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Unless stated otherwise, content is © Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania

FOR UNITED STATES OF AMERICA OCTOBER, 1964 “Filled with the holy spirit and ... speaking the word of God with boldness.”—Acts 4:31. VOL. VII NO. 10

^Deaii ^ab&slie/is:

Our report for the service year of 1964, just completed, shows that we helped many people to flee from Babylon the Great. Just think, this past year, in our U.S. Branch territory alone, 19,781 were baptized! All this ingathering boosted our average number of regular publishers to 292,318, which is 4.4 percent over last year, and the peak in publishers reached 315,568. That’s a fine report, isn’t it?

Can you imagine how much talking these brothers and sisters of ours did during the past twelve months? 47,452,222 hours were spent in explaining the good news to others. If you had to do that all by yourself, with no time out for eating and sleeping, it would take you over 5,416 years. How grand it is that we have all been able to work together to accomplish it!

Now we are anxious to know how all of Jehovah’s people earth-wide did in their ministry this past year, but for that full report we will have to wait for the 1965 Yearbook.

Getting back to our territory, we must mention the excellent activity of our pioneers. They did about one-third of the preaching work as far as hours are concerned, and they did it, with only one twenty-secondth of ail the publishers! Can you imagine it?

We all have good reason to rejoice with you pioneers. We appreciate all the help that you have given to the congregations, and we hope that more of our brothers and sisters can join your ranks during the new service year.

We still have plenty of pioneer territory in this country. If you are not yet a pioneer, think about it and the blessings it can mean to you. It may lead you into Bethel service, circuit or district work; perhaps to an assignment in a foreign field. When one makes the step forward, things open up. One does not know where Jehovah will direct when one says, “Here I am! Send me.”

October, as you know, is Awake!

Are You Entering into the Joy of Your Master?

  • 1 Many of us will recognize the above words from Jesus’ illustration of the talents. (Matt. 25:23) There are many things we can learn from this illustration, and among them is this point: Joyful rewards are held out to all alert and faithful servants of Jehovah. How reassuring this is in these momentous times!

  • 2 But perhaps you are wondering at this point: How do we get such a joyful outlook, one that gives us the courage to press on regardless of the circumstances in which we subscription month. We have taken a peek at the second page of the October 8 Awake! and observe that 4,100,000 copies are being printed, and The Watchtower has reached a circulation of 4,400,000. Bight now we have addresses for 506,148 individual Awake! subscribers right here in the Brooklyn office. In addition to that, we send out 1,857,151 distributors’ copies of each issue from here in 14 languages. The other branches handle the remainder.

Of course, with Awake! being featured during October, particularly the special issue on “The Moral Breakdown—What Can Be Done About It?”, we expect that thousands more subscribers will be added to the list. And, no doubt, there will be a large number of new Watchtower subscribers too, because many of you publishers have found that it is often just as easy to obtain the two subscriptions as it is to obtain one. If you need more copies of the special Watchtower and Awake! for October, we are ready to supply you, because we have one of the two new presses running now.

We close with warm love for all of you fine publishers of Jehovah’s kingdom. Together let’s be diligent in declaring the everlasting good news.

Your brothers at

The Brooklyn Branch Office find ourselves? Is it not by sharing wholeheartedly in the service, by preparing well for each privilege of service we have and by prayerfully asking Jehovah to bless our efforts with success? Yes, by daily studying God’s Word, associating with his people and serving him in the field we can cultivate the right mental attitude so necessary for joyful service. Do you feel this joy as you participate in the different features of the ministry? Or are there times when you feel rather reluctant to share in service? In any event, we believe you will be encouraged by the following points, designed to help us increase our joy in Kingdom service.

  • 3 For example, consider the position of the apostles, as outlined in Acts, chapter 5. Bead the entire fifth chapter of Acts at your convenience and you will appreciate even more keenly this one point, that even though the apostles were beaten and persecuted for courageously preaching the good news in very difficult territory their joy sustained them and carried them through. They knew they were doing the divine will. They had the inner conviction that they were serving Jehovah, and this gave them great joy and happiness.—Acts 5: 41.

  • 4 But perhaps you feel that your territory is quite difficult and there are few if any “sheep” there. Even though your territory may seem difficult, do not let this diminish your joy. In a territory that we today would consider most difficult, Isaiah had confidence and joy because of Jehovah’s comforting words. Please read them at Isaiah 65:13 and you will observe the faithful promises of Jehovah. Truly, brothers, it is our attitude, our outlook toward the ministry, that determines our joy to a large extent.

  • 5 Jehovah provides joy in so many (Continued on page !p, col. 1)

    Be diligent in declaring the everlasting good news         *

SECOND MEETING IN OCTOBER 15 min: Song 56. Introduction, text and comments. As overseer concludes discussion of text the other two members of committee approach platform and happily inquire of overseer, “Did you see the excellent points in this month’s letter from The Brooklyn Branch Office?” Together they discuss letter and make local comparisons on percentage of increase, work of pioneers, etc. Highlight offer for month. 20 min: Based on letter from Society to all congregations, dated August 19, 1964, concerning blood transfusions.

(2 min.) Urge all to give serious consideration to the matter now, know what to say and do before difficult situations arise.

SCENE I (5 min.) Family, during home study session, having in mind Society’s letter read to congregation, reviews points on blood-transfusion issue. (See “Blood” booklet, pp. 3-8, 14, 15, 55, 56, for points to cover.)

SCENE II (4 min.) Parents visit their family doctor. (See paragraphs 3-5 of letter.) Explain reason for visit: appreciate his services, want to mak,e clear our position regarding blood transfusions before any emergency arises (do so briefly), leave “Blood” booklet and September 8,   1964,

“Awake!” Tell him you would like to have his reaction after he has read them. (See “Blood” booklet, p. 16 1(2, 3; p. 39 1J2; pp. 47-54.)

SCENE III (4 min.) Return visit to doctor after a few weeks to get his reaction. Emphasize that our refusal of blood applies even in extreme emergencies; that we do not expect him to do the impossible, but only respect our sincere religious convictions and give what help he can. Check on his attitude toward court-ordered transfusions.

CHAIRMAN (5 min.) Emphasize points in paragraphs 5-10 of Society’s letter. Encourage all to read article “Do Hospital Patients Have Rights?” 15 min: “Are You Entering into the Joy of Your Master?” Discussion of article, with audience participation. Have everyone look up Matthew 25:23 and invite comments from audience. On paragraphs 2-5 suggest that publishers list as many factors as they can find that affect our joy in service. On paragraph 6 encourage practical comments from servants, study conductors and family heads as to how help can be given to reach goals.

10 min: Concluding comments. Include accounts report. Song 38.

THIRD MEETING IN OCTOBER 10 min: Song 33. Introduction, text and comments, with Theocratic News. 12 min: Presenting the Good News. Discuss and demonstrate points. Invite comments from the audience.

10 min: Talk on article “Listen and Learn” in the August 22, 1964, “Awake!” Capable brother handling this talk should show local application of points as to attending meetings, children listening to parental instruction, servants listening to overseer’s counsel, paying attention to circuit servant’s exhortation, etc.

18 min: Increase Magazine Placements Through Magazine Route.

CHAIRMAN (2 min.) Magazines reach many with message of life. To give regular assistance to interested ones, develop a magazine route.

(4 min.) Sister approaches magazineterritory servant. She is in a quandary as to the number of magazines to take, wishes she could figure out more closely her magazine placements. One Magazine Day she places twenty and maybe the next time four. In answer to his question she states she spends about the same amount of time each Magazine Day. Servant asks if she has started magazine route. Receiving a negative reply, he explains to her how easy it is. All that is required is keeping record of householder’s name, address, date of visit, issues placed and notation as to type of householder so two weeks later an article can be selected and featured that will appeal to the householder. Explains advantages of route. On her expressing some doubt, servant suggests they work together on Magazine Day. Arrangements are made.

(5 min.) Servant works with her. Makes three placements. First, "with a housewife; second, with an elderly man; and third, with a middle-aged man. After each placement servant fills out House-to-House Record. (Blackboard, etc., can be used for all to see exactly how record is kept.) When work concluded he points out that, of homes called on, these three placements are basis for magazine route. In two weeks he will return with new issues.

(5 min.) Two weeks later they call, highlighting an article that would be of interest to each one called on. Young housewife says, ‘Not this time —maybe next time.’ Her name is maintained; will call again. Elderly man not interested. Took magazines to contribute to a good work. His name is crossed off list. Middle-aged man takes magazines again. On concluding route deliveries, they work additional homes. Where magazines are placed, new names are noted.

(2 min.) Chairman encourages all to start a route next time magazine work is done.

10 min: Concluding comments, including discussion of Question Box. (Read it.) Song 76.


5 min: Song 19. Introduction, text and comments.

15 min: “Is Your Speech Upbuilding?” Questions, answers and demonstration using current sermon.

10 min: Talk covering article “Vigilance Required to Maintain Respect for the Sanctity of Blood” in July 22 “Awake!” Emphasize points in italics. 20 min: “Have You Been Doing It Well?” Question-and-answer consideration of material handled by mature brother. On paragraph 2 questions can be directed to the assistant congregation servant, Bible study servant and magazine-territory servant to see how local application of points will build up the effectiveness of the congregation. Stress appropriate points from Studies 59 and 60 of “Qualified to Be Ministers,” as time permits.

10 min: Concluding comments. Two study conductors are called to platform where they discuss with overseer various things we can do to obtain subscriptions. Discuss how congregation is doing thus far with subscriptions and magazines. Song 54.


(Allow some time to handle local field experiences or a review of counsel from recent circuit assembly. Ten minutes should be allotted to the report from the assistant Congregation servant relative to his meeting with the overseer during October. Each congregation is different; use your own initiative in arranging for useful and practical points to build up the maturity and zeal of the congregation.)


5 min: Song 16. Introduction, discussion of text by a study conductor, demonstrating to a father and family how valuable it is to conduct this discussion each day, whether morning or evening. Father appreciates fine points called to his attention.

10 min: Talk on theme of month, “Helping Captives to Get Out of Babylon the Great.” See “Watchtower” of November 1, 1964, page 663. Tie in remarks with circumstances and service arrangements locally.

15 min: “Enemy Efforts at Opposition

on 1964

111, p. 180

111, P- 222

Thwarted.” (Talk based “Yearbook,” p. 163 K3, p. 165 n, P. 240 m, pp. 178 114-179 112, p. 237 H4, p. 286 H2.) 20 min: Babylon Sermon.

CHAIRMAN (2 min.) Display sermon. Purpose of our ministry is to help persons flee from Babylon. Success reported where sermon is used.

CHAIRMAN (10 min.) Develop sermon with congregation.

Theme: Flee from Babylon the Great Gen. 11:9—Babel center of false worship

Rev. 18:2—Babylon, place of unclean things

Rev. 18:4—Get out of Babylon the Great

Rev. 21:4—Blessings for those who flee

Suggested sermon: ‘Good morning, I am calling on all those who recognize the seriousness of the world situation. ■Jou are no doubt aware of this. [Allow for comment.] Although there are many sincere religious persons in the world, many people agree that one of the factors causing today’s problems has been religion. The Bible reveals the start of false religion and God’s disapproval of it, in Genesis chapter 11. It shows that the people became interested in themselves and worshiped men, rather than God, building a city called Babel and a huge tower to advance false worship. God did not approve of this scheme and Genesis 11:9 tells us what he did. [Read.] Although the people were scattered, they continued to practice false worship. Over the years this developed into a world empire of false religion. Today it is seen practicing unclean things, just as Babel of old, and it is called Babylon the Great at Revelation 18:2. [Read.] It is important for you to acquaint yourself with this matter in order to gain God’s approval. Revelation 18:4 tells you what to do. [Read.] In addition to telling you to get out of Babylon the Great for salvation, the Bible shows you how to do so, and this book “ ‘Babylon the Great Has Fallen!’ God’s Kingdom Rules!” will help you. Notice what it states on page 9, paragraph 1. [Read.] The Bible assures those that have come out of Babylon the Great of many blessings. [Paraphrase Revelation 21: 4.] This is your copy for only 75c, together with this booklet.’

CAPABLE PUBLISHER (5 min.) Demonstrates sermon.

CHAIRMAN (3 min.) Practice with one’ another. Stress theme. Younger and newer publishers should be aided to use the simplified sermon in “Kingdom Ministry” for May 1964.

10 min: Concluding comments. Song 79.

Have You Been

  • 1 Serving Jehovah brings us the greatest of joy and happiness in this life, doesn’t it? And, since we appreciate our relationship to Jehovah our heavenly Father, it is his work that we want to do well, yes, to the very best of our ability. Our desire as Kingdom publishers is to improve our ministry all that we possibly can so that we will be happy and productive in Jehovah’s service. Furthermore, Jehovah has given some of us additional responsibilities as overseers, assistant ministerial servants and study conductors, and, naturally, those of us entrusted with such responsibilities want to do our work well in order that the whole organization may prosper. Really, a great deal depends upon fine servant leadership together with a good working knowledge of one’s responsibilities as a servant. For this reason we are happy to provide some thoughts for improving servant leadership in all the congregations.

  • 2 It is good for the overseer to work closely with his assistants throughout the year and periodically to spend a month with them to strengthen the organization for further fine works. You have done this in the past, and we suggest you do it again, starting in October. During this month the assistant congregation servant’s responsibilities could come in for some attention, and we recommend that the overseer stress the matter of regularity in Kingdom service and improving sermons. The next month the Bible study servant could be visited, and back-call and Bible study activity could be featured. In December the magazineterritory servant could very likely be given some fine pointers relative


♦ All congregations should make arrangements for a special Magazine Day on November 26, which is worldly Thanksgiving Day. Additional magazines needed should be ordered by October 15.

♦ During the next four weeks service centers should follow this schedule on Sunday morning: October 11, simplified sermon for Awake! offer. October 18, review of regular Awake! sermon. October 25, overcoming local objections raised when Awake! subscription is offered. November 1, placing magazines when main offer is not taken.

♦ Please endeavor to order now literature you will need for the November and December campaigns. This will allow us to give you better service later for Yearbook and calendar orders. However, do not order the Yearbook and calendar until a notice appears in Kingdom Ministry.

♦ Literature offer: November, ^Babylon the Great Has Fallen!” God’s Kingdom Rules!, and booklet, for 75c. December, New World Translation of

Doing It Well?

to encouraging regular support of Magazine Day, developing magazine routes and proper coverage of territory.

  • 3 If you are an overseer, you might now be asking, How much time does the Society recommend spending with these servants during the month? It would be good to spend as much time as possible. An evening could be set aside early in the month to provide encouragement and counsel for improving the work. At that time problems can be entertained and definite plans made for expansion and improving effectiveness. Confer together frequently during the month and work together in the field ministry. We sincerely believe that all assistant servants and conductors will greatly appreciate the help, counsel and skillful direction given by all you overseers.

  • 4 And, would it not be a splendid idea for all overseers to examine their own activities and knowledge of congregation organization from time to time? Yes, this would be a fitting arrangement, and so we recommend that each overseer review the following articles for building up the maturity and effectiveness of the congregation: June, July and August 1964 issues of Kingdom Ministry on “The Assistance Arrangement” ; February, July and August 1963 issues of Kingdom Ministry on “Strengthening the Service Centers” as well as The Watchtower of May 1, 1962, and July 15, 1963. Surely, with this arrangement in operation, each one of us will be able to do Jehovah’s work well, resulting in increased joy and happiness to us and greater praise to our heavenly Father.

the Holy Scriptures and “All Scripture Is Inspired of God and Beneficial” with two booklets, for $2.

♦ Congregations that are considering purchasing Kingdom Hall property may write for a copy of “Information Regarding Ownership of Kingdom Halls.” Address the Society, Office of the Secretary and Treasurer, 124 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, New York 11201.

♦ Hungarian “Watchtower.” Because of translation problems there was a delay in publication of the Hungarian Watchtower. However, these problems are now being solved and magazine issues are appearing once more. It will be in order to continue taking subscriptions.

♦ Any who can vacation pioneer in December are urged to do so. Why not send your application in now, either for two weeks or a full month, and be among those who will share in this enriching experience?

♦ Out of stock in U.S.A.:

“Make Sure of All Things”

—English, Spanish

Is Your Speech Upbuilding?

  • 1 Why is it that we are attracted to some persons more than to others? Often it is because their thoughts and conversation are upbuilding and thus they are cheerful, encouraging individuals. How, then, can we use this knowledge to good advantage in our ministry? One way is by being certain that our sermons have this quality of being upbuilding. A sermon that is upbuilding and that stresses the positive aspects of the truth will do more to attract other persons than a sermon that is negative.

  • 2 True, it is necessary to expose false religious doctrines and point out the bad deeds of the world. Also, Jehovah’s judgments must be pronounced and we must warn of Armageddon’s destruction. But it is not necessary to dwell on these things to such an extent that they overshadow the blessings of God’s new order, which lovers of righteousness long to hear about.

8 So why not always seek to be truly upbuilding in our sermons? Keep in mind the commission found at Isaiah 61. Here, among other things, we are told to “bind up the brokenhearted” and to “comfort all the mourning ones.” This is done by joyfully talking about the many good things God has promised for those who love him. Talk about the happiness that one can have now in knowing and doing the divine will and also the everlasting joys to be experienced after Armageddon. These are the things to highlight.

  • 4 In order to accomplish this, what we need is good balance. For example, when telling of Armageddon and its destructive results, we can skillfully weave in an explanation of how the Kingdom will bring about a. new order of things. In our new sermon for October we will talk about the critical times in which we live. In doing so the badness can be mentioned briefly, but the emphasis can be placed on how this is a sign of the last days and fulfills prophecy. Fulfilled prophecy, in turn, shows that God’s kingdom is at hand. Thus, the news we bring is good news.

  • 5 Not only should the material in our sermons be upbuilding, but our delivery should be encouraging and positive. At Acts 4:31 we are told that the early Christians “were speaking the word of God with boldness.” They had the truth and they knew it, so they spoke with conviction. We should too.

  • 6 Keeping these thoughts in mind at all times will give us assurance that our speech will be upbuilding, not only in the field ministry, but in all of our conversation.—Col. 4: 6.

    With the “Awake!” Subscription

  • 1 We are always happy at the end of a day’s ministry when we have been able to talk to someone about the Kingdom hope or place literature for that one to read later. Our ability to overcome objections successfully will help us to enjoy this pleasure more often.

  • 2 When you offer the Awake! subscription and someone says, “I HAVE TOO MANY MAGAZINES,” do you feel that the conversation is ended? It need not be.

  • 3 One publisher replied: “Do you have opportunity to read the magazines you are getting? Is there any particular article you read recently that you enjoyed very much?” After the householder’s reply the publisher continued: “Have you ever read an article that tells what will finally stop war and bring peace? This is one of the reasons people enjoy reading Awake! It not only reports on the difficulties in the world, but it shows the remedy—the remedy the Bible gives. Now, this would be of real value, wouldn’t it? This issue shows how you and your family can protect yourselves from the moral breakdown surrounding us. You will enjoy reading each issue of Awake! It is only a dollar for a year.”

  • 4 Another publisher, after asking the householder what sort of read

Th* Joy of Your Master (Cont’d) ways, and this spurs us on in service. .lust as an automobile cannot run without fuel, so we would find it difficult to endure without joy and hope. Why, even our placing of a magazine, book or booklet lights up our faces with joy, for we know that the one who receives this good information will be blessed if he will read and apply it. And how our joy increases as we study with interested persons and aid them to get an accurate knowledge of the truth! Finally, oui’ joy is overflowing when we accompany interested persons to the Kingdom Hall, where they can associate with Jehovah’s men of goodwill.

6 Now we keenly anticipate the blessings of the Awake! campaign. Our joy will undoubtedly increase as we arrange to have a full share in this campaign and diligently try ing he enjoys, said: “Many families have found that they can cut down on the number of magazines they have coming into then- homes by getting Awake! You see, it is a family magazine.” Then he showed the titles of articles that would interest the householder, her husband and her children. She saw the point and accepted the subscription.

5 If the householder declines to take the Awake! subscription because, as he says, “I HAVE NO MONEY,” see if it is a case of having no money right now. It may be that you can come back later and get the contribution. If this is agreeable, fill out the subscription slip right then and let the householder initial it. It will help the householder to keep his promise to contribute for the subscription later. Send the subscription to the Society after you receive the contribution.

6 If the interested person is not able to make a money contribution for the subscription, be alert to trade for something of comparable value. In the fall of the year many have produce or other items they will be glad to trade if you make known that you are willing to trade. As you offer subscriptions, have a positive approach. It will aid you to enjoy the pleasure of presenting the good news to more people in your territory.

to meet the goals of 26 magazines and 1 subscription as congregation publishers, 150 magazines and 5 subscriptions as regular pioneers and 205 magazines and 8 subscriptions as special pioneers. With a positive and enthusiastic attitude, very likely each one of us will be able to enjoy one of the best months ever during this Awake! campaign. Will you enter more fully into the joy of your Master in October?


Av     Av    Av Av

Pubs. Hrs.    B-C Bi. St. Mags.

Sp’l Pios.     728 122.9 40.1  6.2

Pios.       8,507  86.8 28.9 4.6

Vac. Pios.  5,683  81.5 15.8  1.4

Pubs. 276,643   10.4  3.1   .6

TOTAL 291,561

Public Meetings Held: 25,409

UNITED STATES GOAL FOR 1964 308,057 Publishers


i We have just heard that 305,6)9 persons attended the public meetings at our 36 assemblies in the United States this summer, and 4,327 were baptized. Canada reports 57,769 present and 671 immersed. A fine report!

W Tennessee, with its publisher-to«popu-lation ratio of 1 to 1,003 now has 119 pioneers. Many have moved there to serve where the need is great and are doing good work. More are needed.

< Two district assemblies in Puerto Rico were attended by a total of 3,322 per* sons; 60 were baptized. Branch reports peak of 63 regular pioneers, 106 vacation pioneers.

♦ Togoland reports 554 publishers in July—their third consecutive peak and a 52-percent increase over last year.

I Guadeloupe: 494 publishers in July —a 31-percent increase. At a circuit assembly in Capesterre, 787 attended first showing of new film; 497 at public meeting; 38 baptized.

> Malagasy, with 124 publishers, reports 16 baptized at district assembly and 309 present for film showing.

Three pioneer sisters working a county in Kentucky that had not been assigned since 1957 report for their first five days: 532 magazines, 31 books and 15 subscriptions.

f Talks in public parks offer a splendid opportunity for a witness. Among parks in New York City used this summer, with a limited number of congregations invited, attendance at a Central Park talk was 3,428, and Prospect Park 3,019. Many strangers attended.


How should Christians view contributing to "'charitable organizations”?

Each one must decide for himself whether to give to some “charitable organization” or not. By supporting the Christian ministry, he is, of course, already personally engaged in a charitable work of the highest kind. In deciding whether to contribute to other causes, there are certain Scriptural matters that one ought to take into consideration. For example, a dedicated Christian must at all times keep in mind his dedication to God, which includes using his time, energy and all other resources in harmony with that dedication. If there is going to be a use of the money he donates in some way that conflicts with Scriptural principles, then the dedicated Christian could not conscientiously give to such a cause. Nor could he donate to a false religious organization or to an organization controlled by a false religion, for to do so would be a violation of the command recorded at Revelation 18:4. A Christian will not be moved by fear of what others think so that he lends support to organizations and activities that are out of harmony with God.

4c Increase your joy by full participation in “Awake!” campaign X-

Published monthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., 117 Adams St., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201 Second-class postage paid at Brooklyn, N.Y. Printed in U.S.A.