Jotham: 16 years
Ahaz: 16 years
Hezekiah: 29 years
Manasseh: 55 years
Amon: 2 years
Josiah: 31 years
Jehoahaz: 3 months
Jehoiakim: 11 years
Jehoiachin: 3 months, 10 days
Zedekiah: 11 years
Jerusalem and its temple are destroyed by the invading Babylonians under Nebuchadnezzar. Zedekiah, the last earthly king in the Davidic line, is dethroned
Zechariah: recorded reign of only 6 months
Zechariah began to reign in some sense, but evidently the kingship was not fully confirmed as his until c. 792
Shallum: 1 month
Menahem: 10 years
Pekahiah: 2 years
Pekah: 20 years
Hoshea: 9 years from c. 748
It seems that Hoshea’s rule became fully established or possibly received the backing of the Assyrian monarch Tiglath-pileser III in c. 748
Assyria conquers Samaria, subjugates Israel; northern ten-tribe kingdom of Israel comes to its end