A Historic Landmark Becomes an Assembly Hall for Jehovah’s Witnesses
WHEN the new Stanley Theater was opened in Journal Square, Jersey City, on March 24, 1928, it was one of the largest in the United States. Its beauty drew high praises, particularly its exquisite interior with its Italian facade. “If you have ever traveled to Italy, . . . where the picturesque villas and colorful courts remind us of the artistic glory that was Rome’s,” noted one early reporter, “then you can have an inkling of the interior of this new Stanley Theatre.”
But after many years of movies and live theater, the glamorous Stanley went into a decline. Plans to remodel it into five minitheaters, even to raze it and construct an office building in its place, were never carried out. Then, on May 12, 1981, the Stanley Theater gained new status: It was put on the New Jersey Register of Historic Places.
By that time, however, the Stanley had fallen into disuse and was in crying need of repairs. Some basement sections of the stage area were flooded under two feet (60 cm) of water. The original work in brass and copper on doors and windows was covered by layers of paint and dirt. The picturesque Italian facade was obscured by 50 years of nicotine and dust. The seats were stained, torn, and ripped. The huge chandeliers had lost their brilliance under layers of grime. In 1982 the Stanley was put up for sale. Recognizing the facilities as just what they needed for holding their circuit assemblies, Jehovah’s Witnesses bought it in November 1983.
Trouble arose. City officials argued that the Stanley was not to be used for religious purposes. They did, however, allow the Witnesses to repair the roof and the boiler. But when the Witnesses wanted to replace old toilets, electrical wiring, and plumbing, permits for this work were refused. The case went to federal court in September 1984. The Witnesses alleged that the real bone of contention was that the city mayor did not want Jehovah’s Witnesses in Journal Square. He had other plans for the property. The mayor and others were sued for infringement of the Witnesses’ constitutional rights.
The carefully reasoned opinion by Judge Debevoise stated that the electrical and plumbing repairs should be carried out and that the Stanley’s purpose “clearly comes within permitted convention hall use.” Arriving at the major issue of the case, he wrote: “High in the pantheon of civil rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution is the right to be free of laws prohibiting the free exercise of religion or abridging freedom of speech. . . . Here plaintiffs [the Witnesses] seek to practice, teach and proclaim their religious beliefs using a facility they consider to be well adapted to that purpose.”
Judge Debevoise added that if the city appealed the case, “plaintiffs are likely to establish at a final hearing that Jersey City’s interpretation and application of its Zoning Ordinance unconstitutionally infringes upon plaintiffs’ religious liberty interests.” Thereafter, the city officials ceased their opposition.
The next challenge before the Witnesses: complete renovation of the Stanley for its dedication September 7, 1985, and for the graduation exercises for the missionaries of the 79th class of the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead on the following day. So with only nine months to accomplish this prodigious task, it was “full speed ahead.”
Thousands of volunteer workers swarmed into the Stanley and turned it into a beehive of activity. Skilled persons offered their services for the specialized painting, plumbing, plastering, carpentry, and electrical work. So many details have been carefully attended to that space does not allow us to cover all the work performed by these volunteers, who have put in long days and evenings over periods of weeks and months. The accompanying photos give an inkling of the tremendous transformation that has taken place.
The following program was arranged: August 17 and 18, 1985: a circuit assembly of Jehovah’s Witnesses. August 30 and 31: open house for visitors from surrounding communities. September 7: dedication of this 4,300-seat theater as the Assembly Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses. September 8: graduation of the 79th class of the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead.
Jersey City can now pride itself in one of the most beautiful convention halls found anywhere in the United States. Not only has its former glory been restored but it has been enhanced. Its greatest function now will be its use to reflect the glory of the Sovereign Lord and Creator of the universe, Jehovah God.
A Letter From a Reader in The Jersey Journal
“The Jersey City contingent of Jehovah’s Witnesses number over 4,000 strong. They are enthusiasts, extremely cooperative, self-dependent. They are all volunteers in a cause they deeply believe in. . . .
“As I watched the construction progressing at the Stanley Theater in Jersey City, I saw a determination that no price was too high to pay for their special ideals.
“The Stanley Theater will be a monument to a dedication born from fortitude forged from frequent adversity. The theater swamped of the caring feeling that rarely surfaces in this time of cynicism, materialism and suspicion.
“The Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Assembly Hall at the Stanley Theater in Jersey City is promised without fail to be a landmark. It should be a credit to the community.
“They are religious warriors of the first rank and a shining light in a world very frequently dismal.
“Jersey City should be proud of them; an asset to the city. [C. T. P., Jersey City]”—The Jersey Journal, July 25, 1985, page 21.
Pictures taken as refurbishing neared completion. To the left, the lobby
To the right, the main auditorium as seen from the balcony
Murals of Bible scenes, painted by members of the Watchtower headquarters staff, replaced ones that depicted scenes from mythology
Above is the scene of Jehonadab stepping up into Jehu’s chariot. To the right are the horsemen of Revelation chapter 6
[Pictures on page 26]
Chandeliers, stained-glass windows, and cornices were restored by volunteer workers. The 50-foot-high cherry picker was used for restoration work and painting of the ceiling