MARCH 1968 “Also, In all the nations the good news has to be preached first.*’—Mark 13:10. VOL. XI NO. 3
All of us here at the Bethel home enjoyed a most outstanding day on January 31, 1968. It was the day of the dedication of the new factory building. At noon a special meal was provided by the kitchen staff and we lingered longer than usual at the table. And no wonder! For the dedication program was presented right there. Brother Knorr allowed some unique pictures of the early beginnings of the organization, using a special lens on our TV camera. Then he and other older brothers filled in on the progress through the years. There was no doubt in anyone’s mind that the angels must have been busy directing the organization’s growth.
Later in the afternoon we headed over to the factory for a most enjoyable tour. Everything seemed so clean and fresh! It was thrilling to see the expansion of the bindery. We noted brand-new machinery for separating and trimming books; for endsheeting and gluing them, and for embossing two book covers at a time. Another floor was all laid out in readiness for new rotary presses soon to be delivered. And In the shipping department, we observed an improved method of handling literature orders, involving 450 feet of roller tracks. The whole tour was really fascinating!
This new addition to the factory with its many improved features has become necessary as a result of your fine work in the field. The demand for more and still more Bibles, books and magazines continues to grow. In fact, your service during January alone means that we will be getting magazines out regularly to 146,637 new subscribers. Think of the good that those magazines can do!
Another tiling we are all keenly interested in is the progress in aiding new ones to share in the fishing work. Just take a look at the reports under Theocratic News in this Kingdom Ministry. From all parts of the earth have come reports of new peaks in publishers, some
Be a Good Fisher of Men'
1 Fishing for a living is a serious business. Many things must be learned and applied. Jesus knew this. Several of his apostles were professional fishermen. Much would also be involved in proclaiming the good news and making disciples. Jesus knew this, too, when he issued the invitation, “Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.”—Matt. 4:19.
2 How do you feel, then, as the call goes out during the month of March to “let down your nets for a catch”? There are many special activities and blessings that lie ahead. In fact, if we are going to be truly good ‘fishers of men’ we will have to plan and prepare.
3 The subscription campaign continues and the new sermon, “Peaceful Future for Those Who Turn to God,” will help in our door-to-door work. The Watchtower issues for March and April will carry articles to fit this theme.
4 Has your appetite been whetted by the title of the March 31 special talk, “What God’s High Priest Will Do for the People”? We can advertise this talk extensively the week before and even the previous weekend. Encourage all interested branches already reaching more than a 20-percent Increase. Here in the United States, too, our reports to date show 11,665 more publishers for this service year. How happy it makes us to see more willing workers to handle the nets! During March and April it will be a pleasure to concentrate our efforts in aiding even more to share in this joyful work. Are you studying with some who are ready to start in the field service? By all means, invite them to go along with yoti. May our united efforts result in increased praise to our great God, Jehovah!
With you, letting down our nets for the catch,
Brooklyn Branch Office ones to be there with you. We should go into all ‘waters’ of our territory in letting people know of this talk and stirring up interest in it.
5 During March we will be offering subscriptions particularly to persons with whom we do business. Remember your employer. He knows something of your activity. Maybe you have asked for time off to attend the Kingdom Ministry School or assemblies. Maybe you have been told that your honesty and cooperation have been appreciated. Then present the subscriptions, saying that the magazines explain our ministerial activity and show why we hold to Bible principles in doing our work and in all of our activities.
e Subscriptions can be offered to deliverymen, repairmen, garagemen, doctors, and so forth. They are usually busy, so we can be brief. After paying for groceries a sister might say: “This month we are offering subscriptions for The Watchtower and Awake! to our friends. You have read them before. They are just $2 for both for a year. May I send them to you?” Only a few words are necessary.
7 Does the Memorial, to be celebrated Friday evening, April 12, seem far away? Now is the time to begin thinking of all interested persons, preparing them so they will be with us on this important occasion. Think, too, of those who might qualify and be helped into the field service, as we work for a peak in publishers during April.
8 What was it we agreed concerning professional fishing? That much was Involved and that planning and application were necessary for a good catch. The same will be true with our ‘flshlng-for-men’ operations during March. But what did Jesus illustrate for his (Continued on page 7, col. I)
Theme: Be a Good ‘Fisher of Men.’ Song- 111.
5 min: Introduction, text, comments. 18 min: “Be a Good ‘Fisher of Men.’ ” Questions and answers. Might demonstrate how subscriptions can be offered to persons with whom one does business.
8 min: Preparing Others to Become Praisers of God. (Joy in serving God.)
Good to aid those with whom we study to see, not only obligation to 8raise God, but joy in doing so. See ow this is done at end of study.
Demonstrate: Publisher turns attention of students to Acts 13:48, 52. Then relates an experience showing God’s servants today have that same joy. (May relate a personal field experience or one from “Yearbook” for 1968, p. 150, par. 2-p. 151, par. 1; p. 200, par. 3; p. 203, par. 2.)
15 min: “What Is Your Joy?” Questions and answers. Might demonstrate how a study could be arranged.
2 min: Accounts report.
12 min: Concluding comments. "How Did We Do in January?” Congregation report for February. Progress of subscription campaign. Encourage all to keep good records of all placements, including magazines, so back-calls can be made and subscriptions offered. Encourage vacation pioneers to get applications in early. Song 66.
Theme: Making Room for More ‘Fishing" Activity. Song 94.
5 min: Introduction, text, comments. 35 min: Insert on vacation pioneering.
(11 min.) “An Opportunity to Increase Your Happiness,” pars. 1-11. Audience participation.
(12 min.) "Increasing Your Ministry Increases Your Happiness.” Book study servant discusses this material with publishers in his group. If study servant or others in group are going to vacation pioneer, bring this into discussion. Publisher mentions he is glad overseer will announce who will vacation pioneer, as then all will know of companionship they can have.
(12 min.) "Happy Benefits from an Increased Ministry.” Some study servants might form a panel. Chairman asks them questions. Audience also given opportunity to ask questions. 10 min: Presenting the Good News. “Magazines Help ‘Catch Men Alive.' ” Talk. Draw audience into discussion on main points. Have capable publisher give brief, pointed presentation using current magazine.
10 min: Concluding comments. Remind publishers of gift subscription opportunities and tie in “1968 Yearbook" experience, p. 64, par. 2. Progress of subscription campaign. Encourage good house-to-house records of all placements and interest for follow-up work. Encourage parents to bring children to next week’s service meeting. All bring "Yearbooks.” Song 101.
Theme: Youths Share in Fishing Work. Song 73.
10 min: Introduction, text, comments. Mention that there will be a 5-mlnute review at close and encourage all to pay close attention so can participate. Then talk on "Opportunities to ‘Let Down the Nets’ at School,” using the following outline.
Youths, you are invited to praise Jehovah. (Ps. 148:12, 13) You have a special territory. In house-to-house work adults are usually met, but you are in regular touch with younger folks. They need Kingdom message too. Opportunities to witness in school giving talks In class and in general class discussion. Fine experiences being enjoyed in this way. (Illustrate with local experiences or "Yearbook” for 1968, p. 223, par. 3.) Talk freely to schoolmates about conventions and other regular meetings you attend, talks you give in ministry school, articles you read in "Awake!”, experiences you have in field service: interest may be stimulated and good results seen. (“1968 Yearbook,” p. 244, par. 2; “1967 Yearbook,” p. 276, par. 3; “1966 Yearbook,” p. 96, par. 2) Go out of your way to talk to teachers and other school personnel. (“1968 Yearbook,” p. 277, par. 1; “1965 Yearbook,” p. 168, par. 1; p. 183, par. 3)
8 min: How to Get the Conversation Started.
Young brother says he finds it hard to witness to schoolmates; difficult to get the conversation going. Other young publishers demonstrate how to do it naturally by telling about theocratic activities. Not all will listen; some conversations are short but pleasant; others are more extended. Demonstrate: (1) Publisher tells schoolmate about article in "Awake!” from which he is getting material for class report; student asks if he could get one. (2) Another tells pal about talk he is to give in ministry school; friend wants to know what he is going to talk about.
10 min: Talk on ‘■‘Youth No Bar to the Ministry."
Discuss 1 Timothy 4:12. Often youth is an asset; people are impressed when youth is serious-minded, serves Jehovah. (“1968 Yearbook,” p. 96, par. 2; p. 190, par. 2; “1965 Yearbook,” p. 217, par. 1) Some adults listen longer to young publishers than to older ones. Fine experiences enjoyed in field service by young publishers. (“1968 Yearbook,” p. 233, par. 1-,“1966 Yearbook,” p. 92, par. 2; “1965 Yearbook,” p. 223, par. 3) Ask young publisher to demonstrate how he will present a one-scripture simplified sermon in March and April. (Arrange for various adults in audience to relate the experiences.) 10 min: Christian Loyalty, in Imitation of the Chief Fisher.
Several young publishers discuss together experiences (“1968 Yearbook,” p. 90, par. 2; p. 71, par. 2; p. 169, par. 5) and similar opportunities that they have in which to maintain integrity.
7 min: Putting Service to God First.
Talk. Draw audience in by questions and reading scriptures. Many youths prize godly devotion above sports. (1 Tim. 4:8; “1968 Yearbook," p. 237, jar. 1; 1964 "Watchtower," p. 563) With a keen eye to the future, many choose pioneer service instead of college. (1 John 2:15-17; “1968 Yearbook,” p. 177, par. 3; p. 233, par. 2; p. 203, par. 1) Use local examples, if possible, of those that vacation pioneer; ask them to tell what they have in mind for the years ahead,
5 min: Review of Service Meeting. Overseer can prepare questions on main points of'meeting.
10 min: Concluding comments. Progress of subscription campaign. Remind brothers of need to keep good record of all placements and interest found and follow up on subscription prospects. Encourage intensive advertising of March 31 special talk; really build this up. Urge all to have a share this weekend. Song 81.
Theme: Helping Others to Share In Fishing Work. Song 28.
5 min: Introduction, text, comments.
8 min: Question Box. Discussion, possibly by two of committee.
7 min: Branch letter. Two publishers call on sister in hospital who is now well enough to sit in chair. She already has “Kingdom Ministry” and has read branch letter. They joyfully share material.
10 min: Preparing Others to Become Praisers of God. (Memorial and invitation to share in service.)
Time to prepare those with whom we study to attend Memorial. Also, extend personal Invitation to join in field service, if they are ready.
Demonstrate: After the study, students asked to look up 1 Corinthians 11:23-25. Mentions Memorial. Heard this discussed at Kingdom Hall. They will want to be sure to attend. Then says that they have spoken much about the privilege that we have of sharing in Jehovah's service; ask how they feel about it. Encourage them. Invite them to go with you in any feature of service; make definite arrangements. If they will be going from house to house, plan together right now what you wfll say. Leave them a simple presentation to learn.
17 min: “Be Sure They Read It.” Talk. Then, by means of a talk and questions and answers consider article “Are You Thinking of Becoming One of Jehovah's Witnesses?" in March 1 "Watchtower.” Show how and why this information applies to these persons. Be sure this discussion helps publishers in proper use of article with their interested persons.
13 min: Concluding comments. Appropriate items from Theocratic News ana Announcements. Progress of subscription campaign. Song 27.
Theme: “Let Us Keep the Festival . . . with . . . Truth.”—1 Cor. 5:8. Song 83.
5 min: Introduction, text, comments. 10 min: Talk on theme for April. (See April 1, 1968, “Watchtower.”)
15 min: Have enjoyed hearing special talk "What God’s High Priest Will Do for the People.” Now want many others to enjoy reading it in the April 15 "Watchtower.” Outline arrangements congregation has for widest possible distribution. Have ordered extra copies; should now use them well. Need to know magazine and prepare pointed, brief presentations. Demonstrate with a few well-thought-out presentations by capable publishers. Question vacation pioneers and others to see where and how they plan to distribute magazines. In concluding service announcements on Memorial evening, chairman can encourage taking several copies to distribute to friends. Publishers can be alert to aid new ones to do this.
17 min: “Come to the Festival of a Free People!” from April 1 "Watchtower.” (See also April 8 “Awake!”) Talk, discussion with audience and demonstrations on Inviting persons to Memorial.
13 min: Concluding comments. Progress of subscription campaign. Review arrangements congregation has for Memorial and special arrangements made for service. Song 117.
&ea.t Stotketi:
Do you know why we are the happiest people in the world today? That’s right, it is because we worship “the happy God,” Jehovah! (1 Tim. 1:11) Our God does not selfishly keep his happiness to himself but generously shares it with us. He does this by providing many, many things that make living a joy and give meaning to it. Not only that, brothers, but he also makes available to us opportunities to increase our happiness. What a kind, loving heavenly Father! No wonder we dedicated ourselves to him and want to serve him forever and ever!
For a moment, let us reflect on some of the joys that we have in connection with worshiping our God, Jehovah. Just think of the many dear brothers that he has given us, yes, true friends who mean so much to us. How faith strengthening have been their kindnesses, generosity and encouragement! When meeting time rolls around, we keenly look forward to associating with them again. Talking about Jehovah and his promises refreshes our spirits. (Ps. 145:6, 11) It helps us to maintain our faith and integrity among ungodly men. In this way we have the joyful privilege of adding to Jehovah’s happiness. (Prov. 23:15) Doesn’t that make us happy? Surely!
Of course, our field ministry is a great source of happiness and satisfaction. Our knowing that it is the best work we can engage in now contributes to our contentment and peace of mind. We are certainly glad that Jehovah has made this provision. It keeps us spiritually alive and busy during the few remaining years before these “last days” come to their turbulent finish.
From time to time, Jehovah through his organization encourages us to do something that will increase our happiness. He knows that happiness benefits us spiritually and physically. (Prov. 15:13; 17:22) He also knows that the most rewarding work in which we can engage now is that of “fishing” for men by preaching the good news. Naturally, the more we engage in this activity the happier we will become.
Circumstances, however, prevent many of us from entering the pioneer ranks where we could engage in this happifying work regularly for 100 or more hours a month. There are obligations for which Jehovah expects us to care and which cannot be neglected. Does this mean that we are barred from tasting the joys of full-time Kingdom preaching? No, for Jehovah has lovingly made arrangements whereby we can taste the happiness that comes from increased activity. Brothers, it is the privilege of vacation pioneering at any time during the year that we wish and for as long as we wish.
We are writing to you now because an opportunity to enter the vacation pioneer ranks is presenting itself to many of you. We thought that you might want to consider taking advantage of it. For many of you young folks there will be a vacation period in connection with the world’s Easter holiday. As incentives to vacation pioneer, there are the Memorial and the activity connected with the special talk. Further, with the northern spring around the corner, the weather will be warming up. Yes, here is an excellent opportunity to increase your happiness by vacation pioneering during April.
Just think, brothers, if there were no vacation pioneer service, only about 12,300 in the United States would be tasting the joy of full-time field service, while many of us would never have the pleasure and joy of seeing what pioneering is all about. How thankful we are that Jehovah offers us the opportunity to vacation pioneer, yes, an opportunity to increase our happiness! Many have written to us telling how they felt about vacation pioneering. We think that what some wrote will interest you.
One father wrote: “You have no idea how happy this arrangement for vacation pioneering makes me. I am finally able to realize my ambition to pioneer which I felt would not be fulfilled until after my retirement.” A sister, who was hesitant at first, said: “I can truthfully say these two months undoubtedly have been the happiest and most rewarding I have ever spent in Jehovah’s service.” Another sister wrote: “Never have I felt so close to Jehovah as I have during this month of April. ... I have never known such happiness and contentment, nor has my conscience been so clear.”
No doubt about it, brothers, vacation pioneering increased the happiness of these brothers, didn’t it? That happiness can be yours too. It just requires taking a positive attitude toward this privilege and being willing, with Jehovah’s help, to try it.
Brothers, we do not want you to feel that vacation pioneering is something everyone is obligated to do. No, it is a privilege that Jehovah invites you to take up. None of us should feel that we will lose Jehovah’s favor if we cannot vacation pioneer. He loves the congregation publishers and blesses their activity too, doesn’t he? We feel his holy spirit helping us as we try to do the things pleasing to him. However, there are times when we want to do more, to make a special effort to expand our activity for a while. Here is where the loving arrangement of vacation pioneering comes in. It is something we can take up whenever we want, and the increased blessings are ours for doing so. (Prov. 11:25) Imagine that a person found a room full of treasures and in the room was a door marked “More Treasures.” Wouldn’t he walk through that door? Of course he would. So it is with us. As publishers we have a treasure of service and connected with it is a door of opportunity marked, as it were, “Vacation Pioneering, More Treasures of Service.”
We are sure that many this year will walk through that door and experience what treasures of service lie beyond it, even as many thousands have already done.
Increasing Your Ministry
Increases Your Happiness
Do you remember the Nazirite arrangement in the ancient nation of Israel? (Num. 6:1-21) Though all the Israelites were dedicated to Jehovah through their birth into his dedicated nation, individuals, from time to time, felt the need to do more. Perhaps they saw the privilege of going farther in their being more fully set apart to Jehovah. Not only by their actions but in all probability by word of mouth, those Nazirites declared the glory of Jehovah their God. If we were living back there, many of us would take up the Nazirite vow, wouldn’t we?
Being a Nazirite meant a period of abstinence in order to live closer to God. When vacation pioneering, one abstains from other regular things to live closer to God, in this case by more time in direct service to God. It is Jehovah’s loving arrangement by which we can satisfy this healthy Christian yearning and increase our happiness. The way thousands of you have responded to the invitation to vacation pioneer shows that the Nazirite spirit of wanting to have more spirituality is alive as never before. Yes, we have every incentive to take advantage of this happifying arrangement.
Since we have dedicated ourselves to Jehovah, we want to do his will to the fullest extent possible. Making some special effort to do more than the usual helps us live up to our dedication. In view of the short period of time left, we want to do this as often as circumstances permit. Just think, brothers, there are only about ninety months left before 6,000 years of man’s existence on earth is completed. Do you remember what we learned at the assemblies last summer? The majority of people living today will probably be alive when Armageddon breaks out, and there are no resurrection hopes for those who are destroyed then. So, now more than ever, it is vital not to ignore that spirit of wanting to do more.
v Those who take up vacation pioneering know that adjustments must be made to care for all of their obligations. You mothers will have to arrange your affairs so that with family cooperation you can care for your household work as you pioneer for a while. One sister made adjustments in her schedule for laundering and ironing. To vacation pioneer she had to do these at night. How did she feel about it? She wrote: “The goal for most people is to be happy and enjoy life. I would recommend pioneer service as a guarantee for happiness. You’ll get tired, but it is still happiness.”
Yes, it may even require getting up earlier and caring for things. Some mothers arranged schedules with other mothers. We could not begin to quote all their letters expressing the happiness they felt as vacation pioneers. To them the adjustments they made in personal and family matters were nothing compared to the joy and satisfaction they received. With determination they were able to overcome things that would have held them back.
Maybe some of you are hesitating to vacation pioneer because of having to work alone. You can overcome this by searching out others in your congregation who would like to increase their ministry. It means talking to them and letting the brothers know of your intentions. If possible, maybe your congregation servant can let it be known that some will be vacation pioneering and invite others to join them. When news gets around that two or three will be in this happy service, some may be encouraged to join you, probably some who might have been holding back for certain reasons.
For example, one sister for a time held back from vacation pioneering because she could not drive an automobile. Now she writes: “Tomorrow is the last day of this most delightful experience and I do hate to think of it ending.” What moved her to vacation pioneer? She answers: “The sisters encouraged me to fill out a vacation pioneer application but I hesitated, explaining to them that since I did not drive I felt I would be a burden to them and maybe I shouldn’t.” They “assured me that they would be happy to stop by for me and I need not worry.” Such encouragement moved her to respond and she concluded: “We all had such a delightful time together in Jehovah’s service.”
You congregation servants, is it possible that your entire congregation could vacation pioneer or that maybe a majority could? One congregation in Maryland had forty vacation pioneers last April. In Lebanon a congregation had all its publishers in the vacation pioneer ranks except one who was unbaptized as yet, and even that one made it his goal to reach the pioneer goal of hours. (yb68 179) Of course, you will want to guard against creating a spirit of competition or making any of the brothers feel obligated to do it simply because others are. You congregation book study servants can do much to encourage those in your groups. If you plan to vacation pioneer, let them know about it. Invite them to join you. Talking about it enthusiastically can do much to encourage others to try it.
There are many blessings and happy benefits that result from vacation pioneering. Let’s consider some of them. We are sure that when you consider these, you will want to try vacation pioneering.
Happy Benefits from an Increased Ministry
Here in Brooklyn there is an elderly sister who has high blood pressure problems and who, in spite of it, vacation pioneered twice last year. During her second time she spent well over 160 hours in the field. We asked her why she vacation pioneered. She said succinctly: “I want to become strong in Jehovah.” This sister has observed that vacation pioneering increases one’s faith in Jehovah. Another sister who vacation pioneered for two weeks wrote: “Now I feel spiritually stronger and as enthusiastic as when I came into the truth fifteen years ago.” Truly a strengthening of one’s faith like this is a happy benefit.
There is no question about the fine effects vacation pioneering has on your field ministry. For a moment, think about your literature placements. Wouldn’t you like to be able to call back on these people more often? Surely. Well, vacation pioneering gives you the opportunity to do this.
We know that regular calls on those with whom literature is placed keep the interest alive and make starting a Bible study easier. As publishers we find that our schedules do not allow us to do this as fully as we would like and so it takes us longer to start studies. When we arrange to spend more time in the service by vacation pioneering, this problem of calling back sooner and more often is solved; we have better results. Among the letters received supporting this is one from a sister who said she had “more time to make back-calls on placements where interest was shown, resulting in two new Bible studies and five more new Bible studies to be started.” Others who had difficulty in starting studies found that vacation pioneering helped them improve their back-calls, and they were blessed with good results, some finding more interest than they could handle.
What effect does vacation pioneering have on the family when mother is spending 75 or 100 hours in the field ministry? Listen to what a mother of three small children said: “During the month, our girls, 3 and 4, went with me every day in the service and on calls. Since our son is of school age, he would go with us in the service after school, eliminating the problem of his not being properly taken care of and being left alone.” What was the result? She continues: “Our whole family benefited spiritually to a deeper degree during this month. We truly felt blessed by Jehovah’s spirit.”
Another mother who has four children wrote: “With my going out the children get out more. I have found that they are built up most effectively when I take them out separately and concentrate on their individual ministry. I might add, our relationship as parent and child is greatly improved by this individual attention.” What a happifying benefit to this family!
Here is a heartwarming picture of the happy benefits that vacation pioneering brings into the home. Noting the keen family interest in her activity, a sister wrote: “As soon as my son gets home from school he asks, ‘What happened today, Mom?’ As soon as my husband gets home from work he is eager to hear my experiences. How delightful our dinner hour is as we discuss my daily experiences, and they are many!” Obviously doing more than the usual in Jehovah’s service brings blessings to the individual and his loved ones.
When many in a congregation can arrange their affairs to vacation pioneer, we can be sure that the congregation as a whole is going to be benefited. How? Well, here is what resulted to a congregation in Nevada when many of the brothers vacation pioneered. The congregation servant reported: “We feel that our congregation has grown spiritually because so many were able to vacation pioneer. As a group, it has helped us to work together and accomplish a great deal in spreading the good news in our territory. Most of all, those that vacation pioneered and all of the other publishers were able to draw closer to Jehovah and have a greater appreciation for the blessing of the holy spirit.”
Another congregation in Alabama writes: “Last October we had six vacation pioneers and two regular pioneers, and it brought so much happiness to them that others in the congregation began to take more seriously the privileges before them. The pioneers aided the publishers to increase their service as well as their zeal. In January [1967] we had fourteen vacation pioneers and two regular pioneers. Our congregation activity increased to the point that we averaged ten hours per publisher and all the other averages increased.”
Truly, vacation pioneering offers a series of blessings to the individual, the family and the congregation. It helps us to produce the fruitage of the spirit. (Gal. 5:22, 23) It is Jehovah’s provision to increase our happiness in this trouble-filled, unhappy system of things. Brothers, why not increase your happiness by vacation pioneering? Yes, see for yourself how God will ‘cause you to rejoice with great joy.’—Neh. 12:43.
Your brothers seeking your increased happiness,
What Is Your Joy?
1 The apostle Paul tells us of something that brought him real joy. It had to do with people who were on the road to life. But more particularly did It have to do with those whom he himself had helped to learn the truth. He said: “Why, is it not in fact you? . . . You certainly are our glory and joy.” —1 Thess. 2:19, 20.
2 How can we today share In that same joy? Well, today people come into Jehovah’s organization primarily through Bible studies. So, it is those publishers who conduct these studies that especially will have the wonderful opportunity of experiencing this joy.
3 About two out of every five of our brothers are now conducting Bible studies. Would the month of March be a good month for you to start a study? You might feel that there are many other Important theocratic things for which to care. There are subscriptions to get, the special talk to advertise, the Memorial to begin thinking about and special magazines to place. But, think for a minute. Is all this activity something that will stand in the way of starting Bible studies? Or, might it actually help you to start one? Very likely it will help.
4 It will just be a matter of keeping the goal in mind. For example, getting a subscription from a workmate or one of your business contacts is not an end in itself, is it? No, so at appropriate times you might try to learn how he feels about a certain matter and then refer to an article in the magazine that made an especially good point on that subject. If interest develops, you will have in mind the need for an opportunity for a longer discussion. You might say: “At home I have more material that will help you to understand what the Bible says on this. May I stop at your home some evening to explain it further?” Remember, it is usually best to follow up on the things in which they show interest.
5 If you have been keeping in touch with an inactive publisher and have especially been highlighting the importance of the Memorial and he is being stirred up spiritually, what might you do further? Keep the goal in mind.
Be o Good 'Fisher of Men' (Cont’d) followers? That, if they followed closely his instructions, there would be a catch! He is backing up his followers today just as he did 1,900 years ago. What greater assurance of success do we need?
Undoubtedly this person needs a regular study. However, appreciating that some who at one time were active don’t like to be treated as beginners, you might say: “My wife and I enjoy preparing our Watchtower lesson with others. Would it be all right for us to stop by Monday evening to show you the arrangement for study that we have worked out? You know, the children could be included too."
8 Our records show that Bible studies increase remarkably in March and April. For example, in February 1967 we conducted 250,956, in March 260,655, and in April 276,881. While many factors are undoubtedly involved, could it not also be that those with whom we are in contact are moved to respond because of our increased activity in March and April? Very likely. So, while we might be busy with many things, we will also want to keep in mind that interested persons should have a Bible study.
7 The Bible study work will enable many of us to share the same joy that the apostle Paul had. The weeks immediately ahead will furnish many fine opportunities to start studies.
♦ During April let’s make it a point to feature foreign-language subscriptions. Overseers can determine if there are foreign-language groups in their territory so that distributors' copies can be ordered now. Many subscribe when they see the magazine in their language.
♦ If the circuit servant is with your congregation during the week of Memorial, the time of the committee meeting may be changed, and he may be invited to give the Memorial talk, if the congregation desires. Only the Memorial Is to be observed Friday evening.
♦ Offer for May: ‘Impossible to Lie’ or Life Everlasting, along with Evolution book and two booklets, for 75c. Can then drop to Evolution book for 25c. Do you remember how easy it was to place Evolution books in November? Did you run short of books then? Be sure to order enough for May.
♦ Accounts servants may provide publishers with slips showing names and addresses of all subscribers shown on Subscription Record sheets since January 1967. Distribute these through book study servants, so all these persons can be invited to the special public talk on March 31 and to the Memorial.
♦ If overseers act immediately, there will still be time to order an increased supply of the special April 15 Watchtower and the special April 22 Awake! ♦ There Is still time for the overseer to arrange for those interested in vacation pioneer service during April to get together at a convenient time to discuss their plans. This will afford them an opportunity to work out arrangements among themselves and for the overseer to schedule group witnessing, if necessary, and otherwise offer assistance.
1 For the past five months in our service meetings we have enjoyed the series of demonstrations on “Preparing Others to Become Praisers of God.” Many of us have been using these fine suggestions, and those with whom we are conducting home Bible studies have been responding. We would like to help these interested persons even more, wouldn’t we? Here is a suggestion that might be just what is needed to get them started in the field service during March or April, if they qualify.
2 The March 1 Watchtower will have the article “Are You Thinking of Becoming One of Jehovah’s Witnesses?” Be sure they read it! It is addressed especially to them.
3 How might we use this article to the best advantage? Well, if the one with whom you study is a subscriber, you may find that he has already read it. Fine! If he has not, call it to his attention as soon as possible. If he does not subscribe, take an extra copy with you on your next call and leave It with him, asking him to read It carefully before your next visit. Tell him that on your next call you would like to discuss the article with him, or you might even study it in place of what you are regularly studying.
4 During March and April we will try to help these interested ones to see the joy of serving Jehovah. If you can study the article with them, that would undoubtedly be best. If not, then be sure they read it!
♦ Overseers should be sure to order enough vacation pioneer application forms.
♦ If your congregation has older booklets in stock, we encourage you to leave two of these older booklets with a current booklet when a Watchtower subscription is obtained.
♦ Regular pioneers serving since February 1, 1968, wUl be sent a meal ticket with the March 15 pioneer letter for use at the coming district assemblies. ♦ Congregation servants and pioneers: As usual, the Society will be reviewing the activity of all regular pioneers in March. It will help us considerably if all reports are sent no later than the third of March.
♦ New publications available:
“This Good News of the Kingdom"
—Bicol Living in Hope of a Righteous New Order —Ewe
TH—Which Is the Right Religion?
♦ Again available in U.S.A.:
“This Good News of the Kingdom"
♦ Out of stock in U.S.A.:
Hope —English
Rotherham Bible —English
Watchtower bound volume 1967
—Portuguese, Spanish Awake.' bound volume 1967
—Portuguese, Spanish 1968 Yearbook —Spanish
1968 Calendar —English. Spanish
Music tape #2
Magazines Help ‘Catch Men Alive’
1 In the United States in the 1967 service year we placed 59,999,928 individual copies of The Watchtower and Awake! Why did we do this? Because individually we wanted to have a share in preaching the good news, and the magazines helped us to do so. Publishers felt that once the magazines were in the householders’ homes they were where people could read them, learn and maybe get interested in the truth. They are an important part of our fishing equipment I —Luke 5; 10.
2 But did you know that we placed 3,807,978 more magazines in 1967 than in 1966? Why the fine increase, do you suppose? Well, we might not know all the reasons, but there are some definite indications that are worth considering.
3 For one thing, we put in more time out in the field service talking. For another, the.. publishers displayed more spirituality and zeal in their activity.
4 Then, there were the magazines themselves. Thinking over how his own appreciation for the magazines had increased in the past year, one brother said: “Things are developing so fast as this world deteriorates. It’s the magazines that
A». Av. Av. Av.
Pubs. Hrs. B-C Bl.St. Mais.
Vac. Pios. 2,755 82.7 30.7 2.5
TOTAL 319,239
Public Meetings Held: 20,740 UNITED STATES GOAL FOR 1968
342,516 Publishers
It was undoubtedly one of the finest months we have ever enjoyed together in Jehovah's service! We obtained a total of 146,637 new subscriptions, the best January to date. An excellent start for the subscription campaign! Many more persons will now be getting the magazines delivered directly to their homes regularly throughout the coming year. But while the publishers were busy offering subscriptions they were not neglecting other important features of the ministry. No, they were out following up interest. and a new average of 4.9 was established for back-calls. More Bible studies were started and the average was increased to .7. Jehovah surely blessed our work in January. really help me to keep up to date. They present the facts on just how bad or how good certain things are, where in the Bible it was foretold and where In the Bible the solution is found. I can’t keep all these details in my head, but I can place the magazines and encourage people to read them.” It is good, isn't it, to be out in the field service with the current magazines, witnessing about things with which people are currently concerned?
s Publishers have commented on the fact that recently some of the articles appear to be even more direct and straightforward. Well, as the time for this old system of things runs out, it would seem that Jehovah would want his people to be even more frank and outspoken, while continuing to be kind and loving, wouldn’t it? Isn’t it good to be working with magazines each week that say what we know must be said?
8 Most publishers feel that in offering magazines at the door It is best to be brief. One brother said: "I try to give the householder the most powerful reason for taking the magazines, but in the fewest possible words, letting him know as soon as I can that the contribution is only ten cents. It’s often not easy to get all that into a few sentences, but when I do I have the most success.” Of course, some brothers have found that at times, after the magazines have been placed, and the householder is relaxed, they are tjble to have a further profitable conversation leading to another call.
7 During March and April we will again be making good use of the magazines in our fishing activity. First, we will arrange to be well acquainted with them ourselves and then set aside time to be out in the service talking to people about them. And we can be sure that in the months ahead there will be many new developments with respect to Bible truth and with respect to this old system’s affairs that The Watchtower and Awake! will help us to understand. We can be sure, too, that Jehovah will bless us as we arrange to use the magazines effectively in ‘letting down our nets for a catch.’
♦ The Netherlands reached a new peak of 15,606 publishers in December; 91 new regular pioneers appointed during first four months of service year, to compare with 81 during oil last year.
Africa reports many new peaks of publishers: Ivory Coast, 204; Kenya, 422 (24-percent increase); Malagasy Republic, 284 (21-percent increase); Sierra Leone, 600; Tanzania, 990; Togo, 824 (24-percenf increase); and Zambia, 36,940 (16-percent increase).
Korea reports new peak of 6,966 publishers, a 12-percent increase, as well as new peaks in back-calls and studies. 4* Countries in the Americas reporting new publisher peaks for December: Argentina, 13,928; Colombia, 4,670; Chile, 4,956 (20-percent increase); Ecuador, 1,816; Guadeloupe, 944 (27-percent increase); Honduras, 962 (22-percent increase); Venezuela, 4,869.
yc^ueition dSox
• How should the goals for the regular pioneer service be viewed?
The pioneer ministry is a privilege of service for those who are able to meet the requirements. Goals are set, not only as incentives for fully accomplishing the ministry, but also as aids in maintaining a healthy, balanced and productive ministry—and that’s the desire of all faithful pioneers, isn’t it? —2 Tim. 4:2, 5.
The “Lamp” book, page 196, paragraph two. says: "Pioneers are expected to devote at least 100 hours to the field ministry each month, on the average, or 1,200 hours a year. And, because they are spending much time in the service, they are urged to make it their goal to place at least 100 magazines each month, make 35 back-calls, and conduct 7 home Bible studies each week.” Since this is a special work, it is understood that, before enrolling, the applicant has made the needed adjustments in order to do the work. Thus, 1,200 hours a year Is properly viewed as a minimum requirement for the pioneer ministry. Since that much time is devoted to the service, the placement of 100 magazines. the making of 35 back-calls and the conducting of 7 Bible studies are also reasonable goals, and pioneers are urged to work hard to reach these goals so as to be balanced and productive ministers. (Of course, it is appreciated that it takes time for a new pioneer, or one who moves, to reach the goal of 7 Bible studies.) An average pioneer also places about 100 booklets, 60 books and 25 subscriptions a year. All pioneers should work diligently to preserve these high standards of the pioneer service.
It can be seen that the pioneer service is for those who truly have the pioneer spirit and who are able to meet the requirements. If, because of health or other reasons this cannot be done, it is best not to apply, or, if pioneering, to leave the pioneer service until a more favorable time. In such cases, there is much joy derived from serving faithfully as a congregation puollsher and, as often as possible, as a vacation pioneer.
* Advertise the special public talk for March 31. *
Published monthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., 117 Adams BL, Brooklyn, N.I. 11201 Second-class postage paid at Brooklyn, N.Y. Printed in U.S.A.