NOVEMBER 1, 1922
THIS text is a positive commandment from the Lord, to be executed In due time. Jesus said: “If ye love me, keep my commandments.” To this St. John adds: “This proves our love of God, that we keep his commandments; and his commandments are not grievous to us."
The due time for obeying the commandment here first above mentioned is at the beginning of the reign of our Lord. It is directed to those members of the new creation who are this side the vaii. The Scriptural evidence in the light of recent events shows that the Lord began his reign in 1914. There the nations became angry. The World War, famine, pestilence and revolution followed. The due time for the Lord’s people to specifically obey this commandment is when they see and appreciate the time in which we are living. Speaking to his faithful followers, he in substance says: ‘Go tell the nations of earth this message. Tell them that the Lord reigns; that the first work of his reign is the dashing to pieces of Satan’s empire; that this work is in progress; but comfort their hearts with the message that the King of kings and Lord of lords comes to judge the people righteously and to give them all the truth.’
The peoples of eartb are in great distress and their rulers in much perplexity. They all see dreadful things coming, but do not know what is the remedy, if any, for such. The rulers have assembled in world conference after conference and. have put forth their best efforts to establish peace and save the old order from completo collapse. In the light of the Lord’s Word we know they cannot succeed in this because the time has come for the old order to vanish and to be succeeded by the new. As the old order comes nearer and nearer to final collapse the distress of the people and the perplexity of the rulers increase. The Lord, however, has a complete and absolute remedy by which the desire of all nations and peoples of earth can be realized. That remedy is his kingdom of righteousness, and his reign will hring peace on earth and good will to men, happiness and contentment. The people ought to know about this. It is time for them to know.
The Lord desires the world to have this message of reconciliation. He has committed to his faithful followers the privilege of delivering such message. Are you one of those? If so, joyfully obey the command of the Lord and tell them that his reign begun will establish the new world shortly so that it cannot be moved; that he wTill bring a stable and lasting government that will not only be free from revolution, anarchy, profiteers, deceivers, and defrauders, but bring health .and happiness, peace and joy; and all those who obey the righteous, reign will be granted Ute everlasting in a state of happiness and perfection. His kingdom is not for a few brief years, but is an everlasting kingdom. Tell them, as he directs in this command, that he will judge the people impartially and with righteousness; that he will lead them into the full and complete truth; that he will lead the obedient ones over the highway of holiness and fill with boundless happiness every heart that loves and oheys him.
This is the message of the hour. It is a message of hope and good cheer. Every one who truly loves the Lord and appreciates the time in which we are now living will be anxious to tell it to others as opportunity affords. Those who do thus tell it with a joyful heart will be keeping the Ixtrd’s commandments.
It will be noticed from the text and the context that this message will bring joy to those who hear; and this, like other similar texts in the Bible, shows that there is great rejoicing to those who know and appreciate the I.ord’s reign. Remember, then, if you are a consecrated child of God you are a publicity agent for the King and his kingdom. Advertise it in every way you can.
You have received a quantity of free tracts. Each one of these tracts gives a brief outline of the precious message from the Lord. It tells of the invisible presence of the King of kings and of his reign begun. Whether you are able to make a speech or not is not so important. Any one can carry the tracts to another. Get your territory, call at the home, hand in one copy of the tract to whoever responds, and speak a good word— something like this: You will be pleased to read this because it contains a message of hope of a better time coming. Pass quickly on to the next house. Then a few days later, under the direction of the class organization, go over your territory with the books and canvass the same people to whom you have delivered the tracts. TJhey will recognize you. Their interest will have been aroused by reading the resolution contained in the tract as well as the other message, and then you can tell them that the hooks you have give a full explanation, with numerous Scripture citations, to prove that these things are true.
Get the message into the hands of the people. Encourage them to read; and as interest is manifested organize Bible study classes and help them to understand.
In doing these things remember that you are obeying the commandment of the I,ord in bringing these good tidings of peace and salvation to the people; that you are bintiing up the broken-hearted and comforting those that mourn. “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him”—the last members of the body who deliver this message.
“Pardon me for writing this letter but it seems that I can’t keep still any longer. I do want, to give the Lord more of my time, and is there such a thing as preparing oneself to give lectures or to sell books'? I am so Interested in this work. I have a large family of children and teach them and read to them, but yet it seems I am not satisfied. My husband says I am crazy and have let the Russellites fool me, but I don’t think so; I have learned so much out of my little green book, the ‘Harp of God.’ It is such a blessing. I feel at times as if I am not. worthy of these blessings of comfort, that I must do something in return. As you see, my education is limited. What shall I do?”—Ga.
"I am determined nothing shall hold me back if I can get. out. Yesterday it was roasting hot, but I took my baby, who is very heavy to carry (as we never had baby buggies), and carrying literature and an umbrella, together with another little fellow running along. I had to sit down when we were half way; for I thought I could never make it. But we got up again and started oft and got there all in a sweat. But we talked a little while first till wo got cooled off. before taking out the books. As soon as the lady saw the . books she was ready to get one; so I was well reptiid in more ways than one.”—Was/i.
“One worker reports following up a name turned in from the public lecture given by Brother Rutherford in P---As the worker
knocked at the door a lady came. The worker explained her mission, and the lady of the house asked her who sent her to the door. The worker replied, ‘The Lord.1 ‘How wonderful,’ said the lady, ‘I was just on my knees asking the Lord to send someone to me.’ Since then the lady has made a complete consecration and there are evidences that she is letting her light shine.”—Pa.
“The opposition from clergy and people is intense, yet the work is progressing, though .slowly, but none the less sure. The combination of Volume Seven, ‘Millions,’ and ‘Can the Living talk With the Dead’ sells easier than any other, even easier than the ‘Millions’ book alone. The ‘Harp’ is appreciated by almost all who read it.”—Canal Zone.
“More than thirty percent of those who buy the Harp Bible Study Course buy again when the course is done. Six ministers here have taken the Harp Bible Study Course and five of them have bought the entire Bet of ‘Scripture Studies,’ and one of them recently sold a set Io a member of his church and said lie thought tie could sell more.
“The follow-up or reennvass work is best now; one worker the other day sold eight books in half a block that had been canvassed three times before, with four sales with the other three canvasses, making twelve books in half a block. The people in such territory are getting to expect the worker and have the questions ready to be answered by the workers, and sometimes have several neighbors come in to hear the worker explain the plan. Of course this takes more time but it’s worth while, for in our territory Millions Now Living Will Never Die is heard everywhere and even the preachers are mum; literally hundreds of people here say the Bible Students are right, and while the churches are losing in attendance, we are gaining.”—Ohio.
“One brother who is working the Italian district called on an Italian gentleman "who acts as adviser -for his countrymen, and as interpreter for them in court, etc., and is Deputy Sheriff of Jefferson County. He can- ' vassed him for the Italian ‘Millions’ book. The man said to him: ‘How long have you known this?’ The brother "told him how long he had known it. The man answered and said: ‘Why did you not tell rae before?’ Then he turned to his son-in-law and said, ‘I am going upstairs to read this book; and if anyone calls, I am not at home.’ We hoard afterwards that after he had read some, he hunted up an Italian Bible and is looking up the Scriptures as he roads.”—M. 1’.
“Having been unable to engage in the service for some time, I rejoiced in the privilege I had this week of going out in the work again, if only for a. short time. I made only two calls, but at each place took an order for a full set of ‘Studies.’ Tfie two Indios lived next door to each other and both hud finished the Harp Study Course and were eager for more. One said site could not read herself, but had her children read to her. The people1 seem to be really becoming convinced that the ‘Studies in the Sr-ri]nines’ eividiin the only real help and instruction to be obtained at tills time.
“While canvassing in a small town near here where there was only one minister, I canvassed him without knowing who he was at the time, and when I had finished, he informed me that ‘be had read all those books, knew who the author was. but could not recommend them to anyone as he was a minister himself.' I asked him for his reaeons for objecting to the books. He hesitated, and did not seem able to think of a real good one, but finally said that Pastor Bussell ■taught people to go on living any kind of life and they would be saved in the end, regardless, etc. I then mentioned several people In his town who had bought the books and were much Interested, and asked if he knew them. He said 'Yes’; and I asked if he had noticed that those people were living such very sinful lives as a result of Pastor Russell’s teachings. He said, ‘Oh, no, Indeed, they are very good people, but—he continued vehemently, ‘do you know what those people are doing? They have left the church, and are staying at home studying Pastor Russell’s books! And those books are driving people away from the churches all the time!' I agreed, and was glad he had at last expressed his real objection to the books.”—III.
“Tuesday, October 3rd, was declared to be Service Day by the workers. We agreed to canvass a country town about 33 miles from Philadelphia. We hired a large bus and left Philadelphia at 8:30 a. m. Forty were in the field; and we distributed about eighty-four books and took orders for twenty-six more. All enjoyed themselves; and we have agreed to have October 17th as another Service Day, canvassing another country town. This will take about fifty-five workers; and we intend to hire a complete trolley car and have our banner strung along the outside.”—Pa.
“I have had nine years experience in the colporteur work. During this time I had a share in all the various' features of the harvest work; but my greatest blessings and joys have been to call back where I sold books or to recauvass the territory. For in-
‘‘The next house was that of a girl of 16 or 18, paralyzed on one side, mother deaf and dumb, too poor to pay for the ‘Harp.’ I handed them the book. The daughter had read the book. The mother stated: ‘Mary loves the book so well we will pay for It.’ Over a very small area of the territory I found five similarly interested ones.”—A. C.
“Some of my experiences among the German people have been of interest recently. One lady says they believe this in Germany and can tell when Abraham is coming back, and instead of attending church there, they are just studying the Bible and these books. Another wanted everything I had with me in German, and ordered two full sets, 6 Scenarios, 20 Booklets, and says she intends taking about $200 worth along with her to Germany next year. She attended our chart talks: and next time I called, I found her with Bible and books open and rejoicing in the knowledge sbe had gained so recently after many years of search.
‘‘About two months ago I found a young lady ready for the Truth, and she has since made a full consecration and appreciates spiritual things; and now her husband is anxious to attend our meetings and is trying to arrange his business accordingly.
“Catholic are waking up, too; and it is touching to see the effort a few of them make to find the Scripture citations given in our literature. I spent two hours with one of them, and happy as she was I was happier still; for ‘it is more blessed to give than to receive.’ The happiest people on earth are those who are udvertisting the King and His Kingdom.”—V. J.
Watch Tower Bible <E Tract Society