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From Our Readers

In-Laws The February 22, 1990, issue on in-laws was very much appreciated. Two weeks ago I went to visit my in-laws for an entire week. During my visit, I kept the article in my mind and applied it to every situation I was confronted with. I enjoyed myself, and when I left, we all hugged and kissed. I’m looking forward to more visits with them, but I shall keep this magazine very close to me in case I need to be encouraged by it.

A. G., United States

Makeup Your column “Young People Ask . . .” is upbuilding. But in your article on makeup (June 22, 1990), you used the Bible text at Ezekiel 23:40, which obviously refers to a prostitute’s use of eye shadow. Are you not wrongly justifying the use of cosmetics?

T. H. H., Netherlands

This text merely verifies the claim of archaeologists that makeup was used by Israelite women. True, this verse speaks of a prostitute who has ‘washed herself, painted her eyes, and decked herself with ornaments.’ Evidently, though, this simply reflects the fact that some Israelite women used cosmetics.​—ED.

Animal Research We welcome the fact that Jehovah’s Witnesses comment on the subject of animal research (Awake! July 8, 1990). We do feel it necessary to correct the statement: “The trend globally is for support of the more aggressive animal rights movements.” Militants are a minority and gain prominence only through press coverage.

I. L., Federal Association for Animal Rights,

Federal Republic of Germany

We said that “some”​—not all—​animal rights activists “are willing to use violence.” The statement in question was made by a leading Canadian animal activist. We merely reported it.​—ED.

Crack Addiction I was a crack addict for five years. I tried numerous times to stop using this horrible drug. I had a $150- to $200-a-day habit! But thanks to Jehovah God, I am no longer a crack addict! By making a diligent study of His Word, engaging in constant prayer, and associating with true Christians, I made crack a thing of the past. The key to quitting crack: You must stop associating with the people who use this drug!​—See Awake!, July 22, 1990.

[Requested initials be withheld], United States

Easier Childbirth In reference to your item on childbirth in “Watching the World” (December 8, 1989), allow me to say that in rural and northern hill areas of Pakistan, the practice of childbirth in a squatting position has been used since times unknown. No doubt they don’t have sophisticated birth chairs, but they do use a chair made of brick and stone.

F. U. B., Pakistan

CAT Scans Thank you for the article “A Computer That Sees Through You.” (July 22, 1990) I was scheduled for a CAT scan some years ago, but it was explained to me in a way that frightened me, and I refused to take it. The article helped me to weigh the pros and cons, and now I’ve made an appointment with my doctor.

A. S., United States

Jaguars I very much enjoyed your article “The Elusive Jungle Cat.” (August 22, 1990) Never did I realize how incredible jaguars are. They are beautiful animals that certainly give glory to God.

L. F., United States