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The content displayed below is for educational and archival purposes only.
Unless stated otherwise, content is © Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania








Scope of the Work

Establishing the Techniques

Listing News Outlets

Classifications of Media

Planning a News Campaign


Extent of Campaign

Calendar of Activity

Suggestions for Calendar of Activity 10


Preparing Newsworthy Material

News Categories

Writing the News

News Releases

Personality Stories

Feature Writing


Other Means


Sample News Release

Sample Personality Release

Sample Feature Release

Sample Interview Release

Sample Radio Spot Announcements 19

Rules of Copy


Placing News Releases

Direct Coverage

Personal Delivery

Magazine Approach

Radio and TV Contacts

Other Points

Greeting Convention Officials

Reporting Assembly Publicity

Congregation Activity

Current Events

Special Events

Spot News

Created News

Contacting Government Officials



Good or bad, welcome or unwelcome, as long as the present system of things lasts, there will always be publicity. Since that is so the sensible attitude is not to allow it to be haphazard but to do everything possible to guide it Jehovah’s witnesses are growing in strength of numbers. Their growing prestige in the eyes of persons of good will and liberal-minded people is viewed by religionists and others with jealousy and hatred. Such opposers will not be idle. They will do all within their power to guide public notice of the New World society into undesirable channels and misrepresent facts to create unfavorable publicity. Resisting such efforts by a dignified counteroffensive is the theocratic answer to this situation. For this reason it is becoming increasingly important for Jehovah’s witnesses to have in the organization brothers who are qualified and trained to see that we are properly viewed by the public through the eyes and ears of the great variety of news media available.

Jehovah’s witnesses have the greatest publicity organization on earth. Each Kingdom publisher, in the fullest sense of the term, is doing public relations work. Our contact with the people at the door is by far the most effective means possible of creating good will for the organization. For that reason each Kingdom publisher can build or destroy good will. In addition, advertising the organizational activity from the objective standpoint is beneficial, and responsibility for this primarily falls upon certain appointed ones in the organization. The rules that are followed should be the same as those for the individual Kingdom publisher, namely, those based soundly upon Scriptural principles. Never should these Scriptural principles be departed from in such publicity work. Those charged with this additional responsibility are not stunt men or professional publicity agents. They are ministers whose service in this particular instance is that of supplying information to those interested in disseminating news.

Public interest in Jehovah’s witnesses is growing and expanding with the organization. Those who are responsible for the dissemination of the news are similarly affected. If their facilities are used to inform the public accurately and intelligently about Jehovah’s witnesses, then much good can be accomplished. This can best be done if Jehovah’s witnesses themselves co-operate in gathering the news and see to it that the proper facts are brought to the attention of these newsmen. Therefore, those who are charged with the responsibility of representing the organization in this capacity must not only have the necessary qualifications to do their job theocratically, but also have the necessary training in some of the techniques of reporting and news engineering, in order to make their efforts acceptable.

Jehovah's witnesses are not objectively interested in publicity or public relations. However, we are interested in advertising the Kingdom in any way whereby it can be effectively presented to the people, as long as it is in keeping with Scriptural principles. People read newspapers and listen to the radio. If through these channels they can read or hear something about the Kingdom, then they will be edified. For that reason, our service should not be a desire just to get Jehovah’s witnesses’ name in the paper. Many people are already aware of our existence. Neither is it altogether profitable publicity just to describe a convention that is being held, although both of these things in themselves do good in keeping the name of Jehovah before the people. A commendable amount of publicity has been gained already. Now it should be our desire to improve the quality and effectiveness of this feature of service by expanding our objectives.

Our effort should be to include in our press releases information about the Kingdom, about our beliefs and about those high principles by which Jehovah’s witnesses are governed that will enable all persons to recognize the New World society for what it really is—a people living according to New World standards. To accomplish this requires a working knowledge of the techniques of publicity and of the rapidly expanding field of professional public relations; otherwise such material would be unacceptable. For that reason this folder is being prepared.

RESPONSIBILITIES. Like all servants in the organization, the public relations servant must be qualified from the Scriptural standpoint. He will need a basic knowledge of the truth and of the Society’s policy in all major matters, but he must also have other qualifications to fit him for this work. He should be a brother who is mature in actions and in judgment He must be able to think quickly and accurately. He must be one who is devoted to truth and who will instinctively refuse to disseminate information of which he is not absolutely sure. He must be able to obtain factual information and know his authority for such statements. He must be one who uses good taste. He should be natural in all of his contacts. He should never put on airs. Not only is this true because those in the business of getting news are trained to spot a faker but it is not befitting a Christian minister. He should be tactful but not apologetic, direct but not forward, persistent but not obnoxious.

The public relations servant should know or be able to learn what constitutes news. He must be able to interpret news properly, write it effectively and then place it where it will do the most good for the largest possible audience. This takes experience and conscientious effort, but any brother having the necessary basic qualifications can learn to do it. The purpose of this folder is to offer information and suggestions that will be of assistance to anyone working in this theocratic field.

SCOPE OF THE WORK. For the most orderly and effective coverage of theocratic news it would seem best to limit the scope of the work of any public relations servant to the particular field in which he is assigned.

The congregation, in normal activity, creates much news, which is best known or controlled by the congregation servant. For that reason he will be responsible for its proper dissemination. Where news media cover a wider territory than that of his congregation, then he should establish a definite workable arrangement to co-operate with those congregation servants or circuit public relations servants involved. This can be done by dealing directly with these brothers or through the city servant, the circuit servant or the district servant. Sometimes, as in the case of district or national assemblies or special campaigns, several congregations or circuits may wish to place joint releases with the larger metropolitan papers and radio and TV stations. This should be done through the city servant or a combined effort of the circuit servants, depending on the circumstances.

The circuit servant and circuit public relations servant can be of much assistance to congregation servants. While they cannot be expected to write all the congregations’ releases for them, their usually wider experience may enable them to make helpful suggestions. Furthermore, the public relations servant will no doubt be using many of these brothers as contact men with the various news outlets in their territory. He will, therefore, have a direct interest in what is being done locally and how the news media are responding and will encourage the local brothers to discharge their responsibilities. His primary interest, though, will be in news that concerns activity of the circuit. In large metropolitan areas where there are several circuits, public relations servants or circuit servants should meet and make an assignment of all available news media, allocating to each circuit those media that are most likely to be interested In the news of the congregations in that circuit. These same news outlets assigned each circuit will then be the ones approached by the congregations in that circuit with their own local news releases. In this way a closely knit, workable organization can be maintained In all territories, without confusion or overlapping.

The district servant should become acquainted with the arrangements made throughout his district and offer suggestions as needed. He should especially be interested to see that satisfactory allocation of news media is made in metropolitan areas. In his report to the Society’s service desk following a circuit assembly, he should discuss any weaknesses that exist in the circuit public relations organization, as well as in the local congregation’s publicity activity. Problems encountered should be reported also. The district servant, too, will have in mind the over-all public relations organization of his district, endeavoring to assist its development to a point where all circuits in the district could immediately be welded into one unit for news dissemination of a district assembly.

The branches throughout the world will know from local conditions to what extent publicity work should be done in their respective countries. Where it seems inadvisable on any large scale, policy will be established after communication with the president of the Society. The suggestions outlined in this folder may be followed to whatever extent local conditions will allow. Particular problems involved should be reported to the president’s office for counsel.


The techniques of public relations work are not difficult once they are properly analyzed and understood, and since newsmen themselves follow these rules the public relations servant should understand how to apply them so that his work will be acceptable.

  • (1)

  • (2)

  • (3)


ADJACESTVILLE ■TIMES' (W) 323 Main St. 7-6543


John L. ReprosentatIvo*

KH: 126 Center St.

Contact: Br. Carrynees

The suggestions outlined in this folder are necessarily quite extensive. They are designed to cover as many and as varied circumstances as possible. It is not expected that all congregations or all circuits will be able to employ all the techniques outlined herein. These are merely suggestions arranged to give new ideas and to stimulate thought. But it is believed that following the general outline and adapting even just one or two suggestions to local conditions will enlarge the witness already being given. Therefore, all brothers assigned to this special field of theocratic activity will do well to study all the material presented here and then endeavor to develop to the best of their ability every possible resource in their respective territories.

Since the most colorful and varied single news event on the theocratic calendar is the assembly, the bulk of this information folder will relate to circuit assemblies. However, much of this material will be of immediate interest to the congregation servant too. He should have in his own files a record of news outlets that his congregation services. These should be available to the circuit public relations servant so that the circuit files can be kept up to date. The congregation servant will also be interested in those portions of this information folder dealing with what constitutes news, how to write it and place it effectively. Those specific events that are news in the congregation will, in most instances, be treated separately.

The simple formula for publicity can be stated in three steps: planning, preparing and placing newsworthy material. However, before any of these steps can be taken, the various news outlets available must be considered.

LISTING NEWS OUTLETS. As a preliminary step in carrying out any effective campaign, a list should be compiled of all news outlets. The following method, devised by combining a number of suggestions, has been tried with success. Any other satisfactory arrangement, however, can be used. Use a card, 3" x 5”, for each news medium. (See Illustration I, above.)

NH 21

•Adjacontvilla 68

Nearbytown    37

Pubs:         105



Illustration 1

In the upper left hand corner (1) list the publication’s name, address and telephone number. A few spaces down (2) insert the name of the congregation servant to be quoted and below it (3) the address of his Kingdom Hall. In the upper right-hand corner (4) place your code number for this publication and below (5) list the congregations in the area covered by the publication, number of Kingdom publishers in each and the total for all. [This simplifies the typing of blank-form releases. All that the typist needs is a stack of cards for those publications in outlying areas and a story so written that only names and locations need to be filled in. The name of the publication should be typed at the top of the release and each release becomes an individual story.] Listed in the lower left-hand corner of the card (6) for convenient reference should be the name of the brother or sister who acts as contact man for this particular news outlet.

On the back of the card (See Illustration H, p. 5.) (7) list the publication's publisher’s name, the editor’s name and names of any associate editors and reporters contacted. List also (8) the date and frequency of publication (if not a daily), (9) deadline date or time, (10) circulation and classification (for example: news, architecture, grocer's association, employee’s house organ). [Note: Some might prefer to place items (8), (9) and (10) in the lower right hand corner of the front of the card, if space allows. This makes for quicker reference.] Other notes that might be included on this card: (11) attitude of the publication, whether mats or pictures are acceptable and best size. In addition, (12) dates of submitted releases for a news campaign and results in

Mr. I.M. Journalist. Ed.

Miss Iva Nosefurnews, Rei. Ed.




(no pix)


























Out: Thurs (W) Deadline:

Hon 10 an

Nees: 10,000


Illustration II

column inches might be recorded. For wire and photo services, radio and TV stations and other mass media, similar cards can be prepared with data that applies. On cards tor radio and TV stations programs might be listed that would be suitable for our purpose.

In order to prepare such lists the following can be done: 1. Compare and co-ordinate all current available lists. 2. List all publications in the classified section of the telephone directory. 3. Consult a directory, which is available in most larger public libraries. For example: Ayers; Editor and Publisher; Printers’ Ink; Standard Rate and Data; Photo Market; Broadcasting; Broadcast Advertising; Variety Radio Directory and various writers’ publications. 4. An investigation should be made of publications of various trade associations. 5. Locate those brothers working in large plants or shops that publish their own factory newspaper. These are known as house organs. 6. Monitor all radio and TV stations for those programs that present possibilities. Sometimes a brother or sister who is a shut-in will gladly assist. 7. Verify all addresses and phone numbers and keep lists up to date. 8. All publications should be carefully checked to make certain that they are the type that we would want carrying news about our Kingdom message. This is important. There are a few filthy scandal sheets, some labor organization papers and other leftist or rabid-type publications that we should do well to avoid in our news reporting. It is better if people do not associate us and our Kingdom work with papers of this kind.

The media of publicity and the personnel who man these media are in a constant state

(8) (9)


of flux and the circuit public relations servant must be alert in order to keep abreast with these rapid changes. Before he begins a new publicity effort he must bring his records up to date. He should never be behind the times in his contacts. Editors notice these things and can assume that the news release is belated also.

CLASSIFICATIONS OF MEDIA. Some circuit public relations servants find it advantageous to group their media according to certain classifications. In this way news releases slanted to a particular type of audience can be readily submitted to all news media covering that field. A code number designates each class, and they are generally filed according to these groupings. As a further division of these various groups, the territory covered by the circuit campaign is divided into areas designated by numbers. For example, numbers 1 to 9 could be assigned to one area, 10 to 19 to another, 20 to 29 to still another and so on. If only a few publications lie within the first area all of these publications could be numbered "1” and one contact man could cover them. If there are too many news outlets within this radius for one person to contact readily, then a second grouping could be made within this same area and designated number "2,” and so on. The same procedure could be followed in other areas, allowing at least nine subdivisions in each. This arrangement provides several advantages. It allows for expansion in news outlets without revising the entire numbering system. Furthermore, if divisions are so made that contact men are available for every half-dozen or so news outlets (even though not all are used regularly) it can allow the circuit public relations servant to reach every news outlet in his assigned territory with a special news release within a day’s time if necessary. Sometimes this can be important and should be the goal of the circuit news service organization. The letters designating the classification of the publication, plus the number that is assigned to the publication, complete the code number of the publication. For example, there might be one metropolitan daily, three hometown-type papers, two foreign weeklies and one radio station all in one area and contacted by one brother. If this area is number 21, the daily would have the code number NM 21, all the home-town-type papers would be NH 21, the foreign weeklies would both be NS 21 and the radio station RA 21. Thus, although each classification of news outlet is filed separately, the numbers show readily in which area they are located and who the contact man is that is responsible for all of them. This system fulfills two needs: First, ready access to any particular type of news media throughout the territory that reaches the same kind of audience. Second, assembling all news releases to be delivered to the same contact man.

Such a system might seem complicated at first and might be unnecessary in circuits covering widely scattered areas, but for extensive news coverage, especially in congested areas and for large assemblies, some such system is a necessity.

Following are the major classifications of news media with suggested code letters for each:

(NM) Metropolitan daily and Sunday newspapers. The larger the paper the more complex its organizational structure. News that interests such papers for their general sections must be of interest to the many people making up their large readership. That is why small circuit assemblies can go by unnoticed by some of the largest of these. Sometimes this can be overcome by directing items of particular Interest to one or more of their many departments. Such bits of news, well chosen, can be particularly slanted to the correspondingly smaller audience interested in this special field. Most larger papers in the United States and Canada will Include the following: Publisher, Business Manager, Managing Editor, City Editor, Editorial Writers, Religious Editor, Columnists, Woman’s Page Editor, Society Editor, Feature Editor, Foreign Editor, State Editor, Financial Editor, Business Editor, Food Editor, as well as radio and book review sections and others. Even the smaller dailies should be put in this class if they carry news of interest beyond the scope of their own circulation.

(NH) Home town press. These are the smaller outlying newspapers or suburban papers, many of them weeklies. They cover a limited area and deal primarily with local news rather than national or international news. Dailies that handle only local news should be put in this class.

(NS) Special newspapers. These include the foreign-language, racial, commercial and financial papers. In this class are the labor publications and others, some of which are quite reputable. It is primarily with this classification, however, that care must be exercised. Papers with questionable reputations should not be cultivated. Then there are those that have a controlled circulation within a very limited group. Though they reach only a few people, sometimes an effective witness can be given to persons not otherwise easily approached. Religious newspapers are in the special classification as well.

(FS) Feature syndicates. These are feature associations with offices in large cities servicing regional, national or international fields. They are not so interested in date-line material as they are in articles emphasizing a fact, a state of being, a condition or an analysis. These organizations handle feature stories, syndicated columns, etc. Only the largest circuits might find a place here for their stories. Stories for extensive circulation should be cleared through the Society’s branch headquarters.

(WS) Wire services. These news syndicates report news to a subscriber list as a regular service. They cover regional, national and international date-line news. They are interested in happenings that will interest their clientele on any or all of these levels. AP, UP and INS are the major news services in the U.S.A.

(PS) Photo services. These operate as news syndicates except that pictures tell their stories. Outstanding in the U.S.A, are AP Photo Service, Wide World Photos, International News Photos and Acme Newspictures, Inc.

(MG) Magazines, general. These are the large magazines of national circulation and general interest.

(MS) Magazines, special. These are designed for certain classes and include the racial publications, small local news magazines, farm and trade journals, juvenile publications, house organs or plant magazines, business report magazines, city or county news magazines, sometimes town yearbooks issued by chambers of commerce, etc. Some of these can be used effectively if the material is properly slanted to their special audiences.

(MP) Magazines, picture. These national publications are generally interested only in our largest assemblies.

(RA) Radio and (TV) Television are well known as news outlets.

(MM) Mass media. These media include newsreel services and similar large-scale outlets designed to reach masses of the people. Obviously, news to them is only that which interests the majority of the people on a wholesale scale.

It should be remembered, too, that there are many other types of publicity media that we use regularly and these should not be overlooked in advertising the Kingdom message. All advertising matter comes under this classification. Placards for store windows, bumper signs, car top signs, special letters to people of good will, etc., are all effective parts of our publicity program. However, these are generally controlled by another convention department. Still, it would be well for the circuit public relations servant to co-ordinate his activity with those responsible for these other advertising media.


RESEARCH. Effective dissemination of news cannot be accomplished unless careful planning is a part of the program. Begin planning the program by developing all research material possible in connection with the event. First, study the publicity results of the last assembly. Study the clippings book. This provides a history that is necessary for the present campaign. Note the editors that gave favorable coverage. Note the particular slant of material that they used. Notice the particular interests that each publication had in the assembly. Then look for variations of those ideas that were particularly acceptable. Do not use the same personality except, of course, the district or circuit servant, etc. But a similar human interest story can be used if it was effective. Avoid those ideas that resulted unfavorably or that were not used.

Second, list all persons that will attend that may be newsworthy: district and circuit servants, the congregation servant in his local community, brothers in business or otherwise prominent in the locality, all on the program or serving as department heads, friends who may be attending from distant communities, missionaries home on a visit, several generations of witnesses in one family, a mother and daughter as full-time ministers (especially if the mother is also a homemaker), etc.

Third, develop background material. Learn all the statistics about the circuit and its congregations; the number of its ministers; its growth and so on. Assemble statistics on all departments of the assembly. AU this material will suggest further ideas for stories. Be prepared to answer controversial questions if necessary, although it is better, if possible, to turn such questions into interviews with a convention “official.” In this way authoritative quotes can be given. The convention public relations servant should remain in the background and yet he should know the answers himself. Direct quotations could be noted in all the Society’s publications as well, so that authoritative information can be given at any time even if one of the convention servants is not available. Answers must be accurate and in absolute harmony with the Society’s policy.

The circuit public relations servant should at all times work closely with the circuit servant. All data should be assembled and kept up to date throughout the entire campaign. This can be done, if necessary, by someone specifically assigned to that work who could serve as a staff reporter. Necessary equipment should be on hand to provide newsmen with background material if necessary: Yearbooks, convention reports, news clippings books, reports on legal cases, or any other material that might be deemed necessary. This would include those issues of The Watchtower containing the history of the Society or Qualified to Be Ministers.

EXTENT OF CAMPAIGN. The second step in planning the campaign is to determine its extent. It should not be just a matter of getting space either with or without pictures. Effective publicity requires a well-ordered effort through knowledge of the activity of the organization and the possibilities of all available media. For this reason it should de determined in advance just what is to be accomplished by this particular news service program. This can best be done by determining a theme that is to be followed throughout the entire campaign. This can be based on the district servant’s public talk or the theme of the circuit assembly itself.

Second, define the objectives and the classifications of media necessary to accomplish them. We are interested in getting people to go to the assembly. We are interested in giving the public an accurate picture of Jehovah's witnesses, their beliefs and activities, in line with the special theme selected. We are interested in raising the prestige of the organization. These things are all definite objectives of the circuit publicity campaign. The media that you select from all those available should be those best calculated to accomplish your objectives.

We have another important objective, though perhaps an indirect one. Our aim is to deliver to all those people who control news and influence public opinion such a systematic and thorough coverage of new-world news that they will become the best-informed people in the world on Jehovah’s witnesses, so that, regardless of how much or how little news is actually published or broadcast, these responsible people will be left with a lasting understanding of Jehovah’s kingdom and the New World society. Such an accomplishment may result in the tone of the news about Jehovah’s witnesses being favorable for some time to come.

Third, determine the geographical extent of the assembly and then determine the particular news outlets that will cover this event. Unless the circuit has been changed, this will ordinarily be the same as for the previous campaign. In the event of changes, the circuit public relations servant should obtain for his files a list of all news media within the territory of those congregations transferred to the circuit.

CALENDAR OF ACTIVITY. The third step in planning the campaign is preparing a schedule or "calendar of activity.” The effectiveness of the entire program can hinge on the thought and attention to detail that have gone into planning this schedule of activity. First, accumulate ideas. Think about the program; list all the news possibilities you can think of. Discuss them with the circuit servant and other mature brothers working with you on contacts. Adjust, revise and trim this assorted collection until only usable material remains. Now begin assembling the pieces. Adjust them to your list of media. Develop a chronological advance list of events, having in mind how you can break up your material, how fast you can develop your sequence stories and where they can be released.

Next, prepare four lists as follows: 1. A list of events. These are all the various activities that will take place during the assembly and that will be used as publicity hooks for news stories. 2. List all the stories surrounding each event and itemize the logical news outlets to handle each one of these stories. That means that for one particular event perhaps several different stories could be written and these could be used in different ways with the various news outlets. 3. Prepare a list of points based on the selected theme that could be demonstrated by various activities of the organization, either in the congregation or the circuit. This allows for building the campaign to a climax and accentuating certain basic principles in our activity of which we want the public to become aware. 4. List all picture possibilities around each event and around each story. This should be done whether you will have your own photographer or not In this way, when news photographers come to the assembly grounds they can be guided to those spots that will provide them with the best picture stories possible and those in line with your own themed campaign. Besides, picture possibilities will suggest ideas for television presentation.

When all four lists have been carefully compiled, then combine these lists and determine the dates of release for each story. (See Illustration III, p. 10.) This master list provides a calendar of activity and the circuit public relations servant is now ready to begin mapping his strategy for preparing and placing his news stories.

A suggested list of events that might be used for a circuit assembly follows. Around most of these events several stories can be developed. Some could be written as straight news releases, some as feature stories, some as personality stories, some as interviews. Some might be just brief items for a columnist, a woman’s page editor, etc. Use them where they will fit and do not overlook any possibilities. 1. Announcement of assembly and assembly city. 2. Circuit servant’s visit to the city to locate a site and inspect the grounds. 3. Contract signed for the convention building (if it is deemed advisable to publicize far in advance. Extreme care should be exercised in advance publicity in places of entrenched opposition, for the hall may be canceled. The circuit servant should be consulted on such matters.). 4. Congregations discuss travel plans. 5. Rooming work (if carried on). 6. Participants on program appointed. 7. Department heads of the service organization appointed. 8. Meeting of department heads to finalize plans. 9. Craftsmen named to participate. 10. Suppliers of produce for cafeteria selected. 11. Installation program begun. 12. Arrival (circuit servant, district servant, personalities, delegates). 13. Opening day. 14. Baptism. 15. Cafeteria operation. 16. Departments’ activity and volunteers. 17. Field service activity. 18. Saturday night meeting. 19. Sunday public talk. 20. Delegates return home.

Following is a list of some story possibilities. Many of these could be adapted to feature articles, a number could be designed for radio or television presentation. Some could be developed to surround certain of the events listed above. More story ideas will present themselves to the alert public relations servant because of varying local conditions. He should constantly expand and develop this list to provide the greatest possible color and variety for his news stories. 1. A great variety of human interest stories surrounding different personalities. 2. The Kingdom Hall, its purpose and place in the worship of Jehovah’s witnesses. 3. The congregation and its activity, weekly meetings, etc. 4. Practical ministerial activity: house to house, home Bible studies, etc. 5. Special training program in field ministry for new ministers. 6. Circuit assembly provides three-day training program. 7. Auditorium transformed into a Kingdom Hall; staging; sound; etc. 8. The circuit assembly program and its features: talks, panel discussions, interviews, staged dramatizations (demonstrations). 9. Analysis of circuit progress discussed at assembly, including local report; weaknesses pointed out and remedies offered. 10. Plans laid for progress during next six months. Application of plans in each local congregation. 11. Individual delegates’ reactions, how benefited. 12. Expansion of the organization through Gilead missionary training (see Yearbook). 13. Transportation from convening cities arranged for interested persons. 14. Transportation arranged for local residents to assembly site. 15. The full-time service. 16. A day with a family of Jehovah’s witnesses. 17. Convention history—1919 to date. 18. The “flight for freedom." 19. How one develops from first contact to point of dedication as a minister. (For an outline with picture possibilities see 1953 Convention Report, pages 91 to 93.) 20. Baptism, its effect on one’s life course (a full dedication story).

A list of points emphasizing the assembly theme might be drawn up as follows. One or two of these can be woven into each story. The same points may be used in more than one story. The points listed here are from the theme "Be Rich in Right Works." Similar points could be drawn from a different theme for another assembly. 1. Jehovah’s witnesses maintain that if a religion is worth believing it is worth practicing. (Jas. 1: 22) 2. Growing tide of materialism a challenge to Christian thinking and Christian works. (Matt. 6: 19-21) 3. Bulwark against communism is development of true Christian thinking through right works. Jehovah’s witnesses world-wide emphasize by preaching activity. 4. No "blue Mondays” for those with a full schedule of Christian activity. Stimulating and refreshing. 5. Christian’s primary work is to preach. (Matt. 24: 14) Jehovah’s witnesses are a preaching fellowship. 6. Jehovah’s witnesses’ organization designed to cultivate and train in works of Christian preaching. Uniform activity worldwide, a unifying force. 7. Watch Tower Society, directive agency, provides regular instruction in performing right works: traveling representatives, Bible textbooks, assemblies, etc. 8. Local congregation provides regular training program in practical Christian works: house to house, back-call, home Bible studies, etc. 9. Skilled workmen require advanced training, so the Christian worker needs a firm foundation in Bible education. Training at assembly designed to improve quality of preaching activity. (2 Tim. 3: 16, 17) 10. Work of circuit to be analyzed at assembly, including local congregation report; weaknesses determined and remedies offered; plans laid for expanded work at local and circuit levels.

Picture possibilities are almost limitless. Good ideas can be used repeatedly with variations in personality or staging. The following list is only to suggest ideas. Local circumstances must be considered. 1. Personalities: convention officials arriving, discussing plans, inspecting grounds, greeting each other, speaking, etc. People at sessions, babies in arms, young children singing, twins listen intently, old people take notes, babies asleep while parents listen, etc. Delegates from distant parts, etc. People in various places and poses around grounds reading the Bible. 2. Rooming: interviewing householder; close-up of office workers; line-up at rooming counter; etc. 3. Installation: smiling sisters arrange flowers; children help clean grounds; brothers install sound; smiling sister cleans chairs, etc. 4. Program: platform shots of speakers, demonstrations, round-table discussions, etc.; crowd shots; overflow-meeting shots; etc. 5. Baptism: people being immersed; young folks, elderly people, etc. Line-up of candidates. Over-all shots of immersion location. 6. Cafeteria: preparing food: sisters peel potatoes, prepare meat, mix salads, cook food, etc. Food serving lines: smiling sisters serving food, children getting trays, line-up at counter. Eating tables: children eating, also mother and baby or little girl, line-up at tables with happy, neat-looking group in foreground, over-all shots of eating facilities. (Avoid such shots as cleanup departments, which are usually messy.) 7. Departments: orchestra; neat sister behind book counter, territory assignment, etc. People buying Bibles, volunteering for service, etc. 8. Field: attractive sister putting window sign in store window; group preparing for service; sisters putting on placards or lined up with placards on; young person distributing handbills on busy street; etc.


  • (A) In this column the date or time the article must be submitted should be given. Date-line news or radio and TV programs should be scheduled according to the event. Feature stories and others not highlighting actual events can be scheduled when the news flow is light. This column determines the day-by-day schedule of work, and by watching it closely the public relations servant can keep abreast of his campaign, regardless of the chronological sequence of events.

  • (B) Each type of release should be numbered in consecutive order, e.g., NR-1, NR-2; PR-1, PR-2; etc. The code letters determine the kind and the number identifies the individual release. Copies of the releases are then filed in numerical order according to classification.

  • (C) The number of the event as contained in your list of events is entered here. If other events develop after the calendar has been compiled, they can be added to the end of the list. Although the calendar is designed to list events in chronological order as nearly as possible this is not essential, since corresponding releases will not follow in the same order. Some will necessarily precede others because of their nature and the media with which they are placed.

  • (D) The story development best suited to the event and media for which it is intended should be determined from the list of story possibilities and the number entered in this column. Several stories may be written on the same event and all do not necessarily need to follow the same development.

  • (E) A suitable point on the theme can be chosen from the list of theme points and the number entered here. These can vary with the event or with the story.

Example: It may be decided to write all four different types of releases about event number one and place them with different news media. Although the same story possibility and theme point might be used for each release the following variation could lend color and variety to the stories: for the news release, story 6 and theme points 1 and 2 could be used; for the personality release, story 1 and theme point 4; for the feature release, story 5 and theme point 5; for the interview, story 4 and theme point 6. See the sample releases where these combinations were used.

  • (F) Picture possibilities that suggest themselves according to the events and stories listed could be entered in this column by number. Often more ideas will occur as the calendar develops. These can be added to your list of possibilities.




    PR - Personality

    FR - Feature

    IR -Interview

    Illustration in


    Media: (Average circuit assembly) (General  RA - Radio

    News:)    TV -Television

    ND - Newspapers, daily (Local    NH - Newspapers, home town

    News:)    NS - Newspapers, special

    MS -Magazines, special

    (Only major assemblies) MG - Magazines, general MP - Magazines, picture FS -Featuresyndicates WS - Wire services PS - Photo services MM-Mass media


    Release No.




    Picture Possib.













  • (G) The media determine to a great extent what type of release should be written and what its development should be. These news outlets carry your story to your audience and the audience must be considered in writing the same as in speaking. Media for each release are entered in this column by code number, e.g., ND 21-23, 40, 51, etc. If all daily newspapers are to be serviced with a particular release, this could be indicated by simply writing: ND all. However, if a certain few papers are to be given a different or special release, then the notation could read: ND all except . . . —and the numbers of the exceptions listed. These news outlets would then be listed individually, opposite the listing of the release they are to receive.

  • (H) This column might not be needed if the public relations servant writes his own releases. However, if someone else is designated to write a particular story, then the date or time and the initials of the one assigned should be entered here. This is a safety check to make certain no story is left unassigned.

  • (I) The date the release is actually delivered is entered here. This date, with the code number of the release, should be entered on all media record cards. This simplifies checking the response in the papers. If the response in column inches is also indicated on the record cards, it can easily be determined which releases were most effective. Study of these cards and releases submitted is helpful in planning a new campaign.

ORGANIZATION. Now that the calendar of activity is planned, the circuit public relations servant is in position to know what size organization will be necessary to put this program into operation effectively. Production of newsworthy material now becomes a matter of routine and the basic campaign will develop almost by itself. This allows for attention to the many interesting side lights or unexpected happenings that can enrich the already full schedule of effective publicity arranged for. Therefore, it is important that the basic organization be planned well in advance of the circuit assembly.

Those persons who are to contact media should be arranged for through the local congregation servants if possible. Allowing the local contact men to deliver releases has proved to be the best arrangement, because the local brothers are acquainted with all the news media in their area and have no doubt made contacts with them in regard to their own local news events. If they have not, then the circuit public relations servant should take someone with him to follow through in his absence and to assist in wider coverage of territory. Such local contacts also simplify the important task of checking the papers for stories printed. Collecting these clippings could also be detailed to the local contact man.

The circuit public relations servant should make it his business to get acquainted with the personnel of every news medium in his territory. This is particularly true of those news outlets that have proved most difficult or that have been unresponsive in the past.

It may be that the circuit public relations servant will require further assistance in the writing of script and releases, in typing, in proofreading, checking grammar, punctuation and spelling. Releases must be neat and accurate. Educated sisters often do very well at these details. They should be used if no brothers are available or qualified. Sisters can also be used in making contacts if necessary. Assistance might be needed also in preparing the clippings books for the district and circuit servants, as well as the circuit news servant’s own book. Clippings should be mounted neatly, with an effort made to show the results of the work in the most effective way. Editors are often impressed by the results obtained in news media in other localities and many times will respond by giving more coverage themselves.

A definite organizational procedure should be adopted and followed consistently, even though several jobs may be handled by one person. The following is suggested: Write the release. Proofread and correct for grammar, punctuation and spelling (assigning someone qualified to assist in this if necessary. It is important.). Type final copy and proofread. File carbons in permanent file. Deliver releases to contact men. Have contact men deliver releases to news outlets. Have contact men obtain printed stories and submit them to the department. Clip stories and e,nter in clippings books.

If the public relations servant is not preparing the releases personally, he should read and approve all releases that are written before they are sent out. This gives him complete control of all news that is submitted to the press.

Avoid last-minute problems. Work out the calendar of activity with the circuit servant and circuit assembly servant. Endeavor to anticipate every eventuality and make some provision to handle it. Plan foreign releases sufficiently in advance to permit translation before submitting to editors. Brothers can do this, and editors of the foreign press will appreciate the thoughtfulness. During the assembly itself have a definite schedule for every day’s activity. Every morning it will be found advantageous to have a meeting with those in the department for a briefing session. Matters to be discussed would be application of the theme to the day’s activity, consideration of the day’s schedule and special activities for the day. Problems that have arisen could be considered also. Make certain that speech copy is available, if at all possible. Make certain that all who are on the information staff or who talk to reporters know the first names of all speakers; that they know the speakers’ positions in the organization and where they are from. Such regular briefing sessions are particularly helpful to a large convention staff and may not be necessary for the smaller circuit assembly, but if there are any assistants at all to the circuit public relations servant, it will be good for him to discuss these matters with them some time during the assembly.


NEWS CATEGORIES: In order to prepare news stories properly it is essential that the public relations servant knows what constitutes news. News is something that Interests many people today. It must be something of interest to more than just a few and it must be current. Briefly, we shall discuss four different categories of news. Since much news of certain categories is on the congregation level a more detailed outline will be considered later under congregation activity. (Page 26)

  • 1. Current events. These are events occurring with some regularity in the normal course of congregational activity; therefore, they are handled by the congregation. These would include appointments of servants to the congregation; Memorial, anniversaries of organizational activities, weekly meetings of the congregation, etc. For a more detailed discussion see the section on congregation activity.

  • 2. Special events. These are all special happenings beyond strictly congregational routine, such as dedication, special talks, circuit servant’s visit, assemblies, marriages, etc. Most of these are also covered by the local congregation, but if, as in the case of the circuit assembly, the happening involves the entire circuit, then it is handled by the circuit public relations servant. See congregation activity for further information.

  • 3. Spot news. This type of news is spontaneous in nature and involves happenings beyond our control, such as court trials, blood transfusion cases and other such occurrences incidental to our scheduled activities. These are usually handled by the congregation. At assemblies, however, occasionally spot news does occur, such as accidents, heat prostration cases, heart attacks, etc. Widespread notice of such happenings does not advance our program so we shall not voluntarily reveal such incidents. However, such news does not always remain hidden. Never try to interfere with a newsman’s getting such a story after he already has wind of it. Newsmen have a nose for news and will be even more determined to ferret it out. Interference might only antagonize and prejudice the reporter and arouse his suspicions that all is not as it should be. To a reporter such happenings mean news. However, this type of spot news should be played down or minimized. All the facts should be obtained by the public relations servant, but he must use good judgment and carefully weigh in his mind how a minimum of these facts can be properly presented. Generally, newsmen are cooperative, especially if cordial relations exist with the press, and many times the straight facts of the story alone will kill it as not newsworthy. Be honest and straightforward at all times with the press, but do not tell all you know. And remember, editors print news. They want it and they have ways of getting it. We have nothing to hide, so give them some facts and the truth will stand on its own.

  • 4. Created news. At this point it should be made clear that producing news means more than just interpreting or shaping news that has occurred. It often means creating news. In our activity this does not mean resorting to “gimmicks” or stunts. It merely means employing recognized public relations techniques in reporting to make'an event newsworthy that might not otherwise fall within any of the categories already considered. Many happenings at our circuit assemblies are very important to us, but as viewed dispassionately by an editor are just not news. Yet we wish these things publicized. How can it be done? This involves the technique of “creating” news and tests the ingenuity and effectiveness of the circuit public relations servant to the limit. Our consideration of this category of news will offer suggestions that have been tried with success.

The first method of creating news is a technique of writing called “tie-ins.” It means simply hitching your story on to something that is already in the news. Generally there is a "story of the day” that is current. Sometimes many such themes are available. Since they generally reflect world conditions little difficulty should be encountered in employing them. For example, at the present time any story should be considered newsworthy if it mentions "resisting Communist infiltration” or "fighting the growing tide of materialism” or if it "fortifies men in the war of nerves.” Even such catch phrases as "for the good of the community” and “in the public interest” have been known to capture an editor's approval. You might be helped in analyzing the problem by tacking to the words “who,” or “what,” or “why,” the expression, “in relation to.” Who are Jehovah’s witnesses in relation to some news that is current? What are they in relation to it? How are they in relation to it? Keep your eyes open to the news, to what is happening and our relationship to it, how we can be tied in with it and set up in favorable contrast against it so as to make the news different. Then show the activity of Jehovah’s witnesses in this favorable respect.

By way of further illustration, if the circuit has reached a new peak or if there is noticeable increase of activity, this is news in itself. But if the brothers are simply being trained in certain features of the work, editors might not be interested unless the account is written in such terms that it becomes of interest to many people. For example, “In an effort to equip themselves for an expanded service to the community, Jehovah’s witnesses received instruction last night in effective means of carrying the Bible into the homes of the thousands of people who are without adequate Bible instruction. This report from the headquarters of their three-day training program being held at Blank Auditorium quoted Mr. District Supervisor as saying, etc.” Phrasing of this nature is not misrepresenting facts, which should never be resorted to. Actually, in the case of our work it is really reporting matters in their fullest sense. Kingdom preaching is in the highest public interest.

The second means of creating news is the use of names. Names play an important part in writing news stories. People are interested in people they know or even in those they may become acquainted with through the press. Editors are too—especially if these “name” people are doing something worthwhile. For this reason it is good in the local news media to build up the name or position of someone as the local spokesman for Jehovah’s witnesses. For example, “Mr. District Supervisor stated ‘so and so,’ according to Mr. Local Representative.” In this way, although the district servant made the statement, at the same time the local congregation servant comes info the picture. This has a twofold advantage. In the first place it is a local man who is doing something. Then, secondly, if the district servant is changed and a new one appointed, the name of the local congregation servant still appears in the press and the value of building the name of someone as an authority has not been lost. A point worth noting: newspapers like full given names, not just initials with the surname.

Other local brothers who might be prominent also make news, especially those who are in business or who are otherwise known in the community. Sometimes, if they are willing, these brothers can also be used in this way and can make statements regarding conditions in their particular field as they relate to the Kingdom message. None of the brothers so used should feel important because of this prominence they may receive through the press. None would be so used if it were not for their knowledge of the truth, and certainly no one can take personal credit for that.

A third means is interviews. These are very effective in creating news. Although this method has been used extensively by the brothers in times past, many have been merely objective discussions of our activity. We could not expect to use public news media to preach, but interviews can employ all of the other techniques in creating news to include much that will acquaint the public with our aims, purposes, opinions and accomplishments. Interviews need not be limited to radio and television. They can be used effectively in newspaper writing as well. This is true particularly in regard to the public talk. Through an interview with the district servant the theme of the talk can be given in advance, stimulating interest in the subject and at the same time providing a certain amount of educational material to edify the public.

In any statement or quotation that is made the effort should be, wherever possible, to acquaint the public better with our views on world conditions, the doctrines that we preach and the importance and significance of these matters to them. That is what our specialized form of public relations work should be designed primarily to accomplish. This must be done with recognition of those requirements that editors have for material of this sort, otherwise it will not be successful. We are as "playing in their league” and if we follow their rules they will "play ball.” Remember, statements of opinion must be in quotes and we do want to express our opinions in our stories.

WRITING THE NEWS. One of the most difficult tasks for the newly appointed circuit public relations servant seems to be that of writing good copy. Yet it is essential, because good copy will stand on its own feet. It is not always possible to reach the editor with the release, and even if you do, he will not publish anything he thinks is not newsworthy. If copy requires considerable rewriting, many times editors will not use it because of lack of time or inclination. Therefore, the circuit public relations servants should become thoroughly acquainted with the various kinds of writing necessary to plan a full and complete news program properly for the circuit assembly. In their broadest forms these could be divided into four types of writing: straight news writing, personality stories, interviews and feature writing. We shall consider each in turn.

News happens. If there is no action, there is no news; and if there is action, then there is something performing it. So that brings us down to the fact that news writing must be on nouns and verbs. The nouns name things and the verbs tell what they do. The manuscript is judged by this formula. A newspaper editor says to himself, “My readers are interested in people who do things.” We must show them that the witnesses are people that will be interesting to their readers, and we must show them that the witnesses are people who do things and that the things they do will be interesting. When you submit an article, it must give a clear picture of just who Jehovah’s witnesses are, but it must give this clear picture by their actions, not by a great deal of description. They must find out who they are by what they do.

News media are mainly divided into two departments: the nouns and verbs department, and the adjectives and adverbs department. Nouns identify people and verbs tell what they are doing. This is news writing. But adjectives glorify nouns and adverbs glorify verbs. This is not news writing, it is advertising. Those are the two departments, news and advertising. Advertising is not free. You pay for it. In other words, the newspaper pays for the nouns and verbs; but the writer pays for the adjectives and adverbs. So avoid adjectives, unless there Is no doubt in the public mind that the description applies.

NEWS RELEASES. News stories have leads. A brief statement appears, another one, and another one, each in a separate paragraph, each stating a different point; then, as the article continues, the same points reappear, only in longer paragraphs with details. That is a good style to follow for newspapers. Make the opening few paragraphs cover the high points, the gist, to arouse curiosity and to answer briefly the questions who, what, when, where, why and how. That is the lead of the story. The balance of the story develops these points further, still following this inverted pyramid style so that the story can be cut at any point and still be complete.

Learn to think in terms of short sentences. Learn to write short sentences that capture as much of the facts as possible, so that one short sentence contains as much news as a paragraph. If necessary write a paragraph and condense it to one sentence. Then leave the one sentence standing as one paragraph. Do not jam it together with another sentence that tells a different part of the news.

News stories must deal with current happenings. If you wish to put an advance story of an assembly in the paper several weeks beforehand (event number one, "Calendar of Activity”) you may have to do it by reporting it in connection with a current happening to have it acceptable. Just as old news is stale news so events too far in the future are not important today either—at least to the editor. If he sees in the opening paragraph a date several weeks future, he may not run the story.

You might lessen this possibility by writing something like this:

“The Adjacentville congregation of Jehovah’s witnesses are making preliminary plans to attend a three-day training program in Centerville, it was announced last night.

“Mr. John L. Representative, presiding minister of the group, in discussing this announcement to the congregation pointed to the challenge to Christian thinking and Christian works in the rising tide of materialism.

“ ‘The object of the program,’ Representative said, ’is to equip every one of the preaching fellowship of Jehovah’s witnesses in the practical use of the Bible as a means of fortifying the spiritual morale of people in our community.’ Etc.”

This is the lead to your story. From here on a development of these points could be made, starting at the beginning again and continuing with as much detail as might be needed for the type of write-up and news agency you have in mind for it.—See sample “News Release," p. 17.

Notice several features of this lead. It is current. Although your primary purpose is to announce the circuit assembly that is several weeks off, you are writing about something that happened “last night.” But that "something” is an announcement of the assembly; your purpose is accomplished. This is "creating” news. Another factor: it answers who, when (although the real “when” is purposely avoided), what, where and why. Why is answered in relation to "the growing tide of materialism.” It has a further "tie-in” with the descriptive phrase "fortifying the spiritual morale of the people," which the training program is designed essentially to do. This establishes the happening as an event of general public interest. Paragraphs are short and the points are covered in inverted pyramid style. Adjectives and adverbs are avoided, although descriptive nouns and verbs are used that accomplish an objective. The final paragraph of the article might actually give the date of the assembly. If that is cut off it is not important at this stage of development of your schedule of activity. A later preassembly story can supply that detail, perhaps with event number four in the "Calendar of Activity,” p. 8.

Notice another factor in the lead of this story. It is designed to follow our "Schedule of Activity.” Story-possibility number six (circuit assembly provides three-day training program) is woven into our first event (announcement of assembly and assembly city). Furthermore, the assembly theme "Be Rich in Right Works” is introduced. (Point number two) If no more than this lead is published, the publicity campaign for the assembly is off to a good start and your opening shot has hit the mark.

Another important factor. Although the events of the assembly will center primarily around the city where it is to be held, happenings in that city might not necessarily be news some place else in the circuit. Yet publicity for the assembly Is desired in all parts of the circuit. For that reason it is necessary to "slant" the story. That means to tell news of general Interest in such a way that it will appeal to a certain select audience. In the case of this sample, the audience is in Adjacentville, perhaps several miles from Centerville. So the story is told in terms of related events in Adjacentville. Unless the audience is considered in writing a story, it most likely will not be acceptable.

As has already been discussed in some detail (see “News Categories, 4. Created news," p. 12.) statements of opinion should be contained in quotations by someone. If properly handled this will allow you to do all the preaching you need to. Learn to condense an hour’s discourse into no more than two typewritten pages, double spaced. In doing so, single out two or three important and palatable items and build a clear explanation of these. Do not try to follow the rule of proportion in this type of condensing. A few points that strike home and carry appeal will leave your audience with a clear, full-bodied thought rather than a confused smattering of many.

Simply stated, then, the formula for news writing is this: news is about people doing things today. Tell who the people are. Tell what they do, what they say. That is your story. That is all there is to it.

PERSONALITY STORIES. A personality release is generally just a news story. But, whereas the straight news release uses an event or happening as a publicity hook, the personality story uses an individual. As in all news writing for our publicity purposes, the important news is what the individual is doing or saying that will carry forward our campaign. If through persons important theocratic truths can be more acceptable, then personalities can be used to good advantage.

For example, refer again to the list of events in the "Calendar of Activity," p. 8. Since several of these events involve specific persons doing things, in addition to straight news releases, the individuals themselves could be featured in a series of personality stories. (Note particularly numbers 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 14, 20.) Other events also might lend themselves to this type of release according to local circumstances. —See sample "Personality Release," p. 18.

Personalities, of course, are quoted in regular news releases. However, the news story becomes a personality release when the total effect of the story seems to tell the reader more about the personality than it does his activity or his message. Actually, this should not be the case any more than an event in the straight news release should be allowed to overshadow the real purpose for the event. This requires skillful writing, but by following the simple rules any brother who can present the message at the doors will be enabled to learn the art successfully.

Rules for writing personality stories are the same as for the straight news release. Only the "who” becomes a little more prominent than the “what." But while the individual stands apart somewhat from all the rest of Jehovah’s witnesses in the story, he should be representative of them collectively in all that he does and says.

FEATURE WRITING. This Is by far the broadest form of news writing and allows for the most extensive skills and ingenuity of the circuit news writer. However, writing for feature syndicates or for magazines with circulation outside the territory of the public relations servant should not be attempted. If the occasion seems to warrant it then manuscript should be submitted to branch headquarters.

While still closely related to straight news writing, feature writing emphasizes a fact, a state of being, a condition, an analysis more than it does a happening. The happening, though present, is secondary. Generally, too, a personality is included as spokesman. But the reader comes away impressed not so much by the event or the speaker as by what has been said.—See sample “Feature Release," p. 18.

This type of article makes allowance for almost direct preaching. It can follow the lines of the articles "Who Are Jehovah’s Witnesses?" or almost any one of the story possibilities listed in the section "Calendar of Activity.” While these story possibilities can be developed along other styles also, feature writing allows full expression of the purposes of the publicity campaign in any of these chosen directions. Obviously, for this reason feature stories are harder to place, but if an effective campaign is carried on and the feature article is continually “plugged” (favorably mentioned) you will generally find a place for at least one or two. They pay big dividends in audience reaction and are worth the effort in preparation and "selling."

Most magazine writing falls into this style of writing. In this field of news media the circuit public relations servant should be particularly alert to local circumstances. Unusually interesting conditions, even on the circuit level of news events, often allow for opportunities to approach the particular classification of magazine circulated locally that might be directly interested. If the events are not of sufficient significance in news value, the associate editors of the newspapers should not be overlooked. They are often looking for news in their particular fields and your story, purposely slanted to their needs, might find ready acceptance.

The first thing you want to understand in writing for magazines is the policy of the magazine, and in average libraries you will find volumes that index all magazines, dividing them according to the type of magazine or the editorial policy. There are news magazines, political magazines, religious magazines, magazines of general interest, etc., all indexed in these volumes with names and addresses. To get the general editorial policy of the magazines you might borrow some of the professional writers’ tricks. They depend on writers’ magazines, such as The Writer and Writer’s Digest and yearbooks such as The Writer’s Handbook. These contain a small condensation of the editorial policy of practically all the bigger magazines and many of the specialized magazines. Study of some of these editorial policies equips you in preparing the right kind of material.

INTERVIEWS. An interview, whether for publishing in a newspaper or for delivery over a broadcasting station, is, strictly speaking, a news story told by a personality as he answers questions put to him by an interrogator. An interview is a type of "created news,” since it is generally engineered. An interview may vary in content. It may be a straight news story, a personality story or a feature story. The content determines what the audience will carry away. As a rule, the ideal interview is a happy balance of the three: enough personality to make the individual interesting, enough news to hold the audience attentive to current happenings and enough feature or definitive material to carry forward the purposes of the publicity campaign. Sometimes, though, a feature presentation may be desired altogether, especially on radio or TV. (For example, see “Calendar of Activity,” p. 9, story possibilities 2, 3, 4, 5, 16, 19.) As is done in all types of writing, the campaign theme should be woven in in some place.

Interviews also vary somewhat in form. Occasionally a complete script is required in radio and TV, although wherever possible, especially in appearances on established programs, it is better to list merely suggested questions for extemporaneous coverage. Answers can be highlighted in outline form, in order for the announcer to get the gist. Roundtable discussions, etc., are also variations of the interview.—See sample “Interview Release,” p. 19.

OTHER MEANS. Also, there are other kinds of writing that should be kept in mind. Occasionally short items of pointed bits of news can be submitted to various associate editors and columnists of newspapers, who may insert them as filler copy. Spot announcements for radio and TV follow a similar style but are more general in content. Slogans also make an impression on the public mind. If the assembly theme is used consistently throughout in all news writing and advertising, its repetition has the effect of a slogan and the same desirable result is achieved.

Another effort that can be made in preparing material for the assemblies is that of arranging for a delayed broadcast of certain high lights of the assembly. Many times stations have time available late in the day, around eleven or twelve o’clock at night. Sometimes fifteen minutes or a half hour can be arranged for at such time and then excerpts from the public talk could be given. District servants can record the talk under actual conditions early in the six-month period and then select pointed excerpts. These could be transferred to another tape, with comments interspersed by a competent brother, and thus a complete fifteen- or thirty-minute tape could be prepared in advance.

DEFINITIONS. Many of the expressions we use are not understood by the public. Care should therefore be exercised in discussing our work. Use only terms that are self-explanatory. Below are a few suggestions. Others of like kind can be used, however.

Back-call work: return visits

“Brother" or “sister”: associate minister

[never as a title in place of Mr., etc.]

Circuit assembly: 3-day training program, conference, convention, seminar

Circuit servant: circuit supervisor, traveling representative

Congregation servant: presiding minister

Convention servant: convention supervisor, manager, director

District servant: district supervisor, traveling representative

Literature: printed sermons, Bible study aids Memorial: Lord’s evening meal

Pioneer: full time minister, special representative

Public relations servant: minister, newsroom manager, news service director, official spokesman

Publisher: minister

Servant: supervisor, director, overseer, manager, representative, minister

Service center: Bible study group, Bible study center, religious service center

Service meeting: ministry-development class Street work: street preaching

Theocratic ministry school: ministry school, public Bible speaking class

Watchtower study: the Watchtower Bible study class

Witnessing: preaching, public preaching


Jehovah's Witnesses      ADJACENTVILLE TIMES

Adjacentvllle Congregation For Immediate Release John L. Representative 7-7890

The {Adjacentvllle] congregation of Jehovah's witnesses are making preliminary plans to attend a three-day training program In Centerville, It was announced last night.

Mr. [John L. Representative], presiding minister of the group, in discussing this announcement to the congregation pointed to the challenge to Christian thinking and Christian works in the rising tide of materialism.

"The object of the program." [Representative] said.

"Is to equip every one of the preaching fellowship of Jehovah's witnesses In the practical use of the Bible as a help In fortifying the spiritual morale of people In our community."

The announcement came as a climax to the weekly ministry-development program held at the local Kingdom Hall, [126 Center Street],

[Representative] said that Jehovah's witnesses are enrolled In ministerial training of at least five classes weekly. "We maintain," he emphasized, "that If a religion Is worth believing it is worth putting Into practice.

“For that reason, the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, sponsors of the three-day Centerville refresher program. have set the theme of the assembly as Be Rich In Right Works,' " he explained.

"We sincerely hope that the advanced training planned for us there will enable us to live closer to the Bible and Its teachings.” The program Is scheduled for May 24-26, but the exact site In Centerville has not been announced.

[Note: The brackets and the words they enclose would be omitted tor the blank-form release. Proper Insertions would be made by the typist according to Information on the media record cards.]


Jehovah's Witnesses        DISTANTOWN BEACON

Adjacentvllle Congregation   For Immediate release

John L. Representative 7-7890

John Llveaway of R. D. No. 1 is making arrangements to attend a three-day training program In Centerville.

Not to learn how to grow bigger and better potatoes, for which he Is known In the town of Fair Hill, but, rather, this time John Is going as a minister of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

He is associated with the Adjacentvllle congregation and Is also well known around Distantown for his preaching work.

"I have never had a ‘blue Monday' since I started to preach fifteen years ago," John declared yesterday, commenting on his Christian work.

"Jehovah's Witnesses have certainly given me a full schedule of Christian activity. This ministry-training program that I am going to In Centerville next month will be about the twenty-fifth that I have attended so far. And," he added, "I hope to attend many more In the future."

Llveaway's entire family will travel with him. "I think the right kind of Christian works begins in the home,” John said. "For that reason Mrs. Llveaway and I are Interested in the young folks and have a regular Bible study In our home every Tuesday night. I am happy to say that many of our neighbors have shown Interest In it too."

Llveaways have been members of the Fair Hill community for four generations. Henry Llveaway, John’s great-grandfather, came here right after the Civil War and settled Homestead Acres, where John was born. John’s "Homestead Acre Potatoes" took first place at the State Fair last summer.

[Note: Small-town papers like stories that are simple, homey—even a little "chatty"—but our releases should always maintain a certain dignity. This story could be used In different towns tor a number of different personalities simply by making a few penciled changes on an extra carbon and retyping. That saves completely rewriting each personality release.]


Jehovah's Witnesses Assembly HALFWAY POINTER Halfway Point Congregation For release at will James W. Overseer, minister 3-3456

One of the world’s fastest-growing ministerial societies never "graduates" its ministers. "Christian development never ends and the Christian minister can always advance In ministerial qualifications." These are Jehovah's witnesses.

For that reason the organization provides a continuous training program of activity for young and old. A featured part of that program is to be a three-day conference of Jehovah's witnesses, scheduled for the near future In Centerville. Their spokesman Is [James W. Overseer], presiding minister of the [Halfway Point] congregation.

"Since their beginning Jehovah's Witnesses have been a preaching fellowship," [Overseer] said. "The faith of each believing Christian In the organization Is tested by his participation In the most important Christian activity—propagation of the faith.

"By plying this method," [Overseer] continued, "during the past ten years the Witnesses have doubled their numbers in North America, multiplied five times In Asia, more than six times in the Pacific Islands, seven times In Europe and Africa, more than twelve times in the Atlantic Islands and nearly fifteen times In South America.

"As a stimulation to the preaching methods of the Witnesses the Centerville program carries the theme 'Be Rich in Right Works.' This will provide the background for the advanced course planned," [Overseer] said.

"The program is really an extension of and a refresher for the regular training program conducted In all congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses," [Overseer] explained. "One of the requirements for every Christian that Is set forth in the Bible is that he be ‘apt to teach,' " he said.

"That means he must not only be well grounded in the Bible but he must be acquainted with the techniques of preaching. Jesus took the apostles with him on his tour of Calllee, where they could observe his teaching. Then he sent them out by twos and later, after training others, sent out seventy others by twos.

"Jesus told his disciples. ‘Freely you have received, give freely,' and Jehovah's Witnesses believe that this applies to their Christian knowledge as much as to anything else. Jesus made the statement when he was sending his followers out to preach."

According to [Overseer] Jehovah's Witnesses conduct a regular schedule of five weekly classes in all their congregations. Their object is to develop each believer into a preacher. Two classes are conducted as advanced studies of the Bible, another Is to Improve speech and speaking ability with practice sermons given by the students enrolled. Another is a ministry-improvement class, where problems of the ministry are discussed. The fifth meeting is a public sermon on a timely Bible subject.

"After a new student expresses his willingness and dedicates himself to do God's will as Jesus did," [Overseer] said, "he Is assisted In practical field ministry by being assigned to a mature minister, who assists him In developing his preaching ability.”

All the features of the regular training program will be covered at the Centerville assembly, (Overseer] said. "However, these meetings will be under the direction of Mr. District Supervisor, a special representative of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society sent out from New York."

The Centerville program scheduled for May 24-26 will draw about [75] ministers from the [Halfway Point] area, according to [Overseer]. In addition, a number of car groups of Interested persons are planning to attend the sessions, all 'of which are open to the public.

Hundreds of other Witnesses, representing 18 surrounding congregations, along with an unestimated number of the public, will be present

[Note: The brackets and words they enclose would be omitted from the blank-form release. The typist would make proper Insertions In the blanks Irom information on the media record cards.]


Jehovah's Witnesses       Radio Station WXYZ

Perry P. Relations         Interview for:

Centerville 5-5678             Tuesday, April 16, 9 a.m.

■'Homemakers Show"

Miss Blank: We have as a special guest In the studio this morning Mr. Paul Prince, presiding minister of the Centerville congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. Mr. Prince told me earlier that Jehovah's witnesses are planning a three-day ministerial training program In Centerville. Could you tell me, Mr. Prince, just what sort of training program this is going to be? Is It an Interdenominational arrangement, or what?

Prince:      No, it isn't exactly that. Miss Blank. Of

course the public will be welcome to all the sessions, but the program is being arranged by its sponsors, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, particularly for Jehovah’s Witnesses.

Miss Blank: What is the exact purpose of the program? Prince:     Well, Miss Blank, Jehovah's Witnesses are

a preaching fellowship and this training program is designed to cultivate and train our people in works of Christian preaching. You see, our ministers call on people in their homes In all parts of the world.

Miss Blank: Is that so? I did not realize you were an International organization.

Prince:     Yes. we are. Many people in Centerville do

not realize that we are organized to carry on a well-planned missionary program in 158 lands. We have our international headquarters in New York, but we operate 78 branches throughout the world.

Miss Blank: You must have a large organization to accomplish that.

Prince:     Yes, we do, Miss Blank. There are over

640,000 active ministers of Jehovah's Witnesses engaged In house-to-house preaching. And when you realize that our work Is uniformly conducted in every congregation, regardless of nationality or race, you can see what a unifying force It Is.

Miss Blank: That is very interesting, Mr. Prince. But this Isn’t an international conference that Is being held in Centerville, Is It?

Prince:     Oh no. We wouldn't have a place big

enough here for that, although as a resident of Centerville myself I would certainly like to see Jehovah's Witnesses have an international assembly here. We had over 165,000 at Yankee Stadium In New York a couple of years ago.

Miss Blank: I see what you mean! That would almost double the size of our town, wouldn't It?

Prince:     Yes, it would. However, this assembly

will draw our people from 18 congregations In the surrounding area. We should have about a thousand as a peak in attendance. That should include quite a few of our friends right here In town.

Miss Blank: Teil me, Mr. Prince, will your conference consist entirely of meetings, or do you plan other activity?

Prince:     I'm glad you asked me that, Miss Blank,

because that is something I am sure your homemakers will be Interested In. We plan as a part of our program—and- I might say that the theme of our assembly is “Be Rich in Right Works”—we plan on sharing our Christian experiences with every homemaker and his family in Centerville and Its environs. We hope to reach everyone with a personal invitation to hear the main discourse of the assembly. It Is called “Consulting God on. World Affairs.” We think that is a timely subject that everyone Is interested in and we expect to call at every home to give the folks a little preview of the talk.

Miss Blank: That certainly sounds as if you should have an interesting time of it, Mr. Prince. And what is the exact date of the conference?

Prince:     May 16 to 18. We have a great deal of

work to do between now and then to get ready, but we are looking forward to a real assembly. I might add, too, Miss Blank, that all sessions are free and the public is invited.

Miss Blank: Thank you very much for coming down to the studio this morning, Mr. Prince. I hope you do have a successful program. Prince:     Thank you. Miss Blank. It has been a

pleasure to talk to you and all of your many homemakers in the listening audience. I hope to see you all around the middle of May.

Miss Blank: That was Mr. Paul Prince, presiding minister of the Centerville congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

(Note: This Is a sample of a manuscript radio interview. In the event the one doing the Interrogating is not known, "Announcer” could be substituted for the name "Miss Blank" here. If manuscript Is used it should be written and read In strictly conversational style. The extemporaneous Interview, however. Is generally far more effective. If that method is contemplated. then simply a sentence outline could be developed. Indicating questions for the announcer and answers for the one to be interviewed.]


Of Interest to Centerville and surrounding towns will be the three-day program being arranged by Jehovah’s Witnesses May 24 to 26. According to spokesmen for the group it Is designed to give those attending a fuller part In the Christian experience by providing advanced training in the ministry. Since Jehovah’s Witnesses are a preaching fellowship, it was pointed out, all must be equipped and 'apt to teach.' The program, "Be Rich In Right Works,” is designed to assist Jehovah’s Witnesses and their friends to advance toward that goal. The climax of the assembly is a Bible discourse Sunday at 3 p.m. entitled "Consulting God on World Affairs." The public Is welcome at all sessions.

Citing the need to combat the growing tide of materialism, Jehovah’s Witnesses of the Centerville congregation announce a three-day program beginning May 24 at the Centerville High School. Open to the public, all sessions are free and highlight the words of Jesus' apostle to all Christians, "Be Rich in Right Works." According to spokesmen the program is designed to stimulate spiritual thinking and to assist each one to help his neighbor. Sunday at 3 p.m. a public Bible talk entitled “Consulting God on World Affairs” will climax the program.

Friday May 24 will see the beginning of an Influx of several hundred ministers Into Centerville. According to Mr. Paul Prince, presiding minister of the Centerville congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, the crowd should swell by Sunday at 3 p.m. to about twelve hundred persons. At that time a talk by Mr. District Supervisor ot New York will be given on the subject, “Consulting God on World Affairs."

RULES OF COPY. Here are some of the mechanical rules for preparing copy. 1. Use standard-size letterhead paper 8i" x 11". Do not use odd pieces, half-length paper, etc. 2. Use a reasonably good quality of typewriting paper. 3. Do not write duplicated copy. All releases should be originals. Editors do not appreciate carbons. 4. Type only on one side. 5. Make a proper single-spaced heading. Place the name of the assembly in the upper left-hand corner with your address and phone number. If deemed advisable the name of the congregation servant serving as contact man and the name of his congregation may be given instead. (Make sure the one whose name is used has a copy of the release.) 6. Place the periodical’s name and release date in the upper right-hand corner. 7. Do not write headlines. A single line identifying the story is permissible, however. 8. Allow sufficient margins. Writing the story somewhat down on the page gives the editor room to write in his headline. An inch margin on each side is sufficient. A story should not be long. One page is generally sufficient for a story. It would have to be a particularly good story, or perhaps a feature, to fill more than one typewritten page. If necessary cramp the story by condensing and rewriting in order to make it fit onto one page. 9. Double space the copy. 10. Fold so the copy is outside. If the release is inserted in an envelope for personal delivery, leave the flap outside and unsealed. 11. Write only according to the style of the news media for which the story is intended. 12. Write news with a purpose. Remember the objectives of your publicity campaign. In all stories endeavor to aim for these objectives and your theme, yet have them so written that the editor will accept your material. This is successful public relations work and the goal of all circuit public relations servants.

PHOTOGRAPHY. While photography plays an important part in reporting news, still it is an expensive program and the standards for acceptable art work are higher than the average amateur photographer can meet. Generally speaking, we do not recommend spending money on photography at circuit assemblies. Any photographers who volunteer must bear the expenses. If you are getting pictures in the paper, that is good. However, in this present folder an attempt will be made to offer only limited suggestions in this highly specialized field.

It must be remembered that good photographs are very difficult to take. Amateurs should not be used unless their prints are exceptionally good and a large percentage of those submitted to the papers are actually used. It is better not to submit any art work to editors than to submit consistently poor art work. If the pictures are acceptable and convey a story that we want told, then they may be used whether a brother is a professional photographer or not.

In the event brothers desire to volunteer for photography work at district or national assemblies, they should keep a clippings book of those pictures taken that have been used in the press and also a book ot their own prints. This will enable the brothers in charge of public relations at district assemblies to determine the quality of their work and whether they can be of service to the public relations department on such occasions. It must be remembered, too, that the greater the circulation of a news medium the higher its picture standards. A photo that might be accepted in the home town press might be rejected by a large metropolitan paper. It should be stressed that only brothers who can produce the right kind of pictures should spend their time in this way. Much time and money can be wasted through the taking of unacceptable pictures. Circuits should not be put to this large expense.

There are different types of photographs that are acceptable to newsmen. The first is called news shots. These deal with spot news, those things that happen quickly, suddenly, and if the photographer is on the spot and can take such a shot and it is good publicity, these are excellent for news value. Another type of acceptable photograph is the portrait picture. These are posed studio pictures. These pictures are not so readily accepted if activity shots can be taken. These are pictures of the subject in action, delivering the talk or otherwise carrying on the activity discussed in the story itself. The fourth type is that of inanimate objects. These are difficult to 'present interestingly. A Kingdom Hall that is being dedicated, Bethel and the factory or Gilead might be examples of newsworthy subjects.

In order to be good a picture must tell a complete story in itself. For example, a baptism picture is far more newsworthy if it shows someone actually being immersed. A number of people just standing around in a pool could mean anything or nothing. However, no baptism pictures will be posed. A story must be easily identified by looking at the picture. The best pictures have some elements that are well known and at the same time have an element of surprise, that is, something that is being done in the picture that is unusual and therefore that attracts attention and that is different from what might normally be expected.

Pictures submitted to news media should be black and white glossy prints on single-weight paper, preferably 8" x 10" in size. Some papers, though, prefer 5" x 7" or some other size. TV pictures should be on mat paper if at all possible, not glossy.

Pictures should be full of the subject. For example, to emphasize the amount of meat being prepared in the cafeteria, do not surround the pile of meat with people. The result would be exactly opposite to your purpose. Stage the meat in the close foreground with only two or three people at the far end of the table. This puts the emphasis where it belongs.

Generally speaking, the vertical shot (higher than it is wide) is preferred by editors, for mechanical reasons. Pictures should be framed to fit as small a space as possible, although they can be "cropped’’ (cut off) if necessary. To do so take a ruler and a China-marking pencil and outline the area wanted on the face of the glossy print. Then get new prints enlarged to standard size, showing only the part you want. Again, skill in knowing where to crop takes experience.

The best pictures are flexible. That means they can either be cropped or used in full. For example, you may photograph four sisters with placards. They should be so posed, side by side, that the editor can use it full as a four-column spread or “crop” two of the girls for a two-column cut. This increases chances of having the picture used.

"Police” the location in making shots, whether your own photographer is taking the pictures or whether you are accompanying a news photographer (which should be done as often as the availability of personnel in the department will allow it). Look at everything in range of the camera. Dispose of all background items that might detract from the picture or result in unfavorable publicity. Details can spoil a good shot. Let the sisters primp before shooting; they will appreciate it and it might improve the shot. Make sure the subjects are not doing anything not in good taste. Care must be exercised especially in the cafeteria. For example, health authorities are horrified at cooks tasting food out of a cooking ladle, yet that is the kind of shot many photographers think of first. It is best to select, too, from those actually doing the cooking only those who are wearing hats. Another location that needs careful "policing” is the immersion site. However, be tactful with news photographers.

In taking crowd shots, except for very large groups, it is better not to take the backs of heads. Three-quarter face views are most interesting. Do not take large expanses of empty seats. Avoid pictures of people shaking hands. Busy editors get this kind of picture every day. Use originality and imagination but do not become bizarre. Our people performing their normal activities are different enough for the “surprise” element of a good picture.

Captions should always be submitted. Do not write these on the backs of the pictures. They should be typed on paper the full width of the picture and clipped or pasted to it. Captions should be brief yet should completely describe the picture and identify all the people shown, left to right. Compose captions as you would like them to appear. If good they may be used. Make certain they are accurate. If the picture is being submitted with a release, then the release should be typed separately.

Plan your picture campaign. In preparing the schedule of activity picture possibilities were considered. Here the amateur photographer might be of service if he can get realistically posed pictures. A series of shots telling a story can be prepared with script, to be used to "sell” our idea for TV presentation. (For example, “Calendar of Activity,” p. 9, story possibilities numbers 3, 4, 5, 16, 19) Or well-staged pictures might be used to convince a reluctant editor of the value of covering the event with his own cameraman.


Placing the news reports is the critical point of the entire public relations program. For that reason having friendly relations with editors and others responsible for dispensing news is always a helpful factor. Building up cordial relationships is not bribery and many times it is a deciding factor in the tone of the press. If you are considerate in dealing with these men they will generally respond in the same spirit. If you approach them as a minister rather than a public relations man and your relationship is always on a kind, tactful basis, they will treat you with the same respect. That is the way all Kingdom publishers should conduct themselves anyway. Getting along with editors is important and the circuit public relations servant, as befits a minister, should always reflect his position in the things that he says. He should not be a know-it-all; but he should be sure of his facts. He should never give an editor wrong information.

DIRECT COVERAGE. When papers cover an event themselves it is called direct coverage. Then it becomes necessary to deal with press photographers and reporters at the assembly grounds. Here again, the circuit public relations servant must be tactful in handling these men. He should be friendly and as helpful as possible. He should try to get the material for the story that they want. For this reason the circuit public relations servant should know his subject, being familiar with statistics and events of previous assemblies. He should have all pertinent facts on hand and keep them up to date. Many develop a data sheet on which all pertinent data for the entire assembly are contained. If necessary, someone can be assigned to dig up this information as a staff reporter. He spends his time making certain that all the facts and figures that are used are accurate and the latest available. Background biography on personalities is obtained as far as practical, especially on those who are on the program and those in administrative positions. All of this material can be done in advance.

While we can be friendly and helpful with reporters there are some questions that we need not answer. For example, those of a strictly personal nature, those involving financial dealings of the Society and other such questions obviously are not open for public discussion and it is proper on such occasion when these questions are asked to politely decline to answer.

In regard to handling photographers, the circuit public relations servant should know what will make a good picture. These possibilities should be listed in advance. He should be prepared to give good suggestions to the photographer and be prepared to take him to those places on the assembly grounds where good pictures will be obtained. He should let the photographer take his picture. Undue interference with the photographer might unsettle him, and many times he will not co-operate in taking those pictures that we desire to see printed.

The only time a photographer should be asked not to take a picture is when such a picture would be completely out of line with the facts of the assembly and would present matters in an unfavorable way. Sometimes just a suggestion like, "Oh, you don't want that, do you? That wouldn’t make an interesting shot,” will be sufficient to cause him to change his mind. There are some areas, such as first aid, administration office, treasurer’s office, chairman’s office, where photographers should not be allowed, because of the special nature of the business being transacted there. Most photographers will recognize that they are not suitable for photographing. However, never argue with the photographer. Be kind but firm if necessary. Never put your hands on the photographer or his equipment. Just do not let him in. If he becomes obnoxious, then report the incident to his superior in a courteous way and in most instances the photographer himself will be reprimanded. However, only in rare instances will this be necessary. If the circuit public relations servant is tactful, friendly and kind, very few photographers will not reciprocate. Consider his position. He is sent on an assignment, sometimes to get the very picture you will not let him take. So try a compromise to help him save face with his boss.

At all times guard your tongue. Be careful what you say to reporters, photographers or editors. If you are in doubt, do not say it. Remember you may be quoted as an official of the Society and those things that you say must be accurate and correct. If you say things that are not in harmony with the policy of the Society then much harm can be done, because those who read the paper will not know it and they will believe this is the Society’s position. If you speak for the Society, it must be right.

PERSONAL DELIVERY. When at all possible, all news releases should be delivered in person. Mall may be used if the story is not of immediate news value, though using the mail is never as effective. Never mail news items to city editors of large papers. Items should be mailed to smaller papers only if their offices are so scattered that personal contact cannot be maintained. Feature stories, however, can be mailed if contact has been made previously and the editor knows that the material is being submitted.

In order to accomplish a widespread distribution of news, in many instances it is necessary therefore that the circuit public relations servant have assistance. For that reason it has been suggested that, as far as possible, he use contact men in the local congregations. However, he should not rely entirely upon these contacts, but he should make personal calls himself, getting acquainted with those who man the various news media in his territory. In this way he can also train those who are assisting him with circuit news and offer suggestions to those who are handling news for their local congregations.

In making calls always be friendly to everyone in the establishment. On entering, be businesslike, brief and to the point. Never ask an editor to print anything: Publicity is news engineering, not space begging. Simply make a brief explanation of the material and the purpose of the assembly. Be enthusiastic about it but do not oversell it. Offer to answer any questions that might arise. When you see that the editor is satisfied it is best not to take any more of his time. If the material is newsworthy he will publish it

If the editor is busy he may ask you to talk to someone else. Do so as if you were talking to the editor himself. In a sense you are, because that reporter will give your release to him and explain the details of your call. It is essential, therefore, that you be as direct as possible in supplying information. Have your facts so well marshaled that they present a convincing display. Here again it can be seen how important effectively written news releases are. The editor will judge much of your visit by your release, since he has not personally seen you. If he can use it “as is” he will no doubt run a story, even though he may rewrite it. Do not conclude from his rewriting it that a poorly written release will get you by. His confidence in your reporting ability, as manifested in your properly prepared release, will give him confidence in the facts contained in your story. Some papers have a policy of always rewriting material submitted.

If you find the city editor and religious editor noncommittal about the assembly be prepared to show them clippings obtained at other assemblies. Select the most current news spreads published at the district or national assemblies from your collection. If they are in your clippings book take that with you. If the district servant has a book with good press items from neighboring cities, that might be used very effectively to show what the press is doing elsewhere. Other papers recognize our assemblies as news. The readers of his paper will want to read about your assembly also. If he is still reluctant, sometimes letters written by different brothers remarking on the paper’s silence about the assembly will stimulate some action, if not for the current assembly, at least for the next. Sometimes it is good at least for a follow-up story and the public talk can be highlighted effectively.

magazine APPROACH. There are three ways of approaching magazine editors. The first is by the direct personal approach. This is the most effective. For smaller magazines, especially trade publications and other special magazines, this is often not difficult and can do what nothing else can do. The second is by writing a letter to headquarters. With the national magazines this would be useless for the circuit assembly. It might be more successful with the special magazines if a personal call is impractical. If a letter is written it should set out the facts of the proposed story emphasizing its significance in line with their editorial policy. Describe the organization of Jehovah’s witnesses, their aims and activity, and outline their world wide expansion briefly. Present a general outline of the article you are suggesting. If the editor is interested he will advise you of the length and deadline.

The third approach to magazines is through a local writer for that publication. He may be a regular correspondent in your area or he may be a free-lance writer. If he is interested in your story he will write it from material you can help him to assemble.

RADIO AND TV CONTACTS. There is more difficulty in dealing with large stations in radio and TV than there is in dealing with any other news media. That is because they are deluged with people trying to obtain free use of their facilities. That makes these men hard to approach and when you do finally get to them their first answer is almost invariably, "No!” Smaller stations are generally more receptive, because they often have more available time. Therefore, it is the larger stations that present the real challenge to the theocratic news engineer.

An important factor in making radio and television contacts is an early beginning. No less than five weeks before a circuit assembly the schedule of program possibilities should be completed. This should be compiled the same as it is for newspapers. In fact, it should be a definite part of the schedule of activity.

When approaching those in radio and television, go prepared. Know exactly what it is that you want to do and then come to the point. Have one or two program possibilities definitely in mind as suitable when you speak to the producer of a show or to the manager of a station. This allows him some choice. Go directly to the person who handles a particular show. A different approach is called for here than with editors, because in these instances it is necessary to “sell" the idea to the director or producer of the program. Genuine enthusiasm coupled with sincerity is required in placing this type of publicity. Persistence is also necessary. Sometimes one must go back several times in order to convince the person in charge of the program of the importance and significance of this feature for their show.

In small stations the program director often handles all shows. However, many large stations have a public service director or someone in charge of public affairs. In most instances it has proved advantageous to approach this person first and to discuss the matter with him. It is his job to plan programs for the free time the Federal Communications Commission requires all stations to give. They are more inclined to make an effort to provide time on their facilities for our particular program once they are convinced of its significance.

Next, contact the newsroom and any individual program producers or directors that might have time on the air. Sometimes it is best to go first to the director of religious programs. This is particularly true if calls are being made in connection with the digest of the film “The New World Society in Action.” If he approves this film, then the program department will usually fall in line and will allow time for its showing.

On variety and news shows it is particularly important to find out who produces the show and to see the one who has the responsibility of arranging for guest appearances. It is not advisable to ask for free time on radio and television facilities. Rather, the approach should be from the standpoint of newsworthiness of the assembly and the benefits the community will derive from it. We should offer to co-operate with them and explain some of those features that will be possible for their shows and sell them on the advantages that they would receive.

Sometimes in making calls it is helpful to talk to receptionists who are friendly and ask them questions. Many times they can give good leads and ideas, especially when you tell them a little about our program and its purpose. Some of these girls are very helpful and can put you on the trail of some fine prospects. They can tell you particularly whom you should see in regard to certain programs. This is important, because much valuable time can be lost in following a wrong lead.

Many times stations want us to buy time. Some object to the fact that newspapers receive advertising and they do not. However, newspaper advertising is done by Jehovah's witnesses only on a very limited scale, even at circuit assemblies. It can be pointed out that we operate on a closely restricted budget for this type of advertising, since the entire assembly is handled on the basis of voluntary contributions. We are a nonprofit, charitable organization. Then it can be pointed out that the information we have for the people is in the public interest and is certainly newsworthy because of the very nature of the assembly. Hundreds or thousands of ministers are coming together because they feel the need to equip themselves to meet the problems of today’s living. When people of the community see the extensive advertising program that these ministers are performing themselves, then they will want to know what is taking place, and one of the best means of acquainting them with these facts is through the interesting programs we have arranged.

It should be emphasized, too, that the programs we are proposing are different and are not designed to preach. This is another of the major objections encountered. Many producers maintain they never interview religious personalities. They feel that controversies are often raised as a result of such interviews and that then all religions have an opening wedge to deluge them with similar requests. However, it can be pointed out that an assembly of this sort is news. If other organizations were to carry on as extensive a program as ours, then ours might not be news. But they do not, so providing us with time certainly should not put the station in an awkward position with other religious organizations.

According to the Society’s policy we shall not pay for radio time. Since radio and television stations are required to provide a certain portion of their time free as a public service, we should endeavor to obtain some of this time. Most stations do have time that can be found available, if they are convinced our cause is a worthy one. Our problem, then, is to convince them that it is and that our proposed program will be of genuine interest to their listeners or viewers. If this can be done, our problem is solved.

Sometimes radio and television station managements will turn certain programs over to a local ministerial alliance and allow them to prorate time among members of the alliance. In such instances a personal call should be made on the chairman of the alliance who is handling the matter. Such clergyman should be approached in the same manner and spirit as exhibited toward any other program director. Occasionally a tactful approach will obtain the desired result. If the request is denied and prejudice is manifested, the public relations servant might politely request a written answer, stating that he would like a report of his call. Sometimes such letters can be shown to the program director of the station and time for a special program can be arranged for by him. In any event, Jehovah’s witnesses will not join such ministerial alliances or take part in their activities. Any program arranged for through an alliance must be entirely our own time.

OTHER POINTS. Place material with the proper media. Different types of subjects can best be handled through certain outlets. The writing should be slanted if necessary for the particular outlet that would most likely be interested. This is particularly true in writing interviews, feature stories, spot news announcements or the general release. If the convention city has both morning and afternoon papers, an effort should be made to plant stories with both. If the same story is to be used, then it should be re-slanted so that the proper coverage will be given. For exampe, if it is to be published in a morning paper, it is something that is going to happen, but if it is published in the evening papers, then it should be written as though it had already happened, even though the release is submitted before the event occurs.

Watch deadlines. Give your story a break. The later it comes in to the news editor, the better the story must be if it is going to find a place in the paper. Sunday feature stories generally should be in by Thursday morning, if possible; for home town papers, near the end of the week. This allows them time for proper placement in the paper, and once it is in and locked up, then your story is more likely to carry through all editions. Sometimes placements of this sort are more valuable even than placements near the front of the paper, because front-page stories are often killed after a first- or a second-edition run. Of course, if the story appears on the front page and is carried through all editions, you have hit the best spot.

If an editor does not accept a story, do not call him to inquire about it. If the story has missed, then it is too late to do anything about it afterward, except perhaps antagonize the editor. No matter how good a story is, if an editor has news that in his opinion is "hotter,” then he will ignore your story. You can do nothing about it. He prints his paper, we do not. So do not argue with him. Just try another angle or try another outlet, if you think the story is worth it.

Do not be eager to criticize editors or reporters. Sometimes a certain antagonism can be built up. Remember, they have the upper hand. They can print what they please and if they take a dislike to the circuit public relations servant or someone in his department, they can print things that might be damaging to us. It is better to emphasize the good points of a story a reporter has written, those things that you like. Tell him so. Thank an editor for putting in a particular story. Tell them that you like the way in which a particular point was presented. They appreciate these things; it makes them realize that they are doing a good job.

Thank-you letters, of course, should be sent at the conclusion of the program to all of those who have co-operated with you in presenting an accurate news picture of the assembly. If local brothers write to papers or radio stations also to show that they have appreciated what has been done through the news media, it shows reader or listener interest. Newspapers and radio and television stations are happy to receive such letters.

GREETING CONVENTION OFFICIALS. The public relations servant should never make arrangements for mayors or other government personnel to greet convention officials on their arrival in the city or at the convention grounds. If newspapermen can be interested in an inter' view or press conference, that is a different matter. It is the reporter’s business to get news. If government officials come of their own accord they should be treated courteously, but the public relations servant should not volunteer the arrangement.


At the conclusion of the assembly a complete report should be compiled for the circuit servant’s files. This should include a summary report of items on the schedule of activity, indicating which ideas were successful, also-which were not and why not, if that can be determined. Total space obtained should be counted in column inches and radio and TV time should be recorded. The report should include the names and home addresses of personnel used in the department, with a few, pointed remarks about the qualifications of each. General operation of the department should be briefly described also.

A complete file of everything turned out should be kept. This would include releases, scripts written for radio and television shows, all letters, memos and everything else written during the assembly. These are Invaluable in planning the campaign for the next assembly. Study of these will improve the quality of your news reporting. A file of releases should be included with the report.

Save all clippings. Make a book for later reference work. The circuit and district servants also may wish to keep outstanding clippings and have these entered in a book, so that they can use these themselves in their own contacts. The district servant, particularly, should have the best selection of clippings in his book. These can be shown to editors in communities where assemblies are being held who do not see the importance of publishing information about our assemblies. When excellent stories printed in other papers are brought to their attention, many times such editors will soften up and, as a result, much good publicity can be obtained.

Enter clippings in the book to show them to their best advantage. A front page story, for instance, should be shown as such. This can be done either by putting the headlines of the paper with the clipping or making a note by the side of the clipping.

All unused pictures and negatives (if photographs have been taken) should be saved as well. These might be useful at another assembly.

The district servant, too, no doubt will have many helpful suggestions. Circuit public relations servants should talk to him and get any ideas that he might have that have proved useful in other parts of the district. Often problems encountered are general throughout a certain area and solutions in one location will usually be adaptable in another. So in a district, many times the district servant can determine through various assemblies the best approach to make in regard to certain material that we should like to see publicized, and suggestions can be offered that will help the circuit public relations servant to see that this is done.

Planning, preparing and placing newsworthy material, are, as much as anything else, matters of experience. After struggling through a campaign or two the circuit public relations servant will become more resourceful, especially if he conscientiously makes the effort to handle the job as thoroughly as possible. He should be alert; he should follow through. Though having planned a good campaign, he will find it is of no value unless it is carried out. So the circuit public relations servant should be diligent to see that every point of the program is done zealously, earnestly and enthusiastically.


Many specific activities of the congregation are newsworthy in themselves. Others can be written about in such a way as to make them newsworthy. For further suggestions and explanation of the various kinds of news, see the section on news categories under preparing newsworthy material. Not all of the suggestions offered will be adaptable to each congregation, but if even one or two are followed some good can be done.

CURRENT EVENTS. As previously discussed under preparing newsworthy material (p. 12), these are events occurring with some regularity in the normal course of congregational activity. They would include that news which is the result of expansion. Some of these outstanding events with suggestions for handling follow.

  • 1. Weekly notices. Many daily newspapers as well as weeklies print, each week, a Church Directory. This directory is a list of the churches in the area served by the paper, listing the time of the service for each church as well as the topic to be considered at each service.

Where this service is free it would be well for each congregation to place such a weekly notice in the papers in their territory, giving the Kingdom Hall address, the day and time of all the meetings held each week and the title of the public lecture as well as the subject to be considered at the current Watchtower study. In this way any interested persons can very easily find out where the Kingdom Hall is located and when the meetings are held.

Including the title of the public lecture and subject of the Watchtower study will, of course, necessitate inserting a new notice each week. Most papers have a deadline for their church pages around Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday; therefore, to ensure the correct information’s appearing in the paper the notice should be in the hands of the paper before the deadline.

Some congregations prefer a short written announcement that allows insertion of a Scripture text. This is used to advertise Sunday’s activity instead of listing all meetings for the week without explanation. For example, something like this might be offered: *'3 p.m.: 'Delinquency, What Is Its Remedy?’ public lecture by J. W. Speakwell, Watchtower representative from Centerville. 4:15 p.m.: Watchtower Bible study and discussion on the subject: ‘What Do the Scriptures Say About “Survival After Death"?’ One of the scriptures for consideration will be Ecclesiastes 9:5, ‘For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not anything.’—American Standard Version."

  • 2. Public lectures. Among the primary sources of material for newspaper articles are the public lecture and the public lecture series.

An article can be written prior to a particular talk, giving the title, location and speaker. Included in the release should be a brief statement of what the speaker will discuss. This is to appeal to the reader and to arouse his interest in attending. Also, sometimes some background of the speaker is necessary to establish his qualifications. The release can be concluded with an invitation to all good-will persons to attend. Such advance stories are generally personality releases.

One or two pointed quotations obtained from the speaker can be used in a follow-up release that should be placed in the same papers in which the previous article appeared. The next talk in the series and other meetings held by the local congregation can also be publicized if it seems advisable.

It may not be practical to use an article such as this every week, but following the above suggestions once a month or so will prove effective in keeping the Kingdom message before the public.

  • 3. Service center activities. In some localities a newspaper may cover a number of small towns rather than one large city. In such case the paper is usually arranged in sections, devoting a part of the paper to each town.

In addition to congregation activities an article might be placed in each section of the paper for which there is a town having a service center, describing the activities of the local group, mentioning the time of the study, the address where it is held and each week's topic, as well as any special happenings from time to time.

Parlor talks can provide background for the same type of article that might be used in connection with one of the weekly lectures presented by the congregation. Some information might be included about the qualifications possessed by the speaker that enable him to speak authoritatively on the subject.

The lesson to be covered each week could be given an appropriate title and then a story written announcing that the local Bible study group, sponsored by so and so congregation of Jehovah’s witnesses, will discuss that subject at its next meeting, Appropriate questions that are to be discussed might be included in the article, as well as the time and place the group meets and the name of the group’s conductor.

Whenever a new textbook is to be studied by the group, a special story might be submitted. This could include the reasons for the book’s being used by the group, how it will be used, what material It covers and the extent to which this Bible study aid has been circulated throughout the world.

If a new book study is formed, this can give opportunity to write about the expansion of our work in the area as well as world-wide. The part the service center plays in organization for Bible educational work might be discussed. This type of release could be used in the papers covering the area of the new study, in the area where any study is being split and in that of the Kingdom Hall as well. If the location where the book study is held is being changed, a release can be prepared for those papers concerned.

When study conductors are replaced a story can be written describing the change, naming the new conductor, describing the new assignment the old study conductor will receive, if such is the case, and the background that qualifies the new conductor for the position. Information might also be given as to how he will direct the Bible educational service of the group to the community.

For the Memorial, the circuit servant’s visit or some other special congregational event an article can be adapted for local use. This can show members of the Bible study group participating in the activity. Information can also be incorporated into the release about efforts to notify persons of good will in the neighborhood and arrangements being made for transportation of all desiring to go to the event. The duties of the study conductor in connection with these arrangements may also be related and his phone number may be provided as part of the article, so that readers can contact him for additional information.

  • 4. Memorial. The annual Memorial celebration and the usual April campaign provide excellent material for a release. Since that is the Easter season it can offer possibilities in some instances for feature releases. Generally, in metropolitan areas it is best for the congregations to prepare a joint release. In this case only one or two Kingdom Hall locations should be named.

  • 5. Other current events. Such events as the appointing of new servants, the forming of new congregations, the forming of a new foreign-language study, either at a service center or at the Kingdom Hall, or the arranging for a foreign-language Watchtower study can be used as the subject for news articles. These are all matters following in the routine activity of the congregation, but newsworthy because they are out of the usual pattern. Papers generally accept them as being of interest to at least a segment of their readers.

When a new service schedule is arranged, or, at the beginning of some special campaign, an article can be written showing how local witnesses will be spending all their spare time in rendering their Bible educational service to the community under this new arrangement. Figures might be included to show the extent to which previous service has been rendered, such as the total number of books, booklets and magazines distributed (these may be described as Bible study aids), the number of hours spent, and the number of back-calls made on interested persons.

Special service talks provide another opportunity for publicity. A short article informing the public of the time, subject and speaker, concluding with an invitation to attend, will serve the purpose.

SPECIAL EVENTS. Those happenings outside the normal pattern of congregation activity are special events and for that reason are usually newsworthy in themselves. Still, some of the techniques of writing should not be overlooked.

  • 1. Circuit servant’s visit. The semiannual visit of the circuit servant can be made the subject of one or more newspaper stories. An article may be released to the papers during the week preceding his visit to the congregation. It might begin by announcing his visit and outlining the special activity for the week, including the change in meeting dates or times from the regular schedule. This is the lead that makes the story newsworthy. Following this, background material on the circuit servant and his work could be given. Then the title of the Sunday public lecture might be included, followed by an invitation to the public to attend free of charge. The Kingdom Hall address and time of the meeting should also be stated.

The Sunday talk provides an excellent opportunity to write a follow-up story including some pointed quotations from the talk itself. Other significant events of the week might be related also, especially as they reflect on the public service nature of our work.

  • 2. New Kingdom Halls. Additionally, the building of a Kingdom Hall might be the subject of a number of articles. Co-operation among the brothers can be shown, or perhaps show that the work is being done without the payment of salaries; perhaps local brothers or local businessmen are contributing materials. Such points are good publicity. When ground is broken the group can assemble for service at the site and, after a short service program, leave for the field. This will provide material for another story. Still another could follow telling of the congregation’s moving into the new hall. And then later on when the hall is dedicated the real purpose of the building might even be built into a feature article with some historical background of the congregation and statistics showing the group’s progress and consequent service to the community. Such an extensive project as building a new hall calls for a carefully planned and executed publicity campaign.

  • 3. Baptisms. Whenever one of the brothers attending the meetings symbolizes his dedication a special story can be sent to the paper, with his consent, giving the name and address of the brother, the time and place of baptism and the significance of the act to Jehovah’s witnesses.

  • 4. Weddings and funerals. News stories centering around weddings and funerals should be discreetly written, with proper emphasis on the event itself. These stories will be placed in the paper by the editor to conform to a certain policy all newspapers follow. The mention of Jehovah’s witnesses as conducting either event is secondary. However, this does not lessen the publicity value of such stories, since many people inquire as to whether Jehovah’s witnesses can perform such rites in worship.

  • 5. Other special events. The showing of a film may be the subject of a timely and productive release. Local witnesses entering the full-time ministry or accepting Bethel or foreign missionary assignments provide news for the home town paper. The return of a former resident for a vacation or to deliver a special talk—especially if relatives and friends still live in the town—is newsworthy. Many other similar stories will present themselves, if the brothers are willing to develop a nose for news. For example, there is a potential of over fifteen hundred stories from the Gilead graduates in foreign assignments. Such interesting accounts can be furnished by relatives or friends in the missionaries’ own home towns. They can be specially selected excerpts from letters rewritten for the purpose of a release to the paper, emphasizing, of course, the excellent response to the good news in these lands and the appreciation manifested by those people contacted through missionary activity. All personality releases intended for the home town press should state in the lead of the article that the personality in the story resides or formerly resided in the town. This makes it acceptable.

SPOT NEWS. Jehovah’s witnesses find themselves in the news many times through circumstances beyond their control. Events that provoke such stories are called by newsmen “spot news." Suggestions on how to handle such circumstances have been given under the heading of preparing newsworthy material (p. 12), news categories.

In some instances it is best to remain silent on certain issues that arise. It is not our desire to engage in controversy through public news channels. That is poor publicity. If the attack is of no great proportion, then why enlarge it by advertising it? Needless rebuttal will do just that. On the other hand, it may be necessary on occasion to correct wrong impressions that might lead to further bad press. Sometimes repeated attacks are made on Jehovah’s witnesses through the column of some paper (other than a religious publication) or by some radio preacher. These can do much harm if not checked. An effort should be made in such instances to deal with the situation. This can be done by writing tactful but pointed letters to the editor or station manager or by a personal visit to present matters in their true light. If the attacks are of sufficient proportion the congregation servant can enlist the services of a number of qualified brothers and sisters to write or phone also.

Letters to the editor are valuable as a means of persuasive argument. Editors publish news that people will buy. Therefore, they are interested in reader reaction. If a large number of letters are sent to the paper objecting to a news item as being biased or untrue, the editor must give them some attention. He might fully realize a concerted campaign is being aimed at the objectionable story, but he will also realize that those persons writing him are also talking to friends and neighbors. He cannot afford to have too much of that kind of publicity himself. Generally he will react in some measure of favor toward the letter-writing campaign. This method, or direct telephone or personal visit, is probably the most effective means of counteracting the adverse story. "Courtesy” and "tactfulness” are the key words, however. Threats and intimidation are not a part of the theocratic warrior’s equipment. If a prejudiced editor does not respond and allow for publication of our side of the matter, do not become angry or disturbed. Local publishers can be schooled on refutation in house-to-house work so the matter can be dealt with if someone brings it up. But the publishers should not bring it up themselves and so lose sight of our principal message concerning the Kingdom and the way to life.

CREATED NEWS. This type of news generally involves writing techniques or presenting an event or circumstance in such a way as to make it acceptable as news. This need not frighten or discourage the novice, however, because many circumstances arise in the congregation that are easily adapted to a news story.

  • 1. Individuals or family groups. As already discussed under the section news categories, "names” are an effective means of creating news. Sometimes the weekly or daily newspaper does not cover any of the towns in the congregation's territory where the Kingdom Hall is located or where there are service centers. Then local residents who are publishers in good standing can be used as a means of bringing local color to stories about congregation or service-center activities. The releases can show that persons living in the town will share in the arrangements for the activities and any quotations used can come from one or a number of these local brothers. It should be determined first that use of these brothers’ names will be agreeable. Be sure, also, to give them a copy of what they have been quoted as saying.

  • 2. Special radio programs. Interviews and other such type of discussions are a form of created news that is effective yet comparatively simple to arrange. Where there is sufficient interest on the part of radio station managements a weekly program could be provided, such as "Things People Are Thinking About." This is a special series of program scripts made available by the Society in the United States and already being used by a number of stations throughout the country. The scripts are sent to the congregation in numerical order as frequently as time has been scheduled, weekly, monthly or even bimonthly. Further information on this special series for use in the United States may be obtained by writing the Society. The envelope should be marked "Radio Script.”

Many times productive results are obtained by a follow-up of interest manifested by stations contacted during the circuit assembly publicity campaign. If the sustaining program "Things People Are Thinking About” cannot be arranged for, a later single broadcast or a short series might be found acceptable. Controversial material should always be avoided. Objections can be overcome far more effectively on the Individual doorstep. The Kingdom theme is more suitable and produces better results through public news facilities.

If special programs cannot be arranged, perhaps some publicity can be obtained for special events. This might be done through submitting spot announcements or news items that the station might be willing to carry as a public service. These should be prepared In a manner similar to newspaper copy, though briefer, and should be presented as early as possible. Arrangements for such announcements may sometimes have to be made several weeks in advance. News items, however, may be submitted as the events develop.

  • 3. Sermons. Some newspapers publish a weekly column written by a different clergyman each week on some Bible subject. Where this is done a local brother could make a regular contribution to it also, tactfully basing each article on some fundamental Bible doctrine, preferably a Kingdom theme, using one of the current or past public lecture subjects or perhaps even some article appearing in an issue of The Watchtower or Awake! When the brothers use such material credit need not be given to the magazine. Generally these columns are not too lengthy and there-fore any subject used would have to be covered in a clear and concise manner. Care should be exercised here also to avoid controversies.

  • 4. Debates and forums. Occasionally Je-hovah’s witnesses are invited to debate or participate in a forum discussion. This is undesirable publicity. Such events cannot be controlled and generally result in misunderstanding and prejudice against our work. They should be studiously avoided. Refusal to participate, however, should always be courteous.

  • 5. Addressing clubs. Many opportunities have presented themselves for the brothers to speak to various groups, such as clubs, Bible study groups, businessmen's associations, etc. Such occasions can be used to present the good news to an audience usually receptive. These groups are generally composed of thinking people who are willing to broaden their viewpoints so a tactful presentation of our message can, and often does, produce fine fruit.

As a rule the procedure is to deliver a short talk, usually from twenty to forty-five minutes, and then allow a period for questions from the audience. The talk should be simple, coherent and informative. It should tell something of the organization and of our beliefs. Controversial matters should not be voluntarily introduced, but if questions on such points are asked then simple direct answers should be given. Suitable booklets should be on hand to distribute to those present.

  • 6. Special feature articles. The congregation servant should be alert for opportunities to present a feature write-up to the local papers. Sometimes papers will run a series about different religious organizations, either from the standpoint of doctrine or from that of the historical background of the churches in the community. In such circumstances either a letter should be written or a personal call made offering to supply material on Jehovah's witnesses. If the editor agrees, an article should then be prepared following the pattern of the series. In the event the newspaper requests an authoritative statement of doctrine, the Society will send on request a copy of an article “Who Are Jehovah’s Witnesses?” This has been especially prepared for newspaper release, has no copyright restrictions and carries the authorization of the president. Requests for the article should not be made unless definite prospects for its use exist. Mark the envelope “Public Relations Desk.”

  • 7. Thank-you letters. It is well when the occasion arises to express appreciation or thanks to the newspapers or radio stations by means of thank-you letters. Thanking them for their co-operation in giving the local congregation publicity and for printing the articles that were submitted to them promotes good will among the editors and keeps the way open for future publicity. These letters may be written from time to time or at the close of some special campaign. Additionally, publishers can send personal thank-you letters to show that readers are interested in their coverage of our activities.


In the course of our theocratic activity, either in the congregation or at assemblies, it often becomes necessary to deal with officials in the government. In English-speaking countries, as a rule, little difficulty is encountered. Branch servants will have to determine the Circumstances in their own countries and to what extent such officials can be relied upon to be of assistance to us. If men in public office understand our work the responsibility is then theirs as to how they treat us.

In the past, In English-speaking countries, when officials have been contacted in connection with assemblies, generally good results have been obtained. Most have been very co-operative and some have even shown a personal interest in our work. They have given assistance in working out sanitation problems, obtaining permits for public halls, arranging police escorts for our baptisms, getting us permission for sound cars and helping us to secure other permits for operating our cafeterias.

When necessity arises for contacting officials it is best for two brothers to call together. This strengthens the approach and provides a witness to anything said. The brothers calling should be neat, courteous and businesslike. They should go prepared. They should have on hand any papers that might be necessary to complete their business. They should have in mind exactly what their problem is and specifically what they wish to request. It would be well for them to carry a notebook, a Bible, a copy of "Defending and Legally Establishing the Good News", perhaps the latest Yearbook, a copy of a recent convention report and the latest magazines to leave as a courtesy.

Best results will usually be obtained by contacting the person in charge of the department. Unless the matter is strictly routine an appointment should be made. In making the appointment it is not necessary to discuss the full purpose of the visit. One might simply say that he is a minister of the local congregation of Jehovah’s witnesses and that he has a matter involving the services of the department being contacted. Any additional questions should be answered as briefly as possible.

At the time of the actual visit, a secretary or some other subordinate will usually be encountered. If further questions as to the reason for the call are asked, answer as briefly as possible without seeming evasive. If the matter at hand must be handled by the superior, tactfully but firmly hold to the appointment. Remember that executives are busy and subordinates are hired to save them time, so be courteous but firm. Always speak with confidence, trusting in Jehovah for support. We should not feel or act inferior or superior to anyone in public office. We should treat such persons as equals.

In building up good will with officials, it should be kept in mind that they may be misinformed as to what we do and believe. It may be necessary to overcome some prejudice. Tactful use of the Bible gets best results. Tell them about the Kingdom message and not merely about the organization. Let them see the hope that motivates our work and the principles by which we are governed.

A number of situations may arise where it will be necessary to contact police officials. It may be necessary to obtain permission to use a sound car to advertise a public lecture, to use sound equipment in parks for public lectures, to request special parking privileges or escorts for weddings or funerals. Therefore, where a favorable relationship can be maintained it will undoubtedly make it easier to carry on our various activities.

It would be beneficial to keep the police departments informed of the address of the nearest Kingdom Hall and of the name, address and phone number of the congregation servant, since many persons who want to contact Jehovah’s witnesses or find the Kingdom Hall inquire of the police for information. Wherever an opportunity arises to explain our preaching work to those in charge, this should be done.

Whenever cooperation is received from an official or a department it is good practice to show appreciation by sending a thank-you letter. If the service has been of sufficient value a personal call can be made, at which time some literature can be presented as a token of our good wishes. If real interest is manifested in our work occasional short return visits might be made.

NOTE: in most circumstances it will be possible to make a brief witness tactfully concerning the new world and quote a few scriptures. A booklet like Basis for Belief in a New World or “This Good News of the Kingdom” may be left. Since officials are busy people it is necessary to be brief. But giving a testimony is pleasing to Jehovah and generally leaves a good impression with officials and brings blessing.


We are not going to try to please men. We should not adulterate our material in order tc please people with whom we are dealing. We are interested in giving the witness. We are not going to shun reproach that might come upon us because of certain things that we say or certain things that we do. We stick to the principles of the Bible and all of our work in public relations is the same as that with the people at the doors. We are not apologizing for what we believe. We are going to defend the good news of this kingdom that we are commissioned to proclaim and we are going to speak simply and boldly about it. However, we want to be as cautious as serpents and yet as innocent as doves. Where we can put in a good word for theocratic living and the value of the government of Jehovah God over and above the governments of this world we shall do so. If we can show the advantage of New World thinking over that of misleading doctrines of false religion, we should be alert to the opportunity. But we must be tactful and never lose sight of the fact that there are certain principles that editors adhere to. Therefore, we must be prepared to meet these requirements and at the same time accomplish our purpose. This is where experience and resourcefulness will help out.

By Jehovah’s undeserved kindness we are going to use the press, radio and television wherever we can as long as they will help us in our commission to preach the good news of the Kingdom. Right now good results are obtained. There may come a time, however, when the moral decline will become so bad or when dictators may rise in some lands that no one will tell the truth about anything, and then we cannot expect that the majority of the news media will advise the people of the truthful position of Jehovah’s witnesses. Until that time comes, however, we shall continue to do the very best that we can and pray Jehovah’s rich blessings upon all of our activities as we endeavor to magnify his name through the public news channels.

Printed in U.S.A.