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Unless stated otherwise, content is © 1930 International Bible Students Association

Golden Age


in this issue ■







THE CRISIS OF THE AGES radio lecture by Judge Eutherford


EVERY OTHER WEDNESDAY 5c a copy -        $1.00 a year - Canada & Foreign $1.50

Volume XI - No, 278                        May 14, 193 0


Organized Labor ..... 518

Low Wages in East St. Louis . 519

Chain Stores and Low Wages . 520

Unemployed Filling the Hospitals 521


When the World Went Mad . 515

Star Dust....... . 519

Iceland’s Millennium    . . . 519

What Italian Farmers Must Do 523

Why Russians Hate the Church 526


Five Billion Tons of Peat . . 521


Across Australia in Two Days . 520

The Up-Swing of Aviation . , 522

Insull’s Touching Plea . . , 523

How About This, Henry? 5 s 528


At the Head of the Supreme Court 519


No Animal Ever Created Fertility 524

In Dooley County, Georgia ■. .


Some New Inventions . . . 521

High Frequency Radio Dangers 521

Dirigibles for Pacific Trade ' . 522

How the New Planet Was Located 522

Electrocoagulation vs. Tonsil

lectomy . .......

Patients Are in Fault Too . .

Answer to “World’s Greatest

Food Authority’’ ....

Will Meat Be Eliminated from the Diet of the Future? . .

Unwilling to Poison Humanity


China’s Gift to Civilization , 526


Making Christians in Hungary A Question and Answer The Crisis of the Ages . .

The Children’s Own Radio Story 542

Published every other Wednesday at 117 Adams Street, Brooklyn, N. Y., U. S. A., by WOODWORTH, KNORR & MARTIN

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The Golden Age

Volume XI                  " Brooklyn, N. Y., Wednesday, May 14, 1930                        Number 278

When the World Went Mad

A Thrilling Story of the Late War, Told in the Language of the Trenches

Copyright, 1930, by Daniel E. Morgan

Chapter I

WAR ABROAD              Planting the Seed

UGUST, 1914, marked the beginning of The seemingly innocent training of childhood

earth’s greatest conflict, kingdom against kingdom, nation against nation. President Wilson truthfully said, “It seems as though great, blind, material forces have been released. The world is on fire.”

Tales of heroism and of woe, outrages and murders, reached the ears of the youth of America. Violations of treaties, scraps of paper, the exchanging of notes, were the order of the day. A wave of barbarity was sweeping the world. The fires of hate were being kindled in the minds and hearts of the peoples of earth. Selfishness had gone to seed. Suspicion and superstition were rife on every hand. Demoralization, like the black plague, spread in every direction.

Feeding the Fire

The industrial giants of America were awakening, harsh, cruel and selfish in their make-up. Vast quantities of war material were being shipped to the struggling nations abroad: coal to keep the fires going in the ships at sea, and in the furnaces of hundreds of factories across the sea; steel of which to make arms and ammunition for the destruction of human flesh; rails for worn-out railways back of the fighting fronts; locomotives and rolling stock to take the place of those going to pieces. An abundance of materials of every description found its way to the battlefields of Europe. The great giant, Finance, chuckling with glee, sent to foreign soil millions of dollars in gold, smacking his lips at the thought of vast returns, as he idly watched the death struggle.

was about to bring forth its fruit. Great would ' be the consequences of the tin soldiers in their bright-colored uniforms, the toy pistols and the wooden swords, the tiny cannons mounted on little two-w’heeled carts, the tin popguns with corks for bullets, and, most of all, the school histories, the monuments and the public press.

Mobilization in miniature: the assembly of the kids; picking the captains; the bugle call, via the tin horn. Line up! Head and eyes to the front! Paper hats, broomsticks, hammer handles and the little tin drum. Forward march! A war in the making.

Bearing Fruit

With the tales of heroism ever fresh in our ears, the stories of Americans enlisting in foreign armies, and the ever-present desire for adventure along the lines of war, it is not to be wondered at that half a dozen of the boys at the mines agreed to enlist in the Marine Corps, myself included. A temporary examination reduced the number to half, and at the last moment the others backed out, and I went alone.

After severe, searching physical and mental examinations at Philadelphia, accompanied by finger-printing, minute scrutiny of every visible and invisible scar, as well as detailed measurements of all the most important parts of the body, I'was sent on to Norfolk, stripped for a final examination, kissed the Bible and took the oath of allegiance to president and country, promising implicit obedience, with or without food, on forced marches, etc., and was then a full-fledged member of the oldest and most effi-

cient fighting unit of the United States militaryservice.

At my first liberty I wanted to go to a dance, being a stranger in the town, and was interested and not at all happy to find that what is termed c'the efficient fighting, building and landing force of the navy”, when clad in their country’s uniform, and no matter how gentlemanly and well-behaved, are not admitted to public dances in the city of Norfolk. Those that denied admittance were the same ones that were waving flags and parading and shouting themselves hoarse over the achievements of the marines in Belleau Woods two and a half years later.

In Training at Norfolk

The training that the marines get at Norfolk is training; make no mistake about that. Inspections are too numerous to be mentioned. Every item must be in its place; if not, the sergeant throws everything into the mud, and the poor rookie must pick it all up, clean it, and try all over again. The military drill is perfection itself.

Careful instruction is given as to just how to approach the different officers, just how to address each kind of officer, and how to find access to his presence. The mentally quick are given certain liberties; the mentally slow find the training very severe.

Though I was selected as a squad leader of eight almost from the time I began to drill, yet that did not save me from severe rebukes. On one occasion, on acount of a little hole in my glove, I was a fraction of a second late in getting my gun into position. The eagle eye of the sergeant detected it, and, though I .am not related to Abraham according to the flesh, he walked over, and, standing in front of me, said in a loud voice:

“You bloody Jew' You never had a home until you came here. You lived in a box car all your life, and now, when you have come here, and Uncle Sam has given you a good suit of clothes, and a nice place to sleep, you do not even know how to appreciate it.”

This mightily amused the rest of the boys in training, and for some time thereafter, as occasion offered, “'Hello, you bloody Jew!” was a common method of salutation. But I was not alone. Every man got these stinging rebukes, and knew to expect them: it is part of the training.

Among the marines the method of settling disputes is by the “bull ring”, a roped-off arena in which they fight it out. I had hoped to keep out of this, but it so happens that I am a slow eater, and a protest against the methods by which the fast eaters, and the piggish ones, took advamtage of their fellows, pointedly addressed to one of their number, finally forced me into it. He demanded that we settle the matter in the bull ring, and, though I had given up boxing, my previous experience and training stood me well in hand, and we never had to argue the subject again.

In Training on the High Seas

After fourteen weeks’ training at Norfolk I was given opportunity to enlist for service on one of the ships, and unwittingly selected the battleship Wyoming, the most difficult post, because the closer one is .to the admiral the more stringent the discipline, and it so happened that the Wyoming was the flagship at that time.

On the flagship there was much more expected in the way of homage, on account of the admiral’s being on board. When the president, or other officials of the United Estates or foreign governments, visited the flagship, as they frequently did, the marines often had to stand by for hours and hours in full dress uniform, waiting to render the customary salute of “present arms”, rendered by the full guard.

We had many good times in the next twentyseven months, visiting nearly all the principal islands of the West Indies, and cruising up and down the Atlantic seaboard. There were movie entertainments, dancing, games, and, on holidays, festivals and boxing bouts, but the smell of war was in the air, and we had daily war drills, battle drills, and felt that something important in our lives was about to happen.

An Unexpected Happening

While the battleship Wyoming was undergoing repairs in the Brooklyn navy yard, visitors were permitted to board her at certain hours set aside for that purpose. Came a sunny afternoon, visiting hours, and myself on guard on the top side of this great dreadnaught. An officer and two young ladies came aboard. The party explored that portion of the ship permissible, and then stood for the longest time in front of my post.


Though. I was five feet eleven in height I was still but a lad of nineteen years, and true to the forces within me of youth and romance. I saw standing before me a creature “divinely tall and most divinely fair”, one of the guests of this party of three.

I wanted to speak to her, to touch her, but she was an officer’s guest, and I—well, there is in military discipline a wide breach between officers and the enlisted personnel, and I was not to think of myself, or permitted to think of myself, as being in his class.

As it was, it was happiness just to look at her—I mean to glance at her out of the corner of my eye. At times it seemed as though she glanced at me. I thought, “Well! If I ever marry, that is my type of girl—my dream girl in blue.”

Visiting hours were over and the decks had to be cleared. My dream girl in blue vanished as in a mist. Little did I know that this beautiful creature, with her sparkling eyes, and extremely feminine and womanly characteristics, was. five years later to become my wife, nor could I then form any concept of what she would mean to me when the world went mad and when reason tottered on its throne in the swamps and forests of the Argonne.

Dan Cupid

I spoke with some of the boys concerning this lady in blue, and it happened that one of them knew whence she came. I wanted her address, but in vain. He would not give it to me. With the winter maneuvers and battle drills coining on, I was soon lost in my work of being a United States marine, but stored away in the vaults of memory’s castle were always thoughts of my dream girl in blue.

The winter was spent in training on the high seas and in the tropics. With the coming of spring the fleet would start north again, each vessel booked to its respective home port, for overhauling. Nearly a year passed, and as we steamed through the warm waters of the Gulf Stream, and I chanced to come on deck, two marines were talking about the girl in blue, and how anxious I was to meet her. We all laughed. “Who was she, anyway?” asked one. The man that knew then told who she was and whence she came. I said nothing, the matter was dis-, missed, and we talked of other things, but, later, I went below deck and jotted down her name and part of the address.

Giants Uneasy

The money from America flowed unceasingly to the war-wrecked nations of Europe. The constant feeding of the fires of war had them burning fiercely. The conflagration was spreading from nation to nation. The financial giants snarled as they saw the possible loss of all their gold. The Allies must be backed to the last dollar, no matter whose dollar. Every factor of America’s industrial life seemingly was involved. War possibilities loomed everywhere. But no! Our statesmen would not allow the peaceful citizens of this great republic to become involved in a world war. Business was good, work was plentiful, wages were high, and the nation was altogether peaceful and prosperous.                                      ■

A Letter

The battleship Wyoming arrived at her port in Brooklyn. The assignments for leave were given. En route to Brooklyn. I penned a missive to the girl in blue and when we reached port I deposited it with Uncle Sam for safe delivery. Not many days later an answer came. Yes, she remembered seeing me as I stood on guard, and described me from head to foot, remembering a little mole on my left cheek. I was right: she had glanced at me.

Parties for the soldiers and sailors, with the marines thrown in, were in order. The young lady said, “Mother has asked me to invite you over for an evening.” The date was set. The time arrived, and with jubilant heart I stepped off the ear at Fort Lee, N. J., and neared the number desired.

As I came near the house a terrible fear took hold of me. What if she was not the girl in blue that I had seen? What if I was not the one she had described? I would turn back. No! The poet had said, “Faint heart never won fair lady.” I knocked on the door and presently heard steps approaching. The door swung open and there stood my girl in blue. I introduced myself, and in turn was introduced to the family.

Days Later

Thereafter I became a frequent visitor at her home. We strolled along the bluffs of the Palisades, watching the steamers going up and down the river, and as we did so a new world opened up to us. We were both still in our teens.

How good it was to live, and to be with each other. “The air is laden with sweet perfume, wafted by the soft south wind that sings through the trees. It is the mating time, and the little birds are vying with each other, singing their songs of felicitation.”

As we talked, hour after hour, we cautiously unfolded our likes and dislikes, and found in each other fascinating mysteries, a blending of unlike forces. We happily explored the future. War clouds were hanging low, but our presi

dent would do the wise thing. He had been reelected the fall before because “he kept us out of war”.               '

With expectant and joyful hearts we looked forward to the clay when my enlistment would expire and I should return to civilian life. We loved each other and in due time we should marry. We thought of a little baby’s hands patting us each upon the cheeks, giving us thanksgiving and appreciation of the unspeakable wonders of God that should be entrusted to us. We named those imaginary baby fingers and tiny toes, “Isn’t he cute h”

Organized Labor By Frank Bortlik (New York)

IT MUST be admitted that organized labor is . not altogether unselfish, and that it has many enemies. This is largely because of the prejudice foisted on the minds of people outside the organization by Big Business, which generally erroneously believes that their gain comes by reducing the economic structure to pauperism.

The earnest struggle for better living conditions of any group of men or women should have our synipathy; for such efforts promote the well-being of the community. To organized labor can be given credit for the following:

It has opposed Big Business with its cold, commercial practices, which reduce man to the status of a commodity.

It has (at least this is true with the Typographical Union No. 6, which has been regarded by the state as a model union) insisted on sanitary conditions, and a living wage; has required rest periods after working overtime, sick and old age benefits, a home for the incapacitated, and a school for apprentices, with a standard of efficiency; has been disposed to introduce machinery (to its own apparent loss); and has been impartial to workers, as to color, creed, or rank.

The charge has been made that organized labor “bargains” for its jobs. After all, that is the tragedy in any sphere of life, done justly and unjustly. When we do shopping, read advertisements, listen to musicians, listen to speeches, etc., we consider, judge, those who “bargain” their wares, or the fruit of their jobs, whatever sort they may be. We favor those who assume fully the responsibility of giving us the best service, at the same time involving the benefit of others in the transaction.

Organized labor assumes this responsibility. Inefficient labor assumes none other than to get what it can for the meager amount it gives.

It is not logical that organized labor should, impoverish itself (particularly in these times of stress brought on by the selfish ruling factors) and thus lower its efficiency by displacing itself to give the “inefficient” a job. The question is more than the matter of giving people jobs; it is that of a healthy economic structure built by efficient labor. Then there will be jobs enough for all. The evil has not come through the introduction of machinery (for we all receive benefit therefrom), but from its misuse in hoarding wealth by selfish interests.

The responsibility of the inefficient is to make themselves efficient. If they are misfits, they should go into vocations where they will fit. Everyone owes this to society.

In spite of the economic mess brought on by the conniving commercial interests, the graftseeking politicians, and the hypocritical clergy, organized labor has produced a measure of economic order. Their efforts may fail, however, but the order established by their loving Creator (Jehovah) after the collapse of man’s efforts will not fail, but will provide life, liberty and happiness when the hindrances, above mentioned, shall have been removed.

Star Dust

Coal in 'Antarctica

THE discovery of coal in Antarctica by the

Byrd expedition was quite to be expected, and entirely in line with the Biblical account of creation. For a full discussion of this subject see Judge Rutherford’s book Creation, pages 40 to 43.

Iceland’s Millennium

THE thousandth anniversary of the founding of the oldest parliament in the world will be observed in Reykjavik in June of this year. The climate of Iceland is about that of Edinburgh and Glasgow. The island has 100,000 population, with 50,000 descendants in the western United States and Canada.

Unemployment a Cause of Insanity

b. Haven Emerson, of the Columbia University .Medical Schools faculty, commenting on the effects of fear caused by unemployment, recently said that we are creating conditions as unbearable for human beings in peace as the conditions which existed in the front line trenches during the World War.

Low Wages in East St. Louis

TIRED of the claims of prosperity the workers of East St. Louis have sent a protest to President Hoover complaining of the despicably low wages paid by The Aluminum Ore Company, American Steel Foundries, Sterling Steel Casting Company, Lewin Metal Corporation, Continental Can Company, National Carbon Company, American Car and Foundry Company, Sears-Roebuck, Montgomery Ward, Woolworth, Kresge and Piggly-Wiggly stores.

Pay Day in Union, S. C.

TN UNION, S. C., when the workers have had the necessary deductions made for their rent, water, lights, insurance, food and supplies, it is not uncommon for the pay checks of the workers to be represented in cents, the dollar mark being not needed. The St. Louis Star shows five pay checks on the Monarch Mills Ottaray Plant of that place, the total of which came to eighty-six cents. That is an average of about seventeen cents apiece. The Monarch Mills are hoping that their mills will not be unionized.

Disarmament of Scandinavia

THE Scandinavian countries and Holland are figuring on total disarmament in the next

ten years, and Germany is well satisfied to stay unarmed. The dangers to mankind are all wrapped up in the militarists of the armed countries.

Bullfighting Passing in Peru

K DISPATCH from Peru states that bullfighting there is losing its popularity, the interest being gradually transferred to football. One reason for this is the cost of bulls and the fact that it is difficult to obtain good specimens for the ring. It is time the brutal sport passed out.

Sixteen Thousand Baby Chicks Fly

IN MEXICO recently sixteen thousand baby chicks flew 472 miles, and this took place before they had any use of their wings. Moreover they soared more than a mile and a half in the air and all left and arrived at the same instant. They flew by airplane, to save time en route.

The Chance a Baby Has to Live

MONG the large cities of the United States the baby has the best chance to live if it is born in Seattle; a good chance if it is born in

St. Paul, Chicago, Cleveland, Providence or Los Angeles; an average chance if born in New York city; not quite so good if born in Philadelphia or Buffalo; and a relatively bad chance if born in Pittsburgh, Boston, Detroit or Baltimore. This statement is based on the infant death rate per 1,000 births as of 1928.

At the Mead of the Supreme Court

T THE head of the Supreme Court of the United States we shall now have the former counsel of the American Woolen Company, Interborough Rapid Transit Company, the American Jersey Pottery Company, the American Malleable Castings Iron Company, the Packing Trust and several great oil companies. Just why he should have been appointed chief justice over that truly great man Oliver Wendell Plolmes is apparent, but should not be as apparent as it is.

Raising Wheat by Machinery

THE wholesale use of machinery in the raising of wheat in Canada proceeds apace and nothing can stop it. There are now in use on Canadian prairie farms 66,200 tractors and 7,726 harvester combines. Nearly half of the latter were bought last year. Any one of them will do the work of a small army of men.

As to Safety Razor Blades

Julius Klein, assistant secretary of commerce, recently made the statement that, by the use of improved machinery, one man can now make 640 times as many razor blades in a given time as formerly. This would make it look as if, in the manufacture of razor blades, the man is almost eliminated from the problem.

Chain Stores and Low Wages

WITH the disappearance of the old-time independent grocer goes the wages he received and the wages he paid. The chain stores that are gobbling up the business make a specialty of low wages. In 6,000 such stores the wages of 70 percent of the women employees are less than $15 a week, and 40 percent of them are paid less than $12 a week.

Old Women at 25

A FAMOUS chain of restaurants has set the age of retirement for its waitresses at 25 years. This is nothing less than infamous, but nothing can be done about it. It is selfishness gone to seed, a willingness to sacrifice capable and industrious women merely for the sake of the greater profits that may accrue from the superior attractiveness of those more youthful.

Best to Avoid Crowds

JN THESE days it is best to avoid crowds.

A young business man started across City Hall Park in New York when the police were busily engaged in beating up a crowd of young communists. The young man accidentally lost his hat, whereupon the police, taking him for a communist, pursued him across Broadway, chased him into a restaurant, and pounded him with fists and nightsticks. Of course he has no redress. The majesty of the law must be upheld. Of course he was beaten illegally. Everybody knows, that. He was not arrested.

Rubber Tires from Georgia

TN A few years we may hear of rubber tires * made in Georgia from goldenrod grown in the same state. Henry Ford has purchased seven square miles of land in the goldenrod section of Georgia and it is believed he will . make extensive experiments in the manufacture of rubber from these plants.

The New German Spectacles

k NOTHER German scientist has developed glasses which are wwn within the lids and need not be removed when one sleeps. It seems hard to believe that anybody would ever want to have them inserted in their eyes, but some people are ready to try anything, so long as it is new and different.

Across Australia in Two Days

DY A system similar to the American one of crossing the continent in two nights by rail and two days by plane, Australia will henceforth be crossable in two days by plane and a night by rail. The railway journey will be from Port Augusta to Ooldea, the remainder of the trip from Sydney to Perth will be by air.

Control of Tire Industry

TT IS claimed that whereas in 1920 there were

300 tire companies there are now but 30 and these are now fill practically under the control of a few men. Cryus S. Eaton, of Cleveland, is said to have gained control of the Goodyears, and the Du Ponts the control of the United States Rubber Company. The next thing in order will be a giant trust and higher prices for tires.

Lining Up for Alarm Clocks

Douglas Brown, president of the Baptist

Union, of Great Britain, foresees speedy and increased activity on the part of makers of alarm clocks and overalls. He said recently that if the present spiritual slump continued unchecked, and if the deplorable drift continued for another ten years, organized religion for all practical purposes would be as dead as the dodo. They stood staggered and humbled before the figures of failure, and it was no consolation for them to know that other denominations were no better off.

New York’s Industrial War

IN NEW YORK'S peace time war there were last year 1,307 employees killed while at their work, and more than 12,000 received injuries which crippled or disfigured them for life. The total number killed and maimed in New York city every year is nearly 315,000. The state of Ohio has almost the same number of deaths and injuries annually as has New York city.

Unemployed Filling the Hospitals

SAD feature of the unemployment situation is that the hospitals are overcrowded by having to take care of the elderly men whose resistance has been crushed by lack of proper food. These have broken down in larger numbers than usual and, being unable to care for themselves, have had to be sent to the hospitals in larger numbers than usual.

Unemployment Bound to Persist

THE London Times, pondering the steady displacement of men by machinery and the terrific pace of American industry, which wears men out and discards them while they are still young in years, declares that the machine has run ahead of the mam and that unemployment in America henceforth is bound to be a permanent feature.

Reasons for Longevity

CENSUS of its centenarians shows that

Bulgaria has 158 persons more than 100 years of age. Hard work, sour milk, life in the highlands, inability to read, and a vegetable diet, or rather a diet of vegetables and fruits, seem indicated as the necessities of those who would live to pass the century mark. Further, it is noted that centenarians are of long-lived parents.

Edsel Ford’s $50ft09 Bowl

T^dseu Form’s $50,000 Rhagss bowl is busted.

This bowl, considered one of the world’s choicest art treasures, was placed on the family organ. A man came in to repair the organ. In fifteen minutes he had smashed the $50,000 bowl. Some of Mr. Ford’s employees had to stand a good many hours at his endless belt to earn enough to buy that bowl, and it seems too bad to have it broken. However, Mr. Ford still has change enough to buy another bowl.

An Art Problem Solved

OR long centuries artists have been worrying over how to fitly garb Satan in the pictures they make of him. This great art problem is now solved. Hereafter he will be dressed in the new styles of long skirts which, to their credit, the American women seem entirely too sensible to adopt. It would be impossible to conceive of anything that could look worse.

Some New Inventions

OME new inventions are a robot for accurately estimating the temperature of sheet steel, which it is stated will save millions of dollars annually, and an ultra-violet or black ray which will detect counterfeit bills, spurious jewelry and indicate just what chemicals or other ingredients have been placed in recovered liquor.

Five Billion Tons of Peat

Y A new and inexpensive process of pressing the water out of peat it is hoped to make use of peat beds in northern Germany, covering an area of vast extent, expected to produce five billion tons of dried and usable peat. The process has been in course of being worked out by German scientists for the past ten years and is pronounced a complete success.

High Frequency Radio Dangers

ECAUSE high frequency radio transmitters may prematurely fire the big guns on the ships, or ignite the gasoline supplies, or do other serious damage, their use hereafter will be severely restricted in the navy. It is found that the big guns become resonant with the antennae of the transmitters and become wavelengths themselves, sufficient to cause explosions.

Berlin’s New Diplomatic Dean

IN AMERICA and elsewhere it has hitherto been the custom for the ambassador longest at his post to become the dean of the diplomatic corps to the country where he is appointed. This is now changed in Germany. The papal nuncio, not yet named, is to be dean of the diplomatic corps of Germany. This action was brought about by the instructions sent to the American ambassador from Washington to cast his vote in favor of the Vatican representative.

Limit the Speed of Autos

A. Bohnet, in the Ypsilanti Press, urges

• that, with the single exception of police cars, the possible speed of automobiles be limited to fifty miles an hour in their design and at the factory where they are built. Seems like a sensible suggestion. Who else should have the right to drive on a public highway at any greater speed?

Dirigibles for Pacific Trade

IRIGIBLES are now being builded at Akron, Ohio, for use of the Pacific Transport

Zeppelin Corporation. It is expected that these dirigibles will be completed next year and that regular transpacific service will be inaugurated in 1932. These ships will be supported by helium gas, which is non-inflammable. There will be 12,000 feet of deck space on each ship.

The Up-Swing of Aviation

IN 1929 the mileage flown by American aircraft more than trebled; in six months more than 10,000 student permits have been issued; the number of passengers carried has increased to more than five times, to the respectable total of 3,160,793; there are 62 established airways and 1,552 airports. America is becoming air-minded, •with a vengeance.

Prescribing Dress for Women

BRANCH of the Rumanian government has ordered that all female employees must

dress in black, with sleeves reaching to the wrists, and dresses to the ankles, and they must not use cosmetics in any form. Now w’hen the government goes a step further and removes drooping eyelashes, dimples, smiles, shapely forms, lovely tresses and the innocence and sweetness of youth it will really get somewhere.

How the New Planet Was Located

HE new planet beyond Neptune was located by machinery. Photographs of certain sec

A Four-Year-Old Fireman

DENVER lad of four years of age noticed that screams were coming from the home of a playmate and smoke was coming out through the keyhole. He ran top speed to the fire station, shouted "Fire! Smoke!” and was given a fast ride on the fire engine to the scene of what might have been a disaster except for his mastery of the situation.

Germany's Lone Skyscraper

IT SEEMS comical to a denizen of New York

to learn that Germany has but one skyscraper and that is only thirteen stories highw A New Yorker would hardly consider that a skyscraper at all. In the United States there are 384 buildings that exceed twenty stories in height, and about a dozen in New York city are in excess of fifty stories.

The Terrors of the Lash                       .

J‘URGES in British Columbia have gone back to the practices of a hundred years or more,-, ago. In ten minutes, recently, one judge in that part of the world handed down sentences totaling sixty-five years and 105 lashes. This is torture pure and simple, a last desperate effort to uphold what is by accommodation called a civilization.

Making Christians in Hungary

THE mass baptism of Jews in Hungary is -L spreading. Many of these Jews have confessed with tears in their eyes that they are becoming nominal Christians as the only possible way by which they can keep alive. This revival of ancient methods of making Christians is interesting, but not inspiring. It shows plainly what a diabolical government Admiral Horthy is heading.

The Marriage at Curityba

T CURITYBA, Brazil, recently, a young man of 122 married a girl of 119. Their

tions of the heaven, taken at different times, are connected up and run as motion pictures. As long as the lights all remain fixed in one position nothing is being seen but the fixed stars, hut when some point of light oscillates then it is known that a new comet or a new planet has been located. Thereafter, many photographs are studied minutely and calculations finally determine the nature of the find.

good health is supposed to be attributable to the. use of yerba mate, or Paraguay tea. It is hoped for the young people that they have carefully considered the importance of the step they are taking, as we would all feel sorry if in later life it should transpire that they had made a mfc take. Probably the young man has learned kind of useful occupation and his wife has by now learned how to cook.

Power Trust Profits

OUT of every« dollar paid to the Montana Power Company 63 cents goes for interest and profit. Another company, formed as a holding company in April, 1926, with $3,500,000 common stock, today shows the same stock on its books to be valued at $50,000,000. The people are expected to pay dividends on all this. Look at Chicago’s bankruptcy. Look at the crowds of unemployed. How much of these huge profits can the unemployed afford to pay?

What Italian Farmers Must Do

ITALIAN farmers must increase their families and increase their yield of wheat immediately or lose their farms. The population of the country must be increased by 20,000,000 within six ymars. To meet the situation the wheat area must be increased 70,000 acres a year and the yield per acre pushed up from 16 bushels to 25 bushels. The farmer may not go to town to work without permission, and even then must make good in 120 days or go hack to the farm. If he does any thinking he must keep his thoughts to himself.

Japan’s Untillable Land

HE overcrowded condition of Japan is directly due to the fact that only fifteen percent of the land is tillable. Japan is proceeding wisely with her surplus population when she sends them to Brazil, where there is plenty of room for all. The time will come, however, when all of Japan will be made tillable. It will take time and money and lots of work, but when men have really disarmed there will be almost no limit to what they can do in making the earth productive. Rock crushers will reduce inhospitable areas to fine soil. Loam can be transported profitably. Improved methods of fertilization and plant culture will change the surface of all the earth.

Lists of Free Masons

SPHERE is a publication in the Irish Free -*• State which has for some time been publishing columns of names, addresses, and occupations of Irish Masons in the Free State, the avowed object being that these men shall be boycotted, deprived of an opportunity to make a living, and be forced to leave the Free State. There is but one institution in the world small enough and mean enough to perform or cause to be performed an act so unspeakable.

Brown Sugar and Brown Rice

TN AN article in The Nature Cure Magazine -®- Charles W. Garret shows something of the processes to which sugar and rice are commonly subjected in their preparation for the market and makes the statement that “In truth and in fact neither brown sugar nor brown rice, as now known on the market, approaches much more, if any more, than half way to what is possible and practicable in the conservation of the natural food elements actually to be found in these two articles of human diet in their natural state.”

Telephone Trust’s Wonderful Bookkeepers

NO SUCH wonderful bookkeepers elsewhere as those of the four-and-a-quarter-billion-dollar telephone trust, the biggest corporation on earth. In fifteen years the book investment for each telephone in use has risen from $148.67 to $239.69. Then on a depreciation of $11,000,000 in the New York territory they have charged a depreciation of $19,000,000. Of course it is no wonder that with bookkeepers like that the telephone trust has to give its rates an upward shove every once in a while. As justification the trust points to its half million employees and half million stockholders and to the excellent service rendered; and, having the courts back of it, it has nothing to fear.

lasuIFs Touching Plea

THE Power Trust, of which Samuel Insull is a leading and shining light, firmly believes that the public should be soundly educated to believe that all property worth while should be in the hands of a very few men like himself and that no limit should be placed upon the prices which it charges for electric current produced by it at less than %c a kilowatt hour. It is peculiarly touching, therefore, to read Mr. Insull’s plea to his fellow’ men to come to the relief of the Chicago -which has been so badly misused by the Power Trust. He is reported to have said: “For the salvation of this city and county, it [the taxpayers’ trustee plan] should be whole-heartedly put into operation now. For the insurance of health, for the protection of property, for the functioning of the schools, cold-blooded self-interest demands that the taxpayers of Chicago and Cook county shall make up the fund required to meet the necessities of the city and county.” It seems good to have a man like Samuel Insull admit,that he has some interest in his fellow men even if it be but a selfish interest. One can almost see the crocodile tears of sympathy flowing down the Power Trust’s cheeks as their spokesman thus unburdens himself. But this will not result in aiiy reduction of electric rates.

No Animal Ever Created Fertility By W. H. Barton (County Agent)

DEUTERONOMY 23:12-14 is a sanitary measure, and not a soil building or soil conservation measure required by the Lord. Our friend is mistaken when he imagines that such a measure would prevent soil deterioration ; for approximately one-fourth to one-third of the fertility in all foods consumed is “tolled” by the human or animal mill that “grinds” it; and as most of the foods of human beings consist of %on-legumes, instead of legumes, of course, if such foods were produced and consumed on the same area, it would only be a matter of time until such land area would become depleted in nitrogen, the most important element of fertility. However, should the legumes largely predominate in such food, nitrogen would gradually increase in the soil, because two-thirds of the nitrogen in legumes comes from the air. The rate of increase would be approximately two-thirds of the nitrogen content minus the one-fourth to one-third utilized by the consumer for the manufacture of protein in the carcass. No animal, including man, ever created any fertility. Fertility voided was what was left of the food content after the animal was supplied with its needs. This is written in the interests of Truth. It is a common error taught even by livestock experts, that livestock will enrich the soil; whereas livestock are but conservers of fertility when fed on non-legumes alone. Doubtless you have heard the definition: “An expert is a very ordinary individual a long distance from home.”

Editorial Note:

Something wrong here, Mr. Barton. Many years ago the editor saw the Dietrich farm of 15 acres, near Philadelphia, where three horses and twenty-nine head of cattle were maintained by food grown on the farm., and in addition the

farm produced hay and grain to sell. This fertilization was accomplished without the expenditure of a dollar for fertilizer. Three crops ......

were produced each year, the vegetation being so heavy and luxuriant that weeds were completely choked out. All this was done on an ordinary clay soil in twenty years, and the year the writer was at the farm its owner cleared over $2,100 from the fifteen acres, besides maintaining himself and family. His cattle never left the barn, but every day all the manure, solid and liquid, was taken out and placed on a fresh spot somewhere on the farm. Now you are a farm expert, and a good one too, by all accounts, and everybody knows that an editor knows nothing about farming, but now you loll us all about wdiy Dietrich made $2,100 a year on fifteen acres of land, while his neighbors on all sides around him were buying fertilizers ami hardly able to live on 150 acres of land, because their crops were so poor; and then we shall aii have learned something.

Reply by Mr. Barton:

That’s easy. That soil had a wonderful store of natural fertility. Dietrich made his supply available and more effective by applying humus and bacteria in the form of stable manure. I'm neighbors had as much fertility as he, on similar land, but failed to cooperate with (lod’s ■ laws of nature to get its benefits. Apply banking principles and conclude that an overdraft is due on this farm “in due time”, which may be one hundred years, or even one thousand. If no food was purchased and no legumes were produced and fed, the foregoing explains his sue- . cess. If he bought food or produced legumes and fed or left them on the land, it, of course, grew more fertile each year, for the reason that there was an increase of plant food on the soil. -

Electrocoagulation vs. Tonsillectomy By W. G. Wright, D. 0. (Michigan)

THERE is a great deal of truth expressed in

Harold L. Dawson’s article in Golden Age No. 267, “Let Us Be Fair to the M. D.’s”. I have a little criticism for the method he recommends for chronic tonsil trouble, tonsillectomy (not tonsillotomy). In the past few years many prominent medical men have been leaning more to the view that regards tonsils as more important than they were formerly considered. Now a very much more scientific method is being employed in treating the tonsils, namely, electrocoagulation by means of the high frequency current. This method will yield all the beneficial results of the older snare and guillotine, without the attendant dangers. I will give several quotations herewith, taken from the writings of prominent men in first class medical literature.

qDr. J. T. Scott, in Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Monthly (November, 1928), gives quotations from standard works to show that the tonsils are glands of importance with an internal and external secretion. They are headquarters for the production of lymphocytes and assist materially in deglutition. He says the proper method for dealing with diseased tonsils is to cure the disease and enable them to fulfil their functions. They should be removed only if they cannot be cured and are a menace to health. Dr. Scott uses the high frequency current with uniformly good success.

Dr. J. B. H. Waring (Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Monthly, Nov., 1928) declares that over seventy percent of so-called tonsillectomies are really tonsillotomies, that is, part of the tonsil remains after the operation. When tonsillectomy is undertaken it should be complete or not at all, because tonsillar tissue, being lymphoid tissue, will proliferate if just a few cells are left in the throat, and within a short time the patient has another large pair of infected tonsils.-               ■

.....The following quotation from Clinical Medicine and Surgery, by Dr. Clarence H. Burton, very well covers the salient points of this tonsil problem:         ’

The question of removing the tonsils, as a source of focal infection, has interested the medical profession for many years. . . . The ideal method is yet to be discovered (!) but I believe the nearest approach is electrocoagulation.

The tonsil is today in much the same position as the ovary was twenty years ago. At that time almost every surgeon was removing ovaries daily if the least pathologic tissue was apparent upon examination. It was only five years ago that the medical profession was urging the wholesale extraction of teeth, but fortunately the wisdom of the dentist overweighed the medical advice, and thousands of teeth were saved.

THE REMOVAL OF TONSILS IS A SERIOUS OPERATION, FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS. Severe lung abscesses and hemorrhage follow more often than most physicians imagine. ... In 1923 sixty-two deaths were reported from hemorrhage following the removal of tonsils, and in 1925, 125 deaths occurred from this so-called harmless operation. I was never able to make up my mind which was worse for the patient; a complete removal of the tonsillar tissue or a partial removal leaving the stump. We have all seen cases, after the complete removal, where the pillars collapse and come so close together that they leave a pocket which continually fills up with food and debris, requiring daily removal in^brder to keep the pillars in a normal condition. In many of these eases I have made an instrument by bending a wire at an angle of 45°. I then instruct the patient to wrap it with sterile cotton and clean the pocket daily. They very much dislike to do this the rest of their lives, but what else can be done?

When we leave the stump which contains the inferior tonsillar branch of the lingual artery, it very often re-grows and a second operation is necessary. It also is a seat of continual infection, which may be seen by the inflamed condition of the anterior pillar.

What then is to be done if both methods are faulty in some cases? My answer is that, no matter how much of the tonsillar tissue remains, it can be rendered sterile in one treatment by electrocoagulation. A single treatment will often suffice to destroy the seat of infection, and that is all that is necessary to obtain the desired results.


The advantages of coagulation are:

  • 1. All types of tonsils in the adults are suitable for this technic.

  • 2. Freedom from hemorrhage and lung abscess.

  • 3. Lack of shock.

  • 4. No pain.

  • 5. No detention from occupation.

  • 6. Ability to eat and drink during and immediately after the treatment.

  • 7. End results are exactly what the surgeon makes them, as he can go on treating and destroying the tonsillar tissue until every vestige of it is gone, or stop at any time he sees fit.

This method that is now so rapidly replacing the older and dangerous method of tonsil operation is being taught in many of the chiropractic and osteopathic colleges, as well as in many allopathic schools. Its simplicity and absolute freedom from danger recommend its eaiieful t-t— consideration to those contemplating any attention to the tonsils.

Why Russians Hate the Church

THE Manchester Guardian tells why Russians hate the church. It is because during the days of czardom the parish priests served “as recruiting agents, whose business it was to keep the authorities informed as to the young men of the village who were liable to military service, acted also as an important auxiliary of the secret police, violating even the secrets of the confessional when these touched on matters concerning loyalty to the czar, and reporting as ‘unreliable’ those who did not come to church. Many a man in pre-revolutionary Russia owed his ‘wolf’s passport’, which subjected him to special police attention and greatly increased his difficulties in earning a livelihood, to a report from his parish priest.”

China’s Gift to Civilization

JN" A copyrighted article Herbert Kaufman reminds us that the Chinese have given us silk, paper, printing, gunpowder, porcelains, the mariner’s compass, and that they advocated and practiced tolerance and religious freedom while Europeans were still burning one another at the stake.

The Chinese have tried socialism, the single tax, and the income tax, have manufactured asbestos products, distributed free seeds to devastated areas, raised pedigreed live stock, burned kerosene in lamps, and dispensed dried milk in groceries, long before we Westerners did any of these things.

They have had paved streets, drainage, canals, and stoves in homes and coal in the stoves so long that they can not remember when they began to have them. Servants have been taught to cover nose and mouth so as not to breathe on food. In many other-things China has been away ahead of the Western World, in point of time, and may yet be a leader among the nations.

Patients Are in Fault Too

I READ The Golden Age and approve of ninety-five percent of its ideas. I would like to make a little defense of the M. D.’s.

A large percentage of people of this world are very foolish when it comes to health affairs. This applies to the intellectuals as well as the ignorant. A physician who gives them good advice without giving them medicine or surgery does not know his business, according to their ideas.

I am a dentist, and was a druggist for several years, and have made the above observations.

A prominent and able physician near me had a patient visit me who was really ill. He looked at her teeth, which every diagnostician should do, and noted they were in terrible condition, many badly decayed, pus exuding around the gums from pyorrhea and sore gums. He gave her no medicine, but sent her to me for treatment, telling her to follow my advice, and after my treatment to report again to him if needed.

By Dr. W. P. Tether {Oregon)

She came and I told her what was needed, and the cost. She held up her hands in horror. She said she could not afford it; yet the cost was not as much as new tires for her auto would cost. She did not need the auto, either. She said she should have some medicine to relieve her and would get the dental work later. I did nothing. How could I"? She died in a few weeks.

I am honest enough to admit that the medical profession has its faults; but who is to blame ? If the average M.D. would recommend a chiropractor, dentist, or other healer, he would not get very far.

I knew of many physicians, when I was a druggist, who would write prescriptions that were harmless, because they had to; but gave the patients good hygienic advice, depending upon it for the cure. If the patients recovered, they gave the medicine the credit and would send their friends for the same prescriptions. Who is to blame? Please tell me.

Answer to “World’s Greatest Food Authority”——Dr. McCann By Chas. T. Betts (Ohio)

JN THE Daily Mirror, December 25, 1929, appeared an article under the caption of “McCann Explains Aluminum Utensils Are Free of Poisons”. Dr. Alfred W. McCann is quoted in this article No. 377 as being “the world’s greatest food authority”. This great tribute to Dr. McCann caused the writer to peruse this article with considerable interest, because it is apparent that some one was much interested in his mother’s health and looked to Dr. McCann to answer whether or not the mother, who has an ulcer of the stomach and chronic infection of the gall bladder, could possibly have contracted this disease from the use of aluminum kitchen utensils, and asks the question, “Is aluminum ware used for cooking purposes poisonous ?”

It is recognized by practically all our scientists today that aluminum utensils dissolve during their use and contaminate all foods cooked therein, and that this substance, when in combination with the various salts contained in the foods or when seasoned with ordinary table salt (sodium chloride) during the cooking process, produces a chemical known as aluminum chloride. It is the writer’s belief that Dr. McCann is familiar with this fact. Such a poison, when taken internally, produces lesions, sores of the stomach, chronic infection of the gall bladder, etc., according to our best known toxicologists in almost every land. Yet Dr. McCann states, “There has been a great deal of foolish talk about the so-called poisonous properties of aluminum cooking wares. Many articles have been sent to me on this subject. I can see nothing in any of them. Since my earliest boyhood I can remember our aluminum cooking utensils at home. We use them constantly to this day.”

Dr. McCann has no doubt been very careful with his diet and given attention to his bowel tract. He has exercised and kept his body quite normal. Such persons, as explained by Dr. Harry Gideon Wells, pathologist of the University of Chicago, can throw off aluminum poisoning; but when persons are subnormal they will not eliminate the poison, and then the body reabsorbs it, which forms a continuous process of poisoning that results in the various evil effects mentioned by him, under oath to our federal authorities, and in his later work published in the “Archives of Pathology”, August, 1929.

Dr. McCann states that “ulcers of the stomach and chronic infection of the gall bladder should not be handled in the dark. Only the physician in charge can treat them, and unless helped by Mother Nature he is going to have his hands full”. From the extensive reports and observations made by the writer, ulcers of the stomach are not being cured today to any large extent by physicians. Their therapy usually consists of a major operation, trimming or cutting out the ulcerated parts of the stomach or duodenum, leaving the patient in a much worse condition after the operation, in not removing the cause but treating only the effects.

Dr. McCann further states that he remembers using aluminum kitchen utensils in his earliest boyhood days, and has used them until this day. There must be some discrepancy here, because it was in 1886 that aluminum was first produced by the electrolytic process, making it possible to secure the metal in sufficient quantities to make aluminum cooking utensils. It was not until several years after this occurred that experiments were made along this line, and there were a few utensils made in 1895. These were very expensive, as aluminum cost about $16 a pound. They were not made for public distribution until later years. Dr. McCann never saw aluminum cooking utensils in his boyhood days. It was about twenty years after his birth that they began making them. They were being generally sold throughout the United States from about 1901.

The following letter was forwarded to Dr. McCann in answer to Ids article:

December 29, 1929 Dr. Alfred IV. McCann

The New York Daiiy Mirror New York, New York Mv dear Doctor:

I have read your article which appeared in the "Daily Mirror”, Wednesday, December 25th, pertaining to aluminum cooking utensils. I do not know what your age is, but your memory seems to be exceptionally good if you can remember aluminum cooking utensils in your earliest boyhood days.

I have been reading of you and your articles for about thirty years, and unless you began writing articles before you were born I can only judge that you saw aluminum cooking utensils on some other planet than here because such utensils were not in z existence at the time you were a boy. If you have looked into the matter carefully you will find that the first experiments along this line were made in 1886 and the first aluminum cooking utensils sold to the public about 1895. That was long after my boyhood days and I have every reason to believe that you are older than I.

It is apparent from the question quoted that someone was intensely interested in his mother having ulcers of the stomach, who has had two physicians already, and you advise this same person to leave this matter up to the physician. It is hard for me to understand why you would give advice of this character when the woman is being treated by the physicians and is not securing relief, or advise that person to continue treatment with such men.

You made a statement in this article that was very good and that is, “unless helped by Mother Nature the doctor is going to have his hands full.” The medics at this time, as you well know, have their hands full of these cases and all the treatments they give, so far as my observation is concerned, are of little or no value. Many of our surgeons have taken to removing ulcers by the knife. This recently occurred with Valentino of your city, with. similar results—death. It seems a shame that men like you continue to advise people that there is nothing to a potent poison like aluminum chloride and that ulcers of the stomach, gall stones, etc., are not caused by these poisons, when you could have that information at your finger tips for the asking.

I do not claim any particular knowledge along this line, but I have assembled many scientific investigators’ statements or findings, which have been given by many of our foremost scientists throughout the world, pertaining to the poisoning by aluminum compounds and aluminum cooking utensils’ forming aluminum compounds when used for cooking purposes.

A simple test can be made to prove “Old MotherNature”. Leave milk stand in an aluminum dish for twelve hours, and the same amount in an enamel dish for twelve hours. Place a three-day-old puppy in the room with these two dishes and he will single out the one in the enamel dish every time for his food. Some ......“

three-day-old puppies seem to know more than many of our so-called “health writers” because they are nearer to Nature. It usually takes about nine days for kittens to have their eyes opened. Persons are sometimes like that, the only difference is that some . health writers never get their eyes open and can’t see anything much of value along health lines. I hope this is not your case, although you state in this article, “Many articles on the subject have been sent — to me. I can see nothing in any of them.”

“None are so blind or deaf as those who have eyes and see not or have ears and hear- not.”

How About This, Henry?

THE Morgan Motor Car Company, 999 Broad St., Newark, N. J., is out with a little paper in which, as the one-time largest Ford dealer in New Jersey, there is considerable information as to the peculiar experiences these dealers have been called upon to endure at the hands of the wealthiest man in the world.

It seems that Mr. Ford always demanded cash from his dealers, and in a magazine interview said that his dealers would be fools if they did not get cash from their customers, but that a few weeks later, without consulting the dealers, the Ford Motor Company came out with advertising on the bottom of which was an offer of credit on the part of the dealer, “Terms if desired.” This is like one man offering to lend a second man the money of a third man, without even asking the third man what he thought about it.

On another occasion, so goes the story, the dealers were well loaded up with cars and then received telegrams that effective on a certain day the dealers’ discount would be reduced to 17^%. It seems that young Mr. Ford told the Associated Press that the dealers had agreed to accept a reduction in discount in order to put a car price reduction into effect, and yet “not one Ford dealer in the United States was consulted about the discount”.

The Morgan Motor Car Company seems to remember that when the Ford Motor Company was in financial difficulties it called on its .....

dealers all over the United States for assistance, with the result that the dealers accepted and paid cash for several trainloads of cars, putting the company back on its feet so it could ___

remain independent of the Wall Street gang that was eager to suck its blood. It wonders-----------

that Henry’s memory is so short.                /

The time when Henry ceased to be an idol was when his paper, the Dearborn Indepena-_ __ ent, was finally crowded into withdrawing its attacks upon the Jews, which had been running-for several years. Though everybody else knew—.....-

that these attacks were being made, and thonglm^,, the Jews had been trying for years to get them discontinued, or at least have them limited to the facts, it seems that Henry (so he said) knew little or nothing about what was going on. These things seem to suggest that Henry’s mind runs something like one of his old style Model T’s.

Will Meat Be Eliminated from the Diet of the Future? By H. Sillaway (Tenn.)

IN A cross-country trip the observing city man is impressed by the large acreage of cleared and partially cleared land that appears to his mind to be merely waste territory of little or no profit to its owners. In fact, several years ago, during the senseless back-to-the-soil propaganda, much ado was made about this so-called waste land. But, in reality, these appearances are deceiving. The fact of the matter is that in most states of the Union, except perhaps in some sections of the far west and in mountainous, arid, or more oi’ less inaccessible regions, there is but little unutilized fertile cleared land. The greater portion of this seemingly waste territory is pasture land.

About thirty years ago one of our pioneer health authorities declared that in the near future mankind would become vegetarian in habits of diet, through necessity. This prophecy was based on the theory that through the inevitable increase of population land would become so valuable for the growing of food crops that it would no longer be utilized in the raising of stock for butchering. During the past quarter-century, we have witnessed the gradual fulfilling of this prediction. Meat, which was once the cheapest food product, has now become a real luxury, and the people, especially of the lower classes, are using less and less of it.

Even in the present day, only a small percent of farming lands throughout the greater portion of the country is utilized in food crops for man. The major part of our farm lands is devoted to stock-feed crops and pasturage, and the average general farmer puts in the greater portion of his time in the care of farm stock and the growing of crops for their maintenance. If the land now utilized for stock feeding were all planted to food crops their nutritive value would be several times that now indirectly obtained through stock feeding, especially of hogs and beef stock. The margin would not be as great with dairy cows, and dairy products are still a necessity.

But it does not take a very far-seeing eye to discern that dairy farming as now extensively carried on, will eventually cease. There seems little question that nutritious and palatable substitutes for butter of a vegetable foundation will in time be manufactured, and there is little doubt that milk in all its nutritious constituents will finally be synthetically produced.

We are living in a day when the nutrition value of milk is being lauded to the skies, and the writer heartily agrees that it is indeed fine for growing children, nursing mothers, and for adults in certain abnormal states of health;’but there are authorities who declare milk to be an abnormal food for adults, and the writer is inclined to agree with them to a certain limit. The adult of a normal constitution and state of health, under otherwise normal or near normal conditions, does not need milk, and his health is better without it. We are not in sympathy with the theories of the school of dietetists who believe it necessary to strain every resource of diet to maintain health.

Over-nutrition is exactly as bad as undernutrition, and where there is a variety and abundance of the solid foods in the menu that is just what a fairly well-constituted adult faces in the use of milk. And this is especially true of those engaged in a light occupation. Milk does not satisfy the appetite for other foods, and there is usually just as much solid food'used with milk as without it.

In a scarcity of acid fruits buttermilk will in a measure take their place in the diet. The lactic acid of buttermilk is very beneficial. But sauerkraut is a perfect substitute for buttermilk in this acid essential, and is better for the full fed adult.

Evidence does not appear to be lacking that in the divine program the chief province of the cow was in intent for the nursery epoch of man’s existence, in which he has been fulfilling the divine commission to multiply and fill the earth. While no small part of the race have managed to exist without dairy products, yet there is no question of the decided advantage to those who have been favored with them during the past times of hardships and privations. But man's emancipation from these conditions has already begun, and the real necessity for dairy products decreases in ratio to his release from the bondage of this curse of the past. '

But there is still another angle to this question. This is the one of soil fertility and soil erosion. It is a theory among farmers and farm authorities that stock raising is necessary to keep up and to improve the fertility of the farm. But let us note just how this works.

It is true enough that in dairy and stock farms, where there is little tendency to soil erosion, the general fertility of the land is improved where a scientific crop rotation is practiced. The value of stock in farm fertility is in the manure made on the farm. But the manure made on a farm will not in any one season cover more them a small percent of the land necessary to grow the grain and feed the stock kept consumed in making it. Now let us suppose this same land was sowed to legumes and plowed under. And suppose this process is repeated on the average of every other season, or in the case of the use of perennial legumes, every third year. As two to three heavy crops of legumes plowed under are fully equal to a coat of stable manure, we can readily see that in ten years’ time the land would be in a much better average state of fertility than would be possible through the stock-feeding method.

But suppose we apply this method to a farm subject to soil erosion or to land with a subsoil foundation poor for holding manure. On such farms the stable manure produced is of but negligible value in maintaining fertility. But such lands will hold fertility if sufficient humus foundation is provided. The only really feasible method of supplying this is by green manuring, and where legumes are used for this purpose the fertility is supplied at the same time.

A clay or heavy loam soil with a slope will wash badly in cultivation if poor in humus, and some soils are not suitable to cultivated crops even with it unless the land is terraced. Corn is the worst crop grown on erosive soils, and corn is principally a stock-feeding crop. Corn is the principal crop grown for hog feeding, and corn and hogs have been the ruination of no small part of our southern farm lands through soil erosion.

The time was .when corn comprised seventy-five percent or better of the feed crops grown in the South, and was the principal crop g’rown in most sections where cotton and tobacco were not a staple farm crop. The uplands were cleared and run in corn until their fertility was exhausted through soil erosion, and then were turned outside and new tracts cleared to take their place. Today the southern upland farmer is reaping the reward for this thoughtless indiscretion of his predecessors by a fierce struggle for an existence on these worn-out farm lands.

The scars and mars of past soil erosion, which has destroyed the natural beauty of the southern uplands, meet the eye on every hand, and still this erosive action continues, though now fought where once but little attention was paid to it. But because of their poverty, intense cropping is a necessity with the owners of these lands, and they are able to apply only a limited degree of the scientific knowledge they may possess for the controlling of this evil.

It is very plain to be seen that we are fast passing out of the live stock farming era, and as a result meats must become increasingly more and more of a luxury. Beef stock are no longer raised to any extent on the majority, of dairy farms, the calves being turned onto the market at veal age. In fact, we are witnessing the beginning of the passing out of the domestic farm animals, in the main; and this will mean to the future generation of farmers a letup in much of the care and drudgery that has been their lot in the past.

The end of the slavery of the horse to man is already clearly seen. The motor truck and tractor are fast taking his place. Only as an occasional pet or specimen will the horse survive in the future. The sheep seems to be the only domestic animal that bids fair to long survive in the future its usefulness of the past. Sheep require but little care, and will thrive well in locations not well suited to cultivation. And sheep may also be pastured in orchards where cattle would prove destructive.

The idea that economy demands that the carcasses of such domestic animals as it will be necessary to kill must pass through the human stomach to be disposed of is quite absurd, to say the least. When in the future man ceases to use a meat diet, to which all available evidence is a testimonial, there vail still no doubt be a demand for the little meat to be had. If any of the larger carnivorous animals are to survive they will have to be fed, as they will no longer roam over the earth at their pleasure, but will be kept in strong confines. Then there is man’s loyal companion, the dog, which requires meat occasionally for perfect health. Certainly there is no need to worry about the economical disposal of the carcasses of such animals as must be killed from time to time.

It is a clearly recognized fact among Bible Students that the emphatic testimony of the Scriptures is clear that man’s dietetic habits •were vegetarian until after the Deluge. It was to the generation of Noah that divine permission was first given to use the flesh of animals as food. Some have hastily jumped to the conclusion that it has been the changed climatic conditions succeeding the Deluge that were directly responsible for the radical shortening of human longevity. But present-day light on the science of life does not support this theory.

If this theory were correct we would most assuredly find evidence of it in its effect upon Noah and his family. But, instead, we find the testimony to be that Noah lived after the flood three hundred and fifty years, finally dying at the ripe old age of 950 years, an age almost equal to that of Methuselah. Shem, one of the sons of Noah, lived to the age of 600 years. Arphaxad, son of Shem, died at the age of 438 years. For the next two generations in the lineage of Shem there was little change in the longevity span, but the next generation makes the radical drop to 239 years of life span. Four generations later in the chronological records brings us down to Terah, the father of Abraham, who died at the age of 205 years, and ho was the last one in this line of descent who reached the two-century mark of life.

The life span phases of this chronological record present an interesting study; for the slow and gradual beginning of life span shortening is conclusive proof that the climatic changes following the flood were not back of it. Neither does the theory hold water that man’s privations, dissipations, etc., have weakened his constitutional vigor to the point where it has shortened his days to the present limited span of life. While the majority of us do have constitutional weaknesses, this is not true of all. There are many living today with a “perfect” physical organism, yet such begin showing the encroachments of old age almost as soon as those of us less fortunate in physical endowment. There is little doubt that the lack of a proper variety in food products was the leading cause of the beginning of life span shortening; but neither this nor hardships noi* dissipations would materially affect the ability of healthy-constituted individuals of a posterity not subject to these conditions to live as long as their long-lived ancestors.

The cause of this radical shortening of the span of life was manifestly an internal influence that has wrought permanent changes in the structural cell make-up of the internal glands and organs of the body which have their part in the manufacture of the life-sustaining blood from the foods eaten. These structural cell changes in the organs of the scat of life have resulted in changes likewise in their secretions and in the blood itself, producing corresponding changes in the cell structure of the entire system.

Several years ago the writer advanced the theory that the radical shortening of longevity was directly traceable to the permanent effects of a flesh food diet of our ancestry, which resulted in changes in the cell structure of the human system. While this theory seems fully substantiated by the strongest possible evidence, yet because scientific authorities in general fail to recognize the fact that the human species has experienced a radical shortening of the life span once enjoyed, this truth is over their heads.

It is a well recognized fact that the human system is a very sensitive medium to internal influences which produce within it constitutional changes of a more or less permanent character. Some of these are experienced in certain contagious diseases, which, once had, cannot ordinarily be taken the second time. The reason for this is certain secretive changes in the system which fortify it against a second attack of the same disease. But back of these blood changes are the changes in the cell structure of the vital glands themselves which secrete these antitoxic secretions. In other words, the disease produces a slight cell graft in which an element of it permanently remains in the system. Where the course of the disease has been mild these changes are so slight that little or no after-effect upon the general health results.

A disease cell graft of a very permanent character is produced by the social disease known as syphilis. This disease graft is often transmitted from parent to offspring to the third generation. But one of the most harmful forms of cell graft is produced by human ingenuity in the practice of vaccination. During the weakness produced by the vaccine fever the constitutional resistance of the patient is lowered to the point where a cell graft from the animal from which the cultures were taken is set up in the system.

This graft is similar to a disease graft; and, in fact, that is exactly what it amounts to in its effect upon the general health. In this graft there is no harmonious change of cell structure throughout the system, but rather an apparent grouping of it in certain vital and sensitive parts. This results in a constitutional weakening effect, and in the writer’s opinion often an influence toward insanity, which possibly shows up worse in the posterity of those who have been vaccinated. It is indeed a question if the rapid increase of insanity cannot be directly traced to the heinous practice of vaccination. The very nature of this graft would seem to indicate a very possible influence in this way.

So sensitive is the human organism to the influence of diet upon the moral nature and general temperament of the individual that someone has said, t;Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are.” The failure to recognize this principle has no small part in making our penal institutions crime confirmatories. But with the exception of flesh foods the general effects of foods upon the mental functions is not through cell graft, but rather by gland stimulation or otherwise, and its nourishing influence.

When something not a normal food is taken into the stomach it enters the circulation with its cells more or less intact. Some substances, as alcohol, enter the circulation with no change whatever. That the cells of flesh foods are not entirely broken up and assimilated we know, not only from their stimulating action upon the system, but also from their general influence upon the mental functions of the individual.

A food or substance inducing any unnatural stimulation owes its stimulative influence to its action of invasion upon the tissue cells, and especially those of the vital organs and glands or of the nerve system direct. This action results in a nerve reaction or spurring up of nerve force to repel the hostile invasion. A substance too powerful in its atomic action to be successfully repelled has the exact opposite effect, and, instead of stimulating nerve force, its influence is toward deadening it. These latter are what are termed poisons.

The cells of vegetable and mineral substances may encroach upon the cells of the human system, but because of no relation in cell foundation, they can not produce a hybridized condi-......

tion of them. But in flesh foods we have a different proposition. The cell foundation of all warm-blooded animal life is practically the same, the difference in cell make-up being in their superstructures. This being true, cell hybridization would be the natural result of the use of flesh foods by creatures not naturally omnivorous. But in species of naturally constituted omnivorous or carnivorous habits, there would be no tendency to a cell hybridizing influence, for the simple reason that the flesh cells of their food are completely broken up and assimilated by their digestive and assimilative organs. Because meat is not a normal food for man, he would most naturally be slow and loath to take advantage of his permission to use it, and at first would not do so until driven to it by necessity. This would account for the fact that the first generations of Shears line of descent showed a very slow falling off in life span.

The influence of a meat diet in the beginning on the sensitive organism was a slow and gradual harmonious cell graft or hybridization of the entire system, which continued to the point where the atomic cell action was of sufficient strength to repel further encroachment. This cell graft was a complete hybridization of the cells of the entire system, including the brain cells. The result was an altered and fixed cell change towards the lower animal plane. This fixed alteration of cell make-up was transmitted directly from parent to child. In fact it was nothing more nor less than an absolute alteration of species through a process of devolution influenced by the cell action of a meat diet.

The general constitutional vitality did not suffer from this change, but it did play havoc with his longevity, which was the direct result of devolution of species and not from a weakening of constitutional vigor. This devolution gave man greater brawn and greater power of physical endurance under hardships, but at the expense of a large measure of his former* mental powers.

As a flesh diet was responsible for man’s loss of longevity, it is self-evident that he cannot regain it while continuing the use of that diet. The conditions which made meat a necessity in man’s diet have largely passed away, and, with their passing, the regular use of meat, unless one is engaged in a strenuous occupation, is absolutely harmful. Meat is not entirely assimilated, and this unassimilated residue remains in the system as poison waste. In former times there was a scarcity of variety in available food products, and man was subject to long fatiguing hours of manual labor. Under these conditions this poisonous waste residue was mostly worked off before harm was done. But conditions are now changed, and not only are food products available in a variety and plenty unthought of in former times, but through labor-saving devices man has been to a great extent released from the strenuous and long hours of hard labor once his lot.

A meat diet is the principal cause of acid blood, kidney trouble, high blood pressure, hardening of arteries, apoplexy and often other trouble so common to our day and time. That the general health is better served by a diet with little or no meat has been proven time and again, nor is meat the superior diet for a strenuous occupation as some mistakenly suppose it to be. We have noted that meat is a stimulative food. Its action in this respect is to an extent similar to the use of other stimulants. If you deprive a habitual meat-eater of his meat he feels weak and undernourished as the result of the abnormal stimulation afforded by meat. But abnormal stimulation does not increase endurance in the long run. Bather, it is detrimental to it.

The effect of a meat diet upon the mental and moral nature of man was foretold in the granting of the privilege to use it. We read, “And the fear of you, and the dread of you, shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hand are they delivered.” (Gen. 9: 2) Again, in the fifth verse of the same chapter we read, “And surely your blood of your lives will I require; at the hand of every beast will I require it, and at the hand of man; at the hand of every man’s brother will I require the life of man.”

In these Scripture quotations we have the plain declarations of not only the evil effects of a meat diet upon man’s moral nature in a deterioration of it to a harsh and cruel disposition, but also the loss of his magnetic control of the lower animals through a radical deterioration of his mental powers, which has left him more or less at their mercy. Under his fallen sinful state both his loss of longevity and his loss of mental powers have been a blessing to him in disguise. If he had retained these it can be clearly seen that with an undeteriorated mentality and a life span centuries in length in -which to perfect his iniquitous schemes, and with a population running into . millions upon millions of these long-lived beings the evil results would have reached depths practically inconceivable. Jehovah foresaw this and forestalled it by the very methods we are here discussing.

The blood of animal life was denied man as food, and for very good reasons. We have only to note the effect of its use upon the mental and moral natures of those who have transgressed this dietetic edict to understand why it was forbidden, though this was inferred, in these words, “But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof.” (Gen. 9:4) In other words, the tailing of the life element itself into the human system meant a stronger graft and change in it than the race would be able to stand and maintain their identity as reclaimable humans. In fact, the general use of the blood of slaughtered animals would have meant the degeneration of the race into savage morons, and also a possible final extinction through the probable weakening effect upon certain sensitive glands of the system.

The evil effect of a meat diet upon the youth of the present generation is strikingly manifest. With more sleep and release from the long fatiguing hours of physical strain which was the lot of the youth of their ancestors, their systems are not a normal foundation for such a diet. The result is often too much of a soft mushroom physical development, and unless offset by strong prenatal influences the mental and moral effects of a meat diet are manifest in a dulling of the moral senses and result in mental reflexes which are unable to adjust themselves to harmonious social responsibilities. This influence is especially manifest in the large subthyroid class from which the majority of criminals and prostitutes are recruited.

The best corrective influence with an incorrigible, vicious or bad-moraled child is to cut out meat altogether from the diet, and instead use milk and plenty of fruit in its place. You will not have to wait long for a noticeable change. There is a very manifest difference in the mental temperament of a youth who has been reared on a nutritious diet containing but little meat and that of the meat-fed youth, manifest in the former in a milder and more refined nature and better and saner reasoning powers. Nor are we advancing mere theory in these deductions; on the contrary, they are the result of years of observation and study.

The kind of meats used in the generations of the past has had much to do with the mental and moral characteristics of the peoples who have used them. In fact, the very nature of the animal itself would seem to be faintly manifest in these differences. Of all meats used as food, swine products have apparently had by far the worst effects upon the mental functions. The influence of them has been to dull and in no small measure destroy the moral-logical reasoning powers. It is the swine that has made history among the Gentile peoples as we find it. Swine have never been anything but a curse to any people, and there seems to be the strongest Bible evidence in support of the theory that swine were an unauthorized creation, disowned by the Lord. There appears to be little question that the Jew owes his superior powers of mental alertness as a race to his avoidance of swine products.

The fact that Jesus ate meat is no evidence whatever in support of the theory that meat is a normal food for man. The giving of Himself as the ransom price of man’s redemption in the early prime of life made it unnecessary for Him to avoid the slow aging process. And it is really doubtful if He ate much meat. His perfect mental clearness does not seem to indicate it. Daniel and his three companions who are outstanding figures in sacred history, were vegetarians, and John the Baptist, according to the Bible record, was not much on a meat diet. There seems to be no evidence that fish, whose flesh cell foundation is evidently diverse from that of all warm-blooded animal life, has any hybridizing influence as food upon the human system. Perhaps fish may not be entirely tabooed from the diet of the future.

The mere abstaining from meat will not in itself correct the abnormal cell graft of the human system. But the problem in no sense presents an impossibility. Through divine providence science will be able to readily solve it in due time. When science once awakes to the fact that such a graft exists it won’t take long to find the remedy. Some of the recent discoveries on the pathway of the science of life may mean much in the near future.

In Dooley County, Georgia

IF ANY New York hodcarrier making six or seven dollars a, day should be on strike for more money and fewer hours, let him take a trip to Perry or Vienna, Ga. The wages there are from 75c to $1.25 a day. I doubt very much if he rvould get the $1.25.

The people live chiefly on corn meal and sweet potatoes, or rather, exist on a very small portion of these foods.

The homes are but shacks, most of them unfit for the raising of stock. Even the better class of people live in houses that have not seen paint or repair since the war.

Colored servants can be found in the average white home. They receive the modest sum of $2.00 a week.

We have seen very few old white people; while the colored population seems to get much older.

By E. C. Fi-nlcbeiner (Colporteur)

Tobacco is freely used by both sexes. The women chew it just as originally as the men. The other day one of our boys saw a very bright and beautiful girl about four years old chewing away on some snuff, just like the "old women”, as they say here.

The crops raised- here are cotton, corn, peaches, sweet potatoes, peanuts and pecans. An official bulletin stated that the cotton loss in Dooley County for 1929 was $935,000. One man having 10,000 peach trees said he received forty crates of peaches. Orchards of 100,000 peach trees are common here. Everything is being drained out of the land and little or nothing put into it. One man told us that soy beans were first planted for soil improvement about a year ago.

The rich here are poor, and the poor are too poor to describe. Ignorance is as plentiful as money is scarce. We have been told that these conditions have existed for the last ten years, but my opinion would be that they have existed for at least fifty.

The common people would all accept the Kingdom, but poverty and ignorance prevent them. About all we can do for these poor people is to pray that the Kingdom might come soon.

A Question and Answer

TJESTJON: In “listening in” to Watchtower programs and reading Watch Tower literature I am impressed with the thought that Bible Students are making no effort to convert the world nor to reform present-day social, political and moral conditions. AVill you please explain why.

Ansiver: There are two reasons why Bible Students are not trying to convert the world nor reform its social, political and moral conditions : First, God has not delegated this work to men; second, it is utterly impossible for men to do it. The world will be converted and every wrong and evil condition righted by and during the kingdom of Christ, for which Jesus taught His followers to pray, saying: “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.” Men do not possess either the wisdom or the ability to do this work. When God raised Jesus from the dead, He gave Him ‘all power in heaven and in earth’, in order that He might have both the wisdom and the ability to convert the world. God has set apart a thousand years during which Jesus shall do this work. So far as reforming the present evil sccial, political and moral conditions, Jesus will never attempt to do this, but will set up entirely new social, political and moral standards. The present standards are basically wrong, and hence He will not try to reform them. More than that, Satan is the author of them, and Jesus will never attempt to perpetuate anything that the Devil has established; neither should the Lord’s people try to do it.

Men have tried to convert the world and reform it, by the use of money, and of the ballot, and by making drastic laws, as well as by preaching the doctrine of eternal torment. All their efforts have been and will be a failure. They are now trying a “league of nations” and a “federation of churches”, and these are doomed to failure also. After over a hundred years of missionary efforts, reform movements, and sumptuary laws, the world is in a worse condition than ever before. Never was there so much lawlessness, crime, political corruption, ■war preparations, gambling in the necessities of life, bribery, graft, oppressive monopolies and social evils as at the present time. Jails are overcrowded with criminals; court calendars overcrowded with cases set for trial; newspapers reek with vicious and filthy stories of every-day life, while not over five percent of the violators of law are ever brought to trial.

The Bible foretold these conditions, and that they would exist in the last days. In 2 Timothy 3:1-5 we read: “In the last days perilous times shall come; men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, . . . traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness, but denying the poAver thereof.” Verse 13 also reads: “Evil men and seducers shall wax worse and wmrse, deceiving, and being deceived.” These texts state the truth as to conditions existing today, namely, that the world is in a worse condition than ever before, and contradict the teaching of orthodoxy, that the world is to be converted by men and that the world is getting better.

According to the Bible the world is to be converted during the one thousand years of Christ’s reign, and it will be Jesus and His resurrected saints, consisting of 144,000, who ■will do the work. (Rev. 20:6; 14:1) They will be authorized by Jehovah God to do it; they will have the power to do it; and it will be God’s due time to do it. However, the idea that God intends to reform earth’s governments or the financial, social and moral structures of earth is entirely wrong. Without exception these are Satan’s organizations, and founded on injustice, selfishness and oppression; hence their wickedness and corruption. It is impossible to reform them.

Efforts to reform these organizations, either by ballot or by law, are, in the Scriptures, likened to sewing a new patch on an old threadbare garment. In Matthew 9:16 we read: "No man putteth a piece of new cloth unto an old garment; for that which is put in to fill it up taketh from the garment, and the rent is made worse.” Knowing this, it is the divine purpose to make an entirely new garment, an entirely new political, social, financial and industrial fabric, founded on justice, truth, love and righteousness.

In view of these facts, the Bible commands the Lord's people not to try to rectify wrong and evil conditions now, but to wait for the kingdom to do that work. At the first advent Jesus made no effort to convert the world nor to institute any reforms; neither did He advise His followers to interfere in the world’s affairs. On the contrary, He told His followers that while they were in the world, they were to be no part of it; that they should separate themselves from it and not touch the unclean thing. He advised them against trying to rectify wrong conditions, by saying to them, “I say unto you, That ye resist not evil.”—Matt. 5: 39.

In James 5:7, after recounting the injustices and frauds practiced against the Lord’s people by oppressors, James adds: “Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord.” It will be noticed that James does not advise to fight injustice, fraud and oppression, but does advise to wait until the kingdom is established. The Scriptures advise the Lord’s people not to fret or worry about evil men or evil conditions, but to wait for the kingdom to right all wrongs. In Psalm 37: 7 we read: "Fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass,” which follows the exhortation, “Best in the Lord, and wait patiently for him.”

In Zephaniah 3:8 we read: “Therefore wait ye upon me, saith the Lord, until the day that I rise up to the prey; for my determination is to gather the nations, that I may assemble the kingdoms, to pour upon them mine indignation, even all my fierce anger: for all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of my jealousy. For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the Lord, to serve him with one consent.” This text tells us in unmistakable language that God purposes, first, to destroy all the kingdoms, and then to give the people the truth.

In 1 Thessalonians 1:10, Paul urges the Thessalonian church to “wait for [God’s] Son from heaven”. Again, in Luke 23: 50, 51 we read of Joseph, the lawyer, in whose tomb Jesus was buried, as follows: “He was a good man, and a just . . . who also himself waited for the kingdom of God.”

Men cannot convert or reform the world. They fought a war recently for the avowed purpose of establishing democracy in the earth, but the result was world-wide autocracy. They formed a “league of nations” to abolish war, but the preparations for Avar are going on at a greater pace than ever before. The only nations that the League can control are the small ones that have no army or navy. Men voted the country dry, only to have it remain wet and the country submerged under the curse of a great wave of bootlegging, murder and lawlessness, which has jammed the jails so full that it is impossible to property house and feed the convicts. Men have made laws against monopolies, trusts and other combinations, formed to force higher prices, yet the world is full of such combinations today, and they are increasing in size and multiplying in number, and the people are oppressed as never before.

Bible Students are doing just what Jesus and the apostles did; namely, waiting for the kingdom to right all wrongs. More than that, they are telling the people that the kingdom is at the door. They are comforting the people with the. message that Jesus has already taken His power; that the work of destroying Satan’s corrupt organizations on earth has begun, and that a complete deliverance of ail the oppressed from the power of the oppressor Iios just ahead.' Satan is the great oppressor, and his associate oppressors are the cruel, heartless profiteers, the wicked politicians, and those clergymen who are preaching doctrines that misrepresent God and His purposes. This message is one of comfort and encouragement, and affords a hope of a speedy deliverance from the tyrannies of Satan and men, while the man-made schemes afford no such hope. Therefore our advice is that all those who love the Lord and their fellow men and righteousness should obey the Lord and wait for the kingdom to right earth’s wrongs, instead of running ahead of the Lord and trying in vain to do the work themselves. The kingdom is the only hope of the world.

The Crisis of the Ages

from. Station WBBR, New York, by Judge Rutherford.]


JEHOVAH has a fixed time when He will vindicate His Word and His name. That will mark the greatest crisis of the ages. It will mark the complete end of Satan’s organization and power. It will also mark the inauguration of everlasting peace and righteousness on earth. Neither the day nor the hour this will take place does man know. Jehovah knows, to be sure, and all the circumstances known to man point to the fact that the time is near at hand. According to the Scriptures there is but one other thing of importance that must be finished before that time of crisis is fully upon the world. That one thing is the “'preaching of this gospel of the kingdom of God’.

Last Sunday morning it was my privilege to discuss the commandment that the Lord Jesus gave to His followers, to wit, “This gospel of the kingdom must be preached to all the world as a witness to all nations; and then shall the end come.’ Now we shall see from the Scriptures what will follow the completion of the work of “preaching this gospel of the kingdom as a witness’.

A crisis is a definite turning point. It means a time when there is impending a great change in the affairs of men. It is fraught with great danger and difficulties. The great impending crisis means a complete change of all the forms of government on earth by the passing away of Satan’s oppressive organization and by the inauguration of righteousness under the kingdom of the Messiah. The greatest war and trouble that the world has ever known is just ahead. And what I shall say concerning the matter is not to frighten any one. I am not an alarmist. God has commanded by and through His prophet, in Isaiah 61:1, 2, that the ““day of the vengeance of our God” must be told to the people. Therefore what is here said is merely a matter of information. No follower of Christ could be faithful at this day and not tell the people of । tire impending crisis.


Is it not possible for the nations to prevent such great trouble and war? It is impossible! The purpose of Jehovah has been expressed. His purpose will be carried out. I am fully aware of the fact that the leaders of world politics today say: “The League of Nations will prevent further war or trouble.’ The clergy are the loudest in their praise of the League of Nations. They should know that God by His prophet foretold the League and caused to be written in Isaiah 8: 9,10 what shall be its end, to wit: ““Associate.yourselves, 0 ye people, and ye shall be broken in pieces: and give ear, all ye of far countries: gird yourselves, and ye shall be broken in pieces; gird yourselves, and ye shall be broken in pieces. Take counsel together, and it shall come to nought; speak the word, and it shall not stand: for God is with us.”

The clergy also say: “Surely the General Pact for the prevention of war made at Paris and approved by many nations and endorsed by the Federation of Churches will prevent further trouble.’ I answer, That Peace Pact is absolutely impotent! It is true that the Federation of Churches stands solidly for the Peace Pact and has induced many of the political and financial rulers of the world to support it, and together these are now saying, “Peace, peace.” But there is no- peace! The leaders of Christendom have forsaken the Word of God, which Jehovah foreknew and foretold in Jeremiah 6:13,14: “For from the least of them even unto the greatest of them, every one is given to covetousness; and from the preacher even unto the priest every one dealeth falsely. They have healed also the hurt of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace.’

Furthermore, while the Peace Pact and Disarmament conferences are being held, and while the Federation of Churches and its allies are telling the people that there will be no more war, we may expect them scon to say, ““Peace and safety.” Concerning such it is written in 1 Thessalonians 5:3: “‘For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.”

But what have the rulers of the world done that is out of the way of right and that would warrant Jehovah in taking action? As is well known, the world is ruled by those who are rich in money and rich in political influence, and their allies, the religious leaders, are rich in worldly honor and favor. These three elements unite together to misrule the people, and their oppression daily grows more severe. Looking

down to the great crisis approaching, the Lord caused to be written, in James 5:1-6: “Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you. Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moth eaten. Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days. Behold, the hire of the labourers who have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud, crieth: and the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the Lord of [battle]. Ye have lived in pleasure on the earth, and been wanton; ye have nourished your hearts, as in a day of slaughter. Ye have condemned and killed the just; and he doth not resist you.”

What else have the rulers done that calls for the anger of Jehovah God to be expressed? The Scriptures employ the word “earth” to represent the organized governments on the earth with particular reference to the rulers thereof. The invisible ruler, to be sure, is Satan the Devil, God’s enemy and the enemy of man. In Isaiah 24:5 it is written: “The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof, because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant.”

The law of Jehovah commands that the people shall love and serve God. The leaders of the world have discarded that law by teaching the people to worship heroes and the Devil himself. The ordinance of God directs that Christ will set up and administer the kingdom of righteousness. The leaders of the world have changed that ordinance by substituting the League of Nations. God made an everlasting covenant with Noah that human life should be sacred, and all the nations have broken this by wilfully shedding innocent blood. In all these wrongs the clergy have been the chief offenders, because they should have known better. During the World War they encouraged and urged the young men to hate and kill. In the enforcement of the prohibition law by the shotgun method they approve the shedding of human blood. “In thy skirts is found the blood of the souls of the poor innocents: I have not found it by secret search, but upon all these.”—Jer. 2:34.

It was because of selfishness that the nations of Christendom rose against each other in 1914 and spilled the blood of innocent millions. It was because the clergy, the professed instructors of the people, had failed to teach the people God’s Word that selfishness was greatly increased. The Lord foretold that selfishness would break forth in destructive flames and streams of blood marking the end of the world in 1914. Four years later the Lord stopped that war. And for what purpose? I answer in the language of Christ Jesus: Tn order that this gospel of the kingdom might be preached to all the world as a witness’; and this must be done before the end comes. Now the faithful witnesses of Jehovah go forth in obedience to that commandment, telling the people the truth. Among other things then commanded is that “the day of the vengeance of our God” must be told to the rulers and to the people. God’s expressed purpose is to destroy Satan’s organization for the reasons just stated from the Scriptures. Jesus says that when the notice has been served by proclaiming “this gospel of the kingdom”, “then shall the end come.” The question of importance then is, How will that time of the complete end of Satan’s world be made known? That question Jesus answered in Matthew 24: 21 and 22, which reads: “For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.”

The fact that Jesus here says that there shall' never be another trouble is proof conclusive that world trouble is the way in which the complete end shall be made known.


There is no fact more definitely foretold by the Scriptures than the great conflict which is often spoken of as The battle of Armageddon’. It is also called “the battle of that great day of God Almighty”. From the very time God expelled man from Eden Satan has reproached the name of Jehovah for the purpose of turning the people away from God. Jehovah God being the source of life, it is essential that all His creatures know that He is the Most High God. He has declared that in His own due time He will overthrow Satan and all his power. That great conflict He has foreshadowed in many things that He has caused to be recorded in the Scriptures. These things, some of which I will now relate, foreshadow and foretell the great and final trouble upon the world which is impending. Prior to the flood practically all persons turned away from Jehovah. Noah was faithful to Jehovah God. The Lord sent Noah forth to serve notice upon all others of His purpose to destroy the world. Noah is mentioned in the Scriptures as the “preacher of righteousness”. After God had duly served notice through the preaching of Noah, He then sent upon the earth the great deluge or flood, and every living creature outside of the ark died. Only Noah and his family of eight, and the animals taken into the ark, were carried over and saved. By this was foreshadowed the final crisis of the ages.

When the Israelites were domiciled in Egypt, and were suffering under the oppression of the Egyptian ruler, God sent Moses and Aaron to serve notice upon the rulers informing them that He is God, and of His purpose to deliver His people. Moses and Aaron pictured Christ Jesus and His faithful associates in preaching the final gospel of the kingdom. The ruler of Egypt arrogantly said, ‘Who is Jehovah, that I should obey him?’ and, the ruler refusing to hear, God sent various plagues upon the Egyptians, the concluding one being the death of every first-born in the land. Then the Egyptians drove out the Israelites and forced them on to the Bed Sea and pursued them. God fought against the Egyptians for Israel and destroyed all the Egyptian armies. In this trouble the final destruction of Satan’s organization was foreshadowed.

When the Assyrian king stood before the walls of Jerusalem and defied Jehovah and His chosen people, Jehovah God sent His angel and struck down in one night 185,000 men. By this He also pictured the final trouble upon the world that is impending. These things He did for His name’s sake that the people might know He is God and that in due time He wall deliver them.

It is considered by all who think soberly that there is now since the World War more crime and wickedness and suffering amongst the people than at any other time. The reason for this condition is that the world has ended. Satan has been cast out of heaven and is preparing for the great and final conflict. God foreknew this coming condition and He foretold it, in Revelation 12:12, in these words: ‘Woe to the inhabifcrs of the earth, and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.” That scripture is further proof that the greatest time of trouble is near at hand.

The leading nations of the earth call themselves Christian nations, and for this reason they pass under the name or title of “Christendom”. These nations take the name of the Lord and ‘draw near to him with their lips, but their hearts are far removed from him’ and they dishonor his name and Word. This is due to the fact that the nations have fallen under the wicked influence of Satan, the god of this world. By this means the people are blinded to the truth and misled, and their oppression continues. God has expressed His purpose to bring upon these hypocritical nations the greatest trouble, and has declared that none shall escape. By His prophet Jeremiah He says (25: 29, 30): “For, lo, I begin to bring evil on the city which is called by my name [Christendom], and should ye be utterly unpunished? Ye shall not be unpunished: for I will call for a swmrd upon all the inhabitants of the earth, saith the Lord of hosts. Therefore prophesy thou against them all these words, and say unto them, The Lord shall roar from on high, and utter his voice from his holy habitation; he shall mightily roar upon his habitation; he shall give a shout, as they that tread the grapes, against all the inhabitants of the earth.”

In Revelation 16:13-16 the proof is given that the forces of Satan are gathering together against the Lord for battle and that this is being done by the use of the three ruling elements of the world who give a false and misleading message to the people. At the same time God is preparing for the great conflict. Concerning that event, by His prophet He says (Zeph. 3:8): “Therefore wait ye upon me, saith the Lord, until the day that I rise up to the prey: for my determination is to gather the nations, that I may assemble the kingdoms, to pour upon them mine indignation, even all my fierce anger; for all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of my jealousy.”

The nations are gathering together and Satan and all his hosts are boasting against God. Even the clergymen and professors who are educators of young men in theological schools boast of their own wisdom and openly and flippantly deny the very existence of Jehovah God. On the fifth day of November, 1929, the United Press carried the following news item:

“The Rt. Rev. William T. Manning, Protestant Episcopal Bishop of New York, has found a theological seminary where only one of the professors believes in God, he said today. Bishop Manning refused to name the seminary. ‘The only instructor who believes in God,’ he said, ‘is looked upon as something of an old fogey.’ ”

This is the kind of clergymen that are educating other young men for the pulpit.

Never in the history of man has there been so much pride exhibited amongst the clergymen of the earth. Posing as the representatives of God and as preachers of the truth they deny Jehovah’s Word and magnify their own wisdom. They point to themselves with great pride, saying : ‘The united effort of our churches will save the world from further war and trouble.’ Turning away from Jehovah and His Word and kingdom, they have openly allied themselves with God’s enemy in declaring for the League of Nations and like compacts. I cite these facts, not for the purpose of holding men up to ridicule or scorn, but as a warning to the people concerning God’s purpose and His reason for bringing upon the world the great war which ■will result in the destruction of Satan’s organization. I could not be faithful to God nor true to the people if I did not tell the truth. I speak that which is within the common knowledge of millions. Concerning the pride and boasting of those who misrepresent God, by His Prophet Jeremiah (50:31,32) He says: “Behold, I am against thee, O thou most proud, saith the Lord God of hosts; for thy day is come, the time that I will visit thee. And the most proud shall stumble and fall, and none shall raise him up: and I will kindle a fire in his cities, and it shall devour all round about him.”

The world has ended and the ouster proceedings against Satan’s organization are in progress. The great day of God Almighty, which will witness the complete overthrow of wickedness, is at hand. The proud and boasters of all nations join together in saying what they expect to do to stabilize the world, and to them Jehovah by His Prophet Joel (3:11,14) says: “Assemble yourselves, and come, all ye heathen [nations], and gather yourselves together round about: thither cause thy mighty ones to come down, 0 Lord. Let the heathen [nations] be wakened, and come up to the valley of Jehoshaphat: for there will I sit to judge all the heathen [nations] round about.”

The day of decision has come and the great question that must now be decided is, Who is the supreme one, who is the Almighty God? The feeble speech of the humble servants of Jehovah is heard today as a voice in the wilderness crying out the truth and saying: “Jehovah is the only true God.”

In the Scriptures a stormy wind is symbolic of great war and trouble. By His prophet God discloses that He, through Christ, will begin the assault upon the enemy (Ps. 107:25-27): “For he commandeth, and raiseth the stormy wind, which lifteth up the waves thereof. They mount up to the heaven, they go down again to the depths: their soul is melted because of trouble. They reel to and fro, and stagger like a drunken man, and are at their wits’ end.” (Isa. 24:20) “The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall, and not rise again.”

The earth symbolically represents organized governments of the world. Again by His prophet Jehovah not only makes known the certainty of the trouble, hut also describes the devastation or ruins thereof. His Prophet Jeremiah corroborates the words of Jesus concerning its being the worst trouble ever known, when he says: “A noise shall come even to the ends of the earth; for the Lord hath a controversy with the nations; he wall plead with all flesh; he will give them that are wicked to the sword, saith the Lord. Thus saith the Lord of hosts, Behold, evil [punishment] shall go forth from nation to nation, and a great whirlwind shall be raised up from the coasts of the earth. And the slain of the Lord shall be at that day from one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth: they shall not be lamented, neither gathered, nor buried: they shall be dung upon the ground.”—Jer. 25: 31, 33.

If a million people should fall dead in one city in one hour, that disaster would strike such terror to the hearts of others that none would stay behind to bury the dead. These scriptures indicate that the trouble will be far worse than even that. Jehovah God will make known to all. creation that He is supreme and that all who will have the blessings of life must have it from Him and that to follow Satan means ultimate destruction.

It will be conceded by all that the clergy of the various churches are the shepherds of their respective flocks, and that they so designate themselves. God’s Word was written aforetime concerning them; and when I read it, it is not for a vindictive purpose, but only with a desire to obey Jehovah by informing the people of what is approaching. The governments warn the people of approaching storms and instruct that even the birds shall be protected, and that is right. With stronger reasoning is it the duty of those who love God and the people to warn them of the approach of the greatest storm that will ever break on earth. The principal ones of the flocks or congregations in the churches are the rich and the influential. Let all take notice of what Jehovah, by His prophet, says of that trouble. “Howl, ye shepherds, and cry; and wallow yourselves in the ashes, ye principal of the flock: for the days of your slaughter and of your dispersions are accomplished: and ye shall fall like a pleasant vessel.”—Jer. 25: 34.

A lady possesses a beautiful and pleasant vessel which she highly prizes. It falls from her hand upon the pavement and is shattered to pieces and she wails in sorrow. Religious systems and religious leaders have been a pleasant vessel in the hands of those who have used them for their own selfish purposes, and the prophet tells that when these go down there will bo a cry of agony ascending from those who have trafficked in the religion of men. Continuing, God speaks through His prophet and says: “And the shepherds shall have no way to flee, nor the principal of the flock to escape. A voice of the cry of the shepherds, and an howling of the principal of the flock, shall be heard: for the Lord hath spoiled their pasture. And the peaceable habitations are cut down, because of the fierce anger of the Lord.”—Jer. 25:35-37.


Jehovah is not moved by vindictive malice in destroying the organizations of earth of which Satan is the god. Why then should the trouble come upon the peoples of earth, more trouble than has ever been known? Briefly call to mind what has come to pass during the past 6,000 years. Lucifer, created a beautiful and glorious creature, was placed by Jehovah in the honored position of man’s overlord in Eden. He betrayed his trust and was guilty of treason and has since been the leader of all wickedness and the defamer of God’s holy name and the oppressor of the people. He has reproached God and mocked Him that he might turn all creation away from Jehovah to their own hurt. Men organized themselves into governments and have easily fallen to the wicked influence of Satan. God will prove that His Word and His name are right, in order that creatures might know the way to life everlasting. Proving this, all creation will have reason to have complete confidence in Him. Therefore He must and will destroy Satan and His organization. It was in 1914 that Christ, whose right it is to rule the world, took His power to reign. It was then and there that Satan’s time to rule without interruption ceased, and yet he still holds on to his power and oppresses the people. God will now oust him completely and destroy his organization. But why the delay? one may ask. Why did not God destroy him long ago, or even during the World War?

The words of Jesus give the answer, clear and plain. The World War was stopped in 1918 in order that the witnesses of Jehovah might have an opportunity to go from place to place and tell the message of God’s purpose to the people. For that reason the Lord commanded that This gospel of the kingdom must be preached before the final end’. Is it not therefore plain and clear that those who love God and who will obey His commandments must give the witness even at the cost of their own lives? Is there any cause, however, for these witnesses to fear? There is none; for the reason that Jehovah says to them: “Ye are my witnesses . . . that I am God.” ‘Go and tell the people the truth.’ He gives them full assurance of His complete protection -while so doing, when by His prophet He says (Isa. 51:16): “And I have put my words in thy mouth, and I have covered thee in the shadow of mine hand, that I may plant the heavens, and lay the foundations of the earth, and say unto Zion, Thou art my people.”                                                     '

As further evidence that the impending crisis will mark the end of earth’s wars, by His prophet Jehovah says: ‘The battle bow shall be cut off: and the Lord will speak peace to the nations; and his dominion shall be from sea to sea, even to the ends of the earth,’ (Zech. 9:10) Following such destruction, which must soon befall the world, there will be the greatest need for complete reconstruction for the benefit of the people. Jehovah has not left us in doubt concerning this, but has caused to be set forth in His Word the complete proof concerning reconstruction, the instruments to be used, and -how it shall be done. Next Sunday it will-be -my pleasure to tell you concerning this.

Unwilling to Poison Humanity By Fred C. Peterson (Minn.)

HAVE followed Dr. Betts’ articles on the aluminum situation for some time. At first we were skeptical, as it did not seem possible that anything being so universally used as aluminum could be so poisonous.

After reading several of Dr. Betts’ articles in your magazine, I decided to quit using aluminum ware for a period of time. I had been ailing with indigestion, dyspepsia, and other stomach ailments for some time, and my children were none too healthy, so I awaited with interest the result of our not using any aluminum dishes.

It was not long before noticeable improvement was noted in my health as well as my children’s, finally becoming so noticeable that I decided to throw away all our aluminum dishes, which happened to be about the only kind of pots and pans that we had, and we went back to the old granite ware dishes again, and we are all improving, in health right along.

We have a store here, and always sold aluminum ware, but after this experiment we discarded what aluminum ware we had in our store and will not handle any more, for now that we know, we do not want to be guilty of poisoning any of our fellow humans.

It seems queer that the Federal Pure Food Commission would not put a stop to this systematic poisoning of humanity. We always thought that it was their duty to look after these things, but it seems to remain for the best little magazine in the world today to expose this terrible crime against the health of the world.

The Children’s Own Radio Story By C. J. W.} Jr. Story Fifty-two

FOR a period of forty days after His resurrection from the dead, Jesus, the Son of

God, appeared at frequent intervals to various ones who had been His followers while He lived upon the earth.

We must remember that from that time forward Jesus has had His heavenly, or spirit body: His human, or earthly body, was laid down in death as the equal ransom price for father Adam’s lost life, thus giving all of Adam’s children since the world began a full and fair opportunity to gain everlasting life.

When Jesus made the appearances of which we speak, He sometimes took the form of Himself as He was when a human being, so that His disciples could recognize Him. At first they could not believe it was He, and were greatly astounded; but He told them that it was indeed their Master,.the gentle Man of Galilee, now glorified and honored beyond all creatures in heaven and earth, for His faith and love and devotion to God His Father.

Jesus called His disciples together upon a certain day, and led them up into a mountain near Bethany. There He appeared to them for the last time. He gave them a final charge to preach the Word of God to all people, and the account of this final scene in our little history runs thus:

“Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures, and said unto them, Thus it is written, and thus it behoved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day: and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.

“And ye are witnesses of these things. And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with powder from on high;

“And he led them out as far as to Bethany, and he lifted up his hands, and blessed them. And it came to pass, while he blessed them, he '...........was parted from them, and carried up into


“And they worshipped him, and returned to Jerusalem with great toy: and were continually in the temple, praising and blessing God. Amen.'’

Thus ends the account as given by Luke.

The last scene with all of Jesus’ disciples present was impressive, and solemn, yet filled with a peaceful joy. The Master, when lie had concluded His words, slowly raised His arms toward heaven, and gave the blessing of God to Ills faithful followers. Slowly, majestically, the form of Jesus ascended into the mist. A little longer and “a cloud received him out of their sight”.

How could the disciples keep the tears from stealing down their cheeks. Tears of mingled joy and sorrow. Their beloved Master was gone, had returned to the place of glory He had quit thirty-three and a half years before in order to come upon the earth and endure persecution and death for our sakes.

But Jesus had gloriously fulfilled every wish of His Father in heaven, had provided the ransom price, and had been raised from the dead a glorious spirit being, to die no more. His parting words were a message of cheer, hope, and joyful certainty. Peter smiled through his tears as he thought of this.

Mark, standing near, smiled also. Luke, John, Andrew, Thomas, and the remainder of the little band, took heart and were suddenly filled with great joy as they thought of the blessings in store for mankind, provided by the loving-kindness of Jehovah and His Son Jesus. We can imagine them as with one accord, turning and descending the mountain, toward Jerusalem, singing with a mighty strength, “Hosanna in the highest! Praise and glory to the name of the Lord, for ever!”

The story of Jesus’ earthly life is finished. We close this little history with the sincere and prayerful wish that its treatment of the main events of the life of Jesus of Nazareth may have served to bring closer to the hearts of those who have listened, the beauty, dignity, kindness, pity, mercy, and love of Jesus Christ, the Son of Almighty Jehovah God, of whom it was truly written, “Tor as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.”



You want peace! How will you get it? Before 1914 the peace prophets claimed there would never be another war. What do you hear them saying now since the Paris Peace Pact? W h a t does God’s prophetic Word tell you about it? By reading what the author has to say in the following pages you will he able to find peace of mind on this momentous question.

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