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“millions now living will never die”


OCTOBER 1, 192)


“II’ait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.’.’—Psalm 21: lif.

AKTER you have gone over your territory once or twice are you disappointed with the result? When requested to canvass that same territory again, are you inclined to become discouraged and fainthearted and say: ‘What is the use? I have given the witness there. I have not the courage to go back and ask those people to buy the books.’ If these are some of your troubles, then remember the words of the Prophet above quoted. He wrote those words for the benefit of the saints now on earth.

To wait upon the Lord does not mean to . sit down and fold our hands and do nothing; but it does mean to give attention to what he says and to do that with a joyful heart. We are servants of the Lord. “Behold, as the eyes of servants look unto the hand of their masters,-... so our eyes wait upon the. Lord our God.” (Psalm 123: 2) It means, then, to attend upon the Lord and give heed to what he says.

“Good courage” is that condition "of mind and heart which lends one calmly and confidently to face difficulties and dangers where duty calls and when good may result. A strengthened heart is a brave heart. The heart is the seat of affections, that faculty of the being which induces our actions.

A. brave heart means that condition of mind and heart which induces one to continue in vigorous action amidst difficulties and dangers, love being the moving cause good courage, God will increase the love of such for him and his cause, which will be the motive inducing their action to serve him joyfully.

for such activity. The promise, then, is that bite;. good cheer to the people. To the saints when one waits upon the Lord and is of wfyo ' llow the Lord he is now saying: “This

Such courage and bravery result not from one's own strength, but are given to those who exercise full faith and confidence in the Lord and his arrangements.

Two Purposes— One Object

Keep in mind that there are two primary reasons why some of the saints are yet this side the vail, to wit: (1) to prepare themselves for the kingdom; and (2) to engage 'in giving the witness concerning the incoming of Messiah’s kingdom. It is vitally essential that we give the witness as we have opportunity,’ that we may be prepared for his kingdom.


There has been a great deal of witnessing concerning the Lord’s kingdom, but not yet a sifficlent amount. The Captain of our ation leads his army on. It is our privilege to follow where he-leads. Now he goes forth to judge and make war. It is the day of -God's vengeance upon Satan’s empire, visible and invisible; it is the time of the judgment of the demons; and it is the time to Comfort those of mankind that mourn. Thefold world has ended and is passing ' away;, the King of glory is here and is

Inaugurating his kingdom; the times of restoration are in sight. It is the time to

gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations, and then shall the end come”. This means that the message must continue to go forth as a witness until the complete end of the ' present order; and the Lord himself will determine when that time comes.

78c New Offer

Heretofore you have gone over your territory with the 55-cent combination. Sow. you are approaching the people with a somewhat different combination. Volume G of Studies in the Scbiptubes, worth more than the price of the entire combination, is offered with the other two books at a price within the reach of all.

Emphasize the fact that “The Finished Mystery” examines prophecies of events about to transpire and points out particularly what distinguishing events of the present mark it as the time when “millions now living will never die”. The views of many denominations have pointed to a Millennial reign of Christ, but the item that the people are most interested in is the assurance that the present is the time for the establishment of Christ’s kingdom and that the time when the people will no longer die is not ten or twenty or fifty years distant, but is in the, immediate future. “The Finished Mystery” points out the prophecies that tell why this boon is within the reach of the people now*

There have been a far greater number of suicides during the past twelve months than in any one year of the world’s history-. The reason for this is given in the book “Can the Living Talk with the Dead?” It is- important that the people fortify therftselves with this knowledge.                /

The sorrow of mankind is daily increaf irjg. The people want something to comfort them. “Millions Now Living Will Never Eid’ Js that message of comfort.                . ■

You have this message in hand; 'and It is your privilege to put this library of information in the people’s hands for the small sum of seventy-eight cents. The angels of heaven never had such an opportunity. The very persons that refused to, order two months ago may be anxious to have, it now. Carry it to them.                   y

Endeavor to Place Message

in Substantial Form

Remember that the chief object Is not. merely to sell books, but to give the witness. It is the Lord’s purpose that the people shall have testified to them these great truths. If you go back once, twice, yea, a dozen times, and sell not one hook, your presence, your influence, your demeanor, your earnest, zeal, will all testify that we are in the day of the Lord, when his kingdom is being set up.

Noah preached for. a hundred and twenty years amidst difficult environments. He slacked not his hand. He had absolute faith in the Lord. Noah loved the Lord, had faith, and was seeking a better country. The saints who are now witnesses for the Lord are seeking the highest place in the universe, next to the Lord Jesus himself. It requires good courage and bravery to hold on to the end. “Let us not be weary in well doing; for in due season we shall reap if we faint not.”—Galatians 6:9.

It will require good courage and bravery to go back to the house where the door was slammed in your face; but even if the same action is repeated, you are giving the witness. To illustrate: A sister who is now a zealous follower of the Lord at one time was given a set of Studies in'the Scbiptubes. She burned them. Some other friends sent her a set. She threw them Into the cistern. Then a colporteur called and induced her to buy a set, and she concluded that the Lord wanted her to read them. She did read them and made a full consecration. Be of good courage!

The Motive

The motive for your action in giving this witness. is love for God and for Jesus. The Lord has provided this opportunity of witnessing that the saints might prove their love for him. “Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment.” (1 John 4:17) This is the day of judgment. “There is no fear in. love, but perfect love casteth out fear.”


Remember, if the opportunity to give this ' witness is yours, the Lord is granting it in

order that you might prove your love, thereby preparing yourself for the kingdom. What has been the great desire of your heart from the time you made a consecration? The Prophet again puts the words of answer in the mouth of the saints, saying: “One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seel$ after; that I may dwell in the houee of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to Inquire in his temple.” (Psalm 27:4) With earnest anticipation the saint is looking forward to the time when he may enter into the presence of the Lord, behold his glorious face, and continue in his presence to acquire knowledge and to glorify God throughout the ages to come. The Captain of our salvation now says to those who follow him : “Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life” (Revelation 2:10), which is the desire of your heart.

It might be well for the workers to change territories from time to time. At any rate, see te it that you have a part In the service.

Service Week Oct. 30—Nov 6.

On September 25 began the best organized campaign we have had during the harvest period. In every part of the United States and Canada on that day every brother qualified to speak delivered a public lecture on the subject “Millions Now Living Will Never Die”. On September 30, following the thundering forth of this message from the platform, • the division of the Lord’s army this side the vail went into action with the above mentioned combination. Another service week will begin October 30, continuing until November 6. On October 30 again the brethren throughout the United States and Canada are requested to arrange to address public meetings the same as was done on September 25. On October 31 all the workers will g > forth in another concerted effort, this time commemorating the day of Brother Russell’s change to glory. During the balance of the week, let a special effort be put forth to place the combination in the hands of the people; and in the meantime let all the workers who can daily engage in this work, giving as much time as they reasonably can. May the Lord’s blessing attend such efforts

We feel that the success which has marked the 55c combination will be eclipsed by that of the 78c combination. Offering three books at such a low price seems to impress the people with the sincerity of your desire to place the message in their hands and shows that you are not actuated by any mercenary spirit. This seems particularly well Illustrated by the following:

Couldn’t Afford One—Bought Three

“The combination certainly is the thing to handle at this time. Yesterday while canvassing a man in a cotton field I showed him the ‘Millions’ lecture and told him the price. He said that he didn’t care for it, as times were so hard. But when I showed him the other books and told him the price he said, ‘All for 55c!’ and took them very readily. We sold twenty-nine books yesterday among the cotton farmers. All of these were combinations except two.”—Ga.

85 Percent Sales

“The work is progressing very nicely here in spite of the hot weather. More books have been sold during the last thirty days than in any month this year. The combination for 55c is the best seller. Those who have had experience in col-porteuring say it is the best seller the Bible House ever put out. In some towns the people seize them like hot cakes. One sister sold six combi-. nation sets at seven houses in succession. One brother sold four combination sets at three houses. They both sold 53 books in one town of 400 inhabitants, and 27 books in a town of 150, 16 books in another town of 150, and 32 books in a -town of 300. These towns are largely inhabited by Latter Day Saints, and the Latter Day Saints seem to be the best buyers at present.”—Mo.

Found Three Sell Better Than One

“Among other things, the last Bulletin has taught us how to sell booklets more successfully. We had assumed that the 55c combination was more especially for the class workers, since their profits would be Small, etc. But we observed that the three booklets might be presented in such a "way that the people who otherwise would have bought only a ‘Millions’ booklet would buy the combination, so that fully three times as many booklets are disposed of. We will surely canvass with the combination offer hereafter rather than with the ‘Millions’ booklet alone.”—Miss.

Three Books Cheaper Than One

“The combination offer is selling much better than it has been. It seems nearly as easy to sell the combination as a single book. Fifty-five cents is a small money consideration, and most people vho will spend a quarter for a single copy will ty a set for thirty cents more. The friends re specially zealous of late. We seem to realize

as? never before the necessity of proclaiming the message, both for our own development and to declare Jehovah’s message for the world.”—N, Y*

Success in Concentrating               '■

“In our territory we sell more of the combinations than anything else; and I guess it is: due to the fact that we work the combination' and talk 55c and that only as a last resort we . try to pjace either one singly, which is very seldom / done.”—Va.

The Church Anointed Only to Proclaim

“We are receiving’ quite a number of mail orders, for the combination offer where only ‘Millions’' were sold. It seems the people are turtiing to US to know what the Bible teaches. They have left; the churches, as there are over one hundred abandoned cliurelics in our territory.”—Ohiot-

The August 1 Bulletin mentioned the total number of books placed by the workers'faa ■ the past year. On going over these figure® we find that these books distributed among the families In the territory assigned to the': classes would place one “Millions” booklet ip three out of every hundred families, and one Zg in ten out of every hundred families. This indicates the large field in which you have to place the new combination. Having been over your territory with the 55c combination you now have a new method of approaching the people with the 78c combination. Jhey may not have been interested at your first call, and probably experiences they haye“ since passed through have bestirred "them' and they are looking for some real message, of comfort, some message of solace. The ■ following letters Indicate the proportion of: people with whom you might expect to place,: the message in a substantial form the second? time you canvess the territory. Where the? territory is large and the workers numerous^, you can probably arrange with the Directo®;; to canvass a different section than you covse^g; ed the first time.

- F-

Second Canvass Most Productive

“The friends seem to realize their responjilt bilities and the shortness of the time. It Is important that every town be canvassed ttficaS In Marysville, Washington, we sold more ':W second canvassing than the first. Thirty-two “book? were sold the first time, and eighty-three at thft/ second canvassing. The second time offers meiiyv opportunities for witnessing. One lady bot^?'|l the ‘Millions’ after she was canvassed three tinf •;[-.            ' z'-si.

in one week. We found a man and a woman in one place' fully consecrated from reading ‘The Finished Mystery’. After a recent public meeting one man bought the 55c combination, read all /night, got his breakfast, took a rest, and read the remainder of the day.”—Wash.

Awakening is Progressive

' “If there is any opposition it comes from the - wealthy. Even Catholics who have been out of work for a long time will listen now. The sale of books has passed (so far. this year) the preceding*,fifteen months, or nearly double. In one section of 300 three workers accidentally went over the same territory at different times. The second time the most was sold, and the third time 25 were sold. This is an indication that the truth is spreading.”—.V. Y.        x

Expert Workers

During the last three months of this year we recommend that you put forth a special effort to get the message contained in “The Finished Mystery” and the booklets “Can the Living Talk with the Dead?” and “Millions Now Living Will Never Die” into the hands of the people. We have reasons to believe that a large amount of this litera-. ture is being read and appreciated, and that these same purchasers are seeking for a more advanced and orderly study of the ■ Lord’s plan. Hence we are working on a plan to accomplish this object, and would like to launch forth with this about the first of the year. The remaining months of this ^year will be used to incite Interest, and the campaign to begin with the first of the year will concern itself with developing and crystallizing the interest already aroused. We ; trust that your class will be ready to take - up the new work when it is begun ; and your ability to do this will be estimated from the standpoint of the disposition of the literature now on hand.

. Be of good courage as you go forth to proclaim the blessings of the Incoming kingdom, ever realizing the immediate application f of our Lord’s words: “Let us work while It \ is yet day, for the night cometh in which , no man can work.”

Your brethren and servants in the Lord,

. Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society

‘ I ■                                   Service Dep’t.