Meetings to Help Us Make Disciples
10 min: Local announcements and selected Announcements from Our Kingdom Ministry. Discuss specific points from magazine articles for use on the weekend.
15 min: “Offering Mankind’s Search for God.” Questions and answers. After considering paragraph 2, demonstrate presentation. If there are some territories with a concentration of people professing a non-Christian religion, special effort should be made to work these areas.
20 min: “Conducting Meaningful Family Bible Studies.” Questions and answers. As time allows, have one or two parents relate what they have done to make their family Bible study instructive and enjoyable.
Song 42 and concluding prayer.
10 min: Local announcements. Read accounts report and donation acknowledgments. Commend the brothers for proper use of “unrighteous riches.” (Luke 16:9; it-2, p. 806)
20 min: “Watchtower Educational Center.” Talk with audience participation. Highlight worldwide growth of educational work and reason for expansion. Discuss ways we can support this project by our contributions and by volunteering for temporary construction work if our circumstances allow. If possible, interview some who have volunteered for temporary construction work.
15 min: Do You Keep the Lines of Communication Open? Elder discusses two or three principles found in chapter 11 of Family Life book. Include brief skits based on material in paragraphs 5-8, showing how parents can either encourage or discourage communication by a child.
Song 221 and concluding prayer.
10 min: Local announcements. Question Box. Cover items in Theocratic News as time permits.
15 min: “Presenting the Good News—On Holidays.” Questions and answers. Announce special service arrangements for holidays.
20 min: “Your Role in Building for the Future.” Questions and answers covering material in insert. Commend brothers for generous contributions to Society Kingdom Hall Fund and for support any have given to local construction projects.
Song 93 and concluding prayer.
10 min: Local announcements. Encourage witnessing during holidays. Suggest articles for use on magazine day.
20 min: “Being Taught by Jehovah.” School overseer discusses with audience. Interview exemplary student, highlighting benefits he derives from advance preparation and working on speech counsel points.
15 min: Local needs or talk on “Pray for One Another” based on article in The Watchtower of November 15, 1990.
Song 55 and concluding prayer.