MARCH, 1967 “Here I am! Send me.”—Isa. 6:8. VOL. X NO. 3
We have just received a report from Brother Knorr about the wonderful series of assemblies that were held in Mexico, Central and South America and parts of the Caribbean area. He said it was heartwarming to hear the experiences of the missionaries, many of whom have been in the missionary field for over twenty years.
The theme of Brother Knorr’s talk at the English meetings, where the travelers were in attendance, was generally that those present should be ambassadors for the missionaries. He requested them to be ambassadors by pointing out to the new generation the great value of the missionary service. He urged them to encourage many more people to go to Gilead School now and really make the missionary or Bethel service their life’s work.
The missionaries in these foreign assignments have done a marvelous work, and their hearts must be filled to overflowing to know that at these 21 assemblies more than 6,100 persons were baptized, and 175,000 persons attended the public meetings.
We will hear more about these assemblies, because a full report will appear in the March 8 issue of Awake!, which will tell about all the assemblies in Mexico and Central America. Then the following issues will report on the remaining countries visited.
Things are happening in Central and South America, and more young people ought to be there preaching the good news along with the experienced missionaries who are having such good results. They should plan to give themselves in the service of Jehovah and enjoy the missionary field during the short time left before the end of the old system of things. They should seek to join the thousands of missionaries who have gone out to all parts of the world to proclaim the good news of the Kingdom.
Another item of news we would like to mention, over which we
Let the People Hear
1 Not long ago here in Brooklyn we received a letter relating experiences that contained practical ideas on how to approach people in the ministry. Some of us tried these suggestions and liked them very much. We thought you would enjoy one or two of them. These thoughts may help you to get more subscriptions during the third month of the Watchtower campaign, and that would be wonderful, wouldn’t it?
2 In some territories, it seems, there is considerable resistance to the Kingdom message these days. Where this is so, could we put forth an effort to be more friendly, more discerning, more realistic? For example, in certain territories covered quite often and even in some areas where our calls are rare, as soon as we take out the Bible and try to present our sermon the householder will often raise an objection or end the discussion right there. To overcome this problem, some of our brothers have recently been quoting or paraphrasing the opening scripture of the sermon rather than reading it from the Bible. In the introduction they have used' such expressions as these: “Maybe you remember this interesting thought,” or, “Perhaps you have heard this point discussed sometime in your church or Bible class.” Then they mention the verse and know you will rejoice, is that our office received 17,000 more subscriptions in January than we did in January of last year. We are delighted that you are sending them to us in such great numbers from all parts of the world, because it means that many more people will benefit from the good spiritual nourishment in The Watchtower.
May Jehovah’s rich blessing go with all of you. Be assured of our warm love for all of you.
Your brothers, Brooklyn Branch Office tell the householder where he could check this in his own copy of the Bible. This has often paved the way for a more friendly, relaxed atmosphere and it enables us to “visit” with our neighbors, affording opportunity to let these people hear.
3 In this connection, at a home here in Brooklyn, a householder recently said: “Look, I’ve just been to church and I don’t want another lecture.” In this case the brother tucked the Bible under his arm and said: “You know, I can appreciate how you feel, but have you ever wondered when God is going to put an end to wickedness? I’d like to hear your observations.” This reaction on the part of the publisher paved the way for a friendly conversation in which all the scriptures in the sermon were used, but in paraphrased form. Arrangements were made for a return visit.
4 Of course, we never want to minimize the value of using the Bible at every opportunity. But at the same time we want to be realistic, taking into consideration the circumstances, religious attitude of the householder, etc. This calls for discernment as to when to vary our approach. In some cases, particularly where there is much hostility or resistance to our work, it has proved to our advantage to "visit” with the people, sharing something with them and not giving them the appearance we are trying to “preach” to them.
5 Why not try some of these suggestions as you use the sermon on “The Last Days” during the latter half of the Watchtower campaign? This is the month during which we are trying to get subscriptions from those with whom we do business. Is there someone on your list to whom you haven’t offered the subscription yet? If we enthusiastically make the subscription offer at every opportunity, surely Jehovah will bless our efforts to let the people hear.
Theme: Wisely Buying Out Time. (Eph. 5:15, 16) Song 28.
5 min: Introduction, text, comments. 12 min: Talk: Obeying God’s Command to Let the People Hear. Jehovah’s people are aware that the most important work is preaching. (Acts 10:42) Exhaust every possibility to let people hear by being determined to complete any territory assigned. (“1967 Yearbook,’’ p. 145, par. 2) Never overlook anyone, (yb 245 V2) If there is opposition, seek to avoid troublemakers, but continue preaching, (yb 183 111) Always be alert to seek out ways to make truth readily available, (yb 257 Hl) In this way love for God and neighbor is clearly demonstrated. 15 min: Cover material in January 15, 1967, “Watchtower.” pages 61-63, “Why So Much to Do?” May want to handle in setting of friendly get-together kt brother’s home. Keep, discussion moving.
18 min: “Events for March and April.” Question-and-answer coverage. Keep questions simple and direct, response lively.
10 min: Concluding comments. Accounts servant’s report. How is subscription campaign coming along? Offer suggestions or experiences showing how subscriptions can be obtained from those with whom we do business. Song 33.
Theme: Share the "Word of Life.” Song 16.
5 min: Introduction, text, comments. 13 min: Branch letter. A talk. If possible, use brother who has just returned from Central or South American tour, or let another brother give firsthand report on information. See also March 8 “Awake!” Also, items from Theocratic News.
15 min: “Let the People Hear.” Cover by audience participation.
12 min: “Can We Keep Them Coming?” Talk and demonstration of appropriate points.
15 min: Concluding comments. Outline local arrangements for vacation pioneering in April. Include “How Did We Do in January?” as well as comments on progress of subscription campaign. Also, incorporate some talking points from Maren 15 “Watchtower” article, “The 'Last Days’— What They Mean to You.” Encourage use of March 15 ’Watchtower” in inviting persons to Memorial. Song 7.
Theme: Exercising Freedom of Speech In Our Ministry. (2 Cor. 3:12) Song 91.
5 min: Introduction, text, comments. 15 min: Presenting the Good News article entitled “Showing Discernment in the Ministry.” Questions and answers and demonstration of appropriate points.
7 min: Question Box. Talk by a mature brother.
18 min: Adding to Our Ranks. A demonstration.
(3 min.) Chairman: As April draws near we begin thinking about the possibility of a 20-percent increase. We want to help all honest-hearted persons make “public declaration for salvation.” (Rom. 10:9, 10) This year, why not look around the Kingdom Hall and offer help to those who have been coming to meetings but who are not yet sharing in the ministry? The Bible study file will be of assistance in learning who might be ready for service.
(3 min.) Overseer encourages brother to invite his Bible student, who has been attending meetings, to share in the field ministry early in April. He points out that the new one has knowledge of our work because of home Bible study and attending' meetings. He might even be waiting for an Invitation to share in Kingdom service!
(1 min.) Chairman: If no one is studying with person attending meetings but not yet sharing in service, the overseer may ask someone to assist him. Of course, before taking a new one along with you, let him know what is involved in our ministry. Study 56 In “Qualified to Be Ministers’’ offers fine suggestions for training new ministers.
(8 min.) Brother encourages prospective publisher to accompany him in the ministry next Sunday, reviewing Scriptural basis for our work. (See “Make Sure,” pages 277-280.) He comments on the purpose of our work and its joys and blessings and then briefly outlines a typical day’s activity. The simplified sermon he will use that day is demonstrated and a definite appointment is made to work together in the field.
(3 min.) Chairman: Before inviting someone to accompany us in the ministry we want to be able to answer Yes to the following questions: Is he associated in attendance at some of our meetings? Is he morally clean? Does he think and believe like one of Jehovah’s witnesses, and does he have a desire to share in the ministry? Also, is he separate from Babylon the Great and is he neutral toward this system of things? There is every reason to be optimistic about our prospects for reaching a 20-percent increase In publishers this year as we look to Jehovah for his blessing upon our efforts.
15 min: Concluding comments by overseer, building up appreciation for and attendance at the Memorial. Include some comments on these questions: (1) Have we invited our friends, relatives, those with whom we study? (2) Have good transportation arrangements been made to enable all to get to the Memorial? (3) How should we receive them when they come, and what can we do to make them feel welcome? Song 47.
May be planned locally. We recommend that consideration be given to ways and means of making April an outstanding month for (1) attending meetings, (2) participating In the ministry, and (3) distributing magazines and obtaining subscriptions.
Theme: By Teaching, Make Disciples of Christ. (Matt. 28:19, 20) Song 105.
12 min: Introduction, text and comments and talk on theme for the month, based on “Watchtower” of April 1, 1967.
16 min: Demonstration. Feel Free to Use Your Own Judgment.
(2 min.) Chairman: Our goal as teachers is to start home Bible studies and make disciples. But what publication should we study, the one placed with the householder or something else? It all depends on what holds the householder’s interest. Each one should fbel .free to use his own good judgment in this regard.
(5 min.) Scene I: Publisher just concludes study with interested couple. They comment on paragraph 10, page 7, of the “Good News” booklet. Show some interest in the material, but husband has question. “You know, something has been bothering me and I would really like to have the Bible answer. My brother and his wife are having serious marital problems and it looks as if he is getting ready to divorce her after ten years of marriage. I know it is their business and they will have to work out their own problems, but what counsel does the Bible have on this subject?” Publisher points out that there is some fine information on this subject in Chapter 8 of the “Life Everlasting” book. Time is set for study, arrangements made for them to get copies of the book. Interested couple excited about the prospects.
(2 min.) Chairman: This was a good move. If we try to force the study or start with something that does not hold the householder’s interest, we probably will never have a second study. Need to learn to size up the situation and make the best arrangements for the householder. Let’s look in now on the interested couple at the conclusion of the fourth study in Chapter 8 of the “Life Everlasting” book.
(5 min.) Scene II: Couple express deep satisfaction for Information. Relate some of the things they have learned. Now, even his interested brother and wife want to meet the minister who is teaching them. Next the wife says: “You know, I really would like to know what the human soul is. I’ve always wondered about that.” ‘Impossible to Lie’ book recommended. Suggest they study Chapter 5 first. Everybody is happy and arrangements are made for the study.
(2 min.) Chairman: Did the publisher use good judgment? Indeed he did under the circumstances. While this procedure may not be necessary in every case, for many students may be perfectly willing to follow a progressive study and have no outstanding questions, yet some do have serious problems or outstanding questions and the publisher should feel free to use his own good judgment in conducting the study and In selecting the publication for the study.
15 min: “Have You Read Your Copy?” Based on January 1, 1967, “Watchtower,” pages 28 and 29. Recommended procedure for handling this material: Read prepared questions on article first. Then have the paragraph read. Next, read question again and let audience participate.
7 min: Stimulating experiences in connection with using the special new folder for the “Life Everlasting” book. (Prepare ahead of time.)
10 min: Concluding comments. Stress reaching magazine and subscription goals during April. Many will be vacation pioneering, and that is fine. For those who cannot do this, we encourage the increasing of hours in field service. For example, those who are now spending five hours may be able to devote ten. Those who are ten-hour publishers may be able to move up to 15. and those who are now spending 15 hours may be able to move up to 20 for the month of April. All of us should really try to make April a month of outstanding activity, to Jehovah’s praise. Song 59.
Events for March and April
1 Ahead of us Is a very busy and enjoyable season of activity during March and April, and we are all looking forward to It, aren’t we? However, what we do now can lay a good foundation for It and, to a large degree, our success in the special activity ahead depends upon our preparation now. To help you in this preparation, we are setting out here a schedule of the major eVents for March and April.
2 MEMORIAL. March 25, after 6 p.m. Why do we desire a big turnout for the Memorial celebration? Because it is the one celebration that Jesus commanded his followers to keep, and it is spiritually strengthening for all who are present But how can we best organize for a good attendance? Well, progressively we can whet the appetites of those with whom we study, weeks ahead of the Memorial. We can provide them with the special Memorial handbills and some for their friends. Accounts servants will likely want to type or write on slips of paper the names of all subscribers shown on the Subscription Record sheets since January I960. Then these slips can be given to study conductors for distribution to publishers. All these persons should be invited to the Memorial and the special public talk on April 2. Of course, we don’t want to forget those who were formerly associated. A special effort should be made to encourage them to attend. The letter of invitation in the forepart of the March 15 Watchtower can be used to good advantage. Read it to interested persons or encourage them to read it. Then give them the invitation slip that shows the address and time of the Memorial in your congregation. Some may need transportation and this can be lovingly arranged. All of us can share in warmly welcoming those who come to the Memorial. The overseer can arrange for the passing of the emblems and other details so that the evening will run smoothly. If there is any question as to what is appropriate with regard to the bread and the wine, you can refer to the April 1, 1960, Watchtower, pages 223 and 224.
3 APRIL 2, SPECIAL PUBLIC TALK—“Mankind’s Millennium Under God’s Kingdom—Why Literally So.” What reasons can you think of for having a large attendance on this date? Well, first of all, this information will obviously be strengthening to our faith and, since the talk will be given in nearly 25,000 congregations world wide, this will contribute much toward increased spirituality and unity. What a splendid occasion this is for the many new ones to get a taste of the warmth and friendliness af the Kingdom Hall.
' ♦ SPECIAL APRIL MAGAZINE DISTRIBUTION. It is not too late to order an increased supply of the special April 15 Watchtoicer and April 22 Awake! We must have ample supplies if we want to reach the goals of 30 magazines for publishers, 200 for pioneers and 300 for special pioneers. Why do we want to reach these goals, if at all possible? Because it means that more people are going to hear the good news.
’VACATION PIONEERING DURING APRIL. Here are a few of the reasons why it is good to serve as a vacation pioneer during April, if possible: (1) Stimulates spirituality and Christian growth to maturity, (2) Deepens one’s appreciation for Jehovah and the privilege of the ministry, (3) Builds up congregational activity, (4) Usually results in many fine back-calls and home Bible studies, and (5) Increases appreciation for the regular pioneer service. It is still not too late to get your application in. Also, it would be good for the overseer to make fitting local arrangements for meetings for field service during April.
6 ORGANIZING FOR THE 20-PERCENT INCREASE. A good start in the direction of reaching this goal would be to help all publishers out into the field service by April 9, if at all possible. Those who are not normally out in the service by the middle of the month can be given special attention. As for starting out new publishers, there are some fine suggestions under the service meeting part "Adding to Our Ranks.” Is there someone you can help to start publishing the good news?
7 Finally, it is our recommendation that, during the week of March 20, the overseer have a meeting with the servants and study conductors to go over the arrangements for the Memorial, special April activity and the 20-percent increase, so that we will have an outstanding Memorial season and a truly magnificent April report. This is no time to slow down, is It? Rather, it is a time to press forward, looking to Jehovah for his blessings as we do what we can to utilize our opportunities during March and April.—Judg. 8:4; Gal. 6:9.
8 If we are whole-souled in our service to Jehovah surely he will bless us with his favor and approval.—Col. 3: 23.
Can We Keep Them Coming?
1 Think of it! Last year some 900,000 potential servants of Jehovah assembled with us at the Memorial. Many have not attended a ipeeting since then. When they and others come this year, what can we do to keep them coming-?
2 Realizing the important part meetings have in our worship and spiritual development, we want to make their visit so enjoyable that they will want to return, isn’t that true? We can introduce ourselves, help them to find a seat and then, as time permits, show them around the hall, explaining the yeartext, chart, territory map, and so forth. Why not find out if anyone is calling upon them regularly, and, if not, obtain their name and address. Then you may mention that you would be happy to call and help them study the Bible.
3 The chairman in his concluding comments can show the benefits of association at the house of our God, emphasizing the fact that this wicked system does not have many more years left (Heb. 10:25) Any desiring further information relative to the free home Bible study service rendered by Jehovah’s people can be invited to write their name and address on a blank sheet of paper provided for them on the counter and then hand this to one of the attendants before they leave. By our giving Interested persons every attention possible, those with right hearts will respond.
♦ Offer for March and April: Watchtower subscription, with three booklets, for Si. Include Evolution booklet, if available. Both subscriptions and six booklets may be offered for $2. ♦ Offer for May: ‘Impossible to Lie’ or Life Everlasting book and a booklet for 50c.
Suggested program at meetings for field service: Week of March 12: Demonstrate use of March 15 Watchtower and Memorial invitations to invite subscribers and others to Memorial and special talk in April. March 19: How to start studies. March 26: How to offer magazines when householder is busy or does not subscribe. April 2: Discuss simplified sermon, using 2 Peter 3:13.
Overseer should promptly mail Memorial report card after special public talk on April 2.
Regular pioneers serving since February 1, 1967, will be sent a meal ticket with the March 15 pioneer letter. Please keep it in a safe place for use at the coming district assemblies.
+ New publications available:
Life Everlasting—in Freedom of the Sons of God —Spanish, Portuguese “This Good News of the Kingdom**
What Has God’s Kingdom Been Doing Since 1914? —Italian
♦ Two new Cost List booklets are being sent to each congregation. One copy is for the literature servant, the other for the congregation servant.
Showing Discernment in the Ministry
1 Writing to the Society recently, a circuit servant said: “While most publishers do quite well, some still need to show more discernment in the ministry. Taking the circumstances of the householders into consideration enables us to accomplish so much more with them. Also, it makes our ministry easier and more enjoyable. If there is any righteousness to a person at all, he usually responds to kindness shown—so very little of it is shown today.”
2 Is showing discernment in the ministry that important? Indeed it is! It is often the difference between success and failure in getting a hearing ear so that we can present the good news. If householders feel that we are interested only in preaching a sermon or placing literature regardless of interest, or getting them to join an organization, we will not be as successful in getting them to listen with hearing ears. They must feel our genuine interest and right motive.
3 But why are some people un-receptive? The reasons could be many. Often we are misunderstood. Religious and political organizations have misrepresented us. Then, at times, we may call when circumstances are unfavorable, such as when sickness or family problems have developed, or perhaps they are genuinely busy or have just gotten up. They may be just getting home or just leaving. Distrust of any strangers calling uninvited and concern for safety loom high in the minds of some. What the neighbors may think is also a factor. Discernment will help us to watch for these obstacles so as to take them into consideration.—2 Tim. 2: 25.
4 Whether speaking or listening, be alert to observe and analyze. Having your sermon well in mind in going to the door, you will be freer to do this. When you see that you are not getting through to the householder, ask yourself, What is it that is standing in the way? If the reason is not apparent, in some instances a tactful comment or inquiry might be made, such as, “How do you feel about world conditions?” Or, “Do you have much time for reading your Bible?”
5 If people say they are busy, it helps us if we assume that they are telling the truth. Seek to get their permission to talk briefly and, if they permit, keep your promise to be brief. If the householder is antagonistic, quickly discern whether any good would be accomplished in trying to reason with him. It may be best to withdraw discreetly. The same is true with those who are interested only in an argument. Often we find that with these people we merely waste our time. If we get someone out of bed when we call, we don’t want to be hesitant to say we are sorry. If it is not convenient to talk briefly then, we can arrange to call another time. If some say they belong to a church and are satisfied with their religion, we might commend them for their belief in God and thereafter try to give a brief witness if it appears to be appropriate.
6 Truly, discernment is vital as we present the good news. If we are alert to show it in these various ways, we will lovingly understand and help many more to be drawn to the truth and the way of life.
Av Aw Av Av
Pabs. Hrs*. B-C Bl.St. Mags. Sp’l Pios. 750 141.7 54.1 7.6
Vac. Pios. 2,291 81.6 22.2 2.4
TOTAL 306,504
Public Meetings Held: 22,816
UNITED STATES GOAL FOR 1967 336,029 Publishers
Did we get off to a good start? Indeed we did, for we had a most rewarding month in January, obtaining 145,417 new subscriptions. When we compare this with 112,978 for January of 1966, we see a 29-per-cent increase and that is excellent. Certainly we all hope that the rest of the campaign will be so blessed.
Our Bible studies also came up very nicely. With 244,866 studies being conducted in January, the highest since May of 1966, we are moving in the right direction of assisting sheeplike ones and directing them in the way that leads to life. Keep up the good work, brothers, and may Jehovah's rich blessing continue to go with us.
▼ Cameroun concluded four assemblies in December, with total attendance of 12,799 and 464 baptized; 7,752 reported service for the month. Said one chief of police: "You don't need our help; you are very well organized." ♦ Brothers in Malawi happy to report 16,918 in service in December—an 11 -percent increase.
♦ Ceylon tells of 350 for assembly public talk; 254 publishers in service. Good publicity given to Bible dramas. ▼ Tortola, with 18 publishers, says 20 planned to attend Puerto Rico assembly, traveling by foot, donkey, boat and air. From St. Thomas, with 56 publishers, 60 planned to attend.
In Indiana a new pioneer recently obtained 18 subscriptions in one week, 16 of which came from his magazineroute calls. Also, started four new Bible studies.
• Should we accept invitations to speak to church groups?
It is our desire as Jehovah’s servants to give a witness to the Kingdom and, if invited to address a church group, it is proper to view this as another opportunity to give a witness. It is usually best for two capable brothers to represent the congregation. One might give the talk, and the other could help to answer questions afterward, or they could each give a short talk. For example. If 30 minutes were allotted to us, the first brother could briefly discuss the organization of Jehovah's people and then the last 15 minutes could be devoted to discussing several appropriate Scriptural beliefs. Thereafter, with the permission of the one who invited you to speak, you could entertain any questions the group might have. You might want to take along some appropriate tracts, booklets or magazines and, of course, if any individuals show unusual interest, arrangements could be made to visit them at their homes to further their interest in the truth.
In accepting the invitation, the procedure to be followed should be clearly understood. Any services involving prayer, ritual, singing, etc., should have been completed before your arrival or reserved until after your presentation so that there Is no embarrassment to them or to you when you do not practice Interfaith with them. It Is not advisable to participate In any arrangement that calls for sharing the program on that occasion with another organization, even their own, in the form of a debate.
It is always good for those who accept invitations to speak to church groups to be prepared for any controversial subjects which might come up. Obviously "Make Sure of All Things” would be handy to have along. A tactful and logical presentation, backed up by Goa’s Word and the evidences of his blessing on his people today, may help some to come out of Babylon the Great before It is too late.
Published monthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Ine., 117 Adams St., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201 Second-class postage paid at Brooklyn, N.Y. Printed in U.S.A.