A Banner Year for Bible Distribution
MORE people than ever before have a Bible. That is what a report from the United Bible Societies suggests, for Bible distribution in 1998 rose by more than half a million over the previous year. In all, more than 57,200,000 Bibles—in whole or in part—were distributed around the globe. “This is some cause for encouragement,” the report states. “More people are being reached with the Word of God today.”
Of course, there is a difference between having a Bible and reading it. One survey, for example, revealed that more than 90 percent of Americans own at least one Bible, and an equal number believe that the Bible is a good source of moral teaching. However, only 59 percent said that they turn to the Bible for advice. And 29 percent admitted that they are either “not very” or “not at all” familiar with the Bible.
Jehovah’s Witnesses not only print and distribute Bibles but also conduct free home Bible studies with people in more than 230 lands. Millions worldwide are now benefiting from this Bible educational program. They are helped to cope with the problems they face now, and they learn what the Bible says about a bright future under God’s Kingdom.—Isaiah 48:17, 18; Matthew 6:9, 10.
Home Bible studies in (clockwise from top left) Bolivia, Ghana, Sri Lanka, and England