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Golden Age


in this issue






An address by Judge Rutherford, broadeast in watchtower national chain program


■ every other WEDNESDAY

five cents a copy one dollar a year Canada & Foreign 1.2 s

Vol. XII - No. 299

March 4» 1931



There Is But One Remedy . . . 373

100,000 Living in Basements , 368

.Bartering in Kentucky . . , 368


Twelve Hundred Ways to Help

the Poor ....... 355

34,400,000 Telephones . . . 367

Paroles in Alabama .... 369

Shrinkage of Newspaper Influence 369

Ten Million Deficient Children 371

Something New in Prison Design 371

Marriage in New Zealand . . 372

One Issue Did the Trick . . . 374


A Ford Car in 48 Minutes . . 369

Copper Production to Be Lessened 370


Gold Supply Short .... 368

Railroads Gradually Slipping . 368

Thirty-Million-Dollar Boat . 369

European Air Mail in a Year . 370

New Stock Orgy in Sight . . 371


Political Influence of Racketeers 382


Truck Gardening Versus G-olf . 377


A California Radio Enthusiast. 367

Some of the High Dams . . 368

Revolving Solarium ..... 368

Weather Map Receivers . . . 369

Germans Make Iron Cotton . 369

Empire State Mooring- Mast . 369

European-South American

Telephone Service . . . . 370

Shipment of Frozen Light . . 370


When You Buy Tobacco . . 371

Glucose Deal Goes Through . 372

Why Take Chances .... 374

Malnutrition Due to White Flour 375


Gasparri Saved the Kaiser . 371

Cave Dwellings in Spain . . 383

Three Kinds of Prisons . . . 366

Light Kates in Winnipeg . . 367

Newspaper Protest at the League 370

Too Many International Conferences ......371


How Could You Fail? ... 372

Benefits from the Kingdom . 378

Religious Business Getting Hard 383

Published every other Wednesday at 117 Adams Street, Brooklyn, X Y'., U. S. A.> by WOODWORTH, KNORR & MARTIN

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Golden Age

Volume XII                         Brooklyn, N. Y., Wednesday, March 4, 1931                        Number 299

Twelve Hundred Ways to Help the Poor

allowed to stand idle. This septennial resting of the land was good for it, but there is little likelihood of any such arrangement’s going into effect here. At least, not right aw’ay.

The poor w’ere allow’ed to glean the corners of the fields. Wages had to be paid to the poor day by day as earned. And the priests and Levites, i. e., all W’ho w’ere engaged in what w’e call “religious” wTork, had to divide up with the unfortunate. As a result of these and other regulations the Jew’s of Moses’ time, and for long afterw’ards, had no beggars, no paupers.

The effect of these regulations made by Jehovah thirty-five hundred years ago is salutary among the Jew’s to this day. A young Jew can come from Europe w’ith no money, but go into business almost straightway, because his fellows, his kinsmen, will loan him money or goods w’ith-out interest and help him in other w’ays to get a start in the world.

The Key to the Situation

In the time of our Lord the Roman government ruled over Palestine and most of the rest of the earth, and it was W’hile it w’as thus in physical control that the Devil took the Lord Jesus up into a high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time and told Him that these were his very own kingdoms and represented him and his policies. The Roman government w’as the ancestor of all the governments of what is now called “Christendom”. As the Devil ruled it, so he rules them.

Pauperism W’as common in the time of our Lord. God’s government of the Jew’s ceased with the reign of Zedekiah. Thereafter it was true, and still is, that The poor ye have ahvays W’ith you, even unto the end of the age’. “And now w’e call the proud happy; yea, they that w’ork wuckedness are set up; yea, they that tempt God are even delivered.”—Mal. 3:15.

That this matter of taking care of the poor is most emphatically the concern of government 355

ONE of the principal duties of government is to see that there are no poor, or, if there are poor, that they are helped to bear the burdens which, for the moment, are too great for them. New’ York city has tw’elve hundred social agencies for the amelioration of the condition of the poor, and so, as far as the poor are concerned, it has twelve hundred kinds of government, and has to help support them all. At first glance it would look as if this wms about 1,199 too many.

One of the duties of New York policemen is to carry with them a little book containing this list of 1,200 social agencies, and if one is in difficulty of any kind he goes through the list and tries to help the needy one select from the haystack the particular needle that will make the needed repairs. It looks like a haphazard, crazyquilt kind of scheme. There is manifestly too much overhead expense, duplication and lack of organization. In short, it looks like the Devil’s way of doing things; and that is just what it is. It makes a big outward show, but is hollow inside.

In God's government of the Jew’s very special care was taken of the interests of the poor. Every fifty years there w’as w’hat might be called a fresh deal all around. All the property of the country was distributed anew' and any family that had been unfortunate in handling its inheritance could try it all over again.

If the arrangement that God Almighty himself ordered for the Jew’s were made into a law in the United States, there is not the slightest question that the Supreme Court would declare it unconstitutional, with perhaps Justice Holmes and Justice Brandeis dissenting.

And then the Israelites w’ere forbidden to charge interest on loans to one another. And if a law wTere to be passed making interest illegal in the United States, the Supreme Court w’ould most certainly declare that unconstitutional, too.

And once every seven years the land was

is proven T>y the following scriptures which tell what is going to happen during Christ’s reign:

He shall judge tliy people with righteousness, and thy poor with judgment. He shall judge the poor of the people, he shall save the children of the needy, and shall break in pieces the oppressor. Yea, all kings shall fall down before him; all nations shall serve him. For he shall deliver the needy when he erieth; the poor also, and him that hath no helper. He shall spare the poor and needy, and shall save the souls of the needy. He shall redeem their soul from, deceit and violence: and precious shall their blood bo in his sight.—Ps 72: 2, 4, 11-14.

It will 'be understood at the outset, therefore, that there is no real remedy for the condition of the poor until the full establishment of God’s kingdom in the earth in power and glory, and this article is merely a resume of conditions that have prevailed and do prevail under the Devil’s administration of affairs in the meantime.

History of Pauperism

In ancient times the Devil’s way of caring for the poor was by polygamy, prostitution and slavery. Anything to subjugate, humiliate and prostrate men and women made in the image and likeness of God seems to be his motto. And he has stuck to his work of thus dishonoring God with great enthusiasm..         '

There was a show of what is sometimes called “charity” by some care of hunchbacks, cripples and-“queer” people at the castles of the feudal lords. In more savage parts of the world crippled children were left to die and helpless old people were put out of the way. .

Pauperism was fostered in Imperial Rome by the Tammany Hall and Ohio Gang statesmen of the time who gave free grain, not to the wounded and helpless, as Athens had done, but to all men residing at the capital who could prove themselves Roman citizens and whose votes could thus be controlled. To get the free bread the people virtually became beggars. Julius Caesar found one-third of a million of these able-bodied pensioners and cut the number down one-half. These were like the people that today are living from dividends and have not another excuse for breathing.

Knowing that the Devil would do as much as possible to make it uncomfortable for those 'who were faithful to God, the Lord left special instructions to His people to have a reasonable, loving interest in. one another, and to do what lay in their power to help when necessity should arise, and that is still their obligation.

In the days of Constantine, after he had murdered his own son and enforced the doctrine of the trinity, he was glad to turn the care of the poor over to the bishop of Rome, and that dignitary was glad to get the job, and has hung on to it from that time to this, and kept as close to the public treasury as he could, so as to have as much as possible of the,tax moneys flowing through his hands.                 ■

The scheme thus worked out between Constantine and the bishop of Rome accounts for the fact that in Austria the poor are cared for by communes through the priests, that in France the church has charge of the poor, and that in Hew York' city in 1929 the same institution received $4,150,000 while the Protestant churches, including the Salvation Army, all of whom are eager to feed at the same crib, received $910,000. Mayor Jimmy Walker, is a Catholic.

The Rise of Beggary

With the turning of the poor over to the church the view gradually arose that there is something inherently saintly about beggary, and monasticism came in to claim a superior degree of sanctity for those who ceased to labor that they might have to give to others, as the Scriptures admonish all to do, but rather depended for a livelihood on what could be squeezed out of others more industrious. The various orders of mendicant friars was a logical outcome.

In the Middle Ages, with the rise of the universities, begging scholars became common, as did traveling musicians, playwrights, minstrels and collectors for institutions. By 1779 Charlemagne took a hand in the growing evil and demanded that the bishops and notables provide for their poor. He imposed a poor tax, and for a time benefactions of all sorts multiplied. After his death conditions became as bad as ever. The bishops would not let go of what got into their hands any quicker than they will now.

After the Black Death in 1348 there was a shortage of workers, and many people left their homes and went from place to place in search of the better wages often to he had. This so increased beggary that in 1.378, in the reign of Richard II, a law was passed forbidding any to give to those well able to work, under penalty of imprisonment.

In 1531 Emperor Charles V made the commonsense declaration that the trade of begging leads to idleness, and decreed that, under penalty of imprisonment, none might beg except the religious beggars, the friars, pilgrims, and people who had suffered by war, fire or floods. Of course these numerous exceptions defeated the end he had in view.

Beggary in Asia

The idea that there is something inherently saintly about beggary probably came into Europe from India, where this view has been entertained for several thousand years, and has had much to do with the condition that country is in to this day.

The most saintly(?) people in India are the Brahman priests. To be a Brahman one must not have a drop of non-Brahman blood anywhere in one’s descent back to dim antiquity, and then, to be a priest, he must learn to recite the Vedas, every word of which, every syllable, and every phonic accent, must be so memorized that he can go through the whole thing without a hitch. Such recitations may last for days, for weeks, even for months, every evening in the presence of a select audience especially invited.

But of all things that the priest must learn to do, he must learn to beg and to live by beggary, for that is part of the Brahman religion. Even the boys 'who are being trained for other positions, as professional men, lawyers, teachers, journalists, clerks and government officials, must at least once in life take the beggar’s bowl. A religious ceremony enjoins bhiksha or begging on every Brahman boy before he starts in life as one of the dvija or twice-born.

When they are away at school it is not unusual for the children of Brahmans to beg their meals, and this regardless of whether they need to do so or not. It is considered part of their education to thus live on charity, and the Brahmans are the highest caste in India.

Although the Brahman priests are the only officially accredited beggars devoted to Vedic and Sanskrit learning, they are not the only religious mendicants in the country. They travel free on the railroads, and there are many places where food and shelter are provided free of charge. 'Holy5 beggars infest every temple and shrine, and although they are much worse than useless they are accorded the highest reverence that anybody may have.

In China conditions are so chaotic that at this moment there are probably 65,000,000 people destitute for lack of food, and millions of them have never known any other condition in life. There is believed to he enough food in the country to take care of the necessities of all these, but political conditions are so upset that virtually nothing can now be done to help matters. The Chinese themselves will have to remedy conditions.

Begging in Japan is not the fine art that it is in India and China, yet in Tokio there are hundreds who live by soliciting alms in public. They have formed a beggars’ guild. They limit the begging of each person to three hours a day and share the day’s pickings communistically.

On the Continent of Europe

Prior to the World War, Germany had practically eliminated extreme poverty in that country. For the purposes of poor relief a settlement is acquired by two years’ continuous residence, by marriage, or by descent. A German in distress must be relieved by the local union in which he becomes destitute.

German workmen must be insured against sickness, and must themselves pay two-thirds of the contributions, their employers paying one-third. For accident insurance the contributions are paid entirely by the employers. The working of these insurance associations is controlled by the government.

For invalidity and old age insurances, the contributions are paid half by the workmen and half by their employers. The old age pension is given on the completion of the 65th year, contributions having been paid for 1,200 weeks, equal to about 25J years, a margin of five weeks being allowed each year. This compulsory old age insurance is said to have put 40,000,000 Germans beyond the fear of want in their last years.

In Europe Holland was the first to establish labor colonies for vagrants. The first was established by a benevolent society. There are now three such, run by the government. Britain has four such, In Switzerland there is one at Witzwil occupying 2,700 acres which operates a dairy, cheese factory, saw mill, planing mill, carpenter shop, wagon shop, machine shop, harness shop, shoe shop, basket shop, press room and bindery. There are 60 employees and 430 inmates. The guards work with the men. A small wage is paid. The colony turns over to the Canton treasury about 150,000 francs a year.

Belgium has a similar institution at Merxplas.

The discipline is said to be severe, but a small wage ■ is paid. The expense of maintenance is shared equally among the state, the province, and the commune where the beggar has his settlement, except when he is infirm or is a voluntary inmate. Beggars in Belgium must carry identification booklets in which all persons contributing must set dowm the amount of their contributions. Large posters warn the public against giving to unauthorized persons.

I ft the British Isles

In the effort to control and regulate poverty Britain has made all the mistakes that any other country has made, and several more besides. In the reign of Edward VI vagrants were legally branded, on the breast with a hot iron and made slaves for two years. If they ran away they could be branded on the forehead or cheek with the letter S; and if they ran away a second time they could be put to death. By the poor law of Elizabeth, in the year 1603, able-bodied paupers were sent to the workhouse, and those who did not work were sent to the galleys, banished or executed.

A step backward was made in 1795, when a living" wage was fixed by parliament and persons not receiving such wage were granted an allowance from the public, treasury. Employers took advantage of the act and paid as little as possible. It was this unwise legislation that fastened upon Britain its low wage standards. The law was repealed, after forty years, but not until it had unintentionally pauperized thousands.

About fifteen percent of the population of the United Kingdom are living on the poverty line, and as many more below it, according to reports published by the ministry of labor. Unemployed workers in Britain who are not eligible for unemployment insurance have to fall back on the poor relief, but there is no legal connection between the two systems.

In Great Britain old age pensions are paid to persons, who are British subjects and have attained the age of 70 years, and all persons over 65 years of age who have been contributors to the fund receive an insurance payment of two and one-half dollars a week, irrespective of means. Under new legislation the word “pauper” has been discontinued. Penniless lunatics are designated fiionpaying patients’.

Britain has many name charities. A man leaves his fortune to all persons bearing his name, imagining his name to be an. uncommon one; a common error. The trustees keep such bequests as quiet as they know how to do, so as to avoid the extra work if the bequests should become widely known. A worthy British benevolence is that of supplying new clothes to the poor, so that they may not lose the self-respect entailed by having to wear the cast-off garments of others.

In the Irish Free State there are 131,883 old age pensioners receiving a weekly allowance from the British government. Workhouses have been abolished and, as in England, a county system of administration has been established. Each county has a home for the aged and infirm poor.

Conditions in the United States

In 1910 the almshouse population of the United States was 84,198, of whom more than two-thirds were males and 42.6 percent were foreign-born. The men were mostly unskilled laborers; and the women, of the domestic servant class. In the next thirteen years the almshouse population fell to 78,000.

The total number of persons over 65 years of age who are partly or wholly dependent for support on other individuals or agencies is placed at 2,000,000. The insurance companies and banks are never tired of telling that out of every one hundred men starting life at 25, thirty-six will die before reaching 65, and that of the sixty-four living, one will be wealthy, four will be well-to-do, five will be just able to get along, and the remaining fifty-four will be dependent upon children or charity. This is the best that can be done for them in the richest country in the world and under what is alleged to be the world’s best government.

At this writing the president, famed for his ability to help the needy, and all the other statesmen big and little, and all the Big Business men in the country, are much disturbed to know what to do with the millions upon millions of others in America who are out of work and in need.

Theories and practices on how to care for the poor are changing rapidly. In 1910 New York municipal agencies expended $229,000 for outdoor relief, which means assistance to persons in their own homes instead of in public institutions. Sixteen years later this sum was $6,000,-000, representing the changed public attitude toward institutions, and their higher appreciation of the value of the home.

Under present conditions of poverty in the United States how silly is the report of Secretary Hoover, published back in the fall of 1921, showing, not that prosperity had come to the bulk of the American people, but that widespread poverty might soon be abolished.

A measure of conditions in the country is found in the statement that during the five summer months of last summer the number of nights’ lodgings furnished homeless men was about double that of the same period a year earlier. Conditions were worse in July than in January, an almost unprecedented thing.

An ominous feature is that the need for relief has been growing right through years that were labeled prosperous. In 1925, 97 representative agencies spent more than three times as much for relief as they did in 1916. In Detroit the relief expenditures grew from $156,000 in October, 1929, to $728,000 in April, 1930.

Organized Charily

Every government worthy of the name recognizes the decency of the people’s providing as a whole for the education and support of the blind, the deaf and dumb, and the juvenile delinquents; and organized charity usually steps aside and lets the rightful authorities handle these eases each in its own way.

In addition, state legislatures appoint boards of charities whose duty it is to visit and inspect all the institutions, whether state, county, municipal, incorporated or not incorporated, religious or not religious, which are or claim to be of an eleemosynary, correctional or reformatory character.

Does it not seem a stupid thing that in a city like New York there should be twelve hundred kinds of institutions which these state boards would have to supervise, if their work was properly done? And is it any wonder that, instinctively recognizing this chaotic condition, the New York Charity Organization Society was formed to give advice and information so that persons who really would like to know something about what New York is actually doing in a charitable way can get a line on things?

Because it has wanted the state’s approval and as much as possible of the state’s funds, organized charity has managed to keep in pretty close touch with the state, and perhaps it is not stating it too strongly to say that this has not been a matter of sorrow to the politicians, and to Big Business.

The result has been a wonderful system of getting money for “Charity” ; so wonderful, indeed, that a French expert recently came to America and spent several weeks to look into the details of “the miracle of the way your charity organizers extract money from the public”.

Causes of Vagrancy and Beggary

There is a slight difference between vagrancy and beggary. The gypsies are vagrants, but they are seldom beggars. The sturdy beggar is one who may or may not tramp from place to place, and who may or may not wish to beg as a livelihood. Improvident beggars beg because they are unable to work. Mendicant friars and religious beggars in. general beg because they have the idea that there is something sanctimonious about it, and because it is profitable. Ex-soldiers sometimes become beggars because their thread of employment has snapped.

War can be set down as the greatest cause of beggary. What the United States in times of peace is spending for the army and navy is more than, twice what all the states spend for charities and prisons, and half what is spent for the public schools. What all the nations of the world spend on armaments would wipe out every city slum, educate all the children in the world, put all industries on their feet and bring prosperity to all mankind. Does that not prove that war is the Devil’s own instrument, and that the governments that decry against it but spend millions on millions preparing for it, the while the people suffer, are the Devil’s own governments ?

The politicians are a cause of poverty. Look at the rottenness uncovered among the magistrates of New York. Look at Mayor Walker himself. When he became the chief magistrate of the greatest city of the Western world his salary was $15,000 a year; then he had it raised to $25,000; and then to $40,000. Why? Big Business is the biggest cause of poverty of all. It appropriates to itself the profits that should be distributed more widely.

Much poverty is caused by careless almsgiving. Undeserved or unwise gifts weaken the mind and the body as much as sensuality. Half the applicants for financial assistance need work

rather than money. Of 1,000 families applying for aid at Boston social agencies, 557 gave unemployment or underemployment as a cause of their economic breakdown.          ’

Sickness is a cause of poverty because it leads to unemployment. Ingratitude is a cause of pauperism. A Brooklyn man 90 years of age was found in the subway weak and sick from lack of food. He had four daughters, all married and living in comfortable homes, but they had no place for their aged father, who had, without a doubt, lavished at least $20,000 on them when they were growing up.

The foreign-born have many economic breakdowns, as might be expected. An odd feature, however, is that these breakdowns do not usually occur until after they have been here for some time. Only five percent of such breakdowns occur within five years of the time they enter the country.

With 1,200 social agencies in New York city, public beggary is a disgrace; yet there are thousands that have been issued licenses to peddle chewing gum and pencils, merely a cloak to cover beggary. One can scarcely take a subway ride without being braced by at least one, and they are to be found in subway station entrances all over to-wn. If nobody gave anything to any of them, one could at least assess the 1,200 social agencies at what they are really worth to the community. In the face of this public beggary, the natural assumption is that they are worth nothing.

Sufferings of the Poor

If you wish to know something of the sufferings of the poor, go out in Christian service from door to door and in a district inhabited by the very poor. You will find everything you are looking for, and more too. YTou may find children crying for the milk which they need to save then-health, or even their lives. You may find a family without fuel, without food and about to be dispossessed in . midwinter because unable to pay the rent.

You may find people who a year ago were in fairly good circumstances, even comfortable circumstances, but who through some merger or other act of Big Business are reduced to penury, and feel the wolf at the door. Only the pawnbroker can gauge the depths of despair -which cause some strange faces to appear before him and unwillingly leave on his counter treasured things which he disparages.

Some time back a young man, 28 years of age, walked from Park Bow to the Bronx, over ten miles, in search of a job, only to find another man had beaten him to it because he had the nickel necessary for the subway fare. Starting back he collapsed in the street, unable to endure the tantalizing odors of food cooking in three restaurants along lais way. He got by the first one all right, staggered by the second, and fell in front of the third. He had not eaten in three days.

For four months in New York city a woman of 27 years of age supplied food, fuel and other expenses to care for her six children, all of them under ten years of age, and her husband, who was home and sick, and whom the doctor had ordered to drink plenty of milk, all on a total income of less than fifty-nine cents a day.

In another instance the husband went insane and the wife and mother maintained herself and four children on her needle earnings of $14 a week. When found she was on the verge of physical collapse, and the children weak, pale and listless.

In another instance the father, a strong, active man employed as an apartment house superintendent, fell suddenly ill. For a few days his sickness baffled the physicians, but it turned out to be infantile paralysis, which occasionally hut rarely attacks adults, and it left him completely helpless and his family penniless.

During a night in August a woman 70 years of age was found sitting on the steps of a house in West 180th Street, in a drenching rain. She had been dispossessed the week before and had no place to go. She was sheltering a small dog and a package of dog biscuits in her arms. It was all she had left in the world. And it is not much of a world that treats a seventy-year-old woman that way.

The Natural Nobility of Mankind

There still lingers in mankind a great deal of the natural nobility originally imparted to him, and which even, six thousand years of falling array from the divine likeness has not wholly erased. It is natural for man to be dignified and self-respecting.

An experienced social worker, when questioned as to her greatest difficulty in bringing help into homes that need it, said without hesitation, “Not to bring down their self-respect.” It was a good answer and was well illustrated in the case of a woman really in need who wTas visited by a group of Sunday school attendants who brought with them a great variety of groceries and other gifts. When she saw all the gifts she was overwhelmed by the knowledge that her neighbors knew she was poor. She burst into tears and went inside the house humiliated by this public recognition of her situation and the feeling that she was regarded as a pauper.

It takes a large amount of good judgment as well as kindness of heart to know how to give. A well-intentioned business man took in three boys of a. needy family and fitted them out with very expensive clothing, at the same time having their old clothing thrown away. When the boys returned home they were jeered by their playmates who instantly realized that the family itself could not provide such clothing.

In the year 1923 a non-Labor group made an investigation of the operation of the unemployment insurance miscalled a “dole”. Their conclusion was expressed in the following language: “Of unwillingness to work where work was offered, of a preference of doles to honest earnings, there is little evidence. The crude idea that the relief is the demoralizing influence in unemployment receives no support from our inquiry.” That was a very good admission of man’suatu-ral nobility, his desire to stand on his own feet.

Most of this natural nobility is among the poor. The rich, most of them, are so used to standing on other people’s feet, and walking all over them, that they easily get to thinking that they are naturally better than other people and that riding on the backs of others is their natural right.

Occasionally there is a noble-minded one among the rich; and when such a one is met with, the natural result is a blessing all around. Such was’a Mrs. Gilchrist Thompson, of Kent, England. In forty years she selected 160 families from the crowded. slums of English cities and transported them to America, giving them a start in the new world.

At seventy years of age she visited all these families in their new environment and found that every one of them had made good. All were prospering in their new homes, and as a matter of fact almost all of the money advanced to all these families has been repaid by them. What a blessing this woman’s life has been to the world! She was not charitable, in the ordinary sense of the wrord. She had the rare combination of wealth, a kind heart, and a head full of common sense, that rarest of rare commodities.

Relation of Poverty and Crime

As we have already seen, under the right kind of government there will be no poor. There can be none, for the protection of the rights of all and the looking after the needs of all is the duty of all. It is inconceivable that a government of the people and by the people would be really run in the interests of only those who already had most of the assets of the country. Is not that the plain truth?

Well, government, then, is properly charged with this question of taking care of the poor. First, of seeing that there are no poor; and second, of rendering the aid necessary to get things back on a self-supporting basis when something happens, when a monkey wrench falls into the machine. And government is also properly charged with the care of criminals.

In the minds of many these two classes are confused. They think of them as one. Less than fifty years ago convicted criminals, wearing the uniform of the penitentiary, were employed as nurses in public hospitals, caring for the sick poor, the helpless imbeciles and abandoned children.

Only a little earlier, prisoners, dependent children, sick poor persons, the insane, the epileptics and helpless aged were huddled together all in one department. The generation that is does not have as much reason to be proud of its ancestors as it sometimes tries to pretend.

It was not till late in the year 1929 that in the great city of New York an order went forth that thereafter destitute men and women being taken to the city home for dependents on Welfare Island or to the city farm colony on Staten Island should thenceforth be taken to their new homes in ambulances of the Department of Hospitals insteaxl of in prison vans as had previously been the rule.

Of course there is a connection between poverty and crime. A Chicago boy of 15 shot himself because his father was out of work and neither of them could find anything to do. The boy thought that with him out of the way there would be one less mouth to feed.

It quite frequently happens that men out of work, out of money and not knowing what else to do, break windows or commit some other act of vandalism so that they may be arrested and locked up where they will be at least sheltered, clothed and fed. And women do these things, too.

The Generous Heart of Man

George Y. D’Hedberg was a general in the Russian army, a graduate of two universities, and a chemist. He came to America, and when the hard times came on he got out of work. Desperate, he heaved a 'brick through a store window and. stole a shirt which he intended to sell for bread for his wife and children. The story got into the papers and when D’Hedberg came up before the magistrate the store sent word it would not prosecute, a dozen concerns offered the man work, the magistrate dismissed the charge of burglary, made it disorderly, conduct, gave him a suspended sentence, and then went down in his own pocket and gave him the money for a breakfast and a shave. It came a little too fast for D’Hedberg. He tried to say something, but- the words would not come, and he just put his head in his arms on the bench and cried. And, somehow, it makes a fellow feel good.

And then there was Mother, the mother of fifteen. She did almost all of her own work, often nearly twenty hours a day in the harness, and tried to bring up all the kids to be clean and honest, and to fear nothing so much as to take an unfair advantage of anybody. And when a tiny baby girl was left one night on a neighbor’s doorstep, and nobody knew whose it was, and nobody else offered to care for it, Mother took it in and mothered it and crooned over it, and cared for it as if it were her own. And though both have been dead for many, many years, the memory of that unselfish act has been a boon to the lives of many.

The idea of living to make money is all a wretched, horrible, awful mistake. A. D. Purvis, Waller, Texas, conceived the idea of benefiting his fellow men in his own way. He opened a store and marked every article with its cost to him, in plain figures. People could buy or not, as they wished, and they could add a profit or not, as they chose. And they chose. In a short time the store was doing an annual business of $100,000, and Purvis is making money anyway.

A Peep at Philanthropies

A true philanthropist is one who loves his fellow men; not necessarily one who has a lot to give to them. Samuel Scotton died 118 years ago. He left a small sum and directed that the annual interest on it should be used on his birthday to purchase bread for the worthy poor.

In a city in northern New York state a theater owner advertised that on a given night the price of admission would be an old overcoat. As a result about 1,000 coats were obtained, new, old, good, bad and indifferent. He gave these to a charitable organization for distribution among the poor of the city.

A London domestic, touched with the condition of the poor, and wishing to help them, worked twenty years to save up $500 and then gave it all to the Poor Guardians of the district in which she lived, that it might be used to ameliorate their lot.

Sir James Barrie, London playwright, made a gift of all his rights to one of his plays to a children’s hospital in London. A Viennese surgeon of distinction made the statement, “The poor are my best patients, for God pavs their bills.”                                           "

Janies Eads How, millionaire physician, spurned his inheritance, but finally accepted it in installments. The “Millionaire Hobo”, as he was called, spent his life going from place to place seeking out the needy, and giving a dollar here and a dollar there as he thought would do the most real good. He did not believe in huge benefactions.

Nevertheless, there are the huge benefactions too. America’s gifts to philanthropy amount to about $2,500,000,000 annually. Forty percent of this goes for what is designated as “religion”, and the great bulk of this is utterly wasted, worse than wasted, maintaining in essential idleness poseurs who could be trained to do something really useful besides wear a sanctified look and beg and plead for money.

Twenty percent goes to education, and a good deal of that is wasted, too. Many children are educated until they have no common sense left. Ten percent goes to personal charity, ten percent to organized charity, ten percent goes to “health” campaigns, and the balance is divided among foreign relief, the fine arts, play and recreation and miscellaneous reform organizations.

Community Chests and Overhead

Most people who contribute to community chests think that the bulk of the money they contribute goes to the relief of the poor, but of the total funds of thirty representative chests only 18 percent went to the “outdoor relief” agencies, i. e., really went to those that deal directly with the poor, and about half of that went into "service expenditures”, so that the poor really got about 9 percent of what went into the chest.

On this point The Survey for September 15, 1930, said: “Letting the public think vaguely that the contributions are chiefly for 'relieving the poor’, and then using the money for other purposes, may be the easiest way of raising funds, but even such a well-intentioned deception will soon tvreck chest and agencies alike.”

One of the distressing things about trying to do something for the poor is the number of hands that are held out for a rake-off. A gentleman who spent a quarter of a century in philanthropic work estimated that of the money given for charity 60 percent goes into the hands of the solicitors, and that “there are more grafters in this game than there are kinds of vermin trying to prey on the world’s visible supply of live poultry”.

A writer in the Saturday Evening Post says: “From the viewpoint of the professional philanthropist, the high cost of giving is the little joker that takes the'joy out of generosity and leaves the intending benefactor cold, suspicious and irritated. With some few exceptions, benevolence of all kinds is subjected to a heavy overhead and selling expense before it can distribute a dividend in the coin of actual charity and helpfulness.”

In Milwaukee, Malcolm Nichols, executive secretary of the Family Welfare Association, admitted that his association had received $230,000 from the Community Chest. Of this huge sum only $70,000 went to actual relief of the poor. The remainder was spent in administration, to see whether those who needed help should have it. The administration might about as well have taken the rest of it, while they were at it.

An observer in Toronto wrote as follows regarding conditions in his city:               ■

At the top we have the generous public giving more than sufficient to feed every hungry mouth in Toronto. At, the bottom we have distress such as Toronto has never known, and between the generous givers and those in sore distress we have the Army and other predatory organizations and- individuals working persistently and mercilessly along scientific lines to reap for themselves what is given for those in need, and so successful are they that of the huge totals secured by about forty organizations, less than one dollar out of every ten dollars collected actually reaches those in distress.

The result is that distracted mothers remain distracted, hungry children remain hungry, and few of the many hungry men find their way to the magistrate’s court as vagrants and are turned over to Captain Bunting, who is well aware of the fact that the vagrant is a victim of infamy and that he can be disposed of, as I have shown elsewhere in this article, without financial loss to the Army.

Last year they served soup to 146,000 men, and that means that each of the 146,000 was served once, and the total cost to the Army was less than one officer’s salary per year. They estimate the cost at 10 cents per ration, or a total cost of $1,500, but I am told that the merchants of Toronto give the bread, meat and vegetables gratis, and that the soup serving costs the Army little or nothing. I have, however, learned that the merchants are now supplying other missions ‘gratis’, and we cannot doubt their doing as much for the Army.

The Army is now’ one of the world’s greatest financial institutions, and its huge resources have been built up by commercializing “charity” and religion, and by converting millions of dollars, given for charitable purposes, into buildings, furniture, salaries, pensions and gilt-edged securities. As a merciless machine for tenaciously holding on to funds collected for the poor it is a wonderful success, but as a so-called charitable institution its record proves it to be a ghastly failure.

The value of the Army property in Eastern Canada is $20,000,000.00, and the financial statement show’s that $4,000,000.00 -was added to the property accountin 1928. An examination of the Array financial statement indicates that about three cents out of every dollar collected goes to. the relief of distress, but it does not appear certain that such is the case.

I have, seen men W’ho had little pay for beds for men who had not the price, and I have seen men w’ho had little take out- to a cafe others who -were hungry; but- in two months’ time I neither saw’ a generous act nor heard a kindly word that could be placed to the credit of the officers in charge.

In the management kindness, pity, charity and even common politeness play no part. The Hostel is just run on hard merciless, parsimonious business lines, and profit, and only profit is the aim.

I have placed the facts before responsible government officials whose duty it was to act. I have placed them before the heads of missions and a few others ’who w’ere deeply interested, and this much. can be said for all of them: They all seemed to be infected by an elusive potent virus that produced an gmariiig unanimity.

None doubted my good faith. All,-without exception,' admitted that the conditions were deplorable. All, without exception, were convinced that, something must be done, and all, with two or three exceptions, refused to take any part in a movement for the abolition of the commercialization of charity.

Among those approached were a number of ministers and Christian laymen to whom I put two questions. I said that “it was common knowledge that many good people believed that the Prince of Peace would come again ’ and I asked, ‘‘ If He were here in Toronto would He put an end to the commercialization of charity?” and each replied in effect that “without doubt He would”. I then said that “of all the Christians appealed to, not one would make the slightest effort in aid of His reform”; and I asked, “Why is it so ? ” and from none was there a satisfactory reply.

Begging in New York

On- one occasion New York rounded up forty professional beggars, some of whom had been receiving $100 a day by imposing on the subway crowds. One of these, Samuel Ansel, 23 years of age, had $1,446 in bank, owned $40,000 in first mortgages, and was proprietor of several news stands. He employed a secretary and valet. The subway is the “Beggar’s Highway”.

Charles Marino, sandwich man, paraded the streets in ragged clothing, and -wore no underclothing. He had $20,000 in banks, knows four languages, is well read, and defended himself with legal precision, and success. He advertises himself as “The human scarecrow”, and extorts sympathy and coin.

A woman, touched with the pitiful appearance of an old man, offered to help him lay by some money in a bank, only to-find, accidentally, that he already had a balance of $4,362.50 in that very bank. He was supposed to be selling lead pencils, but was really a beggar.

A reformed New York beggar states that he used to make five dollars in two hours begging on the subway steps, and a lieutenant-colonel of the Salvation Army, perhaps with a view to checking up on solicitors for the Army, made the declaration that by telling a sad story he picked up $3.45 on Broadway in one hour.

A woman investigator found stenographers most generous, and more so by day than by night. She found the police anxious not to see her, and Broadway crowds were more cautious than others. One peddler of pencils in the theater district finds it good business to wipe his forehead as if in agony. Even in coldest weather he stands wearily wiping his brow, and it brings in revenue.

A Profitable Business

Begging in New York is a profitable business, and anything that has a large profit in it will not be given up; not in these days. The public should shut down, absolutely, on that form of charity. It only encourages the training of experts in what is to many of them a life work, or at least until they get enough to retire.

What might be called one of the latest selling wrinkles in the beggar business is the entrance of cripples into the sale of chewing gum, pencils, shoe laces, combs and perfumes for anything that the charitably disposed person wishes to give. In practice the public gives liberally and takes almost none of the merchandise.

A legless man rigged up a home-made carriage and a dog harness and trained a dog to haul him around. It was a good show, and the crowd pays well for it. A mendicant was arrested near Fifth Avenue who declared he had been assigned to his post by the ‘King of the Panhandlers’, who was to get half his earnings. He claimed that the king posts men all over New YTork.             .                        .

John D. Godfrey, mendicancy officer of the Brooklyn Bureau of Charities, declares that in eighteen years of experience he has never known a single case of a worthy public beggar. The really destitute do not beg.

A new business, that of the “weeping racketeer”, has been developed. The weepers go from door to door, preying on the sympathies of the housewives. David Koppleman, head of the Gordon Products Company, 17 East Seventeenth Street, was found guilty of training salesmen to thus prey on human sympathy.

A Chicago concern sends out salesmen instructed to say that the goods are made by the blind, and that the sales benefit the blind, whereas almost none of the articles are made by the blind, and the profits go to others.

A Brooklyn collector for the poor receives 35 percent of the first $10 collected each day, and 10 percent of all collections in excess of that amount. A Baltimore beggar not only had his own car and chauffeur, but at night dressed and acted like a prince of the royal realm, and made social pretensions.

In London a certain woman used to borrow a neighbor’s baby, and beg with it in her arms, from door to door. She would strike the child across the face to make it cry. When the tears flowed freely she would then knock on a door and ask for alms and it would nearly always be forthcoming.

Beggary Obstructs Legitimate Business

Beggary in a neighborhood makes that neighborhood objectionable, and many people who prefer to make some intelligent selections of their objects of charity would rather go the other way than to confront those who make a business of preying upon the public. This has the effect of hurting people that are innocent, i. e., the business people of the district in which the beggars ply their trade. For all practical purposes the peddlers of pencils and other trinkets are beggars. We understand that the licenses issued to such peddlers are all illegally issued, and doubt if the city treasury ever sees a cent of the money paid for them,.

There is another much more sinister way in which beggars interfere with business, and that refers to the religious beggars. A committee goes into a store and solicits aid for a cause, and the merchant knows instinctively that if he does not come across with a donation lie will lose thousands of dollars in trade.

Legitimate business sometimes loses in another way. On one occasion a store which loaned gowns for a charity bazaar had the gowns insured, and the insurance company made it its business to see who made away with the gowns. - They turned out to be relatives of the person, a wealthy woman, who sponsored the bazaar. Let’s see. Who was it that advised us to be on guard against those that loved to give alms publicly?

Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye. have no reward of your Father which is in heaven. Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth: that thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father, which seeth. in secret, himself shall reward thee openly.—Matt. 6:1-4.

The Discredited Poorhouse

The poorhouse system of caring for the poor is discredited for many reasons. In the first place it is much more expensive than caring for them in their own homes. In the second place, care of the poor in their own homes preserves their self-respect and good will. In the third place, their rehabilitation as self-supporters is

much easier. In the fourth place, less than' half of the chronic dependents ever go to the poorhouse. '                              .....

Outdoor relief, i. e., the helping of the poor in their own homes, has its drawbacks, too. When people get help too easily they become weakened by it, look foi’ it and expect it. There have been times when one-tenth of the population of the rich cities of Brooklyn and Chicago have become wholly or partially dependent. It takes much wisdom to know when to give and how much to give. .                 .

The old way of giving help was to hand out a sack of flour and a bag of beans. That was not much of a variety in the way of food, but it prevented starvation. Today the helpers of the poor try to diversify that diet a little.

Old people get "sot” in their ways. When the poor of Campbell county, Virginia, were transferred' from the poorhouse at Rustburg to the neat modern buildings at Chatham, where a half dozen counties house their indigent, the old folks were homesick for their more primitive home at Rustburg and wanted to go back.

Several years ago the Vance county (North Carolina) poorhouse was housing 20 inmates and costing $7,000 a year. A woman got hold of it, and turned it into a hospital which helps 200 people a year to regain their health. The poor were placed with relatives or in private homes. The total cost is little more, and the net results are very much better.

Some Wise Charities

Some of the things that can safely be done to help the poor even under present conditions are philanthropic workyards where men can work at small wages while hunting better jobs; philanthropic pawnshops where goods can be safely pawned at moderate interest; farm colonies where the city poor can work in the company of others, avoiding the dreaded loneliness of ordinary farm life; social settlements where the socially strong can hobnob with the socially weak; tenement house reform; old age pensions; workmen'’s compensation; aid to mothers with dependent children; legislation for the protection of workers in industry; child labor laws, and education laws.

A New York group of philanthropists requested that it be sent misfit Christmas presents. A great quantity of gifts, including 180 pairs of spats, were thus received, and were sold and the proceeds used to help the poor. Five abandoned mansions of Flushing were turned over to another group. It made good use of them by subdividing them into apartments for the needy. The Nassau County Bar Association has a committee which gives free legal advice to the poor of the county.

In Quebec all diners whose checks come to more than $1 a meal pay a 5-percent tax which goes to the aid of the poor. This meal tax has aroused no opposition, and last year brought in over $300,000.

In New York’s new law the title “Superintendent of the Poor” is changed to “Commissioner of Public Welfare” and all such terms as “pauper”, “'almshouse” and “overseer of the poor” are eliminated. The strong-arm methods of some business concerns in taking credit for the fact that 100 percent of their employees contribute to the Community Chest are not a help to the poor, but the reverse.

Despite all the hard things that have been said about them in recent months, if you are in trouble in New York city, and you do not know which way to turn, the best thing you can do is to go to a policeman and tell him all about it. He may be able to help you. That is what he is supposed to do, and he should be given the benefit of the supposition.

In the end, as stated at the outset of this article, there is no real help for the poor and needy except in God’s kingdom, which we now gladly proclaim is at the door.

Three Kinds of Prisons in New York State

NEW YtORK will probably go in for three different kinds of prisons, the first of which, the maximum security prison, is the walled fortress with steel cells and every known appliance to keep the prisoners from escaping. The existing prisons of New York state practically all fall into the maximum security type.

The medium security prison provides single rooms for the inmates instead of steel cells; the prison is well guarded at night, and the window’s are protected to make escape difficult, but the institution is not surrounded with a wall. The exercise yard for the prisoners has what is known as the cyclone fence, in place of a wall. The prisoners work on the farm under supervision of guards. Prisoners are selected for this medium security who can be trusted and who will benefit by the greater opportunity for development ’which it affords.

The minimum security is the type of housing which we find at road camps and reforestation camps, and resembles very closely an army cantonment. The dormitory type of housing is used, and at times a stockade surrounds the encampment, rather to keep outsiders out than the prisoners in. Only prisoners who can be trusted to the highest extent are selected for the minimum security institution.

The report of the commission which has been studying New’ York's antiquated prison system recommends the addition of psychiatric staffs with a payroll of $47,000 a year, and 43 clerks whose total-wages would he $57,000. These clerks will not be overpaid, as none of them are booked to receive over $1,800 a year.

Not to Buy Food with Relief Funds

AS IS well known, the United States has been the first to send relief when there have been food shortages in Russia, China and elsewhere. Well, the United States had its own famine-stricken districts last year, on account of the drought, and Congress has set aside $45,-000,000 for relief of the stricken areas, but oddly enough, it has stipulated that while this money may be loaned to procure seed and fertilizer and to feed stock, it may not be used to buy food for human creatures. Senator Caraway, of Arkansas, speaking of conditions in his state, said on this subject:

I could fill whole volumes of the Congressional Record with letters and telegrams from presidents of banks, from, merchants, from lawyers, from judges of courts, from county officials, from farmers and from people in every walk of life telling me that not only-are the people without means, but they are actually starving and there is no relief in sight.

Steamship Lines Feel the Pinch

THE steamship lines are feeling the pinch of hard times, and are trying to do something to offset the loss of 30,000 passengers experienced in 1930. Rates have been ent from 10 to 50 percent in the effort to stimulate travel.

The Czech Hangman a Hero

nDHE public hangman of Czechoslovakia is a -*• public hero, so it seems. He claims that after his first public execution he received six thousand offers of marriage, none of which he has yet accepted, and with every additional hanging the number is increased.

Graft in Postal Leases

HE Post Office Department is being accused of paying $120,000 a year rent for a building in St. Paul, Minnesota, that is not worth more than $290,000 all told. Now it is said that similar conditions prevail in many parts of the country and another scandal as big as the Teapot Dome is ahead.

Light Rates in Winnipeg

IN THE city of Winnipeg, as a result of having a municipally owned power plant, the average electric light rates are about one cent a kilowatt hour. This is less than one-fifth of what they would be if the plant were owned and operated by the Power Trust. The other four or five cents would go to the Trust.

Robberies in Granada

SPAIN is passing through a time of turmoil.

Robberies in the city of Granada are said to be so common that the morning greeting in the streets is, “Were you robbed last night?” The olive crop in the vicinity has failed, and thousands are starving. In some instances men have fainted in the streets.

Forgot to Notify the Greeks

FpHE Norwegian town of Trondhjem changed -*■ its name to Nidaros, but forgot to tell the Greeks. As a result a Greek vessel with a cargo for Nidaros spent two full days looking for a port which does not appear on any chart.

Brazil’s Horned Frog

RAZIL has a giant horned frog that will attack animals much larger than itself and has severely bitten humans. The bite is venomous, and has caused the death of horses. The horned frog feeds upon young chickens and ducks, and looks as bad as it acts.

“Shoemaker’s Children”

TN A WORLD ablaze with incandescent lights

West Orange, known all over the world as the-home of Thomas A. Edison, inventor of the electric light, is claimed to be one of the most poorly lighted towns in the country. It seems to be the old story of 'shoemaker’s children going without shoes’.

'A California Radio Enthusiast

CALIFORNIA radio enthusiast, using a ground consisting of copper tubing sunk 53 feet under the surface, has succeeded in bringing in 1,308 stations, covering every continent of the world and every state in the United States. Among the stations received was a 20-v-att station of Argentina.

34,400,009 Telephones

ERICA has 224,000 telephones; South America has 542,000; Australasia has 706,000; Asia has 1,265,000; Europe has 9,958,000, and

North America has 21,706,000; total for the world, 34,400,000. In Europe the present rate of increase in users is more than twice what it is in North America.

America’s Hopeless Moral Condition

Today Talks to Yesterday

THE mayor of Youngstown, Ohio, in a public statement says that as a result of America’s worship of the god of money it is impossible to find men who will satisfactorily perform police w’ork, that the situation of his city is hopeless, and that the outlook for the entire nation is the same, and for the same reason.

WHEN an American business man puts through a call to an Australian client to reach him at four in the afternoon, they talk to each other on different calendar days. On account of the fifteen hours’ difference in time the American talks to his customer today while the customer talks to him yesterday.

Two Hours' Postal Work a Day


House of Representatives at Washington, recently said that there are 5,000 vacancies in the Post Office Department hut, instead of putting men in the jobs, substitutes are given two hours’ work a day each, which, of course, is not sufficient to sustain life.

100,000 Living in Basements

TpNGLAND’S unemployment almost doubled in 1930. The number of jobless at the beginning of the new year was 19 percent of the total registered as insured. What unemployment does to a country is illustrated by the fact that in the city of London 100,000 live in basements condemned as unfit for habitation.

Gold Supply Short

TMTORE than $6,000,000,000 in gold is locked

Up jn f}ie vaults of French and American banks, and thus taken out of circulation. It is predicted that in another three years, unless another Klondike is found'in the meantime, the total production of gold is almost certain to be far short of the world’s credit requirements.

Railroads Gradually Slipping .           '

TN 1920 the Class I railroads hauled 2,259,983,

278 tons, and the freight business for 1930 was almost exactly the same. In the same ten-year period the roads lost almost one-third of their passenger revenues. In 1928 there were 377,000 fewer men on the payrolls than in 1920.

Many passenger cars are carried today with al

most no passengers in them, to speak of. The 115 miles long. u is estimated that the entire ~                          '              Hoover dam project will require bef-ween five

automobile and the bus have taken a big slice out of the railroad business; and the end is not yet.                                     ■■

What We Now Eat

OpHE Bureau of Commerce has figured it all out. We used to eat 223 pounds of flour a year; now we eat but 171. We did eat 117 pounds of cornmeal, but now only 22. Once WTe used 43 pounds of milk a year; now 55. We eat twice as much fresh fruit, five times as much canned fruit, two and one-half times as many grapes, and three times as many oranges, as a generation ago, with five times as many grapefruit. The consumption of apples per capita is less than half what it was thirty years ago.

The Chiropractors Say -

THE Chiropractic News says: “Of course,

Jesus was a great healer but He was never a physician and never dispensed drugs or medicines, and if He were to work His miracles today in many of the states of the United States, He would be arrested for 'practicing medicine without a license’.”

Eye Teeth That Were Really Eye Teeth

A CHICAGO woman, blind for fourteen years in her left eye, went to a dentist and had five teeth removed. The teeth had been infected for some time. On her return home she discovered that sight had been restored to her defective eye. The pressure on the optic nerve had been removed.

Bartering in Kentucky

TV/TONEY being scarce, the people of Kentucky have gone back to bartering on a big scale.

Persons who have articles to swap advertise them in the papers, and either state what they will swap them for or invite offers. Predictions are that this primitive method of trading will make a big hit.

Some of the High Dams

SOME of the high dams are Ashokan dam,

New York state, 252 feet; Croton Lake dam, New York state, 297 feet; Kensico dam, New York state, 307 feet; Shoshone dam, Wyoming, 328 feet; Arrowrock dam, Idaho, 349 feet; and the Hoover dam, across the Colorado river, which will be 727 feet high and will form a lake and eight years, will give employment to about 1,500 men, and will cost about $165,000,000.

Revolving Solarium of Aix-Les-Bains

ON A HILLTOP at Aix-Les-Bains a Persian,

Doctor Saidman, has erected a solarium ninety feet in length which always faces the sun. . The solarium is divided into ten treating rooms, each with windows so arranged that the patient may be in the open air without possibility of being seen by others. Each room is fitted with ultra-violet lamps and infra-red lamps, for use when the sun’s rays do not readily penetrate. The rooms are also heated and cooled, so that the temperature can always be what is desired.

Weather Map Receivers .

ESSELS may now be equipped with weather map receivers which enable the immediate making on board of weather maps as fast as the data are radioed. Provided with one of these weather map receiving apparatuses the U. S. S. Kittery was able to steer away from a hurricane into w’hich it -would certainly have gone head on but for the new device.

A Thirty-Million-Dollar Boat

npHE Cunard line is having built at Clydebank, Scotland, what is expected to be the largest ship in the world. This 60,000-ton vessel will cost thirty million dollars and will give employment to about 300,000 men, all together, during the two or three years it is in building. It will require a crew of 1,200 persons to handle this vessel.                         '

Empire State Mooring Mast

HD HE tallest building in the world was the tallest one for but a little while. Nov7 it is the Empire State in New York, the mooring mast of which has its revolving cup 1,248 feet above the street. It is expected that this mast will be usable by the first of May and that zeppelins will be moored to it at that time. It is built to withstand a pull of 150 tons.

Washington’s Prize Linguist

WASHINGTON, D. C., has a translator in the Department of State who carries around 100,000 words in his head and knows thirty languages well. He discovered through his knowledge of the Sioux language and that of Japanese that the two are remarkably similar,, and there is not a doubt that the Sioux Indians originally came from Japan.

Christmas Paroles in Alabama

VERY year all the prisoners, or at least most of them, in the state penitentiary at Montgomery, Alabama, are given holiday paroles of sufficient length to enable them to go home and spend Christmas with their families. Based on past experiences the prediction is made that 99% percent of those thus paroled -will be back in the prison when their time is up, and this despite the fact that 10 percent of the prisoners are serving terms for life.

A Ford Car in 48 Minutes

AT THE Ford plant at Edge-water, N. J., newest of their assembly plants, a car is assembled complete in 48 minutes from the time the frame is placed on the moving platform. It travels at the rate of 210 inches a minute, and the line is 850 feet long. The plant has a capacity of 800 ears a day.

Sorry End of Colonization Hopes

TT IS admitted in the British house of parliament that in some instances British families who emigrated to Victoria, Australia, are now in distress and have been reduced to receiving food and clothing from charitable organizations. The times are hard all over the world and merely shipping a British citizen from England to Australia does not necessarily improve his status.

Shrinkage of Newspaper Influence

MONG the great cities of the United States that now have but one morning newspaper each are St. Louis, Indianapolis, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Toledo, Columbus, Pittsburgh, Louisville, Memphis, Detroit, Ne-wark, Atlanta, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Houston, Dallas, Birmingham, Denver, Miami, Baltimore, Kansas City, Buffalo, Rochester, Providence and Milwaukee.

Germans Make Iron Cotton

THE Germans are always doing something in chemistry to make the world sit up and take notice. The latest is a cotton made from iron. It is admitted that this cotton is a little darker than is desirable, but in other respects anything can be done with it that can be done with cotton grown in a field, and it will burn as easily too. This is not very good news for cotton growers.

Archbishop Diaz Learned Nothing

OME time back the Mexican government and Mexican people got along splendidly without the Roman Catholic hierarchy or priesthood in their midst. At length, finding they were not missed, they came back, and business is now going on as usual. But apparently they learned nothing while on their vacation, for Archbishop Diaz is now out with an appeal to all Mexico to cooperate in stamping out Protestantism in Mexico. It does not sound well.

A Big Drop in Income

ord .Lonsdale, prominent in British charities, recently made the statement that whereas the income from a certain part of his estate was formerly 120,000 pounds a year, it has now dropped to but two thousand pounds a year, and he has been obliged to cut off contributions of 30,000 pounds a year formerly made to hospitals.

European Air Mail in a Year

IN A year from now air mails will be flown daily between Charleston, S. C., and England, via Bermuda and the Azores. American -airplanes ■will be used in taking the mails to Bermuda, and the balance of the trip will be in English flying boats. It is expected that the round trip across the Atlantic will occupy five days.

European-South American Telephone Service TELEPHONE service between Argentina,

Chile and Uruguay and thirteen European countries is announced. The new radio service between Berlin and Buenos Aires is the basis of the extension. In another year or two, at present rate of progress, telephone communication will be possible between any two points on the face of the globe.

Newspaper Protest at the League

NWILLING to sanction an unfair ruling respecting the translation of a Russian’s speech at the disarmament conference at Geneva, sixty newspaper correspondents arose and left the council chamber as a mark of protest. The Russian, Litvinoff, had demanded a general disarmament, something which none of the powers that had agreed to do it eleven years ago are now7 even willing to consider.

Copper Production to Be Lessened

OR the last turn years the world’s production of copper has exceeded its use by about 20,000 tons a month, and that is a very considerable amount. The result has been an accumulation until there are now some 350,000 tons on hand and unsold. As a consequence the copper producers of the world have got together and agreed to reduce production by the amount of'23,650 tons monthly. The immediate result w7as a boom in the stock market affecting copper directly and many other stocks indirectly.

Five Boys to Be Trained as Criminals

IVE boys of Cape May Courthouse, none over fifteen years of age, as a result of mischievously and inexcusably puncturing thirty-six automobile tires have been sent to the State Reformatory for terms of six to eight years. There they will inevitably be carefully trained in crime and emerge ruined for life and unfitted for anything but a life of crime.

Hope for a Better Break                   '

ON THANKSGIVING DAY Jess Maple, world war veteran, more lately highwayman, died in Texas in the electric chair. Before he died he said, “I am thankful that I am going where I hope to find another chance, a better break than I had in this life.” Who is there that does not hope that his wish will come true ? And the best of it is that it will.

Preaching in the Dark

TO DO something different from anybody else a London preacher advertised that he would preach three consecutive sermons in his church in the dark. It took a little time to figure that one out, and then we remembered that Jesus said that some loved darkness rather than light, and gave a reason for it, and then it was all plain.

A Shipment of Frozen Light

SHIPMENT of frozen light was recently made from Schenectady to New York. It came packed in liquid air at 312 degrees below zero. The light is produced in ordinary materials by the powerful emanations of the recently perfected cathode ray tube. After such exposure, the minerals on the screen glow for some time as if red hot, although they remain stone cold. They sparkle in all colors.

Ministers Aid Philadelphia’s Unemployed

IN PHILADELPHIA the Veterans of For

eign Wars got a permit to put on a Sunday movie to aid the city’s unemployed, but the ministers of the city were not going to see the unemployed ‘go to hell’ for living off money made on a Sunday, and so they ‘helped them spiritually’, but not otherwise, by using their influence with Philadelphia’s righteous police to have the show closed. The blue law of 1794 was invoked 'by the ministers to prevent the exhibition.

Relief of Unemployed in New York

THE wealthiest men in New York city recently got together and raised a fund of more than $8,000,000, from which the wages of $5 a day, three days a week, will be paid to 20,000 men and women until May 1. The men are being used to clean up the parks and beautify the city. It is believed that 80 percent of the money thus expended is really saved in the increased values of properties thereby affected.

New Stock Orgy in Sight

POINTING out that stock orgies and business depressions have followed one another up and down according to the policies of the Federal Reserve System, Representative Louis T. McFadden points out that a policy of inflation has again been adopted, following the recent conference held abroad, and the natural result to be expected some six months hence will be another wild upward swing in stocks.

Ten Million Deficient Children

OUT of the 45,000,000 children in the United

States 10,000,000 are admittedly deficient.

Of these, 6,000,000 are improperly nourished; 1,000,000 have defective speech; 1,000,000 have weak or damaged hearts; 675,000 present behavior problems; 450,000 are mentally retarded; 282,000 are tubercular; 342,000 have impaired hearing; 18,000 are totally deaf; 300,000 are crippled; 50,000 are partially blind; 14,000 are wholly blind; 200,000 are delinquent; 500,000 are dependent. These figures are from an address by President Hoover.

When You Buy Tobacco           ■

WHEN you buy tobacco you may not get all of them at once, but some of the things you may confidently look for if you keep at its use long enough are smokers’ sore throat, palpitation of the heart, high blood pressure, intestinal catarrh, diarrhea, Bright’s disease, premature senility, apoplexy, cancer of the mouth, anemia, neurasthenia, color blindness and deafness. Besides that, you may also get degeneration of heart muscles, fatty degeneration of the liver, diabetes, acne, depressed circulation and respiration, and have your nerves of taste and smell blunted. You also have gastritis, dyspepsia and genital gland affections awaiting you. All you have to do is to buy and keep on buying and use and keep on using.

Gasparri Saved the Kaiser

TN HIS memoirs Cardinal Gasparri, retired J- secretary of the Vatican state, claims to have saved the neck of the kaiser in the fall of 1918. Lloyd George, so it is claimed, wanted to have him from Holland, so as to put him to death, but the Vatican interceded for him with the British minister, got a favorable answer, and wired the papal representative at The Hague.

The Average School

THERE are 254,200 schoolhouses in the United States, housing 28,104,000 pupils. The average school has 110 pupils, and 33 pupils to the class. That is enough for any one teacher to care for. To maintain such a high average number there must be many class rooms with huge enrollments of pupils in them, far beyond the reasonable capacities of the instruction and government obtainable from one teacher.

Too Many International Conferences

Charles A. Selden, writing in the Ne^v York Times, says:

Some day some skeptic will ask whether this international parley business is not being overrated and overdone. Words like “round table” and other expressions w'hich crept, into the vocabulary of international polities seem to be losing their magic appeal and are becoming hackneyed. People are asking whether all these international performances are worth their fuss, talk and expense, and particularly whether there is enough in their actual net results to justify the public hope and enthusiasm they raise in their opening sessions, only to be dashed at the final adjournments.

Something New in Prison Design

THE new federal prison at Lewisburg, Pa., will embody some new ideas in prison design. The central thought in the design is that there are several classes of prisoners and these will be quartered according to their proper psychiatric classification. The rooms assigned to those who have shown that they can live at peace with their fellow's and not spend most of their time planning to escape will be outside rooms not greatly different from the living quarters of those in civil life. Cities of refuge, but no prisons, were provided for in God’s arrangement for the Jewish people, and it is certain that prisons will be no part of God’s kingdom tvhen His ■will is done on earth as it is in heaven.

Must Be Careful when They Suicide

HE manager of the Budapest street railway company, peeved because a conductor had committed suicide while in the company’s uniform, called all the conductors of the line before him and in a lengthy speech notified them that hereafter any who wished to commit suicide must change to their own clothes, as the company could not tolerate the staining of their uniforms. The conductors assured the management that their wishes would be complied with.

The Stagger System

RT.JNKEN men generally stagger before . they fall, and that seems to be the w’ay with our present civilization. Big Business, instead of giving their men five days’ work a week at three dollars a day, as they at first proposed to- do, have changed it to giving them three days’ work a week at five dollars a day. Either way the man gets fifteen dollars a week to keep him from starving and becoming a “red”. Some thoughtful minds are beginning to inquire how long it will be now before some of the great financiers, conclude to adopt the stagger system regarding dividends. Others think they are already too late and that even cutting or staggering dividends will not save the vast accumulations piled up for “the last days”.

Marriage in New Zealand

THE answer to question No. 313 in the “Catechism of Christian Doctrine”, approved by the bishop and archbishop of New Zealand, states as follows: “A Catholic and a non-Catho-lic presrmiing to go through a form of marriage before a non-Catholic minister or before the Civil Registrar do not contract a valid marriage, that is to say, they are not married at all.” To offset this declaration a Marriage Amendment Act Avas passed which provides, a fine of £100 for any person who alleges expressly or by implication that any persons lawfully married are not truly and sufficiently married.

Glucose Deal Goes Through

OR tw’enty-five years Congress has refused to permit the glucose makers to market their so-called “'corn sugar” without indicating it on the label, but now, what Congress refused to do has been done by an arbitrary ruling of the secretary of agriculture, who had no more right to make the ruling than we have. Hereafter maple syrup and honey can contain half glucose, which is nothing but starch treated with hydrochloric acid, and nobody "will be any the wiser. For an illuminating discussion of this deal before it was finally pulled off see Mr. Coffey’s article on “Corn Sugar” in The Golden Age of October 15, 1930.

How Could You Fail?

THE Knickerbocker Press contained a fullpage advertisement on Armistice Day bearing in big type the ’words, “'How Could You fail to Be at Church Sunday?” It was sponsored, i. e., paid for, by a bank, two food manufacturing companies, a building company, three theatrical companies, and two other concerns.

The advertisement said in part, “Our debt to the boys who sleep in Flanders Fields can be discharged by us only in so far as we make a conscious and sustained effort to see that they did not die in vain—that war shall be forever outlawed. What can we do? Give our unremitting support, through our presence, our means, our loyal service, to that institution which, above all others, promotes the cause of righteousness as opposed to selfishness—the Church.”

To this paean of praise of the Church should have been added a few Avords. The panegyric should have gone on and said, “That institution without which no wars could be fought; that institution which has at all times been the chief reliance of politicians and financiers as a recruiting station; that institution which has taught hate of other peoples, and has diligently taught people to hate God, by putting a wrong construction on His Word; that institution which, shelters all the hypocrites and lays unmeasured burdens upon the poor and needy and ‘him that hath no helper’; that institution which has the same spirit now that it had when it crucified Christ and when it backed the World ’War to the limit on both sides of the fight—the Church.”

How Could You Fail?

There Is But One Remedy

THERE is but one remedy for earth’s sorrows, and it is not a political remedy. It is much more far-reaching, and it will be much more effective. Indeed, this will be the Desire of All Nations. What this remedy is, and why it must and will come soon, is well brought out in the following exchange of correspondence between Ernest Stout, general counsel of the American National Party, and Judge J. F. Rutherford:

Judge J. F. Rutherford, Care of the I. B. S. A., Brooklyn, N. Y.,

Dear Judge:

The undersigned caused a full ticket to be nominated and voted upon in Illinois in November, and is trying to effect a national organization to place a presidential ticket in the field in 1932. There are state organizations in Colorado, Indiana, New Jersey, and Illinois, known as the “National Party” but with varying prefixes; all have the same objective—political action for social remedy. The Rutherford philosophy and movement, although having no organized center, has the same plan, as I see it. It ■would be wise for all the intransigeant movements to unite. Would you be willing to attend a national convention of these movements and all others -who will join them to put a ticket in the national election in 1932? And also effect a national organization, for political action?

It appears to the undersigned that unless political action can remedy the situation a destructive revolution is inevitable. Since after a revolution political action must be had to reorganize government, would it not be well for us now to avert a revolution by political action. Read our legislative program. The adoption of the few laws mentioned in it would make our land a paradise for every human being in it. Or perhaps you may suggest others or a convention to formulate a platform may furnish others having the same object. Come as it will, from whatever source and in any form, a fe-w intelligent men may evolve something instead of the atrocity w-e now have.

Please let us hear from you at an early date, and oblige,

Yours sincerely,

Ernest Stout,

Gen. Counsel American National Party.

Jan. 6, 1931.

The American National Party, Chicago, Ill.

Attention of Mr. Ernest Stout, General Counsel:

My dear Sir :

Thank you very kindly for your letter of December 15.1 fully sympathize with the desires of all good people to have a government of righteousness administered for the general welfare of the people. I fully agree that no relief can be expected from the Republican party; neither can the Democratic party do any better. The net result that would be accomplished by a third party would be little or no better, for the reason that imperfect men cannot establish a righteous government. This has been fully proven by many years of experience.          .

It is true that the peoples of this and all other lands have suffered great oppression, and still suffer. There is much to indicate an impending revolution, but, after all, a revolution could accomplish no good. A reorganization work ■would have to be done just the .same thereafter. All these matters I have considered long ago in search for a remedy for suffering humanity.

There is one complete remedy which will bring blessings to all persons, and that remedy is God’s kingdom under Christ. For many centuries Satan, the Devil, has been the invisible ruler of this earth, even though the rulers and the people were ignorant of that fact. More than 2500 years ago God promised that He would not interfere with this wicked rule until the coming of Him whose right it is, to wit, Christ Jesus; that He would give to Him the kingdom and He would rule in righteousness. Through His prophet Isaiah He says that the government shall be upon His shoulder, and that it will be a government of righteousness and peace, and that there shall be no end thereof.

The fulfilment of prophecy shows conclusively that now we are in that great transition period. Already Satan has been cast out of heaven, and the forces are rapidly assembling for the greatest war or trouble that the earth has ever known. This will not be a revolution, but an expression of God’s righteous indignation which will completely destroy all oppressive rule, systems and organizations. Then shall follow the complete establishment of a righteous government -with Christ as the invisible ruler, and which will be adminisfere’d for the general welfare of all the people.

Knowing this to be true and that the rule of Christ will fully vindicate God’s word and name, I have completely devoted myself to this cause. My work is to inform the people of the government which the Lord will soon put in operation and which will bring the desire of every honest person. I long for this relief and I delight to be able to know, and to point out to others who will hear, that this relief is soon coming. Because of these facts I could not therefore join in any other movement. I must therefore respectfully decline your kind invitation. Be assured of my best wishes and my earnest desire to cooperate in anything that will further a. knowledge of God’s kingdom, which is absolutely certain to lift the burdens from the shoulders of the people and that are now pressing them down.

The clergy have been the chief ones that have kept the people in the dark’, because they claim to represent God, but in fact have misrepresented Him and the Bible and have played into the hands of Satan the enemy; and it is now the duty of all good people to make an honest and earnest endeavor to inform their fellow creatures of the day of deliverance that is just at hand through the administration of God’s righteous government. The Bible is not a mysterious book given only to be understood by a few, but is given for all 'who sincerely seek the truth. I therefore suggest that in every community the people begin an earnest, conscientious study of the Bible in their homes and get themselves in line for the blessings that God. has in store for them through His kingdom.

Be assured of my very best wishes.


J. F. Rutherford.

One Issue Did the Trick

AFTER reading one issue of The Golden Age.

I want to thank Judge Rutherford and the owners of The Golden Age, and also to thank God, that at last I have found the journal of truth, not like the rotten newspapers and magazines whose corruptions have led the people astray.

I wash also to thank the faithful army that goes from door to door, the little army that by its ardent work is trying to prevent the intelligent public from being led astray.

I am a Roman Catholic. I have longed to know

By L. C. (New 'Jersey)

the truth. I now listen to Judge Rutherford every Sunday morning instead of listening to the Devil through his mouthpiece in the castle of chance called a “church”, which we have in this community. To call this a temple of God is, in plain English, bologna.

I have asked a Lutheran friend of mine for the loan of a Bible. Hitherto I never read it, and I am 27 years of age. I am also reading the books of Judge Rutherford and am convinced of their truth. Enclosed find a dollar for The Golden Age for one year.

Why Take Chances

By George Starr White, M.D., Ph.D., LL.D., F.R.S.A. (London) (California)'

of their recovery from all manner of unhealth, simply by throwing all aluminum-ware out of the house.

Clinical findings we must go by. Practically all laboratories can be hired to give “findings” to suit the case. The more capital back of any product, the better the “laboratory findings” usually are.

Some animals can eat strychnin and not become poisoned by it. Some can eat tobacco and not die from its poisonous effect. Some can eat food cooked in aluminum and not get rheumatism or cancer from it. Why take chances?

Malnutrition Due to White Flour

By Mrs. Andrew J. Holmes (Rhode Island) left alone; but in the process of refining the wheat into white flour, twelve of those elements are taken out and what is left is practically starch.

The average person consumes food made from white flour in excess, bread, pie crust, crackers, cookies, doughnuts, cake, hot biscuits, dumplings, pancakes, etc., with the result of too much starch. If the whole of the wheat berry had been in the flour of those articles above mentioned, which would include the twelve elements which are taken out in the process of making white flour, there would not be an excess of starch. But those elements are lacking, therefore, too much starch, carbohydrates, is taken into the system. Starch in the process of digestion is converted into a sugar; too much sugar causes fermentation: fermentation produces a poisonous acid. This acid causes many kinds of trouble. It is a very powerful acid. It gets into the blood and destroys the red corpuscles of the blood, and reduces the quality of the blood. This excess mucus that so many people are troubled with is due to an acid condition of the blood.

The only way to overcome the acid condition of the blood is to eat foods that will put your blood in an alkaline condition. Oatmeal, rolled oats, is the best of all the cereals to eat for putting the blood in an alkaline condition; also green vegetables and fruits.

In the wheat berry, or whole wheat flour, each element before refinement is in the right proportion to work together in harmony with each other, properly combined. But in the refining process some elements are concentrated, and some are entirely removed. The -whole thing is a disarrangement from the condition provided by nature. The most vital parts are taken from the flour and used to feed the animals, and the abnormal starch content is put on the market to feed the people.

Very few people know that the phosphorus found in wheat, corn, rice, barley and oats, which is removed from the various grains in refining them, is essential to the very life and health of the human body. In refining flour all the phosphorus compounds, iron compounds, calcium compounds, potassium compounds and the laxative quality, with all the other mineral salts and vitamins which the human system requires to carry on the chemical process of health-building, are taken away.

LL owe a duty to their Creator, to themselves, to their friends and relatives, and to society in general, to learn the laws of nature and practice them to the best of their ability.

Anything that will safeguard one from the ravages of disease should be sought and used with all diligence. Good health and strength is a precious possession that all should desire and seek to obtain, and, having obtained it, they should use the spirit of a sound mind and so apply the laavs of health in their daily living as to improve and increase their strength and vigor; for by so doing their efficiency is greater, no matter what their occupation may be. Therefore anything we may learn on the subject should be used to that end.

Every day it becomes more manifest that the way the average person lives is the reason he is breaking down physically. Flesh and blood cannot keep up under the heavy burden of society today and live on the refined, emasculated foods which they are trying to use. There is nothing in white bread, cookies, crackers, pie crust, polished rice, pearled barley, cream of wheat, granulated cornmeal, corn syrup, Orleans molasses (bleached with sulphuric acid), mazeoil, and many other articles on the market, that will make blood to build up health and strength.

The great Creator designed that the diet of man and beast should contain, not only the so-called essentials of protein, fat and carbohydrates, but also the salts and solubles sometimes designated “vitamins”, as -well as the succulents and roughage, -without all of which the glands do not function normally, the internal secretions lose their natural alkalinity, immunity to disease is destroyed, vitality is impaired and resistance is destroyed. “Deficiency disease” is a phrase used to describe many disorders due to an inadequate diet.

A wise Creator has provided a diet for the human race that will furnish the material for the regeneration of tissue wuth all the biochemic substances indispensable to the profoundly complex but perfectly normal process of assimilation. The human body is composed of sixteen elements. In the wheat berry there are sixteen elements, identical with those of the human body. Those sixteen elements are properly combined and properly proportioned to supply the human body in all its essentials, if they were

How can people expect to be well when they are asked to live on impoverished foods, impoverished grain products, impoverished breakfast foods, impoverished table syrup, impoverished fat and milk substitutes, impoverished egg substitutes, impoverished sugar, corn starch, corn oil, corn syrup, potato oil, cottonseed oil, oleo oil, cocoanut oil, tapioca starch and wheat starch in the numerous forms in which they appear on the shelves of the grocery store ?

Pure raw milk contains the same elements as the wheat. In skim milk all elements remain but the fat. Milk, until recent years, was the offsetting food .upon which people relied to make up for the deficiencies of white bread and the long list of white flour products. But now the milk trust has so increased the price that poor people do not use as much as formerly. The drug trust has put on the market cod liver oil as a substitute for milk. But there is as much good in. cod liver oil as there is in the other substitute oils.                                              '

Next to tuberculosis-the most common complaint is heart disease. Malnutrition is a direct cause of those two diseases; together with a lack of fresh air and internal cleanliness. The heart is always enlarged following a diet deficient in iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and the other mineral salts, colloids and vitamins always found in such foods as "wheat, corn, oats, buckwheat, barley, rice, milk, fresh vegetables, greens, fruits, etc., before those elements are removed by the refining process they undergo.

There are many records proving that where refined foods are excessively used without offsetting foods in the diet the heart becomes involved in from fifty to sixty days; and many •records show that where offsetting foods are used to an extent sufficient to retard the progress of mineral starvation the development of disease is delayed accordingly. The significance of those records is still emphasized when it is considered that malnutrition is on the increase in the United States.

There is no question that the kind, quality and quantity of foods do have a good or evil effect upon every member of the human family. These facts demonstrate conclusively the folly of using foods which do not supply the needs of the body. A beneficent Providence has provided for man’s need. The facts demonstrate the necessity of accepting from His hands the foods just as He has provided them, and refusing to use those which have been manipulated for commercial purposes. We need all the natural elements in food. So if we are going to have food at all, if possible, have it as a wise Creator designed and provided it.

The reason why the millers go in for "white flour is that white flour will keep indefinitely and they have a virtual monopoly of the white flour machinery. They know that when they take out the germ all chance of the flour’s becoming rancid is gone; but they also know that the removal of the germ makes the flour about as nutritious as plaster of paris. Flour that contains all the elements necessary for life and good health will keep a considerable time, but not as long as -white flour.

Go where you will, you will find people prematurely aged, broken down, worn out, suffering from malnutrition, the result of living on impoverished foods. Get in conversation with them, they begin to relate their troubles, the operations they have gone through, to how many different doctors they have been, what this one and that one said was the reason they were feeling so bad, etc., but none of them seem to know why they are in such a pitiful state.

If you ask them if they know that white flour is the principal cause of their condition they look at you in astonishment. Ask them if they use aluminum cooking dishes and they will look still more astonished. Then you try to tell them to throw away the aluminuniware, get whole wheat flour and use it instead of white, take an enema three times a week, and they look at you as if they thought you were trying to sell them a “gold brick”. Then to wind up your call, tell them the dear Lofd Jesus has come to establish His kingdom and put down all sickness, pain and sorrow, and finally destroy the Devil and death, and they think then you are a fit subject for an insane asylum.

If you have enough patience and think it "worth the time to give them more information, the poor creatures, if able to see that you are speaking to them for their good, show that they will be glad and rejoice when the King of peace and righteousness restores them to health and strength. Their pitiful condition, the rich as well as the poor, and their eager desire to prolong life and be relieved, makes one long to do something for them and for God’s kingdom, when there will be no profiteers or frauds of M. D.’s to rob them of their health and money.

What an incentive such sights and conditions should be to all those who are anointed of God to preach good tidings unto the meek, to bind up the broken-hearted, to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that the King is come and His kingdom is being set up; and soon they can lay down all their aches and pains and receive in their stead, health, strength and life everlasting i

Praise God from whom all blessings flow;

Praise Him all creatures here below;

Praise Him aloud with heart and voice, And always in His Son rejoice.

Track Gardening Versus Golf By 'John Moore (Florida)

I HAVE a home for the winter in. the district of Spring Lake, Florida, and although I am in the Lord’s service I own forty acres of land, which I farm, not for profit, but in lieu of golf or some other way to spend, my money, as you will see from the following facts.

Last spring I gave a colored man a chance to make something for both of us by furnishing him with the necessary equipment to operate the place. I also furnished him with seed and fertilizer to raise the crop. The man made good use of his time, and as a result of his efforts we have made shipments of about 1,800 crates of eggplant and squash this fall, besides a number of truckloads last spring.

I enclose to you six bills, in the order of their dating.

Invoice of November 1.5,1930, ear No. 59,159. Sent 9 crates yellow squash. The Philadelphia commission man allowed us 75$* per crate, a total of $6.75. But his commission came to 67$*, and the freight was $7.23, so I had to pay him $1.15, besides the 35$* a crate which I lost on packing the same. My total fine for picking these squash and not letting them rot on. the vines was $4.30.

The second invoice is dated December 5,1930, and covers a shipment sent in car No. 36,386, packed by another grower. In this shipment there were 15 crates of eggplant for which I was credited 37$ per crate, but as I was charged 38$ per crate for the packing, I had to pay 15$ for the fun of delivering the 15 crates at the loading platform.

On. the third invoice, packed in car No. 34,1.62, dated December 10, I made some money. Let me tell yon about it. There were two crates of eggplant, one of large size and one of small size, and for the two crates I was credited with 78c; but the packing charge was only 38$; so on the two crates I was given a rebate of 2$, and a check for that amount was issued. I enclose it, thinking you might like to see how we truck growers are rolling in wealth.

The next invoice, separated by one day from the foregoing, saw us part with 44 crates of white and yellow squashes at 25 $1 per crate, but as the packing averaged 38$ per crate we parted ■with $5.80 besides our squashes. This is much more exciting than golf, and seems to be about as expensive.

Two days later our invoice show’s that in car No. 65,495 we had 41 crates of white squashes, for which we were given but 9$ per crate; and as the packing charge was 40c per crate we had to lay down $12.71 at the car as a penalty for placing this food where the shipper could get hold of it.

On the final invoice we profiteered once more as we did on invoice number three. We put 37 crates of eggplant into car No. 32,030, and were allowed 39$ a crate for it, The packing charge on this lot was only 386 per crate, so for delivering the 37 crates to the car we received a cheek for 37$, 1 for each crate. I do not like to keep all this money in Florida, and so am sending the cheek on to you.

You can see for yourself what a lot of excitement there is in being a truck grower in Florida. It has golf backed off the links. The producer furnishes the land, pays the taxes, provides the seed, the implements and the fertilizer, and does all the work, while others get the proceeds.

Modern methods of doing business are ruining the truck growers. Everything should be done on a percentage basis, where all make or lose alike. As it is now, the grower stands all. the loss.

Benefits from the Kingdom An address by Judge Rutherford

WATCHTOWER national chain program

will be done on earth as it is done in heaven.’ He taught His disciples to realize the importance of the kingdom, and because thereof they asked Him what would be the proof of its coming. He told them that He must go away and that He would come again and set up the kingdom of God. He said to Pilate that His kingdom was not of this world, but future, and that His would be a righteous government. He stated to His disciples, in answer to their question, that the evidence of the taking of His power and the beginning of His reign would be the fact of the World War and the anger of the nations. (Rev. 11:17; Matt. 24:3-8) He stated that shortly there would follow perplexities and distress, then the preaching of “this gospel of the kingdom”, then would come the final sorrow and trouble upon the world.

The evidence of His coming is cumulative and conclusive. Jehovah has set His King upon His throne and bids all the nations give allegiance to Him. It is Jehovah’s kingdom, and Christ Jesus is His great active official in the administration thereof. By His prophet Isaiah (26: 2) Jehovah now commands: “Open ye the gates, that the righteous nation which keepeth the truth may enter in.” Then addressing His faithful witnesses now on earth Jehovah commands them saying: “Go through, go through the gates; prepare ye the way of the people; cast up, cast up the highway; gather out the stones; lift up a standard for the people.” (Isa. 62:10) This commandment must be obeyed, and will be obeyed by the grace of Jehovah.

With all power and authority and with majesty Christ the King under Jehovah comes forth and begins His work. To Him Jehovah says: “Thou art fairer than the children of men; grace is poured into thy lips: therefore God hath blessed thee for ever. Gird thy sword upon thy thigh, 0 most Mighty, with thy glory and thy majesty. And in thy majesty ride prosperously because of truth and meekness and righteousness; and thy right hand shall teach thee terrible things. Thine arrows are sharp in the heart of the King’s enemies; whereby the people fall under thee. Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever; the sceptre of thy kingdom is a right sceptre.” (Ps. 45:2-6) With the coming STS '

JEHOVAH’S kingdom is the most important truth taught in the Bible. It is by and through the kingdom that His word and name will be fully vindicated. It will stand an everlasting monument to. the justice, wisdom, love and power of God. It will fill the entire universe with His glory, and all creation will have knowledge thereof. It will forever settle the question that God can put on earth, men and women who will forever maintain their integrity and faithful devotion to Him.

.. The Word of Jehovah magnifies His kingdom more than any other truth taught in the Bible. When God made promise to Abraham that through his seed He will bless all the families and nations of the earth He meant the “seed” is the kingdom. The word “kingdom” means both the royal authority, or the ruling power, and the realm over which He rules.

Melchizedek “lung of Salem” means the “King of peace”, and he foreshadowed the kingdom of God. When God organized Israel into a nation, by that He foreshadowed the kingdom. Under inspiration from Jehovah every one of His prophets wrrote concerning the kingdom. For more than 1800 years the sweet singers of Israel chanted the songs the prophets wrote pointing to the kingdom. Their entire hope rested in it. Then God sent one of His prophets and announced the coming of the One who should be King and who would be the Savior of the world. He sent a host of heavenly angels to sing of His coming and to tell the hearers that the King and kingdom wrnuld bring peace on earth and good will toward’ men. By His prophet Isaiah Jehovah said: “Unto us a child is born; unto us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder,” and His kingdom will bring peace to the earth. In due season the perfect man Jesus stepped upon the stage of action and announced, “'The kingdom of heaven is at hand,” thereby meaning that He whom God had designated the King of the kingdom had come.

For three .years and more Jesus went about in the earth preaching of the kingdom. All His parables related to the kingdom. Of such paramount importance is the kingdom that Jesus said to His followers: When ye pray to your Father in heaven say, Thy kingdom come; thy

of Christ as King the kings and rulers of earth were warring with each other. Then Jehovah began to fulfil His word of prophecy, to wit: “And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom w'hich shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.”—Dan. 2:44.

Jehovah God, agreeable to His prophetic words, gives this kingdom to His beloved Son. The Prophet Daniel had a vision of Christ the King approaching the throne of Jehovah and taking His power and authority at the hand of the Most High, and concerning this he wrote: “And there was given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should serve him: his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed.”—Dan. 7:14.

From all the Scriptural evidence no one can attempt to gainsay the statement that the kingdom of God is the greatest thing that ever came to earth. It is the authority and power that came down from heaven, beautiful and glorious. Now are fulfilled the words of the prophet of God: “'For the kingdom is the Lord’s: and he is the governor among the nations.” (Ps. 22:28) “Thy kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and thy dominion endureth throughout all generations.”—Ps. 145:13.

The fact that the Word of God magnifies the importance of the kingdom above everything else is a complete guarantee that the kingdom will bring to the peoples of earth the greatest possible benefits. In this hour of oppression and stress let the people look up to God and to His Word and learn what is in store for them and take courage and rejoice.


The nations are now desperately preparing instruments for war. In fear and trepidation they hurry on to be ready for the great conflict. There is one great war or trouble just ahead. It will be the worst of all time and it will be the last. Looking beyond that and seeing what God’s righteous government shall be for suffering humanity the people will have courage. With the passing of that terrible storm Jehovah will hear the cries of humankind and bring them into safety. By His prophet He says: “[The Lord] shall judge [govern] among the nations, and shall rebuke [correct] many people; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.” (Isa. 2:4) The League of Nations, the World Court, and peace pacts are all makeshifts brought forward by the enemy Satan for the purpose of drawing the attention of the people away from God and from His complete remedy for suffering humanity. The kingdom will convince the people that war is gone forever; and learning of this great benefit, they will rejoice and give praise to the Prince of peace and to Jehovah God.


Justice is the foundation of Jehovah’s throne, and justice He will establish in the earth. Under the governments of this world the people do not receive justice. The desire for justice was expressed in the Constitution of the United States by the founders of the government, but today that document has been so twisted and patched up that if is no longer to be recognized as an instrument announcing justice. The courts are presumed to deal out justice to the people, but such has become a violent presumption. Gigantic corporate bodies with unlimited money and influence use their power and influence to control the legislative, the judicial and the executive parts of the government. Therefore the laws of the land, the administration of the laws and their execution are oppressive to the people. Under the pretext of law7 the people are exploited, hoodwinked and robbed. When they go into the courts for redress they find that a man without money and without influence has little or no show7. The poor suffer and there is no relief for them amongst men.

One of the great benefits of God’s kingdom on earth will be equal and exact justice meted out to all. Those who have been rich will have no advantage over those who have been poor. All will be brought to a common level and stand equal before the law7. By His prophet (Isa. 11:3-5) Jehovah says of His kingdom and its benefits to the people: “He shall not judge after the sight of his eyes [that is to say, their outward appearance], neither reprove after the hearing of his ears [meaning that He will not be influenced by the speech of adroit lawyers or influential clients]; but with righteousness

shall he judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth. ... And righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins, and faithfulness

■ the girdle of his reins.” “And he shall judge the world in righteousness, he shall minister judgment to the people in uprightness.”—Ps. 9:8.                                    '      .

Every nation under the sun today is oppressive, and the hand of the oppressor is laid heavily upon the poor. Happy will be the day of ’ the judgment of the Lord for the poor in His kingdom, because it is written: “He shall judge the poor of the people, he shall save the children of the needy, and shall break in pieces the oppressor. For he shall deliver the needy when he crieth; the poor also, and him that hath no helper. He shall spare the poor and needy, and :::      shall save the souls of the needy.”—Ps. 72:



One of the greatest menaces to the welfare of the people today is falsehood; better named, lies. The people elect their servants to public office, but straightway these resort to fraud and deception to the people’s injury. The strong :.............. financial interests, made up of men who thrive

on the fruits of other men’s labor, resort to s” fraud and deceit to overreach the servants of the people, causing them to enact laws detrimental to the general welfare and for the benefit :■ of the selfish interests. The clergy resort to falsehoods and teach and practice that which is untrue. They put a screen about the ruling powers and harangue the people to be submissive to whatever their selfish oppressors put upon them. By misrepresenting the truth they turn away the people from God and from His Word and lead them into the ways of error. Back of all these fraudulent practices is the supreme mind and cunning of Satan, the father of lies. One of tiie great benefits of the kingdom of God .....   . will be to destroy the covering that these fraud-■ ulent schemes throw over the eyes of the peo-:       pie, as it is written: “And he will destroy in

this mountain the face of the covering cast over all people, and the vail that is spread over all nations.” (Isa. 25:7) In the kingdom of God fraud and lying will no longer have sway. Falsehood and deception will be exposed and the truth will be spoken by all. It is God’s prophet ■Isaiah (28:17) who says: “Judgment also will . I lay to the line, and righteousness to the plummet; and the hail shall swyeep awyay the refuge of lies, and the waters shall overflow the hiding place.”

The visible agents of God’s kingdom will be true, just and right. Their rule is symbolized by the “earth”, wThile the kingdom is symbolized by the term “heaven”. Concerning the righteous kingdom it is written: “Truth shall spring out of the earth; and righteousness shall look down from heaven. Yea, the Lord shall give that which is good; and our land shall yield her increase. Righteousness shall go before him, and shall set us in the way of his steps.”—Ps. 85:11-13.          .              ..


Now the attempt is made to clean up the nation by means of cruel and unusual punishment meted out to unfortunate ones upon the pretext of enforcing the law. This is done even at the point of a shotgun, in violation of law. While there is a cry for purity and obedience to law, crime and uncleanliness ever increase. It must be manifest that morality cannot be injected into the people by means of enforcing the law against a few offenders. It is impossible to make the people pure by placing some behind prison bars. There is a great desire among the order-loving people for purity, but all know that the efforts of selfish men cannot and do not accomplish the desired result. Satan is the invisible ruler of this world, and the author of the abortive schemes to cleanse the world, without any purpose of doing so if he could. Know’-ing these facts, then, why longer heed such schemes? Why not turn to the just Jehovah, whose kingdom will bring that which will satisfy the desire of all honest people? His kingdom will establish purity and righteousness among men. It is written, in Proverbs 30:5: “Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.”

The reformation and purity of the world can be brought about only by the people’s learning qf God and His Christ and by their being obedient to His righteous rule. In His kingdom every one who has a pure motive shall receive help from the Lord and ■will be led in the right way and cleansed from all iniquity. By His prophet He says: “I. will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.” (Jer. 31: 33) When this relationship is estab-

listed there will be purity amongst the people in the land.


When the people are prompted by honesty and purity of motive in their actions, then there will be security for all. Now almost all persons feel very insecure in their property, in their home, in their liberty and in their body. The reason therefor is because of the many evil persons about. The unscrupulous manipulator seeks to defraud others out of their property. The gatherer of taxes takes more than that which is just and right. The profiteer takes a mortgage upon the home at a usurious rate which soon consumes all the value. The spy sneaks about to deprive his neighbor of liberty or cause him great bodily injury. These things cannot exist in God’s kingdom. One of the great benefits of the righteous rule will be to remove all such iniquities and insecurity. The oppressor and extortioner will then not be permitted to ply his business, and the collectors of usurious interest and excessive taxes will cease and men will no longer be unjustly deprived of the fruits of their labor and of their homes. By His prophet Jehovah (Isa. 65:21,22) says: “And they shall build houses, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and eat the fruit of them. They shall not build, and another inhabit.” And again by His prophet Micah (4:4) z He says: “They shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree; and none shall make them afraid: for the mouth of the Lord of hosts hath spoken it.”

It is not experience with wrongdoing and punishment therefor that will deter evildoers and reform them. That which is essential to the reformation of the people is a knowledge of God and His Christ. When men come to know that God is gracious and good and that everything in harmony with Him is peace and joy, then they will earnestly desire to be obedient to Him. Now selfishness induces a man to be reckless and to disregard the rights of others to his neighbor’s injury. The reckless driver of an automobile does injury to his fellow man and hurries on that he might escape. It will not be so under the kingdom of God, because it is written : “They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.”—Isa. 11: 9.


Poverty brings great suffering upon the people. This very day there are millions of people who have not sufficient food and raiment. When there is poverty amongst the multitudes the government is in bad repute, concerning which God’s prophet writes: “In the multitude of people is the king’s honour: but in the want of people is the destruction of the prince.”-—Prov. 14:28.

The invisible ruler of the nations of earth is Satan, who schemes to oppress the mass of the people and keep them subject to the few, that he may control them and turn them array from God, and for this reason the multitudes mourn. “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.” (Prov. 29:2) Under the kingdom of God the rule will be righteous and the people will rejoice because there will be plenty for all and distributed for the well-being of all. There will be no profiteering then, and every man shall -enjoy the fruits of his owm labor and nothing shall prevent it. Thorns and thistles, bugs and bores, and other insects of destruction, will no longer hinder man in the cultivation of his crops. There will be no famines in the land, but the earth will yield its increase; as it is written: “'Then shall the earth yield her increase; and God, even our own God, shall bless us.”—Ps. 67: 6.

With the production and distribution of foods carried on in a. just manner there will be an abundance for all, and none then need cry for bread. Among the blessings enumerated in His kingdom the Prophet Isaiah (25: 6) says: “And in this mountain [kingdom] shall the Lord of hosts make unto all people a feast of fat things, a feast of wines on the lees, of fat things full of marrow, of wines on the,lees well refined.”

Health ■

Today those vriio are physically and mentally sick are numbered by the millions. In fact, there is scarcely any one that is wrell and healthy. Many efforts are made to treat the sick and restore them to health, but whatsoever relief comes is only temporary. The mental and moral sickness of men resulting from the use of tobacco, intoxicating liquor, opium and other narcotics, and even excessive use of proper food, increases disease and suffering. Another great benefit of the kingdom of God will be that the Lord -will teach the people how to eat and when to eat, how to care for themselves, and, above all these things, their proper relationship to Jehovah God and how to feed the mind upon His precious truths. Truth and health will then go hand in hand and the obedient ones will be restored, as it is written: “Behold, I will bring [in] health and cure, and I will cure them, and will reveal unto them the abundance of peace and truth.” (Jer. 33:6) “And the inhabitant shall not say, I am sick: the people that dwell therein shall be forgiven their iniquity.”—Isa. 33:24.


Every sane person realizes that life in happiness is to be preferred above all things else. Without life, all other things that might be enjoyed would be of small consequence. That which is man’s greatest enemy is death. That great enemy lays hold upon all mankind, and the reason is, because sin entered the world as the result of the disobedience to God’s law, and death, followed. By and through the life-blood of His beloved Son Christ Jesus God has provided the redemption of man from death and the grave, and in due time all shall have the opportunity to be delivered and brought into life and happiness. This great deliverance of man from the enemy sickness and death must wait, however, until the kingdom of God is in full sway. It is written in 2 Timothy 4:1 that Christ at His coming and His kingdom will judge both the living and the dead. One of the great benefits resulting to the people from His kingdom will be the opportunity granted to all to receive a full knowledge of the truth and thereby know the way to life. Those who learn and obey the truth will live and not die. It is written in John 17: 3: “This is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.” Jesus with authority also stated that those who live and believe on Him and obey the law of His kingdom shall live and shall never die. In view of the fact that the kingdom has already begun, and that Satan’s complete overthrow is near at hand, and in view of the many precious promises that will be realized under the kingdom of God now begun, it can be said with confidence that there are millions of people now living who will never die. The beneficial effect of the kingdom upon those who now shed tears of bitterness and suffer, and who then learn of God and obey Him, is stated in Revelation 21:4 in these comforting words: “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes: and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.”

Jehovah God has placed His beloved Son in charge of the kingdom for the very purpose of destroying all the enemies of God and man and to grant to all obedient ones life everlasting. “For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.”—1 Cor. 15: 25, 2G.

Blessed will be that day 'when there is no more sickness, sorrow and death amongst men; -when every creature of earth is strong, vigorous, healthy and happy, and when all know and obey the Lord. Then all will fully realize that Jehovah is the only true God, and those who have devoted themselves to Him will be continually proclaiming His praises, as it is written: “They shall speak of the glory of thy kingdom, and talk of thy power: to make known to the sons of men his mighty acts, and the glorious majesty of his kingdom. Thy kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and thy dominion endureth throughout all generations.”—Ps. 145:11-13.

All these blessings to humanity will flow from the great unselfish Jehovah God. It is this glad news God commands His witnesses to now tell to the people. The issue now is, Who is God? Many are asking, Who is God? In my next lecture, by His grace, I shall attempt to tell you.

Political Influence of Racketeers

Judge Lyle, of Chicago, in a public address stated that he knows of one racketeer in that city whose influence elected a state senator, sent a young- attorney to the legislature, controlled an aiderman, and elected a congressman.

He thinks it is this political influence which thwarts Chicago’s thousands of policemen, judges and court attaches -from driving the racketeers out of town and out of existence as such. No wonder lawlessness and crime flourish.

Religious Business Gelling Hard

THE religious business is getting harder and harder. At least that is what we infer from the following plaint from C. Ward Simpson, pastor of the Second Presbyterian Church, Duluth, Minnesota. In a circular letter to his flock he says some things that we think we can safely accept as true, and whenever we know of a pastors doing anything like that we feel as if we ought to mention it. Mr. Simpson says:

I suppose that when God calls a man to preach, He calls others to listen to him, hard as that is. In fact, they are telling us now that, of the two, the listeners preach the greater sermon.

But there's an old and well known disease among us just now that is out of control and spreading rapidly. It is called “Morbus Sabbaticus” and is one of the deadliest to the Kingdom of Heaven that is known. It’s a strange, mysterious disease in that there are no felt symptoms. On Saturday night the patient sleeps ■well, and in the morning eats a hearty breakfast; but about Church time the attack comes on and continues until services are over.

The following are some of the peculiar features of this sickness:

  • 1. It attacks a man very suddenly every Sabbath.

  • 2. It always attacks professing Church people.

  • 3. It never makes its appearance except on Sabbath.

  • 4. The symptoms vary, but the disease never interferes with the sleep and appetite.

  • 5. It never lasts more than twenty-four hours.

  • 6. No physician is ever called in.

  • 7. It is painfully prevalent and is alarmingly infectious.

  • 8. No remedy is known for it except prayer and the study of God’s Word.

  • 9. Unless checked, it is in the end fatal to the soul.

Now, needless to say, we are anxious to get the thing under control, and somehow we believe we shall. But it has assumed the nature of an epidemic, both in Church and Bible School. Only prayer and return to God’s Word can possibly allay its ravages. It’s an anxious time for us all.                   ■

Cave Dwellings in Spain

IN THE province of Almeria, Spain, arc whole high and lifted out with outlook holes and open villages of cave dwellers. In some instances galleries high up on the rocks: primitive models the cave dwellings are as much as five stories of the modern apartment-house communities!

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