Song 7 and Prayer
Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
“I Am With You to Save You”: (10 min.)
[Play the video Introduction to Jeremiah.]
Jer 1:6
Jer 1:7-10, 17-19
Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.)
Jer 2:13, 18
Jer 4:10
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me about Jehovah?
What points from this week’s Bible reading can I use in the field ministry?
Bible Reading: (4 min. or less) Jer 4:1-10
Prepare This Month’s Presentations: (15 min.) Discussion based on “Sample Presentations.” Play each presentation video, and then discuss the highlights.
Organizational Accomplishments: (7 min.) Play the Organizational Accomplishments video for March.
Memorial Campaign to Begin March 18: (8 min.) Talk by the service overseer based on the February 2016 Life and Ministry Meeting Workbook, page 8. Distribute a copy of the Memorial invitation to all in the audience, and review its contents. Outline local arrangements for covering the territory.
Congregation Bible Study: (30 min.) kr chap. 9 ¶10-15, the chart “Growing Number of Bible Studies,” and the boxes “Jehovah Made It Possible” and “How ‘the Small One’ Has Become ‘a Mighty Nation’”
Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
Song 110 and Prayer