“Go therefore end make disciples . • . baptizing them.”—Matt. 28:19.
Time has passed quickly, and another service year has ended. The annual report has just been completed, and it has certainly been heartwarming for us here at Bethel to see what it contains.
Compared with last year, the average number of publishers in the United States has risen 27,888, to 371,561. Isn’t it wonderful to know that all these have been sharing in magnifying Jehovah’s name? Included among them were 23,507 pioneers each month. And how busy these all have been, for the report shows a marvelous increase over last year of 6,693,117 hours spent in the field ministry, the total this year being 69,791,988, or the equivalent of nearly three million 24-hour days. Just think of it I • Very encouraging too is the report on that important work of conducting Bible studies. There were 295,468 studies conducted each month to aid others to learn God’s life-giving Word. Did you have the pleasure of conducting one of those studies?
That this Bible study activity, using the six-month study program, is yielding good fruit is evident in the healthy increase in the number of those baptized. For 1969 the total was 29,730; this past year it was 38,790. So we are finding those who truly want to be disciples of Jesus Christ, and this makes us rejoice.
Now we are keenly anticipating what the new service year will bring. There are many new publishers to be helped to mature; there are thousands of Bible students to bring into association with Jehovah’s organization; and the time left in which to start studies with others and to assist them to take their stand with Jehovah is reduced. So, with deep appreciation for the service entrusted to us, let us share in it to the full.
Be assured of our warm love for each one of you.
Your brothers, Brooklyn Branch Office
Help Them to Choose Life
XA few weeks ago you saw the front cover of the special issue of Awake! But now that you have the entire magazine, have you read it? If so, you know how valuable it will be in helping others to appreciate Jehovah’s loving provision for eternal life.
2 The majority of people on whom we call know that we talk about living forever on earth, but they personally 'just don’t believe it. Hasn’t that been your experience? Some object that, if no one ever died, there would not be enough room for everyone on earth. Others say that the fact that people have been dying for thousands of years is proof to them that man was not meant to live forever. Asked if they would not like to live forever, there are those who frankly say “No.” What do you answer when householders respond in this way?
3 The October 8 Awake! is designed to break through their skepticism and to help them to appreciate that what the Bible says about eternal life deserves wholehearted acceptance. It answers their objections in a satisfying way and shows what they must do now in order to choose life. But, of course, they need to get this magazine in their hands and read it in order to benefit from it. So, let’s be enthusiastic about offering it, along with The Watchtower, to everyone possible.
4 Who is there that you especially would like to encourage to read this issue of Awake!? Might it be the instrument that would help a relative who, until now, has just not responded? Is there a neighbor who possibly would be moved by it? Why not make a list of these people whom you know personally and see that each one of them receives a copy. As you have observed, the appeal of the October 8 Awake! is broad. It involves every living human—agnostics, church members and others too. Give as many as possible the opportunity to read it.
When arranging your service schedule for the month, could you plan to spend more time in magazine work than you usually do? What a blessing that might prove to be to those who obtain the magazine as a result of your added effort!
5 October, as you know, is a subscription month. We feature Awake! subscriptions, though you may offer both The Watchtower and Awake! for $2 if you prefer. True, some people have lots of magazines in their home, but are there any other magazines in the world that fill the needs that these two magazines do? Certainly not! While providing wholesome reading for the entire family, they also answer people’s most searching questions about life and point them to the only way to survive the “great tribulation.”
6 Even if they do not at first see the urgent need of having such information, Aicake! has a way of making friends. It has a wide appeal. As a result, a newspaper columnist in Indiana wrote: “I was recently asked to analyze a number of popular magazines. . . . My favorite magazine today is Awake!” And • a Catholic woman recently wrote to the Society to say: “Your Awake! is one of the finest little publications printed, and my husband and I enjoy it immensely.” They appreciate its wholesome, truthful outlook. This makes Jehovah’s witnesses welcome callers at their door, and it may help them to get on the road to life. So, regardless of what there is about the magazine that appeals to a person, urge him to subscribe. In the course of a year, he may get far more than he expected. Take a positive outlook. Offer subscriptions to workmates or classmates. Talk about subscriptions to those with whom you have recently started studies; they need them. And, by all means, during October offer subscriptions regularly from house to house.
(Continued on page 2, col. 3)
Theme: Aiding Others to Choose Life. Song 119.
5 min: Introduction, text and comments.
25 min: Appreciating God’s Provision for Everlasting Life. Draw out comments from as many different ones in the audience as possible. Make it interesting and lively. Cover the following points: (Page references are all to October 8, 1970, “Awake!”)
How do we know that it was God’s purpose for man to live forever on earth? (Gen. 2:16, 17; John 3:16; Ps. 37:29; Rev. 21:3, 4) What facts concerning living things on earth make it seem strange that humans have such a short life-span? (Pp. 3, 4) What normal, wholesome human desires are frustrated by the shortness of human life? (Pp. 4-6) How far do scientists really believe that they can go in helping man to have long life? (P. 9) What is there within the human body itself that indicates that it was designed to live forever? (Pp. 10-13) Why would it not be boring to live forever? (Pp. 14-18) Already man is having problems with the population explosion, so W’here will everyone live when death is no longer inevitable and when even the dead return? (Pp. 18, 19) Can the earth produce enough food for all those people? (Pp. 19, 20). How does the ransom sacrifice open up the way to eternal life? (Pp. 21-24) What will ensure the right environment for living forever on earth? (Pp. 24, 25) What must we personally do now if we want to live forever? (Pp. 26-29) What preliminary steps must we help others to take to get on the road to eternal life? (Pp. 26-29) 20 min: “Helj) Them to Choose Life.” Discuss article with audience. Along with paragraph 3 have short demonstrations of magazine presentations, featuring the October 8 “Awake!” Ilse ideas in paragraphs 1 and 2 under “Presenting the Good News.”
3 min: Accounts report.
7 min: Concluding comments. Include “How Did We Do in August?” and local report for September. Song 80.
Theme: Showing Ourselves to Be Advocates of Peace. Song 36.
5 min: Introduction, text and comments.
15 min: “Not Forsaking the Gathering of Ourselves Together.” Talk and interviews emphasizing the appreciation shown for congregation meetings. Interview some who have come regularly for many years; also, some who overcome serious problems of health or opposition to be in attendance. Express appreciation for perseverance of sisters who bring their children; it is not easy to concentrate on program and at the same time keep an eye on young children. Ask why they do it. As time permits, work in the following experiences: g67 8/8 pp. 6, 7; yb66 p. 226; yl>64 p. 99; yb65 p. 117.
15 min: Presenting the Good News. Cover paragraphs 3-5. Discuss with apdienceng ■ -to engage .householders hrTfinversation .on subject,of living^ <01’6 V6i‘. ATTer a few suggestions as to tire" irrtTodifctiiiiijHiave ■ putdrslre-r -dem-oHs4^at^-Tjrr-sentatiofCltnTrrg~-~,ideas trr ptrragi’gptr?. As objections are raised, questions are asked, etc., have.pui>-. Usher stop; chairman will as&"au(Iience "for suggestions on how to handle the 20 min: Starting New Bible Studies. Two mature publishers review suggestions in June 1970 “Kingdom Ministry” regarding methods of starting studies. Make clear the difference between offering to “demonstrate the study” and, on the other hand, asking the householder whether he is interested in having a regular Bible study. Analyze advantages. Demonstrate, using as a setting a back-call on someone who obtained special issue of “Awake!” (See paragraph 7 of article “Help Them to Choose Life.”) 12 min: Concluding comments. Question Box and appropriate Announcements; offer foi' November. Song 66.
matter; then publisher will continue. Emphasize ideas in either pararaph 4 or 5, depending on what is common in your territory. In conclusion, comment on Matthew 10:12, 13.
15 min: Making Good Use of the Magazines. Discussion between two publishers. Cover the following points: (1) Why we have two magazines, “The Watchtower” and “Awake!”, and what is accomplished by each in our ministry. (See “Lamp” book, p. 100; also w63 p. 606; w69 p. 52; yb68 p. 106; g68 10/22 p. 12.) (2) Why October 15 “Watchtower” will be specially beneficial to those with whom we place it. (Comment on any articles other than the one beginning on page 633.) Demonstrate how to feature it on Magazine Day. (3) Special effort to cover as much of congregation’s territory as possible with both special issues during October. Might arrangements be made for school-age publishers to do some extra magazine work after school on weekdays? Could we spend an extra hour in Magazine Day activity? En route to congregation book study, could we make a few house-to-house calls with magazines or offer magazines to people on the street?
10 min: Concluding comments. Song 67.
Theme: Disciples Having ‘Love Among Themselves.’ Song 23.
5 min: Introduction, text and comments.
20 min: “What Are We Doing to Help One Another?” Audience participation. Take time to read scriptures.
20 min: “Cameroon Says ‘No!’ to Freedom of Worship.” Start with talk based on article in October 15 “Watchtower,” making clear what is happening to our brothers in Cameroon and why. Then discuss with another brother how knowledge of this situation can fortify us for whatever may lie ahead. (Luke 4:8; John 15:19; Rev. 14:9-12) Finally, ask congregation what they can do to help their brothers in Cameroon. Discuss what might be said in letters of appeal.
15 min: Concluding comments. Encourage all to be regular readers of both “Watchtower” and “Awake!”
Have local experiences showing results in placing special issues, also obtaining subscriptions. Arrange for publisher to raise hand, says she has not obtained subscription, but would like to do so; asks where to try, what to do. Call on audience to offer suggestions. Song 108.
Theme: Keep On Speaking Those Things That Upbuild. Song 55.
10 min: After brief word of welcome, setting theme, show several publishers in car en route to meeting for field service. They review text for day and high points from Branch Letter.
18 min: What Do You Talk About? Draw out audience as to kind of conversation they find beneficial as they walk between homes and drive between calls in field service. What do they find detracts from their service? Why? Encourage those in charge of service groups to take the lead in conversation related to spiritual matters. Then give talk covering choice items from reports on assemblies as published in October 1 “Watchtower” and October 22 “Awake!” Include items from Theocratic News.
Theme: By Love and Obedience Not Forgetting Jehovah. (Deut. 25:19) Song 79.
10 min: Introduction, text and comments. Consider material in November 1 “Watchtower” on monthly theme. Also include “1970 Yearbook” experiences found on p. 166, pars. 1, 2, and p. 184, par. 3.
10 min: Results from using the “Truth” book. (Consider experiences in “1970 Yearbook,” p. 90, par. 3; p. 106, par. 5 through p. 107, par. 1; p. 107, par. 2; p. 120, par. 1; p. 278, par. 2.) Work in local experiences.
15 min: Suggestions on variety in presentations of the “Truth” book. Each chapter provides basis for a fresh approach. Discuss possibilities. Demonstrate offer featuring Chapter 20, which has to do with happiness in family life. In view of increase of lawlessness, discuss how to feature Chapter 18.
Discuss what to do when people already have “Truth” book. We are not disappointed; are glad they have it. Could ask, “Are you enjoying it?” Then, whether the reply is “Yes” or that he hasn’t read it at all, publisher could say: “There is something here that I especially enjoyed. Let me show it to you.” With that, open book and demonstrate study arrangement.
(Concluding portion of program to be worked up by overseer, covering material he feels will be of benefit to the congregation.)
Help Them to Choose Life (Cont’d')
7 When you make return calls on those who subscribe or who obtain the individual copies of the magazines, it should be easy to introduce the home Bible study. The special Awake! stimulates interest in eternal life; the book The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life can help to build on that interest. The magazine even describes the Truth book and explains the free study course. Offer to demonstrate how interesting it can be to find answers to their Bible questions.
8 It is a wonderful message that we are privileged to take to people of all kinds. It can change their whole outlook on life and open up to them the opportunity to live forever.
What Are We Doing to ttefigs ©ra®
1 As we all know, being a Christian involves much more than publicly preaching the ' good ' news. Among other things, it also includes showing love for our Christian brothers and sisters. Not only the appointed servants are responsible to give attention to the building up of those who are already publishers. Whether we are appointed servants or not, the fact that we “love one. another” identifies us as followers, of Jesus. (John 13:34, 35) This trait is prominent among Jehovah’s witnesses. But is there room for us individually to “widen out” in our concern for our brothers? (2 Cor. G: 11-13) There are so many areas in which help can be given.
2 Some need assistance to get to the meetings. Is there someone that you know who* needs such aid? A circuit servant reports that in a rural congregation in Maryland only a few of the publishers have cars. But those few, with genuine interest in the rest, often make four or five trips in order to get everyone to the Kingdom Hall for meetings. It is obvious that they really care about one another, and that is the way it should be, isn’t it?
3 If yours is a household that has a regular family study, you know what a blessing that, can be I Perhaps, you prepare your 'Watchtower lesson together. Not only does it enable you to benefit more fully from the' congregation meetings; it also contributes directly and noticeably to your spiritual growth. However, there may be in your congregation newly associated families that do not yet have a regular family-study time. Is there such a family that you could invite to join your household for study from time to time? We know a family of six that has welcomed to their midst a ypung brother whose parents do not share his faith, and each time after he is with them he talks about it enthusiastically for days.
4 An invitation to share in the service is something else that upbuilds. If y<m are planning to gp out on calls a 1< aie. could, you “widen but,” perhaps making a phone call in advance to invite another publisher to go with you? It takes only a few minutes to arrange. Even if you are planning to go to a regular meeting for field service, it could be beneficial to get in touch with another publisher ahead of time, offering to call for him. It_may_be just the encouragement that he needs, and his appreciative response will increase your own happiness in the service. A sister who herself started out in the service just last year has found this to be true. When planning, fier service^ she regularly includes others, working with quite a number each week. She herself has vacation pioneered, but even when she is not able to do that she offers to work with others who are vacation pioneering, perhaps for the first time, to help them make a success of it.
5 In every congregation there are those who need help to become effective in their field service. What help can you offer? Do you find it.easy to place magazines? Then why not offer to take along someone who does not get the same results and show him how you doit? Some may do well in drawing- householders into conversation; others would be grateful to learn how. Perhaps your delight is in conducting home Bible studies. Invite someone to go with you and learn to share that pleasure. Not all of us have the same abilities, but, no matter who we are, there are ways that we can help one another.—Rom. 12 : G-8.
6 The fact that we are personally in,need of help in some respect does not mean that we cannot also give heli) b) others. Dor example, an ’’elderly, sister in Brooklyn finds it very difficult to walk and she is grateful that a nearby family takes her with them by car to the meetings. But she is also alert to her opportunities to help. One morning each week she cares for their young boy who is not well so that the mother can more easily share in the field service. She also invites certain hardworking publishers to stop at her house for a quick lunch, knowing that her preparation can help them to get a full day in the service.
7 The disciple James reminds us that true worship includes the showing of special consideration for “orphans and widows in their tribulation.” (Jas. 1: 2G, 27) Those who are experiencing hardship need en-
Av. Av. Av. Av.
Pubs. Hrs. B-C Bi.St. Mags.
Sp’I Pios. 1,005 127.9 50.8 5.5
Vac. Pios. 9,159 83.2 25.3 1.4
TOTAL 388,920
Public Meetings Held: 23,161
UNITED STATES GOAL FOR 1970 378,040 Publishers
The news of a new peak of 388,920 proclaimers of the good news for the United States is indeed a cause for great joy. That means an advance of 29,774 publishers over last year’s peak. And despite the influx of new publishers, we were able to maintain an excellent average of 10.9 hours in the field ministry. May our appreciation continue at this high level! couragement. A phone call, a card or a personal visit' is appreciated when one Is confined due to illness. No one else should have to ask us to show such interest in one another; it is something natural for those who love one another.
8 Of course, we are all busy. Our schedules are usually full.'But to a considerable extent, our concern for one another can be shown by including others in the things we already do—going to meetings, sharing in the field service, and studying. Much can also be done by using the time before and after meetings in a meaningful way, showing genuine interest in others. Other visits can often be made on the way to dp {Continued on page 4, col. 2)
O Literature offer for October: A wake! subscription, with three booklets, for $1. For November: Truth book, for 25c; or any other book that you choose. For December: New World Translation, with the Truth book, for $1.25.
O. The public talk to be given by circuit servants starting in January will be “Decisions You Face—How Will You Make Them?”
OThe Watch Tower Publications Index this year will include material printed from 1966 through 1970. Since it is a larger index, it takes longer to compile. Please do not order the Index or Watchtower and Awake! bound volumes until announcement is made in Kingdom Ministry.
O Publishers and pioneers will please order all Yearbooks and calendars through the congregation with which they are associated. Congregations may send their order for calendars on October 15. It will help the Society if you make your order complete so that only one order for calendars is sent by each congregation. The calendar will be available in Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish. Orders for the English edition of the 1971 Yearbook may be placed starting November 15. The Yearbook will also be available in French, German and Spanish by about December 1. Yearbooks are 50c each and calendars are 25c each. Regular and special pioneers on the list before July 1, 1970, may receive a free Yearbook by making request of the literature servant. This will be included in the congregation’s order and, later, credit may be requested from the Society for the pioneer’s copy. Pioneers may obtain additional Yearbooks at 15c each, and all calendars at 25c each.
ONew publications available:
“Look! I Am Making All Things New" (revised) —English
When All Nations Unite Under God’s Kingdom —Ukrainian
Sermon Outlines —Cinyanja
O Again available in U.S.A.:
“Peace Among Men of Good Will” or Armageddon—Which?
O Out of stock in U.S.A.:
“All Scripture Is Inspired of God and Beneficial” —Spanish
Rescuing a Great Crowd of Mankind Out of Armageddon
With “Awake!”
investigation? It is valuable information such as this that is published in Awake! The magazine is sent to subscribers by mail twice a month. A one-year subscription for Awake! is only $1.”
4 Of course, if you are talking to someone who shows respect for the Bible, you might be even more pointed in what you say about living forever. You could ask the. householder wliat "eygTISSting TIfe”' means?— In some cases, you may find that he has missed the point, concluding that it refers simply to future life in heaven. If so, help him to reason on the matter, show- '
1 Take a good look at the October 8 Awake! You will notice that the cover does not say “You Can Live Forevefr.’* it does not even ask the question “Can You 'Live Forever'*?’ bring a negative response. Lacking genuine ta'ith in God and nis Word, many people would turn away before you could get them to reason on the matter. So, the cover of this special issue has been laid out in a way that will help to overcome that obstacle.
2 You can make good use of that cover when offering the magazine?. You might say: “Hello. I’m glad to find you at home. The other day I read something very interesting, and I would like to share it with you. . It is in this special issue of Awake! [Show cover.] Did you know that, while man lives only 70 or 80 years, some turtles live 150 years, and there are trees that live 3,000 years? Why is man’s life-span so short? Will it ever be different? This magazine answers these questions with facts that are important to all of us. You may have this copy, along with The Watchtower, for just 10c.” AS* you can see, most of the presentation is right on the magazine cover.
3 When talking to householders from the Bible and making the subscription offer, you might use an approach such as this: “Hello. My name is--. I am making just a
brief call because of something that is of keen interest to all of us, and that is life. Possibly you have asked yourself whether you are really getting what you want out of life. [Open special Awake! to pages 4-5.] One of the chief problems is time. There just is not time to do all the things that we would really like to do, isn’t that so? [Let householder express self.] In this regard, the Bible says something very interesting. [Read John 17: 3.] Is it really possible to live forever? Interestingly, man has learned that our brain has the capacity to serve for a billion times as long as we now use it. But the Bible is the only source that tells us how it is possible to live that long, and, not only to live, but to enjoy life. Isn’t such a prospect certainly -worthy of our
■viewed heaven largely as representing an escape from the problems of life in the present system of things. But when he learns what God has in store for those who dwell on earth, the reasonableness of the matter may stimulate his interest.
5 In some places there is an increasing number of persons who have lost all enthusiasm for life. Living without regard for godly principles, they find themselves frustrated. Family problems burden them down. Economic difficulties and injustice result in discouragement, even a feeling of bitterness. These are the ones that may tell you that they don’t want to live forever. But if you can draw them out and find out why they feel this way, it may be that you can use the Bible to rekindle in them a desire for life. Then urge them to become readers of Awa kc! It will help them with their family problems. It offers suggestions on how to deal with economic pressures as well as the injustices of the world. Gradually it can help them to realize that eternal life is not only possible, but most desirable.
A circuit servant in New Jersey reports that in one week with a congregation of 72 publishers 79 studies were started by using the direct approach. Starting the study first did not cut down placements.
Korea's baptism report for four assemblies was 830, making a grand total of 3,282 for the year. Total public meeting attendance at three assemblies was 14,368. F. W. Franz was guest speaker at Seoul assembly, where 9,821 came to hear public talk.
With 545 reporting, Burma had a 26-percent increase. New publishers every month this service year. New peak in back-calls was also reached.
'.'Cuba reports new publisher peaks in May and June, averaging 15 hours per publisher both months.
. Despite continued ban in Malawi, there was a new peak of 19,050 publishers in July, a 31-percent increase.
ing that this will certainly be true as regards those who attafrito ' 'Keaverfly fift^ buf~Tt~~yvffi also "be
_________v ____,_____ _____ _____ publishers. Bible studies hit new peak too.
-truu—Kol-e on earth, asJsEowil ]n July 3,590 publishers reported in
' A 21-percent increase in Fiji; 443 the Dominican Republic—the eighth peak this service year.
# Are there ways in which we can reduce the amount of time spent waiting for others while engaging- in the field ministry?
In our house-to-house ministry, if publishers are organized into small groups it will be easier for the one in charge to keep them all busy. (“Lamp,” p. 82; km 6/69 p. 8) It is helpful when instructions given before entering the territory include directions as to where the publishers are to work, instead of having everyone meet on some street in the territory for further directions. Also, it is good to discuss in advance what to do if they run out of territory before the end of the scheduled time for witnessing. Thus it will not be necessary to wait in a car or stand on a street corner until additional territory can be obtained.
Some have found it effective to start from preselected points and work toward each other in residential areas or apartment buildings as well as rural territory. In this way they do not need to be concerned about whether certain homes have been worked or not, as is sometimes the case when working alternate homes. Rather, they can just keep on working until they meet each other. But where it is necessary to have someone close by in the territory, doing every other house may be advantageous.
There are many factors to be considered. Really, no rules are necessary or advisable. What may be advantageous in certain areas may not work .well elsewhere. Weather conditions and the physical circumstances of the /publishers need to be considered. But it is beneficial to endeavor to reduce J the amount of time spent in waiting for others so more time can be used for actual witnessing.
What Are We Doing to Help? (CoJlt’d) shopping^ or on the way home from service. Rich blessings are ours when we do things for one another. “Really, then, as long as we have time favorable for it, let us work what is good toward all, but espe7 cially toward those related tu’ TlS' in tho “faith?’—Gal. 6:10.
Published monthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., 117 Adams St., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201 Second-class postage paid at Brooklyn, N.Y. Printed in U.S.A.