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A Disunited Country​—What Is the Solution?

IN 1955 a visitor to Angola, then a Portuguese colony, was surprised to realize that, as a white, he had suddenly become an “aristocrat”! In shops, offices, and other public places, he was given preferential treatment ahead of waiting blacks.

This was a common experience in many African countries only two decades ago.

Then, in the 1960’s, in country after country where whites were a small minority, blacks assumed power. In South Africa, however, there were millions of whites with a firm grip on the reins of government and economy who, for many decades, had believed that it was God’s will for them to rule. How did this situation arise?

In 1652 the first white settlers, Dutchmen, landed at the Cape. When they met the Hottentots and the Bushmen, local inhabitants wearing skins, the whites felt superior because of their advanced culture. Soon friction arose.

When white farmers settled on native hunting grounds, the Bushmen became angry and reacted by stealing cattle. The little men were hunted down like animals, leading to their shameful near extermination in the 19th century. The Hottentots were subjugated, their numbers were drastically reduced by smallpox, and the few that remained were absorbed into other races.

It was in the 18th century that white farmers (Boers) met up with the Xhosa nation​—part of a black wave of immigrants from the north. Again there was friction. Bitter wars were fought. Meanwhile, the British had taken possession of the Cape. But many Boers chafed under British rule and in the 1830’s trekked north. After many hardships and conflicts, they carved out new states beyond the Orange and Vaal rivers. Both British and Boer practiced racial segregation.

The Boers were Calvinists of the Dutch Reformed Church. They read the Bible frequently, yet they believed they were superior to the blacks​—many believed that blacks were under a curse from God.

The Church Endorses Apartheid

The increase in non-white converts during the 19th century made many whites feel uneasy. As a result, the Church Synod made a historic decision in 1857: “Because of the weakness of some [whites] . . . the congregation from among the heathens [non-whites] . . . would enjoy its Christian privileges in a separate building or institution.” So the church endorsed separation.

The process of division continued. Today there are separate Dutch Reformed Churches for whites, blacks, Coloureds, and Indians.

The late 19th century saw a further separatist trend. By then many religious missions, mainly of British origin and firmly in white control, had been established. According to James Kiernan, Professor of Social Anthropology of the University of Natal, “the African clergy in these white-dominated churches took this exclusion [of African clergy from leadership] to be based on discrimination and reacted against it by setting up churches of their own.” The first was formed in Johannesburg in 1892. Today, there are some 4,000 religious groups in South Africa, mostly black.

The 20th century began with “Christian” whites, British imperialists and Boer nationalists, fighting for supremacy. By sheer weight of numbers, Britain took over the Boer Republics, and together they later formed the Union of South Africa.

But the Boers, now called Afrikaners, gained a political victory when, as the National Party, they won an election in 1948 and came to power on the strength of their apartheid (separateness) policy. A comment in Die Transvaler, an Afrikaner daily, said: “We have the policy of apartheid . . . based on Christian principles of justice and fairness.” A stream of laws and regulations followed to consolidate the segregation of races.

As a result of living apart and having no social contact, many whites are not aware of the poor living conditions in black townships, nor can they fully appreciate the humiliation caused by apartheid. Almost all blacks resent the policy of apartheid. Such resentment has been used to fuel the flames of unrest.

Is There a Solution?

Pressure from within and without South Africa to end apartheid has intensified. Recently the government decided to make far-reaching changes. It made some reforms and repealed certain apartheid laws. But it appears impossible to solve the problems of South Africa in a way satisfactory to all. Many, both blacks and whites, want peaceful change, but some white hard-liners are determined to maintain the status quo. Both sides are torn between extremists and moderates. The blacks are also seriously divided by tribal loyalties.

What solutions do the churches offer? Spiritual ones? The Kingdom of God? No, they have entered the political arena. Some clergymen even advocate civil disobedience and negotiate with leaders of liberation movements known for their violence. As a result, many church-goers complain that they hear ‘too much about politics and too little about God.’

Compounding the confusion is the dissension in the churches. Among the different branches of the Dutch Reformed Church, there is now much criticism of apartheid. Many ministers both black and white have condemned it. The Western Cape Synod decreed in October 1983 that racial discrimination is “sinful” and that henceforth the church should be open to people of all races.

On August 29, 1985, the Presbytery of Stellenbosch, another Dutch Reformed Church regional body, officially recognized that racial discrimination “is contrary to the Biblical principles of love of one’s neighbour and justice” and that “apartheid” has “led to human misery.” Dissension on racial matters also plagues some of the English Churches. For sincere people who grew up believing that apartheid is “God’s will,” this is puzzling and confusing.

The Only Solution

World spotlights have been focused on South Africa for a long time. It has become the in thing to point the finger of criticism. But many countries doing that are as bad or worse themselves. This points to a deeply significant fact: The real, lasting solution not only to South Africa’s agonizing problems but to the world’s is beyond the scope of human power and wisdom.

World history is one long record of mistakes, injustice, strife, and bloodshed. And in this 20th century, the situation worsens as the world staggers from one crisis to another, all the while haunted by the fear of nuclear war.

Early in this century, mankind realized the need of a world-wide, supreme authority to control the nations. Yet experiments with the League of Nations and the United Nations have failed. Is there a supreme executive body that can and will clean up the mess and establish peace and unity? Yes​—the Kingdom of God.

It will “crush and put an end to all these [man-made] kingdoms,” clear the earth of violence, injustice, and evil in all its forms, and usher in Christ’s Millennial Reign of peace. It will be just and fair to all peoples, regardless of race, colour, or background.​—Daniel 2:44; Psalm 37:10; Acts 10:34, 35.

Millions around the world, including thousands in South Africa, have put their hope in the Kingdom, the government of God. On the basis of fulfilled Bible prophecy, they believe it will soon take over control of the whole earth. It will unite people of all races.​—Luke 21:28-31.

A heartwarming demonstration of this was given at two special conventions held in South Africa in December 1985. Read about them in the next article.

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The church endorsed apartheid “because of the weakness of some”

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Apartheid was presented as the will of God

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Many ministers of the Dutch Reformed Church have condemned apartheid