JANUARY 1973 “B«t we, for oir part, shall walk In tho name of Jthovah oar God to time indefinite, even forever.”—Mie. 45. VOL. XVI NO. 1
An interesting report was recently given by Brother Knorr at the Bethel table. He returned on November 29 from visiting fourteen brandies in Europe and the Middle East. His first stop was Israel, where he spent seven days checking into details of the Holy Land tour that many brothers from various countries would like to make. During his visit he spoke to a total of 312 persons. Next he stopped at Cyprus, spoke there to GOO, visited four Kingdom Halls, and talked over matters regarding a Greek-language assembly for Nicosia in 1973. In Greece he found the brothers keenly anticipating the visit of brothers from other lands.
He found Italy’s new brancli office functioning well, and some new machinery for printing was purchased during his visit. In Finland t printing facilities are being enlarged by building a new factory, and France just completed a fine, new two-story printery and shipping department in Louviers, sixty-five miles outside of Paris.
Germany is planning for two large conventions in 1973: One in Dusseldorf, where the program will be In both English and German: the other will be in Munich, where provisions will also be made for the Greek brothers to assemble. In Denmark a fine stadium has been obtained for a big gathering of the Norwegian and Danish brothers. Our brothers from Sweden will be going to Finland, and already some 12,000 Swedish brothers have booked passage to attend the Helsinki assembly. A large French assembly will be held in France. Utrecht is the location of the international assembly in the Netherlands, and Belgium will have four large conventions—in Portuguese, Spanish, French and Flemish. The brothers In Britain are excited about their two conventions, in London and Edinburgh: and in Dublin, Ireland, a very fine hall has been booked for their planned assembly.
In the fourteen countries visited, there was an increase of 9,909 pub-
The Work That Remains to Be Done
1 Our work of preaching and teaching was given the best kind of start over nineteen hundred years ago. Jesus, at his Father’s direction, “went around throughout the whole of Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and preaching the good news of the kingdom.” (Matt 4:23) He had the same love for people that his Father had.
2 What is our view of the work that yet remains to be done? Do we view it as an opportunity to bring the good news of salvation to still others while there is yet time and to warn the wicked? as an opportunity to demonstrate to God what is really in our hearts? as an opportunity to set a good example for our brothers in zeal and faithfulness in these critical times?
3 Many are the opportunities to do so I Thus we look forward to the next four months of the 35th annual Watchtower campaign. We recognize it as one of the chief instruments furnished us by Jehovah lishers over the same month of last year. They had an excellent increase in subscriptions, obtaining 54,814 new ones—19,627 over last year’s total. The baptism figures thus far in these fourteen countries have held up well. They are just a little behind last year’s total at this point.
It was a fine trip, and Brother Knorr had the opportunity to check the various branches, as well as working on convention matters. The enthusiasm of the brothers runs high for the international conventions of 1973. The brothers in Europe send warm love and greetings to those in other parts of the earth.
We are all working together, accepting appointed elders as shepherds of God’s flock.
Your brothers, Brooklyn Branch Office
through his “faithful and discreet slave,” bringing us ‘food at the proper time’ and assisting us in bringing the truth to others in our territory. And how will these be found? Primarily in the house-to-house work. What a fine thing it would be if all in our assigned territory could listen to our Scriptural presentation on “Getting to Know God,” also to see the current issue of The Watchtower and hear our description of it!
■•Effective presentations are usually not made without forethought. Practicing In advance with family members or with others in the congregation will result in confidence as you participate in the house-to-house work.
5 Preparation should also include our.appearance. Let us bear in mind that we have the privilege, as did Timothy, of being “a fine minister of Christ Jesus.” And how did he reach this status? By being “nourished with the words of the faith and of the fine teaching which you have followed closely” and not by imitating the extreme fads and hair grooming of worldly persons. (1 Tim. 4:6) Encouraging others to subscribe for and read The Watchtower will be more convincing if we are dressed neatly, tastefully and in an attire associated with one who represents himself as God’s minister. First impressions are important, so why place an obstacle before someone who might be looking for the truth?
8 During the Watchtower campaign it would lie good to carry several copies of the pocket-size publications with us. We have a variety now, including the Evolution, Truth, Word of God and Great Teacher books. If people tell us they subscribe, we can offer them one of these books and possibly get a home (Continued on page 3, col. 1)
15 min: Song 53. Introduction, text and comments. Discuss January theme.
20 min: “The Work That Remains to Be Done.” Questions and answers. On paragraph four, might have some capable publishers relate what they feel will be effective in the local territory in presenting the Scriptural discussion “Getting to Know God.**
10 min: Branch Letter. Handle in harmony with material and needs of the congregation.
15 min: Concluding comments. To be handled by Bible study overseer: What is being done about family study? Interview some family heads, also sisters who regularly study with their children although father is not a believer. Ask them what they study, when they have their family study, how much time they spend, how they handle the study, etc. Encourage others to do the same. If some are having a problem, invite them to speak to the Bible study overseer about it. Song 86.
15 min: Song 91. Introduction, text and comments. “Question Box,” also December field service report for the congregation.
15 min: “Presenting the Good News —‘Who Is It?’ ” Questions and answers. Demonstrate some points.
15 min: “Benefiting from the Circuit Overseer’s Visit.” Can cover by means of questions and answers. If time allows, some publishers can be given an opportunity to express themselves concerning their appreciation for engaging in the field ministry during the visit of the circuit overseer.
5 min: Monthly accounts report. Follow the form of Monthly Accounts Report on page 2 of “Instructions for Congregation Accounting/* Form S-27, filling in the items and categories of receipts and disbursements. Payments of interest and principal on any Kingdom Hail construction or indebtedness and the balance remaining on any Kingdom Hall loan account should be made clear in the monthly report The congregation should be given the opportunity to ask any questions they may have on the report, and such questions should be fully answered. The report should be clear and complete so all in the congregation will be informed as to the financial standing of the congregation. (See “Organization,” pages 152. 153.)
10 min: Concluding comments. Discuss slogan at bottom of page four concerning obtaining subscriptions in house-to-house work. Applicable Announcements. Song 93.
(You may plan your own service meeting for this evening.)
10 min: Song 1. Introduction, text and comments.
15 min: “Present Subscriptions with Conviction.” Questions and answers. Arrange for some publishers to relate experiences or incidents that illustrate benefits newly interested ones received from “Watch to wer" subscription or individual copy.
15 min: “Questions from Readers." December 15, 1972, "Watchtower.” This can be a discussion between two brothers. The scriptures can be read and applied. Make discussion Scriptural and upbuilding. Show what each mate can do to keep the marriage clean and approved in God’s sight.
20 min: Concluding comments. To be handled by “Watchtower" study conductor: How do you study your “Watchtower”? Interview some of the publishers. Emphasize gaining understanding, appreciating how statements in the lesson help us to understand portions of the Bible itself, also making it a practice to apply the material to oneself. Song 12.
10 min: Song 15. Introduction, text and comments.
15 min: “Getting to Know God.” Discuss various aspects of Scriptural discussion that have been found most successful in local territory. Also, what mi^ht be said to introduce the current issue of “The Watchtower” being distributed, and especially the opening article that ties in with the theme of the Scriptural presentation. Include a demonstration, one that is well prepared, and show how to tie in thoughts with current “Watchtower” opening article.
20 min: “Do You Really Believe It?” By means of questions and answers have thorough discussion of this article in the January 15, 1973, issue of “The Watchtower." One in charge should see that material is thoroughly covered and understood. Discuss together the scriptures. Group the paragraphs for an entire subheading for reading or read just certain key paragraphs.
15 min: Concluding comments. To be handled by field overseer: How we use our magazines. Interview publishers who do well in placing them. Det them tell how they do it, also why they emphasize use of magazines. Tell congregation how many of the territories were actually covered with 1 offer of magazines during past six months; how many were not. Outline arrangements for group witnessing with magazines. Include some Theocratic News items. Song 3.
Present Subscriptions with Conviction
1 How do we personally feel about encouraging someone to accept a subscription? We need to be convinced that their receiving the magazines regularly twice each month is a good thing if we are going to speak with conviction when making the offer. Some might feel that just as much good can be accomplished by covering the territory regularly with the magazines or by having a magazine route. But would that assure that interested persons would get every Issue of the magazine? No, because even with a magazine route there will be times when something interferes with our schedule, such as illness, or they may not be at home. But with a subscription they will be receiving a copy of each issue.
2 Are we convinced that the magazines contain information that interested ones will understand, or do we feel that much of it is for Jehovah’s people only and thus difficult for others to grasp? Never should we allow this thought to hinder us from enthusiastically offering the magazines to others. Even though some of the study articles might not be fully understood by them, still there is a great deal that they do understand and that will benefit them. The opening article, in fact, is usually intended to catch and hold the interest of people in the territory. Why not study it carefully, getting acquainted with its main talking points, and thus be in a position to discuss it with the householder? Many newly interested ones have expressed special appreciation for the life stories of faithful brothers and sisters as published in 77ie Watchtoicer. Others, not understanding fully the study articles, have come to the Watchtower study to hear the full discussion.
2 Are there some of us who still hesitate in presenting the subscription because the rate has been increased to 51.50? There is really no reason whatsoever to hold back from that standpoint. People in this country usually recognize that 51-50 simply covers the cost of printing and mailing. Contributing 50 cents more than in years past for the twenty-four issues received during the year is really inconsequential. This will be especially apparent as we offer one of the fifty-cent books copyrighted in 1961 or earlier as a premium with each subscription.
4 Subscriptions for The Watchtower have accomplished a tremendous amount of good ever since it was first published. The “faithful and discreet slave” has used this instrument to dispense spiritual food not only to Jehovah’s people, but to millions of others who were hungering and thirsting for the truth. Jehovah’s faithful people appreciate that it is even more important today to he bound closely to Jehovah’s visible organization and they understand the vital part The Watchtower plays in forming this close tie. Interested ones must also be helped to see this need, and their having each issue of The Watchtower available through a subscription will be invaluable to this end.
1 How much we all enjoy the loving provision of the circuit overseer’s visit! For almost a week he is with our congregation, meeting with the elders, attending all our meetings, speaking a number of times from the platform and working with us in the field. When he leaves, we feel built up spiritually and are anxious to serve more fully, putting into practice the fine suggestions he has left with us.
2 But are all of us taking full advantage of the opportunities open to us to work with him in the field? Reports coming to the Society indicate that more could share with him in the field ministry. Sometimes, it is said, the meetings for field service, even on weekdays, are scheduled for late in the morning, resulting in only limited time available for the house-to-house work. At times few, if any, come out to enjoy the return visit and Bible study work in the afternoons.
3 The circuit overseer is an elder, very much interested in the congregation’s spirituality and how the congregation carries out its responsibility to get the good news preached in the assigned territory. Circuit overseers, having the pioneer spirit, look forward to sharing as fully as possible in the field ministry. So . they enjoy serving Jehovah even if it means working alone. But when this happens, it means that the publishers are not benefiting as much from the circuit overseer’s visit.
* What are some things that can be done so that the publishers can receive greater benefit? Preparation on the part of the elders can be a large factor. For example, they might discuss whether it would be good to start the meetings for field service earlier. While some people will sleep later on Sunday, on other days of the week they are usually up and can be called on earlier. Some territories might be worked
The Work to Be Done (Cont'd)
Bible study started. If they refuse the subscription offer, we could show a small hook and two magazines for thirty-five cents.
7 The field ministry means work. What our attitude toward work should be is indicated for us at Ecclesiastes 9:10, which says, “All that your hand finds to do, do with your very power.” It is true that “there are varieties of ministries” that must be cared for in the congregation. (1 Cor. 12:5) But while caring for all necessary matters, let us give more than the usual attention to the need to share fully in the field ministry and especially the house-to-house work.
earlier in the morning than others, and these could be selected for that week. If some of the publishers cannot be there for the meeting for field service, likely they can meet the others in the field later. The more experienced publishers might personally invite others to come along and taste the joy that results from putting forth a special effort to share In the increased field activity during the week of the circuit overseer’s visit. Some might be able to enroll as temporary pioneers.
5 The circuit overseer is desirous of aiding also In the disciple-making work. Afternoons during the week are usually set aside for return visits and Bible study activity. Why not arrange to work with him? He will be glad to go with you on some of your calls, and It Is possible that his experience and ability will be just what are needed in order to get a study started. If you can arrange for your home Bible study to be conducted Wednesday, Thursday or Friday afternoon, the circuit overseer or his wife could arrange to go with you and undoubtedly be of assistance to both the student and you. He might help you with some teaching suggestions, and the student with just the encouragement needed to build appreciation.
8 Are there obstacles to your working with the circuit overseer? Often these can be overcome. Some who work secularly have been able to take off time to be in the field ministry that week. Are some hesitant, feeling that their presentation will not at all compare to the polished one of the experienced traveling elder? We hope he does have some thoughts and ideas to share, along with a logical and persuasive way of presenting them. In
There were 427,289 who demonstrated their love for Jehovah by sharing in the field ministry during October. And, of these, it is fine to see, 11,256 arranged their affairs to be temporary pioneers.
Just as we will be doing In January, so in October we were featuring subscriptions. How did we do? Subscriptions took an upswing to 174,156. Magazine placements averaged 14 for publishers, 106.9 for regular pioneers and 163 for special pioneers. Will we do that well again in January? Let’s try, because it Is an excellent way to give a good witness.
Something else that needs special attention is our making of return visits. Do you have some share regularly each week in making return visits? And do you seize every opportunity to explain to people about our free home Bible study arrangement? It would be a fine thing for all of us to do that.
Jehovah is blessing our efforts to make disciples. During October, another 2,424 were immersed. this way we learn more from him. Besides, we can have confidence that as an “older man” he will do “nothing out of contentiousness or out of egotism, but with lowliness of mind considering that the others are superior.” (Phil. 2:3) Those who are concerned about improving their effectiveness in the field ministry and who make it a point to work with him are richly rewarded.
(Continued on page If, col. 2)
♦ Literature offer: January through April: Watchtower subscription and an older 50-cent bound book, copyrighted in 1961 or earlier, for $1.50, or double subscription with two such 50-cent books for $3.00. If congregation runs out of these older books, leave three booklets with each subscription.
♦ A special public talk scheduled for all congregations for Sunday, March 25, is "How Resurrection Benefits All the Dead in Hell.” A manuscript for this will be sent to each congregation in due time.' Special handbills, showing this lecture only, may be ordered now. If your circuit assembly falls on that weekend, the special talk may be scheduled for the next week, and if other circumstances arise, the body of elders can make adjustments.
♦ Memorial this year will be on Tuesday. April 17, after 6:00 p.m. Orders for Memorial invitations may be sent at the same time that orders are submitted for the special public talk handbills, but on separate order forms. The body of elders can decide what adjustments in the schedule of other meetings for the week would be best locally. Memorial invitations mav be ordered in lots of 250 at 25c, 500 at 50c. or 1,000 at $1.00. Exact payment should accompany each order.
♦ New publications available: Listening to the Great Teacher
. —Portuguese
Babylon the Great Has Fallen!” God’s Kingdom Rules!
, —Portuguese
Divine Rulership—the Only Hope of All Mankind —Portuguese
♦ Again available in U.S.A.:
From Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained —Arabic
♦ Out of stock-in U.S.A.:
Strong’s Concordance —English , (without index)
Leeser Bible —English
♦ Please use a Remittance and Credit Request form to request credit for books given free with subscriptions. Remember to list them under “Other Items" as “Books given free with subscriptions,” followed by the quantity. A credit of 45c for each book will be included with your pioneer credit.
♦ Please keep in mind that all renewal subscriptions are for the full rate of $1.50 per year. There is no publisher or pioneer rate on renewals! On each slip for a new subscription please mark if it is obtained by a pioneer, and on all subscriptions note whether they are for six months or one year. If subscriptions are for several years, each additional year is full rate. Please do not send the duplicate copy of the subscription slip. Send only the original copy along with a remittance form and exact payment to cover the subscriptions. Please list the name of the congregation and the city on the remittance form. The person handling the accounts should be familiar with the information on page 8 of the Watchtower Cost List.
“Who Is It?”
1When the householder will not open the door but, instead, calls out, “Who is it?”, what do you say?
2 Usually we do not know what the situation is on the other side of the door, so the first thing is to be sure we are kind and considerate in our response. It is not good to try to establish rules to fit all situations. People and circumstances vary greatly. In large Eastern cities, for example, people often seem to have less time and appear to be less tolerant. In other areas they respond more readily and will converse.
3 If we have a variety of situations and people, then what we say should be varied. In some areas publishers feel it is best to identify themselves by name and organization, doing so quickly and clearly. In other areas it is the message and purpose that are identified. In either case, the goal is to remove fear or break down prejudice so that the door will open. If it does not, then the goal is to see if a testimony of some kind can be given, oi- if literature can be placed, even if just a handbill or study folder.
4 In places where householders are fearful and the voice is businesslike, one might give one’s name and then say, “I’m one of Jehovah’s witnesses and I would appreciate seeing you for a minute.” If the door opens, the regular presentation can be given. If the door does not open and it is felt this is because of fear, one might say: “I understand. Conditions are bad everywhere and people are fearful. Let me slip this folder under the door for you to read.” Some publishers have then suggested to the householder that they have the book described in the folder if it is desired. If one identifies oneself and one’s purpose clearly and the dooi- does not open, one might feel that the responsibility now rests upon the householder for refusal to listen to the message.
5 In some neighborhoods publishers have learned that the householder who asks, “Who is it?” is not necessarily expecting the publisher to identify himself clearly by name and by organization with which he is associated. Here, having our current theme in mind, one might say something like this: “We are engaged in a community service. Honest-hearted people are concerned about the growing godlessness in the country. We believe we have something that will help those who want something better. I’d be glad to explain it to you briefly.”
8 One capable publisher relates that after trying many different things in a New York city territory composed primarily of apartment buildings, the most effective response he has found is simply to say, “Mr. (your name) to see you.” If the householder demands more identification, then one could clearly identify oneself. Some have said, “I’m from the local Kingdom Hall at (give address).” No matter what the householder’s response, let us not indicate disappointment or disapproval, but, rather, understanding. Many are concerned for their safety, and we can show empathy.
7 There is no need to allow experiences like these to diminish one’s happiness in the house-to-house work. We are glad when people readily open the door and listen to what we have to say. But in some neighborhoods, where people are more cautious, we can accept this as a challenge. Try different approaches ; talk to other publishers and get their thoughts.
s Having considered the matter in advance and being prepared, we will not be uncertain or apprehensive, but will know what is best in our territory and will give to all the opportunity to hear the truth, allowing them to decide what they will do.
Circuit Ovcneer't Visit (Cont’d)
' The congregation is notified of the visit of the circuit overseer about two months in advance. That is the time for the overseers to begin making preparations for the visit. Publishers can begin planning too. The visit will be a time of increased activity in the field ministry, so forethought is needed. Additional magazines will undoubtedly be needed, territory should be arranged for, and meetings for field service scheduled. The entire congregation, knowing that everything has been well arranged in advance, will be looking forward eagerly to this week of Increased praise to Jehovah.
♦ Germany reports their October subscription campaign exceeded by nearly 3,000 the total of one year ago; also, the Assembly Hall in Berlin has now been finished and was dedicated November 1.
♦ France reports a new peak in subscriptions (16,186) for an October campaign.
♦ El Salvador reports baptisms running 32 percent ahead of last year's pace, with 129 baptized so far.
♦ The 16 publishers on the island of Palau report 74 attended the showing of the “Proclaiming the Good News" slides. On Saipan the 19 publishers were joined by many interested ones as 37 attended their slide showing. On the island of Yap the 7 publishers had 47 attend a slide showing.
• What can each of us do to ensure that the monthly field service report is complete and sent to the Society on time?
Reporting our field activity at the end of the month is important. It aids the elders in the congregation to see how the brothers are doing, so they can provide needed assistance. It makes possible an accurate report to the Society and thus a meaningful report of field ministry for the country can be given in the “Kingdom Ministry,” and it makes possible a full report for the “Yearbook.” We are encouraged by these reports, so we all want to cooperate to make them complete. What can we do?
After enjoying a day in the field ministry, it is good to write your activity on the field service report slip so that nothing is forgotten. Then promptly at the end of the month, publishers and temporary pioneers can add up these figures and submit to the congregation just one report for the month. Regular pioneers hand their monthly report card to the field overseer. Bible study reports should be submitted by both publishers and pioneers when their field service report is turned in.
The field overseer will then immediately compile the reports and give the congregation report card to the presiding overseer, who will sign it and mall it right away. Mail service often is not good. At times a letter with regular postage (not airmail) reaches the branch office as much as seven days after being postmarked. As soon as the report is ready, the presiding overseer should mail it, not waiting until the sixth of the month, the deadline date, unless absolutely necessary.
Before mailing the report, the presiding overseer is to check it to make sure the total field activity for congregation publishers, regular pioneers and temporary pioneers is given. In this connection, a careful review of the article “Reporting Suggestions” on page sev6n of the November 1972 “Kingdom Ministry” would be very helpful. With the report he should include all regular pioneer report cards.
Published monthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., 117 Adams St., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201 Second-claas postage paid at Brooklyn, N.Y. Printed in U.S.A.