Chapter Three
1. The circuit overseer is responsible for the appointment of the coordinator of the body of elders, taking into consideration the recommendation of the body of elders. If an adjustment is needed, this appointment will be made during his regular visit to the congregation. The body of elders may assign another elder to assist the coordinator of the body of elders. If a temporary adjustment is made by the body of elders apart from the circuit overseer’s visit, the Congregation Service Committee should immediately notify the circuit overseer, explaining the reason for the change. Whether the change in the coordinator of the body of elders is permanent or temporary, a Coordinator of the Body of Elders/Secretary Change of Address (S-29) form should be submitted to the Service Department. If the coordinator of the body of elders will be away temporarily, the body of elders may select another elder to substitute for him.
2. The coordinator of the body of elders must be less than 80 years of age. He should be known as one who is loyal to Jehovah and to the organization. If possible, he should have served for years as an elder. He should be approachable and respected for his hard work in the ministry and as a shepherd. He should be a good organizer and diligently care for his responsibilities. He is not the coordinator of the congregation but is the coordinator of the body of elders. He should maintain a modest view of his role in the congregation and humbly appreciate his fellow elders and welcome their advice.—Prov. 15:22; Matt. 23:8.
3. The responsibilities of the coordinator of the body of elders include the following:
(1) Along with the secretary, ensuring that all elders have access to correspondence directed to the body of elders.—See Chapter 22.
(2) Approving the items placed on the congregation information board.—See 21:34.
(3) Arranging for elders to review questions with baptismal candidates. If there are very few elders, capable ministerial servants may be used to review the questions found in “Part 1—Elementary Bible Teachings” and “Part 3—Jehovah’s Arrangement of Things” in the appendix of the Organized book.—See od pp. 211-214.
(4) Arranging for meetings of the body of elders or the Congregation Service Committee and serving as chairman during such meetings. He compiles and distributes agendas for scheduled elders’ meetings.—See 1:3-11.
(5) Arranging for two elders (one being a member of the service committee) to meet with each person desiring to become an unbaptized publisher. (See od pp. 69-71.) In congregations that have very few elders, a capable ministerial servant who has demonstrated good judgment and discernment may accompany a member of the Congregation Service Committee when meeting with Bible students desiring to become unbaptized publishers.
(6) Arranging for two elders, one of them being the individual’s group overseer, to meet with each baptized publisher one year after baptism.—See 4:2.7; od pp. 213-214.
(7) Arranging for two elders to ask the necessary questions of a brother approved for appointment as an elder or as a ministerial servant when the brother was not present during the visit of the circuit overseer.—See 8:17-18.
(8) Arranging for two elders to inform a brother of his deletion as an elder or as a ministerial servant between visits of the circuit overseer and informing the circuit overseer if the brother appeals the deletion.—See 8:35, 39.
(9) Contacting the circuit overseer when a committee needs to handle wrongdoing involving child sexual abuse.—See 14:19-21.
(10) Distinguishing between items that individual elders can handle and those needing attention by the entire body of elders, in accord with published direction.—See 2:1.
(11) Ensuring appropriate follow-through on direction received from the branch office and on decisions made by the body of elders.
(12) Ensuring that newly appointed elders and elders who move into the congregation are made aware of the Service Department’s direction regarding individuals under branch-imposed restrictions.—See 14:22-24.
(13) Maintaining communication with the group overseers and the circuit overseer when a disaster occurs.—See Chapter 26.
(14) Reviewing and approving all announcements made to the congregation.
(15) Serving as one of the local domain administrators, if possible.—See Instructions for JW.ORG Local Domain Administrators (S-135).
(16) Taking the lead in caring for details in preparation for the circuit overseer’s visit.—See Chapter 10 and Information Needed for Visit of Circuit Overseer (S-61).
(17) Making assignments of all midweek meeting parts other than the student assignments. This includes making the assignment of the meeting chairman for each week from among those approved by the body of elders. In cooperation with the Life and Ministry Meeting overseer, the coordinator of the body of elders should ensure that a copy of the assignment schedule for the entire meeting is posted on the information board.
(18) Overseeing the attendants, the public talk coordinator, and those working with the stage, sound, and video.
(19) Scheduling public talk chairmen and Watchtower readers. Another elder or ministerial servant may be used to assist.—See 6:9.
(20) Approving expenses and arranging for audits.—See Instructions for Congregation Accounting (S-27).