There is no need for the Bible to be a closed book to you. What is written down in God’s Word is provided for the guidance of all mankind. So, knowledge of the Bible, its meaning and its instruction for our day, is available to anyone who is willing to study it with open mind and accept its principles and guides for living. You can be one of such. How?
The enlightening book The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life is designed to make the Bible an open book to you. Its direct and clear-cut outline of the basic Bible teachings is easy to read and understand. It helps you to open your Bible in your own home and locate the Bible texts that answer the perplexing questions that have arisen in this world of violence, hatred and fear. It directs you to texts that explain God’s purpose for this earth, why he has permitted wickedness and how relief is sure to come in our own generation.
Free home Bible study courses are being conducted in multitudes of homes with the help of this book. The course lasts for six months. At your request, one of Jehovah’s witnesses will gladly aid in arranging for such a discussion in your household.
You may obtain a copy of the book The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life from Jehovah’s witnesses, who will be offering it in their house-to-house ministry during November. You can also obtain it at the Kingdom Hall nearest to you. Or, you may write the publishers of this magazine, and the book will be sent to you postpaid for only 25c.
November 29: Taking Final Advantage of the “Year of Goodwill.” Page 653. Songs to Be Used: 27, 109.
December 6: Proving Ourselves to Be “Men of Goodwill.” Page 660. Songs to Be Used: 84, 55.