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February 1, 1926
OMFORT ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God. Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem, and cry unto her, that her warfare is accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned: for she hath received of the Lord’s hand double for all her sins.” Together with the proclamation of the name of our God to the Gentiles of earth in fulfilment of the divinely-given commission, it is fitting that the Lord’s anointed should speak a message of comfort to Jerusalem and point the people of Israel to Jehovah, their God. The Psalmist declares: “Blessed is the nation whose God is Jehovah; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.” We have known of God’s special interest in the posterity of Abrar ham. He has addressed them through the Prophet Amos saying: “You only have I known of all the families of the earth;” and the Psalmist declares: “He [Jehovah] sheweth his word unto Jacob, his statutes and his judgments unto Israel. He hath not dealt so with any nation.”
No nation on earth ever had such kind
and considerate treatment at the hands of Jehovah as the Jews. No people have ever had such reason to have faith in God as the Jews. The enemy however has long blinded the offspring of Jacob to the great truths contained in the Bible. As a result of this blindness they have had a long warfare which the prophet foretold would come upon them if they were disobedient to the statutes of Jehovah.
The “double” referred to by the Prophet Jeremiah has been fulfilled in their experiences. From the time of the organization of the people of Israel into a nation at the death of Jacob (Dent. 26:5) to the 10th of Nisan A. D. 33 was the period of favor to the Jews of 1845 years. At the end of this period of favor the double of disfavor began and 40 years later in A. D. 73 the complete overthrow of Jerusalem was effected. This period of disfavor lasted 1845 years. At the conclusion of the double in 1878 the returning of favor began resulting in the official establishment of the Jewish people in their own land in 1918, just 40 years later.
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Seven years after 1918 the Jubilee arrangement of the Law Covenant terminated, marking 1925 as the time for the ancient people of God to receive some knowledge concerning God’s great plan of salvation, and particularly concerning their own part in the beginning of the restitution work. The present therefore, is the time to comfort Jerusalem.
To comfort means to impart information to another which will encourage and refresh them and give them joy of heart, despite the distressing circumstances with which they are surrounded. The message of comfort to the Jews is contained in the Bible, God’s Word. For many generations the adversary has turned the minds of the Jewish people away from the Bible to the traditions of men. It is now time to lift up the standard and call the attention of the Jewish people to their God, Jehovah, and to His plans concerning them. Doing this will comfort Jerusalem. Who, then, is going to take this message to them? Who except those that love the Lord could speak this message of comfort to the Jews ?
God lias had an organization for the carrying out of his purposes, which organization is designated in the Scriptures as Zion. The associated name Jerusalem includes all those begotten of God’s spirit. To this class the prophet speaks in Isaiah 40: 9 saying: “0 Zion, that bringest good tidings, get thee up into the high mountain. 0 Jerusalem, that bringest good tidings, lift up thy voice with strength; lift it up, be not afraid; say unto the cities of Judah, Behold your God I” The cities of Judah are those who are Jews (Judeans) in truth, because they have the faith of Abraham and believe that Shiloh, the Messiah, will come through Judah’s line. The Jerusalem mentioned in the first verse of this chapter in Isaiah is not the same one referred to in the ninth verse, inasmuch as in the former verse Jerusalem (natural Israel) has had a warfare and she needs to be told that this warfare is now ended, and she needs to be comforted; while in the latter verse Jerusalem (spiritual Israel) is the one that brings the “good tidings” or comfort.
It is manifest therefore, that the anointed ones of the Lord; those who have been advertising the King and the kingdom; who have been lifting up a standard for the people, and who have been proclaiming the name of Jehovah, arc the ones here addressed as Zion and Jerusalem. They are to be the ones who will be honored in bearing the message of comfort to Israel after the flesh. The doing of this work will bring the same joy to those who engage in it as has the work of the church in preaching this gospel of the kingdom to all the (Gentile) nations for a witness.
Just at this time when the work of the Lord’s people is turning to Israel we find an unusual agitation among the Jewish people concerning their beliefs and doctrines. This will undoubtedly place many Jewish people in an attitude to listen to our message who would previously have paid little or no attention to it. Thus another of the Lord’s overruling providences is manifest in the work of comforting Jerusalem now. The Director of the Pease, Minn, service bureau writes:
“We have an experience to relate that might be of interest to you. A Jew was canvassing for a farm journal in the eastern part of our territory, and thus called at the home of one of the brethren. This Jew got interested in the presentation of the truth to such an extent that he purchased the full set of eight books and four of the booklets.”
Soon the consignments of Comfort for the Jews will be received by your Director. Each of the workers will be anxious to carry this message to those for whom it is intended.-
The canvass to be used in approaching the Jewish people will be somewhat different from that used in offering other truth literature to the Gentiles. By way of suggestion we offer the following sample canvass which has been used by brethren heretofore.
CANVASS: Good morning! Recently the International Bible Students Association, whom I represent, has held public lectures on the subject: “Palestine ‘for the Jew. Why?” Judge Rutherford who is president of this association has prepared a book on the subject: Comfort for the Jews. (Here present volume.) This discusses the activities of the Jewish people in Palestine today as being fulfilments of the words of the prophets written in the Holy Scriptures many centuries ago. It takes up the subject from a historical, political and religious standpoint and shows the reason for the great work among the Jews in rebuilding their homeland after it has lain desolate for so many centuries. The author of this book has been to Palestine twice. Mr. Nathan Straus wrote to Judge Rutherford commending him for his lectures on the subject of the rebuilding of Palestine. Mr. Straus’ letter appears in the front of the book. Mr. Straus also acknowledges receipt of a copy of this book sent to him • immediately after its publication, by this letter.. (Here show second letter from Mr. Straus.) This book is not an attempt to proselyte the Jewish people, but rather a pointing out to them that their work in re-building the Holy Land is foretold by the prophets of Israel and will lead to even greater blessings to the Jews and to the entire world of mankind. The price of the book, cloth bound, is 50ft— paper bound, 25^. I would like very much to leave a copy with you, as I am sure you will appreciate reading it.
The letter referred to from Mr. Straus as being the second one was photographically reproduced and a quantity of printed copies have been sent to your Service Director. A copy may be obtained from him. One point to consider in canvassing the Jews is that a short canvass is the most effective.
Other arguments may be presented later if the canvass itself does not excite the interest of the prospect sufficiently to take the book at once. Such were used by several of the brethren, one reporting as follows:
“After failing to obtain the interest of the prospect by my regular canvass, I immediately quoted the words of Isaiah 40: 1, ‘Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God. Speak ye comfortably to J erusalem and cry unto her, that her warfare is accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned: for she hath received of the Lord’s hand double for all her sins.’ I then remarked: ‘Someone outside of the Jews must deliver this message of comfort to you. This is it.' I was able to place Comfort for the Jews in four different places by the use of this scripture where I am sure I could not have sold the books if I had not thus used it. I was also able to seU a copy to a Rabbi.
—J. C. Edwardes, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Another talking point is the "double” which can be briefly reviewed to the one being canvassed, as done by the brother who reports:
"I have found that more success has followed by briefly referring to the Jewish ‘double’ in the latter part of my canvass, when other points fail to produce a sale. I ask them: ‘Is it not worthy of consideration that God’s favor is returning to the Jewish people at this time when we note that for a period of 1845 years from the organization of the Jewish nation until the time of the dispersion you have enjoyed the favor of Jehovah, and that the dispersion followed as a result of Israel’s sins against her covenant? Now we find that a like period of 1845 years has passed which ended in 1918, at which time official recognition of the Jewish nation took place. Your people are now being re-established in their homeland.’ The fact that many of them do not know of the double is reason for their interest being excited and I find that practically all of my sales have been made by thus referring to this matter.”
—G. E. Hannan, Brooklyn, N. Y.
The Jewish people are monotheists; that is they believe in one God. The churches of Christendom have taught the doctrine of the Trinity, which is unscriptural. On some occasions it might be well to point out that we do not believe in the doctrine of the Trinity. One of the brethren had such an experience:
"I canvassed a lady who I thought was a Gentile, but who showed interest in the subject. After talking with her a few minutes she asked me: ‘What God do you worship?’ to which I replied: ‘I worship Jehovah God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.’ TDo you not, then, look upon
Jesus Christ as your God?’ she further asked. ‘No ma’am. Jesus plainly says that he is the Son of God and not God himself. The churches of Christendom teach the doctrine of the Trinity, which declares that God and His Son and the holy spirit are one and the same thing, and yet they are three gods; but the Bible does not teach such a doctrine. There is only one God, Jehovah; and Jesus Christ is his Son.’ Her interest increased at this and she asked further concerning the crucifixion of Jesus. I found that she was a Jewess and she was glad to receive COMFORT FOR THE JEWS.”
—F. A. Julian, Brooklyn, N. Y.
A number of different situations and problems will arise to the individual worker which will need to be worked out in the service meetings of the class. Further information regarding the campaign for the Jewish people, is being forwarded in the Letter of Instructions to Directors.
It was an honor to be the angel to point Hagar to the spring which saved Ishmael from dying of thirst. God is more highly honoring us in making us his messengers to point his people, typified by Ishmael to the fountain of truth from which they may draw refreshment. The Comfort for the Jews book opens another avenue of service. It is an enlargment of our privileges and means an increase in our joys in the Lord. “Rejoice ye with Jerusalem, and be glad with her.”—Isaiah 66:10.
We remember you in our prayers as you go forward to comfort Jerusalem.
With Christian love and greetings, we are Your brethren and servants in the Lord,
Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society Service Dep’t.