HmmmiuainiiiHiHk. ..iniimiHuiiiiiiiiimniiminiiiii
every other WEDNESDAY
five cents a copy one dollar a year ' Canada & Foreign 1.25
Vol. XII - No. 303
April 29s 1931
Good Use for War Materials . . 491
Feeding the Hungry in Arkansas 492
Britain Must Now Retrench . . 494
How We Reward Our Heroes . . 485
Only in Morning of
Unemployment ..... 495
The Editor’s Lament .... 490
Dandelions in the Grass . . . 491
Radios in Half the Homes . . 492
Ur Inhabited Before Flood . . 492
Railway Mileage of the World . 492
2,000 on Capone’s Payroll . . 492
Parable on the Days of Noah . . 502
Extracts from Interesting
Letters ........ 504
Hindenburg Versus Wilhelm . 492
36% a Tear Profit . . ■. . . 495
Taking What They Can Get . . 495
The World Must Disarm . , . 496
The Cost of Government . . . 496
Homes Are Not City Property . . 505
The Great Escape ...... 505
The Trees of Nebraska .... 491
America Once Joined Asia . . . 491
America’s Most Important
Problem ........ 491
Distance of Fastest Nebula . . 492
Probable Origin of “Big Bertha” 503
Eleven Hundred Tons of Iron a
Day .......... 492
The Mysore Gold Mine .... 501
An Honest and Courageous
Doctor ......... 490
“Crashing Idols” ...... 496
Faster Service London to Paris . 591
Air Route to Cape Town . . . 491
China vs. United States Banks . 491
Deaths in the Auto War . . . 493
Why Bread Remains Dear . . . 493
RapiWT|pping Up of Treasures . 494
Natidliii Broadcasting Company 494
Where the Money Is .... 495
Why Not Import an Irishman? . 511
Persia—the Land of Extremes . 483
Ceylon Has Far to Go .... 493
Racketeering in Glasgow . . 494
England .......... 500
Putting on Religious Cabaret . . 493
No Scriptures to Baek It, But—■ , 495
Even the Demons Are Silly . . 502
Resurrection of the Just and the
Unjust ........ 506
Published every other Wednesday at 117 Adams Street, Brooklyn, X Y., U. S. A., by WOODWORTH, KNORR & MARTIN '
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Volame XII Brooklyn, N. Y., Wednesday, April 29, 1931 Number 303
EVERY land where the Devil has had sway is 'more or less a land of extremes. It is his way of ruling. There is a philosophy in it, too. He selects a chosen few as his representatives, and by the very wealth which he lavishes upon them they so dazzle the common people as to keep them in subjection, keep them in order, make them their hewers of rvood and drawers of water. This is particularly true of the land of Persia.
Persia is a land of contrasts. It is a land of the most beautiful gardens and the most forbidding of deserts; of the most lovely climates and the most inhospitable; of art and of squalor; of wealth in the extreme and of poverty in the last degree.
Though Persia has been described as Ba land where no water is”, yet there is no place on earth where the nobility are as proud of their gardens. Even the poorest of the poor have some sort of garden, if they have any roofs over their heads at all.
In latitude it corresponds to the southern states of the United. States, from Philadelphia to Key West. From t W northwest to the southeast ■ is as far as from Portland, Maine, to Jacksonville; and from the northeast to the southwest, as far as from. Atlanta to Milwaukee. The area is about one-fifth that of the whole United States. ’
It seldom rains in Persia in the summer; hence water must be brought all the way from the mountains in aqueducts, requiring incessant labor to keep them open. This water is conducted through the gardens in trenches and finally lands in the open pool which is the star feature of the family garden, and incidentally provides an ideal place for the breeding of mosquitoes and other insect pests for which the country is famous.
■ In these pools the family dishes are washed, and also the family feet and hands. But lest you gag too easily over this last item, we pause to remark that such bathing of the hands and feet is rare. Indeed, in the case of babies, the Persian mother has the idea that water is injurious to an infant, and hence its first bath is at six months of age. This first ablution of the child is usually given in a public bath, in which others bathe daily and in which the water is changed once in ten days.
Despite the fact that there is no clean piped water in Persia, but the supply for each family is taken from open ditches, and despite the occasional loss of babies through falling into the family pool and drowning, the Persians somehow manage to survive. The reason no doubt is that it is a land of sunshine and none can wholly escape its life-giving rays.
.4 Huge Basin Within Mountains
Persia is a huge basin within mountains. To get into the country from almost any direction one must climb over a high mountain. The rivers in the interior are few and small and terminate in salt marshes with no outlet. The whole land would be a desert but for the high mountains which surround it. As the winter snows melt they provide water throughout the year.
Each city is an oasis, separated from' each other city by the inhospitable lands of the desert. In between these oases the soil has been eroded until nothing but barren ridges are left. There was a time when much of the intervening area was well covered with vegetation, but een-' furies of mismanagement have left it in bad condition, difficult of rehabilitation.
It is no doubt because of the large stretches of desert lands intervening between the various cities that Persia has remained a land in which, the people prefer to stay at home rather than to travel, and the same influence has made them lovers of and makers of gardens. The favorfi e
design of the garden is a succession of terraces, with water falling from one terrace to another until it finally lands in the family pool. The Persian refers to his home as his garden.
The distances between the cities has led to brigandage, and has made close government of the territory difficult. Among the poor, food of any kind is scarce. It has been estimated that three out of every four Persian children die before they reach the age of five years.
During the World War, when the opposing armies were ignoring her rights and trampling upon her neutrality, conditions in some sections became so terrible that the starving people ate horses, cats and dogs, and even the flesh of their own dead.
Ons of the Oldest Empires
Persia is one of the oldest of empires. At one time a part of Media, the Persians, under Cyrus, revolted from the Medes, engaged in a bloody struggle with them, and finally succeeded, not only in establishing their independence, but in changing places with their masters and becoming the ruling people. This turning of the tables took place about 550 B.C.
Cyrus went on and conquered Babylon, and his son even conquered Egypt. A successor, Darius, a great general and born leader of men, extended his empire east into India and west into Europe. One of his generals captured and burned Constantinople. Darius coined the first Persian money. Both Cyrus and Darius are many times mentioned in the Scriptures.
Darius was succeeded by Xerxes, or Zerzes, supposed to be Ahasuerus “which reigned from India even unto Ethiopia, over an hundred and seven and twenty provinces”. (Esther 1:1) From his day the country began to retrograde. Since then it has been many times overrun, and often in anarchy. It was overrun by Alexander the Great, king of Macedonia, in 331 B. C., and in the thirteenth century (A.D.) by Genghis Khan, the slayer of thirteen million of his fellow creatures.
For handed )f years, until .August 5, 1.906, the ruler of Peiila was an absolute despot, and even now its Mejliss, or Parliament, is a very tame affair of 120 deputies, 40 of whom constitute a quorum. In 1925 the- then reigning monarch, Shah Ahmed Kadjar, lost his job because he spent all his time gambling at Monte Carlo, Nice and Paris; but he does not care, because he is a very rich man. His crown jewels include the Great Mogul, one of the largest and most beautiful diamonds in existence, and have been appraised at $40,000,000. When the vote came to be taken, which cost him his throne, he ■was so unpopular that only five out of eighty-five voters voted to retain him. He was in Paris at the time the vote was taken,.
Fanaticism and Bigotry
Mohammedanism is a plagiarism of the Scriptures, and a heartless system of bigotry and superstition, appealing to the basest emotions. It is this that is the “religion” of Persia. The people are under the thumb of the priests or mullahs. Thirteen hundred years after his death the Persians spend one month of each year in mourning for Hussein, one of the sons of Mohammed’s son-in-law7, because he was slain while at prayer. '
In the year 1924 the American consul general in Persia, Robert W. Imbrie, one of the best friends Persia ever had, was killed by a mob of Moslem fanatics merely for taking a photograph of a “holy” well. His real slayers were the mullahs, who made the people believe the well is ‘holy’. There are some Jews, Babists, Zoroastrians and so-called “Christians” in Persia, and they have not had an easy time trying to live with the Moslems. The influence of the mullahs will prevent Persia from going Bolshevik. The mullahs do not wish to lose their jobs.
Ages of despotism, and the curse of a fanatical religion, have left the stamp of cruelty upon Persia. The Persist is nervous, artistic, voluble, witty and polite, but he is cruel. The ancestor of the shah who has recently been deposed, Agha Mohammed, caused 35,000 inhabitants of Kerman to be blinded because the city had offended him; he sold into slavery 20,000 'women and children; he caused a pyramid to be built of the skulls of his antagonists. His son caused a general ■who had offended him to be bricked up in a dungeon.
Agha came into possession of the Persian throne by one of the most clever tricks ever perpetrated. His opponent Lutf, with a handful of men, defeated Agha’s army of 30,000 men. .Unnoticed, Agha remained in his tent while all about him. fled. With the coming of sunset he bid his muezzin call the faithful to prayer as usual. The effect was wonderful. The fleeing soldiers returned in such numbers that the tide of battle was turned and Agha gained the victory over his courageous, generous and able foeman, whom he afterward had put to death by torture.
One of the most progressive men now living in Persia, Saram-ed-Dowleh, a one-time cabinet minister, who seems to have taken a real interest in housing and other problems, murdered his own mother with a shotgun because his father ordered him to do so. She had been suspected of infidelity. In few places in the earth would a man thus unhesitatingly kill his own mother at somebody else’s request.
Hiza Shak Pahlavi
The Golden Age is no admirer of aristocrats, autocrats and dictators; nor is it an admirer of Riza Khan, Persia’s new ruler. The newspapers like to picture him as a. stableboy that came to be a monarch. That is all folderol. His father was master of ceremonies under two shahs, and he himself is an aristocrat who went into the army to learn the business from the bottom up. Possibly his father suggested to him that some time he could do the very thing- he has done, grab the whole country.
The revolution which put Riza Khan on the Persian throne urns a bloodless one. The people wanted him there; that is one reason why he is there. He is well educated, a pianist of fine technique. Besides Persian, he speaks Russian, French and German.. He is said to be a charming conversationalist, -witty and well informed. Like his countrymen, he is a devout Mohammedan.
Riza has increased his army to 60,000 men and has the country under discipline, as far as that is possible in a territory embracing such vast wastes. He has all modern equipment, airplanes, tanks and wireless. Idle first thing he did after he had seized control was to dismiss all his Russian and British officers, an act that made him very popular all over the country. He has reformed the army, hanged the bandits, made traveling safe, and tried to do away with open corruption.
Riza is no coward, and he is a leader. Nearly 60 years of age, on one occasion he dashed into the camp of an enemy and slew the rebel leader rvitli his own hand. Everything comes to his desk, and he makes an effort to keep it clear. He is said to be tall, heavy, of imposing carriage, calm, slow, definite, unyielding, and capable of unrelenting enmity.
Humanitarians have pleaded with him to let one of his old enemies, the sheik of Moham-merah, who is slowly dying of an incurable disease, end. his life- in Germany, where lie can receive medical attention. But no, the old man is technically a prisoner and must finish out his days in the house assigned to him just outside Teheran. He is said to be an adept in choosing subordinates and playing one off against another in such a way as to gradually elevate himself.
He is a great admirer of Mustapha Kemal Pasha, of Turkey, and is doing all possible to emulate him. In future all Persian men must wear coat and trousers, the same as we barbarians of English and American extraction. And they must all wear the pahlavi, which is a new form of headgear named after the Riza Khan Pahlavi himself. Government officials are required to wear, at least part of the time, clothing made in Persian mills. Persia hopes soon to be able to work up her own cotton from the fields of Azerbaijan, performing all the operations until it reaches the consumers.
Some of the Natural Features
Persia has thirty lakes, all of them salt. Both the lakes and the rivers that run into them have an uncanny habit of shifting themselves from one location to another. It is believed that at the time of the Flood Persia was a sort of quiet spot in the waters within which the ark floated without being exposed to much turbulent treatment.
Violent sandstorms are frequent in the spring in the desert regions, and hailstorms with bail as large as marbles occur in the same season in the north. In a day’s travel one may be amid heavy frosts and in a tropical zone of luxuriant palms and intense heat. In Arabistan the dry heat in summer reaches 120 degrees indoors. Some parts which are very fertile abound in malaria and insect pests.
Flowers are abundant, roses flourishing so profusely that they are cultivated for perfume. The famous Persian eat is now well known all over the world. There are numerous weird types of reptiles and spiders. Fresh water fish are rare; the lakes are destitute of animal life. There are numerous quagmires through which nothing can pass.
Along the Caspian seaboard wild animgls are plentiful: hyenas, leopards, tigers, ch|etahSj jackals, lynxes, wild goats, wild asses and smaller creatures. Lions exist in some sections. . he boundaries of the country are indeterminate, a cause of much friction.
The center of Persia is a vast plateau of 3,000 to 5,000 feet above sea level, traversed by ridges running for a hundred miles at 8,000 to ’ 10,000 feet, rising in places to 16,000 to 17,000 feet. In southern Persia the mountain ranges present a succession of parallel ridges and valleys, so that it is possible to drive between the ranges for hundreds of miles.
The air in the interior is dry and exhilarating, - and clear, enabling the vision to travel incredible distances. Extremes of heat and cold alternate. In the north heavy snows occur from November to March. The sun shines fiercely by day, but at night the temperature falls to 15 or 20 degrees.
Some of the Treasures
Coal exists all over Persia, and is being mined in two places. Miners will laugh when told that the way a Persian mines coal is to dig a hole in the ground and when the coal is reached throw it to the surface, but when this is no longer practicable the excavation is abandoned and a fresh one started. As a consequence the best coal is never reached.
Lead and copper mines have been worked from time immemorial. Persia is known to have some of the most valuable copper deposits in the world. There are also iron, zinc, tin, manganese, gold, silver, mercury and marble. The pearl fisheries on the Persian gulf are annually worth about $2,500,000 and employ 70,000 fishermen.
But the greatest treasure of all is oil, of which there is so much that it is believed the country will eventually produce as much as the United States, which at present produces 65 percent of the world’s supply. This oil is now in the control of Great Britain. No doubt you have heard of the Anglo-Persian Oil Company.
The Anglo-Persian Oil Company employs some 20,000 persons, and spends enormous sums for the founding of hospitals and schools for its own employees and others. Fifteen percent of its profits go to Persian government, but it is to all intents a state within a state.
In these oil fields the British fleet has always a supply of oil to protect its trade route to the East. If at any time this company were to get in trouble with the Persian government there is not the slightest doubt that Britain would take control of Persia, or as much of it as suited her purposes. The oil would come first, and the neutrality next.
Persian oil has been known since the days of Plutarch, and was known to Alexander the Great. The Persians saluted Alexander by sprinkling the street to his dwelling with naphtha, and then lighting it at one end. In consequence the whole street was soon ablaze from, end to-end.
The Opium Question
Opium is produced in 18 out of the 33'provinces of Persia, and its production is scattered over an area of 400,000 square miles. The city of Ispahan produces 4| million pounds of opium a year, most of which goes to China. The opium growers include many of the most influential clergy, and it is well known that the opium growers and merchants are the wealthiest people in the country. This makes it difficult to control the trade. •
Another great difficulty is the method of paying the growers. The extra hands are usually ■ paid in opium sap or in part cash and part sap; and. as there are 5,000 of these extra hands employed in Ispahan in time of harvest, and as they dispose of the sap to peddlers, storekeepers and others, it may readily be seen why anything approaching control is hard to obtain.
The growing of opium appeals to the Persian mind. The returns per acre are higher than for any other Persian crop, opium requires little water, and other crops can be planted on the same ground after the opium is gathered. Opium is not dependent on railroads or even good roads for transport, and there is always a ready market for the sap and the export opium. It is too bad that it should be so, but it is so. Poppy juice represents 20 percent of Persia’s entire export trade and 10 percent of the government’s revenue. Some attempt has been, made at curtailment, but it is futile.
Bedeviled by Britain and Russia
For the same reason that she is afraid to build a tunnel under the British Channel, or to let anybody else build one, Britain has done everything humanly possible to retard the development of Persia. The theory has been that Bus-sia wants India; and as Persia is on the highroad, everything possible must be done to make the road difficult of travel.
In 1914 Russian troops invaded the northern part of Persia, and Britain the southern part. This was to keep Germany out of Afghanistan, still farther on the road to India. In August, 1919, a treaty was signed by which Persia virtually lost her independence. Previously there had been in force an agreement between Russia and Britain that Persia was to be divided into three zones of influence, with Russia in the north, Britain in the south and east, and a central zone where each could do as she liked.
This is like two highwaymen holding up a man and each agreeing to take the contents of the pants pocket nearest him, and to fight - for what he may have left. Britain has always been a corrupting influence at the court at Teheran. To many British statesmen this has seemed necessary in order to protect British interests; but, to the Devil, everything he does is necessary. '
The invasion of northern Persia by Russian armies in 1914, and the resulting requisitioning of armies and withdrawal of food supplies, reduced the country to famine and resulted in the death of one-fifth of all the people in the country. At present the Persians have no confidence in the good intentions of any foreign power. And ■why should they have?
Since the establishment of the Soviet, the Persian people have been notified that Russia no longer adheres to czarist policies, but wishes to see the Persian people independent, flourishing and controlling their own possessions. It has also said that none of the Russian loans need be repaid. Nearly all the commerce which northern Persia conducts with Europe must pass through Russia.
It is only since July, 1928, that Persia has been mistress of her own customs tariff, and until that time foreigners were tried by their own consul courts.
A recent concession to the British allows the British Imperial Airways to pass through South Persia, effecting a junction at Bushire with the Junkers Line from Teheran, thus bringing Persia into communication by air with India, and the Far East. Persia herself will construct and own the airdromes, which will thus be available for the airplanes of all nations.
Persia and England are continually quarreling over the islands in the Persian Gulf. Persia has always had them, and wants to keep them because they are near at hand. England wants them for the same reason that she wants everything else on the earth. Persia recently protested to England’s League of Nations about the possession of some of these islands. Britain has hung on to the islands on the ground that they are necessary for the protection of British coaling stations.
The next time you are pestered with mosquitoes go and take the screen door off your neighbor’s house; and if he wants to know 'why you did it, tell him you had to do it to keep the mosquitoes out of your home. Then put the door up on your own house and make yourself at home. The seizure of the island of Ormuz in 1622 is what gave Britain the control of India.
The Persian Men .
The Persian men are described as fta people of lively and impressible minds, brave and impetuous in wrar, witty, passionate, for Orientals truthful, not without some spirit of generosity, and of more intellectual capacity than the generality of Asiatics”. The estimated population of the country is 10,000,000. The area of the country is 628,000 square miles.
Persia is a land of large proprietors and landless peasants. The peasant plows with oxen and a bent stick, as his ancestors always did. Three-fifths of his crop goes to the landlord. A landowner may possess hundreds of square miles of arable land, with a dozen or more villages on it, without ever seeing the district more than three or four times in his life. The head man of the village' does the business with the agent of the ovmer, the same as he did 500 years ago. . '
The nomadic tribes of Persia move in great masses today as they did in the days of Abraham, moving flocks and herds in a constant search for grass, and continually striving with other tribes for water. A New York Times representative saw 30,000 Baktiari tribesmen and 250,000 animals ascend from their winter quarters on the Persian Gulf to the highlands, over roads that w’ere still covered with snow’ and ice.
These tribesmen 'and their families were barefooted and unprotected from the sun, wind and hail, yet not one of them caught a cold. The dust was unbelievably thick. The American marchers tied handkerchiefs over their noses and mouths, and even drank through handker-
chiefs, as . the dus’f got info everything. The .whole Baktiari tribe take this trip every spring ..nd return to the Gulf in the fall. It is very hard to exercise any kind of government over people who live that kind of life. ■ '
There is no middle class in Persia, no engineers, no architects, and hardly any doctors. The mullahs or priests are the lawyers. Persia is divided into master and slave, landowner and landworker, aristocrat and peasant, oppressor and oppressed. Virtually all the nobles are government officials; and as there are not jobs enough to go around, they work one year and scheme for two more to get back into office.
All of the original races of mankind are found in Persia. The frequent invasions from central Asia have left a strong element of the Mongols. The inhabitants of the hot lowlands in the southwest are Arabs, Semites.
The Persian aristocracy is not religious, but frankly and openly selfish, willing to sell out everything for the sake of being maintained in ease and affluence. The aristocrat is ceremoniously polite in the extreme. His speech has three forms of address, one for equals, one for ' superiors, and one for inferiors. Custom demands that they keep on their hats indoors.
In Persia, when a man does not wish to see callers, his servants state that their master "has gone within’, the exact contrary of the American foot at home’. When a high priest visits a town everybody who has a black suit of any kind puts it on. This shows that even the Devil has a lingering sense of the "eternal fitness of things’, for surely nothing could be more appropriate than for a people to put on mourning when they see- one of the Devil’s own crowd headed their way.
The Persian Women
The Persian girl runs about for a few years draped in a long black cloth, but at 10 or 12 years of age is usually married to a man old enough to be her father. Meantime she has learned to help with the housework, to prepare meals, -weave, and wash clothes in the stream outside the town.
Trial marriage is common. A Persian may have four legitimate wives, but he can enter into temporary wedlock, for a year, a month, a week, or even a couple of days. The mullah or priest fixes all that. Great are the uses of a priest!
His principal job is to govern men through women.
There is no furniture in the home. The -woman wears one dress day and night for a month, at the end of which time it is washed. Chairs are practically unknown in the Orient. Wherever a Persian woman goes she carries a mattress stuffed with cotton, on which she sits and rests during the day and sleeps at night.
An old Persian proverb says: “Woman is a great calamity. However, no household should be without this evil.” The Persian women must live in an inner courtyard, the anderoon, the only entrance to which is through the birooni, or men’s apartment. Persian women rise respectfully when their husbands or fathers enter the room.
The Persian veils his wife, so that none but he may see her charms, but in his absence his wife can go anywhere wrapped in her veil and he is none the wiser. Of late some of the women are appearing in the streets without their veils, but this is not safe in all Persian cities. Fanatics do not hesitate,in some places to attack or even kill women ignoring the teachings -of the Koran.
The Persian kitchen is simplicity itself. Holes are dug in the floor alongside a wall. The pot containing the dinner is placed in a hole between two fires. The more dishes there are, the more holes there are. Refrigeration is unknown. Clocks are not used. The jangling telephone bell has only recently arrived.
Life in the Cities
Life in a Persian city is interesting because it is different. Only a few of the -streets in the capital, Teheran, 350,000 population, have any name. None of the houses have any numbers. Until three or four years ago none of the inhabitants had any family names. Then an edict required the adoption of family names, and there were some wonderful inventions.
The guardian of a gate gave himself the Persian equivalent of “Honest and Faithful”. A postman styled himself “Here, There and Everywhere”. A merchant chose as his name his telephone number, which happened to be “Three Hundred and Ten”; while a proud possessor of much livestock gave himself the euphonious and appropriate name of “Multitudinous Ass”. '
The sick are treated by charms and prayers. A sick child may have tied around its neck the dried eye of a sheep, the kneecap of a wolf, .or the claw of a tiger. Or he may be treated by having him drink water in which lias been soaked a piece of paper -upon which a verse of the Koran has been written in Arabic. The mullah or priest attends to all that. Great are the uses of a priest ! A little later, no doubt, the priests will be blessing automobiles and airplanes.
The Persian boy dresses like a little old man, with long trousers and a long coat. At six or seven he is apprenticed to a carpenter, mason, tinsmith, carpet weaver or other tradesman, and must work ten to twelve hours a day while he is gradually learning the trade. Constant wearing of a hat, indoors and out, leads to early baldness.
Some new highways are being built, and motor cars are coming into use. Teheran is building new public buildings and lighting the streets, and hotels are coming into existence. Saloons and gambling houses have been closed. There are some newspapers, but they have to be careful what they print. If the editor pays too many compliments to Western civilization they lock him up; if he -is too hard on the westerners they lock him up.
The sufferings of the poor in Persia deeply affect ^westerners, but the Persians are so accustomed to them that they think nothing of it. 'Among the poor the rooms of the houses are small and dark, and in wintertime the family is crowded together with no ventilation at all. Of course there is no pretension to hygiene, sanitation or cleanliness.
Besides Teheran, with 350,000, there are Tabriz, 200,000; Ispahan, 80,000; Meshed and Kerman,, each 70,000; Barfrush, 55,000; Kermanshah and Shiraz, each 50,000; and about 25 other, cities of 30,000 and upward.
Education, and Industry
During the last few years Persia has added to the 2,139 primary schools and 308 secondary schools of the old religious type, and 1,133 schools of the Western type, and new schools are being built as fast as the American and English universities at Teheran and Ispahan can prepare the teachers. There are over 750 Persian students studying in Europe, about half of them supported in whole or in part by Government funds. Radio is a government monopoly. The Germans are teaching the Persians scientific agriculture.
The game of polo originated in Persia. It died out for a century, but is now popular once more among the nobility. It is claimed that the fireworks displays of Persia are the most ingenious and dazzling to be seen anywhere in the -world. Persian artists are famous .for their miniature paintings, decorations of costly furniture, and illuminations of manuscripts. The secret of the peculiar’ Persian tinted and glazed pottery of the eighteenth century seems to have been completely lost.
The principal industry of Persia is, of course, as is -well known, that of rug making. Here the finest rugs in the world are produced under’ the most unspeakable conditions of poverty and wretchedness conceivable. The work is done in ill-lighted and ill-ventilated rooms by boys and girls who work from sunrise to sunset for a few cents a day.
Rugs yvere woven in Persia before the days of Alexander the Great. The making of them is a very slow but simple process. Generations of training have given the workers inherited taste and ability for the work, and their fingers seem peculiarly deft in manipulation. A girl -will have some part of a design as her peculiar portion and will almost automatically do the work a hundred or a thousand times in just the same way.
Each region has a pattern 'different in main ground and border design, and sometimes in color scheme and -weave, from those of other districts. A person familiar -with Persian rugs can tell by looking at one just where it was made.
Persia stands first in rug making, sending to the western markets more than three times the value of Turkey’s rugs. Nevertheless, the large trade is gradually lowering the standard of production, and it is claimed that in the museums of New York city there are to be found today Persian rugs of finer texture and appearance than any that could now be produced there.
Finance and Transportation
Up until -1911 most Persians who were in office looked upon the office as a chance to rob' the public and feather their own nest. Bribery and corruption were so rampant that at that time an appeal was made to America for help. W. Morgan Shuster and a corps of American assistants took charge, and in a .few months made such an excellent start that Britain and Russia, then 'dominating Persian affairs, became frightened, and brought about his removal.
In 1922, Russian influence having in the meantime been overthrown, Persia again called upon America, and this time A. C. Millspaugh took charge . nd remained for five years, until such time as the Persians felt able to take up the work where he left off.
Until recently transportation in Persia was limited to the mail coach. This is a simple rack wagon, without springs. It is loaded with mail sacks and the baggage of passengers. The passengers climb in on top of the. mail, trunks and boxes, and away they go. The coaches are drawn by four strong horses, changed at every relay station. It takes ‘weeks to go anywhere by camel caravan, and the camel as a means of transport is doomed.
There are fifteen regular trade routes, over which it is hoped some time to build railroads. One of these lines, from the Caspian Sea to the Persian Gulf, is now building, and is expected to be completed in 1937. It will be 1,200 miles long. Britain and Russia have held back Persian railroad building.
In 1924 a weekly motor service was opened between Bagdad and Teheran. It takes three days to make the trip, with stops over night at two cities along the way. There is airplane service across the country in both, directions. Bicycles and motor cycles are much used.
From a study of Persia’s recent history it is plainly evident that in this part of the 'world 10,000,000 people have been retarded in their development by the devilish governments of Russia and Britain; and it is good to know that a better day is at hand, when the people will have a perfect Ruler and’know how to live.
An Honest and Courageous Doctor SHORT while after The Golden Age began publishing some plain facts about the danger of using aluminum vessels for cooking., my wife and I decided to throw ours into the garbage can. This we have never regretted.
One day, a little later, a woman called at our home selling an aluminum cleaner. My wife explained to her that we had just discarded our aluminum ware and that she would not require any cleaner. The woman then tried to persuade her that we were quite mistaken and. informed her that aluminum vessels were used in hospitals and other large institutions, etc.; but when she found that my wife was firm in her conviction, she became annoyed and finally blurted out, “If that Dr. C---- (mentioning the name
of a local doctor) had kept his mouth closed he would have been better off today.” She was assured that we had not gotten our information from Dr. C----, and then left. ...
By W. 14. Sinclair (Ontario)
It was quite a surprise to me one Sunday morning last summer, while engaged in making some calls in. the country, to run across this doctor and his wife. They were trying to get & little change and rest for a few weeks and were glad to meet a Bible student.
The doctor informed me that he had done a good deal of research 'work in connection with aluminum compounds but that his findings were not acceptable to the medical board in this center, so he was somewhat of an outsider on that subject. Friends had sent him some copies of The Golden Age warning the people against the use of aluminum for cooking, and these he fully agreed were true.
, I have on two or three occasions since met people who told me'that, their doctor had warned them against the use of aluminum; so there seems to be a doctor here and there who is honest and tells the people the truth about aluminum cooking utensils.
GETTING out a magazine is no picnic.
If we print jokes, folks say we are silly.
If we don’t, they say we are too serious.
If we publish original matter, they say we lack variety. ' .
If we publish things from other papers, we are too lazy to write.
If we stay on our job, we ought to be out rustling news. '
The Editor’s Lament ■
If we don’t print contributions, we don’t show proper appreciation.
If we do print them, the paper is filled with'
Like as not, some other fellow will say we swiped this from another magazine.
So we did.
Robert Wadlow„ the Boy Giant
A Good Use for War Materials
T> obebt Wadlow, the boy giant of Alton, II- rpiIE Dominion of Canada has discovered a linois, is but 13 years of age but is now7 7, good use for thousands of militia cots,
feet 4 inches tall and weighs 282 pounds. He has grown four inches in the past year. His shoes are size 25.
Faster Service London to Paris
Transportation experts are figuring on soon making the journey from the heart of
London to the heart of Paris in 1% hours. Special railways will be built at either end to connect the airports with their metropolises, and the speed of the airplanes will be increased.
Disasters on the Black Sea
IN A SINGLE winter storm on the Black Sea, the latter part of February, seven vessels went down. One of these, a British tanker, went down with all her crew. In wintertime the Black Sea is one of the most tempestuous of the inland seas. , ‘
The Air Route to Cape Town
A FTEK eleven years of preparation the air mail route from London to Cape Town has been opened. The mails will take nine days. On account of numerous storms this route is believed to be the worst flying territory in the world.
America Once Joined Asia
ON AN island in the Behring Sea evidence has been discovered that America once joined Asia. This evidence consists of fossilized wood and cones and leaf impressions of the California redwood, which it is believed could not have growm in the locations in which they were found except for the existence of such a connection. No doubt the break between the two continents took place at the time of the Flood.
America’s Most Important Problem
T ABOR magazine reminds us that “how to JLJ place the victims of machinery, chain stores and large-scale farming in jobs is the most important problem confronting the American people. Increase the purchasing power of millions of workers by higher wages is one solution. Another is to place more men at W’ork by ending the long work day. No other remedy has been proposed”.
blankets and socks that have been in stock since the days of the World War. They will be used to comfort and help the poor. Fine idea. That is what, they should have been used for in the first place.
Demons Will Set the Styles
A LONDON dispatch states that fashionable ■£-*- London women have formed the habit of consulting spirit mediums for attractive designs for their gowns, and are well pleased with the results. There is nothing the demons will not do to impersonate the dead and to persuade humans that the dead are alive.
The Trees of Nebraska
FIFTY years ago Nebraska was treeless, and to all intents and purposes a desert. Now it has 2,500,000,000 trees, many of them 45 feet tall; and as a consequence the rainfall has increased wonderfully and crops are heavier than in adjoining states originally better favored as respects forests.
World’s Largest Artificial Lake
THE world’s largest artificial lake is now in process of filling up with water out in Missouri, in the valley of the Osage river. When the lake has filled to the height of the dam it will be 125 miles long and will cover.more than 60,000 acres. It will have a shore line of thirteen hundred miles.
China Versus United States Banks
IN CHINA no bank has failed in twelve hundred years, because the directors know if the bank fails their head will be removed. In the United States last year 1,345 banks failed; and none of the directors are worrying, nor do they need to worry. Of the banks that failed, 1,200 were in the agricultural regions.
Bottle Bad a Long Ride
A BOTTLE containing the name and address of the sender was dropped into the Gold
Run river at Deadwrood, South Dakota. After . the lapse of several years it was picked up on the beach at Long Beach, California, having in ■ the meantime gone either around Africa or South America or across the top of Asia.
8/J08 Telephones in One 'Office
HE National City Bank of New York, and 'its affiliates, the National City Company and City Bank Farmers Trust Company, has the largest private telephone exchange in the world, with 8,000 extension lines in the one office. It requires a chief operator, two assistants and one hundred operators to handle the system.
The World’s Tiniest Train
HE world’s tiniest train has been built by J. Martin, a watchmaker, of Walthamstow,
England. The locomotive is 1% inches long. The train, which is eight inches long, runs by clockwork, and so slowly that it takes two hours to traverse the 4-foot-6-ineh track. The locomotive is constructed entirely of gold and silver.
Hadios in Half the Homes
HE Department of Commerce estimates that there are radios in half the homes of the
United States, the total number of sets in use on July 1, last, being calculated at 13,478,600. New York, California, Illinois and Pennsylvania are in the order named in respect to the number of sets in use, and the only states in the million class.
Hindenburg Versus Wilhelm
resident Hindenburg’s salary is $12,000 a year, to which is added $30,000 for the entertainment of diplomats. The kaiser’s salary was $750,000 a year, and he was allowed $3,750,000 additional for the expenses of the .imperial court. Hence it is apparent that the cost of a president is less than one percent of that of a monarch, and he makes a better ruler.
Feeding the Hungry in Arkansas
CCOBDING to the Seattle Star the people of Twin Falls, Idaho, offered to ship to
Helena, .Arkansas, ten thousand dollars’ worth of Idaho beans and potatoes, and to pay the shipping charges, but the San Francisco Red Cross headquarters curtly turned the offer down and demanded that Twin Falls give instead $2,000 in cash, which cash is hard to get. Meantime three thousand children in the vicinity of Helena were attending school without anything to eat. Some were being fed every other day. Hundreds got nothing from their homes except a black biscuit with lard and sugar on it. What is wrong?
Distance of the Fastest Nebula
HE fastest nebula whose speed has yet been measured by the changes in the spectrum of the light which it gives off is said to be leav
ing the earth at the rate of 11,000 miles a second. This nebula is so far away that it takes the light from it, traveling at the rate of 186,300 miles a second, 120,000,000 years to reach the earth. •
Eleven Hundred Tons of Iron a Day
HE largest .furnace in the world has just been blown in at Pittsburgh, at the Jones and Laughlin plant at Aliquippa. This monster furnace produces eleven hundred tons of iron a day, which is four times the output of the largest furnaces of forty years ago, and twice the output of the largest furnaces of only five years ago.
Ur Inhabited Before the Flood
HAT Abraham’s home city, Ur of the Chaldees, was inhabited before the Flood, has been definitely proven. At the time of the Flood a layer of clay eight feet thick rvas deposited over the previous works of man, but some of the pottery of the previous era has been uncovered. It is handmade and painted, and quite different in style from that found above it.
Hallway Mileage of the World
HE railways of the world would go around the earth thirty times at the equator, fifteen times for the American mileage, twelve times for the European, three times for the Asiatic, and better than once each for the African and Australian. The African mileage of 40,631. miles is considerably ahead of that of Australia, and grooving rapidly.
2,900 on Capone’s Payroll
olonel Randolph, president of Chicago chamber of commerce, estimates that there are 2,000 men on Al Capone’s vice pay roll, counting brewers, truckmen, armed guards, collectors, fixers, custodians of brothels, gambling houses and handbooks, and that, as vice king of the city, Capone probably has available upward of $2,000,000 a week. Mr. Randolph thinks that more than half of Chicago’s police officers have taken bribes either regularly or spasmodically from Capone or his tributaries.
TN RECOGNITION of the hard times Turkey TTOW would you like to make 36 percent a A has promulgated a decree that couples cer- J-A year profit on your money? That was what
Free Marriage in Turkey tilled to be short of cash may have marriage certificates free. The usual price is $2.50. Happy day when somebody offers to repay the benedicts for all their marriage fees and the incidental expenses resulting therefrom. But it would bankrupt the world to pay the bill.
Deaths in the Auto War
THE World War caused the death of 50,510
Americans in the eighteen months in which the United States was in the conflict, but in the eighteen months ending December 31, 1930, there were 50,900 Americans killed by automobiles; so it seems that the automobile war is the more dangerous of the two. The persons injured by automobiles in the year 1930. numbered more than 960,000.
Ceylon Has Far to Go
CEYLON is wealthy, but it has far to go before it will be livable. An English traveler 'writing in the London News and Chronicle reports that in Colombo, the capital, lie saw houses that consist of one square dungeon, with no windows, no furniture, no hearth, no floor boards, and outside, an open, sewer, the whole outfit being less homelike than a wresterner’s cowhouse.
Why Bread Remains Dear
IN THE face of the cheapest wheat in many years the price of bread stays right up in the air. The bakers try to tell us that really the price of wheat has nothing to do with the price of bread. It is the other ingredients that are expensive, the plaster of paris and sal ammoniac, probably. If that seems ridiculous they cry that it is the labor that makes the bread expensive ; but that cannot be, because machinery does most of the work, and the value of production per worker has doubled since 1914. Meantime one of the baking concerns has increased its stock issue fortyfold, and if you vrant to know the real reason why bread is kept high when the people are starving, that is it, But, anyway, "white bread, is not fit for even a dog to eat; so the adherence to high prices accomplishes some good after all. If it drives more people to fruits and vegetables it will save more lives than "will be lost.
36% a Year Profit on Your Money
Jacob Kulp of St. Paul did. He receives $120,-000 annual rental on a property used for post office purposes that was assessed at $334,000. This lease by the government is non-cancelable and was fixed up for Mr. Kulp by a former secretary of war of the United States and former congressman from Iowa. We have some' wonderful statesmen in this country.
Putting on a Religious Cabaret
EMULATING a New York clergyman, the
Rev. II. G, Wilks, vicar of Upperthong, England, has been putting on a religious cabaret. The best-looking girls in the congregation dressed in abbreviated and snappy costumes and sang jazz tunes with such results that the vicar now thinks it will not be necessary for him to go back to the weekly dances, socials and card playing which had been a weekly feature previously.
Unparalleled Cruelty of Chicago Hoodlums
TO VENT their spite on a crippled salesman whom they accused of having listened to their street corner plots, seven Chicago hoodlums kidnaped him, beat him, hung him for an hour from a cemetery cross, tried to bury him alive, and finally hitched his rough box on behind their automobile and dragged him for a distance over a country road, when the coffin broke away and landed face down in a ditch. He was rescued by a farmer, who heard his moans.
Blessing the Hounds near 'Albany
EUROPE can never have any kind of nonsense that does not sooner or later find its way to the United States. The blessing of the hounds, which has for years been an annual event in France, has now broken out near Albany, N. Y, and the Knickerbocker Press gives a full-page picture of the ridiculous and blasphemous scene which took place at the Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes, New Lebanon. The theory is that, after being duly “blessed”, the fox hounds will be more efficient in running ’down and tearing in pieces some beautiful, timid little creature that is of about as much danger to the farmers of that section as a two-year-old baby would be to a regiment of Upifed States marines.
Racketeering in Glasgow
RACKETEERING- has broken out in Glasgow, and pursues the same evil course as in New York and "Chicago. Storekeepers have to pay tribute, and have even been, blackmailed into giving donations to pay the fines of racketeers who have fallen into the clutches of the law. One gang of racketeers known as the Billy Boys is alleged to have four hundred members and to carry razors with which offenders are slashed on the slightest provocation.
Cobra Takes a Pullman Trig
THE national zoo in Washington has a new cobra, a fourteen-footer king. It seems that these snakes, admittedly the largest and most poisonous of serpents, have to be kept at a temperature of 70 degrees or they suffer fatal chills, so the curator of reptiles of the Bronx zoo took the snake along with him and took him in to bed with him on the Pullman trip. He says he did not tell anybody about his bedfellow; and it is probably a good thing for him that he did not. .
Rapid Heaping Up of Treasures
IN 1924 there were 75 people in the United
States with an annual income of $1,000,000 or over, but by making service, charges, so as to increase the burdens upon the poor, and continuing to charge thirty times the cost of electric current, and by kindred methods of extortion, the number had so increased that in the four years from 1924 to 1928 it went up from 75 to 511. The public service companies are doing everything possible to heap up treasures for the last days. Meantime the poor are starving.
National Broadcasting Company
REFERRING to what is commonly announced as the “Noshonal Broadcohsting Company” (thereby giving listeners a pain in the neck), The, Nation says:
‘"The profit-makers promptly preempted the whole territory, just as they had preempted land and forests and mines and oil and water power before. Having appropriated the air, they promptly sold it to the advertisers. They sold time and more time for money and more money, till novr the man who wants the coast-to-coast chain of both 'big systems pays $20,000 an hour for it. . . . The American, listener must hear chiefly what makes for advertisers’ profits.”
Help from London and Jerusalem
IN THE New York Red Cross drive contributions were received from London and Jerusalem to help care for the poor in the richest country in the world, a country where "we have millions of dollars’ worth of wheat -which we cannot sell. Surely some Americans would be able to take off this load from the poor of London and Jerusalem if the public service thieves would discontinue their service charges and stop holding us up for thirty times what it costs to produce electric current.
Britain Must Now Retrench
TN A RECENT speech Sir Philip Snowden, -®- Britain’s able chancellor of the exchequer, has expressed the opinion that Britain has now come to the end of her resources; that any increase of taxation would be the last straw’ to an already overburdened industry; that no further expenditures can be incurred; that heavy sacrifices by all classes will be necessary; that cabinet ministers will not shirk their just share in them; that he has spent his whole life in trying to improve the condition of the working classes; but he must now ask for a suspension of any improvement until times get better. This speech has created a tremendous sensation in Britain and throughout the world.
Parents Named Him Wrong
A CORRESPONDENT sends us a clipping from a village paper published down in Virginia. It is by a member of the clergy, and purports to be a warning to the people not to read Judge Rutherford’s books. It calls his writings “pernicious literature” but does not say why, though it admits that they contain what, it designates as a “wholesale attack upon the Christian ministry”. Well, if the “ministry” were truly Christian, Judge Rutherford would be the last man in the world to attack it. Jesus did not attack the scribes and Pharisees because they were God’s true representatives, but because they were not.
The name of the preacher is F. B. Sapp. The last part of the name is appropriate, but the first initials do not seem as much so. Probably this child should have been named Adam,. This is merely a suggestion. Maybe it is too late now to make the change.
How We Reward Our Hemes
HOW we reward our heroes was pretty well illustrated in South Norwalk, Connecticut, in February, when that city’s outstanding figure of the World War, Oscar Johnson, who won the Distinguished Service Cross and the Croix de Guerre in France and was cited for bravery by the governments of England and Belgium, starved to death in the barn of a coal yard. As soon as it was known that he was dead all the flags in the city were flown at half-mast and he was given a. wonderful funeral, •which no doubt he enjoyed very much.
Only in the Morning of Unemployment
Lozier, of Missouri, in a startling speech in the House says, very truthfully, “We are in the morning dawn of a long period of unemployment, and not in the evening twilight.” He thinks that five years from now Congress will still be wrestling ineffectually with this unemployment problem. He is quite right. Only God himself, and Jesus Christ His King and executive, will ever straighten out the economic tangle of earth’s affairs which is now rapidly, not slowly, twisting itself into a Gordian knot.
Taking What They Can Get
Senator Reed of Pennsylvania names twenty-two physicians, medical directors, medical officers, clinical directors, medical supervisors, medical members, consultants, regional dental officers, chief surgical service and other persons connected with the veterans’ bureau each one of whom is receiving a full regular salary of not less than $5,000 a year and each one of whom, is receiving a disability pay of not less than $1,500 a year in addition to his salary. Meantime some of the real heroes of the war are.being paid not one cent.
This Preacher Knew His Onions
A LADY subscriber in Kansas writes us of an experience at a funeral. ’A’ child had passed aw’ay, the daughter of a niece. At the funeral a “frog” croaked from the text, “And a little child shall lead them.” Of course nothing whatever that would throw any light on the text, or any other text, was uttered in the palaver that followed. But custom requires certain formalities.
After the croaking was all over, recognizing the lady above mentioned as one of the Bible Students, but not knowing she was a relative, the blind-eyed rooster that had been airing his voice came up and said, “You must not go ahead of the mourners.” Barely restraining a smile the lady informed him of her relationship to the deceased. Nothing abashed, the empty popcorn bag said, “Well, don’t go ahead of the hearse. I will lead this procession.”
Then the lady wrote us a note about the matter and said that, thinking it all over, it is quite fitting that the preachers should head the funeral processions, and even go in front of the hearse, as is the custom, inasmuch as it is their father the Devil that has led the human family, to the grave. So it is apparent that the preacher knew his onions, after all.
Where the Money Is
IN ITS opening paragraph, describing a convention, the New York Times said: “Celebrating what was described as the most successful year in the history of the trust business, more than 400 members of the trust company division of the American Bankers Association met yesterday in the opening session of their twelfth annual midwinter conference in the Hotel Commodore.” Trust company operations showed advances along practically every line during 1930. The interest game is squeezing the life-blood out of the people, and the trust companies inevitably reap the benefits, financially.
No Scriptures to Sack It, But—
THE Gospel Publishing House, Springfield, Mo., has an “Evangel Tract No. 602”. There are no scriptures in it, not one, no need for any, and no possibility of any, but there is a fine piece of the kind of literature that has brought many a poor soul to the madhouse and turned many to atheism. Incidentally we remark that the word “gospel” means 'good news’ and the word “evangel” means 'announcer of good tidings’. And now see what the 'Announcer of Good Tidings’ puts forth as 'Good News’. If you want the truth on this subject, send 10c for Judge Rutherford’s Hell- book; but if you don’t want it, just read:
Before ma was a large lake filled with red hot coals, fire and brimstone. Millions and millions of people were burning. The air was filled with their cries of agony and distress. Some were throwing their hands up in bewilderment, “Water! water!” they cried.
Some were so badly burnt the cooked flesh was just hanging on by the thread of skin. Their hair was burnt off. Their eyes were those of crazy people. Even the bones were burnt. Many of the people were charred black, they had burnt so long. “We are lost, we are lost,” was the cry. “Tell my brother, tell my daughter,” were other cries. “Oh, my God, save me, save me, give me another chance, ’ ’ but by the look on their wretched faces they knew’ they ■were doomed.
and w’oraen, old- and young, were suffering intense pain. The air was filled 'with cries of agony and distress. Millions and millions were suffering.
The World Must Disarm
HE world must disarm: so says Mr. Arthur Henderson, Britain’s foreign minister. Mr.
Henderson thinks that if the new disarmament conference now under way be not a success it may conceivably be the world’s last chance. He adds, “The present situation cannot definitely continue. Europe today is as full of difficult problems as it was five years ago, and it is in disarmament that the key of the peaceful solutions of these problems can be found. We are obliged to end the international chaos of the past, but rve cannot make cur new world order come to life unless we disarm.”
Shall the Cows Be Killed?
EFERRING to the proposition of the Farm Board that every tenth cow should be killed so as to cut down the nation’s milk supply, William E. McEwen, editor of the Labor World, wonders, over the radio, if it would not be better to give the surplus milk to America’s starving babies. Seems not a bad idea. Suppose half of our babies were starving, would it be sense to kill off half our cows, because there is no profitable market for the milk? Suppose nine-tenths of them were starving, should we kill off nine-tenths of the coavs? We have some great statesmen in this country.
The Cost of Government By Merle Thorpe
THE cost of government this year will run between twelve and thirteen billion dollars, from one-sixth to one-fifth of the nation’s total productivity. One day out of each week every mother’s son of us contributes his labor to the expense of government. We may delude ourselves, but the fact remains that we hand over to the taxgatherer two months of our wages and salaries out of each year.
I have observed that the first item on the agenda of a government commission is a consideration of ways and means to make the commission permanent. Some were set up during the war and have not yet heard the news that the war is over.
Only one federal commission ever finished its job and quit, and that was so unusual that the fact was chronicled on the first page of the newspapers. A bomb will dislodge a dictator, but nothing has yet been found that will curtail a bureau’s activities, or stop paternalism in its mad career.
/ABASHING- IDOLS is a very poor name for a very informative little book by Victor II. Lindlahr, of New York city, on one of the most important subjects to which man can give attention, namely, that of Constipation, which ought to be the title of his book. With his consent, wTe give a few extracts from the book:
As one studies the history of medicine one is more and more profoundly impressed with the fact that the chief practice concerns itself with this primary ailment. For a period of some six hundred years, while Rome was climbing to its glories, physicians were
banned and not allowed in the kingdom. The one medicine, was cabbage. Cabbage was prescribed for everything and was reverenced on a par with the chosen gods of the time. The Romans seemed to fare very w’ell on their cabbage cure; for the six hundred years comprising this period was the time in which they conquered the world and made themselves its masters. However, when Romans grew rich and opulent and the lowly cabbage no longer appealed to them because of its simplicity, Greek physicians became the fashion; they practiced with strange herbs and occasionally with, drugs! ■
Strangely enough, the decadence of Rome commenced about this period. One can argue with, as much right as some present-day arguments are presented that Eome was great until the Romans gave up cabbage and undertook other treatments for disease. Inasmuch as the chief value of cabbage lies in the fact that it produces bulk and roughage. and when, eaten in sufficient quantity produces copious bowel movements, one might reasonably argue that Rome began to decay when constipation began to develop.
Air, water, sunshine and food seemed to be enough for the man of olden times, yet we of today think that we’ve got to have surgeons, nose specialists, at least five drug stores per square mile and thousands upon thousands of medicines and chemicals to help us live. It doesn’t look reasonable to me. The travelers of today who have poked around in Africa, in the South Sea Islands, and in other more or less uncivilized sections of the world, find that the simple folk who live there seem to get along pretty well, without all our modern improvements and aids to health. As a matter of fact, Nicholas’Senn, the great Chicago surgeon, returned from, a world tour and said: “The only people I found on the face of the earth who are free from the degenerative diseases, apoplexy, cancer, etc., etc., are the savages.” When you take this man’s view or use your own gray matter, and study people, health and disease, you must, come to the same conclusion . . . any reasonable person would, . . . that wc live in spite of most of our health aids. There are about 250 diseases that we die from, and there are some 1,728 odd (listed) that we suffer from. The whole science of medicine can only boast of about six real cures, specifics: they are quinine for malaria, 606 for syphilis, diphtheria antitoxin for- diphtheria, unpolished rice for beri-beri. There may be a few others, and there may be still a few more that are likely some day to become a specific. However, at the most, there, are only twenty, and every one of these twenty is debatable. It is very doubtful whether 606 ever really cures syphilis. It is well knotvn that not all eases of diphtheria are cured by antitoxin and not all cases of malaria are cured by quinine. And even if they were all perfect, it would leave 1,708 diseases for which no specific cure is available. From this, I think that medicine has still a lot to learn.
The gullible public are herded into doctors’ offices for examinations, 50% of which are bound to be valueless and wrong, according to the only statistics extant. ...
The worst part of this is that the so-called regular professions use poisons, drugs, and the knife to treat disease vnt.h, and if they are wrong 50% of the time in their diagnosis, it means 50% of the time they put the wrong poison in your body or cut out the wrong organ.
“The gall bladder is simply a little sac that accumulates bile from the liver. It saves bile to be used during a meal for purposes of digestion. If the gall bladder is enlarged, it must be enlarged because there is something wrong with the bile. Maybe there is too much bile; perhaps the bile is too hard. Now, let us remember what bile is. It is a chemical made by the liver. If the bile is of the wrong kind, then it is the fault of the liver, not the gall bladder. Now, why should the liver make the wrong kind of bile? Well, maybe the liver is out of order. Why should the liver get out of order? The liver has a number of things to do, one of which, is to neutralize waste materials and poisons in the body. All the venous or dirty blood is brought to the liver for cleansing. If the liver has to do too much of this sort of work, it may get overworked ; for instance, if a person is constipated and the intestine is filled with poisons and waste materials, the venous blood may pick up some of these. It brings them to the liver, the liver cleans them out, neutralizes them, changes them a little bit chemically and throws them back into the intestine by way of the bile; therefore gall bladder disease can often originate in constipation. ’ ’
This peculiar doctor, who thinks and reasons, prescribes a treatment for the patient’s constipation. The biliousness and liver trouble that the patient had from constipation disappear. The liver is once more able to make the right kind of bile: the gall bladder is happy again because it is no longer being distorted by hardened or chemically changed bile; the patient gets well. He is $500.00 and one gall bladder to the good.
Another example: Most people know what goiter is, and have seen individuals around and about with an unsightly swelling of the neck. The average doctor who treats goiter either rubs iodine on it or something else; hitches the goiter up to an electrical machine, or, if he’s got nerve enough, cuts the goiter out. One man, Dr. Sajous, the world’s greatest expert on goiter, didn’t do things in this fashion. He, too, believed in treating- the patient and not the disease. In Switzerland, the most goiterous country in the world, he was called to study a certain section, where goiter was endemic, which means that almost everyone had it. He found that the people who lived in the valleys of this particular section were- the sufferers from goiter. Those -who lived farther up in the mountains didn’t have it. He determined to find out WHY. He reasoned that whatever was the cause, it must be a pretty general one. He hit upon the plan of investigating the water. He fed the water to a series of test animals and found that they developed goiter. He examined the water and found that it was contaminated with the waste material from, the bowels Of the people who lived higher up in the mountains. Their sewage was disposed of in such a fashion that the water which ran down the. mountain was contaminated. The people in the valley drank it. Sajous changed the water supply, he instituted sanitary measures, he cured goiter in tens of thousands of people. He returned to America, wrote of his experiences, advised physicians and the pupils in the college in which he taught (the University of Pennsylvania) that intestinal waste materials produced a poison which in turn produced goiter. He advised cleaning out the bowels of people who had goiter and seeing that their food sources were not contaminated. The next year one of the most famous clinics in the United States took out five thousand goiters surgically ; and so we learn.
The medical profession has made many mistakes, and they are making many more. Almost everyone knows that competent nursing is most important in the treatment of the s:-k. The nursing profession is the foundation of medical science of today. Yet the nursing profession, as we know it, only dates from around 1860. Before that the nurses were prostitutes, old women, scorned women and the dregs of humanity. They were kicked around by the medical profession and only tolerated by the sick people because of necessity. Florence Nightingale, an English woman with a heart and soul, heard of a German pastor who was training girls to be nurses. He taught them to be kind, to be clean, and he trained them in the fundamentals of anatomy and physiology. Florence Nightingale went to him, studied, and became convinced that the nursing profession was secondary in importance only to the medical profession. She went to the Crimean War and nursed the wounded and the sick. The doctors spat at her, clawed at her, and reviled her. She went back to England after the war and tried to establish a nursing school. The doctors fought her and even had her banished. Finally, the soldiers whom she had brought back to life, whom she had nursed and tended and whose wounds she had dressed, spread the news of her kindliness and efficiency to such an extent that the intelligent common people1 of England demanded her return and honored her. Above the protests of the medical profession, nursing schools were inaugurated and nursing became an integral part of the art of treating. Can you imagine fighting the idea of educated trained nurses? Nobody but a doctor could think of such a thing!
A laxative or a purgative, no matter how mild it is, always produces injury to the membranes of the digestive system. The reason a laxative works is that it irritates. Anything which irritates a delicate membrane produces watering, just as a particle of dirt in your eye produces a copious watering. When you swallow a pill or take a medicine which has a laxative or a purgative action, the membranes of your stomach and intestines are irritated. They throw out great amounts of -water to wash the irritating substance away. They become inflamed. Because these purges produce a lot of water the intestinal contents are always carried away and the person has a watery, violent stool. Most people are satisfied with this result; they think they have cleaned themselves out. They go along with their same habits of eating; they do nothing whatsoever to cure the cause of their constipation; and whenever the occasion arises they take another pill. Very soon they find that they have to take a little more of the same pill or that it fails to work and they have to find a new one. And so the years pass and after a while they find that nothing works.
An enema consists of injecting into the bowel a liquid, usually water, to wash out accumulated wastes. The effect is immediate, waste materials are washed out, but there is not one iota of curative effect. Simply washing out stagnant matter from, the colon doesn’t restore the weakened muscles to their proper strength; it does not reach causes, and the result is that the enema user a slave to a troublesome and harmful habit. I say harmful, because the enema, which has been regarded heretofore as an utterly harmless thing, has two very serious objections. Great amounts of water poured into the large bowel dilute the filth and wastes which may be found there, and the body immediately begins to absorb a certain amount of this dirty water.
The result is that the enema taker usually feels worse immediately after an enema than he did before. His head may hurt; he feels toxic. It is the function of the large intestine to absorb the water from feces and make the liquid bowel contents into.a solid. The inevitable result of an enema must therefore be a flooding of the body with diluted but filthy sewage.
The second objection to the enema is that ballooning out the lotver bowel with liquid (some people inject several quarts) stretches the muscles, takes the elasticity out of them and utterly weakens them. All surgeons are familiar with the dilated, toneless, flabby colon of the habitual enema user! An occasional enema may be all right, but the habitual enema is as distressing a habit as can be indulged in!
Victor H. Lindlahr was for many years connected with, the famous Lindlahr Sanitarium of Chicago, of which his father, Henry Lindlahr, M.D., known to many of our readers, was the founder and presiding genius. In his little book Mr. Lindlahr gives his father’s famous table of "Dietetics in a 'Nutshell”, which we have pleasure in reproducing on page 499.
Organic Minerals , Proteids Hydrocarbons Carbohydrates
Food Classes |
Predominant Chemical Elements |
Functions in Vital Processes |
Starches and Dextrines |
Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen |
Producers of Heat and Energy |
Sugars |
Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen |
Producers of Heat and Energy |
Fats and Oils |
Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen |
Producers of Heat and Energy |
Albumen (white of pct-O’) Gluten (grains) Myosin (lean meat) |
Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Nitrogen Phosphorus Sulphur |
Producers of Heat and Energy Building and Repair Materials for Cells and Tissues |
Organic Mineral Elements |
Sodium Na Ferrum (Iron) Fe Calcium (Lime) Ca. Potassium K Magnesium. Mg Manganese Mn Silicon Si Chlorine ' Cl Fluorine F |
Eliminators; Blood, Bone and Nerve Builders; Antiseptics; Blood . Purifiers; Laxatives; Chola- gogues; Producers of Electromagnetic Energies |
Foods in Which the Elements of the Respective Groups Predominate
Cereals: The inner, white parts of wheat, corn,' rye, oats, barley, buckwheat, and rice
Vegetables: Potatoes, roots, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, squashes
Fruits : Bananas
Nuts: Chestnuts
Vegetables : Melons, beets, sorghum
Fruits : Bananas, elates, figs, grapes, raisins
Dairy Products : Milk
Natural Sugars: Honey, maple sugar
Commercial Sugars : White sugar, syrup, glucose, candy
Nuts : Coeoanuts
Fruits : Olives
Dairy Products: Cream, butter, cheese
Nuts : Peanuts, almonds, walnuts, coeoanuts, Brazil nuts, pecans, pignolias, etc.
Commercial Fats: Olive oil, peanut oil. peanut butter, vegetable-cooking oils
The yolks of eggs
Cereals : The outer, dark parts of wheat, corn,' rye, oats, barley, buckwheat and rice
Vegetables: The legumes (peas, beans, lentils), mushrooms
Nuts: Cocoanuts, chestnuts, peanuts, pignolias -(pine nuts), hickory nuts, hazelnuts, walnuts, pecans, etc.
Dairy Products: Milk, ehcese. Eggs
Meats : Muscular parts of animals, fish and fowls
Cereals: The hulls and outer, dark layers of grain and rice
Vegetables: Lettuce, spinach, cabbage, green peppers, watercress, celery, onions, asparagus, cauliflower, tomatoes, string-beans, fresh peas, parsley, cucumbers, radishes, savoy, horseradish, dandelion, beets, carrots, turnips, eggplant, kohlrabi, oysterplant, artichokes, leek, rosekale (Brussels-sprouts), parsnips, pumpkins, squashes, sorghum
Fruits: Apples, pears, peaches, oranges, lemons, grapefruit, plums, prunes, apricots, cherries, olives
Berries: Strawberries, huckleberries, cranberries, blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, gooseberries, currants
Dairy Products : Milk, buttermilk, skimmed milk Nuts: Coeoanuts
60 percent 20 percent 20 percent
England By Eccentricus (presumably an English lord} [Reprinted from The World Tomorrow]
NO NATION is more bewildered at its present state than England. It is the popular indoor sport to speculate on what is the matter with the country. And the answer is so simple! The trouble with England, is that it is custom made. Constructed to one measurement, it can no more be altered to fit a new situation than a stone hitching post can be bent into a balloon tire.
The British have just dined Einstein, but they mean nothing by it. They venerate the man, -but they have no stomach for relativity. The average Briton is like nothing so much as a certain professor I once knew in the States, whose house caught on fire and was being saved by firemen through desperate emergency measures. While the rescuers dashed madly in and out of the door, bearing fire-fighting implements and paraphernalia, the pedagogue was walking with stately care up to the house, painstakingly wiping his shoes on the porch rug, entering and removing small objets d’art of sentimental interest.
There is no other land like England.
England: where red tape is sold by the bundle in the stationery shops. England: where you see in mid-afternoon or early evening, riding in the underground (our subway), large squads of gentlemen in top hats and formal attire. England: where houses are numbered so chaotically (because they have always been numbered that way) that two odd numbers may be on opposite sides of a street, and where number five may as likely as not be directly across from number thirty-seven.
* «•- # #
England: wdiere all men are “Gentlemen” according to certain signs at railway stations, but where gentlemen are counted as merely a favored few if you trust to the columns of the snooty papers, the traditions of the country, or the speeches of clubmen. England: where, outside of a few high-priced and hifalutin restaurants, napkins are unknown, but where, however, one popular chain of eating places has inaugurated the rent of “serviettes” at one penny each. England: where cloistered away in its galleries and museums is some of the finest art in the world, and where, in a thousand shop windows, you will see not one single piece of artistic or beautiful jewelry, handicraft, or ce
ramic ware of native manufacture. England: where to ask for drinking water at breakfast or luncheon will, in many places, evoke stares of utter incredulity. England: where it takes so long to get served that restaurant patrons do invariably one of two things, either read several chapters in their favorite novel, or stare boldly and at persistent length at their neighbors. England: where nine out of ten restaurants exist without pegs whereon to hang a hat and .coat, unless said pegs are located directly above the center of a sidewall table, entirely out of reach and useless: and where the tenth place with hooks and pegs has enough to care for about twenty percent of its customers. England: where, with the greatest of daring, a handful of restaurants are offering waffles as an exciting innovation, and where, since these pioneering establishments are 'each equipped with one small waffle-iron, it takes an hour to serve a party of six. England: where it is. possible to purchase an “American soda water” which is fully as authentic as Russian ballet performed • by Patagonians. England: where railroad men never announce stations, leaving it all to your guesswork, which is not helped by the fact that an enterprising beef-extract firm has seized the most prominent places to recommend the consumption of BOVRIL, thus causing many a foreigner, as testified to by a Finnish friend and several others, to wonder why so many British towns should bear the selfsame designation. England: where instead of waiting for your turn in the dining car by wearisome minutes standing in the line, as is often the system in “efficient” America, you are assured of a seat, no matter how great the rush, by accepting the proper ticket from the attendant who comes through the train.
# # # #
England: where dignity and personal detachment are not to be intruded, upon, so that even at conferences of pacifists men never double up on accommodations and. share rooms with each other. England: where Rolls-Royces are produced; and where, in the rush of traffic at Piccadilly Circus, you may escape the perils of speeding buses or encompassing trucks, but will do well to keep from being run down by the multitudes of lamp-lit bicycles "weaving through the murk. England: where political cor-
ruption is practically unknown, where there is a law against ministers’ holding directorships that in America would oust our Mellons and Hoovers and Daweses from political life; where, so sensitive are politicians, that a Labor junior lord, of the treasury who is also an unpaid director of the National Co-operative Publishing Society has resigned his treasury post and abandoned a salary of $2,500 a year, retiring to his M. P.’s wage of $2,000 rather than expose his party to the suspicion of criticism. ~
England: where so sacred are churchly rites that a murderer was denied burial in "consecrated” ground, and his funeral service withheld until at the last moment his body was removed to an old shed apart from holy soil, whereupon, finally, an unofficial service was read, thus vindicating something or other which your assiduous Eccentricus has not been able to ascertain. England: 'where even the hardy laboring classes are safeguarded by a stern film censorship over their own screen importations, and where the Russian agricultural picture called "Soil” in the States is listed, more delicately, “Earth.” England: where there was a great to-do 'when the Labor cabinet opened up a lake in Hyde Park to afford the masses an opportunity for so dreadful an innovation as "mixed bathing”; where the Lord Chamberlain barred from the stage "The Green Pastures”; and where, after much travail, it has finally been decided to allow athletic girls to take part in public contests wearing sleeves one inch in length in place of the former half-elbow sleeves.
# # * #
England: where the guards of St. James Palace always have worn greatcoats in late October, and where, therefore, greatcoats were worn on a day as warm as midsummer, causing the collapse of three Coldstream Guards. England: where Parliament opens on a Tuesday because, in 1809, William Wilberforce objected to its opening on Monday on the ground that distant members, at the then existing rate of transport, would be compelled to .desecrate the Sabbath by Sunday travel. England: where smokers may light up in hotel dining-rooms after eight p. m. as much as they like, but not at all before; where you may purchase a tart at a pastry shop after six p. m. of a Sunday if you are going to eat it on the premises, but not if you intend to carry it away; where, in some places, city councils have used agents provocateurs to trap unregenerate grocers into selling-such wicked and anti-social articles as jellied chicken later than eight p. m.
# * *
England: where automobiles turn to the left instead of to the right because, years and years ago, when horseback locomotion was the prevailing mode of travel, it was desirable in passing on the highway to keep the sword arm free for action. England: where, in the Royal Galleries leading through the Houses of Parliament to the House of Lords, a window was broken and a painting damaged during the War by a shell; and where the broken pane and marred picture are still left as grim reminders, notwithstanding the fact that the shell which did the damage came from no German Zeppelin but from a British anti-aircraft gun. England: where the Speaker enters the House of Commons preceded by a dignified parade at which visitors must doff their hats and which is rendered portentous by the elaborate repeated borvs of a long line of party whips and various other fun ctiona ries.
(A Mino One and a
AS A MERE point of interest, I should like to draw your attention to The Golden Age for September 17,1930, page 811, in which there is a short paragraph headed "'Quarter of a Mile Dive”. In this you make mention that earth’s deepest mine is at Tamarack, Michigan, where men go down one mile below surface. The point I query is whether this is the deepest known
By V. G. Heges (India)
Quarter Miles Deep)
to you. There are several mines in this camp here, at above address, this mine being over 6,200 feet deep; and there is one deeper still, going down to about 6,600 feet; w-hich, of course, are deeper than the Michigan mine.
By the way, I w'Oiild add that I have never heard a definite claim made that these mines here are "earth’s deepest”; perhaps you may know*.
THROUGH a spirit medium, the demons represent Sir Arthur Conan Doyle as saying, “Dead people are a good deal like living people. They eat and drink and sleep and get tired and rest and go to school and to market and everything just as they did when they were what we call Alive’.” It seems that even the demons are
getting silly. They know perfectly well that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is as dead as a door nail, and will remain that way unless he is resurrected from the dead some time by the One they hate, the One who said of himself, “I am he that liveth, and was dead.”
A Parable on the Days of Noah
FROM the records of those days, about 2473
B.C., we have the following:
A crazy old crank nearly 600 years old, named Noe, is upsetting the whole world with predictions of a universal flood, which he avers will drown everybody and destroy all the magnificent works vre have, built up during the last thousand years.
A public meeting is hereby called to discuss the -whole and to take measures to allay the fears of the common people, who, though at first they failed to pay any attention to him, are now scared out of their wits on account of his having commenced to build a mammoth ship in which he and his family propose to take refuge from said flood.
Accordingly, as the record proceeds, on Saturday, August 30, 2472 B. C., fifty-five thousand people assembled in the Convention Grove and the meeting was opened and its object discussed by the chairman, Perga the Perizzite, as follows :
My friends, you have known me for the past 457 years as a leader of the public in all good works, and that my sole object in life is to see you happy and prosperous, but if our prosperity is to continue we must at once take steps, peaceful if possible, but by force if not, to silence this malcontent Noe before he ruins the world.
I scarcely need to remind you of the trouble he has already brought about. Banks are failing in all directions, all confidence in our financial system has been destroyed, and a vast number of factories have closed down.
Our farmers, whom we have always regarded as the backbone of the community, have suffered so from drought that many are on the verge of starvation.
It is true we have considerable grain stored away in our granaries, enough for more than two years if we never raise another kernel, but so badly shaken is our financial system, by this
By Robert Ranson (Florida)'
crazy old preacher, that our people won’t accept what they call an inflated currency, and everybody, including the Government, has hidden away the last grain of gold, which you know is our standard of value.
With your permission, I shall call for a rising vote, to confirm my call on the Supreme Court for a writ of mandamus, compelling Noe to disclose where he is .getting the funds to build his’ 45,000-ton ship, and ask the judge to enjoin him from any further' pessimistic preachments.
Hardly had Perga taken his seat when the meeting was addressed by Phalec Olympus, a large wholesale and retail merchant who gave away more than ten million simoleons annually to send red flannel drawers to the heathen in Africa, besides having organized libraries in every village in Ethiopia, and who was quoted in the Bradstreet of that day as worth fifty billion gold talents and whose credit was AAAA 1.
Phalec reiterated all that his predecessor had said, but failed to disclose a little deal he had made in rubber, in Central Africa, which had netted him four and a half billions, and that he had six factories busy night and day making rubber coats and umbrellas and overshoes and gum boots for which Noe’s preachments had made a great demand.
For five hours the people listened to speaker after speaker without coming to any definite conclusion as to what to do, when it was suggested that one of the Nephilim named Allaca-pone be hired to lie in wait for Noe as lie went home at night from his shipyard, and mow him down with a machine gun.
At this juncture the clouds obscured the sun, and a slight drizzling rain commenced, which speedily cleared the field, and all betook themselves to shelter.
The next morning the rain came down harder than ever, and only those possessed of good
rubber coats attempted to go to their offices and factories. Noe and his family were calling all the animals into the ark, and by noon they were all. comfortably settled, and though the ark had been constructed on a hillside, the tide rose sufficiently high by 8 o’clock that night for it to float, and off they sailed to the northeast.
What happened subsequently can be read in the 22d verse of the seventh ..chapter of* Genesis, the first book in the Bible.
Probable Origin of the “Big Bertha” 'By H. E. Pool (OMatwma)
THIS article is not written for ^publication, but for the purpose of giving you the inside dope on the long-ranged guns used by the Germans, in the World War. In issue of Golden Age of April 16, page 456, you quote news item in regard to these guns.
I presume it was from an article written by Prof. Miller, of the University of Michigan, as his article appeared in several of the leading newspapers and magazines of the country. To save time let us dispose of his article by calling attention to the fact that nowhere in his article did he tell how he obtained the knowledge of his detailed account of the long-ranged guns, when the facts stand out that the Allies never found hair or hide of these guns.
The facts are that in the year 1901 the writer was granted a United States patent on the long-rang’ed shell used by the Germans. The secret of the long shot was not in the gun, but in the shell, though it is a fact that it took an extra heavy, long-barreled gun to properly handle the shell.
I first tried to persuade the United States Government to take over and try out the invention, but, after a year or two of red tape, was notified that the idea was not practical. I then-wrote to the ambassador of France, with no results. I next wrote the German ambassador, who was an attache of the German navy, and who immediately understood the philosophy of the invention, and wrote me for full details, which rfurnished him.
After an exchange of about four letters I heard no more from the German, but it was my thought and the thought of my friends that the German had tucked the plans safely away for
' have since received Mr. Pool’s permission to publish this letter, and have seen copies of correspondence and newspaper articles which support every statement herein made. There is no doubt in our minds that the “Big Bertha” originated in the mind of Mr. Pool, and the idea was developed and utilized by the Germans.—Editor. future use. I then began study on a yet more powerful weapon. But in the midst of my plans . I came in possession of the glorious message of the Kingdom, which banished all my military ambitions, and my hope was that my past efforts would be forgotten with the passing years.
In 1901 the Kansas City Star published a picture and description of the shell. In short, the shell was a large shell, bored out at the point to receive a small shell with room for a powder charge behind it and a fuse connection from the powder chamber of the small shell back to the powder chamber behind the large shell. This connection was made by a small hole through the center of the large shell. When the small shell was in place it completed the point of the large shell, which then looked like one great shell. - ,
When the gun was fired the fuse connecting the two powder chambers was ignited. As the large shell was speeding upward the time fuse was burning toward the powder chamber behind the small shell. At the time the large shell reached the crown of its curve, high up, ■where there was little air resistance, the fuse exploded the powder charge behind the small shell. The thought was that the small shell would leave the point of the large shell with about the same energy as though fired from the rifle, figuring the greater weight of the large shell together with its tremendous momentum; this with its great height and with little air resistance would carry the small shell an unheard-of distance.
In 1917 the world was astounded by the fact that the Germans were dropping shells in Paris, a distance of 72 miles. Two years ago the Kansas City Star, while searching old files, ran onto the article and picture of my invention. They immediately called me by long distance phone, and wanted me to furnish them with the history of my invention. I finally agreed to do so, provider! they would let me tell my own story, which they agreed to do. I showed them by scripture, in a lengthy article, what it all meant and what the future had in store for the nations.
While they treated me fairly In that they gave my views on war, they were careful not to quote one single scripture to prove where I got my views.
Extracts from Interesting Letters
BELLS, Tex. “I am a stranger to you, but you are not strangers to me. Oh, how I do enjoy Judge Rutherford’s good Sunday morning talks 11 have read all his books and like them so much. I was converted when I was young and have always loved God. From childhood I could feel his love in the songs of the little birds, and the sweet fragrance of the wild flowers that grew, by the roadside. I was reared in the midst of infidelity, but it never had any effect on me. My daddy was not a believer, but he taught us to always tell the truth and shame the Devil. Last year I lived near Sherman and had free access to the public library. I read over thirty histories on the Bible by different authors. Almost all of them .wanted to discard John’s gospel, and Second Peter, also part of Paul’s writings. They were all big 'doctors of divinity’, too. The last two books I read from the library were Judge Rutherford’s two books 'Life and Reconciliation. Oh, horv I enjoyed reading those books! I saw right away what was the trouble with those big 'divines’. The Devil was with them. I was the first to read those two books. I do like to read, and enjoy reading and studying God’s Word more than anything else. I am one of the poor in this world’s goods, but am rich in faith tovrnrd God and our Lord Jesus and the kingdom.”
Emmet, N. Dak. "I have been listening to your sermons over the radio KFYR Sunday mornings at ten and I have found them very interesting and enlightening. That 'purgatory’ bluff is only to rob the people of all the money they can get. Does it seem possible that people are so foolish as to believe such? I would like your books Light, so that I can pass them around to those that are in darkness.”
Taylor, Tex. “We have been listening to Judge J. F. Rutherford’s Bible lectures over station WFAA and -we must say that we enjoy them. It seems that he has a very clear and reasonable view of the Scriptures. Let Judge Rutherford continue. We feel that the people are being benefited.”
Galva, Ill. ''I hear Judge ’Rutherford’s talk's every Sunday morning at ten, and think there is nothing like them. I "would like to get a copy of your book called Light; and would you please send me also the price list of the other books you have? I am much interested in your work, as I am a true Christian, through and through, and try to obey God’s commands to the best of my ability.”
Louisville, Ky. “Please send me a copy of your catalogue, as I am anxious to secure Judge Rutherford’s latest publications. I consider him the world’s authority on the true teachings of God’s Word. A true knowledge of the Scriptures is now needed throughout the earth as never before.”
Ilion, N. Y. “Have been listening to the radio talks of Judge Rutherford for some time and he has impressed us greatly. May we have a list of your literature, especially that relating to the present time?”
Galesburg, Kans. “I have just listened with much interest to the talk of Judge Rutherford on the subject 'Is the Bible True?’ He gave the most convincing evidence that it is true that I have ever heard. If there is a possible way I should like very much to get a copy of this. I heard it today from radio station KFKB in Milford, Kansas, at ten a. m. We have just had a radio since Christmas, and of all that we get over it there is nothing we like as well as the Watch To-wer programs. I do not know the price of the Watch Tower magazine, but if you will enter my subscription for one year and send me the bill I will pay it.” *
Homes Are Not City Property By C. W. Zahnow (Ohio)
AT O'UR I. B. S. A. convention last May ten were arrested. The following clipping from the morning’s paper shows the outcome:
The court of appeals in session here will hand down decisions Friday morning. One case submitted to the judges was passed right off the reel. It was that of Oscar Burke against the City of Warren, an appeal prosecuted to set aside a fine by Police Judge C. B. Perry upon Burke for alleged violation of the ordinance requiring a license to make sales of any commodity upon the streets of the city.
State of Ohio s: In the
!' ss Court of Appeals Trumbull County : Seventh District
Farr, Middleton and Mock, J J. (Middleton & Mock, JJ., sitting by assignment) Oscar Burke ::
Plaintiff in Error :
Ti-ie City of Warren i »
Defendant in Error ;s
W. B. Kilpatrick, Esq.
E. S. Wertz, Esq., for Plaintiff.
P. E. Kightlinger, Esq., for Defendant.
Error: ,
Decided: Feb. 13th, 1931’ By the Court
Mock, J J.
Oscar Burke was found guilty in the police court of the City of Warren, under an affidavit that charged that he unlawfully went “about from place to place upon the streets of said city” to solicit orders for books without having obtained a license so to do, contrary to a given ordinance of the City. The judgment of conviction was affirmed in the Common Pleas Court and he now prosecutes error to this Court to reverse both of the judgments referred to.
Burke had been arrested and fined $100 and costs and carried the case up. He made the claim that he was attempting to place a religious book in homes and not upon the streets. After the record was submitted to the court of appeals, the decision was given at once. The action of the police court was set aside as being against the weight of the evidence. It is reported that at the conclusion of the case, Burke presented each of the three judges with a copy of the book.
The following is the official decision of the Court of Appeals:
The Ordinance invoked against the accused is not one of perfect clarity but we do not deem it necessary to place any interpretation on its terms. If Burke was soliciting orders for books at the time charged, the books which he sought to dispose of were of religious nature. Burke had no financial interest in the sale of them. It is agreed that under another section of the City Ordinance one soliciting orders of this character is immune from prosecution if his solicitation was in fact done for church or religious purposes. Whether the publishing house that furnished these books was conducting a business for profit is not apparent. It is, however, perfectly apparent that so far as Burke was concerned, he was engaged in a religious mission, that the work he was doing was solely of a religious nature and was for the benefit of the church with which he is affiliated. It is not therefore necessary to determine whether under this Ordinance he would have been guilty if he had been engaged in soliciting orders from which he was to profit. It is only necessary to say that the evidence clearly shows that he was entitled to immunity afforded him by the Ordinance last referred to. Because the judgment is manifestly opposed to the weight of the testimony the same is reversed.
Farr and Middleton, J J., concur in the finding.
The Great Escape
ONE day a man had a new idea. Two men had the same idea. A lot of men had the idea, and it became a conviction. They began to teach, to write and to preach, “Government derives its just powers from the consent of the governed.” Thrones began to stagger, to totter, to fall. Uneasy was the head that wore a crown. Monarchies gave way to republics, Despots 505
By Dr. William A. Ganfield
yielded to presidents and democracies, and a new era was ushered in. In America we have pushed the doctrine of freedom, democracy and liberty so far that some of our fellow citizens today are quite unable to give the Constitution the full respect and obedience that fundamental document deserves. All fear of the tiger of tyranny is gone, and a- rather reckless indulgence in democracy has taken its place.
Resurrection of ite Just and the Unjust
AMONG the most beautiful and hopeful doctrines of the Bible is that of the resurrection. Not only does it mean the awakening of the dead, but upon it rest all the blessings of the fullness of life for mankind. It means that those dear to our hearts will return with unending fellowship, gladness will replace the pangs of heaviness and sorrow, health will supplant sickness, the bloom and freshness of youth will dispel the marks of age and infirmity, abundant and everlasting life will replace the ravages of death and disease, and praises and love for the great Jehovah will repel all fear and misunderstanding.
The Bible gives several accounts of the awakening of individuals who were actually dead; and this was accomplished by the power of God. You will recall the death and the awakening of the Shunammite’s son, as recorded in the fourth chapter of Second Kings; also the revival of Jairus’ daughter, in the ninth chapter of Matthew ; and the account of the awakening of Lazarus, as found in John the eleventh chapter.
While it is true that these individuals were temporarily revived, yet they did not receive that fullness of life and freedom from all imperfections that the Bible promises to those who will have part in the resurrection. The Greek word translated “resurrection” in our Bibles is a-na-sta-sis, 'which means a revival to fullness of life, a raising to perfect life. While it is true that the awakening from the dead is an important step in the resurrection, yet there are additionally many imperfections, especially of mind and heart, that must be removed before perfect life will he enjoyed by the members of the human family.
In considering this subject it is important at the outset to examine Jehovah’s provision for the accomplishment of this great work of revival, as well as the necessity of the resurrection. The broad application of the work of resurrection will increase our love and faith in the Creator. Finally we shall consider the blessings and responsibilities of those who will have part in the resurrection.
Necessity of the Resurrection
As we look about us on all sides we find that there is great necessity for the resurrection. We see the diseased and dying condition of our fellows. Man begins his downward course toward the grave even before lie is brought into the world. David under inspiration states, in Psalm 51: 5: “Behold, I was shapen in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me.” We find cripples; we find the traces of anxiety and sorrow marking the faces of the people; we find the race burdened with many cares; we find many forms of slavery. No human wisdom is able to cope with the present situation.
But why are these conditions prevalent in the earth? Why does not man continue to live? In answer to these questions, we must go back to the beginning of man’s deflection from the laws of his Creator, when he came under the sentence . of death and all his children were brought into condemnation. Back in the garden of Eden man had life and there was given to him the opportunity to live on earth forever provided he were obedient to the will of Jehovah, his Creator. A simple test of obedience was placed upon Adam, as stated in Genesis 2:16, 17: “Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good, and evil, thou shall not eat of it: for in the day that thou eat-est thereof thou shalt surely die.” Manifestly, the fruit of the tree was not poisonous nor imperfect; it was a creation of the Lord. The main purpose in making this statement to Adam was to try out the obedience of the first man. Obedience is the hardest lesson to learn. No creature in heaven or earth will- have everlasting life unless such a one is obedient to the will of the Creator.
Over Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden was placed a caretaker, a covering cherub, whose name was originally Lucifer. The name Lucifer means the “bright shining one”; he was beautiful and knew the will of God concerning the first pair in Eden. It was his duty to guide the human race in truth and righteousness, that so mankind might bring honor and praise to Jehovah. Lucifer, however, was ambitious. Pride entered into his heart. Lucifer boasted and said in his heart, as stated in Isaiah 14:13, 14: “I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north. . . . I will be like the Most High.” While God told Adam that death was the certain penalty of disobedience, the enemy came to Eve in the guise of a serpent and suggested that she eat of the fruit. Eve replied to the serpent, “We
may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.” To these words the serpent replied in subtle and haughty terms: "Ye shall not surely die: for God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.” Thus one of God’s favored agents betrayed his trust and brought man into disobedience and death. He became the father of lies, the Dewi, in the statement, “Thou shalt not surely die.”
Of course after disobeying God the first pair were stricken in their consciences and were convinced of disobedience. They .knew good and also evil. This experience did not result to their benefit, but only to their injury. Let man ever keep in mind that the Creator so made him that man’s chief happiness is in obedience to the will of his Maker.
Let it be remembered definitely that on account of Adam’s disobedience he came under the sentence of death. God did not say that eternal torment or hell-fire was the penalty for disobedience. In concluding the sentence against Adam, the angel of Jehovah, according to Genesis 3:19, stated: “In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it w’ast thou taken; for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.”
It was after the sentence of death had been passed upon Adam and after he was an imperfect and dying individual that he begat children. Of course, these children could not have perfect vitality. Like their father Adam, they must die. The whole race of Adam thus came under condemnation; for it was impossible for Adam to transmit perfect vitality to any of his offspring, as he did not possess perfect life himself. In accordance with this statement the Bible tells us, in Romans 5:12: “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.” Also in 1 Corinthians 15:22 we read, “In Adam all die.”
While we here recognize the statements of the Bible, it is held by some that when man dies a certain part of him called “the immortal soul” escapes and lives on forever. Such theory is entirely out of accord with the Bible and is based upon the lie that was told Eve in the garden of Eden and which the Devil has led mankind to believe. Such an idea is not only unscriptural but unreasonable. Such a theory 'would lead one to believe that a person when hit on the head with .a club becomes unconscious, yet not entirely dead, but if that same person were hit just a little harder he would become more alive than ever. Such conclusion is preposterous. We have several instances of persons who have been dead, some for hours, some for days, and yet were temporarily revived. None of such ever explained where they had been in the meantime. None of them gave an account of being in heaven or in purgatory, or in the torment of hell-fire.
The Bible definitely informs us concerning the condition of the dead. In Ecclesiastes 9:5 we read: “The living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing.” In harmony with that suggestion, in Ecclesiastes 3:19 we read: “That which befalleth the sons of men be-falleth beasts; even one thing befalleth them: as the one dieth, so dieth the other; yea, they have all one breath; so that a, man hath no preeminence above a beast.” While it is true that man dies just as a beast, nevertheless Jehovah has made a provision for the return of man from the grave. Such provision has not been made for the animals. The New Testament is also in accord with the statements of the prophets. In John 3:13 we read, “No man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man.” Also, Jesus said, “Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear [the] voice [of the Son of man] and shall come forth.” (John 5: 28, 29) Jesus did not say that the dead were in heaven or purgatory or in hell-fire, but he truthfully said that the dead are in the graves. Let us keep in mind that between the time of death and the time of awakening in the resurrection, the individual is absolutely unconscious. He is not aware of the things that take place, and the moment of awakening will seem connected to the last moment when the individual had consciousness.
That it is the soul that goes 'down to the grave and remains dead until the resurrection, there cannot be any doubt. Death brings about a reversal of the processes of creation. When man was created, it is written concerning him, in Genesis 2: 7, “The Lord God formed man of the 'dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” By union of the body ®ade of final and
the breath which we breathe, in harmony with the power of God, man became a living, sentient creature, which is a soul. Death reverses this process. Man expires the breath of life which is the air common to all breathing creatures, and his body returns to the earth. David states, in Psalm 146:4, “His breath goeth forth, he re-turneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish.” In Ezekiel 18:4 we read that “the soul that sinneth, it shall die”. In Psalm 89:48 we read, “What man is he that liveth, and shall not see death? shall he deliver his soul from the hand of the grave ?”
Of course these statements may strike some as being entirely different from what they had been taught heretofore. But let all such honestly rejoice in the truth, because it always does a person much good to learn new things and put aside old doctrines when such learning improves his understanding and is in accord with that which is right. A wise man is willing to change his ideas and his course of action a dozen times a day if such changes are pleasing to Jehovah; a fool is conceited in his own ideas and will repel changes even when he recognizes such a course is right. The Scriptures are harmonious in the support of the thought that the resurrection is necessary to give man life beyond the grave. In 1 Corinthians 15:13 to 18 we read: “If there be no resurrection of the dead, then is Christ not risen: and if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain. . . . Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished.” The apostle here argues that without a resurrection our faith is vain, and that without a resurrection even the Christians, fallen asleep in Christ, would perish. In Psalm 16:10 we read: “Thou wilt not leave my soul in hell [the grave].” When David was at the point of death he said, according to Psalm 30, verse 3: “0 Lord, thou hast brought up my soul from the grave: thou hast kept me alive, that I should not go down to the pit.”
As we review the dying conditions of mankind about us, as we trace man’s deflection from the laws of his Maker, and as we examine the Scriptures, we must conclude that the resurrection is necessary.
Jehovah’s Provision
We are now in position to examine Jehovah’s provision for the resurrection of the human family. The motive that prompted Jehovah to make this provision was love for mankind. The goodness of Jehovah overshadows all his works. The basis for the provision of the resurrection was the gift of his dear Son, who was made a ransom for sin. In John 3:16 we read: “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” But why should Jehovah give so costly a treasure? Why was it necessary for the perfect man Jesus to die? These are questions that are important in the consideration of the philosophy of the ransom. In answer to these statements we go back to the garden of Eden. Adam had been created perfect. Jehovah always creates things perfect. However, Adam was created with ability to choose that which is good and live, or to choose that which is evil and die. In the case of Adam, the penalty of disobedience was the death of a perfect man. It is written, “The wages of sin is death.” Since, therefore, it was necessary for a perfect man to die in order to release Adam and his children from the grave, it was impossible for any of Adam’s race to provide the ransom. The reason for this is that all of Adam’s children were imperfect. Hence, the psalmist states, 'no one is able to give a ransom for his brother.’ It was necessary for a perfect man to come into the world; this man must go down into death; and he must be raised from the dead in order to present the substitute for the penalty that was placed upon Adam for disobedience. The resurrection of this individual was necessary because the purchase price, the merit of a perfect man, must be presented in heaven.
The Scriptures present this view of Jehovah’s provision. The Father of Jesus was not a descendant of Adam, for none of Adam’s descendants could give perfect vitality to a son. Jehovah was the Father of Jesus. To this the Scriptures abundantly testify. The mother of Jesus was Mary. While here on earth, Jesus never referred to Joseph or any other member of the human family as being his Father. He always referred to Jehovah God as his Father. In John 3:17 we read: “God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.” Again, in John 1:29, we read the words concerning Jesus at the beginning of his ministry: “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” Again, in John 6: 39, 40, we read the words of Jesus:
“This is the Father’s will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day. And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.”
Furthermore, the Scriptures testify that it was necessary for Jesus to go down into death in order to satisfy the requirements for the release of the human family. In 1 Timothy 2:5, 6, we read that ‘'the man Christ Jesus gave himself a ransom for all’. In Bomans 5:8 we read that “God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died fo.r us”. Thus we see that it was necessary that nothing less than the death of the perfect man Jesus could meet the divine requirements for the liberation of the human family.
It was necessary, furthermore, that Jesus be raised out of death by the power of God to present the merit of his perfect human life as the ransom for mankind. In accordance with this we read, in John 10:17,18, the words of Jesus: “Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again. No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again.” While it is true according to the Scriptures that Jesus was resurrected a powerful spirit creature, yet thereafter he took up the value of his perfect humanity and presented it to the heavenly Father in behalf of mankind. We read in Hebrews 9: 24: “Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands, which are the figures of the true; but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us.” Thus we realize that the provision of Jehovah for the resurrection of the human race is entirely adequate.
Broad Application of Resurrection
We are now in position to understand the application of the text found in Acts 24:15: “There shall be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and unjust.” In this text the word “just” applies to all those who have been justified in the sight of Jehovah. This includes those •who, 'during this Christian age, have manifested faith until death in the precious blood of Jesus; who have 'determined to do God’s will and have been begotten by the spirit of Jehovah. It also includes the prophets of old who found favor in Jehovah’s sight on account of their faithfulness. According to the Scriptures (Rom. 3: 28) a man is justified by faith; the blood of Jesus is necessary in this justification (Rom. 5:9); and it is God who justifies the individual.—Rom. 8: 33.
By far the greater number of the human family have not been justified. This includes all the heathen who have gone down to the tomb. It includes also by far the greater number of people in the civilized lands. Jehovah has promised that there will be a resurrection of both the just and unjust. This includes all. Let us note this difference: Those who are now.justified and have a knowledge of the truth are tested out at this time; they have their trial period in advance of the majority of mankind. On the other hand, the unjust will be brought forth from the tombs in the awakening, .and if obedient, will receive life everlasting here upon the earth. Jehovah will help all people to live in accordance with his will who long for righteousness and who wish to cooperate with the Creator in his purposes.
On the one hand, therefore, we find that those who have been on trial during the Christian era and who will be faithful will have part in the first resurrection. In Revelation 20: 6 we read: “'Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.” The Apostle Paul also, in Hebrews 11:35, speaks of the faithful prophets as having part in a “better resurrection”. On the other hand, the words of Jesus assure us that all will be awakened from the tombs. In John 5: 28, 29 we read the -words of the Master: “The hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, and shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection [by judgment].” The latter part of this text makes a distinction between two classes: the first are the just, who enter into life in its fullness in the resurrection: the others enter into a resurrection by judgment. They will be put on trial to determine their faith and heart loyalty to the Creator. Thus we see that Jehovah has made provision for every individual to have life.
The blessings of those who have part in the resurrection will be manifold. The obligation
will be obedience to the will of Jehovah and his arrangements. Those sharing in the first resurrection will be joint-heirs with Christ Jesus and will compose the kingly, ruling class of the kingdom. Those having part in the first resurrection, according to 2 Peter 1: 3, 4, will have the divine nature, which is the highest order of spirit existence. They will be powerful creatures and will be used by Jehovah as the favored agents in accomplishing his great work in the future. The kingdom class, or those who rule, will have given up their earthly bodies of flesh and the privilege of living on earth. The divine nature gives them more power and efficiency in accom-■ plishing the work of the Creator. In 1 Corinthians 15: 50 we read that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God. In meekness and amidst much persecution these Christians are bow being tested as to their devotion to the Lord. In the resurrection they will be raised in kingly glory by the power of Jehovah. In Matthew 5:3 we read: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”
A kingdom would be incomplete unless there were subjects in the domain. Even so in the Lord’s arrangements, the billions of mankind will be brought forth from the tomb. They will have the privilege of knowing the Lord, of working in accordance with his will, and if completely devoted to his cause, will be given everlasting life upon the earth. In Isaiah 35, verse 10, we read that “the ransomed of the Lord shall return [to return means, of course, to come back to earth where they have been before], and come to Zion [God’s organization] with songs, and everlasting joy upon their heads: they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away”. Concerning the heathen, including the Sodomites who were destroyed with fire, and the wayward people of Samaria, the Bible states definitely that they shall all return to earth. In Ezekiel 16:55 we read: “When thy sisters, Sodom and her daughters, shall return to their former estate [their former estate was the earth, and they will return to this planet], and Samaria and her daughters shall return to their former estate, then thou [meaning the Jews] and thy daughters shall return to your former estate.”
In the kingdom, which is the principal thing for man, God will bring about the solution of man’s problems. We are told that wars will cease and that each' man who is obedient will have his own home and provisions. In Micah 4:3-5 we read that the nations “shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning-hooks: nation shall not lift up a swox'd against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. But they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree; and none shall make them afraid: for the mouth of the Lord of hosts hath spoken it. For all people will walk every one in the name of his - god, and we will walk in the name of the Lord our God for ever and ever.”
We read about the blessings and joy of the kingdom that are promised to mankind, in Revelation the twenty-first ■ chapter, verses three to five: “I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new.” Thus we see how important the words of Jesus are when he said, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness.”
In reviewing this subject, we recognize the necessity of the resrirrection. As we examined the Scriptures wre found that Jehovah has abundantly provided for man’s revival and everlasting happiness. We have also recognized the love and justice of the heavenly Father in a resurrection of both the just and the unjust. The resulting blessings of the regenerated race of mankind evoke our acclaim and praises to the Giver of all good things.
As we witness reorganized society lifted from death to the fullness of life, we see a, new race marching before our eyes. Their faces are no longer marred with the cares of sorrow and disease, but they reflect the gladness and joy which has been planted in. their hearts by the Creator; no longer do we see cripples, the maimed and the halt, but people of buoyant step and stately bearing; no longer do we find nations and peoples separated by hatred and misunderstanding, but arm in arm they go united with one purpose to the praise of Jehovah and concerned for the other’s welfare and happiness; they sing as they go, and that song is untainted by malice and fear; they sing of the goodness of their Maker and of his works and power. This new race mark’s Jehovah’s work in the earth complete. They reflect all praises and glory to his name.
Why Not Import Some Irishman?
BIG- BUSINESS has sung and whistled and preached it all over the United States that there is not a man in their crowd that is honest enough to run the Muscle Shoals power plant in the interest of the American people; and no doubt they are quite right. Their record would seem to justify all this pessimism on their part. But neither they nor the rest of America should be at all dismayed.
Granting the premise that the Big Business bunch are so congenitally crooked that they can not or will not' make a success of the Muscle Shoals plant, and that we cannot find anybody else in America who can do- it, why not go to Ireland and get somebody who can do it?
The Irish have opened their Shannon River power plant. Foreign experts thought it would take three years to develop consumption for so great an amount of power as was thrown upon the market fifteen months ago, but now it is all being taken. Good for Ireland ’
Now if Ireland has an honest man who can take a big potver plant like the River Shannon project and make a success of it for the Irish people, why can we not afford to set aside all immigration restrictions and let such a man come over here? It is certainly worth trying. Such a man might teach some of our Big Business apostles something of the rudiments of honesty. ,
H 1 £
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An interesting article on the subject “Getting Ready for Television”. This
discussion will give a good idea of the progress made in television to date. This
marvelous discovery is but one of many proofs that we are at the dawn of the
Golden Age, in which all of earth’s affairs will be righteously administered
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