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Chapter Seven

Field Service Group Overseer


1. The body of elders should assign one overseer and one assistant to each field service group. The group overseer is responsible to assist all in his assigned group to make spiritual advancement. (1 Tim. 4:15; Heb. 12:12) He should be an alert, caring shepherd. (Isa. 32:2) His zealous lead in the field ministry will encourage others to keep active in preaching the good news. (Heb. 13:15-17) In view of the importance of this assignment, the body of elders should select those elders most qualified to fulfill all the aspects of this assignment. If there are not enough elders in the congregation who are able to serve as group overseers or group assistants, ministerial servants may be assigned as group servants or group assistants. If there are not enough ministerial servants, a baptized brother who is a good example may serve as the group assistant. The other elders and ministerial servants in each group should be alert to support the group overseer and his assistant in caring for these responsibilities.​—Eph. 4:15, 16; od pp. 39-41 pars. 29-34.


2. The responsibilities of field service group overseers include the following:

  1. (1) Taking an active interest in the physical and spiritual needs of each one in the group by maintaining regular contact with each family​—weekly, if possible.​—Jas. 1:27; 2:15, 16; see Chapter 25.

  2. (2) Taking the lead when the group meets for field service, especially on weekends. Periodically, he may assign his assistant or another brother to conduct such meetings. If he cannot be present, he makes sure that the group will be cared for by his assistant or another brother.​—See 1:2.8.

  3. (3) Arranging to work regularly in the ministry with each one in the group to provide encouragement and training in various aspects of the Kingdom-preaching and teaching work.​—Luke 8:1.

  4. (4) Arranging to shepherd periodically all in the group.​—See Chapter 25.

  5. (5) Developing, along with the Congregation Service Committee, a plan to assist those with special needs in times of emergency or disaster.​—See Chapter 26.

  6. (6) Reviewing periodically with his assistant the activity of those in his group to determine their strengths and weaknesses in the ministry.

  7. (7) Meeting with publishers one year after baptism to provide encouragement and helpful suggestions. He will be accompanied by an elder assigned by the coordinator of the body of elders.​—See 4:2.7; od pp. 213-214.

  8. (8) Assisting and training exemplary, baptized brothers in the group to reach out and qualify for congregation responsibilities.

  9. (9) Helping to collect the monthly field service reports. When the secretary informs him of missing reports, he immediately follows through. If someone did not participate in field service for an entire month, he offers help as needed, according to the circumstances of the individual.