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● Literature offer for August: Any 32-page brochure except the School brochure. September: Life​—How Did It Get Here? By Evolution or by Creation? October: Subscription to either Awake! or The Watchtower or both. November: New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures and either Should You Believe in the Trinity? or “Look! I Am Making All Things New.”

● The 1991 Calendar of Jehovah’s Witnesses will feature our ministerial activities in six lands with a number of attractive color photographs of branches, Kingdom Halls, and scenes of Kingdom witnessing. Congregations should begin requesting the 1991 Calendar with their September literature request. The calendars will be available in Chinese, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, and Swedish. Calendars are special request items. Until the calendars are available and shipments are made, these will appear as “Pending” on congregation packing lists.

● Starting with the week of September 24, 1990, The Bible​—God’s Word or Man’s? will be considered in the Congregation Book Study.

● From August 29 through September 1, the Society will be taking an inventory of all literature on hand in Brooklyn Bethel. Because of this inventory, no congregation literature requests will be processed for shipment or for pickup during those days.

● Each congregation will receive three Literature Inventory forms and should take an actual count of campaign literature. Please fill out the forms completely, and send the original to us no later than September 6, 1990. Keep a carbon copy for your files. We are sending a third copy for use as a work sheet.

● All publishers should renew their subscriptions to The Watchtower and Awake! through the congregation. It will also be helpful if publishers will order personal literature and other items through the congregation rather than sending in individual orders to the Brooklyn branch.

● New Cassette Recordings Available:

Kingdom Melodies No. 2 (revised; single cassette tape)

This is a new recording featuring new arrangements of songs from the 1984 songbook.