audits: 3:3.20
Kingdom Hall Operating Committee: 21:20
oversight: 4:2.8
proper use of congregation funds: 10:8
selection of accounts servant: 1:2.7
adulterous marriage: 12:10-12
announced reproof: 16:20.1
bearing on recommendation as elder or ministerial servant: 8:8
Scriptural freedom to remarry: 12:71-76
Anger: 12:36-37
approval: 20:13
disassociation: 18:5
disfellowshipping: 16:29-30
Memorial: 20:12
reinstatement: 19:12
reproof: 16:20-21
special public talk: 20:12
wedding: 27:6.3
Apostasy: 12:39
Application for Regular Pioneer Service (S-205): 9:1-3, 9
elder and ministerial servant: 8
cautions before recommending certain brothers: 8:6-11
congregation file: 22:19
considering Scriptural qualifications: 8:1-5
prisoners: 28:21
recommendations between circuit overseer’s regular visits to congregation: 8:21
recommendations during circuit overseer’s regular visit to congregation: 8:15-20
when appointed brother moves into congregation: 8:13-14
pioneer: 9:1-3
“Are You Ready to Face a Faith-Challenging Medical Situation?” (kmi11/90): 11:1
Assemblies: 20:16
Assistance for needy publishers
Association with disfellowshipped or disassociated individuals: 12:17.1
Audits: 3:3.20
Bankruptcy: 8:29
communicable diseases: 11:16-17
materials provided by secretary: 11:1
meeting one year after
prisons: 28:15
review of questions with candidates: 3:3.3
validity: 12:60-62
Bethelites, wrongdoing by: 12:43
Blind: 5:2.4
Body of elders
Boxing: 12:37
Brazen conduct: 12:16-17
dating though not Scripturally free to remarry: 12:17.2
pornography: 13:4
sexting: 14:30
unnecessary association with disfellowshipped or disassociated individuals: 12:17.1
Brideprice: 12:34
Causing divisions: 12:39.4, 70
Charitable donation programs: 29:10
fund-raising programs: 29:10.3
matching donation programs: 29:10.1
volunteer service donation programs: 29:10.2
Child abuse: 14
congregation considerations: 14:11
filing: 14:25
investigating allegations: 14:18
moving to another congregation: 14:26-27
notification by secular authorities: 14:28
providing spiritual assistance: 14:12-17
questions asked of newly appointed brothers: 8:17
restrictions: 14:22-24
sexual misconduct involving only minors: 14:29-30
Child custody: 29:9
Circuit overseer
accommodations and meals: 10:1-4
expenses during week of visit: 10:5-7
meeting with elders during visit: 1:4
meetings of pregroup or group during visit: 24:23
recommendations for appointment
recommendations for deletion
Report on Circuit Overseer’s Visit With Congregation (S-303): 1:6.1; 22:20
Circumstantial evidence: 12:7-9
Cleaning: 21:5-7
Conferencing systems: 20:24
Congregation Bible Study
Congregation file
Congregation Job Hazard Analysis (DC-85): 21:29
Congregation Job Hazard Analysis Instructions (DC-85i): 21:29
Congregation Meeting Attendance Record (S-88): 22:18
Congregation Service Committee: 2
Congregation Territory Assignment (S-54): 23:2
Congregation’s Publisher Record (S-21): 22:12-17
hour credit: 9:13-14
infirm regular pioneers: 9:20
judicial information: 22:21-22
letter of introduction: 22:5
publishers who regularly move to second residence: 8:14
those involved in additional theocratic assignments: 23:24
Construction servant, wrongdoing by: 12:43
Conventions: 20:17
Coordinator of the body of elders: 3
Correspondence and records: 22
congregation file: 22:10-27
Application for Regular Pioneer Service (S-205): 9:2
appointment and deletion of elders and ministerial servants: 22:19
categories: 22:11
child abuse: 14:25
confidentiality: 22:10
Congregation Meeting Attendance Record (S-88): 22:18
disaster preparedness: 26:4
durable power of attorney (DPA): 11:1.1
field service reports: 22:12-17
judicial file and other confidential reports: 22:21-27
Report on Circuit Overseer’s Visit With Congregation (S-303): 22:20
security: 22:10
disfellowshipped or disassociated individuals who die: 19:10
disfellowshipped or disassociated individuals who move: 22:9
JW.ORG e-mail: 22:1-4
letters of introduction: 22:5-8
online storage services: 22:28
role of Congregation Service Committee: 2:3.6-7
role of coordinator of the body of elders and secretary: 3:3.1
visit of service overseer to field service group: 5:2.5
Counsel: 25:9
when not Scripturally free to remarry: 12:17.2
Deaf: 5:2.4
elders and ministerial servants: 8
announcements: 8:38
appealing: 8:39
congregation file: 22:19
for judicial reasons or death: 8:37
pornography: 13:5-6
recommendations between circuit overseer’s regular visits to congregation: 8:35
recommendations during circuit overseer’s regular visit to congregation: 8:34
resignations: 8:36
reviewing qualifications: 8:31-33
Shepherd book: Intro:3
when appointed brother moves out of congregation: 8:12
Disassociations: 18
Disasters and emergencies: 26
Disfellowshipped or disassociated individuals
appointed brother allows to live in home: 8:23
association with: 12:17.1
contact by elders: 25:20
death: 19:10
monthly JW Broadcasting programs: 21:41
moving: 22:9
prisoners: 28:17
transportation to meetings: 20:39
Disfellowshipping: 16:26-31
Disruptive individuals: 20:37-38
assistance to those contemplating: 25:11
bearing on recommendation as elder or ministerial servant: 8:9; 25:11
Scriptural freedom to remarry: 12:71-76
Domestic violence: 12:36-37
Drugs: 12:15.4
Drunkenness: 12:18-19
Durable power of attorney (DPA)
False teachings: 12:39.3
Field ministry: 23
Bible study with child of Christian parent: 2:3.3
congregation territory assignment: 23:1-3
foreign-language field: 24:1-10
harbor witnessing: 23:19
inactive: 25:17
incidents resulting in injury or death while engaging in: 29:1.5
meetings for field service
nursing homes: 23:18
prisons: 28:10-16
public witnessing: 23:4-16
reports and records: 22:12-17
retirement homes: 23:18
review of activity
schools and universities: 23:17
witnessing difficulties: 23:21-23
Field missionaries: 22:15
Field service groups
assigning publishers: 2:3.1
assistant: 7:1
number: 1:2.2
overseer: 7
review of activity: 7:2.6
visit of service overseer: 5:2.5
Fits of anger: 12:36-37
Foreign-language field: 24
assemblies: 24:27
assisting publishers: 24:24-26
conventions: 24:27
forming pregroups, groups, and congregations: 24:2-5
host congregation: 24:11-12
invitations: 24:28
meetings: 24:13-23
signs: 24:28
territory coverage: 24:6-10
yeartext: 24:28
Forms: 5:2.6
“Are You Ready to Face a Faith-Challenging Medical Situation?” (kmi11/90): 11:1
Congregation Job Hazard Analysis (DC-85): 21:29
Congregation Job Hazard Analysis Instructions (DC-85i): 21:29
Congregation Meeting Attendance Record (S-88): 22:18
Congregation Territory Assignment (S-54): 23:2
Congregation’s Publisher Record (S-21)
durable power of attorney (DPA)
Field Service Report (S-4)
“Honorable Marriage in God’s Sight” (S-41): 27:5
“How Do I View Blood Fractions and Medical Procedures Involving My Own Blood?” (kmi11/06): 11:1
How Parents Can Protect Their Children From Misuse of Blood (S-55): 11:2
Identity Card (ic): 11:8.4
Incident Report (TO-5): 21:30-31
Incident Report Instructions (TO-5i): 21:30-31
Kingdom Hall Information (S-5): 21:33
Notification of Disfellowshipping or Disassociation (S-77): 22:22
pioneer appointment letter (S-202): 9:9
pioneer welcome letter (S-236): 9:3
Prison Information (S-68): 28:6
Public Witnessing Guidelines (S-148): 23:12
Public Witnessing Supplies (S-80): 23:9
Recommendations for Appointment of Elders and Ministerial Servants (S-62): 8:15, 21
Renting Facilities for Theocratic Events (TO-19): 21:4
Report of Meeting Attendance (S-3): 22:18
Report on Circuit Overseer’s Visit With Congregation (S-303): 1:6.1; 22:20
Special Medical Needs Room Request (hlc-20): 11:10-15
Suggestions for Publishers Learning Another Language (S-394): 24:24
Working Together Safely—Standards for Theocratic Construction and Maintenance (DC-82): 21:28
Fraud: 12:24-28
Harbor witnessing: 23:19
Higher education: 8:30
Holidays: 12:39.1
Homebound publishers: 20:24, 26-27
“Honorable Marriage in God’s Sight” (S-41): 27:5
Hospital Liaison Committees: 11:6-15; 20:15
Hour credit: 9:11-14
“How Do I View Blood Fractions and Medical Procedures Involving My Own Blood?” (kmi11/06): 11:1
How Parents Can Protect Their Children From Misuse of Blood (S-55): 11:2
Identity Card (ic): 11:8.4
Idolatry: 12:39.7
“In good standing”: 2:4
Memorial and special talk: 25:15
repentant wrongdoer: 25:18
shepherding: 25:13-18
wrongdoing by: 12:44-46
Incident Report (TO-5): 21:30-31
Incident Report Instructions (TO-5i): 21:30-31
Infirm regular pioneers: 9:19-20
Information board: 21:34
Interfaith: 12:39.2
Internet service
sign-language: 20:28-35
Irregular publishers: 7:2.9
Joining another religion: 18:3.2
Judicial committee
determining which congregation should handle the matter: 12:63-65
disfellowshipping: 16:26-31
evidence establishing wrongdoing: 12:40-42
files: 22:21-27
inactive: 25:18
inviting accused to hearing: 15:7-11
legal action: 15:18-20
marking: 12:77-80
meeting with baptized minors and young adults: 15:15
meeting with incarcerated ones: 28:22
meeting with marriage mates: 15:12-14
mental or emotional problems: 16:12
news media: 15:19
offenses requiring review by elders: 12:2-39
adulterous marriage: 12:10-12
apostasy: 12:39
brazen conduct: 12:16-17
drunkenness: 12:18-19
extortion: 12:34
fits of anger: 12:36-37
fraud: 12:24-28
gambling: 12:31-33
gluttony: 12:20
greed: 12:31-34
gross uncleanness, uncleanness with greediness: 12:14-15
extreme physical uncleanness: 12:15.5
immoral conversations over telephone or Internet: 12:15.2; 14:30
misuse of tobacco or marijuana and abuse of medical, illicit, or addictive drugs: 12:15.4
momentary touching of intimate body parts or caressing of breasts: 12:15.1
viewing abhorrent forms of pornography: 13:3
lying: 12:22-23
manslaughter: 12:38
pornography: 13:2-4
refusal to provide for family: 12:35
reviling: 12:29
sexual immorality (por·neiʹa): 12:3-6
slander: 12:24-28
stealing: 12:21
strong circumstantial evidence of sexual immorality (por·neiʹa): 12:7-9
violence: 12:36-37
permitting individuals to commit sexual immorality in home: 12:67-70
preparing mind and heart to judge: 15:4-6
recordings: 16:1
repentance: 16:6-17
reproof: 16:18-25
selecting committee and chairman: 15:1-3
serious wrongdoing that occurred years in past: 12:57-59
those having certain privileges of service: 12:43
those who have not associated for many years: 12:44-46
unbaptized publishers: 12:47-56
validity of wrongdoer’s baptism: 12:60-62
wrongdoing involving individuals from different congregations: 12:66
JW Broadcasting: 21:41
JW Library: 20:21
JW Stream: 20:25-27
Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction worldwide: 1:2.15
Kingdom Hall Information (S-5): 21:33
Kingdom Halls
cleaning: 21:5-7
contact congregation: 21:3
dedications: 21:43
incidents: 21:30-32
information board: 21:34
inspections: 21:25
JW Broadcasting monthly programs: 21:41
Kingdom Hall Operating Committee: 21:15-20
monthly contribution: 1:2.16
library: 21:39-40
meeting times: 21:19, 20, 33
merging congregations: 21:23
moisture-related problems: 21:12
ownership: 21:2-3
phone answering system: 21:35
property: 21:42
safety: 21:27-29
security: 21:26
weddings: 27:6
written agreement: 21:20
Kingdom Ministry School: 8:13
Legal matters: 29
charitable donation programs: 29:10
child abuse: 14:6-10
child custody: 29:9
incidents resulting in injury or death while engaging in theocratic activities: 21:30; 29:1.5
news media: 15:19
officiating at weddings: 27:2-5
personal legal advice: 29:2
public witnessing: 23:6-7
social events: 29:8
threats of legal action: 15:18-20
undocumented aliens: 29:3-7
witnessing difficulties: 23:21-23
Letters of introduction: 22:5-8
Library: 21:39-40
Life and Ministry Meeting
auxiliary counselor: 1:2.5
chairman: 1:2.8
conducting: 20:19
Congregation Bible Study
counselors for auxiliary classes: 1:2.5
overseer: 1:2.4
disfellowshipped individuals: 16:26.3
oversight: 5:2.4
prisons: 28:10-12
public witnessing: 23:14
selection of literature servant: 1:2.7
Local Design/Construction Department
disasters: 26:12
inspections: 21:25
rented facilities: 21:4
security system: 21:26
use of congregation property: 21:42
Local needs parts: 20:14-15
Lying: 12:22-23
Maintenance and repair: 21:8-14; A
Manslaughter: 12:38
Marijuana: 12:15.4
Marking: 12:77-80
adulterous: 12:10-12
Scriptural freedom: 12:71-76
shepherding: 25:10-11
support of uneven yoking: 8:24
Masturbation: 12:4
Medical matters: 11
accepting blood: 18:3.3
admission to hospital: 11:4
baptism of individual with communicable disease: 11:16-17
communication with medical personnel: 11:5
elderly: 11:3
Hospital Liaison Committee: 11:6-9
local needs parts: 20:15
newly baptized publishers: 11:1
parents and pregnant sisters: 11:2
Patient Visitation Group: 11:6
traveling to care for medical needs: 11:10-15
Meetings: 20
attendance records: 22:18
conferencing systems: 20:24
disruptive individuals: 20:37-38
field service
foreign-language: 24:13-23
informing of appointment: 8:17-19
informing of deletion: 8:34-35
JW Library: 20:21
JW Stream: 20:25-27
Kingdom Hall Operating Committee: 21:16
meeting times: 21:19, 20, 33
Memorial: 20:6-12
midweek (Life and Ministry Meeting)
passing microphones: 1:2.8
pornography: 13:1
prayer: 1:2.8
prisons: 28:17-20
resignations: 8:36
sign-language: 20:28-36
songs: 20:21-23
transportation for disfellowshipped: 20:39
unbaptized publishers
video: 20:21
visual aids: 20:20
public talk
speakers: 20:1-5
Watchtower Study
Memorial: 20:6-12
chairman and announcements: 20:12
foreign-language: 24:22
inactive: 25:15
JW Stream: 20:10
meeting times: 20:8
other meetings week of: 20:9
prayers: 20:7
prisons: 28:19
speaker: 20:6
Merging congregations: 21:23
Microphones, passing: 1:2.8
Moisture-related problems: 21:12
child abusers: 14:26-27
disfellowshipped or disassociated individuals: 22:9
elders and ministerial servants: 8:12-14
letters of introduction: 22:5-8
pioneers: 9:6-7
prisoners: 28:16
Murder: 12:38
Patient Visitation Groups: 11:6
Phone answering system: 21:35
Pioneers: 9
appointment letter (S-202): 9:9
appointments: 9:1-3
changes to information: 9:8
congregation changes: 9:6-7
deletions: 9:4-5
Field Service Reports (S-4): 9:10
hour credit: 9:11-14
infirm: 9:19-20
meeting with elders in December/January: 1:2.12
prisoners: 28:21
review of activity: 9:16-18
special consideration: 9:14-15
special pioneer
welcome letter (S-236): 9:3
Plea bargain: 12:40.1
Por·neiʹa: 12:3-9
Pornography: 13
determining whether a judicial hearing is required: 13:2-4
reappointment of elders and ministerial servants: 13:8
reviewing qualifications of appointed persons: 13:5-6
shepherding: 13:7
Prisons: 28
communication with prison officials: 28:8
contact congregation: 28:2-4
correspondence with branch office: 28:5-7
inmates serving in appointed capacity: 28:21
judicial hearings: 28:22
meetings: 28:17-20
ministry: 28:10-16
referrals and contact with prisoners: 28:9
Public talk
speakers: 20:1-5
Public witnessing: 23:4-16
Reappointment of elders and ministerial servants: 13:8
Recommendations for Appointment of Elders and Ministerial Servants (S-62): 8:15, 21
assemblies and conventions: 24:27
foreign-language meetings: 24:17-18
judicial hearings: 16:1
paragraph reading: 6:9
special public talk: 20:10
Reinstatements: 19
child abuse: 14:20-21
communication between committees: 19:13-16
hearings: 19:5-8
if the decision is not to reinstate: 19:9
if the decision is to reinstate: 19:10-12
requests for: 19:1-4
Refusal to provide for family: 12:35
Renting Facilities for Theocratic Events (TO-19): 21:4
Report of Meeting Attendance (S-3): 22:18
Report on Circuit Overseer’s Visit With Congregation (S-303): 1:6.1; 22:20
Reproof: 16:18-25
Resignations: 8:36
branch-imposed: 14:22-24
Retirement homes: 23:18
Reviewing qualifications of elder or ministerial servant: 8:31-33
bankruptcy: 8:29
disfellowshipped or disassociated family member in home: 8:23
higher education: 8:30
member of household involved in serious wrongdoing: 8:22
past disfellowshipping offense never addressed: 8:25-27
supports marriage of a baptized Christian to an unbaptized person: 8:24
viewed pornography: 13:5-6
Reviling: 12:29
S-202 letter: 9:9
S-236 letter: 9:3
Scriptural freedom to remarry: 12:71-76
Secretary: 4
Sects: 12:39.4
Service overseer: 5
Serving where need is greater: 2:3.7
Sexual immorality (por·neiʹa)
Shepherd Addendum: Intro:2
Shepherding: 25
calls: 25:3
child abuse: 14:12-17
counsel: 25:9
disasters: 26:11
disfellowshipped or disassociated ones: 25:20
engaged individuals: 27:4
foreign-language field: 24:24-26
inactive: 25:13-18
marital problems: 25:10-11
pornography: 13:7
recognizing spiritual weakness: 25:7-8
sisters: 25:12
training ministerial servants: 25:4-6
Sign language: 20:28-36
Slander: 12:24-28
Smoking: 12:15.4
Songs: 20:21-23
Special Medical Needs Room Request (hlc-20): 11:10-15
Special metropolitan public witnessing: 23:16
Special pioneer
Special public talk
Spiritism: 12:39.6
Stage: 3:3.18
Stealing: 12:21
Suggestions for Publishers Learning Another Language (S-394): 24:24
Symposiums: 20:4
Warning talk: 12:77-80
determining need and assigning speaker: 1:2.11
permitting sexual immorality in one’s home: 12:70
reproof: 16:23
unbaptized publisher: 12:50
Watchtower Study
conductor: 6
paragraph readers
Weddings: 27
information board: 21:34
officiating: 27:2-5
proof of ordination: 27:3.3
receptions: 27:4
support of uneven yoking: 8:24
undocumented aliens: 27:6.1
use of Kingdom Hall: 27:6
Witnessing difficulties: 23:21-23
Working Together Safely—Standards for Theocratic Construction and Maintenance (DC-82): 21:28
Written agreement: 21:20