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The Great Flood​—Who Listened? Who Did Not?

Most in Noah’s time did what was bad. Genesis 6:5

Wicked angels in materialized bodies associate with women

Adam and Eve had children, and people became many on the earth. In time, some angels joined Satan’s rebellion.

They came to earth and took on the bodies of men so that they could marry women. The women gave birth to superhuman sons, who were fierce and strong.

A woman holds a baby as a boy hits her; the Nephilim, sons of the wicked angels, act violently

The world became filled with people who did bad things. The Bible says that “man’s wickedness was great on the earth and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only bad all the time.”

Noah listened to God and built an ark. Genesis 6:13, 14, 18, 19, 22

Noah listens to God

Noah was a good man. Jehovah told Noah that He was going to destroy the wicked people with a great flood.

Noah and his family build the ark

God also told Noah to build a huge boat, called an ark, and to take into it his family and every sort of animal.

Noah warns people of the coming Flood but they laugh at him

Noah warned people about the coming Flood, but they did not listen. Some laughed at Noah; others hated him.

Noah and his family gather the animals to go into the ark

When the ark was finished, Noah brought the animals inside.