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Unless stated otherwise, content is © Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania
1968 Kingdom Ministry


DECEMBER 1961 “Also, in all the nations the good news has to be preached first.’'—Maric 13:10. VOL XI NO. 12

It won’t be long now until you receive your copies of the 1969 Yearbook. It’s on the presses in the factory, and should be ready to ship out by the end of November. What a thrilling report it contains! We’re not going to give you the details here; you will want to read them for yourself in the Yearbook. Be sure to read it all.

At the breakfast table the other day Brother Knorr told us that he was leaving for Europe for a short time to care for plans in connection with the conventions to be held there next summer and some branchexpansion problems. Are you planning to attend those assemblies? If you told the Society that you wanted to be included in the travel arrangements being made, have you followed through by sending in your reservation request? Don’t wait until it is too late.

My, what a busy time we are having here at Bethel these days! By inid-November well over 5,500,000 bound books had been printed, bound and shipped out from the factory. All this in Just two and a half months! The serious conditions in the world have touched millions of persons, and many are now more willing to listen to the Kingdom message and read the literature. And we are glad to see it, aren’t we?

East month we told you that all-time records were being reached in production of the special magazines. Well, our production of the October 8 issue of Awake!, both English and foreign, here in Brooklyn has soared up to 8,492,100 copies. And the October 15 Watchtower, English and foreign, totaled 5,185,800. Just think of it! And what about the other branches that do printing? Between Canada and England, the printing of the October 8 Awake! was 2,175,-000 copies; the special Watchtower, 1,285,000. Beports have also come in from Germany, Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden and Finland telling that they have printed a combined total of 2,260,270 copies of the October 8 Awake! and 989,000 of the October 15 Watchtower. Most foreign-

God Makes It Grow'

Another New Peak in Publishers!

  • 1 What a thrill it was to see the new service year start off with an all-time peak in publishers during September I But, brothers, it did not stop there. The second month of the service year was marked by a second all-time peak I The report just compiled shows that there were 342,472 publishers out in the field ministry during October, and that is 7,024 over the September peak. Why, that means that over 225 new praisers of Jehovah started out in the field service here in the United States every day during October. Just think of it!

  • 2 In all respects the report for the month shows that you feel the urgency of the times and of the work that is being done. Average hours moved up to 10.8 per publisher. Magazine placements totaled 7,599,834. Subscriptions obtained were 30,933 over last October—a total of 211,706; in addition, 432,876 books were placed. Fine follow-up work was being done, as shown by the new peak of 2,732,109 back-calls and other new peak—313,394 home Bible language editions had the same principal article in The Watchtower that we had in English, and in Awake! most of them were running that very timely information about “The Catholic Church in the Modern World.”

We have also been delighted to observe the good response from your use of the Bible-study folder. Over half of the mail requests that we receive for the Truth book indicate that they want to have a home Bible study too. Publishers that have written their name and phone number on the folder are having interesting experiences. A sister left the folder when placing magazines. The next day as she arrived home from service her phone was ringing. “Oh, I’m glad to catch you. I’ve been phoning all morning,” the housewife studies. Also, there was a new peak in regular pioneers, and 12,462 shared in the vacation pioneer service, which is wonderful! All this gives strong evidence of the fact that you deeply appreciate the privilege of being Jehovah’s “fellow workers.” And the fine increase in number of Kingdom witnesses shows that Jehovah has blessed your efforts with growth.

  • 3 Wliiie Jehovah could do it all by himself, he chooses to use earthly workers in the field. Paul prized highly his assignment in the work, and so do we.—1 Cor. 3: 6-9.

  • 4 If sharing in the growth of “God’s building" was encouraging to his earthly servants at that time of its beginning, how much more thrilling it is over 1,900 years later to be working with God and witnessing the tremendous growth of the organization that is praising Jehovah world wide now! Think of the privilege of working together with the living God and what an honor it is. Jehovah keeps encouraging us to (Continued on page 2, col. 3) at the other end said.- “I read those magazines and the folder over and over, and I do want to have that Bible study in my home.” During December too, if we continue to make good use of the study folder at every home, we may be able to start many more Bible studies, and how fine that would be I

Isn’t it grand to be having a share in Jehovah’s service during this most thrilling time of human history? As we continue unitedly to put first the preaching of the Kingdom during the days ahead, we can be confident that yet grander blessings will come to us from the hand of our generous God. It is a pleasure for us to be working together with you in His service.

Your brothers, Brooklyn Branch Office

*            Putting first the preaching of the good news.            *


Theme: Increasing Our Preaching. (Acts 6:4, 7) Song 27.

10 min: Introduction, text and comments, also “Please Help Us.”

10 mln: ‘God Makes It Grow.’ Questions and answers.

12 min: New Publishers. Talk based on “Lamp" book, pages 107-109, 129, 130. Be sure to consider which children may report as publishers. Show how the overseer plays a part in getting each new publisher started.

15 min: Making Sure They Are Qualified. Demonstration. Mature publisher, concluding home Bible study, brings up privilege ot sharing good news with others. Tactfully explains Scriptural requirements and finds that person qualifies. Then asks person if he wishes to accompany him in Sreaching activity. Purpose of this emonstration is to help publishers see how to speak to new ones before inviting them into service.

3 min: Accounts report.

10 min: Concluding comments. Review congregation report. Song 110.


Theme: Taking Advantage of Holidays. (Acts 18:4) Song 115.

5 min: Introduction, text and comments.

10 min: Branch Letter. Questions and answers. Also, Theocratic News.

10 min: Taking Advantage of Worldly Holidays. Congregation servant or . assistant congregation servant gives a talk outlining the possibilities for group work during the holiday period. What arrangements are already made? May wish to call for volunteers to look after groups on each school holiday if there are children or housewives who can share in Kingdom service. It there are pioneers or vacation pioneers. can some of them take the lead in group witnessing? Try to have arrangement tor group service each day when some of the publishers in the congregation will have holidays.

15 min: Being Considerate. Chairman explains that during the month ot December, and especially the holiday period, many householders will be busy with home preparations or guests. All publishers should be prepared to give a brief presentation when ft seems to be appropriate. It is proper to take the circumstances Into consideration, looking to future calls on same people. Follow this with demonstration of a brief presentation of magazines when someone is busy making a dinner. Also, a quick presentation of the offer without the sermon. Finally, a demonstration where someone is extremely busy: present the handbill and say, ‘The message on the back explains the purpose visit and I will try to come back another day.’ In summary, chairman may wish to refer to some points in December 1965 “Kingdom Ministry,” page 4. Factual experiences from last year can be given, as this will be very practical.

8 min: Making a Record. Consider use of house-to-house record to note all places where promise Is made to come back when not so busy. Good to keep a promise. Also importance of written record of all placements so studies may be started later. Ask audience to give reasons why the written record is important to them. 12 min: Concluding comments. Question Box. Tell congregation how many studies are being conducted now. Is there increase in last six months? Song 4.


Theme: There Is More Happiness in Giving. (Acts 20:35) Song 34.

5 min: Text, comments and introduce program.

15 min: Talk by overseer on service meeting theme from Acts 20:35. Contrast continual Christian giving and its lasting value with the giving of the world at special times and seasons. Consider motives and spirit of Christian giving and the ways we give: Kingdom preaching, conducting studies, welcoming others at meetings, visiting sick (both spiritual and physical), contributing for Kingdom Hall, assisting with building or cleaning of Kingdom Hall, etc. We give of our time, strength, knowledge, natural abilities, and it makes us happy. Apply to local congregation.

20 min: "Faithful Undershepherds." Questions and answers, along with brief demonstrations of book study servant visiting publishers in homes to upbuild and encourage, speaking to them at meetings, assisting publishers in the field, helping one to prepare comments, or talking to overseer about study group.

10 min: “True Love Is Loyal.” Talk based on first article in December 15. 1968, “Watchtower.”

10 min: Concluding comments, including consideration of appropriate Announcements. Suggest everyone bring "Truth” book next week. Song 36.


Theme: Buy Out the Time During Wicked Days. (Eph. 5:16) Song 66.

5 min: Introduction. Family consider text and comments.

30 min: Presenting the Good News.

(13 min.) Bible study servant or very active brother shows how Proverbs 3:27. 28 can tie in with our Bible study opportunities, followed by questions and answers on “Presenting the Good News.”

(15 min.) Demonstrate how publisher who has no study goes to Bible study servant for aid. Servant introduces him to active publisher who has placed many books and was unable to call back on all placements yet. Gets three names and addresses. Bible study servant then takes publisher to one of these calls. Demonstrate how to approach person who obtained book from someone else. Offer help to understand Bible. Go into first chapter of book explaining how one or a family can use questions at bottom of page to get most out of book. Consider first paragraph. Chairman breaks in and says time has passed and they are reading summary of closing paragraph. Interested person reads paragraph. Publisher then makes definite arrangements to return next week for further consideration of book. Suggests perhaps others in family would like to join in then.

(2 min.) Explain arrangements in local congregation for this kind of service. Does Bible study servant know who has calls not yet made? Who would like some addresses? Encourage all to give everyone at least one opportunity; do not hold back the good you can do.                  . 15 min: "Looking Forward." Talk on article plus review of high points in October presentation. Point out something in current magazine that can be fittingly highlighted for householders.

10 min: Concluding comments. Encourage everyone to obtain good supply of magazines and subscription slips and buy out the time. Song 63.

‘God Makes It Grow'        (Cont’d)

put first the preaching of the good news because by this means a witness is given and many are aided onto the way that leads to life.

  • 5 In putting first the preaching, what plans have you made to share in Kingdom work during December? Now we have a favorable time for preaching, and if we all arrange to have some part during December, perhaps we will reach a new peak of publishers.

  • 6 How many do you know who have recently begun to associate with Jehovah’s organization but have not had a share yet in preaching the good news? Surely many of them would be grateful for the privilege. Do some of these newly associated ones qualify to report as publishers? Can you take one with you in your preaching work? We should be sure»the ones we take* into the service with us are really qualified according to the Scriptures. It is proper to check with them to make sure of this. Then we may expect progressive spiritual growth in the future.

  • 7 We have very good news to present this month in the form of the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures in English, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese, plus the Christian Greek Scriptures In French, Dutch and German, so our opportunities for putting first the preaching of the good news are excellent. And if we have supplies, we may Include the Truth book in the offer.

  • 8 There are so many people who need to know the good- news. Therefore tell someone; do not let December pass without having a share In preaching the good news. It will bring good results. In due time God gives the growth.


At. At. At. At.

Pibs. Hrs. B-C BLSt Mais. Sp’l Pios.     980 148.4 67.0  7.8

Pios.       12,542 103.7 46.8  5.2

Vac. Pios. 12,462  84.4 32.1  2.5

Pubs. 316,488   10.8  5.3   .7

TOTAL 342,472

Public Meetings Held: 22,243


356,057 Publishers

Faithful Undershepherds

  • 1 The congregation book study servant has a key role In the spiritual growth of the congregation. As the congregation is made up of the individual book study groups, so the spirit and zeal of each book study group largely determines what the spirit of the congregation will be. The position of the book study servant is a vital one in the congregation, for the group of Jehovah’s people that have been placed under his care will reflect the zeal he shows and the shepherding he does. The book study servant is among those described at Isaiah 32:1, 2 as ‘.‘princes,” so he should be a source of refreshing strength to those whom he shepherds.

  • 2 Each one of us appreciates very much the spiritual strength gained from regular attendance and participation in the congregation book study. To conduct this study in a lively, instructive, faith-building manner is an important part of the book study servant’s work. It requires advance preparation and


1 We have extra shifts working at the factory, and many of the Bethel family are working longer-than-usual hours to produce the tremendous amount of literature that is needed by our brothers around the world. Most of the branches outside of the United States are very low on campaign literature. In view of this, the Society plans to use all of its January book production to till orders for foreign-language-speaking branches. So, if there is any English literature that you do not already have and that you feel you will need for January and February, please be sure to order it at the same time that you submit your order for bound volumes of The Watchtower and Awake! These orders may be submitted to Brooklyn starting December 9. We will try to fill all of them in December.

  • 2 During January and February, if you should find that you need some bound books, we will be glad to ship you any of the following ones: “The Kingdom Is at Hand," What Has Religion Done for Mankind?, “New Heavens and a New Earth," “Your Will Be Done on Earth," “Let Your Name Be Sanctified," and “Babylon the Great Has Fallen!" God’s Kingdom Rules! We have a good supply of them, and there is also available a limited supply of the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. However, if you order items such as the study. But, in addition to this, If you are a book study servant, you have the vital responsibility of being a faithful undershepherd of the flock entrusted to your care. The words of Proverbs 27:23 certainly apply to you, saying, “You ought to know positively the appearance of your flock. Set your heart to your droves.”

  • 3 What does it mean to “know positively the appearance of your flock”? Well, when you leave a meeting do you know if all those entrusted to your care were there? If someone was missing, or has missed several meetings, do you know why? If a brother or sister in your group has not been out in service of late, are you aware of the reason? Taking personal Interest in the spiritual well-being of each publisher is the way you can “know’ positively the appearance of your flock.”

  • 4 So, as a faithful undershepherd, be keenly interested in the spiritual advancement of each one in your care. Work with each one in the

Truth book and the Evolution book, these may be deleted from your order during January so that our entire production of about two artd a half million books that month can be used for export.

3 We will be In the Watchtower campaign then, and you will not need very many books. Of course, you may use whatever stock of Truth books you have on hand, but please do not expect it to be replenished during January and February. Rather, let's concentrate on obtaining subscriptions and placing magazines, which are available in abundance. We surely do appreciate your help in this regard. It will assist us to keep all our brothers supplied with equipment for the ministry. ministry, giving encouragement and kind suggestions that will aid that one in having a fruitful ministry. If one is hesitant to comment at the meetings, go to him with encouragement and help him prepare to have a part If a problem begins to trouble one of those placed under your care and hinders that one in his service or faithful attendance at the meetings, go to him when you first see it. Talk to him. He may tell you what the problem is, and then you will be able to give Scriptural encouragement and help to overcome it. If the problem persists, do not delay in discussing it with the congregation overseer and asking for his help, at all times keeping him well informed as to the spiritual progress and activity of all in your book study group. Every publisher should feel at liberty to discuss his problems with the servants.

Are You Going to Europe?

All who are planning to avail themselves of the Society’s travel arrangements to the assemblies in Europe in I960 should notify us in writing now. The deadline is being extended to December 15. But by that date we need to have all applications for European charter flights and tours, along with the initial deposit. Mark them for the attention of the Travel Desk. Even if you do not yet have a passport, submit the reservation and ticket order form to us, and then the information concerning the passport can be sent in later. But be sure to submit your application no later than December 15.

5 Always be ready to give of yourself for the benefit of the flock. By your good shepherding and warm personal attention you will prove to be a faithful undershepherd, one who “must prove to be like a hiding place from the wind . . . , like streams of water in a waterless country” to the flock entrusted to your care.—Isa. 32:2.


♦ Literature offer for December: New World Translation and Truth book for $1.25. January through April: Watchtower subscription and three booklets for $1. You may wish to offer both Watchtower and Awake! subscriptions, with six booklets, for $2.

♦ New publications available:

"Your Word Is a Lamp to My Foot”

—Japanese "Things in Which It Is Impossible for God to Lie"       —Swahili

"This Good News of the Kingdom” —Douala, Pangasinan “Look.’ I Am Making All Things New"             —Romanian

When All Nations Unite Under God’s Kingdom               —Polish

Living in Hope of a Righteous New Order            —Isoko, Urhobo

♦ Out of stock in U.S.A.:

You May Survive Armageddon into God’s New World —English Convention Report 1958    —English

American Standard, Watchtower edition. Bible (Indexed) —English ♦ Please do not begin ordering the 1968 Watch Tower Publications Index until a date is announced in Kingdom Ministry.

♦ Would you like to have more copies of the October 8. 1968, issue of Awake.'? Normally, additional distributors’ copies of any issue are available for a month after the date of issue. However, because of the fine results that have been had with this special issue on the subject "Is It Later than You Think?" requests for more copies are still coming in. We will be glad to continue to fill your orders for this special issue up to January 1. 1969.

♦ Starting January 5 the circuit servants’ public talk will be "Endurance Leads to God's Approval." The new cirI cult assembly program public talk will I be "Law and Order—When and How?”

At Least One Opportunity

1 The following Interesting comment has been received by us: “As a congregation servant I have encouraged publishers in the unit to work territory effectively when they will be working with the Truth book and to call back at least once on each placement of it to give the recipient at least one opportunity to have a Bible study in his home. Probably if every placement of this book is thus handled many Bible studies will be started and many persons will eventually embrace Christianity. If some publishers place so many of these books that they cannot make all of the back-calls, they are invited to ask the servants for help so it can be arranged that some publishers help them to make at least one call on each placement of the Truth book in an effort to start a Bible study.”

2 The main idea here is making at least one follow-up call on each placement of the Truth book, with the specific objective of starting a home Bible study.

s We think this is a very good plan of action and recommend that all publishers follow it. It is in harmony with the use of our new folder entitled “Would You Like to Understand the Bible?” We


  • 1 In January 19(59 we will begin the thirty-first Watchtower campaign and it will continue for four months. We well remember the good success of the last Watchtower campaign and the many blessings Jehovah gave, so we enter this campaign with confidence that more blessings are in store for us.

  • 2 To be prepared for success, congregations and publishers should make plans now and set aside certain time for service. Check to see how many extra copies of the magazines you will need and increase your distributors’ orders as may be necessary. During the first two months of the campaign most issues of The Watchtower will contain some articles based on the timely material that appears in the Truth book concerning God’s permission of should have a copy of this folder in every book that is placed, and the logical follow-up to it would be to give people an opportunity to have a home Bible study.

4 This will be something very practical for us as the hard months of winter are coming on. If we can start studies, it will help us to be regular in the service even though the wedther may be very cold or difficult. Perhaps during the worldly holiday season we may encounter some problems in trying to start the studies, so in places where it does Sot seem convenient to start a study uring December, give the people at least one opportunity during January to have a home Bible study. Continue keeping track of all addresses where you place a copy of the Truth book and make sure that some publisher calls back, even if you cannot, to offer the home Bible study program to everyone personally.

5 Did you know that less than 45 percent of all publishers are now conducting a home Bible study with someone? How many in your congregation are doing it? If you do not yet conduct a study, here is the opportunity you have awaited to teach someone the good news. Your Bible study servant can help you to begin.


wickedness, the "last days,” and so forth. These very appealing subjects should help us to place individual copies of the magazines as well as .to obtain subscriptions. We can easily tie in the same sermon that was used during October on the theme “Is It Later than You Think?" This is based on 2 Timothy 3 :l-5. So, with our experience in using this presentation previously, we should be able to swing right into the new Watchtower campaign with ease. It will be good to review some of the introductions for this sermon that were presented in the September Kingdom Ministry under “Your Service Meetings.” Of course, we are at liberty to make variations in the presentations according to the appropriateness for our territory.


+ Twenty-four branches including the U.S. reported new publisher peaks in September.

♦ For the first time, reports have been received from the smallest republic in Europe, San Marino. Four publishers there averaged 14 hours each.

♦ Italy began new service year with new peak of 13,070 publishers. Hours, back-calls and Bible studies up. With use of the "Truth" book, book placements have doubled over previous September. ♦ August saw new peak of publishers in Cuba, with averages of 14.4 hours, 7.9 back-calls and 1.1 studies.

♦ Vietnam reports peak of 35 publishers. Rockets hit street where missionaries live, but all there are fine.

♦ In Zambia, where 40,641 publishers reported, 110,952 attended recent district assemblies. Fine prospects for increase.

♦ Japan reports fourteenth consecutive peak, with 6,119 publishers, a 12-percent increase over last year’s average.

C^aeition (Sox

• Should publishers and pioneers order literature direct from the Society?

We rejoice to see more publishers of the good news each year and to receive their requests for more literature, as this is clear evidence of Jehovah’s blessing. This year has been an especially busy one for the office and factory of the Society. Everywhere literature has been in great demand. Some individual publishers or pioneers have thought they might, be able to obtain literature more quickly if they ordered direct from the Society’s office, but this has only served to increase the volume of the mail and slow down the handling of orders.

It will be a great help to the Society if all publishers and pidneers associated with congregations place their orders through the congregation. The congregations generally order literature once or twice a month and, to make it convenient for all concerned, it is appropriate for the congregation servant to make an announcement one week before the order is to be sent so publishers and pioneers can let the literature servant know what they will need In the way of special publications, such as foreign-language literature, bound volumes, etc. Then these items can be ordered along with the regular campaign literature.

December will be a good month to offer the "Yearbook" to interested gersons with whom you have studies.

o if you would like extra copies of the "Yearbook," please let your literature servant know in advance.

It will also speed up the service we can render to you in the office if, when you have to renew your personal subscription, you can do it through the congregation. These suggestions are made because the Society desires to give better service In filling literature needs of each congregation.

*Offer to God a "sacrifice of praise.”                *

Published monthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., 117 Adams SU, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201 Second-class postage paid at Brooklyn, N.Y. Printed in U.S.A.