From Our Readers
Managing Finances I am very grateful for the series “How Can You Manage Your Finances?” (December 22, 1996) I was spending too much money and had little self-control. After reading the articles, though, I began controlling my expenditures. Now when my eyes desire something, I ask myself whether I really need what I see.
J. B., Brazil
My husband has been unemployed for five months, and we have three children to care for. So I began to apply some of the suggestions made in the articles. I got a notebook, drew some columns, and made up a budget. In this way we have been able to manage our money for the last three months and still have a little left for unexpected occasions. Budgeting really works!
L. S., Czech Republic
Facing Trials I feel impelled to comment on the article “Strengthened to Face Trials Ahead.” (December 22, 1996) I was touched by the way Edward Michalec persevered through some of the most difficult situations. His love of Jehovah, his fellowman, and the truth were clearly evident by his faithful conduct and patient endurance.
K. B., United States
Maggy’s Ordeal Thank you for publishing the article “Maggy’s Ordeal and My Blessing.” (December 22, 1996) I found it hard to hold back my tears as I read about the sacrifice this mother made during the final days of her life so that her daughter could be born healthy. I also appreciated her husband’s comment that his pain gradually lessened as he spoke about the loss of his wife—a subject we may tend to avoid when we talk with relatives of the deceased. I hope to get to know Maggy in the resurrection.
L. S. C., Spain
The article demonstrates how we in the congregation can show real concern for one another. Fellow Christians supplied Maggy’s husband with food for months on end and also gave him clothing for his baby. What a lesson for us to do more than simply send a card or make a call on the telephone!
P. L., United States
I want to thank you for this article with all my heart. My wife died in a traffic accident three weeks after the death of Maggy, leaving me with eight children. I understand the pain that Lorne Wilkins felt and must still feel. Thank you for publishing such experiences for us. Truly they are a support and encouragement for all those who go through such ordeals.
B. B., France
Best Friend Moves I want to express my deep appreciation for the article “Young People Ask . . . Why Did My Best Friend Move Away?” (December 22, 1996) It arrived at the right time. Soon, one of my friends will move away; she and her husband are going to serve in a congregation where there is a need for more preachers. Despite being very happy for her, I know that I will miss her greatly. Thank you for your excellent advice.
R. A., Italy
You cannot imagine how much the article moved me when our circuit overseer, traveling minister, left us to serve a new area. He had cared so much for my spiritual and emotional needs. Just as the photograph in the article illustrated, saying good-bye was a painful experience. How timely your suggestions are in helping me to cope with the loneliness.
J. D., Nigeria