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Golden Age


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five cents a copy one dollar a year Canada & Foreign 1.23

Vol. XII - No. 309

July 22, 1931


Twenty Million Idle .... 685

In the Broad Silk Business . . 687

Many Families Own Nothing . 687

Unnecessary to Build to Limit . 688 Senator Couzens Wants to Know 688 Hard Times Increase Suicides , 688 The Billion-Dollar Deficit . . 689


No Hope for Civilians in next Wab 691

Electric Rates in Wisconsin . . 691

Clergy and United States Army 692

Denied Citizenship ..... 692


The Corn-Hog Ratio .... 685

Sudden Interest in Weeds . . 686


Seeds from the Sunflower . . 685

Nice Bookkeeping, This . . . 685

Platinum May Do the Trick , . 687

Growth of Population Slowing Up 688

Dry and Wet Churches . . . 689

Kelly Creek Company Stores . 690

Our Civilization Crumbling . . 690

Forgot to See the Doctor . . . 690

Badly Tangled Radio Set . . 696

Ox the Firing Line in

Massachusetts ..... 697


Traffic Problems—Past and Present    

Whither the Interest System

Leads ....... .

Power Trust Complains  .  .  .

Urges Britain to Leave League  .


Another Variable Star Discovered 685

The Auto-Gyro in Michigan . . 686

New Building Materials . . . 686


Points Against Testing Cattle . 688 Human Vivisection Only Two

Jumps aavay . .  .... 692

The Prize Winner . . ... 693 Further Information About

Smallpox Carriers .... 695


Distress in Cuba ...... 686

Little Island of Porto Rico . . 687

Spanish Jews Invited Back . . 688

From Radio Listeners .... 694

The Radio Witness Work . . .. 698


Could Blasphemy Go Further? . 696

God the Eternal ...... 699

“When Thou Prayest” , . .703

Published every other Wednesday at .117 Adams Street, Brooklyn, N. ¥., U. S. A., by WOODWORTH, KNORR & MARTIN

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ahe Golden Age

Volume KI                         Brooklyn, N. ¥., Wednesday, July 22, 1931                        Number 309

Traffic Problems—Past and. Present

THE streets of Boston were laid out by the cows, and still follow the devious paths that bossy took in the evening on the way to the barn. The streets of Philadelphia were laid out during* the ‘hay age’, when the utmost traffic that could be forevisioned by the successors of William Penn was the possibility of two loaded hay wagons passing on the same street. In 1829, in Philadelphia four persons were fined $2.00 each for using wheelbarrows on the sidewalks; one person was fined $5.00 for riding a horse on the sidewalk; and another person was fined $3.00 for driving at an immoderate rate of speed: possibly he pushed the old nag up to fifteen miles an hour. Today even the little tots are accustomed to see high-powered cars running through the streets at fifty or more miles an hour, and a horse and carriage looks like some outfit that has escaped from an insane asylum.

In 1829 a newspaper of the period said: “A young gentleman of Cincinnati traveled from Nashville to that city, a distance of 356 miles, in three days and a half. This is an example worthy of emulation of the thousands of idle, dissipated and effeminate young men of our large cities, who pay more for horse and carriage hire than their services to the world will ever be worth.”

Today, if you are willing to eat a little earlier than usual at noon you can have your lunch in Nashville and, if you are willing to have your dinner a little later than usual, you can dine in Cincinnati, and do it every day in the year by the L. & N. Railroad; but if you are in a hurry you can make the trip by airplane in two hours, and there are instances in which an equal distance (300 miles) has been covered in one hour.

It is useless today to think of traffic as it prevailed in New York city less than a generation ago. It would be simply out of the question to do in New York with horses the work that is now done with vehicles driven by mechanical means.

’                             675

Indeed, some of the critics of the hay age are boldly proposing to remove from the streets the silver-haired chauffeurs that but a little while ago were grooming horses in the stables of their employers and were insisting that the autos be kept off the streets because they frightened the horses.

Now the tables have been turned and it is the drivers of autos that need to fear when horses are near as much as the drivers of horses used to fear autos. The cars seem to get around one another very well, but in a traffic jam nobody can be certain just what a horse 'will do.

The Pedestrian Has the First Right

The auto is a new-comer on the scene of action, and a new-comer cannot come in and take away from another a right that has been long enjoyed. Streets are designed for the accommodation of humans, and it is they *who have the first rights to them. Horses have rights on streets only by sufferance of the people as a whole, and autos have rights for the same reason.

It is the pedestrian who is in the greatest danger and is the greatest sufferer from motor traffic. If the streets are to be made safe for anybody they must be made safe for him. Islands of safety are becoming increasingly common, both in Europe and America, and when sufficiently numerous and properly arranged they enable pedestrians to cross lines of heavy traffic without having to watch more than one line of traffic at a time.

In the city of Elizabeth, N. J., when a pedestrian desires to cross Newark Avenue (part of the Lincoln Higlrway), he presses a button mounted on a post at the curb. This turns on a red light, -which remains on for a sufficient time to allow him to cross the highway, and then the green goes on again automatically. By this

method pedestrians in Elisabeth have become their own traffic patrolmen.

It is believed that this is the only way by which pedestrian control can be brought about, i.e.? each pedestrian must be his owm patrolman. In ri ties in which devices similar to that in use in Elizabeth have been tried, it has been found that no police regulation is necessary beyond that of the usual routine supervision.

The Crime (?) of Jaywalking

New' York has always been a city of jaywalkers, and is to this day. A New Yorker always tries to take the shortest distance between points, and if that leads him diagonally across a street, then diagonally he goes. It often seems to the pedestrians that they have a better chance to cross safely in the middle of a block; but the facts are that the number who meet death that way is almost twice as great as of those killed at regular crossings. In the year 1928, in New York city, 323 adults were killed and 9,271 were injured; while a year later 412 were killed and 11,091 were injured when they tried to cross the streets at other than the regular crossings.

The jaywalkers have their defenders. There are those who insist that in the middle of a long block there should be a crosscut ten feet wide for pedestrians to use, where they would at least be free from the danger caused by cars turning corners, and when the lights stop traffic all the cars caught in the block before reaching this central lane should stop there instead of proceeding to the end of the block.

As it is now, the pedestrians often have a hard time of getting across the streets at intersections because the cars come from every direction in what appear to be endless streams. In numerous instances the lights change before very many pedestrians can get across.

In these days it is hard enough for a young, active and alert pedestrian to get across a street at a busy intersection. These are especially difficult for women seeking to care for two or more children; for women who, caught in the middle of a street, turn and run back to the side from which they started: to men over sixty years of age who are beginning to lose some of their alertness, and to absent-minded professors and day-dreamers who do not sense what is going on around them. New York city has laws against jaywalking, but we have heard of but one jaywalker who was convicted, and he was given a suspended sentence.

The Death Toll

The four principal causes of accidents are: Jaywalking, crossing against the lights, failure of drivers to keep to the right, and failure to yield the right of way. Every six seconds there is a new auto in the United States, and every seventeen minutes there is a traffic death. In 1929, the state highway accidents took 33,060 lives. This was the record for 1929 in the United States. In the streets of New York eity one person is killed every eight hours, and one person, injured every 7 3/4 minutes. The figures show one car out of every 8| cars involved in an accident every year.

One encouraging feature is that accidental deaths among children have decreased nearly, thirty percent in the last decade, in spite of an almost steady increase in fatal accidents to adults. This decrease in fatal accidents among children is believed to be due to safety education through the schools and other agencies.

The Personal Factor in Accidents

An auto is a. dangerous thing, as deadly as a gun, knife or other instrument of destruction., Only one person in a car can assume the responsibility for driving the car. Back-seat driving has been declared illegal in the courts of the land, and properly so.

If the driver drinks even a little alcohol he is unsafe. If he is a slow thinker, he is unsafe, because the driver of a car must think and act instantly. If he has poor coordination he should let others do the driving, for his own safety as well as for theirs.                          ’

If one is given to fits of temper, he is unfit to ’drive, for in driving there are many things to try one’s patience. Many an auto driver’ has made a one-way trip to the cemetery/ because he insisted upon his rights. It is better to yield a point and live than it is to have a nice dirge played over one ahead of time.

Traffic Violations

Students of accidents, such as are to be found among the insurance people, claim, that 95 percent of all accidents are the result of human failure rather than of faulty mechanism or engineering, Undue pride or undue affection may make a person an unsafe driver, because driving calls for the exercise of all one’s faculties.

The notion that driving is a right is a mistake. It is not a right, hut a privilege; and its exercise _ should be restricted to those who are able to use the privilege without abusing it. Nevertheless, in eighteen metropolitan districts in 1927, there were 614,232 persons arrested charged with violations of traffic laws; and one can imagine the additional violations which escaped attention.

In New York and vicinity many accidents are caused through boys’ hitching on behind cabs, riding from one red light to the next. The rear bumpers provide excellent footing for hitchers, who can stand on one of them while the cab goes cruising through the streets looking for business.

In metropolitan areas in the United States one out of every five motorists is charged with violations of the traffic laws each year. This record was compiled from a questionnaire sent to police authorities in fifty cities ranging in population from 50,000 up.

In the state of Connecticut, one in every twelve of the operators licensed to drive in the state was tried by the courts of the state for violations of the motor vehicle laws during 1929. These ..... cases include only offenses against the state law, and not violations of city ordinances.

Prosecutors of traffic cases say that they experience much difficulty in securing just punishment of the guilty. It would almost seem as if the people in general really look upon the traffic officers as their enemies instead of their friends and are glad to see violators of the traffic ordinances escape unpunished.

The Traffic Must Move .

The traffic is here to be handled, and some way must be found to keep it going. In some of the older cities where the streets are narrow and crooked, magnificent new highways have been cut down through the center. This has been done repeatedly in New York and Brooklyn, and both New York and Brooklyn have elaborate and expensive bridges and tunnels for carrying street traffic in the air and underground.

It was once thought a wise thing to bring through-traffic through the heart of the cities along the way. It is now generally held that this is most unwise, and the great cities are pursuing a reverse policy and making by-passes to carry around their edges the traffic which now congests their busiest streets to the confusion and irritation of everybody. The great arterial highways are being built wider and wider. Many of these are now able to carry three or four lines of traffic.

The speed limits which were first fixed for auto travel have been increased but have become virtually a dead letter. Speeds up to fifty miles an hour on good highways are not considered excessive, and in Rhode Island there are signs to the effect that “if you cannot make thirty-five miles an hour, get off the road”.

The tendency today is not to penalize speed, but to penalize sloth. In San Francisco and various other western cities the police are constantly on the watch to speed up the ‘'snail drivers’ who impede all traffic and constitute a real danger. In the year 1927, in New York city 26,000 summonses were served on slow-moving vehicles which failed to keep to the right.

A truck going at fifteen miles an hour but with inadequate brakes may be much more dangerous than a car with proper brakes going at fifty miles an hour. No one, unless driving at the extreme righthand side of the road, has any right to drive so slowly that traffic piles up behind him.

In Mexico City burros may not be driven on the streets except early in the morning and late at night, as their deliberate movements impede the auto traffic.

The Parking Problem

The parking problem is being gradually solved in the only way by which it can be solved, namely, by taking the idle cars off the streets and finding places for them either on vacant lots or in garages built for the purpose. In Los Angeles most of the first-class office buildings that have been built within the last few years provide for internal storage facilities for motor vehicles.

Most cities of even moderate size in the United States either have at least one example of a garage built in as part of an office building structure or are considering such a combination. Many modern garages are very artistic in appearance and are in every way desirable additions to the neighborhoods in which they are built.

It seems to us that the tendency to build 100 stories in the air and then have garage accommodations for four stories or more below ground, is growing in the wrong direction. It seems as if there would be better opportunities for light and air if buildings could be kept down to a reasonable height, and certainly there would be less danger of pandemonium in the streets when five o’clock' comes and everybody starts to go home.

It can be very truthfully said that parking is a privilege and not a right. The streets of the city belong to the city, that is, to the people as a whole, and not to any individual; and no individual has any right to divert the streets from the purpose for which they were made, Proportionately as the people are inconvenienced by the parking of cars on the public streets, in that proportion the. privilege of thus storing their cars on the public streets is bound to be withdrawn.

In New York city a citizens’ committee estimated that fifty percent of the available street space on east and west thoroughfares was taken up either by the abuse of parking privileges or by openings in the street surfaces or the storage of building materials or other goods in the streets and on the sidewalks. The same citizens’ committee made an investigation of 100,000 parked cars, disclosing that 25,000 of them were violating parking ordinances.

Bus and Cab Enterprises

At first we hauled passengers through the streets in stage coaches; then we changed and carried nearly all of them by rail. Now we put them all back in the streets again; but instead of having living motors with mane and tail attachments, we are running up and down the highways and from one city to another by buses and cabs that are carrying loads of passengers greater than a generation ago anybody would have supposed would be traveling in that way.

One wonders at the great size of the buses. Some of them are apparently almost, if not quite, as large as the railway passenger coaches of a few years ago. It takes a skillful and courageous driver in a good car to run around one of these huge vehicles.

These buses are economical of space, however, because they have passenger-carrying capacity of one passenger for but 6.7 square feet, while it requires an average of 53 square feet per passenger to move a given number of people by private autos. So then, while the bus really seems to take up a lot of space, it actually requires far less street space per passenger than the private cars.

The taxicab drivers constitute an important factor. Though there are 20,000 cabs in New York city, there are said to be only 700 officially designated hack stands in the city and these will accommodate only about one-tenth of the cabs. It thus becomes necessary for almost 90 percent of the cabs to cruise this way and that way looking for business. The cab drivers in New York estimate that half their mileage is dead mileage; that is, if they average to go a hundred miles a day they have passengers for only fifty miles.

There seems to be a more or less clearly defined war on between cab drivers and the police. A cabby is really a skilled artist. In New York he penetrates a traffic jungle with an unrivaled technique. There are scores of cab drivers that run 50,000 miles a year without accidents of any kind, and hundreds of them who make 30,000 miles a year without their names’ ever coming up in the traffic court.

However, there are some who seem to be marked mem-One taxi driver in New York city whose name is Ennis is on record as having been in traffic court twenty times in ten years and as having contributed $306 to the city’s treasury for convictions on about all the charges for which a taxicab driver could be convicted,

Congestion: Causes and Remedies

The primary cause of traffic congestion is business congestion, the effort to- crowd all the offices and business of the community into one small locality. The higher the skyscrapers go, the worse the congestion in the streets and the more necessity there is for subways and elevated railways.

There are other causes, some of which have been already mentioned. There is the parking of vehicles, legally and illegally; there is the cruising of empty taxicabs looking for fares ; there are bottle necks in the street systems: there is the effort to close all places of business at the same hour; there is lack of enforcement of traffic laws.

There are communication and industrial buildings that handle their merchandise on the sidewalks instead of under their own roofs; there are deliveries of merchandise in rush hours; there are improperly located traffic signals, and signals of the wrong kind; there are streets so jammed with pedestrians that vehicles can hardly move; and then in the midst of it all there are traffic accidents, fires and other emergencies that make confusion worse confounded.

There is an instance of traffic’s being tied up on a busy street in a big city in the peak of the rush hour by so small a thing as a dainty French heel wedged in a trolley slot. If there were any way of knowing, it would be interesting to ascertain the total cost in lost time caused by that young woman’s getting her foot in the wrong place. Hundreds, perhaps thousands, were inconvenienced. Some may have missed the trains they intended to take. Others may have failed to keep business engagements, and so on, all because the little girl wore the wrong kind of shoes.

The losses due to traffic congestion are much heavier than appear on the surface. Traffic congestion checks the growth of a city and gives it a bad name. As soon as the congestion has been removed by the opening of a new boulevard through the area, desirable results are almost instantly manifest.

.....New York has gone insane on the subject of skyscrapers. It is very conservatively estimated that traffic congestion in New York costs at least a million dollars a day, which means that New Yorkers are losing the interest on $6,000,000,000 a year through trying to imitate the builders of the Tower of Babel.

One of the things that helps to cause congestion on the streets is the unsteady and uncertain navigation of gas-driven and rubber-tired tin scrap rescued from the junk pile, miscalled "autos”. It is too soon for it, but without a doubt the time will come when there will be periodic inspections which will result in the destruction of vehicles that are unsafe to their owners and to others and are liable to tie up traffic. The state could afford to make some concessions in taxes on newer cars for vehicles thus condemned.

The cities that are engaged in street widening-are finding it an expensive operation, not only for the laying of pavements and sidewalks, but especially for the costs of condemning valuable buildings, all or parts of which have to be removed.

Suggestions for Improvement

The suggestion is sometimes made that traffic conditions in congested areas would be improved by the elimination of street car lines. It might be all right to take up the tracks and let the street cars run on rubber tires as they are now doing-more and more, but it would not at all help traffic to eliminate both street cars and buses.

A single street car will carry as many seated passengers as thirty-six private motor cars, and, the way they travel in New York city at the rush hours, will carry about as many strap hangers and others as could he squeezed into one hundred ordinary autos with a shoehorn.

We have already discussed some of the problems which the skyscraper has brought. As we continue to build these monstrosities, we must expect to build double-decked or triple-decked streets to get the people in and out of them at the rush hour.

As it is, in New York, there is one place, 33d Street and Broadway, where traffic is moving in every direction on six different elevations. New York is already honeycombed with subways, but engineers are talking of an entire new system of subways, buried hundreds of feet beneath the city in solid rock and going in straight lines beneath the streets and skyscrapers overhead.

A practical problem is how to make the best of conditions today without waiting for the improvements of tomorrow. An experienced driver states that his method is to pick a competent leader and folIoAv the leader through the traffic. By following the leader who is making the greatest progress, the greatest speed is maintained through heavy traffic. If one gets behind a laggard, he is blocked everywhere the laggard is blocked, and then some.

An experienced autoist in Nerv York states that he has recently noticed while on city streets that when approaching an intersection, if he looks at the window pane of the store on the corner to his left he can see during the daytime a car approaching from the street on his right, and in the evening the headlights; and also, if he looks on the opposite side of the street he can see the cars approaching from the left. There is; a suggestion here that municipalities might be. able to install metal or glass mirrors on dangerous corners, which would reflect the approach of ears from the side streets.

Signs and Markings                          ■

Wonderful progress has been made in safety signs and markings. A study shows that white contrasted with black gives the highest lightreflection values; cream comes next; and then in order, ivory, buff, light green, yellow, gray, light blue, pink, dark tan, dark red and dark green. For this reason white is now being most largely used as the color for highway signs and markings.

Fences, posts, tree trunks and rocks are now painted white contrasted with black in order to reflect warning gleams of light on rainy and foggy nights, to help reduce hazards at curbs, y/hite markings on the road surface are an additional help. The most usual mark is the center line, first painted white in Massachusetts. This custom spread over New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland and Illinois, and now in some sections the white strip is built into the road itself, not requiring periodic painting.

Philadelphia is trying to guide pedestrians aright by white lines showing where it is safe to walk. A count recently made on a busy Saturday afternoon showed that out of 318 pedestrians there were so many as 127 who seemed to pay some attention to the white lines. The remaining 191 were just the usual contrary, independent Americans who -were willing to take a chance of being killed rather than have anybody tell them what thej7 must do. That is the way we are over on this side of the water.

A Rochester firm manufactures a canvas impregnated with white paint. It has adhesive on the back for application to the pavement. The strips are put on when the pavement is hot and the sun is shining brightly. The traffic soon vulcanizes the strips to the pavement. By the use of these markers there is no delay to traffic except the brief time required to lay the strips.

An Iowa furniture dealer paints the back and and body of his delivery trucks white to protect them from rear collisions on winding country roads at night. Motorists who have narrow driveways to their garages find it desirable to paint white lines for the wheels to follow, with a white stop line inside the garage.

Another good way to stop a ear at the right place in a small garage is to abut two' short pieces of plank against the rear wall and nail a board across their beveled ends. This automatically stops the car in just the right place. Vie heard of one autoist, new at the game, who drove into a garage not too well built and, when he reached the rear wall, said Whoa I to his car, which, not having been properly instructed, went right on, taking the rear partition along with it.

At dangerous intersections signs should be erected to protect against high hedges, trees, high walls or fences which obscure the vision.

It is a reasonable suggestion that warning signs may be overdone. That is, there may be too many of them. The signs should be erected where they are needed, and then they are a real help; but if a driver has too many warnings his mind may become accustomed to the idea that the sign ahead does not indicate anything to be taken seriously into account.

Mechanical Policemen

In the last two years, mechanical policemen, otherwise known as ‘■'vehicle-actuated control”, have been employed in twenty-one states and over 150 municipalities. This form of control is bound to spread. It has greatly reduced the accidents at crossings, and automatically discloses unnecessary delays. It may be adjusted to suit particular conditions. The control operates a standard traffic light in exact accordance with the flow of traffic in the streets.

The principle of the thing is that there are rubber-covered sensitive strips placed in the pavement at each street adjacent to the intersection. As the autoists pass over these strips they automatically convey to the controlling apparatus the speed of cars approaching; the intersection, the number of ears, the density per hour, the arrival of each vehicle, and how long each has waited. The result is a mechanical decision that admits of no errors.

When first installed in Philadelphia a mechanical policeman which set the “Go” sign automatically in response to the toot of an auto horn was such an object of interest to autoists that many drivers went around and around the block, again and again, in order to test their mechanical abilities. They made so much noise in the neighborhood that residents got this efficient cop moved off his post temporarily.

A device similar to that used in Philadelphia, and referred to as ‘a traffic semaphore with ears’, has been tried out in Baltimore, and is claimed to be a success. A motorist wishing to cross the main highway stops at a line ten feet from the intersection and sounds his horn. Microphones tuned to pick up the sound from this spot reverse the signal for eighteen seconds, to allow him to pass. The signal is designed to avoid delays when there is no traffic on a cross street.

Camden, N. J., has installed loud-speakers in many if its most important traffic towers, so that the presiding cop can make himself heard above the roar of the traffic.

Cambridge, Mass., has a cop that is semi-human, semi-meehanieal. He wears on his stomach a large red light, which he turns on and off at pleasure. When he permits the cars to pass, his stomach, flashes green; when an auto runs over him the light probably turns a golden color, but we are not sure of this.

Uniform Traffic Signals

"Uniform traffic signals,” said you. and everybody laughed. At the present time there is only one thing about this traffic signal business that could be said to be uniform, and that is that it is different in every city and town in. the country. How it would be possible for the ingenuity of man to contrive as many different kinds of lights, and as many different ways of placing them, and as many different ways of understanding them, is a problem that can be worked'out only by calculus.

Every device that would aid in obstructing and confusing the tourist seems to have been carefully provided. It is impossible for a driver to know what the traffic laws are: he is never under the same law for an hour at a time, in some places you can turn right on red; in other places you can not. In some places you can turn left on green; in others you must use yellow for this purpose. In some places green means that every car can go in any direction it cares to. In some places red means that all ears must stop, while the pedestrians go.

In some cities, like Indianapolis, there are numerous intersections where the streets run six different ways, and for fear that the traveling public will get so thffi they understand the rules, they change every few' weeks, so that nobody could really understand them even if they tried. We Americans, especially we Hoosiers, do. more things dumbly than any other people on the globe that have been left to live.

Having apparently learned all there is to learn in the irregular and contrary and impossible traffic laws, rules, regulations and the like, the American is well prepared for a trip to Europe, where, if possible, conditions are worse.

Wouldn’t it be a fine thing if, instead of some of these conferences of militarists to see how much bigger they can make the armies and navies, and thus how soon they could bring on another world war, we could get together half a dozen sensible men who know something about traffic problems and would make up a simple and uniform system of traffic laves, rules and regulations that could be put in force all over the world?                            '

Less than half the American states require that drivers be licensed; and where licenses are required, the minimum age of drivers varies from twelve to eighteen years. There are about as many speed laws as there are states, and the authorized speeds on open higlrways range from twenty miles an hour up to as high as the machine will go. In the cities the limits range from eight to thirty-five miles, with speeds up to fifty miles or beyond in actual practice in every city.

There is no doubt that the great number of traffic deaths would be materially cut down if the laws for the whole country and for the whole world were uniform and such that they could be readily learned and obeyed. At present it is too much like every man being a law unto himself.

Some of New York’s Problems

On Fifth Avenue, New York, in certain sections and at certain times one can walk faster than he can ride. In the worst periods of the day buses may move as slowly as two miles an hour. In the five years between 1925 and 1930 the time required to travel between 125th Street and Washington Square under rush-hour conditions increased from 52 minutes to 57 minutes.

A firm of engineers has stated that the avoidable delays are costing the users of New York streets at least $5,000,000 a day. A detailed study of airplane photographs showed one of the greatest reasons for this heavy expense, It appeared from these studies that the number of parked and of moving cars on the streets at any one time were the same.

The island of Manhattan is so limited in area that traffic problems must become increasingly acute as skyscrapers multiply. Every agency of transportation reveals this fact. Thus on an average day in 1924 the Queensboro Bridge carried 35,085 vehicles in twenty-four hours. Six years later the twenty-four-hour average was 86,000 vehicles, or nearly two and a half times the number,

New York was the originator of the traffic light system, having erected a series of handsome bronze traffic towers on Fifth Avenue ten years ago. In 1920 it expended $7,573 on its traffic light system. In 1930 it expended more than $230,000. Its traffic lights are controlled by about 350 miles of cables beneath the street surfaces. It is estimated that the signal light system, though not now nearly as fully developed as in some other cities, is, nevertheless, doing the work of 15,000 policemen and is saving the city approximately $45,000,000 a year in salaries.

New York needs a light at each intersection as most other cities have, ana it will eventually have to install the automatic vehicle control system previously described in this article. The city is handicapped by the fact that uptown the blocks are only 250 feet deep in the direction in which the bulk of the traffic flows, namely, north and south.

If it could only have been foreseen, what a fabulous sum would have been saved in New York city by placing the north and south streets close together and the east and west streets far apart instead of as at present arranged! New York is also placed at a disadvantage by the fact that Broadway cuts an oblique path across the through traffic which is moving by other thoroughfares north and south.

It is hard for pedestrians to get across the streets of New York, and it is going to be harder. There are over 100,000 traffic offenses which come up in court every year. Many autoists seem to forget that pedestrians have the first right to the street. Some of them drive as if they resented the fact that there are any such things as pedestrians at all.

New York pedestrians complain of the rule which permits right-hand vehicle turns on red traffic lights. A pedestrian waits at a broad crossing for the beckoning green light and is often forced to stand with one foot on the street while vehicles swing around past him until the signal is again set against him. Meanwhile all the "character” that he has "developed” is swallowed up in wrath.

In many outlying sections of the great city there are private thoroughfares which have never yet been dedicated to the city even though used for traffic. The city cannot move against any who use these streets for parking purposes. Certain blocks are closed at certain hours for recreation purposes, and more of them should be similarly closed for the same reason.

W ashington—Detroit

Like Indianapolis, Washington has difficult traffic conditions; not because there are not enough streets, but because there are too many; nor is it because the streets are crooked or narrow, for they are both vride and straight. But there are diagonals which transverse the city in every direction and then, too, not only is it the capital of fifty Amerjcan states, each with it s own peculiar kind of laws, rules and regulations in every city in such state, and it therefore has all kinds of American motorists to handle; but, as the capital of the country, it is also the home of our foreign diplomats (consisting of fifty-five diplomatic missions with more than 500 members), and the custom or rule of diplomatic immunity enables these diplomats and their households to do about as they please, i.e., to be a law unto themselves.

Washington has had the unique distinction of one traffic cop who served the traffic interests and necessities of but one person, namely, the secretary of agriculture. He ushered him into a certain driveway at. 8:30 every morning, and returned to usher him out at about 4:20 in the afternoon. Just what would have happened to the secretary had he emerged from his office ahead of time has not been stated.

Detroit autos drive through its streets at a dizzy pace. Many children are slain in its streets. In Detroit, motorists are commended for fast driving and censured for slow driving.

The traffic across the Ambassador Bridge, between Detroit and Windsor, Ont., is watched and controlled by an electric eye. As tolls are paid each car automatically records itself, while signals flashed to the general manager notify him of the density of traffic at all times and indicate at which points assistance is needed to avoid traffic jams.

Chicago and Los 'Angeles

In the Loop district of Chicago all parking has been abolished, with excellent results. Under the new rules the number of autos entering the Loop actually doubled, with no corresponding increase in congestion.

Chicago has a school to which offending drivers are sentenced, instead of being sent to cells or required to pay fines. The school, which is intended to reduce motor accidents and deaths, has now been going on for seven years and has proved so successful as to be made a permanent feature of Chicago’s traffic administration.

Pedestrian control is more effective in Los Angeles and in other cities of the western coast than in any other part of America. In the downtown districts of these western, cities, San Francisco, San Diego, Seattle and Long Beach, any attempt to jaywalk results in a prompt but courteous warning by a traffic officer.

California roads and streets are wide, and are being made wider still. Cars are encouraged to make good time, and do so. Applicants for motor licenses in Los Angeles are examined by the use of mechanically driven toy autos and trolley cars. Chicago’s drivers of mail trucks are taught by similar methods,

California, it may be said, boasts of the first aerial traffic cop. This has become necessary on account of the stunt flying associated with the film industries, dangerous to aviators and home owners. The police plane is a fast black and orange vehicle, and by the blast of a siren the cop warns^ the stunt flyer that he is flying too low or doing something else he has no right to do.

Muddling Through in Britain

Anybody who would come to this planet from any other place and who would see America’s craay traffic system, or lack of system, and then make a visit to England, would know instinctively where to place the blame. It so happens that many hundreds of years ago the farm work of Britain was done with oxen. To keep the oxen from goring one another when they met on the public highway, the ox drivers walked on the right of their oxen and passed one another on the left. This was so that when pairs of oxen met on the highway the two drivers were in between ami could use their strong right hands to protect themselves and their oxen if the emergency should arise. This also enabled the drivers to shake hands with one another and to spend a half-hour talking about the weather or the crops or any other exciting items which might at the moment be in their minds.

Now, because the ox driver was at the right of his team and passed on the left it is imbedded in the soul of every Englishman that for the next ten million years he must sit upon the righthand side of his vehicle and turn to the left, although all the rest of the world has long since left the ‘oxcart era’; but Britain turns to the left and sits on the right because it always did turn to the left and sit on the right. It was always done that way; and because it was always done that way it is the Briton’s definite intention that it shall be done that way in Britain until the end of time.

And when your true Briton gets to heaven, if he finds up there that traffic turns to the right, he will insist on turning to the left or he will not go in. If the traffic turns otherwise than the way in which it always has turned it would not be heaven for a Briton, but it would be, let us say, Hoboken.

Britain has raised the minimum age of motorcyclists from fourteen to sixteen years, and has adopted the American idea of ‘speed cops’, but designates them by the more dignified title of “motor police patrol”. The control of traffic by light signals has also begun. Auto traffic in London streets in a heavy fog is an experience such as most, persons would care to go through but once,                                        -

In Gay Pares

Those who have visited Paris say that the cabs really seem to try to see if they can run down the pedestrians. It is true that a pedestrian is allowed to cross a street, but if he gets knocked down by wheeled traffic when crossing it in a forbidden manner he may be arrested for interfering with traffic. Disks sunk in the pavement show the path within which he must walk. A warning bell rings just before the red shifts from one direction to another.

Paris makes no effort to enforce speed limits for motor vehicles. It has under way a system of synchronized traffic regulation modeled on that of New York. It is expected that this system will be completed within the next four years and that its installation will require about one billion francs.

In some of the narrower streets of Paris parking is permitted on one side only, but the next day parking is permitted on the opposite side. On days bearing an even date the parking is done on one side; on days bearing an uneven date the parking is done on the other side.

Traffic engineers have figured that the loss in time due to traffic congestion represents an annual loss to Paris of 500,000,000 francs, or $20,000,000,                  '

Berlin, Vienna, and Elsewhere

Berlin’s traffic lights frankly follow the American system and shine thirty seconds red, five seconds yellow, and thirty seconds green, without intermission. The motorist has to learn the meaning of thirty-six symbols which indicate one-way streets, two-way streets, streets barred to certain sorts of traffic, streets where parking is allowed, streets closed to all traffic, etc.

There is a fine of 150 marks ($35.00) or two weeks’ imprisonment for infringements of the motor traffic code. Perambulators may be used on the sidewalks if they contain babies, but the moment the baby is out of the carriage the perambulator must be removed to the roadway.

The German regulations define what a road is, and define the length, breadth and weight of vehicles permitted upon it. The traffic code even specifies the way that an umbrella must be carried. It is an offense to carry one in such a way that it may incommode another walker.

The traffic police of Berlin have a little leaflet containing ten commandments for pedestrians, couched in Biblical language. Pedestrians who cross the streets recklessly are prosecuted.

In Vienna pedestrians must cross within the white lines or be immediately fined two schillings (28 cents). Unless the cash is at once forthcoming he must explain his delinquency in court. Fines of the same amount are levied on motorists or taxicab drivers who disregard stop and one-way signs, parking restrictions, and the movements at certain junction points. These rules, characterized as impractical in 1925, were found in 1928 capable of handling an enormous increase in motor traffic, while reducing the accidents to pedestrians from forty to fifty percent.

At the council of the League of Nations there has recently been held a conference on road traffic. An effort will be made to adopt the same shape for certain road signs; and another provision that will be much appreciated by tourists is that ordinary motoring touring traffic will be exempt from taxation for a period not exceeding ninety days in any one country.

Traffic experts claim that Germans obey an automatic light; Englishmen obey the police; Americans awheel can be counted on to respect a stop sign if it is reinforced by police, and afoot they pay no attention to either; the French have finally submitted to lights, bells, marked-off lanes, and the rule of the police.

Whither the Interest System Leads By W. H. Harvey (Arkansas)

UNDER a monstrous and iniquitous financial system the country has been bonded and mortgaged for interest-bearing debts amounting to 150 billion dollars, more than the fair cash value of all assessable property in the United States, drawing an annual interest of nine billion dollars, more than all the money in the nation. That is confiscating by foreclosure the property of the industrious people, and transferring the wealth of the nation to the money lenders who, as a rule, do not make a blade of grass grow.

This frightful condition is creating general bankruptcy, the farmers losing their homes, the business men their business, millions of unemployed, the breaking down of the organism of government with fear and anxiety among all the people, rich and poor, as to what the coming result will be.

The monopolies, trusts and combines are united to enforce this present wicked system, have the two old political parties under their control, and are but waiting for the opportunity that will be created by the rising increase in bankruptcies, bank failures, non-payment of taxes, the breaking down of the organism of government, the crime wave, rioting and confusion that will warrant them in risking the approval of the people in taking the dread step, a dictatorship, despotism, that will be the end of free government, with a bloody civil war in this land.

Free speech, free press, the right of the people to peaceably assemble to discuss a remedy, will be gone under a dictatorship, as it is now in Italy with liberty-loving men imprisoned on the rocky islands in the Mediterranean.

We here quote from history the result of a dictatorship in Rome, the fate that will come to all nations thus ruled:

Cities were sacked, fortresses leveled, churches burned, monasteries of both sexes destroyed, the fields wasted and the country abandoned so that wild beasts supplied the place of men. (Europe in the Middle Ages. by Dunham, Vol. 1, page 229.)

With untold millions suffering, the responsibility is great of those who are fostering, aiding and abetting this crime within the law’.

This monster Evil Porver has drawn to its assistance thousands of people of limited means, who are investing in bonds, small Ioans on mortgages and drawing interest on savings deposits in the banks; and the interest they are getting selfishly blinds them to support the system that will eventually take from them all their 'wealth, unmindful in the meantime of the coming destruction that the Usury system will bring if permitted to continue.

Seeds from the Sunflower

Mexico Deports Spanish Priests

PANISH priests will not be able to make any more money in Mexico. The Mexican government has sent a half-dozen of them back to Spain for violating the constitutional provision prohibiting- foreign priests from officiating in Mexico.

Only 17% of Business Left

ME depression in South America is so great that in the first three months of 1931 there

were shipped to South American ports only 17 percent of the number of American automobiles shipped there in the first three months of 1930.

'Another Variable Star Discovered

NOTHEB variable star, or Cepheid, has been discovered. The new star flames up

brilliantly every one hundred minutes and then its glow slows down to its dimmest phase. It is quicker in its period of light changes than any other Cepheid so far discovered.

The Corn-Hog Hatio

4 FTEB years of experience the farmers have j,. x vzorked out a corn-hog ratio and demonstrated that it takes 546 pounds of corn to make 100 pounds of live pork, or at the rate of 1,092 pounds for a 200-pound hog. This is ten bushels of corn per hundred pounds of hog.

Net Arrivals and Net Departures

YEAR ago the not arrivals in the United States were 12,605 a month; now the net

departures are 3,551. The aliens deported number about 2,500 per month. The cost of deportation is too great for this item to become much of a factor in the unemployment problem.

Nice Bookkeeping, This

MECHANIC of fifteen years’ experience entered the employ of the Bowser Com

pany, of Fort Wayne, at a basic rate of forty-two cents an hour, but he was to get a lot of extra money, a big bonus, if he worked hard enough. At the end of two weeks he got his first pay, and his bonus check for the two weeks came to exactly four cents. This is nice bookkeeping. The efficiency man who figured out that bonus system must have been a high-priced man. Mr. Bowser taught the men’s Bible class in the First Baptist church for many years. When the Baptists are baptized they believe in being all wet,

Against the Law

owabd Brubaker, mean, naughty, sarcastic writer, says, “It is against the law to say anything snooty about a bank. You might start

a run and cause a bank to fail before the directors have had time to borrow all the assets.” It must be awful to have a sarcastic pen like that.

The Sermon on ths Mount

HE Knoxville News-Sentinel contains an illustration of the Sermon on the Mount, It

consists of a vast heap of cannon, shells, battleships, airplanes and gun carriages, and at the top of the pile is a ragged ex-soldier shivering in the cold, selling apples out of a box,

Glad They Snjoy It

MUSICAL magazine finds The Golden Age so interesting that in a recent issue they

had six of our items on the front page, and even credited one of the six to us. Well, we are glad to see everybody happy and The Golden Age growing in popularity.

Twenty Million Idle

HE total of the world’s unemployed doubled during the past year and is now put at

20,000,000, one-half of whom are in the United States and Germany. The countries where unemployment is not increasing by leaps and bounds are Ireland, Denmark, Norway, Estonia, Latvia, and especially Russia,

Buried Two Months Beneath the lee

HEN the rescuers found the scientist Cour-tauld atop the Greenland ice cap he had

been buried alive two months in his igloo beneath the snow and ice. Only the chimney was open. He could not dig his way out, having left his shovel outside at the time the last great storm started,

■One Percent Dig the Ditch

TN SECTION E of the new St. Louis concrete sewer project thirty-three machine operators and thirty-seven laborers are doing the work of seven thousand piek-and-shovel men. In other words, one percent dig the ditch. Where are the ninety and nine ? The answer is that they are in the ditch itself, and all who will may turn and see that this very moment the walls are caving in upon them and upon our civilization,

Wild Horses in Arkansas

OUTHWESTERN Arkansas is being overrun by wild horses, there being herds of several hundred. These horses are as fleet as deer, and so sure-footed that they cannot be overtaken. They are presenting a considerable problem. The climate is such that they find forage the year around.

Distress in Cuba

HE close of the sugar-gihiding season found ten thousand men, women and children in

Cuba suffering for the necessities of life. These are being housed or rather hived in the parks until they can be sent back to Spain, from which they came. It seems as if the whole world were rapidly degenerating into one vast poorhouse.

The Four P’s in the Pod

HE Rev. E. A. Gardner, rector, is reported in the Toronto Evening Telegram as saying that the World War was caused, not by soldiers, but by the four P’s: the parsons who preached warlike doctrines, the professors who instilled war into the minds of the young, the politicians, and the profiteers.

The Auto-Gyro in Michigan

HE auto-gyro airplane owned by the Detroit News, on its way from Detroit to Chicago

made a landing in Kalamazoo. Its forward speed was so slight that upon alighting it rolled only about four feet. Its ascent too was almost vertical. Great crowds witnessed the descent and ascent.                   .

New Building Materials

HE house of the future will be as far ahead of the contraptions of the present as the new

Fords are ahead of the first one that Henry built. New wall surfaces, probably of metal, better fitting windo ws, scientifically conditioned air, standardized kitchen equipment, all these are at hand. A new material is aerated clay. One of the most common of all materials, it is filled with gas bubbles during manufacture and becomes in effect a petrified sponge. It weighs one-fifth as much as brick, can be sawed like wood, and can be glazed so as to be absolutely waterproof. The time when mankind will really live is in the future. But it is & lot of fun to see them getting ready for the blessings that will be their portion after the Devil’s kingdom has disappeared. .

The Pennsylvania’s New Rails

AN ITS famous horseshoe curve up the summit of the Alleghenies the Pennsylvania wall shortly have rails weighing 152 pounds to the yard. Fifty years ago the heaviest rails in use were 60 pounds to the yard. The new7 rails are designed for axle loads of 100,000 pounds at speeds of 100 miles an hour.

Chicago Association’s Courageous Position

HE Chicago Building Construction Employers’ Association has taken the generous and courageous position that it is contrary to the best interests of the construction industry and society at large to either reduce wages or establish excessive hours of employment in these times of surplus labor.

American Radios Broadcast Trash

HE Fort William (Ontario) Trades and Labor Council has adopted resolutions declaring that ninety percent of American radio programs are trash and that the quality is steadily going down. They are getting weary of the mush, and want some decent, high-class programs; and who can blame them?

Sudden Interest in the Weeds

HE government, recently aware that most weeds are merely valuable plants of which man does not know the merits, has just started an extensive study of American weeds, with most surprising results. A list of one thousand such uncultivated plants is about to be published, with information as to their food or other values. Many of these plants are of considerable food value.

Suicides in New York City

TN NEW YORK city, in 1920 the suicides were J- 676; in 1925 they were 935; in 1930 they were 1,402. Dr. Frederick L. Hoffman, in the insurance magazine, The Spectator, says: *'Tt is the shams of our civilization that lie at the root of the evil and are the productive causes of the confusion which at present inevitably drives thousands to suicide as the only way out.” This is merely another way of saying that the Devil’s civilization does not deserve to survive and that what it gets in Armageddon will be just what it richly deserves.

In the Broad Silk Business

TN THE broad silk business at Allentown the mill owners lost their heads and made four cuts in wages in four months. They finally got it down to a place where the weavers could not live, and then they all went out on strike. Let’s see. Just how much silk will be sold when everybody is cut down to a wage where all that is left is enough for a rag and a crust?

Forced Labor in. Kenya

HE present British government has solemnly promised that as soon as possible, it will put a stop to the forcing of labor as in Kenya, where, in 1929, 11,000 men were forced to work 108,000 days without pay. This forced labor was exacted as a tax, but it is not popular with the Labor government and should not be popular with any government.

Gentian Railways Slipping

TN THE year 1930, by dint of cutting salaries and expenses, and dropping 30,000 employees from the payrolls, the German railways managed to earn $110,000,000 of the $157,000,000 reparation charge. Speaking of this The Nation says that “No one in Germany believes that a request for a moratorium can be put off twelve months longer’’.

San Francisco’s Beautiful Buildings

HOSE who knew the old San Francisco and have seen the new one realize that the great earthquake and fire of a generation ago was a blessing in disguise. The modern city was greatly improved in the year 1930 by the addition of seven elegant skyscrapers ranging from ten to twenty-eight stories. San Francisco is a beautiful city.

Power Trust Tax Gatherers Complain

TIE Power Trust complains that it is paying $200,000,000 a year in taxes. As a matter of fact it is paying nothing, not a cent. It is merely a tax gathering system. One of its own men. J. B. Sheridan, of Missouri, made this statement in a letter now on file in Washington:

The privately owned industry should be ashamed of itself to permit a municipally owned plant, operated on the square, to undersell it 4, 6, to 7 cents per kilowatt hour. Don’t say taxes ? Taxes are less than twenty-three one-hundredths of one cent per kilowatt hour in this state.

87 Come into the Cage

DISPATCH from California states that at one time recently eighty-seven of the convicts of San Quentin prison, California, were taken into the Boman Catholic church. The dispatch hastens to add that all these, by birth, education and training, were really Catholics at heart; and all of this may be fully believed without further argument.

Many Families Own Nothing

axe Addams, Chicago settlement worker, tells of numerous families within her ken that live in fine homes. There is a large radio, a piano, fine bric-a-brac, and in the garage a $2,000 car. Yet the title to all the property, even the house and lot, is in the hands of installment sellers, and the man has no job and there is no food in the kitchen. The family owns absolutely nothing.

The Little Island of Porto Rico

TIE little island of Porto Rico has a population exceeding the combined populations of

Vermont, Wyoming, New Mexico, Arizona, and Nevada, though these states have a combined area 132 times as great. Porto Rico shows the astonishing density of 449.5 inhabitants to the square mile. The Porto Ricans live on the edge of starvation, most of the annual production of wealth on the island going to the support of idle landlords living in foreign lands.

Platinum May Do the Trick

PROFESSOR at McGill University, Montreal, has proposed that the rest of the world adopt a new currency based upon platinum, on account of the fact that the ‘world’s available gold supply has been so effectively cornered by the United States. Should this be done, gold would be demonetized and lose much of its value. It is just possible that in some such way as this the scripture may be fulfilled which foretells that gold and silver will be thrown in the streets, If discarded for currency purposes both gold and silver would fall greatly in value. A difficulty in the way of having a platinum base for the world’s currency would, be the lack of education of the unlettered millions of Asia. All of these now think of wealth in terms of gold and silver, and it would be hard to get them to change their views.

Unnecessary to Build to the Limit

REFERRING to the recent eForts of our war experts to increase naval armaments, and the anticipated treasury deficit of over $900,000,000, Chairman Woods of the House Appropriations Committee, makes the naive suggestion that it -vill not be necessary to build up to the limits of the London naval treaty. If this is not rich, won’t somebody suggest something that is ?

Senator Couzens Wants to Know

Senator Couzens, referring to the proposition of Julius Barnes, of the National Chamber of Commerce, that the total wages now paid to those working should be distributed so as to care for those not working, wants to know why all the burden of caring for the jobless should be put upon the workers and why and how a reduction in wages at this time will increase the purchasing power which is so badly needed. His questions remain unanswered.

B. and O. Will Cool Their Trains            '

THE B. and O. are doing something new. They will cool their trains in the heated months, controlling the humidity, purifying the air, and cleaning it of all particles of dust, cinders and smoke. The plan was tried out last year on one of the dining cars and was found to work perfectly both while the train was running and when it was standing still. If this system goes into general operation it ought to repopularize railway travel greatly.

Hard Times Increase Suicides

TT ARD times made an increase of 22 percent

L in the number of suicides in New York state in 1930. Of the total number of 2,345 who took their lives, 48 were under twenty years of age, one of them a boy of nine. Fifty persons of professional pursuits were in the list. The men outnumbered the women three to one, which shows again that women are more plucky than the timid sex. The annual loss of life by suicide in the United. States is now nearly 20,000. Little Rock, Arkansas, set the most terrible example during 1930. The immediate cause is seen in the drought which swept over that state last summer, destroying the hope in many breasts and convincing them that, under present conditions, life is not worth living. But they should have hung on.

Growth of Population Slowing Up         ~

Dr. O. E. Baker, of the United States department of agriculture, asserts that in not a single city of over 50,000 in the United States are there enough children under one year of age, nor even under five years of age, per 1,000 women fifteen to forty-five years of age, to maintain a stationary population. At present rate of decrease in growth he thinks American population would be stationary at 170,000,000 by the year 1960.

Three Points Against Testing Cattle

Governor Bryan, of Nebraska, has ranged himself on the side of those farmers who are protesting against the bovine tuberculosis tests. He says that it cannot be shown that a human creature can be inoculated by a tuberculosis germ from cattle; that the testing in Nebraska cannot be classed as a health measure, because 92 percent of the condemned cattle are afterwards sold as food; and that many of the condemned cattle are found to be free from disease.                        .

Kellogg Peace Pact Diplomas in May rpiIE Kellogg Peace Pact having now been to -®- school for some time, unexpectedly graduated in the month of May, 1931. On the 13th of that month General MacArthur, chief of staff, revealed that in the next war there will be no conscientious objectors and no conscription of wealth,, but there will be an immediate mobilization of 4,000,000 men and the immediate seizure of all federal, state, county and municipal buildings, to house and shelter troops. Sherman was right.

Spanish Jews Invited Back

HpiIE Spanish Jews driven from Spain in 1492 have been notified by the new Spanish government that they may now with safety return to their home land, if they so desire, as religious liberty will be granted to all. The government has officially stated that in the recent disturbances, in which many convents and bishops’ palaces were burned, no monks or nuns were personally injured. Non-Catholics in Spain may now have their children exempted from Catholic religious instruction, if they so desire. It is said that the fires which burned church properties in Madrid were set by children of ages ten to fourteen.

In ike Matter of Buying Honey

To Put Priests on Diet

THE Government recently made a study of TN HIS recent encyclical Mr. Ratti quotes the how honey is sold in 411 stores in New York ■*- smutr™ fhnt s-p 53 m *3 Tin 11           ■sociil'ln n Yi

city. They found it cost six times as much when packed in glass jars as it did when sold in five-pound tins, that two-ounce and five-ounce glass jars were sold at the same price, and that in some stores fourteen-ounce glass containers sold for more than sixteen-ounce containers in the same store. Barnum was right. The American people love to be humbugged.

All Not Well in Rome

IT IS naughty of Mussolini’s officers to slap the pope’s truck driver and to black the eyes of Catholic students and to tear out of their buttonholes the buttons of the Catholic College Men’s Association, and to shout “Down with the pope!” and “Death to the pope!” But, if in Mr. Ratti’s place, Ave would be mighty careful not to say too much about these petty lacks of courtesy, lest worse things happen. Mr. Ratti is in a very little city, with some very naughty men just outside his walls. If he says too much he might be sorry.

Dry and Wet Churches

EVERYBODY knows that the Methodist, Presbyterian and Disciple churches are what might be termed “dry’ churches. Last year these lost, respectively, 51,000,22,000 and 18,000 members. On the other hand, it is generally conceded that as churches the Lutheran, Episcopal and Roman Catholic are all wet, and the wet ones gained, respectively, 56,000, 16,000 and 18,000 members. Looks at this writing as if the “saints” on earth, or some of them, were seeking the consolations of the flowing bowl along with the consolations of religion.

The Billion-Dollar Deficit

rpiTE cost of having six or seven hundred war planes flying around over the country for several days is put at something over three million dollars. Meantime we have seven million men out of work and many intelligent people wonder how they are to be fed. Maybe it is the intention of the government to feed them from the deficit of around a billion dollars, but maybe again this show of force is just intended to show the unemployed that the government is strong enough to put on a three-million-dollar show regardless of whether they are hungry or not.

— scripture that ‘if a man will not work, neither shall he eat’. We interpret this to mean that he thinks that he and all the rest of the clergy should go on a diet, a prolonged one. We do not know how they will like this, for some of them have been pretty good eaters (and drinkers, too) in the past, but we do feel sure that if the fast is undertaken and continued long enough it will be of genuine benefit also to all the rest of the world.

Preachers Flog a Drinking Man

HpWO preachers in western Arkansas have been arrested for flogging a drinking man. The sheriff who arrested the preachers says they did right and that if they are fined he will personally collect the money to pay their fines. Can’t help but wonder if either of these preachers or the sheriff has ever heard that there is such a thing as the law, and what they would do with it if they should suddenly come face to face with it. Or doesn’t the law matter in America, any more ?

Urges Britain to Leave the League

TTRUING Britain to leave the League of Nations, the London Daily Express says, in part:

The League of Nations was America’s idea. (?) To please America, we agreed to it. When America refused to join we should have withdrawn. Geneva is a menace to the continuation of the British Empire. Under the screen of good intentions and useful routine work it has the power to order Great Britain to send a punitive force against any country or group of countries; against America ; even against Australia or Canada.

2,000 Children. Hurt

TWO THOUSAND children under eighteen years of age are hurt every year in NewT

York factories. Seems as if it would be better to let these young folks stay in school and let their fathers into the factories rather than keep them out in the bread lines, but we don’t like to say anything that would reflect upon the wisdom of the great men that are running things. It might be, however, that the old folks would be a little more careful around the machinery and not so many of them would get injured.

Jesse James Born Too Soon

S EFERRING to the arrangement by which the Missouri Power and Light Company unloaded on the public for $366,000 the Jefferson City River Bridge, which is admittedly worth but $175,000, one of our subscribers writes in and sententiously remarks that “Jesse James was born too soon”. So it seems. Jesse meant all right, but what a power he would have been on the board of directors of one of these public service corporations. By the very crude way in which he went at things he got only a sackful of money after running the risk of being shot full of holes. By the new method he could have been a great financier, and mayhap have even landed in Congress or the "White House.

Pops Espouses Cause of Workingmen

IN A RADIO speech of many, many thousands of words the pope has said to all the world that he espouses the cause of workingmen. This is good news to everybody, as it means, if it means anything at all, that hereafter the church of which he, and not Christ, is the head will positively refuse to accept any more money from scrubwomen, ditch diggers, and others of the poor and lowly, to get their relatives out of the ‘fires of purgatory’. We have wondered all along why Mr. R-atti and his friends did not come out against this most monumental of all humbugs, and it seems good now to see him started in the right direction. More power to you, Ratti, old boy 1 '

Kelly Creek Company Stores

rpiIE Kelly Creek Coal Company of West Vir--*■ ginia recently discharged certain miners for trading at other than company stores. An investigator wondered why there was such eagerness for the miner’s trade, and found out. Twenty-five items of general use, lard, coffee, butter, bacon, steak, pork chops, sugar, corn meal, flour, beans, lettuce, salt, peaches, prunes, apricots, eggs, potatoes, bread, milk, salmon and tomatoes were priced in other stores and the bill came to $5.13 for a given quantity and quality. The same items in the company store were priced at $7.17, and, if you are good at figures, that shows you that the company store prices represent a 40-percent advance over the prices elsewhere; and that is why the trade of the miners was so much desired.

A Clever Cartoonist

A CLEVER cartoonist in the Montreal Daily Star represents the British unemploymentinsurance system (miscalled the “dole”) as being the mother of a vast horde of dragons labeled respectively slothful habits, laziness, idleness, unwillingness to work, humbug, indolence, etc. The Star cartoonist would have Britain’s unemployed starve quietly, peaceably and inexpensively, the way they are doing in the United States, the meanwhile their work is done by robots.

Our Civilization Crumbling to Ruin

Otto Heller, dean of the graduate school of Washington University, in a recent letter to the St. Louis Post Dispatch, made the following statement:

Accustomed as we are to measure progress by outward show and to achieve our valuations by means of quantitative, not qualitative, analysis, we accept our fair-weather prosperity as a final evidence of all’s-wellness until sooner or later we are shocked out of our heart ’s ease by the rumblings of thunder. To sensitive ears the premonitions are audible at this very moment, and the critics are loudly wondering whether our protections are weatherproof. The state, the school, the home, the law, business, labor, pleasure—all are under scrutiny as to their public safety. There is much to say on these subjects, and I very much fear that I shall not long be able to repress my own jeremiad.

Forgot to See the Doctor

Samuel Friedma’S', former Chicago merchant, conceived the idea that the public would be more likely to read his advertisements if he published them upside down. This he had every right to do, but he forgot to go and see his doctor about it and get his permission. As soon as his advertising appeared, a raft of detectives, doctors, alienists and other wise and able custodians of the liberties of the people descended upon him, and after the usual amenities he was given sixty-five days in various insane asylums, when he was declared sane. Meantime his business and credit were ruined, and now he is mad about it and has brought suits totaling $500,000 against some seventeen physicians, psychopathic hospital officials and attaches, policemen, and, in short, all who had anything to do with “wrongfully, maliciously and forcibly” depriving him of his liberty during the period of his incarceration. We don’t think Samuel will get any redress, but we don’t blame him for being mad.

No Hope for Civilians in Next War

POINTING out that there would be no hope for the civilians in another world war, the

International Red Cross says:

It must be admitted that the protection of civilians against gas warfare encounters great difficulties. Let us suppose that we wished to provide the population of all countries with masks, this would represent a considerable expense, and, I am obliged to say, an expense which at any given moment may be rendered useless. , , . As for the construction of the shelters necessary for entire civilian populations, we know, very well that it would be a tremendous undertaking

But let us suppose that we do both of these things, provide masks and provide shelters, we must realize that the civilian population will not be completely protected. In the last war our soldiers were as well protected as possible against gas, and yet there were losses. Even if we employ all possible methods for protecting the civilian population, there will be losses, But let us consider a second point which it is very important to emphasize. ... If belligerents believed it to their interest to cany their warfare behind the lines of battle the civilian population would undoubtedly be attacked, not only with gas, but with explosive and incendiary bombs. The committee of experts made studies to find out the actual power of explosive and incendiary bombs. They discovered that these weapons are capable of producing such destruction that if explosive bombs fell on a congested community nothing would remain. The seriousness of an attack becomes a question of quantity. If at a given point everything can be destroyed by an explosive bomb, if there were a sufficient number of these weapons what ravages might not be perpetrated ? And if you wish to protect the population of a large community against such a menace, what are you going to do? You will have to construct bombproof shelters, that is to say, actual fortifications, for an entire civilian community. This is almost impossible. The committee of experts attempted to estimate the expense. If Europe wishes to transform itself into a fortress the entire activities of the people would have to be devoted to this purpose for ten years. It is easy to see that in the case of a large community there would be practically no means of protection except evacuation, and it is easy to see that any evacuation of an entire population has its difficulties. How can they be moved? How can they be sheltered? How can they be nourished?

Under an attack by gas and chemicals the losses would be great, but under the combined attack of poison gas, explosives and incendiary bombs, the losses would become terrible. It is not necessary to have much imagination to see beneath the words “terrible losses”, the suffering and sorrow and misery that there would be, since women and children would be involved.

At first we thought that international law would prevent such attacks as this on civilian populations, but consultation with jurists shows that protection of civilians through legal prohibitions is very doubtful and that in time of war the few little documents we have in our hands would be likely to have small effect.

In the face of these facts it is impossible for the international committee of the Red Cross not to be profoundly concerned.

Electric Rates in Wisconsin By R. D. Gorman

FROM time to time I have read articles in your paper regarding high rates paid to the utilities for “juice”. I am enclosing my last light hill. Just cast your eyes on the back of this bill and see what we sinners are paying the Willow River Power Company, of Hudson, Wis., for lights, and poor lights at that. We have protested ; but what is the use ? They have seen to it that laws were passed in the legislature favoring them on every hand. They have unlimited franchise in any village they serve and, from the rates shown on the bill I have enclosed, may charge almost anything and get by with it.

Just think of it: 15c a kilowatt hour for the first 40 kilowatts, 13c a kilowatt hour for the next sixty kilowatts, and for all over 100 kilowatts we pay He a kilowatt! These prices are net. Can you wonder that we long for the setting up of Christ’s kingdom”?

[We examined the rate sheet and notice that for the first 40 kwh. consumed the Willow’ River Power Company charges 15c net a kwh., or 16c net if payment of bill is deferred until after the 15th of the month. We assume that this plant is well managed; if so, it should cost not over 3/10c a kwh. for the current at the switchboard. Mr. Gorman is paying only about 50 to 54 times that amount. What is he kicking about? Isn’t it worth something to live in a land where the newspapers and legislators approve of this kind of thing? Think what a wonderful chance Mr. Gorman has to go and do the same kind of thing to somebody else. That is the theory. But we somehow’ believe that if Mr. Gorman did it he would be man enough to wear a mask and tote a cannon and not pretend to be a respectable member of society. The newspapers and legislators that think the people do not mind this kind of thing will wake up some day and find they have been sadly mistaken,—Editor.]

Human Vivisection Only Two Jumps Away By Lora C. W. Little [Reprint from Medical Liberty Avalanche]

0 LISTENERS kind, pray hear me to the end;

I am not going to recite poetry to you, but bring you some new news, a scoop, in fact. It is sensational, of nation-wide importance, but it is barred from the big city dailies. Reporters often write it up cautiously, but it gets an editor’s blue-pencil.

Yesterday private word came to me that a lot of little children had been tuberculin tested in schools, both public and parochial, in certain towns of Livingston county, Illinois.

Tuberculin tested, like so many cows I But the farmers are fighting with all their might to protect their cows. Who is fighting in Livingston county to protect the children? Nobody, because it is just sprung there by the county nurse and is “optional”, she sweetly explains. It is a matter of salesmanship in which the nurse has been selling the test to teachers and children. Some children submitted “to please Teacher”. Perhaps some parents were consulted. If not in every case, then there was compulsion in the legal sense and the testing is actionable.

But cow testing was optional when it began, and look at it now. That is the way all those things are introduced of late years. The plan works because the state lawmakers are shown after a while that the practice is already customary, so why not treat all children alike and wipe out tuberculosis entirely? and so forth and so on. Super-salesmanship wins unless the peo-pie are alert. What else can you expect when the legislature hears only one side, “Resist beginnings is the wisest warning here. Once a. thing is established by law and a lot of people are living off the new jobs created to put it in practice, and you are going to have the fight of your- life and spend a pile of money before you get it repealed, and perhaps make a fight for years, and all the while the children are sacrificed to the crazy law.

At a small city in Australia 12 children ordered inoculated by the mayor and council died so close together they were buried on the same day. The mayor acted as pallbearer. One of the aldermen went to the grave as a mourner for his own child.

In Medellin, Colombia, the other day, 16 out of 46 children given toxin-antitoxin died, and the remaining 30 were not expected to live.

Further back, in Dallas, Texas, 10 children were killed, and damages were paid the parents -in 70 cases.

A noted English engineer and one-time member of Parliament found that vaccination caused 14,000 deaths a year at a time when it was well enforced in that country. Using his method of calculation, which is simple and more than fair to vaccination, of the 150,000 children vaccinated every year in Pennsylvania those killed by vaccination number 2,450.

The Clergy and the

TjpROM a little booklet multigraphed at the -8-* United States army recruiting station at Wilkes-Barre, Pa., we learn that in northeastern Pennsylvania there are six Catholic priests, five Greek Catholic priests, five Baptist ministers, three Lutheran, three Methodist, two Episcopal, two Presbyterian, and one each of Reformed,

United States Army

Pentecostal and Primitive Methodist who recommend life in the United States army to their flocks. The booklet indicates that these and many other clergymen whose affiliations could not be determined approve military service for Christians, and this must necessarily include such service as much in time of war as in time of peace.

Denied Citizenship

T)Y A five-to-four decision, in which Dr. Mac-1-J> intosh, Dwight professor of theology in the Yale Divinity School, and Miss Bland, who was a nurse with the American army in France, were held ineligible for citizenship in the United filiates, it is officially decided that “We are a Christian people”, for that is a part of the decision itself, but it is also perfectly certain that now Jesus Christ himself would be sent back to where He came from if He tried to enter these United States as a citizen. Meantime there is not the slightest occasion for concern. If He were outside He would certainly have no reason for wanting to get into a place where they have such queer ideas of what it is that makes a Christian a Christian. Anyway, that is our personal five-to-four opinion.

The Prize Winner By

[Broadcast from Station WCIII,

”W/TY ATTENTION has been called to another XO. despicable example of vile, allopathic medical serumization propaganda sent out by the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company. I am told that the circular has been distributed widely in Griffin, Ga.                 .

The circular is entitled “The Prize Winner”. The front page pictures a mother pointing to the sign of possibly a doctor’s office; the sign reads, “To Toxin-An tit oxin Treatment.” Two women are herding three children towards the path that leads to the house. This circular is gotten out in the form of a puzzle. I will read a few lines to you. It says:

“One day at school” (and instead of spelling the word, it gives a picture of the schoolhouse)

“the teacher” (and teacher is spelled with a miniature tea chest, with “TEA” on it, and “eher” after the tea chest—teacher)

“One day at school the teacher said, T will give a bright new’ (and a picture of a doll with “AR” after it—dollar)

“to the boy” (picture of a boy) “or girl” (“or” is spelled with a picture of an oar from a canoe), “to the boy or girl” (girl has a picture of a girl), “who keeps the best health record for the rest of the school (picture of a school) year” (and year is spelled with a “Y” and the picture of a human ear behind it).

Well, this runs on all through the circular, and it relates how the doctor came in and told the children that there was diphtheria in the town, and that they should all take toxin-antitoxin treatment, so they would escape this painful disease. The doctor gave them consents to have their parents sign. You will understand by this that while this treatment is so perfectly harmless, the doctors have killed so many children with it that they want the parents to consent to relieve them of all responsibility if the child dies.

Well, Mabel had her arm scratched and injected, but one day Billy got awful pains in his throat and the doctor said he had diphtheria and must go to bed. Of course the doctor advised toxin-antitoxin, to cure Billy, and his mother gladly consented, if that would get him well. In the meantime, Mabel never had any diphtheria.

The back of the circular reads as follows:

“To Bovs and Girls—

“No boy or girl need have diphtheria. There is a simple and sure way to prevent it, with

Dr. P. L. Clark

Chicago, Illinois]

toxin-antitoxin, or toxoid. If you have not been protected, ask your mother or father to take you to your family doctor or to a clinic for the three simple treatments. Then go back to your doctor six months later and ask him to give you the Schick test to make absolutely certain that you are protected. Have you any little brothers or sisters! They need this protection against diphtheria even more than you do. Doctors tell us that the little children from six months old to five years old are the most likely to catch this dreadful disease and to die of it. Ask your parents if the baby has had toxin-antitoxin.”

From the tremendous business organization it has established and maintained, it would seem to follow that there was a very high degree of business brains at the head of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company; however, that does not always follow, because when you get a perfectly tremendous accumulation of wealth, it sweeps things before it, just like the locusts used to clean up the corn fields of Kansas, and it does not seem to require a great deal of brains. Anyway the fundamentals of health should be studied and understood by the laymen in the organization of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, and not by the dogmatic, ignorant members of its medical staff.

The heads of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company need not fear to study the statistics regarding toxin-antitoxin, because if they took up the matter earnestly, they would soon abandon toxin-antitoxin, and certainly they would abandon vaccination over night, when they understood the true situation as to the transmission of smallpox through the bedbug; and thereby their profits would be enormously increased, because of lessened sickness and death among their policy holders.

It would not be long until their profits would be so tremendously increased that they would have to change their figures, unless, like most of the other big organizations, they want to take it all, instead of dividing up a portion of the profits with the masses of the people.

I notice in this circular that it says, “There is a simple and sure way to prevent it, with toxin-antitoxin or toxoid.” Please notice that in this case they have left out what is generally used in this description of antitoxin, and has just been used recently in a newspaper article by


Royal “Serum” Copeland, called the “World’s greatest health authority” by the Hearst papers, who publish his stuff, but he called it “a simple, perfectly safe and sure way to prevent diphtheria”.                                 ‘

It must seem, then, that so many deaths’ having been produced by toxin-antitoxin, has gotten under the hide of somebody connected with the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, so they call it now, “a simple and sure way,” but leave off the ‘safety’ part of the sentence. Well, I am glad I will not have to call them liars on that score, because if they said it was safe I should tell them that they lie.

I will say that anybody lies when he says it is simple, because it is not a simple thing to put three hypodermic injections of even normal salt water into any human creature, and it certainly is a perfectly frightful thing to put a potentially poisonous, nitrogenous, horse serum, the efficacy of which is determined by the time it ta.kes to kill guinea pigs, directly into the blood of any human creature.

The writer of this leaflet for the Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. is wide of the mark, if he knows anything about it, when he says “it is a sure way to prevent diphtheria”, and the laymen at the head of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. ought to be ashamed of themselves for putting out such incorrect disease-producing propaganda.

Any real searcher after truth need but look through the current medical journals, to find plenty of instances where children inoculated against diphtheria have had it, and it is a matter of record over in Cook County Hospital, that fourteen nurses, some of them having received as many as three immunizing doses, came down with diphtheria. It is also a matter of record that of two groups, one group immunized with toxin-antitoxin, and the other non-immunized, there were more cases of diphtheria developing in the group that was immunized with toxin-antitoxin than in the group that had not been immunized.

Notice another v/ording they use when they say “toxin-antitoxin, or toxoid”. Toxin-antitoxin has been proven to have caused so many deaths that now they are gradually going to change the name to toxoid so that the fathers and mothers in the daily grind of life, scratching to make both ends meet and buy the baby a shirt, have no time to catch up with the march of events and will think now that toxoid is all right, just so it is not the death-dealing toxin-antitoxin. But toxoid is the same old, virulently rotten, nitrogenous poison, taken from the blood of a diseased horse, that they are trying to force upon you by all manner of advertising, such as the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company does,

You Metropolitan Life Insurance Company policy holders, just understand this: That money that you should receive back in dividends is spent by the thousands of dollars every year to advertise this rotten, allopathic medical propaganda, and in the interests of the profits of the serum trust.

I can account for the medical surveillance of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company only by believing that perhaps the Metropolitan Life, having so many million dollars to invest, have been inveigled into investing in some of the big serum companies, so that, for profit, they .are not even going to investigate the harm you are having done to you, the deaths that may be hovering over your little families, because the truth might spoil some of their profits. I wonder if that is not the ease?

Some time ago the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company published a little leaflet advocating whole wheat bread, and it was just as good a leaflet in the advocacy of whole wheat bread as this leaflet advocating toxin-antitoxin or now “toxoid”. Why was that leaflet, so valuable to the health of their policy holders, suppressed, and no more of them printed, when they should have them distributed in the home of every policy holder in the Metropolitan Life Insurance Co.? Why? I ask. Have they investments in the white flour industry? Or is it that the big boys propose to hang together that they may not hang separately? ■

From Radio listeners

Hobart, Okla. “I always tune in on your lectures ■ every Sunday morning and always enjoy them.

I would, be very thankful if you 'would send me the free pamphlet mentioned last Sunday.”

Houston, Tex. “My mother, who is 83 years young, listens to your broadcast every Sunday here in Houston, over KPRC, and is very much interested. She wants to know about the offer on the book Deliverance."

Further Information About Smallpox Carriers

Dk Campbell, of San Antonio, having demonstrated that smallpox is carried by the bite of bedbugs and not otherwise, anything he has to say on the subject of these smallpox carriers is of interest to everybody except physicians. Dr. Campbell is reported as saying:

One of the characteristics of the bedbug is its cannibalistic nature. It has seven horny bands, which constitute its abdominal cavity, and when it is not engorged these bands lie close together. When, however, it has fed and is thoroughly engorged, it presents a thin membrane connecting these bands, something- on the order of an inflated bellows. It is this thin membrane that is pierced by their young and also by the stronger bugs. Doubtless this characteristic more than anything else has served it so admirably in retaining its existence and activity in association with its unwilling host.

One of the most remarkable things in connection with this insect is its power of resistance to cold. In connection with other investigations I made, in which I believed this parasite was destined to play an important part, it became necessary, in my opinion, to determine if these insects could resist a very low degree of temperature, and for a long time, without injury. I therefore procured a hermetically-sealed glass fruit jar holding a quart. I then cut round pieces out of a woolen blanket to fit closely the inner diameter’ of the jar, and placed a number of these pieces in the the jar, together with some three dozen bedbugs, alternating the discs of blanket and the bugs. After sealing the jar so as to exclude water I suspended it in one of the brine tanks used for making ice at one of our ice factories; and in a short time the jar was tightly frozen in a 200-pound cake of ice. This cake was allowed to remain in the brine tank, where the temperature is only 14 degrees above zero, and the cake stayed as when first frozen for a period of 244 hours. At the expiration of that time, after melting the ice and removing and opening the jar, the insects were found to be in as good condition as when originally placed therein.

The cunning- of these insects is most remarkable, and it appears that they have, to a certain extent, the power of reasoning. An example of this kind was given me by Mr. N. P. Wright, of San Antonio, a very reliable citizen and close observer. He is ready to make affidavit to the story, which runs as follows: ‘At one time he had all the furniture in his house packed up except a cot left in one room, upon which to sleep, as all of his family were absent on a visit. The cot was placed about one foot from the wall of the room. While lying’ on the cot lie happened to observe a bedbug slowly crawling up on.the wall; and out of curiosity he watched its movements, and was much surprised to see that when the insect was about four or five feet from the floor, this being about two feet higher than the cot, it apparently sprang from the side of the wall and fell upon the cot. He killed this bug, and thinking that it was merely a coincidence that it should have so accurately alighted upon the cot, he moved the latter another foot away from the side of the wall and resumed his position upon it. After a while he observed Another bug crawling up the wall, having come from the baseboard. He watched it carefully and noticed that this bug did the same as the other, only that it went up the wall about two feet higher than the first one, and then, with the same kind of jump as the former bug made, leaped from the wall and fell upon the cot. Mr. Wright continued this experiment, moving his cot gradually away from the wall each time until it was in the middle of the room, or about ten feet from the wall. On this last occasion one of the bugs crawled up the wall until it got nearly to the ceiling, then gave a jump, floating out like a flying squirrel or aeroplane, and landed upon the cot precisely as did the first bug.’ This would seem to indicate that bedbugs possess almost human intelligence.

The power of migration of bedbugs is wonderful. I have made experiments at the old City. Hospital (replaced now by the R. B. Green Memorial Hospital) and have positively demonstrated that they will travel the full length of a large ward, and go from bed to bed when these are occupied. I demonstrated this by catching a few bugs and making a tiny mark on each of their backs with adhesive mixture of balsam fir and flake white, thus marking them distinctly. I then placed them in an unoccupied cot at one end of the ward in the evening, and the next morning discovered them in an occupied cot at the other end of the ward.

Nothing gives the sleeping car companies more concern than this noxious insect. Here in San Antonio, when a car is being supplied with clean linen, and the used linen is found to be blood-stained, the telltale “buggy” odor leads to an immediate war against bedbugs, and the car is marked for another crusade in seven days, the officials knowing that another crop of bugs can be depended upon within that time.

Churches, particularly those of the colored folks, schools, secondhand goods, and the family laundry when it is given out and into the hands of an untidy washerwoman, are the principal avenues of dissemination. A. civil engineer in the employ of a railway company was sent to straighten out a large elbow in the railroad, and there being in the vicinity of his work an abandoned section house, he used it as a camping place. One night he awakened with a burning sensation all over his body; and upon striking a match he found that his pallet was alive with bedbugs. The weather being very warm, he had placed it in the middle of the room, between the front and back doors. He picked up his pallet, consisting of quilts and blankets, and gave them a thorough beating upon the front gallery. He then replaced it in the same location, but resorted to the larder for protection in the form of a gallon of thick molasses. He made a circle with this around his pallet and went to bed again, with the knowledge, as he though* that he had defeated the bedbugs. In two or three hours, however, he was awakened by the same burning sensation as before, and upon examination with a light found the bugs dropping right down from the ceiling upon his bedding.

The present or past occupancy by this loathsome

insect is easily detected by the stain which its fecal matter leaves on the bed slats, which stain doos not appear as a round speck, like that of a fly, but runs along the softer fibers of the wood, in obedience to ..........

the chemical affinity between the iron in the fecal matter and the tannic and gallic acids of the lumber.

The study of the bacteria flora of the bedbug is both varied and interesting, and, I believe, is destined to open up unknown avenues for study of bacteria in blood, as the work I have done in this direction warrants the opinion that the bedbug will furnish a large field for very interesting and profitable research.

A Badly Tangled Radio Set

THE Llano Colonist asks us to believe that a man by the name of Ed. Hollis got a radio set and tuned, it in on three stations broadcasting on the same wave length. It seems that the three lectures were respectively on the Bible, the condition of the roads, and how to raise poultry; and the net result rvas as follow’s. The Llano Colonist is an excellent paper, and we hesitate to believe they are deceiving us about this:

The Old Testament tells us that baby chicks should detour one mile south of Salina and listen to the words of the prophet. Be careful in the selection of your eggs and you will find hard surfaced roads on to Garden City. We find in Genesis that the roads are muddy just vrest of the henhouse and clean straw is essential if you would save your soul. After passing through Leavenworth, turn north to Jericho. Three wise men bought a large-sized incubator on account of a bad detour. The baby chicks are troubled with the pip and a bond issue is being talked of in the Holy City. Keep the feet dry and clean, live a life of righteousness and turn one mile west of the schoolhouse, as much care is exercised in commanding the sun to stand still as there is a bad washout just south of Paola and the road to salvation is under repair, making it necessary for 70 degrees in the brooder house at all times. After you leave Winfield, unless you do these things the wrath of the Lord will cause the pinfeathers to fall out and detour one mile south. Many are called back but few have any luck unless the road between Topeka and Lawrence is mixed with the feed. Out of 500 eggs one should get good roads from Coffeyville to Tulsa and He commanded Noah to build the ark just one mile west of Wichita. It rained just forty days and forty nights and caused an eight-mile detour. Just west of the brooder house many tourists from the house of David are trying the Plymouth Rocks mixed with concrete and a desire to do right. Amen.

Could Blasphemy Go Further?

SUPPOSE some foolish, misguided person should wish to blaspheme the name of the great Jehovah God, Maker of heaven and earth. 'Would it be possible for him to conjure up anything more terrible than the following, -which is quoted from the New York Herald-Tribune of June 1, 1931, as part of a “sermon” preached by the Rev. Henry F. Hammer, at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, New York city, on the occasion of the ordination of twenty-five young- men into the priesthood of the Roman Catholic church?

“All of Christian art and culture, is derived from the life of the priest. The most remarkable thing about the dignity and power of the priest is that he orders God, in his capacity as a man of the Lord, and God obeys him. If God Himself were to wander among us in a church He could do no more than the priest does in giving absolution to the penitent or in performing any of the acts of the mass.”

Om the Firing Line in Massachusetts

IT WAS on December 31 of last year that I entered the pioneer colporteur service, after having been in the truth for exactly twenty years. For a long while I had been earnestly praying to the Lord that the way might be opened for me to spend all my time in His service, but with a wife and two minor children to support and two mortgages on my house hanging* over my head, I felt that I should at least move cautiously in the matter. However, the Lord was overruling in all my affairs so as to answer my petition. One job after another petered out, and I found it absolutely impossible to secure any further employment with the Devil’s organization. I concluded that this was a manifestation of the Lord’s providence, and therefore joined the colporteur ranks as stated above.

Since I have engaged in this work the experiences I have had of one sort or another would fill volumes, and so I will confine myself briefly to recent experiences.

From, about the first of February to the first of May I had as tough sledding as probably ever fell to the lot of any colporteur. Placements gradually fell off, expenses at home piled up, and the Devil was all the time whispering in my ear that I was making an awful mistake by trying to support my family on such a meager income. My courage was gradually weakening, yet I earnestly prayed that the Lord would keep me in His service, and so I stuck it out. About the last week in April I received a letter from a fellow colporteur, located “somewhere in Pennsylvania”, which gave me such an impetus that I determined by God’s grace to allow nothing to deter me from carrying out my commission. I might further state that this comrade in arms will never know how much good he has accomplished until he gets beyond the veil.

At about that time I received a telephone call from the Boston Chamber of Commerce, offering me a position as membership solicitor for them on a commission basis. I followed the only course any Christian can follow under such circumstances and took the matter to the Lord, seeking divine guidance, ’While this matter was hanging fire, another mysterious telephone call came to my home from a large employment agency in Boston that I had formerly done business with, and another job was offered me. It was then that I conferred with one of the elder brethren in Boston whom I have learned to love

By Wm. B. Fowler

and trust as wholly devoted to the Lord. We both knelt down in prayer before the Lord, leaving the. matter wholly in His hands and asking Him, if He willed that I should get either of these jobs, to open the wray for me to do so; if not, to close every door. Every door was closed, I heard nothing further and could not mistake the plain answer to my prayers. With confident assurance that I was now engaged in the right work and just where the Lord wanted me to be, I went forth with a renewed zeal and determination to stay right on the firing line until the last gun is fired, and immediately started in to canvass in the financial district of Boston.

It was on a Monday morning. Before the day was over I had left three full sets of books with vice-presidents of some of the largest banks of Boston. The next day I placed four sets of books and many booklets in the hands of officials of other banking institutions and brokerage houses. During the week 168 bound books 'were placed by the Lord through me in the hands of some of the biggest business men in Boston, The following week over 180 bound books were placed in the hands of business men in the same locality.

It was during this week (the second in May) that I had one of the most interesting experiences. In calling on an old gentleman, partner of a coal concern, who I believe loves the Lord, I was able to place in his hands five full sets of the bound books, one set for himself, three for* acquaintances, and an extra one which he instructed me to give to a young lady in the same building whom I had inadvertently mentioned to him as being interested in the message but not in position to obtain the books for herself. The funny part of this experience was that the old gentleman thought I had stated the price of the books to be $50 a set. Just where he got the idea. I don’t know, but when I told him that they were only $2.90 for the entire lot, he was positively dumfounded and immediately placed his large order. Many of the men who bought these books have been extremely surprised at the low price and have asked the question, “What is the catch, in this ?” thinking, of course, that we would be around later for another payment to be made.

As I look back over the past five months and see how marvelously Jehovah through His angels in Zion has directed my footsteps I am lost in wonder, love, and praise. It is my prayer that by Jehovah’s grace I may be allowed to remain in His service no matter what the cost to myself.

The Radio Witness Work

St., Louis, Mo. “I am a Baptist preacher. I have always had it in my mind that there is no chance whatever after death, but since listening to Judge Rutherford on the radio I have determined to read more; so I desire to have your literature. Please send me your price list.”

Augusta, Ill. “I am greatly interested in your sermons as broadcast every Sunday morning. I would be most grateful for your book Deliverance, or any literature you may send to me.” Wheeling, W. Va. "Please send me by return mail one of your books that you spoke about on the radio last Sunday morning, on how to study the Bible. I surely enjoyed listening to you and am convinced that what you said is the truth. I could sit and listen to your programs for hours, as I believe you are giving out facts.”

St. Louis, Mo. “I want you to know that I have been greatly helped by your talks over the air, and my husband also enjoys them. I would appreciate having what you offered after your talk today, Sunday, May 31, in regard to helping to a clearer understanding of the Bible. I am trying to open the eyes of the unsaved. The Lord is so good to me. Nothing can ever change my faith in prayer. I am waiting earnestly for whatever will be of help to me in my efforts to serve the Lord.”

Oak Park, Ill. “Please send me the little book mentioned in announcement at one o’clock today at your station. I did not get the name of the speaker, but liked his talk and would like to have the book. You gave the address in New York, but gave it so fast I could not take it down. Please send this on to the right address, or send it to me, so I can get the book.”

Winters, Texas. “I have been listening to your lectures every Sunday morning and have enjoyed them very much. I wish that you would send to me some of the pamphlets mentioned, especially the literature on the resurrection of Jesus, which was your subject last Sunday morning. You may send them postage collect.”

Iridian Gap, Texas. “I have just listened in to your talk on Deliverance’ this morning. My family and I enjoy your talks immensely. I shall be glad to receive one of your free booklets. I mean to purchase all of these books, referred to by you.”

Edgewood, R. I. “I hope this card reaches you, but I did not quite catch your whole address. Your talk this morning was wonderful. I have always been deeply interested in the prophecies of the Bible. Would you kindly send me, if not asking too much, each of your fine addresses. I am a clergyman’s wife and want my husband also to read them. I am confined to the house at present with neuritis and unable to attend church. Thus I, and not my husband, hear your talks. I wish everybody could hear you. Thank you.”

Benton, Ky. “I have been listening to Judge Rutherford’s programs for two years. Arn very much interested. Have been looking for some one to offer his books, but none have come yet. Please send me the little booklet and let me know how much to send for Light, on Revelation, or his last three good books.” London, Ont. “I find much pleasure in listening to your broadcast programs over WGAR. Last Sunday morning I listened to Judge Rutherford’s lecture by electrical transcription and must say it was very much to the point. I used to say those Bible Students are great calamity howlers, but judging from world conditions today it would appear there is something in their howl.”

Greenville, Texas. “Having listened in on Judge Rutherford’s splendid address yesterday I must say that I was very much entertained and enlightened. I have elected to make my application for one of the free booklets that you so graciously offered to anyone who would write your office. Thank you in advance for your kindness,”

Phoenix, Arizona. “An inspiring talk of yours, heard over the radio, leads me to ask for information regarding a book of reference for home Bible study. I am enclosing a stamped envelope and would deeply appreciate any information you are willing to send me.”

Wilmington, Del. “Heard your radio broadcast over WDEL and thought it was wonderful. Please send me the free booklet that you mentioned.”

Brigham City, Utah. “I listened w’ith pleasure to the address of Judge Rutherford Sunday, May 17, on the Resurrection. Please send me a copy of his addressj also the free booklet mentioned.”

God the Eternal

MAN’S limited knowledge of the physical universe, with its mighty suns and immeasurable stretches of space, gives us some conception of the vast reaches of time which must have elapsed while these stupendous constellations and planetary systems first began to be brought into being. The age of material creation may safely be measured in millions of years. The account in Genesis, it should be remembered, does not deal with the creation of all things, but the preparation of earth for man. The conclusion, therefore, that the sidereal universe is of almost inconceivable antiquity does not in any wise contradict the statements of the Bible already referred to.

The science of astronomy is one of the most accurate of sciences, and its conclusions may be proved by the equally accurate science of mathematics. There is a wide distinction between such trustworthy conclusions as may be drawn from the study of the astral universe and the speculations of pseudoscientific minds which assert without demonstrable proof that man is a product of evolution, a conclusion which is in direct contradiction of the revealed word of God. Strikingly different from these unfounded guesses are the carefully proven deductions of those who study the starry heavens and explore the boundless star-system cycles which roam through space always holding to their determined course and with unfailing regularity pursuing their appointed journey.

It is a truism or an axiom of physics that all effects must have competent causes. This being so, what great first cause is sufficient for the wondrous things which the universe of light reveals? Does not the manifest design of things created point to the great Creator and Designer, who of necessity must be infinitely greater than the totality of His works ? Reason and revelation both concur that there .must be a power, a mind, that

‘•'guides through boundless space Each radiant planet in its place.”-

Paul expresses the thought simply and effectively when he says, “That -which may be known of God is manifest. . . . For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and deity.” (Rom. 1:19, 20) The things that are visible speak not only of God’s power, but of His eternity; for only an eternal God, who endureth forever, could bring into being that great scheme, which has for ages existed and will continue to exist for countless ages to come. Truly, ‘from everlasting to everlasting, He is God.’ (Ps, 90: 2) All creatures and things had their genesis in Him, but He himself is without beginning. Before Him there was none, for He is before all, and He ■'■'inhabiteth eternity”. (Isa. 57:15) lie is further called The King of eternity’. (Jer. 10:10) In the same verse He is identified as Jehovah, the true God,

Many are the evidences that may be adduced to testify to the greatness and glory of God, but among these the heavens stand forth most strikingly, as most impressive. The sweet psalmist and poet of Israel, David, the beloved, wrote:

“The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork, Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard. Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun, . , „ [whose] going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it,”—Ps. 19:1-6.

Then, with striking contrast, and yet unique continuity of thought and objective, he sets forth the further revelation of God’s glory, as that is contained in His word and law, the Bible, saying, “The law of Jehovah is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of Jehovah is sure, makingwise the simple.”

How expressive of God’s greatness and glory are also the words by the same writer in the eighth Psalm, speaking of the heavens, with its myriads of stars, as the work of God’s fingers.

Another poet, though not writing under inspiration, wrote with considerable beauty and force in extolling the greatness of God, the Eternal »

“Harps of eternity, begin the song!

Redeemed, and angel harps, begin! To God Begin the anthem ever sweet and new, While I extol Him holy, just and good, Life, beauty, light, intelligence, and love! Eternal, uncreated, infinite!

Unsearchable Jehovah! God of truth!

Maker, upholder, governor of all: Thyself unmade, ungoverned, unupheld, Omnipotent, unchangeable, Grea| God,!


Exhaustless fulness' giving, unimpaired! Bounding immensity, unspread, unbound! Highest and best! beginning, middle, end. All-seeing Eye! all seeing, and unseen!

Hearing, unheard; all knowing, md unknown. Above all praise! above all height of thought! Proprietor of immortality!

Glory ineffable! Bliss underived!

Of old Thou build’st Thy throne on righteousness, Before the morning Stars their song began,

Or silence heard the voice of praise. Thou laids’t Eternity’s foundation stone, and saw’st

Life and existence out of Thee begin. ’ ’

Truly the glory of God can be only dimly conceived by our imperfect and finite minds, and yet God condescends to tell us about himself in His Word, and to give us a revelation which is, as He himself, within our comprehension.

The Bible speaks of God’s infinity in the following words: "0 Lord, thou hast searched me, and known me. Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thoughts afar off. Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways. For there is not a -word in my tongue, but, lo, 0 Lord, thou knowest it altogether. Thou hast beset me behind and before, and laid thine hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain unto it. Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence ? If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell [the condition of death], behold thou art there. If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea; even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me. If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me. Yea, . . . the night shineth as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to thee. For thou hast possessed my reins.” (Psalm 139) And we are further told that the heaven of heavens cannot contain God. (2 Chron. 2: 6) In these wwds we have a testimony that God is greater than the infinite heavens, immense though these may be. We are not to think of this in any material sense, of course, for God is a spirit, as the Bible assures us. The Bible tells us that God is not a man, although He is sometimes spoken of as we speak of men, for instance, in such expressions as "the hand of God”, "his fingers,” "the arm of the Lord,” and “his feet”, "face” and "eyes”. All

Brooklyn, N. T.

such expressions are used in a figurative sense, and are in no sense to be taken literally.

The ear of Jehovah speaks of His power of hearing or knowing. We therefore read, “He that formed the ear, shall he not hear?” and also, ‘The ears of the Lord are open to the prayer of the righteous/ Since we as human creatures make knowm our thoughts, desires, feelings and hopes by speech, God makes use of the expressions “ear” and “hearing” with reference to himself, to assure us that He is fully cognizant of it when anyone calls upon Him. So we frequently read, "The Lord heard,” or “I, the Lord, have heard”. This tells that He was fully aware of what was being said or done by those who wTere His, and also by those who were against Him.

Then we read of the "eye” of Jehovah. We are told that it is over the righteous, even as His "ear” is open to their cry. “The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him.” (2 Chron. 16:9) Then, too, we read that the Lord is "of purer eyes than to behold evil”. (Hab. 1:13) This has been construed by some to mean that there is no such thing as evil, and that all evil is simply an illusion. But such is evidently a wrong and unwarranted conclusion, not only because it is in direct contradiction to the entire trend of the Bible’s teaching, but because this very verse and its context show there was evil present. What then does the sentence mean? It simply means that Jehovah does not countenance or approve iniquity and unrighteousness. He disapproves it, discountenances it. And further, it is certain that God will ultimately destroy all evil.

This passage of Scripture, then, together with others that speak of the eyes of the Lord, simply tells us of His cognizance or knowledge of all that takes place, and that nothing escapes His notice. ‘His eyes are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.’ (Prov. 15:3) This speaks of His omniscience, which we may not be able to comprehend and can yet but faintly appreciate as being logically an essential of the divine person.

The extent of the power of Jehovah, and the diversity of its operation, are evidently infinite. What bounds can rve set upon the power of Him who sustains the boundless universe and whose might brought it into being? One of the gravest charges brought against the children of Israel is that they “limited the Holy One of Israel”, Jehovah God, the Eternal. The evidences which they had of His power were forgotten when in unbelief they refused to trust His leading and rely on His faithfulness and ability to help. Text upon text, and chapter upon chapter, of the .Word of truth testify to God’s ability to aid, and to execute His will. “Is anything too hard for God?” All His purposes are so broad and deep that we marvel at the ever-unfolding significance and greatness of them, and all are assured of accomplishment. He says, “Surely as I have thought, so shall it come to pass; and as I have purposed, so shall it stand,” (Isa. 14:24) And then, “I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me. Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure: . . . I have spoken it, I will also bring it to pass; I have purposed it, I will also do it.” (Isa. 46: 9-11) Only omnipotence could speak in this way, and it is the omnipotent One that speaks.

He who created the universe not only must be a God of infinite and eternal power, but must be equally possessed of infinite wisdom and knowledge. Says the psalmist, “Great is our Lord, . ..» his understanding is infinite.” (Psalm 147:5) “'There is no searching of his understanding.” (Isa. 40: 28) tile is perfect in knowledge.’ (Job 37 :16) All His works are made in wisdom. (Ps. 104: 24) Knowledge, understanding and wisdom are closely allied. Knowledge relates to what is, and understanding, going deeper, perceives why anything is -what it is; whereas wisdom enables the possessor to make use of his knowledge and understanding to the accomplishment of his purposes. God possesses knowledge, understanding and wisdom in infinite measure, and is thus enabled to make use of His power in carrying- out whatever He may please to do.

We now have before us the two primary attributes wisdom and power, by means of which God is enabled to do ’whatever He will in heaven and in earth. In the exercise of this power and wisdom He has brought into being sentient creatures, including man. Were we not assured that God is well-disposed toward man, we should have good cause to fear His great power and wisdom, which could be exercised to their distress and hurt, But His possession of two other primary attributes assures us that God will not use Ills power to the detriment of His creatures. These attributes are love and justice. God is just in all His ways. “He is the Rock, his work is perfect; for all his ways ar© judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he.” (Dent. 32:4) Being altogether just in TIis dealings with His creatures, He could not wrong them; nor would He show special favor to some at the expense of the rights of others. He is without partiality.—Jas. 3:17.

But above everything else, Grid is love. (1 John 4:16) It is not said that God is power, or wisdom, or justice. He is spoken of as possessing these qualities or attributes. But He is Love, and is therefore the loving God. This attribute or principle so closely approximates the very essence of God being that it is said He is love. This, however, should not be misconstrued to mean that God is “simply a principle”; that would be doing violence to the evident intent of the word. Nothing could be farther from the plain teachings of the Bible, which reveals God first of all as a personal and intelligent being and then brings to our attention His attributes of .wisdom, power, justice and love, so that we may be enabled to know Him and rejoice in Him. Love might be said to be the dominating or con-, trolling attribute of God, not in the sense that it overrides or discounts the other attributes, but rather that it supervises these. Thus love prompts; it is the motivating principle, which inspires all God’s works and -ways. Justice then 'directs, 'wisdom devises, and power performs or executes. The love of God prompts Him to employ His wisdom and power in works of grace and beneficence. He delights in doing good to all His creatures, and in providing for them those things that will make them glad. “The Lord is good to all; and his tender mercies are over all his works,” (Ps. 145: 9) Tie openeth His hand and satisfieth the desire of every livingthing.’ God’s love is everlasting, as He himself is eternal. His love cannot fail. Throughout the endless ages of eternity His creatures may rest assured that the love which was manifested in bringing them into being is sure to be exercised in their preservation and blessing to endless days,

Though mankind has wandered away from God and walked in the ways of unrighteousness and sin, God will nevertheless remember them and visit them with His salvation. One of the most evident proofs of His love was given when He sent His Son to earth and the angel messenger declared, “Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people,” And the angelic choirs sang the refrain, “Glory to God in the highesr, on earth, peace, good 'will toward men.”

But how can the unrighteous conditions in the earth be reconciled with the existence of an infinitely powerful and loving God? The rampant evils common to human experience, the dark enigmas of permitted wrong, have constituted obstacles to an appreciation of and faith in the love and power of God. Human reason has been baffled by the permission of sin and sorrow and the apparent dominance of wicked powers and unrighteous principles. Yet the Word of God has all along pointed out the cause and proclaimed the ultimate remedy for these conditions.

Man was created in the image and likeness of God in that he possessed the same attributes, the same qualities of heart and mind, though limited to earth and finite in extent. In his original purity man was in harmony with his Maker, and there was accordingly no sin, no sorrow, no wickedness. All was perfect within man and without. One notable quality possessed by man was his liberty of choice, his free will, which was also a part of the divine likeness. While disposed to good, he was at liberty to pursue a contrary course, should he so desire. Were no other course open to him than the way of righteousness there would be no real merit in his continuing therein. It was only -when the opportunity of choosing a contrary course was presented to him that persisting in obedience and loyalty to God became meritorious and commendable. But man fell under the test, and chose the way of selfishness and unrighteousness. Thus by one man sin entered the world, and the virus was communicated to others, and thus sin and death became general, for death is the result, the wages of sin among humankind.

Sin, having once entered, produced evils of every conceivable kind, and it was not long until the thoughts of men’s hearts were only evil, and that continually, and the flood was sent upon the world of the ungodly, only Noah and being preserved. It rvas not without sorrow that the eternal God visited upon men the evil of their doings. His purpose, however, was thus far only partially revealed, and the flood, though sent in -wrath, was designed to preserve the race through righteous Noah and his sons, who was “perfect in his generations”.

Sometime after the flood the eternal purpose of God was further revealed in the promise made to Abraham, The father of the faithful/ This promise gave assurance that in due time all the families of earth were to be blessed. Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness. In the course of time the descendants of Abraham became the nation of Israel, which nation inherited the promise, and with whom God dealt in the further development of His purposes. To them He committed His word, and in His dealings with them He variously illustrated things that were to come to pass. Their deliverance from Egypt pictured the deliverance of mankind from the dominion of the wicked one. Their entrance into the land of Canaan pictured the ultimate entry of the race into the kingdom of peace and rest. Their ceremonial offerings bore testimony to God’s purpose to reconcile the world unto himself by the sufficient sin-offering by wi/ch atonement would be effected.

Then, wr n the fulness of the time was come, God sent for ,h His Son, in the likeness of sinful flesh, but without sin, holy, harmless and undefiled, and separate from sinners. He, as a lamb without blemish, offered himself without spot to God, and became the redeemer and savior of the lost race. Through the righteousness and walling sacrifice of this one righteous man, Jesus, the Son of God, the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life. He is the propitiation for the sin of the whole -world; for He gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.

The time must therefore come when the blessings promised through the prophets and made sure by the sacrifice of the Christ will be realized by mankind. Then, in the dispensation of the fulness of time, God will gather together in one all things in Christ, bringing them back into harmony with truth, with righteousness, with, himself and with one another. Thus with everlasting kindness will He have mercy upon men and make known the exceeding riches of His grace. Thus the eternal purpose, which the eternal God purposed in Christ Jesus the Lord, will reach its fruition, as far as man is concerned, in the restitution of all things to original purity, perfection and glory.

All created things, visible and invisible, will then unitedly testify to the wisdom, justice, love and powTer of God, the Eternal.

“Whem Thou Prayest”


THE picture section of the New York ^4men-can contains pictures of Evangelists Hilton Park and Sammie Odell of California kneeling on the sidewalks of Broadway, New York city, imploring the aid of their god in their self-appointed task of cleaning up the Great White Way. No doubt their god will give them such help as they require and desire; i.e., they will probably get enough out of it to make a living, which is probably all they deserve.

It should be explained that the god of Messrs. Park and Odell can hardly be the god of the Bible, unless it is the god of this world mentioned by the apostle in 2 Corinthians 4: 4. Certainly it is not Jehovah God, for He never authorized anybody to pray aloud in the streets. Certainly these men are not Christians, for Jesus Christ very particularly specified that prayers, to be heard, should be offered in secret, in the closet.

These men have taken no advice from the prophets who foretold of Christ that He would not lift up His voice nor cry aloud in the streets. and they have ignored what Jesus said about being like the scribes and Pharisees and hypocrites who love to pray standing in the streets, that they may be seen of men. As far as praying for Broadway, they might as well pray for the Devil.

Before they went out and knelt in the streets they provided themselves with cushions for their knees. Nicely dressed in their tuxedos, they look' like a couple of smug roosters that think they have hit on a wrinkle by which they can get something to eat in these hard times, and be able to dress well and sleep in a nice bed.

But it is doubtful if their scheme lasts long in New York. The big village at the mouth of the Hudson is fed up on all kinds of fakes, and will hardly look twice at anything so ordinary as a couple of religious fanatics dressed in male attire. Even pulpit dances by barelegged girls drew crowds for only a time or two. When New Yorkers want to see dances by barelegged girls they go elsewhere and see more for their money,: They see more girls and more of them.


|            • contains the usual interesting variety of helpful and informative reading. An article which

|    .          should be of particular interest to parents contains some sage observations on how to deal with

|              children who are just turning into grown-ups. Another article, entitled “ The One-Day Factory

I              Utopia ”, will interest employeesand should deserve the consideration of employers, every

where. Brief discussions of such topics as Usury, Long Distance Brevity, and Herbert Hoover’s ,               Optimism, also put in their bid for attention.Then there is a contribution by Doctor Betts,.

|              who sets forth some facts indicating that the ethics of the Medically Orthodox are very un-

|              ethical from the standpoint of the ordinary honest layman. An account of a man who does

i              marvelous things merely by falling into trances explains the seemingly inexplicable phenom-

cnon. A fine article on the “Authenticity of the Pentateuch.” submits various internal and external evidences of the genuineness of the books of Moses, and to complete the whole there is an article on “Disobedience, the Way to Death”, being a report of a Watchtower radio lecture.

The: Golden Age, 117 Adams Street, Brooklyn, N.Y.

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$1.00 a, year in the I'. S. $.1.25 in Canada, and other countries,


for the indignation of Jehovah is upon all Nations for it is the day of his vindication? Isa, 34

The most astute statesmen of the world see that some great calamity is about to befall civilization, but they have no remedy therefor.


Business depression Unemployment Revolutions Oppression Distress


These things now cover the whole earth, and stand as a miserable monument to man’s utter failure to help himself.

There Is Oney One Remedy for Human Ills ! Hear



the great Creator’s purpose soon to bring complete relief to the peoples of earth; in his lecture on



Atlantic (Intercolonial) Standard 1:00 to 2:00 PM

Eastern Daylight Saving ...... 1:00 to 2:00 PM

Eastern Standard .......  12: 00 to 1:00 PM

Central Daylight Saving ........

Central Standard ..............

Mountain Standard .......0.....

Pacific Standard ................

12: 00 to 1:00 PM

11: 00 to 12: 00 AM

10: 00 to 11: 00 AM

9: 00 to 10; 00 AM

over the largest combination of radio stations ever used for one program, more than 300 in the United States and Canada. Others in France, Australia, Alaska, Cuba, Hawaii.

This continent-wide network will carry Judge Rutherford’s message direct from the Coliseum at

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