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The content displayed below is for educational and archival purposes only.
Unless stated otherwise, content is © 1928 International Bible Students Association




in this issue

GETTING AT THE TRUTH h interesting editorial on the ultimate triumph of truth


a clever exposure of a popular manifestation of aggressive selfishness


religious intolerance and persecution : its source and its purpose


third lecture of a radiocast series on “Reconciliation”, by Judge Rutherford



Volume IX - No, 233



August 22, 19 2 8


Social and Educational

What the World is Doing Afraid of a Better World How Persian Rugs Aire Made Achievements of a German Girl

Com merce—Transportation

Non-Srop Trains to Scotland Increased Fares for the Poor

Political—Domestic and Foreign

Official Report on Teapot Dome ....

Events in Canada..........

Conditions in Hawaii........

Tyranny Gone AI ad.......  .

What the Penobscots Got for Their Lands Laws Binding on Al Smith......

Japan Now Grabbing China......

Science and Invention

Three Remarkable Inventions . . .

Nikola Tesla Forevisions the Future

Home and Health

Life Ends When Brain Stops .....

Home-Made Baking Powder.......

The Aluminum Germ (Enteric) .....

Lost, Strayed or Stolen, One Stomach . . .

Travel and Miscellany

Alabama’s Great Hail Storm .......

Demon-Painted Pictures.....  .  . .

Religion and Philosophy

Organized Hypocrisy in New Jersey.........

Getting at the Truth.......   .

Personality ...................

Jehovah is God..................

Preaching the Gospel at South Amboy........

Why the Bible Students Were Arrested at South Amboy, N. J.

The Children’s Own Radio Story








Published every other Wednesday at 117 Adams Street, Brooklyn, N. Y., U. S. A., by WOODWORTH, KNORR & MARTIN

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Volume IX

Brooklyn, N. Y., Wednesday, August 22, 1928

Number 233

What the World is Doing

| Spain’s New Automobile Road

SPAIN will have a new automobile road, stretching 260 miles from Madrid to the ; junction of France and Spain on the Bay of i Biscay. The road will cost $40,000,000 and will be built by the Fox Brothers International Corporation, of New York.

I Non-Stop Trains to Scotland r>-                                                                                      .                                                                                                                                         __

| rpwO of the railroads operating from London = 1 to Glasgow and Edinburgh have recently i run non-stop trains between these cities, which are 400 miles apart. The longest American non-l stop run is that of the eastbound “Twentieth | Century Limited” between Toledo and Albany, [a distance of 592.5.

I Schedule of Air Mail

t IpHE air mail schedule reads like a fairy tale. । * Letters mailed in Boston at night are delivered in New Orleans, Minneapolis and St. I Louis before noon the next day. Letters mailed in New York before 11.00 a.m. are delivered the £

t next afternoon at San Francisco and Los Ange-Lies, 3,000 miles away. e

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-Three Remarkable Inventions ► “

A YOUNG German inventor has devised a , system of sending electric light rays into the brain, whereby, by telegraphic transmission i of black and white pictures, produced by dots I and dashes, the blind are made to see. The same iman had previously invented a system of trans; mitting sound waves directly to the brain, thus t enabling the deaf to hear. And now he has produced an improvement on the X-ray which is I destructive of life. Experiments on rats indi-eate that the latest invention may possibly be L useful in destroying cancer. The inventor, Dr. i Graichen, believes he is on the track of an in-| vention which will split the atom and render its t power available.

Self-Defense Not Often Necessary

ELF-DEFENSE is not so often necessary as some would think. In nine years only eight persons were shot in New York city by persons defending their lives, but in that same period of time a total of 1,882 persons were killed by pistol shots.

Afraid of a Better World

HE Daughters of the American Revolution are said to be so alarmed at the prospect

that anybody might want a better world than the one we now have that they are mothering a blacklist of most of the capable and honest speakers of the country. These nice old ladies have undertaken a very un-American job.

Decrease in Tuberculosis Deaths

omer Folks, secretary of the State Charities Aid Association, is authority for the

statement that twenty years ago the death rate from tuberculosis was 451 per 100,000 and that last year it was only 77, or about one-sixth what it was when the present campaign against it was inaugurated.

Life Ends When Brain Stops

ir Arthur Keith, British scientist, in a lecture at Manchester University, supported

the Bible proposition that death means death. He said in part: “We can drug the brain so as to exalt the power of certain parts and deprive those of the others, and thus alter the mental behavior of any man or woman. We can at will obliterate consciousness or exalt it. In short, the brain is a piece of perceiying machinery: it consumes fuel and transmits energy into feeling, thought and memory. If we withhold the supply of oxygen or fuel, the sources of its energy, the brain ceases to act as certainly as fire ceases to burn when its supply of fuel or air ceases.”

Beth-shemesh and Kirjath-sepher

ETH-shemesh and Kirjath-sepher, both familiar to Bible students, are now being

uncovered by archeologists. Beth-shemesh was a Philistine city within two miles of Samson’s birthplace. Kirjath-sepher was a Canaanite city, captured by Caleb’s nephew Othniel, and destroyed by Sennacherib.

Police Methods Up Before Parliament


THE questioning of a young woman for five hours in a police station, without any opportunity for her to communicate with lawyers or family, has led to an apology by the British government and the announcement that it will at once undertake a complete inquiry into police methods in Britain.          ’

No Hold-Ups for 21 Hours

EW York is rejoicing in the fact that on a Saturday in May there were no hold-ups in the city for twenty-four hours, the first time a thing like this has happened since the World War. The time is surely coming, and is now near at hand, when there will be no more holdups anywhere in this world ; and that not merely for twenty-four-hour periods, but for ever.

Increased Fares for the Poor

HE Interborough Rapid Transit Company, of New York city, having more than tripled their money in less than twenty years, and now earning regularly 33% on their actual investment, are fighting desperately to raise the subway fares from 5c, first to 7c and then to 9c. In other words, their wish is to take from the poor workers, jammed like sardines in a can, a levy of $12 a year apiece, not because they need it, but because they want it.

The Old Ladies and the Newspapers

HE Manchester Guardian says: “The D. A.

R. blacklist is not the'result of its own study and research. It is the composite product of several other societies of professional patriots. The importance of these societies grows out of a peculiar situation in America. The daily press of the United States is overwhelmingly conservative in character and its columns are closed for the most part to arguments in favor of pacifism, internationalism, and, indeed, any liberal social programme.”

Bow Persian Rugs areMade '             1

ERSIAN rugs are made by little children, six to ten years of age, who work from dawn to dusk, packed on narrow benches in air- ,

less rooms. Those who survive are hunchbacked ' •           •                    1

and sickly. The rugs bring a high price in the ; markets of the Western world. The wages of ' the children average 6c a day.

Cancer in Australia

ORTY years ago, in Australia, the proportion of cancer deaths was one in forty-three ; now it is one in ten, and at the present rate of increase it would be one in five. It looks as if the whole world would have to give up plating its interior with aluminum or else all go the same route to the grave.

Black Death and Rats

MEDICAL men, noting the rapid increase in the “rat population” of the world, and their extraordinary facility as breeders of contagion, fear that at almost any time now the population of the world may be decimated by another visitation of the black death, or bubonic plague, which overran Europe in the fourteenth century.

Sixty Dollars a Minute

IXTY dollars a minute, day and night, perpetually, is spent to advertise drugs and medicines; and yet some of those highest in the medical profession have asserted that if all the drugs in the world were sunk in the bottom of the ocean humanity would be better off. If the drug advertisers spend thirty million dollars to advertise these worse than useless dopes, what must be the amount of money expended for them annually ?

Radium Poisoning Case Settled

HE radium poisoning case has been settled out of court. Each of the women doomed to

die from the radium emanations will receive $10,000 in cash, medical care, court fees and a pension of $600 a year until such time as two out of th rep doctors conclude that they are no longer suffering from the effects of the poison. It is estimated that this leaves the income of the women what it was while they were well and strong, but they get nothing for their suffering and for the shortening of their lives.

[Samoa Under New Zealand Rule

IQAMOA is under the mandated rule of New IP Zealand and the latter country has recently passed a law permitting the administrator of [Samoa to banish from the country all who ven-hare to criticize his acts. Too bad the Czar of

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[Russia is dead: otherwise he would be an ideal 'man for such a job. Of course, to banish a [ Samoan to Siberia would be to kill him, but it 6would make a job for the Czar.

[Cas Warfare Outlawed

AS EVERYBODY knows, gas warfare was . officially outlawed long ago. Almost every-[body also knows that all nations are making [new gases and that it will be the weapon of the [next war. The Red Cross thinks so. It has just [held an international conference at Brussels to [discuss the matter and found the prospect so [horrible that it practically threw up its hands land said there must never be another war. Just [what we all say. It is the Devil’s own business, [and only the Devil’s own people can think of it [sympathetically.

IPoisoning the Kids

THE power thieves are working overtime at their job of poisoning the minds of the boys [and girls with their propaganda against public [ownership. In Missouri five of their books have [been introduced in the high schools. Similar [changes have been made in the textbooks in use fin Iowa, Nebraska, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, [Illinois and the Carolinas. The old-style burglar ■who gave his victim a fighting chance was much ’more manly. Most of the newspapers are pub-.lishing the power trust propaganda, some of it as editorials.

Los Angeles Saves Twenty Million Dollars

T OS ANGELES has already saved twenty million dollars that would otherwise have gone to the power thieves. By contrast with the •rates being squeezed out of the public elsewhere ■it makes a combination heating, cooking and lighting rate of two cents per kilowatt hour and [is making money on it even at that. Municipal [ownership in Seattle has reduced the rates from I12|c charged by the burglars to 3^c charged by [the people themselves. Listen to the song of [private ownership of public utilities a little [while longer, and they will have the whole country by the throat. They virtually have now.

Achievements of a German Girl

THREE and one-half years ago Edith Hocke, a German girl, landed in America without any knowledge of the English language. In the graduating class of 1928 she was valedictorian at the Newton high school at Elmhurst, L. I. Foreigners who work as this girl has worked in the past three years deserve to get ahead; and in America, the land of opportunity, they do get ahead.

Alabama's Great Hail Storm

ON TUESDAY, May 22, 1928, in Pickens

County, Alabama, there was a hail storm which completely demolished vegetation and, even the next day, was piled in some places over six feet (not six inches) in depth. The Birmingham Age-Herald published pictures of a tall man standing in *frout of a pile of hail higher than his head, and another where the fall was so great that it blocked a stream at first and then, when the stream had cut its way through, remained over it as a natural bridge several feet in thickness.

Blasphemy by Bishop of Birmingham

Dr. Barnes, Bishop of Birmingham, England, in a so-called sermon in Westminster Abbey, London, April 1,1928, showed what a supposed Christian minister, and a bishop at that, can do in the way of blasphemy, when he referred to Him whose name he has taken and whom he is supposed to serve as: “The Galilean artisan, without the knowledge of the man of science, with no special education, the child of His age.” The bishop is in the wrong job. He should turn bootlegger or hijacker or else become lecturer for the power trust.

Demon-Painted Pictures

LONDON papers are mentioning a painting, nine feet by four feet six inches in size, of “spirits of the departed dead filing past their own gravestones”, which was painted by an artist between seven at night and six the next morning. The man, it is claimed, worked with frenzied rapidity and claimed that his work was done by inspiration. We believe this. The man was inspired, and not from any good source. The work was the work of demons, devils, if you please. Their constant attitude is that of hatred and opposition to the God of the Bible, a work which declares over and over again that the dead are dead, in which respect it differs from all other literature in the world. Man’s only hope lies in a resurrection from the dead, and this can come about only as an act of mercy at the hands of a merciful God.

ORGANIZED hypocrisy in New Jersey is in evident bribery, thievery, conspiracy and cora bad way. On Sunday, June 11, one jus-

Organized Hypocrisy in New Jersey tice of the peace arrested another for operating a motion picture show. Justice No. 2 went home, swore in a flock of deputies and started in to arrest everybody in sight, except those who were going to and from church. That is the way the law reads. After he had closed all stores, held up hundreds of automobiles and busses, and was about to shut down the telephones he was again arrested, this time for blocking traffic. How much longer will the state of New Jersey leave on its statute books these idiotic laws which were intended solely to keep the clergy in their saddle on the neck’s of the people, ne ver I had any other objective and never accomplished!

anything else?

Official Report on Teapot Dome

THE senate’s official report on the Teapoti Dome crimes says: “Never has the world! known a case involving a degree of fraud, quid® ruption to compare with what has come to be known as the Teapot Dome-Elk Hills-Continental Trading Co. case. The leases involved in the case are estimated to have been worth not less than $500,000,000, and were consummated, to use the language of the Supreme Court of the United States, ‘by conspiracy, corruption, and

fraud.’ ”

Cot a person has yet been punished

for these crimes, the greatest of their kind in the history of the world; and, so far as we know, the president of the United States has never even so much as mentioned them to anybody in any way.

Events in Canada By Our Canadian Correspondent

WHILE the industries of Canada are expanding very rapidly, the coal industry here, as elsewhere, is having much to contend with. Editorially the Toronto Globe says:

“It is estimated that 200,000 miners are per-manentlv out of emplovment in the United Kingdom, as far as this industry is concerned, and there is no country to which they can go as miners, for the mining industry is experiencing difficulties everywhere. The concession made in railway rates in Canada is not only for the purpose of providing Canadian coal for Central Canada, but to give the miners of Alberta and the Maritimes additional work, and many units of the industry are in such shape that the Alberta Legislature at its last session passed a law to protect mine workers from loss of wages. The unemployment situation in the United States mines is becoming a subject of periodical investigation, without any signs of relief being offered.

Coal Mining a World Problem

“THE fact is that coal mining has become a

J- world-wide problem. Competition is so intensive that business is going to the countries with the lowest production costs, while the demand for coal has not kept pace with general development.

“A. report issued recently by the United States | Department of Commerce estimates the world’s coal production in 1927 at 1,308,600,000 tons, as| compared with 1,241,700,000 in 1913. Continental Europe, where low wages and long hours prevail, increased its output in this period by only 50,000,000 tons. Great Britain’s production was 32,000,000 tons less last year than in 1913.

“Even the isolation of Australia does not save it from the inroads of competitors. New South Wales is struggling with the question of providing work for idle miners, and it is noticed that the coal operators suggest either a bounty on exports or reduced freight rates, adopting the theory temporarily applied in Canada, that the troubles in the industry constitute an obligation on the State Treasury.

“Incidentally, however, it might be mentioned that the State raised the wages of the miners to a high level, and added materially to cost of production. Besides this, however, the statement is made by the chairman of the Colliers' Association that South African and Japanese coals are driving the New South Wales product out of the markets and out of the bunkers of ships trading to and from Australia.

“As in other countries, the use of fuel oil is affecting the Australian coal industry. Nearly half of the crude oil produced last year, it is estimated, was used as fuel oil. It displaced 155,000,000 tons of coal. Thirty-five percent of the world’s shipping tonnage used oil as fuel, as compared with one percent in 1913. Hydro-electric power is believed to have displaced 105,000,-000 tons, and as this form of energy is only in its infancy as to development the coal mines will probably suffer more and more from competition.”

Gardening with Electricity

NDER the heading “Raise Four Bumper. Crops a Year” the Moose Jew Times has

the following news item from Paris:

“Gardening with electricity, French experts of the governmental agricultural experiment station at Wagonville have succeeded in raising four bumper crops a year on the same plot of ground and in making fruit and vegetables grow to three times their usual size.

"The use of electricity instead of chemical fertilizers is still in the experimental stage, but France, Germany and Norway are making great progress in these tests and government experts predict that the day is not far distant when agriculture will be the most modern of all sciences.

“The principle of electrical fertilization is simple. At one end of the field, at a point facing approximately the magnet north, a small instrument is buried to a depth of about fifteen inches. Its role is to collect the telluric currents which circulate through the earth.

“At the opposite end of the field is a transformer, embedded in the soil at the foot of a pylon, standing twenty feet high and surmounted by a fringe of metal prongs bent southwards. Beneath the soil, from north to south, is buried wire.

“Great secrecy surrounds the nature of the principles of the transformer and the buried wires, but it is understood that a current of six to nine volts is obtained by the equipment, which is sufficient to light a small lamp. By the end of the next summer crop season, the experts will have completed their report and will then make public the details of this modern application of electricity to the oldest science.

“At the Wagonville experimental farm, the electricity-treated field is surrounded with fields fertilized by manures of chemical products. At a glance it is easy to see how much crops benefit by the electrical treatment, for fruit trees in that area were bearing small fruit before trees in other fields had blossomed. The .electricity also kills field parasites.”

How Little We Know!

T IS good to see narrow bounds of nationalism being broken down more and more, and people of all nations, with the increase of knowledge, getting an international outlook. A short time ago a friend of your correspondent remarked, upon his return from South America, “When I left Canada for South America I thought there were only two countries in the world, Canada and the United States; but I have changed my mind, for in many respects South America outclasses both.”

The fault, of course, lies with the educational systems of all countries which teach narrowminded patroitism. Regarding the many absurd notions about Canada the Toronto Daily Star editorially remarks:

“It is apparent that some of the leading newspapers in the United States know very little about Canada. The excitement over the Bremen fliers has made this clear enough. Although vast numbers of motorists cross into Ontario and Quebec in the course of the year, knowledge about Canada spreads very slowly in the neighboring republic. The impression prevails that ours is a land of ice and snow, peopled by Indians, trappers and Eskimo.

“When newrs came that the aviators had landed on Greenely island, with its ice, its snow and its isolation, the New York idea was that they were in Canada, in the midst of normal Canadian conditions. Reporters, photographers and moving picture men rushed from New York to Montreal and Quebec, dressed as much as possible like men leaving on an Arctic expedition. It was a treat to see some of them garbed for a spell of life on an iceberg, and armed so as to sell their lives as dearly as possible if attacked by the fierce and warlike inhabitants of Murray Bay.

“Even Col. Lindbergh, one of the most sensible of men and one who has seen a great deal of the world from an advantageous height, was prevailed upon to strap an army revolver around his waist before leaving New York to fly to Quebec with a serum which it was assumed the untutored compatriots of Dr. Banting and the late Dr. Osler would not possess and perhaps had never heard of. The colonel was also given plenty of ammunition and two cartons of safety matches, but one of the New York papers was impressed by the fact that he carried no food. Boldly he set forth without provisions. There was, happily, no lack of food in the city of Quebec when he landed.

“Several times Col. Lindbergh has flown from New York to St. Louis, twice as far as his flight to Quebec, yet this shorter trip was regarded as a rush to the far top of the world. As the Ottawa Citizen remarks, the average man in New York or Boston would be incredulous if told that Greenely island is more than twice as far from Quebec city as are their own respective cities. The flight from New York to Quebec covered only about one-third of the distance to the remote island where the Bremen landed. Yet the New York idea evidently is that Greenely island, Labrador and Quebec city are all one and all alike in their wild and frozen isolation and desolation.

“To the average citizen of the United States all of Canada is so much backwoods and winter, where the mounted police put away their horses and drive dog teams hauling outlaws to log cabin court houses where bewhiskered magistrates with the butt md’of pistols rap oa pine tables for order. It is the frozen northland of the movies. When they- think of Canada they think to the tune of fiction and the movie's, quite apart from geography and fact.

“The Toronto Convention and Tourist Association sent a man to Louisville, Ky., to induce a convention to come here, and succeeded. But some of those present were very much against holding the next meet in Canada. After the point had been settled one of the delegates argued it out with the Toronto man and, as a clincher, said: “I just want to ask you one fair question, How many of the six hundred men in that room, do you suppose, have moccasins?!’

A Rain of Mud

N INTERESTING news item from Port Arthur, Ontario, appears in the Vancouver

Daily Province. It reads:

"A ‘rain’ of fine mud was experienced here Tuesday, the first on record. It spattered pedestrians" clothing, houses, windows and automobiles.

"It was a real phenomenon for Port Arthur and Fort William, though an explanation for the strange occurrence is given by J. R. Townsend, science master at the local collegiate. He believes a fine sand must have been suspended in the air, probably coming from the west, as a solid substance of about the consistency of talcum powder?"

Conditions in Hawaii

IN AN election dodger entitled "The Shame of

Hawaii"", the republican candidate for mayor of one of the Hawaiian cities, John J. Pavao, makes some suggestions that do not read well at this distance. Under the heading "Racial Unrest’" Mr. Pavao says:

Then there are smolderings of a Race World War, perhaps the Armageddon of Biblical prophecy (God forbid!), taking slow flame and which can not but lead to a conflagration that will outrival the last World War, if no sincere effort is immediately exerted to solve the trouble with amity and justice. For,, with Hawaii's ‘HOG" capitalists usurping and appropriating to themselves the Public Estate that rightfully belongs to Americanization, denying small, individual growers equitable returns on their investments, indiscriminately encouraging and importing further Western labor from the Philippines when the market is already overflowing, aggravating and intensifying an Asiatic situation that is already manifesting itself in spasmodic outbreaks in Pacific Coast states through Hawaii's surplus immigration flowing eastward to seek better wages and the equilibrium between supply and demand (their birthright, when citizens), and with Hawaiian capital seeking investments abroad instead of providing employment here for the labor menace they introduce, what can this all lead to but war? Have not they, who are brought here under delusion and promise of constitutional rights for their children, a right to demand fulfilment of their bargain? Is there not a possibility, nay a strong possibility, that with the increasing racial f eel-


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" ing inPacific coast states against Oriental labor, the i people there may not distinguish between Filipinos and , Hawaiian-born Orientals, and forbid all entrance? And when thatJ time comes (and come it soon will), will not Japan have just cause to make war upon, the United States on theJ indisputable ground that America deceived and tricked her into relinquishing her blood progeny of American birth (dual citizenship) out of fairness to

the United States, only to have us throw them upon the earth as people without a country ? In that* event, will there beany doubt'where universal opinion will be? where the entire Orient (including the Filipinos, who are anxious for freedom) will throw its support? or where Russian sympathy, and possibly active support, reeking with antipathy against capitalism and the United States, will be thrown ?

Tyranny Gone Mad


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THE St. Louis Star, referring to Mussolini’s demand that Italiaas everywhere shall consider themselves subject to his control, has a few old-fashioned Americanisms to offer which will sound good to that curious genus homo sometimes known as the Yankee, and there are some, even yet:

If any question involving America’s foreign policy, including the Monroe Doctrine, becomes a campaign issue • hereafter, Italian-Americans, on Mussolini’s orders, ■must- refrain from voting.- From that, of course, is only a step to1 telling them how they shall vote here.

Has Russian Communism gone further than that ? There is only one kind of tyranny in government, whether the tyrant is emperor, premier, a committee, a political party, or a party majority. Interference by one government with the political affairs of another begins when that government seeks to dictate what residents of that other country shall do, whether those residents are aliens *or naturalized citizens. It does not matter whether the nationality of those it seeks to influence are Italian, German, or British.

Napoleon, drunk with power, at the maddest part of his career, never dreamed of such dictatorial power as Mussolini is trying to establish in Italy and elsewhere.

Getting at the Truth




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ON MAY 12, 1928, Judge Rutherford gave 'his great lecture at Albany, N. Y., on THE TRUTH. One' of the radio stations which broadcast the message of the hour was that owned by the Record-Telegram of Fort Worth, Texas. It will interest many of our readers to know that during the succeeding week the Record-Telegram contained the following editorial:

Getting at the Truth

ONE of the most encouraging signs of the times is the tendency on the part of sociologists and human nature students in general to place the blame for most of the present “rattles” in the machinery of civilization to the abuse of the elemental word “truth”.

There appear to be two separate lines of attack. One is that one that is ever fearful that convention and orthodoxy will suffer if the bars are thrown down to abstract truth, and the other is that opposite line of reasoning that thrives best only when truth is halved, quartered or otherwise whittled to fit the exigency of the moment. Most of those latter incidents occur in that large vaulted room where we axe adjured to tell “the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth”, and reminded that we are commanded not to “bear false witness”.

Truth has had to battle its way to the light through a veritable Bermuda grass mat of cant, creed, superstition, convention and dogma, the while it has been constantly called upon to take the side of abstract justice that has permitted its presence only after it has been shaped by the lathe of precedent and made to come within the calipers of rules of jurisprudence which accents the practice to the detriment of the administration of our laws. That it has survived even in its present state of convalescence, is a great victory for the human race.

Probably we are nearer The Truth at this time than ever we have been in the history of mankind. We have not developed a satisfactory set of harness for it, but we are recognizing the need for one. That is something we never have done before—as a whole. The stubborn-minded minority which refused to be practical at the moment of their earthly activities were the creators of that good dictionary word “martyr”. They still exist, except that we are not so rough with them as we used to be. A heretic -isn*t burned at the stake any more; If he can make his heresies splash loudly enough he generally succeeds in making a good living out of them.

“Bebels” and heretics” are the “unknown soldiers” of the war of the intellect for the right to think. Every attacker of the rights of material progress has helped to bring the race, via the Great Charter and the Decla* ration that only was possible because of it, to the reali* ration of the need for free education and free religious belief. Every attacker of those inside barriers of educational standardization and dogmatic restrictions has assisted in the arrival of the people to the knowledge that He who created the human brain intended it only as a container which will, when it reaches its full growth, be a vessel which will contain nothing but the Truths of the Universe.

There never has been an epoch of history where truth, crushed to earth, ever rose with the rapidity shown today. Even while we are permitting inertia to handicap it, we recognize that the eternal years of God are hers. Wounded error does not possess its ancient snake’s tail that permits it to linger on until the sundown of the fallacy. The people of the world want the

Truth. When we become a little less mentally lazy, recognize the Golden Rule as a business proposition and get tired of playing politics we will find, much to our surprise, that our brains are adjusted only to the activities of research and the storage of Truth.

Personality (Contributed)

[Further contributions from this anonymous author would be appreciated

ERSONALITY is such an important word now adays in the vocabularies of even the unlearned that I have felt an increasing desire to learn what it is all about. I fain would try to comprehend it, but it seems to be fraught with mystery. I have asked several persons what it is, in their opinions, and I have received a variety of answers.

Each of these persons apparently has felt competent to define and expound it to me. I have been amused at the facial antics of some of the people as they began to talk on “personality”. Sometimes they hem and haw, narrow their eyes into mysterious slits, while their gaze seeks a corner of the room or a spot on the ceiling, they purse up their mouths and finally begin to talk in a slow, labored drawl that betokens a mighty wrestle inside their minds.

Cautiously they begin by telling me what “personality” is not, or maybe they tell me some of its manifestations. Each gives the impression of talking on a favorite subject, one on which he is informed, but that the main difficulty lies in making me follow his line of thought, that is, to put the ideas into such language that poor little I can understand. Each seems never to doubt that he is one of the lucky few born with “personality”, although modesty forbids an open declaration of such a thought: this selfassured manner makes it apparent.

About the time I begin to catch something like a gleam of hope or understanding, I am simply squelched by being told that no one who is not endowed with it at birth can ever hope to attain it, and this is told me with such frankness and gleaming eyes fixed full upon me that I am sure that my informant feels no disappointment on the “personality” question in his own case. It is as if he had said: “My dear, I

—Ed.] was born with it and therefore fully understand what I can only try to make clear to you; had you been so created you would not be driven to inquire what it is, but you too would understand it.”

Just how sbme of these satisfied persons reconcile this wonderful power of theirs with their mediocre attainments in life, I can not understand; perhaps they expect their “personalities” to function more satisfyingly in the future. All seem to think that “personality” is the open sesame to life’s prizes, in business, in love, in social success and everything else.

A and B may discuss C, who is a man with a loud voice, who has a flow of language like some one who has swallowed the dictionary, who has a hearty laugh, stands with an erectness that suggests that he is about to fall over backwards, waves his hands with gusto, and gives the impression that he is “tickled pink” over everybody and everything and that he is the big-hearted thing that loves the whole world, but who, to the keen observer, gives an impression of craftily concealed selfishness, conceit and cruelty.

A and B are just as apt to disagree as to agree that C has “personality”, which shows the divergence of opinion among those who profess to understand the mystery. This jolly good-natured aspect is one of the common manifestations of this quality, according to the general idea; the possessor of it has such a harmonious life that everything just fills him with joy.

Books on “personality”, will power and its uses, mental concentration, and other such topics, calculated to give the reader a short cut to life’s prizes, are on the market. It would never do to suggest that one must be born with these qualities in order to have them: that would spoil the sale of books. Rather, it is suggested that “personality” and the like can be cultivated. This contradicts those who hold to the idea of having to be born with it, but such differences and: contradictions always occur when no one knows what he is talking about.

“Personality” would appear to be a catchword that really means a condition of mind wherein all selfishness is developed in order to get what one wants in life. All this selfishness is glossed over with what appears to be good nature and generosity.

Some of the symptoms found in the self-convinced possessor of “personality” are a smiling face, hearty laugh, appearance of such- complete adjustment to life that one is filled with joy, just bubbling over with it, in fact, a ready flow of speech, wise-words, quotations apropos, witticisms, even wise cracks, (for the world likes to be amused). He always seeks to impress. Finallv some one “falls for this line”, and then *■■                              ,                                                                                                                                      z

the individual gets the reputation for “personality”.

No one can continually dwell on the heights like the above: it is not natural. Such persons, underneath all, do not hesit ate to'use every hidden means to gain their ends; so that, after all, it is merely a case of concealing the most aggressive selfishness.

Now we have a greater thing than “personality”. It is a recent discovery or invention called ‘Tt”. This is vouched for by a writer on love topics; and having been the discoverer of “It”, she seems to be acknowledged by her followers to be the sole dictator $s to who has or has not this quality. We hear that “It” is extremely rare; not one in a million has “It”.

Perhaps not one in many millions has “It”. 'According to the last information I have, only two persons have been acknowledged by this writer to have “It”. The followers of the “It” idea are no doubt waiting breathlessly for her whose sole right it is to name the “Its” to choose the next one for this illustrious group.

We hear that “It” is personality plus, a sort of intensified “personality”, and that the possessor of “It” is a regular devil on wheels. (Pray that none of these “Its” come your way.) Sexually, it seems the “Its” are simply irresistible and they have a whole bag of tricks up their sleeves to drive you nearly crazy with their wiles and seductiveness.

Even the “vamps” are going over to the “It” camp, it seems. Many people, no doubt, secretly believe they have “It”, just as they believed they had “personality” before “It” was thought of. I wonder whether any real follower of Christ wrould be willing to have it known that he believes he possesses “It”.

Did you ever hear any real Christian rave over Christ’s “personality”, as the term is now used? No! Christians talk of the spirit of Christ. If foolish people would forget “personality” and “It” and seek a right spirit, how much better it would be. A right spirit stands for what you have to give the world in the Christ-like way; but “personality” and “It” stand for what you can stealthily and selfishly wrest from the world for your selfish possession. Truly the wrorld is so drunk on silly ideas that it gulps down a new one every time it appears.

After having read about “It” for the first time in a paper or magazine, it is amazing to see howr many people will* immediately talk about “It” as if “It” were something they had always known about. Idiotic drivel makes immediate converts where the iinmortal truth of the Bible goes unheeded.

For my part, I am sick of “personality” and “It”: they mean nothing more to me, when used in the popular sense, than the state of mind into which the Devil and his associates have plunged some people. To each it is insidiously suggested that he is one of the fortunate few having this imaginary quality, while his fellows are inferior to him, being without it. This tickles vanity, of course.

A little flattery wins over a host. If all are one in Christ and all are made of one flesh, wdiat but Devil-inspired selfishness can make one individual want to continuallv outshine his fel-lows? This is Satan’s chief fault: he has al-ways wanted to be like the Most High Himself, and all his struggles are for that end.

Home-Mad® Baking Powder By Mrs. T. R. 'Adkins

\ NYBODY can make an absolutely pure and several times one pound of cream of tartar, one-a most economical baking powder by ob- half pound of bicarbonate of soda and one-half serving the following formula: sift together pound of corn-starch, and put in covered cans.

-■                                                       -              _                                  -J— .    ■                   p      _

What the Penobscots Got for Their Lanas By Clarence Scott

N MY work as an attorney I came across the following entry in the office of the Registrar of Deeds, showing the terms under which lands in this part of Maine came into possession of the early settlers. No doubt this may be of interest to some of your readers:


August 6, 1796 F

Brothers and chiefs of the Penobscot Tribe of Indians/ in your answer yesterday you told us you were willing to let us have your lands on both sides of the river from Cols. Eddy^s house thirty miles up the river for our people to settle on. You reserved for yourselves all the islands in the river above Penobscot, Old Town and including Old Town island. Brothers, we accept your offer and are well satisfied that you reserve to yourselves the said islands. Brothers, for the lands you are willing to let us have we propose now to pay you down on signing the writings-

One hundred & forty-nine yards and a half of blue cloth for cloth for blankets;

One hundred bushels of com;

One hundred pounds of powder;

Four hundred pounds of shott;

Thirty-six hats;

Thirteen bushels of salt;

And one barrel of rum.

And in every year afterwards so long as you remain a nation and continue to live within this commonwealth, we propose there shall be delivered you at the mouth of Kenduskeag-

Three hundred bushels of good Indian com;

Fifty pounds of powder;

Two hundred pounds of shott;

And seventy-five, yards of good blue cloth for blankets.

These articles to be delivered in each year as follows: The said com on or before the first day of May, next, and the other articles on or before the tenth day of October in each year beginning with the first delivery on the first day of May, next. Brothers, we wish you to consult on the proposals & when you shall be ready to give us your answer.

William Shepard

N. Dane

Daniel Davis

As recorded in

Vol. 2, page 430 Penobscot Registry of Deeds

Laws Binding on Al Smith

HE following laws of the Roman Catholic church, published in 1229 and 1254, are still in force and, having never been repudiated, are binding upon all Catholics. They are therefore binding on Al Smith.

The house in which a heretic has been discovered shall be torn down and the goods confiscated. . . . Laymen should not possess the Old Testament and the New Testament; they shall have only the Psalter, the Breviary and the book of feasts of the Blessed Virgin; furthermore, those books (the Old and New Testaments) shall not be translated into the language of the country. . . . He who is accused of heresy or simply suspected shall not be permitted to practise medicine. . . . Parishioners, especially the hushand and wife of each house, shall go to church on Sundays and feasts and assist at the sermon as well as at the whole divine service. . . . Those who fail, without sufficient reason, shall pay a fine of twelve pence of Tours, of which half shall go to the civil lord and half to the priest or the church.

The bishops shall establish inquisitors in each parish (of their diocese), that is, a cleric and a layman whose duty it shall be to seek out, with care, the heretics and denounce them as promptly as possible to the bishop. . . . For each heretic that they shall deliver and make prisoner they shall receive a silver cpin. ... If possible, this money is to be collected from the goods of the heretic. . . .. Whoever permits a heretic to dwell on his property, shall lose that property. . . . The bodies of those who die in heresy shall be exhumed and burned*

Japan Now Grabbing China

RESENT indications are that Japan i§ grabbing China; and, if so, it will not be long before another world war will be upon us. Britain, France, Italy and Uncle Sam will all want the same thing, and must necessarily fight to see who gets it.

To date, the only things seized are Manchuria and Shantung. It seems that when Japan gave

748 up Shantung she gave it up with the intention of taking it again when conditions for keeping it were better. That time seems to have now come. The war in Nicaragua has given the militarists of Japan an opportunity which they will make the most of. It is hard for Uncle Sam now to insist that Japan should leave an open door in China.

The Aluminum Germ (Enteric)

HE following dispatch ought to be of- vast interest: to those who believe in: shutting f their eyes temporarily or perpetually while | those wise • men who guide • the destinies of hu-L man health isolate the germ of “enteric fever” j and overlook so simple a thing as an aluminum I pan. r

1           New Orleans, La., Monday evening, June 4, 1928





Authorities Monday afternoon were investigating to ascertain the exact nature of poison contained in a pudding, the eating of which resulted in the death at 11:30 Monday morning of Rene Alberti, 12 years old, of 5139 Arts Street, and the serious illness of his mother, his sister, the latter’s fiance, and a fifth young man.

The pudding was purchased In an aluminum pan by B. J. Alberti, father of the dead boy,. at a restaurant on last Thursday, and he brought it home for dinner. Mr. Alberti said he ate only a small piece of the- puddingy and he was made only slightly ill. However, the son/ his wife, his daughter' Claire, his daughter’s fiance, Morris Callaut, of Urquhart Street, near Louisa, and Alfred Scott, 19 years old, a friend, living at 2626 St. James Street, became violently ill on Saturday, and< all were removed to Charity Hospital.

Monday morning. Rene Alberti’s condition grew worse, and, despite desperate efforts of hospital doctors to save him, he died. The others were reported in a serious condition Monday.

Following the death of young Alberti, hospital physicians diagnosed the case as “enteric fever”. This condition exists in the case of the other four, also. They explained that this condition is induced by the enteric* germ group which, if it settles in food, may result seriously.

Lost, Strayed or Stolen, One Stomach By 'N. A. Yu Hie

IpOR several years I had been suffering from a serious stomach inflammation, which a

long fast (two years ago) seemed to remove. Since that time I have eaten very carefully, but in spite of correct eating my old trouble returned in a little more than a year.

Three months ago, after convincing myself’ that aluminum cooking utensils were poisoning our food (for we had been using alumina: we discarded all aluminum cooking utensils. As a result I don’t know that I have a stomach.

I have regained my normal weight, and both my wife and I are in better general health than we have enjoyed for some time. This means more time and . strength for the Lord’s service. So we thank the Lord for The Golden Age “illuminating aluminum”.

My wife tells me that when she formerly washed her table silver in an aluminum vessel, she never had to polish it, the chemical action, of the aluminum (as she now knows) keeping the silver bright.

Nikola Tesla Forevisions the Future

N THE ’Success Magazine for March (1927) Nikola Tesla, inventor of means for applying the principle of the alternating current motor, of arc lighting and of the rotating magnetic field, is accredited with having said that wireless transmission of power is a certainty of the near future; that its first application will be in the operation of airplanes; and that the planes will thereby be made virtually independent of weather conditions, because they can rise to any desired height.

Of' equal importance, in Mr. Tesla’s view ofi the future, will be the wireless production of rain, which will eliminate the desert and make

749 the whole question of the world’s food supply an exact science. Not only will wireless waves bring the rains when and where desired, but the compounds of nitrogen which are so valued as fertilizers will be produced from the air by the same means.

Wireless power will enable explorers on any part of the earth’s surface to have instantly available electric power and electric lights, and the kit can be carried in an ordinary hand-bag. Homes will be lighted, heated and cooled by wireless and with an elimination of waste now: undreamed of.

Jehovah is God

[Broadcast from Station WBBR, New York, by Judge Rutherford.]

ANOTHER means the enemy has employed to cause confusion is that of instilling into the mind of man a misconception of God. Satan has caused some to teach that God is merely a blind force without intelligence; others, that God is merely nature; still others, that the great Creator and Jesus are one and the same. The truth is found in God’s Word alone.

There is but one First Cause: He who is from everlasting to everlasting and "whose name alone is Jehovah”. (Psalm 90:2; 83:18) He, only, originally possessed immortality, “whom no man hath seen nor can see,” because He is divine. (1 Timothy 6:16) In His Word V                                                                                                                                              ___

He states: “I am the Lord, and there is none else. There is no God beside me.” (Isaiah 45:5) “I, even I, am the Lord; and beside me there is no saviour.” (Isaiah 43:11) “I am the Lord; that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another.”—Isaiah 42:8.

He reveals Himself to His creatures by different names, and each one of His names is deeply significant. The name God appears in the Bible in connection with the beginning of creation. (Genesis 1:1) That name especially refers to Him as the Creator of heaven and earth and the Giver of breath to all creation. “Thus saith God the Lord, he that created the heavens, and stretched them out; he that spread forth the earth, and that which cometh out of it; he that giveth breath unto the people upon it, and spirit to them that walk therein.” (Isaiah 42:5) This name represents Him as the Supreme One and relates to His responsibility in connection with all creation.

He then revealed Himself under the name Almighty God. (Genesis 17:1) This name first appears when God spoke to Abraham in connection with His covenant with Abraham. At that time God in substance said to Abraham: “I have made and do now make a covenant with you that you shall be the father of many nations and this shall be signified to you by your name, which shall now be changed. I am the Almighty God.” The name Almighty God was a complete guarantee to Abraham of the great Eternal One’s unlimited ability to carry into operation His announced purpose. Abraham was then an aged man. His wife was past the years of bearing children. God had told him that he should have a son by his aged wife and

He in substance said to Abraham: Aly name Almighty God is a guarantee that this shall come to pass? It indicated the unlimited power of Jehovah. The name Almighty God signifies, to all who believe, that His power is unlimited and for Him to will a thing means that it shall be done.

Then God revealed Himself by the name Jehovah. The translators have rendered the name Jehovah merely as Self-existing One. It means much more than that. It signifies God’s purpose towards His people. God chose Israel as His peculiar people and Jehovah was the national name by which that people knew Him. He directed Moses to go unto the Israelites and tell them that Jehovah had sent him, and then His words to Moses revealed the meaning of Jehovah by stating His purposes. He said: ‘Wherefore say unto the children of Israel, I am Jehovah, and I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians, and I will rid you out of their bondage, and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm, and with great judgments: and I will take you to me for a people, and I will be to you a God; and ye shall know that I am Jehovah your God, who bringeth you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians. And I will bring you in unto the land which I sware to give to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob; and I will give it you for a heritage: I am Jehovah.” (Exodus 6:6-8, R. V.) The name Jehovah therefore signifies to God’s chosen people His purposes concerning them and specifically His purposes concerning Christ Jesus and His church.

Then the great God revealed Himself by the title Most High. This name or title signifies His relationship to all creation. It refers to Him as the Supreme Ruler over all powers and principalities. Anything and everything that is held in possession by any creature is from, and subject to the will of, the Most High. He is above all. There is none like unto Him and no power can prevent Him from carrying out His will. The name bespeaks supremacy, the One to whom all governments, powers and creatures must in due time be in subjection. He is the Author, the Maker, the Executor, and the Finisher of His plan. He works through His chosen instruments to accomplish His will and purposes. “lie ■ 'dwelleth not in temples made with; hands;”

It is a dishonor to His name and a reproach to His name to teach the people-that there are three gods in one or one in three. The great 'Jehovah God is completely separate and distinct from all. He is the Creator. All others are creatures, h

The Son

JESUS CHRIST is the Son of God: The name by which He is first known in the Scriptures is The Word, or Logos, which means the one who is the mouthpiece or word or speaker as Jehovah God’s instrument. He was the beginning of God’s creation and from and after that time was the active agent by which Jehovah God created all things that were created.—John 1:1-3.

The Hebrew word elohim is translated god. * . ■

The great Jehovah is The God. The Son, the Logos, is A God. The name god is applied to mighty ones, even to angels and to magistrates. The name god is therefore properly applied to the Son because He is a mighty one. The name god is appropriate to Him because He is the agent used by the great Creator in the creation of all things: The names- Jehovah, Almighty God, and Most High are never in the Scriptures applied to Jesus the Son of God.

Jesus Himself testifies that He was the beginning of God’s creation, “the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God.” (Revelation 3:14) Furthermore He said: “The Lord possessed me in the beginning of his way, before his works of old. I was set up from everlasting, from the beginning, or ever the earth was. When there were no depths, I was brought forth; when there were no fountains abounding with water. Before the mountains were settled, before the hills was I brought forth; while as yet he had not made the earth, nor the fields, nor the highest part of the dust of the world. When he prepared the heavens, I was there: when he set a compass upon the face of the depth.”—Proverbs 8: 22-27.

When the time came for the creation of man manifestly Jehovah God addressed His Son the Logos in these words: “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.” (Genesis 1:26) Later, when man had sinned and was to be expelled from Eden, manifestly Jehovah addressed His■ Son when He said: “Behold, the man is become as one of us, to-lenow good- and evil.* —Genesis 3:22.

Man stretches forth his aim to accomplish: some purpose he has in mind. The arm is a symbol of power used. It is also a symbol-.ofi power used by one through another. The Logos, the Son of God, is frequently spoken of in the Scriptures as the Arm of Jehovah. The following, scriptures-support this conclusion: “Behold, the Lord God will come with strong hand, and his arm shall rule for him: behold, his reward is with him, and his work before him.” (Isaiah 40:10) “The Lord hath made bare his holy arm.” (Isaiah 52:10) “To whom is the arm of Jehovah revealed?” (Isaiah 53:1.) “I have made the earth, the man and the beast that are upon the ground, by my great power, and by my outstretched arm, and have given it unto whom it seemed meet unto me.” (Jeremiah 27: 5) These scriptures show that Jehovah God, the great Creator, used another as

His mighty instrument by which He has carried forward His purposes. That great One who;

He has used as His instrument is His Son the

Logos, Jesus, the Christ. Paul with authority from God wrote concerning Jesus as follows: ‘Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature ’, for by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they, be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: and he is before all things, and by him all things consist.”—Colossians 1:15-17.

The foregoing scriptures clearly show the distinction between God, the great First Cause, and the Logos, the beginning of the creation of the great Creator. Adam, the perfect man, alienated himself from God by sin, and death resulted. God’s plan for the reconciliation of man was foreshadowed by the sacrifice of animals. These sacrifices foretold that there must be a sacrifice of a perfect human life. There was none in earth. God therefore transferred the life of His beloved Son from heaven to earth that He might be the One who should take away sin and furnish the basis for man’s reconciliation.

Made Man

TN PLAIN phrase the Sacred Record says:

“And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us-, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.” (John 1:14) That a babe was born of a virgin, Mary, at Bethlehem, grew to manhood’s estate and died upon the cross at Jerusalem, both sacred and profane history abundantly testify. Who was that man? The so-called orthodox clergy, in order to support their false dogma of the trinity, have been forced to accept from Satan and teach another lie, to wit, that the child born of the virgin Mary, which grew to manhood and was crucified, was God himself; that while on earth He was a spirit and that the body of flesh that He used was merely an incarnation of the spirit creature; that is to say, that God took upon Himself the form of man and went about in this body of flesh for thirty-three and one-half years, and that during that time He was known as the man Jesus Christ. Their contention is that by being born as a man child the second person of the trinity assumed a human body and that during all the time He was on earth Jesus was both God and man. Frequently, however, one of them says, “Jesus was very God and very man; he was God incarnate.”

It seems strange that sensible men could ever be deceived by such an unreasonable dogma. Note the absurdities to which such doctrine leads. The doctrine is: God is one, made up of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. The logical conclusion then is that when God left heaven and took upon Himself the form of man, which form He assumed for 7

thirty-three and one-half years, during that time heaven was without God; therefore heaven must have operated itself. At the end of that period of time Jesus died an ignominious death upon the cross, at which time He cried: “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” He did thus cry either sincerely or for a fraudulent purpose.

The Scriptures show that God is immortal and can not die; therefore the trinity incarnation dogma leads to the unavoidable conclusion that the so-called dying upon the cross was merely a sham and that Jesus did not d:e at all; and furthermore that the words of agony uttered by Jesus were merely a subterfuge to deceive the people. If the one dying upon the cross was really God, how would it be possible for Him to cry unto Himself: “My God, my god, why hast thou forsaken me?” If Jesus was

God Himself and the Holy Ghost, to whom was He crying then upon the cross? When these questions are propounded to the clergy they look wise and say: “It is a mystery.” The fact is, it not only is a mystery but is a delusion and a snare and a greatly magnified untruth.

Furthermore, if Jesus at the time He was on earth and at the time He died was God, then He was more than a man and He could not be a corresponding price to the man Adam. His death could not furnish the ransom price as the basis for man’s reconciliation to God. Again the “cloven hoof” of Satan the Devil is made apparent. By Satan’s making it appear that Jesus was God, then, the reasonable mind must conclude that Jesus’ cry upon the cross was a subterfuge, that there was no real purchasing value in His death, and that therefore the whole scheme is unworthy of the consideration of an honest man. The result of that conclusion would be to completely destroy faith in God and faith in the great ransom sacrifice and to blind man to God’s purpose and plan for the redemption and reconciliation of man. In view of the plain statement that Satan, the god of this world, blinds the minds of men lest God’s glorious plan should shine into their minds (2 Corinthians 4:3,4), it seems strange that men will continue to be deceived by such unreasonable doctrines as that of the trinity.

In truth, when Jesus was on earth He was a perfect man, nothing more and nothing less. Of all the names known to history, Jesus of Nazareth is the outstanding one. In the brief period of thirty-three and one-half years of His earthly pilgrimage He affected the course of the people more than any other man. The more intelligent people of the nations of the earth count their years according to the birth of Jesus. The record of this truly great man is found in the Bible. God through His prophets foretold the birth of this mighty One. (Genesis 49:10; Deuteronomy 18:15,18; Isaiah 9: 6,7) In due time God sent His angel Gabriel to Mary, then a resident of Nazareth, who told Mary that she, although a virgin, was the one of Israel chosen to be honored of God to be the mother of the mighty One whom God through His prophets had promised should come. (Luke 1:28-32) In due time the babe was born in Bethlehem, the city of David, even as the prophet of the Lord had foretold. (Micah

5:2) On the night of the birth of Jesus God’s holy angels bore witness thereto by bringing His message to the humble shepherds in the fields of the holy land. That the birth of this babe would have to do with the reconciliation of man to God, is testified to by the host of heaven which then and there sang, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” (Luke 2:14) God’s angel at that time bore witness to the fact that in due time the birth of Jesus would be good news to all the peoples of the earth.

The child was subject to His mother and Joseph His foster-father. There is no reason to conclude that the home in which Jesus lived was anything more than the ordinary home of the little town of Nazareth. Joseph His fosterparent was a carpenter, and what evidence there is seems to indicate that Jesus worked with him and was known as a carpenter. (Matthew 13:55) At the age of twelve the child came into some prominence for a moment. (Luke 2:47-52) Otherwise little is said of Him during the days of His youth. He “increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man”.

At the age of thirty years, having reached His legal majority, Jesus presented Himself at the Jordan in consecration to His Father and to symbolize that consecration by baptism in the waters of the river. He was there a perfect man, holy, harmless, undefiled and separate from sinners. (Hebrews 7:26) That was true for at least two separate reasons:

  • (1) He was not begotten by a human father but begotten in the womb of Mary His mother by the holy spirit of 'God. The Scriptures do not give the details of how, but the fact is stated that He was begotten by the power of the holy spirit, which is God’s invisible power, and that is the end of all controversy.—Matthew 1:18.

  • (2) As a youth and as a man He had maintained His purity and had not sinned in thought, word or deed. Such was possible with Him because of His perfection. It is evident that the care of God was about the child and the boy, and when His mind began to operate and reason Jesus kept himself free from the contaminations which were in the world about Him. Those were thirty years of preparation for the work which God had for Him to do.

His existence on the spirit plane had been transferred by His Father to that of the human plane. He was born a man child and He grew to manhood’s estate clothed with the glory and honor of a perfect man.

When Jesus offered Himself in consecration to do His Father’s will He was then and there fulfilling what the prophet of God had before written of and concerning Him, to wit, “Lo, I come: in the volume of the book it is written of me, I delight to do thy will, 0 my God: yea, thy law is within my heart.” (Psalm 40:7,8) Then and there at the Jordan God gave proof of His acceptance of the consecration of Jesus. Witnesses standing by heard a voice from heaven saying: “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” At that time God anointed Jesus with His holy spirit and outward evidence was given thereof to witnesses.— Matthew 3:16,17.

Jesus, now the perfect man, stood before God His Father fully equipped, ready and willing to carry out His Father’s will. If the clergy are right in their dogmas of incarnation and trinity, why would Jehovah on this occasion say of and concerning this particular man who stood upon the banks of the Jordan: “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am weH pleased”? If the clergy are right, then God was there again practising a fraud upon those who stood by. The clergy would have the people believe that there stood He who was God the Son. The clergy are clearly wrong. Jesus was not God the Son, but He was and is the Son of God whom Jehovah God had sent to the earth to perform a great work. Jehovah the Father loved His Son and the Son loved His Father, and the Father was well pleased with the hearty obedience of the Son. Here the Son had pledged Himself to do His Father’s will, whatsoever that might be, and the Father had received Him and accepted His agreement to do His will and manifested that acceptance by giving Him the holy spirit, and so testified to witnesses.

Holy Spirit

HE clergy teach that the “Holy Ghost” is the third person of the “triune god”. The generally accepted thought is that a ghost is a spirit being. The word ghost in the Scriptures is mistranslated from the original. It is from the same root word that is properly translated,

Ki nd, breath or breeise. The English word spirit is properly translated from the same root. Its true meaning is invisible power. The spirit of the Lord God is invisible to man and is powerful. It is properly called the holy spirit because all power of God is holy. The holy spirit, mistranslated holy ghost, is not a person or being and no scripture authorizes such a conclusion. When God puts His spirit upon a creature that creature is clothed with power and authority to act as the representative or agent of Jehovah God. God put His spirit upon David, as His witness, and David said: “The spirit of the Lord spake by me, and his word was in my tongue.” (2 Samuel 23:2) Likewise the Lord God put His spirit of wisdom upon men who were directed to build certain things in connection with the tabernacle. (Exodus 35: 31-35) These men were clothed with authority and power to represent the Lord God.

The prophet, speaking for Christ, wrote: “The spirit of the Lord God is upon me; because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound; to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn.” (Isaiah 61:1,2) Jesus quoted this prophecy and applied it to Himself. (Luke 4:18,19) This scripture shows that the holy spirit is the authority and power God conferred upon His beloved Son. God had commissioned Jesus to represent Him and to speak with authority in His name. Again, says the prophet speaking for Jehovah: “I have put my spirit upon him; he shall bring forth judgment to the nations.” (Isaiah 42:1) This was represented in the anointing oil that was poured upon the head of the priest whereby He was clothed with authority. Now Jehovah had placed His spirit upon His beloved Son, thereby anointing Him to represent Jehovah God.

Concerning the anointing of Jesus with the holy spirit it is written: “Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity: therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.” (Hebrews 1:9; Psalm 45:7) It is written: “Even 'Jesus of Nazareth, whom God anointed with the holy spirit and with power, who went about

doing good and healing all that were-oppressed of the Devil, for God was with him.”—Acts 10:38, R. V.                                    .

These scriptures conclusively prove that the holy spirit is not a person and is therefore not one of the gods of the trinity. It is proof that the holy spirit (mistranslated holy ghost), is the holy power of Jehovah God conferred upon His beloved Son and upon others whom; He authorized to represent Him. These and; other scrip* tures expose the falsity of Satan’s doctrines of incarnation and the trinity and disclose • that the clergy have misrepresented the Lord God and do misrepresent Him,

The Perfect Man

ESUS was a perfect man and the only perfect man that ever lived upon earth, aside from Adam when he was in Eden. Upon the banks of the turbulent Jordan stood the perfect man Jesus declaring His devotion to His Father. There God put His holy spirit upon Him and clothed Jesus ■with full power and authority to speak in His name. There He was beginning His mighty work. -He was perfect, holy, harmless and separate from sinners. Of and concerning Him God’s prophet wrote: “Thou art fairer than the children of men: grace is poured into thy lips: therefore God hath blessed thee for ever.” (Psalm 45:2) He was the very embodiment of truth, meekness and righteousness. With frankness and boldness He spoke the truth. “Never man spake like this man.” (John 7:46) The reason was that He was a perfect man entirely devoted to the doing of Jehovah’s will and He came to speak the message which His Father had given Him to speak. “For I have not spoken of myself: but the Father which sent me, he gave me a commandment, what I should say, and what I should speak. And I know that his commandment is life everlasting: whatsoever I speak therefore, even as the Father said unto me, so I speak.” (John 12: 49,50) God sent Him into the world to speak the truth, and He did speak the truth. He said : “To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice.” (John 18: 37) It follows then that those- who-contradict or deny the words of Jesus do nob speak the truth.

Hear then the words of Jesus and- note that

I ■' He brands the teachers of the dogma of the ?• trinity and incarnation doctrines as the sons ; and agents of Satan, the greatest liar that ever s existed. To the clergy of. His day, who then ’ refused to hear and abide by His words, Jesus

in plain phrase said: “If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me. Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word. Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he

speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” (John 8:42-44) J

The clergy, who have taught and yet teach the trinity and incarnation dogmas, refuse to hear and obey the truth, and thereby put themselves in the same class to which the Pharisees were assigned by Jesus.

The trinitarians say: ‘God, Jesus and the Holy Ghost are one, equal in power, in person, and eternity, and are three in one? Jesus said: “My Father is greater than I.” (John 14:28) The clergy say: ‘Jesus was his own father? They do not tell the truth. The true relationship between God and Jesus is that of Father and Son, and this relationship Jesus always acknowledged. He said: “For the Father loveth the Son, and showeth him all things that himself doeth.”—John 5:20.

The Scriptures testify that God only hath immortality. (1 Timothy 6:16) That means that when Jesus stood upon the banks of the Jordan He was not immortal, and therefore not equal to God. Jesus’ own words are given as further proof that He was not His own father, and was not equal in power and eternity with God. “For as the Father hath life in himself; so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself; and hath given him authority to execute judgment also, because he is the Son of man.” (John 5:26,27) Let the people determine whether or not Jesus here told the truth;

and if so, then they must conclude that the clergy who teach the trinitarian doctrine are false witnesses.

To the multitude Jesus said: “Labour not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you: for him hath God the Father sealed.” (John 6:27) Again,

He said to the Jews: “I have many things to say and to judge of you: but he that sent me is true: and I speak to the world those things which I have heard of him. They understood hot that he spake to them of the Father.”—>

John 8: 26,27.

Jesus repeatedly spoke of Himself as the Son of God, which proves He was not His own father. (John 9:35) Because He said He was the Son of God the Jews charged Him with blasphemy. The clergy of that time, as the clergy of now, would not receive the truth.

Lazarus the friend of Jesus became sick, and news of that fact was brought to the attention of Jesus and He said: “This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be glorified thereby.” (John 11:4) When He had talked with the sisters of the dead man and told them of the resurrection hope, then and there in the presence of witnesses He prayed unto His Father and said: “Father, I thank thee that thou hast heard me, and I knew that thou hearest me always: but because of the people which stand by I said it, that they may believe that thou hast sent me.” If the clergy are right in their dogmatic teachings, then Jesus was there practising a subterfuge. His words show He was not practising a subterfuge, but He was praying to God His Father and He was there teaching truths concerning the resurrection which God had put in His power.

When instructing the disciples concerning their privilege of prayer He did not say they should pray to Him as His Father’s equal, but He did say: “After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.” (Matthew 6:9) “And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.” —John 14:13.

Jehovah God is the great Life-giver to all that have breath. He gave life to Jesus His beloved Son. He sent His Son to the earth to lay the basis for the reconciliation of man to

Himself and through the Son to give life to man. Man partakes of material food for the sustenance of his body. Jesus likens Himself unto bread, in this, that faith in Him and His shed blood, and faith in the work that the

Father sent Him to do, provides sustaining food to man; therefore concerning the giving of life He said: “As the living Father hath sent me,'and I live*by^ theiFather: so he that eateth me, even he shall live by me.” (John; 6:57); This is further proof that Jesus is not His own father.

Jesus was with His disciples, teaching them concerning the way that leads to life. In order for any one to have life he must be reconciled unto God the Father. He said: “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (John 14: 6) Thus He proved that the Father's way of reconciliation is through His beloved Son Christ Jesus.

He taught His disciples that He must go away and that He would come again and receive unto Himself those who continue faithful unto Him and that He would set up His kingdom. His disciples inquired when that would be and how they might know. Jesus answered: “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only/’ (Matthew 24: 36) If when Jesus spoke those words He was, as the clergy claim, equal in power and eternity with God He would not have said that onlv His Father knew. His plain statement was that His Father knew something that He, Jesus, did not then know.

When Jesus neared the time of the end of His earthly ministry He said to His disciples: “If ye love me, keep my commandments. And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; even the spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.” (John 14:15-17) In these words He clearly set forth the distinction between Himself, His Father, and the holy spirit. He plainly said that He would pray to His Father that His Father would send the comforter and that the comforter is the holy spirit, and that the holy spirit would dwell in His disciples because they were His and because God had chosen them to be His. He then pointed out to them that there were things yet that they could not fully understand but that they were yet to be baptized with the holy spirit and that then they would understand. He said: “When the spirit of truth is come, he will guide you unto all truth.” (John 16:13) The holy spirit was given to the disciples at Pentecost, as the Scriptures plainly set forth, and then the disciples spoke as the holy spirit gave1 them utterance. (Acts 2:4)

That is the time that the disciples-, received; that anointing of the Lord) God. through: the Head,, Christ Jesus, and were clothed with; power and, authority to speak, and thereafter they, spoke? the truth with boldness and without fear.—■ Acts 4 :13.

The time came for Jesus to finish His work, ■which the Father had put in His hands. Jesus, knew that He was shortly to be crucified. He-knew that He should stand before men as the-enemy of His Father, that is to say, that men would regard Him as a sinner and that He would die as a sinner. This was a great trial of suffering to Him. He prayed unto God His Father in heaven: “Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee. I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.” (John 17:1,4) He had manifested His Father's name unto men. He was not seeking exaltation, but His great desire was to be restored to the* sweet fellowship and communion He had had with His Father. Therefore He prayed: “And now, 0 Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with, the glory which I had ■with thee before-the world was/’—-John 17:5.

If Jesus was- then God, as the clergy insist, why should. He be praying to -Himself such a prayer? Either He did pray to Himself or else He was-practising a fraud. Whichever horn of the dilemma the preachers take they find themselves without support in the Word of God. Had Jesus been equal to His Father in power and in eternity there would have b^n no occasion for Him to; pray on this or any other occasion.

Prior to that time Jesus had said to His> disciples: “I and my Father are one. . . . Believe st thou not that I am in the Father, and;

the Father in me ? the words that I speak unto; you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works. Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works’ sake.” (John 10:30; 14:10,11) These texts have been seized upon by the trinity teachers to prove-that God and; Jesus are one. Jesus Himself.

makes clear what is meant by the oneness of Himself and the Father. In His prayer uttered on the last night He was on earth, amongst other things He said to His Father: “Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall! believe on me through their word; that they

f                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     _

I. all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and 11 in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one.” (John 17:20-22) Here Jesus was.

? praying for those who would believe upon Him . and who should be anointed as members of His body, which is the church. God gave Him to be

• the Head over the church, that he and the h                                                                                                          *

! church might be one. This was what He taught • the disciples, and that is what afterwards the disciples taught.

Paul wrote: “As the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one ; body, being many, are one body; so also is Christ.” (1 Corinthians 12:12) Paul gave an illustration of this, using the husband and the wife for that purpose. “But I would have you ; know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.” (1 Corinthians 11:3) “For the husband is the head of the wife, even 4

as Christ is the head of the church: and he is I

the saviour of the body.” (Ephesians 5:23) \ With this illumination of the matter by the apostle we can see clearly what Jesus meant. As the man is the head of his wife, even so Christ is the head of the church. As the man ; and wife are regarded as one, even so Christ \ and His church are regarded as one. As Christ is over the church, even so God is over Christ; therefore they are all one in organization. The wife recognizes her husband as head, the church recognizes Jesus as the Head, and Jesus recognizes God as the Head. This is the thought the apostle further expresses when he says: “Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that 'which is to come: and hath put all things under

his feet, and gave him to be the head over all

things to the church, which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all.” (Ephesians 1:21-23) Thus is proven the complete uniting of God, of Christ, and the church. By one invisible power are they united and therefore are said to be one in spirit. There is complete harmony between God the Father and Christ Jesus the Son of God and the church, the members

of His body. This is another absolute contra-’diction of the trinity and incarnation dogmas.

When Jesus was in Gethsemane, and knowing that He was facing an ignominious death, Ho offered prayers and supplications unto God His Father. He was not praying to Himself at that time. If the trinitarian s are correct He was praying to Himself and committing a fraud. If they are wrong and the Scripture is right, He was praying to God in sincerity and in truth. It is much better to trust the Lord God than to trust men. God tells the truth and His Word is true. (Psalm 118:8,9) Paul testifies that Jesus prayed to His Father and that He was heard. “Who in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications, with strong crying and tears, unto him that was able to save him from death, and was heard in that he feared; though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered.”—Hebrews 5:7, 8.

When the mob came to arrest Jesus one of His disciples, in attempting the defense of His Master, smote off the ear of the high priest’s servant. “Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place; for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword. Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels ?”—Matt. 26:52,53.

If Jesus was then God Himself incarnate, as the clergy have told the people, and if He was equal with God in power and eternity, why should He give utterance to these words ? Why would He say that He could pray to His Father for help? Why not exercise that power Himself? Jesus always told the truth, and if He had been God He would not have there stated that He could pray to His Father and get immediate aid.

Why have the clergy ignored all these statements of Jesus and the apostles? Why have they seized upon a dogma or doctrine which they themselves can not explain and which no one can understand, and why do they insist on teaching a doctrine that dishonors God and destroys the value of the great ransom sacrifice ? There is but one answer: They are willingly or unwillingly the instruments in the hands of “the god of this world”, Satan the Devil, who has used them to blind the minds of the people to prevent the people from understanding God’s great plan of salvation and reconciliation.—2 Corinthians 4:4.

Frequently the Scriptures use the term “The

Son of man”. In order to understand the philo- Man to Jehovah and what He has to do with sophy- of reconciliation it is essential to under- man's reconciliation to God. This will be con-sfand the proper relationship of the Son of sidered later.

Preaching the Gospel at South Amboy

ABLY in June several Bible Students were arrested in South Amboy, N. J., for preaching the Gospel from door to door, offering the people, at cost, sermons in printed form—wonderful sermons, too—Judge Rutherford’s books. Several of them were arrested.

At the hearing the city magistrate said, in substance, that the charges against the Bible Students would be dropped, provided they would agree not to sell any more books and would leave town immediately. Judge Ruther-for asked him to cite the law that they must stop preaching the Gospel or that they must leave town, and no citations were forthcoming.

Judge Rutherford then informed him that the next Sunday the entire town would be canvassed, and eighty-four Bible Students accordingly showed up for the job. Nine young Christian women called upon the eight Protestant ministers and the one Catholic priest who dominates the town. The ministers were a unit in opposition to the work. It had hardly begun before arrests began, accompanied in several instances by the stoning of the messengers of the truth, both men and women. The police and their deputies arrested fifty-nine of the messengers of peace, hope and joy for the human family, but

paid no attention to the stone throwers. One of those who were not arrested sallied forth upon his motorcycle and succeeded in finding Judge Rutherford; and because South Amboy is near WBBR, Judge Rutherford decided to attend the hearing.

The Bible Students engaged capable counsel, a Hebrew named Karkus. Mr. Karkus announced himself ready to proceed with tire trial; but the city was not ready, and postponed the case to the succeeding Tuesday after-- noon. Subsequently they postponed it to the next Friday evening. Still later they postponed it to the next Monday evening; and in the mean-time, R. H. Barber gave the accompanying discourse over the radio from WBBR, telling the people of South Amboy and of all New Jersey and most of New York state and other states what the arrests were about and by whom, manifestly, they were instigated. _____ *

The hearing, Monday night, June 18, was a very tame affair. The magistrate reserved* decision, but those who were present at the hearing are of the impression that he is in about the same fix as a man in a parachute about a mile up in the air above the deep blue sea.

Why the Bible Students Were Arrested at South Amboy, N. J.

[Broadcast from Station WBBR, New York, by R. H. Barber.]

N SUNDAY, June 10, fifty-nine Bible Students were arrested in South Amboy, N. J., charged with selling books and booklets from house to house without a license. These books and booklets are explanations of the Bible, and are distributed at cost price. No profits were realized by those who offered the books. They had but one purpose in distributing them, viz., to preach the Gospel, and thus to magnify the name of the great Jehovah God and acquaint the people with His plans and purposes. It can not be denied that this is a laudable purpose.

It is my privilege and pleasure at this time to tell the people just why these Bible Students were arrested. In doing this it is not my purpose to violate any law in what I shall say, nor to defy any rightfully constituted authority, nor to say anything for the purpose of offending any one. In using this subject it is not my purpose, primarily, to vindicate the Bible Students, but to vindicate the name of Jehovah God, and to show to the people the work that Jehovah is now doing in the earth, who are hindering that work, and why they are hindering it.

ri The World’s Only Hope

L TIT HEN Jesus was on earth, nearly 1900 I ’ ’ years ago, He taught His followers to i pray for His coming kingdom, and assured them that He would go away for a long time and s-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  __

would return and set up that kingdom at V                                                                                    ■

j His second advent. That promised kingdom is the hope of the world, and it is the only hope of deliverance from the evil conditions now existing. Among other things, it will deliver the groaning creation from sickness, disease and death. It will also deliver them from crime, wars, poverty, and from the grasp of the profiteers, monopolists and oppressors of all kinds.

That kingdom will bind the Devil for a thousand years and awaken from the sleep of death “all that are in the graves”. It will, in addition to these things, write God’s law on the hearts of all mankind, including those who will be living when the kingdom is established and those also who will be brought forth from the tomb during the thousand-year reign of Christ.

This is a beautiful and heart-cheering message. This is what is called the Gospel. The word “gospel” simply means good news. This is what the Bible Students are preachin and it is the message contained in the books which

they are distributing from house to house, without any other charge for their services than the bare cost of production and the expense of distribution. Bible Students are anxious for the people to know these beautiful truths, and they are willing to give their services freely that the people may know about them. Bible Students feel confident that when that blessed time comes, when everybody will be freed from sickness, poverty, death, and oppression of every kind, all the people will rejoice and be happy.

It is almost unbelievable that any one should oppose or hinder such a message of comfort and hope and joy. In addition to all this, the International Bible Students are absolutely confident that the time for these blessings to become a reality all over the earth is near at hand. It is not my purpose to try to prove these statements today; if any one desires the proof, it can be found in the books and booklets which the Bible Students are putting out.

The Christian’s Responsibility

VERY one who studies the Bible and finds therein any beautiful truths is commis

sioned to preach those truths. He would be unfaithful to Jehovah God if he did not preach them. Furthermore, it is not necessary to take a course in theology, or to have some man lay his hands on our heads, in order to be ordained to preach. This theory of human ordination is as false as it is blasphemous. God alone can ordain any one to preach.

In Isaiah 61:1-3 we are plainly told who can ordain any one, and also what they must preach. Let me read it to you: “The spirit of Jehovah God is upon me; because HE hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek: he hath sent me to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound; to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn.” This is what Bible Students are doing.

To those who are His faithful followers the Lord says: “Preach the word; ... in season, out of season.” The Bible Students are trying to obey this injunction. In preaching the Word, we are using public discourses from public platforms when and where this seems expedient; using the radio to broadcast the message to much larger audiences, where this method is expedient and possible; and using another method which both Jesus and the apostles used, and which, even in our day, is the most effective of all, viz., going from house to house and telling the people the good news and placing in their hands books and booklets which they can read in their leisure moments in the comfort of their own homes without the necessity of having a collection box passed before them or of being dunned for a shortage in the salary of the priest or pastor.

The Bible Method of Preaching

HERE is Scriptural authority for this method of preaching, and I want to read it to

you. In Acts 5:42, after Peter had been miraculously released from imprisonment for preaching the Gospel, he at once resumed preaching, not fearing the threats of his enemies, and this 42d verse reads: “And daily in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach and to preach Jesus Christ.” Again, in Acts 20:20, Paul says: “I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you, but have shewed you, and have taught you publicly, and from, house to house” The custom of building costly edifices, called churches, and inviting people to leave the comforts of their homes and come to this building to hear a message that is not comforting, that has no hope in it, no love in it, and that is not good news, is very rapidly falling into disuse. People can now sit in their homes and listen to the message over the radio, or wait for a Bible Student to call at their door and give them just what makes their hearts glad. The time is now here when they do not have to wait long, for there are thousands upon thousands of Bible Students spreading the glad message from door to door in almost every country on earth. The message that Christ’s kingdom is here, that blessings innumerable and almost incomprehensible are just at the door, is to go out until everybody shall hear it. It must go out, and it will continue to go out, and no power on earth can hinder it from going out, for the time is here and Jehovah God has spoken the word.

The Bible Students know that their message is from Jehovah, that the time is here to give the message, and that God has commanded them to give it. The question now is, Have they a right to give the message, and particularly, have they a right to put it out On Sunday? Objection is made that in putting out these books on Sunday they are violating some law. However, no law has yet been found that so indicates.

Sunday Set Apart for Preaching

BEFORE looking at the legal aspect of the subject, let us look at it from the standpoint of reason. Perhaps many of this audience have never thought of the matter from this standpoint. Is it reasonable to stop the preaching of the Gospel on Sunday ? That is one of the pri

mary purposes for which the day is set apart.

New Jersey laws, as well as the laws of every state in the Union, grant to citizens the right to preach the Gospel on that day, and do not specify what particular beliefs shall be taught, or in what way any denomination shall preach its particular beliefs.

Many of the denominations build large buildings adorned with costly steeples, organs, cushioned pews, fancy windows, and carpets; their pastors adorn themselves with peculiar coats and gorgeous robes, and go through certain ceremonies, and the choir sings one or two selections, followed by a fifteen-minute talk by the pastor, sometimes on the latest social scandal, again on politics, prohibition, war, or crime.

Seldom is there any discussion of Bible doctrines; and when the proper moment comes the pastor calls upon the ushers to pass the collection box and collect pay for his services— on Sunday, too.

The Salvation Army, with drums, horns and tambourines, parades the streets, makes endless noise, blocks traffic, sings songs, kneels in the dirt and mud, gives a talk which it calls Gospel, and collects pay for its services—on Sundays, too. Does the state hinder or oppose any of these different methods of preaching the Gospel? I answer, No. And, of course, the state should not interfere.

Bible Students are Tolerant

INTERNATIONAL Bible Students believe that the doctrines and methods of all the denominations and of the Salvation Army also, are wrong. But we would not try to stop them. We would not be a party to any effort to stop them. We would not help enact a law to stop them. We would not make a riot and throw stones at them for doing what they conscientiously think to be right. We would not persecute them in any way. Bible Students believe intolerance is of the Devil.

The question might be asked, Since you think their doctrines and methods are wrong, why would you not try to stop them? The answer is: (1) That it would be a violation of the fundamental law of the land, the Constitution of the United States, which constitution the state of New Jersey adopted in 1789. This constitution says that congress shall not make any law that shall interfere with the religious liberty of the citizens of the United States. (2) Our Lord Jesus did not try to stop those who taught false 'doctrines in His day, and did not instruct His followers to do so. (3) Bible Students desire to give to others the same liberty that they claim for themselves. To require liberty of thought and expression for ourselves and deny the same thing to others would be inconsistent, selfish and hypocritical.

Sunday Money-Grabbing Schemes

BIBLE Students do not beg any money from the people, either to build churches with costly equipment or to pay the salaries of their preachers. They do not even get a living out of the work of preaching, but as a rule earn their living in some other way. Clergymen not

only get a living out of preaching, but' as a* rule lay aside something for an estate when they die. 'Do not ^misunderstand me. I am not objecting to this. I am simply stating that they collect this on Sundays. Clergymen and others buy a newspaper?on Sundays ; solicit subscriptions for their own denominational papers on Sundays; drug stores, cigar stores and candy kitchens are open on Sundays; railways, trolleys, busses and airplanes operate on Sundays ; games and sports are wide open on Sundays. Is it reasonable to stop a company of Christian people from preaching the Gospel on Sunday, without profit, just because their methods of preaching do not agree with our own? Moreover, in doing this they are violating neither the laws of God nor those of man, for the State of New Jersey does not specify just how the Gospel shall be preached, and an honest man can see little difference between buying a War Cry, or a Christian Advocate, or a Christian Herald on Sunday, and buying a book put out by the I. B. S. 'A. Moreover, those city ordinances requiring that canvassers shall secure licenses and that no canvassing shall be done on Sundays were never intended to interfere with the preaching of the Gospel; and those laws are misused when invoked to stop such preaching.

In view of what has been presented heretofore, we ask: Why Were the Bible Students arrested last Sunday? Those people who read our literature like it. Those who condemn it are the ones who have not read it at all, or who have read it only in part. That the people like it is evidenced by the fact that over fifty million copies of the different books are abroad in the land, minus a few that some clergymen have induced their parishioners to burn. This latter number is insignificant, however, and usually the territory where a book-burning has taken place is much better territory when recanvassed; and when the people have bought the books a second time nobody on earth can beg or coax them to burn them again.

Answering the question, however, Why were the Bible Students arrested? it will be necessary to go back to the garden of Eden to get a proper answer.

Origin of Satan

HE Bible reveals the fact that God created Adam with the definite purpose in mind of

' toM Adam to multiply and increase and fill the earth. It further reveals the fact that God placed a bright and beautiful and wise creature called Lucifer over the first pair as a guardian angel; that Lucifer saw an opportunity to gain a kingdom for himself by leading the first man into sin and bringing upon him the condemnation of Jehovah, so that'Jehovah would reject him and his posterity. Lucifer succeeded in alienating the first pair from God. God condemned them and repudiated their offspring, and Lucifer’s name was changed to Satan. Ever since that time Satan has been the enemy of Jehovah God, the enemy of the race, a liar and a deceiver.

Satanic Deceptions

THIS same Satan is called the “god of this world”. He is also called the ‘deceiver of the whole world’; and we are told that he has blinded the minds of the people lest the light of the glorious Gospel should shine unto them. Thus we are told that Satan is trying to keep the Gospel, ' good newsy from the people. How does he do this? The answer is, He deceives them. His method of deception is by setting up false doe. trines,i man-made doctrines; by teaching these false doctrines in schools, Sunday schools and colleges; by making them popular; by getting the people to neglect Bible study themselves and pay some clergyman to do the studying for them, and then to trust implicitly in what these clergymen tell them the Bible teaches.

This method of procedure has been in vogue so long that the majority of the people do not believe it is necessary to study the Bible. They have the thought that if they join some one of the many varieties of denominations or sects now on the earth, and pay some money into its coffers, they will be sure of going to heaven whether they study the Bible or not. This is one of Satan’s most outstanding deceptions.

For a person to point out this error now is to subject himself to criticism, reproach and even persecution. This, too, is of the Devil. Satan uses persecution and intolerance to scare the Lord’s people, if possible, and cause them to desist from exposing the error.

Object of Satan’s Deceptions

ATAN desires to keep the people from hearing the Gospel. What is the Gospel ? The

filling the earth with Adam’s posterity, and so

Gospel is the good news that Christ’s kingdom

is near at hand; that all the people are to be delivered from the power and deceptions of the Devil, from sickness and death, from wars, profiteers and all the false doctrines that have been foisted upon them for the past six thousand years; that all the dead are to be resurrected; that the whole earth is to be made like the garden of Eden, and that the human family will be given life, liberty, health and happiness right here on earth. No more poverty, distress, sin, vice, corruption, sickness or death.

The one sin of Adam brought the entire race tinder this terrible curse, and God planned a deliverance from it, and decreed that His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, should be the Deliverer, and that the deliverance should be accomplished at the second advent of the Lord.

This is what Jesus taught His followers to pray for, in that wonderful prayer which Jesus taught His disciples, saying, “When ye pray, say, ... Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth.” A knowledge of all these blessings is what Satan is trying to keep from the people. He is well aware that if the people find out all his deceptions, his power over them is for ever gone.

God told the Devil, in the garden of Eden, that there would be a ‘seed of the woman’ who would bruise the serpent’s head. “The serpent” means the Devil, and this text means that the time would surely come when the Devil and all his shams, frauds, hypocrisies and deceptions would be utterly destroyed. This is a part of the Gospel or good news, and hence we can see why the Devil is so much interested in keeping the Gospel from the people.

Satan’s Destruction Predestined ■.

THE apostle tells us that the ‘seed of the woman’ who is to bruise the serpent’s head, is the true church, and not any of the sects or denominations now existing on the earth, either singly or collectively. The Bible tells us that the names of the members of this true church are “written in heaven”, and that no one but the Lord knows who they are.

When the Devil heard the divine pronouncement against him from the lips of Jehovah God Himself, he at once began to organize the human race into cliques, factions, clans, sects, political and religious; to arouse their passions against each other; to plant the seeds of bigotry, prejudice, superstition, bitterness, ill will and. selfishness in every heart, and to engross their attention in the silly and useless work of contending for their own creed, their own government, their own political party, their own denomination or their own lodge organization.

His purpose was to hide the light of the glorious Gospel from them, and he well knew that to do this he must so engage their minds in fighting one another that they would have no time to study the Bible and learn who their real enemy is. The result is that, in our day, very few people ever think of studying their Bible. No wonder they do not know that the Devil is their real enemy; no wonder that they do not know of the good things that God has in reservation for them.

Satan Promotes Ignorance

THROUGH these various competitive organizations, financial, political and religious, the Devil has succeeded in keeping the minds of the people from a study of what would be for their real blessing, and succeeded in making them believe that their real blessings would come from supporting these organizations of the Devil. Every honest man on earth knows that all the corruption, all the crime, all the oppression, all the graft and bribery on earth is associated with these organizations of the Devil; viz, the political, financial and religious institutions of the earth. These three great branches of Satan’s empire represent organized oppression. Only by keeping the people in ignorance and under subjection could the Devil control them and continue his deception.

But Satan had another object in organizing these institutions. All through the ages God has had His faithful representatives in the earth declaring His purposes as rapidly as they became due to be known, and Satan has used his rich, powerful and popular “trinity” of organizations, Big Business, Big Politics and Big

Clergy, to awe, frighten and persecute the Lord’s representatives in order to keep them from telling the Lord’s message of hope, comfort and cheer to the people. In this work of frightening and persecuting the Lord’s people, the religious wing of the Devil’s organization has been the most wicked and reprehensible, because they have claimed to represent the Lord Himself; they had their Bibles and ought to have known better, and therefore their punish

ment will be severer.

Satan Instigates Persecution

ET Us notice what history reveals about these persecutions and efforts to suppress the truth. In the days when Jesus was on earth He was God's representative among men. He said: ‘The words which I speak unto you are not my own, but I received them of my Father.’ It is also written of Him that “the common people heard him gladly”. Again it is written that “never man spake like this man”; and still again it is written that the people “wondered at the gracious words” that fell from His lips. But while the masses heard and enjoyed the gracious message of a coming kingdom, with all its attendant blessings, how did this message affect.the religious element? Let us remember that the scribes, Pharisees, Sadducees, chief priests and lawyers were the clergymen of that day.                           ‘

There were no Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians, Lutherans, Episcopalians or Catholics at that time; but the various sects or denominations were represented by the scribes, Pharisees, Sadducees, etc.               .

They soon saw that if Jesus’ message was true, their message was false, and that they would be exposed as deceivers of'the people, lose their prestige among the people, be stripped of their power and incidentally lose their salaries. What did they do? Instead of having the honesty of heart and the manhood to acknowledge their fault and take their stand with Jesus, they instituted the worst and most wicked conspiracy ever formed by humankind to put an innocent man to death.

The Clergymen of Jesus’ Day

HEY were the clergymen of that day, and claimed to represent Jehovah God; they

thanked the Lord that they were not as other men were; they despised the publicans and sinners ; they were highly esteemed by other men, admired, respected and loved by their fellow •men. Their fellow men could see only the outward appearance, but God saw their wicked and corrupt hearts.

With murder in their hearts, these agents and tools of Satan tried time and again to entrap Jesus in His words; they hired men to lie in ambush to kill Him. Their efforts failed for a time, because His hour had not yet come. But finally the hour did come, the hour foretold by the prophet centuries before, when Jesus would be ‘led as a lamb to the slaughter’, and when He, ‘as a sheep before her shearers, would be dumb.’ Those wicked, wolfish clergymen finally found a traitor among Jesus’ followers, one who would lead them to His favorite place of rest and prayer; under cover of darkness those religious hypocrites went out with swords and staves to arrest an innocent and defenseless man; they hired men to swear to lies to convict Him; they falsely charged Him with treason toward the Roman government, saying He was an enemy of Caesar’s government. Caesar’s government was the political wing of the Devil’s empire at that time; this political wing had more kindly and sympathetic hearts than did the religious wing. Pilate, representing the political wing of the Devil’s organization^ a heathen and not a believer in Jehovah God, tried to save Jesus; but those clergymen, with a wickedness of heart that is almost inconceivable, selfish, cruel and unjust, manifested the spirit of their father, the Devil, and cried, “Crucify him, crucify him,” and, “release unto us Barabbas [a murderer].” And they nailed to the cross the Savior of the world.

End of Clergy Rule Soon

HE time is coming very soon when those wicked men will come up in the resurrection and face the people whom they have so deceived ; when everybody will know them as the ones that caused the death of the one man that ever lived who was willing to give His life that men might have life and have it more abundantly than they ever had it before. The Scriptures tell us that they will be ashamed at that time. In Daniel 12:2 we read: “Many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.”

We notice that Jesus when on earth said very little about the political wing of the Devil’s organization, but He did condemn the religious wing. With blistering words and biting sarcasm, hear Him tell them, “Ye are of your father the Devil”; many times He called them hypocrites to their faces; He fearlessly accused them of strutting around in long robes, of loving the uppermost seats in the churches, of doing all of their works to be seen of men, of devouring widows’ houses and for a pretense making long prayers. On one occasion they charged Him with blasphemy, and replying to their charge 'Jesus said: ‘I know My Father, and if I should say that I do not know Him I would be a liar just like you.’

Now I want you to notice the situation today. The name of Jesus is honored among the decent people of earth; even those who do not believe He was the Son of God and the Savior of the world acknowledge that He was innocent and was convicted on perjured testimony. But how about those scribes and others, clergymen who instigated His death ? If they should be returned to earth today and should come to South Amboy, N. J., they would be detested and abhorred by all men. Their persecution of Jesus is acknowledged by all men as wicked, cruel, and unjust; but how few realize that persecution is always unjust, always of the Devil; persecution can never be justified under any circumstances. The Bible tells a Christian to love his enemies, not persecute them; it tells him to pray for . those who despitefully use him, and not to stone them. This being true, what shall we say of those persons who stoned Bible Students on Sunday, June 10, in South Amboy, N. J.?

We can only conclude that they were instigated to do it by their religious leaders, or else “the god of this world” has terribly blinded their minds. Anyway, they were servants of Satan and not servants of the Most High God. The time is coming when they will be ashamed.

Clerical Persecutions for 1800 Years

STEPHEN was stoned to death by religious bigots. It is estimated that down through this Christian era over 50,000,000 people have been done to death by other religious bigots. History records the fact that men, women and children have been roasted alive, torn limb from limb, dipped in boiling oil and molten lead, some have had their eyes gouged out; others had tongues pulled out, were crucified, guillotined, or murdered in other horrible ways. How ? At the instigation of the clergy. Remember, I am not stating fairy stories or mythological nonsense. I am calmly and dispassionately stating the facts as recorded in history. And, moreover, when these crimes were committed, history tells us that some of those clergymen looked on gleefully as their victims suffered the most horrible agonies possible for human beings to suffer.

Cause of Clerical Intolerance

TT MIGHT be asked, Why should clergymen be so cruel and unmerciful? It would be natural to expect them to be the kindest, most generous and sympathetic people on earth. The answer to this question is this: All false doctrines are of Satan, and are designed for wicked and malicious purposes, and any man who believes and teaches the “doctrines of devils” must and will have the spirit of the author of those doctrines, who is none other than Satan. Surely this spirit of persecution is not the spirit which the meek and lowly Jesus manifested when on earth, and which He taught His followers to emulate.

The most intolerant spirit has been manifested, and the most violent persecutions recorded in history were perpetrated, by clergymen. In our day these same clergymen are teaching a wrong conception of intolerance. When their false teachings and hypocrisies are exposed they cry, “Intolerance!” To expose false teachings and practices which misrepresent God and injure our fellow men is not intolerance. Jesus did it when on earth, and taught His followers to do it. The apostles did it. Indeed, no man can love God and let the name and plan of Jehovah be misrepresented. No man can love his fellow men and let them be injured by false doctrines and practices.

The man who exposes false doctrines, shams, frauds and hypocrisies is a benefactor to his fellow men, and God loves such a man. •

Real Intolerance

WHAT is real intolerance? Real intolerance is to throw stones or clubs at one who is honest and conscientious; real intolerance is to start a riot, and throw bad eggs at one who is expressing his convictions; real intolerance is to make a heresy law and punish or excommunicate one who stands by his convictions of what is right; real intolerance is to make a sedition law and put in prison or execute a man whose conscience leads him to believe that Jesus Christ in the Bible commands him not to take the life of another; real intolerance is to lay a plot, or form a conspiracy, to catch another in his words, or to conjure up false charges and swear to lies or hire others to do this to convict an innocent man.

Modern Clerical Intolerance \ ■.

IT MIGHT be suggested that the clergy of , our day would, not encourage persecution, much less engage in it themselves. But let me remind you that in the year 1918, during the great World War, International Bible Students could not conscientiously engage in killing their fellow men and they exercised their constitutional right as conscientious objectors. President Wilson recognized that right, and arrangements were made so that all conscientious objectors could engage in non-combatant service. The Bible Students had the law of God on their side and also the law of the land. They were entirely within their legal rights.

But what really occurred'? When Bible Students were drafted and called before the examining boards, invariably a clergyman was on that examining committee, and in hundreds of instances these clergymen ignored and violated the law of the land, became law breakers themselves, incited others to riot, and in numbers of instances led the rioters, thus violating the law of the land again. Both the God-given and legal rights of Bible Students were ignored, and the false charge made against them that they were hindering the draft; arid all over the country hundreds of Bible Students were manhandled, thrown into filthy jails, and persecuted in untenable ways, while behind this systematic persecution stood the clergymen of the country; almost a unit. The false charge that they were engaged in obstructing the draft of soldiers was also made against eight of the leaders of the I. B. S. A., and they were convicted on false and prejudiced testimony and sent to Atlanta under a sentence of eighty years each. After they were nine months in prison, another court reviewed the testimony, censured the trial judge who presided at the first trial, and released these men.

It is not a disgrace to be sent to prison on false and perjured testimony, nor for obeying one’s conscientious scruples; it is not a disgrace to be stoned, as were some Bible Students in South Amboy recently, for trying to tell the people of the good things God has in reservation for them. Indeed it would be a ’disgrace to refuse to tell these things when one comes to know them; it would prove a man to be a coward, and a traitor to his God.

More Intolerance

IN THE city of Boston, about a year ago, lived a Bible Student who 'worked among a number of other men. He told them repeatedly about the coming kingdom and its blessings.

These men enjoyed the message, but soon some clergymen heard of it and, fearing that they would be exposed and their collection boxes would suffer a shortage, concocted a scheme intended to send this man to jail and discredit the I. B. S. A. all over the country. The scheme was this: They persuaded two policemen to break into the man’s house while he was away and to swear that they found whiskey there. These policemen also swore under oath that the Bible Student had treated them to whiskey on one occasion, and swore to an exact day.

Things looked hard for that Bible Student, but the Devil had not laid his plans correctly; for it so happened that on the day which these dupes of Satan swore was that on which they were given drinks by the Bible Student the said Bible Student was about forty miles away from home and engaged in telling the people about God’s loving plans and purposes. The Bible Student escaped by a margin. But were those lying, conspiring clergymen and their dupes, those policemen, even reproved for their dastardly plot? No, they were not; and it was impossible to even prosecute them,-owing to the protection afforded them by other clergymen and other policemen.

When the resurrection of the dead takes

place, all these persecutors of all ages will be ashamed, including those in Boston and those people in South Amboy who hurled stones at Bible Students; and also those policemen in South Amboy who refused to protect the Bible Students from the attacks of the mob and thus violated their oath of office. The policemen took their orders from the clergymen.

Who Is to BlOme for Persecutions?

ANSWERING the question then, Why were the Bible Students arrested last Sunday? my answer is that, primarily, the Devil is to blame. He does not want the people to get the truth about God’s loving plans and purposes for the blessing of all the people; secondarily, those people who serve as the dupes of Satan in keeping the truth from the people are to blame; viz., the clergymen. You will find them behind every movement to hinder the preaching of the Gospel and to interfere with freedom of speech and lawful assembly. You will find them behind every blue law, heresy law, sedition law, and every sumptuary law of any kind on the statute books which infringes personal liberty.

Up-to-the-M inute Intolerance

UT the question might be asked, Do the clergymen have this same spirit of persecution and intolerance in our day? In answer I will relate an experience I had with a clergyman following my lecture this afternoon. A “Baptist clergyman” from somewhere in New Jersey called me up by phone and threatened me by saying that if I gave a talk this evening similar to the one I gave this afternoon he would come to South Amboy tomorrow night (where the trial of the fifty-nine Bible Students would occur) with a hundred of his members, and every Bible Student would go home with a black eye. Of course his threats do not scare any one. I am of the opinion, however, that he can not get one hundred of his members to cooperate with him in such a cowardly work. I very much doubt if he can find a dozen of his members who will assist him in it. He might be able to find a hundred clergymen in the state of New Jersey who would be thus willing to violate the law of the land and the law of God. I

The very threat which he made places him in the same category with those who persecuted Jesus and the apostles. If this clergyman regards the I. B. S. A. as his enemies, why does he not follow the Scriptural injunction to love his enemies, to bless them who persecute? His language and conduct place him squarely with those who buffeted Jesus and spit in His face and cuffed His ears and then stood around the cross and mocked Him as He hung there in agony. Should this preacher carry out his threat he would become a violator of the law of the land and an inciter to riot, a criminal and a menace to the liberties of the people and ■L worthy of the name which Jesus applied to the same class of people in His day, viz., a hypocrite. I sincerely hope the gentleman is “listening in” tonight, and only regret that I did not get his name and address, so that I could give it to my radio audience. He asked me if I was not ashamed to broadcast all over the country that the clergy and the churches are a part of the Devil’s organization. I answered that I would be ashamed not to tell the people who God’s enemies are and who their enemies are.

The history of the past and the facts of the present time clearly demonstrate that they are the enemies of the people, engaged not only in suppressing the liberties of the people, but in the still more despicable and wicked work of keeping the people from hearing and under-standng the words of the Lord and from learning of the blessings which are soon to come upon all the families of the earth. The civil authorities are deceived and fooled by the clergy into doing what the clergy demand, just as Pilate was used as the dupe of the clergy in his day.

Why Broadcast These Facts

DO not wish to be misunderstood in what I have said. I am not speaking from malice.

I have no desire to injure any one. But the liberties of the people are being stolen; they are being deprived of the things that God intended for them, and the clergymen are to blame. Bible Students are the friends of the people and are trying to keep them from being injured.

Furthermore, please do not understand that I am complaining about these persecutions and injustices. I am not complaining. We expect them, and expect that they will continue until Jehovah binds the Devil for a thousand years. And when the Devil is bound that will end the power of the clergymen to longer deceive the people. Bible Students expect that the Devil will be bound very soon now and that the clergymen will stand exposed before the whole world in their true light as the worst enemies of the people, a scourge to the earth and a menace to the God-given and legal rights and liberties of the people.

The time is near at hand now when the people shall know the truth, and the truth shall make them free.

Road-Building in China

AR in the interior of China, in Kweichow I                                                                                                                                                                                           1

Province, 150,000 people are hard at work building automobile roads which in a few years will open up vast areas that at present are almost completely isolated from the world.

The Children’s Own Radio Story By C. J. W., Jr.

Story Eleven

herald was indeed accomplished, and he was very joyful, and said:

“Behold the Lamb of God, ■which taketh awav z

the sin of the world. This is he of whom I said, After me cometh a man which is preferred before me, for he was before me. And I knew him not: but that he should be made manifest to Israel, therefore am I come baptizing with water.”

Now what do you suppose John meant when he said: “After me cometh a man which is preferred before me, for he was before me, and I knew him not: but that he should be made manifest to Israel, therefore am I come baptizing with water?” We should all understand John’s meaning very clearly by this time. Let us think a bit. Why certainly, I knew you would remember it: i

John said, “After me cometh a man which is preferred before me, for he was before me.” Certainly, Jesus was long before John or any other person on the earth, for He was the Son of God, the Logos, who made all things in heaven and in earth.

Then John said,, “that he should be made manifest to Israel . . . am I come baptizing with water.” This is perfectly plain when we remember that John acted as herald or forerunner of Jesus.                     '

So you may be sure that John was glad and happy to see Jesus there by the River Jordan. Jesus was now a man, nearly the same age as John, a fine, beautiful and perfect human being.

John had baptized Jesus forty days or more before that, and immediately after this baptism Jesus was led by God’s spirit into the wilderness where he studied God’s Word for forty days and nights and was also sorely tempted by the Devil. He had just returned from the wilderness, now ready to begin His work.

What a wonderful sight it must have been to see John and Jesus standing side by side upon the tree-bordered bank of the Jordan: one, the dweller in the wilderness, whom God had raised up to herald that approach of His only Son; the other, that Son Himself, Jesus, who, as the Logos, had given up His high and glorious position at Jehovah’s right hand and was now about to offer His perfect human life unto His Father in payment for the perfect human life lost by Father Adam!

WE PROCEED with the story of John, the son of Zacharias, who, you will remember, was used by Jehovah God as a messenger or herald to proclaim the coming of Jesus. Jolin was also known as John the Baptist. He baptized in the river Jordan all those who would listen to his words concerning Jesus’ coming, and believe him.

The Pharisees, or priests and teachers, of Jerusalem were very anxious to find out for themselves if the sayings of John were true. Wonderful reports had reached their ears from people who had listened to John, tales of the young man’s fine appearance and gentle manner and, most of all, accounts of John’s sayings and doings at the River Jordan.

These Pharisees had great power over the Jewish people because they were about the only ones who could read and write, and they pretended to tell the people things which, they said, were written in the books of the law which Moses received from God. But many of the things which they told the people were lies.

But the people did not know this: they trusted the Pharisees and listened to their words.

Now the Pharisees did know a great deal about the writings of the holy prophets of God. They knew of the Messiah, or Christ, whose coining was foretold by Moses and Isaiah and, many others of the Old Testament writers. They seemed to feel sure that when the Christ should come, He would exalt them to high positions, of power over the people.

So when the news of John’s appearance at Jordan reached the ears of these learned teachers and priests, they were quite interested as to how it would affect their hopes and expectations ; and so they sent some of their number to John, questioning him about his sayings.

What John told them we already know, for we learned about that in the story before this. After telling them that he was not the Christ, but that he merely went before to announce the coming of Jesus, John went on to say:

“He it is, who coming after me is preferred before me, whose shoe’s latchet I am not worthy to unloose.”               •

The very next day after his talk with the Pharisees, John was by the river Jordan, when he lifted up his eyes and saw Jesus walking towards him. John knew that now his part as


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