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Golden Age



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five cents a copy one dollar a year Canada & Foreign 1.25

Vol. XVII - No. 435 May 20, 1936



50,000 Restless Danish. Farmers

Codfish Currency in Iceland

Items Respecting Finland

$2,600 Road Job Costs $50,000

Philadelphia Police Non-Partisan

Lancaster’s De Luxe Relief


World’s End

Roman Hierarchy Controls

San Diego Exposition

Newspapermen Tease Censors

The Vomitus of Belchertown

Laughing at Massachusetts

“Zeal of Thine (School-)House”

Isn’t It Strange?

Mayor Gold Sees Red

Military Training at State College

Judge Maxey on the Laws of God

Killing a Physician

Common Sense Among Cops

Responsibility of Pedestrians

Faet-Finders or Prosecutors?

End of the Ten Commandments


Profits of Big Business

Under Nazi Rule

Barter Between

Mexico and Germany

Submarine Travels 25,000 Miles



Struggles for Control of Lithuania 532 German Inquisitors Forbid Listening 532 State Dominance of the Homes 532 Socialization in Iceland             532

Nazis Gain in Czechoslovakia 533 Visitors to Munich Must Salute 533 Fascist Rule in Austria            533

Germany Removes Landmarks 533

Fifteen Liberty-loving Clergymen 535

Representative Tronzo to the D.A.R. 537 No Honor Among Politicians 538


Lost 93 Pounds in 3| Hours

Increases in Staple Foods

Vaccinated with the Purest Pus


The Decay of Protestantism

Aspirations for Numbers

Federal Council of Churches

Silly Topics for Sermons

Balaam’s Equus Asinus

Anything to Make a Nickel

Ignorance of the Bible

Ecclesiastical Refreshments

The Oxford Movement

Apostles of Murder

“Men of Corrupt Minds”

Demands of “German Christians”

Revival of Paganism in Hungary

A Jackass in Priestly Petticoats

Eden Not a Full-fledged Catholic

-- ————..... ■ . , ,    —.—

Published every other Wednesday by


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Golden Age

Volume XVII                      Brooklyn, N.Y., Wednesday, May 20, 1936                       Number 43S

The Decay of Protestantism

IN HIS latest and best and most important book, Riches (page 228), Judge Rutherford says, “What was at one time known as ‘Protestantism’ is now dead, and the so-called ‘Protestants’ are dominated and controlled by the Roman Catholic Hierarchy. Protestantism exists only in name, not in fact.” Things usually do not decay until after they are dead; and that is the case with Protestantism.

It is the purpose of this article to trace in the current news the abundant evidence that Judge Rutherford is correct, that Protestantism has been weighed in the balance and found wanting, and that the Judge of all the earth has decreed her dissolution.

"She findeth not the level path of life: her ways are unstable, and she knoweth it not.”—Proverbs 5:6, A.R.V,

A year ago, by an “error” on the part of Reverend T. D. Rees, First Baptist church, Cambridge, Ohio, Judge Rutherford addressed Reverend Rees’ congregation by radio. A year later it happened again. The dominie turned on the radio, and the report says: “Immediately the great auditorium was filled again with that sweet message of Jehovah’s kingdom and of the vengeance of our God. The congregation stirred slightly, in recognition of the familiar voice of Judge Rutherford, but immediately settled back to enjoy a good meal and a real humorous situation. Not until the station announcer thundered out that Judge Rutherford was speaking did the D.D. tumble. Then quickly he dashed to the dial and exclaimed remorsefully, ‘You can’t blame me this time: it was that blundering radio-man.’ ” The account continues, “In a recent lecture on the Prodigal Son he made a trip all around the church with the spotlight beaming on him, and then returned to the platform, acting and exploding all the time.”


Faithful Witnesses

The work of Jehovah’s faithful witnesses is not in vain. Although the Devil has done all he possibly could to conceal from public view the bitter persecutions of Jehovah’s witnesses in Germany, in Northern Rhodesia, in Japan, in New Jersey, in Pennsylvania, in California, in Quebec and in many other parts of the earth, yet Jehovah God has seen to it that some of the clergy of the Protestant church have been made acquainted with the essential facts.

Thus, one is not surprised to find the Reverend Dr. Ralph H. Long, executive director of National Lutheran Council, stating plainly in an address in St. James Lutheran church, New York city, that “even in 1935 there are people who are giving up their lives for their faith”, and that it is not fantastic to foresee conditions in America where some might have to die for their faith.

Some of the Lord’s sheep have boldly taken

their stand, and in the most unexpected places.

Thus, at the Central Baptist church, London, Ont., the minister of the congregation was greatly dishonoring God’s name on the subject of eternal torture. A young girl was heard to groan and sigh. Others were in distress. Suddenly a woman who had but recently obtained some of Judge Rutherford’s books cried aloud, in a voice that could be heard all over the church: “Oh, how we should love God, to know that the wages of sin is death!” A minute’s dead silence followed and the lady walked out.

The witness for the truth is also finding its way into the church papers. Thus, in a church paper in Canada the Rev. E. B. Sexsmith said, in part, and one can almost hear him think:

The writer knew one former United Church Sundayschool teacher, whose contribution to our Missionary and Maintenance Fund was nearly foui' hundred dollars, and today that man and his family belong to the Jehovah witnesses group. Why the change? He told us that the United Church had never taught what prophecy really meant, nor had she given any consistent instruction on the tenets of the Christian faith. This is only one illustration in point, but the writer could give others to the same effect.

The Big Fellows Know

The big fellows in the various Protestant ecclesiastical organizations cannot in the very nature of the thing be ignorant of the truths so boldly proclaimed by Jehovah’s witnesses in every corner of the earth; and occasionally in their addresses they let fall expressions that indicate some familiarity with the truth and some acceptance of certain features of it which are pressing themselves home more and more upon intelligent people in every walk of life.

By way of illustration, there is this peculiar statement by the Rev. William Temple, archbishop of York, preaching at Boston, Massachusetts. He said, speaking on the subject of the second advent of Christ, “He came in 1914, and the issue of that coming is still in doubt; for we are in the midst of a process of judgment in which He is passing sentence on our world. No doubt it will culminate in the final vindication of His authority.”

No one can read the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society’s literature without coming to a knowledge of the truth that of the human family only 144,000 will ever go to heaven at all. Those that find everlasting life otherwise will get it right here on this earth; the totally unworthy and unfit for life will be destroyed as so much vermin.

Bishop Stewart, Episcopalian, of Chicago, gets some of this. Brisbane quotes him in the New York American as saying: “Only those who have a definite relationship to God through the spiritual life may be eligible for immortality, and other souls cease to exist upon death.” Not so bad, for him; is it?

It is well known that Judge Rutherford and all of Jehovah’s witnesses are firm believers in the existence of a great and powerful and personal Devil, and it is also well known that Protestant theologians have for the most part ceased to either believe in or speak of the evil one who goes about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. It is therefore all the more noteworthy that Rev. Dr. Henry Sloane Coffin, president of Union Theological Seminary, in an address in New York, said:

The apostle of love knew that “the whole world lieth in the evil one”. There is a malignant control over our earth. One can say many true things about earth’s goodness and pleasantness, but its dominant factor, “the prince of this world,” is neither good nor lovely. Not to recognize this is to spend our lives in a fool’s paradise.

Aspirations for Numbers

Forgetting that the Lord’s true people were to be as sheep in the midst of wolves and that, all told, they would be but “a little flock”, to whom it would be the Father’s good pleasure to give the Kingdom, and misled by the thronging millions held in subjection by the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, the Protestant clergy have aped the Hierarchy in erecting great buildings and resorting to most extraordinary methods to get as many names as possible on their church roll, no matter what kind of people they have been, nor how obtained.

The New York Cathedral of St. John the Divine has been under construction 43 years, and is 58 percent finished. When completed (at a further expense of $10,000,000) it will be exceeded in size only by St. Peter’s at Rome and the Seville Cathedral at Seville, Spain.

Taking the cue from the Hierarchy the Methodist church is now counting all babies born to Methodist church members as what are called ‘parsonage babies’. Very probably this means that they are counted as “children of the church”, when the annual reports are sent in.

(Jehovah’s witnesses are in every community, in every corner of the earth, repeatedly, and there is little that goes on in any denomination that they do not know something about.)

Rowland Lathrop, of Indiana, tells how they go about it in his vicinity to increase church membership figures:

First they send school busses from house to house all over town, from the Nazarene church, with a picture of Felix the cat on the bus. These busses gather up the children and take them to church and bring them back home. Then the churches offer prizes of beautiful pins and Bibles to children attending so many times. Then if the little tots can’t come every Sunday, just let them send a dime or a nickel or a penny, and they are counted present just the same. And then they go to the insane asylum and get the inmates there, those that they have caused to go there by their devil religion, and by all these and other means they contrive to make a fair show in the flesh, despite the fact that the people as a whole have lost all confidence in them.

C. Bodtcher, California, vouches for the following :

They were holding revival meetings at the Nazarene church, and prizes were offered to the ones who could bring along the most prospective members; so a little girl appeared at Mrs. Van’s door, quite enthused with her request. “Won’t you come to our church tonight, Mrs. Van? They are offering prizes to those who bring the most people there. First prize is a Mickey Mouse wrist watch, and today is double count. I have a Mickey Mouse wrist watch, so I want to try for another prize. And you know the last minister we had, and his wife, went away with sixty-two dollars of the church’s money; so now we have got two lady preachers and they don’t want a cent.” “What are they there for?” inquired Mrs. Van. “To save souls,” came the reply.

The Results to Date

The showing for the United States to date is as follows: The entire population as of July 1, 1934, was estimated at 126,425,000, and the total “churched” on that date was 62,035,688, which is 1,176,812 less than half of all the people in the country. The 62,035,688 that are “churched” are gathered into 207 sects, ranging from a claimed total membership of 15 in the Primitive Friends up into the millions. In 1934 there were 19 kinds of Methodists, 18 kinds of Baptists, 17-plus kinds of Lutherans, 16-plus kinds of Mennonites, 9 kinds of Presbyterians, 7 kinds of Orthodox, 5 kinds of Friends, 3 kinds of United Brethren, 3 kinds of Reformed, 3 kinds of Scandinavian Evangelical, 2 kinds of Evangelical, 2 kinds of Latter-day Saints, and one each of 94 other varieties.

Thank God, Jehovah’s witnesses were not in the list. The president wants all the 207 varieties to get together. It would surely be some Kilkenny party, if they ever did. Suppose, for example, the 36 Freewill Baptists (Bullockites) should start out to tell the Duck River, General Six-Principle, Two-Seed-in-the-Spirit Predesti-narian, or any of the 14 other kinds of Baptists just where they had strayed from the strait and narrow7 way. And w’hat a circus it would be when the Hutterite Mennonites, Stauffer Mennonites, Kleine Gemeinde Mennonites, Weaver Mennonites and Unaffiliated Mennonites would set out on their campaign to disentangle and disintegrate the Krimmer Mennonites, Wisler Mennonites and ten other regular varieties! By the time the case got up to the Supreme Court it would look worse than the Blue Eagle of the defunct NRA.

Federal Council of Churches

All persons of mature years can remember numerous attempts to federate the churches, as, for instance, the Evangelical Alliance, Young Men’s and Young Women’s Christian Associations, Christian Endeavor Societies, Parliament of Religions, Men and Religions Forward Movement, Inter-Church World Movement and, more recently, the Federal Council of Churches. The one last named was probably the most ambitious example in the list.

The Federal Council has attracted wide attention because of numerous things it has said. One of the best of these was, “The supreme loyalty of every Christian is to Jesus Christ. If any government sets itself against His principles and so defies His will, even if that government be our own, the loyalty of every Christian belongs to Him and not to it.”

On the subject of free speech it said, “If one group be suppressed it will be only a question of time until such suppression is extended to all w7ho dare voice opposition to those temporarily in power.”

In one and the same prayer for public and general use occurred the following statements which, separated from their context, make peculiar reading:

O Lord, break thou the spell of the enchantments that make the nations drunk with the lust of battle and draw them on as willing tools of death. Bless our soldiers and sailors for their swift obedience and their willingness to answer to the call of duty. May our young men still rejoice to die for their country with the valor of their fathers.

On the subject of economics it said on Labor Day:

Recent governmental estimates and other authoritative studies have indicated that had our plant been used to capacity in 1929 over $4,000 in goods and services could have been supplied to every American family. Nevertheless, 16,000,000 American families, or nearly two-thirds of our people, actually received in that year less than $2,000. That was six years ago.

The Baptist church is one of the important component parts of the Federal Council. John D. Rockefeller, Jr., a member of that church, and hitherto one of its main supports, served notice that the Baptist church can no longer count on his financial aid.

Mr. Rockefeller is but one of the big business heads that have caused the churches of the Federal Council anxiety in the recent past. S. Wells Utley, president of the Detroit Steel Casting Company, sixty days after the Labor Day statement on economics, said the following in a three-page article in Nation’s Business:

In thirty years of business experience I have never heard of a clergyman visiting an industrial enterprise in an effort to acquaint himself with the principles and practices involved in conducting a going business. The clergy has been supported, often at considerable sacrifice, by those who believe that the maintenance of the church as a guide to the spiritual life is worth while, and that training and experience qualify clergymen for this leadership. When they begin to expound economic doctrines, in which, admittedly, they have no training or experience, they shouldn’t be surprised if their parishioners begin to lose interest in their teachings and, being unwilling to precipitate a church row, quietly cease to attend service and support the organization with which they can no longer agree.

“They Have Forsaken the Word of the Lord”

The Bible is God’s handbook of the Kingdom of God. Jesus preached that kingdom, the apostles preached that kingdom, and Jehovah’s witnesses are still preaching it and commissioned to do so. Nobody was ever commissioned to preach the horrible doctrine of eternal torture. That being the case, consider the responsibility resting upon the “evangelist”, E. A. Fergerson, for the following:

A lost soul in hell can only be like the hyena which paces up and down its cage and its lair, which it was not made to go in, but man puts it in that unnatural thing and it walks back and forth, yelling and panting, and longing for deliverance. So the lost soul, like the hyena in its cage, will walk and weep and wail in hell forever. There will be no release, no rest, no light, no hope, nothing but gloom, misery and the blackest darkness forever and ever.

Nobody was ever commissioned by the Lord Jesus Christ to at one and the same time represent Him and abase himself before the kings and princes of this world. Yet when George V, king of England, died, the Rev. T. E. Ruth, pastor of the largest Congregational church in Sydney, Australia, published under his own signature a column article from which the following is an extract:

That his reign had ended seemed not so much as if a period had closed, but as if the cloek had stopped. For a moment it was as though time had come to an abrupt end. For a moment. And then, in the twinkling of an eye, the assurance came of his timeless triumph—victorious, happy, and glorious. Assurance not only of the mighty impersonal immortality of history, but of the continued history of his personal immortality.

Think of the folly back of the newspaper statement, “Dean Inge condemns the Old Testament.” Do the people realize that in condemning the “Old Testament” he also condemned Jesus, who so often quoted from it and used it for His protection when attacked by the Devil. Dean Inge is not the only man to condemn the whole Bible and thus take his stand wholly on the side of the Devil.

How preposterous it was for Dr. Winnington Ingram, bishop of London, to “preach” that “the miracles of the British Broadcasting Company make the miracles of the Scriptures seem like child’s play”. The same One who, through Jesus, healed paralytics, cleansed the lepers, gave sight to the blind and raised the dead operated wireless and wordless telephony thousands of years before any member of the British Broadcasting Company was born. Think of the exquisite receptive power that is able over infinite distance to receive the unexpressed adoration and longing of the human heart!—Romans 8:26, 27.

Notice how the apostle expresses this in the passage just cited:

Likewise the spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the spirit, beeause he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God.

One shrinks from mentioning the title of a sermon preached by Rev. Dr. Porter Drumm, North Reformed church, Newark, N. J. The title of the sermon as given in the public press was, “When God Can Do Nothing.” In the sermon the doctor is alleged to have said, “The Father did not take the cup from the Son’s lips because he would not, but because he could not.” Consider this statement in the light of Jesus’ own assertion that the Father at His request would have sent Him 120,000 angels for His protection. Dr. Drumm needs to read Judge Rutherford’s works, especially Vindication 1,2 and 3, and find out just why the Father allowed Satan to go the limit.

Looking for New Gods

Bev. Blowhard looking over his source material for Sunday’s sermon

Jesus constantly referred to Jehovah God as His Father, and constantly quoted from His Word. But Elizabeth Cook (“I suffer not a woman to teach”—1 Timothy 2:12), writing in the Memphis Commercial Appeal, pleads Hitlerwise, as follows:

We have not advanced much since the war god Jehovah drove his legions one against the other, to murder to the last man. ... We must recognize and acknowledge the gods of today who are giving us knowledge to replace ignorance, and courage to blaze new trails in exchange for superstitious fear.

In every generation from Nimrod to the present, men and women have made fools of themselves by idolizing the great and the near-great on their birthdays. Indeed the celebration of Christmas is not the celebration of Jesus’ birthday at all, but is the celebration of Nimrod’s birthday; for Jesus was born about October 1.

The latest to be idolized is Franklin D. Roosevelt, whose birthday chances to fall on January 30. In the year 1936 President Roosevelt’s birthday was observed on the nearest Sunday. On that date, February 2, 1936, at Piqua, Ohio, an M. E. Sunday-school teacher wore out herself and a dozen small children singing so-called “patriotic” songs. She was careful not to teach the youngsters anything about the Bible, but had a complete alibi in that she did not know anything about it herself. When everybody had been sung hoarse she asked the children why they had been making all the excitement, and a youngster in the back seat raised his hand and said it was because it was ground-hog day. The kid should be given a gold medal.

It is easy enough to drift away from the truth. There is no resistance then. But when a body finds that it has been misled, and tries even in the feeblest way to effect a reform, it runs into difficulty. At White Plains, N.Y., the Castle Heights Methodist Episcopal Church Board expressed its disapproval of Easter bunnies, candy eggs, greeting cards and new hats and other duds, only to be rebuked by the Chamber of Commerce, which found the Easter business profitable.

Silly Topics for Sermons

A contributor says that Bernard Shaw, reading the title of an inquiry in an American magazine, “Is intelligence a handicap for a politician?” remarked that the inquiry should have read, “Would intelligence be a handicap for a politician ?” And with that for a start, the contributor wants to know, “How about intelligence and honesty for a clergyman ?”

Zanesville, Ohio, went to church the other day and heard sermons on “Encouraging Ourselves”, “All Things Are Against Us,” “Christ’s Challenge to Our Faith,” “The Ugliness of the Swine Trough,” “The Blessing of the Clouds,” “Heartless Neutrality,” “Jesus at His Best,” “Loyalty to the World About Us,” “Are Sin, Disease and Death Real?'’ “Being Sensible About Our Friendships,” “The Last Stand for Faith,” “Goodwill Industry and Character Bankruptcy.” The town of Beckley, Raleigh county, West

Virginia, on Sunday, January 26, at the First M. E. church, had the last of a series of sermons on basketball. At the Ebenezer Baptist church the morning sermon was on Joe Louis, the prize fighter, while in the evening it was on Lindbergh’s flights. At the A. M. E. church in the evening the sermon “The Wrong Man Was Caught in the Corn Field” may have been based on a Biblical incident.

Somebody thank Rev. W. R. Pettigrew, pastor of the Springfield Baptist church, Springfield, Tennessee, for a copy of his letter to the football team in which he said: “I congratulate each of you upon the fact that you have a team that is worthy to be used as the basis of a sermon.” (Ever try taking a sermon out of the Bible, old top?)

A Christ-mass folder of St. Andreevs Episcopal church, Astoria, N. Y., revealed a program consisting of 34 items. A study shows that the congregation knelt three times, stood seven times, and sat ten times. Calisthenics are helpful in keeping the audience awake.

Praying and Singing

In the Central Buildings, Westminster, England, there was recently a week of continuous prayer, ten hours a day for six consecutive days, from 11:00 a.m. to 9: 00 p.m. Twenty-one of the sixty leaders were “reverends”; there were two doctors, one each of commanders, lieutenant colonels, brigadier generals, squadron leaders, captains, colonels, and professors. There were twenty-five plain Mr.’s, two mistresses and two misses.

Seems a little overloaded on the professional end, but maybe the thought was that the Lord might be impressed with the titles, even if He did turn a deaf ear to their much-speaking. The petitioners gave the Lord His choice of about fifty-five different organizations upon which to bestow His blessings. Every last one of the things they prayed for is booked for destruction in Armageddon.

At St. Petersburg, Florida, the so-called “Church of God” seemed to think God was asleep and they needed to waken Him. Fifty-three neighbors testified that the “hollering, moaning, screaming, stomping and wailing of the congregation” were too much for their nerves; hence a jury declared the praying works were a public nuisance.

“Elijah Prayed for Fire” was the title of a sermon preached in Mt. Zion Baptist church, Youngstown, Ohio. Within four hours ‘the church took fire, in the choir loft, from no known cause, and the structure was saved with difficulty.

The Toronto Star records that at a memorial service of Post 31, Canadian Legion, Mt. Dennis, Ontario, William Canning, a veteran, was commencing the second verse of a solo, “There Is No Death,” and had finished the words “I tell you they have not died” (which is a lie, according to the Bible), when he collapsed on the floor in front of the platform and was carried out unconscious. The account says, “The service was brought to a rapid close.” Service of whom? Service of what ? The words sung were in direct violation of every word of the Bible.

A sign on a big tent read, “Gospel Meeting Tonight. Subject: Hell—Its Exact Location and Exact Nature. Brother Jones, the Sweetsinging Baritone Will Sing, ‘Tell Mother I’ll Be There!’ ”

Balaam's Equus Asinus

Balaam could have made good money starting a side show, but overlooked the opportunity. Rev. Dr. Emil Listman, of Miles, Texas, wrote the Texas Centennial Exposition that on account of the effect of the depression on the religious business he had to go nude around his own house, and he would be willing to appear nude at the Exposition in order to get his hands on a little ready money. This idea of putting the preachers and priests on exhibition, preferably in cages, is a new one, but might work. Time will tell.

The Reverend Harris, pastor of Wesley M. E. church, Emma and Mimika avenues, St. Louis, Missouri, explained to one of Jehovah’s witnesses that he would not read one of Judge Rutherford’s books; his spiritual life was on a higher plane. At hand a dodger of the “Carnival and Circus” held in his “church”.

Called on the dodger the “Inky Binky” Circus, it invited the saints to come and see “The wild man of Borneo, a charmer of live snakes, a nifty tap dancer, a two-headed girl, a radio humorist, the world’s biggest fat lady, the Chinese giant, and other attractions”. They could also take a fling at games “to try your luck”, and “all for only five cents?’.

Oh well, here in Brooklyn there are quite good-looking men that get their living by fishing in the garbage can, and Harris probably thinks the world owes him a living, and even a bum five-cent show is better than diving in the garbage. And then, the can can be used later—if there is not too big a crowd around it by the time Harris realizes the necessities of the case.

During the heated term of 1935 Boston people got to going to the beach and to other shows, so the pastor of the Union Square Baptist church had to put on something special. One Sunday he had two tons of ice packed around the altar ; and the next Sunday, had birds flying all over the place. Maybe that is all right, but there is a limit to showmanship.

“The simple believeth every word; but the prudent man look-eth well to his going.’’—Proverbs 14:15, A.Il.V.

There is no record that Christ or any of the apostles or prophets ever undertook such shameless attempts to compete with the world as some of the preachers are using these days. Every one of Christ’s miracles was definitely purposed to bring honor to His Father’s name, and, as a matter of fact, did so.

Anything to Make a Nickel

Benjamin Boyd sent an advertisement from the Piqua (Ohio) Daily Call. It seems that Dr. Carl T. Hoop, of the “Church of Christ”, so the advertisement said, “makes his sermons like a woman’s skirt: short enough to be interesting, but just long enough to cover the subject.” So much for the dominie’s attempt to draw a few nickels and dimes into the collection basket.

Benjamin, in the same note that enclosed the advertisement, said that in Fort Wayne, in a Y.M.C.A., he saw “reason No. 6” as to why one should go to church, that “I am inspired to believe that this is God’s world”, while reason No. 8 was, “I am inspired to help make this a better world.” Then Benjamin wants to know, if No. 6 is true, why No. 8 is necessary; but he knows the answer (2 Corinthians 4:4), and so do you.

Rev. W. M. Tidwell, of the First Nazarene church, of Chattanooga, Tennessee, had it all figured out that in the New Jerusalem, 12,000 furlongs in cubical dimensions, there would be room for 297,000,000,000 apartments of 100 rooms each. This is all interesting and exciting, but think of what an elevator service they would need to have to bring those 297,000,000,000 families all down to the dining room at one time! And what cables they would need for elevators that would have to cover 1500 miles each way every time they made a round trip from the basement to the top floor!

Rev. A. Clark, 3230 North 16th street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, writing to one who had begun to get his eyes opened, said: “There is nothing to be gained by believing there is no eternal punishment, but a great deal to be lost if there is such a thing. If a person does the will of God in this life he will escape the eternal burnings, but if, after death, he finds that there are no eternal burnings, he will not have lost anything by believing that there were.”

This is the squawk of a man who is caught, and is trying to make himself and others think that one may blaspheme God all he pleases and be just as acceptable in the end as one who has known and accepted and preached the truth, regardless of all results to himself or to anybody else.

A friend in the same city sent a program of the Kynett Methodist Episcopal church Halloween party. It seems that the pastor, Rev. A. Wallace Copper, dressed as the Devil, won the first prize. What is wrong about that?

Ignorance of the Bible

The object of the religious business is to prevent the people from learning the vital truths of the Bible, and it succeeds well in its objective. Thus, in a Presbyterian men’s Bible class one member, asked how far it is from Dan to Beersheba, said, “Do I understand that Dan and Beersheba are the names of places ?” Being assured that such is the case, he continued, “That is one on me. I always thought they were husband and wife, like Sodom and Gomorrah.”

At Harrow, Middlesex, England, one of Jehovah’s witnesses encountered a lady who filled him full of the activities of her husband and her son in church work. Getting a word in edgewise the witness ventured the hope that her son’s heart is right with God. Back came the astonishing reply, “Oh yes, he is engaged to the vicar’s daughter.”

Bishop Edwin Mouzon, of the Methodist Episcopal church, South, stated that a questionnaire answered by 18,434 Virginia high-school students showed that 16,000 could not name three of the prophets, 12,000 could not name the four gospels, and 10,000 could not name three of Christ’s disciples.

The Knoxville (Tennessee) restaurateurs have put it up to the churches that the practice of soliciting and selling meal tickets is injuring their legitimate business; that they are taxpayers and licensed and do not think they should be made the victims of unscrupulous schemes and high-pressure unethical advertising salesmanship in contravention of the Golden Rule. They thereby push the dominies and the priests one step nearer the wheelbarrow, and the dung fork.

Baptist Clergymen

When Southern Baptist clergymen disagree they studiously avoid personalities, and so everybody breathed easily when Rev. Theodore G. Bilbo, Baptist clergyman and senator from Mississippi, got a little peeved with Rev. Gerald L. K. Smith, his brother clergyman, who is trying to fit into the shoes of Huey Long, but finds the shoes not a close fit.

However, Rev. Bilbo is reported by the papers as saying of Rev. Smith that “he is a contemptible, dirty, vicious, pusillanimous, with-malice-aforethought, damnable, self-made liar”. While this would not be considered personal between Southern Baptist clergymen, one is inclined to wonder just a little what Bilbo might have said about Smith had he been sufficiently provoked to forget that he should not be personal.

But remembering the words, “How good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!” he did not permit himself to lose his temper. He merely suggested that Smith get back into his pulpit, evidently feeling that the pulpit was the right place for the kind of man he thought Smith to be.—Psalm 133.

The Baptist minister at Niles, Ohio, not having access to a convent, was in court on the charge of attacking his eleven-year-old niece. The “reverend” would be benefited by some kind of honest employment, and so would the community of which he is a member.

Niles, by the way, is a city where the chief of police indulged in the hallucination that he could control the liberty of the people to have the gospel preached to them in the way they like best. As a consequence a delegation of 1800 of Jehovah’s witnesses called on him one Sunday, and when he saw the pages and pages of names of workers he almost fell over. There was no trouble. Niles had had enough Baptist dominies and those of other stripe to last it till Armageddon.

Mosely, of Alabama, says of a Primitive Baptist preacher, whose name and address he gave, that he is engaged in moonshine disbursements on the side. If one of the flock wants comfort for the interior of his neck he wipes his face, pulling slightly under his eye as if opening. If the “reverend” has a supply on hand he responds by wiping his forehead upward. The supply is kept at the home of Sister Miller, who lives across the street. Everything was working all right, and the entire church was in good spirits, when revenue officers found a five-gallon jug in the dominie’s barn, and he did a vanishing act until he could get things fixed up.

Mt. Vernon (Hlinois) Park Avenue Baptist church found a way to keep up the attendance. One lady, 34 years of age, married, argued with her 17-year-old sister that she should go to church Sunday evening. The younger lady demurred, and the middle-aged one socked her with an axe, breaking her skull, and partially paralyzing her. Some Baptists do not approve this method of keeping up church attendance.

Other Varieties of Clergymen

Bev. Ross Wilhide, Clifton M. E. church, Cincinnati, Ohio, thinks evolution should be taught in the public schools; also that Jehovah God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, was merely a tribal deity of the Jews; also that there is “ample evidence that man is descended from the ape”. As one of the leading lights in the Meth-odistEpiscopal church, Rev. Wilhide should be made bishop of the church in his part of the world, so that all may know that the M. E. church has ceased to exist and is now only a society of unbelievers in God and in His Word.

When the Rev. W. J. Wright was re-elected pastor of the Central Avenue Christian church, Topeka, Kansas, it took four cops to keep the Wrighters and the non-Wrighters from wrecking one another’s physiognomies.

The Swan Song

Rev. Charles Francis Potter, of New York, wants to save the taxpayers $30,000,000 a year by executing the imbeciles now in asylums. He did not suggest, but some might think of it, that it might also be a good idea to execute those who teach that an infinitely loving God will torment almost all men throughout eternity. Rev. Potter should check up and see that his insurance policies are all in good shape.

The Depressed Christians of Travancore, India, memorialized the British parliament that they are still treated by the so-called “high-class” Christians as untouchable, and in some instances distance-pollution is enforced, even on the public roads. At the Lord’s supper they must sit on the back seats; the bread is put in their hands (they may not reach for it), and the wine is served to them with a spoon after the others are served. This is the case after 130 years of missionary activity. The Depressed Christians in their memorial say: “We are treated in a worse manner by the Christians than even by the Hindus.”

H. G. Hides, assistant resident magistrate of the British section of the island of Papua, recently returned from exploration of a section inhabited by natives of a light color, cannibals, who live amidst large gold deposits and have a highly developed plan of agriculture. Mr. Hides pleaded that the civilizing of this particular race be not begun by missionaries. He wished to stand by the cannibals.

When Samuel McCracken, Morrisville, Pennsylvania (across the river from Trenton, N. J.), died, he requested that the epitaph on his tombstone should read, “If clergymen and politicians go to heaven, put me off at the first stop”; and it so reads.



The dominies are eager to do anything and everything except honest work. It comes perfectly natural to clergymen to live off the earnings of others, preferably off the taxpayers, but, once they get on the pay roll, they are interested in the common people not the least little bit. The Right Reverend Lord William Gascoyne-Cecil, bishop of Exeter, England, ought, with all those titles, to be very much like Christ, a lover of the people, and interested in their liberties, too. But, arguing against democracy, in an address in the House of Lords, he said: “Mussolini has said, and I believe it, that democracy is essentially immoral because appeal is made to the personal motive, to man’s self interest.”

To round this out, it should be explained that the salary of the bishop of Exeter, aside from house rent, is $14,000 a year, and that the return in benefits to the taxpayers is a net loss of the whole amount, and a huge deficit besides.

Rev. John Brett Langstaff, rector of St. Edmund’s Protestant Episcopal church, New York city, made the following proposition: “Let the government definitely offer part-time employment to the ministers of all denominations in the vitally important administration of the works program. In the same way that a government deems it wise to offer part-time stipends to secure chaplains for their prisons, so let it make use of the clergy in dealing with old-age pensions and crippled children.”

Now that is an idea, but here is a still better one. Accepting it as a fact, and one which cannot be denied, that the clergy have totally failed to teach the people the Word of God, and do not themselves believe it or even know what it teaches, why not put them all, the whole bunch, at some useful occupation where they will not interfere with the efforts of the honest-hearted to learn and obey the truth ?

As the matter now stands they are entirely useless to God and man alike. Maybe some of them would be useful, at least to some small degree, if given a job herding literal sheep, or as gooseherds, goatherds or swineherds. It should be some occupation rather remote from their fellow men, where their false ideas of life and death would have less likelihood of working injury than at present.

To put ministers and priests on jobs having to do with the administration of the works program would enable them to favor those who at least outwardly conform to their opinions and wishes. It is exceedingly difficult for an ecclesiastic to be impartial and tolerant. His training warps his sense of proportion.

The Money Comes Hard

Per capita church contributions in the banner year of 1928 were $23.30. In 1935 this had dropped to $12.10, or slightly over $1 a month.

In the olden days the fire insurance business of offering to land people in heaven instead of a place of terribly high temperature was considered a good opening for any man who could holler and weep and talk freely by the hour of something about which he knew nothing.

A dispatch from Belding, Michigan, says that the pastor of the Congregational church there has resigned to take up the business of oil promotion. He will also run a funeral parlor. Business will probably be good in both of these lines in the near future, especially in the latter.

A South Dakota pastor wrote to the chief of police of Minneapolis, asking for a job. Almost anything that would take a man out of the job of dishonoring God’s name would be a promotion, and the dominie is to be congratulated that he has sense enough to see that the church business is all done. A police official has frequent opportunities to do some good in the world; it would be a promotion, surely.

Ohio has a prize, a young man who studied for the ministry, but was willing to give $25 to anybody who would find him an honest job. The advertisement appeared in the Ohio State Journal. The young man admits that the reason why he wants honest work is that he is hard up.

The Church of England is being handicapped by the fact that many young men who go into the ministry, supposing it to be for the honor of God and the good of their fellow men, when they find out the truth about the business, go straight and leave the back-end-to collars and other junk and make an honest living any way they can.

Last year seventy of these young men disappeared from the ministry, some peddling from door to door, some shipping as sailors, and some living off the earnings of fallen women, thus coming to their professional level.

The Oxford Movement

An invitation to attend “A House-Party of the Oxford Group”, held some time back, at The Mission Inn, Riverside, California, reads, “The Oxford Group is the only movement discernible today that seems capable of giving our generation that spiritual awakening which alone can save civilization.” On the inside of the folder it says, “The House-Party at Riverside has been planned under the guidance of God.”

With interest one turns to the back page, where he may collect some additional data: “Since the movement of the House-Party is cumulative it is of the utmost importance that sufficient time be given to enter into its life. It will begin with dinner at 7 p.m. on Thursday and continue through breakfast on Tuesday. An early reply will greatly assist us in making arrangements. The cost will be four dollars per day, American plan, with registration fee of two dollars, payable on arrival.”

This is what might be called salvation de luxe, for those who had the price of the round-trip fare to Riverside, and the necessary $20 for the board and room, not forgetting the $2 for putting their name in a book. If the hotel was at all grateful, in these hard times, it should have allowed a rake-off of at least $1 per day, for bringing in the crowd to get “saved”; and if 200 came, that would be $1,000 for five days’ work, which is not bad. The $400 registration fees would fully cover all clerical expense.

How strange that Jesus and the apostles missed this easy and comfortable way of making $7 apiece off the flock! Now, let’s see. That time when He fed the 5,000 men (besides women and children), if He had had the Oxford Group idea He might just as well have cleared $35,000 as not.

But maybe that would have been too much for Judas to carry. He was the one who carried the bag, you know, and it would not have been fair to overload him.

Salvation at $4 per day

A big get-together meetingof Protestants, Catholics and Jews at Washington, D.C., had five speakers among the sixteen priests, preachers, and rabbis on the platform. One of these, Rev. Albert J. McCartney, said the purpose of the meeting was to dramatize three things: first, that the people no longer go to church; second, that the churches are open to receive the people, particularly Government workers; and, third, that the dominies who are all teaching different things are really all one in fact.

Very well, very well, not to quarrel with anybody, but why pick on the Government workers ? Of course, they have steady incomes, a slice of which it would be good to have, and some of the politicians on the Government pay roll need salvation mighty badly. But Uncle Sam should keep out of this salvation business; he has troubles enough.

New Cumberland, West Virginia, learned something in this connection. At one of the “churches” a deal was made with an evangelistic gang to come down and touch off the fireworks and the proceeds would be split fifty-fifty. As soon as the show was over the “evangelists” put all the money in a sack and left town.

The “church” where the big “touch” was made was expecting to make repairs, etc., and, being much disappointed, made contact with the gang that had cleaned them out. They were promised a “report” on the collection, which is just like receiving an application for a money order instead of the money order itself. Finally the “report” came, and with it a letter asking for $20 more and the account would be square.

Reverend C. R. Shi-rar, in a letter to his flock, reveals the inspiration back of the desire for “attendance”. He has a “church” at Temple, Texas, and, in his letter, says, “There is but one way out! Let each member begin with Sunday, March 1, to come to Sunday school and the other services, and catch up with any balance due on his or her pledge.”

Just to help out Reverend Shirar, there is another way out, but it involves alarm clocks and overalls and calluses; but it is better now than later, when the rush takes place. Cheer up, Reverend, honest labor, as tent-making and such, is a pleasure when one gets used to it.

In the sight of the haymow, the ministers of the Detroit Methodist Episcopal conference are considering a plan to pool 200 salaries in the area and to share and share alike. The bishop pledged himself to go in on the same basis with the others. Now, when this reform gets to the Roman Catholic Hierarchy it will be evident to all that summer is nigh, even at the doors’. Seems too good to be true, doesn’t it?

Apostles of Murder

Common people, and especially the armless and legless veterans, can still remember the blood-lust creators, dispensers of war propaganda and salesmen of war bonds of the period of the World War; and some of the preachers can remember, too.

Rev. Donald McGuire, of Montgomery, Alabama, addressing fellow Presbyterian ministers at Mobile, declared truthfully that “war is a moral issue, not political”, and backed it up by saying: “Any day now we’ll be propagandized into preaching hatred from the pulpit as we did in the last war.” And yet his brethren dismissed the state synod, where he had delivered this prophecy, without having the nerve or Christianity to pass the resolution against war, which was the subject of debate.

Bishop William T. Manning, born in England in 1866, but now making his living peddling religion in the United States, issued a prayer for peace, but when the archbishop of York had convinced him that Britain’s chestnuts are in the fire, he made it clear that his prayer was only to be taken as a joke. He said:

No one of us wishes to see our country drawn into the war anywhere, but America has some duty and responsibility in this world beyond playing the part of an unofficial observer. We must not talk as though the use of force is always unmoral or as though there is no difference between those who engage in police action for the preservation of peace and those who wage deliberate and aggressive war.

There is an opening for a few Baptist South, Methodist Episcopal, Missouri Synod (Lutheran) and United Brethren clergymen to get jobs as chaplains, in the grade of first lieutenants. They must have had a four-year college course, followed by a three-year course in a theological seminary.

The Prayers of the Hypocrites

Six months after Mussolini had expressed his unchangeable intention of making war upon Ethiopia 5,000 clergymen, with 4,000,000 communicants, prayed that he would not do what he had determined to do, but they hedged by taking up collections for gas masks and ambulance litters for the Ethiopian Red Cross. Apparently they suspected that no one would hear or answer their prayers. Their praying was like that of a small boy praying he would not get a licking, and then putting a board in his pants as a matter of precaution.

Everybody knows now that the pope backed Mussolini with his ‘moral’ support, provided him with the financial sinews of war, and even had the church bells rung to start the campaign. This latter was a little too much for some of his ‘separated’ brethren, and Dr. Frederick Brown Harris, pastor of the Foundry Methodist church, Washington, D.C., said:

I cannot help but wonder what Christ thinks today of the mass brutality worse than anything the barbaric Middle Ages ever knew. What does he think of the cruel savagery of a so-called crusade for a civilization tagged with his name? What did he think of those church bells sounding the signal for massacre, ringing out for another denial of Him, another betrayal, another crucifixion ? What does He think of the silence in such an hour of those who call themselves His vicars ?

Frightened by the prospect of another world war, the archbishops of Canterbury and York made a statement broadcast at least once, and read in many churches, that international treaties, pacts and covenants are not enough to ensure peace, and that it can come about only by a supernatural power, “the incoming of the Kingdom of God, God’s Rule of Righteousness, truth, honor, justice, brotherhood among men.”

For once the archbishops told the truth. Now if they will admit that all earthly governments, including the British government, are governments of the Devil, and will, at some personal risk of their jobs, so teach the people, they will be taking a long stride ahead—which they are in no immediate danger of taking.

Confessing to the President

A year ago Governor La Follette, of Wisconsin, circularized the preachers of his state, feeding them political taffy about their high calling, their intimate daily contact with their parishioners and with the people in general, and then he asked for their counsel and advice on the ground that no group could give more accurate or unbiased views.

Farley, or some other nitwit, got President Roosevelt to send almost an identical letter to clergymen all over the country. The clergymen were consulted because they have no regular useful occupations. Roosevelt had the edge on La Follette because he did not have to pay postage, but this was offset by the fact that La Fol-

lette’s letter arrived five months ahead of Roose-

These 29 dominies admitted that Protestant-


In answer to the president’s request Rev. John R. Stevenson, of Daly City, California, made a general confession for Protestantism that “our pulpit utterances are filled with politics of which we know little” and “concerning the things we ought to talk about, we know less”. “Pulpit utterances are filled with ill-considered philosophy, unchristian doctrines and high-sounding phrases. . . . The voice of Protestantism is today lacking in conviction. We are failing the nation in her hour of need. ... In view of the above confession I make for our beloved Protestant church, how can I hope to say anything which could command your respect?”

Rev. Dr. P. W. Dier-berger, pastor of the First Congregational church of Great Falls, Montana, is quoted in the Tribune of that city as saying:

11 They wander as blind men in the streets, they are polluted with blood, so that men cannot touch their garments.”

Lamentations 4: 14, A.R.V.

We overemphasize the scaffolding of religion while we neglect its inner structure. We wear the clothes of religion and we deny its life-giving spirit. We have a form of godliness and we deny the power thereof. We have religious profession without spiritual possession. We have the skin of religion without a sacrificial heart. We have the cross without the Savior. We have an altar but not the open heavens. We emphasize the little things of religion and omit the weightier matters of the law.

The Last Confession of All

The last confession of all is that of the 29 dominies of the High Episcopal flock; who desire reunion with Rome, and recently issued a public statement in New York city, saying, “Let us arise and go to our father’s house, and say: Father [John 8:44], I have sinned and am no more worthy to be called thy son.” One of the 29 got cold feet and backed out later. ism is dead. They said, “Protestantism is bankrupt, ethically, culturally, morally and religiously. Its driving force, negative at best, has exhausted itself.” They wanted to know how they could get back into the “church” of the Inquisition.

The official title of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America is just that, but looking forward eagerly to the time when they would be let in on the Roman Catholic racket, the officers at the church headquarters, 281 Fourth ave., New York city, have of late been omitting the word “Protestant” on many of the publications issued from that office.

So eager are the Protestant clergy to participate in the Roman Catholic racket that in an address in Fort Worth, Texas, Dr. S. Parkes Cadman said: “Sometimes, men and women, in the enthusiasm of ignorance, speak of the Dark Ages. There were no Dark Ages. The darkest age of which I know began in 1914.” Cadman was introduced by a rabbi, and the benediction on his sermon was given by a priest.

Cadman’s mind is a strange workshop. In an address before 2600 Protestant teachers, who plainly see Roman Catholic Fascism coming, he said, “The sin where the human mind is taught to goose-step is about the vilest I know. We are witnessing an attempt to impose Fascist methods in teaching.” He professes to object to the arming of children and to the Hitlerization of the United States, yet he is a party to the conspiracy to do that very thing.

Let Cadman and every other professed Protestant lift up their eyes and see the funds of United States taxpayers being poured out like water in the construction of parochial schools and of public schools which will shortly be under the full control of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy; and when education goes, everything goes.

Cadman describes Roman Catholicism and Judaism as the “two sister faiths” of Protestantism. The former openly threatens to destroy Cadman and all other Protestants as soon as strong enough; the other repudiates the Savior altogether. Cadman says, “Our planet is the lunatic of the solar system.” He is quite right.

A dispatch from Sandusky, Ohio, represents Reverend Thomas Hughes, Methodist minister there, as predicting the end of Protestant churches in the United States within the next quarter of a century unless there is a change. Reverend Hughes is anxious about the condition of a corpus delicti now in about the condition Lazarus was in after he had been dead four days. The tiling to do is to forsake her; for her sins have reached to heaven, and there is absolutely no hope of her recovery. Why postpone the funeral?

“Men of Corrupt Minds'

Papa, to the prodigal son: ‘ ‘ The question is, Can you kiss the big toe with the utter abandon and sloppy technique ‘his holiness’ is accustomed tot’’

Protestant Clergy: “Can I! Why, if you will let me in on your racket and kill the fatted calf, why, I ’ll—I ’ll kiss anything —idols, rosaries, toes, jowls, rings—I’ll be the most constant and thorough shoe polisher in your whole parish. I ’ll take good care of the nuns and beg money for your orphans, and I’ll never, never let on it’s all a bunch of cheap hokum.’’

It is probably not generally true that the clergy of the Protestant churches are men of corrupt morals. The Scriptures lay the emphasis on the fact that they are “men of corrupt minds”.—1 Timothy 6: 5.

In what condition is the mind of a man or a body of men knowing the doctrine of eternal torture is without foundation in the Bible and yet never taking one step to clear the name of Jehovah God from the foul stain which this doctrine has placed upon it?

How could anybody have any confidence in a man or a body of men claiming to represent Jehovah the true and living God, and Jesus Christ, His only-begotten Son, and turning their backs upon the Scriptures, hating and causing the imprisonment of those that carry the water of life to the people, and doing all possible to prevent the people from learning the truth?

The Literary Digest, issue of May 2, 1936, admits, page 17, that neither preachers nor people now have any use at all for “the old hellfireanddamnation upon which they turned their backs more than a generation ago”. Why, then, do they not come out and tell the people the truth, that when they die they are as dead as a dead cat or a dead dog, and unless Jehovah God, through Christ Jesus, awakens them from death they will remain dead for ever?

On the same page The Digest tells that these men, in lieu of the Bible, “discuss social economy, capitalism, and labor,” and that “many have built bowling alleys, billiard rooms, athletic fields, little theatres, social centers, dance halls”. Cannot everybody see that these “have forsaken the Word of the Lord”? And can they not hear the words of the prophet inquiring as to “what wisdom is in them”?

On the next page The Digest goes out of its way to lie about Jehovah’s witnesses, when it describes them as “20,000 fanatical members of an odd American-born religious sect” “refusing to permit their children to salute the Stars and Stripes, to them a 'devil’s banner’.” The numbers are wrong, the alleged fanaticism is wrong, the allegation that Jehovah’s people are a religious sect is wrong, and so is the statement that they refuse to permit the salute of the flag.

World’s End

J. five-minute talk

by Judge Rutherford

HIS faithful disciples propounded to Jesus this question: What shall be the proof of the end of the world? The question did not refer to the end of the earth, because those disciples knew that the Scriptures say that the earth abides for ever, and will never end. World means the peoples of earth that are under the rule of an invisible overlord. Jesus had taught those disciples of His that the invisible ruler of the world was and is Satan the Devil. It was in the year 606 B.C. that God withdrew His favor from Israel, because of the unfaithfulness of that nation, and then and there the Devil became the invisible ruler of the whole world. God declared that Israel should be trodden down for 2,520 years, or seven symbolic times. During that period of time God did not interrupt or interfere with the rule of the Devil. The question concerning the end of the world propounded to Jesus therefore means, When would the time arrive when God would interrupt the Devil’s rule, and what would be the proof of the beginning of that time. We know the answer of Jesus is correct, because He always speaks with authority. The question and answer are recorded in Matthew, the twenty-fourth chapter.

The answer of Jesus to the question was that the first evidence that would come to the attention of men would be the world war, in which the nations would fight against each other. The 2,520-year period ended in the autumn of 1914, and exactly at that time the world war began. Jesus said that the world war would be followed by famine and pestilences and that these combined evils would be the beginning of sorrows upon the peoples of earth. The year 1914 did mark the fulfillment of this prophecy, and therefore marks the day when the Lord began to interfere with the Devil’s rule of the world.

Long before God declared His purpose to send forth Jesus to rule while the enemy still exercised his power and that then there would be a war between the Devil and the Lord Jesus. (Psalm 110:1,2) The twelfth chapter of Revelation records the beginning of that war in heaven, which took place about 1914, which resulted in the Devil and his angels’ being east out of heaven and down to the earth, where they have continued their operations. In the twelfth verse of that chapter of Revelation these words appear: “Woe to the inhabiters of the earth, and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.” This scripture is a plain explanation of the cause of the great amount of sorrow and trouble in the world since 1914, and the reason is that the Devil is desperately endeavoring to cause the complete destruction of the human race. The sorrows continue to increase upon the peoples of earth, but God is in no wise to blame for such trouble. The proof is conclusive that the world of Satan the Devil has ended and that the Lord Jesus, the rightful Ruler, will soon destroy the Devil and his organization and put righteousness into complete operation.

The Lord shows the reason why he still permits the Devil to exercise power over the nations, as follows: The Lord stopped the world war in 1918 and withheld His own wrath that His witnesses might bear testimony to the peoples of earth, and He sent them forth to tell the good news that His kingdom is at hand, and thus He has afforded the peoples of earth the opportunity of declaring themselves for God and His kingdom. These witnesses of Jehovah must continue to proclaim the Kingdom message until God’s due time to completely destroy the Devil and his power. In obedience to His commandments Jehovah’s witnesses go about the earth carrying to the people books containing an explanation of the Bible, and up to the present time they have placed in the hands of the people more than 200 million of these books, printed in 70-odd different languages, that the people might hear the truth. Only the Lord knows when this witness work will be completed ; and He says that when it is completed there will follow the greatest tribulation of all time, and which tribulation is known as “the battle of that great day of God Almighty”, or “Armageddon”. That battle will mark the complete or final end of Satan’s world. In that greatest tribulation all persons on earth who remain on the side of the Devil will be destroyed. The survivors of that trouble will be only those who hear the message of truth concerning the Kingdom, and who firmly take their stand on the side of God and His kingdom. It is of the greatest importance to you, and the greatest favor from God, that you now learn the truth. It is to be expected that the Devil will use all his power and agents

[The unique series of Bible talks of which the foregoing is the 44th has been reproduced for the phonograph, and the records may be used on the ordinary type of machine. They are being widely used for pass-to keep the people from learning about God’s kingdom; and that is why there is so much opposition to the truth. The hope of the people for peace, prosperity and happiness is exclusively in the kingdom of God under Christ. Jehovah’s witnesses bring to you the publications which will enable you to fully inform yourself.

ing on important Bible truths to neighbors, friends and other acquaintances. The Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society, 117 Adams St., Brooklyn, N.Y., are the distributors. Inquiries should be addressed to them.]

Roman Hierarchy Controls San Diego Exposition

IT IS the settled and admitted policy of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy that the people must not be permitted to learn the truth: if they do, the jig is up for the Hierarchy and for all its evil consorts.

That is the reason why the Hierarchy seizes every avenue of approach to the minds of the people, and why it seeks to hinder the efforts of those whose interest in God and in their fellow men is unselfish.

Today Rome has more than half of all the publicity in the newspapers. The crimes of her clergy are minimized or covered completely. She has full control of the movies. No movie ever depicts a Roman Catholic priest in any manner but that of fawning obsequiousness or flattery. When the clergy are to he ridiculed, the Protestants are selected for the part.

Rome has done all possible to gain full control of the radio. Herself allotted free time and facilities, she is small enough and mean enough to beg publicly for bonuses for her broadcasting artists, and at the same time seeks to drive from the air Judge Rutherford, and Jehovah’s witnesses, who pay well for the privilege of teaching the people.

In the countries where the people know the most about the Roman Catholic Hierarchy the people want the least to do with it, as witness recent occurrences in Spain and Mexico.

The Hierarchy never repents, never reforms, never shows any other disposition than that of a Poland China porker with his feet in the trough. It is after the swill, first, last, and all the time.

As recently as the night of May 4, 1936, the news was broadcast that in the preceding twenty-four hours thirty churches and convents had been burned in Spain, and priests and nuns were again fleeing for their lives. Do you know why?

Only a year or so ago the papers fell over themselves to tell how glad the Spanish people were to have the priests and nuns return to their midst, after the revolution that expelled them a few years back. They were no sooner back than they were back at their old tricks, conniving with the aristocracy and the moneybags against the interests of the common people.

The Roman Hierarchy is always against the people. See the next three issues of The Golden Age.

At the moment, Rome is in a desperate battle to seize American schools and legislatures, and succeeding quite well, too; but, not content with all these attacks upon liberty, she now wishes to control even the public expositions and prevent the people from even seeing the covers of the books she most fears—those of Judge Rutherford’s explanations of the Bible.

The San Diego Exposition

Recently a full set of Judge Rutherford’s books (granted highest award at the Paris Exposition) was placed in the British Empire building of the California International Exposition, at San Diego. They remained there a week or ten days, many people inquiring favorably concerning them. Then the Hierarchy, through the Knights of Columbus, performed one of their customary acts of shamelessness and the books were removed.

It would take more than one issue of The Golden Age to tell its opinion of an institution that would do such a thing. Accordingly, the first fourteen pages of each of the next three issues will be devoted to a consideration of “Philistia (Catholic Action) a Murderess for 1500 Years”.

Meantime, to whet the appetite, read the following copy of a letter by Judge Rutherford, which will be of interest to every lover of God and man and every person with a particle of manhood or womanhood in his make-up.

April 24, 1936

To the

House of Pacific Relations of the

California International Exposition,

Balboa Park,

San Diego, California.


Frank Drugan, Director Foreign Relations.


When ancient Rome was facing disaster the emperor played his fiddle. Compare this with the language of your letter to the nations, from which the following is quoted:

‘‘A great moral disaster has overtaken the world. A definite crisis exists.”

“To date, the fate of civilization has been let loosely depend upon the success or failure of successive disarmament conferences. The result has been increased discord.’’

‘‘The House of Pacific Relations invites the nations of the world to live together and play together in a spirit of goodfellowship.”

‘‘Music, so potent to promote peace, constitutes a part of these programs.”

The nations of the earth are now facing complete disaster. All human efforts to prevent that disaster are certain to fail. There is but one remedy, and that is God’s remedy through His Kingdom. Says Jehovah God: ‘Behold, my Servant [Christ Jesus], whom I have chosen; my beloved, in whom I am well pleased. In His Name shall the nations hope.’—Matthew 12:18-21, R.V.

Recently there was placed in the British Empire Cottage a set of books explaining God’s remedy, that the people might have an opportunity to learn about it. Those books contain the explanation of God’s warning to the nations, and a statement of the only possible remedy for the salvation of the human race.

Because the Roman Catholic Hierarchy is against American freedom, is against righteousness, and, above all, against Jehovah’s Kingdom, that foreign institution objected to the above-mentioned books’ being exhibited, for fear that the people might learn something of the truth. You had those books removed because Rome demanded it. Having had the opportunity to hear Jehovah’s warning, and having rejected the same, and also prevented others from learning about it, the responsibility rests upon you and those who influenced you to act. The question now is, Will the American people be dictated to and controlled by the foreign power, Rome, and follow Rome into complete annihilation, or will some of them hear the Lord God, seek righteousness, and live?—Zephaniah 3:8; Ezekiel 3:17,18.

The worst visible enemy to the American people is the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, operating from Vatican City, Italy, in its desperate attempt to control America as it now controls Germany and Italy. Those who insist on supporting Rome will suffer the same fate that God has decreed for Rome, as stated in the Scriptures above.

This is not a threat, but a friendly warning. Receive it or not, as you may like.


J. F. Rutherford.

cc to the Press

Statement by The House of Pacific Relations to which Judge Rutherford’s letter refers:

At this moment questions of life and death are convulsing civilization. A great moral disaster has overtaken the world. A definite crisis exists. There is dire need of concentrating human intelligence, in a new way, on the problem of saving civilization from its threatened disaster.

To date, the fate of civilization has been let loosely depend upon the success or failure of successive disarmament conferences. The result has been increased discord; and, yet, there remains a simple formula whereby we can, if we will, make human harmony attractive. If, instead of deliberately getting together to argue and quarrel, we get together deliberately to delight one another, our international parties may become popular.

The earth would be a better place today, in which to live, if nations could find an outlet for warped mind-forces that are seeking vent in exaggerating the alarms with which the international air is filled. The world needs a healthy distraction from the quarrels now oppressing it. The House of Pacific Relations aims to provide a natural, healthful means of keeping the international mind from going insane under the sordid strain that world-events are putting upon it. The House of Pacific Relations invites the nations of the world to live together and play together in a spirit of goodfeUowship that can knit them together more closely than disarmament conferences or other types of peace-societies that use the form of debate to provoke not agreement but disagreement.

The House of Pacific Relations, at the Exposition, is not one house. It is a collection of beautiful hacienda-type Spanish bungalows, built around an ever green lawn. To foreign nations these bungalow-headquarters have been contributed. Representatives of the British Empire, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Italy, Japan, Germany, Yugoslavia, Mexico, Portugal, Norway, China, Sweden, Irish Free State, and a group of nineteen Latin-American nations, including Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela, are comfortably established in these homes.

Each of the participating nations provides, within the year, a two-day program composed of such social diversions as are characteristic of its people, calculated to win appreciation and promote ties of good will. Music, so potent to promote peace, constitutes a part of these programs. So, too, does drama, the dance, pageantry, and athletics. Nationwide broadcasts of the programs are released on the great networks. The world constitutes the audience.

Frank Drugan,


Northern and Central Europe

Struggles for Control of Lithuania

TO KEEP the Memel district of Lithuania from being swallowed by Nazi Germany 126 Nazis were placed on mass trial, and imprisoned for several months. Two of the prisoners are alleged to have been tortured to death, while another went insane. Nazi Germany is considerably excited over the treatment of these Germans that were in Memel trying to seize that part of Lithuania. Having, for the time being, lost the German market, the Lithuanian rulers have ordered all government servants to purchase at least one goose each week, costing about 70 cents. If this plan to cut down the surplus geese works, it will be tried on other products for which no present outlet is in sight.

German Inquisitors Forbid Listening

HOW would you like to live in a land where, for listening to a radio program not approved by your “government”, you might get four years in prison? That is the kind of “government” they have in Germany, where no one dares to tune in on any program that is under the ban. The German authorities are particularly nervous about the Moscow (Russia) programs.

50,000 Restless Danish. Farmers

FIFTY THOUSAND restless Danish farmers descended on Copenhagen, demanding better prices for products and more relief from debts. They told the king they would stay in his courtyard until the premier promised to do something for them, which he did. The people of Copenhagen opened their homes and provided lodgings for all. There was no disturbance.

Codfish Currency in Iceland

A DANISH circus traveling in Iceland landed in a town where they had codfish but no money. The tents went up and the show went on as usual, five codfish per ticket. Later the circus manager disposed of his receipts to a wholesale fish merchant. Iceland, after 22 years of prohibition, returned to the sale of liquor, February 1.

Items Respecting Finland

FINLAND is now the only debtor power legally able to borrow money in the United States;

it alone has shown that its word can be trusted. One-tenth of the population of Finland speak Swedish. Until now both languages have been taught and used in the universities; but the Finns now wish to use only their own tongue, and the Swedes in Finland are much disturbed. Japanese officials are in Finland studying how the Finns manage to keep warm in winter. Many Japanese froze in the winter campaign in Manchuria years ago.

Profits of Big Business Under Nazi Rule

THE profits of Big Business, which financed

Hitler in the first place, have risen greatly under Nazi rule. The Nation shows that of 180 leading corporations, 57 in the calendar year 1934 did not change their dividends, 64 raised their dividends, 47 resumed dividend payments, 8 decreased their dividends, and 4 reported a loss. The Thyssens, Krupps and Boschs drove a shrewd bargain. They and their confreres took from the people in wages alone, in 1934, about 2,559,000,000 marks, says The Nation.

Demands of “German Christians?’

THE so-called “German Christians”, or “Nazi

Christians”, deny that Jesus Christ was a Jew, and have issued a demand that all hymns and liturgies containing names and expressions such as “Jehovah”, “Hosanna,” “Zion,” etc., shall be used no more in public worship. These restrictions, of course, apply to Protestant churches only. The Catholics are hollering about “persecution”, but are getting away with murder, in Germany and elsewhere.

Socialization in Iceland

SOCIALIZATION pushes on rapidly in Iceland, where the staple industries are now all controlled by the state. Legal sanction has been given to medical advice on birth control. The retail price of milk has been reduced, while the producer gets a higher return than before.

State Dominance of the Homes

rDHE first Hitler Youth home has been opened in Germany. The purpose is to destroy what the Hitler government terms “unsocial homes”. Children will be taken away from non-Hitlerized families and reared by the state.

Barter Between Mexico and Germany

GERMANY is pleased with an arrangement whereby she is to trade hospital equipment for 13,000 tons of rice, from Mexico, the rice to be transported in German ships.

Newspapermen Tease Austrian Censors

DISCOVERING that Austrian postal author-  A

ities were opening their bulky mail, to see

what they could find, sonTe newspapermen resorted to the rather unwise and questionable procedure of mailing bulky packages containing nothing more dangerous than numerous advertising pages, but liberally sprinkled with a highly irritating powder, so that the censor would sneeze. In the same mail, similarly addressed, goes an ordinary letter, and it comes through all right. The big package never shows up, but the newspaperman feels that he is repaid for his lost postage by knowing that some government employee has nearly sneezed his head off. Now, who but a newspaperman would think of teasing a government official like that?

Nazis Gain in Czechoslovakia

RIENDS of Czechoslovakia are disturbed that German Nazism has spread to that land and the Nazis are now the largest single party in the country. There are 3,500,000 Germans in the northwestern part of the country, and it is feared that these, who are now organized into a militant opposition to the government of the country, may secede and join Germany.

Rudolf Nedvidek, Living Dummy

udolf Nedvidek, of Prague, Czechoslovakia, makes his living by posing three hours at a stretch in a tailor’s shop window without moving so much as an eyelid in all that time. He displays the latest styles in men’s dress much better than any figure of wax or wood can do. No smiles or other artifices can produce a wink or smile in return until the three hours are up.

Visitors to Munich Must Salute rpHERE are now three memorials at Munich -*• which foreign visitors are required to salute. Watchers are kept to make sure that the salutes are not withheld. One is a blood flag in honor of the Nazi dead. The military in Germany are in full control of everything.

Peace on Earth, Machine Guns Toward Men

THE Nazis had a Christmas celebration near Berlin where a “Santa Claus”, in full regalia, issued from a barracks mounted on a tank between the barrels of two machine guns. His gifts to the little folks were models of tanks.

Revival of Paganism in Hungary

N ATTEMPTED revival of paganism in Hungary, stimulated by the wave of paganism in Germany, was broken up by the police. When detectives raided the house of the lawyer, Dr. Zoltan Benesi, where the meeting was being held, sacrifices of wheat and other cereals were being made to the war god, Hadur. It appears that extreme nationalist waves always bring about a yearning for the heathen gods of a nation’s ancestors. Nationalism is plainly of the Devil.

A Jackass in Priestly Petticoats

IN Hungary a jackass in petticoats married thirty-two gypsy couples, one of whom had eight children at the time the marriage was performed. When awakened, if this dominie runs across Adam and Eve he will insist on marrying them, as there is no available record that any salvation-peddler united them in the bonds of wedlock.

Lost 93 Pounds in 3y2 Hours

POULTRY dealer in Budapest, Hungary, holds the record for losing 93 pounds of weight in 3| hours. A beauty specialist opened him up, cut out enough fat to reduce his weight from 379 pounds to 286 and sewed him back together. Seems like a strenuous path to beauty, but the man recovered.

Dutch Submarine Travels 25,000 Miles

THE Netherland navy’s submarine K-18 visited all the continents of earth, traveled 25,000 miles, dived 230 times, navigated under water 264 hours, and wound up in the East Indies eight months later on the day scheduled and without an unfortunate incident to mar the trip. It carried a crew of 35 men.

Fascist (Catholic Action) Rule in Austria

NDER new orders promulgated in Austria men working for the government must denounce their wives to the authorities if the latter show hostility to the Fascist (Inquisition) regime.

Germany Removes the Ancient Landmarks

ITHERTO Germany was a federation of states, kingdoms, principalities, etc., but it is so no more and the minister of the interior has caused to be removed all the old boundary markers between the various provinces.

The Vomitus of Belchertown, Mass.

BELCHERTOWN, Massachusetts, has taken into itself and endeavored to digest a mixture of professional patriotism, religious intolerance, patriotic ultramontanism and pedagogical Pharisaism, with embarrassing results. This conglomeration of Jesuitical and Fascis-tieal philosophies has now brought forth fruit. Belchertown has vomited forth one of the most inhuman, cruel, brutal and tyrannical acts of any American community.

Nellie G. Shea is principal of the Franklin school of Belchertown. In January she was informed that two pupils of the school, Zophie Opielouski, age 12, and Anna Opielouski, age 9, had refused to salute the flag. She was also informed they were of Jehovah’s witnesses. Did she inquire to learn if the children had good reasons for not saluting? Did she make any further investigation? She did not Hadn’t “Father” Lorrison, of St. Adalbert’s parish, stated that all of Jehovah’s witnesses were “crazy”? That was enough for Nellie. Out with them. And thus little Anna and Zophie, with their brother Domino, were denied the privilege of attendance at the public schools of Belchertown.

That was eructation number one of the patriotic cult of Belchertown.

The next proruption took place in the District Court of Northampton, Massachusetts, Judge John W. Mason presiding. Having barred the children from attendance at school, the devotees of the patriotic ritual now proceeded to penalize Ignace Opielouski, father of the children, for not sending them to school. They succeeded in having a fine, with the alternative of a prison sentence, placed against him. And Hampshire county, in the state of Massachusetts, dearly beloved, is supposed to be part of a land of liberty.

But this is not all. The children were also brought before Judge John W. Mason, who has taken an oath to support the constitution of the state of Massachusetts and of the United States. At the instigation of the Belchertown flag-wavers the children were adjudged to be delinquents and sentenced to a county reform school. Why did this judge decree that these children should be separated from their parents and their home life broken up? Was it because they were wicked and vicious? It was not. There was no fault found in them except in the law of their God, Jehovah. They recognized that supreme allegiance belongs only to Almighty God.

They obeyed God’s law and of their own free will and choice refused to give honor and obeisance to a man-made object. They refused to join in the religious ceremonies of the patriotic cult. For this, Judge Mason decreed that they should be taken from their parents and committed to a county institution. If this sentence is carried out, what will happen to these children when thus incarcerated? Will they be beaten and tortured if they still retain allegiance to God and refuse to bow down to the governmental image?

Here is an excellent solution presented by the St. Louis Star Times of April 20:

A Massachusetts judge has sentenced three children, from 9 to 14 years old, to the reform school because they obeyed their father’s order not to salute the American flag. A case like this calls for the whipping post, not the reform school, and the one tied to the post should be the judge.

What Massachusetts needs is a return in spirit to that old and comparatively liberal period when the courts didn’t do anything worse than kill witches.

Back of this invidious persecution is the unpatriotic opposition of Roman Catholicism. Two years ago Ignace Opielouski got his eyes open and withdrew from a lifelong membership in the Roman Catholic cult. The sentencing of these little children to a reformatory was purely an act of malice on the part of the Roman Hierarchy. Writing on the subject the Philadelphia Record said:

What’s going on? Have the people and courts of Massachusetts gone mad? When William Randolph Hearst started his flag saluting teachers’ oath campaign, we warned that it would probably turn out dangerous. But we never thought to see children sentenced to a reformatory for their parents’ religious beliefs. Will the jailing of these children “honor” the flag? Of course not. The flag is dishonored by being made the pretext for this sort of thing.

Hearst should start a convent with Nellie G. Shea as mother superior.

It is interesting to note that thousands of liberty-lovers of Massachusetts are not in sympathy with exudations of the Belchertown type. Letters of protest have poured in from all parts of the country. A defense committee of public-spirited citizens has been formed. A movement has started to request the legislature to repeal the compulsory flag salute law. It is plainly evident that the Hierarchy has pulled another boner. America is not yet ready to goose-step for Ambrose and his Jesuits.


15 Liberty-loving Clergymen

IFTEEN liberty-loving clergymen in Holyoke, Massachusetts, issued a statement April 27, 1936, from which the following is an extract:

“We desire to challenge recent statements in the press to the effect that no religious issue is involved in the refusal of the Opielouski children of Belchertown to salute the flag. Their refusal, based as it is on their conscientious belief that saluting the flag is contrary to the will of God, is in line with the position of Christians from the first century onward. The early Christians brought down on their heads the fury of the Roman empire because they would not bow down to the emperor or his image.

“We American Protestants are in the direct line of descent from men who would not be told by the state how they must worship their God. The Mayflower, Roger Williams and the first amendment to the Constitution of these United States are eloquent testimony to the sternness with which our American forebears insisted that no power must come between an individual and his right to worship God as his own conscience dictates.”

“Those who are attempting to abridge the religious liberties of the followers of the sect of Jehovah’s witnesses fail to see that all American religious liberty is tied up inextricably with the liberty of each small group.”

“We say with the apostle Peter, ‘We ought to obey God rather than man,’ and we affirm that no organ of the state can ever without impiety arrogate to itself the function of determining the will of God for the individual conscience. The state is man and not God. ’ ’

Tyranny in the Making

AIL sentences for teachers who do not take the teachers’ oath are recommended by a member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives, Cornelius P. Donovan, of Lynn.

Donovan is a member of the American Legion.

Should Legionnaire Donovan be successful, to jail might go respected and truly patriotic Professors Arthur C. Lane and Earle M. Winslow of Tufts College, who have resigned in protest against the teachers’ oath.

Professor Lane is a widely known geologist, and a war veteran. Professor Winslow is a Quaker. Dr. Lane is 70 years old and a born Bostonian. During the World War he was head of the department of mining in the army service school in France. He is a deacon of the North Congregational church, Cambridge, and a deputy commissioner of Cambridge Council, Boy Scouts of America. Dangerous man!

Representative Donovan, former Lynn traffic policeman, who is known as an expert whistler, singer and trumpeter, would jail the likes of Professors Lane and Winslow. Dr. Winslow, head of the department of economics at Tufts, is an authority on international economics and has served as adviser for the United States government. He, too, looks dangerous, doesn’t he?

You see the tyranny that is being built by professional patriots. They would not let a man even sacrifice his career in protest against shotgun patriotism. They would jail him: jail these two, for example.

Your turn may come next, as a result of some other Fascist-communist law foisted on a hitherto free people by patrioteers. There is really grave danger in the antics of these star-spangled solons.—Boston Traveler.

Laughing at Massachusetts

EFERRING to the prank where Williams College boys waved flags in a frenzy while their teachers were taking what the St. Louis Post Republic calls “that preposterous teachers’ oath”, that able paper goes on to say:

Ridicule is, proverbially, a powerful weapon, and never so happily invoked as against the ridiculous. That is the deplorable and unbecoming position in which the ‘grand old commonwealth’ of Massachusetts has been placed by a tawdry regulation that affronts the self-respect of teachers and somehow cheapens the very ritual of citizenship. Perhaps Williams will be the Cervantes to laugh the Bay State’s Curleyesque knight-errantry out of court.

(Curley is the Roman Catholic boss of the state.)

“The Zeal of Thine (School-)House”

THE attorney in Massachusetts, moving for a writ of mandamus to restore to Carleton B. Nichols the right to an education in the Lynn public schools, cites nine legal authorities and precedents for the request, and concludes with the comical suggestion: “So let the Lynn Committee now repeat in unison: ‘The zeal of thine (school-)house hath eaten me up.’”

Isn’t It Strange?

< CTSN’T it strange that for the past 315 years, J- since our ancestors landed at Plymouth Rock, there was no compulsory flag salute, and now, in this enlightened age, it suddenly becomes necessary, at the behest of Roman Catholic politicians, to force the little children to salute the flag and pledge allegiance thereto?” —Howard V. Fiske, Massachusetts.

Mayor Gold Sees Red

Mayor James C. Gold, of Monessen, Pa., is laboring under a dire handicap. He is afflicted with deceptio visits, which means that he has optical illusions. This affliction has taken a rare course with the mayor. It causes him to view as red that which isn’t red, never was red and never will he red.

Of course ‘his honor’ isn’t entirely to blame for the disease. He has been following the program of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, and D.A.R., and others of the flag-waving cult so devotedly that he now sees the scarlet hue at every turn. This redness takes the shape of Communism to the mayor.

And doth he have visions of them! In the early morn, and the bright noonday, and in the dewy eve, he sees Communists behind every corner. They appear to be always with him and ready to sneak off with the government at first opportunity. Therefore Mayor Gold has put on his armor, donned his helmet, and sworn a big swear that no Communist will grab the government while he is around.

While in this patriotic mood he fastened his goggle-eyed optics on the Monessen Kingdom School of Jehovah’s witnesses. Didn’t that school look red? Didn’t the teacher and the pupils refuse to salute the flag? ‘They're Communists. No doubt about it.’

They’re ready to take over the government. Someone must save it. He, James C. Gold, would save the country. He would be a hero. He would have his name, and maybe his picture, in the paper. Forward! Action! And the battle against the Kingdom School of Monessen commenced.

Joseph Lescanac, chief of police of Monessen, is also troubled with redness of vision. He investigated the Kingdom School; arrested Ira Bird, the teacher; sent the pupils home and locked the doors. He also collected “evidence” of the Communistic nature of the school.

Cockeyed “Patriotism”

Chief Lescanac may be cockeyed of vision, but trust him to do a job efficiently. The school contained a Bible, a book entitled The Harp of God, copy of the school laws, and two American flags. There was “evidence”, if you please, that teacher Bird and his nineteen pupils were deadly enemies of the republic. No more was needed.

With Bird in custody and his “Communistic” evidence at hand, the chief reported to the mayor. They turned their gooseberry eyes on the “evidence” and it surely did look red to them. Mayor Gold announced, “It’s an out-and-out Communistic school.” Bird was locked behind prison bars, and that evening the mayor ‘slept the sleep of a just and righteous’ patrioteer.

Two days later it dawned upon these strabismic officials that a consultation with an oculist might be of benefit to them. Jehovah’s witnesses appeared on the scene with a battery of counsel, ready to have them show cause for their illegal and outrageous acts.

And Now What’s Wrong?

And now, what was wrong with the “evidence”? It had lost its redness of color. The school didn’t look Communistic any more. It was conceded that the Bible was not a Communistic textbook. Therefore Bird was released from jail and the “evidence” returned to him.

The battle is not yet over. Gold and the chief are still seeing red, and it may take a few court decisions to remove the disease.

Just to show that those who yell the loudest about honoring the flag are the quickest to bring it into disgrace, just keep in mind these illegal acts and outrageous actions of the mayor and the chief in their campaign to preserve (?) America.

“We feel that the flag should be respected, and that it should be honored,” announced the mayor. Like others of the flag-waving cult, he did a first-class job of bringing dishonor and disgrace to the flag by flouting the laws of the land designed to protect innocent persons.

Hitler, Mussolini or Ambrose Ratti could make good use of Mayor Gold.

Monessen People Must See Straight

That the mayor and the chief of police are having scarlet visions would not prove that everyone in Monessen needs glasses. But they will need to open their eyes wide before their liberties are all gone. If one mayor can trample on the liberties of Jehovah’s witnesses, another may trample on the liberties of all. If one man, or a group, can be driven from town through the blind prejudice of an Hitleristic mayor, who will be safe? Now is the time for Monessen people to show that they really believe in principles of justice $nd liberty theoretically symbolized by the flag.


Representative Tronzo to the D.A.R.

Representative Al Tronzo, of Pennsylvania, received a letter from Mrs. H. C. McEldow-ney, secretary of the mischief-making and unpatriotic D.A.R., asking him to vote for their latest Oath of Allegiance bill. He used what St. Paul referred to as “great plainness of speech” in his reply, published in the Pittsburgh Press:

It was not exactly a pleasure to have received and read the ridiculous resolution adopted by your organization. I wonder, at times, whether it is not possible that instead of being Daughters of the American Revolution you might also become mothers of another one. I doubt if there are really many organized groups that foment strife as easily and rapidly as organizations such as the one you happen to represent.

These professors and teachers of whom you speak are not Communists, neither are they disloyal to the fundamental principles of an American democracy. They are decent, courageous and honest-to-goodness Americans who are endeavoring to teach truths, a difficult and dangerous undertaking, in many of our public schools and universities.

I take this means to assure you that I am emphatically opposed to such a ridiculous, infamous and contemptible resolution which your organization is sponsoring, and I will oppose it vehemently. As an American it certainly will be my duty—and a pleasure—to prevent such an autocratic brainstorm from being placed on our statute books.

Military Training at Pennsylvania State

A GLIMPSE at so-called “military discipline” may be had from the Penn Slate Collegian for January 7, 1936. The two students who scored lowest in target practice had to run the gauntlet of 75 men beating them with their cartridge belts. More Hitlerism.

Philadelphia Police Will Be Non-Partisan

rfHE announcement is made that hereafter Philadelphia police will be nonpartisan. As long as there is no violence, nothing will be done to stop mass picketing, and there will be no providing of police to ride on trucks with strikebreakers.

$2,600 Road Job Costs $50,000

rPHE Philadelphia Inquirer is lost in the woods wondering why it costs the WPA $50,000 and five months of time to tear up and half finish a piece of road that a regular contractor could handle for $2,600, at a profit. Ask another.

Judge Maxey on the Laws of God

Judge George W. Maxey, of the Pennsylvania

Supreme Court, in an address at Harrisburg said, in part: “The mainspring of ambition has been fear of want. The laws of creation ordain that life shall be a trial and a struggle. The Creator meant it so to be. [ ??] Why try to legislate against His purpose? If we Americans should be legislatively, or otherwise, endowed with that 'abundant life’ the charlatans are promising us, we would soon degenerate into a race of weaklings and become prey of some strong people who would have the enterprise to come and take us, as Alexander took the Persians.” That is rich. According to that, Christ was a charlatan and the Lord’s prayer for a time to come when God’s will is done on earth as it is done in heaven is as unwise as Judge Maxey himself. Take a look at John 10:10.

Killing a Physician

T)LEADING nolle contendere to charges of

■L involuntary manslaughter and failure to stop at the scene of an accident and render assistance, Reverend Father John Sikora, pastor of St. John’s Catholic church of Windber, appeared before Judges John H. McCann, Ivan McKendrick and Charles C. Greer yesterday afternoon and was sentenced to pay the costs on the manslaughter charge, further sentence being suspended. On the charge of failure to stop and render assistance, Father Sikora was sentenced to pay a fine of $100 and costs.”—■ Paragraph from Johnstown Tribune.

Lancaster’s De Luxe Relief

LANCASTER (Pa.) de luxe relief is the job of Max Cohen on the WPA Petersburg road project. Meantime his wife has to keep a servant to run her grocery store while Max is away encouraging his country to go into benevolence in a big way. This is in the same state where they beat kids black-and-blue for refusal to salute the flag.

Common Sense Among New Castle Cops

JANUARY 1,1936, the chief of police of New

Castle, Pennsylvania, issued an order calling for every policeman to salute his superiors. The order was rescinded in just eight days. Ridicule killed it. Who says ridicule does not have its uses?

Responsibilities of Pedestrians

IN CONNECTION with the traffic safety campaign through which the police department of the city of New York has attained such gratifying results in helping to reduce the number of deaths and injuries arising from accidents in which motor vehicles are involved, and to which this radio broadcasting station, WBBR, has extended its heartiest co-operation, I am going to talk about the pedestrian, his rights and duties, and how he may actively participate in the furtherance of this praiseworthy effort to make our highways, roads and streets safer and less hazardous for both vehicular and foot traffic.

To begin with, under no circumstance is the motorist ever relieved from exercising every possible precaution in order to avoid striking, killing or injuring a pedestrian. Furthermore, he is expected to even anticipate the possible movements of children who might be playing in the roadway, when having occasion to travel through streets where they are at play. But these injunctions on the motorist do not relieve the pedestrian from exercising precaution on his own behalf.

At intersections where traffic is controlled by traffic control light signals, pedestrians should cross the streets only in the direction of moving traffic, and operators of vehicles when making turns should yield the right of way to pedestrians who are so crossing. Operators of vehicles should yield the right of way to pedestrians crossing at intersections or at points on unusually long streets so marked as crossings by the police department, except where the movement of traffic is controlled by a police officer or by traffic control lights, or at points where pedestrian tunnels or overhead crossings have been provided. Pedestrians crossing streets at other than proper intersections or crossings should use care and yield the right of way to oncoming vehicles. In outlying sections of the city where there is no sidewalk, pedestrians should walk to the left of the center line of the roadway, facing oncoming traffic, and always turning out to the left in order to avoid automobiles which may be coming toward them. Pedestrians should never attempt to cross a street even at an intersection, or step from behind a vehicle parked at a curb, without carefully looking first to the left and then to the right in order to see whether or not the way is clear of oncoming automobiles. Pedestrians, in order to protect themselves, should never place too much By Ptl. Edward F. Smith (New York) reliance on the dependability of a motorist to slow down or stop when the circumstance calls for it. Through carelessness, recklessness, momentary inattention or a mechanically defective vehicle he may be unable to do so.

As we all know that the average motorist exercises precaution to such an extent, to avoid accidents, that he will even prefer to ditch or wreck the vehicle he is operating, when the occasion arises, in order to avoid being the possible cause of another person’s death or injury, why can’t we all co-operate with each other and with the traffic safety campaign, in eliminating street traffic accidents ? By adhering to the few points I have brought out, most of which have already been incorporated within the provisions of our traffic laws, ordinances and regulations, pedestrians will be helping to substantially reduce the yearly death toll and at the same time benefiting themselves by avoiding the possibility of death or injury.

No Honor Among the Politicians

REFERRING to the violation of the Locarno and other treaties, Frank R. Kent, Washington correspondent, wrote: “The bald and appalling truth is that a stage seems to have been reached in the world where no nation’s written word can be taken, where no national promise can be considered binding, where there no longer exists such a thing as national good faith”; and then Mr. Kent pointed out that the United States by deliberately devaluing the dollar had repudiated its own promise to pay in gold and is justly included in the list of governments in whose integrity and in the worth of whose promises the people can no longer have confidence.

Increases in Staple Foods

BY METHODS peculiarly its own, in 2% years pork chops were shoved up by the AAA 116 percent; bacon, 117 percent; lard, 148 percent; eggs, 93 percent; sirloin steak, 43 percent; flour, 47 percent; corn meal, 48 percent; and rice, 45 percent. Unemployed, please cheer.

Fact-Finders or Prosecutors?

THE suggestion has been made, and seems an excellent one, that instead of public prosecutors, eager to make a personal record, there should be public fact-finders, as eager to keep innocent men out of prison as to get Big Business men in.

The End of the Ten Commandments

THE ten commandments given to Israel at Mt. Sinai were a summary of all the statutes, ordinances, and requirements of “the law of Moses". (Malachi 4:4) They were an epitome of God’s commandments as given to that people. The fact that they were given to Israel, and to no other people, is made clear in several passages of Scripture. For instance: “He sheweth his word unto Jacob, his statutes and his judgments unto Israel. He hath not dealt so with any nation; and as for his judgments, they have not known them. Praise ye the Lord.” (Psalm 147:19, 20) Moses said: “Hear, 0 Israel, the statutes and judgments which I speak in your ears this day, that ye may learn them, and keep, and do them. The Lord our God made a covenant with us in Horeb. The Lord made not this covenant with our fathers, but with us, even us, who are all of us here alive this day.”—Deuteronomy 5:1-3.

The fact that the ten commandments apply to Israel only is further emphasized by certain statements in the commandments themselves. The introduction reads, “I am Jehovah thy God, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt have no other gods besides me.” (Exodus 20: 2, A.R.V., margin) Obviously these words are addressed to Israel, and to them only. They could have no direct application to any other people. Then, in the fifth commandment, we find the words: “Honor thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long in the land [Canaan] which Jehovah thy God giveth thee.” (Exodus 20:12, A.R.V.; Deuteronomy 5:16) The clergy have vainly tried to apply these words to the present, and have been at a loss to explain why children and others who honor father and mother frequently die at an early age, and therefore their days are not long in the earth.

The ten commandments are closely identified with the covenant which God made with Israel. (Exodus 34: 28) They were a summing up of all the terms and conditions attached to the covenant which Israel entered upon when God Took them by the hand and led them forth out of the land of Egypt’. (Jeremiah 31:31,32) With reference to that covenant Moses said, “He declared unto you his covenant, which he commanded you to perform, even ten commandments ; and he wrote them upon two tables of stone. And the Lord commanded me at that time to teach you statutes and judgments, that ye might do them in the land whither ye go over to possess it." (Deuteronomy 4:13,14) In a vain attempt to make this scripture apply to others than Israel in Canaan the clergy have attempted to twist these words from their plain meaning. They have sought to separate the law from the covenant to which it was joined, and to divide it up into two parts, terming one part the ceremonial law, and the other the moral law, insisting that the latter is “everlasting”, but not the former.


However, all the provisions of the law were “everlasting", that is, perpetual, enduring and unchangeable. This was true of its ceremonial features as well as of the ten commandments and their ramifications as set forth in the book of the law, the book of the covenant. All features of the law were binding upon Israelites. The pentecostal sacrifice, a “ceremonial” feature, is termed “perpetual” as well as the sabbath arrangement, referred to in the ten commandments. The day of atonement, another “ceremonial” institution, as also the feast of tabernacles, was “everlasting”.—Leviticus 23: 14,21,31,32, 41.

The provision of a priesthood, closely identified with the ceremonial of the law, but inseparable, like the commandments, from the covenant arrangement, was also “everlasting”, perpetual, enduring and unchangeable. (Exodus 40:15; Numbers 25:13; Joshua 18: 7) The priesthood, the ceremonial, the statutes, the judgments, the ordinances and the ten commandments were all equally “everlasting”; but as the priesthood was terminated when Christ, as the great antitypical priest, appeared, so all the arrangements of the covenant with Israel were brought to their end or objective bv the bringing in of a better hope. —Hebrews 7:‘11, .12,19.

There is not a shadow' of justification for the distinction that is often made behveen the “ceremonial” and the “moral” features of the law, and the claim that only the former ended at the time Christ was nailed to the tree, but that the latter are still binding, and that not only upon Israel, but also upon others.

It was under the Levitical priesthood that the law was given. (Hebrews 7:11) Among the provisions of the lav’ given to Israel was the command that they must rest one day in seven, namely, on the seventh day, which was therefore called the “sabbath”, meaning “rest”. This arrangement was “to be a sign” between Jehovah and Israel, and it was an evidence of His love and care for His typical chosen people. It was a reminder to them, first of all, of Jehovah as the great Creator, who in six “days” made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested on the seventh “day”. (Exodus 20:11) The sabbath was, additionally, a reminder of Israel’s deliverance from the bondage in Egypt, where they were forced to work “with rigor”. Moses said, “Remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and Jehovah thy God brought thee out thence by a mighty hand and by an outstretched arm: therefore Jehovah thy God commanded thee to keep the sabbath day.” —Deuteronomy 5:15, A.R.V.

The Sabbath Day

The Jews were commanded to keep the sabbath day holy, that is, to hallow or sanctify it, setting it apart for a special purpose. “Six days shall work be done; but the seventh day is the sabbath of rest, an holy convocation.” (Leviticus 23: 3) They were not to rest from their ordinary activities merely to pursue a course of self-indulgence and ease, but to honor Jehovah. “If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of [Jehovah], honourable; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words: then shalt thou delight thyself in [Jehovah] . . . ”—Isaiah 58:13,14.

The penalty for disregarding the law concerning the sabbath was death. This may seem like a severe penalty for what some might term “a slight offense”; but when it is appreciated that compliance with this provision was not difficult, that it was a gracious and loving provision for the good of the people, then it will also be seen that a disregard of it could mean nothing less than an intentional affront to Jehovah, and the motive one of rebellion.

Repeatedly the prophets of Israel reminded them of their obligations toward Jehovah, and especially the sabbath requirements. The Israelites were prone to be governed by selfishness and greed, and to grudge the rest which both employer and employees were to take one day in seven.

In addition to the seventh day of rest, there were other sabbath days, as well as sabbath years, all furnishing gracious opportunities for refreshment, recreation and instruction in righteousness. The seventh year was a sabbath of rest for the land. In this year no seed was sown and no crops were harvested, but the land “rested”. This gave the Israelites opportunity to do other necessary things, and was, from every angle, a beneficent provision. It also afforded food for the poor.—Exodus 23:11; Leviticus 25:4-7, 20-22.

Seven times seven years made a cycle of forty-nine years, after which came the fiftieth or jubilee year, which was also a sabbath year. In this year all who had become poor were permitted to return to their possessions.—Leviticus 25:10.

The jubilee year furnishes a picture of earth’s great jubilee or sabbath, the thousand years of Christ's reign, during which it will be the privilege of all the willing and obedient to “return to their own possession”, the grand time of rest and release, now being ushered in. Indeed, all of Israel's sabbath arrangements, the weekly sabbaths, the seventh-year sabbaths, the jubilee sabbaths, point to the time when God’s government of righteousness shall bring peace to all men of good will.-See Government, pages 61-73.

It has been claimed by some that “God ordained the sabbath at creation”. There is, however, no statement to that effect. The words, in Genesis, “God blessed the seventh day, and hallowed it; because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made,” evidently refer only to the specific day on which He rested. There is no statement that the sabbath was to be observed by man, nor is there any mention of sabbath-keeping in Biblical history from that time to the time of the exodus, a period of more than 2,000 years! It is true that God said of Abraham, “[He] obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws.” (Genesis 26: 5) There is no proof whatever that these statutes included sabbath observance. On the contrary, if there had been a code of laws, including the sabbath, there would seem to have been no significance in giving the sabbath day to Israel and calling it a sign between them and Jehovah. Nor would it be true to say that “Jehovah made not this covenant with our fathers”, as Moses did in Moab.—Deuteronomy 5:3.

Introduction of the Sabbath

The sabbath was introduced shortly before it was embodied in the commandments. When Israel agreed to follow Moses out of Egypt and to obey the Lord’s instructions, they thereby entered into a covenant, and all the commandments were part of the covenant. (Jeremiah 31:31,32) The Israelites killed a typical lamb in Egypt, and were subsequently commanded to do the same thing every year, but no one would argue that this proves that this observance was, for that reason, commonly practiced by others preceding them, including Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. These men of God knew nothing of either sabbath or passover observance.

When Moses first mentioned the sabbath to Israel it was evidently a new idea to them. They were instructed to gather twice as much manna on the sixth day as they had gathered on each of the preceding five days, so that they might rest on the seventh, something they had not done before. (Exodus 16: 22-36) The statement 'Jehovah gave you the sabbath’ proves that it was not an observance that had been common among them or their ancestors.—Verse 29.

The commandments and the covenant were inseparable. “Jehovah said unto Moses, Write thou these words: for after the tenor of these words I have made a covenant with thee and with Israel. . . . And he wrote upon the tables the words of the covenant, the ten commandments.”—Exodus 34: 27, 28, A.R.V.

The End of the Law

When Christ came He fulfilled all the law, something which no imperfect man, before or since, has been able to do. He was the end (finis as well as objective) of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth. The Israelites, however, being ignorant of what righteousness really is (like many observers of the letter today), and seeking to commend themselves by works, failed to recognize the righteousness which is of God by faith, and did not realize that the law was simply a pedagogue to direct them to Christ. (Galatians 3: 24) By the works of the law no human creature can be justified before God.—Romans 3: 20.

Christ Magnified the Law

Christ magnified the law by showing its real significance, its spirit, saying, “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.” He pointed out that 'God seeketh such to worship Him as worship in spirit and in truth’.—Isaiah 42:21; Matthew 22: 37-40; John 4: 23, 24; Galatians 5:14.

To as many as received Him Jesus gave the power or privilege of becoming sons of God. To these He gave “new commandments”, stating that in doing so He spoke not His own words, but the Father’s, who sent Him. He definitely marked the ten commandments as having come to an end, and, going beyond them, showed His disciples how they might fulfill the spirit of the law. He himself carried out the law to the letter, including the observance of the sabbath. Jesus’ sabbath-keeping, you may be sure, was not merely outward, but in spirit and in truth. He observed the letter of the law as fulfilling the requirements of the law in order that, it being fulfilled, He might terminate its claims at His death on the tree.

Note how, in Matthew, chapters 5, 6 and 7, Jesus sets aside the letter of the law (including the ten commandments) and sets forth the spirit of God’s requirements. He said to His disciples, “It was said [to] them of old time, Thou shalt not kill [one of the ten commandments]; . . . but I say unto you, . . . if . . . thy brother hath ought against thee, ... be reconciled to thy brother.” He continued: “It was said, . . . Thou shalt not commit adultery [another of the ten]; but I say, . . . whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her, hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.” And so, one after another, Jesus took up and magnified the various commandments, clearly pointing forward to the time when the new covenant would be in effect, and the law no longer would have dominion over those who accepted Christ as their redeemer and sufficiency.—Matthew 5:1-12, 21-24, 27-29, 31-34, 38, 39, 43, 44.

Note that Jesus said, “Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.” (Matthew 5:18) Since He himself fulfilled the law, its passing away followed as a matter of course. (Colossians 2:14) The believer is under the perfect law of liberty, applicable to those who love God. Referring to this law James says (1:25; 2:12,8): “But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed. So speak ye, and so do, as they that shall be judged by the law of liberty. ... If ye fulfil the royal law, according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well.” The law of liberty is “the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus” which makes free from the law of sin and death.—Romans 8: 2.

That Which Is Done Away

The law of sin and death is the same as the “ministration of death, written and engraven in stones”. “Our sufficiency is of God; who also hath made us [the anointed followers of Christ] able ministers of the new testament [covenant]; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life. But if the ministration of death, written and engraven in stones, was glorious, so that the children of Israel could not stedfastly behold the face of Moses for the glory of his countenance; which [ministration] was to be done away; how shall not the ministration of the spirit be rather [more] glorious ? . . . For if that which is done away was glorious, much more that which re-maineth is glorious.” (2 Corinthians 3:5-11) The law, engraven in stones, was glorious because it prohibited sin and threatened death, thus being a law of “sin and death”, expressed in “thou shalt nots”, but the law of the spirit of life is positive and therefore “more glorious”.

The scripture makes it absolutely and unquestionably certain that the ten commandments “engraven upon stones” ended. Those who believe in Christ as “the end of the law” in Him have perfect righteousness, and not the partial “righteousness” resulting from the futile attempt to meet the letter of the law. It-was for this reason that Jesus said, “For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.”—Matthew 5: 20.

God’s “Day” of Rest

Even the least infraction of the commandments disqualified one in the eyes of the law. “For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.” (James 2:10) Blind indeed are those who go about to establish their own righteousness by “sabbath-keeping” and by “tithing”, and in that very course of action breaking the true sabbath arrangement by which those who believe “enter into rest”. The sabbath law, requiring that one day in seven be kept holy, is superseded by the spirit of the law, making every day “holy unto the Lord”, and those-who rest in faith have ceased from their own works altogether.— Isaiah 58:13,14.

In Hebrews 4:1-11 the Lord, through Paul, gives the real meaning of the sabbath type. The works of God were finished from the foundation of the world, and the sabbath of God followed that finished work. He still “rests” and invites others to enter into His rest. Those to whom this rest of faith was first preached did not enter in, because of unbelief. So God limited or set aside another “day”, a period of time, during which the invitation is extended to others. The Israelites, though they entered Canaan with Joshua (translated “Jesus” in verse 8), did not enter into rest. Hence another “day” is foretold by David, which “day” began when Christ made an end of the law, and this “day” is the period of time during which God has been taking out a people for His name, bringing them into “his rest”.

The rest of God has continued from the creation until now, a period of approximately six thousand years, and will continue until the conclusion of the Millennium, now at hand, making a seven-thousand-year “day”.

Since the seventh “day” of Jehovah’s great creative week is 7,000 years long, it is reasonable to conclude that the preceding six days were of the same length, making a total of 49,000 years for the grand cycle, and leading on to the fiftieth thousand-year period, when, the last enemy having been destroyed, and all things subdued unto Him, the Son shall be subject unto Him that put all things under Him, that God may be all in all. (1 Corinthians 15: 25-28) Thus will begin the great sabbath of a sinless eternity.

The Mark of the Beast?

The observance of Sunday instead of Saturday as a day of measurable cessation from work has by some been called “the mark of the beast”. This is an arbitrary dogmatic statement without Scriptural support. True, Sunday is not the day which God gave to Israel as a day of rest, nor is it a divine requirement that one rest on either Sunday or Saturday. The early church was not prohibited from resting on the seventh day, or the first, and probably did both to a considerable extent. This, however, was not done as a matter of obligation. Romans 14: 5 shows that they were at liberty to use their own judgment. The fact that the first day was finally selected as a day of rest and relaxation makes no difference. It was not a universal and binding obligation. It was not a change of the sabbath.

Some have insisted that this change fulfills the prophecy of Daniel 7:25 and that “Sundaykeeping-” is therefore the “mark of the beast”. The verse reads, “He shall . . . think to change times and laws.” It does not say that he succeeded in so doing, nor does it specify what “times and laws” he thinks to change. It has no bearing on the sabbath day, for Jesus himself made an end of the law as given to Israel. “Let no man therefore judge you ... in respect of an holy day, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath: . . . which are a shadow of things to come.” (Colossians 2:16,17) The seventh-day sabbath, as well as the “holy day” and “new moon” sabbaths, was a typical observance, and foreshadowed the coming day of joy and gladness and release when all shall serve Jehovah with one consent.

Eden Not a Full-fledged Catholic

Mr. Anthony Eden, so it is alleged, despite his Catholic ancestry on both sides, is himself a member of the Church of England. The information that comes to hand is that “he married a Miss Beckett who is of an original Roman Catholic family. The Beckett family, however, divided some time back and I have not yet verified whether Mrs. Eden remained on the Roman Catholic side or not. I believe not, from information so far obtained.”

Vaccinated with the Purest Pus Obtainable

HIRE Truth Teller quotes from Tidens Tegn, ■*- of Norway:

“The second child in Gjovik which developed meningitis after vaccination has also died. It was a three-year-old girl. Vaccination has thus claimed two victims. No further cases of meningitis have been reported. As has been already mentioned in Tidens Tegn, there have been this year six cases of meningitis as a result of vaccination.”

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