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Unless stated otherwise, content is © Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania
Kingdom Ministry 1965


JUNE, 1965               “Do noj become fearful of those who kill the body.”—Matt. 10:28.          VOL. VIII NO. 6

Qeait ^PuMisk/ts:

The news we have been waiting for is really good news! The field service reports that our brothers have sent in for April make our hearts glad, just as they will yours. How many attended the Memorial in the United States this year? There were 535,731. That is 26,230 more than last year; and just 5,123 partook of the emblems, which is 230 fewer than last year. So gradually the remaining anointed ones are leaving us and receiving their heavenly reward.

About three-fifths of those who attended the Memorial also helped in proclaiming the good news of the Kingdom during April. So there are many more whom we can endeavor to help to see their privilege of sharing in the Kingdom proclamation, aren't there?

The special public meeting certainly got us off to a good start in April. The attendance was 352,780, at 5,098 meetings. That was 29,680 more than last year. Then, with the Memorial in the middle of the month, everyone seemed enthusiastic about the work. Think of it, 327,588 publishers of the good news out there in the field service. What a month April was!

We are extremely pleased with the work that the congregation publishers did, and they, in turn, were so delighted with the thousands who engaged in vacation pioneer work with them. Imagine! 25,448 congregation publishers were vacation pioneers, averaging 76 hours in the field during April. On an average, they each distributed 99 magazines, made 22.2 back-calls and conducted 2.2 Bible studies. Isn’t that an excellent report? It appears that special, regular and vacation pioneers along with the congregation publishers all stimulated one another, to make this the finest report ever compiled for one month for the United States.

Outstanding was the total number of hours spent in the field ministry. Over one million more hours were devoted to preaching than last April. Subscriptions reached an

Be Identified by Love

  • 1 In a conversation with his disciples shortly before his death. Jesus clearly showed a basic requirement for those who would be his disciples. He said: “By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves.” (John 13:35) Yes, love is the identifying mark of true Christians.

  • 2 The apostle John also wanted us to appreciate how important it is for us to have this Christian quality. It really makes us think when we read: “If anyone makes the statement: ‘I love God,’ and yet is hating his brother, he is a liar. For he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot be loving God, whom he has not seen. And this commandment we have from him, that the one who loves God should be loving his brother also.” (1 John 4:20, 21) How happy we are that Jehovah, through his organization, has always highlighted this as the most important of all the fruits of the spirit, and has always encouraged us to do our best to cultivate it !

  • 3 Cultivate it? Yes, it can be developed. Where should we start? Why, with our families and our all-time high, and magazine distribution was phenomenal. Back-calls were up and Bible studies moved right ahead. Everything in the report calls for superlatives, and our hearts are glad. What a great shout of praise to our heavenly Father Jehovah God we have all shared in! Just pause and enjoy the figures in this chart that compares the report from last April with that for this year. They spell

    out worship

    and praise.



    Cong. Pubs.



    Vac. Pios.



    Reg/ Pios,



    Sp’l Pios.



    Total Pubs.















    Bible Studies



brothers, of course. So, if these very important relationships have been lacking in some respects, why not ask ourselves, What needs improvement? and, What should I do? This is something to consider seriously.

  • 4 Should we go even farther than this? Yes, and what fine opportunities are open to us! Many sheeplike persons still remain out in our territories, and these must be found and fed. Our being motivated by love will help us to show warmth and empathy toward them. They will respond to this unselfish approach. God’s Word and our own experience have proved that there is no better way to attract fair-minded persons to the truth.

  • 5 And what means will we use to help them? Well, those provisions of Jehovah that have helped us will also help them. Think of the benefits that have come to us through our use of the New World Translation. Not one of us would want to be without this clear and reliable translation of Jehovah’s Word. And what about that excellent one-book library “A 77- Scripture Is Inspired of God and Beneficial” ?

(Continued on page J. col. 1)

The whole of the United States had a 12-percent increase over last year's average, so there are 12,020 more publishers in the field now than we have ever had before. We feel the responsibility toward these new ones. We want to encourage them to continue, to be regular in the ministry and attending the meetings, especially the Watchtower study. Then there is the convention to think about, and we want to encourage them to attend with us. We are all looking forward to the assemblies, and, Jehovah willing, we will be with you at one of them.

Brothers, we rejoice with you in your fine service, to Jehovah’s praise.

Your brothers, The Brooklyn Branch Office

Make our discipleship known by brotherly love.


Theme: Discipling Others a Work of Joy. Song 2.

10 min: Introduction, text and comments. May be handled by study conductor discussing text with those in his service center, who may remain in their seats in the audience. Include also Theocratic News and Announcements having local application.

18 min: “Be Identified by Love.” Questions and answers. Include demonstration of publisher lovingly helping anothei' prepare sermon for use during month. (See April “Kingdom Ministry,” page 2, for sermon.)

12 min: Enthusiastic talk on branch letter. Can include results attained locally and encouragement for any who can vacation pioneer in the future.

12 min: “On the Way to Life.” Here we suggest an interview with newer gublishers who have been aided by rothers' continuing to study with them after dedication. New ones can tell how much they benefited from the studies, developing greater maturity. Brother handling part can bring into discussion other points in article.

8 min: Concluding announcements. Report by accounts servant. Give local May report. Song 75.


Theme: Christians Share Whole-souled in Ministry. Song 73.

5 min: Introduction, text and comments.

15 min: “Now that School Is Out.” If possible, a young, mature brother could handle this by means of a talk and interview of school-age publishers. 15 min: Demonstration. “Making Full Use of ‘The Watchtower.’ ”

CHAIRMAN: We benefit greatly by our congregational study of main articles in “The Watchtower.” The shorter articles, not scheduled for study at congregation meetings, provide valuable instruction for us too, and we are benefited greatly by carefully reading them and using the information well. Chairman introduces setting, which could be ‘family hour’ being spent this evening discussing secondary articles from “The Watchtower.” (See 5/8/65 “Awake’”)

DEMONSTRATE: With above setting, father could ask each member of family which of the secondary articles from “The Watchtower” he enjoyed and why. Boy mentions article entitled “Why Expect God to Listen to Prayer?” and a few points that were helpful to him. (2/1/65 “Watchtower”) Mother mentions article “Weddings of Worldly Acquaintances” and how counsel is a safeguard against being accidentally pressured into acts of false worship and other points of personal interest to her. (1/15/65 “Watchtower”) Father recalls article from February 15, 1965, issue, “Does Jehovah Require Too Much?” and points that helped him to gain a more balanced and optimistic view of his responsibilities as a servant as well as a father and publisher. (If other articles appeal, these can be used.) Father then asks for suggestions on how family can use the good points learned from these articles or others. Son is enthusiastic in recalling that he used the article on “Corinth” as basis for a report he gave in his history class. He called his report “Corinth, the Ornament of Greece,” and he mentions a few of the interesting points. The teacher was delighted with the factual presentation and asked where he got his information. He was able to tell the whole class that it came from the May 1, 1965, issue of “The Watchtower.” Mother tells how she used the article on prayer and actually studied it with a woman met in back-call work who felt she was losing her faith in God and asked for help to restore it. Father tells points he used from article entitled “Does Jehovah Require Too Much?” to encourage new study conductor. If local conditions suggest that points from other secondary articles be used to good advantage, the overseer can make adjustments.

CHAIRMAN: Encourages all to read secondary articles regularly, and use information in daily life, field service, at school, etc. Such articles can be basis for fine spiritual discussions when brothers get together. Use material well.

15 min: Talk. “How Many Days Do You Plan to Attend?” based on June 1 “Watchtow’er” article. Also include points from article “Bring Glory to God.”

10 min: Concluding comments. Song 62.


Theme: Sharing Sayings of Eternal Life. Song 46.

10 min: Introduction, text and comments. Study conductor could handle this as if talking with youngsters at service center, encouraging them to comment on Sunday morning. In response to their “After one comment what can we say?” he shows them how to look up points on text from sources such as cross-references in Bible, concordance, “Watchtower.”

8 min: Question Box. Mature brother might answer question for a sister.

18 min: Question and answer. “Circuit and District Servants’ Responsibility Toward Pioneers.” January “Kingdom Ministry” insert. Questions can be slanted to show how publishers can apply information in ministry all the time to help themselves and others.

18 min: Demonstration. “More Teachers Wanted.”

CHAIRMAN (3 min.) Vast work to be done aiding interested persons to life. Most territories have a considerable number of interested persons with whom studies could be started if given careful attention. Give local figures on number sharing in back-call and study work. More teachers needed now and for training for postArmageddon educational work. Loving assistance can be given by more experienced ones. Qualified youngsters can be taught to make back-calls and conduct studies. Study conductors can encourage arrangements for back-calls.

SCENE I (4 min.) Experienced publisher, assisting inexperienced one who does not conduct a study, discusses need for back-calls to aid interested persons to gain knowledge needed to conform to Jehovah’s requirements. Publisher feels inadequate, not knowing what to do, nor does he have any calls to make.

CHAIRMAN (1 min.) It may be that quite a few feel the same way, know we have responsibility to feed sheeplike ones, but need a little help to get started. (Publishers continue discussion.)

SCENE II (4 min.) Publisher tells inexperienced one possibilities for back-calls. Keep House-to-House Record. Calls can oe made where literature placed, on magazine placements, where a tract left, or even where we just had a good discussion. Stresses that back-calls are not difficult. They review the simple back-call sermon from May “Kingdom Ministry” (page 2). If questions come up, “Sermon Outlines” gives a ready answer. Try to turn call into study if possible. They plan to work together.

CHAIRMAN (1 min.) Good opportunity during summer vacations foi’ parents to help their children mature in ministry, concentrating on back-calls and studies. Many young publishers can be trained to conduct studies with parental help.

SCENE III (3 min.) Father with son, 12 to 15 years old, on Bible study. Tells student this is part of his ministerial training. (Pantomime study with son participating.) After leaving study, father commends son for progress he is making and suggests that this summer they will have to see if they can find someone son can study with himself. Will be working together.

CHAIRMAN (2 min.) Young publishers make up large part of congregation. By family training and loving aid by experienced publishers they can be assisted to share in follow-up work. (See 1964 “Yearbook,” p. 200, 14.) Will be working this summer to see if more publishers, young and old, can become teachers of the Word.

6 min: Concluding comments. Cover slogan at bottom of page 4. (1 Tim. 6:19) Overseer could discuss weekend schedule with publisher. Song 5.


Theme: Faithful and Loyal to God’s Organization. Song 91.

5 min: Introduction, text and comments.

13 min: Presenting the Good News. Talk and demonstration.

10 min: Talk on July’s theme. See “Watchtower,” August 1, 1964, and July 1, 1965.

20 min: Presenting the “Babylon” book. Mature brother could discuss with audience variations in the “Babylon” sermon, using same scriptures we have in the past: Gen. 11:9; Rev. 18:2, 4; 21:4. A capable publisher can demonstrate sermon.

Suggested sermon: After introducing yourself you might say, “Most of us would like to know what the future holds. This is something that God knows, and his Word the Bible tells us about it. But we find many people who do not understand parts of the Bible. Yet they believe it is God’s inspired Word. Perhaps you too have wondered about the explanation for certain Bible passages, as, for example, the one at Revelation 18:4, which says that persons should get out of Babylon the Great. Verse 2 explains that it is a place of unclean things. Perhaps you have wondered what this Babylon the Great is and why God commands that his people should get out of it. This book ‘ “Babylon the Great Has Fallen!” God’s Kingdom Rules!’ explains what it is and why it is necessary to get out of it. Note here on page 649 the conditions that will prevail when Babylon the Great is destroyed.” You can also point out to them that Revelation is explained to them in detail in concluding part of book.

12 min: Concluding comments, with local experiences on placing Bibles and “All Scripture Is Inspired of God and Beneficial” during June. Song 9.

On the Way to Life

  • 1 How many of us have heen privileged to help another to get started on the way to life? It is one of the principal goals of our ministry.

  • 2 To start one on the way to life, we all appreciate, there is the need to help newly interested ones to come to know Jehovah’s will through Bible study. (John 17:3) Thereafter, as their understanding and appreciation grow, they will want to share in telling others the good news. (Matt. 7:21) In time, they will see the privilege of symbolizing their dedication by water immersion, and thereafter faithfully fulfilling the dedication, which will result in life.—Matt. 28:19, 20.

  • 3 All of us who have helped another to start ministerial activities in April, or any other month, might well ask ourselves, What more can I do to aid this new one on the way to life? It is a good thing for us to think about, for we did not start new ones in service only to have a new publisher to show on the congregation chart. Rather, it was to assist them to join in doing Jehovah’s will. And, now that they have started, let us help them to become mature Christians and to have a share each month in ministerial activities, knowing that it is a vital part of aiding one to stay on the way to life.

  • 4 Undoubtedly many who are now being assisted on the way to life are giving thought to symbolizing

Bring Glory to God

Blow? By maintaining your conduct fine among the nations. (1 Pet. 2:12) Jehovah’s witnesses have built up a splendid reputation by exemplary conduct while assembled in large groups.

  • 2 At the “Word of Truth” assemblies this summer we will have further opportunity to give evidence of this fine conduct, which may attract many more interested persons, starting them on the road to life. Further glory to God results from our sticking together as families, whether engaging in volunteer service, moving about in crowds, or listening quietly at sessions. How pleasing it is to see, and what a fine example is set when parents and children stay together!

  • 3 While rooming at the homes of other’ people, at motels or hotels, our good behavior will be a witness in itself. Then, as we witness to others, our actions will be consistent with our words. By all means invite the householders with whom you stay to the assembly so that they may learn with you and observe the fruitage of God’s spirit as it operates on his people.

their dedication by water baptism at one of the approaching district assemblies. Realizing the seriousness and blessedness of this step, we who are studying with them will want to make sure they understand dedication. We can do this by studying with them such basic material as that found in the booklet Living in Hope of a Righteous New World, or the June 1, 1963, Watchtower.

  • 5 And what will we want to do following their baptism? If study of basic doctrines has not been completed. or if further aid is needed to strengthen them, we will want to continue studying with them. ‘I know it is important.’ some have been heard to say, ‘but I have time for only one stud)/. If I continue the study after baptism my field service time will drop and I will have no Bible study to report.’ Brothers, our first concern is not what is shown on the Publisher’s Record card! Rather, our first concern is to render necessary assistance to help others on the way to life. Thus, by all means, let us continue to study with the new ones until they are able to stand on their own. If arrangements can be made to take them along on another Bible study so they can learn with the other student, well and good. If not, then even though continued study with them may result in a lower field service report for us, let us make the wise choice of continuing to help the newly baptized one on the way to life.


♦ Literature offer: July through September. '‘Babylon the Great Has Fallen!” God’s Kingdom Rules! and 32-page booklet for 75c. Older books still in stock may also be used.

♦ We suggest using at least a half hour on the service meeting to discuss experiences and counsel received at the district assembly, doing so the week after most of those in your congregation attend. You may review the things learned at the assembly, including encouraging experiences that were related. Highlight matters that need particular attention locally. The overseer should carefully plan this in advance, making whatever adjustments are necessary in the service meeting schedule in order to put on this special program part.

♦ Suggested service center schedule: June 6, review complete Bible sermon. June 13, consider simplified sermon (John 17:3). June 20, arrange so all in group can have some share in making back-calls. June 27, discuss dropping down to two magazines if complete offer not taken. July 4, review Babylon sermon.

♦ Please send room requests to assembly city six to eight weeks before the assembly begins. You may order lapel badge cards and wear them on the way to your assembly.

♦ We still have on hand some of the beautiful 1965 calendars. Can you use them? If so, you may have them for

Now that School Is Out
  • 1 Now that school is out we know that you younger publishers are looking forward to a refreshing change of pace, and this is only right. We realize, too, that you want to use this time wisely and, therefore, we suggest that you have a good talk with your parents so you can work out a summer timetable of events, both theocratic and recreational. If wholesome periods of relaxation and recreation are planned for the whole family, then the entire summer will be a marvelous period marked by growth and development of both body and mind. How rewarding this can be!

  • 2 Of course, many of you will undoubtedly be able to increase your share in Kingdom service, for summertime is an ideal time for this wonderful activity. It may well be that others in your age group in your own or nearby congregations will join with you in this rewarding work and share enriching experiences with you in Jehovah’s service. Can you encourage them to do so? Why not talk this over with your parents and your overseer. You will find that being busy in Jehovah’s service is the greatest safeguard against the ensnaring devices of this crooked generation.—Acts 2:40.

  • 3 And what worthwhile careers are ahead of all you young ministers who have a wholesome outlook toward the future! Pioneer service. Bethel service, circuit or district work in time, and possibly even foreign missionary activity—all are available. Do you have your heart set on one of these privileges? Perhaps some of you are graduating from school now and you are wondering what course you should pursue. The big question is. What do you want to do in life? If you have a genuine desire to serve Jehovah, then, whatever course you pursue, you will want to let your thinking be dominated by your relationship to Jehovah and his organization. How good it is to have this stabilizing influence in our lives!

  • 4 Yes, now that school is out. all you young folks have marvelous opportunities to share in the finest and most rewarding of all activities. (Prov. 20:11) Use these opportunities wisely, and Jehovah will bless you richly.

10c each when ordered by the congregation with other supplies.

♦ New publications available:

“Let Nour Name Be Sanctified”


From Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained              —Tumbuka

“Your Will Be Done on Earth”

—Xhosa, Zulu

Living in Hope of a Righteous New World   —Chishona, Douala, Efik,

Ibo, Kikongo, Lingala

Will Vacation Be

“the Opportune Time’’ for You?

1 “Go on walking in wisdom toward those on the outside, buying out the opportune time,” our older brother, the apostle Paul, admonishes us. (Col.' 4:5) Our application of this fine counsel will make it possible to utilize fully all opportunities to spread the good news during the summer months. Advance thought and preparation on our part will help to ensure good success.

2 What opportunities will you have to talk to others about the good news during the summer months? If you plan to take a vacation, what about the many persons you will meet then? Have you not found that people are in a more relaxed mood then and thus are more receptive to the truth when you engage in such incidental witnessing? When you are visiting relatives, many opportunities will arise to give a Kingdom witness. As you talk about family matters your schedule for theocratic activities will no doubt come into the conversation and therefore an opportunity presents itself to explain why you share in the field ministry and what you tell people. On the way to conventions or while staying with people in their homes, we can all be

Be Identified by Love           (Conf(I)

We have only begun to tap its contents through our ministry school and already we regard this Bible aid as a genuine treasure. So it will be a joy indeed to have the opportunity again, during June, to show our love by offering these two incomparable volumes. We will place them, along with two booklets, on a contribution of just $2. And, remember, we also have the Christian Greek Scriptures, for 50c, in French. Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch and German.

6 Do you recall what a pleasure it was to present this fine offer last December? One obtainer said, “That blue book I got from you, that’s interesting reading. I never could quite believe the Bible account about Noah and the ark, always thought it was a fable, but after reading that book I've changed my mind.” Another said, “I have alert to give a Kingdom witness. Friendliness and warmth and being helpful to other people open up the way to talk to them just as these do in our regular witnessing work.

3 If you are traveling, supplies of magazines can be carried in the car and left with interested persons and, especially during June, the Bible and Scripture” book can be carried along. There will be many opportunities to place the Bible, especially with motel owners, who may find that it is just what they need. If you are using public transportation, you may find that you can witness to the person sitting next to you. Where definite interest is shown by relatives or other people you meet while on vacation or while traveling to conventions, record the name and address of the individual and send this to the Society so that the local congregation can be advised to follow up the interest.

4 In order to walk wisely it will be necessary to direct the conversation in a tactful way and it will also be necessary to use keen discernment in knowing how much to say and when to stop. Our buying out the opportune time will undoubtedly result in opportunities for many more honest-hearted persons to receive a Kingdom witness during the summer months.

never seen any book like this; I never knew such things were really in the Bible.” Of course, we will want to take good care of such interested persons, starting home Bible studies as quickly as possible.

7 Yes, disciples of Christ show love. This is not just a veneer, but a love that conies from the heart, produced by God’s spirit. All persons are identified by some characteristic or quality, good or bad. As disciples of Christ, we will want to do our utmost to be identified by the godly quality of love.


Av     Av    Av

Pubs. Hrs.    B-C Bl. St. Mags.

Sp’l Pios.     746 143.7 55.2  7.7

Pios.        8,977   98.8 34.8  5.1

Vac. Pios. 25,448  76.7 22.2  2.2

Pubs. 292,417    9.9  3.3   .5

TOTAL 327,588

Public Meetings Held: 29,565

UNITED STATES GOAL FOR 1965 321,550 Publishers


♦ Brother in Victoria, Texas, reported placing a total of 161 Bibles at motels during January and February.

♦ Despite bad flood conditions in northern California during recent months, most congregations reported improved service.

In Petersburg, Virginia, the South Unit, by applying suggestions on directing interested ones to the organization, a growth of 13 new publishers in five months was reported. 75 now associated.

“Everlasting Good News” film recently shown at Federal prison in California; 137 inmates and two chaplains attended.

Brother Knorr flew to Europe for a three-week visit, April 19 to May 7, to help some Branches with a few problems as well as with preparations for the coming assemblies. He reports that more than 30,000 are expected in Basel, much to the astonishment of local people.

♦ Dominican Republic reports 1,702 publishers in March, for fifth successive peak—a 30-percent increase.

£ Hawaii reports 248 vacation pioneer applications for April. Kapahulu Unit had 62, which included all servants.

♦ Japan, with 3,683 publishers, had its sixth successive peak, a 17-percent increase.

♦ Seventeen district assemblies held in the Philippines in nine languages. Total attendance was 29,561, with 689 baptized.

♦ Mozambique reports a new peak of 1,026 publishers, a 24-percent increase; the first time they have exceeded 1,000.

v^uedtion (ISox

• When a sermon for use in the field ministry is outlined in “Kingdom Ministry,” does that mean it is the only one that may be used?

The sermons are provided to help you. in your ministry. If you find that you can handle the subject better by rearranging the texts, you are at liberty to do so. If you would rather replace one of the texts with another that you find easier to discuss, fine. You may wish to simplify the sermon by using only one or two scriptures. However, you will generally find that the subject itself is one that fits nicely with the literature offer being made. But if the type of people in your territory respond better to a different sermon, you may use it. (See “Qualified to Be Ministers,” pp. 193-196.)

It may be that you are able to cover your territory very frequently, and in this case you may feel that it would be a good thing to use a different sermon when you return to the homes of the people, even though you are still using the same literature offer as on your previous call. This is fine. It is good to use your own initiative in this regard. That is one reason why “Sermon Outlines” has been provided. Remember, the important thing is to call on the people and discuss truths with them from God’s Word, the Bible.

Treasure up a fine foundation for the future.

Published monthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., 117 Adams St., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201 Second-class postage paid at Brooklyn, N.Y. Printed in U.S.A