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The content displayed below is for educational and archival purposes only.
Unless stated otherwise, content is © 1928 International Bible Students Association

The Golden Age


in this issue



epoch-making declaration against

Satan and for Jehovah, and masterful description of earth’s new



of the radio hook-up which carried

Judge Rutherford’s speech all over the world


Corrupt methods of trusts


history and uses             .



Volume IX ■> No. 234                     September 5, 19 2 8


31 Ji

Beneath Osborn British Idiotic

Social and Educational the Lamp of Day ........ and the Newspapers . ......

and American Murders ...... Dance Marathons ........

Smoking-Rooms for Girls ....

Four Ungrateful Daughters .... Nice Foster-Parents in Jersey . . .

Brooklyn Has 20,000 Illegal Dwellings

Manufacturing and Mining

Something about Papke ...........


POWEB CONTROL ................

Public Utility Commissions ...........

Union Freight Stations for New Yo.-k .......

Oswego Steps on the G:is............

Persia’s First Great Railroad ..........

Public Utilities in Colorado ..........

Retail Stores Doomed .............

Political—Domestic and Foreign Wire-Tapping Legal and Illegal ........ What Tammany’s Ilnyor Hopes ........ The Timid Militarist ............

A New View of Mussolini .......... Getting Ready for the Gas War ........ Public Utility Patriots .........  .

Peking Ceases to America Kas No

More about Fruit

Exist .


Agriculture and Husbandry

Ju I u. E R l -T11KR FORD* S

Religion anti Philosophy

Epoch-51 \kinc, Speech at Detroit

“The Swoi:i> of Jehovah and His Anointed” Bible Questions and Answers .... The Chii.bren’s Own Radio Stout . .




























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Golden Age

Volume IX

Brooklyn, N, Wednesday, September 5, 1928

Number 234

Judge Rutherford’s Epoch-Making Speech at Detroit

Declaration Against Satan and for Jehovah

THE Bible Students in international convention assembled do declare themselves against Satan and wholly for Jehovah of hosts, and emphatically announce further these vital truths, to wit:

First: That the peoples of earth organized into forms of government and under the control of a superior and invisible ruler constitute the world;

Second: That Jehovah is the only true and Almighty God and the source of all just authority; that He is the King Eternal, the God of justice, wisdom, love and power and the true friend and benefactor of all creation;

Third: That Jehovah delegated to His son Lucifer the authority to be the overseer of man; that Lucifer became disloyal, rebelled against God and caused man to fall away from righteousness, and since that rebellion Lucifer has been known by the titles Dragon, Serpent, Satan and Devil; that Satan the Devil has caused strife amongst the nations and is responsible for all the cruel wars, wicked murders, all heinous crimes and other corrupt acts that have been committed; that until now Jehovah has not restrained Satan from the exorcise of power and influence over man, to the end that mankind might learn the baneful results of evil doing; that for many centuries Satan has been the invisible ruler of the world, constantly defaming the name of Jehovah God and working great injury to men and nations;

Fourth: That Jehovah promised that in His due time He would restrain Satan and establish a righteous government in the earth that men might have an opportunity for life everlasting in happiness; and to that end He anointed His beloved Son Jesus to be the redeemer and invisible ruler of the world;

Fifth: That Jehovah’s due time has come to fulfil His promise and to clear His reputation in the minds of all creation; that Christ Jesus has taken His high office as the executive of Jehovah and the great issue now is, Who is God and who shall rule the peoples and nations ?

Sixth: That because Satan will not surrender his wicked rule over the nations and peoples of the earth, Jehovah of hosts with His anointed executive officer Christ Jesus will press the conflict against Satan and all of his forces of evil, and henceforth our battle-cry shall be, THE SWORD OF JEHOVAH “AND OF HIS ANOINTED; that the great battle of Armageddon soon to begin will result in the full restraint of Satan and the complete overthrow of his evil organization, and that Jehovah will establish righteousness in the earth by and through Christ the new ruler and will emancipate mankind from evil and bring everlasting blessings to all the nations of the earth;

Seventh: Therefore the due time has come for all who love righteousness to take their stand on the side of Jehovah and obey and serve Him with a pure heart, that they may receive the boundless blessings which the Almighty God has in reservation for them.


Ruler for the People

'Blessed is the nation whose God is J'ehov.ah.”~Ps. 33:12.

THE statements made in the Declaration just read in your hearing are true. Being true, they are of the greatest importance to the people at this time. I ask the indulgence of the audience, seen and unseen, while I submit proof in support thereof. I have an abiding confidence that when the people know and appreciate the truth a great' burden will be lifted from their minds. I crave an opportunity to have some part in bringing the truth to the attention of the people. In doing so I come to you as a friend of all mankind. I have no selfish interest to serve save this, that what is for the general welfare of mankind must be for my good. The eternal welfare of men far outweighs all the money by which the commodities of earth are measured.

Good government is essential to the welfare of all people. It should claim the intense interest of every man and woman. The parents should teach their children the principles of good government. There can be no real progress made in its study unless the matter be approached calmly and without bias or prejudice.

In all governments of men there is an invisible as well as a visible power exercised for evil or for good. The invisible power is superior to the visible and is therefore the power of control. If'evil, then the invisible power so exercised makes the visible unsatisfactory. If the invisible power is exercised for good, then the effect upon the 'visible power is good and the people are blessed.


THE world is one vast, government made up of the various nations and peoples. In all nations the people have recognized an invisible power that influences the nations’ course of action. When in dire distress the people appeal to the invisible power and thereby acknowledge that the invisible is superior to their visible governors. In harmony with this statement it is written in the Scriptures: ''‘'Blessed is that nation whose God [invisible Ruler] is Je-> hovah.”—Ps. 33:12.                    ,

The inference must be indulged from this Scriptural statement that there is an invisible ruling power other than Jehovah God and that when the people are controlled by that power it is not for their blessing.

All nations recognize the necessity of a visible ruler. The fact that the United States is at this very time engaged in a great campaign to determine who shall be its ruler is proof of that statement. It is deemed important to know something about the visible ruler, and to this end an educational campaign is carried on. It is of greater importance to know of and, concerning the invisible ruler, because his influence and power is greater than that of the visible.

I am persuaded that the great masses of the peoples of earth, regardless of religion or politics, desire to have and enjoy a just and righteous government. Seeing that man is not perfect, and that there is an invisible power that influences him, it is vital to ascertain in whom righteous power resides and who is the dispenser of evil power. In discussing this matter there is no disposition to reflect upon man. Bible Students have no desire or inclination to fight any man or company of men. Their desire is to place the truth clearly before the minds of the people. When the truth is understood it will be found that the interests of all men are alike. I now submit the proof that there is an evil god that controls the world; that Jehovah the Almighty God of righteousness will shortly destroy the power of the evil god, and will establish on earth a righteous government that will relieve the people of their burdens and bring them everlasting blessings; that we are now at a crisis and the issue before the people is the greatest of all time.


WHO is the invisible ruler of the nations of earth? Is it Jehovah or another? Jehovah is the true God. Of Him Jesus declared that to know God means life everlasting. He is the great Eternal One, the Creator of heaven and earth, the Giver of every good and perfect gift. (Isa. 42:5) When Israel was His chosen, people Jehovah was His national name to them. His name means more than that. It signifies His purpose toward His creation. His Word, the Bible, discloses His purpose; hence the Bible is the authority for this conclusion. Ho is just and righteous. His “judgments are true and righteous altogether’’. (Ps. 19:9) “For the Lord is righteous; he loveth righteousness.” (Ps. 11:7, jB. F.) His righteousness is likened unto the stedfastness of the- great mountains and His justice deeper than the bottomless sea. —Ps. 36:6.

tn                                               ■

Jehovah is so wise that He can never make a mistake. The wisdom of the wisest men of the world is foolishness when compared with the wisdom cf Jehovah. God. (1 Cor. 1:25) Concerning His creation His prophet wrote: “0 Lord, how manifold are thy works! in wisdom hast thou made them all.” (Ps. 104:24) In wisdom He created man, and His wisdom prepared the great plan for teaching man by experience and the granting to the obedient ones everlasting blessing.

In Jehovah resides all original power. All others exercising power do so by the permission of Jehovah. All the power of ail the nations of earth is but a drop of a bucket or the small dust in the balance when compared with the power of Jehovah God. (Isa. 40:17-22) He is the Almighty God, which means there is no limitation .to His power. (Gen. 17:1-6) For Him to will a thing to be done means that it shall be done. When He ..willed to create the earth and the things thereof His spirit moved upon the elements, and the earth and living creatures thereon resulted. (Gen. 1:1-26) His spirit is His power, invisible to man.

Jehovah God is love, which means that everything that He has ever done or ever will do is prompted by unselfishness. He is self-contained and needs nothing, and none can bring Him any benefit. All His acts are performed for the benefit of His creatures. His prophet, who had learned of Him, exclaimed: “How excellent is thy lovingkindness, 0 God! therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of thy wings.” (Ps. 36:7) “'Because thy loving-kindness is better than life, my lips shall praise thee.”—Ps. 63:3.

I am not unmindful of the fact that Jehovah has repeatedly beer, charged as unjust and cruel. But when we learn that His enemy has made the charges and instilled them into the mind of man we know that the charges are false. (John 8: 44) In Jehovah dwells justice, wisdom, power and love, all working together in exact harmony and always exercised for the good of His creation. For this reason it is written: “Blessed is that nation whose God is Jehovah.” The converse of that statement must be true; therefore no nation could have a real blessing unless that nation has Jehovah for its God.

Absence of Ulessing

HHO. BE blessed a nation must have peace, be free'from oppression and the fear thereof; the people must be secure in their property, in their homes, and in their bodies: the laws of that nation ftust be administered equally for the general welfare of all, with special privileges to none; and the people must enjoy prosperity in their material and in their spiritual affairs. Is there a man on earth today who can point to a nation that has had a real blessing, within his memory? I am certain there is none. There is a reason lor this. I wish to emphasize that my purpose is not to'"bring reproach upon any people. I desire now to state the facts as they exist, to the end that we may honestly and fairly determine who is, and for a long time has been, the god or invisible ruler of this world.

How may we determine who has been the invisible ruler of man during a fixed period of time ’ The rule laid down by Jesus is a safe one to follow, to wit: “By their fruits ye shall know them.” If a nation or government practises injustice, shows undue favor to a few and greatly oppresses the majority, surely no honest man could say that that nation is just. If the visible power is exercised by a few to the detriment of the majority, that course shows a great lack of wisdom and the absence of love. Looking back over the history of the nations of earth during the past twenty-five hundred years it will be readily conceded that in that time there has been gross injustice practised upon and great oppression put upon the peoples that have been ruled. In that period of time no ruler has left an ideal record behind. Is that unhappy condition and the result due to the fact that all rulers are willingly unjust? I am sure that is not the reason. On the contrary facts show that many rulers have diligently tried to establish a just and wise government; and after laborious efforts have signally failed. Many rulers have laid down their lives in a vigorous endeavor to better the people and they have not succeeded. Their honesty could not be called in question.

Then why have they failed? True there have been officials who have been willingly dishonest, cruel and oppressive, but even the worst of these have yielded to a sinister influence which has induced them to lead a wrongful course. That evil and powerful influence has been exercised by the invisible ruler over the visible rulers. Why has this been so ? God's Word discloses the true answer, to wit, that the invisible ruler over the nations has been and is that great evil one, Satan the Devil.

Evil God                    ♦

WHEN man walked in Eden, the garden of Jehovah, he was perfect in his organism.

Jehovah delegated to His son Lucifer the power and authority to be man’s invisible overlord. Lucifer was then perfect and a creature of glory. Lucifer and the Logos were the two “Morning Stars” that together sang an anthem of praise at the laying of the foundation of the earth. (Ezek. 28:14-17; Job 38:7) It was the nature of man to worship Jehovah God. Lucifer desired such worship for himself. His ambition led him to rebellion against God, which activity began by Lucifer’s inducing man to disobey God’s law. (Tsa. 14:11-14) That wrongful act has worked great havoc to mankind.

As a result man was sentenced to death and expelled from his paradise home, and all mankind have since, suffered from the effects thereof. (Gen. 3:3-24; Bom. 5:12) That evil effect upon the nations is thus expressed by the prophet: “How art thou fallen from heaven, 0 Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations I” —Isa. 14:12.

Ceasing to be an angel of light Lucifer became the very embodiment of darkness and wickedness and from then till now the Bible designates him under the titles Satan, Serpent, Dragon and Devil. .All the unrighteous wars that have been fought between men, and all the cruel murders committed by men, have been due to the wicked influence of Satan the Devil because he was the first murderer and the father of lies. (John 8:44) All the tears of bitterness that have flowed from those who have been dealt with unjustly and sorely oppressed must be traced to the influence of Satan because he is the great and wicked oppressor. (Ps. 72:4) All the bitterness that has existed and been exhibited be-■ tween professed Christian people, all the religious intolerance and persecution of Christians, must be laid at Satan’s door. All the foul aspersions against Jehovah God and all defamation of His holy name must be laid to the charge of Satan the Devil.

The Facts

rpODAY in every nation there arises a cry of the people against unrighteousness. 1 hold that the primary unrighteousness manifested by the governments can not be laid to the charge of men who hold the offices. There is an unseen power that induces unrighteousness and oppression and that power is exercised by Satan the Devil, who is the god or invisible ruler of this world. Nineteen hundred years age the perfect man Jesus was on earth. He came into the earth to represent His Father Jehovah God and to do His Father’s will. (John 5:30) For three and one-half years Jesus suffered the most cruel persecution that could be inflicted and which culminated in His ignominious death. For a time the common people heard Him gladly and hailed Him as their Savior. Then the Pharisees and rulers incited the people against Him, and they all turned against Him and the Roman government yielded to their cries for His blood and they crucified Him. Were the Pharisees and the rulers wholly to blame for His death? They were parties to the wrongful act of killing Him, but the Apostle Peter, under inspiration, said to them, as recorded in Acts 3:17: ‘'And now, brethren, I wot [know] that through ignorance ' ye did it, as did also your Tillers.”

Who is the responsible one and who really prevented the visible rulers and Pharisees from knowing and understanding the truth? Jesus answered that Satan the Devil was the one, because they were yielding to his influence and doing his wilt. (Matt. 23:14-16; John 8:42-44) Furthermore, it is plainly written, in 1 Corinthians 4: 3, 4, that Satan the Devil is the god of this world and that lie blinds the minds of men lest the truth should shine into their minds.

It was Satan the Devil who sought to induce Jesus to violate His covenant with Jehovah and thereby bring about Jesus’ own destruction. Failing in this he did not cease his activities against Jesus. “When the devil had ended all the temptation he departed from him [Jesus] for a little season.”—Luke 4:1-13.

From time to time the Jews sought to kill Jesus, and in every instance they were acting under the influence of Satan the Devil. As Jesus neared the end of His earthly pilgrimage He said to His disciples: “Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me.” (John 14: 30) Shortly thereafter Judas betrayed Jesus into the hands of those who killed Him; and, as to the responsible one who induced Judas thus to do, it is written: “And the chief priests and scribes sought how they might kill him: for they feared the people. Then entered Satan into Judas sur-• named Iscariot, being of the number of the twelve.” (Luke 22:2, 3) “And after the sop Satan entered into him. Then said Jesus unto him, “That thou doest, do quickly.”—John 13: 27.

The proof is therefore conclusive that it was Satan, the invisible ruler of this world, who caused the death of Jesus. Such wicked persecution could not have proceeded from Jehovah God against His own Son. From then till now true Christians have suffered violent persecution. Nearly all the apostles of Jesus suffered violent deaths. Was Jehovah God responsible therefor? Certainly not. Jesus Christ is the anointed Son of God and the church is the body members of Christ and each one is therefore a son of God. ■—Romans 8:14-16.                     -

Afterwards the Romans persecuted and put to death many Christian people. The French government did the same thing. Many avowed Christians were burned at the stake in the British Empire. John Calvin, the great preacher, when he held a high position in the government of Switzerland, caused Servetus to be burned at the stake. In the Turkish government thousands of people were put to a cruel death because they claimed to be Christians. During the World War Christian, people were persecuted, imprisoned and killed in nearly every nation engaged in the war because those Christian people would not violate their conscience and God’s law by killing their fellow man. Shall these terrible deeds of blood be charged wholly foment I answer, No. The wicked influence of the invisible ruler Satan induced the commission of such great crimes. Such wrongs could not have proceeded from Jehovah God, because He is just and loving and because that persecution was leveled chiefly against His children.

All the evidence shows that Satan, the invisible ruler of this world, is the responsible one for such wrongful acts, and the conclusion is in harmony with the words of Jesus who said to His followers: “Because ... I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. ... If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you. In the world ye shall have tribulation.” (John 15:18-21; 16: 33) This is further proof that the persecution of Christians has been induced by Satan the Devil and that he is the invisible ruler of this wrorld. The fight of the Christian has not been against men, but against the invisible Satan and his cohorts of evil. Upon this point it is written: “Put on the complete armour of God, so as to be able to stand firm against all the stratagems of the Devil. For ours is not a conflict with mere flesh and blood, but with the despotisms, the empires, the forces that control and govern this dark world.”—-Eph. 6:11,12, Weymouth.

Present-Day Witnesses

OR the purpose of proving that Satan is the god or invisible ruler of all the nations of earth and that he is primarily responsible for all the wickedness, crime, oppression and intense suffering of the peoples I read into the record the testimony of some well-known men of the w'orld.

For a long period of time the trade in women for immoral purposes has been carried on in many nations and the governments have licensed such wicked traffic. An effort was made to abolish that evil practice. Concerning- the League Committee appointed to investigate and report upon the abolition of this -wicked traffic the Manchester Guardian under date of March 6, 1928, says:

It proved impossible to obtain a unanimous recommendation for the immediate abolition by all governments of the system of licensed brothels. Representatives of the government of countries where tins system still, exists, such as France, Italy, Roumania, Spain, and Japan, opposed the proposal, requesting that further inquiries should be made about the consequences of the abolition to public order and public health. . . . The Belgian delegate was one of the most convincing advocates of abolition, although the system of licenses still exists in Belgium, . . . Five years ago, France and other governments objected to any discussion of the subject on the ground that it was merely a domestic question. Now the international character of the evil, is no longer denied.

Concerning the Roumanian government The Nation, in its issue of June 13, 1928, says:

The Roumanian Government, in fact, stands for corruption and unconcealed bribery; it stands for pogroms and the violent persecution of the national minorities within the borders of Roumania; it stands for the property rights of prominent members of the Liberal party at the expense of other individuals and of the nation itself.

In Russia the government is deporting Zionists to bleak Siberia where they suffer indoserib'able agony. The New York Times of June 3,1928, quotes Dr. Arlosoroff as follows:

Places consisting of three to five houses, situated at a distance of hundreds, sometimes more than a thousand, miles from a railway station, with mail service only three times a year, are selected to form the residence of the deported Zionists.

The Ogpu, the Soviet political secret service, provides each of the deportees with only about three dollars a month.

The convicts are prohibited from walking beyond the bounds of the village. Deportees who fail to present themselves for daily registration are considered attempting to escape and are punished by confinement in a penitentiary.

Sick persons suffering from acute attacks of fever are dragged daily to register. In Kirgisia more than forty Zionist deportees have been punished by imprisonment on account of letters found at their homes. Every second month the location of the deportees is changed in order to prevent “adjustment’’and acquisition of a suitable occupation.

Italy lias abolished her constitution and her present government is a tyranny. The Manchester Guardian of June 9, 1928, publishes a communication from Signor Nitti, ex-prime minister of Italy, from which the following is (pioted:

With alj! freedom of association, of assembly, of the press suppressed, all the independent papers, even Conservative and Catholic, suppressed., boys and girls are to be brought up from the tenderest years in the cult of violence. . . . Irresponsible children, even young girls, are armed for the defense of the regime. In the streets of Italy children of both sexes are to be seen going through military drill with firearms. They are taught the principles of violence, they hear every day justifications of war, hatred is inspired in their young hearts. They are told that Italy should be an empire, and that in consequence she will have to go to war. . . . Every freedom of professional activity is restricted; the independence of the magistrates is suppressed; special tribunals, no longer composed of magistrates but of party members, judge and condemn their opponents, who have hardly any means -of defense, and deport them almost always without having put them under interrogation. To leave Italy without the permission of the government has become impossible. . . . Italy has become a vast prison, where there is no more laughter and no more life, and where an extreme poverty, in spite of false information spread by official agents in every country of Europe and America, is becoming daily more insupportable. Thousands of honorable citizens who can no longer get permission, to leave Italy have to undergo every, sort of humiliation: illustrious generals, deputies, profes

sors are thrown into prison or deported to desert islands. Political crime and torture are held in honor as in the worst periods of the Middle Ages. ,      .

The oppression of the peoples of Egypt and India by the great British Empire is well known to-the people of all lands. At home her yeomanry are burdened to the breaking point under the great load of taxation to enable the nation to carry on her imperialism. From all parts of the earth are heard the cries of the people because of unreasonable taxation and other burdens laid upon them.        *

The United States is the richest country in natural resources on the earth; yet in this land of plenty millions are without employment and suffer in want for the necessities of life. At the same time the burden of taxation and graft has increased to the breaking point. The New York American under date of December 17, 1927, says:

Graft and corruption are the curse of government. Nowhere is their burden heavier than in New York. . . . The average citizen "reaches the breaking point when crooked polities and crooked business unite to double the charge. Scores of property owners in Queens, including home owners, are threatened with having to let their property be sold to meet the exorbitant Queens sewer assessment. Some estimates ara that half of the entire $16,000,000 cost of the Jamaica system is due to graft.

The gigantic light and power trust has corrupted the primary parts of the government, invaded the schools and colleges,.corrupted the teachers, and made a systematic, attempt to turn the minds of the youth from the right principles of government. The New York American of June 21, 1928, quotes Congressman La Guardia as follows:

The revelations in the Senate, and the investigation by the Federal Trade Commission of the power trust, have disclosed one of the most cruel monopolies ever formed in this country. Electric power is in the hands of an absolute monopoly, and the disclosures would indicate that millions of dollars are available for corruption, control of legislation, and the subsidizing of instructions in'both public and private colleges throughout the country.

That wicked corporation lias not even been rebuked by the visible rulers of the American nation. The New York Times of June 3, 1928, quotes Senator Underwood as follows:

The people ivho exercise the power are not always the same people with those over whom it is exercised. Organized minorities now rule. The plain people are not organized. They have no agents at the capital to protect their interests; they are often misinformed and misled by untruthful propaganda. ... A full half of the laws now passed are experimental in their inception and unhappy in their results. . . . The government has become a complicated bureaucracy that every day is becoming more and more oppressive.

Senator Reed of the United States Senate, from the public platform and in the press, declares that the government of the United States is now in the hands of “boodlers, grafters and lobbyists”. Is Jehovah the God of those wicked men?

Derelictions of every nation on earth might be here mentioned if time would permit. My purpose is not to magnify their shortcomings but to mention enough to show7 that Jehovah is not the God of these nations but that Satan the Devil is the invisible ruler or god of every nation now on earth. His subtle influence always for evil is responsible for the crimes against the people and the great suffering of the people in every nation. At the same time he has sought diligently to keep the people blind to the real truth.

What could be the purpose of Satan in leading the people into such deplorable conditions, causing the nations to war against each other, and at the same time to call themselves Christian? Satan’s primary objective has ever been to defame the name of Jehovah God and to cause the people to hate and turn away from Jehovah, that he (Satan) might still keep them under his rule and control. He has falsely induced the clergy, his visible representatives, to teach that Jehovah is the god of the nations of earth and at the same time to charge Jehovah with the responsibility for all war and crime. In doing this lie has caused millions of honest minds to turn away from the true God and to cast away His Word, the Bible.

Since the World War it is conceded by the leading men of every nation that crimp and wickedness has increased; that organized Christianity is losing its influence over the people; and that corruption in high places becomes more marked. Mr. Lloyd George, .in an article published Sunday, June 24,1928, says:

The young men who passed through the War came to the conclusion that a, religion which permitted and seemed to encourage such an outbreak of savagery was an exposed sham. The revolt or, rather, the sulkiness of youth is the most serious problem with ■which the churches are confronted.

Why is- this unhappy condition enhanced in the last decade? The Scriptures answer: “Woe to the inhabiters of the earth, and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.”—Rev. 12:12.

Why Permitted

IF ALL just power resides in Jehovah God, why has He permitted Satan to exercise power over the nations? Briefly answered: He has permitted it in order that mankind might ^>y experience have a full and complete lesson in the baneful effects of wrong doing. God expelled man from Eden, and set before him good, and permitted Satan to place evil before man, and permitted man to exercise his free moral agency and to follow the Devil, suffer sorrow and death, or to be faithful and obedient to God and learn the way to life everlasting and happiness. To that end Jehovah chose the Israelites and entered into a covenant with them. The very first words of that covenant are that the Israelites should have no other god besides Jehovah and should not bow down and worship other gods. (Exod. 20:2-5) That commandment was not given because of selfishness on Jehovah’s part, but solely for the benefit of man. In other words Jehovah said to them: 'Satan and his associates will lead you into suffering and death. If you will live hear my voice and obey me.’ It was like a considerate parent saying to his wayward son: 'Do not follow that wicked man and lose everything, but obey me if you will be happy.’

The charge is often made that Jehovah is a cruel and bloodthirsty G-od. That charge is wholly false. Bear in mind that Jehovah is the only source of life. He gives and he has the right to take away. By reason of Adam’s wilful disobedience he was justly sentenced to death. By inheritance all men came into existence without the right to life. (Rom. 5:12; Ps. 51:5) Nations under the influence of Satan persisted in persecuting the Israelites as God’s chosen people. They were grossly wicked, justly condemned, and deserved to die. He executed them as a sheriff would legally execute a condemned criminal. When the Israelites persisted in wilfully disobeying God’s law, for their own good Jehovah used other nations as His executioners to punish them. In every instance God’s acts have been legal and just and exercised for the benefit of man.

Twenty-five hundred years ago God withdrew His favor from Israel because of her disobedience and permitted Babylon to execute His judgment against that nation. At the same time He promised that He would in the future establish a righteous government at the time of the coming of Him whose right it is to rule. The faithful ones have been waiting for that due time of Jehovah.

The Governor

IS IT to be understood from that statement tlift Jehovah intends to establish a righteous government on earth for the benefit of man? That is exactly what it does mean. Jesus Christ is the beloved Son of God. He is the anointed Governor or King of the world and in God’s due time He becomes the invisible Euler of the world in complete harmony with Jehovah’s will. Where the power of the invisible Satan has been used for evil, the power of the invisible Christ ■will now be used for good and for the blessings of the peoples of earth.

When Jesus was before Pilate He declared Himself to be the Anointed One to rule the world. When He was raised from the dead all power in heaven and earth was committed into His hands. (Matt. 28: 20) He did not begin, however, to exercise that power at once. When He ascended into heaven Jehovah said to Him, as recorded in Ps. 110:1: “'Sit thou at my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool.” The World War marked the end of that period of waiting, as shown by the testimony of Jesus Himself. (Matt. 24:3-14) That marked the time when Jehovah through His prophet says: “Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion.” (Ps. 2:6) And now Jehovah says to Christ, earth’s righteous Governor: “Ask of me, and I will give thee the nations for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. Thou shalt break them [the powers of evil] with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel.”—Ps. 2: 8, 9, 1?. V.

The beginning of the World War marked the end of Jehovah’s waiting. Satan was then cast out of heaven and has come down to earth, here to carry on his 'wickedness against which God gives warning. (Rev. 12:12) Jehovah commands that notice now be served upon the nations before He proceeds to destroy Satan’s power. Therefore He says to the rulers of earth: “Be wise now therefore, 0 ye kings: be im structed, ye judges of the earth. . . . [Give allegiance to the Lord] . . lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.”—Ps. 2:10-12.

The Great Issue

OW the great issue before the nations and peoples of earth is, Who is your God and whom will ye serve, the Devil or Jehovah?

Jehovah God will shortly overthrow the Devil’s established organization and will set up righteousness in the earth. Before He does so He offers the nations of earth an opportunity to voluntarily renounce the Devil, acknowledge Jehovah as the only true God, and Christ as earth’s rightful and righteous Governor. The purpose is now to serve notice upon the nations and peoples that they may take their stand on the side of Jehovah. If they fail so to do, then what shall follow?


T STATED intervals of time Jehovah has forcefully brought His name before the peoples, lest they should forget that He is their only Benefactor and Life-giver. When, the Egyptians oppressed the Israelites, God went down into Egypt to make for Himself a name. (2 Sam. 7:23) He sent Moses and Aaron to serve notice upon the Egyptians. What came to pass there foreshadowed greater things to come to pass and which are row beginning. (1 Cor. 10:11) In serving notice Moses and Aaron represented Christ and His church. Egypt and its ruler represented the Devil and his organization. God there exercised His power to overthrow the Egyptians and their armies. Now the nations of earth, failing to take their stand on the side of Jehovah but holding to Satan, God will overthrow Satan and his organization in the great battle of Armageddon and all the nations and tribes of earth shall see it.

While all the nations will be involved in Armageddon it will not be fought between nations, as the great World War was fought. The Scriptures declare that it will be “the great battle of God Almighty”. (Rev. 16:12-14) The reason for the battle is this: The time has come for God’s anointed King, Christ Jesus, to take over the rulership of the world and to rule in righteousness; Satan’s misrule must now end. Arrogant, cruel and wicked beyond de-

scription, Satan thinks he can defeat Jehovah and therefore prepares for the great battle of Armageddon. He musters all of his forces, both visible and invisible. He puts forth all of his endeavors to discredit God, and to turn the people against God, and to induce them to embrace a religion that entirely leaves, out God. He blinds the minds of statesmen, leading them to believe that they have the ability to establish a desirable government and that they may be aided in so doing by heeding the advice of an apostate and dishonest clergy. He induces the selfish financiers to believe that their power is irresistible and that they can corrupt the rulers and oppress the people at will... Thus the forces of evil are arrayed against God and His anointed.                          ■

Jehovah will no longer permit Satan, to exercise his blinding influence over the peoples of the earth. The-great battle of Armageddon is necessary to teach all creation that Jehovah is the true God and besides Him there is none other. Some vision of the battle of Armageddon is given in God’s Word. The time comes for action and He says to His beloved Son, His anointed Priest and King: “Thou art fairer than the children of men; grace is poured into thy lips: therefore God hath blessed thee for ever. Gird thy sword upon thy thigh, O most Mighty, with thy glory and thy majesty. And in thy majesty ride prosperously because of truth and meekness and righteousness; and thy right hand shall teach thee terrible things.” —Ps. 45: 2-4.                               "

Furthermore He says to earth’s new Governor: "Rule thou in the midst of thine enemies.” As Satan refuses to yield his rule, the battle must follow. Further describing it the prophet says: “The Lord at thy right hand shall strike through kings in the day of his wrath. He shall judge among the nations, lie shall fill the places with the dead bodies; he shall wound the head [Satan] over many countries.”—Ps. 110:5, 6.

As to the far-reaching effect of Armageddon God’s prophet Jeremiah says: “A noise shall, come even to the ends of the earth; for the Lord hath a controversy with the nations, he will plead -with all flesh; he ’will give them that are wicked to the sivord, saith the Lord. Thus saith the Lord of hosts, Behold, evil shall go forth from nation to nation, and a great whirlwind [of trouble] shall be raised up from the coasts of the earth. And the slain of the Lord shall be at that day from one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth: they shall not be lamented, neither gathered, nor buried; they shall be dung upon the ground. Howl, ye shepherds, and cry; and wallow yourselves in the ashes, ye principal of the flock; for the days of your slaughter and of your dispersions are accomplished: and ye shall fall like,?a pleasant vessel. And the shepherds shall have no way to flee, nor the principal of the flock to escape. A voice of the cry of the shepherds, and an howling of the principal of the flock, shall be heard: for the Lord hath spoiled their pasture.”—Jer. 25:31-36.

Now notice to the nations is being given by those who are devoted to Jehovah, and this regardless of creed, denomination, or previous condition of servitude. Satan and his agents are making a desperate effort to prevent the giving of such notice. Jesus declares that when this witness is done Armageddon shall follow, and He describes it as a time of tribulation such as the world has never’ before knovm and will never again know.—Matt. 24:21, 22.

As a further description the prophet says: “The earth [Satan’s visible organization] shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall, and not rise again. And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall punish the host of the high ones that are on high, and the kings of the earth upon, the earth.”—Isaiah 24: 20:21.               ’

Why will Jehovah engage in such a terrible battle? The answer is, Because evil must be eradicated and Satan, who is the god of this world, must cease to further rule over the governments and nations of earth and therefore must be ousted completely and his organization for ever destroyed. Jehovah will make for Himself a name, and by this great demonstration of His power will teach the people that He is the Almighty God and that the blessings of life, liberty and happiness come from Him and Him alone.

The prophet, further describing Armageddon and what shall follow thereafter1, says: “'They reel to and fro, and stagger like a drunken man, and are at their wit’s end. Then they cry unto the Lord in their trouble, and he bringeth them out of their distresses. He maketh the storm a calm, so that the waves thereof are still. Then are they glad because they be quiet; so he bringeth them unto their desired haven.” —Ps. 107:^27-30.

Desire of the Honest

HE desire of all honest persons, be they republican, democrat or of other political persuasion, is that the people might be prosperous, peaceful and happy; and the desire of all honest kings and rulers throughout the earth is that the people might have a government iChat would know no war and that the people might enjoy peace, health and life. Such desire could never be realized while Satan the Devil' is the god or invisible ruler of man. The battle of Armageddon, now near and which shall shake the earth from center to circumference, is all-essential to awaken the people to the fact that only Jehovah can satisfy their righteous desire. Therefore God says: “Yet cnee, it is a little while, and I will shake the heavens [invisible rule], and the earth [visible rule], and the sea [even the multitudes of earth], and the dry land; and I vrill shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come; and I will fill this house with glory, saith the Lord of hosts.” ■—Hag. 2: 6, 7.

Righteous Ruler

CHRIST, who is God’s anointed King, must now become the Ruler of earth. His power and influence is all for good. Under His rule all oppression, graft and crime will cease and the poor and the needy will have their just share and the way of His government vrill be equal. “He shall judge the poor of the people, he shall save the children of the needy, and shall break in pieces the oppressor. In his days shall the righteous flourish; and abundance of peace so long as the moon endureth.”—Ps. 72:4, 7.

The government resting upon His shoulder, shall be a government of peace and righteousness. (Isa. 9: 6, 7) Seeing the people desire no more war, men are making an attempt to establish peace in earth. They can never succeed. War will not cease until Satan is bound and shorn of Iris power, and this will be done in the great battle of Armageddon. The act of the binding of Satan is described in Revelation 20:1-3: “And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, and cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled.”

Concerning.the same time God through Ills prophet says: “’The battle bow shall be cut oft and he [God] shall speak peace unto the nations.”'—Zech. 9:11.

With the government of Jehovah under Christ in full sway never again shall the people have war. (Isa. 2:2-4) The righteous rule will bring to the people not only peace but prosperity. Poverty will quickly pass away, the earth will yield her increase, and the Lord will spread a feast for all the people. (Isa. 25:6; Ps. 67:7) No more shall fraud and deceit be practised upon the people. No more will the people be kept in blind ignorance concerning their just rights but all shall know the truth, from the least to the greatest of them. (Jer. 31: 31, 34) Yea, more than that, sickness, sorrow and death shall cease and the dead shall return from their graves and be joined again with their loved ones.—John 5:28, 29; Rev. 21:1-5.

In Isa. 25: 6-8 it is written that God will make a feast of fat things for all the people; that all blindness and misunderstanding shall be taken away; that He will swallow up death in victory and wipe away tears from off all faces. Then they that love God and obey Him and yield to the beneficent influence of earth’s righteous invisible Ruler shall live for ever and shall never die.—Ezek. 18: 27, 28.

Why is it that a few men can organize great corporations, with unlimited wealth and power, and brazenly use them to corrupt the officials of the government and to oppress the people? Why is it that the official government gives special favors to the ultrarich while a deaf ear is turned to the cries of the oppressed? Why does one of those corporations, to wit, the National Broadcasting Co., form an alliance with the clergy and they together attempt to determine what the people shall hear or not hear concerning religion and the Bible? Why is it that the clergy oppose and persecute those who tell the people the truth and at the same time furnish a sanctimonious smoke-screen behind which cruel corporations and conscienceless politicians carry on their nefarious work? I answer. It is because Satan the Devil is their god. They are under his power and influence,

and his bidding they will do. Is there no hope of relief for the people? Yes, and that relief is near.                          ■

Jehovah’s rebellious son, who has long been the invisible ruler of the world, is responsible for all the persecution, oppression and suffering of the peoples of earth. Jehovah’s due time has come when the wicked rule of Satan must end. By and through His anointed and faithful Son Christ Jesus Jehovah will, in the great battle of Armageddon, destroy Satan’s organization and will then establish the vrnrld in righteousness v’hich shall endure for ever.— Ps. 96:10.

Who then will declare himself wholly on Jehovah’s side? Let the battle-cry of all those who love Him henceforth be: “THE SWORD OF JEHOVAH AND OF HIS ANOINTED.”

I am persuaded that there are very few of the peoples of earth who really desire to be evil. Most of the men exercising the power of rulership would prefer to see righteousness in the earth. Both the people and the rulers have been deceived and overreached by Satan the Devil. When the nations and peoples come to know the truth and serve and obey God. then it can be truly said: “'Blessed is the nation whose

A book of 64 pages containing the foregoing address and other lectures by Judge Rutherford is sent post-paid 10'} copies to one person $4.0«). 1600 copies to one person .$35.00. Remit with order by P.O. Money Order. 117 Adams St., Brooklyn, N. Y.

God is Jehovah.” The issue is now plain and clear: Will the nations continue to serve the Devil, or will they serve and obey Jehovah God?

This Declaration is not against the people nor the men in office. It is not against the blind preachers who have misled the people. This Declaration is against the common enemy of all creation. It is against the enemy who for centuries has defamed the name of Jehovah God and brought unbounded sorrow to man. It is against Satan and his allies in darkness and evil. It is made as a testimony to the fact that Satan’s evil rule must shortly end and that Jehovah, for His name’s sake and the salvation of the people, will establish a righteous government that all the nations of earth shall be blessed.                                       ,

I appeal to the people of all nations, to all lovers of righteousness, to take their stand on the side of Jehovah God. Let every one who desires to see evil eradicated and righteousness for ever established in the earth and the people blessed with peace, happiness and life, so signify by standing up and voting Aye for this Declaration. „

on receipt of 5 cents.

Address I. B. 8. A.,

Sword of Jehovah and of His Anointed”

WE ARE sure that every reader of The Golden Age will be interested in Judge Rutherford’s epochal address, “Ruler for the People,” which appears in this issue, beginning at page 771. As a direct attack upon the Devil it is a masterpiece, and, so far as rve know, the only thing of its kind in literature. As a witness for Jehovah it is superb. None can read it without exultation, hope and joy.

The Declaration which' precedes it is a declaration of war; not war in the sense of carnal weapons, but war nevertheless: war against the Devil and all that he stands for: war for Jehovah and His truth. Read it: it speaks for itself.

A year ago a great convention of Bible Students gathered at Toronto. At that time Judge Rutherford’s lecture, “'Freedom for the People,” was broadcast to the whole United States over 53 stations, the greatest radio hook-up in history, up to that time. Most of our readers have read that world-famous address.

After that hook-up the National Broadcasting Company let it be known that they would not alloAv their facilities to be used for broadcasting any more of Judge Rutherford’s lectures on behalf of the people and on behalf of the truth and that this would prevent further nation-wide broadcasts of his lectures, as they controlled the facilities. Judge Rutherford is too fearless and too honest to suit them.

Nevertheless, without any aid from the National Broadcasting Company, and in spite of opposition from them and their allies, when the Bible Students met in their great convention at Detroit, July 26 to August 6, inclusive, they were informed that Judge Rutherford’s smash-isli lecture, “RULER FOR THE PEOPLE,” would be sent out over twice as many broadcasting stations as were hooked up the year previous, and such was the fact, as 107 stations were used.

We may and do appreciate the work of the active and capable secretary of Judge Rather-ford, A. R. Goux, who‘carried through to completion the negotiations for the big hook-up; but it would be a mistake to suppose that he could have done it or that it could have been done at all except for the favor and blessing of Almighty God, whose name was at stake.

Full Report of Convention Elsewhere

AS A full account of the proceedings of the Detroit convention has already appeared in The Messenger, published on the grounds, and as thousands of our subscribers were also subscribers to The Messenger, we refer our readers to that paper for any items of special interest at the Detroit convention outside of the one big event, the international hook-up.

The address Avas given twice. The first time was to the American and Canadian audience at 9.30 to 11.00 a. m., Eastern Standard Time, Sunday, August 5. The second time was to the Australian and British audiences at 4.00 to 5.00 a. m., Eastern Standard Time, Monday, Aug. 6.

Following is a list of stations used in the big hook-up. Those directly connected by wire Avere:


London, Ont.




Hamilton, Ont.




Vancouver, B. C.


Pullman, AVash.


Yorkton, Sask.


Auburn, Ala.




Ft. AVorth


Salt Lake City




Portland, Ore.




Lincoln, Neb.


New York


Phoenix, Ariz.




Beaumont, Tex.


Tilton, N. H.


St. Joseph, Mo.


Charlotte, N. C.




Columbus, Ohio


Oklahoma City


Asbury Park, N. J.


Long Beach, Calif.




San Francisco




San Diego


Roanoke, Va.


Colorado Springs


Orlando, Fla.








Superior, AA’is.


Billings, Mont.








San Antonio


Evansville, Ind.














St. Louis




Los Angeles


Kansas City


Hollywood, Calif.


Johnstown, Pa.






State College, N. M.


Des Moines




St. Louis








AVaco, Tex.


Pocatello, Idaho


New Orleans


Salt Lake City




St. Paul


Oil City


Muscatine, Iowa







AA'MBS Harrisburg AA’NAC Boston AVN.A.T Philadelphia AA’NOX Knoxville AVOBU Charleston, AV. ATa.

WOC Davenport AVODA Paterson, N. J. WOKO Poughkeepsie WORD Batavia, III. AVRAAV Reading, Pa.

WREO Memphis AVREN Lawrence, Kan.




Washington, D. C. Minneapolis New York Dallas Cincinnati Quincy, Ill.

Norfolk, Va. Asheville, N. C. Wheeling Schenectady New York

Directly rebroadcast from

the air, as reported to date:

KFKB  Milford, Kan.      AVIBM

KFUL  Galveston         AV.TBL

KOCW Chickasha, Okla.   AVLBG

WCWK Ft. Wayne, Ind.    AVNBZ

Jackson, Mich. Decautur, III. Petersburg, Va.

Saranac Lake, N. Y.

A Few of the Interesting Dispatches

WE CAN not attempt to give our readers more than a glance at the deluge of telegrams received by Judge Rutherford immediately after his lecture. These Avere followed by thousands of letters, many of which were unopened at the time this article was written. We can only give a feAv extracts and odd items here and there that caught our eye.

Among the Canadian dispatches we notice that the folks at Brantford, Ont., thought it “the most powerful address ever delivered”, while Toronto listeners enjoyed it so much that they “wanted to read it all over again”. Two hundred and twenty-five applauded and adopted the Resolution at Winnipeg, while one of the dispatches from Saskatchewan noticed the fact that electric storms had cleared the air just before the lecture was put on.

By the way, this is a remarkable thing about these hook-ups. They have always been preceded by storms which have washed the static .out of the air, as though God had determined that this message should be heard. This has been true of all three of the Judge’s great, hook-ups.

The Moosejaw folks wanted God to bless the Judge. Well, that is all right, and that is just what He is doing. That prayer was answered before it was sent on its 'way. “Before they call I will answer.” The Bible says that somewhere, does it not?

British Columbia is a long distance from Detroit. Among the dispatches from that far-’away province we noticed that away out on .Vancouver Island, in the bosom of the Pacific, 'the reception was wonderful, and they, too, ■wanted the Judge’s lecture so that they could also read it.

/n New England and the East

ONE of the messages from Maine stated that they were “delighted to hear God’s radio message”. If yon were in the Judge’s place and got a telegram like that, would it not do your heart good? Two hundred Bostonians- assembled in a hall wTere “spellbound by Judge Rutherford’s thrilling lecture”.

Albanians in Boston sent the Judge a special wire. That is the first time we ever knew there were any Albanians this side the Adriatic Sea, although we confess that we did know that the recent ruler of Albania was a graduate of Harvard University. Albania, is one of the countries carved out of Turkey.

Quincy, Mass., folks were sure that they “enjoyed every word”; New Bedford folks, that it was “a truly great witness”. At Providence, R. I., an audience of perhaps 200 gathered at a hall “heard the lecture distinctly” and “enjoyed immensely what they heard”.

Dispatches from around New York city showed that they heard the Judge as well as though hejvere personally present at WBBR. The folks""at Buffalo said “all who heard were lifted to the seventh heaven and. gave praise to our Lord Jehovah for the fearless, inspiring and wonderful message given to the people”.

Batavia greatly appreciated all. the honors given to Jehovah’s name. A hundred Italians in Rochester expressed their appreciation. Syracuse would like to have heard more. Utica was happy because the people had received a message of hope and comfort, “a message from Jehovah.”

At Schenectady a number in Central Park heard the Judge over the loud speakers, and one of them wired him, “'You?' message glorious, your courage admirable, the slogan inspiring. G-od is with you.”

On the Atlantic Seaboard

MESSAGE from Passaic, N. J., said: “There is music in the air today and also in the hearts of God’s people. Like a--beautiful song it came floating through the air, clear as a bell, and refreshing as the sparkling waters of a mountain spring. We heard the voice but saw no man. Surely the knowledge of the Lord is filling the earth as the waters cover the great deep.” How is that?

Bloomfield said, “'Praise ye the. Lord,” and the telegraph company twisted it to say,. “Praise yet the Lord”; but it is all right both ways. A message from Bloomfield said: “I can understand the feeling towaids you of organizations; but I can not understand the resistance of individuals to the truth, when down, in their hearts they desire to live happily, comfortably and free from worry.”

A Cranford man sent a message to the National Broadcasting Company. By an odd coincidence a copy of it fell into our hands. It said: “If any of your officials listened in to the talk given by Judge Rutherford this Sunday morning they must feel like the smallest peanut in the crop. ‘Tolerance?’ What a joke some have made of this word! It’s ‘tolerate’ us and damn the other fellow. For real honest-to-goodness religion I have failed up to date in my fifty-three years to hear of the truth as spoken by Judge Rutherford and the Bible Students. We were all brought up Catholics. My grandfather’s brother was a priest and we were all filled up on hell fire, damnation, purgatory and the like. We wondered what a demon our good God really was. We saw the light, that something else is in store for us and today we feel better and are happier than rve were We have learned to love God and not to fear him any more than you would your own good father; we look to him for help and blessings. I am not in any way connected with the Bible Students and do not know' any one connected with them, and I write because I fully realize they have done me some good and many thousands as ’well.”

Scranton reported: “We consider this the finest talk you have given yet; neighbors and friends listening in with us much impressed.” Wilkes-Barre said, “Program marvelous.” Monessen said the reception was wonderful and the discourse more wonderful. Pittsburgh found the message thrilling and the crowd that packed the Garden Theatre unanimously voted, “All hail to earth’s new7 ruler.”

There were messages from Baltimore and more from Washington. The Washington folks voted unanimously t6 back up the “masterful address” and the “best evidence that Jehovah is God”. The Greek Bible Students said that the “inspiring lecture” was “truly wonderful” and the “reception great”.

In the Sunny South

NORFOLK, Va., said they had splendid reception of the entire program “of such profound interest and importance to the people”. Petersburg reported many large parties listening in and mauy phone calls appreciative of the wonderful message. Public audiences listened in at Roanoke, Va., and also at Charlotte, N. C., and endorsed the resolution. Asheville reported that every word ’was perfect; probably intended as a double tribute to the speech itself and to the way it was broadcast.

Columbus, (la., thought the “program was the best yet”. Macon thought it “wonderful and appealing'’. St. Petersburg, Fla., wanted the Judge to “keep up the good work'’. An Auburn, Ala., man wired that the speech and its reception was “absolutely satisfactory in every respect”. A theater party in Birmingham voted “Aye” for the resolution and “'thanks for the wonderful message”, while another parly m Birmingham wired that they had “just finished listening in to the most remarkable sermon ever heard”.

New Orleans wants everybody to look up Psalm 83, verse 18, and it is worth while to do it: “'That men may know that thou, whose name alone is Jehovah, art the Most High over all the earth.” When we get to Shreveport we find that they “feel grateful for the wonderful lecture and beautiful music which came through clear and complete”, and then we wonder why the first 112 dispatches we picked up forgot to say anything about the music, for it was far above the ordinary. Must have been that everybody was so carried away with the Judge’s address that they forgot about the “decorations”; but they were well worth noticing. Shreveport went to an extra effort and had a thousand listeners. At Knoxville they said, “Address good; music poor.” Now can you beat that? That is the second one that mentioned the music. It was all right at Detroit, anyway.

In the Middle West

A T CLEVELAND, Ohio, they thought the LA. Judge’s speech “the most wonderful lecture the world lias ever heard”, and that it “sure would do much in opening the eyes of all candid persons”. Columbus heartily appreciated the message and thought it “most wonderful”. Indianapolis .rejoiced that “truly the good news of the kingdom is being given, for a witness to all nations” and that “the Judge was brought into our very midst”. Evansville rejoiced with the Judge in the “wonderful witness”.

Chicago reported that five groups had excellent reception and great enjoyment of the lecture and think it “the best yet”. Decatur said “address was wonderful”, Moline “greatly enjoyed the entire lecture”, and so did Jacksonville, and the latter “want more lectures by radio”. Quincy said, “Glorious was the witness for Jehovah”’ and added that little word that means so much, “Thanks.”

.In Michigan 12,OGO persons, natives or visitors, wore either at the Coliseum at the State .Fair Grounds listening to Judge Rutherford in person, or else were out in Belle Isle Park where loud speakers were fitted up for the public. Several Wiscoiisln messages said that the talk, was wonderful, and so did Minneapolis, who also said “joy has come; it is the psalmist’s morning”.

St. Paul thought it a “thrilling and fearless address”; also desired that “the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you”, and it is. Duluth heartily endorsed the resdltition, and the lecture was much appreciated. It was “grand and inspiring and may God bless it”, and he will. Of that we feel sure.

At Clinton, Iowa, a group heard the “wonderful message”, which they considered “the best ever”. St. Louis, Mo., thought it a “wonderful message for the glory of Jehovah”. At Jefferson City a company “warmly approved stirring address by standing”; and another company at Kansas City simply said, “Praise God”; and that is enough.

In the Far West

TpARGO, N. I)., heard and appreciated every-tiling and there was “splendid interest”. One of the messages from Kansas said, “Your $50,000 lecture splendid.” Kansas, Nebraska and Oklahoma sent many messages, hut they pale before the record sent by Texas where they came in. from every corner of the vast state.

Dallas appreciated the program and the “message was wonderful”. A Weatherford man said that after listening to the lecture he went tn Sunday school and spent an hour with his class of t-wenty men telling them what he had just heard. There was a company listening in at Waco. At Beaumont the lecture “created a profound impression''’ on the neighbors assembled. A .Houston business man was afforded great pleasure and benefit “from listening to an intelligent and masterful handling of such a subject”. There was a party of thirty-five at one place in Houston; they considered what they heard “most timely and wonderful”. At Galveston it was “grand and glorious”. At San Antonio it “was wonderful and endorsed by all the folks”.

One of the El Paso dispatches is worth repeating in full: “Have just finished listening to yVatchtoweradio program at public reception over KOB. Every minute of program and every word clear and distinct. Most fearless presentation of the truth I have ever heard. El Paso ecclesia joins me in conveying to you our thanks and appreciation for your untiring efforts in magnifying Jehovah’s name and exposing Satan's organization, and rejoice with you for what little part we are permitted to have in this wonderful work.”

There were dispatches from almost every corner of the Rocky Mountain states. Denver thought the lecture “truly wonderful”, and Colorado Springs thought it “great”. Pueblo “enjoyed lecture very much; music fine”. A company at Laramie, Vvyo., wired that the “program came in splendidly”. Ogden, Utah, thought it a “'wonderful lecture”, and so did Salt Lake City. A judge in Brigham, Utah, “enjoyed it very much and wants to know more about it”. Pocatello and other points in Idaho “heard every word clear as a bell”, and found it “a mighty witness”’.

The hour was early on the Pacific Coast, 6.30 to 8.00, but Portland rejoiced in “the power of the Lord’s Sword”, thought it the “most magnificent yet” and telegraphed, “Hosanna earth’s rightful ruler.” Bellingham said, “Leeturw and music wonderful.” Seattle said, “Public vitally interested,” and “'The splendid program and address of Judge Rutherford came over wonderfully clear and was highly appreciated” by the audience. Tacoma reported “'reception perfect” and that “the lecture was most wonderful”.

And finally, from the most remote state in the Union, California: Oakland thought the program “the best yet”; San Francisco reported, “Reception of entire program perfect in every detail and lecture wonderful"’; Fresno thought it a “thrilling message, heard as a clarion call on the morning air”; Pasadena had a splendid dispatch: “We support resolution; reception wonderful: sing on, brother, sing on; our hearts go out to you; we rejoice with you; ■the kingdom prospers; all honor to Jehovah and the King of kings.” Los Angeles reported: “Listeners enthused; best message ever received; perfectly wonderful witness”; and at San Diego, the farthest away from Detroit that you can get in the United States, they regarded the lecture “the best ever heard”, the “reception perfect” and the “trumpet sound certain”.

Of the entire 107 stations broadcasting or rebroadcasting, only one station, KEON, Long Beach, California, had any technical difficulty. That station was heard perfectly for twenty minutes and then something happened and it was off the air for the remainder of the time; but as there were several oilier radio, stations in the same territory this did not cause any difficulty in the complete delivery and reception of the most wonderful message ever given in the Western Hemisphere. A.s usual, the newspapers, spoon-fed by Big Business, Big Preachers and Big Politicians, were as dumb as oysters.

Power Control

<<pOWER CONTROL,” by II. S. Rausen-bush and Harry W. Laicller, is one of the dollar books of the New Republic, 421 West 21st St., New York, and contains a wealth of' information as to the methods by which one of the most corrupt and corrupting- bodies of men in America are being given legal sanction to rob and plunder to their heart’s content; and it does not take the writers of the book long to get into the story. As early as page 4 we are told something that almost makes the heart eease to beat, first, that it is true; second, that anybody should have the courage to tell it; and third, that no newspaper dares mention it. For a. comprehensive statement of appalling truths in one sentence we commend the following as a sample of The king’s English’ straight from the shoulder:

Thus the appointment by the President of men to the Federal Trade Commission, which was established to maintain competition and prevent monopolies, of men entirely in favor of monopoly; the appointment to the Interstate Commerce Commission of men whose whole experience and social and personal interests are attune with the financiers and managers of the railroads; the appointment of men to the Radio Commission whose interests are at one with those of the electrical industry; and the appointment to the Supreme Court to judge valuation cases, of men who have been employed by the railroads and other public utilities to act as counsel in valuation cases, all are in line with the policy of letting I he men who now control the industry of the country also have the pleasure and privilege of putting the seal of official approval upon the way this same industry is controlled and run.

The majority of the common people of America seem to be upright, sincere, honest people. They are trying to pay their way through life and have no idea that the big men, the men that run the government and that run the newspapers of the country, would stoop to rob them of their small change and aid and abet one another in the task; but read this paragraph from page 25:

The industry in many instances has followed the advice of the Electrical World and. according to an estimate in the National Electric Light Association Bulletin for August, 1927, the electric light and power companies were planning to spend no less than $.10,000,000 in 1927 for newspaper advertising, and the public utilities in general around $28,000,000, as compared with $14,000,000 in 1922. The industry has often found that such advertising has not only had a direct effect on the readers of the “ads”, but that it has had a very powerful indirect effect on the editorial columns and the news stories.

One would think that a blind man could see that Big Business would not first collect $28,000,000 from the common people, and have the money actually jingling in their pockets, and then turn around and spend it all in advertising, unless they realized that there is an immense issue at stake and that they are sure to get their investment back a million times over.

These Big Business men, who are seeking and are rapidly getting the absolute domination of every enterprise in the country, are leaving no stone unturned to plant themselves squarely in the saddle and to kick everybody else out. Today they can silently ship power half across the continent. Their towers, some of them 460 feet high, are visible everywhere. , George B. Cortelyou, ex-Secretary of the Treasury, is chairman of the Joint Committee of National Utility 'Associations, which has invested capital of $17,500,000,000 back of it and is definitely in the field to fight government control over the public utility field.

Nothing is neglected. The people’s interests are often neglected, but those of Big Business never. President M. H. Aylesworth, formerly publicity director of the National Electric ■ Light Association, is chairman of the National Broadcasting Company, and looks after the radio publicity. His duty is to see that advocates of public ownership of public utilities get no nation-wide hookups and as little publicity as possible. He does his work well.

The Public Speaking Committee last year put on 18,000 talks before civic bodies, ^11 ranting away with full lung-power against the dangers of public ownership and the certainty of its failure. Why all this wasted energy? Be assured, the energy was not wasted. The duty of those speakers is to hide from the people the stupendous savings that would even now be possible if the plants for which they have already paid dearly were in the hands of those who paid for them, and the still more stupendous savings that would be theirs if they could now be hooked together as Big Business is doing and intends to do. Big Business never wastes its breath.

The writers of “Power Control” have not only rendered a great service to all lovers of the truth, but it seems that nothing has escaped their sharp eyes. They do not fail to notice that in some cities the Big Business people get their power for a tenth of that charged to private consumers; nor that in some states the Power Trust’s lecturers are masqueraded as though they were sent out by the State Granges; nor that in one state the Trust spent over a half-million dollars to defeat a measure which would have laid bare their colossal profits. Page 39 yields this gem:

One means of reaching the voters, according to Mr. Cullinan, was to prepare leaflets against the Water and Power bill, and to have these leaflets sent to about thirty bond houses of the city and slipped into envelopes' with other printed matter of these houses. The leaflets contained the imprint of the bond houses mailing them, and appeared to the voters as literature especially prepared by these houses. The public service corporations contributing money never asked for any accounting nor did they set any limit to the expenditure allowed.

Not only did these crooks thus help one another to blind the eyes of the people, but their employes manned the polls, carried voters to and fro (which they had a perfect right to do if they did not make the public pay the bill) and took one-fourth of the state legislature on a junketing trip to view one of their great dams.

They have divided enough stock among employes and customers to secure the active or silent cooperation of a considerable body of public opinion. In effect, these have been bribed to keep still about the hold-up that is being pulled off. Ignoble these!

People •'bio can write like those who have written “Power Control” ought to be writing messages to Congress; but there is little chance that they will ever do it for any Republican or Democratic party. A paragraph at the end of the second chapter is an education in itself:

Thus the electrical industry, in its propaganda campaign, sets up gigantic publicity departments in its local, state and national associations and corporations. It makes use of its salesmen for propaganda against public control and in favor of the status quo. It feeds the newspapers and magazines with laudatory advertisements, with news and feature bulletins, with articles. It utilizes the new and important agency of popular education—the radio—controlled by forces favorable to it, on innumerable occasions. It subsidizes special researches into the “iniquitous system of public ownership” and gives wide circulation to voluminous reports—not always scientific—published as a result of its subsidies. It prints great quantities of articles and addresses against public control and explanatory of the “supremely successful” character of private enterprise. It conducts extensive political campaigns against proposed legislation in favor of public development—paying large bonuses to civic, social and labor leaders for their influence in reaching their respective constituencies. It engages high-pressure lobbyists to appear before legislatures. It provides carefully prepared lessons in the economics of private enterprise to its customers, stockholders and employees, and in a thousand and one ingenious ways, seeks to bring the “power and the glory” of private development adequately before the American public. Not entirely with the public’s knowledge or consent, the cost of much of this propaganda is borne by the purchasers of electrical energy. And the publicity machine of the industry is still in its infancy.

We wonder how many of our readers know that the reason the St. Paul road failed was because seven of its directors bought two of its power sites for $970,000, sold these to themselves under another name for $5,000,000 and then sold the power back to the St. Paul road at such a high price that they could not make a “go” of it. That is a sample of Big Business “honesty”.

We wonder how many know that when the Senate passed a resolution to look into the threats of Big Business that even if the public should develop power at Muscle Shoals, Boulder Dam or in the St. Lawrence, they would refuse to buy or handle the power thus developed, the Federal Trade Commission balked at making the investigation, and requested an opinion from the Attorney General to the effect that the funds available for the Commission could hardly be expended for that purpose; and that he complied with their request.

“Power Control” lists the twenty groups that have control over four filths of the national output of electric power.” Five of these have almost half of the whole, namely, Electric Bond and Share, Northeastern, Insull, North American, and Standard Gas and Electric. An elaborate explanation is given of the sleek financial arrangement by which a few people with a relatively small investment can control the activities of a very large investment and skim the cream of its profits. Space does not admit of further mention here of this very important item. In a little while a very, very few men will be literally running the United States in. the most absolute sense.

The Power Trust’s own published figures show that in 1926 their average cost of producing and distributing electric current, including taxes and retirement of capital invested, was 1.42c a kilowatt hour. In any vmll-managed company the actual cost of production is less than lc. The rates are very unjustly fixed to favor the users of industrial power.

The Big Business interests receive over six-tenths of the power sold and pay for it less than one-third of the revenue collected by the industry. In Pennsylvania, in some places, current which costs |c a kilowatt hour to produce is sold to domestic users at twenty times its cost. Is there anything fair or honest about that® It is legalized robbery. To show what colossal fools as well as thieves these men really are we quote part of a paragraph from pages 106, 107:

An editorial survey of the future market for power in the Electrical World bases the main expansion possibilities for the industry on a domestic rate of 3jc, less than half what it now is. On that basis, it foresees a domestic market over seventeen times larger than the present one, bringing in a domestic revenue almost eight times the present one. It suggests a reduction in rural rates from 13c to 5c and if that is done expects an expansion of thirty-four times the present rural business and revenue fifteen times grater than the present one from that source. The rate fpr industrial power is to be a little higher than now.

The writers of “Power Control’’, noting how the best men are taken from the various state public service commissions for their own use, has the following comical paragraph regarding the rise of the president of the National Broadcasting Company, the son of a preacher, too, by the way:

There are always those who think that the commissions don’t fall down om their jobs—they are pushed. Possibly this is less so itow than it was formerly. Certainly the list of state commissioners who have later entered service with the utilities is long enough to warrant the guess that there, and not in the work for the state, lies financial success. The latest illustration, almost an Horatio Alger story in itself for the bedtime reading of poor but honest commissioners, is the rapid advance, financially speaking, of the former chairman of the Colorado Commission to the publicity department of one of the great western power companies, to the directorate of the National Electric Light Association, the, publicity agent for the whole industry, to the presidency of the National Broadcasting Company, with control over radio stations at a time when the power industry is under fire.

Would you think it possible that any group of burglars would have the nerve to make a charge for a service, collect the charge, and then put the item into the capital account, and require the consumers to pay an annual return on that (•barge from henceforth even for ever more ? That has been done by the Power Trust, and is being done now. And it is legal. On page 131 we find:

The Niagara Falls Power Company alone, the largest single plant in the country, carries over §32,000,000 in this unclassified form on its books. The New York Commission knows it. The Federal Power Commission knows it, because all hydro-electric companies in existence before the Federal Waterpower Act was passed in 1920 had to secure licenses from the Commission and report their actual investment to it. In 1921 the sura is still on the books. Presumably the consumers are paying rates that give a fair return on it. Probably the very inadequate budget of the Federal Power Commission (limited under the head of governmental economy) and the fact that it is not the custom of most of the state commissions to hold investments in power plants down to the cost of the capital actually spent in them, explain the fact that the Niagara Falls Power Company reguarly slips by with its 32-million-dollar baby where other water power companies might fail in the attempt. The fact that some of its largest stockholders are very prominent in state and national politics is, in this case, probably only a coincidence. (!)

How does it make you feel to know that the Philadelphia Electric Company tried to issue to itself a bonus of 94,200 shares of common stock, and, without putting more than 53c equity into them, asked the privilege of selling them for $25 a share? Do you see anything honest about that?

How does it make you feel to know that the Power Trust all over the country is issuing securities not on the basis of the money actually put into the plant but on the basis of the money they expect to be able to take out of it, and that the Supreme Court of the United States backs them up in that plan to make slaves of the whole country in perpetuity? To give you an idea of just how far this thing has gone, take this paragraph from page 142, and if it is not a rich one then we never expect to see one:

The New York Edison Company in a case before the commission at the time of writing is claiming the right to add to its capital investment, upon which the consumers will have to pay a permanent fair return every year, the sum of $7,250,000 for the hypothetical cost of training a staff of new employees in case the present staff were wiped out entirely by plague or other act of God! The expense of training these employees lias already been completely paid for by Ilie public in rates*, The idea of adding the cost of reproducing them new to the fixed capital is a long step toward the absurd. The next step will be to put in a claim for reproducing their parents new, for without parents obviously there can be no trained Edison employees.

The interesting thing is that the New York Edison Company has already spent $4,000,000 on that one case alone; and when they win it, as they are morally sure to do, it is a foregone conclusion that that $4,000,000 will be added once more to the capital account and interest paid on it for ever. It is a clear case of the cards all stacked against the consumers.

Just a few, a very few, cities in the United States are demonstrating the kind of people that are at the head of the Power Trust. On page 163 we find:

In Cleveland, Ohio, the private company charged 10c a kilowatt hour for domestic lighting. The Public Service Commission ordered a reduction. The company appealed, demonstrating mathematically that to reduce the price below 10c would mean bankruptcy. The Ohio court was convinced and upheld the rates, having no desire to drive anybody into bankruptcy. Then Cleveland went into the electric light and power business itself and started off by cutting rates in two. The private company was forced to do the same. No bankruptcy ensued.

Los Angeles has a domestic lighting rate of 5 cents a kilowatt hour and combination cooking, heating and lighting rates ranging from 4c to 2c, and has already saved the people of Los Angeles more than $32,000,000. Now can you guess why the power thieves are willing to spend millions to debauch the college professors and newspapers'? Do you suppose they want to lose every few years $32,000,000 in every city of the size of Los Angeles"? Is not their game well worth while"? It certainly is to a man with no conscience.

Seattle has a domestic lighting rate running as low as 1c a kilowatt hour for certain classes of service, and is saving its owners, the people of the city, millions of dollars annually. The rates in Toronto, Hamilton, Ottawa and London are all less than 2c a kilowatt hour, and all these municipalities are finding their investments splendid ones in every sense of the word.

You should read this little 300 page book if you are interested in seeing how crooked Big Business really is. As to its political touch, see page 195:

Of course the power industry is in politics. Any group that has as much to lose and gain as they, would be in polities. The railroads were when they were in that stage of their development. Sometimes the power men are in it crudely, as in Illinois, as in the case of the counsel for the Electric Bond and Share who went down to Washington in the session of 1926-7 and told the reporters that he represented a nine-billion-dollar investment and his clients did not purpose to allow the government to develop Boulder Dam. All this was crude work. The general tack is much suaver.

Mr. Hoover is generally conceded as being the candidate of the Power Trust; and Mr. Walker, mayor of New York, has openly expressed his fervent desire that Al Smith, if elected president, will take his orders direct from Rome. It is a nice outlook for the American people!

For a few weeks now there will be great excitement in the United States, but the ultimate result will make little difference to the common people. The Lord may permit the Protestants who have generally rejected his Word to get a taste of the Romanism they so much admire, but slavery to the Power Trust would be equally obnoxious to lovers of liberty.

Public Utility Commissions

IN RUSSIA., when they find a man who has deliberately betrayed the interests of the people they hang him, put him to death so that he will not do it again. One can not help wondering what they would do with some of America’s public service commissions.

These commissions are state affairs, supposed to be intrusted with looking out for the interests of the people. We see now that their real mission seems to be to look out for the interests of the public service thieves and sting the people at every opportunity.

Electricity is nowy made in this country at a fraction of a cent a kilowatt. It is being sold to the consumers at ten cents a kilowatt and the public service commissions are not only blessing this accursed form of theft but they are helping to fasten it perpetually on the people’s necks.

The way this is done is by allowing the public service companies to take out of their funds millions of dollars a year, wrung from the public by these excessive and outrageous charges, and then use that money to corrupt congresses and senates and public officials generally.

But it dees not stop there. The new generation that might possibly use their brains must also be corrupted.

In the year 1923 the nice little sum of $90,000 was given for a research staff at Harvard University on public utility management, and at the University of Colorado seventeen lecturers in a public utility course were officials of public utility companies.

Something About Paper

BACK tn Abraham’s time, if a man wanted to write a letter or make a record of any kind the chances are that he used a brick. Hundreds of such bricks are in the British Museum. Some are in cylindrical form. The writing on them is neatly done. The records are permanent.

Writing was done upon stone. The ten commandments were thus written by the finger of God, and also by the hand of 'Moses. Writing was done upon wood. God’s choice of the family of Aaron was made after twelve rods of wood, having the names, of the twelve sons of Jacob written, upon them, had been presented before the Lord.

In Job's day a book was engraved in solid rock and lead was poured into the cavities in the stone, in order to render it durable. “Oh that my words were now written! oh that they were printed in a book! That they were graven with an iron pen and lead in the rock for ever!” --Job 19:23,24.

In our 'Lord’s day, and probably for long prior thereto, the law was written on sheep skins, goat, skins or the skins of birds; and some of the parchments written in that remote era are still preserved.

Paper is a web of vegetable fibers felted together in sheets. The gray material of a wasp’s nest is genuine paper. Anybody can make paper. Grind a piece of spruce or poplar on ..a wet grindstone until a handful of fiber is col-looted. Boil the fiber three hours. Hammer it until it is fine. Throw it into a kettle of hot water. Skim off the floating film with a piece of wire cloth, put it between two pieces of blotting paper and run it through the wringer. The result is paper.               .

The Chinese used a method substantially similar to the above at least three centuries before Christ, and have made little improve- : merit in it since. The Egyptians found the papyrus, a reed growing in the marshes of the Nile delta, very suitable for paper-making. The pith was cut into thin, strips, the strips were laid out flat side by side, covered by another . layer at right angles to the first. When compressed together the result was papyrus, paper.

The Father of Paper-making                   '

THE Saracens made the Western world acquainted with paper-making. They had : their own mill at Damascus and built the first


mill in Europe,. in Spain. Paper-making in France began in 1189, in England in KL>0, in Germany in 1380 and in the Rittenhouse mill at Germantown,. Pa., in 1690. In all these mills the paper was. made by the single-sheet hand process.

The father of paper-making was a humble Frenchman by the name of Roberts. It was he that invented and installed, at Essoiie, France, a machine driven by power that paper continuously; but he was working for a man named Fourdrinier, and Fourdrinier, not Roberts, received credit for the machine, and it is called by his name to this day.

What would Roberts think today if he could look in at the huge paper-mill at Fort William, Ontario, Canada, and see a continuous strip of news-print paper 25 ft. 6 in. wide pouring out of the rear of the machine at the rate of seventeen .miles an hour and realize that that is but one of many gigantic machines of nearly equal size and capacity? The Fort William. machine is 348 feet long, weighs 2,500 tons and has forty-eight dryers in it. ■

Including the many small hand-mills of China, Japan and other Oriental countries, it is estimated that there are about 5,000 papermills in the world, with an output of 22,000,000 tons annually, which is approximately three times the world’s annual growth of cotton. It is estimated that the world’s consumption of paper is increasing at the rate of 200,000 tons a year.

250 Different Kinds of Paper

OVER 250 different kinds of paper are listed in the United States census reports, and over half the paper-mil's of the world are located here. Of these establishments 763 reported- making paper and wood pulp, while 1,931 mills were engaged in making bags, cartons, tags, patterns, cardboard, envelopes, etc. About four-fifths of the total tonnage made in the United States is composed of W’ood pulp. The percentage made from rags is small but is about one-eighth in value.

The great paper-making countries of the world are Canada, United States, England, France, Belgium, Holland and Scandinavia. Spain furnishes an important material for the making of high-grade papers in its esparto, or Spanish grass. Featherweight papers are made

entirely of esparto, very little sizing being used.

The best Bible papers are made of rag fibers, with starch added to give opacity. Oxford India. paper is made under a secret formula. The best quality of fine papers is made of linen rags, chemical pulpwood and cotton rags being used for grades less fine. Esparto is mixed with cheaper grades.

Good book papers are made of mixtures of the two principal varieties of chemical pulp, namely “sulphite” and “soda”. The “sulphite” alone has a. tendency to be harsh and semitransparent. Tissue papers are made of various fibers, the better class being of hemp and rag fiber well beaten and without size.

Uncle Sam's money is all printed on paper with silk fiber manufactured by the Crane Company, Dalton, Massachusetts. Government inspectors watch the process closely and have to account for everything. Most high-grade writing-papers in the United States are made in the Connecticut river valley. The quality of the water is said to be responsible .for this. The Japanese have a hand-made paper which does not tear even rvhen wet.

Transparent papers, used for wrapping candy, are of waxed papers, gelatin papers or cellophane, which latter material is identical with rayon or artificial silk. The viscose, instead of being squirted through holes and made into rayon threads, is forced through a long and very narrow slit and emerges in its final form as a tough transparent sheet of pure cellulose of the wood fiber from which it originally came. In other words, the girl gets her box of candy neatly wrapped up in a transparent sheet of spruce wood.

Blotting papers, once made entirely from rag-pulp, are now made entirely from wood-pulp. Wrapping-papers are made of all kinds of fibers, wood-pulp, jute, hemp refuse, old rope and twine, clippings and trimmings from higher grade paper stock and old paper.

Durability of Papers

NO ONE expects papers to be as durable as bricks or stones or parchments, and in point of fact they are not, but when exposed to considerable handling, changes of temperature and moisture, after a time they become discolored and brittle.

Rags in paper make it more durable, in proportion to the amount of rag fiber present, but the papers made entirely from wood cellulose fiber will last a long, long time if all the chemicals are removed from the fiber at the time of manufacture. Rags which have been overmuch treated with chemicals do not make more durable papers than wood cellulose fiber.

It is generally held that the chemical wood-pulps as prepared at the present time are no longer to be regarded with the distrust with which they were considered some years ago. The treatment of cotton fabrics in modern steam laundries causes paper men to consider rags of less value in the making of durable papers than was once the case.

Wood-Pulp Papers

WOOD is transformed into pulp by four different processes. Of the 912,000 tons of United States pulp production in 1925, valued at $55,000,000, the largest portion, $28,000,-000, was made by the sulphite process; $12,-400,000 was made by the soda process; $10,-600,000 was ground pulp and $5,000,000 was made by the sulphate process.

In grinding wood-pulp, logs ten to twelve inches and up in diameter are selected and cut into logs two feet in length. The grinders, of sandstone or emery, are four feet in diameter and driven with great speed, the object being to disintegrate the wood by tearing rather than cutting.

A continuous flow of water prevents fires and carries away the pulp. If much water is used the pulp is called cold ground; if little is used it is called hot ground. It requires 100 horsepower for twenty-four hours to produce one ton of pulp. Pulp thus made produces paper which is subject to deterioration and which finds its way only into papers of which permanence is not required; for instance, newsprint papers.

The chemical wood-pulps are made of spruce, balsam and hemlock woods which have been macerated to just, the right degree of fineness, cooked just long enough in acid of precisely the right strength, bleached and strained and freed from impurities, ana ultimately, in its transformed state, tested for sizing, weight, tensile strength, folding strength, etc.

Good paper consists of the pure cellulose, with as little as possible of the various cellular and intercellular matters such as resins, waxes, fats, lignin, mineral salts, etc., and is the prod-net of an intricate and expert chemical process.

In- the sulphite process the wood-pulp is boiled from eight to twelve hours in a chemically-made liquor, and upon the correct chemical composition of the liquor depends the quality of the paper. In the soda process the wood is boiled in a liquor containing 8% solution of caustic soda. After the cooking the soda is recovered so thoroughly that 90% of it can be used again.

The Wood-Pulp Supply

THE world’s newspapers are using six million tons of newsprint a year, and along with the packing boxes and crates are rapidly stripping the wTorld of its forests. Twenty years ago the United States produced its entire supply of wood-pulp. Now it imports over two-thirds of it from Canada.

The newspapers see the end coming and are agitating against the use of lumber for packing purposes, except where absolutely necessary. One-sixth of the timber cut-for all purposes goes info crates and packing-boxes. It is believed that fully half of this could, be diverted to paper-making. The newspapers have even made the plea that the public forest areas of the nation be turned over to the tender care of the paper-making industry.

As the use of paper increases constantly, the exhaustion of the Canadian foresters foreseen; and it is certain that sooner or later the vast forests of Alaska will be called upon.

Every year new woods are added to the growing list of trees that can be worked up into paper. One of the most important discoveries was that bamboo can be thus used. It is claimed that 80% of the wood growth of the world is bamboo. Another important discovery was that a percentage of mechanical pulps from certain immature Australian trees of the eucalyptus species can be used with sulphite pulp from similar woods.

Other Paper-Stock Sources

TN 1876 a German scientist published a book printed on sixty varieties of paper, made from as many different materials. For a hundred years, until recently, straw was an important factor in paper-making, and straw can again be used. Wheat, rye and oat straw are all good for the purpose.

The original Egyptian papyrus is a grass or reed, and there are numerous grasses in Siam, Australia and the southern states of the United States which can be used in a commercial way in paper-making. Rice stems, banana stems and lalang grass are some of the items in the list.

In Korea, Japan and China rice stalks, the small branches of the mulberry tree, various barks and leaves are used. Cotton linters can be used, and Florida has a pulp-mill working on saw-grass and marsh-grass. A certain amount of rubber latex, can be used to advantage in paper-making.

One of the most likely sources of paper supply is the caroa or wild pineapple of Brazil. For centuries the natives have made twine and ropes from the fibers of this plant. The caroa fibers are cylindrical and comparatively long, but of small diameter, properties that enable them to mat together easily, giving compactness and strength to the sheet of paper.

Waste Piper and Paper Waste

W.ENTY-TWO percent of the paper produced from wood-pulp is used in the pro

duction of the newspapers that litter our streets and public places, glorify our criminals, exalt our lying clergy, magnify our public service thieves and white-wash our faithless judiciary and Teapot Dome statesmen. That ninety percent of this paper is worse than wasted every honest person knows lull well, but nobody dares say so.          ,

The government has invented a process for de-inking old newspapers, which makes it possible to use over and over such papers as are returned for the purpose. At the time of a shortage of newsprint in 1920 a Buffalo paper made an offer of a new paper in exchange for an old one. A Chicago paper-mill is running entirely on old papers, taking the entire output of the largest collectors of old papers in the country. A. large office building gathers twenty tons of waste paper weekly, a large newspaper twenty tons daily. Street sweeping departments gather thousands of tons weekly.

Every year the pulp-mills swallow up nine hundred square miles of forest area. The Salvation Army collects and returns 14 percent of this. Every time six tons of waste paper is returned to the mills it means that an acre of standing timber has been conserved. In the bazaars and native shops of India almost the only kind of wrapping-paper used is the old newspaper. Merchants of Italy do not wrap their goods for customers.

The government wastes a lot of money by printing and distributing the speeches of its public orators. It does something on the other side, too. It calls attention to the foolishness of making 101 different sizes of books out of 177 measured, and the foolishness of printing 1600 magazines of so many different sizes and shapes that it requires 441 different sizes of sheet paper and 93 different widths of paper rolls to produce them. All this means waste in manufacture and waste in use. The Bureau of Standards aims at correcting abuses of this kind.

The Many Uses of Paper

APER is used in the manufacture of car wheels, binder bolts, boxes, carpet lining, buckets, tubs, paving bricks, roofing tile, blackboards, boards and telegraph poles. The Germans make paper barrels, boxes, vases and mills bottles. The Japanese make clothing, parasols, window frames, lanterns, handkerchiefs . and sandals. The French make metal-workers’ shoes which are unaffected by hot ashes or molten metal, and French paper vests for men are quite the thing.

A generation ago paper collars were quite common. We still have paper napkins and paper lace. Paper has been used to make lithographic stones, horseshoes, furniture, bullet-proof breastplates, gas-pipes and matchsticks. Raincoats are made of paper, bathing suits have been made of it, and during the World War the ladies in high society in London wore paper hats. It is even claimed that very comfortable coffins are made of it, but it seems hard to imagine that any coffin could be comfortable.

In some districts of Sweden the paper-impregnated water from sulphite paper-mills is sprinkled on the roadways. It has the effect, as it dries, of binding the roadway together, making' it free of dust, and, so to speak, covering it with a film of paper.

Beneath the Lamp of Day

Wire-Tapping Legal and Illegal

ISTEXING- in on telephone conversations

is a criminal offense in the State of New7 York, and yet, by a curious decision, five to four, the Supreme Court of the United States has decided that, ivhile the practice is unethical, yet evidence secured by that means may be used to convict. Seems to us the government ought to be ashamed to recognize evidence secured in an unethical and illegal maimer.

Osborn and the Newspapers

r. Hexky Fairfield Osborx, president of the American Museum of Natural History, in an address to the graduates of Union College said: '"From prolonged daily observation of child life and habit, and of home, school, college and university life, I believe the modern American press to be the.greatest enemy of the teacher, because it destroys all the finer creative powers of the mind, establishes false standards of human endeavor, and gives a distorted perspective of current life.”

British and American Murders

IN BRITAIN the murder rate is seven persons per million population annually. In the United States it is one hundred four persons per million, or fifteen times as high. The homicide rate in America is worse than in Russia, and is nearly as bad as in Italy. It is- particularly bad in the South. Memphis, Birmingham, Charlotte, Jacksonville, Atlanta and Miami are all bad.

England Still Protestant

THE bishops have fallen down again on their plan to switch the British people over to the Catholic church, for the prayer-book has been again rejected and now the House of Commons are suggesting that they alone are competent to revise the book with wffiich the bishops have been struggling for twenty years. Led to the papal watering-trough, the Britishers refuse to drink. Nevertheless it is said that in six hundred Anglican churches in England the full Catholic ritual is being used.

Union Freight Stations for New York

NEW YORK plans union freight stations, cutting down collection and delivery charges fifty percent. By the plan evolved no' freight cars would be barged across the river, but all freight would be trucked from the terminals in Jersey City and Hoboken to the freight stations in New York. Much of it, of course, could be delivered direct to the consignees.

Oswego Steps mi the Gas ..

OSWEGO is a nice little city down on the shore of Lake Ontario. Some have been mean enough to say that the grass grows in its streets, but Oswego has done something far in advance of most other cities. It has done away with all street cars and now anybody can go anywhere in the city in a rubber-tired bus for the small sum of five cents coin of the realm.

What Tammany’s Mayor Hopes

Mayor James J. Walker, of New York city, in an address on June 3 to the alumni of the Cathedral college, stated that a friend had recently asked him if Smith would not take his orders from the Vatican. And, said Walker, “I answered, I hope to God he does.” Cardinal Hayes, who was present, praised Mayor Walker for his stand.

ALL idiotic forms of destroying the, hu- -ry, jESSE h. Holmes, of Swarthmore College, man nervous system, the dance Marathon JLy jri an address before the American Peace

Idiotic Dance Marathons seems to be due for the first prize. Young men and women, after dancing with each other for several hundred hours, become insane. The young women kick their partners in the shins, and the young men black the eyes of the erstwhile ladies. The rules allow fifteen minutes rest for every hour of dancing. In "several instances the dancers fell asleep while dancing.

Smoking-Rooms for Girls

rpiIE new skyscrapers in New York are bc-ing built with smoking-rooms for girls. It won’t be long now before there will be smoking-rooms in the high schools, the grade schools, the primary schools, the Sunday schools and the nursery. It will look a little strange at first to see babies smoking Pittsburgh stogies or rolling a pipe around in their mouths before they cut those first two little teeth; but oh how glad the cigarette-makers will be 1 And we must not do anything to offend them; must we?

Persia’s First Great Railroad

PERSIA’S first great railroad is now being surveyed. It will extend from the Caspian

Sea to the Persian Gulf, 1,000 miles, and will cost about $100,000,000 to construct. It crosses the Elburz Mountains at an elevation of almost eight thousand feet. Germans will build the northern half, and Americans the southern half.                '

Percy, the Mechanical Man

THE cartoon of twenty years ago is the reality today in the Televox, manufactured by the Westinghouse people. This wonderful instrument can be instructed to perform a given set of duties, such as operating electric light, fan, washing-machine and vacuum cleaner; and it serves notice by telephone if unable to carry out any of the instructions given.

Public Utilities in Colorado

THE Colorado public utilities press agent wrote to the Connecticut public utilities press agent: “We now have every university and college in the State of Colorado utilizing our speakers. We have the full confidence of all the educators and there is hardly any limitation placed upon our talks.” This is a nice outlook for the youth of Colorado.

The Timid Militarist

Society, said: “The outstanding characteristic of the militarist is timidity. I am not charging cowardice. Most of us have plenty of courage when the emergency arises. 'War is a stupid business. It settles no issues. I dare anybody to tell rvhat the World War was fought for or even to repeat the slogans of 1917 without laughing.”

A New View of Mussolini

fNOMMEB.CE AND FINANCE contains the thought that Mussolini has been doing an important work for the Italian people in persuading them that it is a great thing to be an Italian, carrying with it high, responsibilities and duties to one’s neighbors and to the nations. Also, that his stirring of the Balkans has for its objective pressure upon France to persuade her to part with some of her African colonies, so that Italy may have a place in which to grow.

Steamship and Air Cooperation

PASSENGERS arriving by boat at Cherbourg have been provided with airplane service to«Paris at $40 a head. This service may be made a permanent feature of New York-to-Paris transportation.

'Air and Rail Cooperation

THE railroads are waking up to their opportunities of cooperation wu’th the air service.

'A recent interesting experiment mail can be transferred from an railroad train while both are in a speed of thirty miles an hour.

showed that airship to a operation at

Chicago’s Racketeer Industry

CHICAGO does not boast of its racketeer industry; but it has one, a gang of thugs which calls on a merchant, asks him to join and pay $250 for immunity. If he joins, his store is let alone. If he refuses to join, his window’s are smashed, and maybe he will be killed. The industry receives protection.

Fifteen Years in the Motor Industry

ONE man today does more in a motor factory than five men could do fifteen years ago. Every year since 1923 fewer men have been making larger output. The Wall Street Joitrnal recommends that the half-day’s work on Saturday should be immediately taken off from all industries.

Blast Furnace Efficiency

TN THE year 1850 the average blast furnace J- worker produced twenty-five tons of pig iron a year. In the year 1925 the average blast furnace worker produced a little more than fifty times as much, or 1,257 tons. Meantime, the total number of workers in the industry had increased only forty-four percent.

Ancient Bones in Australia

WE ARE solemnly told that Sir Edgeworth

David has found in Australia bones of animals that flourished, six hundred million years B.C. Ignorant persons are requested not to project their probosces into this solemn statement by making irreverent inquiries as to how this date was fixed. We assume, therefore, that each bone had stamped upon it the required information. How else could the man get it?

Duplicate Radio Beam Transmission

A SPEECH made in Canada was heard plainly in London while the Marconi beam which transmitted it was also being used continuously for high-speed telegraph service.

Safety for Aviation in Fogs

fTMIE problem of safety of aviators in fogs has been greatly helped forward by a new invention, a radio receiving set and visual indicator which enables the pilot to see at once whether he is to the right or the left, of his course and to make the necessary correction.

World’s Largest Ship Now Building

HOHE Oceanic, now being built at Belfast for the White Star line, will be more than 1,000 feet long, and hence will exceed the length of the Majestic by over eighty-five feet. It will have a beam of 100 feet, and is expected to be ready for service four years hence. It will cost $30,000,000.                    '

Getting Ready for the Gas War

ASA result of the report of the Red Cross that in the next war the greater part of the population of an attacked city would surely face death, the French government has appointed a committee of ten experts to see what provision can be made for the people when the inevitable happens.

Automobiles Side-wipe 1J100 Trains

DURING the year 1927 there were 1,100

cases in which automobiles were driven against the side of trains moving over or standing on crossings. There were 4,540 additional cases in which locomotives ran into automobiles. In these accidents 2,371 persons were killed and 6,613 injured.

Four Ungrateful Daughters

FOUR ungrateful daughters of a Brooklyn man, all of them married, put their ninetyyear-old father into the street. For three days he wandered hungry and penniless, sleeping in the subway and synagogues, and finally collapsed from lack of food. The daughters have been arrested. A few weeks in prison would do them all a lot of good. Here is hoping they get it.

Nies Foster-Parents hi Jersey

A CAMDEN couple adopted a little six-year-old orphan. Within a year they tore hair from her head, broke the bridge of her nose, burned her with hot wires, beat her hands and feet with a hammer, covered her body with bruises, tore flesh from her thighs and compelled her to eat with the dog. No doubt these parents are firm believers in the doctrine of eternal torture and are trying to be like their god. They need education in the Bible. waste all their time and space on wholly illogical and unseriptural speculations!

Peking Ceases to Exist “OTE HAVE to get used to changes of names' » nowadays. First we had to learn Petrograd and then Leningrad, instead of St. Petersburg. Then we had to learn Oslo for Christiania, and now we have to learn Peiping for Peking. The new name means “Northern Peace”.

Dempsey Saves the Church

mHE Wilshire Boulevard Congregational Church, Los Angeles, was in danger of financial collapse until Jack Dempsey put it on its feet by starring on its behalf in a fistic ■- encounter in the Vernon Arena of that city. ” Anything, no matter what, to prevent old Babylon from going down.

Public Utility Patriots

ONE public utility man, disgusted with the flag-wavers that are attacking believers in public ownership of public necessities, wrote to another public utility man: ‘‘'The thing about the public utility industry that disgusts me is the lying, trimming, faking and downright evasion of trust that marks the progress toward enormous wealth of some of the so-called big men in the industry.” Yet, strange to say, the general public, and the courts as well, fall prostrate before any thief, no matter how moan he is, if only he is able to do his stealing by the millions.

603.699 Telephones in Sanitation

THE first telephone list published in Manhattan contained 248 names. That was in 1378. The latest list in Manhattan and the Bronx contains 603,000. There are as many more in Brooklyn, and as many also in adjacent New Jersey cities, so that the Metropolitan area has about two million telephones.

Church Connections of Presidents

WASHINGTON, Madison, Monroe, William

II. Harrison, Tyler, Taylor, Pierce and Arthur were Episcopalians; Jackson, Polk, Buchanan, Cleveland, Benjamin Harrison and Wilson were Presbyterians; Johnson, Grant, .Hayes and McKinley were Methodists; John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Fillmore and Taft were Unitarians; Van Buren and Roosevelt were Dutch Reformed; Coolidge is a Congregationalist, Harding was a Baptist, Garfield was a Disciple of Christ. Lincoln and Jefferson were not members of any denomination and are considered two of America's greatest men.

Where Are the Dead?

BRITAIN is stirred by a long-continued discussion of the question, Where are the dead? Pages and pages have been used to set forth the most impossible ideas of survival, but with one grand exception they seem not to have ever noticed the simple, straightforward statements of the Bible, that the dead are dead. Jesus said: “I am he that livetli and was dead.” He also said: ‘All that are in the graves shall hear his voice and shall come forth.’ Jesus knew where the dead are. They are dead, and would be dead for ever but for the resurrection. How strange that neither clergymen nor newspapermen ever give the least attention to the plain truth on this subject, but

Retail Stores Doomed

A CAREFUL census of eleven American cities shows that.. twenty-two thousand stores in those cities have average sales of less than eight dollars a day, and they are twenty-eight percent of the total number of stores in those cities. Commerce and Finance sums up the matter in a nutshell by saying that tie facts as presented virtually sound the swan song of one-third of all the retail outlets in the country. Just here it is worth noting that in towns where the chain stores have driven every thing else out, they boost the prices sky-high. The slavery of the American people to the money interests is now virtually finished business.


SewrMbsb 5, 1923

America Has No Sovereigns

b. Abthxtb T, Hadley, president of Yale University, says in the Yale Review: “Today the theory that law is a sovereign command is being carried to dangerous extremes. It seems to me of the highest importance that believers in democracy and self-government should emphasize the principle that there is in America no sovereign that has unlimited power to issue laws, either de jure or de facto.”

Brooklyn has 20,0(10 Illegal Dwellings

BOOKLYN is said to have 20,000 illegal dwellings, meaning thereby homes which have been subdivided by partitions, and thus made to house two or more families in quarters originally designed for one. It is claimed that this has resulted in the creation of .about 60,000 dark bedrooms, cut off from light and air, and therefore merely breeding-places for tuberculosis.

More About Fruit By J . F. Ames

YOUR article on the natural food of man was quite interesting, but it does not sound as though a fruit grower had written it, so may I add just a little?

In speaking of commercial apples you have included several that are hardly found on the markets of the country now, though once they might have been. I think it will be a hard thing to find any Blue Pearrnains, Golden Russets or G-illiflower. You also leave out the two apples that are chosen by many as the best, namely, the Delicious and the McIntosh. These two bring more money per barrel than any others.

Watching the market quotations of the east and the west for years, I would make the following list as the great commercial apples at present. Starting with the Pacific coast, we have the first to ripen: Gravenstein, Yellow Bellflower, Newton Pippin, Jonathan, Rome Beauty, and the various Winesaps, Delicious and Spitzenburg. This covers the apples that are on all of our markets; and going east one would add.: Ben Davis, Grimes Golden, York Imperial, Spies, Baldwin and McIntosh.

It is encouraging to see such eommoB fruit as the Ben Davis gradually losing ground and such superb fruits as Delicious and McIntosh becoming more in demand. It shows that the public is learning the quality of fruit.

There have been several seedless apples exploited in the past, but until one is produced as good as the best there is little room for it; and then there would need to be several, as most of us don’t like to be confined to one kind.

We have a tree that has always produced a good many seedless apples of a fair quality better than Ben Davis, but I see no "way to propagate it so all will be seedless.

We have a seedless grape. Personally, I never eat it if I can get a Muscat, though seeds are much more disagreeable in a grape than in an apple.

In regard to figs, it is only the Smyrna figs that need caprification. All the rest will produce without the help of the wasp; in fact, it is only in late years that this type of fig has been grown in California. Mr. Roeding made several trips to Smyrna before he located the wasp and succeeded in bringing it together with the wild or Capri fig in which the Blas-tophaga wasp bred and was carried over the winter, but California has always produced delicious figs of the Adriatic type since the early mission fathers introduced them. These are the figs produced in the east from Texas to Virginia, and in Spain, Italy and other countries bordering the Mediterranean.

These figs are very delicious when ripened on the trees, but rather poor when picked green, as they must be to ship. Great quantities are dried, the black being favored by most who believe in eating natural foods, as they are not sulphured as the white ones. They are also richer in. mineral matter and, counting this and the large quantity of sugar, are one of the best foods in the world.

One thing more: Don’t advise planting apple trees in the back yards. They can not be properly sprayed, and the San Jose scale will likely get most of the fruit. It takes lots of spraying to raise good apples nowadays and powerful pumps to put it on. It is too bad; for what a joy it is to be able to pick your own fruit as all could when I was a boy in northern New York; and thank God the time is soon coming when this will be possible again.

Bible Questions and Answers

UESTION: How can you reconcile the first ten verses of the second chapter of John, relative to the turning of water into wine at the marriage at Cana, with the principle of prohibition ?

Answer: The two are not reconcilable, and the Lord never intended that they should be reconciled. If Jesus had been a prohibitionist in His day He would not have turned water into wine. And now it may seem strange to some, but it will now be definitely proved from the Scriptures that God intends to have wine in His kingdom and the people will drink it, and God will do this as a blessing for the people. In Amos 9:14,15, after the Lord had spoken of the reestablishment of the kingdom of Israel and promised to make David king over them again, He says, “And I will bring again the captivity of my people of Israel, and they shall build the waste cities, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and drink the wine thereof; .. . and I will plant them upon their land, and they shall no more be pulled up out of their land which I have given them, saith the Lord thy God.” Why would the Lord wish to make the people a blessing in providing vineyards and wine for the people unless it were right? Under the kingdom conditions we have reason to believe that man will grow in the appreciation of the Lord, oppression will cease, and his mind will cease to be racked with fear; he will know how to use the things which the Lord has given him: he will know when he has enough of food and drink.

What then is wrong with, the prohibition question? The wrong is this: It is a scheme of the Devil to turn the minds of the people away from what should be the main concern, the main issue, which is the kingdom. The Devil knows that his is in danger; and realizing that the final battle of the age is on, and the issue is this, God’s kingdom or Satan’s organization, lie is doing all in his power to divert the minds of the people from the truth of-the kingdom. Sncli a scheme is often the trick of an opponent in defeat. The Devil has been very cunning in his devices and has lined up some of the most brilliant minds on his side, including even the preachers. The Christian, knows that his hope is in God’s kingdom and will not be swerved from making proclamation of it.

The. minor details of settling the 'drink question, wars, etc., are incident to the establishment of the kingdom. Satan the Devil always tries to emphasize details. The Christian is to emphasize the important thing. Jesus said in Matthew 6:33, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Let it be clearly understood that we are not advocating licentiousness in the use of liquor. The point is this: We wflll not be swerved by a substitute issue, no matter-how good it may appear, when we know that it comes from the Devil. The faithful Christian will not permit himself to be misled by the scheme of the Devil. The question to decide (and you can decide it for yourself) is, “Am I on the Lord’s side or on the side of the Devil?”

Question: Can one enter the kingdom of heaven who has not confessed Christ but who wishes to serve God according to the commandments ?

Answer: No. The question is also inconsistent ; for one can not do God’s commandments and be pleasing to God, and at the same time disregard His Son. Jesus Christ. In 1 John 4: 3 we read, “And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is the spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now- already is it in the world.” It does not pay to quibble in answering such a question by trying to please everybody; we believe that it is pleasing to the Lord and is for the greatest ultimate good of the listeners to tell the plain truth.

On June 17 a Congregational pastor in Minneapolis preached a so-called sermon, on. the Atonement in which he stated in substance that Christians should give up their belief that they are saved by the blood of Christ, and instead should follow His teachings and adopt His way of living. This is only a sample of what is taking place all over the world; and ho^v foolish it all is! The congregation was asked to vote whether it approved or disapproved. What difference does that make? The Scriptures say that “'the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleans-etli us from all sin”. The cleansing comes that 'way or not at all, and in the case of those trying to climb up some other w?ay than God’s way it comes not a bit.

The Children’s Own Radio Story By C. J. W., 'Jr. Story Twelve

If thou be the Son. of God, command that these stones be made bread.” This Jesus could easily have done, because, although He was a man, the spirit, of God was now upon. Him, and He had the power to perform miracles. Jesus knew that turning stones into bread might be a very interesting magician’s trick, and would make a show of His power, but also that it would displease the great Jehovah God. Jesus was given the spirit of God, not for selfish use, but that He might show all mankind the power and purpose of Jehovah to save the children of Adam from everlasting death.

Which of you, if you were hungry, painfully hungry, after fasting forty days and nights, would refuse to turn the stones near you into bread, if you had the power to do so? I do not think one of you, my friends, could resist- such a temptation as that. I know I couldn’t. But Jesus, although at that time a human being like you and me, was in all other respects far, far above the best of us.

So He made answer to Satan the Devil: “It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.”

Then the Devil took Him to Jerusalem, and stood with Him upon a pinnacle of the temple, far above the street, and said: “If thou be the Son of God, east thyself down : for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee . . . lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone.”

This, too, Jesus could have done safely, if it had been according to the will of God, but He merely said: “It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.”

Then Satan led Jesus to the top of a great mountain, and caused all the kingdoms of the world, and their glory and riches, to appear before His eyes. And Satan then said to Jesus: “All these things will I give unto thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.”

And Jesus made answer: “Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written: Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.”

Then the Bible says of Satan that he left Jesus, and that angels came and ministered unto the Son of God, who had thus nobly passed every test and had come out of His great trial as beautiful and true as ever.

AFTER Jesus was baptized by John in the

River Jordan, He had still another step to make before entering upon the work He had come to do.

We know, of course, that Jesus was a fine young man thirty years of age at the time of His baptism. He had dwelt in the city of Nazareth since the time when He was brought back out of Egypt whither God's angel had told Joseph to take Him for safety.

Now He was to go forth into other cities and towns of Palestine to do that which His Father had sent Him to do. But Jesus must first pass a test which the heavenly Father required of Him. In this we see the perfect justice of God. Jehovah made His own Son receive a severe trial before He would permit Jesus to fulfil His work. -             ,

Here is one of the most wonderful things in the story of Jesus’ life. It shows how deep and true is His love and the love of the heavenly Fijther for us. We must remember that Jesus, as the Son. of God, held a mighty place in heaven before He took the form of man and. lived upon the earth. Therefore Jesus sacrificed or “laid aside” much even before He came upon the earth.

But what was the trial through which Jesus must successfully pass in order to receive the favor of His heavenly Father! It was a great temptation, one I am sure none of us could have withstood. To be tempted in any form is a great trial, but to be tempted as J Mas was, is a test which, none of Adam’s imperfect children, and that means none of the entire human family, could have resisted.

The Bible tells us that after the spirit of Jehovah, in. the form of a dove, had alighted upon Jesus at Jordan, ‘‘then was Jesus led up of the spirit into the wilderness, to be tempted of the devil.” That means that the spirit, or power of God, moved Jesus to go into the wilderness, where Satan the Devil confronted Him and offered his temptations to the Son of God.

Jesus remained in the wilderness for forty days and nights, eating nothing all that time. At the close of the fortieth day He was very hungry. Then the Devil appeared, and the Bible tolls us of Satan’s first attempt to make Jesus disobey His Father, Jehovah.

“And when the tempter came to him, .he said,

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