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Keep Unity by Speaking the Truth


  • 1 As we keep unity by speaking the truth during this final month of the Watchtower campaign, we will want to review all subscription opportunities. Do you have territory that has not yet been covered with the offer? Then put forth special effort to work it, not overlooking subscription promises and expired-subscription slips.

  • 2 You young publishers, have you reached your goal? If not, check your house-to-house record. Where have you placed magazines during the past few months? Go back this month with the special issues, reminding the householders of your previous call. Then stimulate interest with a simplified sermon (perhaps John 17:3). Show them the special issues and offer them the Watchtower subscription. Since some householders may hesitate to give $1 to young persons, you can reassure them by taking out the subscription blank and by offering to write out a receipt for them. Also inform them that the magazine will come by mail in about one month.

  • 3 As we give our sermon in house-to-house work, we sometimes note a specially receptive response. On these occasions, some publishers offer both The Watchtower and Awake! for ?2. A thirteen-year-old publisher in New Jersey noticed at the first door how attentive the householder was and successfully offered subscriptions for both magazines for $2. At the very next door the same publisher did it again, placing two more. When offering both magazines, rather than presenting them as two subscriptions, say something such as: “The two magazines come on alternate weeks ; you can have them for a year through the mail for a contribution of $2.” By applying these and other suggestions, we should be able to reach our goal as we keep unity by speaking God’s truth.

2O-Percent Increase

  • 1 To reach our goal of a 20-per-cent increase, or 336,062 speaking the truth in April, we will need to examine our prospects. The highest number of publishers out to date was last April, with 308,370. The Society finds that there is a total of 313,000 Publisher’s Record cards in the files. If ail 313,000 are assisted to share in the ministry, we will have, together with 9,000 regular and special pioneers, about 322,000 speaking the truth during April.

  • 2 We will obviously need to give considerable attention to all the 313,000 publishers, helping the infirm, newer ones, irregular ones and younger ones, because such service to Jehovah is vital for each one of us. Assistant congregation servants

4          OFFER FOR APRIL

I Subscription for "The Watchtower,” | i with three booklets, for $1.


i Keep Unity by Speaking the Truth. ?

i         Eph. 4:15, 16.

will give a list each week to study conductors of those who have not been out in the service. All who have not been out by April 12 will be called on the weekend of April 18, 19, and the weekend of April 25, 26. Study conductors and other qualified publishers will be asked to stop at the homes of publishers who have not shared in the ministry in April to offer loving assistance, encouraging them to share in the service that day. Publishers can work in nearby territory if the one called on needs time to get ready.

3 If all 313,000 publishers report having a part in the field service, we still will be short 14,000. But there may well be this many or more new ones who could be started in April. Follow through weekly with the suggestions in the demon-(Continued on page 4, col. 1)

Special Magazines

  • 1 Being blessed with two special magazines this month, we want to give them the widest distribution. For publishers the special goal for April is a total of 26 magazines; for pioneers 150; for special pioneers 205. How can you reach the goal? By spending more of your service time in magazine work. If you are just reaching your goal as a publisher now, placing 12 magazines a month, can you adjust your schedule for April to put in about twice the amount of time you are now spending in magazine distribution?

  • 2 Besides spending more time in the magazine work, be alert to every opportunity to place the special issues. Circuit servants report that many publishers respond only with a handbill when the subscription is not taken. When a householder says, after hearing a sermon, “I’m not interested,” he often means he is not interested in the subscription. So adjust to the circumstances and offer the special issues, saying something such as. “Let me leave you, then, these two special issues, on just a contribution of 10 cents.” Say it positively; likewise when a person says, “I’m busy.” Even though you do not give the sermon, you could say, “Since you have no time now, I would like to leave you two special issues to read when you do have time; they are only 10 cents.”

  • 3 Then you will want to call on all those persons in your territory who are friendly and who almost always take literature. Be certain to get the special Watchtower into their hands, for it asks them why they are not doing something about true worship. While the special Watchtower stirs them up to share in true worship, the special Awake! lays bare the foundations of false religion, showing how unsound and really anti-God they are. With such powerful issues to help us, let us alertly and unitedly use them to speak persuasive words of truth.

* Share fully in service during April. Help others to do the same. *■


5 min: Introduction, text and comments.

12 min: Theocratic News, “1964 District Assemblies.”

20 min: Question-and-answer coverage of all three parts of the main article.

13 min: Presenting the Good News —discuss and demonstrate points.

10 min: Concluding comments. (Include “What Happened Here in February?” and brief comment on slogan on bottom of page 1.)


5 min: Introduction, text and comments.

12 min: Question-and-answer discussion of “Progressively Aiding New Ones (Part 2).”

15 min: Know Your April 22 “Awake!”

CHAIRMAN (2 min.) Special magazine contains timely information. Have full share in distribution. Be well acquainted with material.

SCENE I (7 min.) Magazine-territory servant interviews different publishers in audience, who give suggestions on presenting points in special “Awake!” After hearing points in the article they intend to feature, some are asked to give 30- to 60-second presentations featuring specific articles. Presentations are made for house-to-house work, business, etc.

SCENE II (4 min.) Suggests publishers have more than one presentation, to fit circumstances. Newer publisher asks for suggestion of general presentation. Servant covers the following: ‘One reason many people hesitate to discuss religion is that they are not well enough acquainted with the subject. Few people know the real origin and basis of their beliefs. This special “Awake!” on “Examining the Foundations of Modern-Day Religion” will provide you with the information you need to make an intelligent and meaningful examination of modern-day religion. I would be pleased to leave it with you along with its companion magazine, “The Watchtower,” both on a contribution of ten cents.’ Newer publisher makes presentation.

CHAIRMAN (2 min.) Give wide distribution to the special magazine. People who desire to please God are in need of the fine information contained in the special issue. Encourage all to support Magazine Day service regularly, and prestudy work.

20 min: Assisting All to Share in April Service.

CHAIRMAN (2 min.) All were to report service by April 12. Vigorous efforts have been made to help others. What are the results? (Give local figures and then plan remaining portion accordingly.) Assistant congregation servant has lists for study conductors of those who have not yet published. Will give these to study conductors, offering helpful suggestions.

SCENE I (3 min.) Assistant congregation servant talks with study conductor. Three publishers from his service center have not yet reported. Conductor examines list and says Brother Forgetful was out last week with him for two hours. “He must have failed to report.” Conductor will see him at meeting and make sure he reports field service. Assistant points out that Sister Problems and Sister Elderly have not been out. Conductor is concerned, says he will contact Sister Mature and see what she is doing to assist Sister Problems. He will visit Sister Elderly himself.

SCENE II (3 min.) Conductor talks with Sister Mature and asks her what she is doing to give personal assistance to Sister Problems. She says she has not been able to contact her yet this month. She will go to her home immediately and see what can be done.

CHAIRMAN (1 min.) To reach 20-percent increase these publishers must be contacted and aided promptly.

SCENE III (4 min.) When approached at home by Sister Mature, Sister Problems says she wants to get out but children have been sick and there is no one to care for them. Husband is not helpful. She is commended for her sincere efforts and encouraged to keep up her faith. Sister Mature suggests that Sister Problems go out with her during the time children are in school. Youngest can be brought along with them. Definite arrangements made. Sister Mature will stop by and they will work nearby territory.

SCENE IV (4 min.) Study conductor calls on Sister Elderly and finds she has been ill. While sympathetic, he encourages her to be positive-minded regarding April ministry. Better weather now and, if she feels up to going for just an hour, he will arrange to take her on some of her back-calls or from door to door. In addition, he suggests she might call others on telephone or write letters if she is not feeling well enough to get out. Sister Elderly glad for help.

CHAIRMAN (3 min.) United effort to help one another lovingly will result in fine April report. Where some do not appreciate importance of sharing in service, pointed Scriptural encouragement may be given.—Matt. 10:32; Jas. 1:22-24; Rom. 10:10.

8 min: Concluding comments. (Include “1964 Unassigned Territory Campaign.”)


5 mtn: Introduction, text and comments.

13 min: Report from two or three study conductors from meeting with congregation servant, relating what they will do the rest of April to aid all in service center to have full share in service.

15 min: Question-and-answer discussion of “How Pioneers Can Share in Reaching the 20-Percent Goal.”

15 min: Reaching Everyone Possible with the Good News.

Stress urgency to reach everyone possible with the good news, then to help sheeplike ones speak the truth with God’s people. Concentrate on “Yearbook” experiences to illustrate points. A Witness alertly uses tracts to reach others. (110 111) Moving where need is great fine way to reach more. (121 V3) To reach others, a Witness finds a way to difficult-to-reach territory. (192 V3) Making certain no one is overlooked brings rewards, new ones aided to share in service. (253 112) Using letters sometimes necessary, but give personal assistance when possible, help subscribers share good news. (94 112) Reach everyone possible; then aid new ones to speak the truth. 12 min: Concluding- comments. (Overseer to tell how congregation is doing toward 20-percent goal, relate plans for weekend, encourage all to have a full share in last weekend of month, make brief remark on slogan on bottom of page 4, based on Ephesians 4:25.)


(If your congregation has a fifth service meeting in April, use this program.)

Theme: Trained by Discipline for Yielding Fi'uit.

5 min: Introduction, text and comments.

10 min: Talk on monthly theme. (See “Watchtower” of May 15, 1963, pp. 296-307, Nov. 1, 1963, pp. 662, 663, also May 1, 1964.)

17 min: Question-and-answer coverage of December “Kingdom Ministry” pioneer insert, “Look at the Good Pioneer Report! Can We Help Better It?” 20 min: “BABYLON THE GREAT HAS FALLEN!” FLEE FOR LIFE!

CHAIRMAN (2 min.) New sermon displayed on platform. Encourage all to learn it well.

CHAIRMAN (10 min.) Develop sermon with the congregation.

THEME; “BABYLON THE GREAT HAS FALLEN!” FLEE FOR LIFE! Rev, 18:2        —Babylon has fallen.

Rev. 18:4           —Get out of her.

Rev. 21:4—Blessings for those who flee.

Suggested sermon: ‘Good morning. We are making brief calls on Godfearing people who are interested in Bible prophecy. Many know that the Bible contains prophecies or predictions concerning events that are going to affect all of us. Thus wre are interested in them, aren’t we? [Allow for comment.] One of the outstanding-prophecies of the Bible has to do with an empire called “Babylon.” You may remember reading in the Bible about the tower of Babel. (Show the picture on page 28 of the “Babylon” book.) This was a building project and scheme that was not approved by God, because it was to promote worship in opposition to the true God. For this reason it failed. God confused the language of those people and they were scattered over all the earth. Bringing the matter down to our day, the Bible in its last book, Revelation, gives a prophecy concerning another Babylon. Here in Revelation 18:2 it is called “Babylon the Great.” What is “Babylon the Great”? It is important that we know because God-fearing Christians are urged at Revelation 18:4 . . . [read]. The destruction of Babylon the Great and all those who choose to support it is sure. However, the prospects ahead of those who heed the Bible command to flee are wonderful because the Bible assures that, after the destruction of Babylon the Great, God will . . . [read Revelation 21:4].

‘You will want to learn what “Babylon the Great” is, how you can heed the Bible command to flee out of it and be assured of the blessings God has promised for those who do. To assist you in this we urge you to read this publication, “ ‘Babylon the Great Has Fallen!’ God’s Kingdom Rules!” You may have this copy for a contribution of just 75 cents.’ (Also one booklet.)

CAPABLE PUBLISHER (5 min.) Demonstrate sermon.

CHAIRMAN (3 min.) Use this sermon to create interest in the subject and a desire to read the book. The sermon is simple. Rehearse it well.

8 min: Concluding comments.


Progressively Aiding New Ones (Part 2)

  • 1 As we progressively aid new ones we will want to train them so well that, in time, they will be fine ministers, capable of teaching others. (Luke 6:40) Progressive aid calls tor an understanding of the needs of new ones, their limitations and capabilities. Week by week, month by month, we will want to impart teaching and training tenderly so that they will become firmly established in the ministry, advancing to maturity.—Phil. 3:13-16.

  • 2 To this end we want to help instill in new ones a love for Jehovah and his organization and their dependence on them. Of course, we should set a good example ourselves by regular meeting attendance and by accompanying new ones to as many meetings as possible right from the beginning. By helping new ones to appreciate the value of commenting at meetings, we will build them up, and they will experience the mutual encouragement that comes from commenting.—Rom. 1: 11, 12.

  • 3 Further, we can lovingly encourage new ones to meet for group witnessing so they can gain further strength and spiritual direction. Can we help them work out a schedule for field service on a weekly basis? Then let us do so. Also, we want to


Sunday morning program for service centers: April 12, talking points from special Watchtower to offer subscription, also expired-subscription suggestions; April 19 and 26, how to call on and tactfully help ones who have not been out in service to do so the morning called on. Service centers that have 100 percent reporting will use the 19th and 26th to discuss how new publishers can be aided to share in service or how to make back-calls where subscriptions were promised —also expired-subscription calls.

6,013 vacation pioneers for April were appointed by March 13, to compare with 3,355 last March. All who can, vacation pioneer in April. Send applications to Society right away.

^•Decoration Day, May 30, will be a special Magazine Day. Congregations should order extra magazines and arrange to work either in cemeteries or from house to house. Magazine-territory servants will organize this activity and take the lead.

Offer for May: “Babylon the Great Has Fallen!” God’s Kingdom Rules! and a booklet, for 75c. June: New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures and a booklet, regular edition for $1, or deluxe edition for $2.50. Do not forget the six foreign-language editions, either.

^>New publications available:

“Let Your Name Be Sanctified”

.          —Portuguese, Spanish

“This Good News of the Kingdom”



help them to see the value of reporting their field service weekly, establishing a good habit, useful to them and the organization.

  • 4 If we are asked by the overseer or study conductor to render loving aid to a new one, let us cherish this privilege of service, endeavoring to work together each week, if possible. Upon completing one period of instruction, we should lovingly make a definite appointment for the next. After new ones master the simplified sermon, help them to use the full sermon and then the back-call sermon, and to conduct a Bible study. Did not Paul say: “We, though, who are strong ought to bear the weaknesses of those not strong, and not to be pleasing ourselves. Let each of us please his neighbor in what is good for his upbuilding”?—Rom. 15: 1, 2.

  • 5 Finally, never should we underestimate the value of commendation. Even if the progress of new ones is slow at the beginning, we should commend them, for such commendation strengthens and fortifies. Continuously let us build up the confidence of new ones in Jehovah and in his organization by encouraging them in personal study and prayer. As new ones gain confidence in Jehovah, they will move ahead more steadily, knowing that they have the backing of the Sovereign of the universe.—Rom. 8 : 31.

1964 District Assemblies

  • 1 All of us are eagerly looking forward to attending district assemblies this year. To make it convenient for all to attend, 37 cities have been selected in the United States, and you are invited to attend any assembly you choose. Assembly dates and cities are listed on the last page of The Watchtower of March 15, 1964. Arrange your vacations so as to be at one of them Thursday through Sunday.

  • 2 In most instances, it will be practical for us to attend the assembly nearest our home. However, due to the large number of brothers in certain areas, the size of the city, as well as the size of the assembly auditorium or stadium, certain recommendations are being made so the attendance will be in keeping with the facilities. This recommendation is made for the comfort of the brothers attending. We suggest, therefore, that the brothers in the circuits listed below should plan on attending assemblies at these designated places if at all possible. Please check the following list carefully to

How Pioneers

Can Share in Reaching the 20-Percent Goal

  • 1 What a pleasure it is for a congregation to be able to report, “We made it!”—the 20-percent increase! How satisfying to know that there has been a good increase in praisers of Jehovah and that we have had a share in reaching it! How can many of you who are vacation pioneers, regular and special pioneers share? In many ways.

  • 2 By your own personal ministry, generously giving spiritual things in Kingdom service, everlasting benefits will come to you and others. During April, those of you who are special, regular and vacation pioneers will want to have a full share in the work each day, meeting or generously exceeding your quota of hours, obtaining subscriptions, placing special issues of The Watchtower and Awake! at every opportunity, starting studies and conducting them regularly. The rewards will be great and your happiness will be full, as Jesus promised.—Acts 20: 35.

  • 3 In addition to personal service, as a pioneer take the lead in applying the suggestions in the March Kingdom Ministry on preparing new ones for field service. Invite those with whom you are studying to join you in the work in April.

  • 4 As a pioneer you are in an excellent position to help those in your own service center to share fully in April’s activity. Show special interest in those who are not so regular in the service. Invite them to work right along with you often (.Continued on page Jf, col. 1)

see whether the recommendation affects you and your circuit.

Austin, Tex.: Tex. #5; La. #1;

Circuit #14.

Great Falls, Mont.: Wash. #3. Long Beach, Calif.: Calif. #1, 20. San Bernardino, Calif.: Calif. #4, 17, 25.

Santa Rosa, Calif.: Calif. #12, 13. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Ind. #3. Indianapolis, Ind.: Ky. #2; Mo.

#1; Ohio #9.

Montgomery, Ala.: Miss. #1, 2. San Jose, Calif.: Calif. #18, 22, 26. Ventura, Calif.: Calif. #8.

3 Please note changes and additions to the list in the March 15 Watchtower: Texarkana, Tex. (instead of Little Rock, Ark.), July 2-5; Owensboro, Ky., July 2-5 instead of July 9-12; Cicero, Ill., July 9-12 instead of July 2-5; Salem, Oreg, (instead of Corvallis), July 9-12; Wilkes-Barre, Pa., dates are July 16-19; and Anchorage, Alaska, July 30-August 2.

With the Special April 15 “Watchtower”

1 God’s faithful servants will want to give this special issue the widest possible distribution. To meet our quotas will require, not only time in the field, but also a good presentation. Undoubtedly, most publishers will want to highlight the main article, so the following suggested presentations will be of assistance.

2 “Good morning. My name is ------. Almost everyone is acquainted with the Lord’s prayer, or the ‘Our Father’ prayer, and regard it very highly. In meditating on it some have wondered, When it says, ‘Thy kingdom come,’ does it mean that God will someday actually set up a kingdom or government that will rule in complete righteousness? This article entitled ‘What Will “God’s Kingdom Come” Mean to You?’ gives the Bible answer. This copy of The Watchtower and its

20-Fercent Incraoss

strations and help these new ones.

4 While we want to encourage those with whom we study to share the truth with others, we want them to be sufficiently advanced so that they know what they are doing. Only those who have a basic knowledge of the truth, those who are on their way to dedication, should be invited to share in the ministry. To be counted as a publisher they must actually share in giving the witness, giving a magazine presentation or the simplified sermon.

5 May we help many new persons in addition to the 313,000 happy united ones speaking the truth ! Congregations that reach the 20-percent increase (vacation pioneers may be counted) should put at the bottom of the card “We made it!”

Pioneers onri Our Goel        (Cant’d)

each week. There are undoubtedly publishers in other service centers who need encouragement to get into the service. Volunteer to call on these and make arrangements for them to work with you too. Also, there are inactive ones who once shared with us in the work whom you ma j' be able to encourage. Make your willingness to help known to your book study conductor or the congregation servant. Congregation companion Awake! are yours on a contribution of ten cents.”

  • 3 Or we might say, “On April fifth, large audiences ail over the world heard a special talk that was of keen interest to people of all religions. It was entitled ‘What Will “God’s Kingdom Come” Mean to You?’ Knowing that additional thousands of people would want this information, it was put in printed form so calls could be made at each home. This is the article [point to title] published in the current issue of The Watchtower. It is yours, with its companion Awake!, on a contribution of ten cents.”

  • 4 We will want to see that every person on oui- magazine routes receives a copy of this special issue. In fact, the wide distribution and unusual appeal that this magazine has will furnish an excellent opportunity to expand our present routes. Many new names will surely be added to our lists.


Av.     Av.    Av. Av.

Pubs. Hrs.    B-C Bi. St. Mags.

Sp’l Pios.     742 144.5 54.9  8.0

Pios.        8,250  92.0 32.6  5.3

Vac. Pios.   1,967   80.8 23.7  2.7

Pubs. 280,608    9.9  3.5   .6

TOTAL 291,567

Public Meetings Held: 27,102


308,057 Publishers


A splendid increase in new subscriptions—that is the high point of our February report. The grand total of 132,955 new subscriptions were obtained during the month. Last February 115,630 were reported. What a fine increase! Keep up the fine work of locating interested people, making return visits with a view to starting Bible studies, and building a solid foundation for the 20-percent increase in April.

servants and book study conductors will wisely use pioneers to lead in midweek service and encourage others.

  • 5 All of you who are pioneers are encouraged to keep an eye not just upon your own matters in April, but to show a fine personal interest in others and thus make a telling contribution to April’s increase. May Jehovah’s blessing be with us all as we work unitedly for a 20-percent increase, to his praise.


Two hundred and sixteen publishers in Liberia average 15.9 hours each in December as work opens up there again.

# Northern Rhodesia, which already has best ratio of publishers to population of any large country, reports a new peak of 31,094 publishers. That means one Witness for every 112 persons in the country. ^The invitation to share in pioneer service has been accepted by many in Mauritius, where 25 percent of the total publishers were in the full-time service in December.

• Italy reports five new peaks: 8,013 publishers (a 12.4-percent increase); 101,223 hours; 2,356 new subscriptions; 45,254 back-calls and 6,146 Bible studies. ^Some Witnesses came long distances by boat and canoe to attend district assembly in Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil, with 1,010 attending.

^ Argentina reached a fine new peak of 10,028 publishers in December, an 8-percent increase. This is the first time they have surpassed the 10,000 mark.

1964 Unassigned Territory Campaign

  • 1 When the first unassigned territory campaign began, nearly 1,500 counties were either partly or wholly unassigned. Now, because of the very fine work that has been done each year since that time, there are only about 750 counties remaining. This means there has been a 50-percent reduction in the number of unassigned counties since the first campaign only twelve years ago! The Society certainly appreciates the hard work of publishers and pioneers that has made this possible.

  • 2 This summer unassigned territory will be worked during July, August and September. Under separate cover congregations are being sent a booklet listing all counties available for assignment, together with an application. Congregation committees should carefully consider this booklet to determine which county or counties their congregation can work, and submit their application by May 1. Regular pioneers, pioneer groups and vacation pioneers are invited to share with their congregation. If the congregation will not be sharing, pioneers may apply for an assignment.

  • 3 Last year 86 percent of our unassigned territory was worked. The prospects are bright for even more unassigned territory to be worked this summer. Send in your application by May 1.

“Now that you have put away falsehood, speak truth.”

Published monthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., 117 Adams St., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201 Second-class postage paid at Brooklyn, N.Y. Printed in U.S.A.