This publication is designed to provide unified theocratic direction to Branch and Country committee members worldwide. This manual also serves as a helpful reference for Governing Body members, helpers to Governing Body committees, and headquarters representatives. Each brother who is provided with a copy of this manual should read it thoroughly from time to time so as to stay up-to-date with theocratic policies and procedures. Elders at Bethel should be foremost in recognizing theocratic instructions, studying them, and applying them diligently.—Gen. 6:22; Ex. 7:6; 39:32; Josh. 1:8; 14:5; Prov. 1:5; John 14:31; 1 Cor. 4:17; Jas. 1:22.
Branch and Country committee members should especially be well acquainted with organizational instructions so that they can help others at Bethel and in the field to accomplish their ministry fully. (2 Tim. 4:5) If because of legal restrictions or some other exceptional circumstance it appears to the committee that a particular organizational policy or procedure cannot be implemented locally, the committee should explain matters clearly in writing to the Governing Body or to the appropriate Governing Body committee and await further direction.
Each Branch and Country committee member is to be provided with a personal copy of this manual. If it will be helpful to him, a committee member may also obtain a personal copy of Branch Organization in another language if available. If a brother who serves as a secretary to your committee or to a committee member needs the manual for his work, he too may receive it. This approval applies to printed or electronic versions of Branch Organization in any language, including access in the Bethel edition of Watchtower Library. Care should be taken to ensure that the material is made available only to these authorized brothers, since the content of this manual is confidential and is not to be shared with those outside of Bethel.
The portions of this manual that apply to a Bethel department should be made available to the department overseer. In turn, any Branch Organization instructions that apply to those working in the department should be made available to the members of the department.
When revisions to this manual are received, the updated pages should be placed in the manual and the old pages promptly destroyed. At times, a letter from the Governing Body or one of its committees will set forth updated direction that will supersede the direction herein until revised Branch Organization pages are made available. All should be alert to follow the latest instructions.
In addition to being acquainted with this manual, committee members should keep up-to-date with the Scriptural principles and theocratic direction provided in Dwelling Together in Unity, the Watchtower and Awake! magazines, the Life and Ministry Meeting Workbook, Organized to Do Jehovah’s Will, “Shepherd the Flock of God”—1 Peter 5:2, Circuit Overseer Guidelines, Correspondence Guidelines, and other policy materials. This includes letters that are sent to all branch offices and letters sent to individual branch offices in response to local needs.
Please be assured that we appreciate your hard work in looking after Kingdom interests in your part of the world field. (1 Pet. 5:2, 3) It is our prayer that Jehovah will grant you “the wisdom from above” to care properly for your many responsibilities, all to the praise of our Great Shepherd.—Jas. 3:17, 18; Ps. 23:1.
Your brothers,