JUNE 1968
“Also, In all the nations the good news has to be preached first.”—Mark 13:10.
As we write you this month, there is much cause for joy. Jehovah has surely given all of us reason to be ‘singing and making melody in our hearts’ over all of the blessings and privileges of the month of April!
Just before the month got under way we had that special public lecture featuring “What God’s High Priest Will Do for the People.” Reports show that 447,427 persons attended—a vast audience indeed!
Then came the Memorial celebration. You were very busy inviting newly interested persons, and the results show this. Our attendance in the United States totaled over 80,000 more than last year’s, with the figure reaching 680,773. What a vast potential of new praisers of God there is!
April was also the closing month of our Watchtower campaign. For four months we have all been concentrating on the subscription offer, and the countrywide total makes the success of the campaign very apparent We actually obtained 679,838 subscriptions, an increase of almost 40,000 over last year’s campaign results. There is real satisfaction in knowing that the magazines are going into that many more homes regularly.
The special magazine distribution also proved to be a successful feature of our ministry. Once again the Society’s presses had to turn out many extra copies to serve the need of the United States field alone. When you keep in mind that the average monthly distribution is around 5,000,000 copies, April’s distribution of 7,383,318 is truly gratifying !
As to publishers in April, there Is real pleasure in reporting a new peak—333,672! 18,342 were vacation pioneers. Is it not encouraging to know that many more lovers of God and of truth are lining up with us in worship that is acceptable?
Many of us received special attention and help during April. For example, some 1,280 congregations
Life Depends upon It
1 We live in the most wonderful of times! Yes, the time in which ‘all those who do the will of God will remain forever.’ (1 John 2:17) But to realize this blessing of everlasting life, we need regularly to feed on the Word of God. This is what will lead us to “the real life” in God’s new system of things. And what we want for ourselves, we unselfishly want for others, don’t we? But, how do we introduce them to “the real life”?—1 Tim. 6:19.
2 It is through the pages of the Bible. Appropriately, therefore, we will be offering during the month of June the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, along with a booklet, on the contribution of $1. Let’s be alert to offer the Bible whenever possible, even when encountering ones who prefer a language other than English. Remember, the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures is available, not only in English, but also in Spanish and Italian. And, in addition, the Greek Scripture portion is enjoyed the visits of the circuit servants. And 891 congregations, together with 21 isolated groups, were privileged to attend circuit assemblies.
In many other lands our brothers also had reason for joy in April. Right now the Society’s president, Brother Knorr, is in the midst of a nine-week zone visit to branches in the Near and Far East and in Europe. At Honolulu he spoke to an enthusiastic audience of 2,767 —more than the total of all publishers in Hawaii! As this goes to press he is due to visit Athens and Rome. And as he travels he is giving special attention to the arrangements for next year’s convention tours.
The president’s secretary, Brother Henschel, has but recently returned from a seven-week tour of branches, particularly In the Mediterranean available in Dutch, German, French and Portuguese. Do you know people in your territory who prefer reading one of these languages? If so, be sure to give them opportunity to obtain a copy of the New World Translation in their language.
3 What a grand privilege is ours during the month of June to distribute the book that contains the sayings of life! Where interest is shown, skillfully cultivate it right then and there by showing the value of Bible study. Jesus’ words at Matthew 4:4 may be used, demonstrating the clear rendering in the. Bible and emphasizing that life depends, “not on bread alone,” but upon their taking in knowledge about Jehovah God and Jesus Christ.—John 17: 3.
* Good weather, with accompanying long, light summer evenings, is a grand time for evening witnessing. Many of our brothers have written saying that evenings are an ideal time to find the majority of people, (Continued on page 4, col. T) region. With him he brings the warm love of your brothers in many lands, and reports of their zeal in advancing the Kingdom interests despite obstacles. Though our brothers face hardships in lands such as Portugal, Spain, Greece, Cyprus and Israel, yet he found that they are continuing to make fine progress in these lands and the others he visited. There is much interest in the Kingdom message, and the increase in number of praisers of Jehovah is cause for rejoicing.
Yes, Jehovah has surely filled our mouths with song, and as we move on into June’s activities, expressing gratitude in a practical manner, we shall, in effect, be sharing in a victory procession—the joyful march toward mankind’s grand millennium of deliverance!
Your brothers,
Brooklyn Branch Office
Theme: Helping Others to Get a. “Hold on the Real Lite." (1 Tim. 6:19) Song 1.
7 min: Introduction, text, comments.
15 min: "Life Depends upon It.” Questions and answers. Enlarge on paragraph 4 with local experiences.
15 min: Use Concordance (“Important Bible Words for Quick Reference"). Some have effectively used the concordance in the back of the "New World Translation" to give a sermon. It is done by turning to the concordance and elaborating on the scriptures shown under a heading. Invite householder to follow along. Scriptures can be turned to in the Bible and read if desired. Chairman discusses sermon with congregation, then prepared publisher gives sermon: 'I'm calling In a Christian work. I've been discussing a subject that is actually the theme of the Bible—the Kingdom. The Bible clearly shows the Kingdom by Christ Jesus is the solution to the many problems facing mankind today. By using the concordance in our Bible [show householder], we can find various scriptures relating to this and other subjects. For example, see here under the heading “Kingdom," the Bible tells us at Daniel 2:44, “God of heaven will set up a kingdom.” Have you wondered if God's kingdom will be any part of this world? [Let them answer.) Jesus tells us at John 18:36: [Read from concordance and comment.) This clarifies that God’s kingdom is not a part of this world, doesn’t it? Note here at Matthew 6:10 where Jesus said to pray for the Kingdom. [Read and comment.) Tn addition to praying for God’s kingdom to come and control the affairs of mankind, Jesus informs us, at Matthew 6:33, we are to [paraphrase and comment). If we are to seek something, what must we do? [Let them answer.]’ Publisher goes on to explain purpose of call is to help people become acquainted with the Bible message of God's kingdom in fulfillment of Matthew 24:14. (Turn to scripture in Bible and read it.) Make Bible offer and, if possible, start a study.
Chairman in conclusion states: All or part of the scriptures may be used, as many as desired or circumstances permit.
10 min: New and Young Ones Can Make Bible Offer. Discuss and demonstrate how they can share by using simplified sermon such as the follow-ltlTm calling briefly on those who have respect for the Bible and would like to understand it better. One of the rewards held out to those who have this right viewpoint is stated at John 17:3, where it says: [Read it from Bible.] Taking in this knowledge of God and Jesus Christ is much easier when you read a Bible in modern-day English. This is one of the reasons why this translation was produced. You may have it along with this Bible-study booklet on a contribution of 31.’
3 min: Accounts report.
10 min: Concluding comments. Discuss congregation report for May. Include Theocratic News and appropriate Announcements. Song 17.
Theme: “Taste and See that Jehovah Is Good.” (Ps. 34:8) Song 12.
5 min: Introduction, text, comments.
10 min: Branch letter. Parents consider with family.
5 min: “Are You Ready?” Talk.
12 mln: "Help Them to See.” Question -and-answer discussion.
14 min: Helping the Physically Blind. (Demonstration) Publisher contacts and gives sermon to physically blind person who manifests interest. Is informed of Society’s Blble-study-aid provision of free grade-two braille literature. Individual reads braille, would appreciate literature, gets much more by reading It than by having material read to him. Publisher offers to obtain free copy of Bible-study-aid booklet. Will return when booklet received.
Chairman: Publisher will write Society and have booklet sent to individual or to the publisher.
Briefly demonstrate: Publisher making call and starting a study. Publisher uses regular booklet and householder uses braille booklet. Study conducted in regular way. Chairman breaks in. As Interest develops. individual will be Informed of selected articles from "Watchtower” printed in grade-two braille, which are available by writing the Society’s braille desk. If physically blind do not read braille, we can still try to study with them, and bring them to our meetings so the eyes of their hearts may be opened.
14 min: Concluding comments. Cover “Is Yours a Port City?” if applicable to your area. Report to congregation on results of meeting in connection with territory coverage, in harmony with Society's letter to all overseers and circuit servants, dated April 14, 1968. Song 119.
Theme: "Adequately Qualified to Teach Others." (2 Tim. 2:2) Song 38. 15 min: Introduction, text, comments by overseer. Then entire committee discusses “Question Box.” Read paragraphs in summary.
15 min: Talk on "Watchtower” article of May 1, 1968, "How Do You Give Thanks?”
18 min: Use Concordance (“Important Bible Words for Quick Reference”) to Start Bible Studies. In addition to using the concordance to give a sermon and develop interest, it can also be used effectively in starting Bible studies.
(12 min.) Publisher on return visit: ‘It’s a pleasure to see you again. If you have a few minutes, I’d like to demonstrate how you can quickly gain Bible knowledge.’ Householder encouraged to get Bible, Invited to turn to concordance subject “Jehovah." ‘Many people have asked about the name Jehovah. Notice Deuteronomy 10:17 is listed. Let's look up that scripture together In the Bible.’ (If householder not familiar with Bible, suggest using table of contents on page eight.) Discuss scripture, then go back to concordance and point to Psalm 83:18. (Look It up and discuss it.) Ask householder, based on scriptures: ‘What is the importance of Jehovah’s name and our using it?’ Householder comments. Publisher adds thoughts. Turning to concordance again: 'The Bible further tells us what we are to render to Jehovah, at Matthew 4:10.’ (Look It up and discuss it.) Then demonstrate how to go smoothly into "Good News” booklet, page five, "The
True God,” to continue discussion.
Chairman breaks in. Comments on ease of starting the study.
12 min: Concluding comments. Include expressions from publishers on experiences enjoyed in placing the Bible. Song 39.
Theme: Letting All Men See Jehovah’s Victory Processions. (Ps. 68: 24) Song 41.
5 min: Introduction, text, comments.
10 min: Talk on monthly theme: “Letting All Men See Jehovah’s Victory Processions.” See "Watchtower" of July 1, 1968.
15 min: Presenting the Good News —Skillfully. Question-and-answer discussion.
18 min: Think of Those Who Follow You.
(6 min.) Chairman: Emphasize im-gortance of leaving a good impression.
le mild, considerate, tactful. (2 Tim. 2:25) Define "tactful.” ("Qualified to Be Ministers,” page 190) If too persistent, wrong impression often left. If literature refused, don’t press matter, creating possible animosity or making person take literature to "get rid of him” as some have put it, or consider us as book peddlers. We want to be positive and get householders to listen, but we also want to be discerning when no Interest is manifest, if busy, etc.
(11 min.) Demonstrate points based on "Qualified to Be Ministers," Study 48: (1) Par. 4 - Not attempting to "get the best" of person in argument. (2) Par. 5 - Not being blunt and telling the person all you know. (3) Par. 7 - Avoiding controversies over habits or customs. If desirable, other situations may be demonstrated instead.
(2 min.) Our purpose is to search out deserving ones. (Matt. 10:11-14) If no favorable response, let’s leave them tn a good frame of mind for the sake of the truth, knowing others will follow us. Your courtesy, tactfulness and friendliness may be remembered the next time, with householder more inclined to listen. Refer brothers to material in "Lamp” book, pages 86 and 87.
12 min: Concluding comments. Publishers relate experiences enjoyed in starting Bible studies. Inform congregation of the number of Bible studies started in June. Song 44.
Sp’l Pios. Pios.
Vac. Pios.
953 11,476 18,342 302,901 333,672
Av. A*.
Hrs. B-C
148.9 68.7
104.1 48.0
80.6 31.2
10.3 5.0
Av. Av. Bl.St Mags.
8.3 165.8
5.5 124.0
2.4 99.1 .6 13.2
UNITED STATES GOAL FOR 1968 342,516 Publishers
Total Memorial attendance
Number of partakers
Number of public meetings
Attendance at public meetings
If so, likely many opportunities to witness present themselves with the arrival of ships with their crews of many nationalities. One brother who frequently visits the ships that harbor in his hometown writes: “I have witnessed to crews on boats of many countries, including Russian, Chinese, Greek and Portuguese vessels. Many times in calling aboard the boats I run out of literature and have had them actually beg for literature, having to take names and addresses and mail it to them later. The ‘Preach the Word’ booklet helps where I cannot speak their language. With some I have started Bible studies, which are carried on by mail. There is an average of 15 boats per month that come into this port, and I try to arrange my schedule so as to call on all of them. I have had many wonderful experiences in talking to people who have never heard of Jehovah and his purposes.”
Is this another opportunity for you? Some advance preparation is needed, such as obtaining literature in various languages. It would be good to check with the shipping company to see if a pass is required in order to go aboard or to get permission otherwise. Often identifying yourself as a minister, interested in bringing some spiritual comfort and help to the seamen while in port, is helpful in gaining permission to board the ships.
♦ For nearly two years now we have been studying the Life Everlasting book in the congregation book studies. A number of congregations are covering it for the second time. AU book study Soups should arrange to complete elr coverage of the book, whether for the first or the second time, by the end of July. Check the number of pages remaining and divide it by the number of studies you wlU have by the end of July. Schedule your coverage accordingly. If you can really study the remaining material in the time left, do so. If not, simply review it together.
Beginning with the first Tuesday in August, that is, August 6. aU congregation book study groups wlU begin studying the book ‘‘Babylon the Great Has Fallen.'" God’s Kingdom Rules.’, Part 2, which begins on page 401. The material there is very timely, and many congregations have never studied it. However, whether you have studied it previously or not, we will all start with that material on August 6. It will be very beneficial for us all during the coming year.
♦ Many publishers are free from secular work July 4. It would be well for the overseer to make arrangements for groups to meet for field service. ♦ Offer for July-Aug.-Sept.: 'Impossible to Lie’ or Life Everlasting book and booklet for 50c. Both books may be offered for $1 or one of them and the Evolution book for 75c.
♦ Starting July 7, circuit servants will give new public talk, "Learning from the Miracles of Jesus.”
Help Them to See
1 What do you do when in the ministry you meet one of the approximately 250,000 persons here in the United States who are physically blind? Probably you give your presentation and offer literature that others in the family might read to him. But wouldn’t you like to do even more? You can, by letting these persons know about the Society’s free service of sending various Biblestudy publications to those who read grade-two braille.
2 The Society has the booklets “This Good News of the Kingdom” and Living in Hope of a Righteous New World available in grade-two braille. These booklets have proved to be very useful in conducting home Bible studies with the blind. Additionally, each month selected study articles from The Watchtower are published, and the articles are sent free to those on the braille list. To have someone’s name placed on the list for this free service, write the Society’s braille desk, 117 Adams Street, Brooklyn, New York 11201. Print clearly the name and address, including zip code. Some publications are also available in Spanish and French.
8 How helpful has this braille literature been? Writes one sister regarding the Bible study she is conducting: “Her progress has been very good since she gets the braille
♦ New publications available:
From Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained —Malagasy
“Your Will Be Done on Earth” —Twi
Living in Hope of a Righteous New Order —Motu
“Look.' I Am Making All Things
New" —French BralUe
“This Good News of the Kingdom"
—Bassa, French Braille, Hiligaynon, Kpelle, Ogonl, Sepedi, Xhosa “Peace Among Men of Good Will" or Armageddon—Which? —Tsonga
♦ Out of stock in U.S.A. :
Life Everlasting—in Freedom of the Sons of God (Pocket edition)
New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (Combination) —English ♦ Has your congregation placed all Its copies of the 1968 Yearbook? Why not get them off the shelves and place them with persons with whom vou have Bible studies? They are an excellent means by which to acquaint them with Jehovah’s organization and to teach them the fine habit of daily Bible study. (The Society has no additional copies available in Brooklyn.) ♦ Although it has been announced that the deluxe New World Translation Bible and the deluxe songbook are out of stock, we are still receiving many orders and inquiries. When they become available again, an announcement will appear in Kingdom Ministry and orders will then be accepted. Please reorder only at that time.
material. Up until then her progress was slow as she had trouble grasping and retaining the material read to her. We are both thankful for the braille material.” A brother recently wrote from Malawi: “I am very much delighted to write and thank you for the braille copy of The Watchtower which reaches me every month.” And a sister wrote: “It is so wonderful to have something available to read myself about God’s Word when there is often no one to read for me. I have been having a wonderful time helping other blind people to see the truth with the aid of braille articles.”
4 How fine it is that physically blind ones can thus be helped to grow in the knowledge that leads to life! Take advantage of this provision to assist those who can read grade-two braille and are interested in gaining Bible knowledge.
Yes, assembly time is almost here. Are you ready? Test yourself with this check list:
Have you selected the assembly city where you will attend?
Have you mailed your Room Request form to the assembly city?
To what extent have you checked around in your congregation to see if there is anyone that needs help in making plans to attend?
Has your enthusiasm about the assembly stimulated in those with whom you conduct Bible studies a keen awareness of how important it is, and do they really know how anxious you are for them to be present?
Did you obtain your lapel card from your congregation so that you could have part in advertising the assembly en route?
Are you planning to be in your seat at 1:40 p.m., Thursday, when the program begins, so you don’t miss any of it?
Did you turn in a Volunteer Service form to your overseer for mailing to the assembly city, so that at the assembly you could enjoy, not only the pleasure of receiving, but also the greater joy that comes with being of service to others?
Realizing that one of the objectives of the assemblies is to give a good witness in each assembly city, are you making plans to share In the field service while you are there?
In preparing for the assembly, give careful thought to each of these matters. We look forward to sharing with you In the grand spiritual feast!
1 Have you found that, in some territories in which you preach, it is difficult to obtain a listening ear? Many publishers have. Just as Jesus foretold, a marked increase in lawlessness has occurred. This, in turn, has caused the love of the greater number to cool off. (Matt. 24:12) This condition of the people presents a challenge to us to offer the Kingdom message skillfully, in an effort to warm up the love of God that has grown cold in so many.
2 Are you prepared skillfully to meet the challenge that your territory may present? We know that not all will respond favorably, and we don't expect that The majority did not respond when Jesus spoke God’s message either, despite his skillfulness. (Matt. 13:15) Is it any wonder that we receive a similar response? Jesus said that it would be this way.—Matt. 10: 24, 25.
3 Nevertheless, Jesus reached the hearts of many people and cultivated love of God in them by presenting the message with enthusiasm, earnestness and warm sincerity. “He felt pity for them,” the Bible says. And of one young listener, it says, Jesus “felt love for him." (Matt. 9:36; 14:14; Mark 10:21) So to present the good news skillfully requires that we also have this feeling of sincere love for people. This will serve to warm up their love for God.
Life Depends upon It (Cant'd)
not only at home, but relaxed and more receptive. It is often a favorable time to talk with the man of the house, and to cultivate his interest in the Bible. Evenings have also proved a good time to contact those that could not be found at home during the daytime. If you can, why not arrange to share In prestudy or any evening witnessing? You will find it most enjoyable and an added opportunity to aid others in the way of life.
5 We hope that many Bibles will be placed in your territory during June, and that through your endeavors you will be instrumental in helping many to find out about “the real life.”—1 Tim. 6:19.
4 A skillful device Jesus employed was to discuss what affected people personally. We can do this too. For example, when talking about world woes, try to bring them down to a personal level. Where possible, point to local incidents to illustrate your points. Simply noting the locks on the door can emphasize that lawlessness is Indeed increasing. Of course, the Kingdom is the remedy for all troubles, but show the householder how it will solve his personal worries, not only the big worldwide ones.
5 Another practice that will help you to present the good news skillfully Is to be a good listener and observer. Ask yourself: What do the people believe? Why do they react in a certain way? What have the newspapers or radio said about Jehovah’s witnesses? Have the clergy prejudiced their minds? When you walk away from a door, analyze the call. What would you do differently If you could make that call again? What will you say if the next householder raises the same objection? If the results were fine, consider what you said that was appealing, and fix this in mind. In this way each call you make will serve to Improve your skill in the ministry.
8 Be alert also to suggestions of fellow ministers. When you hear good ideas on presenting the current sermon in conversation with others or expressed at meetings, make a note of them. When your reaction is, ‘That’s a fine approach or way of presenting an argument,’ write it down, and have it ready to use the next time you are in the ministry. Your skill in presenting the good news will thereby increase.
7 By devoting time to preparation and improving our ability to present the good news skillfully in our territory, not only will we be “handling the word of the truth aright,” but our joy will increase as more respond to the message of good news in our territory. (2 Tim. 2: 15) But even If persons do not respond, we will not become discouraged. We are prepared to discuss the good news if given the opportunity; so the fault is theirs, not ours, if they do not permit us to do so.—Luke 10:16.
♦ Australia reports for March a new peak of 18,430 publishers; also 16,319 studies.
▼ Japan's figure of 5,476 publishers constitutes an eighth consecutive peak and represents an increase of 18 percent. ▼ Korea had a 20-percent increase, a fifth peak in a row, 7,490 publishers. ▼ Other peaks for March: Cameroun, 9,647; Ghana, 10,187; Zambia, 37,939; Germany, 79,137; Greece, 11,468; Netherlands, 15,756; Italy, 12,399; Argentina, 14,016; and, closer to home, Mexico, 35,041; Canada, 41,923.
▼ Ivory Coast had a 28-percent increase, with 230 publishers for March constituting a sixth peak in a row.
♦ Vietnam, despite many hazards, reported excellent averages for congregation publishers: 17 hours, 7.5 back-calls and .9 studies.
▼ Guadeloupe's 923 publishers were delighted with a circuit assembly audience of 1,445.
• How are committees to view applicants for regular pioneering?
They are glad to see anyone reach out for enlarged privileges of service, and they offer loving encouragement. They also know that there are responsibilities to be met, and they view these realistically. The material on pages 194-199 of the "Lamp” book serves as a guide to them.
They know that an applicant for pioneer service is agreeing to spend at least 1,200 hours a year In the service. So they must consider whether the applicant’s health, family circumstances and other obligations will allow him to do that. Is he capable of attaining the goals of 100 magazines and 35 back-calls a month, and. In time, 7 Bible studies a week? Do his zeal in service, his record of field ministry and meeting attendance all show clearly that his reason for wanting to pioneer is "deep-seated love for Jehovah,” as stated on page 195 of the "Lamp” book?
Applicants for pioneer service must also nave a “reputation for fine Christian conduct." This means that their conduct is not merely tolerable, but that It is exemplary. They should be conforming to Bible principles in morals and caring for family responsibilities. Christian love should be evident in their relations with others in the congregation. Both inside the congregation and outside they should be conducting themselves properly In all things, as Is true of those recommended as servants.—2 Cor. 6:3.
Those who qualify for pioneer service are, after prayerful consideration, recommended by the committee to the Society. But if an applicant really does not qualify at present, or is not in position to fulfill the requirements of pioneer service, they do not send In nis application but kindly Inform him directly, lovingly offer personal help and possibly recommend that he apply again at a later time. In this way the committee shoulders its responsibility in helping to maintain the high standards of the pioneer service.
Published monthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., 117 Adams St., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201 Second-class postage paid at Brooklyn, N.Y. Printed in U.S.A.