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Unless stated otherwise, content is © Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania

Q)ea/t ^Kingdom ^PubCisRe/ts:

The 1970’s have arrived! What will this decade mean to Jehovah’s witnesses? When we look back we see that 1959 closed with 803,482 publishers in the world, and 1969 closed with 1,256,784 publishers. In ten years Jehovah’s witnesses increased by 453,302 publishers. That is truly remarkable ! But during just the past service year, 1969, the total average of publishers increased over the previous service year of 1968 by over 100,000! Will this rate of increase continue in the 1970’s? Without question the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is preparing for such increase with the purchase of new property in Brooklyn, buildings that are equal in total space to the four factory structures that it already had. So, evidently the Society expects things to expand rapidly, and to keep pace with the increase of 100,000 publishers in a year’s time requires more buildings all over the world.

In addition to what we have purchased in Brooklyn, we are finishing a large printing plant in Thun, Switzerland. We recently enlarged the Bethel home in Wiesbaden, Germany, remodeling the top floor of the home there and putting in more bedrooms. Chile has just put the roof on their large new branch office and missionary home. And the reports coming in from all over the world show marked increases.

Truly, things are happening! Did you notice that here in the United States we again had new all-time peaks in the number of both congregation publishers and regular pioneers in November? All of us who have dedicated our lives to do Jehovah’s will want to keep active in the field, helping people to take their stand on Jehovah’s side. This includes showing them the importance of associating with us in our Kingdom Halls. It will not be long before these, too, will be deciding to dedicate their lives to Jehovah.

So what will 1970 bring? Will it mean another 100,000 regular

Show Appreciation for God's Revelations

  • 1 Through the revelations recorded in his Word, Jehovah has helped us to become better acquainted with him and many of his purposes. What a great aid The Watchtower has been to us in understanding Jehovah’s revelations! In view of what we have learned, we are not anxious about what the future holds, as peoifle of the world are. Rather, with confidence, we look forward to the good things Jehovah has in store for all who will worship him in spirit and in truth, and we want to help others to become acquainted with Jehovah and his purposes too. One of the best ways we can do this is by participating fully in the publishers on the average? The 1970 Yearbook has now been shipped out to all the congregations and to the branches in all parts of the world, and the brothers will be thrilled when they read the report, for they will see the marvelous witness that was given in but twelve months’ time. Readers of The Watchtower will also enjoy a summary of this report in the January 1, 1970, issue. Many, we hope, will want to know why Jehovah’s witnesses are so energetic and active, and, if it be Jehovah’s will, they will associate with us in the 70’s, sharing in the house-to-house work, making back-calls on interested people, starting Bible studies with those who really want to know, aiding them to be disciples of Christ Jesus.

This is another year in which we will keep our eyes on the text for the year, and, together, all of us will try to follow out this admonition so positively stated by Christ Jesus, namely, “Go therefore and make disciples . . . baptizing them.” (Matt. 28:19) May all of you have that pleasure before 1970 ends.

Your brothers, Brooklyn Branch Office thirty-second Watchtower campaign. The offer will be a subscription for The Watchtower, and three booklets, for a contribution of $1. Or you may offer a subscription for both The Watchtower and Awake! for $2 if you wish, and give a premium of six booklets.

  • 2 When you saw the theme “Finding the True Religion” suggested in the December Kingdom Ministry for our use in the house-to-house work with the subscriptions, how did it strike you? Have you tried it yet, following the suggestions made in the Kingdom Ministry? We encourage you to do so. See what works best in your territory.

  • 3 Last year it was suggested that we present scriptures on the theme “Religion That God Approves.” Some brothers were hesitant about using this presentation at first. However, many later found that when they asked the opinion of householders concerning things they see going on in the religious organizations, many were not only willing to discuss their views of religious practices but were very open in expressing their disapproval of things they had heard and seen in their own religious organizations. This provided excellent opportunities to give a witness. So we suggest now, too, in beginning your presentation, that you ask the householder what he thinks of the upheaval, disorder and rebellion seen in the religions of Christendom. Let him express himself. Encourage him to do so. It is apparent that the thinking of many people has changed. You will find some very willing to express their views on religion and the clergy. Yet, you will find that many of these people still maintain a faith in God and they need to learn how to worship him in spirit and in truth. The Father is looking for {Continued on page 7, col. 3)

Acquainting ourselves with God by his revelations


Theme: Showing Appreciation for God’s Revelations. Song 26.

5 min: Introduction, text and comments.

15 min: Reasons for Vacation Pioneering. Questions and answers on insert “Enjoy the Privilege of Vacation Pioneering.” (Where appropriate one question may cover more than one paragraph. For instance, the question “Why do many vacation pioneer?” may be used to cover several paragraphs, giving opportunity for many comments.) Cover insert from beginning down to the heading “A Fine Time to Vacation Pioneer.” Last paragraph before this heading can be read in conclusion. Congregation servant: Encourage the brothers to read this material before coming to meeting.

15 min: “Show Appreciation for God’s Revelations.” Before beginning discussion of “Kingdom Ministry” article, ask audience where they feel they can obtain new subscriptions. Call on several publishers, to get as many suggestions as possible. Also, ask the publishers what “The Watchtower” has done for them and their family. Entertain several comments. Then suggest that they may want to mention some of these benefits when offering subscriptions to others.

After getting a number of comments on the above questions, cover by questions and answers the points in the article “Show Appreciation for God’s Revelations.”

15 min: “A Warning from Ancient Rome.” Audience discussion.

(5 min.) Remind congregation what went on in Rome. For example: From October 22, 1969, “Awake!,” page 9, read first two sentences under heading “Lovers of Money.” Then, ask congregation what parallels we see in the old system of things today.

Read first sentence under heading “Without Self-Control” on page 10. Then ask congregation W’hat parallels •we see in this old system of things today. Make reference to fact that the Romans were “A Brutal People.” Ask for parallels today.

(10 min.) Review upbuilding Scriptural counsel. Read Gal. 6:7, 8 and encourage congregation to keep separate from unchristian practices of this system. Ask congregation to refer to scriptures that counsel against love of money and dishonesty. Ask also for comments on the advantages that come to Christians from following this counsel of God’s Word.

Similarly, ask for scriptures that counsel against immorality and brutality. Then, ask the congregation for benefits that come to them from following such counsel. Draw out the congregation. Encourage the brothers to express themselves.

10 min: Concluding comments. Consider “New Peaks in November!”, local congregation report and “Question Box.” Song 82.


Theme: “The Time Left Is Reduced.” (1 Cor. 7:29) Song 39.

8 min: Introduction: Family discusses text. Father quizzes child to see if he remembers high points from Branch Letter. Relate interesting points learned from “1970 Yearbook” encouraging zealous activity.

10 min: Question-and-answer consideration of Presenting the Good News —“By Letter.”

17 min: "Offering the Good News Effectively.” The topic for discussion during the “Watchtower” campaign is “Finding the True Religion.” To be effective, there will be a need to draw out the householder, encouraging him to comment on his attitude toward what is taking place in the churches. Do this before you get into sermon.

Cover the article quickly with questions and answers. Then demonstrate the entire presentation. Thereafter, ask for comments from the congregation.

15 min: Questions and answers on insert. Cover material under headings “A Fine Time to Vacation Pioneer” and “Recently Baptized Ones Who Can Vacation Pioneer.” In conclusion read last paragraph under heading “Recently Baptized Ones . . .”

10 min: Concluding comments. Consider appropriate items under “Announcements” and “Theocratic News.” Song 55.


Theme: Seek First the Kingdom. (Matt. 6:33) Song 35.

5 min: Introduction, text and comments.

25 min: The Kingdom. Source material: “Make Sure,” pp. 89 and 91, 167-170, 300-306. “Awake!” of April 22, 1961, pp. 20-22. The chairman should lead with questions and leave the talking to the audience, as much as possible. Appropriate scriptures can be read and discussed.

What does Matthew 24:14 say is going to be done in all the earth? What is “this good news of the kingdom”? How do we explain Luke 17:21? (See “Awake!” of April 22, 1961, p. 20.) Is God’s kingdom real? (Isa. 9:6, 7; Dan. 2:44; 7:14, 18) Will God’s kingdom be established on the earth? (2 Tim. 4:18; Phil. 3:20; 1 Cor. 15:50) Will the Kingdom rule this earth? (Rev. 21:2-4; 5:10) Who are the rulers? How many are rulers in the heavenly kingdom? (Rev. 14:1, 4; Luke 22:28-30) How long has Christ as King been ruling over the Christian congregation? (ms, p. 304, col. 2) How long has the Kingdom in the hands of Christ had authority over the nations of the earth? (Acts 2:34, 35; Heb. 2:8) (See ms, pp. 89-91) How long wall God’s kingdom last? (ms, pp. 305, 306) What blessings does God’s kingdom bring to mankind? (ms, pp. 167-170) How can we seek first the Kingdom? 17 min: Conversing with the Householder. Ask congregation: ‘When using-current sermon in house-to-house work, how are you drawing the householders out? How are you phrasing your question (s) ?’ Call on several to relate -what question(s) they pose to draw out householder.

Ask audience to relate replies they have received in house-to-house work and the results they have had from drawing the householder out in this way before presenting the scriptures. (Let the audience do the talking.) Encourage continued use of presentation in this manner. If desired and if time permits, demonstrate the above. 13 min: Concluding comments. Give report on subscriptions to date. Encourage the brothers to offer subscriptions to all individuals on whom they make back-calls and writh whom they conduct Bible studies. Encourage good support of special public talk. Use points under “Be Sure to Invite—” as set out in December “Kingdom Ministry” insert. Song 104.


Theme: “Listen Intently to Me, and Eat What Is Good.” (Isa. 55:2) Song 54.

12 min: Introduction, text and comments. Talk on theme for month. See February 1, 1970, issue of “The Watchtower.”

3 min: Accounts report.

10 min: What is a back-call? Read basic definition outlined in first two sentences under heading “Back-Calls” on page 105 of the “Lamp” book. Then ask audience to describe various return visits that -would constitute a back-call. If desired, chairman could also present some examples of certain kinds of calls and ask the audience whether these are back-calls or not.

All examples presented by chairman should be reportable as back-calls, so the presentation is positive and not confusing to the brothers. At least ten different examples are presented in the “Lamp” book.

10 min: Two or three publishers discuss interesting points and experiences from the “Yearbook.” Use these to encourage zealous activity during “Watchtower” campaign in local territory. Encourage all to read “Yearbook.” •

15 min: Questions and answers on insert. Cover “Your Family May Help You Vacation Pioneer” to end of insert. One question may cover several paragraphs, allowing for many comments. Read last paragraph.

10 min: Concluding comments. Whet appetite for special public talk.

Last February a 73-year-old regular pioneer sister spent 287 hours in the service, obtaining 6 subscriptions, placing 349 magazines, making 147 back-calls and conducting 11 Bible studies. She covers most of her territory by walking. She told the overseer she always had to work hard in the cotton fields for a payment of little value. She is glad that she can now work hard for Jehovah with everlasting life in view. Encourage all in the congregation to have as full a share in the ministry as possible. Song 91.


Av     Av Av Av

Pubs. Hrs.    B-C Bi.St. Mags.

Sp’l Pios.     942 146.2 64.8  7.0

Pios.       14,598  94.4 39.7  4.1

Vac. Pios.  6,143   84.2 30.9  2.1

Pubs.     342,637   10.0  5.1   .6

TOTAL 364,320

Public Meetings Held: 25,646


378,040 Publishers


Yes, 364,320 publishers is another new peak for the United States, 6 percent over last year’s average! This means that during the 1969 calendar year we have had four new all-time peaks in publishers in the United States. What a pleasure to see such fine increase!

We also sawr another new peak of 14,598 regular pioneers. This is the fifth consecutive peak in pioneers since the “Peace on Earth” assemblies held here last summer!

These are excellent reports, brothers! With you we thank Jehovah for the increase he is giving and we are happy to be busy with you planting and watering, teaching and making disciples.

Offering the Good News Effectively

1 Effectiveness in the house-to-house Christian ministry depends on how closely we imitate the methods of Jesus and the apostles. The Scriptures show that they conversed with people to uncover their beliefs. Knowing these, they then spoke with directness so that the truth penetrated the hearts of individuals.—Matt. 1G: 13-16; Acts 17; 2-4, 16-18, 22-24.

  • 2 Right from the start, before we open the Bible, it is good to converse with the people, inviting them to express themselves. When Paul was in Athens, he learned by observing with his eyes and by ‘reasoning’ with those he met. (Acts 17:16, 17) This is still the best way. We cannot fully know what a person believes unless he talks. For instance, a householder may be wearing a cross. Is he a Catholic, or a Protestant? Does he agree with things he sees going on in his church? The answers to these questions may really be revealed only by his comments.

  • 3 For this reason, after brief introductory remarks to acquaint the person with the subject you wish to discuss, it might be well to ask the householder right from the


O Literature offer, January through April: Watchtower subscription, and three booklets, for $1.

O During the Watchtower campaign many try to reach the following goals: Publishers, 2 subscriptions; pioneers, 20, and special pioneers, 30. If you wish to arrange for a chart of some sort to show the progress of the congregation during the subscription campaign, this can be done.

♦ The Memorial will be held Sunday, March 22, after 6 p.m., local standard time. Each congregation may make its own arrangements for the Watchtower study, possibly on the book study night at the rendezvous or on Saturday at the Kingdom Hall. All day Sunday can be devoted to field service, followed by the Memorial after 6 p.m. The circuit servant may give the Memorial talk if the congregation he will be visiting requests it.

If the circuit servant is visiting the congregation, adjustments in his program may be made to fit local circumstances. He may give his final talk on Saturday evening. He will not give his public talk.

♦ When ordering Memorial invitations, the overseer should please use a separate handbill order form. The cost is 25c per 1,000.

♦ The special public talk scheduled for all congregations for Sunday, March 29, is “The Road Back to Peace in Paradise.” A manuscript for this will be sent to the congregation in due time. Order handbills now.

O Congregation servants may order applications for vacation pioneer service so these will be on hand when needed.

start: Why do you feel there is so much religious confusion? You may find it appropriate to word the question differently in youi- area. Or, you may find it is best to ask a series of questions, such as: ‘You may have read in the news reports about the unrest that is developing in the religious world. Ilas your church been affected in any way? Why does the religious confusion persist? What do you think about it?’

  • 4 An important thing for us to remember is our attitude, our reason for asking questions. We must be sincere. (2 Cor. 2:17) We sincerely want to know what that person believes. We are interested in him as an individual. Thus, how we ask is as important as what we ask. In a polite, neighborly way, probe, stir up his thinking; encourage him to converse. Make him feel invited to speak out.

  • 5 As he speaks, show respect for his views. We should not feel compelled to prove him wrong on every little misstatement. If he wants the truth, the details will come with study. Rather, at this point, see if there is something on which you can agree with him. It may be only

O After January 10, 1970, congregations may begin ordering bound volumes of The Watchtower and Awake!, also the Watch Tower Publications Index for 1969. Volumes are $2 each. The Index is 10c. No pioneer rates.

♦ Additional telephone service has been installed for use by the Society in Brooklyn. If you call and find 625-1240 busy, you might try 858-1240.

♦ New publications available:

Is the Bible Really the Word of God?

—Japanese The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life


"Things in Which It Is Impossible for God to Lie” —Cinyanja, Ga

Living in Hope of a Righteous New Order              —Vietnamese

Tl—What Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Believe?                 —Hausa

T2—Hellfire—Bible Truth or Pagan Scare?                 —Russian

♦•Available again in U.S.A.:

“This Good News of the Kingdom”

—Arabic, Japanese, Polish,


“Look! I Am Making All Things

New”         —Afrikaans, Polish,

Russian, Ukrainian

Living in Hope of a Righteous New Order                  —Arabic

Sermon Outlines        —Japanese

O Out of stock in U.S.A.:

Watch Tower Publications Index for 1967                  —English

World Conquest Soon—by God’s

Kingdom             —Spanish

God’s Kingdom Rules—Is the World’s

End Near?             —French one point, but you can call attention to that and let him know that you feel his point makes sense. Of course, this does not mean we will waste time with people who insist on dominating the discussion and who have no desire to learn the truth.

0 When it comes to reading or (Continued on page 8, col. 2)

Show Appreciation            (Cont’d)

suchlike ones to worship him.—John 4:23.

4 During the Watchtower campaign each issue of The Watchtower will have articles that appeal strongly to those who love righteousness and who long to know the truth. Kindly but forcefully each of these magazines will show the urgent need for lovers of righteousness to get out of false religion and to associate with Jehovah’s people in doing Dod’s will now while there is yet time. This is information that people need —NOW! And during the Watchtower campaign it will be our privilege to present it to them.

  • 5 Our greatest field for obtaining new subscriptions is, of course, from house-to-house. One brother in North Carolina obtained 100 subscriptions during the campaign last year. Asked the secret, he said that it was just spending enough time in the house-to-house ministry. The circuit servant observed that, though this brother is eighty-one years of age, “he doesn’t like to sit in the car too much.” As you arrange your affairs to share regularly in the house-to-house ministry, we pray that Jehovah will bless you with good success and fine experiences.

  • 6 A brother in Missouri obtained 125 subscriptions from friends and relatives. By all means, make the subscriptions available to your friends, relatives and workmates. You may decide to give some gift subscriptions. If you do, you can indicate on the top of the subscription slip that it is a gift subscription and that you are the giver. The Society will be glad to notify the recipient of this.

  • 7 One sister obtained five subscriptions while engaging in street magazine work. When pedestrians asked how much the magazines were, her reply was, “A dollar a year.”

  • 8 Because of the urgency of the times and the message we bear, there is a need for us to show zeal in offering the subscriptions and encouraging others to become acquainted with God by his revelations. In doing so, we show love for our neighbors and we give evidence of our appreciation to Jehovah for his aiding us to get acquainted with him by his revelations.

By Letter

1A crippled sister in Philadelphia finds it necessary to carry on most of her witnessing activity by writing letters. She keeps very busy in her service to Jehovah and she enjoys good success in her work, receiving many replies to her letters. What does she write in her letters? To whom does she write? Where does she get her addresses?

  • 2 To read one of her letters you would think that she was standing at your door talking to you. Often it starts: “Good morning. My name is ----. I am writing to share with

you some information the Bible provides on ‘finding the true religion.’ I do hope this will brighten your day.” In continuing the letter she usually uses the presentation outlined in the Kingdom Ministry, putting it in her own words. Yes, she writes her letter just as if she were talking to the person in a friendly manner, face to face.

  • 3 Many in the congregation know that this sister has had good success in witnessing by mail. So they give her names and addresses of individuals to whom they would like her to write. She writes to individuals that she and other publishers have met in the hospital. One brother met a businessman who lived in another part of the country. This man showed interest in the truth. So the brother gave his name and address to this sister, who continued to develop the interest by mail. Some names she gets from the obituary column. Or if there is information in the local paper about new mothers, or engaged individuals, she writes them, sharing good news from the Scriptures to encourage them as they embark upon their new responsibilities. The overseer has gone into the lobbies of apartment houses where the publishers cannot get in to witness, and he has copied the names and apartment numbers off the mailboxes so that this sister can contact these individuals by mail. Names and addresses have been obtained from the phone book as well as other sources.

    that are hers. No matter what our situation in life, all of us can have a share in making the good news available to others, too. Those of us who are physically able will want to use our time and energy in the house-to-house work and other regular features of the ministry. It. is not intended that able-bodied publishers and pioneers spend much of their time writing letters. But those who are bedridden, or confined to their homes for various reasons, either permanently or temporarily because of illness, bad weather, or for other reasons, may be able to make good use of their time and energy in Jehovah’s service as outlined above. We appreciate the urgency of the times. Our having as full a share as possible in Jehovah’s service is important, as the time left is reduced.

    Offering the Good News (Cont’d) citing scriptures and offering the literature, we want to reach the person then, too, if at all possible. This calls for directness. You have learned something about his thinking now, and so are better prepared to present the truth to him. In the same conversational style, point him to the Scriptures. These exert power and can make him think. (Heb. 4: 12) More is needed than just reading scriptures, however. Help the householder to see the point of the verse. For instance, 2 Timothy 4:3 and 4 makes the point that some will ‘turn away from the truth.’ And, it is true today that many do not want the truth or to have falsehood identified. That is why there is so much confusion in religion.

    • 7 Similarly, in discussing John 4: 23, make clear that the truth is available. There is such a thing as true worship and there are true worshipers, and the Father is looking for such people to worship him.

    • 8 Religion is still a touchy subject with some persons. A growing number of others are disgusted with it, however. If possible, we want to converse with an individual and see where he stands on this subject. The Scriptural thoughts we thereafter emphasize can vary from

  • 4 This sister is very busy and very happy in the theocratic privileges


' ? Three publishers with the Laurel, Maryland, Congregation enjoyed good success in street witnessing one morning, placing 110 magazines and 19 books.

V There were 6,414 persons baptized at the eleven “Peace on Earth” conventions held in the Far East. The total number who attended the public talk at the 24 conventions held thus far came to 986,-926.

< ’ Italy reports another new peak in publishers—16,188. They averaged 12.4 hours, 14.6 magazines and 7.2 back-calls each.

France with pleasure announces a peak that is 16-percent above the same month last year—32,537 publishers.

A second consecutive peak for the British Isles, with 59,342 in the preaching work. This is 6-percent above last year's average.

Canada reports 44,792 publishers, a 4-percent increase over last year’s average. Publishers there still meeting 10-hour goal per month.

- With 43,161 reporting, Mexico has another new peak. Bible studies up to 41,784 for the first time.

Argentina's all-time high of 16,897 publishers conducted 19,006 Bible studies in one month and averaged 12 hours each.

person to person. But under no circumstances will we be unkind

• If the householder does not take the subscription (s), what might be presented as an alternate offer?

Two magazines on a ten-cent contribution could be offered. It might be the beginning of a magazine route. You may find also, after the householder reads the individual magazines, that he will then desire to obtain the subscription(s).

Or, one of the 25-cent pocket-sized publications—the “Truth,” “Evolution” or “Word of God” book—could be offered.

By all means, acquaint the householder with our free, six-month Biblestudy course. You may wish to offer to demonstrate the study procedure right then, or if this is not convenient, you may be able to arrange to do this at a later time. Remember, if at all possible, we want to start and conduct home Bible studies with people. We want to make disciples of people. So, continue to make good use of the Bible-study folder.

or tactless. Kindness is a fruit of God’s spirit and should always mark our lives and speech. (Gal. 5; 22;

2 Cor. 6:3, 4, 6) So, try to get people to talk. Then let the truth be direct enough so that the householder gets the point and is aided to act on it, if he is favorably disposed.—Acts 13 : 48.

* “Go on walking in wisdom . . . buying out the opportune time.” *

Published monthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., 117 Adams St., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201 Second-class postage paid at Brooklyn, N.Y. Printed in U.S.A.