A Mother’s Respect for Life
AT THE beginning of 1970, Mrs. B— of New York city began suffering from internal bleeding. When it persisted, she decided to consult a doctor.
On January 29, she was examined by a reportedly reputable doctor in the Bronx. He said that Mrs. B— was pregnant, although she had been carefully taking birth-control pills. However, he said that there were no signs of life, and doubted that the fetus was alive. The vaginal bleeding was thought to originate from growths in the areas of her kidney and womb.
The same day she was sent to a Manhattan clinic for tests. The following Thursday, February 5, the results of these tests were revealed. They showed that Mrs. B— was pregnant. However, the doctor still felt that the fetus would not live.
Abortion Recommended
Since he saw no hope of a normal birth, the doctor recommended an abortion. He suggested a “D and C,” or dilatation and curettage. In this, the embryo or fetus is scraped from the wall of the womb. The doctor explained that unless this was done the infection of the dead child would eventually endanger her life.
Mrs. B— declared that as long as there was any possibility that there was life in her womb, she could not consent to an abortion, since this would be against God’s law. As one of Jehovah’s witnesses she knew that an induced abortion is murder in God’s eyes. (Ex. 21:22, 23; 1 John 3:15; Rev. 22:15) Her respect for God’s view on life came first.
At this the doctor called her mother, who was waiting outside, and repeated his recommendation. However, Mrs. B— again refused, and the doctor disclaimed any responsibility for what might result.
After two more visits in February, he still felt the same, although tests continued to prove positive, showing that there was a continued pregnancy.
Also Recommends Abortion
In March, Mrs. B— was referred to another doctor in New York. After his first examination, he said that it appeared that the baby was not alive. He too recommended an abortion, but said it was now too late for a “D and C,” since that is usually performed early in pregnancy.
At this stage of pregnancy an abortion is handled differently. One type is similar to a cesarean operation, where by surgery entry is made into the womb to remove the fetus. Or it can be performed by injecting a saline solution through the abdomen, killing the fetus and inducing labor.
This second doctor stated that it would be just a matter of time before she would abort naturally anyhow. Sooner or later, he felt, the body would expel the fetus, since he believed it was not alive.
Another Diagnosis
An incident that took place during this time is also of interest. One day, due to her bleeding and weakened state, Mrs. B— had a fainting spell. She fell down unconscious.
Her sister rushed her to a hospital on Long Island. There X rays were taken, and the report was issued that there was no baby in her womb at all.
However, Mrs. B—’s sister, a registered nurse, asked to see the X rays. She inquired as to what the large dark area was in the location of her womb. She was told that this was only the “stool,” resulting from constipation.
But when her sister asked why Mrs. B—’s abdomen was protruding if there was no pregnancy, she was told that what Mrs. B— had was only “beer stomach.” Yet, during her pregnancy Mrs. B— did not drink beer or alcoholic beverages of any kind.
As events later turned out, the diagnosis could not have been more mistaken.
Signs of Life
In May, the second doctor began to acknowledge that there were possible signs of life. He said that Mrs. B— had carried the fetus so long that there was now a possibility of birth. But since he no longer delivered babies, he turned her case over to another doctor in the Bronx.
This doctor examined Mrs. B— and gave her the first positive assurance that the baby was indeed alive. He began making preparations for her to give birth at Jewish Memorial Hospital in Manhattan.
During a brief stay at this hospital for false labor on September 4, X rays were taken. Mrs. B— was told that there were indications that the baby would be too small. And there was also talk of a possibly deformed or abnormal child. This had also been mentioned by other doctors previously.
The false labor was not pursued to try to force a birth, as it was felt that the child should have time to develop naturally. But the doctor did say that if she did not deliver by the end of September, they would arrange for a cesarean delivery. By that time the baby would have been quite a few weeks overdue.
A Baby Boy
On September 19, 1970, Mrs. B— again went to the hospital. This time it was to give birth in the normal way to a 6-pound, 15-ounce bouncing baby boy, normal in every respect! No cesarean operation was necessary. Now Mr. and Mrs. B— have a boy to go with their family of three girls.
After the birth of her baby, Mrs. B— agreed to stay and have another operation for the removal of the growths. However, nurses pressured her to have a blood transfusion. They felt she would ‘risk her life’ if she refused. When she did refuse because of its being against God’s law, they said her action was “awful.” Yet some of these very nurses assisted other women to have abortions. Mrs. B— reminded them of their inconsistency in pressuring her to ‘save life’ but then helping to kill other life.—Acts 15:20, 29.
Mrs. B— reasoned that it would be best to return home and, under her doctor’s care, take the time to build up her strength and blood. In this way she would be in a better condition for the operation later.
This entire experience shows the wisdom of obeying the laws of God and not being stampeded into premature action. The first two doctors undoubtedly advised in sincerity, but their recommendations would have cost a life. By putting God’s laws first, life was preserved, the result of ‘obeying God as ruler rather than man.’—Acts 5:29.