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Unless stated otherwise, content is © Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania
1967 Kingdom Ministry


FOR UNITED STATES OF AMERICA “H»re 1 ami Send me."—Isa. 6:8.

VOL. X NO. 10

^Dean. ^Pubfrskts:

Here is a little news about the Gilead graduation program of September 10. Imagine our joy at seeing 102 students from 11 lands receive assignments to 34 different countries! After five months of training their chosen goal was now just ahead.

A delightful part of the program was a stage presentation of the circumstances facing God’s people in the days of Judge Jephthah, and their fulfillment in our day. it riveted the attention of a capacity audience, and ‘respect for Jehovah’s organization’ was deeply impressed upon all of us.

Brother Knorr concluded the morning program with very appropriate remarks to the student body of this 44th class, on the subject "Having Something Others Do Not Have"—the willingness to make missionary service their career, their special training and their foreign assignments. He urged them to use this unique ‘possession’ effectively to Jehovah’s praise.

For thOse of us who were present, there was special satisfaction in seeing those 102 vigorous young worshipers of God receive assignments to serve in distant lands with evident eagerness. They are willing to leave families and friends to share anywhere in Jehovah’s service! Surely Jehovah will richly bless them!

Theirs is a privilege thus far shared by only 4,464 publishers— comparatively, only a few. However, there may yet be time. Have you given serious thought to the missionary service as a career? Many of you young people could set your sights on that goal and work to attain it. You could vacation pioneer, then later apply for a regular pioneer appointment, and do all possible to qualify for an invitation to Gilead. Those who, for some reason, cannot go abroad can help fill the continuing need for vacation and regular pioneers right here in the United States. And all of us can keep

The Finest Work on Earth

  • 1 It is a real pleasure to have a part in the finest work done on earth today, the work Jehovah Is asking us to do in these “last days," isn’t it? All of us appreciate that there is little time left for this present system of things. In the remaining time it is our desire to share in the preaching work as fully as possible so as to help many more honest-hearted persons to escape from Babylon the Great.

  • 2 During the last service year it was our privilege to help 18,582 more persons to become dedicated and baptized participants in this God-given work. Very fine, indeed. This certainly indicates that Jehovah is blessing our efforts to please him and that he is still drawing new ones into his organization. Yes. the door is still open for more to come in! To help them, we all need to share as fully as we can in this finest of all work, Jehovah’s service.

  • 3 This month we will be featuring a year’s subscription for the foremost magazine in its field. Awake! New subscribers will be given free three booklets. Publishers will remit 90c for new subscriptions. Many of us have found that it is just as easy to obtain two subscriptions as one, so we offer a subscription for both Awake! and The Watchtower, with six booklets, for $2. One of many publishers who offers the double subscription wrote: “I offered the double subscription and in the course of one month obtained 18 subscriptions." When householders get both magazines rather than one, there are many more times during the year when the arrival of another magazine encourages them to consider Bible truth. Why not try offering busy, now and in the months ahead, preaching release to Babylon’s captives.

Your brothers, Brooklyn Branch Office the double subscription, especially where good interest is manifested on the part of the householder?

  • 4 Many of us in our witnessing meet householders who manifest sincere interest and who say: ‘I would like the magazines, but I don’t have the money right now.’ One publisher writes us that he kept a record of such householders and, by calling back, obtained thirty-three subscriptions in one month. Another publisher tells us that he places the two current magazines for 10c, returns two weeks later with the current magazines and in this way has developed a tine magazine route. It is a good thought, isn’t it?

6 Also, don't you agree that magazine routes provide an excellent field for obtaining subscriptions? The people are familiar with the fine information contained in the magazines, and many, when invited to subscribe, are pleased to do so. One publisher informs us that 'thirty subscriptions were obtained in six weeks from magazine route calls.’ Why not think of the various ones on your route who are potential subscribers and make the subscription offer during the month?

8 What other avenues are open to us for obtaining subscriptions during October? To list a few, there is our house-to-house work, which will yield many; we can offer the subscription to persons with whom we study, our relatives and friends, also those with whom we do business, and we can send gift subscriptions. Then, too, if we do not subscribe personally, it would be good for us to become subscribers, wouldn’t it?

' Often in our house-to-house ministry and especially on the weekend children answer the door. Do we ask, “Is your mother home?” or do we first ask, "Is your father home?” Since most of the time the woman (Continued on page 4, col. 1)

Preach release to Babylon's captives.                *


Theme: Sharing Acceptably in the Finest Work. Song 62.

5 min: Introduction, text and comments.

11 min: Questlon-and-answer discussion of “The Finest Work on Earth.” Various points may be demonstrated.

12 min: Suggestions for obtaining subscriptions: Suggest all have with them October 8 “Awake!” Chairman points out value of being familiar with contents so we can adjust our presentations to the various types of people with whom we talk. For five or six minutes, two or three publishers, each interviewed by chairman, highlight an article they are using and tell how the points can be effectively used in obtaining subscription^ and placing magazines. Audience, for about five minutes, discusses how local objections can be overcome. Interesting experiences can also be worked in.

20 min: “Your Word Is a Lamp to My Foot,” page 25, question 2, through page 31, question 3. Chairman (one of congregation committee) asks printed questions, audience answers. To the extent that time permits, have more than one comment on each question and incorporate some scriptures. Emphasize that these are Scriptural requirements that apply to every one of us as Jehovah s witnesses every day of our lives.

2 min: Accounts servant’s report.

10 min: Concluding comments. Cover “How Did We Do in August?” and letter from branch office. Song 63.


Theme: God’s Word, a Perfect Guide to Life. Song 48.

5 min: Introduction, text and comments.

10 min: Use October 22 "Awake!” Several short demonstrations showing how to offer it on Magazine Day. Also ideas as to how various kinds of people might be specially approached with this issue because of their interest in the subject.

15 min: Starting studies in “Awake!” (2 min.) Our desire is to study with people whenever possible. “Awake!” has proved effective in starting studies, especially using article "Your Word Is Truth” in first issue each month: it has questions ready-made for starting studies.

(4 min.) Have publisher demonstrate how interest is directed to "Your Word Is Truth” in a recent issue after obtaining subscription. First paragraph read and discussed. As second paragraph is considered, chairman breaks in.

(3 min.) He encourages all to use good judgment as to how much material to consider when starting study. Explain this arrangement. Also effective when magazines are placed and especially on magazine route calls. If it Is not possible to start study when subscription is obtained, keep record and follow up with thought of starting a study.

(4 min.) Publisher demonstrates return visit and use of “Your Word Is Truth” article to get study started, following same approach as above.

(2 min.) Encourages all to use these fine suggestions to start studies. Wherever possible try to interest the entire family and work toward the goal of a family Bible study.

20 min: "Your Word Is a Lamp to My Foot,” page 31, question 4, through

page 40. If possible, handled by congregation servant as discussion with two persons taking parts of candidates for immersion. Each one should offer some comment on each question. Make the application of the points clear; notice instructions in brackets. At conclusion encourage candidates to read rest of book to become well acquainted with organization and opportunities for service open to them. Tell them that they are now ready for baptism; emphasize seriousness of it, blessings too. Explain immersion arrangements at forthcoming assembly. Point out that on that date they will become ordained ministers of Jehovah God.

10 min: Concluding comments and pertinent announcements. Also work In Theocratic News. Encourage all to read pages 40 through 52 of "Your Word Is a Lamp to My Foot" before next service meeting; study questions are in “Kingdom Ministry,’1 below. Song 20.


Theme: Help Others Through Our Ministry. Song 5.

5 min: Introduction, text and comments.

10 min: "A Personal Letter to You.” Discussion between two servants.

15 min: "When Minors Answer the Door.” Demonstration of points.

20 min: “Your Word Is a Lamp to My Foot." In preparation for this portion of the meeting, all should read pages 40 through 52 of the book and look up the scriptures. Cover with congregation by use of following questions. There Is not a question for each paragraph; answers should simply reflect the audience’s understanding of the subject rather than being a repetition of particular statements in the book. They may use books, but encourage them to answer from their own knowledge, after having read the book during the week.

Questions on "An Organization Based on God's Word": What part does the Bible play in the operation of the organization of Jehovah’s Christian witnesses? How does the Bible emphasize the Importance of respect for God's visible organization and close cooperation with it? What purpose does the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society serve in the theocratic organization? (Read final paragraph on page 43.)

"Congregation Meetings": Why Is meeting attendance important? What difference does regularity In our attending meetings make to us as individuals? (Read page 45, paragraph 2.) How should participation In meetings be viewed? What can we ?ersonally do to help others to benefit rom our congregation meetings? ("Watchtower" Study) In what ways does the "Watchtower" study benefit us? Even though we read the study material at home, how are we richly rewarded for attending the congregation study of “The Watchtower"? What opportunities does the ‘Watchtower" study afford for you to be a blessing to others In the congregation? (The Public Meeting) What do the congregation’s public meetings offer for our spiritual upbuilding? Why is this called a "public” meeting? What role Is yours In connection with the public meeting? What Scriptural precedent is there for our public meetings?

10 min: Concluding comments. Also cover Question Box. Encourage all

to study pages 52-69 of "Your Word Is a Lamp to My Foot” In preparation for next week. Song 4.


Theme: Build Godly Personalities on the Right Foundation. Song 60. 5 min: Introduction, text and comments.

10 min: Talk on monthly theme, based on article in November 1, 1967, “Watchtower.”

15 min: “Getting Ready!” Discuss with congregation offer for November. Publishers may use October sermon, or the sermon “Time to Rejoice,” which uses Luke 21:28 and 2 Peter 3:13, 14. For variety some may wish to use Micah 4:3, 4 in place of 2 Peter 3:13, 14. If any desire to use any other sermon, they are free to do so. Demonstrate offer of “Evolution” book under following circumstances. (1) Where householder shows interest in evolution. (2) Publisher discerns householder not interested in evolution, turns to "Why Has Wickedness Been Permitted for So Long?" 20 min: "Your Word Is a Lamp to My Foot.” In preparation, read page 52, paragraph 5, through page 69. To be covered with audience participation, questions and answers. Encourage spontaneous answers, rather than searching for answers in book. Use the questions below:

“Congregation Meetings": (The Service Meeting) How does the service meeting fill an important need in our lives as ministers? Where in the Bible do we find a basis for having service meetings? What opportunities are there for you to have an active share in the service meeting? Who are put in charge of the various service meeting parts, and what can be done to make these most beneficial? (Theocratic Ministry School) What does our Theocratic Ministry School course include? How are those who enroll in the school specially benefited? What can aid you to make good progress as a speaker each time that you give a student talk? What other opportunities are there to have an active share in the school? (Congregation Book Study) How are the congregation book studies an evidence of Jehovah’s tender care for his people? What benefit will you gain from attending this meeting regularly? During the study, what kind of comments should we learn to make? How can you share in building up attendance at this meeting? What privileges does the formation of a new book study open up, and how can you share in them? (Time of Meetings) What factors Is it beneficial to take into consideration In setting congregation meeting times? (Kingdom Hall) What responsibilities do we all share in connection with the Kingdom Hall? In what ways may we advertise our place of meeting? For what purposes may the Kingdom Hall be used? (Circuit and District Assemblies) What provision is made by the Society for larger assemblies? In what ways are they beneficial? (Personal and Family Study) What recommendations are made for family study, and how is ' such an arrangement beneficial? Why Is personal study very important? How should we view the abundant provisions of study material provided by the “faithful and discreet slave”?

10 min: Concluding comments, including appropriate Announcements on page 3. Song 77.

A Personal Letter to You

  • 1 Each month when the Kingdom Ministry arrives, it is the hope of the Society that you feel a personal letter has come to you from your brothers and fellow workers at headquarters. We try to make it practical, for we want to help you all that we can in the ministry.

  • 2 There are many things that guide us here in determining what should be considered in Kingdom Ministry. We rejoice with you in the good efforts put forth in past months, while making suggestions for Improvement based on these reports and on trends that are developing, as reflected by observations from the field. We try to provide timely topics for sermons and to answer your more frequently asked questions in the “Question Box.” Campaigns and offers are suggested for good coverage of territory with the good news. Service meetings are planned so that, with demonstrations, short talks, interviews and other means, the practical information can be served with variety.

  • 3 However, we do not want you to


♦ A number of mimeographed letters are being circulated from unknown sources, supposedly quoting district servants, members of tne Bethel families, etc. If you hear a talk that you enjoy, it is only natural to tell close friends about it, but it is not wise to mimeograph your notes for general distribution. Some of the items currently being circulated are of a "sensational” nature but not at all accurate. As for printed material, the Society provides this in abundance in its official publications.

♦ Starting November 5 the new public talk for circuit servants will be "Science, the Bible and Your Faith.”

♦ Literature offer for October: Awake! subscription and three booklets for $1. November: New Evolution book and a booklet for 25c. Those desiring may use Life Everlasting or 'Impossible to Lie* with Evolution book for 75c. December: New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures and one booklet for $1. Please anticipate congregation needs and submit your order as soon as possible.

♦ Suggestions for meetings for field service: Week of October 8: Points in October 8 Awake! that can be effectively used to obtain subscriptions. October 15: How to start a study in Awake! October 22: Talking points in October 22 Awake! October 29: How to call back on subscription promises. November 5: How to place Evolution book (1) with a person interested in evolution and (2) with a person not interested in evolution, by featuring chapters 12-15.

♦ Publishers of draft age, on July 1, 1967, the new Military Selective Service Act of 1967 became law. Hereafter appeals where conscientious objection is involved will be determined by the appeal board without benefit of advisory opinion or recommendation of the U.S. Department of Justice. After taking an appeal, 30 days will be allowed within which additional eviview the Kingdom Ministry as a sheet of rules. As in many things we do, so in our ministry, too, there is more than one way to accomplish the desired results. That is why you find, for instance, several suggested ways of getting a Bible study started, or a variety of ways to give house-to-house presentations.

  • 4 The question arises sometimes as to what latitude overseers have in adjusting the suggested service meeting programs. Any part can be slanted to provide local application. Some parts are prepared with the needs of the majority of the congregations in mind, but in a certain area the suggestions may not apply directly. Nevertheless, it would be beneficial for the congregation to consider briefly what is being done in other congregations and then the remaining time could profitably be spent discussing local needs.

  • 5 Occasionally, too, some adjustments are needed when the circuit servant comes, assemblies are held and special matters need to be discussed, such as the prospects

dence may be filed with the local board to be included in the file going to the appeal board.

Each publisher registered with the draft is cautioned that the law requires him to carry his registration card and his classification card at all times.

Of interest to all who are registered with the draft is the executive order of the President of the United States on May 3, 1967, extending the time within which to appeal a classification or to request a personal appearance from 10 to 30 days.

♦ New publications available:

New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures              —Spanish

Rescuing a Great Crowd of Mankind Out of Armageddon    —Spanish

♦ The pioneer rate for the new Evolution book is 5c and the publisher rate is 20c. The "Your Word” book is 25c for either publisher or pioneer. Qualified to Be Ministers is 45c for publishers and 10c for pioneers.





Av. B’C



Av. Mags.

Sp’l Pios.












Vac. Pios.














Public Meetings Held*.


UNITED STATES GOAL FOR 1967 336,029 Publishers


What a grand conclusion to our 1967 service year: 315,638 publishers —13,317 more than last August! And, isn’t it good to see regular pioneers at 9,954, which is very near the 10,000 mark? Also, it is most pleasing to say many more are applying to serve as pioneers. Let’s all continue sharing fully in the finest work on earth.

for building a Kingdom Hall. Congregation servants are at liberty to make these changes according to the need, while endeavoring to avoid leaving out any parts of the Kingdom Ministry that would be of particular benefit to the congregation.

  • 6 The Kingdom Ministry will be of more personal benefit to each of us if we make a habit of reviewing beforehand what will be considered at the coming service meeting. The material will be more meaningful and we will be able to participate in group discussion readily.

  • 7 It is suggested that congregations keep a file of Kingdom Ministry in the ministry school library for ready reference. Individuals have found it helpful, too, to keep back issues for a while so as to review suggested sermons or other helpful points. We know that you appreciate the help Kingdom Ministry brings you each month, because your letters express your appreciation. We enjoy hearing from you and we take this opportunity to express our appreciation for your letters. May our personal letter in the form of Kingdom Ministry continue to bring us closer together in the doing of our Father's will acceptably.

Getting Ready

  • 1 Do you remember that thrilling Friday afternoon at the recent “Disciple-making” District Assembly? Recall what happened at approximately 4:35 that afternoon? How excited we were with the release of the timely and thoughtprovoking textbook Did Man Get Here by Evolution or by Creation? Probably you said to yourself, ‘I do hope we have the opportunity to work with that publication soon. It looks so appealing.’ Many of you have already placed copies with other persons, and you will be glad to know that in November we will all be offering it to the public from house to house on a contribution of 25c, or in combination with either the Life Everlasting or ‘Impossible to Lie’ book for 75c.

  • 2 May we recommend three things before that time? First, take some time to read this new book now. Its style is moving and absorbing and, after reading it, you will surely be enthusiastic about placing it. Second, overseers, be sure to order sufficient supplies. Third, start now to think of all the people with whom you want to place this book—and there will be many. Details regarding the November campaign will be given later, but we mention these few things now to whet your appetite. We hope they will.

When Minors Answer the Door

1 Every now and again when we are engaged in the house-to-house ministry a minor answers the door and informs us, “My parents are not at home.” What should we do? Jesus took time in his ministry to talk with children. It was not simply that he liked children. He was interested in their salvation. (Matt. 19:13-15) The same is true of us today. Of course, it is usually best to be cautious about accepting a child’s invitation into the home, as some parents may object. But often it is appropriate to give a short witness to the minor at the door.

  • 2 When a publisher encounters children, it has been effective to ask them if they are acquainted with the ‘Lord’s prayer’ or, if Catholic, the 'Our Father prayer.’ Most youngsters are acquainted with it and are pleased to repeat it. We can draw attention to the phrase ‘your will be done on earth’ and ask them if they know what conditions will be like here on earth under the Kingdom, and then use appropriate scriptures such as Revelation 21:3, 4 to explain.

  • 3 With young children, after a brief conversation, it is usually wise just to leave a handbill and call

The Finest Work on Earth (Cant’d) of the house is contacted, and our desire is to give a witness to every occupant of the home, why not ask for the father first and, if iie is at home, take advantage of the opportunity to acquaint him with the fine work that Jehovah is having done on earth?

8 While every issue of The Watchtower and Awake! is good, this month the October 8, 15 and 22 issues are all specially line. Each one deals with matters of vital concern. These magazines are deserving of more than usual distribution. It would be very fine if we were able to arrange to spend even more than the usual amount of time in magazine activity this month, so as to enjoy added pleasures in placing this faith-building Information In the hands of many others. By zealous service we can show that we really appreciate what a privilege it is to share in this, the finest work-on earth.

back when the parents are at home. On the return call you can mention the interesting discussion had with the child, commend his interest in the Bible and go on to express your purpose in calling. Even then, if the child is on hand and you can draw him into the conversation, you may find that it helps to hold the parents’ attention.

4 When older minors answer the door and the parents are not at home, use the opportunity to give a witness. Many youths are concerned about the future and what it holds for them. We might ask them what they think the future will be like and then, according to what they express, use the Bible to show them the wonderful future that God promises under the blessings of his kingdom.

5 On completing the witness, you might ascertain from them if their parents permit them to choose their own reading material. If the answer is yes, there is no objection to presenting the magazines or even the regular offer. The same is true when they reply that their parents often take our literature. However, if they are not free to choose reading material, then, perhaps, a tract can be given to them or a handbill and they can be encouraged to read it and give it to their parents when they come home. We recognize that the parents are responsible for supervising their own children, so it is good to use discernment when it comes to leaving literature with minors. But, by using good judgment, s'oiue publishers have had wonderful experiences in bringing youngsters to a knowledge of the truth and, later, their parents with them.

8 Our new book “Your Word In a Lamp to My Loot,” on page 79, tells us: "Keep in mind... that there are usually a number of persons in each household, and by working the territory at different times or on different days you may be able to meet various members of the family. Recognizing that the message you carry means life to those who embrace it, be diligent to give everyone in your territory the opportunity to hear it.’’ Thus, as opportunity affords, let’s witness to the young folks too, just as Jesus did.


♦ Two pioneers sharing in unassigned territory work in Georgia placed 390 bound books, 858 magazines and obtained 106 new subscriptions during the month of July.

$ Peru reports new peak in publishers of 2,788, a 16*percent increase.

Cameroun, with 9,140 publishers in July, had a 22-percent increase. It was the first month they had over 11,000 home Bible studies and the second month to report over 300 vacation pioneers. The publishers averaged 16.7 hours and 6.3 back-calls.

Other new peaks and increases in July over last year's averages: Burma, with 300 publishers, a 22-percent increase; Malagasy Republic, with 263 publishers, a 34-percent increase,- Indonesia, with 1,779 publishers, a 44-percent increase, giving them an average of 17 percent for the service year,- and Malawi, with 1 8,265 publishers, a 21-percent increase, along with 14,419 home Bible studies.

Question. (Sox

• Is it necessary for all dedicated and baptized publishers to have their congregation servant sign the Record of Christian Baptism on page 220 of the new book ‘Your Word Is a Lamp to My Foot”?

A written certificate is not what makes you a minister of God. If you are a dedicated and baptized Christian, you are an ordained minister whether you have a written statement that testifies to your baptism or not. It is God's appointment of you to preach the good news of the Kingdom, as recorded In the Bible, that constitutes your ordination. Living up to this responsibility is the important thing.

However, it is good for us personally to have some written record of the elate of our baptism, because we need it at various times. So, if you have been immersed, we suggest that you fill in the spaces on page 220 of the book, calling for the place and date of your baptism, and then sign your name. There is no need for the congregation overseer to do this for each one who was baptized in years past. But, if possible, the brother in office when one was immersed should sign the certification. If you should ever need a written statement from your present overseer testifying that you are a baptized Witness, he will be glad to accommodate you when the need arises.

But In the future, after anyone has been immersed, the newly baptized person may take his personal copy of the book “Your Word Is a Lamp to My Foot” to his overseer and together they will fill In the Record of Christian Baptism and the overseer will endorse it. The overseer's signature affirms, not only that the individual has been baptized, but that he attended the entire series of meetings arranged to prepare candidates for immersion and that he really has a sufficient grasp of the basic teachings of the Bible to discharge the obligations of a baptized witness of Jehovah.

*             Help many to awaken with “Awake!”             *

Published monthly by Baicbtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., 117 Adams St., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201 Second-class postage paid at Brooklyn, N.Y Printed In U.S.A