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Zlatka prays as her husband walks in the door

Tell Them You Love Them

Ong-Li is one of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Bulgaria. She conducted a Bible study with a young woman named Zlatka, whose husband did not share in the study. Ong-Li relates: “While discussing family life, I stressed the importance of telling our mates and children that we love them. Zlatka looked at me sadly; she said that she has never told her husband or her nine-year-old daughter that she loves them!”

Zlatka explained, “I am willing to do anything for them, but I just cannot say those words.” And she added, “My mother has never said that she loves me, and my grandmother never told my mother that she loved her.” Ong-Li showed Zlatka that Jehovah audibly said that he loved Jesus. (Matthew 3:​17) She encouraged Zlatka to pray to Jehovah about it and to make it a goal to tell her husband and her daughter that she loves them.

Ong-Li says: “Two days later, Zlatka joyously told me that she had prayed to Jehovah for help. When her husband came home, she told him that she had learned from her Bible study how important it is for a wife to respect and love her husband. Then, after a pause, she told him that she really loves him! When her daughter came home, Zlatka hugged her and told her that she loves her! Zlatka said to me: ‘Now I feel so relieved. All these years my feelings have been bottled up inside of me, but with Jehovahˊs help, I am finally able to express my love to my family.’

Ong-Li offers to study the Bible with a woman

Ong-Li continues to offer Bible-study courses in her neighborhood

“A week later,” Ong-Li continues, “I met Zlatka’s husband, and he said to me: ‘Many people have told me that Zlatka should not study the Bible with you, but there is no doubt that her Bible study is really beneficial for our family. We enjoy a much warmer and happier relationship.’”