Here at Brooklyn we are continuing to enjoy rich blessings. One of our recent blessings has been sharing in the production and shipping of more copies of the Yearbook than ever before. The production of these and other books that have been required by the brothers has really taxed the production facilities here and it is strong evidence that we are in need of the space that the new factory will provide.
We are now looking forward to the transfer of the Kingdom Ministry School to Brooklyn in April. Beginning with April 9, we will be having the classes for congregation servants and assistant congregation servants here rather than at the Kingdom Farm in South Lansing, New York. Later on, Bible study servants will be coming too. This arrangement will give all these servants very close contact with the Society’s headquarters. They will have opportunity to see the factory and Bethel home in operation and to enjoy fellowship with the brothers here. With fifty coming in every two weeks, we will be hearing field experiences from all parts of the United States, and that will be very upbuilding for us too.
Many of the brothers who traveled to the Latin-American assemblies have already begun to return, and they are filled with good reports. We hear that delegates from fourteen lands were on hand in Mexico. From Honduras we learn that eight radio stations carried the public lecture live, broadcasting it even to Europe by shortwave. When the Jeremiah demonstration was put on in El Salvador, attendance reached nearly five times the total of publishers in the country. And when the travelers from abroad gathered to share in field service in Nicaragua, we are told, the public was amazed that these tourists wanted to visit them in their homes; they received the brothers most hospitably. So good results are coming from those assemblies, and the reports whet
What Place Does It Take?
1 We always enjoy being with our brothers and sisters at the congregation meetings. In contrast with the world, it is so refreshing to listen to their conversation, isn’t it? When a group of them share with one another the experiences they have had in witnessing to others about the Kingdom, it is obvious what is close to their hearts, because, as Jesus said, it is “out of the heart’s abundance” that the mouth speaks. (Luke 6:45) And when we learn of the effort that many of them put forth to get to meetings and to share in the ministry, it helps us to appreciate that the Kingdom truly takes first place in their lives. (Matt. 6: 33) It makes us love those brothers of ours and it stimulates us to do more in Jehovah’s service ourselves, doesn’t it?
2 Speaking of service—how did you make out during January with the sermon “God Is Alive"? Reactions vary, don’t they? But that subject is one that opens the way for conversation with people and that is what we want. If you are getting good results with it, keep on using it during February.
3 We have been told that the February issues of The Watchtower have two more fine articles that tie in with that sermon theme; each one taking a different approach to the topic and each one excellent for the public. For those whose interest is more along family lines, we hear that there are articles entitled “Men Who Really Are Head of the House” and “Meeting the Problems of Your Children.” There are also meatier articles on portions our appetites for the next ones that we will have, this coming summer. We all have much for which to be thankful, don’t we?
May Jehovah’s rich blessing continue to be with all of you as you share fully in his service.
Warm Christian love, Brooklyn Branch Office of Revelation and a fine discussion of the prophetic account of Samson. So there is quite a variety, and it should help us in obtaining subscriptions. We know that, for people to gain eternal life, they must put the Kingdom first in their lives, and The Watchtower can help them to do it, just as it has helped us, can’t it?
4 Have you been able to obtain any subscriptions yet? Some find that offering subscriptions for The Watchtower and Awake! together gets good results. A pioneer wrote us saying that “negative thinking” kept him from offering double subscriptions. Then, after trying it, he said: “In one week I obtained 11 subscriptions. For the one month I obtained 21 subscriptions. Of that total, 1G were obtained when offering double subscriptions.”
5 It has been suggested that during February we make It a point to give those with whom we conduct studies, and persons on whom we make back-calls and to whom we deliver magazines the opportunity to subscribe. These are people who have shown interest. Why not offer double subscriptions to them. With a fresh spiritual feast arriving in the mail almost every week, just think how much good they ean do!
8 If they subscribe, we know they will benefit greatly. But whether they respond to that invitation or not, we would like to have regular discussions of the Bible with them, so arrange to call back. Perhaps you can build your discussion around the Bible study article in an issue of Awake! or you may want to read part of a Watchtower article to them and look up the scriptures together. Use whatever will keep their Interest alive. The important thing is to build up their love for Jehovah and their appreciation of his kingdom, so that, In time, they too may become praisers of Jehovah.
Theme: Finding Joy in Putting God’s Kingdom First. Song 104.
5 min: Introduction, text, comments. 2 min: Accounts servant’s report.
20 min: “Taste and See that Jehovah Is Good.” Audience participation. Highlight various circumstances of those who have been able to vacation pioneer, also the joy they had in this service. Relate experience on page 81 111 of “1967 Yearbook.”
8 min: Branch letter. Two publishers discuss letter together, or publisher discusses it with newly interested person, to direct his interest to the organization.
15 min: “What Place Does It Take?” Question-and-answer discussion, with short demonstrations on paragraphs 5 and 6.
10 min: Concluding comments. Include appropriate Announcements from page 7, also "How Did We Do in December?” Encourage those who want to vacation pioneer during March, which is Memorial month, to apply now. Song 29.
Theme: The Preaching Work Is Urgent. Song 66.
5 min: Introduction, text, comments. 15 min: Presenting the Good News article, “Field Service Helps Us.” Group on platform might be used to discuss this.
18 min: “Serving Jehovah in the Time Remaining.” Questions for audience to answer. Read scriptures cited.
12 min: “How Do You View the Placement of Literature?” Publisher approaches servant with question on this matter; discuss it together. Then ask audience several review questions on main points.
10 min: Concluding comments. Inform congregation how many subscriptions have been obtained to date. Read and highlight the suggestion made under “Gift Subscriptions.” Song 98.
Theme: Expending Ourselves to Help Others Appreciate the Kingdom. Song 68.
5 min: Introduction, text, comments. 18 min: “Jehovah Himself Has Blessed His People.” Audience participation. Arrange in advance to have the experiences cited from the ”1967 Yearbook" related.
15 min: Help Students Prepare for Study. Talk and demonstration, perhaps by Bible study servant.
Persons with whom a study is being conducted sometimes have not had time or taken time to study in advance. (Some do not know how to study.) Often what is done is that the conductor asks the question and student searches paragraph for answer, at times reads answer directly from paragraph. Usually student gets very little from this type of study. If one studied with has not prepared, why not use a study period (the hour) to illustrate how to prepare? Use paragraph 5 of "Good News” booklet to demonstrate point. Conductor kindly has student analyze question, read paragraph, look up scriptures, and underline appropriate points. Helps student see reason for understanding the scriptures and their relationship to the material. After entire paragraph is studied, conductor again asks question, which student is able to answer clearly in own words. It is apparent Scriptural argument and material in booklet are understood. Student is commended and encouraged to prepare in this manner to gain most from study. Servant concludes, stating that this suggestion might be helpful when new studies are started and on other studies where the need exists. Students benefit most from a study when they prepare lesson.
15 min: “Helping Them to Return.” Two or three members of committee discuss article, also highlight some points from March 1 "Watchtower” article "Were You Once a Kingdom Publisher?” Help all in congregation to see how they can share in this vital activity.
7 min: Concluding comments. Draw attention to slogan on page 8; report on progress in subscription campaign. Comment on local response to invitation to vacation pioneer; make it known that you have applications for those who want them for either March or April. Song 97.
Theme: Let the People Hear Through Preaching. Song 10.
5 min: Introduction, text, comments. 12 min: Talk on service theme for month. See article in March 1 "Watchtower”: Include experience from “1967 Yearbook," p. 115 U4-p. 116 UI. Other appropriate items from Theocratic News may be incorporated.
17 min: Suggested sermon for March and April.
Chairman: For March and April, the suggested sermon is only slightly changed from what we have been using. This change shifts attention to urgency of times and fits "Watchtower" articles we will be offering concerning "last days.” Discuss sermon with audience, and, in conclusion, have prepared publisher give sample presentation.
Theme: We Are Living in the "Last Days”
2 Tim. 3:1-5—"Last days” are now here
2 Pet. 3:13, 14—Promised new system; need for right action on our part A suggested presentation: 'I’m a member of a society of over a million persons (ministers or whatever is appropriate to your territory) who are very concerned over the times in which wre are living. All we have to do is read a newspaper to know these are troubled times. Have you wondered if these things that are happening are significant of anything? [Pause to allow for expression.] Notice what the Bible tells us: 2 Tim. 3:1-5. [Read verse 1, then select appropriate portions from other verses, j These scriptures sound like today’s newspaper, don’t they? There is no doubt but that these are the "last days.”
‘The fact that we are living in what the Bible refers to as the "last days" is also significant of something. Notice the hope that is extended and what is required of us to realize it. Read 2 Peter 3:13, 14. [Then comment, such as:] The fact that we are living in the "last days" should not discourage us, but give us hope. It means this promise of a new system is near fulfillment. If we are to be found spotless and at peace with God, we must study the Bible to learn what he requires of us.’ Make offer, using appropriate article in "Watchtower.” 18 min: Another Avenue for Subscriptions. Demonstration.
(2 min.) Chairman: Subscriptions obtained thus far. What are prospects for more? Let’s listen as two publishers discuss the matter.
(13 min.) Conversation reveals each has a subscription: One obtained his in sermon work, other using “Kingdom Ministry" suggestion to make offer to those with whom we study. Both express desire to meet goal by obtaining at least one more. Will continue to share in sermon work; additionally, they recall December “Kingdom Ministry" suggestion to make offer in March to those with whom business is done. Both agree they have many opportunities to do this.
First publisher: ‘I have in mind my doctor. When I’m about through with my appointment he generally asks: “What have you been doing these days?" Usually I tell him about the job, home or family. Next time I'll bring In the ministry.* Demonstrate to publisher, making offer of both subscriptions.
Other publisher is impressed with simple and warm presentation. Could do same with milkman, mailman, insurance man, etc. In answer to question, ‘What would you say?’ he demonstrates how he would talk to one of these. The two publishers then discuss other prospects: grocer, bakeryman, druggist, gas station attendant, dry cleaner, at times when they are not busy.
(3 min.) Chairman: Encourage all to offer subscriptions to those with whom they do business. Work in short local experiences if available.
8 min: Concluding comments. Discuss Question Box, also “Plan to Attend.” Song 32.
Av. Av Av Av
Pibs. Hrs. B-C Bi. St. Mags.
Vac. Pios. 3,504 76.8 19.7 2.1
TOTAL 305,185
Public Meetings Held: 19,013
UNITED STATES GOAL FOR 1967 __________336,029 Publishers__________
Our December report shows 305,185 publishers reporting, and what a lot of talking about the Kingdom that many servants of God can do! It is true that there were fewer publishers than last December, when 311,933 reported, but we will keep on inviting others to join us in serving Jehovah just as long as there is opportunity. Yet, whether they respond or not, may we ever be whole-souled in our ministry.
It was pleasing to see a new peak of 9,424 regular pioneers. The previous peak was 9,383. During December 404 were appointed to serve as regular pioneers, and this is splendid. Thus far this service year 1,258 have enrolled as regular pioneers. It is most encouraging to see so many making room for this service.
Also, December’s report of 3,504 vacation pioneers was a new high for any December. The previous December high was 3,386 in December of 1963. It is fine to observe the number arranging to vacation pioneer each month. Thus far this service year vacation pioneer reports total 15,705.
Whether a publisher or a pioneer, let us continue to share in Jehovah’s service as fully as possible, knowing that this pleases our God.
1 Recently we discussed vacation pioneering with three publishers in a congregation near the Brooklyn Bethel. We thought you would be interested in their comments. Try to picture in your mind the individuals, and probably you will recognize one in circumstances similar to your own.
2 The first comments about vacation pioneering came from a married sister with a son two years old and a daughter four. Her husband is not one of Jehovah’s witnesses. When asked how she became a vacation pioneer, she said that at a service meeting last March the congregation servant had enthusiastically encouraged all in the congregation able to do so to enjoy the vacation pioneer activity in April. Later she approached him and asked, “Do you think I can do it with two children?” He mentioned the blessings she could receive, gave her an application and suggested that she give it prayerful consideration.
3 The sister told us that she was somewhat reluctant, since caring for the children might be a problem. Her fleshly sister, though, urged her to “taste” of the vacation pioneer service and “see that Jehovah is good.” (Ps. 34:8) A regular pioneer in the congregation promised that she and others would help. Yet before making the decision, the sister discussed it with her husband. He said that, as long as she was able to care for her household duties, it was all right.
* With joy in her voice the sister told us that she applied for vacation pioneer service, was accepted and had a marvelous month praising Jehovah. She got a taste of how good pioneering is. ‘What about the children?’ you wonder. She exclaimed: “Everybody helped me!” Yet it did mean effort on her part. She arose earlier in the morning so she could do some cleaning and still spend most of the morning in the ministry. Sometimes other sisters eared for her son while she took her daughter in service. When asked how the little girl liked being in the ministry so much, the sister smiled and said, “She loved it!” The mother added that the theocratic activity helped her to overcome the depressed feeling she had had from being in the house all day. In fact, she said the whole family benefited from the happiness and peace of mind she gained.
0 Probably some of you recognize in this example circumstances similar to your own. This March and April many sisters are going to share in the special activity by vacation pioneering. Have you thought about doing so yourself? If you could have been with us and seen the happiness and contentment radiated by this sister when she thought back on her pioneering, we have no doubt that you too would long to “taste” of this privilege.
6 The other two publishers were also anxious to relate their experiences. One of them was a sixteen-year-old brother. He said that before he was baptized he had given some thought to vacation pioneering, but he had to wait until he had been baptized. Ecclesiastes 12:1 often came to his mind. Even though he was still in school and his father was not in agreement ■with his faith, he wanted to ‘remember his grand Creator in the days of his young manhood.’ As April approached, it seemed as though “everybody” in the congregation was going to vacation pioneer, and those who were doing it for the second or third time were filled with joy, just looking forward to the experience. Yes, he figured he would try it also. His mother, who had helped him in Jehovah’s service, was happy to hear of his desire, and his father said it was all right if that was what he wanted.
7 But you may be wondering how he could vacation pioneer, since he was still in school. We asked him that very question. He said that he arranged it so that the period during which he pioneered would include the week off from school for spring vacation. During that week he went in the field ministry both in the mornings and in the afternoons. When school started again, he went in service in the morning, since he had classes in the afternoon and early evening. But he said that if he had had to go to school in the morning, he could have accomplished the same by sharing in the service after school. On Saturday his mother helped by getting up earlier than usual to make breakfast and by seeing that he got an early start. Some Saturdays he and another young brother were sharing in the street witnessing before eight o’clock. His brother and sister also cooperated by accepting some of the chores he'usually did.
8 It was a pleasure to see the conviction with which this young minister spoke about his pioneer service. We could tell that he was pleased to have had a large share in the preaching that month, going over the service goals he was aiming for. We might add, his pioneering helped him to advance toward spiritual maturity, and the whole congregation gained deeper respect for him as a devoted servant of Jehovah.
9 We asked him whether he thought others in his position could do it. ‘It is easy if one just puts his mind to it,’ was his reply. We understand that many schools will have a week’s spring vacation during March or April. Have you young ministers who are still in school thought of receiving joy and satisfaction from vacation pioneering this spring? Possibly you too have been thinking about the encouragement to remember your Creator during your younger years. Why not discuss with your parents the possibility of being a vacation pioneer during March or April?
10 If the first two publishers we spoke to were enthusiastic about their pioneer experiences, the final one was simply “glowing.” He was a middle-aged married brother with two teen-age sons at home. We asked him why he considered vacation pioneering. He replied that he heard so many talking about their fine experiences when they vacation pioneered and he got to
1 Probably you read with interest the report of the vacation pioneers last April—over 18,000 in the United States alone. Among them were dedicated schoolchildren, energetic brothers and sisters recently out of school, married sisters with children, husbands with families to care for and older brothers and sisters serving faithfully in their later years. What motivated them to vacation pioneer? Consider some major factors.
2 Many of them had in mind Jesus’ electrifying words: “This generation will by no means thinking about the possibility of tasting this privilege himself. He admitted that he could not even imagine what vacation pioneering would be like, but decided that he never would know unless he tried it.
11 Looking back at the month now, he realizes that it took effort, since he had to get an earlier start in the mornings in order to be free to go in the service after his secular work. Saturdays and Sundays were busy days that month, but we can assure you, brothers, that the delight he obtained from pioneering was evident in his intense feeling about it even months later. He said: “I found many more people to talk to, and when they asked questions I was able to recall much that I had studied. In fact, it surprised me.” His ministry in the months to follow was also blessed beepuse of the back-calls and Bible studies he arranged for while pioneering.
12 Possibly many of you are like this brother, having heard about vacation pioneering but not really knowing what it is like. In various ways all of Jehovah’s witnesses have accepted the invitation at Psalm 34:8: “Taste and see that Jehovah is good.” Could you do so in regard to the special privilege of vacation pioneering? Why not prayerfully consider the possibility of joining with thousands of your brothers who will be doing so for two weeks or a month or more during March and April? If you are able to vacation pioneer we feel confident that you will agree with the three publishers we spoke to in enthusiastically proclaiming that the vacation pioneer service is a marvelous way to prove that “Jehovah is good.”
pass away until all these things occur.” Our very generation is seeing the sign marking Jesus’ second presence. Truly, “the time left is reduced.” (Matt. 24:34; 1 Cor. 7:29) For this reason many of your brothers, young and old, appreciated the importance of serving God in the time remaining. Having Scriptural responsibilities that prevented them from sharing in the ministry as regular pioneers, missionaries or members of Bethel families, they demonstrated their appreciation of the shortness of the time remaining by vacation pioneering.
3 Another reason, really the main one, that so many were motivated to vacation pioneer is Jesus’ answer to the question, “Which commandment is first of all?” Christ replied: “ 'You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind and with your whole strength.’ The second is this, ‘You must love your neighbor as yourself.’” (Mark 12:28-31) While they diligently shared in Kingdom service all year long to do that, they also arranged to put forth a special effort by vacation pioneering. Thus they were able to devote 100 hours to the field ministry. Some, able to enroll for only two weeks, served for 75 hours during the month.
4 The vacation pioneer service accomplishes much for those who engage in it. If we briefly review some of the things it can accomplish, you will get additional ideas why thousands of brothers, probably including some in your own congregation, have exerted themselves to vacation pioneer in the short time before the end of this system of things.
5 As was the case with the sixteen-year-old brother mentioned previously, the vacation pioneer service often helps to mature one as a minister and servant of Jehovah. If you share this privilege in the future, most likely your advancement will be manifest to many. (1 Tim. 4:13-16) At the same time you will be helping to bring salvation to those who listen to you.
8 Pioneering, even for short periods of time, draws one closer to Jehovah, moving one to pray more often and more earnestly. Additionally, it improves one’s perspective as to the greater importance of spiritual matters, “as poor but making many rich, as having nothing and yet possessing all things.”—2 Cor. 6:10.
T If you are able to vacation pioneer, it will , give you greater satisfaction in knowing that you have not held back in telling others the good news. (Acts 20:25-27) Also, it will likely aid you to cultivate the fruits of God’s spirit. (Gal. 5:22, 23) For example, your faith can grow as you increase your preaching and regularly see Jehovah fulfill his promise to uphold his servants. (2 Thess. 1:3) You will be aided to cultivate love, since your daily activity of calling at homes will be principled love in action. It will help you to increase in mildness and self-control. And do not overlook the genuine, deep-rooted joy you will receive from assisting others.—Acts 20:35.
1 During his reign, faithful King Hezekiah restored the practice of making material contributions for the Levites and the temple services, something that had long been neglected. As the people acted in accord with Jehovah’s will, God gave them an abundance. Speaking to King
8 These are just some of the reasons why thousands of brothers served as vacation pioneers last year, and this matter of serving in the remaining time is becoming increasingly urgent. Many brothers were thrilled to read the information in the book Life Everlasting—in Freedom of the Sons of God. A review of Bible chronology along with the physical facts of history in fulfillment of prophecy helped them to appreciate that the time remaining before the end of this wicked system of things is very short. As a result, throughout the earth mature servants of Jehovah are applying themselves with increased diligence to the Kingdom preaching work that Jesus said would be done before “the end will come.”—Matt. 24:14.
9 This March and April there will be an abundance of special activity. In March we will have the memorial of the Lord’s evening meal. What an appropriate time for extra effort! Then in early April there will be the special talk “Mankind’s Millennium Under God’s Kingdom —Why Literally So.” As an additional treat, we will have special issues of The Watchtower and Awake! to use in the preaching work.
10 Will you be able to be one of the thousands joyously serving as vacation pioneers during March and April? We hope that will be your blessed privilege as you faithfrilly serve God in the time remaining.
Hezekiah about the vast contributions made, the chief priest said, “Jehovah himself has blessed his people.”—2 Chron. 31:10.
2 In our day Jehovah’s will for his people does not involve tithing, but it does include performing the ministry assigned them. (1 Tim. 1:12) The new faces we see at the Kingdom Hall and the Bible studies being reported show that Jehovah is truly blessing his people today, both pioneers and publishers. Understandably, those who have been able to arrange their affairs to spend more time praising Jehovah have shared a larger portion of this blessing. Many are planning to vacation pioneer during March and April; possibly you are one of them. What blessings can you look forward to receiving?
3 First of all, you may well receive direct personal blessings, such as happiness and improved health. A sister in Virginia who vacation pioneered wrote: “I realized the more time we put in Jehovah’s service the more he blesses our efforts. I felt so much closer to Jehovah and my love increased not only for him but also for my spiritual brothers and sisters.” A wife in Georgia said: “My husband and I truly enjoyed our taste of the vacation pioneer service this month, and consider it the happiest month of our marriage.” Another form of personal benefit was illustrated by a sister in western Canada. She was told by her doctor that she was anemic. Nevertheless, she responded to the encouragement to vacation pioneer in April. When she went to see her doctor at the end of the month, he was amazed at the improvement in her health. The Branch writes: “The sister attributes it to the joy and contentment of the vacation pioneer ministry and the fresh air and exercise that she had during the time of her vacation pioneer service.” Other examples of this can be found on pages 117 and 244 of the 1967 Yearbook. Why not read them?
4 Vacation pioneering often results in a wonderful blessing right in the field ministry. A sister in Argentina was not successful in starting Bible studies and so decided to vacation pioneer for two weeks, hoping to solve the problem. She remarks: “I pioneered for two weeks and in this time I was able to start two studies. I am so happy now that I am able to report studies like many other publishers in my congregation. I suggest that others who do not have studies try the pioneer work and I know that they too will have the same joy.”
8 We are sure that many in your congregation would like to see you have such blessings. It may be possible by group cooperation or by family members helping so that one in the family can vacation pioneer. From Pennsylvania we heard this: “Four sisters in our congregation got together and decided to take turns babysitting, since we all have small children. Thus four of us were able to vacation pioneer in April through group arrangement. ... It was truly a spiritual feast.” Another in California wrote: “Women with small children can pioneer! Our three daughters, who are nine, seven and five, were a great help to me. . . . With Jehovah’s loving assistance, such a cooperative family, and help from the friends, this has been a most enjoyable month!”
8 Your vacation pioneer service will also prove to be a blessing for others in the congregation. A congregation servant in Texas told us: “As a result of the special effort during the month, largely on the part of these six [who vacation pioneered, some for the first time], our congregation enjoyed increases in all features of the work, and there seems to be a much happier spirit in the congregation.” The brothers in Ecuador reported a similar experience. (See 1967 Yearbook, page 133.)
7 Blessings are in store for persons of all ages. An overseer in Michigan writes: “Three older sisters associated with this congregation vacation pioneered for the last two weeks in April. Their ages were 67 years, 74 years and 76 years and they were certainly enthused to be working with the two special magazines for the month of April. The combined total of their placements was 410 magazines!”
8 So, brothers, the blessing of Jehovah is there awaiting all those who reach out and accept it. As a sister in Maine exclaimed: “If everyone could just TRY vacation pioneering only once, how much they would benefit by it! It’s something you just can’t describe to anyone who has not experienced it.” A sister in Connecticut who for fifteen years had served faithfully was finally able to vacation pioneer. She declared: “I had a few doubts about pioneering before I started, but I kept praying to Jehovah for help. The result? It seems as if Jehovah opened the floodgates of heaven and poured out a blessing! (Mal. 3:10) Never before have I found so much joy in Jehovah’s service nor so much improvement in my ministry. Two weeks were just not long enough!” May that be your experience also, brothers, as you prove that Jehovah indeed blesses his people.
How Do You View the Placement of Literature?
1 “Frankly, I don’t see much point in placing more books or magazines with a person if he didn’t read what he already has.” Does that sound familiar? Perhaps you yourself have said or thought the same thing. Just how should we view the placing of literature?
2 For a moment, reason on the matter. When we buy a newspaper, do we always read all of it? Generally not. Usually we leaf through the paper and read only a few articles that interest us. Sometimes we may read only the headlines. Still, we generally buy another newspaper the next day, wanting to keep up with current news.
3 Did you ever buy a magazine simply because the title of a certain article appealed to you? Most of us have done this. Usually we read the article, and possibly another item or two. .On obtaining the magazine we probably had no intention of reading it from cover to cover, though, did we? We read what we wanted and felt- that we got our money’s worth.
4 Really, the same is true of those who obtain bound books and The Watchtower and Awake! from us. We can’t expect everyone to be interested in and read everything . in these publications we leave with them, but we do hope that something will catch their interest. If the householder reads even one article, we are happy. Now we want him to keep on taking in knowledge of God’s purpose. Though the other articles in the magazine he has may not appeal to him, maybe something that is fresh and different in the current magazines or in
+ The literature offer for February through April is the Watchtower subscription, with three booklets, for $1. ♦ If the circuit servant is with your congregation during the week of Memorial, the Saturday-evening program may be transferred to Friday evening and he may be invited to give the Memorial talk if the congre-Sation desires. Only the Memorial is
> be observed Saturday evening.
♦ Have you ordered an increased supply of the special April 15 Watchtower and April 22 Awake!? The suggested magazine goal for the month is 30 for publishers, 200 for pioneers and 300 for special pioneers.
♦ At service centers the following is suggested for meetings for field service: Week of February 12: Review paragraphs 3 to 5 of main article. February 19: Review main points of article “How Do You View the Placement of Literature?" February 26: Deal with common local objection. March 5: Review new sermon.
♦ Many who would like to vacation pioneer in March and April find it a book will attract his attention. That is why we vary our sermons and, in offering magazines and books, point out subjects that appeal to different ones. If a person reads only one of the articles, or just one chapter from a book, he has been benefited, hasn’t he?
5 Does this mean we should try to place literature on every call? Not necessarily. We should use discernment. We are ministers, not salesmen. The literature helps us in preaching “this good news of the kingdom.” On the other hand, we should realistically face facts regarding the reading habits of the public and not hesitate to present fresh literature that contains topics of interest to them, subjects that might keep alive their spark of interest, with a view to helping them to get everlasting life.
Gift Subscriptions
The Society has an arrangement for gift subscriptions all year long, but it may especially help us to get new subscriptions during the campaign. When someone wishes to make a gift of a subscription, all you have to do is write the word GIFT in the upper right-hand corner of the subscription slip and the name of the one giving the subscription at the bottom of the slip. When the slip reaches the office the Society will send a letter to the one who will receive the subscription to let him know who has sent this gift. When you meet someone who is already a subscriber, why not suggest that he might like to send a gift subscription to a friend or relative?
encouraging to know who else has in mind doing so. So it is suggested that during February the overseer arrange a convenient time, perhaps after a meeting, when those interested in vacation pioneer service can get together and discuss their plans. This will afford them opportunity to work out arrangements among themselves, and it will enable the overseer to determine what arrangements for group witnessing should be made to assist them.
♦ Orders for Memorial invitations should be submitted on a separate Handbill Order form.
♦ New publications available:
“This Good News of the Kingdom" —German
♦ Out of stock in U.S.A.:
Evolution versus The New World —English, Chinese, Portuguese, Norwegian ♦ Orders for the 1966 Watchtower and Awake.' bound volumes in French and German may be submitted on March 15.
1 It is a marvelous blessing to be associated with Jehovah’s familylike organization in these turbulent days. What security we have! Spiritually, what more could we want? Do we not have the best of food and care? Yes, and the spiritual relationship that we enjoy is stronger than natural ties.—Mark 3:35.
2 When we read reports about how many of our dear brothers and sisters regularly miss meetings and have become inactive over the past few years, how do we feel? Our love for them causes us to feel deeply concerned over them and their spiritual welfare. We feel that we want to do something to help them; they face a dangerous situation. What can we do to help them? When you are sick, how do you feel when someone visits you? The thoughtfulness is not easily forgotten. This is exactly what our spiritually sick brothers need—a visit from us. We need to talk to them and encourage them. This does not mean that we ought to tell them they should be out in field service; that might not be the solution to their problem. They need to start attending meetings again. Some may need a Bible study to get the necessary strength or just a review of certain Important truths.
3 The Society is very much interested in these dear brothers and, with them in mind, has prepared an article entitled “Were You Once a Kingdom Publisher?” It is to appear in the March 1 issue of The Watchtower. Some of these folks still subscribe for The Watchtower, but not all of them read it regularly. This is where we can help. It would be a fine thing to visit them and go over it together. Draw their attention to its valuable suggestions, and read the scriptures together. If they are no longer subscribers, have an extra issue or two with you. You will notice that the article deals with many possible problems and their solutions. If you can ascertain their problem, you can stress it when you come to it in the article. Be tactful and kind. They are spiritually weak and we should not expect too much of them at first Be patient and, above all, show understanding.
4 If we show this loving concern now, they may be among those who survive the troubles ahead and be so grateful that we helped them return before it was too late.—Gal. 6:10.
Field Service Helps Us
1 Jehovah has given us something wonderful in our privilege to present the good news of the Kingdom. Have you thought of all the ways it has helped you personally? Experience shows that the average person remembers more of what he does than of what he sees and hears, so direct conversation involving us impresses the truth deeply within us. Repetition of the truth is good, for often we benefit more by our sermon than the person who listens to us. Perhaps you did not realize it, but over the years that you have been telling the good news you have had the truth deeply impressed in your heart and mind, and that has helped you to endure in Integrity.
2 If we were merely to study the truth at home or in a meeting, something would be lacking. Making use of the truth strengthens our faith, for if we are not working with what Jehovah has made available to us, our faith can die. Faith without works dies.—Jas. 2: 26.
3 Going from house to house is an excellent way to use the truth. It fills our lives with beneficial spiritual activity and also provides healthful exercise physically. It keeps us from falling into unwise use of our time or bad worldly associations that corrupt good morals. Our disposition benefits too because we have a good conscience before Jehovah, knowing we are properly working together with him. (Acts 20: 26 ; 24:16) How frequently news reports have commented on the happy and peaceful faces of large groups of Jehovah’s servants. With gladness we have received the good news. Not content just to have it for ourselves, joyfully we give of our strength and knowledge to help others find God to be true. This kind of spiritual giving makes a person much happier than material giving. Being happy is good for us.—Acts 20 : 35.
* Field service helps us to learn the right Bible answers. Sometimes we are asked questions that we cannot answer immediately. But when we find the answers we can return and tell the people. This results In deeper faith for us.
5 Getting the truth deeply impressed in our hearts gives us the ability to teach it, because it is out of a full heart that the mouth speaks. (Matt. 12 : 34, 35) Teaching ability has a future, since not only in this period of time will it be useful, but following Armageddon the ability to teach will be of use in the great educational program to be conducted.
8 But before we enter into that time when there will be princes in all the earth charged with postArmageddon teaching activities, we have to fight the fight of faith and know how to endure faithfully. Each one meets up with certain tests of his integrity now. How is he to make the right decisions when the pressure comes along? Jehovah’s servants know what course to take because of having used his Word. It is by using the Word that one can know the answers, how to decide what is right to do or what is wrong and should be shunned.-r-Heb. 5:14.
7 We want to see others in our congregation strong in faith and continuing on the way to everlasting life, so let us encourage all to share the good news with others by Kingdom service. We can take them with us when we go into the field. We can encourage elderly or bedfast Christians to write letters or witness by telephone. Service is good for us. We need regular field service to keep balanced, to have strong faith and to stay on the way to salvation.—Rom. 10:10.
Question (fa ox
• Is it proper to offer the magazines to persons sitting in their automobiles in shopping-center parking areas?
The parking lot is private property. owned and operated by the management of the shopping center or supermarket. We do not have the same right there as on the public sidewalks and in calling from door to door. As long as no objection is made by the management of the parking area, the work may be carried on there. However, if we are asked to discontinue our preaching work there, it is wise to move elsewhere. It may be that a tactful discussion with the manager will result in permission's being granted. The opinion of the “Marsh” case may be helpful in dealing with the manager. A copy may be had by writing to us.
♦ Thirty publishers in Nevis, W.I., rejoice at attendance of 230 for showing of film “God Cannot Lie” at circuit assembly.
♦ Nigeria's three district assemblies attended by total of 67,376 in spite of difficulties in country; 1,381 baptized. Brothers who had never seen theatrical drama put on excellent demonstrations. All thrilled to Jeremiah drama.
♦ Jamaica reports hundreds from Britain for their assembly; ten countries represented by delegates at assembly.
♦ Despite floods, Italy reached new peak of 10,313 publishers in November. In the Central Unit of Florence, where floods struck, there was an increase of 19 percent over last year's average. Publishers showing increased zeal for truth rather than discouragement over flood damage. Brothers in Italy's other congregations have aided flood victims.
So that you may start planning your affairs to attend one of the “Disciple-making” District Assemblies to be held in the United States this summer, we are pleased to supply the following dates and locations. Matters that are of importance to every servant of God will be considered on the program all four days. Plan to be present from the time the program begins on Thursday afternoon until its conclusion at about G p.m. on Sunday.
June 22-25: Kalispell, Mont.; Stockton, Calif.
June 29-July 2: Aberdeen, S.D.; Amarillo, Tex. (Spanish also); Galveston, Tex.; Sedalia, Mo.; Utica, N.Y.
July 6-9: Allentown. Pa.; Asheville, N.C.; Lansing, Mich.; Salina, Kans.; Taunton, Mass.; Tucson, Ariz.; Waco, Tex.; West Palm Beach, Fla. (Spanish also)
July 13-16: Chicago, Ill. (Spanish only); Laredo, Tex. (Spanish only); San Jose, Calif.; Savannah, Ga.
July 20-23: Manchester, N.H.; Trenton, N.J.; Ogden, Utah; Springfield, Mo.; Tuscaloosa, Ala. (tentative)
July 27-30: Fresno, Calif.; Madison, Wis.; Pittsburgh, Pa.; Yakima, Wash.
August 3-6: Eugene, Ore.’ Grand Island, Neb.; Jersey City, N.J. (Spanish also); Pomona, Calif. (Spanish also); Raleigh, N.C.
August 10-13: Columbus, Ga.; Peoria, Ill.; Sault Ste. Marie. Mich.; South Bend, Ind. (tentative)
August 17-20: Costa Mesa, Calif.; Orlando, Fla.; Worcester, Mass.
August 24-27: Evansville, Ind.; Jackson, Mich.; Laurel, Md.; Rochester, Minn, (tentative)
Tentative; No Dates Set: Hattiesburg, Miss.; Lafayette, La.; Vicksburg, Miss.
Published monthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., 117 Adams St., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201 Second-class postage paid at Brooklyn, N.Y. Printed In U.S.A.