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The content displayed below is for educational and archival purposes only.
Unless stated otherwise, content is © 1919 International Bible Students Association
b_E_1919_November 15 Part1





Change          In the letter of instructions,

in Method      page the following .outline

, w ,         is given of the work of The

Or wortc        Golden Age: “The Golden

Age work is a house-to-house canvass with the kingdom message. Proclaiming the day of vengeance of our God and comforting them that mourn is the particular work of the feet members of the body of Christ at the present time. A means of doing this work is afforded in canvassing for The. Golden Age. Additionally, a copy of the magazine is tp be left with each one canvassed, whether subscribing or not.” This will be altered as follows:

Directors will prepare the territory for the workers 'to canvass for subscriptions by first having the sample copies distributed, preferably the evening before the canvass is to be made for the subscriptions. It is not the Intention that these samples should be distributed in the manner that the volunteer literature was, but rather that they be placed into the hands of the occupants of the house with a proper introduction or canvass. The sample is then left for the family to look over, and while it is fresh in their minds the worker calls the next day and solicits the subscription. This will provide an opportunity of service for the brethren who . are occupied, throughout the day with their work. They can go out in the evening and distribute these samples. Endeavor, whenever possible, to talk with the head of the home. Thus it is gotten into the hands of the one who generally makes the decision as to the reading matter to be brought before his family. It is difficult to procure paper, due to the present labor troubles; hence, conserve your supply of samples. As far as possible, have the workers who obtain the subscriptions collect as many samples as they can the next day and use these same samples again. It will be noticed that the paper on which The Golden Age Is printed is not common newspaper stock, but is really a high grade ■expensive book papei\ specially toned, and having an antique finish,, which makes the print more readable than if ordinary gloss paper were used.

Who May So far as is possible, this Canvass         work should be entrusted to

the consecrated. We see n» objection to children of the Consecrated canvassing, if any should so desire.

Provision has been made so that those termed “The Lord’s Poor” may have The Golden Ad®. Such subscriptions should be sent by -the’ Director, who will understand of course thai this applies only to members of local classes who are not able financially to subscribe, but who desire its visits.

Subscription    The original instructions 1*

Blanks          regard to the subscriptloB

blanks were as follows: “Ai the same time, the regular subscription blank will be filled out—this form in duplicate, the lighter blank to be sent to The Golden Acmr 124 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, New York, and the duplicate or heavier card, to the Assistant Director for his card file." It will be noted that the pads of the subscription blanks supplied do not have the two different kinds of blanks that these instructions mention. Nevertheless, the subscription blanks are to be filled out in duplicate (a carbon sheet may be inserted to save time) the original to be sent to this office at the close of each day’s work. The duplicate filled out at the same time is to be turned in to the Assistant Director. We request that the Directors do not re-list by name all subscriptions sent us during the week when sending in their weekly remittances, but merely remit for the total number of subscriptions sent in during the week as shown on reports by the workers,

For convenience, consider ail accounts as closed Friday evening. We mean by this that you will remit for the subscriptions taken by ths _friends during the entire week, up to and including Friday, and we will attempt to balance our books the same way.. Saturday’s sales should be remitted for the following Friday. A statement will be forwarded by us to each class about the 5th of each month, eoverftig the entire month’s business. It will be noted that in the lower left hand corner of the subscription blank a space has been provided before the words “News Bureau No.” In this space the Director will have filled in the name of the class and workers’ numbers before giving the pails to the canvassers. He will give each canvasser a number; for instance, Brother John Smith will be given the number S-l; Mrs. Mary Brown will be given the number B-2: Brother Harvey Jones will be given the number J-3; and so on. This number is to appear on the canvasser’s subscription blanks. This will appear on the subscription blank thus: “Clarksville Ohio News Bureau S-l.” In this way, as the friends send in. their subscriptions at the end of each day’s work, this office will be able to assemble them so that they can be charged to the proper class account, and on the invoice to the class we will list them as follows:

Subscriptions received from the Clarksville News Bureau:


B-2 ______________________


This will enable the Director to check our invoices with his own records, and will also facilitate the passing of the subscription through the departments in this office.

Receipt          It is not necessary to have

Cards            each subscriber sign the sub

scription blank. This is left entirely to the discretion of the canvasser. If he uses as one of bis tactics the placing of the subscription blanks in the hand of the party while he is talking, and then handing a pencil to him, indicating where to sign, this line may be used. However, when it is necessary to bring the canvass to a close as early as possible, this signature may be omitted. Each subscriber is to be given a card receipt for the subscription taken. The canvasser will fill in the name and address as soon as the subscription has been . received. On these cards should appear the address of the Local News Bureau. Colporteurs canvassing with classes will use the class receipt card If they are canvassing alone this office will be the only address appearing on the card. Some special cards are designed for the use of colporteurs. After the words Local Office each class ",’ill fill in the address of the local branch, leaving a margin of a quarter of an inch at the bottom of the card; in fact, this margin should he around the entire card. The type that would conform with the general design of the receipt card is the Cloister series. In filling in this address, type is preferable, of course. A stamp could be used, or in the smaller places the local address could be written in by hand. Cuts have been mailed to the larger classes so that they can print their own receipt cards. A suggestion was made that the classes in smaller towns, who do not have a hall in which to meet or an office for The Golden Age or a store room, could rent a mail box at the local post office and give this post office box address upon the receipt card, ’f'his matter, however is left entirely to the discretion of each class.

General        On the back of each sample

Items            of ’I'HE Golden Age distribu

ted you can use a rubber stamp giving the address of the local News Bureau. This stamp we suggest be placed in the lower right hand corner of the back cover, taking up about the same space as the words on the front cover “Published every other week at 1265 Broadway, New York, IT. S. A. Ten Cents a Copy—$1.50 a year.” For the form of this rubber stamp we suggest the following:

Clarksville Ohio News Bureau

1235 Main Street . Clarksville, O.

Under no circumstances will this office sanction the insertion of local advertisements, leaflets, or other printed matter, in the sample copies of The Golden Age. In the past the cause we love has suffered because of the indiscretion of some in this direction. We urge all that there be no deviation from our policy in this regard. If an emergency arises that seems to call for a violation of our wlshs in this, please take the matter up with us before taking any action.

A number of the friends are addressing The Golden Age as follows: “The Golden Age Publishing Co.” “The Golden Age Publishing Co., Inc.,” etc. There Is only one correct name, namely, The Golden Age (with no Company or Corporation after it.)

Regarding a letter of authorization in canvassing for The Golden Age, we leave this entirely to the decision of the Director. If his experience in the canvass indicates that a letter of authorization or introduction would assist, he can then arrange for such. A letter from a business man of local prominence would serve the purpose better than a letter from this office. As a suggested form we submit the following:

“Mr.-------------, the bearer of this letter, is

personally known to me to be of good character and an authorized representative of The Golden Age. I am havihg Mr. ---------- add his sig

nature to this letter, and he will be glad to submit his signature to you for identification.”

Also, when our instructions mentioned that a commission of 33 1-3 per cent would be granted to Class Secretaries, we did not mean to convey the thought that we deal in one third of a cent, or one half of a cent. Commission to the classes Is 50c on each subscription.

Regarding whether or not a commission of 50 per cent or 33 1-3 per cent should be granted is a matter entirely at the discretion of this office. All class workers are to be granted a commission of 331-3 per cent. Any one working with the class and devoting his entire time to the work should write this office and we will determine whether or not he comes under the provision that would entitle him to the larger commission as a regular colporteur.

It is the desire of this office that all who are devoting their entire time to the service be accorded regular colporteur rates. For the convenience of sueh regular colporteurs accounts are being opened in individual names and instead of sending their remittances through the Director, they will remit directly to this office.' They will alsu report separately to this office, but will hand a copy of the report to the Director of the class in whose territory their work may be. in order that he may be advised of the progress of the work in that particular locality.

Workers should be Instructed to canvass for subscriptions beginning with the first issue after the date of their canvass, and not enter them for back numbers. We are permitted to print only a limited number of each edition and this total will be entirely disposed of in distributing sample copies. Of course if back issues are Insisted upon subscription blanks should so state.

All correspondence should be addressed to The Golden Age, 124 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, New York, and not to individuals. Letters regarding the campaign, such as reports and letters of information from Directors should be addressed to the Sales Department.................

The object of the News Bureau needs perhaps a little explanation There are important occur-ences In different localities from day to day that when reported In the newspapers are often so twisted that the real truth is suppressed. The local Director will assist us by sending The Golden Age a report of actual conditions. This service will give a touch to tire contents of the magazine that could not be had by merely rewriting the reports of the newspapers. Also, a number of the friends in the classes have talent along the line of writing articles. All such should be encouraged to do so. Again, such friends as are subscribers to other magazines should arrange to send clippings of interest to this office. If the workers come in contact with news that they believe escaped the attention of the Director, they should write the matter up and hand to him, he in turn will send it to , this office, if not already reported. We believe each Director will see the necessity of promptly forwarding such letters, so that the news of Tin Golden Age may be kept as up-to-date as possible.

A subscription to The Golden Age will make ■ an ideal Christmas gift. We are designing n special letter that will be sent to the person for whom the subscription is placed. This letter wilt also mention who sent the subscription and bear a suitable Christmas greeting. They will be mailed from this office so as to reach the subscriber a day or so before Christmas. We will send samples of these letters to the Directors as soon as we can arrange to have them printed. The® are intended for use only when the subscription is a Christmas present.

Mail              Efforts of -this kind with ii

Circularization view of ^curing subscrip

tions for The Golden Age ws believe should not be encouraged at present. We will resort to this method only when it is apparent that certain territory cannot be reached by house-to-house canvassing. Personal solicitation is much more effective. Should this mailing plan be adopted, regular assignments of territory will be sent from, this office, so that the friends will not be overrunning the territory being circularized by friends of another class.

A letter on this point received from a brother ■ experienced along this line states: “I have long been aware that the personal canvass is the most effective, as well as productive. I am now convinced that the mail circularization plan is practically unproductive, altho I think what we have done in this line would make It easier for those who follow in the personal work.”

Advertising     A national advertising cam-

the Magazine   paign would t0° expensive

and impossible for the Society to undertake. There is no objection, however, to the friends advertising locally if they deem it necessary. They can use such mediums as are generally available: namely, newspapers, street car cards, etc.

A number of the Directors are carrying on very intensified campaigns, having made arrangements so (hat they will know exactly what houses in each city have been canvassed, - and also determine the people’s attitude toward the I. B. S. A. and its publications.

We have had printed, for your convenience, some small Golden Age letterheads, which Directors can use for local correspondence. They are 5J x 8J Inches and will be supplied at 20 cents ’ per hundred sheets. .

When sending orders do not mix The Golden Age with the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society publications. All subscriptions for The Golden Age should be sent to The Golden Age, 124 Columbia Heights, ^rooklyn, N. Y. All orders for Watch Tower publications should be sent to the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society, 124 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, N. Y.

All shipments of sample copies of The Golden Age will be forwarded by express prepaid. This office, in turn, will then bill each class the amount of express charges. As publishers we are able to procure second-class rate, which is one-half of the first-class rate, but only if sent prepaid. Shipments under this classification cannot be forwarded collect. A large saving will be effected in this way.                    .

Regular colporteurs will also order their samples separately and receive shipments directly from this office, transportation charges to be borne by us on such shipments to colporteurs.

Regular Colporteurs

Those working together will mail a separate report. For Instance, a man and wife canvassing together will- mail separate reports, and also two brothers working together will mail separate reports. We have mentioned above that Colporteurs who are canvassing in connection with the class will use the class receipt cards; thus the people canvassed know where to go for further reading matter. However on the subscription blank the Colporteur will please Insert his or her name in the space provided for the name of the News Bureau and Colporteur number after the word No.----. In

quiries have been received regarding canvassing for other publications in conjunction with The Golden Age.

Of course, the Colporteurs should use envelopes supplied by this office to identify their letters in the mail. Address all communications “Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society, 124 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, N.Y. (Sales Dept).”

Colporteurs working in territory assigned to classes will send the duplicate (8) subscription blank to Assistant Director and not to this office.

The DeLuxe Scenario will be out of stock for a period of ten weeks.

Wakeful        The work is progressing as

Watching fast as can wel1 be expected under the present difficulties.

Sample copies Of the fourth issue will be forwarded to the classes and the campaign can then be fully instituted as outlined. All Directors should keep themselves informed as to conditions in the various territories coming under their jurisdiction. We cannot emphasize too thoroughly the necessity of placing proper workers in the territory which they are naturally qualified to canvass. It is requested of Directors that they compare their reports very closely and try to remedy conditions that seem to be the cause of the people falling to subscribe. It will take more acute attention than has been required In any previous campaign, and Directors should feel the responsibility of the position they have undertaken to fill. The wrork must be done, and' it falls to them to place the workers as they see fit to accomplish the best and greatest results.

This office will write you from time to time of improvements that we think should be put into effect. No doubt you too are confirmed in the opinion that the work now being undertaken is exactly the work Brother Russell spoke of when he said that a great and important work he expected would be given to the remaining members. It no doubt took as much, if not a greater degree of courage on the part of Gideon to direct the work that was laid before him as it did on the part of the 300 who had the privilege of forming the noble company that marched around the walls. Naturally, in the face of a large undertaking the flesh would like to dodge responsibility, but we believe that each Director will Interpret his selection as confidence Of the class In his performing the work that is before them, and this, of course, would require a meek and humble spirit, that the results might be exactly as the class desires, for it is altogether dependent upon proper direction.

Be assured of our continued interest and our desire to assist in whatever way we can, and feel free to write us, not only of the blessings you are having in the service, but also of the obstacles you encounter.

By His grace, we are

Your brethren and fellow servants in the Lord,

r -Golden Age