Can You Enlarge Your Territory as a Pioneer?
JESUS CHRIST once said: “Also to other cities I must declare the good news of the kingdom of God, because for this I was sent forth.” (Luke 4:43) Without question, Jesus was the foremost Kingdom proclaimer, a true pioneer in the sacred service of Jehovah.
Like Jesus, the apostle Paul was a full-time minister intensely interested in the evangelizing work. In fact, he had a keen desire to enlarge his ministerial territory.—Compare Romans 15:23, 24; 2 Corinthians 10:15, 16.
Undoubtedly with a similar spirit, many of Jehovah’s modern-day witnesses have made themselves available to serve as missionaries in foreign lands. Other Christian ministers are serving where the need is great. And many more have found it possible to become pioneers, full-time preachers of the good news.
But what about you? If you are not now serving as a pioneer, can you enlarge your territory, so to speak, by becoming such a full-time Kingdom proclaimer?
Benefits of Pioneer Service
Zealous and effective pioneers are motivated not by self-interest but by love of God and the desire to help others. Such full-time ministers strongly feel the need to apply God’s Word in their lives and are delighted that they can make room for full-time service. And there are benefits from doing so.
‘Daily telling the good news of salvation by Jehovah’ is one benefit of pioneer service. (Psalm 96:2) Indeed, regularly talking about God and his purposes is satisfying, especially because this helps others on the way to life. “There is no greater pleasure than that of studying the Bible with someone and seeing him become a worshiper of Jehovah,” said a sister who has been in the pioneer service for 46 years.
Greater skill in handling ‘the sword of the spirit, God’s word,’ is a benefit resulting from regular use of the Bible in the pioneer ministry. (Ephesians 6:17) Typical of expressions made by many pioneers is the following: “Apart from increasing my courage, pioneering helped me to become familiar with many Bible texts that had been committed to memory, ready for use.”
The wholesome influence of pioneer service can also be felt in the congregation. Concerning this, one elder wrote: “What a difference it made! The congregation’s pace changed. The tendency is to increase our participation in Jehovah’s service more and more.” Yes, others may be stimulated by the zealous example of pioneer ministers.
Greater confidence in Jehovah may well result from participation in the pioneer ministry. Of course, full-time ministers must overcome some problems. But one pioneer couple expressed their confidence in these words: “Thanks to Jehovah, we have never lacked anything. As pioneers we have become dependent on Jehovah and have seen how he provides help when we most need it.”—Psalm 34:10; 37:25.
Blessings for Reaching Out
‘Test me out, please, and see whether I shall not open the floodgates of the heavens and empty out upon you a blessing,’ said Jehovah centuries ago. (Malachi 3:10) During the 1984 service year, the average number of pioneers worldwide was 258,936. And how Jehovah has blessed these full-time ministers!
For instance, consider blessings enjoyed by pioneers in the Amazon region of Brazil. Generally, boats are used to get to the widely scattered villages along the riverbanks. Some settlements are situated in riverbeds, the wooden houses being built on stilts to keep them above water during the flood season. These houses are connected by rough wooden walkways, at times quite precarious, especially for heavy persons. When the water is low, access is difficult but possible through the undergrowth or along the muddy riverbed. Traveling by light canoes can be quite an adventure, for these turn over at times. Add to all of this the problems resulting from malaria, typhoid fever, parasitic worms, intense heat, and insect infestation. Despite these difficulties, however, Jehovah’s spirit helps our brothers to succeed in declaring the good news in such territories.—Zechariah 4:6.
One pioneer sister serving in the Amazon region stated: “Our work was most gratifying.” Citing a fine experience, she told of a return visit on a certain man who had previously accepted some of our literature. She had to travel two hours by boat, but on arriving she found the man roasting manioc flour in a huge oven. He could not interrupt the process without running the risk of burning the flour. So what could she do? Well, the pioneer asked her partner to keep turning the flour with the big wooden shovel. Thus the man had an opportunity to listen attentively while the pioneer demonstrated how to study the publication he had acquired.
Quite often, our brothers working in this region get up before daybreak so as to reach the homes of the people while it is still early. The pioneers then continue witnessing right through the day. And how richly Jehovah blesses them!—Proverbs 10:22.
Elsewhere in Brazil, too, pioneers are enjoying many blessings in Jehovah’s service. For example, imagine the joy of a pioneer who was able to help a convict learn the truth. This man, once feared because of his violent temper, was serving a long prison sentence. Upon his becoming convinced of the truth, however, his personality was transformed to such an extent that the prison authorities were impressed and gave him permission to preach in the penitentiary. Now baptized, this man is on probation and conducts several home Bible studies.
This pioneer has also been able to help others in the same penitentiary. Concerning this work, he comments: “It is a reason for much happiness for me, because the seed I was able to sow has already germinated and produced fruitage.” At least four men who have been released from prison now attend Christian meetings regularly. Four others are taking the truth seriously, and one of them is preparing for baptism.
The Territory Is Large
The continuing increase in the ranks of Jehovah’s worshipers gives tangible evidence that God still has many people to gather throughout the worldwide territory. (Compare Acts 18:9, 10.) Can you have a greater share in this disciple-making work?
If you are not already pioneering, why not talk to those having success in full-time service? You, too, may be able to succeed as a pioneer. After prayerfully examining your circumstances, you may be able to enlarge your territory as a pioneer.
[Picture on page 26]
For pioneers in the Amazon region, canoes and large rowboats are the most common means of transportation