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oAs Golden Age


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SUFFERINGS OF CHRIST radio lecture by Judge Rutlierford

EVERY OTHER WEDNESDAY 5c a copy -        $1.00 a year - Canada & Foreign $1.50

Volume XI - No« 276

April 16, 193 0

1         Contents

I                            1---------------- ---SC^B?=--- -----—---------

Labor and Economics

Oppressions of the Poor .

!‘Be Your Own Boss” .....

Social and Educational

Beneath the Lid ................... 455

Fraternal and Religious Heines ........

Welfare Work in Bockford ...........  .

■         Finance—Commerce—Transportation

Bailway Construction in Siberia ............. 455

Jacksonville’s Municipal Plant ............  .

Increased Profits of Corporations ...

Catering to Through. Highway Traffic

Have You Your $15,000?   ...........

Political—Domestic and Foreign

The Last of tub Kings ...............  .

One Third Under Censorship

The District Leader and Crime

Stealing Judge Rutherford’s Thunder

Science and Invention

France’s Defensive Works ....

The Hanson Landing' Signal .

Air Pockets ..................■  • , 433

Home and Health ;,p .

A Good Joke on a Cancer . . . . . . . . . . \ ... . . 432

A Crawling Antiseptic (?)   ..........

s‘Considered Advice”

Travel and Miscellany Is This Fair? ...

Religion and Pihlosoi’iiy

The Book of Mormon .................

The Gestatorial Chair ...........

Questions and Answers    

Sufferings of Christ

The Children’s Own Radio Story .......

Published every other Wednesday at 117 Adams Street, Brooklyn, N. U. S. A., by WOODWORTH, KNORR & MARTIN

Copartners and Proprietors Address: 117 Adams Street, Brooklyn, N. A'., U. S. A, CLAYTON J. WOODWORTH.. Editor ROBERT J. MARTIN .. Business Manager NATHAN H. KNORR.. Secretary and Treasurer

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The Golden Age

Volume XI                         Brooklyn, N. Y., Wednesday, April 16, 1930                    . Number 276

The Last of the Kings

MANY others besides Bible Students believe that we are living on the threshhold of a new era, and that we are now seeing the last of the kings. “In the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.”—Dan. 2:44.

The stern facts of the past fifteen years would compel any thoughtful person, whether a student of the Bible or not, to come to the conclusion that the kings have ha,d their day, and yet there never was as great need as now of the rulership of a truly wise and benevolent despot. It is partly a comprehension of this that drives Spain, Italy and Hungary to retain their monarchical titles and claims while despots, but not wise and benevolent ones, rule in their stead.

Royalty is safer today in Great Britain than elsewhere in the world. Indeed, rvhat is left of royalty will go overboard quickly when the British do away with what now stands in the eyes of many of the rest of the world as strongevidence that kingship and stability are almost one and the same thing.

The king of Great Britain and Ireland and emperor of India is a useful and valuable man because he does nothing to irritate anybody. He keeps out of sight and lets other people do the actual ruling. Even the British Labor party is overwhelmingly for the retention of the royal family, and the rank and file of the British people believe that their government is one of the most stable in the world.

No matter what the -weather may be, when either the king or the queen of England leaves the royal palace to attend a function of some kind the crowds line the streets just as they have done in connection -with similar functions for hundreds of years. The king is recognized as the social head of the country. The present king and queen have the reputation of always keeping their engagements, regardless of fogs, rains, winds or cold weather. This has made them very popular with their subjects.

In the Life of a King

Theoretically, the king of England is completely immune from the jurisdiction of the courts and can not be tried for crime or sued for bad debts. He could disband the army and navy and sell all the barracks, ships, post offices, naval stores and arsenals. He could appoint any soldier to command the army, or any sailor to command the navy, and could release every prisoner in the realm, and raise to the peerage any person or persons.

When there are charity bazaars the king and other members of his family, particularly the Princess Mary, act as salesmen and always sell off everything they have in stock. The Princess Mary has had considerable experience as a trained nurse.

"When the king of England dies, the lords of the privy council (which is the real government of England), the lord mayor of London, the aidermen and other officials assemble and give the order for the proclamation of the new sovereign, after which the new king takes the prescribed oath.

England has had only one king who grew to manhood without marrying. That was William II, son of William the Conqueror. Edward V, and Edward VI were unmarried, but died before reaching their majority.

Rulers have to die, the same as other people, and they do not like the idea. Queen Elizabeth left 3,000 dresses behind her when she died, and for the last few years of her life would not allow a looking-glass in her presence, as she did not like the idea of growing old, and did not wish to see -the ravages of time revealed on her face, '

The Prince of Wales

Some time this year the prince of Wales will be thirty-six and he is still heart-whole and fancy-free, a bachelor. It takes ten thousand dollars a week to run his private residence, Marlborough House; so when he is in London he lives at a cheaper place and lets Marlborough House wait for the lady that may never come.

By tradition and in fact the prince of Wales sets the styles for the British Empire, and when he makes a mistake of 'wearing the wrong coat and vest, or when he leaves off his vest, as sometimes happens, the tailors of London, twelve of whom make his clothes, wring their hands and declare that the country is going to the dogs.

The prince has picked tip considerable good sense in his thirty-six years of life. When he accidently fell in with a group of radicals at Oxford University, he picked up a banjo and sang an ultra-radical song popular with British socialists and made a hit with his audience. He endeared himself to the miners by his statements of their sufferings. He recompensed thirteen hundred farmers at one time for possible damage done to their crops by fox hunts in which he engaged.                          '

He is widely traveled. Once when motoring in Australia he stopped his car to help a motorcyclist who had had a breakdown. The man thanked him, and when asked for his name he replied that he was the prince of Wales. The man laughed and said, ‘‘And I am the king of England.” A day or two later, at a big public affair in an adjoining city, the prince recognized his embarrassed fellow traveler and came up to him and said, "Glad to meet you again, dad,” and shook him warmly by the hand. Such things make him well-liked.

There may be worse horsemen than the prince, but there is no record of them at this writing. He is a great dancer; and has danced with girls in almost every country in the world, and has not seemed to care whether they were patricians or plebeians.

He is a good typewriter operator (he may make a living at that yet!), knows how to knit, crochet, stuff dolls, blow glass, make chocolates, and has many other diversified arts more or less under his command, as befits the prince of Wales and heir to the British throne, and ruler of its society.

King Michael, of Rumania

When the father of the present king of Rumania was the' crown prince of that country he distinguished himself by running away from wife and family with the daughter of a wealthy Jewish merchant. They finally landed in Paris, with Carol dispossessed of his throne but with half a million dollars in cash on his person, which he is now having a merry time spending.

Little Michael, five years old when he was placed on the throne, did not like it very well. When, the ceremonies were over he said to his mother, “Let’s go home, mama: I am hungry.”-More recently, tiring of the tumult and shouting that follow him wherever he goes, he said, so it is reported, “I don’t like people; I like snails.”                                           ’

The year in which he was crowned, 1927, he received five thousand Christmas gifts, but when he looked over the pile he failed to find either a motor boat or a fire engine, the only two things he wanted. Poor little kid! It is a tough job being a king.

After he was crowned king the servants stopped playing with him, which hurt his feelings very much. He formed the idea that his crown was one of his toys, and it took hours to convince him that he should not wear it on his head all the time when he is out at play.

The little boys of India who fall heir to thrones, have it harder than Michael. They are constantly watched, night and day, and must always be dressed according to their rank. They must not romp like other children. When the prince eats, two attendants prepare and put each morsel of food in his mouth. When lie is ill a dozen women are in attendance upon him at once.

The Down-and-out Club

The down-and-out club of kings includes rulers from the houses of Germany, Austria, Russia, Hungary, Portugal, Greece, Turkey, Egypt, Persia, China, Afghanistan, Montenegro, and Hedjaz. Probably we have omitted many from the list. Alexander, of Yugoslavia, is liable to be on the list at any moment, and so are the royal potentates of Italy and Spain.

Former King George of Greece, and his mother, the former queen of the same country, are living’ in exile in Rumania. George is always hoping that the people of Greece will call him back, but he has half a million dollars laid by and does not know when he iswell off.

Prince Danilo and Prince Michael, of the little country of Montenegro, which was swallowed by Yugoslavia after the World War, are holding mock court at San Remo, on the Mediterranean. Their admirers call them “Your Royal Highness”, but the title is all they have left.

Queen Amelie, of Portugal, who was chased out of the country with her son Manuel, in 1910, is living modestly and obscurely at Versailles, France. Abdul Mejid Efendi, former sultancaliph of Turkey, is living at Paris, with the ex-shah of Persia and several other ex-rulers.

Hussein, the ex-king of Hedjaz, is in exile in a little house in Cyprus, where his enemies claim he has cached fifteen million dollars, and goes down into the cellar every night to count it over and make sure his fortune is still intact. He is much pestered by lawsuits from people who think they can get some of it.

Japan has just conferred nobility on a man that has been dead three hundred years. Some time soon, if He has not already done it, the Lord will confer permanent titles of nobility on people that have been dead longer than that. Wait for it! It is worth waiting for.

Robert Bruce left as his dying request that his heart should be embalmed and sent to Palestine ; but it was retained in Edinburgh. It has recently turned up missing, and it is believed some admirer has complied with his dying wish.

Kings find the formalities irksome. Stanislaus Leczinski, king of Poland in 1766, burned to death when his dressing gown caught fire. Though the guard outside the door smelled smoke, it was contrary to the rules and court etiquette to enter; and so his master had to burn to death.

Two unique kings of earth are the shah of Persia, who a few years ago was employed in British stables, and the tufele of Manua, Samoa, who at the age of 26, and at 200 pounds’ weight, is a star baseball player, tennis player, boxer, swimmer, ukulele and guitar player, and a singer of popular songs. Probably he has the best time of any of the kings that are left.

The Ex-Kaiser Wilhelm

Early last year the letters of the ex-kaiser’s mother were published, and they showed that she held him in contempt. When a man’s own mother holds him in contempt it is Hard for anybody else to have much respect for him. She was particularly bitter at the insolence which he showed toward his dying father. She believed that he would be a dangerous man to be entrusted with power; and she believed right.

Kaiser Wilhelm was in many respects a capable man, even if vain to the “nth” degree. Under his rule he spread a form of monarchical socialism over middle Europe that was the wonder and almost the despair of all the rest of the world. No doubt he intended to force that form of government on all the world, with himself as sole arbiter of humanity’s destinies. The voices which he heard whispering in his ear told him as much.

But at length the gas went out of his balloon, and on November 9, 1918, without much regret, on the part of anybody, he left the battle-front in great haste for the friendly border of Holland, in which country he has gradually become an aged man. He is now past seventy-one years of age, and engaged in planting and caring for roses.

The former kaiser can not quite forget that he was once emperor of Germany. He still keeps a force of police, which are of about as much necessity as a wart on a dog’s nose. He can not legally return to Germany, even as a visitor, until after he has passed his seventy-fourth birthday. There is no chance whatever that he will regain his throne. The expense of operation of the German government was seventy-five per cent greater under the kaiser than under President von Hindenburg.

For about ten years after the kaiser left Germany there was some sentiment for his return, and there was even an organization which planned to bring it about by force; but time has weakened all opposition to the present government and the kaiser’s friends have disbanded and given up hope of reinstating him on the throne.

The kaiser’s vanity, even at seventy years of age, was illustrated a year ago when he held court with his servants booted and spurred and his handmaids dressed in silks and satins bowing and scraping before him. On that occasion the kaiser had his former court chaplain compare him to Martin Luther and to Christ and he himself chose the theme of the sermon.

The Kaiser’s Relatives

When the kaiser lost his throne he dragged more than a score of lesser German dynasties with him, and some three hundred royal or titled persons can look back to the time when the kaiser ascended the throne as the beginning of most of theii' present troubles.

The greater number of these persons are allowed to live in Germany, and most of them have been allowed to retain their property. Among these are the seven sons and daughters of the former Emperor Wilhelm. The former crown prince is breeding horses in Silesia.

One of the kaiser’s sisters, at the age of sixty-one, married a Russian waiter thirty-four years her junior. Two years with him took all the romance out of it, and at the end of that time she wms glad to die. Meantime she had sued her hubby for divorce. One of the kaiser’s grandsons is known to have been in want of a new suit of clothes for a year, but probably has it by now. A former wife of one of the exkaiser’s sons is now an American citizen.

The ex-king of Saxony, Frederick Augustus, takes his removal from the throne in a philosophic spirit. He is said to have no regrets for his lost trappings of royalty, and no desire to rule. Not long ago he was recognized at the Plaun railway station by a crowd, which cheered him lustily. He poked his head out of the car window and said, “You are a fine lot of republicans, I’ll say.” The kaiser’s cousin, he never took the kaiser seriously, but considered him what he was, a conceited, vain and dangerous man.

The Hapsburgs of Austria can hardly be called the kaiser’s relatives, but he took them down to ruin too. About seventy-five of them are now making a living in different parts of Europe, most of them at humble occupations indeed, compared with the king business.

The Last of the Romanoffs

The last of the Romanoffs, Anastasia Tchaikovsky, youngest daughter of the czar of Russia, is now living in New York city. When the revolution swept Russia she followed her father and mother into exile, first to Obolsk and then to Ekaterinburg, where, according to her story, she was the only one to escape when the rest of the family were shot to death in the Ekaterinburg cellar.

Her story is that she was knocked down when her father and mother were put to death, that a young soldier threw straw over her body, and that the next she knew she was riding in a peasant cart toward Rumania. She married the young soldier, but he was subsequently killed in battle. In 1920 she attempted suicide in Berlin but -was rescued by the police and her statements checked up. She has been positively identified by the cousin of the late czar, by a former Russian officer, and by several others, as undoubtedly the czar’s daughter.

This claim is bitterly contested by the brother of the czarina, and he has repeatedly flooded the press with stories that the woman is an impostor, an insane peasant. Nevertheless, the brother of the czarina, the grand duke of Hesse-Darmstadt, has an axe to grind and is unv,filling to meet the lady. If she should convince him that she is what she herself seems to believe, he would lose property worth several million dollars. Much of the czar’s personal fortune of about $100,000,000 is now in the United States, where the Princess Anastasia has entered suit for possession.

When you come to think of it, what a strange thing it is that one human being should wish to lord it over others, take away the rights of others, take away their property, and even take away their lives, when he himself is debtor to God for every breath ha draws, and must, in the nature of things, shortly, very shortly, render up his accounts. How much better to have the opposite spirit, to wish to serve, to help, to bless, to give life and liberty and happiness. And that is already the spirit and will be the policy of earth’s new royalty, Christ Jesus and the divine family of sons and daughters of the Most High.

One Third Under Censorship

TT IS estimated that more than one-third of ■*- the people of the world are at the present moment living under conditions of censorship of the press, so that it is impossible for them to correctly inform themselves as to what is going-on in the world or even in their own country. The countries where these repressions are still in force are Spain, Italy, Hungary, Jugoslavia, Poland, Rumania, Lithuania, Russia, Albania, Turkey, Syria, and China.

Presbyterians in 'America,

DISCUSSING a church merger the New York

Times lists the membership of the Presbyterian church in the United States of America as $2,004,467. Now just why do you suppose they used that dollar mark?

Motorboats to Be Quiet

A T THE close of the season of 1929 an invention had been perfected which will muffle the sound of yacht motors, and hereafter all manufacturers of outboard motors will equip their output with the new muffling device.

New Scheme for Killing Flies

ANEW screen for doors and windows kills the flies by electric current the moment the screen is touched. The device is simple. The screens are insulated and are charged with the house current. One such screen has been known to kill 2,500 flies in one day.

The Blind City of Adiyaman

IT IS claimed that in the city of Adiyaman, Turkey, there are only 210 persons whose sight remains, all the remaining seven thousand people of the city being either wholly or partially blind from trachoma. The government is now treating the whole populace of the city.

Weeds by the Billion

IN ONE spring wheat area last season, besides the wheat, thirty-three million bushels of weed seed was harvested, or at least the farmers were docked for that many bushels. It is estimated that the annual national loss from weeds is in the neighborhood of three billion

The Impossible Telephone Trust

EpHE impossible telephone trust earns over •A- twelve per cent on its investment, 12.11 per cent, to be exact. Rates in New York city have just been increased, clue to the increased value of the trust’s property, which is due to the increased population. The shameless trust now makes a charge of five cents for telling its patrons the time of day. Hereafter, if a man on the street asks you for the time, you will first ask him to give you a nickel, to pay you for your trouble. Do not do anything to indicate that you are human. It might make people like you, or at least feel like tolerating you.

Railway Construction in Siberia

ONE of the greatest railway developments now taking place in the world is the construction of an 869-miie line in southwestern Siberia. More than 50,000 workers are employed on this job, which is now7 three-fourths completed.

New York’s Twelve Hundred

TN BRAGGING about New York’s skyscrapers -*• let us not forget the twelve hundred families below fourteenth street that live in rear houses, without decent light or air, or bathtubs, with sanitation that is a farce, in rooms that look as unsightly as they smell. New York has plenty to be ashamed of.

Russia’s Great Generators

THERE are now in process of construction at Schenectady four giant electric generators which will be installed on the Dneiper river in Russia. The generators, when erected, will he forty feet in height and forty-two feet in diameter. Each wall be able to do the work of six million Russian peasants.

To Hunt for Inca Gold             -

A SMALL party of Americans are accompanying to Peru a gentleman who says he is the last of the Incas and that he alone knows where is the great golden chain estimated to be worth from fifty million to five hundred million dollars and buried in one of the Peruvian lakes. They will try to get the chain.

Women in Africa

ALL over Africa women are considered as . property. When an African man dies, his wives belong to his next-of-kin and can be sold as chattels. A law has been passed in South Africa legalizing this custom of marriage by purchase, but the effect, nevertheless, is that all women in Africa are slaves.

Jacksonville’s Municipal Plant

TACRSONVILLE’S municipal electric plant made a profit of $1,600,000 in 1929. If Chicago, instead of listening to some of Samuel Insull’s political and editorial henchmen, had kept control of her own public utilities she would not now be bankrupt and in disgrace in the eyes of the world.

Lost Art of Making Mummies

BERLIN undertakers claim that they have discovered the lost art of making mummies and that they can now fix up a body which will look as good a thousand years from now as it does at the time of death. But who wants to wait a thousand years to see whether they are correct ?

France’s Defensive Works

THE defensive v-orks which France is building on her northeastern frontier are expected to be completed in about five years and to cost not less than five hundred million dollars. They are said to include everything needed to protect their occupants against the most powerful shells and against gas.

No Strikes in China

THE new order of the Chinese government, that there must be no more strikes, looks as if the Chinese government had imported one of America’s injunction judges and was taking its orders from him as to how not to run a country. Chinese workers are much dissatisfied with the new ruling.

No Sleep for Fifteen Years '

MPaul Kern, employed in one of the gov-

« ernment offices at Budapest, Hungary, has not slept a wink since he was wounded by a Russian bullet in 1915. For years he has never gone to bed. His work sho-ws no signs of depreciation. He suffers an occasional headache, but that is all.

Population of France and Italy

ONCE the most populous nation in Europe, France has now fallen to fifth place. The population of Italy is now 41,000,000, while that of France remains at 40,000,000. Germany now has 64,000,000, and the British Isles have 73,000,000. Japan has 60,000,000, and Russia 115,000,000.   "

The English Law on Blasphemy

A MEMBER of the British Parliament has 2 x moved a bill to prevent criminal proceedings for blasphemy, heresy, and atheism, on the ground that if the existing laws were enforced it ■would be necessary to send to prison the present bishop of Birmingham and many of his modernist colleagues.

The British King’s Speech

THE British king’s speech at the opening of J- the naval armament conference was broadcast or rebroadcast over somewhere between 270 and 280 stations. Results were good in all parts of the world except South Africa and Australia. Excellent reception was reported from New Zealand and Japan.

A Ton of Forged Notes

A T THE trial in Berlin of the men accused of forging a ton of Russian bank notes it

■was brought out that German and English capitalists and oil men were endeavoring by the forgeries to raise funds to split the valuable Georgian oil fields away from Russia. The plot failed through one man’s talking too much during a journey from Munich to London.

Hatry Gets Fourteen Years

TT TOOK Britain’s labor government only four -*■ months to send to prison for fourteen years the president of the Hatry companies that at one time transacted five hundred million dollars’ worth of business a year. The group issued fake stock and sold it as collateral for loans. Sounds like Teapot Dome, except that the outcome is so different.

The Seventy-five-Mile Guns

TpROM the battery of seven guns that fired •*- on Paris from a distance of seventy-five miles there were, all together, 367 shots fired. The calculations were extraordinarily accurate. The shells, weighing 264 pounds, were sent twenty-five miles up into the air. One of them killed eighty-eight persons. Even the curvature of the earth was figured in the German calculations.

Fewer Prison Riots In Sight                  ■

NEW YORK state, suddenly discovering that it does not pay to be too parsimonious, has raised the food allowance per prisoner from 21 to 26 cents a day. This will enable the 6,300 prisoners confined in the state prisons to have allowances of butter, sugar, and milk, heretofore denied to them. Even the new allowance is stingy. What kind of meal can be prepared and set before a hungry man for less than nine cents? One can hardly buy anything at all for • so small a sum.

Increased Profits of Corporations

TN THE seven years from 1922 to 1929 the

combined profits of all American corporations increased from $5,183,000,000 to $9,900,-000,000, an advance of ninety-one per cent. Wages in the meantime advanced but nineteen per cent. It is evident that there will soon be in America a stentorian demand for a larger distribution of the profits of work.

Hebrew Free Loan Association

DURING the year 1929 the Hebrew Free Loan Association of Brooklyn loaned $135,-

380, without interest, to 1,650 persons. The losses of the association over a period of a quarter of a century have been less than one-tenth of one per cent, which confirms our suspicion that the poor are the most honest people in the country.

Wolves at Chicago’s Door

THE past winter was noteworthy in Chicago for the reason that on one occasion three wolves rvere driven from cover on the very edge of the city. The wolves, the tracks of which had been seen, were located by airplane. One of them escaped, wounded, but the other two were slain. The severe winter to the north is blamed for their appearance so close to the city.

Lengthening the Canning Season

SOME of the larger canneries are now lengthening the canning season by keeping fruits in cold storage until they can be put in the cans. This seems like a very good arrangement, not only for the preservation of the fruits, but for the workers, who are thus provided with steadier employment and more reasonable hours of work.

Catering to Through Highway 'Traffic

A FEW years ago some of the smaller chambers of commerce, and perhaps some of the larger ones, were accused of scheming to have traffic routed through the centers of their cities, even when such routing was unfavorable to the travelers. This attitude is now7 being reversed and efforts are now being made to :route the traffic around the city instead of through it, so that through passengers will not be delayed and business thoroughfares will not be congested by out-of-town cars.

Progressive Maryland

fW THE ten states that have old age pension

systems, Maryland is the only state east of the Allegheny mountains with sufficient courage and liberality to take a stand on the right side of the question. Other states having old age pension systems are Kentucky, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, Montana, and California.

Bribing to Get Patients

USINESS must be getting hard for the medicos in New York city, according to the testimony of Miss Frances Perkins, state industrial commissioner, before a legislative committee at Albany. She stated that some doctors bribe foremen with liquor prescriptions to get them to send them their injured workmen, and resort to other improper means to secure business.

Safe Transit of Ambassadors

A S AN act of courtesy the Russian govern-ment has recently permitted the new American ambassador to Persia to pass through Russia en route to his post, but it is interesting to note that when the Russian government wished to have its ambassador to Mexico to pass through America en route to her post the American government refused to grant the permission.

Common Labor Wages in Steel Plants

THE wage rates of common labor in American steel plants are from twenty-four to fifty-six cents an hour; but if it be complained that these rates of pay are small it can not be charged that the hours of work are few, because a recent investigation reveals that forty-five per cent of the steel workers are still working ten hours a day and twenty-seven per cent of them work seven full clays a week.

The Armour Annual Dinners

BY MEANS of the radio and talking movie the president of the Armour Company, this year, at the time when the Armour dinner is usually held, was able to address, simultaneously, eleven dinners and the entire staff of 2,500 men who constitute the Armour official ■ family. The dinners were held in ten cities scattered all the way from New York to Fort orth.

Fishbein on White Flour

r. Morris Fishbein, of the 'American Medical Journal, has been addressing the Nebraska Millers’ Association on the value of white bread.

Men Displaced by Machines

AKING American industry as a whole, the average rvage earner, on account of larger, speedier, and more efficient machinery, pro

Doctor Fishbein knows that a greater consumption of white bread would be good for the millers, and exceedingly good for the doctors. That is why we recommend the entire wheat instead of the white, and why w-e are unpopular with both millers and doctors.

The European Power Trust

AGGING far behind, but nevertheless headed in the same direction, Europe is now

proceeding with the development of a power trust similar to that which has taken possession of Chicago and points east, north, south and west. The European trust is an infant as yet, having only $26,000,000 of stock value, but it will make a sizable and toothsome bite for the American Octopus when they get ready to take it over. There are several Americans in on the deal.

Vaccination Death at Bloomington

rank L. Pierce, Jr., 18 years of age, 306 South Linden St., Normal, Bloomington,

duced more than half again as much merchandise in 1927 as he did in 1919. In one automobile plant two hundred men now turn out eight thousand automobile frames a day. The race between man and the machine is now on, with the man losing the race.

How Many Idle Can Be Handled?

rthur Brisbane raises the question as to about how many idle men can be handled in

this country. Experience shows that five million can be handled. They are the older men, whose life rvork is more nearly done. The second five million would be younger men, more rebellious, harder hitters. They would be very hard to handle. He thinks the third five million would wreck the country, and it is better to so plan that they wall not be idle. We think so.

One Income in Ten Taxable

UT of twenty-four million heads of families in the United States, only ten per cent have

Ill., is dead from blood poisoning brought on by vaccination. He was vaccinated at the age of thirteen and has not had a well day since. Tuberculosis follow’ed the injection of the pus and was followed by a succession of abscesses. In this connection we mention that in England and Wales only 60 children under five died of smallpox in the last twenty-one years, but 202 died of vaccination.

A Broad-minded Judge

edebal Judge Charles C. Simons, of Detroit, recently rebuked agents of the department

annual incomes large enough to be included ■within the taxable list, but the number of persons paying taxes on annual incomes of one million dollars or more has about doubled in the past year. There are novz four hundred ninety-six such persons. Of this number, twenty-four persons had an average annual income of more than ten million dollars each, all unearned.

Hell Versus Tonsilitis

ean Si-iaileb Matthews, of the University

of Chicago, in a recent lecture on the train

of justice for hounding one Paczkowski for nearly ten years, because, back in the days of insanity, in 1920, he was found to have a membership card in the Communist party in his pocket. Since then, Paczkowski, -who denies that he ever believed in Communism, has been educating himself in English and in science and has been in business. The department of justice agents arrested him when he sought final citizenship as an American citizen. The chances are good that he will make a much better American citizen than the ones who tried to bring about his expulsion from the country.

ing of young ministers, said that the young minister of the future must stop searing people and substitute for threats of hell-fire an intelligent knowledge of what is psychologically or pathologically wrong with his parishioner-patient, so that the patient may be sent to the proper specialist for cure. Sinfulness may only be a ease of bad tonsils. If anything could be more silly than such a talk it would be hard to imagine it. The tonsils have their use, and the truth on the subject of hell-fire can be had free by anybody. There is no fire in the Bible hell; none at all.

The Five-Day Week

TN THE United States there are now 292 manufacturing plants that are operated on a five-day schedule. Seventy per cent of these are located in New York state, principally in the metropolitan area, the largest Jewish city in the world. The five-day week, no doubt originally a matter of convenience to Jewish manufacturers, is now becoming one of necessity for the country as a whole, on account of the inroads machinery is making in the field of labor.

Liberty in Alabama                       ■

T A coal mine in Dora, Alabama, no person may deliver groceries or other articles to the homes of miners without a permit signed by the company. The houses leased to the miners may house only the persons named in the leases. Visitors may not be entertained except with the employer’s approval. Possibly babies not named in the leases may be admitted to these homes; not sure about this. Dora must have some wonderful efficiency experts.

Einstein’s Idea of Peace

rofessor Einstein, who has set more people thinking than any other man of science of our day, suggests that nothing in the world would happen to any nation that made up its mind to disarm and did disarm. Everything indicates that Einstein has the right idea and that the only nations that really have reason to fear anybody or anything are those that have large armaments and depend upon the arm of force to retain their place in the sun.

Great Demand for Alarm Clocks Soon

HE Boston Transcript, wu'iting editorially of the great need for lay preachers, says: “The time may come when ministers will once again have to earn their living by the labor of their hands as did Paul. The support of the ministry is becoming an increasingly difficult task for depleted congregations. Unless one misreads them, the signs of the times point to a growing disinclination to support an adequately paid ministry. Something like a collapse of the present system may bo more imminent in some places than we choose to recognize.” The Transcript goes on to say: “Christ is not quoted as having said much about great church edifices and pulpit preachers. His command was that all believers should witness,”

Carbon Monoxide Deaths

EATH by the slow process of constipation, due to the eating of white bread, is very common. After the disease has sufficiently developed it is known by several hundred fancy names, all of which mean the same thing. Death by the breathing of carbon monoxide fumes is more rare, yet in the year 1929 one insurance company^ lost 32 policyffiolders who allowed their automobile engines to run in closed garages and died in consequence.

The Hanson Landing Signal

HE Hanson landing signal, for bringing an airplane safely to earth in the midst of a fog, consists of parallel cables laid on the ground leading to an airport. One gives off a succession of dots and the other a succession of dashes. The aviator flies down the lane between them. At the proper place he receives a final signal notifying him to shut off his engine and glide to earth. The signals disclose his correct height above the earth.

Moscow’s Huge Bells

JN THE demolition of churches which is taking place in Moscow the huge bells are in many eases so unwieldy7 that they are being demolished in the belfries. The bells are being melted, and their copper, silver, or bronze is being used for commercial purposes. The closing of churches is on the increase. In the Ukraine there were 202 closures in the last four months, as against only 364 in the preceding five-year period.

Thomas Lamont's Funny Speech

TT SEEMS that Thomas W. Lamont of the -*■ Morgan company made a speech in New York recently deploring and abhorring the slander that Big Business is for war because of the profits there are in it, and then the editor of the Detroit News got busy and dug up Lamont’s war record; and it is enough to keep Lamont quiet the rest of his life. It seems that it was Thomas W. Lamont that two weeks before the formal declaration of war notified the government and the people of America that if Congress would declare war the Morgan firm would start them off with a billion dollars in cash; so there is probably not another man in the Western World from whom such a speech would sound so inconsistent.

Skyscrapers Endangered

MOST New York skyscrapers rest on concrete foundations, some of which foundations have already been reduced to mush by the sulphur waters that are now prevalent in the city. One firm burns ten thousand tons of bituminous coal every day, three per cent of which, or three hundred tons, is sulphur. Besides being dangerous to foundations, this amount of sulphur burned daily in the congested area of a great city is inimical to public health.

Oppressions of the Poor

A CHEF, now employed in the state of Washington, but formerly and for twenty years a chef in California, writes:

“I was reading your employment agency swindle; and it is as you say, and worse. I was night steward at a prominent hotel in Santa Barbara for about a year; and while there the head waiter, head bus boy, head bell boy, and head steward received each $5 a month from the help under them, to hold their jobs; and not only that, but two or three from each department were fired every day, and new hands put on.

“One time, after securing a position as chef, the man-catcher (employment agent) called me back, took me behind a screen, and made a proposition that if I sent to her for help she would split the office fee with me. I felt so wounded that I never went to her agency any more.”

Fraternal and Religious Homes

THE Knights of Pythias, Pythian Sisters, Masons, Eastern Star, Odd Fellows, Rebekahs, and fourteen other fraternal organizations support in the United States 111 homes for the aged, about 70 persons in each home, with an average cost per inmate per year of $457.03.                 '

There are 475 homes for the aged and infirm run by religious organizations, about 67 persons in each home, with an average cost per inmate per year of $198, exclusive of contributions and donations in kind upon which it was difficult to obtain estimates of values. The average annual cost per capita of eight designated Methodist homes was about $358 and suggests that it costs about $1 a day to house an adult comfortably in an institutional home. There seems to be little economy in housing numbers of people in one large home.

Mrs. Eddy Mentally Murdered

T'HE Nation has an interesting story about Adam H. Dickey’s Memoirs of Mary Baker Eddy. It seems that before her death she asked Mr. Dickey to write a history of her declining years and to say that she was mentally murdered, and he solemnly covenanted with her to do it, and did it. After the book was published the Christian Science dictatorship suppressed the book and regained possession of all except two copies which are in the Library of Congress at Washington, and a photostat copy which is in the possession of the New York Public Library. Just what it is to be “mentally murdered” we do not know, and if “all is good, there is no evil” it would be hard even to imagine such a thing.

In Danger over the Prayer Book

HRHE bishops of the Church of England now realize that they are in danger of losing their jobs as a result of putting into general use a prayer book which was several times rejected by the British House of Commons. The archbishop recently told his fellow bishops that the situation is precarious and that they are walking along a road beneath which are volcanic forces. At any moment a crack might occur. Doctor Temple declared that at present the church administration is conducted on the edge of a precipice, while the bishop of Winchester said, “We are face to face with the gravest conflict between the spiritual and the secular since the Reformation.” All the bishops see the alarm clock and the overalls in the distance, and they do not like it.

The District Leader and Crime

THE one that is directly responsible for the crime in his political district is the district leader himself; so the Boston Post tells us. It is his alliances with the gangsters in the district that make him their acknowledged leader. The Post tells us what happens when a gangster gets caught in a crime:

The moment he gets into “trouble” lie calls on the political leader for help. This is forthcoming at once. Whatever influence the leader can exert on the police, he uses. If that fails, then the magistrate who owes his office to the district leader is appealed to. If that appeal fails, then the district leader has his own man in the district attorney’s office, he being allmved to select one assistant district attorney.


The above paragraph explains in a few words ■why we have ten thousand murders a year in this country and so small a percentage of convictions for crime that they are not worth considering. It is well known that in America today murder is a regular profession, with its scale of prices, especially in Chicago, known to many persons.

Welfare Work in Rockford

SUBSCRIBER in Bockford, Illinois, sends us the following clipping from the Rockford Daily Register and calls our attention to the fact that Rockford has just recently completed a fund of $185,000, with the slogan, “A little for you, a lot for them.” He then adds that the clipping shows that an appeal for bread and groceries resulted in two pairs of old shoes for nine starving children, and wants to know what we think of it. But we prefer to reprint the clipping and let it tell its own story:

Editor, R-G: This afternoon, Thursday, Nov. 14th, I was referred to a family which needed attention. Here is what I found: Nine children, some pale and sick, father out of work, will do anything he can get. (Carpenter, cement work trade.) Needs everything. Mother was asked if Welfare sent any groceries, she said: “No, but I need them. They gave me two pairs of old shoes for my children and two pairs of old shoes for my husband.” Today she had two quarts of milk for those nine children. One child sleeps in a box with rags in it for a bed. That mother will enter the hospital shortly to give birth to another child. I did not see any clothes or necessities for that event. The immediate need is food and work for the husband. If you are interested, the paper will give you the name and address.                 READER.

Ga-gee Nee-dsu—My Own Jesus

ROM the American Bible Society Report for 1926 we subjoin an extract from one of their workers in China which we are sure will be read with interest. This comes to us from Shanghai, and refers to the experiences of Thomas Torrance among the Chiang tribesmen far in the interior:

I have told you before how in my researches I was the first to discover their Jewish-like worship. On this visit I made another remarkable discovery. You "will remember that they use a sheet of white paper in their houses and a white stone on the house-top as emblematic of the divine holiness.

I now found that a roll of white paper is carried to the altar as prophetic of the fact that God would send from heaven a man to be the real sacrificial Sin-Bearer. I could scarce believe my ears when I heard this. Once I was told, I made more inquiries, and priest after priest assured me that it was even so. They showed me the roll itself.

Every year, they explained, a new or fresh white sheet of paper was added to it. So definite is this significance of the white roll that a human likeness or figure, made of reddish grass, was inserted in the heart of it.                                                 .

The man sent from heaven -was to die for men’s sins. Within recent times this was changed for a skull, a miniature monkey’s skull being chosen to preserve, presumably, its non-bulky appearance. I made careful inquiries if this substitution of a skull was really a recent innovation and was assured it was.

The name given to the roll, which is ten inches long’ by five in diameter, is Ga-gee Nee-dsu; more often Nee-dsu. In two places it is Je-dsu. “Ga-gee” means my own or mine ■ my Nee-dsu. I have now a roll in my possession, bought from the family of a deceased priest.

The priests were astonished to hear that the sound of the name of their sin-bearer was not far removed from ours, Jesus. They have no explanation to offer of the origin of the custom; it is simply a time-immemorial one.

Stealing Judge Rutherford’s Thunder

HE Kirksville (Mo.) Weekly Graphic seems to think that somebody is trying to steal some of Judge Rutherford’s thunder. In its issue of December 6, 1929, it says:

George U. Harvey, president of Queens Borough, Long Island, in a letter to President Hoover, proposes the construction of a 200-foot coast-to-coast highway from Maine to Washington state to cost $900,000,000, as a means of promoting the prosperity of the country. He explains that the -work -would give employment to thousands of men in eighteen states and would be a real factor in promoting individual prosperity. Mr. Harvey states that Fred Shepherd, engineer of highways for Queens Borough, conceived the plan. The Graphic doubts the genuineness of that statement. In 1928 Judge Rutherford, of Brooklyn, the most profound Bible student of today, made the same proposition in one of his recent books as a beginning of the solution of the labor problem. However, it does not matter -who conceived the plan, it is worthy the attention of the profoundcst statesmen. This country has 350 billions of developed wealth with 1000 billions yet to develop. When the Government begins to develop this vast wealth for the benefit of all the people instead of permitting it to be exploited by the few for the benefit of the few, every able-bodied man will have employment at good wages for a hundred years to come,

If you have not' read the paragraph in Government (which the editor regards as Judge Rutherford’s most important book), you should see it. We could copy the paragraph here, but would prefer to have you get the book and read it for yourself. You will find it on page 314. However, not to be mean, we will give you one sentence out of that paragraph:

Suppose a great highway should be built from ocean to ocean; power lines paralleling boulevards; in the center part provision made for railways or rapid transit; on either side wide boulevards for heavy motor trucks: outside of this, and adjoining on either side, wide boulevards for pleasure ears; and beside each of these, and on the outside, footpaths for those who desire to walk; along the entire system of the highway, and at intervals of every few miles, lodgings provided wherein the people could find rest and comfort and food at a minimum cost..

A Good Joke on a Cancer By Mrs. H. M. Burnham

1M[Y HUSBAND has been afflicted for several years with what the doctors called skin cancers, on ears and lower lip. X-ray treatments seemed only to aggravate them. Two of them proved pretty serious and called for operations, causing scars and much suffering. Something over a year ago another appeared on the opposite ear and grew to be the size of a pea. Meantime I had been reading in The Golden Age of the wonderful cures through the discarding of aluminum cooking utensils.

As- my husband is a great coffee drinker, among the first to go was the percolator. About two months later, one evening as he sat reading, he happened to brush his ear with his hand and off dropped the cancer on the floor. Can you imagine that?

It left the ear as smooth as ever, and no sign of any since; and I am sure it is not imagination that we are all better in every way.

I am writing this in hope that it will help someone. No more aluminum in this house, and we say, Hurrah for The Golden Age and its good news! and give it a boost whenever we can,

Is This Fair?

IT WAS Herbert Drake who dug up from the

Boy's Own Paper the words antiundenomi-nationalistieally (29) and antiinterdenomina-tionalistically (32), and then Melvin Alair, of Michigan, the real trouble maker, came along with that evil word proantitransubstantiation-alistically (36), of his oven invention, but nevertheless apparently a good word. It was not, however, until after Boy Van Le Cair, of Michigan, dug up that Indian name of Lake Chaugog-a g o g in a n a h a ugagogchauhunagungamaug (40) that the thing took on a sinister aspect.

Pretty soon Monsieur Alair went down into his dictionary once more and when he emerged with his word chastising some for acting or thinking semiproantitransubstantiationalistical-ly (40) we all thought he was ultrasemiproanti-transubstantiationalistically (45) inclined, and said so. Perhaps it would have been just as well for us if the thing had stopped there. But along came H. B. Bladder, of Oregon, insinuating that if we keep this matter before our readers it may result in ultrasemiproantitransubstan-tiationalisticomaniacisms. And he may he right; for there are 52 letters in his word.

Thereupon D. Culbertson, of Virginia, reminded us that Wlanfairpwellgwyngyllgogery-chwyrndrobwlltysilliogogogoch is the name of a little village in the island of Anglesey, North. Wales, called Llanfair for short. The name is analyzed-by. Sir John Morris Jones, professor of Welsh at Bangor University, North Wales, and a native of Anglesey; and its meaning given as Alary-church of the Pool of White Hazels rather near the swift whirlpool of the church of Tysilio of the Red Cave’. The village is becoming popular as a vacation resort”.

After writing us like that, Mr. Culbertson, who is a successful business man, .wanted to know if this would qualify him as an entrant in the longest-word contest. Counting up and seeing that there are 56 letters in his word, we reply sadly that it will, and that he shall be placed in the same ward with Drake, Alair, Van Le Cair and Bladder.

Meantime The Oklahoma Hornet butted in, and in 72 letters gave us one of the worst-looking words we ever saw. We print all their insinuations without even replying to them, for we know what is coming :

A reader has sent us another long word. This word is Vierwaldstaedterseeinsehraubendampferaktiencon-currenzgesellschaftsbureau, and it means office of the stock company that runs a screw-propeller saloon steamboat on the lake of the four forest cantons—in Switzerland. The word is German, and no one can compete with them for word-joinery.

At this point Mr. Ripley, of cartoon fame, broke into our private playground and, “believe it or not,” stated that in his judgment the chemical name for the Swedish medicine “Gar-dan” should carry off the prize:

Natriumdimethylaminophenyldimethylpyraz-olonphenyldimethylpyrazoionmethylamiiiometh-ansyre, 87 letters.

But a disease like this spreads rapidly. The Baltimore 8-un was guilty of the following. Let them take full blame for it. What they have said may all be true. We do not know. Sauerkraut is a language not well spoken in this office. There are few here that can handle it successfully. It is Viorwaldstaedterseedampfschiff-fahrtsaktie n g e s ellschaf tsoberverwaltungsbu-reaudieneruniformsknopfpolitur, a German word of 102 letters, “Polish of the uniform buttons of the office servants of the main administration of the steamship society of Vierwald-staedter Lake.”

Then wo got the following letter from Willa1, m A. Vinson, of California; and we take readers into our confidence by letting them see this 99-letter word in all its monstrosity. Mr. Vinson starts out rationally enough, but we want everybody to see how he winds up:

I have just read with interest your comment on page 140 of The Golden Age of Nov. 27, in which you suggest that one Mr. Alair is “ ultrasemiproantitran-substantiationalistically inclined ’ ’.

.Your brief statement of the matter docs not make it clear whether he is psyehoultrasemiproantitransub-stantiationalistieally inclined or theologieoultrasemi-proantitransubstantiationalistieally inclined; but from the nature of the subject, one would naturally infer the latter.

May I ask if he is sufficiently aggressive and hopeful as to be really prognostieotheologieoultrasemipro-antitransubstantiationalistically active? If so, may we not get at the germ of the matter by asking if it is contagious, or infectious? Or is he idioprognostico-t h e o logicoultr asemiproantitr ansubstantiationalistical-ly inclined?

Since it does not appear, from what I have read of the matter, that he is a dummyhunkerer, I suggest that we grant that he is neither isonincoinidioprognos-ticotheologicoultrasemiproantitransubstantiationalisti-cally nor orthonincomidioprognosticotheologicoultra-semiproaiititransubstantiationalistically inclined, and that being otherwise relatively normal he is not autosub so ran am b ul o pathicinf rasui j urotranshadealultra-subecclesiastieoprotransubstantiationalistically prejudiced.

Here is where we have to take our readers aside and ask them a plain question: Do you think that Mr. Vinson is still sane; or, taking our cue from Mr. Bladder (and apologizing to him for it), are we forced to believe that this is just one of those superpseudopsycho-physiologicoautosomnambulopathicinfrasuijur-otranshadealultrasubecclesiasticotransubstanti-ationalisticalomaniacismatieal expressions that are liable to escape from him when unduly stirred dictionariwise? We fear so; and for his own sake, and for the sake of all the rest of us, we drop the whole thing right here. We hate to be forced into using a word of 136 letters in order to make our position clear. The thing cannot occur again.

P.S. In a moment of benevolence we sent this manuscript on to Mr. Vinson just to give him one more chance to repent or reform or something before we should expose him to the whole world and it would be for ever too late. And now just see what he has done in the paragraph below! It speaks for itself! We could have cut this paragraph off and saved him something of the fury and scorn that will come from Drake, Alair, Van Le Cair, Bladder and Culbertson and Ripley and the editor of the Hornet, and other editors, but we shall be just. He shall never send us another word (of 229 letters and get it published), not so long as he lives. He is all done, right now.

Dear Editor :

No, don’t “drop” it! Just lay it down carefully! Rough treatment might disrupt the delicate matter again and cause complications with some such infection as baciliostrcptostephylococcointracerebrogangli-onoelephanti oproultrahyperheterogcneologogiganti-hysteriocontranincomidiosubsomnambulopathicoinfra-suijurotransh adealultrasubecclesiastieoproantitran-substantiationalistiealographophrenia, which seems to be lurking about the office ready for a stimulus for action.:

Very respectfully,

William A. Vinson.

P.S. What about the poor believer? W.A.V. [P.P.S. .What about the poor typesetter????]

“Be Your Own Boss” By Theodore Milias {Wisconsin}

HAVING read “Ode to the Milkman”, by

Charles Morrell, I felt that you might be interested in the methods used by the companies putting out extracts, spices, toilet articles and

“I Have Set AVaichmen Upon Thy AValls, 0 Jerusalem—■

proprietary medicines through wagon-drivers and house-to-house salesmen. Their methods are quite similar to those enumerated by the milkman.

Before entering the subject I wish to state that the article, “Ode to the Milkman,” should be in the hands of every milk producer. The president of the condensary where I sold my milk some years ago advised me that the reason it was impossible to pay the farmers the cost of production for their milk was that the wagondrivers got it all, receiving six to eight dollars a day.

Now for the medicine manufacturers. Some years ago, being very hard up and having lost my alfalfa seeding, with no money to buy seed and consequently no hay, I reduced the milking herd and looked around for some cash income to help along with the living expenses.

I had seen advertisements from time to time announcing ‘large incomes in your own business’, “Make Big Money,” “Be Your Own Boss,” such captions in large type. These ads were being run by companies from whose representatives we were buying our flavoring extracts continually.

One day when the representative from one of the largest firms, one located in Freeport, Ill., stopped at my farm, I began questioning him as to the advisability of starting retailing for them. He was very anxious that I take up the work; and explained that he would help me on making out my first order, as he knew what I would sell in quantities and, instead of each carrying a dozen slow sellers, I could get one or two of each of those from him. Afterwards I found out that his interest was not in me as much as in the $50 promised him by the company for each new retailer. This proved merely a promise, however, as in reality he was given credit for $50 he owed the company for products put out on time for which he would never be paid.

“AVhich Shall Nevei Nor 1

I read their barrels of literature and decided to retail. My only hitch was that I couldn’t see the joke of going hopelessly into debt to the company for products which I would secure, and letting out these products in small time accounts to the customers, for which I would never get paid. I therefore refused to ask friends to sign as guarantors, and, after much correspondence, the company finding out that I had a satisfactory equity in a 120-acre farm, I was contracted up. The contract was not long. The main points in it were that I buy the goods of the company and they could take away my contract any minute they didn’t like to live up to it.

I was informed by the company that a beginner selling $100 a week was doing wTell, for a

.old Their Peace Day wt”—_ ‘

start, as that would pay me about $50 a week, and that I would increase with my ability, experience, etc. Sounded good on the surface; but, to practice their advice, it would figure out this ivay: $50 for products at wholesale; $100 retail price, as follows: $50 cash sales, said cash to go to the company; balance, or $50, on time sales, book accounts. Of course the company advised that these time sales meant collections on your next trip, and bigger business.

I determined from the start to have my book sales small, -which would be better for my customers and for me. I took along some egg cases and informed my customers ■that, while I would stand them off, it was better for both parties to settle as we went along, if possible, and that therefore I would take anything they had that I could use, in place of cash. Most customers liked the idea, and I took in eggs, poultry, potatoes, .seed corn, cheese, and many other articles, including even a sulky plow.

My first week, if I remember correctly, was something like $120, about $100 cash or its equivalent, and the balance on time. The company required a report of sales each week. The sales were

listed "Cash” or “Time”; so all sales or trades were in the cash list except those actually put on the time-sale books. The company came back with a pat on the back as to my ability, and a slap in the face for my apparent lack of confidence in putting out large time sales. They held that if I could sell $100 for cash I should be able to put out another $100 on time. I couldn’t understand why they were so confident in the general run of farmers’ honesty and ability to pay such large numbers of small unsecured accounts, adding soon into fabulous sums. Yet they were so very particular to tie hand and foot each individual farmer they sold to on time. And right here let me tell you that the “Run your own business; be your own boss” slogans were only jokes to get you to retail. If any employer told an employee one-twentieth of what to do and what not to do that they told me, he would quit at once. Every mail brought more advice and insistence that the advice be followed more closely.

When one would read the letters by retailers telling of their wonderful prosperity you would be led to believe it was the sure cure for short funds, but in actual experience it was nearer a sure cure from ever having any funds. I had not retailed long before I found out why these retailers wrote such articles. The company paid prizes for the best articles. If you were a retailer mid read the articles, you had a laugh coming on these stories. I told my wife that the company paid the prizes seemingly for the biggest lies. I found out particulars about one retailer who had formerly sold in the territory supplying my farm home, and saw his story. Many of these writers would make more money

“Ye That Make Mention of the Lord, Keep Kot Silence.”—Isa. 62: 6.

writing books of fiction instead of selling their line of products.

My contract was taken away before I sold one year. I had lived not far from my territory and knew that the farmers in that locality had the most money in the spring and early summer, when their cows went on pasture and the hens laid eggs enough to buy the groceries for the family table, and wouldn’t listen to the company’s insistent advice that large credit sales in the spring and early summer trips would bring large collections in the fall, when the farmers had lots of money. I knew that in. the fall, after three months of small milk checks, and few eggs in the moulting season, and with threshing, shredding and silo filling bills, as well as winter clothing, to pay for, the farmers would be short, instead of flush with money.

My territory was too small to make a good business in, as it had too many villages in it, most of the customers in which bought only a small order at a time and if put on the books nearly always stayed there, since their chief income was mostly from day work here and there, a few days at a time. The territories were figured from census population. So many villages cut down the farm territory, which was really the business territory.

With an adequate territory I could sell $6,000 worth of products a year, bringing about $3,000 for the company, $2,000 for myself, and $1,000 bad debts, if run to suit myself. If run to suit the company, I could likely sell $8,000 worth of products, with $-1,000 for the company and $4,000 in bad debts and experience for me. Of course the company insisted that we collect urgently. But you can’t get blood out of a stone; so how could you collect from farmers during the past ten years?

A Crawling Antiseptic ( ? )

THE manufacturers of a first-class antiseptic, Pheno-Isolin, have sent us a clipping from the proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science which strikes them as. one of the funniest things they’ have ever seen. We publish the clipping without comment other than to observe that it is a most singular one, and we wonder if it may have any basis at all in fact.

Maggots, the tiny crawling larvae of blow-flies, may prove to be of great value in preventing and cheeking wound infections. This new method of treating wounds which is now being investigated was developed from observations made during the war by an American surgeon, Dr. William S. Baer, now clinical professor of orthopedic surgery at the Johns Hopkins University’ School of Medicine.

Dr. Baer noticed that when wounded men had been lying out on the ground for some time before being brought to the dressing station, their wounds were covered with tiny maggots, the larvae from which common flies develop. But these men, strangely enough, did not develop infections in their wounds, as did those whose wounds had been dressed and treated very soon after their infliction. The men wflio had been lying on the ground untreated the longest and who had the most maggots crawling on their wounds were the ones who did not develop any infections.

Further investigation of this unexpected state of affairs disclosed that the maggots were eating the dead tissues, bone and flesh, and thus destroying the material that would have furnished good breeding grounds for bacteria. The bacteria which might have got into the wound and set up an infection were unable to exist in the wound which the maggots had cleaned up.

After the war Dr. Baer remembered the action of the maggots when he was treating children suffering from osteomyelitis. This disease is an inflammation, of the bone, more common in children than in adults. It is the result of ail infection and requires prompt surgical treatment, Becovcry is often delayed for years if the disease reaches the chronic stage. In order to hasten the healing of the wound after operating on this condition, Dr. Baer has be.en using maggots with good results. The tiny creatures consumed all the dead tissue about the wound and the bacteria which had been causing the infection soon died from lack of sustenance.

The investigations along this line were abruptly halted during the first winter, when cold weather killed the flies and so cut off the supply of maggots. Now, however, this contingency has been provided for, and Dr. Baer has a plentiful all-year-round supply.

Have You Yow $15,ODO?

WHEN the average man is reading the newspapers and sees that the total wealth of the country is $360,000,000,000 it makes him feel fine, because this figures out $3,000 a person and $15,000 for each home. It does not make him feel so fine, however, if he has the family and somebody else has the $15,000.

“Considered Advice”

By H. 'A. Seklemian (Calif.)’

OUR thanks to Dr. Alex. C. Barthels, of Edinburgh, for his article in the- January 22 issue of The Golden Age.

He informs us of Dr. Hermann’s work in Austria, and his cure of venereal diseases without the use of mercury. Is there not some way by which physicians the rvorld over can be made acquainted with Dr. Hermann’s methods? Every informed person is aware that physicians are still using calomel as a prophylaxis, or preventive, for venereal diseases.

As to Dr. Barthels’ statement that “it is just as well that the public has not been able to buy a dangerous poison at five cents a dose” and his further elucidation that mercurial poisoning' symptoms are parallel to those of tertiary syphilis, there remain two questions yet to answer,

  • (1) Is a person any less dead -when he dies of primary or secondary syphilis and its complications as compared with tertiary syphilis? If calomel is “98 percent effective” against the contraction of venereal diseases, and the two per cent do develop one or another form of these filthy diseases and a very, very small percentage of that two percent finally go into tertiary syphilis and its horrors, it would seem that the calomel preventive is still to be preferred rather than to have twenty percent develop venereal 'diseases. Says Dr. Barthels, “I refrain from indicating the lines along which Dr. Hermann worked. The public should not experiment with a serious ailment except under considered advice.” Meanwhile, with Dr. Hermann’s noncalomel methods unknown even to physicians, not only is the public experimenting with a countless number of illegal nostrums many times more harmful than calomel, but every one who rides a street car, subway, elevated, or any other public conveyance is constantly exposed to syphilitic skin diseases and other forms of the lengthy list of venereal ailments; inasmuch as the diseased ones are all about us and only a small proportion of them are reached by Dr. Barthels’ “considered advice” either through public clinics or through private physicians. The afflicted ones, actively “experimenting with, the serious ailment”, eat at public restaurants, travel on public conveyances, crowd you everywhere. Is it not better to broadcast the best-known form of remedy so that the diseased may “experiment” with it to their heart’s content? Or are the physicians afraid that with the prop-

er remedy known, their “considered”, and expensive, advice will be less sought ? They need not fear. Those who can afford to pay a physician will still prefer a physician’s advice'and care. And those who cannot afford a physician and cannot have access to a free public clinic will be less likely to infect innocent men, women and children.

  • (2) Dr. Barthels concludes with “if there has been any difficulty, let us go hard for the soap and water and avoid the calomel as we would the plague.” Is he telling us that the famed Austrian physician he mentions, Dr. Hermann, wffio cured syphilis without the use of calomel, injected soap and water instead? Just how can soap and water reach and prevent an incipient disease inside the body of an exposed unfortunate? No amount of surface application of soap and water can cleanse a disease actively developing inside the system.

Why all this fear that the untitled public, without the prefix “Doctor”, camnot properly use some simple remedies? Millions were in the armies of the World War, including the writer. All of these know the familiar sight of long lines of the “boys”, the “flower of the respective nations’ manhood” awaiting their turn before the various medical units, huts, barracks, offices, or what not—waiting for what? Waiting for calomel treatments given, not by the hands of physicians on their “considered advice”, but by the veriest rookies, oftentimes, who had been shown how to perform the simple service by the medical officer and were successfully treating their fellow soldiers by the thousands. And the directions are capable of being printed on a five-cent tube of calomel so that the veriest moron can apply the remedy effectively.

We close with just one evidence of the uselessness of doctors in general, and their own “parallel symptoms” to those of clergymen. The writer was approached by a clean-cut young business acquaintance who had become infected with mouth cankers at a public restaurant. He had been to his family physician, who had informed him that the disease was caused by “streptococci” ; which, of course, had quite terrified the young man. The doctor had prescribed a nice big bottle of pink liquid, a teaspoonful after every meal. The young man had taken three bottles already, but the cankers had meanwhile increased, in size and in number. lie had had

two Wasserman tests, which indicated that the disease was non-syphilitic. It was my pleasure to further escort the young fellow to an unabridged dictionary, after which he lost much of his fear of the word “streptococcus”. Then we hied to my own family physician for his “considered advice”. This doctor also prescribed a big bottle. This one had a sort of wistaria-colored liquid in it; very pleasing color, that. But the doctor did more than that. He advised the young man to go at once to a certain famous specialist, who, said the doctor, would lay out a rigid diet and give remedies that would speedily cure the painful and bothersome and worrisome mouth cankers. But this specialist —ahem—had specially high fees which the young man must be prepared to pay. The young fellow was only too glad to pay, as by this time the disease had gone all through his system and was popping up as pus-nodules all over his body. After the young man had left the office, and I had remained behind to ask a few questions about my own family’s health problems, my doctor pointed to the young man walking away on the sidewalk below and laughed. “Do you know why I sent him to the specialist?” he said. “Because a diet will do him good, and the specialist is my friend and needs a few’ customers just now’. But no diet will cure those mouth cankers. Fact is, I frankly do not know of any cure for those mouth cankers. See, I have them myself!” He opened his mouth. Sure enough, there were two large sores on the mucous membrane of his own mouth, sores identical with those of my friend. He showed me his hands and arms. The identical pus-nodules that my friend bore.

Well, I didn’t kill the doctor, as he has a family of his own dependent on him. And I didn’t kill the specialist, as he also has a family, and of course must charge fat fees for his “considered advice”. But I did take a speedy taxi, caught up with the young man, and gave him a little “considered advice” of my own. He did not go to the famous specialist. And he still has mouth cankers.

Here is a chance for some Austrian or Eskimo doctor to tell us the ’’cure for mouth cankers: TELL US. We can’t all go to Austria or the North Pole or Timbuctoo for treatments. We can’t all pay for “considered advice”. In the name.of humanity, -whether the disease be mouth cankers or what not, let the knowing ones not be backward or afraid of broadcasting helpful information. “People PERISH for lack of knowledge.” [*Try discarding aluminum!—Ed.}

Air Pockets By Ray E. Gillespie (New Brunswick)

SOME time ago I saw’ a little ridicule in an article in The Golden Age on “Air Pockets”, and about three years ago Mr. Bohnet wrote an article endeavoring to prove there is no such thing.

I do not know how much flying Mr. Bohnet has done or -where he got his information, but the gist of his article was, Wow could there be a hollow place or a hole in the air, or an air pocket T

I believe the term “air pocket” is a very good and reasonable one; and there is a difference between it and gusts of hot and cold air which cause bumps. Let me illustrate this: Take a pail of water and twirl a stick in it near the outside of the pail. The centrifugal force of the water whirling causes a cavity or pocket in the center.

Now the same principle applies in the air, only these pockets or cavities are not always visible. However, there are times when they are visible, as in cyclones, whirlwinds, etc., and these at times do considerable damage, and anyone can imagine what would happen to an aeroplane if it got into a whirlwind of any size.

A small whirlwind catching an aeroplane under one wing will give you quite a tip. Now, as to whether it is the whirling air or the pocket or cavity formed by the whirling air that gives the plane the tip or drop of the wing is immaterial. The fact remains that there is a pocket there, and can reasonably be called an “air pocket”.

I graduated as a pilot during the World War, but, shortly after the war, got a knowledge of the truth and have been in the service of the King of kings about six years.

The Book of Mormon

ELDERS of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have several times informed me that the Book of Mormon is an inspired work of God and is to be considered as a companion to the Holy Bible. Prior to 1918 I had, in my search for the Truth, studied the Book of Mormon, and I here give a few facts regarding that book, in the hope that some of the prisoners of that great Western ecclesiastical prison house may break their prison bars and escape into the bright sunlight of Truth.

Members of the Church of Latter-day Saints have informed me in times past that the Book of Mormon is on the same level as the Holy Bible, both as to doctrinal points and as to inspiration. But a careful comparison of the two books shows that my informers were ignorant of both books; for they are as far apart as their authors, Lucifer and Jehovah.

As an illustration of this, we read in Genesis 1:27, 28 that God made man in His own image, and male and female, and commanded them to be fruitful and multiply. In this connection, read Genesis 2:16, 17 and 3:17-19. Modern clergy, as well as the Book of Mormon, hold to the asinine idea that the original sin came about through Adam and Eve’s obeying God’s command to produce their offspring. God is not the author of confusion. He would not command man to exercise the right to procreate his species and then kill him for so doing. Yet the Book of Mormon states that “Adam fell that men might be”. 2 Nephi 2:25. Edition of 1921.

Adam did not exercise his privilege of producing offspring until after he had disobeyed God in eating of the forbidden fruit of a certain tree. This act of disobedience brought upon him 930 years of dying during which he brought forth his children, passing on to them the taint of death. Adam was created to live. (Gen. 2:7) Death is his enemy. (1 Cor. 15:26) The Bible states that the wages of sin is death. (Rom. 6:23) Adam could not give life to any offspring after sinning, as is proven by six thousand years of human death. With these facts before you, judge as to which is right, the Bible or the Book of Mormon.

The first lie recorded in the Bible is “immortality of the human soul’-’. (Gen. 3:1-5; John 8:44) The Book of Mormon upholds this first lie all through its pages. The idea that the Mormon, the Catholic, and the Protestant clergy

By A. J. Strader (Oregon)

have forced upon their prisoners is that the earth is an incubator for angels. Nothing could be further from the facts. Man never did possess a soul; for the simple reason that he is a soul, and was so created. (Gen. 2:7) When man dies.he is a dead soul. To prove that the soul is “die-able”, we read in Ezekiel 18:4 that “the soul that sinneth, it shall die”. In Ecclesiastes 9: 5 we are informed by an inspired writer that “the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing”. If man is a soul, and on account of sin he dies, and thereafter knows nothing, then the Book of Mormon is as false and untrue as any other error put forth by the father of lies.

In Alma 40:1-26, edition of 1921, Book of Mormon, we read that ‘men have souls, and that at the death of the man the soul, if it is a good one, goes to paradise to await the resurrection. The bad soul awaits the same event in outer darkness. In the resurrection all these disembodied souls receive their fleshly bodies again. The good souls are ushered into the Kingdom, while those who had been evil in this life are forced to endure eternal misery’. In view of the simple and beautiful doctrine set forth by the Bible, the Mormon view is somewhat complicated and very misleading.

God used Job to utter a prophecy contradicting the false teachings of Catholicism, Mormonism and Protestantism in regard to the eternal torture theory of the wicked. This prophecy also shows that man will be hidden in the place called sheol, translated “hell” or “the grave”, and that he will at some time be awakened and will then enjoy blessings again at the hands of his Creator. I quote from the book of Job, chapter 14, verses 13 to 15: “0 that thou wonkiest hide me in the grave, that thou wouldest keep me in secret, until thy wrath be past, that thou wouldest appoint me a set time, and remember me! If a man die, shall he live again? all the days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change come. Thou shalt call, and I will answer thee: thou wilt have a desire to the work of thine hands.”

The promise was given to Abraham that through his seed all families of the earth would be blessed. (Gen. 12: 3; 18:18; 28:14) In Galatians, chapter 3, we see that the seed of Abraham is The Christ, and that it is composed of many members. The greatest blessing that can come to man is the blessing of life in its fullest sense. This can come through no other channel than The Christ, composed of Jesus and His body members taken from men during the Christian era. These only are rewarded in the resurrection of the just with immortality as a reward for faithfulness. A Christian is admonished to seek immortality. If the human soul were immortal, as the Book o f Mormon teaches, then this scripture, found in Romans 2: 7, would be worthless. In Romans 6:23 the Bible states that the gift of God is eternal life; yet in the passage above referred to, in the Book of Mormon, Alma 40:1-26, we are made to believe that God gives His gift of eternal life to both good and bad, and that after giving this gift to the bad He places them in misery eternally. This is a vile defamation of a just and loving God. This lie breeds hypocrites and liars and brings mental anguish and abject misery to millions.

The Mormon ‘hot place’ for the wicked is as bad as the Protestant place, and worse than the Catholic. See Alma 12:17, 18 and Helaman 12: 26, of the Book of Mormon, edition of 1921. From the Catholic ‘place of intense heat’ you can buy your friends and relatives out at whatever the doorkeeper thinks you can pay, which is usually all that you can pay. But from the Mormon and Protestant ‘places of perpetual heat’ you can never return any one. The Catholics had an eye out for “filthy lucre” when foisting their doctrine on the ignorant. The Bible states that when a man is dead he knows nothing (Eecl. 9:5), and that he has no remembrance (Ps. 6:5), and that his thoughts have perished (Ps. 146:4). When the wicked die they remain dead eternally, for they are destroyed.—Ps. 145: 20; 2 Thess. 1: 9.

In conclusion, let me state that every error and falsehood of a doctrinal nature that could be used to becloud the minds of men and prevent an understanding of the Bible is used in the Book of Mormon.MvQYy doctrine that could be conceived to cast reproach upon the fair name of Jehovah and to push Him out of the minds of men is found in the Book of Mormon. Every great mistranslation and spurious passage found in faulty translations of the Holy Scriptures is found in some form in the Book of Mormon. If you doubt the authenticity of my statements, compare the two books. This can he done. by using the “Topical Index” in the back of the Book of Mormon in conjunction with a good concordance, such as that of Dr. James Strong. The doctrine of “the trinity”, founded upon a spurious passage, “immortality of the soul,” “hot hell for the wicked,” and the word “ghost” are some of the things that could be looked up with profit.

In opening the Book of Mormon we are greeted with this statementand now, if there are faults, they are the mistakes of men.” I maintain that the book is false from cover to cover and, when viewed in the light of the Scriptures, proves beyond a doubt that the real author of the book is that spirit being mentioned in Hebrews 2:14 whose ultimate end will be absolute destruction.

The Gestatorial Chair

HAVING just read the article entitled “The Gestatorial Chair”, on page 173 of The Golden Age of December 11, 1929, and having access to The American Encyclopaedic Dictionary, I looked up the word “gestation”. The definition follows:

Fr., from Lat. gestatio = a. carrying, from gestatus, pa. par. of gesto^ to carry. I. Literally: (1) Originally, in a general sense, the act of carrying; the state of being carried.... II. Physiol. The act of carrying young in the uterus, etc.

Other words, now obsolete, areGest, 1. A joist or beam for supporting a floor. 2, A beam (used in

By Joseph Levens (Ohio)

a general sense). Gest, To compose or recite gests or legendary tales.

The mere fact that a man, and often a strong lusty specimen, would wish to be carried like a baby, might suggest the name given to this special chair; and when we consider the foolish legends that are used to support the whole structure of the organization of which the pope is the figurehead, it might be a reference to the application of the word “gest”, or, as it is now written, “jest,” meaning: 1. A story, a tale. 2. An exploit, a deed, an achievement. 3. A joke; something ludicrous, said or done to provoke mirth.

4. The object of laughter or mirth; a laughingstock.

How long it will yet be before the ludicrous hideousness of this outlandish system is seen by its devotees, can only be conjectured: but, with the ever increasing light on all subjects that is now being shed forth, we may hope it ■will not be many years in the future. The number of aerial expeditions that have had the "blessing” of the pope and his underlings in the past fewT years and that have almost invariably met with disaster should attract attention to the fact that a curse usually follows the “blessing”. One of these that stands out prominently is the North Polar expedition under the command of Captain Umberto Nobile, in which the giant dirigible was wrecked on May 25, 1928, and in which the survivors were saved through great hardship, and with much difficulty.

One Catholic lady recently indignantly refused to allow a Protestant to see her Bible, because it had been “blessed” by her priest.

Questions and Answers

UESTION: Why is it that so few people go to church in our day ? I notice that many of the largest churches are nearly empty on Sundays, unless there is some special program of a secular nature to attract them. Can you explain -why this lack of interest exists?

Answer: Doubtless there are several reasons for* the conditions mentioned in the question. To understand these reasons it is necessary to note the fact that, roughly speaking, church membership is made up of four classes. (1) A majority of good-hearted, well-meaning people who are in no sense of the Avoid Christians. They never study or read the Bible; they never make a prayer to God; they know nothing about the purposes of God, nor do they have any proper conception of who God is; neither do they have any desire to know these things; they have no heavenly hopes or aspirations, but are satisfied with earthly things, and their chief desire and effort is to get the most they can out of the present life.

These seldom join a church unless urged to do so. Misguided pastors, Sunday school teachers, and other religious enthusiasts, desiring to swell the membership of their particular church, and incidentally increase the collections, urge these well-meaning people to join their church, and use the arguments that it is the popular thing to do; that it will give them a standing in the community and open to them the door to the best society. Under the stress of these arguments, they permit their names to be enrolled as members, even though they are not at all interested in things religious. Their chief interest is in their home, friends, health, business and pleasure; hence they allow these things to have first place in their hearts and lives. The result is that they are more interested in these than in the church, and so they allow themselves to be drawn away from the church by automobiling, hikes, boating, fishing, swimming, games, physical exercises, hunting, visiting, eating, drinking, and other social and business attractions. About the only thing that would get them to darken a church door would be some secular program that would combine to fill their stomachs and satisfy their craving for pleasure and fun. These seldom go to church except when the secular programs are put on.

  • (2) Another class of people who make up church membership is a far less number, who really desire to know about the Lord and his purposes, and Avho unite with the church of their choice, thinking that they can get the desired information therein. They soon become disillusioned, however, when they discern that the preachers do not explain the Bible, nor do they enlighten them as to what God’s purposes and work are. They discern that practically all the sermons are on such subjects as politics; the League of nations; armament or disarmament; prohibition; crime; the need of better laws; evolution; science, so called; and almost every other subject under the sun except the gospel of Jesus Christ. Gradually these drift away from the church, because they get no spiritual food there. They find that the prophet told the truth when he said: “Behold, the days come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land; not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the Avords of the

Lord.” (Amos 8:11) These seldom go to church, because they get no benefit from the sermons, and decide that they can invest their money where it will do them more good. Many of these are listening in on the radio to messages of comfort and hope that God is now causing to go out over the air, telling them that Christ’s kingdom is just at the door and that in the near future all the people will be blessed with everlasting life, liberty, peace, health and happiness on the earth. Incidentally they are using their money to purchase literature that will feed their hungry hearts by giving them a knowledge of God’s purpose and work in the earth.

  • (3) Another class of people who are a part of church membership is a still smaller class, who “run" the church'; they are the officers of the church: pastors, elders, deacons, bishops, presiding elders, superintendents and teachers in the Sunday school: officers in Epworth Leagues, Christian Endeavor societies, ladies aid societies, missionary organizations, and other organizations inside the church. They hold honorable positions, and are looked up to, respected and admired. They dictate the policy of the various churches, even though greatly in the minority so far as numbers are concerned. These are generally the rich and influential in the community, and are also the active ones in the churches. They are usually on hand at all church functions, because they get some honor and influence thereby.

Not only are these the controlling factors in the churches, but they are usually the heads of great business enterprises, or the leaders in great political movements. The masses of the people have learned that these great business and political leaders are the ones that are oppressing the people, by profiteering at their expense; by enacting laws which deprive the people of their constitutional and God-given rights. The masses of people distrust them, and have come to think that they are using their religion simply as a cloak to cover up their profiteering and other schemes of oppression, and this further alienates the people from church attendance. The Bible calls those, who thus use religion as a cloak to cover up deceptions and frauds, hypocrites. It is the hypocrites that do the cause of Christ more harm than any other one thing.

  • (4) A fourth class of church members, still fewer in number, consists of those who are desirous of serving the Lord and anxious to know His will and do it. These are thoroughly disgusted with the money-begging schemes of the churches; disgusted with those preachers who deny the inspiration of the Bible, the virgin birth of Jesus, the necessity for the death of Jesus as man’s ransomer, and who substitute the unscientific, unproven and unscriptural theory of evolution for the gospel of Jesus Christ. They are disgusted with the foolish and blasphemous teaching of eternal torment, trinity, human immortality, and the divine right of kings and clergy. Knowing that these methods and teachings are wrong, they nevertheless retain their membership in the church systems, and are regular in attendance. They fear to lift their voices in protest against the disgusting methods and teachings, lest they lose their standing as “good church members”, lest they injure their business or social prospects, or perchance are ‘put out of the synagogue’. The Bible calls such people “prisoners”, because they are held in slavish bondage, through fear. They feel constrained to submit to that which reason and conscience tells them is not right. Their condition is pitiful.

  • (5) Then there is another class who were once members of the church systems, but who have had the courage of their convictions and have withdrawn from the same. They, too, discern that the doctrines taught are a libel against God and the Bible. They arc disgusted with the unrighteous and unscriptural methods of begging money for the Lord. They are real Bible students, and have taken their stand for the Lord, and for liberty of thought and expression of the same. They have shaken off the trammels of creeds, and stand free, outside of all confused sects and denominations. They never attend the churches. They have obeyed the Lord’s command to come out of “Babylon”, which means confusion. These are now lifting up their united voices in declaring the good tidings that the kingdom of God is at hand, and that all the people are soon to be blessed with everlasting life, liberty, peace and. happiness.

Thus poor old Babylon (churchianity) is deserted by all except those few who oppress and injure their fellow men by profiteering, enacting oppressive laws or teaching false doctrines, and a very small class of timid, fearful ones called “prisoners”.

Sufferings of Christ

[Broadcast from Station WBBB-, New York, by Judge Rutherford.

JEHOVAH’S beloved Son Jesus, who died that man might live, was holy, harmless, and pure. He never did a wrongful act. Of Him it is written (Acts 10:38) that He went about doing good and aiding the oppressed. He was engaged in preaching the gospel of God’s kingdom. Furthermore, His speech was beautiful and sweet and brought good cheer and hope to the oppressed. Of Him it is recorded that 'grace was poured upon His lips, and He spake as never man spake’. Never has there been another man on earth like unto Jesus Christ. He was the representative and witness of Jehovah God. He was really the only good man that ever was on earth, and He endured the greatest suffering of any man ever on earth. He was despised and rejected of men, persecuted and illtreated; a man of sorrows, and caused to suffer much grief. Lest the people forget the ignominies that were heaped upon Him I here recount some of them.

Preack&ig the Gospel

The word “gospel” means good news. By His prophet God had foretold that He would establish His righteous kingdom for the good of mankind. Neves of that kingdom must of necessity constitute good news to all who desire righteousness. It is therefore called the gospel of God’s kingdom. Jesus began His work on earth by preaching this good news to the people. The common people heard Him gladly. The influential and the rulers were made angry because the kingdom of righteousness coming would interfere with their unrighteous methods of administering affairs. In His home town Jesus went into the church building and when the Bible was handed to Him He read therefrom (Luke 4:17) a prophecy relating to Himself, and then He proceeded to preach the gospel and explain the prophecy. The people sat spellbound under the influence of His sweet and persuasive speech. “And all bare him witness, and wondered at the gracious words that proceeded out of his mouth.” (Luke 4:22) But as He spoke and as His words of righteousness exposed the hypocrisy amongst the leaders they were made angry 'and they rose up and forced Him out of the city and would have done Him violence had He not escaped’.

The Pharisees were the influential clergy of


Jesus day, and they were sticklers for having the letter of the law outwardly observed. They tnus manifested the appearance of being righteous. As Jesus went about preaching the gospel on the sabbath day it was necessary for Him to eat. He therefore gathered some wheat in His hands and ate it. To this the clergy raised strenuous objection that by so doing*He was breaking the law. On the same sabbath day Jesus healed a sick man, and to this the Pharisees objected for the same reason. It is written concerning the Pharisees that because of this good deed they were filled with madness and conspired with one another hove they could do injury to Jesus.—Luke 6:11.

John, the forerunner of Jesus, was in prison because he had told the truth. Manifestly for the encouragement of John, Jesus sent him a message telling him of the progress of His work. He said (Luke 7: 22, 23) : “Tell John . . . that the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, to the poor the gospel is preached. And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me.”

The sabbath day was instituted by Jehovah and commanded to be kept in order to foreshadow the Millennial reign of Christ during which time as God’s representative He will heal and bless all the families of the earth. On the typical sabbath day Jesus did good deeds, thereby foretelling of His work of good that will be clone on the antitypical sabbath day, or Millennial reign. It was for this goodness that the clergy persecuted Him.

Furthermore it is written, in Luke 15:1, 2: “Then drew near unto him all the publicans and sinners for to hear him. And the Pharisees and scribes murmured, saying, This man receiveth sinners, and eateth with them.” All men were born sinners and Jesus came to tell sinners of God’s gracious provision for their salvation. The clergy, however, objected to His thus telling them and sought to find a cause for offense against Him in that He spoke to sinners and had any association with them. Jesus sat down and ate and drank with the publicans and sinners. He knew of their honest purpose and He desired to teach them, and this was cause for offense.

Jesus was not a prohibitionist. At a wedding attended by Him, when the wine was exhausted,

upon request He made the very best wine, (John 2:1-10) Evidently Jesus sat at the table with the people and ate bread and drank their wine in moderation with them; and this was not unfermented grape juice, Peter spoke of wine at the day of Pentecost and show’s it was not unfermented grape juice. Because Jesus thus deported Himself amongst the people (Luke 7: 34) the clergy, or Pharisees, said of Him that He was a gluttonous man and a winebibber, and was a publican and a sinner. He was hated because He was kind to the poor, in striking contrast to those Pharisees who pushed the poor people aside.

On an occasion Jesus restored the eyesight of a blind man. The clergymen saw Him and inquired of the blind man concerning His recovery; and w’hen the man told them that Jesus had healed him they said unto him: 'This man Jesus is not from God; we know that He is a sinner.’—John 9:1-22.

The record shows that shortly after Jesus began preaching the good news of the kingdom the priests and Pharisees and other clergy entered into a conspiracy to arrest Him and put Him to death. They did everything within their power to incite the people against Jesus. They diligently sought the influence, aid and power of the commercial and political elements of that time, who ruled, that they might take Jesus and destroy Him. The record is: "Then gathered the chief priests and the Pharisees a council, and said, What do we? for this man doeth many miracles. If we let him thus alone, all men will believe on him: and the Romans shall come and take away both our place and nation.”

They were determined to find some excuse to put Him to death. For the paltry sum of thirty pieces of silver they hired one of His disciples to deliver Jesus into their hands. Fearing the common people, they took this action at night, They convened their court in advance with the determination to be ready to try Jesus upon some charge as soon as apprehended. He was brought into their court (Matt. 26: 59, 60) and, when they were able to locate witnesses willing to perjure themselves, that kangaroo court not only admitted false testimony to secure His conviction, but, contrary to their own law, sought to condemn Jesus upon His own testimony for the simple statement that He said, “I am the Son of God”; and then with one accord that court voted, "He is guilty of death.” From there they led Him before the executive part of the government and asked for a confirmation of their wicked judgment. The chief priests and the clergy stood before the governor and cried for the blood of Jesus. The governor knew that Jesus was innocent, but he had not the moral stamina to override the sinister influence of the clergy. Pilate, unable to further stem the tide and cry for blood, said to them: "Take ye him, and crucify him; for I find no fault in him.”

Then they led Jesus away and spilled His blood in the most ignominious manner known to the law of man or God. Truly God’s prophet had said of Him: “He was oppressed, and he was afflicted; yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he open-eth not his mouth. He hath poured out his soul unto death; and he was numbered with the transgressors.” (Isa. 53:7,12) Thus died the greatest one that ever walked on earth; and He was innocent, pure, and righteous.

Who Responsible

Who was the one responsible for the death of Jesus? The Gentiles have accused the Jews; and in a measure they were responsible. The Jews have laid the charge against the Romans; and to a degree the Romans were responsible. Let the people now learn from the Word of God who is the chief blood-guilty one. In brief, the Scriptures show that Satan the Devil caused the murder of Jesus and that he used the ultra-religionists to do his evil work. I remind you that Satan the Devil has ever opposed and reproached Jehovah God, and when God sent His Son Jesus into the world these same reproaches of Satan were heaped upon Jesus. Concerning this it is written (Ps. 69:7): 'O God, because for thy sake I have been reproached; the reproaches that reproached thee have fallen upon me.’ Because Jesus was faithful and true to Jehovah God, Satan sought His death. Satan tempted Jesus in the wilderness, expecting to induce Jesus to violate His covenant with God and thereby bring about His own death. (Matt. 4:4-6) Failing in this he set about to kill Him by other means. Jesus knew Satan would do this, and therefore He spoke a parable to the Pharisees and other clergy showing that He knew that they would be used as instruments of Satan to carry out his wicked purposes.— Matt. 21:33-39.

But were not the priests and Pharisees and Sadducees the clergy or religious leaders of Jesus’ day? Yes, that is true. Did not those men sit in Moses’ seat and claim to be representatives of Jehovah God on earth? That also is true. (Matt. 23:1-3) Could it be possible that the Devil would use those men, whom the common people believed to be their God-given religious leaders, to bring about the death of the beloved Son Jesus? That is also true, even as the fanatical religionists of this day approve of murder in the enforcement of the prohibition law, as the New York American sets forth in its editorial under date of November 20, 1929. It is difficult for some to believe that Satan uses, men who openly claim to represent God. That the truth may be known I now submit some Scriptural proof establishing this point. In John 8:13,14,40,43 and 44 the record reads: “The Pharisees therefore said unto him, Thou bearest record of thyself; thy record is not true. Jesus answered and said unto them, Though I bear record of myself, yet my record is true; for I know whence I came, and whither I go; but ye cannot tell whence I come, and whither I go. But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, which I have heard of God: this did not Abraham. Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word. Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. lie was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”

The clergy hired Judas to betray Jesus into their hands; but the one really back of this wicked conspiracy was Satan the Devil. This assertion is proved by the words of the record in Luke 22:3-6 which shows that when Judas vias ready for the betrayal Satan entered into him and from that moment Satan had full possession of his mind.

Let the people understand that their greatest foe is Satan the Devil; and that their safety lies not in following men, but lies in their taking an unequivocal stand on the side of Jehovah God. Many good people have been deceived by the wily and subtle method of Satan the enemy, but now God is bringing the truth to the attention of the people that they may escape from his evil influence. If you find that the ■clergy of this day are warning the people against Satan and his organization and telling them that their salvation and safety and blessing proceeds from Jehovah God by and through Christ Jesus, then follow and do what they say. If they are not taking this course, then you cannot afford to follow them. This is no time for the exaltation of men or the following of men. The one who would have safety and blessing and life and happiness must obey God and follow Christ Jesus.

Why Christians Persecuted Today

Why are the true followers of Christ Jesus persecuted and hated and haled into the courts even in this day? Jesus gave answer to that question when He said, in John 15:20,21: “Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you: if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also. But all these things will they do unto you for my name’s sake, because they know not him that sent me.” (John 16:33) “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”

The world is made up of the peoples of the nations organized into forms of government under an invisible overlord or god, and the Scriptures plainly state that Satan the Devil is the prince or invisible ruler or overlord of the world as now constituted. (John 14:30; 2 Cor. 4:3,4) These words of the Lord are prophetic; and in fulfilment of the prophetic words of Jesus, that His true followers would be persecuted, Stephen was stoned to death after a trial in court, his conviction being secured upon false witnesses hired to testify against him. Was his alleged crime that of doing injury to his fellow man? No; he injured no one. Read the record set out in the sixth and seventh chapters of the Acts of the apostles which discloses that Stephen was charged with preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and that he was arrested at the instance of the clergy or religionists who also bribed witnesses to testify against Stephen in order to secure his conviction.

Again, note the fourth chapter of Acts, disclosing the fact that Peter and John, at the instance of the clergy, were arrested and thrown into prison and then brought into the courts charged with preaching the gospel, When no one could be found to give false testimony against them the judge of the court dismissed the case and warned them that they must leave the community. That same practice is still followed in some of the courts. Satan the Devil incited and influenced the religionists to persecute Jesus and His disciples in the early days of the Christian era. Is there any reason to think that Satan is not continuing his same nefarious work now? If in these days you find men and women being haled into court for the preaching of the gospel yon may be certain that Satan is the real power that moves such persecution.

Do you find any of the pastors of the various churches today being brought into court charged Avith the crime of preaching the gospel? Not so; because they preach not the gospel of Jesus Christ, but, on the contrary, they preach either politics or the God-dishonoring doctrine of evolution. Is there any one in these days being haled into court for preaching the gospel?

In answer to that question I call attention to the fact that in recent months a number of men and women have been arrested and brought into the courts upon the charge of 'selling goods without a license’. In every instance the facts were and are that these men and women work during the week to make a living for themselves and families, and on Sunday mornings at their own expense f ollow the custom of Jesus and His disciples by going from house to house to preach the gospel of God’s kingdom. This they do by telling the people in their homes of God’s provision for their blessing, and exhibiting to them books containing an explanation of the Bible, and finding those who are interested and desire to read, leave with them such books, and take a nominal sum of money which is used to aid in paying the expense of further carrying on such -work of necessity. In the toAvn of Hempstead (Long Island) recently some young men were haled into court charged with 'peddling without a license’. One of these left vvitli a person a sixty-four page book explaining the gospel and took ten cents therefor. Another left a 386-page cloth-bound book, illustrated, filled from cover to cover with Bible explanations of God’s purposes and His kingdom, and received therefor the sum of forty-five cents. The money so received would not pay the personal expenses incurred in carrying the books to the people, and was not so used, but used to further get literature to the people. Do you suppose that it was the ten cents taken that was the real cause for the arrest? No! To be sure, that was not the cause; but the real reason was the message contained in the book that tells of Satan the enemy and of his methods, and of God and of Christ Jesus and of God’s purposes to bless the people. The distinguished clergymen who stand in their pulpits and speak to their congregations and then take up a collection running probably into the hundreds of dollars are never molested, thus showing it is not the monetary consideration that causes the offense. It is at the instance or bidding of clergymen that humble men and women are arrested who go from door to door preaching the gospel, and 'doing so without a license’ is used as a pretext to cause their arrest. It is the clergymen or ultra-religionists that get the ear of the Iuav officers and induce the arrest of the true followers of Christ. Let the people judge as to what god they represent when causing such arrest, whether the god of this Avorld. or Jehovah God. Surely Jehovah God would not cause the arrest of His servants Avho go about preaching the gospel of His kingdom even as Jesus did!

And now’ a Avord to the law officers, the prosecutors, and the judges Avho hear these cases. I hope these are listening in. My words do not constitute a threat, but a Avarning, and they are spoken to put you upon notice, that you may not be Avithout knoAvledge before God. If Satan used the clergymen to cause the arrest and persecution and death of Jesus, is it not reasonable that he Avould do and is doing the same thing concerning the followers of Jesus, particularly Avhen Jesus, said that this Avould be done? If Satan caused the arrest, imprisonment and death of some of the early disciples of Jesus, is it not reasonable to believe that he is doing the same thing now? If you are giving ear to these technical charges and rendering aid to the arrest and persecution of men and Avomen Avho are preaching the gospel, ask yourselves, Whom are you serving? It is Avritten in Romans 6:16: “Know ye not that to whom ye yield yourselves to obey, his servants ye are whom ye obey?” Surely reasonable officers of the la\v and judges do not Avish to knowingly lend themselves to the servants of Satan the enemy of God and to use their poAver against those Avho serve God in a humble and faithful manner! Such course of action is un-American, to say the' least of it.

Has it been forgotten that the forefathers of the American people braved the storms of the wild seas and landed upon the bleak shores of the Atlantic that they might find a place to worship God according to the dictates of their own conscience? Has it been forgotten that they took this course because of the intolerance and persecution'heaped upon them by the religionists of Europe? Was it not love for religious liberty that led to the adoption of the first amendment of the Constitution of the United States? Not only is the course of action of interfering with preaching the gospel un-American, but it is in utter defiance of God and His Word.                                        '

Furthermore, in all calmness and sobriety I state on behalf of those who go from house to house to preach the gospel that regardless of the persecutions or prosecutions in the courts at the instance of the clergy or any one else, those who are truly devoted to God will go on preaching the gospel from house to house. When John and Peter were brought before the court charged with the offense of preaching the gospel of Christ Jesus they replied to that charge (Acts 5:29): “We ought to obey God rather than men.” And now those words are the answer of those who in this day are devoted to God and have the charge laid against them of carrying the gospel from house to house. To His faithful ones God has committed the work of giving the testimony of Jesus Christ. They must obey God regardless of the result. Some of them, because of their faithfulness, may be imprisoned, beaten, and even killed; but if so, then their blood will be upon those who caused them thus to suffer. The Lord gives the warning, in Revelation 12:17, that those who preach the gospel of truth now will be assaulted and persecuted by Satan and his representatives; but the Lord gives a further promise, in Revelation 2:10: “Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee the crown of life.” Those who love the Lord God will be faithful. Let the people take notice as to who is serving them with mental and spiritual food that is for their eternal welfare.

The true followers of Christ Jesus are not complaining nor asking for mercy at the hands of the courts or clergy or any other men. Satan has ever used men to reproach God and Christ Jesus, and it is written concerning the followers of Jesus, in Romans 15: 3, that the reproaches that reproached them have fallen on us. Instead of showing fear and fleeing from persecution because of preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, the true followers of Christ Jesus now join with Paul in saying (Col. 1:24): fiVe rejoice to fill up that which is behind of the affliction and sufferings of Christ for the sake of his truth and his church.’ The words of Jesus to His followers, made applicable-to this very day, which has followed the World War, are (Mark 13:9): “They shall deliver you up to the courts; and in the synagogues [churches] ye shall be beaten; ye shall be brought before rulers and kings for my name’s sake, for a testimony against them.’ Let those, therefore, who engage in persecution take warning from the Word of God.

Pilate knew that Jesus was innocent, but he did not have the moral courage to release Him, When the law officers and courts get their eyes open to the fact that it is Satan the enemy of God and of man and that Satan is moving fanatical religionists to persecute the followers of Christ Jesus and cause them to suffer, it may be that then they will have more moral courage than that exhibited by Pilate, and that then they will tell these ultra-religionists to get back out of the way and let the truth of God’s Word have free sway that the people may turn to God and receive His blessings.

Let those who are truly devoted to God be of good courage and never give over the fight. To them Jehovah has said: “Ye are my witnesses; . . . I have put my words in thy mouth, and I have covered thee in the shadow of mine hand, that I may plant the heavens, and lay the foundations of the earth.” (Isa. 43;10; 51:16) And again, the Lord says to His anointed: ‘Be of good courage, and fear, not what man can do unto you.’ (Ps. 118:6; Heb. 13:6) For the further encouragement of those who are anointed of the Lord to preach the gospel He says: “They that trust in the Lord shall be as mount Zion, which cannot be removed, but abideth for ever. As the mountains are round about Jerusalem, so the Lord is round about his people from henceforth even for ever.”

Next Sunday I shall tell the people why the gospel of the kingdom must be preached to the world and why there is no power that can prevent it, and why God’s anointed must now press the battle to the gate.

The Children’s Own Radio Story By C. J. W., Jr., Story Fifty

PALESTINE, in the time of Jesus, was under Roman rule. Caesar had placed a governor over each of the provinces, Judea, Galilee, and so forth. Pontius Pilate was the Roman governor of the province wherein was situated the city of Jerusalem.

Under Roman rule it was not lawful for the Jews to put to death any criminal.. The Jews had their judges and administered the Mosiac law to their people, except in the matter of capital punishment. This was overseen by the Romans, and the Romans kept the prisons.

So Caiaphas, the high priest, being unable to convict Jesus of any felony, but still thirsting for His blood because He had proclaimed Himself King of the Jews, sent Jesus, with a strong guard, to the palace of Pontius Pilate.

Arrived there, Jesus was led before the great Roman governor, who asked His accusers with what charge they brought Him thither. They said, “If he were not a malefactor, we would not have delivered him up unto thee.”

Pilate ansAvered: “Take ye him, and judge him according to your law.” But the Jews reminded him that it was not lawful for them to put any man to death.

So Pilate turned to Jesus, and asked Him, “Art thou the King of the Jews?” Jesus replied : “My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.”

Pilate said to Jesus, “Art thou a king then?” And Jesus made answer: “To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice.”

And Pilate turned to the people when Jesus had said these words, and said, “I find in him no fault at all. But ye have a custom, that I should release unto you one at the passover: will ye therefore that I release unto you the King of the Jews ?”


j that hideom monstrosity 9 child of modern civilizatioa | |          Conceived by the fmanciers and profiteers

I            Bona by the politicians and patrioteers

|                    Nursed by the clergy

| Can you imagine soldier boys headed for the battlefield, weeping for their mothers? Can you imag- | | ine them homesick and unprovided with places to sleep? Can you imagine them taking food from | I corpses and eating raw meat in order to keep alive ?                                                     |

| Can yon imagine them living among corpses so decomposed that they pull apart when an effort |

is made to bury them out of sight? Can you imagine them on the march and, when granted a brief respite, being so weary they dare not lie down, knowing they could not get to their feet again? Can you imagine a sick boy headed for death, and yet keeping on marching straight toward it?

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The Golden Age, Brooklyn, N. Y. Gentlemen:

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But the scribes and Pharisees and other vagabonds who were assembled to accuse Jesus, made a great howl at this, and said, “Not this man, but Barabbas,” who was a robber.

So to appease the people, Pilate sent Jesus away to be scourged, that the people might see he had done something to punish Jesus. He was left in the hands of the Roman soldiers.

These soldiers were coarse and absolutely pitiless. They strapped Jesus to a post, stripped Him to the waist, and one of their number, a great heavily muscled fellow, took a cruel-look-ing scourge, made of hard, heavy knotted cord, and dealt nine heavy blows upon the shoulders and back of our Lord and Master. The blood flowed freely from these terrible welts, but Jesus winced not, nor once uttered a sound.

Then they made a mock crown, of twigs from a thorn-bush, whose wicked spikes projected in all directions. This they clapped upon Jesus’ bare head, and drove the thorns deep into the flesh. Then these miserable men put on Him a purple robe, and mockingly cried, “Hail, King of the Jews!” And they led Him forth, bleeding, but with the calm of His beautiful face unshaken, to stand before the rabble.

Now would you not think that this spectacle of one gentle man, bleeding from ugly scourgewounds, and with the blood and sweat of agony coursing down His forehead and cheeks from the cruel crown of thorns, would touch the hearts of these beastly priests and Pharisees? Pilate himself was touched, and said, “Behold, I bring him forth to you, that ye may know I find no fault in him.”

But no; the scribes and priests, the Pharisees, the “real good” people, looked with venomous hatred upon this pitiful object, and bellowed forth from their foul throats, 'Away with him! Away with him! Crucify him! Give us Barabbas!’ and made a great din about it.

Still Pilate was anxious to spare the life of this innocent man, and tried to persuade Jesus to tell whence He came, but Jesus answered him not a word. Pilate would gladly have released Him, but the Jews cried out, with greater fury than ever, “If thou let this man go, thou art not Caesar’s friend: whosoever maketh himself a king, speaketh against Caesar!” Then Pilate was troubled, for he held a position of great trust as one of Caesar’s governors, and should he fail this trust, then his position, and probably his life, were at stake.


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tune in


Sunday morning


a subject of vital concern to every thoughtful person today, will be discussed by

JUDGE RUTHERFORD president of the

International Bible Students Association. As he speaks at Oakland, California, his address will be broadcast throughout* the land over two extensive chains, including stations here listed. Choice music also! This is a WATCHTOWER PROGRAM


EASTERN REGION program begins

Eastern Daylight Saving ...........   10:

Eastern Standard ......................   9:

Central Daylight Saving ................

Central Standard ......................._.........._.....

Mountain Standard ....................

Bangor, Me  WLBZ Petersburg  WLBG Boston ................... WLOE Philadelphia   WIP

Charlotte ................. WBT Pittsburgh ............_. KQV

Chicago .................. WCFL Poughkeepsie ... WOKO

Chicago ..............._ WORD Providence __________ WLSI

Cleveland _____________ WHK Raleigh ..............._ WPTF

Columbus   WCAH St. Joseph   KFEQ Evansville   WGBF St. Louis   KMOX 3 Fort Wayne _. WOWO Salt Lake City KDYL

h H X K M

X X >4 >4 X X X h s X X X ►4 H >4 >4 x

X M X X X X ►4 x M X b


Hamilton, Ont. CKOC Schenectady............ WGY

Harrisburg ............ WHP Scranton.................. WGBI

Hopkinsville ...... WFIW Shreveport________ KWK1I

Indianapolis ...... WKBF Shreveport ........ KWEA

Lincoln_________________ KFAB Shreveport ............ KTSL

Muscatine______________ KTNT Sioux Falls ......... KSOO

New York ......... WBBR Syracuse ............... WFBL

New York ________ WMCA Washington ...... WMAL

Norfolk .................. WTAR Wheeling ......... WWVA

Paterson _____________ WODA Youngstown ...... WKBN


program begins

Pacific Standard

Mountain Standard ...................................  11:

Bellingham ......... KVOS Ogden

Colorado Sp’gs KFUM Portland

Denver ..........  KFELReno

Fresno .......................... KMJ San Diego

Hollywood ............... KNX Seattle

Medford ............... KMED Spokane ..................... KHQ

Oakland ____________ KFWM Victoria _______________ CFCT


w hat does it mean ?

HIS is a period of nine days, beginning April 26, ending May 4, during which time thousands of Christian people all over the world will engage in distributing the message of God’s kingdom soon to be established on earth. They will call at the homes, at places of business, at offices, at factories, during the noon hour, in fact anywhere where people can be found, with one of the most remarkable oilers ever made. They will offer the seven clothbound books written by Judge Rutherford, for $2.40, and nine 64-page booklets for 50c.

No doubt most readers of The Golden Age already have these books in their libraries, but it may be that some will desire to have a part in this great witness work that will take place IBS A Week. Here’s how we suggest they do it: On the morning of April 27, the first Sunday of IBSA Week, Judge Rutherford will broadcast over two separate chains, one covering the East and another the West. Probably many of your friends will be listening in to this broadcast. If you have gotten pleasure and comfort from reading Judge Rutherford’s remarkable explanations of the Bible, why not during that week call on some of your friends who have listened in and tell them about these books, and the good things that you have read, and offer them a set of the seven clothbound books for $2.40, or maybe the nine booklets for 50c, or tell them to write us? We can give you assurance that anyone engaging in this work will receive much pleasure and joy, because they are having a part in honoring the name of Jehovah, the only true God, who never fails to reward. We know many readers of The Golden Age who are going to do this, and we feel like suggesting it to all. If you feel so disposed, write soon for supply of books and booklets.

Watch Tower 117 Adams St. Brooklyn,N.Y.