3 They Offered Themselves Willingly—In Madagascar
7 “He Gives Power to the Tired One”
When we feel overwhelmed by the pressures of life, what can we do? This article discusses our yeartext for 2018 and shows why we need to give Jehovah the opportunity to strengthen us and how he will do so.
12 Pleasant Unity and the Memorial
The annual observance of the Memorial of Christ’s death will be held on Saturday, March 31, 2018. How can we prepare now for this occasion, how will we benefit from attending it, and how does that annual event contribute to the unity of God’s people everywhere? Find the answers in this article.
17 Why Give to the One Who Has Everything?
All that we have comes from Jehovah. He still expects us, however, to use our finances to support the work of his organization today. This article will consider why and how we benefit from honoring Jehovah with our valuable things.
22 What Kind of Love Brings True Happiness?
27 See the Difference in People
The first of these articles discusses how true happiness comes from loving God and not from the counterfeit types of love so evident in “the last days.” (2 Tim. 3:1) The second article describes how traits that characterize people of the last days stand in sharp contrast with the qualities found among God’s people.