,000 before it is finished. It carries an initial appropriation from congress of $325,000,000. '
Holland Tunnel a Great Success .
THE Holland tunnel under the Hudson is a great success. It cut off about thirty percent from the ferry traffic, thus reducing marine accidents and delays. It is building up 'Jersey City and the Meadows. The management and operation of the tunnel is as nearly perfect as anything of human construction could hope to be.
Nobile’s Airship in Trouble
Nobile made a fine start for polar exploration in his airship, the Italia, but was handicapped by the Pope’s blessing, which seems always to work the opposite way from that intended. After dropping the Pope’s wooden cross on the North Pole the airship straightway .got into trouble and at this writing only Nobile himself has been rescued. No doubt most of his brave comrades have been lost.
Insult a Master Organizer
NO ONE can deny that Samuel Insull, discount’ of Chicago and ‘first lord’ of the state of Illinois, is a master organizer. His committee on education has made a survey of all the colleges and universities and textbooks and is correcting the latter to suit the ideas of Big Business. “Pin the bolshevik idea upon any senator who favors public ownership” is one of the maxims of this crowd that is rapidly getting Uncle Sam by his neck and choking off his wind. And 3,400 speakers and editors are ready at a moment to do anything Insull suggests.
Chile Dumps the Priests
THE government of Chile has dumped all the priests overboard. No longer can they feed at the public trough in any capacity. Not only has all obligatory religious instruction been discontinued throughout the public schools of the country, but the priests have been dismissed from all government positions, including that of chaplains of the army.
These efforts of the Chilean people to reach out for honesty and liberty have of course been accompanied by the usual yawping of "Persecution ! persecution 1” by those who have hitherto been their oppressors, and who even now, like the “Old Man of the Sea”, have their legs firmly entwined about the necks of those who are trying to find out what is wrong.
A 350-Ton Shovel
THE largest shovels in the Mesaba iron country of Minnesota weigh 350 tons and handle from eight to nine cubic yards of earth and ore at a time. This shovel does the work of five hundred men. Just now, in America, we are all wondering what is going to become of the 499 men who can not get jobs operating the shovel.
Twelve Million Radio Sets in Use
A SURVEY made on January 1 shows that at that time there were in use in the United States seven and one-half million standard radio receiving sets and enough more crystal sets to bring the total up to twelve million sets. Allowing five persons to the family, this makes a radio audience of one-half the people of the United States.
Car with Back Seat Reversed
A BRITISH inventor has designed a new car, with the back seat facing the rear. This seems like a good idea. Passengers can not do any back-seat driving, they are spared worries about the road ahead, they can get a better view of the scenery, and they are not blinded by the lights of other cars rushing toward them at night. Hurrah for the reversed seat!
Panama Canal Improvements
THE supply of water for the operation of the Panama canal will be increased and regulated by the construction of a dam two hundred feet high in the valley of the Chagres River, some fourteen miles from the canal. The erection of this dam will make it possible to pass sixty to seventy ships a day through the canal. The daily average for the past ten months was eighteen.
Massacre of Masons at Verona
John Bond, Roman correspondent of the Fellowship Forum, declares that in the city of
Verona, when the Fascist destruction of the Masonic order was at its height a score of Masons were lured to the fifth floor of an office building’ and one by one thrown out of the windows. When they clung to a brass rail near the bottom of the window their hands were chopped until they were forced to let go. Not a man of the group escaped alive.
New Rock Drills Destroy Life
THE new form of rock drills, now used in place of the old type in which the dust was kept down by the use of water, are found to be destructive of human life. Thomas J. Curtis, president of the Tunnel and Subway Constructor’s Union, and general manager of the Building and Allied Trades Compensation Bureau, declares that there are seventy-five men now working on excavations in New York who have not more than five years to live as a result of using the new form of rock drills.
Seeking Jesuit Gold in Bolivia
A GROUP of British explorers, equipped with two hundred tons of paraphernalia, is now in Bolivia seeking to regain sixty million dollars of gold buried by the Jesuits one hundred fifty years ago. The mining of this gold was ’done by the forced labor of natives, w'ho were poisoned when it was finished. Maps and descriptions of the location of the cache have been found, which have been proved reliable. The entrance to the poison chamber in which the gold is concealed was found as illustrated on the charts. Gas masks will be used while bringing the treasures to the light.
Sherwood Eddy’s Opinion of Russia
Shebwood Eddy, world-famous traveler, publicist, and lecturer to religious associations of all sorts, has made the following bold statement about Russia; and it must give Big Business the chills and fever to read it, as it is just what they do not wish to believe.
The present Soviet government has come to stay. With all its faults it seems on the whole much better than the former hideous Czarist regime. Although its downfall has been eagerly predicted for the last nine years, it was never so strong as it is today. Whatever its faults there is no other party or government in sight that could govern Russia and maintain law and order. Few of the people want to go back to the slavery of the Czars or the nerveless rule of Kerensky. We found no government in Europe more stable or strongly entrenched. No other has made so many changes and adaptations in the last nine years; none has been more willing to confess its many mistakes and learn from them. Its army has been reduced to one-tenth the size of six years ago, from 5,300,000 in 1920 to 550,000 today. Judging both by the expenditure and the size of the army in proportion to population, which is lower than the surrounding nations, the actual policy of the government at home seems to make for peace.
Pennsylvania Public Utilities
More Perjury in Washington
CONDITIONS in Pennsylvania are particu- "D obert W. Stewart, chairman of the board larly good for the manufacture of cheap of directors of the Standard Oil Company
electric power. A fraction of a cent a kilowatt is all it costs, yet the householders must pay as high as ten cents. It is no wonder, then, that the Pennsylvania public utilities maintain a close surveillance over the textbooks, schools and colleges of that state. Textbooks are rewritten so as to be unobjectionable to these great corporations, lobbies are maintained, and largess, where needed, is distributed freely.
What the Jurors Did Not Know
THE Sinclair jurors did not know that Albert
B. Fall had denied that he ever received one cent from Sinclair, did not know that he actually did receive $198,000 in Liberty bonds in a private car in a railroad yard, $10,000 in cash on one occasion and $25,000 cash on another. They did not know that the Supreme Court had condemned Fall as a faithless public officer. They did not know of the famous smoke-filled room in a Chicago hotel at 2 a.m. where the whole thing was fixed up years ago, and they seemed incapable of understanding the things that were explained to them. The only thing reasonably clear in the public mind is that none of them ’will ever have to work any more, though some people may even be too stupid to know that.
Flaggs Versus Pullmans
ANEW YORK architect named Flagg has invented a new type of sleeping-car to take the place of Pullmans. Its distinguishing features are side-passages, and permanent beds in two stories, so arranged that the upper compartments have outside light and air, and are reached by permanent stairways located between the lower compartments. The lower compartments have all conveniences and are complete in themselves. Tenants of the upper compartments have a sitting-room at the end of the car but can retire to their own berths for rest at any time they desire. In a standard-sized Pullman sixteen berths are possible under the new plan of utilizing all the head-room hitherto-largely wasted. It may be possible that Flagg sleepers will ■ displace Pullmans, because they seem to provide greater privacy, comfort and convenience. Canadian roads will give the new car a tryout.
of Indiana, testified on April 24 that he received. $750,000 of those Liberty bonds similar to the ones that Sinclair gave to Fall, yet only six months ago he testified to the same committee that he knew nothing about these bonds and had nothing to do with them. If you stub your toe in Washington today and fall into any prosperous-looking pious business man or politician it is a nearly safe bet that ho is a perjurer and makes millions by it.
A Most Terrible Headline
UNDER one of the most -terrible headlines we have ever seen, namely, that “Christ Was the Founder of Big Business”, we quote from the New York Times a paragraph covering an address by the Rev. John Bernard Kelley that sets forth one of the most blasphemous statements we have ever seen in print:
Disputing the idea that the modern world was materialistic and the product of the mind of man, Father Kelley said the achievements of civilization were expressions of the divinity of God. He said God was the wealthiest big business man of all time, since His possession of the universe is acknowledged by millions of Christians. Christ predicted the ultimate goal of Christianity when He said that “'all would be one", Father Kelly declared, adding that the development of industry was accomplishing the universality that the Catholic church had always sponsored.
Astor’s Millions May Vanish
DOCUMENTS recently discovered seem to show conclusively that two-thirds of the
Astor millions belong of right to the heirs of John Nicholas Emerick. He it was who took Astor in when- he was a poor boy, taught him the fur business, and made him a partner, with the understanding and agreement that two-thirds should go to the Emerick heirs and one-third to the Astor heirs. Suits have been filed which indicate that Astor not only was careful to take the third which belonged to him but helped himself to the two-thirds that belonged to the other man and that that is the true explanation of the present vast wealth of the Astor* estate. Existence of the Emerick trust fund was admitted by one of the Astor lawyers some forty years ago. Nine hundred heirs are suing for their just rights. Anybody who thinks they will get them, please raise the hand.
Three Thousand Acres of Rubber
THREE thousand, acres of bitumen has been discovered in Utah, most of it underlying the Great Salt Lake, which gives promise of being of great value. It is said that when this bitumen is mixed with old rubber it makes better automobile tires than any reclaimed tire on the market. The bitumen can be obtained only . in warm weather, but live steam will be used to make it workable the year around.
Daggers Between Teeth and Bombs in Hands
IN AN address to a Fascist assemblage in
February, the Lantern tells us that Mussolini said to the assembly: “Let us have a dagger between our teeth, bombs in our hands and infinite scorn of danger in our hearts.” Jugoslav papers think that the bomb which recently killed sixteen innocent 'people in Milan and was evidently intended to kill the King of Italy was set at Mussolini’s direction. Mussolini would be a bad man to have for an enemy, and if he and the Pope are really at loggerheads it does not look so w,ell for the Pope.
Why the People Do Not Vote
EDITORIALLY Commerce and Finance says:
“The two dominant parties have little beyond their names to distinguish them, a condition conducive to general apathy. Politicians are awake to the necessity of spending large sums to awaken public interest in campaigns and get out the vote, but no one is ready to contribute these large sums except those with a pecuniary interest in the election and who regard these contributions as investments. It is a mournful fact that the public seems not even aware of its economic illiteracy, and no one, unless made of martyr stuff, has any motive in trying to correct this condition.”
League of Nations a Failure
THE New Republic says of the League of
Nations: “Looking back over the history of the past eight years, we see that never for a moment have the leading diplomats of Europe exhibited any real confidence in the machinery of the League, or relied upon it in a major crisis. It is true that some highly important settlements have taken place at Geneva; but they have been consummated by two or three of the ministers of the chief powers, behind the closed door of a hotel bedroom. The diplomacy of Europe is still in the hands of the statesmen of the old school. Since 1914, most of them have learned and forgotten nothing.”
Scranton Gas and Water Company
rpiIE Scranton Gas and Water Company first -L fastened a 75c monthly service charge on their gas patrons. Then they sold out to a bunch of New York millionaires whose first introduction to the 125,000 customers on their books was an $8 a year service charge for the water. Total sendee charges per customer, $17 a year; annual increase $2,155,000, or the interest at 6% on $35,091,667.
Hugging Bees in Georgia
HDUE Dahlonega (Ga.) Nugget is authority for the statement that a church near Springfield paid off its debt with a hugging social. Eight hundred persons of all sorts attended. The men paid for two-minute hugs, 15c for girls under fifteen years of age, 25c for girls between fifteen and twenty years of age, and 50c for girls between twenty and twenty-five years of age.
It seems hardly credible that such a thing could have been done, even in Georgia, in the name of Christ, and supposedly to raise money for Him. How anybody could imagine that God Almighty or Jesus Christ His Son could be otherwise than dishonored by such a scandalous performance would be a puzzle to anybody except the preacher who wanted money in the till.
A One-Sided Bargain in Taxes
By C. O. Shoemaker
TTERE in The Dalles, in a man’s yard, is a sign which he put up on account of increased taxes:
TAXES! on this little home are $166.37 per year, $13.86 per month. Tenants and renters do not buy real estate in The Dalles. It does not pay to own a home in this city. Wm. H. McNeal, Owner.
As I interviewed him this morning he said that the State Tax Commissioner agreed to boost the taxes on the railroads if the assessor here would boost local taxes. The local boost was $2,000,000; the railroad boost was $1,000,000. But when it came time to collect, the railroads said No; so the people paid, but the railroads did not.
A Story of Creation By a wee miss of uncertain age
DEAR Dad: I read a story last night and it was about the Creation. At first it was all 'dark in the world and God was all alone, so lie ’decided to create man. Then the days were 7,000 years long. He took six days to get ready for the creation. ■
At first there were great rings around the earth, then one of them fell and there was water in it, and it filled the earth with water; and there was another one that fell and it was full of minerals and they went deep in the ground. Then God created man and his name was Adam, and Adam named all the animals and birds and insects. And God blew in Adam’s nostrils the breath of life and Adam became a living soul.
Then the animals were growing more arid he would talk to the animals, but of course the animals couldn’t talk to him, but Adam was lonesome, so God gave Adam a wife named Eve, and they lived in the garden of Eden, and they had everything to eat, but they couldn’t eat of this one tree. And Adam loved the Lord but he disobeyed God, so God told them they disobeyed Him and they must die, and that’s why his children are dying, too, and if Adam hadn’t disobeyed he would be living yet.
And God so loved them (the world), that His Son died in the place of them; and have you ever heard: Rover when he died, he died all over? Some people think they go in the lake of fire, but they don’t; they go to the grave.
IT IS quite certain that there will not be a rush of aviators to Rome to receive the Pope’s blessing. De Pinedo, after being blessed by Mr. Ratti, fell with his plane into the sea off the Azores; previously his plane was destroyed by fire in Arizona, on the American leg of his ’round the world flight. That Chas. Levine sensed a similar or worse fate seems to be evidenced by the fact that after Mr. Ratti blessed him he returned to the United States by vessel rather than attempt a return transatlantic hop.
Also it seems that aviators who allow Roman Catholic dignitaries to sprinkle their planes with holy water are virtually signing their own or some one else’s death warrant. Five minutes after a priest had mumbled over the giant Sikorsky and had sprinkled holy water upon it, the plane crashed and burst into flames, burning to death two of its crew.
The next plane to be sprinkled with holy water, if we remember rightly, was The Golden Eagle, the plane of William Randolph Hearst’s son. It and its crew perished in the Oakland-Hawaii Dole race.
The next plane to take the holy-w’ater route to destruction was William Randolph Hearst’s plane, Old Glory. It was given a double dose of holy water. The first one, given it a number of ’days before its takeoff at Mitchell Field, L. I., was considered too stale; so a second dose was given it just a few moments before its attempted transatlantic flight at Old Orchard, Maine. The second sprinkling took.
Old Glory carried letters intended for Mussolini and the Pope. These in addition to the holy water were enough to overload any plane. Included with Bishop Cantwell’s letter to the Pope was a check for $1000 from the people of the bishop’s diocese (Los Angeles). Perhaps the reason why it was for so little is because one of the big pay members, one Mr. E. L. Doheny, met with a considerable reverse at the-.hands of the United States government: not only was his fraudulent Elk Hills (Nevada) oil lease terminated, but millions of dollars* worth of improvements were confiscated.
Only one thing on Old Glory reached its destination, a wreath which was to have been dropped into the Atlantic in memoriam to two daring Frenchmen who lost their lives in a transatlantic attempt. On it were inscribed the words: “To Nungesser and Coli: ¥ou showed the way. We follow.”
These words contain truth and irony not hoped for. Bertaud, Hill and Payne did not follow Nungesser and Coli into glory. Al! five arc asleep in the deep awaiting the resurrection. But Roman Catholics believe they went to purgatory, where their stay would be of long dura-, tion except for interventions secured by means of costly masses.
The sprinkling of holy water on St. Raphael
doomed its passenger and crew to soon land in purgatory. Owing to the standing and wealth of the passenger and owner of the plane, the Princess Lowenstein-Wertheim, a quite dramatic scene took place at the airdrome before the start was made. The Boman Catholic archbishop of Cardiff held services beneath the yellow wings of the plane, while scores of officers of the Royal Air Forces stood about with bared heads.
As the engine started to roar, the archbishop, accompanied by two Catholic priests, sprinkled holy water over the machine. “God bless you,” he is reported to have said. “May you have a safe journey. We shall not forget to pray for you.” Before entering the machine, the princess kneeled before the archbishop and received a final blessing.
The princess was born Lady Anne Savile, and is a member of a British family dating back to' the time of Richard II. She married H. S. H. Prince Ludwig Karl Zu Lowenstein-Wertheim-Frandenburg, a member of the German nobility. It is quite certain that a good sum of money will have passed into the coffers of the church as a result of sending her to purgatory.
Now that it has been proved that this new stunt with holy water can be pulled with complete success, it is quite likely that the Roman Catholic clergy will be the sponsors of many airplane flights. Wealthy Catholics or those having wealthy relatives will be-urged to participate in such flights. When this new getting-the-money-quick scheme gets under full headway, it is quite certain that every airport and flying field will be equipped with a corp of priests with sprinkling cans.
THE first coin on which “In God we trust”
■was put was a twTo-cent piece, in 1864. President Lincoln put it there. In 1907 President Roosevelt abolished it, first from ten- and twenty-dollar gold pieces. The public did not like the action, and the phrase had to go back
on again. These ten- and twenty-dollar pieces brought as high as eighteen and thirty-six dollars respectively. I do not know what the premium is now. The article in The Golden Age is very interesting. '
IN THE case of the Church of the Holy Trinity versus the United States, argued in the Supreme Court, January 7, 1892, the decision was handed down by Justice Brewer, a part of which reads as follovAL*Justice Brewer stated that in his opinion the fact that ‘the form of oath, the custom of opening the national and state assemblies with prayer, the laws of Sabbath observance, with the closing of courts, legislatures and similar public assemblies on that day, the number of churches, missionaries, philanthropists: these and many other matters which might be noticed, add a volume of unofficial declarations to the mass of organic utterances that this is a Christian nation’.”
LAST February I was in Louisiana. While at a point twelve miles south of Alto, La., two big gas -wells were brought in. The first one blew up on the outside of a twelve-inch easing from a depth of 2,400 feet and caught fire, causing a loss of 75,000,000 cubic feet of gas every twenty-four hours.
Salt water mixed with earth -washed in and caused a hole 100 feet -wide by 150 feet long at the top surface. From this crater the surrounding cotton fields -were flooded with a mud slush a foot deep.
Periodically there would be a slide of earth and mud into the hole, whence it would be heaved into the air several hundred feet. The' action seemed for all the world like the breathing of a huge monster. .
Time and again chunks of earth as large as small touring cars would be heaved higher than the derricks, only to drop back into the pit
again with such a thud and such a roar of os- The above scene continued for two weeks to caping gas as to cause one to remember it as my knowledge, and for aught I know may be long as he lived. continuing still.
(From the Toronto Saturday Night with a few appropriate emendations)
JEHOVAH’S people have only themselves to blame for the action of my government in canceling their radio licenses at Toronto and Winnipeg. This outfit has not only consistently abused its broadcasting privilege by filling the night with the Word of Truth and creating dissension among my religious organizations, but it has also violated an important canon of radio ethics, by barging in at all hours with sublime disregard for the recognized rights of my local stations and for the meritorious nature of special programs.
Some months ago the unseemly attitude of Jehovah’s people was forcibly brought to the attention of the public with the broadcast speech of Judge Rutherford, head of the group, when he poured abuse upon my established religious denominations, Protestant and Catholic alike, and insinuated that these were in reality my agents. Now, Jehovah’s people, or any other group, are entitled to hold what opinions they will and even to express them provided that it is in my manner. But so public a medium as the radio, which has access to the homes of a great bulk of my population, is not for purposes like theirs. The nature of radio at the present time is such that when the Word of Truth is locally broadcast on a powerful wave-length, my fan is often faced with the limited choice of suffering it to come into his home or of disconnecting his set.
My people who tune into the ether are not looking for the Word of God. They are looking for entertainment, and that of a wholesome kind. And if the radio is to survive, it will be because it offers them, as the movies have done, inexpensive and easy amusement free, as far as it is humanly possible, from any suggestion of preaching the Gospel of Christ. The action of my government with regard to God’s people would seem to indicate that in this particular instance, it has interpreted my people’s desires in a very intelligent fashion.
[signed] The Devil.
rpiIE Nation points out how a series of reso-J- lotions calling for the withdrawal of the marines from Nicaragua was defeated by the circulation of the lie that an American mine manager had just been murdered, and continues:
On the basis of such lies American policy in Nicaragua has been built up. When, on December 23, 1926, the marines were landed in Nicaragua, we were informed officially that there would be “no political intervention”, that the action was intended merely to safeguard American lives and property. Later, when it was learned that not an American life or woodshed had been threatened, we were told that the landing was made to safeguard American canal 'rights. When it developed that both rides in Nicaragua were ardent apostles of an American canal, we were informed that the “leathernecks” were in Nicaragua to make peace and io teach the .Nicaraguans how to conduct an honest election' lor eleven days after an American admiral had damped
a censorship upon cables and radio messages from the center of Marine Corps operations the State DejMurtment daily informed the correspondents that '.hero was no censorship. For two months after the marines had seized a consignment of Liberal arms and munitions and dumped them into a river the State Department denied the report: then an official admitted that the marines had seized Liberal arms and “lost” them crossing a river. When Mr. Stimson last May threatened General Moncada with annihilation if he would not lay down his arms, and offered him $10 a gun if he would, the Washington authorities at first suppressed news of both the threat and the bribe. On May 15, last, Mr. Stimson informed the American people that “the civil war in Nicaragua is now definitely ended”; in October he said that Sandino’s following had been “practically dispersed”; and only last week, just before the seizure «f the gold mines, we were informed that Sandino had fled across the Honduran border. .
Senator after Senator who voted against the Norris
amendment stated that he believed we should never have sent the marines into Nicaragua, but now we were in we must stay in. It is the old, old story all over again. Presumably, having voted wrong once, the same Senators will insist on voting wrong again. No one likes to admit that he has been fooled.
The fact is that until thie marines arrived Americans in Nicaragua were safe; today every American in Nicaragua is in danger. Marshall is not dead, but twenty-one marines have lost their lives in vain. How many more boys must die before the Senate and the Executive of the United States wake up to their responsibility?
T NOTICE that President W. B. Storey of the
Santa Fe says that some railway workers try hard to bid in seven-day jobs because of the extra day’s pay. I have been thinking about this and conclude that I ought to make a statement as to why I work Sundays.
I am a boiler-maker by trade and work in a railroad locomotive repair shop. My hourly rate of pay is seventy-five cents an hour. I work eight hours a day, which makes my daily wage $6.00. If I were to work a six-day week, the most that I could make would be $156.00.
I am a Christian; and there is nothing that I like better than to assemble with other Christians on Sunday to study the Lord’s Word and get out and present the things that I find to others, which I would if my financial conditions would permit. But I am the father of five healthy children and find that I can not do the things that I would. I get out once in a while, but not as I should like to.
My house rent costs me $75.00 a month, but I rent out enough of the house to pay the rent. Very few people who work for a living do this. Therefore my rent costs me nothing. But my other monthly expenses are as follows: gas, $6.00; electricity, $8.00; water, $2.00; telephone, $2.75; coal, $15.00; taxes, $1.00; compulsory insurance, $7.25. No matter how we plan, can’t run our table on less than $2.50 a day, which amounts to $75.00 monthly. This makes a total of $117.00 that it costs me to house and . feed my family.
Now if I were to work only six days a week, I would draw only $156.00 a month. Take $117.00 running expenses from that and I would have $39.00 left. Out of this $39.00 I must clothe the children, my wife and myself. I must pay the doctor, buy the furniture and carpets (which, where there is a family the size of mine, are bound to wear out), and meet what other small debts arise (and they are legion). The balance I put in the bank for a rainy day. But woe unto me if that day should come.
Now then, I work seven days a week, with very few exceptions, and they are when I lie off to get out in the Lord’s service. But why do I do it? Not because I like to, by any means, but because I am compelled to. This for your information. .
Miles Dawson has the reputation of being able to read any financial statement and. see its crookedness the minute he looks at it. He is alleged to have been the power behind the throne when the great insurance expose at the hands of Charles E. Hughes took place some years ago.
A Canadian paper, The Farmers 'Advocate, gives the following as Miles Dawson’s simple explanation of how Big Business carries on its knavery. Speaking of limiting profits he said:
This would be a simple process if profits were only distributed in the old-fashioned, open and above-board
method of & cash dividend, at a stated rate per cent, upon the cash invested in the business. But it was long ago recognized that doing this in concerns operating public utilities of a monopolistic nature, would be sure to result in limiting such, dividends to a reasonable amount, because the public (who furnish the profits) would not consent to pay excessive profits. Therefore it became necessary to disguise these dividends, and bogus stock, politely called '•watered stock”, was invented to meet the difficulty. If a street, railway company, for instance, had one million dollars invested in its plant, powerhouses, properties, rolling stock and other equipment, and the net earnings were, say, 8% to 10% on this investment, there could be no ground for
complaint about exeessim. profits. But if the earnings grew to be 20% or 25%; it would almost certainly encourage criticism of the equipment or service, or demands for reduction of rates. But 20% on one million is only 10% on two million or 6|% on three million, and what could be simpler than to issue another million dollars of stock, and so reduce^fce rate of the dividend? After this disguise became too common to deceive, more subtle methods were devised, but all having the same object and being based upon the practice of showing’ greater stock issue than the actual cash investment necessary to carry on the business. The commonest of these improvements, perhaps, is to form a new company, buy the old company, pay for it with stock of the new, make the purchase price as high as is necessary to make a low rate of dividend, and the thing is done (till the later shareholders want a higher rate).
Just as if you had a hundred barrels of apples to sell, for which you wanted $5.00 a barrel. They cost, we will say, including your time and care, picking and packing, $1.25 a barrel in your orchard, arid to make the case parallel, we will just fancy that some kind-hearted council or legislature has given you or sold you the exclusive right to sell apples in your county, or if that requires too great a stretch of imagination, suppose that you are the only person who has apples to sell. It wouldn’t do to set the price at $5.00 a barrel—yotf would be sent to the asylum if you escaped lynching. So you engage a high-class broker and he buys them from you at $1.50 a barrel, sells them to you at $2.50, buys them back at $3.50, and sells them to you at a “price to yield 5%”, say $4.75, and then you are in a position to sell them to the public at $5.00 and cross your heart they cost you $4.75, and you’re not making more than 6% on the deal. Of course, it might make you a little dizzy at first, but when you get used to it you could eliminate the zig-zags and make the deal with yourself right off at $4.75 or even $4.90, and you couldn’t sell them at $5.00 if it wasn’t for doing it on a large scale, (That large scale argument always seems weighty.) The only trouble about looking at this as a parallel case is that too many people know what apples are worth (or think they do, which makes it worse).
WE HAVE before ns a 24-page issue of the Daily Mail of January 1, 2000. The title page shows that it is printed in London, Manchester, Paris, Winnipeg, Delhi and Canberra, and it surely is full of interesting things.
The front cover shows a London airplane parking space on top of a skyscraper; page 2,® the northern end of the Dover-Calais tunnel; page 3 contains an account of a stormy stockholders meeting, held simultaneously in New York and London, where one man became so angry he nearly broke the televisor, and narrates the experience of a man haled into court for mind-reading a broker’s thoughts ahead of his quotations. On this page is also an advertisement of the home suns, supplying artificial sunlight in every home.
Page *4 is a fluke, for it contains a cigarette advertisement; and it is a safe bet that there will be none of those things in existence by then. Page 5 contains legal decisions on airplanes getting into wrong air lanes, dealers selling impure food tablets, and autos blocking traffic by running less than fifty miles an hour.
On page 7 they were wondering what they would do if microbes should return. The ninth page furnished a thrill when it told of a German woman at Tiflis who shot her Irish husband with a beam fired from some place unknown. The same page showed a strike of the super-engineers of the general European electric plant, thereby cutting off the beam supply of all planes. And there is a list of bargains in helicopters, flying-boats, detachable bedrooms and studies, and electrical novelties that make one’s eyes ache.
Page 11 reports a curosity, a home-reared baby that at five years of age still had its tonsils and appendix. Students were receiving their lessons by machines called memory-impressors, which worked while they slept, enabling them to complete a term’s work in a night. Cheese was being made direct from grass, eliminating the cow. Suits in equity were settled by a machine called the Judging Balance.
On page 12 they were complaining that the Amazon government was not handling the weather properly and mails were coming in from New York as much as four hours late. Chemicals caused plants to grow from the seed in one day. Fish were guided under the waters. Hens were limited to laying two eggs a day.
Page 13 gives us the story of the British airman who flew around the earth in just twentyfont hours, 'traveling with the sun all the way. There are accounts of television happenings in various parts of the world. A bus driver falls dead while his bus goes at 450 miles an hour through a factory which happens to be vacant because of working only four days a week.
Page 16 had a picture of a nice little game in the air with four airplanes playing pushball with a ball as large as a two-story house. Pictures of the hydro-aerocar, which travels with equal ease in the air, on the land, or beneath the seas, showed it to be a great success. Page 17 makes some reference to a man whose mind was still private and whoSras tried and condemned for being unsocial.
We got that far and then glanced at the back page. There we saw a picture of a crowd watching a ball game in Sydney. The game was in Sydney, but the crowd was in London. We noticed in the crowd a picture of a Church of England rector with a prayer-book in his hand and one of those funny little derbies on his head, such as they now wear. And now we know that the Daily Mail has been kidding us and we refuse to tell anything more that we saw in their paper.
Opportunities in Canada By Our Canadian Correspondent
WHO wants to shoulder his pick and go mining? There’s lots of scope for it in Canada, for here we have just about one billion forty-three million acres of land in what are denominated “mineralized areas”. Of course comparatively very little of this land has ever been prospected, and of the ten percent or so that has thus been gone over, about four billion dollars of wealth has been harvested in the past forty years time; hence it looks as though there are still a few rich veins of mineral and a few good nuggets of gold still to be had by those who go after them.
A. pair of snowshoes, a dog team and up north; ah, that’s the idea! Cold? You bet! But crispy and invigorating. Just the country to make men. Along the route of the Hudson Bay Bailroad mines are opening up. A. mining city leaps into existence in northern Manitoba. In the’ North we find almost every type of man, but they all get the spirit of the country, the land that’s energizing, imposing and vast.
Gold has been found in every province, of Canada except Prince Edward Island. Last year the total production of gold in Canada was 1,729,000 ounces, valued at about $36,000,000. Most of this was obtained from mines in northern Ontario.
'As for the Canadian coal mining industry, 31,000 persons find employment at this. The mines in five provinces produced 17,478,505 tons ©f coal last, year, of which over 1,000,000 tons was exported.
tChe Hudson Bay region is the great fur-pro-dnoing area. But here are obtained also fish, minerals and pulpwood. The bay itself is as large as the North Sea and twice as large as the Gulf of St. Lawrence. But little fishing has been done here, owing to the difficulties of marketing; but when railway communication becomes established, then we’ll see something doing in this line. Instead of our pick, perchance we’ll seize our fishing-tackle and sally forth. The very thought of it is calculated to stir our spirit of adventure, and it may be that we’ll write a book that will beat Robinson Crusoe all hollow.
Fish which are known to abound are, brook trout, arctic trout, white fish and cod. The arctic trout is a beautiful fish, varying in weight from one to five pounds. These fish abound about the mouths of the northern rivers and along the coast.
The great available pulpwood forest drained by the rivers flowing into James Bay is probably the largest in the world. The pulpwood can easily be floated to the mouths of the rivers, and thence shipped to market.
“Out in Northeastern British Columbia,” says Natural Resmtrces, “is an unnamed waterfall with a drop of 220 feet. The volume of water is not nearly so great as that of Niagara, but will be sufficient to operate paper and water mills, and any mines that may be discovered in the surrounding unexplored territory.” The country is described as consisting of “fertile, grassy Mils, of high, open, rolling plateaus, upon which roam flocks of Rocky Mountain goat, bighorn sheep and herds of caribou, and where the. grizzly bear takes his ease with dignity. The land is drained by clear, cold, fish-teeming rivers and streams which have their rise in the glaciers of the main range of the Rockies to the west.”
Canada expects soon to have a Research Institute somewhat similar to that of the United ‘ States. It will investigate matters of scientific importance to the people, special classes of industries, and methods of using raw products and by-products, and will work out plans for improving the general prosperity of the country.
TN ITS issue of April 30, 1928, The London * Daily Chronicle contained the following dispatch from its Paris correspondent. The article was referred to by the New York World, but disappeared from later editions. Few’ newspapers in the United States have the courage to print articles of this kind, and -would still be afraid to do it if such events -were happening in every city in the Avorld. When the article was printed in the London Daily Chronicle it carried a heading six inches deep.
"An amazing tragedy, which reads like some sombre religious drama in the days of the Inquisition, is reported to have taken place in a convent at Valladolid, the Spanish city, and ancient royal capital, about 100 miles northwest of Madrid, which is famous as the seat of the Archbishopric of Torquemada in the days of Ferdinand and Isabella and Columbus.
It is alleged that because she had told her father, a Spanish officer, of some scandalous happenings in the convent, one of the girl novices was put to death, being hanged by the nuns.
Also that her father, as a result of an inspection of the convent, following the drama, shot four of the sisters dead.
“Details of this alleged tragedy (the publication of which was strictly forbidden by Spanish censorship) appeared in a San Sebastian newspaper.
“It appears, according to a telegram from Bordeaux, that the censorship in the San Sebastian area had overlooked the article.
“Nevertheless, the paper has been seized for having related these scandalous facts.
“By order of General Primo De Rivera, the Spanish Premier (sometimes called ‘Dictator’), the paper’s publication has been suspended for three days, and it has been, in addition, heavily fined. '
“According to its story, the girl was the daughter of an officer of the garrison of Valladolid. She was a day pupil in the convent school.
“Following a complaint, the officer called on the § Mother Superior, and remonstrated with her, threatening to take his daughter away from the convent school.
“When the Mother Superior' promised to make inquiry the matter was so passed over that the officer allowed his daughter to continue to attend the school. ■
“On the evening following her father’s visit to the convent the girl failed to return home as usual.
“Again the father went to the convent, and the Mother Superior stated that his daughter had left the convent after school hours as usual. She gave him her assurance that the girl was not in the building. '
“Thereupon the officer went' to the police. Having searched the town in vain for his daughter he returned to the convent later in the evening. .
“When the nuns refused to admit him the missing child’s father forced his way into the building. Revolver in hand he made a search of the premises.
“A group of nuns massed themselves in front of a door when he asked them to open it.
“As they refused, he pushed the sisters aside and smashed open the door. He was then confronted with an appalling spectacle. His daughter was hanging at the end of a rope attached to the ceiling.
“Mad with grief and rage, the horrified father fired at the sisters all the bullets which his revolver contained. Four of them were killed.
“He then rushed out of the convent and went to inform the police.”
WALL Street might have devised a scheme for robbing the American people, but I assure you Cuba will not take a part in that robbing. On the contrary, Cuba is protecting the American people so far as the consumption of sugar is concerned. If the American people are informed of what has been done and the government of the United States does its duty, the people will not be robbed.
I suppose you remember when the president of Cuba came to the United States. Well, lie came here to discuss three main topics. One of them was the sugar situation. He had all the prominent American business men to see him and with them he used very plain speech. Moreover, he saw Coolidge, Kellogg and Dawes.'To all of them he told that the treatment that Cuba had been receiving had to be changed. The conditions became so deplorable that the Cubans were reduced to the mere work of making the sugar; they did not even get enough money to pay workmen. The men had to be paid with promissory notes which had to be redeemed with merchandise. That same year the sugar trust made a net profit of $60,000,000. .
Everybody here with whom Machado spoke listened to him very courteously, but nobody did anything to remedy the situation; nobody asked him what, in his opinion, could be done. He told all of them that if they did not help hini he would remedy the situation without their cooperation. His object was to avoid misunderstanding and ill feeling. After waiting a reasonable time and seeing that there was no intention to do anything here, Machado had the Cuban congress pass the law that took from .Wall Street both the sugar market of Cuba and that of the world.
It is not the intention of the Cuban government to allow the Cubans to make unreasonable profit out of the sugar. Both the production and the price are regulated by a board. The board is regulated by its laws and the members are appointed by the government. Outside recommendations are not considered. ,
The Cuban government has pledged itself to see to it that the American sugar market does not run low, in order to remove all excuse for profiteering. This year the Cuban sugar board kept 200,000 tons of sugar in Cuba in reservation for the American people. This policy will be strictly followed. The price at which the 726
Cubans are allowed to sell the sugar is just enough to make a reasonable profit. As an illustration, consider the following case: A few days after the board was appointed, it sold 150,000 tons of sugar to England for less than it would have cost England had she bought it from Wall Street; nevertheless, the Cubans made a profit out of the sale.
If Wall Street thinks that Machado is its official representative I can assure you most positively that they are entirely mistaken. And if they are in need of one they should lose no time in getting one. Machado is not of the variety that can be found in Haiti and Nicaragua.
As to Cuba’s now being under a dictator, that can not be denied. But if Machado had not taken that extraordinary step, Cuba would not be a free country now\ Congress had neglected its duties; the country had slumped; the life of the nation was deteriorating. Considering the present condition of the world and of mankind ingeneral, there is nothing wrong in that dictatorship. Michado is unusually unselfish and thoroughly honest: qualities that I have used in acquainting him with the present truth.
Michado has not made a name for himself as oppressing the people; the truth is the reverse. When Machado took up the administration there were a group of Spaniards who joined the labor unions and sought to hold their positions of leadership by keeping their fellows in constant agitation. Due notice was taken of that; the record of those leaders was looked up and it was found that those men had been doing the same thing in Spain and in South America. Then, not being Cubans, they were deported and the unions were put under the management of Cubans. In Cuba, labor stands on exactly equal footing with capital. Machado found the lottery when he took up the administration. It is not desired, it is irksome, but he has not been able to get rid of it. As to his buying members of congress, that is wholly untrue.
The measure that has already been put through congress (not by him, however) is to get rid of the privilege of reelection. That measure has been adopted to prevent the politicians from committing frauds at election time to perpetuate themselves in office. And as four years may not be long enough for an administration to do its work, the time has been extended to six years.
[Broadcast from Station WBBR, New York, by Judge Rutherford.]
I THE preceding lecture we examined the Bible proof showing that God made man a prince in the earth. Now -we consider man as a pauper and why he became a pauper and why there has been so much suffering of humankind. 'At the proper time in this series of lectures proof will be submitted showing how God will Avholly reconcile man to Himself.
A pauper is one who is dependent upon charity. He has nothing that he can claim as an absolute right. Even a pauper may enjoy a short season of pleasure only to turn again into the pathway of sadness. The sixty centuries of human history shows that the entire race has traveled the pauper’s way and in the course of time these have filled a pauper’s grave.
Of the many billions of people who have lived upon the earth few have ever even claimed ownership of land. The masses have tilled the ground as serfs and have been oppressed and denied their just privileges amongst men. They have fought the thorns and thistles, battled with wild beasts and reptiles, desperately resisted the locusts and the palmer worm, suffered from extreme heat and bitter cold, half clad and less than half fed, only to find at the end of their way that all their labors have been in vain. Of the small substance resulting from their laborious efforts the most thereof is taken by taxgatherers, and that which remains for sustenance of the body is but a beggar's portion. They have suffered at the hands of tyrants and oppressors, have been compelled to engage in unrighteous wars, have mingled their tears of bitterness with their warm blood, have been ravaged by disease, sickness, and pestilence, and have suffered great bodily pain and mental anguish; and then, yielding to the relentless opposition, have given up in despair and with broken hearts have fallen in the dust.
The prophet of God saw this condition and under inspiration wrote: “So I returned, and considered all the oppressions that are done under the sun; and, behold, the tears of such as were oppressed, and they had no comforter; and on the side of their oppressors there was power; but they had no comforter.”-—Ecclesiastes 4:1.
A few, by violation of the laws of God and men or by reason of circumstances taken advantage of by them, are found to possess large areas of land from which much revenue is reaped. They possess houses, oil fields, mines, and great herds and flocks. They exercise control over their fellow men by means of coercion and oppression and in turn receive many empty plaudits from others; but in due time all their substance is swept away and they go down to death dishonored and unsung. They enjoyed their earthly substance only for a time and these things make them often even worse than paupers. “There is a sore evil which I have seen under the sun, namely, riches kept for the owners thereof to their hurt.”—Ecclesiastes 5:13.
From the day of Eden until now no man with full rights has walked the earth, except one. That one exception was Jesus of Nazareth; and even He was “a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief”, because He came to earth and bore the sins of the people that they might have an opportunity for deliverance from their oppressors, be reconciled to God and then enjoy everlasting life.
Much has been written and said about great men, but no truly great man has ever lived on the earth aside from Jesus. All have been paupers. 'Whether a man has for a time possessed much of this earth’s goods, good name, fame, and reputation, these have quickly perished. Whether he be rich or poor, small or great, in the minds of men, he soon comes to nothing and learns that all is vanity. All have stood in the paupers’ line and have taken their turn. “As he came forth of his mother’s womb, naked shall he return to go as he came, and shall take nothing of his labour, which he may carry away in his hand.” (Ecclesiastes 5:15) “For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.”—1 Timothy 6: 7.
One of the inspired witnesses of Jehovah, observing that all men are paupers and all their efforts are but vanity, and knowing the reason why, saw and wrote that man’s only hope is to be reconciled and returned to a harmonious condition "with Jehovah God. Hence he said: “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.”—Eccl. 12:13.
It is manifest that man can not keep the commandments of God until he knows those com-
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728 mandments. Satan, the common enemy of man, for many centuries has kept mankind in the darkness as to the commandments of God. Now great light has dawned upon the people and God’s due time has come when men may see more clearly than ever heretofore. Now it, is possible to learn why Prince Adam became a pauper, why all the human race has suffered as paupers, and also to learn of God’s gracious way to reconcile and bring back the pauper race into full harmony with Himself. God has a way to reconcile man to Himself. His purpose is to give all men an opportunity to know concerning that way. “This is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.”—Jolm 17: 3.
The Deflection
OW long Adam and Eve enjoyed the blessings of Eden the Scriptures do not disclose.
The time was ample, however, for Adam to fully inform Eve of God’s 'wish concerning their conduct there. This is proven by the speech of Eve to the serpent concerning eating the fruit. The time of their sojourn there was ample to permit them to show their appreciation of God’s loving-kindness toward them, had they been so disposed.
Gratitude is the state of being thankful or grateful. When one receives a good gift from another and is unthankful, there is something wrong in the heart of the one that receives. Gratitude is the first step in the exercise of true love. Where there is no gratitude on the part of the receiver of a gift toward the giver, selfishness has control over the receiver. Selfishness is the very opposite of love. The laws or rules of action for the government of God’s intelligent creation never change. They are eternal. For this reason it is certain that it would have been pleasing to God for Adam to have shown gratitude to God for all that Adam had received at the Creators gracious hand. Upon this point the Word of God is explicit, ‘“Know ye that the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. For the Lord is good, his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations." (Psalm 100:3-5) “It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises unto thy name, 0 Most High." (Psalm 92:1) “Surely the righteous shall give thanks unto thy name: the upright shall dwell in thy presence.”—Psalm 140:13.
Adam was not grateful unto God for all he had received at the Creator’s gracious hand. When the test came to him he preferred to exercise selfishness rather than love. Had he manifested love for God he would have obeyed Him. Adam was not grateful toward God, which means he was unkind and unfriendly in his actions toward Jehovah. To love one means to be one’s friend at all times. (Proverbs 17:17) What took place in Eden proves that these conclusions are correct and that Adam was not the friend of God. In substance God had said to Adam: T have made this earth for you. I have created you and placed you in this beautiful garden of Eden. Behold its glory I I make you the caretaker over it. I have created and given you a wife to be your companion. I have given you dominion over the earth. Everything in this wonderful place is yours to use for your pleasure and comfort. There is just one exception, and that is concerning the tree of knowledge of good and evil. “Thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." ’ That was a small thing for God to ask of Adam compared with what God had done for him. That commandment furnished the opportunity to test Adam as to whether he would show his love for his great Maker and Benefactor or would exercise the faculty of selfishness.
Lucifer was the overlord of man. Being a spirit he was not visible to man; but he held conversation with man. Lucifer was filled with pride and ambition because he had a desire to be like the Most High God and to have a separate dominion of his own. (Isaiah 14:13,14; Ezekiel 28:13-18) His ambition was to control man and have man to worship him instead of God, and this he could accomplish only by alienating man’s affection from God. He employed the serpent through which he spoke. Through this instrumentality he approached Eve and induced her to believe that God had lied to her and Adam and was keeping away from them something they should have. Eve said to him: “'But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.” (Genesis 3:3) To this Lucifer replied: “Ye shall not surely die: for God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened; and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.”—Genesis 3:4, 5.
Eve, seeing that the fruit was good for food, pleasant to look at, and to be desired to make one wise, took the fruit and ate it in violation of God’s commandments. It does not appear that Adam was present during the conversation between Eve and the serpent. It is reasonable to suppose that when he did appear Eve told him, in substance, of that conversation. She would therefore say to him: ‘Adam, your Father is a liar. I have been told by Lucifer through the serpent that He is a liar and now I have proven it by eating this fruit. I find it to be good, and I am unharmed and am still alive.’
Had Adam manifested love for God he 'would have said to Eve: ‘My Father is not a liar. He could not be a liar. Why should He want to lie to us? Behold, this wonderful earth He has made, and this marvelously beautiful garden which He has given us for our home. He made us and put us here to represent Him. He has given us all these blessed things to enjoy for ever if we will only obey Him. He told us not to eat of that fruit. He has some good reason for asking us not to eat of it. Why should we 'doubt Him for a moment? He has shown His great love for us, and now we must show our love for Him. We may be sure that when He sees fit to let us eat of that tree He will have us do so.’ Had Adam taken such a course and had Eve repented of her ■wrong and sought forgiveness at the hands of Jehovah, God might have had some way to cleanse her. To Adam He had given the command and Eve had heard it from Adam. Adam was the head, and the great responsibility rested upon him; and Eve being a part of him, he was responsible for her acts; and had he taken every possible step to rectify the wrong Eve had committed, the result would doubtless have been different. Adam took the very opposite course. He heeded his wife in utter disregard of his gracious Father’s command. From that day until now every man who has acted against his own reasonable judgment and, in violation of his conscience, has yielded to the influence of a woman, has gotten into trouble. It has been extremely difficult for
men to learn this lesson, 'due largely to the fact that they have not heeded the Word of God. Adam yielded to his wife’s suggestion and wilfully violated God’s law by eating the forbidden fruit. ■ <
It has been suggested that Adam’s great love for his wife induced him to violate God’s law and that therefore he is in a measure excusable. But did. Adam love his wife? No, he did not love her. 'When a man truly loves one he looks after and safeguards the interest of that one. Had Adam really loved his wife he Would have said: ‘You have done a great wrong, Eve. Come now, I will seek our Father’s face and beg Him to cleanse you from this great wrongful act.’ Adam’s lack of love for God and lack of love for his wife, and his selfish desire, moved him to violate God’s law. His act and conduct shows that he reasoned thus: ‘If Eve must die, I will be deprived of her, and without her I can not have so much joy and pleasure in this, beautiful garden and I do not want to be separated from her. I -will take my chance with her.’ The motive prompting him to do that was selfish. He preferred rather to become a pauper with Eve than to be a prince and remain in harmony with his great and loving God. He chose the selfish and not the righteous way. He showed ingratitude to God for all he had received at His gracious hands. He was unthankful and selfish and by his act proved that he was not God’s friend. He became unrighteous and by his wrongful act alienated himself from God and thereafter could no longer dwell in the presence of Jehovah. Only the righteous can dwell in His presence.—-Psalm 140:13.
Conscience is that faculty of the mind by which the creature realizes and distinctly perceives or appreciates that the course of action taken by him is right or wrong. (John 8:9; Romans 2:15; 2 Corinthians 1:12; 1 Peter 3: 16) Before man ate the forbidden fruit he knew it wms wrong, because God had told him so. (Genesis 2:17) He also knew that both he and his wife were nude and they were not ashamed.—Genesis 2: 25.
When Adam and Eve had taken the course of action by eating the fruit in violation of the law they distinctly perceived and appreciated that they had done wrong, .and a realization of their nakedness was evidence to them that they had done wrong. Their conscience smote them.
They tried to hide their nakedness. They were fearful and hid themselves. They possessed the faculty of mind, of course, before committing the act, and now that faculty of the mind began to manifest itself because of their wrongful act. But there was no expression of regret because of their ungrateful deed and act of rebellion. They sewed fig leaves together and covered their nakedness. Their act of covering their nakedness in no way indicated that they had been lifted to a higher realm of thought, but it shows that their conscience condemned them as criminals. (Genesis 3:7-10) They also showed fear, which is another evidence that their conscience condemned them and that they knew before God they were wrong. The clergy have time and again said that they exercised their sexual functions and that this was what was meant by violating God’s law. Such a conclusion is worse than absurd. The Scriptures clearly show that this was not what they did. The Scriptures plainly show that God had forbidden them to partake of this fruit and that their act in doing so was that which was wrong because it showed rebellion and disloyalty to God.
On the same day God called them to account. There was no expression of regret on their part nor manifestation of repentance. They began to offer proof tending toward excuse or justification. The woman blamed the serpent for her wrongful act. The man blamed both the woman and his Creator. Had Adam loved his wife he would not have attempted to cast the blame upon her. Had he loved God he would not have reproached Him for giving him his wife. “And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat.” (Genesis 3:12) The inference to be drawn from this statment of Adam’s is that if God had left Adam alone in the garden and not given him the woman the wrongful act would not have been committed. Therefore God was at least partially responsible for the wrong. The Devil has ever tried to induce men to believe that God is responsible for the sufferings and woes of humankind. Doubtless he made that suggestion to Adam at the time and Adam cast the blame upon his wife and upon God. This proves conclusively that Adam did not express any regret or sorrow for having displeased or grieved his Creator.
The act of sin and rebellion on the part of God’s creatures could not go unnoticed or unpunished. Punishment should follow swiftly or God’s law would be a nullity and His government a farce; and sin now begun would wreck His universe. God proceeded to enter , judgment against man in harmony with the law which He had announced, that death would result from their sin. In connection with this judgment be it noted that the woman had assumed a superior position and had run ahead of her husband and defied the law of God. Being a part of Adam she must suffer the penalty of death, and before that was in force completely she must suffer some things additional. She must be subject to her husband and in sorrow she must conceive and bring forth her children. Adam and his wife, under the terms of the judgment, were to continue to exist for a time and during that existence they must be deprived of the peace and joy of life. By their wrongful act their right to life was forfeited, and within the allotted time provided by the law, and by the judgment under the law, they must return to the dust of the earth from which man was taken. The judgment provided that they must leave their perfect and happy home and go out into that part of the earth that would produce thorns and thistles and against these they must battle to get their bread, and eat it in the sweat of their face, and thus continue until the judgment should be completed in their death. While the penalty was death, the method employed to enforce that penalty shows that God did not intend that they should die instantly and for this reason He drove them out of the garden of Eden.
He who had been a stately prince must now go forth into an unfinished earth and thereafter lead a pauper’s existence. His control over the animals was now gone and they became his enemies from that time forward. Being expelled from Eden, a guard was set at the entrance to prevent his returning and eating of the fruit of the tree of life. Shorn of his power and authority, alienated from God and branded as a criminal, which indeed he was, he went forth from the land of his once happy home to fill a pauperis grave. (Gen. 3:15-24) Amongst other things the judgment contained these words: “So he [the Lord God] drove out man.” This shows that Adam did not willingly leave after the judgment was pronounced against
A" 8-1928: The qOLDEN AQE
him, but was compelled to go, and that he went forth a convicted criminal forced to act in obedience to orders.
Outside of Eden and without the protection of God, Adam and Eve could hope for shelter and protection from no one. They knew not when their lives might be taken away from them by accident or by the wild beasts now their enemies. Their condition was anything but a happy one. Their communion with God was now cut off because God had turned His face against them and they had no privilege of prayer or other means of communication. There is no reason, however, to conclude that they felt any great sorrow for their wrongful act. There is nothing whatsoever in the record to indicate that they felt or expressed any sorrow. The silence of the record upon this point must be taken as strong presumptive evidence that the attitude of Adam was that of indifference. He seems to have forgotten God and turned entirely away from Him and to have gone forth without hope. There is some evidence that Eve had a small measure of faith but no expression of regret. When her son Cain was born she said: “I have gotten a man from Jehovah.” (Gen. 4:1) The fact that she coupled the name of God with the birth of her children would indicate that she had not entirely put God out of her mind. When her son Seth was born she said: “God hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain slew.” (Genesis 4:25) It must be kept in mind that at the time God pronounced sentence upon man, among other things He said to the serpent: “And I will put enmity between, thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shaft bruise his heel.” (Gen. 3:15) This would be a basis for Eve to have some hope that she might bring forth a seed that would accomplish something toward the punishment of the evil instrument that had connived at her downfall and she might have had a faint hope that some day she would profit thereby. But the record does not indicate that Adam cherished any expectation or hope of returning to Eden and to harmony with God.
The thought is often expressed by those who do not seem to have carefully reasoned upon the Scriptures that Adam and Eve were comparatively innocent of any serious transgression because of their ignorance and lack of experience. Thus reasoning, such have concluded that the expulsion from Eden and sentence to death was harsh and severe. Such a conclusion is not warranted by the facts. The majesty of God’s law had been trampled upon. This had been 'done by perfect creatures after having been fully advised of the consequences. God’s entire government was now involved and for Him to treat lightly this deliberately wrongful act would be to deny the majesty of His announced rule of action. Lack of experience constituted no extenuation. Man was possessed of all the faculties of a perfect creature and had received the direct command from his Creator what he must and what he must not do. The punishment must be in harmony with the law announced and was therefore neither harsh nor too severe.
The thought has often been advanced that Adam and Eve had great love for each other and that their suffering was somewhat alleviated by reason of their mutual love for each other and that they mutually bore each other’s burdens. Such a conclusion is likewise without support in the Scriptures. The .woman could have had but little respect for her husband after he contemptuously referred to her as “the woman thou gavest me”. Placing the blame upon his wife for his own deliberate and wrongful act would not inspire her with much confidence and trust in him. Nor would the presumptive act of Eve in deciding a vital point, and acting thereupon without consulting her husband, have caused him to have much respect or love for her. When they left Eden they went forth as paupers with ill feeling in their hearts. Outside of Eden, and suffering the continued hardships which they were compelled to endure, it is almost certain that there was often strife of words between them, and mutual recrimination, and probably physical combats. Few men and women have ever understood the proper relationship between husband and wife, and this is one of the chief reasons for so much unhappiness in the marital relationship.
It was under these adverse conditions that Adam and Eve begot and brought forth their children. The power and authority to multiply was given to the perfect man but was not exercised until he became imperfect and was outside of Eden. The judgment entered against them had deprived Adam and Eve of the right to life.; consequently their children would be born without the right to life. Added to this would be the prenatal influence upon the offspring, which would be specially adverse shortly after leaving Eden. This may have had something to do with the wicked disposition manifested by Cain, their first son. It is well known that the mental condition of the parent at the time of conception and during the period of gestation is reflected in the child. This being true, Cain was doubtless begotten and born while bitterness 'was in the hearts of his parents. Probably they were more reconciled to their condition by the time Abel was born. It is reasonable that there would be intervals of time -when they would be more kindly disposed to each other. Men have learned this by experience. But necessarily all the children of Adam and Eve would be born imperfect because the imperfect parents could not bring perfect children into the world. Being imperfect they would be disapproved by the Lord. That which is unapproved stands condemned before Jehovah. For this reason all the children of Adam and Eve were born under condemnation, therefore sinners. Upon this point it is written: “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.” (Rom. 5:12) “Behold, I was shapen in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me.” —Psalm 51:5.
Of course the children of Adam and Eve were not on trial nor directly embraced in the judgment entered against Adam and Eve, because they were not born at the time the judgment was entered. The judgment of God, however, took away from Adam the right to the dominion of the earth and the right to life. It was therefore impossible for him to transmit to his children the right to life or the right to dominion, hence condemnation resulted to them by reason of being born imperfect. The clergy have taught that Adam’s children were involved in the transgression, trial, and condemnation of Adam, and that Adam’s sin was imputed to" them and that therefore God condemned these children before their birth. That contention, however, is not supported by the inspired record. “Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam’s transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come.”-......Romans 5:14.
This definitely settles the matter that the children of Adam and Eve were not condemned in the judgment because of sin like unto Adam’s, but their condemnation was the result of being born of imperfect parents who w’ere then under the sentence of death and undergoing the sentence. They were sinners by inheritance.
Adam was created in the image and likeness of Jehovah and was created perfect. After his sin and expulsion from Eden he begot children. These children were begotten in the likeness of Adam, the pauper, or imperfect man. They were not begotten in the likeness of God. The seed of evil was in them. That condition has existed at all times and all children have been born evil. Aside from Jesus there never has been a child born that has been free from bodily weakness or from the taint of evil.
Although there is nothing to indicate that Adam had a hope of being permitted to return to Eden the record indicates that he would have done so had he not been prevented. God placed at the east of Eden, which was evidently the only entrance, cherubim and a flaming sword which turned every way to prevent Adam from returning and partaking of the tree of life. Among the reasons why Adam could not return to Eden were: (1) the divine judgment entered against him, which was final, and from which there was no appeal and which was enforced by his expulsion; (2) the ingratitude of his heart toward God and the lack of regret for his wrongful act; and (3) his desire for things sinful, which -was greater than his desire for things that were right. Even if it had been possible to remove the judgment, the ingratitude and desire for sin would still stand in the way. This is strong proof that the way of reconciliation to God wflien opened can be successfully pursued only by those who have a desire for righteousness and who have gratitude and love for God.
But what was to be the ultimate end of man ? He 'was outside of Eden with the sentence of death against him being gradually enforced. Before their being completely executed the purpose of God wTas to permit Adam and Eve to bring forth children. What -would be the effect upon these offspring, and what would be the final destiny of these children? Would their offspring go on the downward road until all would be completely exterminated? What effect would sin have upon the angels of heaven? Sin on the earth must have an effect upon the living creatures of God’s realm beyond the confines of the earth. Again the clergy, by false reasoning and by the influence of the enemy Satan, have ■
August 8, 1928
arrived at the wrong conclusion and have mistaught the people on this point. For many years they have taught that the life of man is not extinct at death, but that man continues to live on, and that all those who will not reform will be shut up in a separate place of terrible misery, and there be tormented by living creatures in other parts of Jehovah’s realm, and this to continue with no hope of ever being relieved.
It is manifest from the judgment of Jehovah that the ultimate end of the human race must be destruction unless God, in the exercise of His loving-kindness, should intervene in man’s behalf. It is manifest that if reconciliation is ever to be effected between God and mankind the initiative must be taken by Jehovah and He must make it possible for man to return to Him.
Would God do something in behalf of the pauper race ? God has not left us in darkness on this point. He has permitted mankind to have a long and bitter experience with sin, and now after sixty centuries is making it so clear concerning His plan and purposes that all men can understand that He has provided a gracious way of returning man to Himself. It is true that for 1900 years those who have consecrated themselves to do the will of God, and have faithfully performed that covenant so to do, trusting in the merit of His beloved Son, Christ Jesus, have understood God’s wray of reconciliation. The mass of mankind, however, have gone on in darkness. God had His plan of reconciliation from the beginning and knew all the minutiae of its execution because it is written: “Known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world.” (Acts 15:1.8) But only those who have been devoted to Jehovah have had an understanding of His gracious provision. The good message of reconciliation has been preached by a few through the centuries past, but this good news has been hid from the mass of mankind. Concerning this it is written: “If our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: in whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.”—2 Corinthians 4:3,4.
A knowledge of God’s gracious provision for reconciliation must be had by man before man can comply with the terms thereof. It has been and is the policy of Satan the enemy to keep men blinded concerning God’s gracious provision. To this end Satan has employed the ambitious clergy to teach false doctrines and to give man the wrong conception of himself and of his origin and. his destiny. Amongst other things they have taught that man is not wholly a human creature but is part human and part divine. This is one of the stumbling stones that must be removed, and it is now being removed that'the people may see how God can be just and the justifier of mankind and how He can consistently reconcile mankind to Himself and restore to Himself .all who are obedient to His righteous laws. By and through His Word alone can it be determined what man is and what man’s relationship is to his Creator. '
QUESTION: Does the expression, ‘immortal 'Ap soul,’ ever occur in the Bible! ’
Answer: No. Such an expression and doctrine would be entirely out of harmony with the Bible. Many scriptures state the reverse. In Ezekiel 18:4 -we read, “The soul that sinneth, it shall die.” In Psalm 89:48 we read, “What man is he that live th, and shall not see death? shall he deliver his soul from the hand of the grave?” No one who studies the Bible, and believes it, would accept the proposition that the soul is immortal. ...
Question: Are there any scriptures in the Bible that state that Jesus is God, or is equal to God, and that the Christian should worship Him as God?
Answer: No. The Bible teaches us that. Jehovah. is the only true God, who is. worthy of worship and praise as the supreme being and source of all goodness. Jesus Christ is not God, but the Son of God. Christ Jesus is the honored Agent of Jehovah, and being sent into the world He became'the Savior of the. world. But He- is not God. In John 17:3 we read* “This is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.” Here the Bible makes it very dear that there is but one person who is the true God, and that the only true God sent Jesus Christ into the world. In Psalm 83:17,18 we read concerning the ■■enemies of God, “Let them be confounded and troubled for ever; yea, let them be put to shame, and perish: that men may know that thou, whose name alone is Jehovah, art the Most High over all the earth.” The name Jehovah applies to but one person in the universe, and that one person is God. The name Jehovah means the eternal one; and only Jehovah God never had a beginning. In 1 Timothy 1:17 we read, “Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honour and glory for ever and ever.” Jehovah God always has been the superior of Jesus Christ, and always will be. In John 14:28 we read, “My Father is greater than I.” Jesus was honest, and spoke the truth concerning Himself and the heavenly Father. Also in the ages to come Jesus will be subject to God the Father. We read in 1. Cor. 15:25, 28, “For lie [Christ Jesus] must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet. And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him [Jehovah God], . . . that God may be all in all.” Unlike the theologians, who teach that there are three persons in God, Jesus and the Bible teach that there is but one person who is God, and that person is Jehovah.
Question: Is there any Scripture which authorizes a Christian to fall down upon the knees and worship any man?
Answer: No. It is the purpose of the Devil to have people worship anything else in the universe than Jehovah, who is the only true God. Jesus said, “Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.”
Question: Who is responsible for turning the people away from the worship of the true God, who is Jehovah?
‘Answer: Those who are responsible for turning the people away from the worship of Jehovah as the only true God are the Devil and his willing emissaries who teach doctrines contrary to the Bible. In 2 Corinthians 4:4 we read: “[Satan] the god [or mighty one] of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.” The religious teachers have caused the people to worship men, money, crucifixes, and other things. The Devil, seeing that some are in earnest to worship God, has taught the people that Jesus is loving and kind and that Jehovah is a fiend of eternal torment. Thus he has tried to push the Almighty God into the corner. Satan the Devil is primarily responsible for blaspheming the holy name of Jehovah. The Devil would have the people worship anything else in the universe but God, and the Devil has been assisted by the teachers of error. In Jude 4 we read, “For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation; ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.”
WE HAVE before us a neat little paper coin box put out by the Maryknoll Fathers, Maryknoll, New York. On one side it states that in 1912 Maryknoll consisted of two priests and six students, while now there are over six hundred priests, brothers, sisters and students. On the other side is the invitation to send the contents to Maryknoll on Good Friday.
On the front is what was evidently regarded as a suitable Scripture text, and it is worth repeating, so we give it all: “Thirty pieces of silver for Maryknoll’s works. Your Lenten Sacrifice. Judas Iscariot saith to them: What wall you give me, and I will deliver him unto you? But they appointed him thirty pieces of silver. St. Matthew 26:14,15.”
In view of the fact that Judas Iscariot was willing to betray the Lord Jesus Christ himself if only he could get thirty pieces of silver, we presume nobody will object to this Scripture citation; and yet we can but wonder why it was selected. Probably it was to get the thirty pieces, and to make sure that they would not be merely twenty or ten or fewer. eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.” Here the Bible makes it very dear that there is but one person who is the true God, and that the only true God sent Jesus Christ into the world. In Psalm 83:17,18 we read concerning the ■■enemies of God, “Let them be confounded and troubled for ever; yea, let them be put to shame, and perish: that men may know that thou, whose name alone is Jehovah, art the Most High over all the earth.” The name Jehovah applies to but one person in the universe, and that one person is God. The name Jehovah means the eternal one; and only Jehovah God never had a beginning. In 1 Timothy 1:17 we read, “Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honour and glory for ever and ever.” Jehovah God always has been the superior of Jesus Christ, and always will be. In John 14:28 we read, “My Father is greater than I.” Jesus was honest, and spoke the truth concerning Himself and the heavenly Father. Also in the ages to come Jesus will be subject to God the Father. We read in 1. Cor. 15:25, 28, “For lie [Christ Jesus] must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet. And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him [Jehovah God], . . . that God may be all in all.” Unlike the theologians, who teach that there are three persons in God, Jesus and the Bible teach that there is but one person who is God, and that person is Jehovah.
Question: Is there any Scripture which authorizes a Christian to fall down upon the knees and worship any man?
Answer: No. It is the purpose of the Devil to have people worship anything else in the universe than Jehovah, who is the only true God. Jesus said, “Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.”
Question: Who is responsible for turning the people away from the worship of the true God, who is Jehovah?
‘Answer: Those who are responsible for turning the people away from the worship of Jehovah as the only true God are the Devil and his willing emissaries who teach doctrines contrary to the Bible. In 2 Corinthians 4:4 we read: “[Satan] the god [or mighty one] of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.” The religious teachers have caused the people to worship men, money, crucifixes, and other things. The Devil, seeing that some are in earnest to worship God, has taught the people that Jesus is loving and kind and that Jehovah is a fiend of eternal torment. Thus he has tried to push the Almighty God into the corner. Satan the Devil is primarily responsible for blaspheming the holy name of Jehovah. The Devil would have the people worship anything else in the universe but God, and the Devil has been assisted by the teachers of error. In Jude 4 we read, “For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation; ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.”
WE HAVE before us a neat little paper coin box put out by the Maryknoll Fathers, Maryknoll, New York. On one side it states that in 1912 Maryknoll consisted of two priests and six students, while now there are over six hundred priests, brothers, sisters and students. On the other side is the invitation to send the contents to Maryknoll on Good Friday.
On the front is what was evidently regarded as a suitable Scripture text, and it is worth repeating, so we give it all: “Thirty pieces of silver for Maryknoll’s works. Your Lenten Sacrifice. Judas Iscariot saith to them: What wall you give me, and I will deliver him unto you? But they appointed him thirty pieces of silver. St. Matthew 26:14,15.”
In view of the fact that Judas Iscariot was willing to betray the Lord Jesus Christ himself if only he could get thirty pieces of silver, we presume nobody will object to this Scripture citation; and yet we can but wonder why it was selected. Probably it was to get the thirty pieces, and to make sure that they would not be merely twenty or ten or fewer.
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