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Unless stated otherwise, content is © 1926 International Bible Students Association


May 1, 1926



HERE is a great difference between knowing the will of God and doing it. There are some millions of people in the world who talk glibly about consecration, and who seem to know that consecration is the only right course for every Christian and for every human being, and yet it largely ends in talk; or the consecration, if there is one, is a consecration to the doing of the will of some movement or some sect or some individual, often as not their own will.

The consecration of the Lord Jesus was not of this sort. His consecration was to the doing of God’s will, not the will of the High Priest, the scribes or the Pharisees, nor even the will of those nearest and dearest to him according to the ties of the flesh. We have his own words on this point when he said, “Who is my mother, or my brethren? . . . whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and my sister, and mother." —Mark 3:33,35.

The Lord Jesus found the greatest joy of his life in doing God’s will. Even his own disciples, not yet begotten of the holy spirit, could hardly sense the meaning of his words when he said, “I have meat to eat that ye know not of. . . . My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his wobk.”—John 4: 32,34.

Is this our attitude of heart, dear brethren, toward our God? Nothing less than this could be acceptable to God. It was the attitude of the apostles and of the early

church; and they set a splendid example for the church In all ages, and especially for the time in which we live. Classifying all this under the word “Love” St. John wrote:

“Every one that loveth him that begat, loveth him also that is begotten of him. By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God, and keep his commandments. For this is the love of God that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous. For whatsoever is begotten of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.”—1 John 5:1-4.

St. John is telling us as plainly as he can that the doing of God’s will Is the joy of his heart, and that he recognizes that the doing of God’s will implies activity in the service of the truth and of the brethren. Equally with the Master he could say, “My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his wobk.”

Let us notice that our Master did not say, “I have meat to eat that ye know not of. My meat is to fcnow the will of him that sent me.” True, he did seek with greatest care to know that will. The entire forty days in the wilderness were consumed In the study of it, aS it is set forth in the Scriptures. But it was the doing of it that specially engaged his thought, and his one consuming ambition was to do it until he finished IL The context shows that this

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work which the Master desired to finish was harvest work; the same task upon which our own activities are centered and which we also desire to finish.

The summer is before us; and with it ' there are lighter evenings, Saturday and holidays which present additional time that we might give for work in one way or another. Daylight saving becomes operative, which not only places one extra hour a day at our disposal but so arranges the day that we have one or two evenings a week that during the previous months were found well occupied otherwise.

Vacation Opportunities

Then with the summer scheduling of work many business houses close all day Saturday. This places additional time for canvassing, as do also the frequent holidays throughout the summer. Vacation periods, too, will amount in some instances to two weeks’ time. We merely enumerate this additional amount of time which the friends will have at their disposal so that at the beginning of the summer each one can allot what proportion of the time he feels he can devote to active service in the field. This field can produce extra results such as the following letter tells about:

Paso Robles, Calif.

Week before last we tried out the plan you suggested in one of the late Bulletins in regard to evening meetings after the service day, and the result was we had three cars and nine workers out. Some who thought that they could not sell books readily went ahead and arranged the dinner; and after the day’s canvassing was done we gathered at the lake and had a good meeting, many interesting experiences related.

Last week we went before the class and asked how many would like to have the same arrangement for the week; and all voted to do so again. And we did, with the result that we had out four cars and fifteen workers and several who volunteered to arrange the dinner again. So altogether we had about thirty friends and had a good evening meeting. These meetings were held on Thursday night so as not to interfere with the regular prayer meeting.

We are still confining our work to the rural territory while the weather will permit, so as to have the towns to work when, the weather and roads get bad. .

We plan this week to make some, short camping trips to some territory which has not been worked.

J. L. Cummins, Class Director.

“Going out into the Highways”

The summer weather presents many opportunities for work in the rural districts, and there is much to be done in territory that cannot be reached in the other months of the year. We have asked the directors to acquaint the class, and particularly the workers, with what amount of effort will be necessary in order to canvass the rural territory twice this coming year; and we suggest that each one who considers what time he will have during the summer months take upon himself the responsibility of so employing such time as to enable him to shoulder his responsibility of witnessing to the extent of accomplishing such a wide dissemination of the truth as we believe 1926 will allow. Probably some arrangement such as the Watertown Class employed could be worked out.

The experiment tried by the Watertown Class last yehr, of renting a furnished cottage for a week, and of having as many of the friends as could do so camp there, in order to canvass the far-away territory, worked out so well that it was decided this year to spend a month in this manner.

During the month of September an average of about twenty-three class members camped on Lake Chateaugay, distant about one hundred and sixty-five miles.

Some stayed the whole month; while others spent a longer or shorter period, as their business or family affairs permitted.

Equipped with three cars and a camping outfit of three tents to supplement the cottage rooms, together with books, cots, oil-stoves, bedding, etc., we spent a comparatively comfortable and most profitable time.

During our stay, considerable of the territory of Clinton and Franklin counties was covered, the majority of the people hearing the kingdom message for the first time; and we were enabled to place 4142 books.

You might be interested in some of our experiences: A Sunday School teacher of boys had been looking for something of special interest and practical value to supplement the regular lessons. She was delighted to get the set of eight and four booklets.

One dear lady gave every evidence of being a consecrated sister. Had “come out” of the systems and was praying for more light, and felt that the Lord had answered her prayer and was so happy to obtain the volumes. She has already written her further appreciation of the message, and tells that her husband, who is a Catholic, is also enjoying the reading.

Next day one of the other members of our party called on a lady who so desired the Bible helps that, unconsciously clasping her hands, she almost prayed for them. This incident was related that evening at supper; and it was generally agreed that there was no doubt as to where the Lord would have placed the books for which a hardened soldier had donated the money the day before. “Before they call I will answer, and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.”

"Joy Riding” to Scatter Joy

You can co-operate with the director by advising him what territory you would prefer, particularly in the case of those who have automobiles and who would use certain evenings of the summer months for recreation auto rides. It would be assistful to the director if you would designate the route you would like to work.

There is much territory in which houses are scattered from one to six miles apart. Evenings generally find the men returned from the fields and the family gathered about the home. This is an excellent time for canvassing; and if in their auto trips used mainly for recreation workers could employ time sufficient to canvass five or six of these scattered homes along the roadway, we believe that this rural territory, this scattered territory, could in this manner be canvassed at least twice in the summer months. Evening canvassing has the advantage of finding people, especially in the rurals, with much time to listen.

I have never liked to go out in the evening, but decided that I did not want to waste the time, so went out both evenings that I was there. One evening I found a lady who was partly paralyzed. She was so glad to hear the good news that her eyes just filled with tears. She bought the Hakp.          ~

The next evening I found a woman who was left alone with a large family of small children. She told me that she studied her Bible so much but could not understand it. She had already bought a set when she happened to think that she had some kind of book like them. These proved to be a set of our books with a different binding. You may imagine what joy it gave me to try to show her how she could put the books to good use. The only one that was missing was the Hakp, which she bought. All these things help me to realize what the joy of the Lord really is.

Mrs. J. C. Wilson, Bishop, Calif.

If you can advise the director early enough he could so gauge the canvassing of these houses that one or two months might elapse between the first and second canvass. There is much work to be done. This naturally requires time; and time seems to be the most precious thing that those interested in present truth possess.

At the beginning of the summer, then, might it not be a good method to determine how much time would be placed at your disposal by the arrangements already mentioned, and what time you can employ in the work. If this studying out beforehand presents to you the time that will be available, we are sure that if you can find a few days or possibly a week at any time for the service during 1926, then 1926 will have a greater number of homes called upon and a greater number of homes in which the literature has been placed.

“Redeeming the Time”

Opportunities often are closest at hand and overlooked in viewing a more distant field. Note the discovery of this brother:

I had thought of getting one of the brethren to canvass around my home, thinking that a stranger would do better than I could. But one evening I thought that I would start a little early when going to meeting and canvass two or three houses on my way. I stopped at three homes and sold three Harp Courses and two copies of World Distress. This rather surprised me; so I thought I would try it again. I went out a few evenings later and sold a set of eight and a combination. The next evening I sold two sets of eight and one Harp Study Course. Last week I worked three evenings and awhile Saturday afternoon, about five hours in all, and I sold three sets of eight, took orders for two more to be delivered this week, sold eight Jews copies of Comfort for the Jews, three Harp Courses, one First Volume, two combinations, two World Distress booklets, and one each of the Desirable Government, Hell and Oub Lord's Return booklets.

This is very remarkable for me; for I am not a good salesman by any means. And I am wondering whether there are not many of the brethren just like I have been, thinking some one else could do better with their neighbors than they. I think it would be a good thing for all such tn try themselves first before putting in some one else.

The work here is progressing fine and we are all looking forward with joy to another good year in the service.

D. M. Lafferty, Oil City, Pa.

“Patient Continuance in Well Doing”

Of course there will be inclement weather, storms, miscarriage of plans, and other things that will hinder your employing the time which you see you could employ; but by keeping a note of what is planned to do and comparing it each week with what you have done, you could note what progress you are making from week to week in devoting the time you expect to do. Thus you can re-arrange your plans so that the time you intend to devote to the service will ultimately be given to the service, even though that time was interrupted and in some instances required that double time be given one week because of no time the previous week.

We urge the workers to make a study of the time problem and the amount they can give to the service; for this is one of the vital elements of the work upon which depend much of the results, in fact, upon which depends the very results that we may obtain. May the Lord bless you as you strive to be a faithful steward over this valuable possession that He has entrusted to your care.

With Christian greetings,

Watoh Tower Bible & Tract Society